#eddie hates giving her the credit
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bleedingoptimism · 1 year ago
It’s a little after eleven when Eddie finally manages to get Tarja to bed. It’s hard for her without her plushie. And really, Eddie is very thankful having a hyper-fixation with her toy seems to be the only ‘consequence’ of having divorced parents Tarja seems to have right now. He always worries if having two homes and constantly moving between them is good for her or not. Especially with Tommy being Tarja’s other dad, but against all odds, he’s good to her. So their kid is doing just fine. She’s happy. And if she’s happy, Eddie is happy.
He’s getting ready to open a beer and relax when there’s a knock on the door. He smiles, assuming is Steve bringing Toothless over and almost knocks his beer to the floor when he opens the door.
Steve looks… well he looks amazing, dressed to the nines. Must’ve been date night. But his eyes are red and puffy, his face covered in dark blotches, and his lips are swollen like he’s been biting them too much.
He’s hugging Toothless to his chest and he smiles at Eddie when he sees him, but he looks so sad it breaks his heart.
Eddie throws the beer behind him, sure it will land on the couch and cradles Steve’s face between his hands, “What did that asshole do?
Steve leans into his touch and shuts his eyes for a moment before sighing and stepping away from him, walking inside and sitting on the couch still holding Toothless like a lifeline. 
“Nothing, he was just-” Steve shakes his head and chuckles darkly, “He’s just so mean,” 
Eddie drops to his knees in front of him and dips his head to look Steve in the eye just like he did that day in the park.
“Break up with him,” he says.
“I can’t.”
“Tommy doesn't deserve you, Steve. You are worth so much more than what that asshole makes you feel. You deserve better. More. Everything,” Eddie pleads, placing his hands on Steve’s knees and squeezing, “If it’s because of Tarja, we’ll figure something out, ok? Lots of people keep in contact with their parent’s significant other after they break up” He rushes, the speech he didn't have quite prepared last week coming out of him in a single breath, “We are friends, right? So you can still visit and see her. Visit me. You don’t have to stop being a part of our lives.” 
Steve is staring at him right now like Eddie just gifted him the moon and he’s so beautiful it’s kind of hard for Eddie to keep eye contact, but he squeezes Steve’s knees again to ground himself and does. Steve needs to know he’s very serious about this. About him.
Eyes shining, Steve takes a deep breath and nods slowly, a tear falling down his cheek that Eddie follows with his eyes and watches until it hides under Steve’s v-neck shirt.
“Hey, even I didn’t put up with Tommy's shit for Tarja’s sake and I birthed her,” he jokes awkwardly, trying to make him laugh and feels like doing a little victory dance when Steve snorts cutely,
“Okay,” he hiccups.
“Yeah?” Eddie smiles back at him, relieved.
“Yeah,” Steve sighs, “Fuck Tommy.” And drops back on the couch, looking exhausted, “Can I stay here tonight?” he asks in a whisper, like he’s afraid Eddie will say no. As if.
“Yeah, of course,” Is what he answers, and has half a mind to invite him into his bed but knows it’s a terrible idea. So he lends Steve his favorite flannel pajamas and sets blankets and a pillow on the couch and they say their goodnights.
And if he does a little dance when he closes the door to his room, no one is there to see.
In the morning, Steve stays for breakfast. And attempts to kill Eddie by making his heart explode, cooking it himself from scratch with Tarja’s help, who is so happy she won’t stop running around the kitchen making Toothless fly and sing about ‘happy family breakfast time’.
It’s actually hard to tell if she’s happier to have her plushie back or that Steve is there. Eddie, on the other hand, knows exactly what he’s happiest about. Death by tenderness. Is that a thing? He amuses himself thinking about a couple csi’s with sunglasses saying it, 
“He died because he witnessed something too cute,”
“Ah yes, death by fondness. I’ve seen it before.”
After, Eddie walks him to the door and Steve smiles sweetly at him, and holds his hand, squeezing it once before letting go, “Well, see you. I guess,” he says bashfully and there’s a moment there, a second where time stops and Eddie thinks he should kiss him. Wants to kiss him, needs to kiss him.
But he doesn’t. Because Steve is still dating Tommy, and just because he said he was going to break up with him doesn’t mean he wants to start something new with Eddie.
Eddie himself called him his friend for the first time last night for christ sake. ‘Fucking chill’ he thinks to himself.
And then a week goes by without hearing a word from Steve. But Eddie doesn't hold it against him.
At first, he figures he needs time to think but then he starts to wonder if he really is going to break up with Tommy. Four days in, he gets paranoid about it. Maybe Steve got brainwashed into thinking Eddie is bad for him. Maybe Tommy told him Eddie was putting ideas in his head, that he shouldn’t talk to him anymore… With him telling Steve to break up with his boyfriend and all... 
He’s well aware of how manipulative Tommy can be and has seen the way he belittles Steve to keep him around, so he knows it’ll be hard for Steve to actually go through with it.
And he can’t exactly show up at Tommy’s and steal Steve away, no matter how appealing the idea might be. The only thing he can do is just think of Steve, wish him well, and send him strength to do what he needs to do. At the end of the day, it needs to be his decision. His choice.
As Tommy’s week with Tarja approaches he starts getting more and more anxious, wondering if it’ll be Steve or Tommy who picks her up.
When the day finally arrives, and the doorbell rings, Tarja runs to open the door and Eddie peeks his head through the hallway.
“Daddy!” Tarja screams.
“Hey, Tata! You ready?” Tommy says and Eddie steps into the hall to greet him too.
“Not yet!” Tarja chuckles and Tommy smiles at her,
“Okay, go get ready. I’ll wait here,”
Eddie walks to the door and leans on the doorframe, “Hey,”
“Hi. Long time no see,” Tommy says and then adds, “You look great,”
“You don’t,” Eddie answers, because it’s true. He looks like shit. Greasy hair, bags under his eyes, chapped lips, wrinkles on his clothes, “What happened?”
“Steve broke up with me.” 
Eddie’s eyes go wide and he smiles, he doesn’t even try to hide it, “He did?”
“Don’t smile, fucker,” Tommy says but there’s no heat behind it. He knows he deserves it.
“Sorry,” Eddie says, not sorry at all.
“Stop,” Tommy whines because Eddie’s smile is actually getting bigger,
“Sorry,” he repeats and then clears his throat, “Did he tell you why?”
“Because I’m a horrible person,” Tommy groans.
“Hey, the first step is to ad-”
“To admit it, yeah, yeah. I know” Tommy interrupts him, groaning again.
Eddie sighs, and punches Tommy’s shoulder lightly, “Look, Tommy, I’m just going to say this because, well… you are pathetic. You need to do better.” And then he points to his back, to where Tarja’s disappeared to get her stuff, “She’s going to grow up and realize you are an awful person and she’s not going to want you in her life. And I’m not going to dissuade her from it, because I already don’t want you to be in mine, you know that, right?”
Tommy looks at him seriously and then nods once, fast and hard. Like he gets it. Like he agrees and is determined to change. And Eddie hopes for Tarja’s sake he is. But knows, deep in his heart, that either way, she’s going to be fine.
“Also, just a heads up. I’m in love with Steve and I’m going to ask him out,” he adds in a rush when he hears Tarja running up behind him.
“You are shitting me,” Tommy whispers, shocked and clenching his teeth.
Eddie laughs, “Nope,” he says, closing his lips loudly around the P.
“Eddie,” Tommy warns him like he’s waiting for Eddie to say he's joking.
“What? I hear he’s single,” Eddie smirks.
“You motherfuc- Hey Tata!” Gathering Tarja in his arms, Tommy drops the subject but he glares at Eddie as he kisses Tarja’s cheek goodbye and murmurs ‘unbelievable’ as he’s leaving. Eddie closes the door and starts laughing at the look on Tommy’s face.
He needs to call Steve.
He tries a couple of times but he doesn’t pick up and he starts worrying Steve might not actually want to talk to him, and then there’s a knock on the door but Eddie, too preoccupied with his anxiety, opens without looking, thinking Tarja forgot something.
When he doesn't hear her, Eddie looks up from his ‘ignored calls’ screen to see nonother than Steve standing there, looking nervous and like a fucking dream with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. A fucking bouquet of flowers. For him. For Eddie. All different shades of red, because he knows is his favorite color.
Eddie just blinks at him a couple of times and Steve flushes even more and drops the hand holding up the flowers, scratches the back of his neck nervously, “This was stupid, the flowers were fucking stupid. They are stupid. I’m stupid, right?”
A laugh bubbles out of Eddie and he grabs him by the scruff of his shirt and pulls him inside. He closes the door once they are both in and slams Steve against it, crushing their lips together. Steve circles his arms around Eddie and holds him close, instantly returning the kiss with fervor. 
They kiss as if it were fate. They kiss until it's hard to breathe and Eddie pulls away only to kiss him again, and again, and again.
“Not stupid,” he murmurs between kisses and feels Steve’s smile against his lips.
Eventually, Eddie takes a step back and lets Steve into his home properly, “Hi,” he says cheesily.
“Hi,” Steve says back grinning, then he lifts up the bouquet again, which is now completely ruined by him still holding it strongly while they made out like crazy, and his smile drops,
“Shit,” he pouts cutely, god Eddie wants to eat him. He laughs and takes the flowers anyway, putting them in an empty glass bottle, because he doesn’t own a flower vase, because he’s a normal human being. ‘Who the fuck owns a flower vase?’
“Come here,” he says, holding out both hands for Steve to take and follow him.
Steve takes his hands but doesn't move, instead swings them from side to side, “Wait, let's talk,”
Fuck, yeah. They should. That’s a good idea. Fuck. Damn, Steven Whatever-The-Fuck-Is-His-Middle-Name Harrington and his sensible and very logical choice…
Eddie huffs exaggeratedly making Steve chuckle and redirects them to the couch, where they sit still holding hands, “Alas,” he says dramatically, “You are right, we should talk. I actually wanted to ask you out properly, not debauch you the second you walked through the door. Sorry about that” he lies, not sorry at all, again.
Steve blushes and smiles, drawing little circles with his thumbs on Eddie’s hands, “Yeah me too. I wanna do this right. Ask you out. Go on dates. I think we should take this slow,”
Eddie makes a face and groans at that. He doesn't want to take it slow. He wants Steve to move in right now or something. Steve rolls his eyes amused at his interruption and keeps going,
“I came here to ask you out the right way because I want you to know I’m committed. But we should think about how this will affect Tarja… and Tommy too. We should go out a few times, spend some time alone, and I want you to meet my friends and my parents and I want to meet your friends and your uncle too and just do this properly and-”
Eddie interrupts him with a kiss, he can’t take it anymore, he’s been dying to kiss Steve for months now and he’s so sweet and thoughtful it makes Eddie insane, makes him feel like he needs to ruin him, but in a nice way, like with devotion and love.
Steve lets go of his hands to wrap his arms around Eddie’s waist and hoists him until he’s straddling Steve. Eddie leans his elbows on Steve’s shoulders, and buries his hands in his hair, pulling and messing with it.
“Okay but have you considered having hard, hot, wet sex, and then maybe we do what you said?” He asks panting against Steve’s lips and actually feeling how that punches the air out of him.
He hugs Eddie closer to his chest and whines, “Yeah okay, we can do it your way,” and gets up, lifting Eddie with him as if he were weightless. Eddie squawks and laughs all the way to his room.
They spend the week together, talking, eating, drinking, laughing and fucking. Except it’s more than that because when Eddie is inside Steve, with his tongue, his fingers, or his strap, it feels like more. It feels like love. Like fate.
Steve, still determined to take things slow, doesn’t stay there all the time, going back to Robin’s where he moved back to after breaking up with Tommy. He actually brings her over one day and the three of them spend the afternoon together. Eddie decides they are going to be best friends immediately because Robin is hilarious and merciless. When Steve gets back the next day he kisses Eddie so good and hard his knees almost give out on him and tells him he has Robin’s seal of approval. Something he knows Tommy never got.
When the week passes Eddie says goodbye theatrically as if they were cross-star lovers in a bad soap opera and Steve chuckles and calls him ridiculous but kisses him so passionately that Eddie drags him right back inside and they say goodbye again a few hours later.
They had decided to wait until Eddie talked to Tarja about her feelings over Tommy’s and Steve’s breakup and whether she still wanted Steve around or not before having him over again.
But when Tarja gets back home she’s gloomy and silent. She hugs Eddie in greeting when she arrives and then spends the rest of the day lying face down on the floor and occasionally sighing loudly, obviously trying to make Eddie ask her what’s wrong.
And really, Eddie shouldn't find it as funny as he does, but he thinks about calling Wayne and telling him he gets it now when Wayne used to tell him he had too much personality.
Eventually, he lies on the floor next to her and asks. Tarja looks at him with big sad eyes and says, “I haven't seen Steve in a million years! And Daddy said he is not his boyfriend anymore! So I’ll never see him again and I miss him”
Eddie coos at her, “I’m sorry you miss him little dragon, but you can totally see him again! Would you like me to call him? Since he’s my friend too?” Already trying to strategize on how to tell her they are more than friends.
Tarja lights up and jumps off the floor and onto Eddie, punching the breath out of him, “Yes! Yes! Call Steve! Steve smiles more when he’s with you than he did with daddy anyway. Why don’t you boyfriend him instead?”
Well… that was easy.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “That’s a great idea sweety, go grab my phone,”
Tarja runs and grabs Eddie’s phone off the table and hands it to him, he doesn’t bother getting off the floor so she kneels beside him listening attentively as he dials Steve’s number. 
“Hi, handsome, you talked with Tarja already?” Steve greets him after it rings twice.
“Yeah about that, turns out Tarja talked to me, actually,” he chuckles, “Hi, by the way”
“Hi,” Steve repeats lovingly and laughs, “What do you mean?”
“She had this awesome idea!” he says winking at her and she covers her mouth with her tiny hands to hide her giggles, “That, since you are not with Tommy anymore, you should be my boyfriend instead,” he continues, voice going soft and chuckles when he hears Steve's breathless ‘oh’ on the other side of the line, “Come over?”
“Of course, gimme an hour? I'm with a client” Steve hums and Eddie whispers he’ll give him anything he asks for and hangs up.
An hour later Tarja is still lying on the floor, only now it’s with papers and crayons spread all around her when the doorbell rings. She looks up at Eddie excitedly and he nods at her, “Go on then”
Tarja runs to the door and opens it wide to reveal Steve standing there as beautiful as ever, giving Eddie a deja vu of the first time he saw him.
“Papa Steve!” Tarja yells and jumps up to hug him.
Steve gasps and falls to his knees with her in his arms and looks up at Eddie with shocked wet eyes.
‘So much for taking it slow,’ Eddie thinks with a smirk.
☝️first part
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thefreakandthehair · 3 months ago
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles | prompts: jacket | wc: 999 | rating: teen & up | tags: alternate universe- no upside down, alternate universe- coffee shop au, different first meeting, musician!Eddie (if you squint), barista!Steve, platonic stobin, meddling Robin, flirting, fluff, getting together, requited pining
“Need me to grab the mop bucket?” Robin asks, leaning forward and into his field of vision. 
Steve snaps back into reality from an elongated daydream to find Robin staring at him, grinning maniacally. 
“Did I spill something?” He checks around the back of the display case, finding nothing.
“No, you’re just drooling, that’s all.” Robin shrugs and claps him on the shoulder. “You ever gonna talk to him?” 
“I talk to him every day, Rob—” Steve starts but doesn’t get to finish because the Him in question appears.
A chill blows through the door along with him, a dusting of snow stuck to his sneakers and dotting the shoulders of his leather jacket. Steve’s not sure how he’s even wearing that thing over what looks to be several layers of teeshirts and under a thick, denim vest laden with hand stitched patches. 
“That’s not what I mean and you know it,” Robin whispers and scurries away, smirking. 
He hates her. 
He loves her, but he hates her. 
“Hey, Eddie,” Steve welcomes his favorite customer, feigning normalcy because he’s anything but normal about this man he can’t stop fucking daydreaming about. “What’ll you have today?”
“Hmm,” Eddie ponders, throwing his jacket over the back of his usual chair at a bistro table by the window. “What was that gingerbread whatever the fuck you made yesterday?” 
Steve laughs, his nose crinkling. “I don’t think that’s what it’s called but if that’s what you want, I can make it for you.”
“Sign me up, big boy. Give me something hot and sweet,” Eddie winks and hands Steve a few dollar bills, their fingers grazing. Steve’s heart thumps in his chest as he tries to remember how to work the stupid cash register. Eddie pockets his change and heads over to the small table. 
Steve does his best not to stare, but the coffee shop is quiet today and he can only pretend to clean the countertop so many times until that becomes more obvious than Steve just… looking. So he looks. 
Like every other day for the last few months, Eddie whips out a notebook and sips the sugary abomination as he writes. Tapping his pen against the laminate of the table, scratching his chin, watching out the window, and then writing in unpredictable bursts only to repeat the cycle again and again. Steve doesn’t know anything about Eddie and asking what he’s working on in this private little notebook feels invasive. 
Not that he doesn’t wonder out loud when Eddie’s not around— it’s why Robin won’t stop teasing him. 
The snow continues to fall, sparkly fat flakes that stick to the sidewalk as Eddie works, and writes, and taps his pen just loud enough for Steve to make over the low hum of the holiday music they’re forced to play. 
“Fuck!” Eddie shouts, startling Steve out of his thoughts as he scrambles to shove the notebook into his bag. “Sorry, I’m just, I’m late for a really important practice and just realized the time. Thanks for the coffee, Steve!” 
“You’re wel—” The bell over the door chimes before he can finish the word, “—come.”
“Goddamn it,” Steve sighs. 
“Still nothing?” Robin pokes her head out from the backroom where she’d stayed hidden for absolutely no reason. 
“No, Robin. Still nothing. He’s a customer and I don’t wanna be a creep, okay?” 
“It didn’t stop you when we worked at the ice cream parlor. Or the video store. Or the—”
“I’ve evolved! Give me some credit!”  
“Oh, look!” Robin ignores him and walks past him to grab a leather jacket off of the back of Eddie’s chair. “He left his jacket! You can start a conversation when he comes back for it, right?” 
“Who do you think I am? Cinderella?” Steve laughs, but takes the jacket all the time. 
Robin rolls her eyes. “Well, technically, he’d be Cinderella. He left this jacket behind like some sort of metalhead glass slipper.”
“Let me try again: who do you think I am? A fucking Disney prince?”
“You could be if you tried harder.”
Steve doesn’t respond, just shakes his head again and quietly takes the jacket home with him for safekeeping. He’ll give it back to Eddie tomorrow, and maybe Robin will stop making jokes about Disney movies. 
Except Eddie doesn’t come back the next day. 
Or the day after that. 
A week passes, and Eddie still hasn’t come back for his jacket or his daily coffee that’s more syrup than coffee, but Steve keeps the jacket, brings it back and forth to and from work every day for over a week. 
It’s a bitterly cold morning when Steve eventually breaks. Eddie’s leather jacket hangs over his arm, like it has every morning, and he stops at a crosswalk to throw it on over his own bomber jacket. Warm and rich, he lifts the top collar up over his face to protect his frozen nose and inhales the remnants of smoke and musk. 
When he finally makes it to the shop, he breathes a sigh of relief that Robin cranked the thermostat. 
“There it is,” a familiar voice pops up behind him. “I thought I left it here.” 
Steve’s not cold anymore, hot embarrassment flushing from his chest to his cheeks as he turns around and sees Eddie there, sitting at a table with his notebook and a smile. 
“I was— I wasn’t—” He sputters. 
“Robin told me, don’t worry. Why don’t you uh, why don’t you hang onto it today and maybe give it back to me tonight? Over dinner, if you’re free?”
He can’t even be mad when Robin looks at him from over the counter with a very conspicuous thumbs up. 
“Yeah! Yeah, I’m free,” Steve agrees, maybe a bit too quickly but subtly has never been his strong suit. 
“Oh, and Steve?”
“You should wear the jacket,” Eddie's face flushes as he pulls a lock of hair just in front of his lips. “It looks great on you.
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xxsteveharringtonxx · 9 months ago
Call It Love
Steve Harrington x Reader
All credit of images to original owners
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“It’s Steve.” Robin’s voice was shaky and it made your knees feel uneasy, swallowing the lump in your throat you drove straight to his house.
When you did get there you saw his car park haphazardly in the drive and the sob that was suffocating you only got worse.
He would never park his car like that unless a) he wasn’t driving it or b) he was in a rush. Or worst of all c) he was in such a bad way he actually let someone else drive and was in a rush to get inside.
Deciding you probably didn’t have time to think too much about that you parked your own car just as terribly behind his and not even closing the door as you ran into your boyfriend’s house.
Having hardly heard from him since he dropped you home two nights ago you were already worried.
When you got inside you gasped at the sight of him, covering your mouth as the sob finally escaped Steve, Nancy, Eddie and Robin all looked over to you.
Steve’s face turned thunderous at the sight of you, turning he barely hesitated as he grabbed Eddie by the shirt and threw him against the wall.
“I told you not to call her!” He seethed and even in the moment you tried to think if you had ever seen him that angry.
“Steve it was me, she deserves to know what’s going on.” Robin intervened quickly making him release a nervous Eddie.
They all looked at you, Steve stepping forward cautiously not to upset you even more.
He was dirty, shirtless bar from a denim vest that definitely wasn’t his, bleeding, covered in bruises.
A vast contrast to how you are used to seeing your usually clean cut boyfriend, the last time you had seen him he was wearing a crisp white polo and his stupid family video vest. But his skin was tanned from the spring sun Hawkins had got, his hair perfectly placed.
“What.. what the hell happened to you.” You choked out not taking your eyes off him, pupils moving to try and take in every injury on his body, he took another tentative step towards you and holding out his hands as if approaching a wild animal.
Yours were shaking.
“Baby, baby look at me, I’m fine!” He protested trying to get you to hear him but he knew the noose type bruise around his neck was louder, the chunk of skin missing in his side and bleeding was blaring.
“Steve.” Your chin wobbled and he didn’t know what you needed in that moment.
Hell he didn’t know what he needed and it was choking him.
“I’m fine, you need to look at me okay?” He coaxed just one more time and took the final step to get to you, when his fingers brushed yours to get you to look him in the eye you flinched.
“Baby I’m okay.” He begged as you finally looked him in the eyes, they were the same warm honey that looked at you with so much love it gives you butterflies.
Except this time they made you cry.
You flung your arms around his neck sobbing into the crook between his jaw and collarbone. His arms pulled you as close as possible and he rubbed your back.
You barely had the will in you to let him go, and he wasn’t sure his heart had ever pounded that hard in his life.
Robin bit on her bottom lip knowing now why Steve was so adamant on not calling you. He knew you would hate to see him in this state and he knew you would worry yourself half to death.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked softly and gently pulling away to kiss him on the lips.
One of his hands moved to hold the back of your neck, the other on your back still trying to hold you close to him.
“Yes baby, god I’m so fine.” He breathed out kissing you once more, finally a small sense of relief coming over him that you were here.
Maybe a little grateful now that Robin had called you.
But he won’t admit that.
“What happened to you?” You asked again looking over all his bruises and realised when you unwrapped your hands his blood was smeared all over them. “Oh my god.” You whispered scared and he took them in his own, the shaking not going unmissed.
“I’m getting cleaned up and I’ll be back to normal in no time.” He reassured kissing your knuckles and while you nodded at his words you spoke again.
“Tell me what happened.” You demanded and he sighed heavily.
“I don’t want to.” His voice was honest and firm, he threw a glare at Robin and then sighed heavily.
“Well tough Harrington because if I ever get a call like this again, and I find you in this state if you aren’t already dead I will kill you myself.” You snapped putting a hand on your hip just to prove the sentiment, and all it did was make him grin.
It was real and warm and it took over his whole face.
“There she is. My beautiful girl.” He kissed your lips, your neck, your nose, your forehead and even though you let out a relieved giggle at the normal reaction from your boyfriend you still didn��t have an explanation.
“Can someone please fill me in?” You all but begged as they all avoided your gaze.
“Can you help me get cleaned up baby? And I’ll tell you everything.” He promised before leading you down his hallway into the small mostly unused bathroom the Harringtons fitted two years ago.
He showered and you watched from your spot on the toilet seat as all the blood, dirt and grime ran off his body. His arm leaning on the tiles ahead of him as the water washed down his back, his muscles clenched and he hissed in pain at the impact but you wiped away your worried tears before he could see. And when he was ready and the tap squeaked off you were waiting with a plush white towel wrapping it around him.
After what felt like hours of silence he had taken your spot on the toilet seat, the first aid kit open beside him on the counter and you began fixing him up.
Stopping when he winced but starting again when he looked up at you his eyes all sorry and sad.
“Is this a bite mark?” You whispered as you made it down the scariest looking wound below his ribs.
“Yeah. Demon bats, big ones.” You scoffed out a laugh at his joke and rolled your eyes.
“Harrington, come on. I know you don’t want me to be worried but demon bats, I’m not that stupid.” You huffed out with a soft laugh before looking back up at him.
His silence kind of worrying and the sincere look on his face wiped the smile straight off yours.
“You remember when Will Byers went missing…”
It wasn’t until nearly 2am when you crawled into his bed with him.
You rejoined the rest of them after Steve told you as much as he could as quickly as he could. He cursed himself for involving you when you cried and you made him promise to tell you any and every time he could potentially be in danger.
When you got downstairs you hugged all of your friends tightly and ordered them pizza. Once they were all asleep in different parts of the house you and Steve also went to bed.
“Why are you all the way over there?” He whispered as you lay on your back firmly on your side of his bed.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” You whispered back rolling onto your side to look at him.
“Baby, it’s hurting me more that you’re so far away.” He whined in his usual needy tone, with a giggle and a squeal he yanked you into his side.
Curling into him you took a deep breath of his scent and pressed your lips onto his chest with a soft kiss.
“I’m sorry you’ve been going through this alone.” You heard yourself whispering.
“I haven’t been alone, I’ve always known you’d be right here, waiting for me whenever the hell was over. I don’t know what I’d of done if I didn’t have you to fight my way back to.” He told you before pressing a kiss onto your hair line.
“I love you Steve Harrington.” You told him into the darkness, his chest rose and fell quickly and your words seemed to hit him.
“Yeah, I love you too baby. More than you know.” His arms tightened around you and while you were careful of his wounds you decided you weren’t ever going to let your Steve Harrington get hurt like this again.
Even if you had to get to Vecna himself, Steve is too good to suffer this.
And while you were thinking of that Steve was thinking about how he could keep you so far away from this mess so you never had to worry about it again.
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buckleyx · 11 months ago
Hear me out! Eddie Diaz x reader who swears she isn’t good with kids and is a big “I don’t want kids! I hate babies!” Kinda person but secretly loves kids so much and is so good with them like she honestly gets along with kids better than adults
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the gif i used is not mine! all credit goes to the owner! @cafecitoeddie
Author’s note: I love this request so much bc I'm secretly the same hehe !
Eddie Diaz x GenderNeutral!reader
Warnings: drunk eddie and reader hehe
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"Oh come on." Eddie whined playfully. A smirk tugged his lips as his hands danced around your waist. His chin rested on top of your shoulder as he peppered your neck in soft short kisses.
It was a beautiful summer evening and to celebrate the warm weather Maddie and Chimney invited everyone over for drinks and BBQ. The atmosphere was peaceful and everyone felt so relaxed. Kids ran around the yard as adults indulged in laughter and conversation. Moments like these you cherished with all your heart.
You noticed Eddie's eyes on you from across the table as you helped Jee-Yun with cutting up her food. Your smile unintentionally grew wider with every laugh and babble she blurted out to you.
After dinner, while everyone was still chatting away but the sun disappeared more and more in darkness, the garden was lit by beautiful garden lights and candles. Jee-Yun's head rested against your chest as you indulged further in conversation. Her eyelids became heavier as she tightly grabbed the plushie you gifted her earlier closer to her body. As you were chatting with your friends you looked up at Eddie who was talking with Buck and Chimney. He paid no mind to their conversation, only having eyes on you. He took a chug from his beer before giving you a soft smile. He was standing next to the fire pit, the sparks made his eyes shimmer.
All these years you convinced yourself and others you were terrible with kids. But now you felt caught, by your own actions, as the toddler on your lap softly snored away.
As the evening continued and it was getting more late, children were safely tucked away in bed and everyone snuggled closer to the warmth of the fire pit with beers in hand, you and Eddie managed to escape the coziness just for a second. You found each other in the kitchen, getting more drinks to continue the party outside.
As soon as you entered the dimly lit house his hands were all over you. You were both pretty drunk and you knew Eddie long enough to know he could get very touchy when intoxicated. And that's what brought you here. To this moment and conversation.
"Eddie, we talked about this." You giggled as his stubble tickled your neck. "I'm not good with kids."
"Come on baby, we both know that's a lie." He said, slightly tilting his head to prove his point. His hand still rested on your hip as the other one traced his fingers over your jaw. "You are honestly, and I mean honestly," He cupped your face, gently tilting your head so you could look at him. "One of the most beautiful and kindest people I have ever met. And I am sure that every kid will agree." Eddie smiled softly, his eyes filled with love as he looked at you.
Your eyes felt glossy after his words. No one has ever shown you so much love as him. You closed your eyes before taking a deep breath, a loving smile appearing on your lips. "I really love you Diaz, you know that right?"
"Hmh, I had a suspicion." He joked before pulling you in for a kiss.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year ago
The mother of it all
Plot- Eddie finds himself crushing on his girlfriend's mom
⚠️Eddie is a perv! Fair warning. Eddie is legal (18) but the reader is 35, age gap relationship/sex
Extremely long....but I hope you guys enjoy it🫶🏻 I really loved writing this and I hope you guys love it 🤞🏻 I also gave up proofreading half way through so lets ignore mistakes
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Y/N went through a messy divorce, a husband who never loved her the way she needed. She felt alone in her marriage and craved to mean something to someone. Her daughter, Brittany was a daddy's girl. Brittany saw her dad with this sense of pride that Y/N never received. When Y/N asked for the divorce, Brittany turned on her. She couldn't see that her dad was the bad guy in it all, she tore Y/N apart and would never forgive her for being the reason their family broke apart.
Now Y/N was in her 30s, starting over in a world of dating. She met losers, creeps, cheaters, and everything under the moon. Except for a handsome man who has potential. She quit looking, she gave up on the idea that she'd fall in love again and that someone would fall for her.
That was until Brittany met a boy named Eddie Munson.
Eddie Munson was Brittany's boyfriend, their relationship was rocky. They fought constantly, then made up with sex. That was all the relationship was. Y/N could see there were no feelings on either side, it was just sexual tension. But Y/N would never say a word of that to her daughter. Brittany already hated her, giving relationship advice would cause a war. So Y/N let Brittany do what she wanted, but she felt bad for the poor boy. She wasn't sure why he still bothered to come around.
He came around for Y/N. The first time Eddie ever met Brittany's mom, he couldn't get her out of his head. Her sexy curves, her chest, her smile, and those eyes. She was gorgeous, effortlessly beautiful. Eddie was attracted to Brittany of course, but something about her mom called to Eddie even more. Maybe it was his mommy issues, the abandonment he felt growing up. Y/N provided everything for him when he was over. She cooked dinner, and she was an excellent chef. Not that Brittany would give her the credit. She refused to eat anything her mom made, yet Eddie sat down and had seconds. He didn't understand the toxic environment between the mother and daughter. He didn't understand how Brittany could be so cruel to Y/N.
He always felt a snap in his chest when Brittany brushed aside Y/N, the painful look in Y/N's eyes as she forced out a smile. He wanted to hold her, he wanted to kiss all the pain away. But he also wanted to drill his cock so deep inside her that she'd feel him in her stomach. He wanted to watch her tits bounce as she rode him. He wanted to feel her skin drenched in sweat and her cum smeared into his pubic hair. He was obsessed with Brittany's mom.
Another fight between Brittany and Y/N left Eddie awkwardly sitting in his girlfriend's room. He learned to block out their screams. He took his time walking around Brittany's room. His eyes catch all the photos, but none of Y/N. Eddie couldn't help but feel disappointed, he knew they would fight for hours. Then Brittany would come upstairs and they'd fuck her anger out.
Eddie slowly made his way across the hall, the sweet smell of Y/N's perfume filled his nose as he traveled into her room. He slowly closed the door behind him, signing in relief as it shut quietly. He walked quickly over to her dresser, he searched and searched until he found the lacy and silk lingerie. He felt his cock twitch in his jeans as he grabbed a red lacy thong. Eddie felt no shame as he brought the thong to his nose, inhaling the laundry detergent she used, but that tiny smell of her. He whimpered as he could feel his cock pulsing. He tucked the thong into his pocket and closed the dresser. He raced to the bathroom, quickly yanking down his jeans. He wrapped the thong around his cock, eagerly jerking off. He bit down on his lap as he fucked himself, he knew he had to be fast and quiet. He closed his eyes as he imagined her hands on him. Her nails scrape down his stomach, a smirk on her face as she teased the tip of his cock. Her mouth was on his neck, marking him as hers before she sank her wet cunt on him.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Brittany screamed, Eddie's eyes snapped open at the sound of her voice. He could hear her feet pounding up the stairs, he quickly tucked his cock back in his jeans, the thong in his back pocket as he washed his hands. He left the bathroom by the time Brittany made it to the top.
