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boyduroy · 3 years ago
what if one were to, request a doodle of Krobus, therefore putting you back on the Stardew path,
no escape
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{i can't believe you would utilize this loophole like this for shame}
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yesiwasateenagewerewolf · 4 years ago
richie canonically gets good grades, and i imagine he’s like “i can do maths AND i have a good relationship with my parents 😌😌 i’m winning the LGBTQ+ bingo”
but he’s never changed a tire in his entire life, he’s never held a wrench. when eddie asks for a tool, richie stares dumbly at all of them and just guesses until he gets it right, and eddie fixes stuff around the house, likes going to hardware stores
he’s in a pastel pink shirt, gucci loafers, and gets into an battle of wits with the hardware store employees, bc he knows more than them and how dare they assume he knows nothing about fixing shit
anyway sorry for the rambles bestie✨❤️ (also i can’t relate to anything i just said, i’m stereotype unfortunately)
I want to print this out, make multiple copies and post it everywhere because this is perfect.
Nothing pleases me more than Eddie being incredibly fashionable and obviously gay in overtly masculine spaces and just being fucking better than the straight, macho guys who think he doesn't belong there. This prissy little twink will change the tire while his big, dumb boyfriend stands there gawking and being useless.
Sure, Richie, you have multiple degrees, but your knowledge of obscure religious sects of the 14th century isn't helping you now, is it? Your loving relationship with your supportive and caring parents will not help you to diagnose why your car keeps making weird clunking sounds.
(my dad taught maths and I still left school without a maths GCSE because that's how much of a gay who can't do maths I am.)
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bi-bi-richie · 4 years ago
Honestly Patty and Richie are both absolutely batshit 😌 they get wine drunk while they plot how to get Stan and Eddie back, bc they refuse to even thinking of the possibility of them not. Like, it just isn't an option
Richie and Patty share their experiences with Stan, to catch each other up on his life, and they both talk about their loves. It's a meant-to-be friendship, and she's a Loser that's just a little late to the game
Stan and Eddie also get a major bollocking when they get brought back, then they hug and cry
Okay I really didn’t expect that post to blow up as much as it has so I decided to write this out! Hope you enjoy it :) also based on this post
The Derry Townhouse was, in short, filthy. It clearly hasn’t been maintained in years, the building itself has such an aura that screams get out. But, thankfully, the liquor is clean, or that’s what Richie told her and at this point, she’s inclined to believe him. Truth be told, it was quite a shock to Patty when she found the washed up comedian sitting at the bar unaccompanied. Its been three months since Stan died, three months since this so-called Losers Club (of which, Richie was apart of, that much she knew) reunited only to disband again, yet here he is still drowning in his own sorrows. It was even more shocking when he recognized her, or at least her name, and invited her over for a drink. In the past months, any of Stan’s old friends she got ahold of brushed her off or simply begged her to stay away from this topic all together, but here’s Richie, paying for her drink and indulging her.
“So, you’re the famous Patty, huh?” He questions, a half-hearted smirk resting on his lips.
“Famous? We both know that description fits you better, Mr. Tozier.”
The formality makes him scoff, “please, Mr. Tozier was my father, or some stupid shit like that- the point is, we’re all very interested in Stan-the-man’s wife. He’s the only loser that didn’t seem to have divorce written in the stars.”
Immediately, Patty wants to call bullshit on that claim. She’s talked to every other loser save for this one and they’ve wanted nothing to do with her other than warn her of a terrible danger. She opens her mouth to argue, but snaps it shut in favor of reasoning with herself. Regardless of how they’ve brushed her off in the past, she’s finally found someone who won’t, someone she can get the tiniest bit of information out of if she plays her cards right. She doesn’t say anything, just nods along and judges her next words.
“Gotta say, you’re no regular tourist,” she tells him, raising her glass to her lips, pretending to be uninterested.
