#eating the cats and dogs ahh timeline
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lady-hibiscus · 3 months ago
i don't think we're living in the best timeline anymore but at least its the funniest one
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inventor-in-purple · 20 days ago
Doing this on call so I gotta lock in chocolate: when was your first kiss? - 10 I think french vanilla: how old are you? - 14 cotton candy: three places you want to travel to? - NYC, Japan, and Canada strawberry: a language you wish you could speak? - Spanish and ASL[does asl count..] coffee: favorite cosmetic brands? - i dont wear make up mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors? - indoors cookie dough: do you play any instruments? - nope rocky road: favorite songs at the moment? - Any by Maretu butter pecan: favorite songs for life? - あいしていたのに by Maretu cheesecake: what’s your zodiac sign? - Libra toasted coconut: the beach or the pool? - Beach chocolate chip: what’s your most popular post? - Perspective art of Leo bubblegum: books or movies? - Books pistachio: manga or anime? - Manga salted caramel: favorite movies? - RoTTMNT Movie birthday cake: favorite books? - Simon vs the homosapien agenda moose tracks: favorites for manga? - Koro-sensei orange sherbet: favorites for anime? - Koro-sensei peanut butter: favorite academic subject? - Science and English black raspberry: do you have any pets? - YES!! 4 cats and a dog mango: when and why did you start your blog? - idk when but i started it bc i met @blueshellhaver mocha: ideal weather conditions? - light outside, rainy while the power is out with a good book black cherry: four words that describe you? - faggot, tranny, forgetful, autistic /j neapolitan: things that stress you out? - school raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music? - pop/hyper chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy? - SWEETTARTS toffee: a card game that you’re good at? - UNO lemon custard: do you eat breakfast? - nope peach: how do you relax? - sleep praline: a popular book you haven’t read yet? - Harry Potter superman: do you like sweaters? - yeah cherry: do you drink tea or coffee? - tea dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play? - electric guitar blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried? - always ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have? - none, remove communities blueberry lemon: favorite blogs? - @blueboyinthestars, @apalone-spinifera-mutanica, @oldpeepawleo almond: favorite mean girls quote? - On Wednesday we wear pink butterscotch: what color are your nails right now? - Sigh.. nothing cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to? - Yup blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone? - Yeah cappuccino crunch: do you take naps? - I thrive on naps mint: the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done? - Truth be told I don't remember brownie batter: do you like sushi? - YEES key lime: where do you want to be right now? - with my bf 💔💔 red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses? - Sigh.. yeah... green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream? - Vanilla
I fear tumblr tried to crash 3 times while I was writing this
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mykie-min · 5 years ago
Come Home - Part 1
Themes: Poly!BTS, Hybrid AU
Warnings: none that I can think of yet
Word Count: 4800
A/N: So I have ABSOLUTELY no idea where I’m going with this. I got the inspiration from reading other hyrid au’s here and just starting writing. I haven’t written outside of school in years, so it might be a bit messy or not make a lot of sense. I have a rough plan of what I’d like to do, but no set timeline for when I’ll post new parts, or even how many parts there will be. If you read this, I really hope you enjoy it. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
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Don’t stop.
You can’t.
If you stop, he’ll find you.
For nearly a month these were the only thoughts swirling your mind. Keep moving. Find food. Keep moving. Rest. Keep moving. You only realized how long you’d been free from your master when the night air started to chill with the changing seasons. You wanted desperately to stop, to just rest. Eat until you were full and sleep for more than an hour. But you couldn’t risk it.
It was pure miracle that you had escaped at all. For five years he had treated you cruelly. He had bought you from a hybrid trader, who had stolen you from a breeder. You remembered the day he bought you, wearing a mask of kindness, promising a loving warm home. As soon as the door shut behind you in his home, you knew it would not be what you so naively dreamed of.  He only wanted a trophy. A rare hybrid to parade around his rich friends when he hosted large events. Keeping you in the barely lit, barely warm basement when there was no one around to boast too.
A month ago you finally found your chance to escape. He was drunk. A business venture of his had fallen through and he was angry. So he came down to the basement, forgetting to lock the door behind him as he always had before. He wanted to hurt you, to take out his anger on you, this time in a way he never had before.
You fought back, he was bigger then you, but he was drunk and you were fast. You kicked him off of you, grabbing the porcelain bowl the maid would leave your food pellets it, and swung it hard over his head. He crumpled to the ground before you even realized what you held in your hands. Run. Grabbing the keys from his pocket, you ran upstairs, locking him in the basement as he’d done to you so many times. Rushing through the main part of the house, you broke into the backyard, dropping keyring into the grass as you ran as fast as you could away from him.