She growled and grabbed his hand. Eddie couldn't help but look down the stairs, Y/N stood there with fire in her eyes. He knew the pissed-off look was meant for Brittany, but he couldn't help but whimper. When she noticed his eyes on her, she let out a small smile. Eddie wanted to smile back but Brittany yanked him into her room.
"Wanna go out tonight?" Brittany asked, her hands moving up and down Eddie's chest as they sat in the cafeteria. It was a Friday and Eddie planned to sit in his room and work on his music. He wasn't much in the mood to listen to Brittany argue about something.
"Who's weekend is it?" He asked he crossed his fingers under the table.
"Dad. He's been asking to meet you. He doesn't know why you only go to my mom's." Brittany said, a small glare in her eyes. "Neither do I."
Eddie knew why.
"I can't, Wayne and I are going to a work thing." Eddie lied, shrugging his shoulders.
The second Eddie made it home, he thanked God Wayne was still at work. He stripped himself naked and dug in his nightstand. He felt around until he felt the thong, he grabbed it and slid it up his legs. He pulled it up until his cock was covered, he closed his eyes and pictured Y/N. He pictured his hands were hers as he trailed his fingertips down his chest, slowly moving down to his cock. He teased himself over the thong, enjoying the way the lace scratched against his sensitive skin. He moaned as he began to rub himself.
"Fuck, Ms. Y/N, that feels so good." He moaned. He rubbed himself until he felt that tight feeling in his stomach and until he came inside her underwear.
Eddie got excited as the new weekend came closer, knowing this weekend was Y/N's weekend. He agreed to whatever date Brittany wanted, his mind just on the fact he'd get to see her mom again.
"Eddie, nice to see you again," Y/N said politely, Eddie felt his mouth go dry as she leaned over the counter to scrub the table. He licked his lips as he checked out her ass in the leggings she wore.
"Don't talk to him." Brittany snapped, she yanked Eddie up to her room.
"She's just being nice," Eddie said as he stripped off his shirt, Brittany gagged and rolled her eyes as she unclipped her bra.
"She's not nice. She's just sucking up to you." Brittany argued. "But not talking about her, she'll kill the mood."
But Eddie disagreed, knowing he was going to picture Y/N under him as he brought Brittany to an orgasm.
"Should we get dinner?" Brittany asked as she got herself dressed. Eddie shrugged from the bed, lying in his boxers.
"We could eat here...maybe your mom is making dinner?" Eddie asked, Brittany glared at the idea.
"Yeah right. I'm not eating anything that witch makes. Probably poison in it."
"Brittany, don't you think you are a little harsh on her?" Eddie asked, but Brittany turned around with fire in her eyes.
"No! She's a horrible person. She divorced my dad and broke up the family. For what? So she can slut around and hop on as many men as she wants." Brittany scoffed. Eddie couldn't help but feel a burn of jealousy in his stomach at the thought of Y/N having sex with other people.
"She's dating?" Eddie asked, he wasn't sure if that was hope or disappointment in his voice.
"who cares, let's go get dinner with my dad," Brittany said, grabbing her phone and texting.
They finished getting dressed and walked downstairs. The smell of pasta filled the house and Eddie could feel his stomach growl.
"Just in time! I was about to call you down." Y/N said she cleaned her hands off on a towel as she looked over at them.
Eddie was zoned in on her sweaty skin. The sweat in her hairline, the wetness on her neck, and the way she threw her hair up to be out of the way. A few pieces framed her face, she wore no makeup. Her skin looked soft and flawless.
"We are eating with Dad so," Brittany said, a mocking pout on her face as she grabbed her coat.
"But Brittany, it's my weekend and I spent the last hour making Alfredo with chicken, broccoli, and garlic bread."
"No one asked you to," Brittany said, walking right out the door.
Eddie stood silently as he watched Y/N deflate. He moved a little closer to her, his movement reminded Y/N he was still there.
"Um here!" She said as she reached into her purse, she handed Eddie a bundle of cash. "That loser won't pay for anyone but himself. Get whatever you'd like and don't worry about change."
Eddie shivered as her hand touched his. He hated the sad look in her eyes. She looked exhausted and lonely.
"I'm sorry about her," Eddie said he didn't think twice before he pulled her into a hug. He had a few inches on her, his head on top of hers. He tried to focus on making her feel better and not on the fact her chest was pressed against his.
"You're an amazing mother and one day she'll realize you aren't the evil one."
Y/N gladly accepted the hug, she needed someone. She tried to ignore how amazing he smelled, how warm he felt, and how hard his chest felt. She pulled away and quickly wiped away the tear in her eye.
"You're a gentleman. Thank you." Y/N said. She watched as he walked out the door, closing it behind him.
That was the first time she felt something towards Eddie.
"Oh, Brittany isn't home yet," Y/N said as she checked her watch, Eddie stood on the doorstep.
"That's okay, I can come back," Eddie said, he went to turn around but Y/N stopped him.
"You can wait inside, hun."
Eddie smiled at the nickname, accepting her invitation inside.
"Want a snack?" She asked she walked into the kitchen, and Eddie followed behind. He took a seat at the counter as she opened up the cabinet, she named snack after snack. But Eddie craved to be between her thighs.
"Any of that pasta left?" He asked, "It smelled amazing the other night." Eddie felt himself smile as her face lit up.
"There is!" She sounded so excited as she began to warm up the meal for him on the stove. He tried to ignore the big amount she had left, knowing it would be left untouched by Brittany.
They made small conversation as she recooked the meal. She played it for him and set it in front of him.
"Thank you, Ms. Y/L/N, this is amazing." Eddie complimented as he took a few bites of the pasta.
"You can call me Y/N, and thank you. At least someone will eat it." She joked, but both knew it wasn't meant to be funny.
"She's missing out," Eddie said, taking another bite of the pasta.
"Does she ever...say anything nice about me?" Y/N asked, the vulnerability in her voice. She looked down at Eddie's plate, too shy to look in his eyes.
"Does she say anything nice about anyone?" Eddie joked, pride in his chest as Y/N let out a laugh.
"Fair enough." Y/N laughed.
"I think you're underappreciated though. You love her, you care about her so much. You're funny, I know you're incredibly smart, and independent. You don't let anything knock you down. There are so many nice things to say about you." Eddie said, his words soft as he looked into her eyes.
She tried to bite her lip to stop the huge smile creeping on. She felt her cheeks flame up as she took in the compliments.
"Effortlessly beautiful too," Eddie whispered, he didn't realize he was leaning closer to her until her lips were right in front of his face. Her elbows were on the counter as she leaned forward.
"You think I'm beautiful?" She whispered, her heart racing as he leaned further into her.
"Fucking breathtaking. Your beauty never leaves my mind. Your eyes, your hair, those lips and curves. "
She held her breath as he looked down at her lips. For a moment, she was weak. For a split second, she looked down at his lips too.
Then the front door slammed and Y/N jumped back. Her eyes wide as she realized she was seconds away from kissing a teenager, a boy who was still in high school, at least seventeen years younger than her, her daughter's boyfriend.
"Good, you're already here," Brittany said as she grabbed Eddie's arm and yanked him off the stool.
Y/N held her breath as Eddie gave her one last longing look. He was filled with disappointment as Brittany led him into her room. His heart was still racing from having Y/N so close, seconds away from tasting her breath.
Y/N rubbed her hands over her face before grabbing Eddie's plate. Panic in her chest as she anxiously scrubbed the plate clean. She clenched her eyes shut as she tried to forget the look in Eddie's eyes. A look she longed to see someone have, that look of lust and desire. She shook her head as different thoughts filled her head. Thoughts of his lips on hers, her chest, and her thighs. What was she thinking? It was so inappropriate to think of Eddie in that way. And it was inappropriate for Eddie to think of her the way he did, but she couldn't help but like that he did.
What the fuck was she doing?
A week passed since her moment with Eddie in the kitchen and she couldn't forget it. But she knew she needed to.
She sat on the couch, a glass of wine in her hand as she watched some old movie. She sat in a T-shirt and panties, a blanket on her naked legs. She groaned when she heard a knock on the door, she sat down her glass and wrapped the blanket around herself as she walked to the door.
"Eddie?" Confusion on her face when she opened the door. "Brittany is at her dad's house."
"Not here for her," Eddie admitted, his hand on the door as he pushed it open further and walked in.
"Eddie." Y/N sighed as she closed the door. The speech died on her tongue when she turned around and he towered over her.
"hm?" He asked, his eyes scanning all over her face.
"What are you here for?" She asked, taking a step back. She took a big gulp of air as she tried to ignore how hot her body was. She walked to the couch and sat back down. She sipped on her wine, praying it would calm down her nerves. But she grew more nervous when he took the spot next to her. His fingers grabbed the blanket, moving it off her bare legs.
"I can't get that moment out of my head. Being so close to finally kissing you." He said, his hands skimming up her naked legs. She tried to keep her breathing even as he moved up her thighs.
"Eddie, we can't." She said, stopping his hand and moving it off of her.
"I don't care. I want it." He argued, his voice deep and raspy.
She gasped as he pushed her knees apart, easily placing his body between her. His knees were against the cushions as he towered over her again.
"You want it too. You want to feel wanted, desired and loved. You want someone to make your skin burn and your toes curl. You want someone to need you so desperately." He whispered, his hand grabbed hers. She whined when he placed her hand on his thin sweatpants, his hard cock easy to feel. "And I'm that someone."
"Eddie, you are my daughter's boyfriend. This is very inappropriate." Y/N tried again, but Eddie kept her hand right against him. He listened to her words but pushed his hips forward, pushing his cock into her hand.
"Forget about her. Focus on just me." He said softly, leaning down as he softly pecked her lips. He waited a second, watching her as she licked her lips. He could see the gears working in her mind. His lips were inches away from hers.
She freed her hand from his grip, using both her hands to tangle them into his hair as she smashed her lips on his. Her eyes closed as she let herself melt into him. Eddie moaned as he pushed her body down on the couch, his tongue working inside of her mouth as he let his hands feel every inch of her. The kiss was hot and messy, but she didn't care.
Y/N wasn't sure how they moved so fast, but before she knew it her panties were pushed to the side as Eddie's tongue dove between her thighs. She moaned as his tongue flicked her clit and three fingers pushed inside her cunt.
She wasn't even embarrassed that she hadn't shaved. With her ex-husband, she was always smooth and prepped, otherwise, he'd never go down on her. But here Eddie was, eating her out with no care in the world.
"Fuck Eddie." She whined, her hands in his hair, pushing his head against her cunt. He happily let her take control, he let her rock her hips against his tongue. He sucked on her clit, fingering her as fast as he could. He loved the way she got louder and louder. His name on her lips, the way her thighs clenched around his head. She gripped his hair so tight as she rocked her hips against his face. With his free hand, he reached up her body to play with her chest.
"RIGHT THERE!" she screamed, his fingers hitting the spongy spot inside of her. Eddie smirked against her cunt as he continuously hit that spot, watching her body twitch beyond her control.
She gasped as she felt her orgasm building, one hand on his head as the other flew behind her, smacking her glass of red wine straight to the floor. Her back arched as she came on his fingers and tongue.
Y/N whined as she scrubbed her carpet. The red stain did not leave as she continued to work on it. She felt sweat on her brow as she scraped and scraped.
"Don't mind her. She spilled wine over the weekend and won't give up on it." Brittany scoffed as she welcomed Eddie inside the house.
Eddie tried to hide his smirk when he watched Y/N scrub the stain on her hands and knees.
"Oh no, wonder how that happened," Eddie said, his voice catching Y/N's attention. Her head snapped to look over her shoulder.
"Who cares." Brittany said, walking up the stairs.
Eddie gave Y/N a wink before he followed Brittany up the stairs.
Y/N tossed and turned in her bed. Ever since Eddie ate her out on the couch, she's tried to sleep with this burning ache in her cunt.
She barely slept that Friday night after he left. Saturday she got a blink of sleep. And now Sunday, was worse than ever knowing he was just down the hall.
She groaned as the bright red lights shined
Another night of no sleep. She might as well make the best of it. She slid her hands down into her panties, instantly moaning as she spread her wetness up and down.
"Psst." She jumped up when she heard a sound. She flipped on the lamp next to her bed.
"Eddie!" She scolded quietly, the boy stood in her doorway, a cheeky smile on his face.
She couldn't help but let her eyes rank down his naked chest. He was a skinny boy but toned in the rest places. He had a clean chest but a happy trail that made her mind wander. Some tattoos scattered along his chest, she always questioned if he had more than just the ones on his arms.
"What are you doing?" She whispered, slightly embarrassed that she was about to finger herself to the thought of him to get rid of the ache between her thighs.
He closed the door behind him, the sound of the lock made her shiver. He tugged down his sleep shorts, and his cock sprang up to smack his stomach. Y/N couldn't help but clench her thighs together underneath the sheets.
"Trying so hard to sleep. But my mind kept thinking of you laying here, thought of the way you tasted when you came all over my tongue." He moaned as he walked to her bed.
He yanked down her blanket, ignoring her gasps as he crawled between her legs.
"I can smell you, smell so sweet and wet." He moaned, he leaned down to nudge his nose against her covered clit. His tongue ran over her cunt.
"Someone started without me." He said with a smirk, looking up at her.
Y/N wasn't sure what came over her. She didn't know if it was the fact he looked so hot smirking between her legs, or that she's been craving him in ways she shouldn't. But she lost control.
Before she knew it, he was under her, his hands bruised her hips as she rode him. Her nails clawed down his chest as her cunt clenched around him. His mouth sucked on her chest, creating a trail of marks.
"Fuck you're so good. Such a good cock." She praised, her brain melted with the way he fucked back up into her.
Eddie whined under her praise, her words alone had him clenching his thighs.
"Oh someone like that? Does someone like praise?" She teased, he whined louder. His hips struggled to keep up with his rhythm.
She leaned down to pinch his cheeks together, his lips puffed out.
"Answer me." She demanded, her nose against his as she slowed down her hips.
"Yes, mommy."
His eyes flew wide open when he released what he said. Fear in his stomach as she froze on top of him. The apology was ready on his tongue.
"Say it again." She asked, her eyes bored into his.
"Fuck me, Mommy. "
Y/N moaned as she began to move her hips again. She fucked him and she fucked him hard. She placed her feet on either side of Eddie's body, the extra leverage helped her ride him faster. Her hands held on to his hairy thighs as she bounced on him.
Eddie couldn't keep up with her, his orgasm so close that he couldn't think straight. It felt so good to be taken care of. He loved that she had the control and he was forced to take it all. She used his cock the exact way she wanted it.
"Fuck, gonna." He warned, he quickly gained his control, flipped them over and pulled out. He painted her stomach with his cum. He kept his eyes on her the best he could as he pumped himself dry.
"That's mommy's good boy." She praised, she scooped up his cum and placed it on her tongue. Eddie felt himself choke on his spit as he watched her.
"You're so fucking sexy." He praised, his lips pressed against hers.
"Make me cum, Eddie," she said against his lips.
Two months passed, Eddie and Y/N found themselves sneaking off to see each other. Some nights they hooked up and other night they talked.
Y/N hated that she found herself falling for Eddie. She hated that he made her feel so loved and wanted. She felt like an idiot for craving something real with him. Which could never happen. He was young and had a whole future ahead of him, oh and the fact that he's dating her daughter.
So she went back on the dating websites. She needed to move on and get Eddie out of her head.
Eddie didn't question why Brittany bounced on him the second they heard the front door open. His mouth was covered by hers as she practically choked him with her tongue.
Her hands were removing his clothes faster than he could ask what was going on.
"Brittany, slow down. What's going on?"
Before she could answer, Eddie heard laughter coming from downstairs. The sounds of giggles and a male voice.
"Who's that?" Eddie asked
"My mom and her date. Can we fuck now?" Brittany scoffed, her lips on his neck.
Eddie sat in pity as she kissed his neck. All he could hear was the sound of Y/N giggling and flirting with that man. With her date.
She was dating? And bringing him home? Was she hoping they'd have sex? Eddie couldn't help but wonder if she showered, shaved, and bought sexy lingerie just to wear for her date. He felt the jealousy burning in his skin when he heard that familiar moan.
"That's so good." Y/N moaned, it was needy and whiny, and it caused something to snap in Eddie.
He had Brittany screaming underneath him as he fucked out his anger and jealousy. He pounded into her hard, no part of him cared to be gentle. Her bed was smacking into the wall, guaranteed echoing throughout the house. And the thought made Eddie smirk. He wanted Y/N to know he was fucking Brittany like there wasn't a tomorrow. He wanted her to be just as jealous as he felt.
"BEST CUNT I'VE EVER HAD." Eddie screamed, his hand smacking against the wall.
Eddie panted as Brittany began to get dressed. The sweat was thick on his skin as he pulled on his boxers. There was silence downstairs, no more giggles and moans. Eddie felt sick at the thought. Maybe it was silent because their mouths were busy.
But then Brittany's door slammed open. Y/N stood pissed on the other side. Eddie couldn't help but take in the beautiful tight red dress she wore. It framed her perfectly. Her hair was loose on her shoulders, makeup simple but captivating. She looked stunning.
"I ASKED YOU FOR ONE THING! I asked you just for once not to fuck something up for me. Why can't you let me have anything?" Y/N screamed, her finger pointed straight at Brittany, who simply rolled her eyes.
Eddie gulped as he covered his mostly naked body with the blanket. Not like either person in that room hasn't seen it, but he felt like he was just as in trouble.
"Oh I'm sorry! Was that date tonight? The one you asked me to not interrupt?" Brittany asked, a fake confused look on her face.
"I'm tired of you disrespecting me. You get to be happy, your father gets to be happy, why can't I be happy? Your father fucking cheated on me! He hooked up with every whore in his office, and he's the one with a girlfriend and a daughter that loves him. Why can't I ever just have something without you ruining it? Especially when you admitted you didn't want it" Eddie swore her eyes landed on him before she went back to Brittany. "WHY DO I HAVE TO BE ALONE AND SUFFER?" Y/N cried, her eyes watered. Eddie couldn't tell if it was from sadness or pure anger.
But now he couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach. He ruined her night just as much as Brittany did. He purposely ruined her night just as much as Brittany did.
For once, Brittany was silent.
Y/N took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. Her once perfect makeup was starting to smear as more water dropped from her eyes.
"Eddie, I'd like you to leave for tonight." She said before she closed the door.
"You've got to be kidding me, Brittany!" Eddie scoffed, throwing the blankets off as he stood up.
"what did I do?"
"You planned it! You invited me over, telling me you wanted to have sex. Then we sat here for two hours doing nothing. The second your mom comes home you attack. You wanted to ruin her date." Eddie said as he realized. He couldn't help but feel like such an idiot. He knew his jealousy was getting out of hand, it killed him to hear Y/N giggle with another man. He didn't even think about how Y/N might have felt throughout it all. The embarrassment she probably felt as Eddie and Brittany's sounds traveled down the stairs to interrupt her date.
"Oh please! Like you didn't enjoy it? Who were you putting the show on for, Eddie. Me or my fucking mom?"
Eddie froze as the words left Brittany's lips. His back to her as he thought about what to say.
"You two really thought I wouldn't notice?" Brittany scoffed. "I always knew my mother was a whore, but to fuck my own boyfriend? New low."
Eddie turned around in a heat of anger. His jaw clenched as he grabbed Brittany's arm and held it tightly.
"Don't you call her that." He seethed.
"I knew it," Brittany laughed, she yanked her arm free. "I did plan it, Eddie. I planned to kill two birds with one stone. Ruin the relationship with whatever poor excuse of a man she found on that website, and to ruin the relationship she had with you."
Eddie was looking into the face of evil and didn't know what to do. He was scared he fucked up with Y/N. He was so fucking scared.
"The relationship isn't ruined. I'll talk to her, I'll apologize and explain it all." Eddie said, he threw on his clothes.
"I'm afraid that won't work, sweetie." Brittany smirked. "You see, I already had a conversation with her about you. She admitted she really fell for you," she mocked. Eddie felt his heart race, Y/N fell for him? "Think of how hurt she probably was when you were so busy making sure I could scream your name so she could hear. So she could hear just how much you wanted me."
"You set me up." Eddie snapped.
"Yeah I did. We're done. My dad and I are leaving the state tonight. Hope you two are happy." Brittany said, grabbing a packed bag from her closet. She walked out of her room, down the stairs, and out the door.
Eddie stood in the silence of her room. Y/N's across the hall, the door shut. He hung his head as he walked the distance. He felt like his tail was tucked between his legs as he knocked on the door.
"I asked you to go home." She said through the door.
"I know, but can we talk? I need to explain." He begged, his knocks continued on the door.
Y/N yanked open the door, her eyes were red and her makeup was cleaned off.
"Explain what? That you were simply having sex with your girlfriend? Trust me, Eddie. This was so fucking stupid of us. I'm a mom, and you are only eighteen. It's time I act like an adult. Go home Eddie. And please don't come back here again."
The door slammed in his face.
Eddie went to her house every day for a week. And each day she never answered. But this time was different, he didn't leave. He refused to leave. He wanted her, and he wasn't leaving.
He opened the door, walking right in.
"Eddie come on!" She whined in frustration.
"You want me and I want you. You fell for me and I fell for you. Why are you saying no?" Eddie asked.
"I'm saying no because you are my daughter's boyfriend."
"I'm not anymore and you know that. I'm single now and so are you. What's the real reason you are telling me no? Why are you scared of there being an us?"
"EDDIE!" She snapped, "My god, think logically! You graduate in what, a month? Then you are off to college. And once you see college girls, you're not going to want this." She said as she gestured between them.
"I'm always going to want this." Eddie said.
"You're too young to understand. But I'm right about this."
"Stop treating me like I'm a child!" Eddie snapped, "I know how I feel and that has nothing to do with my age."
"Yes it does! You think in a year when you are surrounded by college girls, having the time of your life going to parties, that you are going to want to come back here to visit your girlfriend that graduated college ten years ago?" Y/N scoffed.
"I won't have to come visit you, because I'm not leaving."
"No, listen to me. I don't plan to go to college, I didn't plan to go before I met you. You just gave me more of a reason to want to stay here. For once in your life, I need you to believe that someone loves you and that someone wants you. Let me be that someone." Eddie said, he slowly moved closer to her. He grasped her hands.
"Just give me the chance." Eddie begged, he dropped down to his knees, he kissed her hands before he let them go. Then he wrapped his arms around her, his face against her stomach.
"Let me love you." He said, moving down her body as he began to tug down her leggings. She huffed but she didn't stop him.
"Let me show you how happy I can make you." He said against her bare thighs as he kissed her skin. His mouth moved closer to her cunt.
"Please. I love you" He said, his nose inhaling her sweet scent.
"I love you too." She whined, her head thrown back as he rubbed his nose against her covered clit.
He smiled in victory and kissed back up her body, landing on her lips.
"Tonight, I'm taking you out on a real date. I don't care what anyone thinks. I want to be with you and call you mine."
"I want to be with you too." She said as she wrapped her arms around him.
Their relationship may have not made sense to anyone else. It may have been very frowned upon. But for once, she was happy and felt loved. She deserved that. And Eddie was more than honored to be the one to give it to her.
@aimee-ginge @wivwer @3rd-conchord @internetshmiternet @3ddiemunsons-l0ver @wtfmariaclara
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year ago
Finally His Year - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish Story
Collab with my soulmate @munson-blurbs 🩵
Summary: It’s Eddie’s birthday and what he really wants is you.
Note: In honor of JQ’s 30th birthday woohoo 🎉
Words: 4.1k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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The Munson house is buzzing when you arrive. There are three unfamiliar cars parked in front of it, probably from the other people celebrating Eddie’s birthday with him. You have his gift tucked under your arm and a Tupperware of raspberry and white chocolate chip cookies in that same hand, using the free one to ring the doorbell. 
You barely have time to pull your forefinger back before the door swings open. Luke peeks his head around, grinning when he sees you standing there. 
“Good evening, madam-a-zell,” he says in a vague concoction of European accents—none of them even resembling French. “May I take your—ooh, cookies!”
Laughing, you reach over and ruffle his mop of curls. “These are for Daddy, Luke-miere.” When his face falls, you quickly add, “but maybe he’ll share.”
This placates him, and he skips off to announce your arrival. As soon as he says your name, you hear the sound of Eddie’s feet shuffling towards the entryway. 
“You made it!” He says with a huge smile. In your dreams, he pulls you in for a hug and kisses you tenderly. But this is real life, so he just stands with his hands in his pockets. 
“I made it,” you agree awkwardly. It takes a moment for you to remember everything you’re holding. “Oh, these are all for you.” You maneuver it all, handing him the cylindrical tube and then the plastic container. Luke loudly clears his throat, and you grin. “Unless you feel like sharing the cookies.”
Eddie takes the presents, shaking his head at his younger son’s interruption. “I’ll consider it. Thank you, Sweetheart.”
That stupid nickname. You love and hate it; as much as he calls you that, you know you’re not his sweetheart. Because he’s married. 
His wife—God, you hated that she held that title—was sipping a full glass of wine. Though she’s standing next to Nancy, the two aren’t exchanging any words. 
You should go over there. Brittany is technically one of your employers, so it’s best not to rock the boat. Unless, of course, you could ensure she’d fall overboard. 
Plastering a feigned smile on your face, you walk over to her. Before you can even get out a hello, she points towards Ryan and Luke. 
“They have to go to bed at nine o’clock, so just have them in their pajamas with their teeth brushed by then.”
Embarrassment crawls under your skin. “Oh, I, um, I’m actually here for the party. Not to babysit.”
Brittany doesn’t seem thrown off at all; she just rolls her eyes and turns to Nancy. “Didn’t realize people still needed parties after they turned thirty,” she quips. 
To her credit, Nancy just shrugs and walks to you, ignoring the snark hurled your way. She guides you over to where the rest of the group is chatting. 
“Can you say, ‘Uncle Dusty’?” Dustin asks little Tiffany Mayfield-Sinclair, gently bouncing her in his arms. “C’mon…Un-kul Duh-stee!”
“Elmo!” Tiffany claps her chubby hands together gleefully, unbothered by Dustin’s frustration. 
“I think your kid’s broken,” he grumbles, handing the little girl back to Lucas. 
“She was fine until you held her,” Lucas quips as he holds his daughter against his chest.
“Or maybe she just thinks you look like Elmo,” Steve offers with a shrug. 
“What is this, high school?” Dustin asks, looking between his friends. “Ganging up on me?”
Eddie shakes his head and gives a loud tsk. 
“It’s because you’re not part of the club, Henderson.”
“Oh, because I’m not a dad?” Dustin asks, gesturing with a motion that looks very similar to jazz hands. “That’s fine. Because I’m the coolest uncle these kids have. Someone has to be that figure in their lives.”
“Are they always like this?” you ask Nancy with an amused chuckle.
“Since high school,” Nancy confirms with a sigh. “The sad thing is, I can see how they’ve matured since then.”
You giggle at her response before there’s a weighted thunk against the front of your legs. Ryan’s chocolate eyes peer up at you, a huge grin on his round face. 
“Well hello, you,” you greet him, reaching down to ruffle his honey colored hair. 
“I’m so happy you’re here!” Ryan cheers. Warmth spreads in your chest at his words. You’re touched until he opens his mouth again to ask, “Luke said you brought cookies?”
“I did,” you tell him, tugging on a lock of hair that’s fallen into his eyes. “But they’re for your dad. It’s up to him if he wants to share with you guys.” Of course he will, you think to yourself. Eddie loves these boys more than Luke loves his Hot Wheels collection; and as you’re reminded by the five-year-old almost every day you babysit, that’s a lot. 
“Maybe after he opens his presents,” Ryan muses, more to himself than you. “Or after we have the cake Aunt Nancy made.
A little girl’s call echoes around the room. The older Munson boy gives you a quick smile before running towards the kitchen where Natalie Harrington is drawing a picture. 
Something Ryan said sticks in your brain though. You turn towards Nancy, brow pinching slightly.
“You made Eddie’s cake?” you ask. 
The deep breath Nancy takes lets you know there’s more to the story than she’s probably going to tell you. After all, she hardly knows you. The two of you had only met a handful of times since you started watching the boys last year and none of the visits were particularly long. It's an annoyed sigh that Nancy heaves out, her petite shoulders falling with the release. She’s not annoyed at you, if her kindness and body language towards you are anything to go on. So, what’s got her so tense?
“I did,” Nancy affirms. She’s quiet for a moment and at first you think that’s all she’s going to say. But the way her head bobbles slightly from side to side and her jaw muscles tighten and release, you can tell she’s picking her words carefully before she speaks. To her, you’re her friend’s employee so how much should she reveal? “Steve, um, called Eddie yesterday morning to confirm the time for the party today. Eddie was headed out the door just as Steve called. He said he was going to the grocery store. To buy his own birthday cake.”
“His own? Why couldn’t his wife get it? Or better yet, why didn’t she make one for him with the boys?” Your mind floats back to when you and the boys made a cake for Ryan’s birthday over the summer. It was messy and overly sweet, but the love and care put into it are what made it special. 
“That’s what I said,” Nancy grits out through a clenched jaw. After a few moments, you see Nancy’s body deflate. The tension rolls off her like a wave returning to the sea. “So, I made him one. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.”
“Carrot cake?” you ask, wrinkling up your nose. It’s not that you disliked the dessert, it just wasn’t what you would’ve pegged Eddie for on his birthday. 
“I know,” Nancy says with a small chuckle. She shakes her head in amusement, wavy locks of hair swaying at the movement. “He can’t be typical, right? Not chocolate or vanilla—or even strawberry, but carrot cake. That’s Eddie for ya.”
The party continues with casual conversations: milestones Tiffany is meeting, work updates for the “kids” (who were now full-fledged adults, but would always be freshmen to Eddie), and a tentatively scheduled reunion for their high school Dungeons & Dragons club. It only came to a stop when there was a crash in the kitchen. 
Everyone’s heads whipped around at the sound, worried that one of the Munson or Harrington children was causing chaos, but the reason for the clamor was none other than Brittany. She’d dropped the cheese and cracker board on the ground and was laughing like she’d just heard the funniest joke. 
“Oopsie daisy!” She cackles, nearly falling over with the force of her laugh. While the rest of you had been casually sipping wine or beer, she had been drinking like she was at a frat party. 
“Jesus,” Nancy mutters under her breath. 
Eddie glances at Steve, who nods at Lucas, and the two of them step in towards Brittany. 
“C’mon, time for bed, Britt,” Steve says as patiently as he can manage. He hooks an arm around her, and Lucas does the same on the other side. It’s obvious that this isn’t the first time they’ve done this. A well-oiled machine, ensuring that the kids are none the wiser.
Small miracles, you suppose. 
“We can do presents when they get back,” Max jumps in, trying to keep the attention away from the drunk woman stumbling away. 
Eddie nods in agreement, collecting the various gifts from the kitchen table and placing them next to his spot on the sofa. When he sits, he spreads his legs enough that you can imagine yourself between them, pressing kisses up his thighs to his—
No. Stop it. 
When Steve and Lucas return, Eddie reaches for the first package. Though the room is filled with excited murmurs and crinkling wrapping paper, you can still make out the quiet conversation between Nancy and her husband. 
“Did you hold a pillow over her head?”
“No, Nance.”
“Damn it.”
You tuck your lips into your mouth to stifle a smile. 
Eddie pulls out a pair of sneakers from the box: white with a black check mark on the side. He immediately slides them on his feet, wiggling his toes around to ensure enough room. “These are perfect! My old ones were falling apart.”
“We know,” Nancy says wryly as Steve proudly announces, “You said you liked mine, so I got you the same ones.”
“Aww!” Dustin coos, pursing his lips exaggeratedly. “You guys are twins!
Eddie discreetly flips him off before continuing through his stash. Theo and Natalie Harrington made him woven friendship bracelets, which he immediately slid onto his left wrist. When he opens Dustin’s gift, a mug printed with the words “rock ‘n roll” underneath a cartoon rock and dinner roll, Wayne proclaims that it’s even cornier than the ones in the trailer. 
Eddie’s face lights up at the present from Max and Lucas—a new Walkman and some heavy metal cassettes. 
A pit forms in your stomach: is your gift going to be enough? Will he even like it? Was this whole thing a bad—
“Holy shit.”
You look up to see Eddie staring awestruck at the now-unwrapped present; specifically, the present you got for him. It’s an autographed Metallica poster that you’d spotted at the mall months ago, before his birthday was even a consideration. You’d bought it and kept it safely in your room, waiting for the perfect time to give it to him. 
“Sweetheart, this is…” He just shakes his head, blinking misty eyes. “Wow. I, um…thank you,” he finally manages. 
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie had seen that same poster just last week. He had Brittany’s shopping bags clutched in his hands when he walked towards the record store. 
Kirk Hammett’s signature called to him like a siren. 
