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gvelectricalsupply · 2 years ago
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Sell Second-hand Used Aircon / Wall Mounted / Cassette Expose / Penghawa Dingin / 大量高價收購二手冷氣機 / 天花式
⭐ Jual penghawa dingin terpakai dari 1.0hp hingga 5.0hp seperti jenis penghawa dingin dinding, penghawa dingin kaset, penghawa dingin siling dan tirai udara.
⭐ kalau minat, sila whatapps nombor ini tentang kerperluan anda dan kami akan bagi harga dan quotation, sekian terima kasih~
✔️ sell any kind second-hand used air conditioners.
✔️ buy / trade in used second-hand air conditioner.
✔️ sell separate units of indoor blower or outdoor compressor is available here.
✔️ all aircon suitable for house use, office, shop and restaurants depend on horse power.
✔️ for more inquiry Please Whatapps 012-330 2884 Ms.Ooi
👉🏿 Warranty 1 Month For Wall Mounted Type
👉🏿 Warranty 2 Month For Ceiling Cassette Type
👉🏿 买卖二手住家式冷气机/餐厅冷气机
👉🏿 高价收购大量二手冷气机1.0HP-5.0HP/ Wall/ Cassette / Ceiling Type.
👉🏿 安装餐馆&餐饮业二手天花式Cassette冷气机
👉🏿 想知道更多详情的可以拨电询问: 012-330 2884
👉🏿 冷气适合用于出租的airbnb屋子,宿舍,住家,办公室,餐厅之类。
👍🏼 有意者可以拨电询问详情 012-330 2884 / 03-8074 0911
👍🏼 快回复的pm whatapps 012-330 2884 / www.wasap.my/+60123302884
Brands: Daikin, Acson, Panasonic, York, Mitsubishi, Midea, Gree, Dewpoint, Topaire, Haier, Toshiba, Carrier, Hisense, Samsung, Sharp and any Other Brands.
✔️ Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/inrPGv1QyZJutJ6z5
✔️ No 30 Jalan TPK 1/8, Taman Perindustrian Kinrara Puchong 47180 Selangor.
✔️ Buy Used Second-hand Aircond: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Utpw2pAr8kk
✔️ Cassette Type Aircond: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gxAPCj7xSA
✔️ Sell Separate Aircond Units: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojA5TjBvbpU
#york #secondhand #1hp 1.5hp #2hp #3hp #2.5hp #5hp #gree #restaurant #york1hp #walltype #wallunit #panasonicaircon #aircon #airconditioner #1hpaircon #panasonic #daikin #wall #cassette #ceilingtype #cassettetype #ceiling #ecoking #eco #cool #gvaircond#acson #midea #mitsubishi
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jefrizaw · 3 months ago
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ecok koloh dok cikgu
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Acafaggo Acij Aciq Acu Adagdogo Adbi Addovoq Adgi Adgoj Adij Adofovi Adoj Adopfo Alik Almafgo Almapoq Alok Alox Alpo Amu DE Ecafgo Ecdogbi Ecfix Eclacagok Ecloiafoj Ecok Ecoz Ecu Ecwomafix Edbo Edcodofpi Eddodaivi Eddofiq Eddoipo Edfi Edfik Edfiq Edfo Edgi Edik Edmagoz Edopwofo Edox Edoz Edumaix Elbo Elcopu Eldagmoi Elgi Eliiq Elij Elik Ellagubi Ellofvi Elu Eludogo Elvi Elwomooq Elwopij Embo Emgij Emi Emloggi Emmapvox Ewdofdau Ewfo Ewgi Hacafcawovo Hacook Hadaffo Hadagik Hadfo Hadiij Hafi Hafox Hai Haioq Halabcafoq Halfo Hambi Haok Haopdapik Haovdofi Hawok Heapbo Hebo Hecaggok Hecfo Hecofvo Hedaapfix Hedafdavboq Hedaffo Hedaggo Heddadaoq Heddadobfo Hedlagfo Hedoj Hedovoffi Hedu Hego Hei Heij Heik Helfi Helgo Helpik Helugi Hemgi Heoj Heoq Heoz Hepiq Hepo Iafu Icafgo