#eddieredmayne fanfic
woxhelp · 3 years
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FC #2 - Eddie Redmayne
So, fc number 2 - Eddie Redmayne! Probably could use him for older characters - maybe like early 20s?
Again, I've got lots of gifs of this guy, so feel free to just ask for them!
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anuschkalova · 7 years
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Angst ⚡️ Fluff   🌸 Smut 🔥
Newt Scamander (FBAWTFT)
Magical  Say something ⚡️ Till Death Do Us Part Falling For You 🌸 No Inhibitions 🔥 Teach Me 🔥 Salty Milk
Series: I don’t want to miss you: PART 1 ~  PART 2 (completed) ⚡️ No Words Needed: PART 1 ~  PART 2 ~  PART 3 (Paused)  Toxic PART 1 ~ PART 2 ~ PART 3 (completed) ⚡️
Eddie Kreezer (Hick)
Addicted to you 
Tom Holland
Light In The Dark  Salted Wound ⚡️
Elliot Alderson (Mr. Robot)
Relationship Updates 🔥 Series: The_Backup_Plan: PART 1 ~ PART 2 ~ PART 3 (coming soon)
Jeremiah Valeska (Gotham)
Drown Your Sorrows Devotion Here For You 🌸 Series: Simply and Sanely: PART 1 ~  PART 2 ~  PART 3 ~ PART 4 ~ PART 5 PART 6 ~ PART 7 ~ PART 8 (coming soon)
Peter Maximoff / Quicksilver (X-Men)
Hot As Hell
Jimmy Darling (AHS)
Dangerous Woman
John Watson (BBC Sherlock)
The Bloody Proposal 🌸
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designwhatever-blog · 5 years
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Chapter 2. The Book.
“No fucking way” you muttered, using your left hand to locate the chair behind you. You sat down, your eyes fixed on the little slip of paper being held in your right hand.
You could not believe even for a second that what had just happened was in fact true. It couldn’t be true, it had to be a hallucination. You had probably been drugged on the Underground and were now lying in some side street losing your mind and surely about to get mugged. Edward Redmayne. Eddie Fucking Redmayne had been inside that very shop. And he insisted on purchasing something from you. He could go anywhere else to find that book. Christ, he could have even asked someone to buy it for him. But he didn’t. He picked your shop to buy it because he always walked past it. He even gave you his number so you could call him when the book got there. Who does that? Maybe he was… no, it couldn’t be. It was impossible. He’s just a kind, kind man. How could you believe that Eddie Redmayne was somehow flirting with you? How foolish. Stupid.
You contacted the supplier a few times during the week to try and get the books earlier, but the demand was such you were lucky you were even getting them on Friday. You spent all week thinking about what you would say to Eddie when you called him. You had to sound sure of yourself, grounded. No rambling, straight to the point. God, you had to chill down. You were clearly overthinking. It was just a call; a business call.
Luckily, the shop was so busy during the week there were few moments in which you could actually sit down and think of what was about to come. Then Friday finally came and you were a bundle of nerves. You had called the supplier several times on Thursday to make sure you were indeed getting the books. You had rearranged your outfit for the following day three different times before you actually settled for one. You had set your alarm an hour earlier so you could get to the shop at 8 and wait for the supplier… and maybe call Eddie. But your hopes were shattered when on Friday you saw the growing queue that had formed outside the shop as soon as you turned around the corner. There were mostly people wearing robes and big two-colour scarves; some of them also had wands and hats. You knew you had to hide one of the copies if you ever wanted to talk to Eddie again. You greeted and thanked the customers with a polite smile as you walked into the shop, reassuring them that they would go in as soon as you signed the delivery form. Thank God the supplier hadn’t arrived yet; that gave you a little bit of time to make the so desired call.
Once at the desk and with everything ready, you sat down and opened one of the drawers that was under lock and key. You grabbed the slip of paper - yes, you were keeping Edward Redmayne’s phone number in a locked drawer- and proceeded to save it on your phone. Just when you were about to call him, a Gmail notification popped up on the screen: an email from the mailing company saying that your parcel was reaching destination. You quickly searched through your contact list and tapped Eddie’s name. You held your breath as you waited for the call to get through but it went straight to voicemail. Ok, Emma, think fast.
