#ed hooley
psych-proxy · 10 months
It is essential for a balance to exist between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems because they work together to regulate the body's response to stress and maintain homeostasis. The sympathetic nervous system activates the "fight or flight" response, preparing the body for action during times of perceived threat or danger. On the other hand, the parasympathetic nervous system promotes rest, relaxation, and digestion. If there is an imbalance favoring the sympathetic nervous system, it can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and various physical health issues. Conversely, if there is an imbalance favoring the parasympathetic nervous system, it can result in lethargy and sluggishness.
In generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), anticipation is frequently experienced as excessive worry and apprehension about future events or situations. It is often accompanied by physical symptoms like restlessness, muscle tension, and difficulty concentrating. This anticipation is not specific to any particular object or situation; rather, it is a pervasive sense of worry that affects various aspects of life. In specific phobia, however, the reaction is focused on a specific object or situation that elicits intense fear or anxiety. For example, someone with a phobia of spiders may experience extreme panic when encountering a spider but may not necessarily feel anticipatory anxiety in general situations.
One way that a therapist might help a patient activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the mind and body is through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or progressive muscle relaxation. These techniques can help induce a state of relaxation by slowing down heart rate, reducing muscle tension, and promoting overall calmness.
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half-synth · 5 years
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When I hurt you, I I didn't want to believe that you, you felt pain. I know it doesn't make it right, but I'd have never have done what I did. Not if I'd have known.
Oh lord, I was so happy Mia was getting a chance to love, back in S2... Thanks for crushing that chance, Ed. Miaura will always be my main ship but I liked this otp too, until... well.
I wrote an Ed-centered fic after Mia’s death: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16664866
| · Humans Summer Send Off ->  @channel4humans​.
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wellamarke · 5 years
humans summer send-off: [1] Ed
In a weird way it’s freeing, knowing that he’ll never have another regret like this. That this is the one he’ll come back to on his death bed, however far in the future that might be. This is the thing that will haunt him forever: betraying Mia. Knowing her, and selling out regardless.
When her face is plastered all over the news the night the government shows its hand, at first Ed doesn’t believe it, grasps weakly at thoughts of duplicates, lookalikes, mistaken identities. But in the end, he can’t escape it. It’s her. And she’s gone.
He joins the march, driving hours into the night and walking behind them as they gather in front of the Dryden building. People are holding candles. He doesn’t have one, so he forces his hands down in the pockets of his jacket, hiding the external emptiness. Rain lashes down, and it fits somehow, the mood of it all, but it also puts him in mind of seaspray. That day they’d spent at the water’s edge, when she’d trusted him with everything. He wishes he didn’t remember it so well. Knows he must.
Somebody pushes through the crowd, starting from behind him. Ed turns to look, sees blonde hair and utter heartbreak. For a second he’s so taken aback by the mirror of personal loss that he doesn’t even notice the violet-coloured eyes, shining more than they ought to in the moonlight. A synth, then. If he’s not mistaken, a synth who knew Mia better than he did.
She catches him looking at her, and her face resets to steel, as if a wall has gone up deliberately. Ed averts his eyes, and the next time he looks up, she’s gone. Swallowed by the crowd.
He understands, later. The world knows her name before the week is out. She’s leading the synths now, protecting them, teaching them. They say her powers are godlike, to be feared, that she’s from some higher plane of being. Ed doesn’t know about that. But he trusts her. She knew Mia.
When, six or so months later, she appears on his TV screen with a familiar face at her side, Ed feels a weight lift. Purple eyes, now, to match her sister. Eyes he’ll never meet in person, probably. But he’s glad to see them shining, all the same.