He wasn’t dead. He would wake up and he would be angry. If he ever found you again, he wouldn’t just hurt you. He would end your life. Of that you were certain.
Now here you were. A month later and wandering around a large park, sticking to the tree line to avoid bringing attention to yourself. Luckily earlier in the week you stumbled across an empty backyard with clothes hung out to dry. The thought of stealing bothered you, but you had to look clean or people would know you were a stray.
That’s when you first saw them. The seven most beautiful men you’d ever seen. They were laying out large blankets in the grass of a large clearing, setting baskets on to them before a few broke away from the group with a frisbee. You could smell that most were hybrids, but from the distance you couldn’t make a clear distinction.
With your gaze locked on the baskets full of food you hadn’t noticed one of them turn to you after a breeze cut through the trees, carrying your scent to him. His movement finally caught your attention, he was looking your way, but your spot behind a large tree blocked you from his view. Curious, you peeked out to see him no further then 20 feet away. The stripped ears sticking up from his shaggy brown hair immediately caught your attention. Your own sandy blond ears twitching in response to another cat breed.
When he finally saw the curious little face gazing at him, he couldn’t stop the smile spreading over his face. His reaction caused your breath to catch in your chest. He was beautiful. He took a step towards you, breaking your mesmerized state. You tore your gaze away from his, retreating into the trees.
“Wait!” you heard his deep voice call, but his footsteps didn’t try to follow you.
“Taehyung, what is it?” a second voice sounded off.
“There was a girl, a hybrid, she looked like she wanted to play.” Pressing your back into a tree, you focused your hearing on them.
“Maybe she got spooked by everybody. Come on, we’ve still got time to play before lunch.”
“But Namjoon..”
“No buts, if you chase her you’ll just scare her.” You heard the boy, Taehyung, sigh in acceptance before their footsteps returned to the group.
You watched them for a while, now noting the five hybrids and two humans split off into groups. They seemed so…happy. The only humans you’d ever known were your master and the ones who worked for the hybrid trader at the training center. Every human you’d ever come in contact with was cruel…Well, not every one. The maid who worked for you master was kind. As kind as she could be anyway. She tried once to sneak extra pellets into your bowl after your master had given you a particularly bad beating for knocking over an expensive vase with your tail. He slapped her and threatened to fire her if she ever did it again. You knew she had two children at home to feed, she couldn’t risk it, no matter how much she wanted to help you.
You were pulled from your memories at the sight of a tall dog hybrid tackling one of the humans. You expected to see him angered, surely the hybrid would be punished. But the human just laughed. Unable to understand this group, you turned your eyes away from them in search of a water fountain. If you couldn’t find food, you at least had to stay hydrated.
You quickly found one nearby, relishing in the cool fresh water filling your empty stomach. As quickly as the relief washed over you, it was ripped away when a rough hand on your shoulder spun you around. Eyes quickly falling on the two forms in front of you, immediately recognizing the uniforms. Hybrid Enforcement Police. “Where’s your collar hybrid? Your owner should know you can’t be outside without one.”
Shit. Of course, this would catch up to you. You didn’t have a collar to take with you because your master hadn’t ever let you leave. “Are you mute? Where is your collar? If you can’t take us to your owner, then we’re taking you down to the city shelter.”
“Ahh there you are kitten!” you felt two strong arms wrap around your shoulders, bringing into a firm chest. “Sorry sirs, we were playing hide and seek, she must’ve run off to get some water.” You looked up into the smiling face of the hybrid you’d seen just minutes before. Taehyung..I think. His tanned skin and bright smile were even more breathtaking up close.
“If she’s with you then where is your owner? She shouldn’t be wondering around without a collar.”
“Oh, right, her collar…you see..” Taehyung stuttered, his muscles tensing, arms tightening around you.
“Taehyung, there you are.” His eyes immediately fell on the tall figure approaching you, his body relaxing instantly. The newcomer quickly looked between you and his hybrid before turning to the other two humans. “I’m Kim Seokjin, is something wrong officers?”
“This boy says the girl hybrid is with you, but she has no collar. I’m sure you know the laws. We were about to take her into the shelter if she couldn’t explain herself.”
“Aww, I see. I’m very sorry for the confusion.” This was it, he was going to turn you in. Tell them Taehyung had been lying and they didn’t know you. They would take you away and you would be returned to your master. What happened next though, nearly stopped your heart. “She’s with us of course, her collar must’ve fallen off while they were playing. They get a bit rough sometimes you see.” This man simply radiated charm, easily throwing off the officers. “I’ll make sure she stays close to us for the rest of the day. Now come on you two, I came to find you because lunch is ready. Everyone is waiting.” Hand on Taehyungs shoulder and kind eyes smiling at your shocked face, he led you away from the officers before they could question him more.
