#ecommerce seo in nepal
feat-international · 2 years
Ecommerce SEO in Nepal - Why It Is Important For Ecommerce Business in Nepal?
Before we dive straight into eCommerce SEO, let’s get familiar with the term SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. In general, the term SEO refers to the process of optimizing your website to increase visibility when some people search for products or services related to your business in search engines like Google, Bing, and others. Moreover, it is a series of tasks to bring organic traffic to the website. With the increase in digitization and most businesses getting online, the trend of SEO in Nepal has reached a new benchmark. As of 2022, all small growing businesses to well-established organizations are trying to make their online presence better.  
With digital marketing services, you can make your online presence better. Among different digital marketing services, SEO has become one of the distinguished aspects of digital marketing in Nepal. Every brand is well aware of the importance of SEO and how SEO will help to get featured on top of search engines. 
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History of Ecommerce Business in Nepal 
In this digital world, people can now get what they want by sitting in a room with a flick of fingers. Modern technologies have made our life much easier. But, did you ever wonder how the eCommerce business came into existence in Nepal?   
According to an article published inOnline Khabar, the journey of eCommerce started in Nepal intending to let Nepalese people residing abroad send gifts to their friends and family members. Co-founder of Thamel.com, Mr. Bal Krishna Joshi claims his company to be the first-ever eCommerce company in Nepal. During the late 1990s, he was living in the US and at the same time, he also saw the growth of eCommerce companies like Amazon and eBay. Thus, to execute the same idea, he started Thamel.com, as a business-listing website in 1998. At first, he started his website as a business listing website, to globalize the business shops located at Thamel. In 2000, he converted his company from a business listing to eCommerce. However, the company was only registered in the United States.   
Later, Munchahouse.com, which is now changed to Muncha.com was launched in 2000 as the first-ever online departmental store in Nepal. People living in the USA, UK, and Australia used this website to buy and send gifts to their close ones in Nepal. With the development in technology, many e-commerce companies started to come into operation. Similarly, companies like NepBay.com, now changed into Thulo Market launched in 2007. Additionally, other major companies like Sastodeal, Urban Girl, and Daraz also came into existence in the early 2010s.   
As of now, there are more than 40k+ registered commercial websites in Nepal. With the development of digital payment services like eSewa, Khalti, IME Pay, etc, eCommerce in Nepal has grown massively. Even after two decades after its launch, eCommerce in Nepal still has a lot of room for its growth.   
Ecommerce Business in Nepal 
Ecommerce refers to the sale or purchase of goods or services over a computer network, primarily the internet. The business transaction can occur either as B2B, B2C, or C2C. Moving a few years back, the eCommerce business in Nepal was not that popular. After the COVID pandemic, many eCommerce business companies came into existence in Nepal. As the eCommerce business is getting widely popular, the number of eCommerce websites is also increasing alongside. Thus, the competition to stay at the top of a search result is very high. Thus, to stay at the top of search results, SEO for the eCommerce website is very much needed. Here are some of the top eCommerce websites in world. 
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Ecommerce SEO is the process of generating organic traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, etc. to your online store. For example, if you use a certain keyword or phrase on a search engine, it displays the top 10 organic results alongside paid ads and Google Shopping ads results. Ecommerce SEO is all about ensuring your product pages appear among those top ten organic search results. 
As the competition is high, the importance of SEO for an eCommerce website is inevitable. The various strategy and techniques deployed in eCommerce SEO yield numerous benefits. With the well-planned eCommerce SEO strategy, you can appear at the top of Google’s search results whichincreases brand awareness. In addition to this, the SEO-optimized website brings a better user experience compared to a non-SEO optimized. 
Now that we are familiar with the needs and benefits of SEO for eCommerce websites, let’s look at some infographics to visualize more about the needs of eCommerce SEO in Nepal. 
According toBacklinko.com, 44% of people begin their online shopping journey with a query in Google. 
According to the reports fromSEMRUSH, 37.5% of all traffic to eCommerce websites comes from search engines. 
For example, taking a look at Nepal’s largest eCommerce website, Daraz.com.np, 35.6% of traffic on the website comes from the organic search result.  
In this article, we will provide an in-depth guide for ecommerce SEO in Nepal. After reading this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything about optimizing your eCommerce site, performing proper keyword research to technical SEO to link building process. If you are looking to get more targeted traffic from a search, make time to read this article. We have divided the process into five sections.  
Keyword Research for Ecommerce Website 
Ecommerce Website Architecture 
On-Page SEO for Ecommerce Website 
Technical SEO for Ecommerce Website 
Link-Building Technique for Ecommerce Website 
1. Keyword Research for Ecommerce Website 
Keyword research is the first step in defining your SEO goals. Additionally, it is the foundation of every SEO campaign. Keyword research is the process by which you research popular search terms or phrases which people use on search engines like Google, Bing, Baidu Yahoo, etc. The researched keywords are included strategically in the content so that your webpage appears higher on a search engine result page.  