Eddie was just about ready to pay for it when Brittany marched over, plucking it from his grip and mumbling something about not having room for any more of his stupid music shit. 
That had been the end of that. 
“You’re welcome,” you say with a small shrug, as if it was nothing at all. “I saw it and immediately thought of you.” That wasn’t too much to say, right? It’s normal to think of someone when you see something you know they’d love, right? Even if that person is your boss?
Once Luke stops scavenging through his father’s presents like one might be hidden there for him, he looks up at his dad with wide, pleading eyes that he most definitely inherited from the man. 
“Time for caaaake?”
Eddie snorts and playfully rolls his eyes. A ringed hand comes down to ruffle the little boy’s curls.
“I guess we could have cake now.”
The Munson boys and the Harrington sibling duo cheer in excitement and beat everyone else into the kitchen. All you can hear as the kids disappear into the next room is an I’m okay! from Luke.
Steve taps you on the shoulder as you step over the threshold into the kitchen.
“Hey, could you give me a hand with the cake?” he asks. 
“Sure.” You follow Steve over to the refrigerator, silently wondering how many women had actually denied the handsome man anything when he asked in such a smooth voice. 
The cake looks delicious as Steve pulls it out of the fridge. Nancy definitely put in some work to make sure it turned out this lovely. The cream cheese frosting is smooth on all sides with delicate piping lining the edge of the rectangular sheet cake. In a beautiful scrawl that is far nicer than your own handwriting, she had written “Happy Birthday Eddie!” in black gel icing. 
Steve sets the cake down on the gray granite counter and reaches for a drugstore bag that has a pack of candles and a lighter in it. The two of you work as a team to plug the cake with the multicolored striped sticks and take turns lighting different sides of the cake. 
“You got it?” Steve asks as he steps over towards the light switches on the wall.
“Yep,” you assure him as you carefully lift the flaming desert off the counter. Turning around to face the table proves the most difficult part as you slowly spin your body while keeping the cake steady. 
Eddie is seated at the table, kids surrounding him on all sides as they clamor about what’s taking so long with the cake. Taking so long? You thought you and Steve worked pretty efficiently together. 
“Watch out rugrats,” Dustin says, clapping a hand on Luke’s shoulder and pulling him out of your way. 
You give the curly haired man a grateful smile before you slide the cake onto the table right in front of Eddie. As you go to pull your arms away, pale, calloused fingers reach up and rest against your skin for a moment.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Eddie says. 
All you did was carry a cake over but you’re more than glad to receive praise from your boss any time that you can. 
Steve flips the kitchen lights off and everyone breaks into a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday. Ryan stands right in front of you as you sing, and you rest your hands on his small shoulders. 
“Make a wish!” Luke calls from Dustin’s side once the singing ended. He watches as his dad purses his lips, thinking of a wish. The dim lighting in the room may be playing tricks on you, but you could’ve sworn Eddie’s eyes flickered over to you before he took a deep breath and blew out all thirty-something of the candles on the first try. 
“Yay!” Luke cheers while everyone else claps. “Whatcha wish for?”
Ryan scoffs and rolls his eyes at his little brother. “He can’t tell you or it won’t come true.”
“For my last birthday I wished for a pet,” Luke says. 
“Is that why you dug up the worm in the backyard?” Eddie asks.
“Yep,” Luke announces, a proud smile on his face. 
“Wormy Munson is missed,” Ryan says, patting his little brother’s shoulder. 
The attention quickly turns from squiggly little pets when Nancy asks the room, “Who wants a piece?”
“Me!” Four children’s hands shoot up at the same time, but Nancy just shakes her head at them.
“Birthday boy gets first crack at it,” she says as she slices a piece and transfers it to a Darth Vader paper plate. Nancy delivers that and a plastic fork to Eddie before returning to the counter to cut slices for the rest of the guests. 
When you get your piece of cake, you slip into a seat next to Eddie’s at the table. 
“So, carrot cake, huh?” you ask him with a playful smirk on your face. 
“Hey, gotta get vegetables into these kids somehow,” Eddie says, reaching behind him to tickle Ryan’s belly. The older boy laughs and moves out of his dad’s reach. 
“Broccoli brownies next?” you ask, a shit eating grin on your face before you pop a chunk of cake into your mouth.
“Such a smart ass,” Eddie teases, scooping some of his icing onto his pinky and wiping it off on the tip of your nose. Both boys giggle as you try to reach it with your tongue, trying to stretch it out as far as possible to lick it off. Though the boys found it funny, Eddie had an entirely different feeling wash over him as he watched your tongue snake out to try and lick the white substance off your face. His pants tighten and Eddie shifts in his seat, trying to hide his crotch further beneath the table. 
Guests drift in and out of the kitchen with their plates of cake, mingling with one another out in the living room. You offer to collect the paper plates up for the garbage once everyone is done. You’re carrying the stack back towards the kitchen when you hear Steve and Eddie having a conversation in there. It’s pretty clear this is just meant to be between them, but when you hear Steve’s question to his best friend, your feet become glued to the floor. 
“Think you’ll finally get lucky tonight since it’s your birthday?” 
Eddie snorts. “It doesn’t seem like it.” You can practically picture him nodding his head in the direction of his bedroom where Brittany is probably snoring her ass off as she sleeps off her alcohol. You really hope she has a hangover tomorrow. 
“Not what I meant, dude,” Steve replies.
This catches you off guard. Who could Steve possibly be talking about if not Brittany? Does… A sickening thought winds its way through your brain, claws taking hold in those places that are already prone to insecurities. Does Eddie have a girlfriend? It’s not like you would judge him for it after Brittany’s whoring around is common knowledge. But it drives an ice pick through your heart just picturing Eddie with his own awful, evil wife. Knowing he might be with someone who could be kind and caring should comfort you—but it doesn’t. It makes you want to tear your skin off to think of Eddie with anyone else but you. Because if he wasn’t going to be with Brittany, you wanted him to be with you. And if you didn’t even get a chance to show him what the two of you could be together? The idea threatened to destroy you. 
“Watch it Harrington,” Eddie answers Steve, his voice low. It’s the closest thing to a warning you’ve ever heard from him. 
A familiar toddler’s cry abruptly ends their conversation and your now-agonizing eavesdropping. Eddie shakes his head, giving Steve one last glare as he walks out of the kitchen, and looks over at a wailing Tiffany Mayfield-Sinclair. 
Ryan scrunches his face. “Daddy, play her the song!”
“Yeah, play it!” Luke echoes, hands pressed to his ears. 
Now you’re intrigued. “What song?”
Eddie sighs. “Boys, I don’t think anyone wants to hear me play—”
“Au contraire,” Dustin butts in with a smirk. He hands Eddie his acoustic guitar, propped up in the corner. “I think we’d all love a little concert.”
Eddie gives you a look that pleads help me out here, but you’re already invested. 
“Concert! Concert!” You chant, laughing when the others join in. 
He doesn’t say anything, just slips the strap over his shoulder and quickly tunes the guitar. 
“If…you’re…happy and you know it, clap your hands!”
Everyone in the room claps twice. Everyone except Tiffany, who is still wailing. 
“If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands!”
Same result. 
“All right, all right. Let’s skip to a different verse.” Eddie takes in the baby’s squealing form. 
“If…you’re…angry and you know it, do a growl.” He lets out the most ridiculous roar you’ve ever heard, and you can’t help but laugh. 
From her mother’s arms, Tiffany lets out a roar of her own. Your giggle catches her attention, and she reaches out for you to hold her. 
For a moment, Eddie believes his heart is going to implode from the sweet scene in front of him. He wills himself to concentrate on playing, but the sight of you holding a baby girl weakens his resolve. How many times has he daydreamed about you holding his baby girl that he shares with you? Probably too many times on the job for someone who deals with heavy machinery. In his mind she has your hair and his eyes—though he knows she’d probably gets his curls since both boys have them to a degree.
Tiffany bounces in your arms, enraptured in the music. If Eddie plays Old MacDonald, she’ll be mind-blown. 
The soft timbre of Eddie’s voice, enthusiastic enough to capture Tiffany’s attention without riling her up, has your heart beating double time. Though you’ve known from the beginning that Eddie plays guitar, this is the first time you actually get to witness it. It’s as sexy as you’ve always imagined—even if he’s only playing nursery rhymes.
“There we go,” Eddie murmurs as whatever had been bothering the little girl seemingly dissipates. He grins at Max and Lucas. “That should buy you about five minutes before the next meltdown.”
Sure enough, the crying starts up again, signaling the party’s end. Hugs are exchanged as everyone clears out; final “happy birthday’s” sent Eddie’s way.
There’s a small tug on your arm just as you’re about to grab your purse. “Can you tuck us into bed?” Ryan asks, eyes wide. Luke’s at his side, nodding in agreement. 
“Of course.” Always the babysitter, you think, but you truly enjoy being a part of their lives. The fact that they also enjoy it makes it even better.
The youngest Munson beams at you. “Maybe you can sleep over!”
“Uh, not this time. Sorry, kiddo.”
After teeth have been brushed and bedtime stories have been read, you retreat back to the kitchen. Eddie is clipping open bags of potato chips, and you start to gather any used paper platesto toss in the trash. 
“You don’t have to,” Eddie says, gesturing towards the stack of disposable cups in your hand. 
You cock your brow and smirk. “Do you really wanna clean all of this by yourself?”
“Fuck no.”
“That’s what I thought.”
He smiles back at you, shaking his head when he notices icing smeared on the back of a kitchen chair. “Should’ve put the boys on clean-up duty” he grunts.
“Then everything would just get shoved under the couch and they’d call it a day,” you point out, and he readily agrees.
Once the floor has been swept and the leftover food has been placed in the refrigerator, you have no valid excuse to stay any longer.
“I should get going,” you say, plucking your keys from your bag and twirling the chain around your forefinger. “I hope you had a good birthday.”
Eddie nods as he walks with you to the front door. He holds it open for you, then follows you out to your car. “Yeah, it was great. Especially your gift. It, um, meant a lot.” A slight rosiness tinges his cheeks, and he pulls you in for a hug.
You return it easily, your arms wrapping around his torso. Both of you hold on a beat longer than necessary, but you can’t seem to pull away.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, breath tickling your ear. He leans in; for a moment, it seems like he’s going to kiss the top of your head, but he takes a step back. Eddie’s done it so many times in his mind before that he almost forgot he doesn’t get to do it in real life. “Get home safe, yeah?”
“I will.” You duck into your car, giving him a small wave before you pull out of the driveway. As you drive, you watch Eddie trudge back into the house from your rearview mirror.
Once he’s inside, he closes the door and breathes out a sigh. He adjusts himself over his pants, painfully aware that he’s half-hard from a simple hug. Looking towards the bedroom he shares with Brittany, he pivots away and beelines towards the Tupperware of cookies you’d made.
Taking a big bite, he chews thoughtfully, delaying the inevitable. If only he could curl up next to you instead of her. He chuckles at the insanity of the idea and takes another bite of cookie.
“Happy fuckin’ birthday to me.”
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freckledjoes · 3 months ago
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Steddie Christmas fic! Summary: Eddie returns to Hawkins for the holidays and stumbles upon a very detailed snowman that resembles someone familiar... Warnings: Don't read this if you hate Christmas. And cute shit. Author's note: Be gentle <3 I don't really post things I write. I'm sure it's flawed in more ways than one. I focused on the cuteness, not the UD plot, so if that's vague, it's because of that. This came to fruition because of this post. Word count: 7299
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Alright, fine. The rumor’s out: Eddie Munson had returned to Hawkins for the holidays. To his credit though, he had in fact gotten ‘the hell out of there’ once Higgins had finally been forced to hand him his diploma. It was just that, when he arrived in New York, things had been… difficult. You don’t just up and leave and suddenly make it with your band, apparently. Especially not when said band actually decided to do weird shit like going to college. But… It was fine. He did have a good time, found some people that did in fact enjoy his presence (some mostly preferred him inside their beds, which was new) and he enjoyed skipping from roommate to roommate duty all around town.
And yet… here he was. Eddie claimed he had gone back for the holidays. To see Wayne, the Hellfire kids, and yeah. Part of that was true. The other part was just that he couldn’t find his footing in New York, not by himself. As fun as it had been to discover the New York version of Eddie Munson, it hadn’t really been… him. No one really bothered to get to know the real him and in all honesty, he had been enthusiastically hiding him anyway. He had pretended to enjoy mainstream music (It was fine, just not really his jam to dance to until 5AM - which he had. Several times too many. Shudder), drank fancy coffees that he couldn’t really afford and hadn’t mentioned Dungeons & Dragons ONCE after he received a funny look from his second roommate.
Which is why it felt like a breath of fresh air to be back in Hawkins. Where people thought he worshipped Satan, attended virgin sacrifice ceremonies and was an obnoxious good for nothing waste of space. 
It was familiar.
And honestly? He wasn’t even sure who he was anymore sometimes. Getting rid of the super senior title kind of forced him to go do something with his life.
But what?
His trusted van greeted him in the parking lot he had left her at and he was surprised it hadn’t been towed yet, in all honesty. At first Eddie hadn’t been sure it was his van considering she had almost become one with the parking lot due to all the snowfall. To no one’s surprise though, when Eddie had wiped off most of the snow and turned the key, she didn’t have more in her than a splutter of her engine before she went back into hibernation. 
And so, Eddie walked. He knew Wayne wouldn’t be home yet, so he decided to take a detour. The quiet streets carried as much of a negative familiarity as a positive one. He’d been out on those streets for many reasons, taking long walks either high or sober, contemplating pretty much everything about his life long enough for the sun to come up.
Tonight though, he had different things to think about. Or maybe not that different. He had to decide whether he was going to go back to New York (probably not) or if he was going to stay in Hawkins (probably not) and if neither of those, then what? Nothing kept him in either place anymore. Wayne was doing just fine without him and although he missed him, he also wanted to give him some well deserved time for himself. 
Well, him and Claudia Henderson, apparently.
Wayne acted quite funny about it. Claimed the woman didn’t take no for an answer and kept bringing food over, kept inviting him for dinner, and at some point, he had grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek and that was that. For a man who wanted to pretend that he wasn’t smitten with her, he surely needed to work on keeping his smile out of his voice during their phone calls.
Eddie was genuinely happy for him, though he had deliberately avoided thinking about what it might mean for him and Dustin. The idea of a smartass little step-brother wasn’t exactly appealing—not that it would be all that different from how Dustin acted already.
That being said… he hadn’t heard from him at all lately. Or any of the other kids, for that matter. It wasn’t exactly surprising, considering they had their own friend group going on and didn’t need Eddie to entertain them, but a small part of him had hoped that maybe, they at least missed him as their DM.
He fiddled with his lighter and tucked his hair behind his ear before lighting his cigarette (he had learned to keep his hair out of the way after burning some of it… four times). He had barely realized he had wandered into the forest until his elbow hit a tree and he apologized.
“Shit, sorry,” he mumbled, looking back at the tree as if it was going to respond. He was about to face forward again when realization kicked in that it wasn’t a tree he had just walked into. Instead it was some kind of snow sculpture, or an ice sculpture? It surely was really fucking sturdy if it survived that elbow clash.
He walked a few steps backwards to properly observe the statue and noted that it was quite an odd placement, here, in the middle of the woods. Honestly, where did someone even get that much snow? The trees did a good job at shielding most of the ground and it didn’t look like any snow had been scraped whatsoever either. Weird. Eddie looked at the statue, which was surprisingly about his own height and he wondered how he had missed it. Ironically, the snowman was quite a looker. Flowy hair (how did they even manage that?), a strong jawline, muscular but not too muscular. Hmm. He took a step closer to inspect the statue some more and scoffed when he realized something.
The statue looked… familiar.
It reminded him of someone he wanted to forget all about, actually. The amount of time this very person spent at the forefront, sides and back of his mind was actually embarrassing. He didn’t even like the guy. He was just—
“You remind me of someone,” Eddie declared out loud, nodding along to his own statement. “Yeah, some asshole jock I used to go to school with. Didn’t really have personal beef with him, but his friends were fucking awful and well, by association… so is he. Plus, being popular and a jock basically means you’re a dickhead anyway. It’s written in the fucking stars, just like I’m a good for nothing lo—anyway,” Eddie cleared his throat and finally took a first drag of his cigarette.
“I guess someone must really like this guy though, if they make a snow statue of him in the middle of the woods like it’s their dirty little secret. Shame, actually. Bet he’d love the ego boost. Last time I checked his casanova days seemed to be practically over. Not that I care. It’s just obvious when a loud, obnoxious guy like that suddenly isn’t.”
Eddie knew he was talking out of his ass at the ‘loud and obnoxious’ part. If anything, he was talking about his past self there. However, he wasn’t totally wrong about the change of Harrington’s lady magnet wearing off causing some suspicion.
“Anyway… dunno why I’m even talking to you. I’m bored, I guess. My car broke down, had to walk all the fucking way so I figured I’d give myself a nostalgic route through the forest and there you were! Doubt you get a lot of visitors, huh? What am I even saying, maybe you’re like, a day old. Who knows when the fuck they made you, huh?”
He gazed up at the statue again as if expecting a response, but of course none came. Three cigarettes and some nonsensical rambling later, he finally bid the snow statue goodnight and walked home.
Wayne would always be his home, he figured, whether he still lived there or not. A part of him wasn’t entirely looking forward to seeing Wayne again. He had missed him terribly, but he wasn’t ready for the conversation to lead to New York and what he had been doing over there. Not much to tell really, other than the usual: he had failed to make anything of himself.
The small light on the porch was on when Eddie finally arrived at the trailer and he wondered whether Wayne left it on for him or if he was actually home. He used his key to get inside and let the familiar scent of the trailer hit his nose. It carried a mix of emotions with it, however the good ones always prevailed. He gently closed the door behind him in case Wayne slept, but noticed the door to the bedroom was slightly ajar. Moving closer, he carefully listened for a sound, but there was none. His hand blindly found the lightswitch and to his surprise, the room looked just as he had left it, except with clean sheets.
Eddie walked to the living room and found Wayne’s sofa bed, clearly recently used. It made him wonder whether Wayne had used the bedroom at all ever since he left. Back when Eddie was getting ready to leave for New York, he had reminded Wayne of the fact that he could finally use the bedroom again at last, to which Wayne had joked that his joints might not be ready for the comfort of an actual proper mattress. Now, Eddie just wondered if he had that little faith in him? Expected him back within a month? He never seemed to doubt Eddie’s resolve to move to New York though, at least not back then. Eddie let go of a sigh and walked back to the bedroom to drop his stuff there. Wayne had his habits, and breaking them by sleeping on the couch instead wasn’t gonna be pleasant for him, even if Eddie thought he really should use the bedroom already.
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The next morning, Eddie woke up from sounds in the kitchen. When the smell of eggs and bacon hit his nose, he dragged himself out of bed and staggered out of his old room in sweats and a t-shirt. Wayne didn’t look up from the stove, but a smile was evident on his face.
“How come you’re not using the bedroom?” Eddie asked while he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Wayne gave him a short glance before putting the eggs and bacon on their plates.
“That’s one way to say hello,” Wayne mumbled as he turned and sat down at their kitchen table. Eddie joined him.
“Hello,” Eddie said pointedly, “so? Why not?”
Wayne shrugged.
“Been used to sleepin’ on the sofa for so long. Don’t need the extra room.”
“Your back would appreciate it, you know.”
With a roll of his eyes he gestured at Eddie with the nice he was holding.
“Eat your breakfast, son.”
They ate in silence after that. Neither of them were very talkative just after waking up and it was a common agreement that breakfast was meant for eating and less for chit chatting. It felt nice, being back home. Listening to the way Wayne huffed at the blunt knife not doing its job, the creaking sound of the floor whenever he shifted, the inconsistent barking outside from the dog of one of their neighbors.
“So, how’s New York?” Wayne asked. It wasn’t as if they hadn’t talked about it on the phone before, but it had been a year since Eddie had been home. If Eddie was honest, he wanted to hug the man. He had missed him so much. But that wasn’t a common thing. Hugs. They hugged when it mattered. It wasn’t much of a casual thing.
“It’s alright,” Eddie replied casually. “I’m staying with a guy currently, his name’s… Theo. Short for Theodore.”
“A recent thing?”
“What do you mean?”
“Since you had to think about his name.”
Right. To be fair, Eddie had only moved in with him last week. It was part of the reason why he hadn’t left anything valuable back there, just in case. Theo seemed like a chill guy, however, many people in New York seemed chill at first. Anyway.
“It’s a recent thing, yeah. Kinda been couch hopping for a while now.”
“I see. You like it there?”
“It’s alright. Just can’t really find my footing yet. It’ll take some time I guess.”
Wayne gave him a look. It had some concern etched in it, and Eddie did not like that one bit. He didn’t want Wayne to worry about him.
“You can always stay here, if you need more time figuring things out.”
“I’m fine, Wayne,” Eddie mumbled, making sure to look at his uncle as he spoke. “I promise.”
He knew he hadn’t convinced him when Wayne stayed quiet and continued to finish his food, but there really wasn’t anything else to say. He was fine.
He was fine.
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Later that day, Eddie decided to check on the Hellfire kids. He knew Gareth, Jeff and Doug were out of town, so that left the others. However when he tried to phone their homes, no one picked up. At least not until Dustin.
“Hey, man. What’s up? It’s Eddie. I’m back in town for the holidays and I thought—”
Dustin quickly interrupted him, sounding distracted.
“Oh, hey Eddie, uhm— I’m kinda in the middle of something right now. Is this important?”
Eddie frowned, feeling a pang of disappointment in his chest at Dustin’s indifferent reaction. He knew he wasn’t exactly at the top of anyone’s friend list, but part of him at least thought he was liked enough to be greeted with a little more excitement.
“Uh, no, not really I guess.”
“Ok, cool, I’ll talk to you soon, yeah? Bye!”
Before Eddie could even respond, Eddie heard the dull tone on the other hand signaling that Dustin had hung up already.
“Okay…” he sighed to himself. “Whatever, man.”
Eddie spent most of his afternoon trying to fix his van, partially to have something to do and partially because she deserved better than being neglected in a random parking lot. He hadn’t really thought it through when he parked her there as it was the closest parking lot to get to the bus he needed to get on back then. Thankfully, after about two to three hours, she was gently rumbling again and he could take her back home to Wayne’s.
Wayne had left him a note that he left early for his shift, which for Eddie was code for ‘went to visit Claudia before work’, because Wayne never left a minute earlier or later than he had to when it came to work. Bored out of his mind, Eddie decided to play music for a bit, indulge in some beers and eventually, he figured it was time for a nightly escapade. He rolled a particularly strong joint and set off to find out whether the mystery snowman was still there or not.
It had been stuck in his mind all day, for some reason. He was still curious who had sculpted it, and he wondered if maybe he’d run into them. Or perhaps it was already destroyed. Or some animal peed on it. On a whim, he draped a large red scar around his neck and he set off for the woods. There had been a bit more snowfall during the evening, meaning that the forest path was dusted in white again. He felt it crunch underneath his boots and while he enjoyed it for the first ten minutes, he quickly got annoyed with the strain it put on his legs as he walked. Soon enough though, he came to the clearing where the snowman still stood as he had found him the day before.
“I’m back,” Eddie announced before softly chuckling to himself. He had tried to save the joint for when he arrived but instead had already smoked up most of it on the way out of pure boredom. Safe to say, he was feeling a pleasant buzz already. “Did ya miss me?”
He glanced at the statue and wondered why he hadn’t noticed before that whoever made this snowman hadn’t bothered to give the poor man clothes. In fact, it was awfully detailed, at least until the snowman’s waist. Anything below that was just one big piece of snow. As Eddie leaned in closer, he noticed how his chest actually seemed sort of… textured? A great representation of Harrington’s chest hair, not that he’d known much about it. It even had nipples. The only thing missing, probably, were his distinctive moles. What a wasted opportunity. Those freckles and moles were the best part of the damn guy.
“You know, I said you looked like someone yesterday, right? Asshole jock, that one? The name’s Steve Harrington. Whoever made you is really obsessed with the man because the details of that chest are way too accurate. I mean— anyway. I wonder if this girl’s gonna show him. That would be awkward. Funny, but awkward…”
Eddie took a last hit and flicked the roach somewhere in the snow.
“Don’t think he’s dating that Wheeler girl anymore, so who knows. Maybe she’s got a shot. The one who made this, I mean. Like, I’d be pretty flattered if anyone took the time to recreate me like this. Also creeped out though. Cause… It's pretty insane, right? Fuck I’m rambling. Why would you care? You’re a fucking statue,” Eddie groaned at his own inability to shut up and sat himself down on the ground. He let his hands sink in the snow as he leaned back on them, which he immediately regretted as an icy cold feeling crept up his fingers. He kept his hands there for a good minute before he put them in his lap and rubbed them warm.
“I honestly thought people would be more excited to see me, ya know,” Eddie sighed, unsure why he was still rambling to a damn snowman. “None of the kids picked up and the one that did said that he didn’t have time. I literally was out of town for almost a year. And there wasn’t even a hint of surprise at me being back. It’s like… I mean, clearly he doesn’t give a fuck. And I shouldn’t give a fuck either, but what the hell, man. It kinda sucks.”
Almost as if to prove to himself how stubborn he was, he let himself fall back on the snow and moved his arms and legs around to make a snow angel until he once again remembered that snow was cold. And wet. And he wasn’t wearing enough to handle wet clothes in more places than his butt at the moment. Speaking of his butt, he realized at that moment that it had gone completely numb.
With some effort, he lifted himself off the ground and wiped off some of the snow wherever he could reach it.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it then. For some reason I wanna thank you for listening, which is so fucked up. How starved for human contact am I, really? Jesus Christ.”
He waited for a moment, as if he expected the snowman to respond. He adjusted his scarf a little and grimaced at the itchiness. He looked at the naked torso of the snowman and hummed to himself.
“Actually,” he started as he took off the red scarf, “you can have this one. For your modesty or whatever,” Eddie added with a soft chuckle. He draped the scarf around the snowman’s neck and gently secured it at the front. “There. Gorgeous as ever.”
Eddie nodded as he walked away from the snowman.
“Yeah, you heard me. Asshole jock is annoyingly handsome. Too hot for his own good. Such a waste of pretty features.”
Between him and the snowman, he was pretty sure no one believed him at that last part.
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Christmas Eve had been wonderful. He had a good talk with Wayne about New York, finally got some more info on Claudia— and apparently Dustin got along well with Wayne too, which filled him with both relief and some envy. Though, when Eddie asked if Dustin had been around when Wayne went to see Claudia, he had said he was out with friends. So at least he was as busy as he claimed to be, in some way. They also played some cards and enjoyed a few too many drinks. Which was why Wayne was already passed out on the couch while Eddie gingerly sipped from another glass of whiskey, enjoying the quiet of his head a little too much to stop.
If only his mind had been quiet enough to not be compelled to go to the snowman again. Really, he had no business there. But for some reason it was nice to just talk to an inanimate object that still represented a human. He’d been smart enough to bring a plastic bag to sit on this time while he rambled on about his failed life in New York. How he wasn’t sure what he was doing, what he wanted, what his next step would be. He talked about anything and everything.
So naturally, Steve Harrington was a topic Eddie couldn’t avoid, one he just had to mention. Again.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, Frosty,” Eddie teased as he rounded around the snowman and prodded his pecs. “Y’know, if you were real, I’d probably flirt with you,” he admitted gingerly. “If you were real and not Steve Harrington, that is. I’m not that stupid.”
He sat down with a huff and squinted up at the statue as if he was looking into the sun.
“I feel like we’re on a level where I can be honest with you, right? Those people in New York? Not all girls. Guys too. I’m into both. Which brings me back to you and your insufferable look-a-like. ‘Cause you’re the OG now. I’ve had more conversations with you than I ever did with him. Pretty one-sided still, but you get what I mean.”
Eddie paused for effect, letting it hang in the air for a bit to keep up the suspense.
“He was like, my first guy crush. I’m pretty sure anyway. I used to daydream about him and his stupid hair and how I wanted to grab it and make him look at me with those goddamn beautiful hazel eyes before I’d kiss him. I had never kissed anyone back then, by the way. But strong fantasies do the trick. And well, daydream about the same guy too often and you realize you have a problem, I guess. At least, it was a problem back then. Didn’t love having yet another thing about me that didn’t fit the mold.”
He absently kicked against a branch, which barely moved an inch so he left it at that.
“Now I’m cool with it. I mean, it’s fun. But back then it was torture because it felt like a waste to spend so much time thinking about a straight guy. Like, there was no way this dude was ever gonna be into me. Even if he was into guys. He surely wouldn’t be into me. So yeah. Uh. No one knows about this by the way. I hid this one pretty well if I may say so myself.”
He grimaced and pulled his knees up so he could wrap his arms around them and rest his chin on top of it. It felt good to say all of it out loud for once. Even in New York he had made up a different story, because being into Steve Harrington was something he simply hadn’t been ready to admit out loud. Apparently, now he was. From his inside pocket, he grabbed a flask that he had filled with the remaining whiskey and took a ginger sip.
“Kinda pathetic, isn’t it. Christmas Eve, and I’m sitting here talking to you.” A beat. A soft sigh. “Kinda wish you were real.”
Eddie let his fantasies get the better of him as he sipped from his flask, looking up at the handsome snowman who, by the way, still wore his scarf. With some effort he got back up on his feet, wobbling a little as the alcohol made its way to his brain and slowed him down. He paused when he was right in front of the snowman, staring into its eyes which seemed to stare right back at him, even if the pupils were missing.
“Ah, what the hell.” Eddie leaned forward and pressed a quick, teasing kiss to the snowman’s lips. There. Now he could—
At first, he thought it was raining. He felt droplets land into his hair and on his cheeks, and his clothes felt a little damp until the feeling suddenly evaporated entirely.
Eddie stumbled backwards and blinked his eyes rapidly, wondering if he’d really gone too far on his alcohol consumption this time. But, that couldn’t be, this wasn’t even half of what he would throw back on a good weekend. Or a bad one, depending how you’d look at it.
Fuck. Eddie blinked again. Fuck fuck FUCK. His voice was hoarse, sounding a mix of relieved yet confused, and mostly tired. His voice, belonging to Steve Harrington.
Eddie stared at him, took notice of how the snowman was definitely gone and how there was now an actual human standing there. And not just some human. Steve Harrington. Alive. Barefoot. Bare everything, really, except for the red scarf still draped around his neck. Surprisingly it was long enough to do all the way down to his junk. Not that Eddie was looking.
Eddie did the only sensible thing. 
He screamed.
The silence that followed Eddie’s scream was deafening, save for the soft sound of snow falling around them. When did it start to snow again anyway? Steve flinched, his hands covering his ears not long before his hands started to do a complete body check, all while Eddie looked like he had seen a monster.
They stared at each other in silence for a moment, their breaths coming out in visible puffs of air. Eddie felt like laughing, crying and straight-up bolting and never looking back altogether. Steve visibly shivered and wrapped his arms around himself.
“You were the statue,” Eddie muttered under his breath, and Steve nodded.
“Yup,” he responded, with a weak pop of his P.
“There’s no way. There’s no fucking way. I must have accidentally just ate an entire tray of edibles and not remember or I don’t fucking know—”
“I can explain— sort of. I think. I don’t know the details yet.”
“Yet?! What?”
“It’s uh… kind of a long story,” Steve winced.
“Kind of a long story?” Eddie’s laugh came out shrill, almost hysterical. “You can’t just magically un-snowman yourself and then just say that! Kind of a long story?!”
“Hey! I didn’t magically un-snowman myself! That was your doing! And by the way, I’m not fucking thrilled about this either, alright? I’m freezing my goddamn balls off here.”
Steve tried to let the scarf cover a larger portion of his body but failed to do so. Meanwhile, Eddie had already shrugged off his winter coat and threw it in Steve’s direction.
“The fuck? What do you mean I magically un-snowmanned you?” Eddie almost sounded offended at the mere suggestion, but Steve didn’t have time for that as he quickly put the coat on. It didn’t do much for his lower half, but it was much better than nothing. He sighed contentedly. When Eddie’s eyes met his, he realized he hadn’t answered his question yet.
“You kissed me,” Steve said matter-of-factly.
Eddie felt like his heart stopped. “What?” he asked weakly, “no I didn’t.”
“Yeah, you did.” Steve gestured vaguely at his mouth. “That’s when it happened. You kissed me, and then—poof. Back to normal. Sort of.”
“No fucking way.” Eddie shook his head vigorously, his hair getting even more frizzed in the process. “That wasn’t—it wasn’t even like, a real kiss!” Eddie protested. “How would that…”
“Beats me.” Steve looked around at the clearing, his breath fogging in the cold. “But… uh, thanks, I guess?”
Eddie’s face burned hotter than it ever had in this forsaken gold weather.
“Don’t thank me. I’m not—this isn’t—you were a snowman, Steve.”
Steve couldn’t help but smirk.
“You go around kissing snowmen often? Or just the annoyingly handsome ones?”
Eddie froze.
“Oh no. No, no, nope, I’m out. I gotta— Fuck this is so bad.”