Taehyung loosened his hold you, now walking beside you with only one arm around your shoulders. “Your lucky I found you Tae, what were you thinking just running off?”
“I had too hyung, I saw them walking over to her and I didn’t want her to get in trouble.” He smiled down at you. “I’m sure you heard him before, but I’m Taehyung, tiger hybrid.” He punctuated with a wink. “I could tell you’re a cat too from your scent earlier. This is Seokjin, he’s really nice.” On cue the human smiled at you again. Your brain couldn’t seem to form a sentence with these two men staring at you.
“You can call me Jin little one. Can you tell us your name?” Easily blushing at Jin’s attention.
“Aww, y/n. I knew you’d have a pretty name. And a pretty voice. You should come play with us. I’m sure your owner won’t mind.” The tiger grinned at you, tail swishing against your own.
Owner. In a flash his face appeared in your mind again. Halting your tracks. They stopped also, looking at your curiously. “I’m sorry. Thank you for helping me, but I should go.”
“Is your owner waiting for you? We can take you back to him if your lost.”
“No!” your sudden protest surprised them as much as you. “I mean, no you don’t have to take me back. I just…I should leave before I cause you more trouble.” Ears flattened down against your hair, hands tugging at your stolen sweater.
You didn’t notice the stare shared between the two before Jin slowly stepped up to you. “y/n, do you not want to go back?” Words caught in your throat, body tensing in preparation to flee. “You can be honest with me little one, I promise we won’t hurt you.” You tried to tell if he was lying, if he smelled anything like your master when he lied. But he didn’t. He smelled like warm tea and fresh flowers.
Taehyung stepped next to you again, hand gently smoothing down your hair. “y/n, do you want to go back to your owner?” Still unable to find your voice, your shook your head lightly, eyes glued to the ground.
“Alright, we won’t take you back. Why don’t you come have lunch with us? We have plenty of food.” You looked up to Jin’s still gentle smile. How could he so different then your master? His personality was a stark contrast to what you’d always known. He smiled like your master had, they day he brought you home, but there was no hidden malice in his eyes. There was only warmth.
“I shouldn’t..” unfortunately you were cut off by a low growl emitting from your stomach at the prospect of a meal. Both men chuckled at the blush growing over your cheeks. Taehyung reached his hand out to you, beckoning you gently. You took his hand, noticing how it engulfed your own smaller one. His smile grew as he linked his fingers with yours, leading you along with them through the trees.
As you broke through the foliage into the clearing you’d first seen them, you saw the rest of their group setting up a picnic in the grass. They didn’t turn around to their companions until your escorts stopped just short of the blankets laid out for seating. Jin gave you a reassuring look before gaining their attention. “Hoseok, grab another plate for food. We have a guest.” At this all eyes were on you in a flash.
Taehyung chuckled at the small noise you made as you hid behind his frame. “She’s the girl I saw in the trees earlier.” You pressed yourself into his back, his scent instantly calming your nerves. It was like the forest, but something sweet underneath it all. But why…you’d just met him, how did he have this effect on you? Another hybrid had never made you feel safe, only like you were prey. A toy to be played with.
“Of course, any friend of Tae’s is welcome to join us.” you didn’t know who was talking, it was a voice you hadn’t heard yet. Tae gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before you peeked your head around him at the five sets of eyes trained on you. Your eyes found the owner of the voice, the other human, smiling at you.
“That’s my partner Hoseok, you can call him Hobi.” Jin started, patting your head. “This is our family. The two dogs’ hybrids there are Namjoon and Jungkook, he’s the youngest so he can get a bit hyper like Tae, but he’s a sweet kid.” You looked to the chocolate brown eyes glued to you, his tail going a mile a minute behind him. When your eyes met his, a wide smile broke onto his face, his black ears standing straight in his matching messy hair. Before you could step out from Tae to see them all, a figure stopped in front of you. You looked up surprised at this happy face staring at you.
“Aww you’re so pretty! Are you going to play with us after? Jin brought bubble wands today. It’s really fun.” His eyes morphed into crescent moons as he talked so fast you could hardly understand. You barely took notice of the black and orange ears poking out from his light brown hair before a hand reached to grab his neck, pulling him back from you. Immediately a pale, black haired man took his place, short haired black ears standing on his head.