“Hey, E-Eddie. This is Emma. Emma Cook? From Erised Books. I just wanted to let you know that your book is already here, but we have a bit of a predicament. You see, there are a lot of people waiting outside to buy it too.  Er- don’t get me wrong, I’ve already saved a copy for you, but I don’t think coming here now or even later is a sensible move. Today I’m closing at about 6, so why don’t you come round at 6.30? I’m looking forward to hearing from you!”
I’m looking forward to hearing from you? Who the fuck are you, Queen Elizabeth? You sure are as daft as they come you cursed yourself, feeling utterly embarrassed. Even if you had had a slight chance with Eddie, you surely had ruined it with that dumb voice message. But the show had to go on, and as soon as the delivery van came through and every book was placed where it was supposed to be, you opened the door to the shop and hoped for the best.
“Ahhh, finally” you groaned as you plopped down on your chair. It was 6.15; everything was in their place and the door sign read “CLOSED” now. The day had been a nightmare but fruitful nonetheless, and now it was finally over. The books had sold out like hot cakes; every single copy you had received was gone. Puff. Vanished. Well… all but one. You could see it peeking out from under a box below your desk: Eddie’s copy.  You didn’t know what to do with it. Should you put it in a bag, like everyone else’s copies? Or maybe you could wrap it up and give it to him as a present. Actually, that wasn’t such a bad idea. Even though you knew it was stupid, you didn’t feel very comfortable with him paying for the book. Plus, you were an amazing gift wrapper. You rummaged through your drawers and boxer for the prettiest wrapping paper you could find.
“Aha!” you exclaimed as you pulled out a roll of dark blue paper with yellow wizard hats on it. “Perfect for the occasion,”
Just as you were giving it the final touches -a blue bow with curly ends and a small card that said “Congratulations!” on it- you heard a knock on the door, leaving you feeling like your heart was about to burst out of your thoracic cavity. You slowly walked towards the door, fearing that moving quickly would wake you up from this beautiful dream. You turned the key and with a soft click the door opened.
“Hullo,” Eddie said as he walked through the door. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a white tee under it, deep blue skinny jeans and what resembled cowboy boots. “Everything alright?”
“H-hey” you stuttered, trying very hard not to embarrass yourself in front of that gorgeous man.
“Thanks for waiting for me,” he said, smiling apologetically. “and sorry I couldn’t answer your call, it was a very busy day today at set. I almost didn’t make it,”
“No worries, it was a really busy day here too. The shop was crammed with people until 5.30,“ you told him with a little bit more confidence.  
“I can see that,” he chuckled, looking at the wiped-out shelves. “It feels like you have been robbed,”
“Yeah, they bought every single one of the books that came in today and more,” you explained. “Luckily, I was thinking ahead of myself and saved a copy for you before they attacked the shop,”
“And for that I’ll be eternally grateful” he said, bowing down before you jokingly. When he looked up, his face was mildly blushed. You wonder if it was because of the effort or something else.
You walked towards the counter and picked the package lying on it. You took in a deep  breath and turned around, hoping for the best.
“Here you go,”  you said shyly as you handed it to him.
“What a lovely wrapping. Very appropriate,” he said, turning the package around in his hands. “How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing at all,” you replied, feeling your face getting hotter by the second. “Consider it a gift for your marvellous performance,”
“What? No!” he exclaimed, blushing too. “No, I cannot take it, Emma. It’s your job!”
“It’s just one book, Eddie. I won’t run out of business because of one book. Please, take it,” you encouraged him, trying to keep your coolness.
“Still. It’s not acceptable. There must be a way I can pay you back,” he said, scratching his head with his left hand. You shrugged your shoulders, unable to produce an answer.
“I think I have an idea,” he spoke with a glint in his eyes. Eddie examined you carefully, as if he was trying to detect something; your stomach was in knots. “Are you doing anything now? After closing the shop,”
Is he really saying what I think he is saying? you thought as you shook your head. Is this real life?
“We could go and grab a bite. Only if you want to” he quickly added lowering his head a bit, his ears turning a bright red.