You cannot optimize your product and category pages until you have done proper keyword research. For example, every time someone searches by using a keyword or phrase, the search engines must decide which handful of results to display from hundreds of thousands of possible pages. Each search engine has its algorithm which determines the relevant match for every single search. Thus, it is very important to choose the right keyword, so that search engines can match and display your site at top of the search result. Likewise, for eCommerce site keyword research is a very big deal to display your product page on top of search engine page results.  
How To Do Keyword Research for Ecommerce Product and Category Pages 
Each keyword has different search intent. The search intent can be classified into informational, navigational, commercial, and transactional. Most of the keyword research primarily focuses on informational intent. Although informational keywords have their place in eCommerce sites, you must do keyword research around product searches.  
Here is how you can do proper keyword research for your eCommerce site in Nepal. 
Yes, it is Daraz which is your top competitor and probably the biggest eCommerce site in Nepal. 
Here is how you can perform keyword research from Daraz.com.np
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First of all, head over to Daraz and enter a keyword or phrase that describes one of your products in its search bar. When you do, Daraz will provide a list of suggestions around the product’s keyword.
The keyword Daraz suggests tends to be very targeted. It even makes your keyword research task easier as it also suggests long-tail keywords. Additionally, the long tail keyword performs better than the short tail keyword while making a comparison in conversion rate. Not only that, they’re usually less competitive too.  
Rinse and repeat the process for the most important product on your site. Apart from Daraz, you can also use Amazon.com, the biggest eCommerce website in the world. Repeat the same process as you do in Daraz.com.np 
Likewise, you can also use free Keyword Research tools like WordSteam. To use this free tool, you just enter your keyword related to the product into the tool, then it will provide a list of generic keywords alongside search volume. Similarly, another free keyword research tool that will make your work handy is Keyword Tool Dominator. This free tool is very handy to use and provides both long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords.  
For example, when we used the keyword “running shoes” in both Daraz and Amazon, it only gave 8-10 keyword ideas. By using this free handy keyword research tool, you can get up to 50+ keyword ideas.  
These are some free keyword research tools that will help you to get a hefty list of keyword ideas. Another important tool that will make your keyword research even easier is SEMrush. However, this tool is a paid tool and it is a little bit different. SEMrush doesn’t generate new keyword ideas for your seed keyword, instead, it shows you the list of competitors that are ranked for the particular keyword.
Selection of Keywords for Ecommerce Product and Category Pages 
Now that you have a list of researched keywords, you’re probably wondering which keyword to choose. Here is the simple guide to selecting the best keywords for your eCommerce website.  
Before you choose your keyword, the most important metric you should be evaluating is search volume. If the keyword you have selected isn’t searched by anyone, then it doesn’t really matter how well it converts or how competitive Google’s first page happens to be. Having said that, there is no specific search volume recommendation for keywords. The keyword search volume varies from industry to industry. While some industries' keyword has 100 search per month which is also a lot and in other, it might have 10k monthly searches.  
To find the average monthly search volume of a specific keyword, you can use tools like Google Keyword Planner or WordStream.
Once you have found a keyword search volume, the next step is to check the competition for the keyword. So, before you decide on a keyword, take a second to see if people using that keyword are ballers or not. To check the competition for any keyword, you can use the Google Keyword Planner. Competition on Google Keyword Planner reflects how many people bid on that keyword in Google Ads. Thus, when it comes to SEO for eCommerce websites, we always suggest sticking with medium to high competition keywords. Likewise, you can also take a reference from Moz’s Keyword Research tool. Put your ideal keyword in the search bar and it will generate the difficulty level for a specific keyword. The higher the difficulty level, the harder it gets to rank in Google.
2. Ecommerce Website Architecture 
Website Architecture refers to how information is organized and prioritized on your website. The search engines check navigation, breadcrumbs, URLs, and sitemap to understand the website architecture. Website Architecture is one of the important SEO considerations for any website. Without a doubt, it is also important for an eCommerce website. That’s because an eCommerce site significantly has more pages than an average blogging website. With many pages in an eCommerce website, your website architecture must be properly optimized for both users and search engines to find all your pages. 
To maintain the structure of your eCommerce website, you need to follow these two simple guidelines. 
No 1 Rule: Keep things simple and scalable 
No 2 Rule: Keep every product page three or fewer clicks from your homepage 
The infographic below represents things to avoid while setting up your eCommerce website. In this website architecture, the link authority is concentrated on the site’s product and category pages. The website structure should alway be simple. If it is complex and it takes more than five clicks to reach the first product page, then there is huge chance the user changes their mind. According to our rule, all the product pages should be three clicks or fewer from the homepage. Here is an example of proper website structure and user-friend eCommerce website architecture.  
3. On-Page SEO for Ecommerce Website 
Now that you are familiar with the eCommerce website architecture, we will now move on to the optimization of the website. For an eCommerce website, you need to optimize each category and product page for a better user experience.  