“Yah, calm down Jimin, give her some room to breathe.” His deep voice commanded the other cat before he turned to you. “Sorry, he gets really excited around new hybrids. I’m Yoongi, if they give you any trouble just let me or Namjoon know. He’s a wolf so he’s like the alpha of the group.” He smiled warmly at you. Feeling calmed by the black cat’s presence, you finally took a step out from your hiding spot. You were so focused on Yoongi you didn’t notice the looks on everyone’s face at seeing you completely. She’s so cute. Echoing through every mind. “What’s your name?”
“y/n.” Eyes grew wider at the sound of your voice. Yoongi reached out, like Tae had before, and you took his hand without a second thought. You couldn’t explain why, but you were drawn to them without even knowing them. The two lead you to a spot on the blankets, sitting on either side of you. Yoongi handed you a paper plate, starting to fill it with bits of food. A small sandwich, some cut up fruits, little wraps of seaweed filled with rice, vegetables, and salmon.
You held the plate on your lap, looking around at everyone happily eating the food, talking about the next activity of the day. Jin and Hoseok noticed you hadn’t touched the food, a knowing look passed between them. “Y/n,” you looked at Hoseok smiling warmly from his spot next to Yoongi. “Are you not hungry? You don’t have to eat anything you don’t like.”
“I am, but….you haven’t given me permission to eat yet..” you voice died off at the looks suddenly thrust on you. The cats beside you tensed, eyes locking over your head. Everyone had the same look of confusion and sadness. What kind of house did you come from? Why would you need permission to eat something they’d already given you?
“y/n, you never need permission for anything. This family doesn’t work that way. Here, everyone is an equal.” Namjoon tried to keep his voice calm, not wanting to cause you anymore distress. He was no stranger to the way most hybrids were treated, but the thought of someone treating such a small being so horribly, it still angered him. You gave a small nod in understanding, but still felt a bit unsure. You’d never had any ounce of freedom before.
You picked up the small sandwich, taking a tentative bite that seemed to appease the nerves of the seven men watching you. You continued eating, as soon as you finished something Taehyung or Yoongi would refill your plate without a word. The older taking note of how you seemed to prefer the strawberries and only giving you those from the fruit salad. Jin and Hoseok smiled at the usually stoic cat. They were surprised to see him taking a liking to a new hybrid so quickly. But there was something about the way your doe eyes peered at him from under your lashes that made his heart clench. Much like Taehyung, he felt the need to look after you, but couldn’t explain why. Though he had a good guess.
“Y/n, are you thirsty? Jin made lemonade.” You looked to the happy pup, Jungkook, who was offering you a glass of yellow liquid. You slowly took it from him, fingers brushing his, causing a blush to grow on his cheeks. You sniffed it, tail twitching it wonder.
“What is it?”
“You’ve never had lemonade?” you shook your head in response. “It’s the best thing on warm days, try it.” His tail swayed happily behind him. Everyone watched as you took a small sip. Your ears perked up straight as the taste hit your tongue, tailing swishing excitedly. A curious of awws sounded from the group, Taehyung and Jin both gripping their chests.
“She’s so cute, my heart can’t take it.” The others laughed at their dramatics, Yoongi telling them to stop being weird or they’d scare you off.
“y/n, what kind of hybrid are you? I’ve never seen ears like yours before.” Jimin smiled curiously at you.
“The hybrid trader said I’m a sand cat.” Those words didn’t escape the humans notice.
“Ohhh, so you’re a little predator. You’ll fit in with us perfect.” Taehyung smiled. “Yoongi is a black panther, Jiminie is a Calico.”
“I’m really outnumbered now, I’m the only domestic cat.” Jimin giggled.
“I’m a Labrador, I’m a domestic breed too.” Jungkook added, scooting closer to your little group.
“You came from a hybrid trader?” Namjoon asked gently, “How long ago was that?”
“I think it’s been..5 years. He sold me to my master when I was 14.”
Master. That word left a bitter feeling in each of the men’s throats. “How long were you with the trader?” Yoongi asked, now wanting to know more about what lead you here alone.
“He stole me from the exotic breeder when I was 4. I think I’m from somewhere else, I just remember spending a long time on a boat before I got here.”
The elders of the group knew what this meant. A hybrid smuggler, it had gotten much harder to bring in hybrids from out of the country. But it wasn’t impossible. Once they started making more laws to protect hybrids, it was harder to move them underground. Which made exotic breeds, like yours, all the more expensive.
“If your all finished eating why don’t you go play? We’ll clean up from lunch.” Jin smiled at you all, happy that you seemed to have relaxed around them, but he needed to talk with the others about what they could do for you. Surely, they couldn’t just leave you alone at the park while they went back to their warm home.
