#eczema flare
zhongrin · 5 months
if you see this, and you're about to sleep (like me), i hope we both get a good rest and our f/os visits us in our dreams ᰔᩚ
if you're just starting your day, good luck and i hope your day will be good and filled with positive things coming straight to your way ᰔᩚ
and if you're in the middle of your day, i hope you're given strength to tackle the remaining hours before you can kick back and relax ᰔᩚ
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f0xgl0v3 · 8 months
Athena kids but their power is the like,
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(I couldn’t think of any other show than the Good doctor that uses this trope I’m sorry-)
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im getting eczema in a new spot 😻 might lose it 😽😋😘
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stardustdiver · 1 year
ynow i always feel like caffine does absolutely nothing to me
bc i can have coffee and im feeling anywhere from on any given day: tired sleepy, riddled with anxiety and/or hypersensitivity, and 🧍 emoji irl
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then days where i give the coffee a skip, i can range from: tired sleepy, riddled with anxiety and/or hypersensitivity, 🧍emoji irl
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i dont think days with coffee strike me as any particular state more than others compared to days without coffee
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Me: I don't drink this because of my chronic illness
People: ok
Me: I don't eat this because of my chronic illness
People: ok
Me: I need to exist this place as soon as possible because of my chronic illness
People: ok
Me: *experiences flare up of chronic illness*
People: 😮😰😧 You have a chronic illness??
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star-spangled-man · 3 months
come to the realisation that many of my problems would *poof* into thin air if I simply did not have SKIN!!
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whimsical-sonic · 7 months
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eczemas your hedgehog goodnight
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the-midnight-cow · 1 year
no bc eczema is not just "itchy skin". i've had eczema my entire life and it is the most hellish experience i have ever had; i've never known what it's like not to be itchy all the time. just writing this sentence, i stopped to scratch my skin twice. one of my most vivid sensory memories is sitting at a restaurant, unable to move my neck because of the stiffness that oozing, bleeding sores had created. i was in elementary school. every morning and every night i slather on creams religiously, the habit becoming almost a prayer. and no matter how hard i try, no matter how much effort i put in, it will always flare up again. once again i will wake up with sticky open wounds and bloodstains on my sheets from where i have scratched in my sleep. once again i will step out of the shower with raw skin. once again, it will burn and it will hurt and it will itch. and of course you should not scratch it and of course you have to scratch it because if there is one thing worse than pain, my friends, it is itchiness. fingers scraping at skin, pressing hands under cool pillows, rubbing child safety scissors against my rashes to relieve itch.
and the thing is, i don't get to take a break. not when i'm sick or tired or just lazy, because if i don't do this daily routine, my skin won't just look bad. it will feel like hell on earth. and that's the kicker- i dont even do this to have perfect looking skin. i do this to have skin comfortable enough that i do not tear myself apart scratching. and even then, i can't always succeed.
i don't know what it's like to have a body free from red rashes. i don't know what it's like to have skin that doesn't require care to be livable. i don't know what it's like to not want to rip my skin off my body. i don't know what it's like not to scratch.
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saucytango · 2 months
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I'd be nice if my eczema would stop flaring up when I'm drawing.
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flowersforbucky · 2 months
watching a quiet place day one with my husband tonight so if yall see me posting about eddie munson afterwards just know that joe quinn's beautiful brown eyes have flared up that hyperfixation once again
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brandycranby · 2 months
umfortunately my eyelid has decided to stop workimg
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kawamagi-crow · 2 months
Ok, we all have scratched our flare ups because itchiness.
but have you ever BITTEN your flare up because just scratching it normally ain't hitting the spot ™?
(This is a joke, do not do this. it will not hit the spot, speaking from experience here)
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s0fter-sin · 10 months
i’m so sick of fucking rashes, what the hell kind of symptom even is this just, “hey, we’re going to make you itchy fucking everywhere for no reason and you can throw as many creams as you like at them but they’re not going to do shit 😜”
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
its all fun and games, all “your skin is beautiful <3 <3~!” positivity when eczema is an abstract “vaguely red rash” to someone.
Real easy to SAY someone looks good with eczema when your whole experience with the condition is “has some dandruff sometimes”.
Then someone will see your body half bloody and raw all over. They’ll actually SEE your scalp sloughing skin while you have big, angry red marks underneath. See the furrows your nails dig in the inflamed tissue, even if you’re trying to be so, so, so careful. They’ll see an eye swollen near shut while the lid peels. They’ll see the hunks of dead skin in your eyebrows, the flakes on your glasses, notice how the skin on your hands cracks.
Then it’s REAL. Then its a barely restrained ‘ew’ response. The fight to keep a straight face so they don’t show you how gross they think you are. Or worse, a look of pity.
Its really easy to slap together a positivity post when you don’t know that most of us don’t care about looking beautiful-- we’re way past that. We’re firmly in “would like for people to not react like we have the plague” territory.
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sunshineram · 5 months
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cool ghost fella! their creators tumblr and twitter!
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angelcatsiel · 6 months
nothing worse than being cursed with having sensory issues with creams or ointments and also having severe and very treatment resistant eczema on most of my body. truly I am cursed
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