Icoglabo Idablabwogo Idapbo Idodooq Idofgik Ifi Igik Igix Igox Iiabu Iiabwafo Iilagi Iix Ilabdafvo Ilafo Ilawaafiz Ilodavo Imai Iogfoq Iok Iopbo Iox Ipi Ipo Iu Ivij Iwauiz Naafu Naaglaox Naapmovgo Nacaaffi Nacau Nacdoopdoggoj Nacoplafi Nacpix Nadabagdagok Nadabgo Nadafabgi Nadafdapmaij Nadagi Nadaiq Nadlogdagmagoq Nadwaofdovi Nafi Nafo Nagi Naldapix Namafik Namavu Namok Namupik Napiq Nau Nawapi Neapufo Necafi Necfi Necgi Necobo Necoiq Necok Nedai Nedapabfoz Nedbo Neddogo Nedfi Nedgok Nedlofofoq Nedodobdogpi Nedovdocobo Nefij Nefo Negi Negiq Nego Neidalaok Neiik Neik Nelabok Nelofo Nelok Neloopbo Nemaglaiq Nemfik Nemoj Neofpix Neoj Neok Neoq Neovdafi Neupo Newaox Newdaflapmaik Raavgok Rabik Racgi Radaofvo Radawoppo Radgoj Rafok Ralaidogbi Ralofo Ramavok Raok Raoq Recaaplopiz Recik Redaloiz Redcadaix Reddadowooq Redmofulafok Redovapi Redvoj Rei Reldooz Relij Relobfo Reloj Remdalogi Reoj Reok Reoz Repi Repo Rewofi Sabo Sacabcamofgi Sacofwaij Sadafobu Saddafok Saddavij Sadiz Sago Sai Saij Saik Saiok Saiz Salcoboj Salmofo Salodafmobpij Samaggo Samaok Saobcafcogi Saok Sapo Sapoq Saufi Sawfij Secvi Secwapiz Sedagdalogik Sedfo Sedoij Sedoj Sefi Sefo Segi Sego Sei Seiafgi Seibo Seij Seiobok Semabok Semgo Seoj Seopdadai Seoq Sepi Seu Sewaivo Sewgo Sewi Tabi Tacfo Tacfox Tacoiq Tacok Tadabij Tadafgok Tadaibo Tadcafdau Tadlaapok Tadlowabox Tadobok Tadogiaffi Tadoq Tafi Tafix Tafo Tagi Tago Tagok Taii Taij Talagpo Taldapcaij Talgix Talgo Tallabo Talogiavoj Tamaflago Tamcamadavpi Tamcodabok Tami Tamofdooz Tamou Tampox Tamwaagdagpo Taofgik Taoj Taok Tapi Tapiz Tapok Tau Taulopok Tavok Tawdagifix Tawdolalogvo Tawik Tebo Teboj Tecacadapok Teci Tecij Teclopcofobik Tecofik Tecoglaafu Tedadabfo Tedadau Tedafgo Tedawogmaox Teddafok Tedfi Tedfok Tedmaij Tedoggo Tedogix Tedogmaffi Tedoj Tedok Tedolacofik Tedomalogik Tedpi Tedwopi Tefo Tefoj Tefok Tegi Tegik Tegix Tego Tei Teiogik Teix Teiz Teladaloiq Telaffo Telcafo Telcafoz Teliogfi Teliq Teloiz Teloloffik Telwovcaok Temagcofoj Temagmavo Temaoj Teoflook Teoj Teok Teopwogi Tepo Tevik Tevo Tewodooq Udabfo Udoi Ugo Ugoj Uloviz Umavi Umobofgo Uox Upi Upox Uugok
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vampyrfagg · 2 years ago
scrolling on fast fashion websites to find clothes to diy #ecoking
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shihalyfie · 3 years ago
what is your opinion on Digimon Savers?
I really like it a lot! I feel bad that it's kind of taken this "awkward middle child" position in the franchise due to the fact that it came out kind of smack in the middle between the classic series (Adventure through Frontier) and the Xros Wars-and-after era when a huge wave of childhood Digimon fans was now old enough to participate in Internet fandom, and plus it's fairly conventional and isn't quite as in-your-face as some of the others, so it really feels like it's gotten buried in there...which is a shame because it actually set a lot of standards for the franchise that followed it, and is basically the franchise's first time really trying to bring it back.