“Come on y/n.” Taehyung stood up, pulling you along with him. Jimin and Jungkook followed behind you, the latter grabbing a blue duffel bag. You looked back to Yoongi who seemed lost in thought before he realized your gaze was on him. He gave you a gentle smile, standing to pat your head.
“Go on and play kitten, we’ll join in soon.” You let Tae and Jimin pull you further out into the clearing while Yoongi continued to call to them. “Yah, don’t play to rough with her! I’ll kick your asses!”
The boys laughed at their elder’s threat, though they knew it wasn’t empty. The usually passive one was quite scary when angered. “y/n, have you ever played badminton?” Jimin asked.
“Why would you play with a bad mitten?” you tilted your head in confusion. The look Tae held on his face was priceless. He wanted nothing more than to squeeze you tight in his arms. She’s too adorable. It’s not fair.
The other four stayed back to pack up the picnic. All of them watching the maknaes surround you, explaining how to play the game. “So, what are we doing with her?” Namjoon spoke up, always the first take action when it concerned his pack.
“I know that she doesn’t want to go back to her owner. I think it’s pretty obvious she’s afraid of them.” Jin spoke sadly.
“Master.” Yoongi spit like the word as if it was poison on his tongue. “What kind of a sick fuck would make her call them that?”
“She seems like a nice girl.” Hobi smiled, watching the usually shy younger pup show you how to hold the racket and try to hit the bird. “They all really like her already. And we can’t just leave her out here alone. If she has no collar she must’ve run away.”
“She’s so small, I wonder how long its been since she had a proper meal.” Jin wrapped his arm around his partners shoulders, already knowing they were on the same page. They both had a heart for helping hybrids. They’d met years ago at a rally for hybrids rights after all. Hoseok worked at a hybrid shelter, that’s where he met Jimin and instantly fell in love with the sweet Calico. Jimin was already living with Hobi when they met, not long after they found Yoongi scrounging thru the dumpster of the café Jin owned. It took a few weeks of leaving food and clothing out before he could approach the wary panther.
Namjoon came next. They’d bought a house out in the woods and found him wondering in the trees one night. He’d escaped from a hybrid fighting ring a few months before. Much like Yoongi, he was cautious around them for the first few days. But Jimin’s warm nature seemed to calm both hybrids nerves. Taehyung and Jungkook came together. They’d been surrendered to the shelter after their owner decided they were to much work to take care of. Jimin would often accompany Hoseok to the shelter and instantly bonded with the two boys. It went without question that they ended up adopted into the family as well.
For over a year it felt like the family was complete. They loved each other and had the means to take care of every member in their home. But neither could deny the adoring way you seemed to already fit in with them. But they also knew they couldn’t make any decisions yet. They had to find out where you came from. No doubt your owner would be looking for you.
Before long they all joined in on the game, hitting the bird back and forth across the field. You’d yet to successfully hit it yourself, but Jungkook seemed adamant on helping you. Since he found out you were a year younger than him, he felt the need to help you like a good elder should. Namjoon could tell he was happy to have someone younger than him to baby like they all usually did to him.
When you finally batted the bird back to Jin the whole group erupted in cheers. Jungkook hugged you from behind, picking you up off the ground. “I knew you’d hit it soon! Good job y/n!” You blushed as he set you back on the ground, not used to having any amount of affection shown to you. You felt a hand scratching behind your ears, turning to see Yoongi smiling at you.
“Good job kitten.” You couldn’t stop the soft purr that emitted from you, turning your head into his touch as your eyes closed in bliss. No one ever pet you like this before. Once again Taehyung and Jin gripped at their chests, dramatically collapsing to the ground. Everything was perfect in that one moment. You didn’t want it to end.
But a sudden crash of thunder in the distance broke your trance, everyone jumping at the sound. “We should go, looks like a storm is coming in.” Hoseok called to the group.
“Aww, the weather said it was supposed to sunny all day.” Jimin complained, but still moved to help Jungkook start picking up the equipment.
This was it. They were going home, and you would be left alone again. You almost wish they never invited you to join them. Before, the thought of being alone had made you feel safe, now it felt suffocating. You didn’t want to be away from them….but why? You’d known them for a few hours and you already didn’t want to be apart from them. Though you didn’t voice any of your worries, they all seemed to know what you were thinking as your ears flattened against your hair. Suddenly a hand gripped yours, fingers threading together. Taehyung caressed your knuckles with his thumb. “Come on, lets go before the rain starts.”
“But…I can’t go with you.”
“Of course you can. You said you don’t want to go back to your owner.”
“You can come with us if you want y/n, but you don’t have to.” Hoseok gently stroked your hair. “We would feel better knowing your safe out of the storm though.” They didn’t want to leave you here, but would never force you to go with them. They wanted it to be your choice.