Richie doesn’t say anything for a moment, pursing his lips before lamely replying, “I grew up here.” He takes a rather large gulp of his own drink before continuing, “and I could say the same about you, couldn’t I? I mean, hanging out in the Townhouse makes you quite suspicious.”
She shrugs, “Stan grew up here... and this place is cheap. Lets just say...” She pauses, feeling unwanted tears well up in her eyes and threaten to flow over. “Lets just say I’m mourning...”
Richie watches her with intense eyes, carefully considering her reaction and, at least it seems to Patty, debating on what to say. He eventually decides, “yeah, well, you’re not the only one...”
In his eyes, there’s pain. Terrible, terrible pain and sorrow, something that makes Patty shudder. There’s no doubt in her mind when the following words slip from her lips.
“It was the clown, wasn’t it?”
And from pain to terror his eyes go in an instant. He gapes, struggling to find the words and failing with every second that passes. Bingo, Patty thinks, and reaches into her purse, pulling out a rather large notebook that she then slides over to the comedian. Richie, still unable to convey a sentence, opens the first page with shaky hands that he can barely control, he even drops it at first. On the first page, in big, bold letters, is written PROPERTY OF MIKE HANLON.
“Did...” Richie chokes out, “did you steal this!?” Upon turning the pages, it becomes very apparent that the contents are all about the supernatural elements of Derry, specifically the clown.
“Richie,” Patty says in an almost exasperated voice, “one minute, I’m planning a wonderful vacation with my wonderful, loving husband. The next, he’s taken his own life, only leaving incredibly vague letters addressed to friends I’ve never met. When I reach out to these friends, they shoo me off with warnings of a great danger I can’t possibly understand. Believe me when I say it’s true, this is a danger I don’t understand, but something tells me you guys don’t either.” She takes a pause, forcing her voice to stay still as it threatens to crack with emotion, “I will find out what happened to my husband, and I’d like to ask for your help.”
Richie doesn’t say something for quite some time, only looking over the pages with great horror but determination all the same. “Do you even have a plan? A means of finding answers?” He whispers, perhaps rhetorically but Patty doesn’t take it that way. She reaches over and flips to a bookmarked page where the grand photo of a turtle overtakes most of the page, vaguely gesturing to it with her hand as if to say read it yourself. Richie does, his breathing becoming increasingly unsteady. Eventually, he looks back up and meets her gaze with his own watery eyes. Eyes that are so damn hopeful but terrified to be so at the same time. “You... You haven’t seen what I’ve seen. You can’t possibly know what you’re going up against.”
“If you’re describing hell,” she cooly replies, “then I’ve already seen it. Nothing can be more horrific than seeing the love of my life bleeding out in our bathtub.”
Richie purses his lips, eyebrows meet in the middle with frustration before he blurts out, “I’ll help you, but you have to help me too.”
Patty nods, expectant of giving something in exchange. “What do you want?”
“To find my own love. I need answers just like you.”
She nods again, “who was she?”
“... his name is Eddie.”
They share intense eye contact for a moment, something that speaks more than anything they’ve said in the past hour. Patty holds her hand out, indicating a handshake, which Richie takes but pulls her into a rather breathtaking hug.
“Please, bring my Eds back to me,” he shakily whispers, voice thick with sadness, but a hint of hope slips with it.
“Only if you bring back my Stanley,” she replies, wrapping her arms around him to return the hug.
They’ll get along just fine.