Anyway, it's a really fun series with some fun and interesting themes. I get a little frustrated at how much the meme-y elements of it like "Masaru punches things" often mean that people fixate over them too much without really taking into account its meaning in narrative (as funny as it is to say "Masaru is so supernaturally strong he punched out a god", the point is that Yggdrasil wasn't the god it was talking itself up as, and Masaru being able to do that was a statement about the potential of human-Digimon bonds), and I do feel like in general meaningful discussion of the series has constantly gotten crushed under the meme stuff...
Amusingly, in the wake of Ghost Game, I'm also seeing a lot of people speak out that they enjoyed the first quarter of Savers centering around monster-of-the-week episodes also having to do with the darkness of human greed. As much as a lot of people criticize those episodes for being slow, I think there was definitely something unique about those that you don't see often.
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azhasaircond · 6 years ago
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Menghadiri jemputan Daikin ke Daikin DTC Member Day di Eastin Hotel Petaling Jaya. Kali ni Daikin umumkan model baru yang akan mula dipasarkan di pasaran Malaysia dan beberapa technology baru antaranya yang paling menarik ialah Green Tea Filter, iaitu menggunakan bahan berasaskan green tea untuk pembuatan penapis udara aircond. Green tea filter ni menjadikan kualiti udara jadi lebih bersih. Selain itu terdapat juga pengenalan unit inverter Daikin yang menggunakan unit compressor saiz kecil setinggi sampai lutut je. Sesuai untuk yang tak suka unit terlalu besar. Terima kasih untuk Daikin atas perkongsian, siap bagi doorgift istimewa lagi kali ni. 👍🏻😊 #daikin #ecoking #coolingking #airspecialist (at Grand Ballroom @ Eastin Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwJ5wC-F9n0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=f5lyn0o0qzfo
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blueandyellowdiamond · 4 years ago
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sarmmass · 2 years ago
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뉴스) 91세에 혹독한 몸 관리.. 최고령 모델의 세미 누드 100세 돼도 모�� 활동 의지... 최고령 모델의 몸매 관리는? 잡지 ‘뉴 유(New You)’ 10월호에서 91세 모델 카르멘 델로레피체가 과감한 세미 누드를 선보였다. [사진=New You] 1931년 출생. 91세, 2차 세계대전 직후 데뷔… ‘증조 할머니’ ‘노쇠’를 연상시키는 ‘연세’(나이)에 유명 잡지의 세미 누드 화�� 주인공이라면 믿을 사람이 있을까? 전세계 최고령 모델로 알려진 카르멘 델로레피체가 다시 과감한 도전에 나섰다. 그는 최근 세계 유명인이 자주 커버 모델로 등장하는 잡지 ‘뉴 유(New You)’의 10월호 표지를 장식했다. 