You didn’t know what to say. Of course you wanted to. God, you’d be a fucking git if you said no, but you couldn’t find the words. You feared to speak in case you said something utterly stupid. You tried to remain calm and cool, but you could almost hear you inner self screaming YES! FUCK, YES!
“That sounds nice,” you managed to utter, looking at the floor. God, you are a fucking child. He is just a man, for fuck’s sake.
“Brilliant! Where would you like to go?” he said, smiling with relief. That made you gain a bit more confidence.
You pondered for a bit. “Hmm, nothing too expensive, really. Just regular take-away. We  could even eat here. I don’t mind,”
“That sounds like a plan. Nando’s, maybe?” he suggested.
Ugh, chicken. Not keen. And I am not really in the mood for salad- not again. “Maybe something less… meaty?” you replied, trying not to show disgust.
“Oh, sorry, I did not know you were a vegetarian. How silly of me. Well, it’s not that strange actually- that I don’t know, I mean. We only met a few days ago and we actually didn’t talk much so how was I supposed to know, right?” he rambled, wearing a half-nervous, half-apologetic smile. “Wait, are you? Sorry, I feel like an odd sense of shame now. Maybe I ought to stop talking,”
“Eddie, it’s fine,” you giggled. There was actually someone else in this world who was almost as awkward as you were. “Yes, I am. Although I rarely eat dairy or eggs, so you could say I’m more of a vegan, actually,”
“Good to know. A pizza, maybe? I’m sure they have vegan cheese options. Let me check on my mobile,” he said, immersing himself in the screen.
You could not believe that he hadn’t said anything rude about you not eating animal products. It was not like all people did say something cruel or mocked you when they found out that you were almost vegan, but you usually got weird looks and muffled laughs. It had been long before someone did not comment on it, and you really appreciated it.
“Do you like mushrooms? Because I do,” you caught him muttering still deeply lost in his phone. He was swiping up and down, checking the list of extras. “What about vegan sausage?”
“Sounds good to me” you replied, gazing at him earnestly. He was so sweet… and so handsome.
“Alright, everything set. So, where should we settle?” he said, looking around.
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anuschkalova · 7 years
Say something (Newt x Reader)
Newt wasn’t a man of big words.
That’s what you’ve noticed after a few months in your relationship. You knew that he was rather introvert in company, but you hoped he’d opened up to you after you confessed your feelings to each other. Of course you loved Newt for who he was. And still… He would avoide eye-contact most of the time. He only allowed himself a short peek through his messy hair here and there to look in your eyes.
Showing your affection to him by caressing his hand or neck resulted in akward silence and a motionless Newt.
You sighed deeply as you put the kettle on the cooker.
It was raining outside and you were in the kitchen of your shared apartment in London. You decided to prepare a nice warm cup of tee for your boyfriend who was down in his case, working on his book. You glanced over your shoulder, eyeing the worn-out brown leather as your heart became heavy. You missed Newt. The british wizard spent a lot of time down there latlely. You knew he worked hard, but since you got together it seemed he used his work as an silent excuse for not facing you. And it hurted.
You’ve tried many times to confront him but always decided against it. Newt had his priorities and his work was more important than your insecurity and self-doubt. So you endured the situation for his sake.
“Ahh!”, you scremed as the hot water burnt your hand, leaving a red mark. You held your hand under cold water, numbing the pain. “Look at me, I’m even too dumb to pour some water in a mug…”, you mumbled sadly, imagining Newt kissing the pain away but you immediately got rid of that illusion.
After some minutes you went to Newt’s case, the cup of tee in your hands. You knocked firmly on the lit of his case and waited for a response. Nothing. Balancing the mug in one hand, you climbed down the latter to Newt’s shed.
You were greeted by the niffler who circled you a few times, making you giggle. The little creature was always happy to see you, probably because you’ve passed one of your earrings on to him in the past.
You raised your eyes and met Newt’s back. He was sitting at his table, writing on his manuscript, his quill dancing vigorously over the paper. You stepped closer.
“Newt, I’ve made you some tea”, you spoke softly, trying not to scare him, but he twitched as your voice filled the silence. He looked over his left shoulder.
“T-Thank you”, he mumbled, forcing a small smile on his lips. You gave Newt a smile as well asyou put the mug on his desk. He stopped his doing, staring at your hand intensely.