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eltonhjohn · 4 years ago
in bruges is a masterpiece
it is! criminally underrated if you ask me
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eddieeatsass · 4 years ago
honestly i think eddie would have a hot girl summer after his post-it divorce, buys a silk robe to meander around the house in (that he obvs now shares with richie 😌) get manicures, designer suits, plays tennis in tiny shorts and goes for brunch with beverly, being hot divorcees together. lazes outside the pool in something that leaves nothing to the imagination,
very much divorced milf lusting after the pool boy vibes, even though they’re both the same age
i just think eddie wants to be dramatic as possible, and wants to be slutty with his newfound confidence. not particularly nsfw, but if i have more thots i’ll mosey on back(?) 🤠
HELL YES, SLUTTY EDDIE!!! Listen, that boy has been in denial for too damn long, and had too many close-calls with d*ath to not be his authentic self anymore. He doesn’t want to be covered head to toe in Chanel for the rest of his life or anything, but he wants to, needs to go through this phase and make up for not loving himself up until then. If being bad and bougie for a summer is how he does that, then he’ll milk it until there’s nothing left. Bev is the perfect partner for this too. Eddie’s always looked up to her, admired her ability to not give a fuck and exude unwavering confidence (even if she doesn’t feel it inside), and now he gets to learn first hand how she does it. She encourages him to wear the short shorts, helps him pick out the color of his silk robe, and always gets manicures with him. It’s his hot girl summer and we’re just living in it. :’) SEND ME SOMETHING FOR NSFW POWER HOUR
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humuhgod · 3 years ago
sorry if i ever spam reblog bestie, i see your art on my dash and i’m like “well i gotta see if they posted more, i gotta”
hope you’re having a good day !!!
heck man i jwu and this is the sweetest thing!! buddy pls dont say sorry this is jus precious i want to giv u a tight hug. im real happy u like these dummie doodles. i adore seein ur reblogs and tags no kidding B) i hope ure having the raddest day too!!
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theteaisaddictive · 4 years ago
34, 57, 62 :)
34. Who/what was your last dream about?
last dream i can remember was a case study dream featuring the torchwood gang. we were scrambling around in a basement probably filled with asbestos and there was a weird sex cul-de-sac when me and gwen got stuck in a room filled with some naked people but we got out eventually. we were about to go through a door into the main area of the building but then my alarm went off.
57. Do you believe in true love?
love? absolutely. ‘true love’? i think it’s a nice trope, but not a thing irl. love is work, love is choice, love is connection, love is time. all love is true.
62. What makes you happy?
talking to my girlfriend, talking to my friends, listening to my favourite songs, watching exciting new tv shows, stuff like that
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trashmouthkid · 5 years ago
So that fic you posted of Eddie and Richie on the phone. I'm out in the sun, and by chance "All Out of Love" was playing on my playlist. And it was perfect. Like it just gave me a sunny feeling inside as well as outside. Like my insides might be mildly sunburnt after such a nice fic. It would have done that regardless of the music btw, but I just thought I'd say.
This is so soft and sweet..... thank you so much for sharing 🥺
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dangertronic · 5 years ago
18 & 34 👉🏻😎👉🏻
18. What tattoos do you want?
I already answered this one but another tattoo I want is a watership down sleeve because that’s a very personal movie to me :)   
34. What’s your coffee order?
I’m boring and don’t have a fancy order. just coffee, milk, 3 heaped sugars. i’m a cretin, I know!
Send me something from here!
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boyduroy · 4 years ago
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useless husbands, we've been waiting on our drinks for ten minutes, quit gabbing :U
{@eddiegaspbrak I blame you for your double date brunch comment}
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bi-bi-richie · 4 years ago
I think Eddie would really THINK about the proposal, like plan it out and be very prepared. Richie would be very spontaneous, there's no way to know how and when he'd do it. He could drop down on one knee in the grocery store while Eddie is comparing apples, in the middle of a movie theatre when Eddie laughs at something. In the middle of a recorded stand up after telling a funny Eddie story. In the bathroom after he's thrown up and Eddie brought him water
I actually think this is the best of both a public and private proposal because it is in public but it’s so spur of the moment and personal because Richie does it when he’s overcome with love!!! And honestly with how chaotic they both are, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was how it happened, but Eddie insists on telling their potential kids otherwise 😬
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ur-not-reddie · 4 years ago
stan is amazing with birds, but awful with plants and flowers, like everything is poison ivy
but richie hyperfixating on flower language and giving stan flowers with specific meanings to them 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
stan can identify birds just by the way that they chirp. he loves to compare beautiful, colorful, intelligent birds to richie bc richie is all of those things in one
richie loves to give stan random flowers. pretty flowers, knowing the meaning of each one. every time richie picks flowers for stan, he explains the meaning to him and how it reminds him of his love with stan
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80ramiens · 3 years ago
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@eddiegaspbrak i nevr finished the comic but like whatever Hi
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theteaisaddictive · 4 years ago
For the Spotify Wrapped thing, 4, 20, 6 and 9 :)
4. Let’s Generalise About Men - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast
20. Finale (Make the Most of It) - Firebringer Original Cast Recording
6. Jenny Was A Friend of Mine (Room 5:21) - American Murder Song
9. Getting’ Bi - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast (feat. Pete Gardner)
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heytherejulietx · 3 years ago
amber’s 2021 mutuals appreciation post!!