He covered his face with his hands and turned away from Steve as he tried to recall all the things he had told the snowman—told Steve.
“Eddie,” Steve’s voice was soft, almost hesitant. “It’s not… that bad.”
Eddie’s mouth turned into a thin line and he shook his head.
“Forget it. Let’s get you uh, home, or something.”
Steve sighed and put his hands deeper in Eddie’s coat. It was actually pretty warm, thanks to Eddie wearing it prior.
“It’s fine, I can get home and I’ll just… I promise to drop the coat off as soon as I’m dressed, alright?”
He was surprised to hear a scoff out of Eddie and looked up, only to be met with soft eyes that were nowhere as loud as the indignant sounds his mouth made.
“I’m not letting you go home alone like this, Harrington. Don’t you know what happens to pretty boys when they show their ankles late at night?” Eddie asked rhetorically, happy to see that it got a smile out of Steve. The last thing he wanted was for Steve to think he was a bother. Which… was uncharacteristic of him in general, wasn’t it? Eddie nodded towards something that once resembled a path.
“It’s that way, right? To your place?”
“Forgive me if I’m a little disoriented right now,” Steve said dryly. Eddie smirked and sat down on the ground as he started to undo his boots. He put them in front of Steve and looked up. For a moment, he needed all his willpower not to look at something else that piqued his interest, only just hidden by the scarf and coat. It was a good thing the coat was a little long on him.
“Try them on?”
Steve wanted to protest, but one look at Eddie convinced him that it would just be a waste of time to have a back and forth with him and so, he picked up a boot and did his best to balance himself against the tree to put one on. Thankfully, it fit. After putting the other one on, he looked at Eddie’s feet. Two mismatching socks, a red and a green one.
“Festive,” Steve said with a nod to the socks.
“What can I say, I am a huge enjoyer of Christmas.”
They started to walk towards Steve home at a gentle pace. The streets were empty, mostly due to the fact that everyone was busy celebrating and that it was also kind of late already. Both of them were grateful for that. They didn’t want to know what people would say or do if they saw them like this. Neither boy said much on the way home. The cold controlled their thoughts more than they liked, with Eddie’s feet being soaking wet and Steve, well. He had never felt so small there. Part of him wondered if it would still work and not just fall off due to frostbite or something.
When they arrived at Steve’s place, he fished a spare key from inside a flowerpot to which Eddie tutted, saying it was too obvious. Steve ignored him and opened the door, only then realizing that the lights were on.
“What the—”
“STEVE! Steve! You’re— but how?! We searched all over for you but you were— Eddie?”
Dustin abruptly stopped talking to stare at Eddie, then back to Steve and back to Eddie again. Eddie noticed that Dustin wasn’t the only one in Steve’s house. In fact, it was an odd combination of people. All the Hellfire kids were there, as well as… Robin? Nancy? And Jonathan? While Steve had been away for at least three days?
“Listen— we can talk this through after I’ve put on some clothes, alright? I would say make yourself at home but… seems like you’re doing just fine,” he said, his expression one that would’ve made Eddie laugh if all of this hadn’t been the weirdest thing he’d ever lived through.
Without waiting for an answer, Steve ascended the stairs stiffly, only to turn around halfway and look at Eddie.
“You coming?”
And if that didn’t cause a great mixture of facial expressions, including Eddie’s. However, he nodded wordlessly and quickly followed Steve upstairs. He followed Steve right into the bathroom and then realized maybe he shouldn’t have, because Steve suddenly dropped the coat and took off the scarf and Eddie’s shoes without a second thought and jumped into the shower. Right in front of him. Like it was nothing. Must be a remnant of being a jock and being naked around other guys all the time, Eddie supposed. But wait—
Eddie had confessed that he was into guys, which apparently, Steve had been able to hear as well. And Steve wasn’t… weird about it? Yet? So what did that—
“Hey, Eddie, could you uh, maybe grab some clothes in my room? I was so focused on not being cold that I kinda forgot.” Steve was only a blur now, with the steam fogging up the glass wall between them. “Grab some for yourself as well, whatever you need.”
“Uh… okay,” Eddie said hesitantly, swallowing the question why Steve wanted him upstairs. Probably just to give him socks, he realized later. It felt illegal to be in Harrington’s (he needed to keep him at a mental distance) lair, though it hadn’t been the first time he had been up there. He remembered one party where he had gone up to this room after selling all his stuff and then laying down on Harrington’s bed for a couple minutes before a couple footsteps made him bolt right out again veeeery quickly. Anyway, back to business.
Eddie rummaged through the drawers to find some clean socks for both, a pair of underwear for Ste— Harrington, and managed to find a sweater (a Christmas one) and some black sweatpants for him. He took off his own wet socks and figured he’d just let them air dry while he waited outside of the bathroom. After about five more minutes, Steve emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his waist and looked startled when Eddie was right in front of him.
“Oh— Here you are. Why didn’t you just come in? Don’t you gotta dry your feet?”
Eddie shrugged.
“It’s fine. Uh, here.” He quickly handed Steve his clothes, who this time at least had the decency to go back in the bathroom to put it all on. Eddie took the opportunity to put on the dry pair of socks and was only a little annoyed with how good they felt on his feet. Rich people and their quality socks… Once Steve came back out, he had a funny look on his face and pointed at his sweater.
“I mean, someone’s gotta be festive, my socks are swapped now, so…”
“Right.” Steve looked in the direction of the stairs and bit down on his bottom lip. “Uh… about that thing that happened in the woods—”
“I won’t tell a soul.”
Steve frowned and waved at him dismissively. “Not that, I mean, the snowman thing. There’s uh… I don’t know how to explain this in under five minutes, but there’s this other dimension and there’s some weird evil shit happening there and now this, creature, whatever it is, started to turn people into statues. We have no idea how many people it has happened to, I mean, I froze shortly after Lucas did, so I don’t know much… Anyway, it’s gonna be a lot to take in, alright? But I promise you’re not going insane, it’s all real, we’ve all uh, kinda been here before.”
Steve had rushed out the words so fast that Eddie’s ears were ringing. He blinked a couple times, figured a nod would suffice and looked up at Steve again.
“Right… okay. And everyone downstairs is involved?”
Steve nodded.
“Kind of, not on purpose or anything. I’m sure you’ll hear the full story at some point from one of us. ‘Cause… you’re in this now. You can try to forget this shit but you won’t. Just be happy you haven’t seen anything severe.”
“Sounds ominous,” Eddie remarked.
“Yeah, well. It is,” Steve replied matter-of-factly. “Wanna go back downstairs?”
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“So… what. It’s gone now?” Steve asked. Dustin had explained what he had missed out on the past week or so and he had brought Eddie up to speed with the remaining bits that were relevant for now. Apparently El (who Eddie hadn’t even noticed before) had used her superpowers (whatever that meant) to freeze the guy, creature, thing, in return and that was that.
“Yup, and I think everyone should be fine. I mean, Lucas immediately came to and I guess you must have too, since you’re suddenly back here?” Dustin asked. He glanced over to Eddie and he could tell he had a million questions about how him and Steve somehow became a duo, but he seemed to restrain himself.
“Uh, oh. Yeah, I guess so,” Steve replied vaguely, glancing over at Eddie briefly before avoiding his gaze again. “By the way, Eddie found me. So, that’s why he’s here. Which brings me to the question… how the hell did you guys get in here?”
“You don’t hide your spare key well enough,” Max shrugged.
“But it was right where I left it?”
“Well, duh. Where else would we put it?” Mike interjected, immediately making Steve want to roll his eyes. He glanced over at Nancy and Jonathan, who sat huddled close together on the couch.
“So everyone’s okay?” he asked, looking at Nancy, then Robin. The latter nodded.
“At least those that we knew of.”
“And… that monster or whatever isn’t gonna melt itself or something?” Eddie asked softly, glancing over at El, who shook her head.
“He won’t,” she said confidently. Man, Eddie wishes he was that confident about this all.
They talked for a little longer, but eventually decided it would be best if everyone would get some sleep, especially Lucas and Steve considering their situation. Nancy and Jonathan had come with separate cars, so there was enough room to take them all home. When Eddie tried to sneak out the door, muttering some joint goodbyes along with the others, Steve stopped him by grabbing his wrist.
“Your stuff’s still upstairs,” he said softly, although Eddie had a vague feeling that Steve cared very little about that right now.
“Oh, right…”
Dustin turned his head towards them suspiciously as Jonathan drove out of the driveway and Steve simply gave him a quick wave before closing the door behind them.
“So…” Eddie repeated.
“Guess it wasn’t some sleeping beauty meets prince type of situation,” Steve mumbled, and he sounded almost disappointed. Eddie smirked and crossed his arms while looking at Steve intently.
“Yeah, no fairytale for us, I suppose.”
Steve hummed softly and moved a little closer. Eddie tried to keep his distance, but Steve was relentless and patient in his slow chase, moving closer until Eddie hit the back of the couch and grabbed onto it for support, less he’d topple over backwards and that would be way too embarrassing.
“You said that if I was real, you’d flirt with me,” Steve reminded him while teasing his finger gently along a lost strand of Eddie’s hair.
“I’m also pretty sure I mentioned I’m smart enough not to go for a straight guy,” Eddie reminded him in return. He tried to control his heart palpitations and failed terribly, especially when Steve smiled slowly, leaned in even closer to the point that Eddie could feel tiny droplets of water land in his neck from Steve’s hair.
“You’re into both,” Steve said. “Why can’t I?”
“I mean… you’re Steve Harrington,” Eddie said weakly.
“Mhm. And you’re Eddie Munson,” Steve said with a nod, “the guy who spent three nights in a row, or at least, I think they were nights, visiting a snowman that resembled me, Steve Harrington, and poured his heart out to him, it, whatever, and then kissed me—it.”
“Did you…’ Eddie started, and he looked over at the door. He was ready to run if he had to. Ready to escape the wrath that was about to be bestowed upon him if he spoke these thoughts out loud. “Did you like it?”
Steve cocked his head with a smile and lifted one shoulder casually.
“I don’t know. It was a little short, and my mind was kind of occupied with other things. I could be a better judge this time around.”
“This—This time around?” Eddie stammered.
“Unless you don’t want to, I mean, after all, you had a lot of things to say about me.”
“Harrington— I mean, Steve, I— I didn’t mean it like that. The things I said… I was just rambling. I would never say that stuff about you if you were within hearing distance, ‘cause it’s not… true. I know you’re a good guy and—”
Eddie looked up at Steve, who suddenly seemed a little taller for some reason, towering over him as his hand moved to cup his jaw, thumb grazing his cheekbone softly. He searched his eyes for anything, anything that would explain what was happening because surely Steve wasn’t about to kiss—
Steve was kissing him.
Steve Harrington was kissing him.
Steve Harrington was kissing Eddie Munson.
On the mouth, no less.
Eddie wasted about half a minute before he regained enough composure to kiss him back. It was hesitant, shy, almost. Steve giggled into the kiss and gave him a few pecks in between.
“C’mon,” he urged him softly, sweetly. “Gimme a real kiss already.”
Eddie did.
He grabbed Steve’s face with both hands, stood up straight, and nudged him back until Steve’s shoulders hit the wall. Their tongues danced, fighting for dominance, as Steve smiled into the kiss. Eddie shifted, planting his hands on either side of Steve's head and threading their fingers together, grounding them both in the moment.
Suddenly, Eddie pulled back. Steve looked at him with a dazed expression and when Eddie dropped his hands, he held onto his waist instead.
“Wait—” Eddie said, even as he leaned into Steve’s touch. “I’m still kinda drunk, right? So I gotta know that this,” he gestured between them, “is real.”
Steve visibly relaxed and gently squeezed his waist.
“It’s real,” Steve almost whispered, thumbs circling Eddie’s shirt. “We’ve got some catching up to do, but it’s all real.”
“You don’t uh, hate me for the things I said?”
“You kept me sane in there. And a little humbled, but that’s alright,” Steve teased with a grin. “If it wasn’t for you being there… I think I would’ve gone insane.”
“Sorry for only visiting so little then,” Eddie mumbled. “In my defence, I thought you were just a very detailed snowman.”
“Oh, right. Something about my chest hair? You mentioned how accurate it was, or something.”
Eddie’s cheeks immediately turned visibly pink.
“Shut up,” Eddie said quickly, “shut up right now.”
Steve shook his head and smiled.
“Nah.” He paused. “Unless you make me.”
Eddie smirked as Steve wiggled his eyebrows cheekily at him. How could he ever turn down an offer like that? 
Of course he kissed him.
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Hope you liked it! If you did, a reblog would be most appreciated. :) That's how the work can travel to other eyes after all! Would love to hear your thoughts whatsoever. And uh, Merry early Christmas!
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harmonictechnicality · 2 years ago
*wrote this for @vecnuthy's birthday, so here you go babe! i baked you a word cake 🥰🎂* *ao3 link here*
Nobody gets cool shit on their birthday after the age of sixteen - Steve stands by this statement firmly. That year, he got his permit. And by yuppie parent default-mode, he also received his first car.
He almost, almost had a quarter-life crisis on his twenty-fifth birthday. Steve was seconds away from buying a motorcycle. Robin was very dramatic about this decision, kept threatening to order his gravestone if he followed through on an impulse purchase. 
This, however, would’ve nullified his Adults Get Lame Birthday Gifts theory entirely. So Steve apologized to the salesperson, and tucked his credit card back into his wallet. Robin canceled the order on his gravestone as well, thank god.
Gifts have continued to be lackluster every year since then. And his 30th birthday is no exception to this rule.
A gift card from his parents. A pair of athletic socks from Dustin. And a t-shirt from Robin. Essentially, the starter pack of Welcome to Adulthood. 
Except for one minor detail:
The shirt from Robin is exceptionally soft. Bamboo fibers or something, he wasn’t really listening to her description. Even the color is soft. Muted red, almost pink. Everything about it is soft. Airy. 
Okay - that’s not an observation Steve makes upon receiving it. But it’s one that Eddie Munson will never let him forget. 
The first time it happens is a week after Steve’s birthday. The two of them hit up a bar on the outskirts of town. A place Eddie frequents a lot, occasionally dragging Steve along as his Token 9 to 5 Friend.
“Welcome to the Dirty Thirty Club, man!” Eddie crows, already diving into Steve’s atmosphere for a hug. 
“Thanks! Good to see you, Munson.” Steve chokes out, returning the massive hug with a single pat on Eddie's back.
The guy always gives the most suffocating hugs, fucking cages Steve into his arms and steals the breath of out his lungs with one squeeze. Steve has to inhale through his nose, smells the soapy steam rolling off Eddie’s skin.
Shower. Eddie just showered before meeting him here. It’s so fucking clear by the way he feels damp, smells clean.
Steve hates that he notices that. Wishes he didn’t care about Eddie’s hygiene schedule. But the scent of shower gel is addictive, breathing it in fast. Big gulps of fresh air. Lungs extending like they can capture Eddie's atmosphere and keep it there.
Okay, seriously. Steve thought his Eddie Munson Crush had been buried with the rest of his trauma back in 1993.
“Dude. This shirt is so soft, holy shit.” Eddie is rubbing his hand all over the back of Steve’s shirt, fingertips pushing into the fabric.
“Uh yeah. Sure is.”
Eddie must’ve blazed up back at his place, it’s the only reasonable explanation as to why they’re hugging for this long. Gotta be some strong shit too - strong enough to make him sound completely blissed out over a damn shirt.
He’s is humming now, both hands petting Steve’s shoulders, one on each side. Pinching the material, twisting it till it curls around his index finger.
“Gotta get me one of these bad boys.” Eddie chuckles, turns it into a playful growling sound. “Could touch this all day.” 
“I don’t doubt it.” Steve does an awkward wiggle out of the embrace. He looks down at his shoes, cheeks growing warmer as he continues to take Eddie’s words entirely out of context. 
Look, the sensible part of his brain knows that Eddie is talking about the shirt. That’s it. But the insufferably needy and more prominent part of his brain wants Eddie to be talking about himself in general.
That he could touch Steve all day long - shirt or no shirt.
Right. Steve needs a splash of water on his face. Could use a splash of water on his goddamn imagination too. Dilute the delusion for christ’s sake.
It happens again about four months later. Lucas invites the whole crew over to throw a surprise party for Max’s promotion at work.
Of course, Eddie is running late - he didn’t fail senior year twice solely from his shitty GPA. But showing up late to a surprise party? That’s a new level of risky. Not everything has to be a thrill-worthy adventure. Ugh.
“Max should be getting off work right about now.” Lucas explains, peering around the living room. “So everyone should head to your designated hiding spots.”
Nobody budges, just carrying on with their conversation.
“Alright, asshats - you heard Sinclair!” Steve snaps at each of them, glares for good measure. “Find a hiding spot or get the fuck out.” He gives a quick nod to Lucas, who still looks severely stressed, eyes ready to bust out of his skull any minute.
The coach-esque threat does the job. Everyone, ducks into place, voices descending into whispers. Whispers descending into shushes as the minutes draw closer to Max’s arrival. Steve is folded up behind the couch, arms wrapped around his knees. 
There’s a small creak coming from the front door. A few people yell 'surprise.' Steve peaks to the side to see Lucas shaking his head at them.
“No, nobody move.” He instructs, voice caught between a yell and whisper. “I was just letting Eddie inside.”
Instinct takes over. Steve twists around the corner of the couch, needing to see for himself that Eddie is here. That he really came.
Clearly, he didn’t move fast enough. Although he could’ve sworn he moved so embarrassingly fast that the vertebras in his back sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies (post-milk). 
But no one is there. No Eddie. No Lucas. No one.
“What the-” Something grabs the back of Steve’s shirt, pulling at his collar. A few people start aggressively shushing him.
“Chill out, Stevie.” Eddie is right there, meeting Steve’s face with a lopsided smirk. He’s close, way too close. Still holding the collar of Steve’s shirt with one hand, stretching it out. Keeping them close.
“Just trying to check the tag,” He releases Steve just an inch or so. His voice is so hushed, the quietest Steve has ever fucking heard it. “Wanted to see where I might be able to purchase such a godly article of clothing.”
“Ever heard of a thing called boundaries?” Steve hisses, swatting a strand of Eddie’s hair out of his face.
“Doesn’t ring a bell, sorry.”
They haven’t talked much since that night, barely any interaction for four months. But watching Eddie lean in, angling his head lower to study the tag on Steve’s shirt, hot breath on his neck…
It resets the clock. Flips the hourglass on Steve’s feelings for him.
He’s infatuated all over again, and all it took was Eddie invading his personal space. Just like he always does.
“You’ll have to ask Robin.” Steve whispers. Tries not to flinch when Eddie smooths Steve’s shirt collar back into place. “She’s the one that bought it for me.”
“Damn. Buckley has good taste.”
“Sure does.”
No distance is created. Neither of them move away. Eddie’s eyes continue to sketch over every stitch in Steve’s shirt, every hemline. He seems hyper fixated on it, too fixated to notice Steve’s pink-ish cheeks, thank god. 
If it weren’t for the shirt, Steve would assume Eddie is checking him out, looking him up and down with a heavy gaze. Dark pupils, casted darker by the dim lighting.
“Can I?” Eddie raises a hand out to Steve’s shoulder. He pauses, lifts an eyebrow at the end of his question.
Steve’s jaw is too tight to answer or counter back with a joke about how Eddie never asks permission before popping personal bubbles. All he can do is nod a little too eagerly.
Eddie reaches into Steve’s sleeve, rubs the material from the inside. A small grin forms on his face. He looks so pleased, purely amused. That’s enough to untangle Steve’s muscles, relaxing under Eddie’s light touch. 
But that’s the other thing. He’s barely touching Steve. Every now and then, his knuckles roll over Steve’s skin. Really, that’s it, that’s all he’s doing. And god, Steve craves more.
Eventually, Eddie switches it up, pinching the material between the pads of his fingers. He scoots closer to Steve’s side to do so. 
Time feels paused. Time feels rapid. It’s going nowhere and already slipping through his grasp. All Steve can think about is placing his hand underneath Eddie’s chin, bringing his lips up to his own. Kissing him till the clock stops ticking. Till the sand stops running.
“Softest shirt ever.” Eddie gives the material a slight tug. Smiles wider.
Steve gulps. “If you say so.”
“I mean, seriously - it must be made from the glow off an angel’s halo or something, cause damn.”
“You’re a trip, Munson.” 
Steve has to keep telling himself that Eddie is obsessed with touching his clothes - he’s not thinking about taking them off of Steve. No matter how much he wants that to be the reality of the situation. 
It’s not.
They stay like this till the doorknob clicks, turns. Steve almost forgot that he was at a party, surrounded by other people. 
Immediately, all of his senses flip back into Extrovert Autopilot. Everyone jumps out, yells a combination of surprise and congratulations (because they failed to coordinate that apparently).
He stays in this zone for the rest of the party. Talkative and breezy. Charming the pants off Max’s coworkers with silly little anecdotes about her as a kid. 
Steve is damn good at hosting. It’s probably in his white-collar bloodline or some shit. Still, anytime Eddie walks by, he glitches up. Temporarily out of sync.
He doesn’t get a chance to say goodbye. Eddie ducks out early, waving broadly before slipping through the front door.
Time does that weird thing again. Feels paused and rapid all at once as he watches the door shut behind Eddie.
“You okay, man?” Lucas nudges him.
“Yeah.” The gentle gesture returns time back to normal. Brings Steve back into this moment.
“Doing just fine.”
It’s all he thinks about for weeks. Anytime there’s a lull at work or a commercial break on television, Steve drifts. Pictures Eddie is in his shirt, the one he’s so obsessed with.
At first, it’s just that. Basic. Eddie standing in front of him, wearing that muted red, almost pink, shirt. Sometimes smiling, sometimes expectant. Either way, it’s always enough to make Steve’s neck feel flushed, creeping up to his cheeks.
Gradually, it evolves into something more complex. A fantasy, almost dreamlike. He imagines Eddie running his hands all over himself, his torso, his chest. The thin material of the shirt moving and shifting under his palms. His head tipping back, lips plush and red from where he’s gritting down, biting hard. Holding back sounds.
Those images get Steve in trouble. Panting on conference calls and boners at his work desk. 
He’s alone in his apartment when it grows, branches off into darker urges. Desires. Steve glances down at the floor, can’t help but wonder what Eddie might look like down there, staring up at him. Wearing Steve’s clothes. Begging Steve to take them off. Rip them, ruin them.
“That fucking does it.” Steve scolds himself, scolds his dick too. He’s calling Eddie Munson right now - before he has time to overthink it.
His hand is trembling as he picks up the house phone, dials out the number he didn’t even know he had memorized. The trembling thing is kinda embarrassing, but it's still better than sticking it down his pants and jerking off while the Cooking Network plays reruns in the background.
Every ring feels drawn out. Stretching time like taffy. 
Eddie picks up on the fourth taffy-length ring. “Eddie here.”
“Hey, man.” His voice comes out all strained, bone-dry.
“Shit. That really you, Harrington?” 
Apparently his voice comes out unrecognizable too.
“The one and only.”
Eddie snorts loudly into the phone speaker. “Doubt that very much - seems like a common enough name.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever, smartass.” Steve rubs his neck, scratching his skin. Working his way to extracting the words out of his throat. “So um… you busy tonight?”
“Nope.” Eddie answers.
“Cool. Me neither.”
There’s silence after that. Well, almost silence. Just a slight hissing sound from the phone line can be heard. Not enough sound to make things less awkward though.
Steve has no good reason to be so antsy, so wired with anxiety. They’ve been friends since metaphorical shit hit the metaphorical fan back in ‘86. So being outwardly weird around Eddie? It’s too damn fishy. 
“Is that it?” Eddie says. “Did you just want to bond over our empty schedules?” 
Of fucking course, Eddie would call Steve out on his weird bullshit. Doesn’t know subtlety if it bit him in the ass. 
Bad time to think about Eddie’s ass.
“Come over.” Steve blurts out. Needs to say something before a parade of ass-centric images start back up in his mind. “I ordered way too much takeout and there's a stack of movie rentals that I need to binge to minimize those late fees, so yeah… come over.”
No response, even the background hissing from the speaker cuts out. Maybe the phone line went dead. Or maybe Eddie hung up. Wouldn’t be the first time he’s abruptly ended a conversation, perpetually flouncing to whatever is new and shiny. Always distracted. 
“What kind of takeout?” He finally responds.
“The Greek place with the kickass tzatziki sauce.” Steve smirks, already knows the answer before Eddie can utter another word. 
“I’ll be there in an hour.”
Eddie arrives in less than an hour, actually. Knocks on Steve’s door exactly 51 minutes after Steve gets off the phone with him. It’s slightly disturbing that Steve suddenly turns into a math whiz when he’s fawning over someone.
Someone that fawns over his clothes more than him, but who gives a shit about logistics?
“Fucking starving.” Eddie says, slamming the door behind him. 
Steve smiles, motions his head toward the kitchen. “Help yourself, dude.”
The plan is so stupid. Half-baked at best: get Eddie out of his shirt (and jacket), and into Steve’s shirt instead. That’s it. That’s all Steve’s got so far.
But it’s better than nothing. So what the hell? It’s worth a shot.
He waits until Eddie has stuffed his face with a decent amount of spanakopita, fully reclining on Steve’s couch. Looks incredibly comfy, too comfy to move.
Steve grabs the strawberry sorbet from his freezer, the one Robin forced him to buy after going vegan last spring. He scoops a bowl for himself and a bowl for Eddie. Exhales the last bit of his self-respect before returning to the living room with the most boring dessert option ever.
“Here you go.” Steve says.
Eddie scrunches his nose at it. “The fuck is this?”
“Why am I not surprised that the former rich kid prefers sorbet over ice cream?”
Steve sputters, takes the bowl back before it further offends Eddie somehow. “That’s not… I didn’t… it’s actually-”
“Deep breath, Stevie. I’m just teasing you.” Eddie yanks the bowl back, shovels a brain-freezing amount into his mouth. “Far too easy, by the way. Give me a bit of a challenge next time. Makes it more fun… for one of us, at least.”
“Fun. Sure.”
“The one of us being me.”
“Got that.”
Steve decides to take Eddie’s ‘challenge’ remark as the perfect cue to set his stupid plan into action.
Steve pretends to shift around on the couch cushion, getting situated. Does this until he ‘accidentally’ fumbles the sorbet. Spills it all over Eddie’s clothes, his distressed black shirt, his dark gray sweatpants. All of it. Makes a much bigger mess than he intended to.
Eddie jumps up. “Goddamnit, Harrington!”
“I am so sorry!” No he’s not. If anything, his apology is more smug than sincere.
“This shit is sticky as hell.” 
“Really sorry, man.” Steve hands Eddie a few stray napkins, like that’s going to make a difference.
“Don’t be. It was an accident.”
Except it wasn’t. It was one of the most juvenile tactic that Steve has ever pulled. Truly, it tops the overused movie theater-yawn tactic.
“Here - let me get you a change of clothes.” Steve offers, already heading to his bedroom. He’s walking and talking and fucking fidgeting. Suddenly paranoid that Eddie can see right through him, see all his desperation on display. Splattered everywhere like strawberry sorbet.
He turns back around for a split second. “I’ll throw those in the wash. Have them dry and ready to wear again by the time you head out.”
“Oh…” Eddie keeps patting down his clothes with a sopping napkin, barely listening. “Yeah, sure. Thanks.”
“No problem.”
His acting performance is fucking dismal. Over the top. Porno-level obvious. Must be karma for all of those times he gave Robin and Eddie shit about being in an improv club. Makes a mental note to never mock their nerdy hobbies for the rest of his life.
“Well, it must be my lucky night.” Eddie calls out from the bathroom door, causing Steve to wince at the sheer volume.
“What makes you say that?”
“Bestowing the holy grail of shirts upon me? Allowing me even one hour in downy-soft paradise?” Eddie is using that tone, the one that’s boozy and savory. Borderline mean. Equally hot and annoying. “Possibly the greatest of olive branches you could’ve offered up.”
“Christ, you’re dramatic.” Which is so hypocritical after the stunt he just pulled.
The bathroom door swings open and nothing could’ve prepared Steve for how good Eddie looks in his clothes. The shirt is snug through the sleeves, loose through his chest. Makes Steve realize how differently built they are. The waistband on the athletic shorts is sitting low on his hips, maybe a size too big. If they were any bigger, they’d slip right off. Landing all tousled around his bare feet…
Okay, Steve has got to snap the fuck out of it. He rubs aggressively at his eyes. Needs soap or military-strength detergent to fucking cleanse whatever is going on with him lately. 
“We could watch something.” Steve says, even though that’s exactly what he’s already doing.
Eddie shrugs. Leans against the wall. “We could.”
“Or… I don’t know.” Steve can’t rip his gaze away from Eddie’s arms. His pale skin looks even lighter against the reddish tones. The waves and curls of black ink look even darker. Just a splash of color has turned him into a landscape of extremes. 
“You don’t?” 
“Um…” Steve flops, flounders. Scrambling for an idea. A coherent thought. Anything. “Cards. We could play cards.”
Eddie’s forehead wrinkles, then quickly straightens back out. Nodding politely. “Sure, we can do that. If that’s what you want to do.”
Steve mumbles something about grabbing a card deck from the storage closet, although he’s pretty sure it’s unintelligible. Makes a quick escape, jogs at the weirdest tempo known to mankind. 
Flirting with a longtime friend is throwing him for a loop. Many loops actually. Theme park amount of loops. All of his usual ease and charm are being denied access. Not tall enough to ride this ride.
The closet is packed with junk, so finding a deck of cards is obnoxiously difficult. He’s tossing coats into piles and shoving shoes into corners. Between his nerves and his determination, Steve is working up a goddamn sweat.
“Need a hand in here?” Eddie’s voice startles him. Steve jolts backwards, straight into a shelf of puzzles. Tons of pieces go flying, some landing in Steve’s hair. Redecorating the fucking closet with tiny bits of colored cardboard.
Eddie backs away, arms crossing into his chest. “Jesus, man. You’re freaking me out.” 
“Sorry.” Steve says. Shakes the puzzle pieces out of his hair.
“Is it the shirt?” The question sounds genuine. No jokes, no sarcasm. “Does it look that bad on me?”
“Oh.” Steve doesn’t know how to respond. The shirt looks amazing, that’s not the problem at all. It’s just… “Um, actually-”
“Look, I know I’m not a pastel heartthrob.” Eddie gestures directly to Steve before waving his arms around. He starts pacing in the tiny closet, just ranting away. “And let’s fucking face it. I’m not getting any younger, so I doubt I can pull off this slim-cut style the way I used to… but come on. It can’t be that repulsive, right?”
“Eddie.” Steve frowns. 
“Shit, that bad?” Eddie smacks a hand to the top of his hand. Grabs a fistful of his hair and looks down at the shirt, still rambling. “We’re using first names now? What’s next? Gonna bust out my full legal name? My birth certificate? Then we’ll really mean business.”
Okay, yikes. And Steve thought he was the stressed one. This is going south very, very fast. He needs to curb the self-destruction that’s happening in front of him. Just… reach out. 
“Hey.” And Steve does. Literally. He places a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, sucks in some courage. He waits until Eddie makes eye contact, breathes at a less neurotic speed. Then he exhales all the courage. Turns it into honesty instead. “You look… you look good.”
Eddie scoffs. “Yeah right.”
“No, I mean it. It’s different. But in a good way.” Steve skims his nails against the fabric, drawing shapes into Eddie’s shoulder. “I like it.”
“You do?”
Steve nods. Bites down on his lip, flicks his eyes to Eddie’s mouth. “Like it on you.”
The energy between them is thick, clinging to Steve’s skin. It’s new except it’s not. Steve has felt it before. At the bar, the party, that random Thursday in 1993. He recognizes the flex and curl in his stomach as Eddie takes one step forward, then two. The feeling is familiar and strange combined. Knotted tight.
Eddie raises an eyebrow before taking another step. Like the day behind the couch. Quiet permission, one he doesn’t ask for often. Only when it means something.
Steve lets the hand on Eddie’s shoulder fall slowly. Catching the material at the bottom, tugging it forward. Prays to fucking god that’s all the permission Eddie needs.
“You were right.” Steve lets his hand drift back up, landing in the center of Eddie’s chest. Wrinkling and smoothing the fabric underneath. “It really is soft.”
Eddie’s breath hitches up. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Steve’s voice drops lower, richer. “Could touch this all day.”
Eddie thumbs over Steve’s bottom lip, drifting into the small space between them. He places both hands on Steve's cheeks and kisses him firmly. Steve presses in deeper, breathes out through his nose so that he doesn’t have to break away. 
It’s so good, kissing like they’re teenagers behind the bleachers. So swept away in the heat and hunger that they’d be late for class. Showing up to study hall with blotchy skin and achy lips. They keep kissing just like that. Feeling, exploring. Lingering in all the areas that seem to make the other person hum or gasp.
“Steve.” Eddie whispers. His hands push up into Steve’s hair, combing it back, pulling in down with an edge. Hard enough to make Steve tilt his head, mouth dropping open.