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manchestergalore · 5 years
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About Grand Hotel in Manchester
from The MANCHESTER Compendium A Street-by-Street History of England’s Greatest Industrial City by Ed Glinert
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drjradiolive · 4 years
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Here is a poll for everyone, of all the guests on the show since 2012, who has been your favorite? This is just a sample of what a couple people told me and there are hundreds more that are missing from the list so please let me know who you want on the list & who you would like to hear again (except for the few that passed away that you can only hear archives of) and also please let me know who’s not on the list that you think should be included on this list that I intend to put on my site: Top guests 1. Apollo 14 Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell (6th man on the moon) 2. Gemini-Space Shuttle Astronaut Dr. Story Musgrave 3. Advisor to President Trump, Roger Stone 4. Dr. Jerome Corsi PhD 5. Actor Jack Osbourne (son Osbourne) 6. Sean Stone (Son of Oliver Stone) 7. 1988 Presidential Candidate Governor Michael Dukakis 8. Governor Jesse Ventura 9. Senator Mike Gravel 10. W Congressman Merrill Cook 11. Congresswoman Hooley 12. Congresswoman Woolsey 13. HUD Secreta ry Catherine Austin Fitz 14. Physicist Michiu Kaku PhD ok 15. Hollywood Undead singers Charlie Scene & Da-Kurlz 16. CIA, DIA, FBI, CBP, NSA, DEA, Secret Service + other Federal Agents 17. Former Defense Minister of Canada, the Honourable Paul Hellyer 18. David Icke 19. ALL reality stars from Paranormal Shows including Ancient Aliens, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, Paranormal State, Ghost Girl Diaries + many more 20. Founder Of Satanic Sect, Temple of Set, Lt. Col. Dr. Michael Aquino PhD 21. Seth Shostak, CETI CEO 22. Gambino Hit Boss Jimmy Alite 23. International famous illusionist Uri Geller 24. Lawyer to Sirhan Sirhan 25. Lawyer to Manson Family Member, Leslie Van Houten 26. SRI Remote Viewer Russell Targ 27. NASA Mission Specialist 28. Remote Viewer Capt Ed Dames 29. Foster Gamble 30. Art Bell 31. Tommy Chong (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFa__J_g377/?igshid=1dy5h04vnpi2u
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sophie-embleton13 · 4 years
Week 10: Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming...
Gaming has always existed in society as a form of entertainment, an escapism from reality but with technology advancements and connectivity, the rise of social gaming and streaming has transformed the gaming culture, cultivating a worldwide community (Taylor, 2018). The introduction of online gaming bought new ways to socialise and be involved in the gaming world, much of which I see my brother apart of. With the diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome at 3, he has always been an avid gamer, the Nintendo DS his first gaming console. Asperger’s syndrome is defined as a “collection of behavioural and social characteristics which effects how people view, understand, relate and interact with themselves, other people and the world around them” (Barber, 2007).  
Due to these impairments my brother has always found it very exhausting to be around others, he struggles even with recognising basic things like someone’s facial expressions and so gaming became his solitude. It’s important to note that many others like him also turn to gaming as a way to have a ‘break’ from reality. He is much better at engaging with others verbally or through typing and has successfully been able to form friendships, showcasing that the gaming community can be a place of inclusivity, connection and freedom.    
Much like Taylor (2018) describes his relationship with Television, my brothers’ relationship with gaming is not dissimilar, providing him with connectivity to the outside world, material for conversations, entertainment and something that keeps him company. The growth of streaming platforms such as Twitch, Facebook gaming, Microsoft Mixer and YouTube has enabled games to be more inclusive, sharing private game play to the public. These live streams can sometimes have just family or friends or 100s-1000s of people watching them, the broadcast intertwining televisual, computer gaming, the internet and computer-mediated communication (Taylor, 2018).    
Gaming and play are extremely powerful sources which facilitate a deep connection to the things that impact our lives. Social isolation and lack of support can translate into spiralling mental health and can cause issues such as anxiety and depression. Gaming for many has been something that prevents this, keeping them connected to the outside world and making them feel apart of something bigger and that their contribution matters (Hooley et.al, 2016). Not only supporting socialisation online gaming platforms are also places for civic space, political discussions, media, whilst “simultaneously being a place for leisure, rest and even respite” (Taylor, 2018). Futhermore, It is important to realise that gaming is directly involved in core issues and debates that builds upon and feeds into mainstream conversations and culture (Taylor, 2018).  