“What happened?”, he asked, his voice worried. You followed his gaze and saw that your hand was still red. You shook your hand.
“It’s nothing. I just burnt my hand with hot water.” Newt stood up.
“Let me put some healing herbs on it!” He rushed to the other side of his room and began to create a mixture. You observed him, the corners of your mouth twitching.
It was selfish, but you couldn’t deny feeling happy because of Newt’s worries. Then, you took all the courage you had…
“Do you love me?”
You could hear the dull clash of Newt’s utensils hitting the wooden ground. He stood still, back facing you as he tried to calm his trembling hands.
“P-Pardon?”, he just said, licking his dry lips.
“What do y…-?” “I’m sorry, just forget it.”
Newt turned around in a sharp move, just in time to caught the hurt in your eyes. It crushed his heart to see you like that, but he lowered his head, staring into nothing. You saw Newt struggeling, his fists were clenched, his lips apart, but he remained silent. You nodded. “I see”, you whispered to yourself, turning around to leave.
“No, wait!” The loud voice of your boyfriend made you almost jump. He walked to you, a faint blush on his freckled skin. Newt took your hand, gently caressing the back of it with his thumb.
You couldn’t averted your eyes from your touching hands, his act making your heart pounding against your chest. He truly had casted a spell on you…
“Forgive me”, the wizard mumbled, voice half-breaking. He carefully applied a green paste on your wound, easing the pain immediately. You looked at him puzzled and Newt wrapped his hands around yours, guiding it to his face to press your hand lovingly against his cheek. The tender gesture turned you into an emotional mess.
“I love you, Newt”, you said, choking back tears. Newt met your eyes, his tears glistening in the dimmed light of the shed. He kissed your hand.
“I-I know… that I’m difficult, but I’m trying to change. I am. I don’t want you to feel… unloved. I’m sorry.”
A little laugh escaped your trembling lips as well as a tear from your eyes.
“I don’t want you to change, Newt! I just want you to… say something. That’s all.”
You cupped his face with your hands, giving him a warm smile. Newt leaned into your touch, closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again he looked you straight in the eyes, no nervousness, no hiding this time.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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I really want to write something angsty, like really dramatic but with an happy ending oc, what do u guys think? :)
See you! ♡
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anuschkalova · 7 years
Addicted To You (Eddie Kreezer x Reader)
A/N: I really love the movie Hick, so I had to write a story about Eddie Kreezer. I like his character and the way Eddie R. portrays him, it's so dark and fucked up, the total opposite of our sweet Eddie. So here you have a little Eddie Kreezer x Reader action! Enjoy ;)
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It was your first time in New York and to be honest, you were afraid. No one was accompanying your little trip. This city was like a huge labyrinth and you were a mouse trapped in it, not knowing the exit and already lost.
You were amazed by the skyscrapers, they almost reached the puffy clouds. New York was noisy, busy, colourful and exciting. Your eyes tried to catch every detail. You were fully swallowed by the city’s vibes that you lost direction at some point. Not really paying attention to where you were walking, you stopped in a rather dark alley. Even though it was daytime, this area was cold and rotten, a place were a lonely woman shouldn't be.
You looked around, hoping that no strange figures would spot you. Thank god, you thought relieved and started to walk away, when suddenly a hand pulled you firmly on the shoulder.
"Hey, hey! Look what we got here. Lost, sweetheart? Wanna get out?" A tall guy stood front of you stood. A huge hat hide his face but you could see his wide grin.
You bit your lip. Then, someone whistled behind you and another guy appeared. "Don't be shy, sweety. My friend's just polite, right?", he asked his fellow. "Yeah...just good intentions", he said, eyeing you from head to toe, licking his lips.
You didn't know what to do. You had no weapons, screaming for help was useless because no one would hear. It was a dead end. You were ready to run for your life, when suddenly the guy with the hat laughed like a maniac.
"Okay, okay... Calm down, sweetheart. We just wanna be nice. How 'bout a little gift?"
"S-sorry, but I just want to...-" Your eyes widen in shock when the man pressed a little bag in your hand, filled with white powder. "No!" "Psst! Hey, honey, don't make a fuss or do you wanna get caught by the cops?", the guy behind you hissed amused.