“Yeah?” Steve replies. Barely a question, too lost in the feeling of Eddie’s lips on his neck. 
Eddie rubs his mouth over the edge of Steve’s jaw. “You’re so…” 
The sentence stops right there, never gets finished either. He nuzzles over the wet spots of skin covering Steve’s neck. Marks them all up with a gentle nip, not enough to leave bruises. Just enough to make Steve shiver.
Steve is making so many breathy noises, which should be humiliating. Pathetic for someone who’s had fucking loads of first kisses, even more makeout sessions.
But none of that really matters, his age or experience or slutty track record. Nothing counts when being kissed like this. Nothing can stop Steve from taking this moment, eating up all of the sounds and sensations. 
Fuck, he wants all of it. Wants Eddie closer somehow, on top of him, beneath him, surrounding him.
He can’t stop tugging at Eddie’s shirt, well… his shirt. No doubt that it’s stretching out, close to ripping it. Keeps pulling it anyways - dragging Eddie into him till Steve’s back is pressed up against the wall.
“Come here.” Steve curls a finger under Eddie’s chin, brings his face back up to him. Not nearly done kissing him stupid, square on the lips. His mouth is warmer now, a few degrees hotter from sucking Steve’s neck. Licks into Steve’s mouth, gets him to whine at how good it feels. 
The washing machine timer goes off, buzzing throughout the whole apartment. But Steve can’t let this end, he can’t.
Except for the buzzing won’t let up. Continuously interrupting all the delicious noises that Eddie makes whenever Steve bites over his bottom lip, gets it nice and puffy between his teeth. 
“Should we...?” Eddie smushes his nose into Steve’s before motioning to the door. 
“Yeah probably,” Steve unclaws his hand from Eddie’s waist. Kisses him once more before sliding out of reach.
As he walks down the hallway, heading into he laundry room, he hears it. Eddie’s voice, still inside the closet. Chanting the same phrase over and over again:
‘Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Holy fucking shit!’
Steve cracks a smile. Kind of hard to believe his heart is chanting the same damn phrase. So full of adrenaline, fucking crumbling under this wave of raw emotion.
Really, he never thought he’d find himself in this situation. Holding Eddie’s clean clothes in one hand, thumbing over his kiss-bitten lips with his other hand. Impatiently craving to get back to where they left off, hopefully on the couch or bed or floor this time.
“Hurry it up, will ya?” Eddie whistles behind him.
“What’s the rush?” Steve tosses the clothes into the dryer, doesn’t turn around because his self-restraint will be fucked if he does. 
“My lips are getting cold.”
“That’s the best line you got?”
“For now, yeah.” Eddie says. “You sucked out all of my brain cells with your mouth. Can’t expect me to be Swayze-level smooth after something like that.”
No way he’s allowed to be so damn cute comparing himself to Patrick Swayze. As if they're even in the same league. Endearing, really.
“You can head back to the living room. I’ll be there in a minute.” Steve pushes a few buttons on the dryer. The timer starts, another reset on the clock.
Feelings that flip the hourglass once again. 
He really fucking hopes it never runs out this time. 
Eddie is perched on the floor, flipping through the channels on the tv. He's squinting at the harsh light because for some insane reason, he always insists on watching the tv in total darkness.
Even that’s cute now. Annoyingly cute.
Steve joins him on the floor, instantly slouching into Eddie’s arms because he can do that now. Completely allowed to be sweet and gross and smitten. 
“Guess my theory was wrong after all.”
“Hm?” Eddie replies, still mindlessly channel-surfing.
Steve gives Eddie a quick kiss on the cheek (because he can do that now too), and looks at the shirt. Muted red, almost pink. Soft and touchable. “Apparently, you do get cool birthday gifts as an adult.”
“What are you mumbling about?”
This thing between him and Eddie. It feels longer than running sand or ticking timers. Longer than their years of friendship. Maybe not timeless…
“I’ll tell you later, Eddie.”
But pretty damn close.
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newobsessionweekly · 2 years ago
You are home
Main masterlist | 9-1-1 masterlist
Eddie Diaz x fem!reader Fandom: 9-1-1
Summary: You are kidnapped and locked into a basement until Eddie comes to your rescue.
A/N: still a bit rusty, no hate please. remember, english is not my first language so please be kind 🫶🏻 also feel free to request anything for Eddie and Buck, happy to write. Requests are open for Buck / Eddie!
Warnings: Mention of being held captive, sexual abuse, injuries, swearing.
BTHB prompt: shackled feet
Requested: No Words: 2.4k Gif not mine, credits to the owner.
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You can hear the rain harshly knocking on the ground, wind whistling through the thin walls and the fear sweating from your body with every breath, with every step, with every heartbeat. It was nothing down there but you, a table, a plate and a spoon.
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Eddie constantly feels the need to punch something. No boxing bag was ever enough. He feels something is going on. He knows you wouldn’t leave him just like that, without a reason. Without a note. Without a goodbye. Eddie has been left before, he knows now how to recognise the signs leading to that. And this isn’t the case. You were happy together. You loved each other over the heels for God’s sake. You were about to move in with Eddie and Christopher, you didn’t had a reason to leave, right ?
“Ok, Eddie, you need to stop!” Buck pops right in the middle of his thoughts and scatters them all over the place. He stopped Eddie a little too late, his fists were already covered in what seemed to be blood diluted in sweat and a few traces of tears. “It’s not helping. Been there once, didn’t help better to speak with your mouth rather than your fists?”
“What do you wanna hear me say ? Y/n loved me. Y/n wouldn’t leave me. Y/n would’ve called or texted. Something happened to her. You’ve heard all of this already and you’ve told me I’m nuts.” Eddie sighs and let his body drop violently on the bench inside changing room.
“You tried calling her?” Chimney asks.
“What do you think?” Your boyfriend hisses under his breath. Eddie knows they’re all just trying to help, but he can’t help it.
He’s just trying to figure out what is going on, but it’s been like hell this past week without you. Next day, Eddie listens to Athena’s advice and declare you missing.
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The air is heavy and wet due to the water that’s been infiltrating first intro the ceiling then trickling down into the walls. It is hard to breath and even harder to keep your sanity at peace, you’re losing it slowly.
You touched the walls desperately trying to find a way out. Over and over again you’ve been tracing the uneven surfaces hoping the walls would somehow turn into a door that will open up and reveal Eddie. You were convinced by know you’ll die in that filthy place without everyone knowing what has happened.
Your nails scratched the wall with anger and it crumbled at your feet. Noticed they were all soaked in water and it was easier to get through them, but not easy enough. Maybe the roof was weaker than the walls and it was easier that way.
Carefully, you move the table closer to the wall and jump up, scratching the ceiling little by little with the metal spoon. Bad move giving the kidnapped person a metal object.
The water is coming down your elbow hitting the not so white plate in an annoying rhythm. Hours flew by now as you’ve found yourself a purpose to fight for your life. Little by little, the whole in the wall contoured into a way to escape. By now, only your arm could pierce the concrete and hit the cold outside air. But you’re not giving up, not yet.
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A 911 call from a concerned neighbour opens Athena’s way to a small, decent house and a very well dressed man appears in the doorway.
“Sergeant Grant, LAPD.” Athena presents herself, showing the man her badge. “We’ve been informed by one of your neighbours about a hand sticking out from the ground in your yard.” she presents the case and inspects every move the well dressed man does. “Mind if we take a look?”
The man’s face is still, no emotion showing up, only the thoughts loudly echoing through his head. “Not at all, Sargent. Do what you have to do.”
Athena searches the house, but found nothing that could make her question. As halloween approaches really fast, she thought maybe the elegant man was into it so much he decided to start prepping in time. She tries the door leading to the basement, facing the impossibility to get past that.
“You have the keys to that door?” Athena turns around to the man watching her every step.
“Do you have a warrant to search my house?” the man plays the card very well.
“I’m gonna take a look around the house.” she announces and the man standing before her eyes just nodded.
Athena’s eyes lands on a patch of grass that is missing not so far from the house. She inspects it closely seeing a hole go down in the ground, maybe a few inches.
She keeps her mouth shut, carefully making her way to the car. Athena is convinced now something’s going on. A man’s house so tidy without a single thing raising suspicions. Basement door locked. A hole in the ground.
“Thank you for your time. Have a nice day!” She greeted the man driving off the street as another case pops up through her station.
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You rest your head on the wall, inhaling the fresh morning air coming through the little opening in the ceiling. Your body was shaking because of the cold that made its way into the tiny room and also because your clothes were not even covering much.
He’d come every morning and night into the room, feed you some delicious food, but not enough, just for you to survive.
You heard footsteps approaching the door and some keys ringing as the brown haired man walked empty handed. You tried moving as far away as possible, all you could do was drag your body just a few inches before collapsing on the ground.
The legcuffs were making hard for you to move around since the first day, but now it feels like you’re pinned to the ground.
The man’s eyes were already filled with anger, but as soon as he saw the picture before his eyes, his features darkened even more, rage railing down his veins.
“Bitch, what did you do?” he approaches you, loudly unbelting his trousers. “That’s how you show me respect? For feeding you, for pleasing you. That’s how you thank me?” his thick belt furiously touched your cheek. A painful burn made your skin instantly go red and ache run through your cheek, tears unintentionally flowing down.
“I’m so sorry! I’m really really sorry!” you cried. “I couldn’t breathe, I-I needed some air. Please, I’m not trying to do anything.” you pleaded as he grabbed you thighs, pulling you closer. Your head loudly smacked into the hard concrete floor, dizziness blocking your vision for a few seconds. Too little time and the show had just began.
You beg God to take you right in that moment, so all the pain, the suffering could go away with just a blink. But as usual, your luck was not on your side.
All you can see is the water sliding down as two hands spreads you legs and made their way up. One hand harshly rubs you entrance as the other one massages your breasts one at the time. Your only desire is for you to leave your body just right there and move away. You hoped his stupid show was over now and your tears were finally coming to an end.
You quickly learned it was easier if you didn’t fight back. But all he wants is a response from you, see you fight for your life, see your terrified eyes begging him to stop. He’s getting angrier second by second as you didn’t even flinch when he made his way inside you. You just stood there, eyes closed slowly consciousness leaving you.
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Athena stays beside Bobby at firefighter’s table, looking between faces. Concerned, sad faces she’s way too familiar with. You vanishing like that from their lives messed up with everyone’s head. She shares with the rest of the group the strange call she received that morning, and the even strange images she’s seen.
“What’s the address?” Eddie asks. He’s got a little bit of hope now, he thinks he really got a lead. But that’s what he thought the whole week when he’d been seeing your face everywhere.
“Uh-huh! You not going there-” Athena says. Eddie already stood up ready to search every yard in LA and around. “All by yourself! I’m parked in the back.” She rolls her eyes as Eddie dressed up while walking to the car.
“I guess you done eating!” Athena turns to Buck still chewing on his food. She knows they are inseparable, especially now when it’s about you.
Eddie jumps out of the car as soon as Athena shows him the house. The red SUV was gone now along with the brown haired man. The fire truck stations just around the corner and behind it, Hen is parking the paramedic truck. Just in case.
“That’s the hole i’ve been telling you about.”
Eddie shoved his flashlight down to the hole seeing the concrete floor just beneath.
“Ok there’s clearly something down there. Maybe a room? The basement. Not sure if there’s anyone in there.” He informed.
“There’s a pretty big hole, the rain couldn’t do that. The ground looks stable, no signs of collapsing.” Buck thinks out loud.
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A bright light blinds you for a moment, but before you had time to come into senses, it disappeared like it was never there. You can’t move, you barely can open your eyes properly, but you hear voices so damn familiar.
It’s all in my head. It’s all a dream. Am I dead ? No, i’m still here. I wish I was dead.
You feel pain from head to toe, your body starts shaking violently because of the ice cold wind that’s coming from the hole.
The hole. I have to do something.
You try to stand up, ignoring the painful ache vibrating through your chest, but slipping down again on the blood that keeps flowing out of you. At the contact with the hard floor, you hear a loud crack as a scream left your mouth unintentionally. Blood is pouring down your arm and you feel dizzy again, the dark room in spinning.
Mumbling are hearing from above you, voices becoming clearer as the footsteps approaches.
“Is anyone down there ?” one of the voices shouts before the light coming down the hole floods the room.
“Help!” that’s all you can say, not sure if the voices heard you.
“Guys, there’s someone down there! They don’t sound very much alive. Hey, are you hurt?” it is speaking to you as some footsteps hurried away.
“Yes. There… much blood.” you try to speak as loud as you can, but in this moment it was even hard to breath.
“Can you move?” you look back at the spot on the ceiling where grass and pieces of concrete falls down on the floor.
“Not sure.”
Your eyes closes, you feel tired. Maybe it was your time. It was just a dream anyway, no one’s coming for you.
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Annoying beeping wake you up from a sweet dream. You dreamed of some kind of hero save you from that filthy place.
As you open your eyes, slowly coming to senses, a white and bright light burned your eyes. The pain you’ve felt before is gone and you feel like you’re staying on top of the comfiest cloud. You can effortlessly breath now as you inspect the room. It was white and smell funny. A brown hair is standing next to the big window.
The man turns his head towards you when the machine’s beeping became alert. You close your eyes in fear as tears running down your face.
“Please don’t hurt me, i’ll be good, I promise. I’m not trying anything.” you cried when a big warm hand touched your arm.
“Y/n, it’s Eddie.” the voice you recognise spoke, but you can’t believe. “Please look at me.” his hand was still there, moving up and down your arm in a calming way. It feels familiar to you. The voice is familiar. Even the smell you recognise.
You slowly open your eyes showing up the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen, flooded with tears and pain. A small smile crack in the corner of his mouth.
“Babe, it’s me. You’re home now.” seeing Eddie in flesh and bones made your tears violently flow down you cheeks. You are dreaming again. “Please don’t cry, it’s not good for you. You’re safe now, you’re with me. Nothing bad will happen.”
You pull Eddie into a tight hug taking both of you by surprise. You trace the shape of his face with you trembling fingers as he inspected every feature. You are pale, weak, your body covered in scratches and bruises. Red and purple marks are painted all over you but he didn’t care. You’re next to him again and that all that matters.
He leans on and closes your lips with his in a soft, sweet kiss you only dreamed of the past few weeks. You missed his gentle touch, the way your lips merge together perfectly, the way his hand caressed yours or the way his soft red lips curved in a bright smile every time he kisses you.
“I’m home.” you cried. “You found me.”
“I found you babe, I will always find you. You’re never leaving my side again.” he jokes, but a little truth is hiding behind his words.
“Y/n!” a voice followed by small rushing footsteps echoed in the room, breaking your embrace. Christopher run to your bed and Eddie helpt him jump up next to you. “I missed you so much!”
“Hey buddy! I’m missed you too!” you caressed his head, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
“You promised me we’d do a sleepover!” Chris pleaded.
“We’ll do every night a sleepover until you’ll get tired of me! How that sounds?” you look over at Eddie that now is smiling at the picture showing before his eyes, two of the most beloved people in his life back right next to him.
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 12 days ago
Max 🔀
Yeah! 1k for:
 “You’re not an it,” Evan sighs.
Buck turns to look back at him. “I thought you hated fairies?”
“I do,” Evan grumbles. “But you’re still not a thing. You’re a sentient being with feelings. And occasionally one isn’t wholly terrible.”
“Well, uh… Thanks,” Buck says quietly. “Seriously.”
“Whatever,” Evan mumbles. 
Looking out at the road, Bobby smiles. 
The next time they stop, it’s because Bobby needs to talk to Athena about what happened. They pick a bustling rest stop. Somewhere with lots of witnesses, in case anything happens. 
Bobby walks off with the phone to his ear. He obviously intends for a private conversation. Buck takes the same chance to call Maddie. Unfortunately, his call is not private. Evan is in the backseat still, listening. 
“I got a flight out tomorrow. Early,” Maddie explains. “Mom and Dad know I’m coming. I said something came up with your case and you’ll arrive not long after me.” 
“They must be confused,” Buck says. 
“They are,” Maddie confirms. 
“There’s another thing,” Buck says.
“What other thing?” 
“We’re being followed,” Buck explains. 
“Agents of some law enforcement agency or another,” Buck says. “They won’t identify themselves.”
“Are you in trouble?” Maddie asks.
“I don’t know. Bobby’s talking to Athena. I think we have to be careful,” he says. “Only stop in populated areas. Not get caught alone. Film them. That sort of thing.”
“Be careful then. Do what Bobby says.” 
“I am!” Buck insists. “I said we were being careful.”
“Yeah, well I know you. And I know how you get when you’re hurting.”
Buck frowns. Eddie had expressed a similar sentiment, hadn’t he?
“I’m gonna get him to Pennsylvania,” Buck promises her. “In one piece.”
She sighs. “Okay. He doing alright?” 
“You want to ask him yourself?” Buck offers.
“Sure,” she says. 
“One sec.”
He passes the phone back to Evan, who smiles gratefully as he takes it.
“Hi, Maddie,” he says into the phone.
They chat for a minute or so before Evan hands the phone back to Buck.
“Thank you,” Maddie says. “He seems okay.” 
“Yeah,” Buck answers. 
“I want both of you to be okay.” 
“We’ll be fine,” Buck promises. “I love you, Maddie.”
“I love you, too, Ev… Buck. I love you, too, Buck.”
They end the call, and Buck sort of thinks he wants to cry. But he can’t. Not with Evan here. A moment silence passes between them, and then once again, it is strangely not broken by Buck.
“What are they like?” Evan asks.
Buck frowns. “Who?”
“My parents,” Evan says. “Your parents, too. I suppose.”
Well that’s a change of attitude. They can share, apparently. You save a guy from unlawful arrest one time.
“Uh…” Buck doesn’t actually know how to answer. He can’t lie. He doesn’t want to give them any credit they don’t deserve. But… But maybe they’ll be different for Evan. Maybe?
“What?” Evan asks. “Don’t try to think of clever wording. Just answer me.”
Buck sighs. 
“They never liked me,” he admits. “I’m sorry. Maybe it’s because… Well. Mom always suspected there was something wrong. Dad always supported Mom.”
“Ah,” Evan replies. “So they’ll believe us?”
“Oh, for sure,” Buck nods. 
“Were they good parents otherwise?” Evan asks.
“No,” Buck admits quietly.
“Oh,” Evan says. “Just not to you or…”
“No, not to Maddie, either,” Buck answers. “Though they’ve been better since Jee was born. They never really recovered from losing Daniel.”
Evan stays silent after that.
Bobby comes back sometime later. He has a tight sort of expression on his face. 
“Everything okay?” Buck asks him.
Bobby looks at Buck, something serious in his eyes. Buck can’t read it. Doesn’t know what to think.
“Yes,” he says. “Yeah, everything is good.”
By the time they get to Hershey, everyone is tired and fed up of being in the car. Evan actually, surprisingly, is the least noticeably disgruntled. Not that anything bad happens or anyone argues or anything like that. They’re all cordial. Just when stops trying to be conversational - somewhere around Missouri - Buck knows everyone is ready for a damn break. 
“Why did they move here?” Evan asks when they’re nearing the small city. 
Buck inhales tightly. He doesn’t want to talk. Not about this. Even Bobby winces. Like he knows the timing on this is poor. But the thing is, Buck can still understand why he’s asking. Why did they leave his home and make it so hard for him to find them? 
“We moved after Daniel died,” Buck says. He thinks that covers it. Though, he is aware things are never that easy.
“Why? Why leave the only place with memories of him?” Evan asks.
In the passenger seat of the car, Bobby’s expression falls. He could answer that question better than Buck, couldn’t he? Bobby left the only place with any memories of his family. And unlike Buck, when he left Pennsylvania, there was never a chance of making any new ones. 
“Sometimes it’s easier to leave a tragedy,” Bobby mumbles.
“That doesn’t make sense,” Evan says.
“Not if you haven’t had one, no. I imagine it doesn’t,” Bobby replies. 
“People were also… Uh… Judgmental,” Buck explains.
“About their kid dying?” Evan asks. “That’s a little messed up.”
“No. About the lengths they went to save him. Having me… Uh, having you.” 
“What does that mean?” Evan asks.
Buck’s stomach drops.
“Oh my god. You don’t know?”
“Know what?” Evan asks.
“Of course you don’t. You were four. They weren’t going to tell you.”
“Tell me what?” 
Buck sighs.  “They only had you to save him,” Buck says. “The only reason they had another kid was to save Daniel’s life. To give him bone marrow. You - we - were only ever for spare parts.”
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warmaidensrevenge · 1 year ago
It's not a never.
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Pairing: Eddie x best friend!Fem reader
A/N: Hey loves. Hope you all had a great week. Tonight's fic is part one of two. I hope all you like it. As always thanks for reading. Kay love ya byyyye.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,045
Warnings: 18+ No minors please. Language, angst, sexual implications and not proof read.
Summary: New feelings? Yeah Eddie's got it bad.
Part 1
Eddie looked around the cafeteria table at his friends. “ Uhhhh you're joking…you gotta be joking…pfff that's hilarious.”
Everyone sat there in silence.
“ Guys? Seriously?! No way! No fuckin way!” He said, putting his hands up. “ Nope!”
He locked eyes with you and raised his brows. “ Common, you agree with me right?”
You averted your gaze to your lunch and shrugged. 
He looked at the imbecile that brought up the subject in the first place. “ You turned her against me!”
Gareth scoffed. “ Dude no. All I'm trying to say is that prom is like a highschool right of passage. I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss out.”
Eddie tuts and narrowed his eyes at him. “ Miss out on what exactly? Penguin suits?”
You answered his question. “ You guys don't have to wear tuxedos. You can wear all black. Like always.”
He shot you a look and you smiled at him.
He rolled his eyes. “ Okay how about shitty music?”
You answered again. “ They're bound to play something good.”
He gave snake eyes now to you and you stuck your tongue at him. 
“ Okay how about all of us are broke and we can't afford a limo?”
You opened your mouth to respond but he pressed his lips and widened his eyes at you.
Grant cleared his throat. “ Ehem. Well, you do have a van.”
Eddie licked his lips and looked at his lunch box. “ You guys are nuts. I'm admitting you all to Arkham…I-I can't believe you're trying to convince me to go to prom…Where the hell am I gonna find a date?”
“ Eddie, we're going together as a group. No dates.”
He looked up at you and you gave him a pout. God he hated when you did that. He could never say no when you put your lip out like that.
“Do you even own any dresses?” He asked sarcastically. 
When you beamed at him, he gave you a defeated look. You'd convinced him.
You smirked.“ Oh you'd be surprised what I have in my closet.” 
Eddie sat there and kept shaking his head while his friend talked about the plan for prom. 
He couldn't believe it. Eddie absolutely could not believe he was doing this. He was driving to a damn dance. It was the last thing in the world he thought he would be doing. Yet here he was. Pulling up to the last stop before prom. 
He lowered the music and parked in front of your house. He honked the horn and waited. 
A minute passes and he sees your mom open the door. She then motioned for them to come in.
Eddie sighed when he saw her waving a camera. This was not a night he wanted to remember. Or there to be any evidence of it ever happening. 
Everyone hopped out and walked to the house.
“ Oh my! You guys look sharp.” Victoria said, giving them each a hug.
Eddie grinned and gave her a warm embrace. “ Look who's talking. You look ravishing.”
Victoria playful slapped his chest. “ Oh you.”
“ Seriously Eddie? Dude, stop hitting on my mom.”
He turned his head to give you a smirk but instead his jaw nearly hit the floor. 
There was only one word to describe how you looked coming into the foyer in your off the shoulders black satin dress. 
That word along with your name in the same sentence was not normal. Well other than him saying (That nat 20 was beautiful y/n.)
But now you are beautiful. Not that he thought you were ugly or something. It's just he never thought about that at all. 
You were just one of the guys. A kid that liked to ride bikes and wrestle with boys. A kid that didn't care if you got dirty or cried when you scraped your knee. 
You were one of his best friends and up until now, he never saw you as anything more. 
“ Stop gawking dude.”
Your comment woke him up from his initial shock.
“ Ermmm. Y-you clean up alright kid.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “ Gee thanks. I appreciate that. You don't look awful yourself. I see you pulled out your funeral attire.”
He looked down at his black short sleeve button up and his uncle's black slacks. Along with his white Reeboks. 
“ Well you did say-” he looked up and you turned around and went to say hi to everyone else. 
You always did that. Whenever he was gearing up to argue, you would walk away. It always irritated the living fuck out of him. However, right now all he could do was smile to himself. 
Before the group pictures you had gotten each of them a white rose to pin on their shirt. Eddie watched you smile happily as you and your mom put them on.
When it was his turn, his heart started to race. You were so close to him, he could smell your perfume. It was sweet and floral. Playful yet sexy. Something he could smell forever. He could just bury his nose in your neck and die happily. 
He shook off the intruding thoughts and focused on your hands. 
“ OUCH!” He hissed.
You pulled your hands away and looked up at him worriedly. He grinned and thought your forehead looked so cute when you pinched your brows together like that. 
He grinned. “ Just kidding.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and mumbled under your breath. “ You dick.”
He chuckled and apologized.
You guys were sitting at a table near the exit in the gym. Talking amongst yourself. Eddie would have complained how they have been there for half an hour and the DJ has yet to play a passable song. Instead, he sat there wondering if he should ask you to dance. Would it be weird? No one else asked you yet. And he didn't think Gareth or Jeff would. Grant maybe. Because he liked all kinds of music and loved to dance. And he had a secret crush on you.
But Eddie had to beat him to the punch. He needed to know what it felt like to hold you close. 
Just as his mind went haywire, he felt you tap his thigh and began spelling something out.
‘U- ok?’
He glanced at you and nodded. He always did like how you guys secretly communicated. He put his arm on the back of your chair and started writing on your back with his thumb.
‘Yeah- u?’
He kept his thumb pressed against your skin. Loving the warmth radiating from it and how smooth it was.
You wrote back. ‘Hungry.’
He looked down at your salad plate and it was empty. While cursing at himself for declining his salad that he should have given you, he searched around for more food. 
He leaned in towards you when he found some. “I'll be right back.”
He got up and went for a plate when someone sat down in front of the one he was eyeing. He sighed and went on the hunt for another. It took a few minutes but eventually he was able to sneak one.  When he came back he saw that you and everyone else at the table had a dinner plate already.
You grinned at him. “ I spoke too soon. But I'll totally eat that one too.”
He shook his head. “ I think all of us are gonna need 3 servings of this. With how much the tickets cost, they could at least give us more than an ice cream scoop of potatoes and a chicken wing.”
You agreed with him and offered to take them out for burgers after.
You guys were in the middle of eating when yours and his song came on. You immediately put down your fork and wiped the corners of your mouth.
“ Mhmmm. Okay! Let's go.” You said standing up. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone looked at each other and got up too. Except him. 
“ Muuunnnnsooonn.” You sang out, walking backwards towards the dance floor. “ Common. This is our song dude. We have to.”
He chuckled while you pretended to cast out a line and start to reel him in. 
He had no choice. He had to join and belt out the song with you. 
What's goin on!”
While grabbing his hand, you started swaying with him and the others. 
“ And so I wake in the morning and I step outside. And I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream at the top of my lungs.
Eddie re-lived all the memories you and him had.
All the times he was bummed or sick. You would show up with food and sing that song. When you had a bad day at school or got anything less than a ‘A’ on an assignment, he would wrap his arms around you and rock you back and forth. Singing at the top of his lungs. Making you laugh like crazy. 
He liked hearing you laugh. Especially when you laughed so hard that you would let out a small snort. He also liked how your fingers felt, scratching his head when he had a headache. The way you hummed What's Up? always made him feel better. 
Even now, seeing you rock back and forth, singing your heart out. It made an alright night to one he'll never forget. 
A couple weeks went by and Eddie couldn't get you out of his head. After prom, everything went back to normal. Except his feelings. You weren't that kid anymore. You weren't just one of his best friends. 
In addition to being that, you were a girl who he wanted to hold. Maybe kiss and have sleepovers. Well, a different kind of sleepover than he was used to. 
He tried so hard to avoid you as much as possible during those weeks. But he eventually missed you, so he gave into whatever was taken over his heart.
All the times he hugged you hello and goodbye would last a little longer. He became more affectionate than he'd ever been. Random tickling you when it wasn't weird. Just so he could touch you. Or he constantly had his arm around your shoulders whenever you were together. 
He thought no one would notice since it was so close to graduation. But he was wrong. Apparently he was doing it so much that Gareth had to pull him aside and talk to him.
“ What the hell's going on man?”
Eddie's eyes went wide. The jig was up. “ Ermmm hmmm? What's up?”
Gareth crossed his arms and stood quiet. That's all he needed to do to get Eddie to talk. That and a stare down.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “ I…I don't know what happened…one minute she's who she's always been and the next, she's not.”
Gareth tilted his head to the side and remained silent.
Eddie clicked his tongue and shook his head. “ Look man, I don't know what I'm doing. All I know is that I feel different.”
Gareth straightened his head and raised his brows.
Eddie let out a long sigh. “ Fine! I like her. I like her, like her.”
Gareth smirked and put a hand on his shoulder. “ Welcome to the club.”
Eddie jerked his head back. “ What the hell does that mean?”
Gareth laughed. “ Dude! We all had a crush on her at some point. Remember when Jeff needed help with the spelling bee in the 6th grade?”
Eddie nodded.
“ Well she helped him for a whole 2 weeks. Jeff swore he loved her after that. And Grant…well you know he always liked her. But it really hit him when she decked Jenny for calling him fatso.”
Eddie was quiet for a second. “ W-what about you?”
Gareth put his hands in his pocket and gave him a thin lip smile. “Uhhhh…so I broke my arm once. Before you moved here…She helped me out a lot during that summer. She did my chores and helped cut up my food sometimes… You know, she was the only one who signed my cast.” He smiled. “ She's a great friend. She always has been. Honestly, I'm surprised it did happen to you sooner.”
Eddie licked his lips and put his hands in his back pockets. They had all liked you because you helped them out or defended their honor. But you hadn't done anything different with him. Besides you looking incredible at the dance, there was nothing that he could think of that made him like you like that.
“ S-so all of you guys still like her like that?”
Gareth shook his head. “ Nah man. I knew that it was just a crush. And Jeff, well Jeff's dating Connie. Grant…Grant still likes her. He even tried to kiss her.”
Eddie flexed his jaw. “ What?! When?!”
“ Prom.”
“ PROM?!”
“ DUDE!” Gareth hushed him up. “ Calm down. You left to get food and he tried. But she let him down gently. She said that she sees him as a brother. In fact, she sees all of us as family. And it would be weird if she dated any of us.”
Eddie's heart sank. Did you really think that about all of them or just the 3 stooges?
“ Look Munson, don't worry about it. It will go away.”
“ What-what if it doesn't?”
Gareth shrugged. “ Then talk to her. Maybe she can say something that will make you feel better about it.”
All of sudden Eddie felt hands on his hips.
“ Hey ladies! What are we gossiping about?”
He turned slightly to find you staring up at him. His heart fluttered seeing your amazing smile.
Gareth spoke up when Eddie couldn't answer.“ uhhhh nothing. Just talking about Mrs O'Donnells final.”
You huffed and grabbed his hand. Pulling it over your shoulders. Lacing your fingers with his. 
What did that mean? It was weird right? You and him were close. But now that he had feelings for you, everything you did seemed intimate.
“ Don't you guys worry, okay. I've helped both of you and you'll do fine. Then all of us are gonna walk the line and finally get the hell out of here.”
You looked up at him and beamed. Making him grin right back. 
There was a moment there where he thought that you felt the same for him. But that was squashed when you let go of his hand and hook your arm around Gareth’s. 
“ Now common. They're serving pizza and you know how I love pizza Fridays.”
He and Gareth chuckled and responded at the same time. “ More than us.”
You started for the cafeteria. “ You betcha!” 
A week later and Eddie still couldn't shake you. He just couldn't get past the thought of being with you. Or even if what he felt was just a hard core infatuation. But nothing could prepare him for the events of senior outing.
It wasn't camping or a field trip to Washington. It was a movie in the park. 
Sure, you guys could have rented a decent horror flick and binge out on snacks in your basement. But you argued that it was one of the last chances to hang out. So of course everyone went. 
Eddie was walking back with Jeff. Hauling bags of popcorn and drinks for everyone. As soon as he was close enough he caught your eye. You bit your lip and waved him over. 
He immediately felt butterflies in his stomach. 
When he sat down you scooted closer to him and covered his legs with a blanket you brought. 
You then grabbed your purse and pulled out his favorite candy.
He smiled and patted himself down. Pulling out a box of milk duds from his jacket pocket.
“ Awwww you remembered. Thanks.”
His eyes went wide when you gave him a peck on the cheek. 
He had only a second of shock before he tried to brush it off. “ Of-of course. I could never forget.”
You happily rocked side to side as you combined the candy and popcorn. Then you held out a bite for him. 
His heart started to race the closer your hand got to his mouth. 
He closed his eyes and let you feed him.
Under any other circumstances, this was totally normal. You were very affectionate. It actually annoyed him most of the time. However this time, it only served to make him think you actually did like him too.