Barber, C., 2007. What is Asperger's syndrome?. British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 1(4), pp.178-180.  
Hooley, J., Butcher, J. and Nock, M., 2016. Abnormal Psychology. 17th ed. Harlow, UK: ProQuest.  
Taylor, T., 2018. Watch Me Play. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp.1-22
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channel4humans · 5 years
Humans Summer Send-Off!
Soooo, it happened, Humans is officially cancelled. They left us hanging for a YEAR just to tell us that. Booo!
But let’s not let that drag us down, for I am here with a list of things to annoy everyone with over the next, ooh, month or so at least.
Since there are a truly insane amount of characters in Humans, and a truly insane amount of stories we won’t get to see end, I’m proposing a month of Character Appreciation Days for June, like so:
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Ed Hooley Appreciation Day
Edwin Hobb Appreciation Day
Milo Khoury Appreciation Day
Harun Khan Appreciation Day
Vera Appreciation Day
Agnes Appreciation Day
Athena Morrow Appreciation Day
Renie Barbour Appreciation Day
Neil Sommer Appreciation Day
Neha Patel Appreciation Day
Anatole Appreciation Day
Flash Appreciation Day
Hester Appreciation Day
Stanley Appreciation Day
Sam Appreciation Day
George Millican Appreciation Day
Pete Drummond Apppreciation Day
Astrid Schaeffer Appreciation Day
Toby Hawkins Appreciation Day
Joe Hawkins Appreciation Day
Karen Voss Appreciation Day
Fred Elster Appreciation Day
Sophie Hawkins Appreciation Day
Odi Millican (&V?) Appreciation Day
Laura Hawkins Appreciation Day
Mattie Hawkins Appreciation Day
Leo Elster Appreciation Day
Max Elster Appreciation Day
Niska Elster Appreciation Day
Mia Elster Appreciation Day
(Yes, yes, I hear you say, nobody appreciates Ed, what a stupid place to start. I vaguely tried to build up from the less main to the main characters throughout the month, and, well, as @turned-her-brain pointed out, this way puts Ed as far away as he can possibly be from Mia...)
Anyway, if you want to join me in this particular brand of Synthie madness, make a post about any or all characters on their designated day. The post can take any form you want, but here’s some ideas of what to include if you want them:
Why you like/don’t like the character
Favourite moments or quotes
Ideal ending/continuation of their plot
Who you ship them with, if anyone (remember it’s also Pride Month, so let’s hear those LGBT+ interpretations!!!)
Songs that remind you of them
Fanart (your own, or a link to the post someone else made - we will not have stealing here, thank you)
Fic??? Fic recs?
What a spinoff centred on them would be about
What you’d tell them, if you could
Feel free to tag this sideblog in your post, so we can have them all reblogged here!
Let’s love (or love to hate!) each of these characters loudly in the wake of the cancellation - they’re ours now.
PS. If I’ve forgotten your favourite side character, feel free to substitute them in somewhere. Admittedly, including Harun on the top 30 was a gigantic act of biased self-indulgence. Go crazy.
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danoeduc-blog · 5 years
Módelos de psicología clínica. María de Lourdes Rodríguez. Edit. Pax. México, 2012 Psicología clínica. Pedro Sánchez Escobedo. Edit. Manual Moderno. México, 2008 Psicología Clínica / 12 Ed. Butcher, James Neal /Mineka, Susan / Hooley, Jill M. Edit. Pearson. 2007 Artículos arbitrados, base de datos EBSCO, REDALYC, PSICOTHEMA.
