#eddie castille
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mylifeisjustafeverdream · 10 months ago
I am currently 5 chapters into Bloodlines. So here are my initial thoughts and predictions:
I truly hope Sydney's dad gets hit by a truck ❤️
I'm pretty sure Keith harmed Sydney's older sister in some way which is probably why she's off somewhere else.
So Sydney definitely got Abe to fuck Keith up and honestly love her for that
Very thrilled to find out my main man Edison Castille is around HELLS YEA
Vampire hunters? Ah I see the rebels are gonna be a secondary issue after this book.
So the rebels fs killed Jill and Adrian revived her right?? They're bonded that's why he had to come, right??
Sydney's socially awkward ass is so precious like home girl is gonna deal with bullies and fall apart I know it
Anyway very into the series and I'm excited to see what comes next!
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bramblrose · 7 months ago
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"You can't force love, I realized. It's there or it isn't. If it's not there, you've got to be able to admit it. If it is there, you've got to do whatever it takes to protect the ones you love."
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retiredficwriter · 5 months ago
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yikuaidanggao · 6 months ago
VA non-canon ships POLL
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hiccuppedstudio · 1 year ago
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Halloween lives on year round in my heart, so here's my VA Halloween drawing from last year. Keep your eyes peeled for a few easter eggs! 🎃
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allaboutthedrama · 1 year ago
I know that I'm pretty late to the conversation, but I've just reread all of Vampire Academy and Bloodlines (possibly for The Untitled Jill Project) and it's the first time I've reread the VA series in years.
I'm just thinking about how, in my opinion, the quality of the VA series improved as we got into the last few books, and with Bloodlines, I think the reverse sort of happened. Spoilers for both series ahead. (Yeah, the last book came out nine years ago, but you never know.)
I think I hadn't realized how cohesive the ending of Last Sacrifice was. Details from as far back as the first book came up and were very relevant. The political plotline came together in a really tight way, Sonya Karp turned out the be Chekov's spirit user, we got more world-building details, the antagonists had complex and convoluted motivations, and even when there were plot threads left dangling, those actually served a purpose. I loved the part where Adrian pointed out to Rose that her actions had consequences and even though she had gotten what she wanted, not everything else was resolved, so people like Eddie and Sydney and Jill were left in bad situations, and she was partly responsible. It created a little more moral ambiguity, which I really enjoyed, especially since YA tends to like the very neat endings where everything winds up happily ever after.
The Vampire Academy books improved the deeper into the series you got. And, although I love Bloodlines, I do think that the first three books are much stronger than the last three. Which is a shame, because the series has so much potential.
I think Mead is at her best when she's writing something of a mystery. Last Sacrifice obviously comes to mind (they're solving a murder mystery, after all). Bloodlines had that, with the tattoos, Lee, and Keith being shady all building up to a really exciting climax. The Golden Lily wasn't quite as much of one, but the clues leading up to the reveal of the Warriors were well-placed. Indigo Spell went straight back into mystery territory, trying to find Jackie's sister. And then The Fiery Heart is where, in my opinion, things start to falter. There's a lot of interesting worldbuilding information introduced, with the new details about spirit and magic coming up, and it was fun to get into Adrian's head, but it definitely felt like this supernatural romance was shifting to become a lot more romance and a lot less concerned with the supernatural. But that's not such a big deal. It's the middle of the series, we're building tension, Re-Education has been a threat hanging over Sydney since page one of Bloodlines and we're finally seeing that fear pay off.
But then we get to Silver Shadows, and while I guess figuring out where Sydney is could be a mystery, it doesn't really resonate the way 'who killed the queen' does, in my opinion. Sydney's arc in Re-Education is great, and I do like the way the books deal with Adrian's mental health issues, but some of Adrian's chapters felt more like filler. And a bigger issue, imo, was that this was when we really started to lose the side characters. Some of my favorite parts of the first few books were characters like Jill, Eddie, Trey, and Angeline, and then the ensemble atmosphere was largely gone, because Sydney was in Re-Education and Adrian left Palm Springs. The final fight and flight sequence was really good, though, so I had high hopes going into The Ruby Circle.
The Ruby Circle is probably my least favorite of the books between both of the series, and I think that's a shame, since it's the finale. We'd just had a 'kidnapped character' arc, so I think there was less emphasis on describing everyone's reactions. We saw the biggest reaction from Eddie, but as a result, he got kind of flattened out from the really well-rounded character he'd been from the back half of the VA books and the first part of Bloodlines.
The Ruby Circle could have been a really good mystery, with lots of twists that tied up a lot of the lingering questions from the series. Except that a lot of threads from the rest of the series were dropped and didn't resurface. They never caught whoever was behind the assassination attempt on Jill. I don't think we even got an official resolution on whether Lissa managed to change the quorum law. The political plots that were integral to VA weren't significant in Bloodlines, despite it all starting because of a politically motivated assassination. We also never got a resolution on the rogue spirit user who turned Lee back from being Strigoi, or the spirit users who had been sent to the psychiatric facility in Tarasov (the prison from Spirit Bound). We never found Robert Duro. The bond itself was somewhat discarded, too, whenever it wasn't immediately useful for a plot point. Instead, we just got a scavenger hunt across the country, a few fight scenes where the protagonists were pretty much guaranteed to win, and a final showdown with a magic barrier that, as we learn after, would have dropped down on its own in a few hours for them to bring Jill food, anyways.