Let’s take an example of a perfectly optimized eCommerce page. 
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Now, let’s break down each segment of On-Page SEO for eCommerce websites.  
Title Tag 
The first step towards the optimization of your product page is adding a targeted keyword to the page’s title tag. If you are doing this then don’t stop there. Moreover, you can also add modifiers to your title tag which will help you show up for long tail searches.  
For example, let’s say your target keyword is, “Nike running shoe” 
Instead of adding just your targeted keyword, you should also include common modifiers like best, free, cheap, free shipping, online, etc., that most people use while searching for a product in search engines. 
So, your title tag could be something like best Nike running shoes, or best free shipping Nike running shoes.  
Likewise, you can also use click magnet words in the title for eCommerce product and category pages. For example, free shipping, sale, X% off, lowest price, etc.  
Here is an example of what a title page should look like for a higher click-through rate. 
30% Off and Free Shipping Nike Running Shoes 
Description Tag 
One of the important tasks of On-Page SEO for every website is using a description tag. Unlike title tags, adding click magnet words in the description tags is very important to increase CTR. The only difference is that, with a description tag, you can have more space to include longer phrases.  
Here’s an example of how a well-optimized description tag might look 
Save 30% on the best Nike running shoes. Get free shipping on all orders. Click here to see all exclusive deals with the guaranteed lowest price.   
Keyword Usage in Content 
The most important thing about eCommerce SEO is optimizing product and category pages. While the title and description tags boost ranking, the content inside each product and category page is the ideal component for getting ranked at the top of the search engine result page. 
There is not exactly the rule set up by Google that your product and category page should contain more than 1000+ words. However, the research found out that the average word count of the top 10 pages has above 1000+ word count. The fact is this, Google wants to know what your page is all about. Thus, the deeper the content you provide, the better Google can understand your page.  
While writing an in-depth product description, make sure to add your targeted keyword up to 3-5 times in the content. However, stuffing keywords forcefully in the content won’t do better. Just add the keywords naturally a handful of times to help Google understand what your page is all about.   
Keyword-Rich Short URLs 
According to an analysis fromBacklinko, there is a clear correlation between URL length and rankings. While analyzing 11 million Google search results, it is found that short URLs tend to rank higher on Google’s first page than long URLs.   
Here is what the URL of your product page should look like, 
SEO-friendly URL also refers to making the URL keyword-rich. 
For example, 
For sub-categories, follow the same process. Here’s how your website URL should look like 
Then for the product page, you should add your target keyword for the product separated by dashes.  
Here’s what the final URL of your product page looks like, 
While this may be the best process for optimizing URLs, some eCommerce websites don’t use categories and subcategories in their URLs.  
Internal Linking 
Internal linking is one of the best practices of On-page SEO. For example, let’s say you have published a blog that has generated a lot of backlinks. Thus, adding a keyword-rich anchor text link from that blog to your product page distributes the authority to the particular product page.  
4. Technical SEO for Ecommerce Website 
Technical SEO is one of those things that’s important for ALL sites. However, it is twice important for an eCommerce website as it contains a lot of pages compared to another blogging website. Due to a large number of pages, an eCommerce website has a high possibility of facing technical SEO issues. 
The important aspects of technical SEO include crawling, indexing, broken link, XML sitemaps, duplicate content, thin content, and site architecture.  
How to Perform Technical SEO of Ecommerce Website 
To perform a technical SEO audit of an eCommerce website, we suggest using ScreamingFrog. From our point of view, this tool is the handiest and easy-to-understand tool with a lot of audit features.  
You can also use other tools likeRaven Tools,SEMrush, andDeepCrawl.  
To useScreamingFrogfor your eCommerce website SEO audit, insert the website URL and click start.  
Then, it will start scanning all the available pages and report issues that crop up. ScreamingFrog tool will show all the missing details.  
5. Link-Building Technique for Ecommerce Website 
Link building is the process of acquiring links to your website from other websites. In the context of SEO, these links are called backlinks. It is one of the difficult tasks in the process of SEO. Achieving backlinks from a high-quality website will pass authority to your website which will ultimately help you to rank higher in the search engine results pages.
Link buildingis one of the major tasks in SEO. For example, if you have just started your website and published a great piece of content, it will not earn much authority. Getting backlinks from another trustworthy website will let Google see your site as more authoritative. Moreover, backlinks are essentially votes of confidence for your site. The more backlink you generate the higher chance you get ranked in Google. However, this doesn’t mean that gaining thousands of links from low-quality websites will help you rank on Google. 
Furthermore, the backlink can be classified into two types, dofollow and nofollow.  
The are many ways to acquire a backlink. Below are some of the major methods to earn backlinks. 