Taehyung nudged his nose against your cheek, smiling as he felt you shiver at the contact. “Come home with us y/n.” his deep voice whispered into your ear. You ducked your head to hide the red covering your cheeks. “Do you want to come home with us?”
“Yes.” You managed to speak out. “I want to go home with you.” You could feel him smile against your cheek, leaving a light peck there before moving back to smile at you.
“Come on then, lets go home.” Jungkook took your other hand and they lead you along with the group. After picking up all of their supplies they walked thru the park to an SUV parked nearby.
“We only have seven seats, so someone will have to share.” Jin said as they loaded up the trunk.
“I’ll share with y/n!” Taehyung yelled above the others.
“Aww no fair Tae. You’ve been holding her hand this whole time.” Jimin whined, but the smile on Tae’s face didn’t faltering.
“Hyung, next time we’ll do rock paper scissors. Your being greedy.” Jungkook pouted next to Jimin.
“Your all being greedy, she’s not a stuffed animal. Get in the car before I leave you all here and take her home myself.” Yoongi commanded the young ones, fighting back the amused smirk at their antics.
“Yes hyung.” They all lowered their ears as they shuffled into the car. Despite the earlier protests you still ended up on Tae’s lap, his arms locked securely around you, chin resting on your shoulder. As Jin started driving, you noticing the way Jimin still seemed to be pouting. Without thinking you reached out your hand to his hair, feeling the urge to comfort him. He seemed surprised at your sudden contact, causing you to hesitate.
“Sorry.” You stated shyly.
He only replied with a bright smile, taking your hand and placing in back into his hair, silently telling you it was okay. You couldn’t stop the smile biting at your lips as you stroked your fingers through his soft hair, lightly scratching behind his ear. He purred into your hand, much like you had done to Yoongi earlier. From the front seat, Jin and Hoseok shared a loving smile as they watched you in the rearview mirror. They held hands in a silent agreement, knowing they both wanted to same thing. They wanted you to join their family. They only hoped you would want the same thing.
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years ago
Oct 25 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Monster AU - Halloweentown
The monster AU streams continue! Every time shadow Prowl tried to peek out from under/behind a couch something was either shining on him or batting at him so he stayed hidden the entire night. Which was sad, because a shadow monster was the villain and Prowl wanted to see more.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. S p i r a: (( we're listening to my music ooc so just pretend it's something interesting lol )) Timeline: a small figure pokes their helm into the room "hello?" Timeline: ((lol)) Wing: (TINY SCREAM?!) Ravage: *The sulkiest sphinx returns. This time, however, they do not bother guarding the door. They simply brush the other being aside and turn into a tight loaf* Prowl: ((u say that like Good Vibrations isn't exciting)) Timeline: the small praxian goes into the room as well sitting on a couch Prowl: ((eyyyy timeline, tonight is Monster AU night. we're all playing monster versions of our characters. if u want u can make up a monster version of timeline real quick)) Timeline: (ah I didn't know that I have a demon verstion of timeline that eats sparks from deals so I can do that) Wing: ((oh... well then)) Prowl: ((they'll be in good company. last time everyone ate souls or whole people)) Timeline: ((that had to have been interesting)) Timeline: the  small demon stretches out humming lounging in her spot Bevel: ((Bevel only ate part of that guy and you can't prove it. Timeline: ((pft)) Ravage: *He'd be looking down his nose if he had one.* =What are YOU.= Timeline: ((my doxie is so cute ahh best doggo)) Timeline: "demon, what are you? a kitty cat?~" she asked snickering Ravage: =Sphinx.= *Haughty wing flick.* =I ask the questions here.= Timeline: "sure you do" the demon bobbed their helm to the music Ravage: *Such disrespect. How he misses the fear-soaked days of old sometimes.* Tarantulas changed their nickname to Tara. Timeline: "so if you are a sphinx, doesn't that mean you like riddles?" demons weren't known for respect Tara: (( what the heck LS... bevel and i are not the only two ppl here, i KNOW it Timeline: (hi) Bevel: ((LS plz Ravage: =I like telling them, yes.= S p i r a: / pardon the lights. They're going to flicker and dim down and brighten and flicker. And all the screens too.  / Timeline: the demon looks around "ghost? glitch? who knows" Timeline: (my demanding fur child is on my lap being demanding) Ravage: *Growls and tries to pull even more into himself. If he sees ONE fish bone...