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Contemporary Deck in Stuttgart Deck - large contemporary rooftop rooftop deck idea with no cover
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Modern Pool Photo of a large minimalist pool fountain in the backyard
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Deck Uncovered (Stuttgart)
#Deck: a sizable modern rooftop deck concept without a cover naturstein#eckfenster#holztisch#bodentiefe fenster#fensterfront#graue bodenplatten
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Des Vetters Eckfenster is a straightforward description of the the types of people you'd see at the marketplace in Berlin. On the other side of it, there is no way that Bram Stoker never read Der Magnetiseur.
Having finished reading a collection of stories by ETA Hoffmann what I can say is that practically everyone who dabbled in the fantastic and the strange was influenced by this person's works, and that, quite aside from that, whether he knew it or not his stories are delightfully ethnographic.
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Aachen, 1979

Wir beginnen mit diesem Haus in Aachen, von 1979. Es ist rundherum interessant, und das Wasser am Haus, das immer das wertvollste Wasser ist, erfährt viel Liebe: Das Dach des Treppenturms wird, so scheint es, über einen Speier entwässert, so daß bei Regen das Wasser über zwei Stockwerke in den Hausteich herabfallen und eine ganz schöne Bewegung verursachen dürfte.
Im Haus gefällt uns die Sitzkuhle mit dem roten Vorhang in einer in die Deckenbeplankung eingelassenen Schiene, das ohne Rahmen auf den Hausteich hinausgehende Eckfenster - und übrigens die Lampen aus - ja, was ist es, Opalglas in Wülsten? (Kann sie jemand zuordnen?)
Die Küche aber führt in das eigentliche ästhetische Herz dieses Hauses und des Interesses der Dunklen Spiegel an Wohnkultur: Man sieht diese gelben Möbel, die dunklen Kacheln und die schwarze Decke, und weiß, wie es riecht in diesem Haus, wie ein warmer Back- und Röstzwiebel- und Gewürzgeruch seit den frühen Tagen von dieser Küche aus im Haus sich verbreitet und Geborgenheit überall installiert hat. Die dunkle Decke ist die Sensation: Zwischen ihr und den Kacheln schwebt die Zone des Lichts, hier wohnen wir, die Menschen. [Nachtrag: Die Lampe ist identifiziert, es ist eine LT305 von Carlo Nason]
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RESEARCH 04/05/2020
Windows/doors as a motif within literature
‘The Art of Watching’ - the Literary Motif of the Window and its potential for Metafiction in Contemporary Literature, Gianna Zocco essay:
"For a long time, authors have been using the literary motif of the window for discussing metafictional questions. As we can see in one of the most famous examples of this development, E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Des Vetters Eckfenster1(1822), windows enable us to see without participating. They allow us to take the position of distant, secure observers gaining information about the world even if we are not able or willing to become a part of this world. Yet, the aesthetic position of observers does not turn us into passive, stimulated objects, but requires an active, creative way of watching.”
windows as a ‘veil’

“Reflections of a Hungry Man”, 1894 – Emilio Longoni, Italian (1859 – 1932)
thinking about “mask”, i have come to see objects like windows, doors, balconies etc as grey areas, the in between, connecting person and outside world. the opposite of a mask?
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte
first page, Jane is sitting in window seat, isolated from the abusive Reeds who she lives with. window is seen as outside world Jane is yet to explore.
novels during the period of Jane Eyre (early 19th century) have girls/women looking outside the window, outside of the domestic space longing for something more
windows feature throughout the novel, where Bertha falls to her death (escaping her prison in Thornfield), dangerous outside world?
A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen
consistent motif of “cold, windy” outside
idea that Nora would never be able to survive in the outside world as an independent woman without Torvald or her “doll” children
play begins with Nora entering the house through a door, and the play ends with Nora slamming the door behind her as she seeks independence from an unforgiving cycle of controlling relationships
the adaptation “Nora”, at the Young Vic (which I saw in Feb/March 2020) had a winter backdrop and a door stage right referencing the “outside” throughout the play - also consistent asking the children to “come inside” from the lake, but they never do; another reference to the harsh, mysterious outside
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, Edward Albee
talked about months ago in a previous project
one of my favourite pieces of literature
plot twist at end shows how the main couple have been pretending their son was alive to another couple, to themselves, to live the pretend life that they wanted
masking the truth
outdoor space is used within this play, as the other couple enter through the door (in the production I saw starring Imelda Staunton, door was placed in the centre at the back --> importance)
other couple leave by same door, horrified at the truth that has been discovered
windows played a big part in that production --> whole play set in one night
as light comes through the window as sun is rising, correlates to truth about Martha and George’s son being revealed
The Story of Rapunzel, The Grimm Brothers
fairly self explanatory - trapped inside tower with a window. looking out of it longingly. window ends up being her passage to the outside world and how she “escapes” the witch
use of window as an escape
Carrie, Stephen King
“She went to the window, but slowly. The shrieking of the whistle rose and fell, rose and fell. Somewhere, horns were beginning to blat, as if for a wedding. She could see her reflection in the darkened glass, lips parted, eyes wide, and then the condensation of her breath obscured it.”
even if the windows aren’t open, they expose the occupants of the building to vulnerability e.g. The Three Little Pigs,
see in and see out
masking from the inside gives the occupant of the building power to shield themselves from the outside world
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Inspiration für das Wohndesign – The Urbanist Lab – Eckfenster im Hauptschlafzimmer https://ift.tt/2N2WBAn
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Inspiration für das Wohndesign – The Urbanist Lab – Eckfenster im Hauptschlafzimmer https://ift.tt/2AYz9NK
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Fenster raus, Luft rein. Die Eckfenster aus Plexiglas sind spröde und matt, die Holzrahmen der Fenster aus dem Innenraum sehen übel aus, das macht nicht allzu viel Hoffnung, dass es dieses Mal einfacher wird....
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