Guest Blogging 
Manual Outreach 
Pursuing Competitors’ backlinks 
Reach Out to Event Organizers 
Start Your Ecommerce SEO Journey With Feat International 
Although Nepal is moving toward digitization, there is still a lot of room to grow digitally. In the context of Nepal, Daraz.com.np is considered the largest eCommerce website. However, there is always fierce competition to stay at the top of Google. Ecommerce SEO in Nepal is really important if you want your business to thrive in this competitive market. It doesn’t matter whether your competitors have already taken abetter positionthan you in the market. With a proper eCommerce SEO strategy, you can make a viable presence on the internet. When you’re visible on search results, more customers get to know your business.  
Whether your business is just a small start-up or a well-established company, with strategic eCommerce SEO you can maximize your website visibility and increase sales of the product. The success of every eCommerce website depends on how much sales you are making. Likewise, you can make sales of your brand or product if they can be easily found by the searchers on the internet. With help of eCommerce SEO, it will help online businesses to drive more organic and quality visitors to a website by optimizing them according to their search intent.  
Thus, if you are looking for aneCommerce SEO service in Nepal, Feat International is the one-stop solution for all your needs. Being a leadingdigital marketing agency in Nepal, Feat International has a dedicated team to implement various tactics and strategies to get on top of Google. Reach out to us through a contact page, we will help you maximize your business ROI and increase growth.
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onlinezeal · 2 years
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brosistechnologies011 · 7 months
Unlock your website potential: With Jaipur's best SEO Company
In today’s digital world, where online visibility of businesses is rapidly growing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has emerged as a powerful tool to increase visibility, collect organic traffic, and automatically boost the revenue. However, for SEO you need a reliable company with expertise and dedication. Brosis technologies – one of the best SEO Company in Jaipur. We are providing SEO services in Jaipur since 2013.
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Services provided by us as SEO company:-
As a most trustable SEO company in Jaipur and best SEO services in Jaipur. We provide the best in our services:-
Keyword Research and Analysis:-
We identify relevant keywords with high search and competition which is mandatory for SEO. Also we conduct through keyword research to find the most effective keywords for a particular business or industry.
On – page optimization:-
On – page optimization includes various elements on a website such as Meta tags, Meta title, and headings to make them more SEO friendly. Also, it ensures that search engine can crawl easily and it should be friendly to all devices.
Link building:-
We build high quality back links fro reputable websites, which is necessary for improving site’s authority and ranking.
Technical SEO:-Optimizing the technical aspects of a site such as, site – speed, mobile – friendliness is important for achieving high ranking on SERP (Search Engine Result Page).
Monitoring and reporting:- 
We continuously monitor website performance and provide detail reports time to time such as, keyword rankings, organic traffic and conversion rates. This allows businesses to track progress according to the SEO optimization.
Why we are a good choice as provider of SEO services in Jaipur?
Experience and expertise:-
We are having the experience of 10 years in this field. Also we have experts of each and every specific field. And our company is having good image in market as very are famous as the most reliable company in Jaipur.
24/7 technical support:-
Our experts are glad to help the customer anytime with any query. Our support is always available as we never make our client unhappy.
We use latest technology and new updated tool for SEO. As the best SEO Company in Jaipur, it is very important to use good quality of tools and technology.
Customized strategies:-
We customize strategies for your business goals and target audience. Also we customize your website with each type of SEO.
Budget friendly:-
We provide our services in less expensive rates. Because SEO service rates are very high these days, and we are providing it in cheap rates. So that anyone for their business purpose can afford it.
Overall, we as best SEO Company and providers in Jaipur always provides our best. That is why many clients are connected with us from the beginning. We have gained the trust of many people, in Jaipur and all over India. We also work globally, and we are having our customers in different countries such as, Germany, Italy, Nepal, Bali and many more.
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techyblogger · 3 years
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rakibpro · 5 years
Top 10 Most Popular Free WordPress Blog Themes 2020
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Blogging is a marvelous thing that associates yourself with your diversions. Possibly you simply had a tasty formula in another café, perhaps you just visited the Himalayas of Nepal on your days off, perhaps you purchased the new macintosh book expert that you have been hanging tight for, perhaps you wanna talk about the photography methods that you adapted, perhaps you visited a late spring design appear in Paris or anything, presently, you might need to discuss it and offer your experience and learning, blogging about it immediately in your own blog is a great method to do it. While the entire blogging thing relies on you, it is significant that you make your blog look lovely, proficient, simple to peruse and well-organized to be positioned well in real web indexes. Moreover, you and I both realize that your guests will be generally finding out about your blog in their cell phones, so your blog should likewise be responsive. This inside and out will assist you to assemble more guests and make them part of your experience that you are partaking in your blog.free wordpress blog themes   This post is tied in with finding the privilege of WordPress blogging topic that will suit your blog content and character. I have recorded magnificent free close to home blog WordPress topics beneath, trust it will assist your blog with getting the look that it needs.free wordpress blog themes
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Poseidon is an exquisitely structured WordPress subject highlighting an awe-inspiring fullscreen picture slideshow. The spotless typography and open white format make it extraordinary to share your accounts. You can utilize the subject as a straightforward blog or effectively make a news site with the gadget based Magazine Homepage layout.