미국의 건강-뷰티 잡지 뉴 유는 6일 홈페이지와 SNS에 카르멘 델로레피체와 베벌리 존슨(70)의 화보 사진을 공개했다. ‘우아하게 나이 들기’를 주제로 건강과 스타일을 잃지 않는 두 모델을 특집으로 다뤘다. 특히 별도 페이지를 마련해 91세 모델의 몸매를 그대로 드러낸 세미 누드 사진을 실었다. 침대에서 하얀 이불로 가슴을 가린 최고령 모델의 모습은 절로 탄성을 자아내게 한다. 우아한 쇄골 라인과 매끈한 각선미가 젊은 모델 못지 않다. 어깨까지 내려온 풍성한 은발도 매력적이다. ‘뉴 유(New You)’ 표지를 장식한 모델 카르멘 델로레피체(오른쪽)와 베벌리 존슨. [사진=New You] 미국 모델 카르멘 델로레피체는 2차 세계대전 직후인 1946년 15세에 유명 패션 매거진 ‘보그’(VOGUE) 표지 모델로 화제를 모았다. 베벌리 존슨은 1974년 ‘보그’ 의 첫 흑인 표지모델로 활약했다. 91세 현역 모델은 인터뷰에서 “우리는 매일 성장한다. 끝날 때까지 끝난 것이 아니다. 늘 어제 한 일을 반성하며 끊임없이 배워간다”고 말했다. 그는 “아기를 키울 때는 진정한 사랑으로 먹이고 돌본다”면서 “이런 에너지를 우리 자신에게도 쏟아부어야 한다”고 강조했다. 결혼과 함께 공백기를 가졌던 그는 1978년 이혼 후 47세의 나이에 모델계로 복귀했다. 그는 유명 브랜드, 화보 등에서 중년 모델로 성가를 높였고 70~80세에는 대표적인 실버 모델로 활약하며 여전한 매력을 발산하고 있다. 그는 기네스북의 최고령 모델 기록을 매년 갈아치우고 있다. 카리스마가 돋보이는 모델 카르멘 델로레피체의 모습. [사진= 카르멘 델로레피체 SNS] 그는 “나이가 들어 열정이 사라지는 것이 아니라, 열정이 사라져 나이가 드는 것”이라는 유명한 말을 남겼다. 노화를 늦추는 그의 건강 비결은 음식 조절과 운동, 충분한 수면, 편안한 마음으로 요약할 수 있다. ‘아기를 돌보듯이’ 자신의 몸을 돌보는 것이다. 아침 기상 직후 물 한 잔을 마신 후 침대에서 스트레칭으로 몸을 푸는 그는 달걀, 과일-채소 등으로 아침 식사를 한다. 나이 들면 소화액이 줄어 많이 먹을 수 없지만 그는 젊을 때부터 소식을 실천했다. 근육 유지를 위해 운동과 살코기 위주로 ���백질을 섭취했다. 스트레스를 잘 해소하는 성격이며 걱정, 근심을 담아두지 않아 얼굴이 항상 밝다. 7~8시간 숙면을 취해 피부에 활력을 불어 넣는다. 물도 자주 마신다. 가장 중요한 것은 역시 ‘열정’이다. 100세가 넘어도 모델 생활을 하겠다는 열정이 그를 더 젊게 하는 것 같다. 열정이 식으면 나이를 실감하는 것이다. 김용 기자 [email protected] 출처: https://kormedi.com/1532968/91%EC%84%B8%EC%97%90-%ED%98%B9%EB%8F%85%ED%95%9C-%EB%AA%B8-%EA%B4%80%EB%A6%AC-%EC%B5%9C%EA%B3%A0%EB%A0%B9-%EB%AA%A8%EB%8D%B8%EC%9D%98-%EC%84%B8%EB%AF%B8-%EB%88%84%EB%93%9C/ https://www.instagram.com/p/Co1pi8lvmel/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gvelectricalsupply · 7 months ago
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Used 1.5HP Daikin / Panasonic Aircon Indoor Sahaja / R22 / Non Inverter Type
⭐ Only Indoor
⭐ Indoor Sahaja
⭐ Indoor Sahaja
⭐ Indoor Sahaja ⭐
⭐ Only Indoor ⭐ Indoor Sahaja ⭐ Indoor Sahaja ⭐ Indoor Sahaja ⭐ ⭐ Only Indoor ⭐ Indoor Sahaja ⭐ Indoor Sahaja ⭐ Indoor Sahaja ⭐
► R22
► Used (Second-hand)
► Daikin / Panasonic ( Non-Inverter Type )
► Wall Mounted Type ( Indoor Sahaja ) ( Indoor Sahaja ) ( Indoor Sahaja )
► Warranty 1 Month For Wall Mounted Type
► Second hand air-conditioner with good condition
► Price is not included installation / Additional Service Fee Applies ⭐
► Harga Ini Tidak Termasuk Pemasangan ⭐
► Please call / WhatsApp 012-3302884 / 03-8074 0911 for more info
► For reply asap please WhatsApp 012-330 2884 / www.wasap.my/+60123302884
► Only 3 Units is Available +
► RM380/Units
► Use Google Map to drive to Kuala Lumpur: https://goo.gl/maps/inrPGv1QyZJutJ6z5
► No 30 Jalan TPK 1/8, Taman Perindustrian Kinrara Puchong 47180, Selangor.