I obviously still like the series, since I'm rereading it and talking about it nine years after the fact. But I think that there were a lot of opportunities to continue plots from VA that were lost, even when they should have been brought back into the story.
If anyone has made it this far, I suppose I should throw in a pitch for The Untitled Jill Project, which will be my attempt to rewrite the Bloodlines series from Jill's perspective, because I think there's still a lot more story to be told. I haven't got it all mapped out, but I intend to at least tie up some of the narrative loose ends I mentioned that bothered me about the series in that story. I might write up another post here soon about how Jill's characterization also suffered as Bloodlines went on, if anyone's interested.
Anyways, if anyone has any strong opinions on what I said (agreeing or disagreeing) please let me know! I'd love to talk about the series with people, since no one in my real life has read it, and I'm curious to know what the rest of the fandom thinks about how the narrative progressed in Bloodlines.
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acesydneysage · 9 months ago
I really wish Richelle had done more with Sydney and Eddie's cover as twins. I know every other character is a foil for Sydney, but they truly are so alike in a lot of ways and they love each other so much. I can't believe there isn't so much as a "Where's your twin?"
They should have faked twin telepathy. The younger kids should have come up with funny stories about them as children. Adrian could definitely do a lot with it. It's such a wasted opportunity
But I know in my heart they kept that as an excuse for him living with them post-canon
Also, let me know if you wanna join a Bloodlines fan community
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jetsteelyourheart · 5 months ago
Its Chapter 2 time Bloodlines Baes
Chapter Summary:
Adrian has a kinda shit day
Leave me a comment if you like it!
Or hate it!
Or if you have a strong opinion on whether its "ok" or "OK"
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evermarch · 1 year ago
remember when richelle casually dropped that there was a whole psychiatric ward in the most dangerous moroi prison containing tons of spirit users while rose lissa and eddy are attempting to break victor out of prison and then just never mentions it again for a whole book and a half of the series AND all six spin-off books
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They're very underrated and we deserved more of them tbh
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mylifeisjustafeverdream · 8 months ago
If there's one thing I know for certain, it's that no matter for a friend or foe, if there's a plan to break someone out of prison, you bet your sweet ass that Eddie Castile is there.
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masonashford · 4 months ago
Mason had agreed to meet Eddie for lunch after their training sessions, so as soon as he'd cleaned up, he headed straight towards the center's entrance. As he approached, he caught the end of what he presumed was Adrian and Eddie saying goodbye for the day, the pair of them stood at the door. It was a surprise that Adrian had even attended today, but that wasn't the cause of Mason's raised eyebrows. It was Adrian seemingly brushing his lips against Eddie's ear as he exited the building that triggered his shocked expression, because despite Adrian flirting with everyone, it rarely got physical. Unless it was with Rose, much to Mason's dismay. "What was that?"
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retiredficwriter · 8 months ago
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sydrian and jeddie parallels in the golden lily
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theliterarymess · 2 years ago
Eddie Castile is an under appreciated KING
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eddiemelrose · 6 months ago
Eddie won’t leave me, I thought frantically. He’ll never leave me. They want me, but they don’t care about him. He can live or die, and it won’t matter to them. But if he’s what’s keeping them away, they’ll shoot him and destroy his body. “Eddie,” I said, panting. “We need to split up.” “Never.” That answer wasn’t a surprise. What was a surprise was that out of all the things rattling around in my mind, Abe Mazur’s words popped up in the forefront: Don’t think for an instant that I wouldn’t do terrible, unspeakable things if it could save someone I love. Because it was Abe, I’d naturally assumed he was talking about doing terrible, unspeakable things to other people. But as Eddie and I held on to each other, the words took on a whole different meaning. In that moment, I knew I would do anything to save Eddie—my friend—whom I loved. Even if it meant doing something terrible and unspeakable to myself.
The Fiery Heart, Chapter 22.
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hiccuppedstudio · 1 year ago
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Title - The Good. The Bad. And Rose.
Rating - Explicit
Summary - Western AU set in 1875. Rose is kidnapped by enemies of her father, so he sends the one man he knows that will be able to find her. Now, she has to survive the trip back to San Francisco and not give into fleeting fancies for the man hired to protect her.
Fanfic / Ao3
“Will you please stop running,” the tall man rasped, his accent making the words nearly impossible to understand. “We won’t hurt you, Rose.” I laughed; a hint of hysteria in the high pitch. “Forgive me if I don’t believe you,” I snapped, “I’ve been through too much to believe the words of a man I don’t know.” His lips pressed together, and he reached into his coat. I flinched back, and he froze. Our eyes met, and he didn’t look away as he slowly withdrew a small item. When he turned it, my eyes widened, and I felt the first ounce of hope since my ordeal began. It was a silver badge, barely half the size of his palm. I recognised the intricate detail, the simple lines that represented each of the four elements—it was the seal of my father.
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