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Flat is a free Blog Theme structured by YoArts. Works decent for an individual blog, magazine, news or audit site
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Hiero is a marvelous magazine topic for your WordPress site include intense hues and subtleties to the substance. Responsive format, post thumbnails support, strung remarks and the sky is the limit from there.
10.The Columnist free WordPress blog themes
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The Columnist is a quality responsive WordPress theme for individual and magazine-style websites. Very adaptable: you can independently set various designs to a landing page, chronicles, single pages, bbPress and BuddyPress. The theme incorporates responsive customizable slider and four shading themes. The substance can be shown in up to four-segment format. The theme likewise incorporates bbPress and BuddyPress styles. It is worked considering most elevated coding norms and is routinely refreshed. Best eCommerce WordPress Themes Best WordPress Blog Themes Read the full article
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taycraz-blog · 8 years
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indalp · 5 years
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olusegundare · 6 years
How To Make Your First $1,000 Online - James Maverick
How To Make Your First $1,000 Online
James Maverick
Earning the first $1 is infinitely harder than earning $100. After that, it gets infinitely easier to earn more money; it’s easier to go from $100 to $1,000 and even easier to go from $1,000 to $10,000.
At the start, it’s important to clarify that in order to make money, you have to sell something, either a product or a service, for which you will receive a payment in exchange. You must have something that another party deems valuable enough to give you money.
Let’s say you have no experience with making money online and are looking to make your first $1,000.
What would you do?
Well, the first step is to figure out what exactly do you want to sell.
What’s your pitch? What’s your product? What’s your hustle?
That could be something physical; for instance, a physical product that solves a particular problem to a specific audience.
That can also be an informational product that provides certain guidance or instructions for getting something done, whether it’s moving to another country or building a specific business.
As they say, information is power. Useful information that comes by way of experience can help others save enormous amounts of time and money, allowing them to accomplish something much quicker and easier as compared to if they lacked this information.
When it comes to actually building something, there are two primary ways of doing so: build an online store that sells products directly or create an information-based site that helps visitors in some way shape or form.
An example of the former is an online store that sells something like mattresses or accessories. An example of the latter is a country portal about Colombia where people can learn about the country and then pay for further assistance in specific areas (e.g., help to find apartments or get a residence visa).
Obviously, it would be a lot faster to generate a profit by selling an actual physical product that people are already searching for and can’t wait to purchase. You simply show the product and people buy it.
On the other hand, when you’re creating a custom service, the prospective customer needs time to learn more about you and trust you before partying with their money for the service you’re offering.
Should you follow your passion?
During my many years of mentoring tons and tons of people, the first question that inevitably comes up is whether they should choose an area that’s closely connected with their passion.
So, if a certain person is passionate about a topic such as dog-training, they should build a site about dog training and then figure out ways of making money from it later.
My answer is that it depends. You definitely want to work on something you have some kind of interest in—at least be somewhat interested in.
Most importantly, however, you must pick an area that already has a sizable demand of people who’re looking for a particular solution to their problem.
For instance, fitness is an area with lots of demand. Same for building a business. Lots of people want to make money online and dump the 9-5.
Even if I’m very passionate about teaching my Yorkie Terrier various tricks (I don’t have one), it’s probably not an area I would choose to pursue and build a business because it’s just too small and constricting in size and scope.
On the other hand, let’s say I’m living in Argentina, and I’m super passionate about helping others move and get settled in properly in the country. In that case, that’s something I might pursue doing because of 1) I’m super passionate about Argentina and 2) I realize there’s a sizable demand of people who are trying to do the same.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people give up because they lost interest in the topic they chose to work in. As time went on, they realized it they weren’t interested in cat knitting or building a site about a little city in Nepal as much as they thought.
Now that you decided what is it you want to work on, the next thing is to figure how to get customers to visit your site so they learn about your products and services and hopefully purchase them as well.
Getting customers to your site
The first thing you need in order to make money is people who’re willing to give you money: customers.
Generally, there are two ways to get traffic: free and paid. Free traffic comes to you via places like Google searches (organic traffic), links from other websites and things like word of mouth.
Paid traffic is traffic that you “purchase” via advertisements. Popular advertising platforms are Google Ads (Adwords), Facebook Ads, and tons of others.
I typically employ both strategies depending on my goals.
If you’re tight with money, then free traffic is ideal.
On the other hand, if you know exactly how much you’re making and how much you need to spend on traffic to either break even or turn in a profit, then paid traffic can work really well.
Monetizing customers
Once you’ve discovered ways of getting people to your door, the next step is getting them to buy something from you. This process is called monetization.