Apuntes de los estudiantes : José Ferrer, Nancy Picazo, Fátima Pinacho.
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sunnysynthsunshine · 6 years
4th Comedy Monologue
“Hands up if you just love combining strange foods together and gauging down on them while watching netflix on a late night?”
Oh yes you over there what do you like to conjure up?  
Gravy and rice,Nandos mayo on pasta or...or  lightly salted Doritos dipped into a  KFC Oreo Krushem
KFC,Kentucky Fried Chicken or Kentucky I can’t say the word but this is what baby me would’ve called it Chicken  one of the biggest fast food chains in the world or mainly in the UK while America has so many fast food places we only have a couple of their places while the rest are mainly local
They have tacos,soups and stacked burgers over here we only have the odd few places and then the chippy down the street
Speaking of chips, who here has tried their new chunky chips yet?
Ok,quite a few of you enjoy your potatoes being chunky and the rest of you like chips how you like your make up covered in plastic and full of chemicals.
Personally despite not minding the new chunky chips I’d go with liking both of them  but I’ve seen mixed reviews
Some prefer the chunk others don’t, while some of their chips weren’t bad I get the same feeling from eating them that I get from our everyday weather
“It’s very dull isn’t it? like my eyes when I lose sleep”
Sometimes you just want to get the blanket out and have some britcom and chill
Which I know probably isn’t going to catch on since most of you prefer watching american teen dramas about comic book characters where the same person who plays Salem the cat
is the same guy who was in that old disney or nick tv show from your childhood
Either that or your someone more into looking at images of Freddie Mercury and Roger Taylor’s actors from the Bohemian Rhapsody film
then again me neither, and I mean the Roger Taylor from Queen not the Roger Taylor from Duran Duran although they’re both cuties
John Deacon and Brian May’s actors too
When I watch films I try to teleport myself into the film’s universe as much as I can
I got a bit of a surprise when heard a northern irish actor playing one of Freddie’s lovers Paul Frenter
On hand Yay! More representation!, more film opportunities, on the other hand he plays the villian!
When I went to see the film I expected some things but then again outside of their music I didn’t know much about the personal lives of Queen,
In one of the scenes with Paul Frenter I was like is this a film about classic rock legends or does it want me to break free?
So my/this country has been featured quite a few times recently in films hasn’t it
Derry Girls,Coming Home,Game of Thrones,Star Wars etc.
While I’m listing these I think your noticing something in the intonation and tone of my voice
It’s that despite being Northern Irish my voice doesn’t sound like I come from there
I come from the land of punk music,Nirvana and chip shops but because I looked up to Hannah Montana,Lady Gaga and P!nk for most of my life so as I got older I ended up sounding like a alternative instagram model before instagram even existed.
That and with the  stuff I was interested in I could go from being into Music,Games and books to being interested in the cultures of different countries
I used to love typical american based things,then japanese things during my weeaboo phase although I will admit that phase might still be going on,German things,Scandinavian things etc.etc.
In the year Instagram was invented 2010,I was on holiday on florida and because my yank voice of stars and stripes was developing the people in florida didn’t know I was from a different country that’s how confusing my voice was,
I mean I know now. some people here are like me and don’t have the accent but even before that as a child my voice was so high if someone went up to me or had a conversation with me it would be like talking to a balloon.
You’ll float too!   (evil voice)   (mickey mouse voice) Hiya Fellas it’s me Mickey Mouse
But if we are talking about representation and how we identify with certain people or characters
I’d say I’m not really much of a liam neeson type of irish person I’m more of a Ed Byrne irish person
I like potatoes,punk music and pirates how about ye
So speaking of certain generations liking certain other alternative things
A lot of people have started  liking blur recently
Then again who likes the gallaghers anyway?