As the movie he couldn't pay attention to kept playing, he tried not to think about his “crush”. But it was a battle he was losing. Every time you would laugh, it would warm his heart. Every time you guys reached for popcorn at the same time, your fingers would touch. All he wanted to do was hold your hand or pull you closer by your waist.
Then like a sign from above, the wind picked up. You moved closer to keep warm. Out of nowhere you rested your head on his shoulder and put your hand on his upper thigh. That's when his breath caught in his throat. He tried to clear it and ended up coughing. 
Without hesitation your reached over and lifted up your lemonade for him to take a sip.
He licked his lips and took a drink. After you put the cup down, you started tracing across his thigh. 
He gulped and nodded. “I uhh I'm gonna get us refills.”
He felt your eyes on him as he got up and grabbed your cup and his. 
While he walked to the snack bar he tried to talk down a chubby. This wasn't okay. The way you made him feel was agonizing. But in such a good fucking way.
When he hit the stand there was a huge line. 
Shit! He thought. 
By the time he got back to the spot, you had moved to sit between Gareth and Grant. That's when he noticed you wearing Grant's leather coat. He instantly got jealous. 
You looked up and gave him a small smile. “ Sorry Eddie. I got really cold while you were gone.”
He shook his head. “ It's cool. The line was long.”
Once he handed you your drink he plopped down and sulked.
Obviously his feelings weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
What the hell was he gonna do?
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dangerpronebuddie · 1 month ago
128, 74, 68, or 12. For the domestic shenanigans lol 🩷 also you're amazing hiiiiiii
Key, you are amazing hiiiiiii 🥰
I decided on 128 for you dear! (Under the cut bc tumblr hates me today):
“Don't touch me,” Buck hisses, “we're fighting.”
The pout on Eddie's face is almost enough to make Buck cave. Almost. 
“Come on, pleeeeease?”
Buck bites his lip to stop from laughing at Eddie's plea, and keeps chopping carrots for the soup he’s making. “No.”
“Baby, we talked about this,” Eddie persists, like a school kid tugging on his teacher's sleeve. 
“We also talked about the importance of honesty,” Buck points out, his voice hushed despite them being the only ones in the loft. Can’t be too careful though. The firehouse has ears.
Eddie snorts. “Look how well that’s working for us.”
Buck does snicker at that. “It was your decision to wait, my dear.”
“And it was your decision to make it seem like we’re having some big argument to throw Holmes and Watson off the trail, precious,” Eddie counters. 
Footsteps stomp up the stairs. “Speaking of,” Buck whispers. 
Eddie huffs and zips over to the couch, vaulting over it to flop into his seat and pretend to focus on the show that's playing. 
“Okay boys,” Hen says when she and Chim reach the top of the stairs. “What's going on between you two?”
Buck focuses on chopping the rest of his vegetables, letting the knife hit the cutting board with more force than really necessary. “Nothing's going on,” he says stiffly.
“Tell us that again, but this time try and make us believe it?” Chim leans against the counter Buck is working at and snatches a piece of carrot, tossing it into his mouth with a loud crunch. 
Buck plasters on a smile he tries really hard to fake. “There’s nothing going on.”
“Okay, we’re clearly not getting anywhere with you,” Chim huffs with a wave of his hand. He pushes off the counter and Buck half turns to watch the detectives interrogate his best friend. “You, on the other hand, can sometimes be surprisingly informative.”
“Nothing to be informative about,” Eddie says in his best huffy manner. He’s a better actor than Buck gives him credit for. Maybe it’s just that he’s never really been able to lie to Buck. And vice versa, if Buck’s being honest with himself. 
“One of you has got to give us something,” Hen prods. “This petty argument is throwing the whole team’s vibe off, and I refuse to spend another shift watching you two avoid each other when you should be…” She waves a hand.
Buck can’t see Eddie’s face, but he knows there’s a raised eyebrow and that scrunched up, adorably confused pout on his face. “Should be… what?”
“I believe the term is joined at the hip,” Chim declares. “Buck was practically in your lap three days ago, now he sits in the front seat of the engine just to avoid sitting next to you. Why?” he demands. 
“Maybe some of us just decided space would be a good thing,” Eddie snarks. Ooh, that’s a good one. Buck will have to praise him for that later. 
Buck tosses the vegetables he’s chopped into the soup pot and turns to see Hen leaning closer to Eddie, her eyes narrowed suspiciously. She sits upright with a gasp and points at him. “They’re dating!” she declares.
Buck drops his knife on the counter with a clatter. Eddie, remarkably, stays perfectly calm. Chim looks a little lost. “He just said they decided space would-” his face lights up like a damn light bulb- “Ooooooh yeah, they’re dating!” 
“That is decidedly not in the cards for us,” Eddie states, but Buck knows he’s about to fold. 
“Bullshit,” Hen scoffs. 
“And uh… just- just what makes you think something so outrageous?” Buck asks. 
Eddie turns to Buck and mouths outrageous? Buck shrugs helplessly. 
“Even when you two are fighting, the last thing either of you want is space,” Hen states matter-of-factly. “I seem to remember a lovers’ spat in front of the Charmin at-”
“Okay, let’s not go there,” Eddie says, waving her off. He looks at Buck again. “I told you a fight was a bad cover story.”
“Like your idea was any better,” Buck fires back, way too fond to care that they’ve been found out. 
“So you are dating!” Hen jumps up from her seat. “Please state the exact day and time this started.”
“And how it happened,” Chim adds. Buck raises an eyebrow at him. He simply shrugs. “There’s a second bet for that.”
Buck rolls his eyes and joins them at the couches, wrapping his arms around Eddie from behind. He presses a kiss to the top of his head, feeling just as light as when Eddie kissed him the first time. He knows the team is going to be insufferable for a while, collecting bets that may have been placed years ago. He can’t be too upset though. He always hoped he and Eddie were a sure thing, too. 
Send me a number!
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eddiiiieeee · 11 months ago
Hate myself for loving you!
Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Rockstar! Reader
warning: language and adult themes
enemies to lovers (slow burn)
events of upside never happened.
face claims for Miranda and Mark are Maryl streep and robert di naro
border/lace credit to @benkeibear
the songs mentioned and lyrics are current songs. they ARE NOT MINE. i will be listing the songs in a separate post. but imagine whatever song in a rock/metal sound.
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“absolutely fucking not.” Eddie scoffed as he glared and Mark, Corroded Coffins manager. The rest of the guys stayed absolutely quiet. “and why not Munson? mind you ever since you two started out they’ve always been on top of us no matter what! so what could possibly make you not want to make a song together! you both play the same genre so what the fuck is the problem now Munson?” Mark said as he glared at Eddie. “Problem is they are a fucking disgrace to rock music! simple.” Eddie said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“fuck no!” y/n said as she stared at Stacey in complete disgust, The girls looking over at y/n knowing the exact reason for her outburst. “and why not?” Miranda asked raising her eyebrows at y/n which wasn’t a good sign. “because… we always top their songs on the charts! we’d be doing them a favour if anything.” y/n said as she crossed her hands over her chest. Miranda wasn’t convinced. she knew there was a reason. but she just couldn’t put her finger on it.
“he threw a whole tantrum, said that he refused to sing with a bunch of disgraces to the rock world as he put it” Mark said over the phone as Miranda walked down the halls of their record label, walking back to her office as her assistant followed her. “threatening wouldn’t work….” Miranda mumbled as she moved to sit on her chair, behind her desk “i’m all out of ideas Miranda.” Robert huffed as Miranda rubbed the bridge of her nose “i’ll call you back Mark” Miranda said as she ended the call and stared at the frame on her desk. a picture of all the girls when they won their first grammy.
Eddie walked out the building and rolled his eyes as their cameras began flashing. it was a well known fact all over the world that Eddie munsons biggest enemy was paparazzi. they annoyed him too much. he put his glasses on before walking over to his car, pushing through the large crowd as he made it inside his car and drove off, not giving a fuck who was where. he just wanted to go home and relax. he took a glance at his glove box. knowing exactly what he’d hid in there. when he moved to open it he took a glance back at the street only to press on the break
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Eddie ran through the hallways of hawkins, in his first, was a paper. hes going to graduate. the most important thing right now was to find her and tell her that he’d done it. that he’d passed. he’d gotten to her locker right when she did, he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around before slamming his lips against hers as she let out a fit of giggles. once he put her down he looked at her as he wore the biggest smile she’d ever seen on his face. “what?” y/n giggled as she licked her lips, wiping off her red lipstick from Eddie’s face.
“i’m fucking graduating. i passed!” Eddie smiled as he handed y/n the paper, she grabbed it her smile soon after copying the same one he had on his face. “you did it! i’m so proud of you!” she smiled as she hugged him tightly. Eddie wrapped his arms around her waist again as he felt her arms around his neck. he took in her scent as he kissed the side of her head. “and since i did, i’m taking you out for dinner and then a lovely two course desert back at my place” he teased as he bumped their noses, causing y/n to smile as she gave him a peck “i’m not apposed to the idea” she smiled before watching as Dustin ran over to the two
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“watch it ya fucking asshole!” y/n yelled as she had pulled Robin back from getting run over, therefore their coffee landing all over the road. the girls were too caught up in making sure they were ok that they hadn’t noticed who the driver was. Eddie had noticed who he almost ran over, his face fell for a moment before he hit the gas and sped off. y/n glared at the car from the back cursing under her breath “i hate new yorkers.” y/n said as Robin chuckled “if you haven’t realised we are new yorkers” Robin said to which y/n rolled her eyes
“you wanna get another coffee?” Robin asked as y/n shrugged “sure, the asshole ruined mine anyway” she said as she put her hands back into her leather coats jacket as she and robin walked back into the store. Eddie gulped as he’d realised who he almost ran over, he rubbed his chest as he felt it tighten. their time together bringing tears to his eyes. it was all his fault. she hated him and it was his fault. she would never believe him. he missed her. ached for her. Eddie turned the radio on in hopes of it changing his mood. but he was met with her voice booming through the stereo. it was the song that made Glass Army the band that it is today. the song came out right after Corroded coffin released their first single, Vampire. which was dedicated to y/n. “up next! Glass Army’s hit song, I don’t care!” the radio host said as the song started.
Eddie remembers vividly the first time he heard the song. the hurt in y/n’s voice in the recording. which was kept in. it was her response to Vampire and Eddie knew it, because the cover of Vampire was a polaroid of y/n’s hand on Eddie’s guitar. her face didn’t show, it was just her hands around the neck of his guitar. they took the picture after y/n jokingly got long nails with bats on them for their prom. they looked great and that’s why Eddie took the picture, she had slipped on all his rings too. but the cover image to i don’t care was a bunch of polaroids, on fire. one of the polaroids were of Eddie’s old van and their tree carvings. of course, the E in the picture was burnt out but Eddie knew.
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y/n giggled as Eddie inspected each nail “that’s so fucking cool baby” Eddie chuckled as y/n smiled, moving to peck his lips before grabbing his hands and slipping his rings off, if this was in any other instance with someone else, Eddie would’ve caused a scene at his rings being taken, but it was y/n. he’d give her his soul and organs if she asked. y/n laid on Eddie’s bed as she grabbed sweetheart from next to her, placing it on her as she wrapped her hands on its neck in a way to show off her nails, Eddie grabbed his camera and snapped a bunch of pictures.
Wayne smiled as he heard their giggles through the walls. Eddie put the guitar and camera aside before he climbed on top of y/n, his hands on either side of her head, his lips ghosting hers as she stared into his eyes. their lips connected as they moved to the rythme of ‘still loving you’ by the scorpions in the back. “you know i love you?” Eddie muttered against her lips as her lipstick smeared off, she nodded kissing him again as she wrapped her arms around his neck to keep him close “i know ed’s…i know.” she muttered back
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hellfirehottie · 2 months ago
California Dreamin' - Eddie Munson
Chapter Thirteen - Do you wish that you loved me?
Chapter summary: Jason comes between Eddie and Nina. Will Eddie’s self doubt ruin his chance of happiness? 
GIFs are not mine, credit to the original creators! @buckleydiaz @dailystrangerthings @djo @psyche-edits
Content warnings: ANGST! Jason Carver is a dick. Breakup/Makeup, Hurt/Comfort, Insecure, self-hating Eddie. Insecure!Nina. Miscommunication, Eddie and Nina are bad at emotions and relationships. Chrissy mentioned, Eddie backstory, Nina backstory. Mentions of past abusive homelife (Nina in California.) and parental alcoholism. Tense argumentative situations (Nina and Jason), threat of violence, eventual reconciliation,  fluff, smut! (f!oral receiving), use of the word pussy, multiple orgasms, squirting, emotional, reassuring sex. Lots of (eventual) reassurance!!
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Chapter Thirteen - Do you wish that you loved me?
“It’s been so long that I’m forgetting what it feels like, 
But I’d rather not remind myself and leave it all behind. 
And I’ve tried so hard to fix it all but nothing seems to help, 
But I cannot hope to give you what I cannot give myself. 
Do you wish that you loved me?”
DYWTYLM - Sleep Token  
Wednesday / 1pm / Hawkins’ High School field
[Eddie and Nina are sitting on the grass of the school field on a sunny afternoon. Eddie is pulling on the tufts of grass and Nina is pulling out three cards from her tarot card deck.]
Nina: “So this card is your past card-“ [revealing a decorated card] “Ooh the seven of wands, interesting! And your present card is-“ [revealing another card] “Ooh the two of cups, that’s a good one,” [turning over another card] “And your future is- the lovers, very exciting.”  Eddie: [endearingly watching Nina] “Tell me what it all means.”  Nina: “So the seven of wands symbolises some sort of struggle or challenge you’ve had to overcome, that you’ve had to defend yourself from. The two of cups indicates romance- “ [she looks up at Eddie who winks at her, she blushes] “And healing. All that good stuff. And the Lovers-“ [a football lands on Nina’s deck, splattering the cards everywhere] “Hey, watch it asshole!” 
[Jason walks over to Eddie and Nina and picks up his ball, standing on Nina’s cards.]
Jason: “What is this, Freaks United?” 
[Eddie scoffs and looks back down at the grass, not wanting a fight.] 
Nina: “Ooh sick insult Jason, must have used plenty of precious brain cells coming up with that one.” 
[Eddie snorts lightly to himself] 
Jason: “Something funny, freak?”  Eddie: (tired) “Fuck off Jason, take your ball and go.”  Jason: [ignoring him] “So are you two together, huh?” [Eddie becomes flustered, uncomfortable] “You need to be careful Nina, women aren’t safe around him, are they Eddie? You sick freak!” [the jocks around Jason murmur in agreement, egging him on]  Nina: [getting ready to stand up] “What did you say-“ [Eddie pulls her down, she looks at him confused, then looks back at Jason] “Just back off Carver, I don’t have time for this shit.”  Jason: “Seems like you won’t have much time left at all now you’re hanging out with Munson the Murderer here.”  Nina: (angry) “Jason, will you just!-“  Eddie: [grabbing Nina’s arm, dragging her up from the floor, pulling her away] “Just leave it Nina, let’s go.” [he grabs their bags and walks them towards the school doors]  Jason: [calling after them] “That’s right, walk away, coward! You know I’m right! That’s ‘cause you’ve got a damn guilty conscience!”  Nina: [annoyed, yanking her arm away from Eddie] “Eddie! What the hell was that? You hate Jason, why did you let him talk to you like that?!”  Eddie: (defeated) “Drop it, Nina.”  Nina: “Are you serious?! You never back down to Jason, You can’t-“  Eddie: (frustrated, pained) “‘Cause it’s true!” [Nina flinches, he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, heart hurting and torn] “Just forget it.” [He picks up his bag and walks away from Nina] “I’ll see you later, Nina.” 
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[Nina is left in the doorway, speechless. Eddie gulps away his tears as the school bell rings and the corridors fill with students.] 
7:45pm / Forest Hills Trailer Park
[Nina stands nervously at the door of Eddie’s trailer. His bedroom blinds are shut and there is no noise from inside the trailer. Nina paces back and forth on his doorstep, then takes a deep breath and knocks on the door. After no answer, she knocks again louder this time.] 
Nina: (cautiously) “Eddie, it’s me…” [she pauses] “Are you home?” 
[Eddie is sitting in bed, the covers up to his shoulders, torn whether to answer the door.] 
Nina: [concerned, frowning, touching the door] “It’s okay if you don’t want to talk, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 
[Eddie’s bottom lip quivers and he hides further into his duvet.] 
Nina: (defeated, solemn) “I guess you’re not home… Hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow then.” [she turns to walk back to her car, disappointed] Eddie: “Wait!” [the front door swings open. Eddie looks broken, hurt] “I’m here.”  Nina: (torn) “Oh, I thought you weren’t home.”  Eddie: (lying) “I didn’t hear you, I had music playing.”  Nina: [frowning, awkward laughter in her voice, uneasy] “Oh, okay. Just you usually have your music deafeningly loud, you can hear it from outside the trailer park.”  Eddie: (lying) “I had headphones on.”  Nina: “Oh.” [taking a step forward] “Are you okay?”  Eddie: [sniffling] “Fine.” [he looks at Nina shuffling awkwardly on the spot, he is conflicted] “You?”  Nina: “Also fine.”  Eddie: “So we’re both fine then.”  Nina: (hurt) “Yes, we are.” (nervously) “Have I done something wrong?”  Eddie: [immediately] “No, no, you’ve done nothing wrong.”  Nina: [bravely, taking another step forward] “I’m sorry if I overstepped with Jason - “  Eddie: (dismissive) “We don’t need to talk about this,”  Nina: “-What he was saying was bullshit and I’m worried I’ve pissed you off somehow cause you were supposed to meet me after school and you didn’t show up and-“  Eddie: (defensive) “I wasn’t feeling too good,”  Nina: “And I haven’t heard from you so I wanted to make sure-“  Eddie: (snappy) “I’m fine, okay!” [Nina shakes, startled, blinking in shock, Eddie softens] “You should go.”  Nina: [she takes a step backwards] “Go? Go where?”  Eddie: “Home-I mean Robin’s, anywhere, you shouldn’t be here.” [looking around, conserved] “You shouldn’t have come.”  Nina: “But I-“  Eddie: “I’m serious, Nina. This was a mistake.” [Eddie’s voice cracks] “Jason is right. I can’t prot- you should go home.”  Nina: “But Eddie,”  Eddie: [choking up, heart breaking] “It’s for the best. I’ll see you around, Nina. No hard feelings, right?” [he closes the door, leaving Nina tearing up]  Nina: (hurt, confused) “Eddie?” (pleading) “Eddie!” 
[Behind the door Eddie’s face is muffled into his elbow to suffocate his loud, pained sobs.]
Lover’s Lake / 10:30PM 
[Eddie is sitting on the dock at Lover’s Lake. He is pulling the petals off a daisy he has found. His eyes are red and his face is puffy.] 
Eddie: (to himself, sullen) “Call Nina,” [he pulls a petal off] “Leave Nina alone,” [he pulls a petal off] “Go find Nina,” [he pulls off another petal] “Let Nina go,” [he pulls off another petal, hardened] “Stop being an asshole and go get Nina,” [he pulls off another petal, sighing, voice guarded] “Give Nina the peace she deserves.” [he sighs and throws the daisy into the lake. He tugs at his hair fiercely, heart sunken and aching.] 
I don’t want to let you go, he thinks. 
The daisy floating on the water reminds him of the daisy chain Nina made him. He thinks back to the time they sat on the dock only a few weeks ago…
“We could come here when we get scared, y’know?” 
“This can be our safe place.” 
[Eddie scoffs at his naivety.]
Eddie: (sniffling, bitter) “Jason is right, I can’t protect you. You’re better off without me.” [he dips his fingers into the water] “I’ve got to let you go.” 
[Unbeknownst to Eddie, Nina is walking down to the dock. She stops when she sees Eddie sitting staring at the water. She hides behind a tree and watches him, concerned.]
Nina: (to herself) “What are you so scared of, Eddie?” 
The Buckley’s house / 11:20pm
[Nina is lying in the bath. The water is now barely warm causing her numb body to shiver. She dunks her head under the water, letting the water calm her mind. She can faintly hear someone talk nearby.] 
Robin: (echoed underwater) “Nina? Are you okay? Nina!” [Nina emerges from under the water, gasping] “Nina? You good?”  Nina: (breathless) “Yeah,” (sniffling) “Yeah, I’m good.”  Robin: (appalled) “Are you doing number two?”  Nina: “What? No!” Robin: “Good, ‘cause I’m coming in.” [she opens the door]  Nina: (screechy) “What! Robin!” [trying to cover her naked body with her hands] “Robin! What the hell!”  Robin: [sitting on the toilet seat, blasé] “Relax, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” (cheeky) “Nice tits, by the way.”  Nina: [annoyed, flicking water at her] “What do you want, dickhead?”  Robin: “You’ve been in the bath for like, an hour, I’m just making sure you’ve not drowned.”  Nina: (dryly) “Very much alive, thank you very much, now can I-”  Robin: “You only have your weird mermaid bath time when you’re anxious about something. Spill.”  Nina: [sighing, giving in, lying back in the bath] “I think Eddie and I are over.”  Robin: (appalled) “What! What the hell happened? I swear I’ll kill his curly haired ass-”  Nina: [glum, playing with the water] “I don’t know what happened… He was meant to meet me after class and he never showed… I went to the trailer and he told me to go home and shut the door on me.” [voice thick with tears] “No hard feelings, those were his words.”  Robin: (enraged) “Is he stupid? What the hell is his problem?”  Nina: “I don’t know, I don’t know what happened.” (quiet, insecure) “I don’t know what I’ve done wrong.”  Robin: (sighing) “Walk me through it, honey.”  Nina: “We were sitting on the field and I was reading his fortune and he just started acting weird, all defensive.”  Robin: (confused) “Was his fortune bad?”  Nina: “Not at all! Pass me the shampoo please?” [Robin passes her the shampoo] “And then Jason-” [Nina realises, she deflates] “Oh, crap.” [she rubs her face, stressed] “I think I fucked up, Rob.”  Robin: “What happened? What did Jason do?”  Nina: “Jason’s dumb basketball landed on the deck. I got annoyed and argumentative and Jason was trying to start a fight. Eddie kept wanting to go and leave it but I wouldn’t let him.” (worried) “I was defending Eddie and I must have embarrassed him, emasculated him maybe?” [chewing her thumb, bothered] “Jason asked if we were together and Eddie seemed embarrassed and wanted to leave, is that it? Does he not want to be seen with me?”  Robin: “Wait, wait, go back. What were you defending Eddie over?”  Nina: “Jason was saying some bullshit about how women aren’t safe around him. Called him Munson the Murderer.” [sunken, guilty] “Said I should be careful around him, that I’d end up dying too.”  Robin: [putting her head in her hands] “Oh, damn it Jason.”  Nina: (oblivious) “What? What have I missed?”  Robin: “You know how Eddie told you about Chrissy, the girl who died in his trailer? Jason was Chrissy’s boyfriend. When Eddie was accused of her death, Jason and his gang of jumped-up assholes went on a witch hunt for Eddie. Baseball bats, the lot.” [Nina’s heart sinks and she winces] “Before Chrissy died Eddie was picked on enough, but after she died, even after he was exonerated of her murder, Jason made Eddie’s life a living hell.” [Nina tears up] “Even though Eddie is more or less back to his old self again, whenever anyone mentions Chrissy, he totally shuts down.”  Nina: “Oh.” 
Thursday / 1PM, lunchtime / Hawkins High School
[Nina marches angrily down the corridor. When she sees Jason, she grabs him by the shoulders of his jacket and slams him into the lockers.] 
Jason: “What the? Are you crazy?!”  Nina: (determinedly) “You need to leave Eddie alone.”  Jason: (laughing, cocky) “What? Now Munson’s got a girl fighting his battles?” [his friends laugh]  Nina: [slamming him again, enraged] “I’m serious Carver! You need to back the hell off!”  Jason: “Are you for real?” [People start to look at the commotion, it gets Eddie’s attention as he enters the corridor. Jason gets close to Nina’s face, smug, Eddie clenches his fists] “What with that little tyre stunt he likes to pull, I’m pretty sure Eddie is going to get what’s coming to him.”  Nina: [losing patience] “You need to drop the macho bullshit and move on. The rest of this town has, why can’t you?! Are you that sad and pathetic that the only joy you can find is making other people’s lives miserable?” [A few people in the corridor chuckle to themselves overhearing the argument, Jason puffs his chest, embarrassed] “Or are you destined to spend the rest of your meaningless existence hurting other people, until you find yourself all alone like you truly deserve?” [the crowd “oooh”s, Eddie begins to push his way through the crowd]  Jason: (wounded, bitter) “Take that back, bitch.”  Nina: (riled up) “Or what? You’ll hit me?” [angrily pushing him again] “Seems like you enjoy hurting people, why don’t you pick on someone who’ll bite back for once?” [she shoves him again, he clenches his jaw] “Or are you so insecure that you only go for the defenceless ones? Don’t think people haven’t noticed the way you treat people “beneath you” Jason, you’re a disgrace.”  Jason: “You and Eddie are insane, you know that?! You’re both batshit crazy! All that metal music and satanist bullshit is making you both disturbed and deranged. You both don’t belong in this town. I’ve put him into the dirt more than once, I’ll happily do the same to you.” [he rolls up the sleeves of his jacket]  Nina: [smug, pulling a hair off his jacket] “Better hope I’m not into that witchy satanist shit or you’ll be first on the voodoo doll, jackass.” [He goes red in the face and clenches his fists.] Eddie: “Okay, time to go!” [he grabs Nina in his arms and manhandles her down the corridor before she can lunge at Jason]  Nina: [angry, calling back to Jason in Eddie’s arms] “You better watch your back, Carver!”  Jason: (jeering) “Damn, Munson, you need to keep your bitch on a tighter leash!” [Nina lunges for Jason again, Eddie pulls her away] 
[Eddie drags Nina outside and bundles her into the passenger seat of his van. Nina is too angry to realise where she is, red faced and angrily gesturing around her. Eddie slides into the driver’s seat and turns to Nina.] 
Nina: (furious) “Dumb-fucking-peabrained-fucking-macho-bullshit-thick-headed-wanker, I swear to fucking god-” Eddie: (amused) “Got enough curse words in there, sweetheart?”  Nina: (still angry) “They’re sentence enhancers Eddie, and don’t interrupt, I wasn’t finished.”  Eddie: [grinning at her] “Apologies, carry on.”  Nina: [waving her arms wildly] “Thick-headed wanker, what is his problem?! How do you put up with that bullshit?!” Eddie: (sighing) “You get used to it. I don’t let it bother me as much anymore. Well, I shouldn’t let it bother me as much.” (teasingly) “You’re cute when you’re angry.”  Nina: (deadpan) “Eddie…”  Eddie: [smirking] “And I found it strangely sexy.”  Nina: [now laughing] “Eddie! I’m being serious!”  Eddie: “You stuck up for me.”  Nina: (embarrassed) “Yeah, that’s what you do for people you l- care about, isn’t it?”  Eddie: (fondly) “Yeah.” 
[Nina returns Eddie’s fond look, then her face turns grey with sadness. She remembers the conversation from last night and her body deflates.] 
Nina: (sadly) “I better go.”  Eddie: (desperate) “Nina, wait, I-“  Nina: “I’ll see you around, right, Eddie?”
8pm / Eddie’s trailer
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Eddie: [slamming the receiver down on the phone] “Damn it!”  Jonathan: “I know things are kinda bad right now but don’t take things out on the phone.”  Eddie: (freaking out) “I’ve fucked this up, I’ve lost her, I-“ Jonathan: “You’ve not lost her.”  Eddie: (screechy) “She won’t even pick up the damn phone!”  Jonathan: “Maybe she’s out?”  Steve: (deadpan)  “I called Robin, she’s definitely not out.”  Eddie: (sarcastically) “Gee, thanks Steve.” (spiralling) “I can’t believe I’ve lost her, I’ve completely fucked this up. This was all a big huge mistake, I never should have tried to end things with her, I thought I was doing the right thing!” [slumping in his seat, gritting his teeth, bitter] “I can’t believe I’ve blown my damn shot over Jason fucking Carver.”  Jonathan: “You can still fix this!”  Eddie: (frantic) “How?! She could barely look me in the eye! You should have seen her face, I broke her!”  Steve: “I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think!”  Eddie: (frustrated, angry with himself) “I told the girl with severe trust issues, the girl who let me in and trusted me, the girl I might actually be supposed to be with, to leave! That we were a mistake!” [sitting with his head in his hands, choking back his tears] “I stood her up like a coward, and when she came looking for me, I told her to go home.” (devastated) “I shut the door on her, man. No hard feelings I said.” [tugging at his hair] “Jesus, she should have kicked me in the nuts.”  Steve: “Well, when you put it like that…” [Jonathan shoves him and mouths “helpful!” ,  Steve scrambles to pick Eddie’s mood up when Eddie groans] “But she still cares! I mean, Jesus, Eddie, she was ready to bundle Jason into his own locker this afternoon! She was defending you, she obviously cares about you.” [Eddie’s heart flutters at Steve’s confession] “Look, all you need is some damage control.”  Eddie: (confused) “Damage control?”  Steve: “Yes, damage control, a romantic gesture of some kind, sweep her off her feet-“  Eddie: “Yeah, easy Patrick Swayze, this isn’t some chick flick, I don’t know how to do romance.”  Steve: [clapping his hands together, sassy] “Alright then, Eddie, I hope you and your hand have a very happy lonely life together…”  Eddie: (frustrated) “Alright, alright!” [sighing] “What do I do?”
Nina’s room / 10:52PM 
Eddie: [throwing pebbles at Nina’s window] “Nina! Nina, open your window!”  Nina: [grumpy, opening the window] “It’s late, Eddie.”  Eddie: (desperate) “I need to talk to you.”  Nina: “Go away Eddie!”  Eddie: (stubborn) “I’m not leaving until you talk to me. I’ll hold a giant speaker over my head and wake up all your neighbours.” Nina: (argumentative) “You don’t even own a giant speaker.”  Eddie: (challenging) “Are you sure you want to risk that?” [Eddie and Nina eye each other, neither backing down] “Alright, maybe I don’t have a giant speaker-” [Nina smirks, victorious] “But I have a very loud radio in the van and a large collection of Metallica tapes that I’m sure your neighbours would love.”  Nina: “You wouldn’t.”  Eddie: “Again, are you sure you wanna risk that?” [Nina remains unmoving by her window, arms folded. Eddie sighs dramatically and walks to his van, opening the door.] “Alright, I hope Richard and Melissa Buckley and their wonderful neighbours enjoy the soothing guitar tones of Kirk Hammett.” [He leans over and goes to press the radio.]  Nina: “Wait!” [Eddie turns around, hopeful.] “Don’t turn the music on, please.” Eddie: (pleading) “Nina…” [Eddie looks at the torn look on Nina’s face, his stomach quivers with nerves.]  “Can I come in?” [Nina huffs, he gives her pleading eyes] “Please?” 
[Nina rolls her eyes but nods. Eddie climbs up the lattice and through the window.] 
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Nina: (dryly) “If I had a dollar for every time you climbed through my window, I would have two dollars. It wouldn’t be a lot but it would buy me a milkshake.” Eddie: “Or it would get you some-“ [he reveals the bouquet of roses hiding behind his back] “Flowers.”  Nina: [trying to hide her smile] “That was cheesy.” (confused) “How the hell did you climb up the window with them?”  Eddie: (sheepish) “Just put down my jeans, they didn’t touch my balls, I promise!” [Nina raises her eyebrow at him, amused but trying not to show it. Eddie squirms, embarrassed] “Guess I could have said in my mouth huh, that would have been less embarrassing.” [self deprecating] “Though I guess I deserve thorns to the testicles.” [Nina snorts dryly] “I need to talk to you.”  Nina: (short) “So you said.”  Eddie: “I…” [sighing] “I’m sorry. I fucked up…” [he perches on the edge of her bed, Nina seems so far away from him] “I never should have shut you out, literally. I just, what Jason said, it hit a nerve. I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”  Nina: (insecure) “I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong.”  Eddie: “Nothing! You did nothing wrong! You-” [he cups her cheek, looking at her with loving eyes] “Amazing you, defended me. You did nothing wrong.” [sighing, can’t look Nina in the eye] “I need to be honest. I got in my head about what Jason said and thought that, y’know, maybe he was right, that you’d be better off, safer, without me.” [fiddling anxiously with his rings] “I thought I was doing you a favour by letting you go.”  Nina: “You could have spoken to me, we could have talked about it.”  Eddie: “I didn’t want you to think of me as weak or pathetic.”  Nina: “Why would I ever do that?”  Eddie: [shuffling, uncomfortable, fiddling with his rings] “Girls like manly, tough guys, right? Ones who don’t show any insecurities and shit.”  Nina: [softening, sitting next to Eddie] “Speaking on behalf of womankind, we like good communication and sensitivity.” [poking his nose] “So when you feel like this, talk to me, yeah?” [Eddie buries his face in his hands, trying to hide his tears] “Eddie, are you crying?” [She hears Eddie sniffling and pulls him into a hug, stroking his hair comfortingly] “Come here, honey.” Eddie: (embarrassed) “I can’t believe I’m crying in front of you.” [sniffling, rubbing his eyes angrily] “How pathetic.”  Nina: [patting Eddie’s hair] “It’s not pathetic at all. I want you to come to me with this kinda stuff, not keep it bottled in.”  Eddie: (teasing) “Hypocrite.” [Nina snorts with laughter and Eddie smiles through his tears, feeling comforted by the warmth and scent of Nina] “There’s something else that I need to tell you.”  Nina: (concerned) “Yeah, Eddie?”  Eddie: [holding Nina’s arms, sincere, looking deeply into her eyes] “I need you to know that I’ll never hurt you. And I’ll always protect you.”  Nina: (confused) “Eddie…”  Eddie: “I mean it, Nina. I’ll do everything I can to protect you. I’ve failed and been a coward in the past but not with you, I won’t let you down.”  Nina: “Eddie… I know you won’t.” Eddie: [tearing up again] “You’re safe with me, you’ll always be safe with me.”  Nina: (quietly) “I know.” [she pulls Eddie into a hug, he lies on her chest, crying quietly] “I know.”  Eddie: [rambling, frustrated] “And I’ll keep you safe from people, safe from your Mom, from Jason,  I’ll keep you safe from anyone or anything that would hurt you.”  Nina: (concerned, thoughtful) “I know darling, I know.” 