Compared to finding a steady traffic source for your products and services, monetization isn’t very difficult. If you there are people who come to your site because they’re looking for a specific solution to their problem, and you have this solution to their problem, selling it to them won’t be very difficult.
After all, they’re on your site because you promised to help them, right?
While there are tons of different offers you can create, there are two primary ways to make money: sell your own products/services or become an affiliate for someone else’s products/services.
When you sell someone else’s product, you get a cut of the transaction (commission). That’s called affiliate marketing because you’re an affiliate for the seller instead of being a seller yourself.
Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing one of my first huge online successes back in 2003. I was one of the largest affiliates for a particular site. If I referred someone and they signed up for the service, I received a commission. As I referred more and more people, I received bigger and bigger commissions (higher tier). As time went on, I ended up making an absolute killing in commissions.
The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don’t need to build and support the actual product. That means no need to hire web developers and no need to handle customer support. All you really need to do is promote a marketing product or service while letting the vendor handle everything else.
One of the largest marketplaces to find products to promote is ClickBank. There, you can find all kinds of products to promote all kinds of different niches (markets for different audiences). You can also sort each product by how much money is making ensuring that you’re only promoting products that are selling and not some duds that no customer would ever purchase.
For instance, let’s say you’re promoting a product and they pay you a commission of $50 whenever anyone signs up through your link. That means you need to refer 20 users who signup for the service in order to make $1,000. If you’re referring just one paying user a day, you’ll be earning $50 per day. That’s $1,500 per month, a pretty comfortable sum for living anywhere outside the West.
Of course, you also need to provide the traffic. That can be done either via free sources (Google SEO) or paid sources (Google Ads, Facebook Ads).
While dropshipping is all the rage these days, I have been doing dropshipping back in 2005, so I have quite a bit of experience in this area.
Dropshipping is attributed to ecommerce. You set up a store that sells physical products. A customer visits your store and places an order. But instead of going to your own warehouse, picking out the item and shipping it, you’re asking another supplier to fulfill the order by shipping it directly to your customer.
This way you never even see and touch the product.
Dropshipping is very similar to affiliate marketing. Whereas in affiliate marketing, you’re a middleman for an informational product or service, with dropshipping you’re a middleman for a physical product.
There’s a lot of negativity about dropshipping, but these people don’t understand what dropshipping is. Dropshipping isn’t “positive” or “negative”; it’s simply a logistics model of product fulfillment. So, instead of you fulfilling your orders, someone else does it on your behave. There’s nothing inherently negative about that.
Selling physical products online (ecommerce) is one of the fastest ways to make money. The main reason is that you don’t need to sell the customer very hard on the product. The customer sees the product and they know right away whether they need this particular product or not. They know whether this product can solve their problem or not. This is different from an informational product where the customer needs to be persuaded that this particular product will solve their problems.
The business model with ecommerce is slightly different from affiliate marketing. First of all, you have the cost of the product. So, if you’re buying a product for $25 and selling it for $50, your profit is not $50: it’s $25.
There are other expenses such as the cost of ads (if you’re buying traffic and not getting free organic traffic).
Still, even with all the expenses and overhead, it’s easy to become profitable very quickly if you find a good quality product that solves a problem. And when you experiment with various products, you develop a “sixth sense” for knowing when a product will sell or not.
For instance, let’s say you’re selling a product that you can source for only $5 (you get volume discounts because you’re a high volume seller). It costs you another $5 to ship the product to your customer. Then another $10 for ads. You then sell the product for $30. That means your expenses are $20, so your profit is $10.
In ecommerce, it’s very common to have profit margins of around 15-30% as opposed to 100% when you’re selling an information product that doesn’t cost you an additional amount to produce (e.g., selling another license of software or access to a course).
So, if you can sell 100 of these per month, you will make $1,000 in profit. That’s only 3 items per day, not an impossible feat by any measure.
Building and selling your own product
When you’re an affiliate, you’re getting a cut of the commission (typically 25-75%), but when you’re selling your own product, you keep the entire profit for yourself.
If you already have a certain website up and running and a steady supply of traffic that comes to your website and loves the content, then the next step is creating your own product and service. When you do that, you won’t need to split the profit with anyone else; you pocket 100% of the profit.
The disadvantage is that not only do you need to spend ample amount of time creating this product, but you’re also responsible for all kinds of customer support issues.
If someone signed up and they’re having problems, you must deal with the customer. If your server is down, you must fix it. If your product isn’t being displayed properly, you must fix it.
Unlike someone who’s a mere affiliate who sends the customer over to a third party site, as someone who owns the product, you have a lot of responsibility to handle everything.
I have tried both approaches and there are pros and cons to being an affiliate for certain products, but also creating your own products as well.
The decision comes down to expertise. If you run a website that you’re very knowledgeable about, it shouldn’t be much of a challenge to create products and services that your audience would crave. On the other hand, if you somehow have access to traffic of an audience you have nothing in common with, then it might be wiser to become an affiliate for a third party product instead of creating your own from scratch.