Dear god, how were you supposed yo get out of this? You let the bag drop to the ground which the hat-guy didn't like at all. "The fuck you thinkin' you doin', bitch?! That's expensive shit and you're dropping it?! You have no manners?!", he screamed at you, rising his hand. You closed your eyes, ready to welcome the pain, but it didn't come. All you heard was the guy's swearing.
You opened your eyes and saw a third guy right in front of you. He had caught the punch, his hand holding the fist of the other guy. "The fuck you think you're doin'? Quit the bullshit and don't give the stuff to little girls", he growled with an heavy Texan accent. You smiled awkwardly when he turned to you, putting a cigarette between his full lips. "Thank you!" So there were nice men in this city, you thought happily.
You could see his face now: He had a sun kissed skin with countless freckles on it. His green eyes had no expression while studying you. He just light up his cigarette and inhaled the smoke. A deep breath. Then another. The two other guys seemed to be afraid of him. "Eddie... We were just...-"One of them stuttered but was immediately hit by Eddies fist. He fell on the ground, nose bleeding.
"Little Fucker... What? You were just havin' fun? And givin' my drugs to this little whore here?", Eddie spitted and pointed with his cigarette towards you.
"I...i...n-no...i...-" "Next time you're tryin' to srew me I will break more than just your ugly nose", he said, picking up the little bag and pushing his cigarette on the guy's forehead who screamed out in pain.
You looked away and held your breath.
"See you later, ladies", Eddie hummed, waving as he left the alley.
You stood there, lost. You ignored the other two guys who were running away. Instead, your eyes followed this mysterious man who had just saved you. Not really in a nice way, but he still saved you. His black leather jacket waved against the wind that also messed his reddish locks.
Your feet moved on their own and before you knew it you were following a junkie.
Fifteen minutes had passed and you'd followed him through different areas. Some were crowded, some were empty. This street sure was quite, that's when he all of a sudden turned around and pointed his finger to your face. "You! Stop following me like a lost puppy, it's fuckin' annoying", he growled and you stopped.
"I... Well I wanted to thank you."
Eddie snorted. "Yeah, whatever... Go back to your castle and wait for your prince ridin' on a horse to you, princess", he waved you off and walked away.
"Excuse me, but I just try to be polite, you ignorant asshole!!", you screamed at him. Eddie seemed to not expecting you to lose your temper, because he raised his eyebrows. Then, he smiled a wide grin that revealed his perfect white teeth. "Well, hello there. I knew there was a real lady inside of you", Eddie winked and bowed in front of you.
You were angry and confused. "Stop making fun of me!"
"Oh, I'm not. I'm serious. Dead serious", he ensured you, turning around and leaving, whistling a catchy melody.
You should have let him just go, you thanked him, but... Somehow you couldn't leave him. Something was pulling you towards him like a magnet.
You've followed him to his ‘home’. Well, in fact it was a worn-out factory, empty and fallen down. The night has arrived by now and he temperatures dropped to the freezing point. You scolded yourself that you didn't wore a coat. With careful steps, you entered the building and looked around. It was even darker inside. And much colder. But after a while you saw a weak light and a shadow projecting on the opposite wall.
It was Eddie. He sat on the cold stoned floor, sniffing in the white drug from the back of his hand in the dimmed light of a few candles. You didn't know him, but you felt deeply sorry for him. This life was not worth living and you walked closer as the sniffing became louder. You stood right in front of him, fist clenched, knees shaking. Eddie just raised his head lazyly, his eyes were half opened and he wore a sloppy smile.
"Heeey, it's you.... My favourite lady", he lulled, the drugs showing their full effect. Your eyes bang to tear up. It was hard watching him in this state. Because you could see through him - behind his harsh behavior was a nice man. If not, then he wouldn't have saved you earlier this day. But the drugs changed him, that's what you hated. You knew it all too well because your own brother had struggled with his addiction. 
At that time it was a fight full of tears, screams and pain to help him get clean. But it was worth it, worth seeing him having hope again. A will to live.
"Hmmm? You wanna thank me again? Alrigh', go ahead....", he mumbled, leaning against the wall.
"Stop it."