* S p i r a: / ghost it is, indeed. A very angry one/ Timeline: she snickered at the growling "oh come on whats the mood for?" S p i r a: / Just claws up from the ground. / Timeline: "now that is an entrence" S p i r a: [[ whenever yall are ready. Lemme know. ]] Tara: *what an awful time for the incubus to slink in, seems spira isn't in a terribly good mood* Prowl: *rides in on Tara's shadow* S p i r a: / growls at Timeline / What are YOU looking at? S p i r a: / hovers with smokey bits cascading off of him. / Timeline: "nothing much, not really catching my optic but nice entrence though" the demon tilts her helm S p i r a: Then look somewhere else before I throw glass in your eyes. /shoots straight up for his lamp and just morphs around it/ Ravage: *If there's going to be flying glass, he's going to move away from the demon and re-loaf.* Mindwipe: /just being a big dragon bat creature hanging upside down from the ceiling/ Timeline: she rolls her optics and looks away still lounging Mindwipe: Hey /waves a wing claw/ Prowl: *there are strangers here tonight. detaches from Tara's shadow to slide invisibly to join the shadows under a couch.* Ravage: *Opens his mouth to ask the dragon-bat a riddle before remembering he's not doing the host any favors tonight. Shuts it again.* Tara: *apparently has no sense of self preservation, goes straight for the lamp and curls a finger around one of spira's smoke tendrils* Timeline: time waves a clawed servo not really paying attention S p i r a: / glances at Ravage/ Not playing riddle me this, kitty kitty? What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? S p i r a: / twists tendril a little and glances at Tara / Hmm. Hi. /grump. Glances at Mindwipe/ ... / lifts claw to wave smokey-like / S p i r a: [[ Y'all ready? ]] Ravage: =Saving them for those who can appreciate them.= Pause. =Or meals.= Ravage: ((ya)) Prowl: ((ye)) S p i r a: Well, someone is still sour. /huffs / Tara: (( yep! Mindwipe: ((Yep!)) Timeline: (yep) S p i r a: [[ kay i set up ]] Mindwipe: Many interesting things in here I see... /He's trying to decide who would be the tastiest/ Timeline: "bet I can solve the riddle" S p i r a: [[ hi welcome to the surprise. ]] S p i r a: [[ we're watching some grade A classic shiit. ]] Bevel: ((omg omg omg Ravage: *Stares at the demon. ... Fine. Give him a moment to think.* Tara: (( omg ive never seen this Timeline: (awesome) Timeline: the demon goes silent watching the film S p i r a: / glancing down at Tara. Curious, but a moody ghost. / Prowl: *slinks to the front edge of the couch to peer out from underneath at the movie.* Bevel changed their nickname to Bevel. Mindwipe: ((good choice!)) S p i r a: / waves a little at Prowl / S p i r a: [[ I want that shirt, tbh. That yellow one. ]] Tara: *tries to tug one of the larger smoke tendrils, then licks it when spira's not looking, totally his way of saying hello* Ravage: =Ancient am I, always rushing but never going anywhere, roaring without throat or lungs.= Prowl: *... slinks out a shadowy little arm to wave back. it shrivels in the light.* Timeline changed their nickname to Timeline. S p i r a: / looks like one of those cartoons where the outlines get all squiggly and then settle back into flat lines / Timeline: (dog pressed keys closed out of the stream) Ravage: ((wb.)) Prowl: ((If she's 13 years old, this is her 14th halloween.)) Ravage: *Ravage cranes his head to try and get a glimpse of Bevel's palm.* Timeline: (yeah but movies aren't normally known for numbers) Bevel: *she spreads her hands out, nothing there* Fireball: -quite literally a fireball here. A will-o'-wisp to be exact- S p i r a: / the lick made him go squiggly. Glances at/ Yes, hello. Ravage: *Hm. Movies don't teach as much as they say they do, it seems.* Prowl: *... would think this is stereotyping of ghosts, but honestly hasn't met a ghost that isn't some shade of depressed.* Tara: *hums happily* It's lovely to see you again, Spira. Ravage: *And it seems the demon hasn't solved the riddle... but he'll leave them uneaten all the same. Sulfur tastes vile.* S p i r a: /exCUSE/ S p i r a: ... Good to see you, too. Fireball: -and in they bob, a bit late and all- Ravage: *Ravage eyes the fireball, tempted to chase it.* Tara: *tries to wrap arms around and scoop up as much of spira as possible* Come, cuddle, dear S p i r a: / shifts a little to better see the movie / Fireball: -don't you dare, sphinx, they'll lead you on a chase and a half- S p i r a: / do it. Chase them / Mindwipe: ... /reaches down to try and poke at Fireball/ Fireball: -bobs out of the way- Prowl: *floating light source. The Worst.* S p i r a: /shuffles down and settles next to Tara's chair. Watching Mindwipe and lookng for Prowl./ Do you need more shadows? Prowl: *shrinks farther under the couch.