[They lie in silence for a while, Eddie between Nina’s legs, his head resting on her chest as she strokes his hair. He hums with content, eyes and cheeks stained red with tears, his breathing calming down.] 
Nina: (amused) “You can’t buy me roses every time you fuck up, you know.”  Eddie: (nonchalantly) “I know. But there’s always lilies, sunflowers, daffodils-“ [Nina shoves him playfully, he grins wide, dimples showing, then sobers up] “What I mean is, I just wanted to show you how sorry I am. I should have just spoken to you about it.”  Nina: “I’m sorry for antagonising Jason too, I didn’t like how he spoke to you and…” [sighing] “I just wanted to protect you.” [Eddie smiles at the floor, heart warmed] “I’m sorry. Are you mad?” Eddie: (softly) “No, no, I’m not mad.” [heart pounding] “I’m… flattered. Nobody, well, except for Dustin, has ever done that for me before.” [nonchalantly] “I reckon any girl willing to stand up for me is one worth keeping around.”  Nina: (smirking) “On a leash, right?”  Eddie: (fondly, looking at the ground) “Right.”  (nervously, twiddling his rings, fake nonchalance) “So… are we good then? Me and you?”  Nina: “You and I.”  Eddie: (grinning) “You and I.”  Nina: [coming closer] “Yeah, we’re good.” [she pecks him on the cheek. Eddie turns his head at the last minute, catching her lips, kissing her passionately with his hands in her hair, taking her breath away]  Eddie: “Sorry, couldn’t resist.” [reluctantly pulling back] “I should probably go now.”  Nina: [dazed, love sick] “Okay.”  Eddie: (grinning, dimples popping) “I’ll see you tomorrow?”  Nina: “Goodnight, Eddie.”  Eddie: “Goodnight, beautiful.” 
Friday / 1:15pm lunchtime / Hawkins High School
[Eddie and Nina are in the corridor towards the end of lunchtime.]
Eddie: “So are we still on for tomorrow?”  Nina: “We’re going to Steve’s, remember?” [Eddie groans] “We’ve got study group and babysitters club. We can do something after, though.”  Eddie: [dramatic, rolling his eyes] “Jesus, how much studying does one group need?”  Nina: (teasing) “Lots, if it’s going to get your dumb ass to graduate!” [Eddie gawks, pretending to be wounded, throwing himself on the linoleum floor of the corridor] “Eddie! Get up!” Eddie: [rolling around, dramatic] “Can’t, you think I’m a dumbass, I’m wounded!” 
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Nina: “Eddie! Get up!” [students are looking at them, Nina sees them and gives them an awkward smile, turning her attention back to Eddie] “Eddie, people are looking, get up!”  Eddie: [lying on the floor still, mischievous] “Tell me I’m a genius and I’ll get up.”  Nina: “You should know I don’t respond to blackmail.” [Eddie thrashes harder, faking injury] “For God’s sake boy!” [quietly, hissing] “You’re a genius, now get your smart ass up off the floor!” Eddie: [jumping up with a cheeky grin] “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”  Nina: [shaking her head, amused] “You’re a dick.”  Eddie: “But I’m your dick.” [Nina playfully shoves him]  “What about tonight then?”  Nina: [smiling, pulling Eddie back to her by entwining their fingers, they walk down the corridor holding hands] “We can do something tonight.” 
Eddie’s heart flutters in his chest. He sees other students looking at their joined hands as they walk past and anxiety fills his stomach, his palms sweating. But then he turns to Nina and sees how happy she is; walking down the corridor together, smiling brightly. His heart could burst with pride. 
[He pulls back his hand, Nina giving him a confused look as he wipes his sweaty palm nervously on his jeans, before taking her hand in his again. She smiles warmly as he rubs his thumb over her hand. 
Eddie shrugs off his leather jacket and drapes it over Nina’s shoulders. Nina beams happily, a sweet blush tinting her cheeks. Eddie looks at her fondly, proud.]
Eddie: “I’ve always wanted to do that.” [Nina blushes redder and Eddie loves it] “Meet me by the back door later?”  Nancy: [walking over to join the two] “Nina, Principal Higgins wants to see you in his office.”  Nina: [frowning] “Why?”  Nancy: [shrugging] “I don’t know, he just asked me to get you when I went past his office.”  Eddie: (annoyed) “This has Carver written all over it.” [Nina looks at him, concerned] “I’ll speak to him, tell him it was me-”  Nina: “Hell no, I’m not letting you do that.”  Eddie: (unimpressed) “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been in the office for the same thing, doubt it’ll be the last.”  Nina: “Regardless, I’m not letting you get in trouble for me.” [She gives him a quick peck on the cheek to which he blushes red, caught off guard by the public display of affection. Nina walks off before Eddie can reply] “I’ll meet you by the gym door!” 
[Nina walks to Principal Higgins office, knocking on the door and entering when called in.] 
Principal Higgins: (warmly) “Sit down Miss Sloan.” [Nina awkwardly takes a seat in front of the principal’s desk] “I’m assuming you know what this is about.”  Nina: “If this is about Jason I-”  Principal Higgins: “Jason? No, this isn’t about Jason. Yet. Would you care to elaborate on that?”  Nina: [eyes wide] “It was nothing, it was a minor argument.”  Principal Higgins: [looking at Nina suspiciously] “If you say so. I’ve actually brought you in today to talk about your home life.”  Nina: (confused) “My home life?”  Principal Higgins: “We’ve had a few phone calls from your mother. She seems…” (uncomfortable) “Unwell.”  Nina: (deadpan) “You mean drunk.”  Principal Higgins: (awkward) “Yes. And we are aware through Chief Hopper that she has been in contact with Hawkins Police too and it has raised a few questions about your welfare.”  Nina: “Oh god, this is so embarrassing.” [can't look him in the eye] “I’m sorry you’ve got involved.”  Principal Higgins: (reassuringly) “It’s my job to be involved, and to make sure that you’re safe.”  Nina: (awkwardly) “I am safe.” [with pause] “Now. I’m safe now I’m living with Robin and the Buckleys. Things have been…” [uncomfortable, fiddling with her rings] “Difficult. But they’re picking up now.”  Principal Higgins: “Can you tell me more about that? And your life back in California?”  Nina: [laughing through her discomfort] “I thrive on dysfunction apparently.” [face dropping] “But I’m happy here. I feel more…” [struggling] “At peace. I want to let go of California and focus on building a life here.” [worried] “You’re not unhappy with my work here, are you?” Principal Higgins: “Not at all! As far as school goes, you seem to have made yourself comfortable very quickly.” [smiling reassuringly] “Good grades and a good bunch of friends, you’ve adapted well.”  Nina: (confused) “Then pardon my abruptness, but what is the issue?”  Principal Higgins: [sighing, taking off his glasses] “Nina… We are concerned about your wellbeing. Your mother calling has raised several safeguarding issues.” [polishing his glasses] “We’re worried you’re bottling in your emotions and not dealing with them. We’d like you to start having hourly therapy sessions with our school guidance counsellor, Miss Kelly.”  Nina: [laughing, dismissive] “Oh I don’t think-”  Principal Higgins: “It’s not up for discussion, I’m afraid. A few teachers have noticed you seeming… absent in classes.”  Nina: [taken aback] “I… I can try harder, I just have trouble sleeping sometimes, it makes early classes hard, I can try-” Principal Higgins: “This isn’t a ‘telling off’ Nina, it’s a check-in to make sure you’re okay.” [putting his glasses back on] “We’d like you to see Miss Kelly every Tuesday during your free period, maybe twice a week when exams begin. I know you’ve been doing a journal under her guidance, we’d like you to continue with that too.”  Nina: (protesting) “But-” 
[The school bell rings signalling the end of lunch.]
Principal Higgins: “That’s all, Miss Sloan.” [Nina’s heart sinks, she swallows the lump in her throat, picks up her bag and heads for the door] “Oh and Nina?” [Nina turns around to face him, blinking back her tears. Principal Higgins gives her a small smile] “I think it’s in both you and Jason’s best interests to stay away from each other for a while, hmm?” [Nina smiles weakly and closes the door behind her]
For the rest of the day Nina desperately tries to concentrate on her lessons, but finds herself struggling to concentrate on her work. She doodles on the back page of her notebook, tears occasionally welling her eyes, before she sniffs and blinks them back. Her doodles turn to angry squiggles and she rips the page out of her book, crumpling it into a ball. She looks up and sees the teacher looking at her with concern. Nina smiles an awkward smile, mentally thanking the school bell for ringing, letting her escape for the weekend.  
Eddie: “Hey sweetheart, how did it go?”  Nina: (blankly) “It was fine.” (distracted) “Just a slap on the wrist, nothing major.”  Eddie: (serious) “You should have let me go with you-”  Nina: [tight lipped] “It’s fine Eddie, it’s okay.” [Eddie looks at her frowning, she puts on a fake smile] “Just had to promise not to do it again.”  Eddie: (annoyed) “Jason is such an asshole.” [shaking his head, getting riled up] “Higgins too, what a jackass!”  Nina: (weakly) “Can we just drop it? It’s done now.”  Eddie: [taken aback] “Sure.” [they walk out of the door side by side, Eddie sensing Nina’s solemn mood] “Are you okay?”  Nina: (stubborn) “I’m fine.” [turning to Eddie, softening when she sees his concerned look] “I’ll be fine.” 
[Eddie wraps his arm around Nina’s shoulder, pulling her closer to him as they walk. She rests her head tiredly on Eddie’s shoulder as they walk to their cars.]
Eddie: “Do you still want to do something tonight?” [Nina nods, smiling] “Are you sure? We don’t have to-”  Nina: “I’d like to.” (awkward) “I can’t promise I’ll be much company, but I’d like to be with you.” [Nina blushes as she realises what she has said] “I mean-”  Eddie: [smiling reassuringly] “I know what you mean.” (cheeky) “Race you back to mine?”  Nina: “Winner gets my pudding cup I didn’t have at lunch.”  Eddie: [running to his car] “Oh, you’re on.” 
Eddie’s Trailer / 4pm
[Eddie is sitting on the couch grinning as he eats his victory pudding cup, Nina rolling her eyes at him as he does.]
Eddie: “So, what do you wanna do?”  Nina: [shrugging, in her own world, quiet] “I don’t mind, I’m easy.”  Eddie: (concerned) “Are you sure you’re okay?”  Nina: (dismissive) “Why would I not be okay?”  Eddie: [smiling at her] “You’re doing your dismissive joking thing again, love.” [Nina looks at him confused, then frowns as she catches on] “It’s okay, it’ll take time to get used to it.” [He turns to his side to face her] “But you should know that I’m asking because I genuinely care.” Nina: [looking away from Eddie, tearing up, not wanting to show him] “I’m fine.”  Eddie: “Nina…” [holding her chin to make her look at him, eyes softening when he sees her glassy ones] “Talk to me.”  Nina: [tears welling, stubborn] “I’m fine!”  Eddie: [frowning] “You don’t have to lie.”  Nina: [arms raised, defensive] “I’m not lying, I’m fine!” [Eddie looks at her, hurt. She softens, crumbling] “Okay, maybe I’m not fine.” [she sighs, sitting down next to Eddie, brushing her stray tears angrily] “I don’t think I’m doing as well as I think I am.” [sniffling] “I think it’s just been an emotionally overwhelming week, I’m okay.”  Eddie: [Guilty, brushing her hair back, earnest] “Talk to me.”  Nina: “It’s just…” [struggling for words] “Principal Higgin’s is making me see Miss Kelly, the guidance counsellor, as well as doing this dumb journal thing.” [shrugging, nonchalant, tears still flowing] “‘Cause of the whole Jason thing. And the whole Mom thing.”  [laughing through her tears] “I guess I have a lot of things.”  Eddie: (thoughtful) “Maybe going to Miss Kelly wouldn’t be a bad thing.” [Nina looks at him confused] “Might be good to have someone unbiased to talk to about these things.” [Nina’s eyebrows raise] “Because I’m sure my advice of ‘fuck them all’ or hiding in bed in the trailer isn’t the most helpful.” [Nina giggles] “Worth a shot, at least.”  Nina: [smiling] “Eddie Munson, you continue to surprise me. You might just be Eddie the Wise after all.”  Eddie: (mischievous) “And you’re Nina the Scruffy.” [Nina looks at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Eddie cheekily picks up some chocolate pudding on his finger and smears it on her nose] “Look at you, making a mess!” [Nina gawks, gobsmacked, eyes alight with amusement, rubbing at her face] “God, Nina, can’t even eat chocolate pudding without getting it everywhere!” Nina: [laughing] “You little shit!” [Eddie is in hysterics laughing] “You’re such a douche!” [Eddie pulls her in close, rubbing the rest of the pudding off her face, licking it off his thumb. Nina stares at him as he does, watching him lovingly.] Eddie: [kissing the tip of her nose] “Missed a bit.” 
[Nina smiles in response, sighing peacefully. She lies down on the couch next to Eddie, head on his lap.]
Nina: “Would you play something on the guitar for me?”  Eddie: [smiling down at her, playing with her hair] “Sure. What song?”  Nina: “Surprise me.” [Eddie gets up and grabs his acoustic guitar, sitting beside Nina as she shuffles on the couch to watch him] “Eddie?”  Eddie: “Yes, sweetheart?”  Nina: (fondly) “Thank you.” 
Later that evening
Eddie: [getting comfortable on the couch, pulling Nina into him] “So, what do you wanna watch?”  Nina: (sleepily) “I don’t mind.” [cuddling into Eddie] “We can watch whatever you fancy.”  Eddie: (cheeky) “Think you’d find it a bit weird if I sit and watch you, sweetheart.”  Nina: (laughing quietly) “That was terrible.”  Eddie: (concerned) “You okay down there?”  Nina: “M’okay. Just tired.”  Eddie: “Have a nap if you want?”  Nina: [hopeful, visibly exhausted] “Yeah?”  Eddie: “Of course. You can go in my room, I’ll wake you in a few hours.”  Nina: (quietly) “I wanna stay here.”  Eddie: (warmly) “Then you can stay here.” 
[Eddie shuffles around on the couch to allow Nina to cuddle in. Nina turns over and cuddles into his chest, head lodged under Eddie’s chin. Eddie grabs Nina’s leg and throws it over his own, stopping her from slipping from the couch. 
Nina hums contently as Eddie pulls over the blanket from the back of the couch, draping it over their bodies. She releases a soft sigh and shuffles closer to Eddie, nose nuzzling against his neck.] 
Eddie: (softly) “Better?”  Nina: “Better.”  Eddie: “Get some sleep, doll. I’m right here.” [he presses a gentle kiss on her forehead and she falls asleep.] 
Later still…
Eddie: “Hey there, sweetheart.” (fondly) “Sleep well?” [Nina yawns tiredly in response and snuggles further into Eddie, Eddie chuckles fondly] “Not ready to wake up yet?”  Nina: [muffled into his shirt] “Five more minutes.” Eddie: (lovingly) “Okay, gorgeous.” [Eddie strokes her hair and she practically purrs, Eddie smiles happily down at her.]  Nina: (tiredly) “What time is it?”  Eddie: “It’s twenty past seven. Are you hungry?”  Nina: (yawning) “Not really, you?” [Eddie’s stomach growls as if on cue] “Apparently so.”  Eddie: (sheepish) “I didn’t want to wake you.”  Nina: (awake now) “Eddie! You should have woken me up!”  Eddie: (protesting) “But you looked so peaceful, I didn’t want to move you!”  Nina: (laughing lightly) “Idiot.” (quietly) “Thank you.” [cuddling back into Eddie] “How about I make us some of my famous mac n cheese?”  Eddie: (excitedly) “What makes it famous?”  Nina: “I add extra cheese.”  Eddie: [eagerly] “Up and at it, woman, I want mac n cheese with extra cheese!”  Nina: [nuzzling into Eddie again] “In five minutes.” 
Later still…
[The end credits of the cheesy romcom are playing on the television.] 
Nina: (softly) “I think we should go to bed now.”  Eddie: “Yeah? Still tired?”  Nina: [eyes electric] “No, not tired, honey.”  Eddie: [hopeful, heart racing with anticipation] “Yeah?” [Nina nods, her eyes flicking to Eddie’s lips. Eddie responds by holding Nina’s head in his hand and crashing his lips on hers] “Oh god, I’ve missed you so fucking much.”  Nina: [climbing onto Eddie’s lap, both hands tangled in his hair] “I’ve missed you too, Eddie.” [Eddie wraps his hands around Nina’s thighs and lifts her up; wrapping her legs around his waist as he walks them to the bedroom. He lies Nina down on the bed and continue kissing passionately] Eddie: [brushing Nina’s hair away from her face] “I thought I’d lost you.” (emotional) “I was wrong to freeze you out like that, Nina, I’ll never do that again.” [he kisses her lips, then nuzzles into her neck, lips ghosting her throat, speaking softly in her ear] “I care about you so much and I thought that I was protecting you by keeping you away from me,” [he kisses behind her ear] “But I want to be by your side and protect you from anything, everything, together.” [he kisses her forehead] “You stood up to Jason, for me, nobody has ever done that before.” [he kisses her nose] “I’m such an idiot for not knowing how lucky I am.” [kiss on the lips] “To have such an amazing,” [he kisses her cheek] “loyal,” [he kisses the other cheek] “beautiful girl like you.” [he kisses her lips again]  Nina: (tearing up) “Eddie…”  Eddie: “Lemme finish, Nina, please.” 
[Eddie continues kissing Nina all over, trailing down her neck, over her chest, down to her stomach. He bunches up her shirt, kissing along the exposed skin above the material of her skirt, sliding his hands up her shirt until he can pull the shirt over Nina’s head. He continues to kiss, lick, bite and suck at Nina’s stomach and chest, leaving her restless in Eddie’s bed.]
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Nina: (breathily) “Eddie… what are you doing?”  Eddie: [reaching for the seam of Nina’s underwear] “Showing you how sorry I am.”  Nina: [putting her hand on top of his] “You don’t have to do that, Eddie.”  Eddie: “I want to.” [he kisses along her hip bones] “I really do.” [he continues kissing her hips] “I want to show you how much you mean to me.” [he looks up at her with pleading, loving eyes] “Please baby, let me show you how much I care.” [lips against her stomach, looking at her intensely] “I want to so bad, please let me show you?”  Nina: “Y-Yes.” 
[He kisses between her hips, his lips trailing kisses down over her underwear, then pressing a firm kiss over her entrance. Nina gasps as Eddie uses his tongue to like a soft stripe up her folds over her underwear, Eddie’s eyes watching how Nina shivers from his touch.] 
Eddie: “Tell me what you want, Nina.”  Nina: “I want you, Eddie.”  Eddie: [licking a stripe over her again] “Tell me where.”  Nina: (whimpering) “Eddie…”  Eddie: (determined) “Tell me, baby.”  Nina: “I want you to touch me, baby, kiss me, lick me, please…”  Eddie: (groaning softly, half hard) “Fuck…” [he kisses her over her underwear and she whimpers, reaching for Eddie’s hand] “Where? Tell me where.”   Nina: (shyly) “My… my pussy, Eddie, please, touch my pussy…”  Eddie: (breathing deeply, aroused) “Good girl.” [He links hands with Nina, tongue licking her again, she wines] “I’m here, beautiful, I’ll take care of you.” 
[Eddie uses his teeth to pull down Nina’s underwear, she lifts her hips up and Eddie pulls them down the rest of the way and throws them onto the floor. He entwines their fingers once again as he peppers kisses over her mound. Nina spreads her legs eagerly, sighing peacefully as Eddie gently kisses her clit. He softly licks gentle circles on her clit and Nina trembles, her head pushing into the pillow behind her head.] 
Nina: (blissful) “Feels good, baby.” 
[Eddie hums in response, licking her clit up and down. Eddie’s eyes light up as Nina moans lightly as she squirms in anticipation. The tip of his tongue explores all of her, kisses every part of her. Nina moans louder as Eddie sucks on her clit, soothing over his action with a thick hard lick and a kiss.] 
Eddie: [mumbled into her wetness] “I wanna try something…”  [Eddie cautiously uses the tip of his tongue to trace the outside of Nina’s entrance. His eyes go wide with awe when Nina’s head pushes further into the pillow behind her, hands clawing at the pillow, biting her lip hard as she moans loudly]  Eddie: “Does that feel good, Angel?”  Nina: (restless) “Mmm, yes, oh fuck yes, do it again, Eddie, please!”  Eddie: “Anything for you, my love.” 
[Eddie slowly traces the circumference of Nina entrance again, probing his tongue further inside her. She wails and grips onto the bed sheets, struggling to keep her legs still.] 
Eddie: “Has anybody touched you like this before, baby?”  Nina: (panting) “No, not like this…” [her eyes roll back as Eddie continues the movements of his tongue] “Never like this. Jesus Eddie, that feels so good.”  Eddie: “Those other guys clearly haven’t been treating you well enough, princess.” [sloppily kissing her clit, her legs jolt] “I’m glad sweetheart, ‘cause I wanna make you feel so fucking good. Would do this every damn day if you’d let me.” [he moves his tongue back to her entrance, pushing it all the way inside, and uses the tip to stroke down her walls]  Nina: “Oh my god, fuck!”  Eddie: “Taste so fucking good, angel, can’t get enough.” Nina: “Fuck, fuck, fuck! Oh my god, Eddie, don’t stop doing that, please, do that again!”  Eddie: (teasingly) “What, this?” [he strokes her walls with his tongue again]  Nina: (tearing up, trembling) “Yes, that! Oh god, that!” [her hand grips Eddie’s hair hard and he grunts, his eyes twinkling with lust. He wraps his arms around her thighs to keep her legs still and repeatedly licks over the same spot inside her] “Fuck, Eddie, right there, oh!” [Nina becomes desperate, Eddie is struggling to keep her pinned to the bed] “Please, please Eddie, don’t stop, feels so fucking good, I can’t-!” [she rests on both elbows to watch Eddie as she lifts her hips to ride Eddie’s tongue, Eddie’s eyes close contently and he hums with satisfaction; getting off on Nina using his face.] “Oh fuck!” [She lies back on the bed, restless, frenzied.] Eddie: (growling) “You are so goddamn beautiful like this.” 
[Eddie moves his hands from holding Nina’s legs apart to sliding them up the bed, entwining his fingers with Nina’s again. They hold hands as Nina’s chest heaves intensely and Eddie relishes at the sight. 
Her legs tense and her back arches off the bed, her head slams into the pillow and she bites onto it to muffle her moans of pleasure. Her toes curl Eddie begins to feel her tighten around his tongue, he moans and reaches the furthest point inside her, causing Nina to see stars and her eyes water.] 
Nina: (hoarsely) “Baby, I’m coming, holy fu- oh!” [her whole body tenses while Eddie continues his tentative deep licks inside her, eyes glued to the way Nina’s body arches off the bed and the way the sheen of sweat makes her look iridescent in the moonlight.] “Oh Eddie, Eddie, I- Oh!” [Without warning, Nina gushes over Eddie’s tongue. Eddie hums with satisfaction as he continues licking inside her, relishing every last drop of her climax.  Nina pants as she begins to come down from her high, dazed] “Oh my god.” Eddie: [kissing and licking all over her soaked cunt greedily] “Enjoy that, sweetheart?”  Nina: (dazed, panting) “Yes, oh yes.”  Eddie: (matter of fact) “Good, ‘cause I’m not finished yet.”  Nina:  (breathless) “You’re not?”  Eddie: “Nope.” [kissing her clit] “Want the whole of damn Hawkins to know you're my girl.”  Nina: (groaning) “Jesus, Eddie…”  Eddie: “Always gonna take care of you,” [he kisses her clit, sliding two fingers inside her, she whimpers, her insides pulsating] “Gonna protect you,” [he licks hard on her clit, she whines] “Gonna love you,” [Eddie curls his fingers inside her and she writhes in the bed, her fingers gripping the crumpled sheets. Eddie kisses and licks at her clit, causing Nina to moan loudly] “Mean the whole damn world to me.” [Eddie comes up for breath, scattering kisses across her thighs and hips] “Never gonna leave your side again.”  Nina: [tears streaming down her face, legs shaking] “God, Eddie!”  Eddie: (dreamily) “It’s just you and me Nina, us against the world.”  Nina: (in bliss, loudly) “Yes, oh god, yes! Just you and me, baby.”  Eddie: (taunting, smug) “Don’t you mean ‘you and I’?”  Nina: (laughing airily) “Not the time, Munson.” [Eddie twists his fingers as they slide in and out of her, her laughter is broken my moans] “Can’t concentrate when you do that, fuck!”  Eddie: “Feel good, angel?”  Nina: “So fucking good.”  Eddie: (smug) “And who’s making you feel so fucking good?”  Nina: “You, baby, oh god Eddie, you! Eddie, ‘m so close baby, please make me cum.”  Eddie: [he moans against her] “Can never say no to you, princess.” [he moves his fingers quicker, deeper] “Especially when you say stuff like that.”  Nina: (desperate, needy) “Clit, baby, harder on my clit, please!”  Eddie: “Like this?” [he pushes his tongue harder on her clit, then shakes his head back and forth to roughly stimulate her clit] 
[Nina’s eyes roll back and she grips Eddie’s hair tightly; she begins to shake once again, pressure building inside her] 
Nina: “Eddie, Eddie I think- oh I’m gonna squirt, please, slow down!”  Eddie: (excitedly) “Really?”  (growling, determined) “Do it, c’mon, gimme it baby.”  Nina: (whining) “But I’ll make a mess!”  Eddie: (possessive) “I don’t care, give me it, make a mess all over me baby, wanna feel you soak me.”  Nina: “Okay, just- Oh fuck!” [Eddie strokes that spot inside her which makes her see white; her legs clamp shut around his hand but Eddie continues his movements with his fingers, sending her crashing over the edge.] “Eddie!” [She screams Eddie’s name as her body convulses; she squirts over Eddie’s fingers as he rubs her clit vigorously. She whimpers as she comes down from her climax] “S’too much, Eddie, no more, I can’t!”  Eddie: [gently licking her clean, kissing her all over] “Okay, princess, no more.” [he kisses up her body as Nina lies exhausted in the bed, then presses a gentle kiss on her lips] “Did so good for me, baby.” [Nina hums happily in response, kissing Eddie lightly] “Am I forgiven now?”  Nina: (smiling tiredly) “You were forgiven anyway, dumbass.” [sighing contently, body weak] “That was amazing, Eddie.”  Eddie: (eager for approval) “Really?”  Nina: (laughing airily)  “I think the wet patch I’m lying in is evidence enough.” (content) “I’ve never done that before.”  Eddie: (surprised) “Really? None of your other boyfriends made you squirt?”  Nina: (honest) “No, never.”  Eddie: [jumping up from the bed, fist pumping the air] “Fuck yes! Critical hit!”  Nina: (fondly, adoringly) “I hate you.” 
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Taglist: @soph342
Next chapter: Chapter Fourteen - Rain (part one)
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ashwhowrites · 4 months ago
Hello, I love your stories and I hope you can make my fun request
Can you do Eddie Munson x Death fem reader
So hear me out let's say there in the upside down (11 and everyone isn't in California there in Hawkins and in the upside down with them and while they where chilling out in the upside down when Steve got hurt all of the sudden they heard whistling and turned and see a badass fem reader and walked up to 11 and starts toying with her (just like the wolf from puss and boots yk Death and when they figured out she's actually death they somehow get her a change of heart (after she tried to kill 11 and showed off her power a bit) and her and Eddie fall in love or Eddie falls first.
Sorry if it’s long
This was actually so fun and I loved writing the Death character. So if anyone else loves it, feel free to request ( once they are open ) for more death reader. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
Death was inspired by Rio from Agatha all along, won't lie. But the Death character is NOT Rio. If that makes sense. Just don't think Aubrey plaza is the reader because she's not, just was an inspiration so I wanted to give the credit to that.
Lady Death
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"I FUCKING hate these bats," Steve growled. Nancy sat on her knees as she tried to cover Steve's wounds.
"What the hell is this place?" Eddie asked once he caught his breath. All he knew was that he jumped off a boat and was in a hell pit.
"The upside down," El said. She was looking around, almost like she felt the presence of something no one had seen yet.
"Oh great, so I have to fight to survive in the normal world, and now I have to survive in this sewer-type place? And this girl has powers?" Eddie asked frantically. He knew somewhat of everything that was going on, he just didn't believe it was a real place.
"Dude, I've already told you all of this!" Dustin argued.
"No offense, kid. But I figured you were full of shit!'" Eddie spat.
"Guys! Quiet," El demanded. Everyone went silent as they looked at her. She closed her eyes, trying to feel what was wrong. "There's something here," she whispered.
"Yeah, flesh-eating bats!" Steve hissed.
Before anyone could say anything, El was flung across the ground.
"EL!" Mike shouted, running over to her. But before he could come in contact with her, she was evaluated into the air. The gang watched in horror as she seemed to be held up by her throat, by an invisible force.
"What's going on?" Robin panicked. Nancy worked faster to clean up Steve.
The sound of someone whistling filled their ears. The gang all turned to see a woman walking towards them. She was dressed in a skin-tight green bodysuit, holes on the sides that showed skin, a green crown on her head, and a dangerous smirk playing on her lips.
Everyone stared at her in fear and awe. She was incredibly beautiful, but nothing alive behind her eyes.
"Poor little El, not so strong anymore, huh?" The lady mocked, she flicked her wrist and El fell to the floor. Mike raced over to her, this time able to collect her body in his arms.
"Who are you?" El asked, panting as she took air into her lungs.
"She's Death," Eddie said in awe. Everyone looked at him shocked, how did he know who she was?
Even she was surprised. She was fast, appearing in front of Eddie in seconds as she gripped his neck. Eddie tried to cover up the fact that he was incredibly turned on by her harsh touch.
"Who are you?" she questioned, Eddie blushed under her studying eyes. She took in every inch of his face, something about him was familiar.
"Edward Munson," he choked out. The gang didn't move an inch, staring at the two.
"How do you know who I am?" She released his throat to allow him to speak. She flicked her wrist and everyone in the gang was thrown to the ground. They were stuck, not able to move a muscle.
Eddie was a little scared, looking at his friends and some people he barely knew trapped under her power.
"I've read about you. You collect souls, right? El was supposed to die from Vecna but she escaped. Unfinished business and now you have to finish her," Eddie explained, "am I right, Y/N?"
Y/N stepped away from the boy. She felt uneasy that he seemed to know everything. No one was supposed to know who she was until she took their soul, of course.
With her distracted, the gang ran over to El. El was quick to use her own powers, sending Y/N in the air and harshly crashing into the ground. Her head hit the ground with a thud and her body went still.
"LET'S GO!" Steve yelled, the gang nodded and all ran to make their escape. Eddie went to follow but when he took a look at Y/N's limp body on the floor, he stopped.
"Eddie, come on!" Dustin said, gesturing his hands to show that everyone was leaving.
"We can't just leave her," Eddie argued, against his better judgement he walked towards her.
"You said it yourself, she's Death. I think she's capable of handling a bump on the head," Mike sassed. He was annoyed that Eddie seemed to care about a stranger that was more than willing to kill El.
Eddie ignored Mike's words, kneeling down as he rolled her body over. There was a gash on her head, blood running down the side of her face. Eddie didn't have anything on him to help, but he ripped the end of his shirt and tied it around her head. He watched as his white shirt began to stain with her blood, but he didn't mind.
She couldn't die, he knew that. But he wouldn't feel right leaving her behind with no help at all.
It's been a few days since the encounter with Death, and she was in everyone's head ( just for different reasons.) El thought of her as a new enemy and most of the gang were terrified to know they were that close to Death.