"Hm? What was that??" He put his hand behind his right ear.
Eddies smile dropped, his face emotionless. It was silent for a while. You were shaking because of anger, Eddie's red eyes were observing the little flame of the candle. It was that moment you've noticed how pale he was, his tan completely gone. 
"Eddie?", you asked hesitately, but he didn't react. His eyes didn't move and you saw how empty they were. "Eddie!" Your hand touched his cheek and you flinched. It was ice cold. 
"Fuck! No no no! Hey, Eddie! Stay awake!", you pleaded while fumbling out your cell phone to call the ambulance.  You knew by experience that Eddie was in a shock, the dose of the drugs was too much for his body.
You put your jeans-jacket over his shoulders, rubbing his upper arms to keep him warm until help would arrive.
"It's gonna be okay, you'll be fine." Your soothing voice kept him awake, he couldn't move his body but he could still hear you. Eddie's wet eyes moved to you, he looked so broken in this moment and you knew he was. Broken and fucked up. But you didn't want to loose another human because of drugs.
Eddie has been in hospital for two days now. The doctors had cleaned his blood and did several tests on him to check his health. A nurse confirmed you that he was stable. You were standing in front of his room, it was the first time you visited him while he was fully awake. 
You knocked. No response. Quietly, you opened the door just to see Eddie who stood next to his bed, all dressed up in his black clothes. 
"What the hell are you doing?!" You were beyoned pissed. Eddie just smiled at you, putting on his leather jacket. "You just missed out the best part, darlin'", he winked at you seductively, but you knew he was messing with you. "You need to stay in bed, Eddie!"
The freckled man raised an eyebrow. "You really like callin' me by my name, huh?" You stepped closer. "Well, care to tell me yours as well, little bird?"
"The little bird is called Y/N."
Eddie laughed, clapping his hands. "Good, good... I like your attitude", he said, checking his pockets and slipped in his brown cowboy boots. You observed him.
"And I don't like yours", you spat back, but Eddie shrugged. "It's none of your business, I stayed long enough in this hell."
"It's hell where you are about to go back!", you rose your voice and Eddie pushed you against the wall, your faces inches apart and his hand firmly gripping your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"Now you listen carefully, little bird... I'm really thankful that you brought me back from the dead, but I am no longer your business. We are even now", Eddie growled, but you stared into his eyes and he knew that you wouldn't give up. 
He sighed. "Bye", he turned his back to you and walked to the window. 
"Wait!", you shouted, grabbing the sleeve of his leather jacket, but all of a sudden Eddie threw you on the bed, sitting on top of you. He pinned your hands down with his own, bending down so his full lips touched your ear.
"I could rape you. Right here. Right now."
Eddie sounded serious and you knew he was. "Then I will scream." You were serious as well.
Eddie laughed, but this time so loud that probably half the hospital could hear.
"Alright, you're in", Eddie chuckled darkly and you frowned.
"Come on, little bird, let's fly!" And before you knew what happened, Eddie and you jumped out of the window.
Open ending! 🙏 I wanted to keep a few open questions like "What's Eddie doing in New York?" "Why doesn't he have a home?" aaaand oc "What will happen after the jump?" Tell me if you want a part 2 💭😜
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jacktopsie-blog · 8 years
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I absolutely LOVE this art of Newt Scamander. (I forget where I found this because I saved it a long time ago, if the artist sees this please tell me.)
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Putting the Pieces Back Together
Emma Cook is a 26-year-old whose life is far from being a normal one. She owns her mother’s bookshop since she has passed away, and makes a really big effort to keep it running as smoothly as she did. She suffers from depression, which makes every little aspect of her life a struggling hell. But everything changes when, in a freezing winter morning, she sees Eddie Redmayne standing outside the bookshop, waiting for her.
Chapter 1. Meeting Eddie.
You drew in a sharp breath when the cold winter wind hit your face as you stepped out of your little home on Corinne Road, Tufnell Park. How you hated winter, you thought as you wrapped yourself in your big plaid scarf, almost covering your face completely. You took a fleeting glance at your watch only to realise that you had a bit more than two minutes left until the train arrived at Tufnell Station. You quickened your pace, praying to a God you did not believe in to spare you from the monstrosity of missing the train and therefore arriving late to work. You hated being late, and even more now that the bookshop was doing so well.