as of writing this, it’s approximately half an hour until 2022 and what a year it’s been! i started this year on tumblr leaving an old fandom and being welcomed into the riverdale one, and from then i’ve joined countless others - including one i started within the past week. every fandom i joined i’ve been welcomed with open arms from some amazing mutuals, all of which who i love to pieces even if we don’t speak much.
listed underneath are the mutuals who mean the absolute most to me. whether we spoke the whole year or i’ve only known you for a few months, you all mean the absolute world to me. you’ve all helped me through so much, maybe without even realising it, and i have so much to thank you for. i won’t ramble on, but i hope you all know how much you mean to me. every single one of you are amazing and deserve the world. i love you all so much. i hope you all have an absolutely incredible 2022.
@sl-ash-er @bucky-j-barnes @leebydeeby @thegrxywitch @the-young-and-forgotten @michaelwheelers @kpopgirlbtssvt @william-byers @kieumy @jaskierstransmascswag
listed underneath here are all of the other mutuals who have made an impact in my life over the past year or so, no matter how small. whether i’ve known you since january or we’ve only spoken within the past few days, i just want to say a massive thank you. you all inspire me to keep doing what i do on here and you all mean so much to me. i’m so honoured to have so many amazing mutuals. you all deserve the best and i hope you have the most amazing 2022, thank you all for being incredible.
@nocturness @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @oopskashish @andromedaa-tonks @marieeeqg @dracosathenaeum @just-another-ficwriter @blue00phoenix @amazingphanisnotonfire-imagines @heytherejones @sweetsfuckingpea @like-romeoandjuliet-love @literarygetaway21 @bugheadsfangirl @middleagedresidentofriverdale @winterlovesong1 @raymondebidochonlifechoices @pinkchucks-pinkcheeks @flusteredloser @eddiegaspbrak @losersclubisms @gayshipsandanxiety @rwprincess @freezing82 @kitwalker02 @sunshinereddie @thestaredown @pjobroadwayslut14 @fabulouspotatosister @hbiccjsblog @reddie-fangirl24 @profanityforlife @fairybellworld @just-a-belgian-girl @crazymisscarly @booksmusicteaandanimals @lucivar @veronicatopaz @suffering-and-happy-about-it
i know i’m not the best at keeping in contact so all of you please feel free to message me or send me an ask at my point.
i love you all so much. happy new year! 🤍🎉
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terrytheboxwithlimbs · 3 years ago
I figured out how we can all watch IT together!!! I’ll host it, maybe we could do different ones for different time zones? Like one in the evening and one at night?
What time are you guys available??
@kasplikovsky @eddieasscrack @eddiegaspbrak @richietoaster @rchtzr @stan-the-cinnamon-roll-uris @stanurisprotectionclub @deadyfreddy @derryallergy @fuji09 @fckingrichietozier @sapphiceds @sunshinereddie @sunnyeds @chamomiledelight @trashmouthuris @tanukisoda @slashify @beepbeepstfu @famderfries @fuckbitchesgetreddie @pjobroadwayslut14 @cr0wrichie @saltytyrus @seecarrun @ur-not-reddie @losersclubisms @high-goon
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