So the people liking Blur are like what I used to be like about One Direction
Pulp are pretty good too I like me some of Jarvis Cocker
Jarvis Cocker in his younger days actually looked a  lot like Ed Byrne other times he looks like Tim Burton
There is one thing I disagree with Jarvis Cocker on though and it’s his short tea about michael jackson
Basically during the 1996 brit awards he showed his bum to the public in protest of the cringy performance michael jackson was doing
Oh,great now that makes it sound even more wrong
Jarvis was defintely off his cocker but he wasn’t mooning the moonwalker...ok he was
He  interviewed a furby on the radio moving on
So, Michael Jackson one of the rock legends alongside bowie and mercury
You either like him,adore him,not really care about him or dislike him based on the rumours and scandals created about him by certain people and publications
I love him,he was peculiar sometimes but I was fascinated by that by his neverland,
by his talent and by how he was able to reach into the hearts of millions
So many opportunities for comics and actors to make creative jokes or puns
but nope let’s joke about the one thing some people mainly associate him with outside of his music which he was tormented for the rest of his life.
Oh almost forgot my blanket,at least I’m not dangling it over a window balcony
(deadpan stare)
Cringing can at times feel like a sting from a bee
Speaking of bees we apparently won’t have them for much longer
Bees are now next to pandas and Tigers in the endangered animals of the USA
Have we learned nothing from the bad history of colonization!
Well in the words of Suggs  let’s bless the bees
Besides It’s the wasps you should be killing not the bloody bees
  you can remove the cause but not the symptom
It’s a bit of a mind flip as the future continues we are heading into a  time slip
Let’s do the Time Warp again!
I’ve recently been listening to the soundtrack of Rocky Horror Picture Show
But not just that the sequel too
Some of you know what I’m talking about and the rest are probably surprised that a rocky horror sequel even exists
It’s called Shock Treatment it came out in 1981 and it was less successful
It’s more focused on Brad and Janet as they live in a fictional town called Denton
Where everything is televised as the town is located inside a tv studio,
Not too different from 2019  seeing as we are all looking at screens that show manufactured faces,
The storyline is about how reality tv affects the public and mental health
Considering reality tv hasn’t changed much since then I’d say that film was quite accurate in it’s satire
Do I need to bring up roxanne from Celebrity Big Brother?  
Brad is not feeling good after the events of the first film so he and Janet have been having marriage problems.
They go on a game show hosted by tosser in a purple wig...I mean Barry Humphries as they sing about how they relate to refrigerators and toasters
Such a mood
Brad is then sent to the set of a fictional soap opera Dentonvale which takes place in a mental hospital
Where the character actors are played by some of the same actors from the original such as Patricia Quinn,Richard O'Brien and Nell Young
The songs are actually quite good
Especially the title song,little black dress,farley’s song,Breaking Out  and Me of Me
For those of you curious to see that film watch it
If you like rocky and if your ok with  rocky going from the sci-fi horror genre to the musical comedy genre
When you see that Time Warp sequence in Rocky Horror it’s like a circus just a group of talented people being their kooky,incredible fun vibrant selves
It’s art house,it’s shock humour,it’s surreal but it’s fun and it’s out of this world
Like Belfast sometimes a few weeks back I was there and the streets were full of performers
There were musicians,actors,comedians,stunt artists and even a very tall person on stilts
It’s things like these that make me realise how creative this country is
A lot of good talent is overshadowed from our lack of representation in media to being ignored in projects
Northern Ireland is a cool place
Kurt Cobain,Stiff Little Fingers,Van Morrison,Two Door Cinema Club,Patricia Quinn,Mark Ashton,Terri Hooley, Jimmy McShane and all you performers,singers,actors,dancers,designers,Producers,Directors,Artists and Creators
are all from here
I’m just a sweet transvestite from Hibernia--i ha ha
We're going to do it anyhow, anyhow
We're going to do it anyhow, anyhow
We're going to do it
No matter how the wind is blowing
We're going to do it anyhow, anyhow
We're going to do it anyhow, anyhow
We're going to do it
We just gotta keep going
The sun never sets for those who ride on it
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drowsyfantasy · 3 years
Hooley et al (2012) Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning. 5th ed. Harlow Pearson.