Arriving at the station, you could hear the train getting into the platform. You ran down the stairs and got through the train door just in time before it closed.
You caught a glimpse of yourself in one of the train’s windows as you walked towards the seats, and you couldn’t help but let out a giggle. You looked as British as one could get: red and black plaid scarf, long black trench coat and light brown boots. Anyone else could surely pull it off, but you felt a bit ridiculous in that outfit.
Getting off at King Cross, you really were wished you could afford to live closer to the bookshop. You were quite apprehensive about crowded places and King Cross Station was one to fall in that category, always full of exasperated commuters and loud tourists trying to take their picture holding the Harry Potter trolley on the wall. Almost there you thought as you made your way through the crowd towards the Victoria line, the one that took you to the shop.
It was 8:55 when you walked out of the station, just five minutes before you had to open the bookshop. Luckily you were just three blocks away from it, and this part of Westminster was not that crowded at this time of day. You turned round the corner at 8:59 and your heart sunk when you saw a tall man standing outside the shop, his right foot tapping impatiently on the pavement.
“I’m coming, Sir!” you called out as you rushed towards him.
The man turned around at your call and flashed a smile at you. “Don’t worry, Miss,” he said as you reached him panting. “I know it wasn’t the opening time yet, but I just had to be here first,”
“I’m so sorry. You know how it is at this time of day, it’s nearly impossible to get anywhere on time when you have to travel through London,“ you excused yourself as you turned the key and opened the door, waiting for the man to go in first.
He nodded and walked in and you followed, closing the door behind you. You could see him better now that you both were out of the sunlight. He was really tall, almost a head taller than you, and his hair was of a soft red. You hurried past him towards the counter and looked up once you were behind it. He was standing in front of you, a gentle smile crossing his face. Now that you were closer to him you noticed his freckled face and his dark green eyes. A flicker of recognition came across your mind, but you were unable to pinpoint where you knew him from.  
“Now yes, Sir, how can I help you?” you asked, your voice turning quite professional.
“Well, you see, my parents live not so far away from here and I often walk past your bookshop on my way there. About a month ago or so I saw you had a poster up about the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them case thing or book, I don’t really know what it is. It said you were supposed to have it in this week and I wanted to purchase it.” he answered, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
“Oh, Sir, I’m so sorry but we haven’t got it yet. I think it is supposed to come in at the end of the week,” you replied as you checked the entrance date on your computer. “Yes, we are getting it on Friday 4th.”
He looked disappointed. “Blimey, I thought it would be here by now,”
“I know, Sir, I’m sorry. You can always try luck at one of the big bookstores,” you smiled at him apologetically.
“No, don’t be sorry. I’ll wait. I really like your bookshop” he quickly replied, his cheeks coloured a soft pink. “Also I don’t want to cause turmoil by going to a big store,”
And that was when it clicked. The hair, the eyes, the kindness. Him not wanting to be recognised. You casted a quick glance towards the cardboard cutout of the cast of Fantastic Beasts that was at the left of the room. There he was, standing in the middle, awkward pose, wand in hand. He was Eddie Redmayne. You gaped hard at him, which caused him to chortle.
“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself, Miss. I… I honestly thought you would recognise me, “ he admitted awkwardly. “So silly of me. Eddie, Eddie Redmayne” he continued, holding his hand in front of you.
“Nice to meet you, Sir. Emma, Emma Cook,” you replied, shaking his hand slowly.
“Please, call me Eddie. Your formality is killing me,” he said with a genuine smile, making you blush. “Emma, I really want to buy the book here. If I give you my phone number, would you be so kind as to call me as soon as you have it?”
You nodded, still unable to process all that was going on at the moment. He took out a pen from inside his coat and wrote his number down in a slip of paper he found on the counter.
“Here you go,” he said, handing it to you. “I really have to go now, Emma, but I really hope to hear from you soon,”
He turned around and walked towards the door leaving you there, speechless, slip of paper in your hand. Before exiting the room, he turned around once more, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“By the way, you look very English today. I like it,” And with that said, he left the shop.
“Holy fucking shit” you breathed.
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