But she was in Eddie's mind for a different reason. When he was younger he loved reading about death and what happened in the afterlife. He learned what death was, who death was. She's been around for centuries but never aged. Still the beautiful girl, who lost her soul too young.
Eddie often felt a connection to her. She didn't have a family, or any friends. People were scared of her, banished her, leaving her alone for years and years. She was like Eddie and Eddie was just like her. He was alone and banished in his own way, but they had much in common.
He couldn't leave her behind because he understood the pain of being alone. The pain of everyone running away, terrified. He wanted her to feel cared about for once.
Something about Eddie humanized her in a sense. She hadn't felt anything in her body since she died. She didn't feel emotions, her heart, not even her lungs. But when she was near him, touching and seeing him, she felt a beat in her chest. A flutter in her stomach.
Her body felt alive
She was able to trace where he lived from the property of his shirt. She carried the blood stained shirt in her hand as she walked through the woods, looking for his trailer park.
She felt that same beat in her chest as she walked past a small trailer. Random chairs in the front and an ash tray by the door. She walked away, the beat in her chest decreasing. With furrowed eyebrows, she walked backwards, the beat increased.
"Well look at that, having a heart is good for something," she scoffed, turning in the direction of the trailer.
She didn't knock, using her powers to fling the door right off the hinges.
Eddie was brushing his teeth when he heard his front door slam a wall.
"Shit!" He swore through his foamy mouth. He figured a big gust of wind blew through the door but when he came out, he saw Y/N standing in his house. His toothbrush hung from his mouth as he stared at her in shock.
"On-mf-e-sec-mff," he said through the foam. He turned and raced back in his bathroom to spit out the paste and rinse his mouth. He jumped when Y/N appeared behind him.
"Um, hi," Eddie said, staring at her reflection. She stood tall behind him, peaking over his shoulder. Her hair was down, framing her face. She was in her death clothes, the tight bodysuit making him gulp.
"You gave me this," she spoke bluntly. She held his shirt, hanging from her fingertips. He turned around and grabbed the shirt, tossing it to the floor.
"Thanks for bringing it back," he smiled. She flinched as she felt her heart race. But recovered with a smile.
"You're welcome," she said, turning around and walking out. Eddie followed, confusion on his face.
"Wait, where are you going?" He asked, moving to cut her off. Her body slammed against his and she stepped back. Her face stone cold.
"I dropped off the shirt. That's all that needed to be done," she said. Eddie frowned, thinking about how the only time she's in someone's presence is to kill them.
"Hey, you know you can be around people for fun, not just take their souls," the comment sounded like he was a dick but he was genuine about it. He closed the door and moved to his couch, patting the seat next to him.
She eyed him, moving cautiously and sitting next to him. "Well, thank you," she smiled. "And thank you for helping me."
"You don't have to thank me. I promise my friends are kind people, they just had to fight for their lives a few too many times," Eddie sadly laughed.
"You haven't?" She asked, Eddie could feel her eyes. He turned his head to look at her, trying not to get lost in her eyes.
"I have, I just understand how it feels to be the one that's left behind. I've studied you my whole life and you're not as scary as the books made you seem."
Y/N was in awe of the softness he showed and offered her. She couldn't remember when was the last time she got to be in someone's company.
"And by far more beautiful in person," he said, softer and quieter than before. Her heart fluttered and she felt her skin getting warm.
She felt shy, moving her head to hide away but his hand reached out. She jumped slightly at the feeling of his hand on her warm cheek. The eye contact felt intense, like she was in a trance and unable to look away. She didn't want to anyway, she wanted to stare at him all day long.
"You know, since you brought back my shirt. I think I owe you for your kindness," he whispered. Her stomach flipped as a small smile formed on his face. His perfect pink lips stretched as his white teeth were on display. She turned her head to the side, questioning him.
"You hungry?" He asked, "for food not souls." He clarified. She couldn't help but giggle at his words.
"I could eat," she smiled. He smiled back, standing up and grabbing her hand. He was prepared to go right out the door but then he stopped.
"Would you maybe feel more comfortable in..uh-" he stuttered, still feeling the effects of her suit clinging to her body and showing off her figure. "Comfier clothes?"
"What are the options?"
"Steve, if I hear you moan and bitch about the bats one more time, I will cut you myself," Robin threatened.
"I'd like a little support here! I could've died!" Steve argued. Nancy laughed to herself as the two began to argue. Jonathan had his arm thrown around her shoulder, looking down at the menu.
Eddie walked in, his hand in hers as he looked around for an open table. He was shocked to see Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan at a table.
Steve looked up and his eyes locked on Eddie, and then the girl next to him. Eddie gave him a small wave but turned the other direction, leading Y/N. They sat at a table, with her back to his friends.
Steve raced over to their table, he wanted to see if his eyes were seeing things. But as he made it to them, his eyes were right. Eddie was holding hands with Death.
"Can I talk to you?" Steve asked, his eyes on Eddie.
"One second," Eddie said, softly kissing her hand before he let go.
The two huddled over to the side, Steve whispering harshly.
"Are you insane?"
"She's still a person!" Eddie argued
"She's a killer, Eddie. You can't just get sucked into her looks. She's evil."
"She's not! It's a job. She doesn't kill randomly. She only goes when she's called. There's some human inside of her, I'm going to bring it out. She just needs someone to show her" Eddie explained.
"You are going to risk yourself and all your friends because you want to find the human in her?" Steve scoffed, "I don't believe there's any human in her," Steve looked over at the table. She sat drumming her fingers as she twirled a knife in the air with her powers.
Eddie sighed, knowing she wasn't helping his case.
Steve noticed a look in Eddie's eyes. He was desperate and he had this soft look when his eyes cast over her.
"You fell for her already, didn't you?" Steve chuckled. It was nice to see Eddie had a romantic side to him. Steve remembered the feeling of falling in love for the first time.
"Yes," Eddie sighed. "Which I know is crazy but trust me, she came to my house and do you know how easily she could have killed me if she wanted to?"
Steve sighed, he nodded his head. Sometimes he hated being a good friend.
"Well," he puffed, landing his hand on Eddie's shoulder, "Enjoy your date. And the gang will need to hear all about it."
The hand that was on Eddie's shoulder was suddenly ripped off. Steve cried out as his arm was bent backwards behind his back and slammed into a wall.
"Y/N!" Eddie hissed, taking her body off of Steve's.
The rest of the gang looked at the commotion, fast on their feet to run to Steve.
"Sorry!" Y/N said, a look of shock in her eyes. "I felt something burn in my body and lost it."
"From what?" Steve asked, his eyes huge as he sassed the girl, who he now noticed was dressed in Eddie's clothes.
"You touched Eddie," Y/N shrugged. She wasn't exactly sure herself.
"What's going on?" Robin asked. Quickly looking Death up and down, which didn't go unnoticed by Eddie. He snapped his fingers and Robin looked at him.
"Well," Steve said as he rubbed his arm, "looks like Eddie and um Y/N here are on a date."
The gang were shocked, not sure what to say.
"And she's the jealous type," Steve added through his clenched teeth.
"I'll stop by later and talk yeah? I'd like to enjoy my date," Eddie said as he slipped his hand into hers.
"Uh sure," Nancy said, still giving the two a weird look. Jonathan kept quiet, but he was just as confused.
The gang walked back to their table, Robin looking over her shoulder as the two sat back down.
"How the hell did he manage to swing her? She's way too hot for him," Robin scoffed.
"Oh little Rob, we'll get you your own little Death lover," Steve teased.
Within a few months, Y/N was around more often. She was glued to Eddie's side whenever she could be. Eddie loved it. He loved always having someone on his arm, and he wasn't mad about the kisses that were always placed on his skin.
The gang accepted her, a little on edge at times but she was mostly harmless. It was clear that the two were head over heels for each other in their own ways.
The times she was called to do her work, Eddie waited in his trailer. His heart warming when she appeared back within minutes, claiming she missed him.
Then she'd slide in his lap, Eddie's hands landing on her hips. He rubbed his thumb against her skin, thankful for the holes in her suit. He was guilty of getting hard whenever he saw her dressed in her suit. She was Death so of course she was mean about it. Rocking her hips against him as she slowly kissed his lips.
She was his and he was hers.
Who knew Death could make someone feel so alive.
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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munson-blurbs · 1 year ago
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086: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader Series
Chapter 002: The Devil Has Come to America
Summary: Following orders and toeing the line is your specialty, but when Patient 086 tries to bargain with the doctors, you're tempted to step out of your comfort zone.
Warnings: dark themes, mostly canon-compliant (Eddie lives), violence, blood, restraint, amnesia, abduction, that scene at the end of S4E9, flashbacks, drug/alcohol use
WC: 5k
Divider credit to @saradika
October 30, 1984
“Have you seen the new guy?” Heather giddily asks you and Carol through a mouthful of macaroni salad. A soft blush creeps into her cheeks as it often does when she gets flustered. 
Carol nods enthusiastically. “He sits in front of me in algebra.” She offers a smarmy grin as she tucks into her own lunch. “Let me tell you, I might actually show up to class every day if I get to stare at his ass all period.”
Heather laughs, covering her lips with a manicured hand. “Don’t let Tommy hear that,” she jokes.
“Don’t let Tommy hear what?”
Carol swats at her boyfriend as he sits down next to her, giggling as she explains the situation. “We were just talking about the new kid, Billy…something-or-other.” She waves it off; clearly, the shape of his butt is more important than his last name. “I think he’s from California.”
Tommy nods knowingly. “Yeah, I have phys ed with him. I was gonna see if he wants to go out for basketball this year. He’s pretty damn good.”
“Better than King Steve?” Carol snickers, reaching onto Tommy’s lunch tray and swiping a French fry. “Or should I say, Mr. Nancy Wheeler?”
Heather laughs at this, too, but you can tell by her unnatural lilt that it’s forced. She’s been doing that a lot more often lately–pretending to be amused by Carol and Tommy’s antics just to fit in with them.
Tommy throws a letterman jacket-clad arm around his girlfriend. “And, uh, speaking of dudes who are totally whipped,” he says under his breath, eyes sweeping to the corner of the cafeteria where the Hellfire Club sits. You know exactly what he’s looking at; sure enough, when you drag over your own gaze, there’s Eddie Munson, staring longingly at your table. 
“Ooh, I’ll bet he’s gonna be selling at Tina’s party tomorrow!” Carol flashes you the grin you only get when she needs a favor. “Can you talk to him? You know he’ll give you a discount.”
Never mind the fact that you didn’t smoke, or that the last time you’d done this for her, she hadn’t paid you back a single cent. The question is a simple formality: you will get cheap weed from Eddie, whether you like it or not. 
“Y’know,” Tommy breaks in smarmily, eyebrows raised like he’s offering classified information, “I heard he flunked last year on purpose so he could keep selling at high school parties.”
“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. He could’ve graduated and still swung by to sell.”  The retort spills from your lips before you can stop yourself, but it’s true. It’s not unheard of for recent grads to pop in to snag some beer or jungle juice. 
Your words are met with glares from Tommy and Carol; Heather’s foot brushes your own with a dual meaning of are you okay and don’t get us in trouble. 
“Sorry,” you mumble, desperate to avoid the unwanted social consequences that await you and Heather if you mess this up. “I can, um, talk to him at the party tomorrow.”
Flirting with him for discounted pot doesn’t sit right with you. But since Heather is your only friend, and she’s now friends with Carol, you can’t risk losing her. 
You let yourself look over at the young man who’s been harboring a crush on you since this school year began, feeling a pang in your heart. This is the last time, you tell yourself, and then I’m done leading him on. Carol can buy her own shit, full price. 
But when you hear Heather laughing again, you realize that you’re only lying to yourself. The only thing worse than high school is enduring it alone, and if that means temporarily turning into someone you hate, then so be it. 
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March 30, 1986
The shouted word reverberates around Patient 086’s skull as he wakes up suddenly, body trembling from the nightmare and from the headache forming behind his temples. He winces when he opens his eyes, the overhead lighting only enhancing the pain.
“Eddie,” he whispers to himself, letting it melt on his tongue. “Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.” He smiles despite having every other reason not to.
I’m Eddie. My name is Eddie. 
His joy dissipates when he fails to recall whose voice was calling out for him. It’s a balloon that keeps getting whisked away in the wind, just out of reach.
Eddie grits his teeth, overdue tears streaming down his scarred cheeks. I know this–it’s…it’s…
“Fuck.” The swear is all exhalation, hardly any force behind it. His shoulders shake as sobs wrack through him, his quest to remember seemingly still fruitless. He’s so close, but still too far away.
The door to his room swings open without warning, one of the doctors from his earlier scuffle standing in Eddie’s line of vision. It isn’t the one he’d bitten–Dr. Snell–but the one who appeared to be the leader. His mere presence unsettles Eddie, like there’s an invisible evil seeping from his pores.
“086.” An unfriendly grin stretches his lips. “I take it you’re feeling rather…well-rested, yes?” He takes immediate notice of the way Eddie’s hands clench into fists, one by his side and one still cuffed to the gurney. “I think we got off on the wrong foot, 086. Perhaps we should start fresh, now that you’re aware of our non-compliance protocol.”
“Eddie.” Eddie grunts, not daring to make eye contact. “My name is Eddie, not 086.”
The doctor’s eyebrows furrow in momentary confusion before he clicks his tongue disapprovingly. “Yes, right. I forgot that 055 accessed that memory.” His signature smirk returns as though it never left. “We use numeric identifiers here. Easier to keep track of our patients. So while you may have been Eddie, you’re now 086. Understood?”
But Eddie’s mind remains trained on the doctor’s previous statement. “Someone…accessed my memory?” He curls inward at this privacy violation. A person he didn’t even know was able to see his memories–yet he still couldn’t.
“Very briefly,” the doctor confirms. “It was more difficult than anticipated because you were sleeping. We will require your cooperation for this task.” His arched gray eyebrow informs Eddie that this is not up for discussion. “Be aware that while it is challenging for 055 to access your memories while you’re asleep, it’s not impossible. If you choose to behave as you did earlier, the consequences will be the same.” He holds out a water-filled paper cup and a small container of two pills, chuckling at Eddie’s ambivalence. “Just some ibuprofen for the headache. They’re standard after memory accession.”
Every muscle in Eddie’s body tenses, his already-dry throat feeling like sandpaper. He gulps down the medication, utterly defeated. “C-Can I just ask…why do you need my memories?” What secrets could he possibly hold that interest them enough to steal them from his unconscious brain?
The doctor sighs, weighing the options of honesty and deceit. He speaks after a moment with a carefully curated response. “The place we rescued you from was nowhere you should have been. Nowhere anyone should ever be.” His lips purse in concentration. “We need to know who, if anyone, was with you to ensure their safety and wellbeing.” The doctor lowers his voice as though revealing priceless information. “What if they’re trapped there, 086, just as you were? We can’t know unless you allow us to see.”
Eddie doesn’t miss the faintest smile, disappearing almost as soon as it forms, as though the doctor is proud of his presentation. Like he’s telling an elaborate fictional story rather than insinuating true mortal danger. 
“Okay,” Eddie pauses but agrees, despite the nausea pooling in his stomach. There may have been people with me. Family or friends or anyone links to my past. To who I am, or who I was. “I’ll do it, but I want to see more than just the end. I want happy memories pulled, too. Can 055 do that?” He keeps his voice as insistent as possible, vaguely aware that he just may be making a deal with the Devil himself.  
“Of course she can.” He eyes Eddie’s singular restrained wrist; for a second, Eddie thinks he’s going to let him go, but the man just continues speaking. “I’ll bring her in as soon as she’s ready.”
He’s too quick and too smug in his response, but Eddie has no choice but to believe him. It’s the last bit of hope that he has. 
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October 31, 1984
You can hear music blaring before you and Heather even pull up in front of Tina’s house. She’s meticulously checking her lip gloss in her compact mirror, one manicured fingernail scraping around her mouth to remove any nonexistent excess. 
“How do I look?” She asks, eagerly awaiting your opinion. It’s a seemingly stupid question; she always looks gorgeous. It’s almost unfair how beautiful she is, not to mention an impossible comparison standard to which you’ll never measure up. 
She’s truly outdone herself tonight, dressed as Wonder Woman. The corset amplifies her cleavage and the blue barely-there shorts showcase her long legs. Diana Prince’s signature crown is perched atop her hair. 
“Amazing. Billy’s gonna lose his shit.” You smile as she blushes and gets out of your car, excitedly slamming the passenger door behind her. There’s no point in fielding her the same question; she’ll placate you with an untrue compliment that won’t do anything to boost your ego. 
You adjust your black mask and step out, cautiously teetering in your high heels. It was Heather’s idea for you to be Cat Woman, claiming that she couldn’t dress sexily without you, but you feel like a fish out of water. The latex suit just doesn’t look right on your body, or maybe the problem is that your body doesn’t look right in the suit. 
Heather waits as you get your bearings, hooking her arm with yours and bringing you an immediate sense of comfort. This is the Heather Holloway you’ve grown up with, the one who’d encouraged you to face your fears and ride a two-wheeler bike, the one who’d used her own allowance to buy you a new pair of pants when you got your first period in the middle of Sears, the one who’d let you sleep over whenever simmering arguments with your parents reached a boiling point. Regardless of her newfound affiliation with Carol–and Tommy, by default–she’s still your best friend.
Someone lets out a low wolf-whistle as you two walk through Tina’s house and to the backyard. Heather holds her head high while your gaze stays glued to the ground, unwilling to make eye contact with the perpetrator. It’s highly unlikely that the flirtation was intended for you, anyway. 
Outside, the crowd is chanting as Tommy stands beside the keg, propping up a guy in a leather jacket. Heather squeals and tugs on your sleeve excitedly. “That’s Billy!” she exclaims, discreetly pointing to the man currently upside down, guzzling beer like his life depends upon it.
After twenty-two seconds, Billy motions to be lowered back to the ground. Foam spews from his mouth and drips down his chiseled abs, slick with sweat.
“We got ourselves a new…keg…CHAMP!” Tommy announces, slipping a lit cigarette between Billy’s fingers.
Billy takes a triumphant drag, exhaling smoke as he declares, “That’s how you do it, Hawkins! That’s how you do it!” He looks around the party with a squared jaw, assessing who is impressed by his feat besides the Tommy Hagan-shaped puppy yipping at his heels.
You turn to Heather, trying your best not to roll your eyes while she outwardly swoons. “There’s your Prince Charming,” you mutter, stomach curdling as Billy’s blue eyes flicker up and down her body, a predatory smirk crossing his ale-drenched lips.
Heather saunters over to him with a confidence you haven’t seen from her before. One hand wraps around Billy’s bicep, pulling all of his attention to her. “That was really cool,” she says breathily, biting her lower lip and peering at him through mascaraed lashes.
Billy shakes his mullet of curls, inhaling from the cigarette again before he speaks. “Yeah, well, someone had to breathe life into this shitty excuse for a party.” He sighs and stretches, causing his muscles to ripple underneath his jacket and snaking an arm around her waist to tug her closer. “But it looks like it just got a lot more interesting.”
He’s a walking cliché, the absurdly attractive new kid obnoxiously strutting around like a proud peacock while girls fall at his feet. You can’t blame Heather for being entranced; you just wish she could see through the shiny exterior and realize that, to him, she’s just another pair of panties on his bedroom floor.
An impatient tap on your shoulder draws you from a disbelieving stupor. Carol stands behind you, arms folded across her chest as though she’s irritated with you before you can even say a word.
“Freak’s here,” she reports flatly, shoving a crumpled bill in your palm. “Whatever twenty bucks can buy.”
Right. The second reason you’ve dragged yourself to this party, in addition to being Heather’s loyal sidekick, is to awkwardly flirt your way to a weed discount.
You shuffle back into the house, spotting Nancy Wheeler sloppily ladling jungle juice into a cup, swaying with the beginnings of tipsiness. Your heart sinks; it seems like everyone is enjoying themselves at this party–or is trying to, at least–except for you.
Why are you like this? Why can’t you just be normal and fit in? It was simple for Heather; Mrs. O’Donnell had assigned her and Carol to be lab partners, and within a week, she’d begun her ascent up the social ladder. But you were resistant, remembering Carol’s constant barrage of snide remarks hurled your way, never trusting her the way your best friend did.
“C’mon, don’t you want to be popular? To finally be noticed?” Heather had pressed, eyes shining with the prospects of landing on Hawkins High’s proverbial A-list. “You can’t just let people trample over you for the rest of your life.”
And so you’d tagged along for the ride, only to find that you’d graduated from punching bag to doormat. You did what they asked because they had the power to obliterate your already meager social life, and they knew it. 
That’s why you currently find yourself looking over at Eddie Munson as he digs through his tin lunch box. He takes a handful of bills from Linda Becker and gives her a pre-rolled joint, shoving the cash in his pants pocket. He shakes his mop of curls out of his eyes and moves onto his next customer, a junior who just crushed a Miller Lite can on his head. 
Eddie only sticks around these parties long enough to sell whatever’s in his stash before he slips away; if you put this off any longer, you risk pissing off Carol, which will upset Heather and further strain your friendship. 
You take a deep breath. It’s just some harmless flirting; you’re not proposing marriage, or even sleeping with him. Bat your lashes, tell him he looks nice, ask him about his day, and get some weed. Yeah, you can do this. 
Here goes nothing. 
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One hundred eight…one hundred nine…
The squeak of his door opening disrupts Eddie’s meticulous wall tile counting. Annoyance prickles under his skin when he loses focus. He tries not to let it show, keeping up the cooperative façade so the scientists will be willing to give him what he wants–a glimpse into his past. Not just the parts of 086 they deem important, but the smaller moments that comprise him. The parts that make up Eddie.
The man he’d bitten—Dr. Snell—stands in the doorway with what appears to be another patient. She wears a hospital gown identical to his own, and her hair is also cropped close to her scalp. 
Dr. Snell speaks first. “086, this is 055,” he says, gesturing to the young woman to his right. Eddie tries to get a better look at her, but it proves to be more difficult than he’d anticipated. She doesn’t allow her gaze to meet his as though she’s afraid to be seen; ironic, considering she’d infiltrated his mind just hours earlier. 
“Um, hi,” Eddie sputters awkwardly, not quite sure how to navigate this unique introduction. Thanks for uncovering my memories? Sorry for whatever you find in there? Also, if you could look past the bloody mess and let me know who the kid screaming my name was, I’d really appreciate it?
He sighs when you offer only silence in response, using his untethered hand to scratch a spot on his scalp where his hair is shaved a bit too close. Impatience gnaws in his chest. “So, uh, we gonna get started on this memory pulling thing?”
Dr. Snell nods, hesitantly making his way to Eddie’s bedside. “086, I am going to remove your restraints. When I do, I expect you to continue giving us your full cooperation. Is this understood?” He conspicuously fiddles with a button hanging from a cord around his neck; Eddie can only assume it’s used to page the other scientists in an emergency. 
“Yes, sir.”
“Very good.” The doctor pulls a key from his pocket and plunges it in the slot that joins the clamps together. The metal digs into Eddie’s wrist before the pressure disappears altogether, and he exhales a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. 
“Now,” Dr. Snell continues, turning to 055, “you will continue revealing 086’s memories of the Nether. You’re going to determine who else was there and what they may have seen.” He ticks off the two agenda items on his pointer and middle fingers as though it’s a simple task. 
Eddie watches as 055 pulls up a chair across from him, still avoiding making eye contact until it’s absolutely necessary. “Sit up.” It’s an order, but a polite one, and Eddie follows it without a second thought. “I need you to take the memory I pulled and think about pushing it to the surface of your mind. Do your best to focus only on that, and it’ll make my job a lot easier.” 
There’s a familiar cadence to 055’s voice, her last sentence laced with both honesty and a hint of humor. Eddie’s surprised to find himself relaxing a bit, a hint of a smile dancing on his lips. He reflexively closes his eyes. 
“N-No…leave them open.”
His eyelids flutter open, embarrassment pinkening his cheeks as though this was something he should have known. He concentrates on the already-fading memory of the boy shouting for him, biting into his lower lip so hard that it draws a bit of blood. The metallic taste stirs something within him, his ribs suddenly aching where they’re scarring.
An earthy scent overtakes his next inhale, a stark contrast from the sterile lab environment. Eddie’s moving too fast to be on foot, the bicycle wheels spinning across dirt and sinking into the mud as he frantically pedals. Something weighs on his back, but he can’t reach back to feel what it is.
He leaps off of the bike without warning, faintly hearing it clatter in the distance, but it’s quickly drowned out by violent shrieking. The sound tornadoes around him as he grabs the items from behind him: a makeshift spear and a garbage pail lid with nails driven through it. 
Clang! Clang! 
The flying objects ricochet off of the lid, the spikes not impaling them enough to do much damage. The shield begins to bend under their impact, but Eddie continues swinging with all of his might. His grunts are barely audible over the screeching bat-like creatures. His chest tightens as he musters up his remaining strength and courage, bellowing into the wind.
“COME ON!!!”
The scream provides no intimidation; it only further depletes his already-limited energy. He pauses for a second to take another breath, but his air supply is cut off by a barbed tail wrapping around his throat.
Eddie instinctively drops the spear to unravel the beast’s grasp from his neck, but he knows it’s too late. He’s done for. While he wrestles with the bat, others latch onto him and drag him to the ground to feast on his flesh. 
The boy.
Eddie hears him over the blood pounding in his ears, willing him to stay away, go back to safety, but shock has rendered him wordless. 
And then the shrieking stops, leaving only the sounds of his own ragged breathing.
“Eddie!” The boy’s voice is quieter but still panicked, his face coming into view as he tends to Eddie’s wounds. Shiny braces adorn his teeth and mucus muffles his speech. “Oh my God, Eddie.”
Eddie can only look straight into the misty darkness, unable to move his body. “‘S bad, huh?” he manages through terse lips. 
“No, nononono, you’re gonna be fine,” the boy sputters, trying to convince himself more than Eddie, “we just gotta get you to a hospital, okay?”
“Okay,” Eddie agrees too easily, feeling the fight leaving him with each passing second. 
The two of them grunt in frustration and agony as Eddie uses his friend as a crutch, but he knows it’s no use. There isn’t any sense in this kid wasting his precious energy saving him from his inevitable demise. 
“Just give me a second, okay?” Blood pools in Eddie’s throat; he swallows it down and forces a small smile. This is it. He has nothing left to give. 
His gaze meets the boy’s, and they share an understanding glance. There’s nothing that either of them can do: Eddie is going to die. 
“I didn’t run away this time, right?”
“No, nonono. You didn’t run,” the boy reassures him with a swift shake of his head, his curls held in place by a thick band. 
Eddie grabs his hand, shiny eyes flitting over so he can drive home his point before it’s too late. “You’re gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?” 
“No, you’re gonna do that yourself!”
“Nah, man.” He needs this; he needs this promise fulfilled before he can fully let go. “Say you’re gonna look after them.”
The boy almost starts to deny it again, but Eddie’s steadily loosening grip informs him that his time is limited. “I’m gonna…I’m gonna look after them…” he chokes out, no longer able to look Eddie in the eyes. 
“Good.” Haziness engulfs him, blurring his thoughts into a swirl of memories that has no beginning or end. “Because I’m actually gonna graduate…” He punctuates the statement with a small snort as he laughs through the pain. 
The boy lets out a strained cry, pity and sadness and the early stages of grief rolled into one small sound. 
“I think it’s my year, Henderson. I think it’s finally my year.” Eddie’s eyes glaze over; with his final breath, he ekes out a promise of his own. “I love you, man.”
“I love you, too.”
It’s the last thing he hears before the world goes black. 
Eddie’s eyes snap open now, the dull roar of a headache barely affecting him. The present bleeds into the past, tile and disinfectant replacing dirt and overgrown moss. He blinks a few times to adjust. 
“H-Henderson,” he stammers, looking between you and Dr. Snell. “My friend—Henderson—he was with me there. Dustin Henderson!” He snaps his fingers excitedly, pushing away the discomfort from the rapid movements. “I think we go to school together. Oh, my God, Dustin Henderson!” He laughs aloud, beaming from ear to ear. He remembers Dustin Henderson’s name, which means other memories of him can’t be far behind. 
Eddie turns back to you as you wipe away the trail of blood under your nose, speaking so eagerly that he’s tripping over his words. “Okay, I’m gonna—I’m gonna keep thinking about him, and you pull more memories.” He looks you directly in the eyes, emotion written all over his own. “His name is Dustin Henderson. Got it?”
Before you can answer, the doctor cuts in. “I’m afraid that’s all we have time for today, 086.” He doesn’t seem apologetic in the least, practically baring his teeth in a sinister grin. 
“N-No, he said—he promised,” Eddie sputters, feeling increasingly pathetic. 
Dr. Snell shakes his head. “Who’s ‘he?’” he sneers. “I don’t recall making any promises to you.” He crosses his arms over his broad chest. 
“The other doctor—he said that she,” Eddie glances at you, “could pull more memories. Good ones.”
Your blood runs cold; this is the first you’re hearing of this, and you suspect it’s one of Dr. Moseley’s many empty promises designed to foster compliance and break spirits. 
Eddie’s throat goes bone-dry and his stomach curdles as the doctor says nothing more, cuffs him back to the bed, and leads you away from the room. You look back for a split second, briefly making eye contact with him, but quickly turn around. 
Please, Eddie begs silently, please help me remember. There had to be some good in my life, and I need to know what it was. 
Cynicism chips away at his waning hope as you get farther down the hall until he can no longer hear your clipped conversation with the doctor, your presence becoming a memory in itself. 
Your time in the lab thus far has been spent obeying orders and doing your best to remain inconspicuous whenever your services are not needed. Your allegiance, coupled with your refusal to make waves, is what’s kept you from experiencing the scientists’ wrath. Silent unless spoken to. 
Guilt gnaws at your insides, churning bile in your stomach, and you know what you have to do. 
“Dr. Snell, I have to use the restroom.” You push the words out in a single breath, lungs tightening when he actually stops in his tracks and faces you. Skepticism is written all over his face, and with good reason, but you double down on your statement with the three words that fluster nearly every man: “Got my period.”
Sure enough, his cheeks turn magenta as he sputters, “Yeah, yes, of course.” He steps aside as you rush back towards the bathroom, your urgency very much real though the excuse is a blatant lie. You stand behind the door and silently count to five, peering out to ensure that the coast is clear. There’s no sign of Dr. Snell–or any of the scientists, for that matter–so you make your way to Eddie’s room, cursing the soft noise your bare feet make on the tile floor. 
Turn back. Don’t risk your safety to play the hero. 
If you’re caught, there will be repercussions. You could easily find yourself strapped to the bed or thrown in isolation for days on end; all of the trust you’d built up with the authorities will be tossed in an instant. 
Something propels you forward; perhaps it’s the desire to do what’s right, but you know it’s mostly the guilt of what happened between you two, whether he remembers or not. 
“Ed—086,” you quickly amend, your voice barely louder than a whisper. Eddie looks around, disoriented and fighting the post-accession headache. 
You tiptoe closer to him, doing your best to ignore how vulnerable he looks right now. If you think about it too much, you might cry. “You need to obey the doctors, especially Dr. Moseley,” you say. 
“Why?” Eddie spits back. “I tried, and they fucked me over. Why should I help them?”
You lean over and tug on the handcuff. “You see this? Notice how I don’t have one?” You shake your free wrist to emphasize the point. “That’s because I do as I’m told and fall in line.”
“This whole place is a goddamn prison,” he retorts, rolling his eyes. “Who cares if I’m strapped to the bed or not? Where the hell am I gonna go?”
“You’re not hearing me.” You want to scream, and it takes everything inside you to hold back. “The less trouble you give them, the less they’ll watch over you, and the more I can access your memories. The ones you want to remember.”
This throws a temporary wrench into his anger, scowl softening until he recalls how he’d recently been tricked. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice—”
You cut him off, grabbing his one free hand without warning. Staring into his fear-filled eyes, you pull a memory, though he doesn’t know that it’s easily accessible because it’s one of your memories, too. 
That’s a conversation for another day. 
The smell of stale beer and unfiltered cigarette smoke clouds the bar while a band of four boys plays onstage. Eddie has one ring-clad hand wrapped around the electric guitar’s neck and the other strumming intensely as he launches into the song’s chorus. 
For whom the bell tolls Time marches on For whom the bell tolls!
He turns around and faces the drummer, grinning headbanging along to the beat. The kid behind the drumset is a bit younger than he is, and considerably more nervous, but Eddie’s encouragement allows him to lose himself in the music. 
You end the memory before present-day Eddie can hear the applause; you know you were the one cheering the loudest that night, and you can’t let him recognize you. 
“There will be a lot more of that if you fly under the radar and give them a reason to back off,” you tell him, plucking a thin tissue from a nearby box to clean your nose. “Trust me, they don’t want to watch over you 24/7. They have bigger issues they need to deal with.”
Trust me. The last time he trusted you, it destroyed him, whether he remembers it or not. This is your chance to make it right. 
“Just think about it,” you plead, adrenaline waning and anxiety drawing you back to your room. “Help me help you.”
You leave him with even more questions than he had before. Hopefully, that’s incentive enough. 
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