For instance, I have no problems building products in areas I’m an expert in such as digital marketing, making money online, dropshipping and learning foreign languages, but I would never build products in areas I know nothing about like knitting or woodworking.
The right mindset to start
The most challenging part of making your first $1000 is believing that $1000 is somehow a lot of money and making that much money would be difficult if not outright impossible. That’s the wrong mindset to have.
The right approach is to ask yourself the following question, “What can I do right now that will allow to me sell one thing to one person?”
Is it selling a physical product?
Is it helping someone obtain a second passport in Brazil?
Is it teaching someone how to bench press 2.5X their body weight or helping them lose 30 lbs before Christmas?
Is it becoming an authority in a specific area and then consulting companies via your knowledge and expertise?
Now, combine the above question with a group of people who need this problem solved. Congrats: now you have a product, an audience, and a business model.
Final thoughts
I still remember that fateful day when I made my first dollar online. That was over 15 years ago. Of course, the Internet was very different back then. Facebook Ads didn’t exist. Google was an up-coming niche search company.
Nevertheless, the principles are still the same. What worked back in 2003 still works in 2018 and will work in 2033 and beyond.
At the core, any business is really about people. It’s about forming connections. And when a useful connection occurs, money is usually exchanged.
When I think about entering a specific market, usually my first question is, “How can I add value?” or “What can I do to help a particular person or group of people” or “How can I make their lives better?”
This answer to this question usually becomes a product or service that, when combined with an enticing offer, is then presented to the prospective customer. They purchase it.
After all, people all over the world are hungry for various solutions to their problems. And, as a person who happens to have answers and solutions because of an extensive experience and knowledge, it’s your duty to solve these problems for them.
Interested in building your own passive, location-independent business? Want to avoid needless trial and error? Want to start off on the right foot under proper guidance? Check out the Maverick Mentorship program. It has helped 100s of guys just like yourself to build their own business
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webdesign6325-blog · 6 years
Web Design Frederick MD: Kathmandu, Nepal The Trick of Web Design That Nobody is Speaing Frankly About
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Our solutions range from customized website design to responsive website development to full internet marketing campaigns that drive website traffic and also sales for our clients. Web developers from India are recognized for their ability to produce an interactive and user friendly endeavor to bring good looks and also info together making use of aesthetic elements like photos, colors, symbols and also styles.Capable of taking care of jobs of any kind of dimension, they make every effort to offer their ... As the website obtains launched or ends up being live for the end-users (site visitors), you may obtain feedbacks from them, which will at some point assist you in boosting it. Apart from this, the standard action in the procedure of simplifying the website consists of search engine optimization, which starts with Search Engine Optimization website design. In order to produce a vibrant and easy to use web site, premium quality website design templates must be utilized, and also if you are unsure of just what to use when to use, you can hire a professional website design firm. Why Most People Are Dead Inappropriate About Web Design And Why This Report Must be Read by You Windy City Web Designs can likewise assist strategically market your business online utilizing your online search engine pleasant web site as well as our tested advertising strategies. Because you may have lots of products for sale you will certainly desire potential clients to locate effortlessly, an excellent ecommerce web site design is vital for your online organisation. Small company consulting solutions will help you not just in creating the internet site yet likewise in expanding your business on the web. While an on-line profile is a key element of this, branding additionally requires having business cards and looking for networking possibilities, both on-line and also offline, to join. Also for utilized internet designers, networking with others at industry occasions is an effective way of constructing a name, coming to be more valuable, as well as discovering the most up to date info about the sector itself. Unified Individual Experience: An additional crucial element of website design is guaranteeing that customers have a unified experience throughout the entire internet site-- and across other networks (social networks, etc.) that the internet designer is in charge of. A seasoned web design company is mosting likely to have a great portfolio of web websites that they've created for different consumers. Marketplace in the entire globe currently rely on the internet businesses are utilising this grand market with the use of web sites to advertise their services or products. However if you feel you don't have enough experience to provide a real competitive "product" on the market you could work with a specialist web designer or a business to do it for you. Taking those concerns into factor to consider when developing your web site will improve your visitors' experience with it, therefore you will develop trust in your service; and you know exactly what that suggests from the sales' viewpoint. Some exceptional designers can produce initial and brand-new styles within this time fame but the majority of the developers are not able to do so. Just what to do after that ?? As well as, though there are numerous web growth and also layout business, one should make sure to employ the services of an experienced firm only. To reduce a lengthy story short, if you wish to make a career from developing web sites then there are a myriad of chances available to you as the need for modern web developers is on a steady surge. Present myself, I am content author for Web Site Layout Synapse India is a Web Design Provider Firm as well as an eCommerce Web site Growth company in India. This entire marketing procedure consists of structure concepts maintaining objectives psychological, evaluation of corporate picture keeping in mind the brand name promotion of the solutions being provided and also giving the pertinent material to provide important market ruling information for individuals. Built with the purpose to market the solutions as well as goods, website layouts have come to be a modern day icon to attract net individuals to come and make use of the solutions. The other point is that website design firm India likewise possess their committed, authentic, seasoned professionals who are experienced in adopting latest modern technologies. Furthermore, web designing business in India not just consider graphic layout and also logo layout however likewise offer terrific value to the content and also Search Engine Optimization solutions. This is why when you produce an expert internet site for your expert online company you really feel great deals of stress on your shoulders which can only be lifted when a premium web design is produced. Cost should not make your choice, specifically if the distinction is merely a numerous hundred bucks, other than you can not pay for it, nonetheless you on the exact same hand have to not be anticipating your Internet Developer to create a substantial company net site for $100 either.