Hooley et al (2012) Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning. 5th ed. Harlow Pearson.
Purpose of the Assessment This assignment has been designed to allow students the opportunity to explore the underlying importance and application of marketing concepts to benefit a given organisation. “….positioning and segmentation are distinct parts of the [marketing] strategy and provide us with some extremely powerful tools; but ultimately they are linked by the central issue of focusing on…
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greyskiesandcats · 3 years
Hooley et al (2012) Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning. 5th ed. Harlow Pearson.
Hooley et al (2012) Marketing Strategy & Competitive Positioning. 5th ed. Harlow Pearson.
Purpose of the Assessment This assignment has been designed to allow students the opportunity to explore the underlying importance and application of marketing concepts to benefit a given organisation. “….positioning and segmentation are distinct parts of the [marketing] strategy and provide us with some extremely powerful tools; but ultimately they are linked by the central issue of focusing on…
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wellamarke · 5 years
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Ed is here demonstrating the look of disappointment we all had upon finding out that he was terrible (if kind of understandably terrible).
Oh, Ed. Such potential. But then you had to go and do that.
You know what though, I do appreciate this guy, for being a fairly believable character and for providing an emotional arc for Mia in s2 that we might otherwise not have got to see. And she also (before it went sour) got to experience intimacy on her own terms.
And without Ed, we would never have got to see her SLAP SOMEONE TO THE LITERAL FLOOR, amazing.
Did anyone suspect Ed of being dodgy until the e3 chintap? I totally didn’t see it coming, so, well-played. He had the makings of a nice, sweet ally to the Elsters, so to have that taken away was A Real Shocker™. Also, it was the catalyst for the s2 Miaura reunion, so for that, I’ll always be grateful to this particular idiot.
Thanks, Sam Palladio, for a great portrayal of a kind of terrible, but kind of understandably terrible, person.
If there had been a series 4, I wouldn’t necessarily have wanted Ed to appear, because I feel like his story’s done. Particularly if there was no Mia. But, off in the background, I think he should have joined some kind of pro-synth movement, even if it was only out of guilt.
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channel4humans · 5 years
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1st June: Ed Hooley
What better way to kick off Appreciation Month than with one of the least appreciated characters of the bunch? Look, it’ll get easier from here on out, folks. For now, let’s at least remember that Ed brought us tHE most epic Mia moment of series 3... thwack!
Remember to tag @channel4humans in your Ed posts today, supposing tumblr lets you.
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write an 8 to 12 page diagnostic paper on the topic of Obsessive-compulsive and
write an 8 to 12 page diagnostic paper on the topic of Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.  Hooley, J.M., Butcher, J.N., Nock, M.K. & Mineka, S..(2017). Abnormal psychology (17th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. . The following information, on the disorder, should be included in your paper: Clinical Presentation (What do the symptoms associated with the disorder look  like?) -Diagnostic…
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write an 8 to 12 page diagnostic paper on the topic of Obsessive-compulsive and
write an 8 to 12 page diagnostic paper on the topic of Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.  Hooley, J.M., Butcher, J.N., Nock, M.K. & Mineka, S..(2017). Abnormal psychology (17th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. . The following information, on the disorder, should be included in your paper: Clinical Presentation (What do the symptoms associated with the disorder look  like?) -Diagnostic…
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getoffourjetstill · 3 years
write an 8 to 12 page diagnostic paper on the topic of Obsessive-compulsive and
write an 8 to 12 page diagnostic paper on the topic of Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.  Hooley, J.M., Butcher, J.N., Nock, M.K. & Mineka, S..(2017). Abnormal psychology (17th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. . The following information, on the disorder, should be included in your paper: Clinical Presentation (What do the symptoms associated with the disorder look  like?) -Diagnostic…
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