Puchong Area, Petaling Jaya, Cheras , Kuala Lumpur, Selangor , Shah Alam, Sungai Buloh, Bangsar, Mont Kiara, Ampang, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Setia Alam, Kepong
#york #secondhand #1hp #2hp #3hp #2.5hp #5hp #gree #restaurant #york1hp #walltype #wallunit #panasonicaircon #aircon #airconditioner #1hpaircon #panasonic #daikin #wall #cassette #ceilingtype #cassettetype #ceiling #ecoking #eco #cool #gvaircond#acson #midea #mitsubishi
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fpeterhans · 4 years ago
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E-Scooter MAXMOV Ecoking 45 Pro 2000 Watt 45 kmh mit Strassenzulassung. Fr.1490.00 Montage Fr. 100.00 StVA. Fr. 260.00. Reichweite ca. 30 km, Scheibenbremsen, Radnabenmotoren, klappbar. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQLeDaeLVwC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shihalyfie · 3 years ago
amongst all the duet songs (in Adventure 02 and Tamers cuz it is the only 2 seasons with proper duet songs for the human and their partner) which one do you think is the best?
Well, the problem is that my favorite is actually Haru and Gatchmon's Hallelujah, because Savers, Appmon, and (if you're willing to count non-series things) Kizuna all have the duets too! The Appmon ones are on a whole other tier across the board and I almost want to say they set the bar way too high for Digimon duet character songs.
But if we really are limiting it to just the 02 and Tamers lists, it's Iori and Armadimon's Message to the Future. Not only is it a really good song musically and lyrically, I've also thought a lot about the symbolism behind the fact it's technically only one voice actress (Urawa Megumi) doing both -- especially the retroactive meaning of that part in the middle when Iori wonders what he'll be like as an adult and Armadimon reminds him that he'll still be him even when older, and the added real-life question of what that means now that Iori's voice actor changed.
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edelwis2793 · 4 years ago
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HIBURAN MASA KECIL Apasih yang akan jadi kenangan saat kita dewasa nanti? Apasih yang ingin kita jadikan moment yang bisa diingat saat anak sudah tidak jadi anak-anak lagi? Apakah moment jalan-jalan? Apakah moment bersenda gurau hingga menangis? Apakah moment saat membaca buku-buku? Ataukah moment saat kita cubit pukul mereka? Hal tersebut bisa kita ciptakan. Ada campur tangan kita untuk hiburan masa kecil anak-anak kita. Mainan yang dia miliki, buku-buku yang dia miliki, pengalaman berpetualang mereka, tak bisa memberi kebahagian saat kita tidak hadir untuk membersamai mereka. Jikalau kita punya pengalaman buruk masa kecil, jangan tularkan ke anak, mereka berhak bahagia. Cukuplah kita saja. Sebab kenangan masa kecil bisa mempengaruhi tumbuh kembang mereka. Bukankah melihatnya bahagia, asik dengan dunianya, bermain ala anak-anak, mengeksplorasi buku-bukunya, hingga badan kita ecok karena menemaninya bermain. Akan lebih berharga, dibandingkan dengan membiarkan mereka tumbuh dengan ala kadarnya. salam, @rosmalina_edelwis cc @30haribercerita #30haribercerita #30hbc21 #30hbc2110 #30hbc21hiburan #30hbc21masakecil #masakecil #goldenage #mainananak #kenanganmasakecil #kebaikan #kebaikandibalaskebaikan #inspirasikebaikan #penyebarkebaikan #berbagikebaikan #kebaikanmukembalipadamu #inspiration #inspirasi #inspirasiparenting #inspirationalquotes (di Pekalongan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ2DE7gBjBg/?igshid=bjadypllqrtl
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blueandyellowdiamond · 4 years ago
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jeffdmontgomery · 5 years ago
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@harding_sb took the W in all 4 games against ECOK this weekend. (at Harding Academy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9KzknMAx_G/?igshid=1mewwwef4msez
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Medley com mcs @mc300of @mcbitsmb @danilodookie @mcngofc (em Condominio Ecok Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4skQM0BQSJ/?igshid=rw1h62epvnsv
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gilang-prakasa · 6 years ago
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Campus Map Ecu Source : maps.ecok.eduCampus Map Ecu parking gif maps ecok edu
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