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Important Features to Consider When Selecting SEO Services
If you own your business website but find it hard to reach out to your target market, in spite of you being passionate about your field of interest as well as product and services. Your best bet would be to consider Worldwide SEO services to help better exposure of your website. The services of a good SEO service company have certain valuable features as given below.
Affordable SEO
It is important to consider affordable Worldwide SEO services when selecting a company. After all, you have a budget set aside for marketing and promoting your business. It is an affordable service provider that is an important consideration. This is because quality search engine optimization to bring in more pre-sold traffic to the website could be provided by both high-priced and affordably-priced packages.
Any leading Worldwide SEO services would have packages with different budgets for the clients that are designed to deliver results, irrespective of the type of packages opted. So business owners would find selecting the right package easier that do not overspend the company's resources, which helps in meeting other promotional activities.
On-Page and Off-Page SEO Marketing
Services offered by an SEO Company includes both on-page and off-page SEO. On-page SEO services is meant for the website itself to make it Search engine friendly. The work that is included are meta tags on the different web pages and site architecture, including few landing pages. The services also include keyword optimized content for the different web pages and consistent URL structure.
Off-page SEO consists of incoming link variations, link anchor text, and link relevancy. Other services that are part of off-page SEO include incoming link timing, incoming link types, referral page optimization, and directory submission optimization.
Link Building for Your Website
An increase in one-way links to the website from reputable sites is a positive factor for better ranking in search results. Search engines prefer websites that are accessed by popular and respected websites through links. This helps in increasing the credibility and usefulness of the site. It is to be noted that a search engine always works towards providing quality search results as per the needs of the user. A good SEO company provides organic SEO for the client's site. This includes bringing in listings on organic search result pages. The search results appear due to their relevancy to the search terms.
Pay-Per-Click Setup and Management Services
Pay-per-click campaigns are great way to target web browsers who are searching for the kind of product or services you offer. The owner of the website bid on keyword phrases related to your niche type of business. It is only when someone clicks on your ad that your money gets deducted. Your ad is displayed on SERP pages related to your keywords.
Any leading Worldwide SEO Company has experts in pay-per-click setup and they are the right source to get help in the initial setup of pay-per-click campaigns. They are also skilled in managing the return on investment and profitability of any campaign.
Product Feed SEO
Another important task of a premier SEO Company does is to submit product feeds to websites that are meant for shopping comparisons. The SEO experts make customized product feeds as per your products for these websites. The feeds are such that for any product catalog change, the feeds automatically update itself accordingly.
Consulting Expertise
Making the website "perfect" for the search engine is an important part of SEO. A premier SEO Company creates a new sites or make chances to the existing website, along with site navigation and site map generation. In addition, they also provide competitive analysis, keyword research, and SEO tag as well as creating friendly URL, 301 re-direct files, Mod Rewrite, and a host of other services.
Search Engine Optimization and Ecommerce
The best Worldwide SEO services work towards the speed, internal anchor text and link structure, proper navigation, and plagiarism free content. In addition, the page URL is created that includes keywords. Moreover, suitable site maps are made that gets submitted to major search engines automatically.
For e-commerce website, the services offered include indexing and optimizing every product page. Also they have expertise in working with international companies that sell similar products or services across the globe in different languages.
The above mentioned points are some important features that a premier SEO company needs to offer. If the services selected have all these qualities, you can expect to increase considerable traffic to your website.
Many companies spends thousands of dollars on business meetings with clients, to different countries, and to different places just to get clients for the products or services they have to offer. The success of this attempt is unsure. When the effort made fails the money that is spent turns out to be a big waste along with the valuable time spent in the various meetings. All that is required in SEO is to hire the services of an Worldwide SEO Company for your business campaign. The SEO experts of these companies do all the market research as well as competition analysis. They work towards making your product more reachable to wider potential customers as part of their SEO services. The Worldwide SEO experts will analyze the market to find out who are really interested in the product or services, and work on the website to make it easily visible online.
Herein lies the importance of hiring the services of SEO services instead of doing hectic campaigning yourself for business success after spending thousands of dollars and time, which could have been spent on other valuable services of the business.
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