* Fireball: -oh? what was that? something under the couch? What is it?- Fireball: ((annnnd live chicken in the fridge Timeline: ( ia ma giggling) Fireball: ((wow kid Ravage: ((test)) Prowl: *there is Literally A Floating Source Of Light peering under the couch, Prowl is slinking back away from it.* Bevel: (( test test Bev: ((omg lag plz Bevel: (( teeeeeeeesssssssssssst Bev: ((*pokes ls hard in the face* Prowl: *perks up. shadow creature? there are shadow creatures in the movie?* Timeline: (test) Ravage: *Ravage slinks toward the couch and prepares to bat the fireball* Fireball: -something is moving under the couch, they can see it- Fireball: -and paying no attention to approching sphinx- Prowl: *the moving something under the couch looks like slightly darker darkness* Fireball: ((ls can you not Ravage: *WHACK and possibly a yowl if the fireball is actually hot.* Mindwipe changed their nickname to Mindwipe. Prowl: *although the will-o-wisp probably won't get a good look at it; shadows don't last in direct light.* Fireball: -IS actually mildly hot, and now rolling off along the floor and really NOT happy about it- Ravage: *smacks his paw a few times on the ground to put out any singed bits and curls up to lick it* Prowl: *bolts out from under the couch and hides in a shadow along the back of the couch* Fireball: -is now more of an angry red color, as they bob back up into the air- Prowl: ((i love the cheap glitter on top)) Fireball: ((looks like something from the dollar store Timeline: (i love this) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ any fuccking way. ]] Ravage: *Climbs up the couch and peers over the back. Is the shadow all right there?* Prowl: ((welcome back)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ Three browsers and it posts on this crappy one. ]] Bevel: (( is my name still bevel :') Bevel: (( omfg Ravage: ((yep)) Fireball: ((LS you piece of craaaaap Mindwipe: ((Livestream whyyyy)) E x s p i r a v i t: / sulking on the floor. A smokey puddle / Timeline: (my interwebs is ccrapping out ahhh) Prowl: *shadowy silhouette peeks up over the back of the couch to watch* Mindwipe: /reaches down to poke at Prowl now/ Prowl: *ducks back down behind the couch.* Fireball: -oh. Was that who was under the couch?- E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i love this guy ]] Ravage: *Swats the poking claw from the dragon bat* Mindwipe: /dangling both wing arms and grinning, trying to reach Prowl, he's having fun here/ Prowl: *welp. hiding behind the couch for the rest of the night it is, then.* Mindwipe: Hello kitty! /turns his attention to Ravage now/ Bevel changed their nickname to livestream is a turd. Fireball: -bobs further up into the air- livestream is a turd: (( heh did it fix my name now Ravage: ((sorta)) Bev: ((yes, hello, livestream is a turd Mindwipe: ((LOL it did)) Ravage: *Ravage hisses and compresses himself into the couch. Try to stop one of the guests from being shrivelled up and get burned and poked for your troubles. Tsk.* Ravage: *One of these days he's going to find a nice warm desert and just stay there.* Prowl: *... wonders what's happening in the movie.* Fireball: -hey, they didn't know they were hurting a guest. It was an accident- E x s p i r a v i t: / groans like a ghost does / Is this a /love/ story? livestream is a turd changed their nickname to IncuTara. Prowl: ((ive never seen this before but the mayor is definitely the villain)) E x s p i r a v i t: [[ omg you've never seen halloweentown?? ]] Prowl: ((no)) E x s p i r a v i t: [ THIS MOVIE MADE My CHILDHOOD COMPLETE ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ sort of. Like the kim possible movie. ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ this movie is so derpy and campy, but i love it. ]] Mindwipe: ((It's like the definition of campy, but it's such a childhood classic, like Hocus Pocus!)) Timeline: (interwebs crapping out to much gonna head) Fireball: ((g'night then? Prowl: ((Are we supposed to detest the mother with every fiber of our being?)) IncuTara: (( the weiner dude... Fireball: ((don't know if we are, but I kinda do E x s p i r a v i t: [[ I dislike her for the moment ]] E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i like miss reynolds better ]] Ravage: ((Don't know if we're supposed to but - yeah)) Fireball: -bouncing bob, what is this on screen?- IncuTara: *nevermind tara, he'd stepped out of the room for a moment but slips back in now and sprawls near spira* Prowl: ((the fvck gives her the right to deliberately cut off her children from one of their potential futures just because she herself prefers a certain culture)) Prowl: ((especially when one of said children has been desperate to be part of that culture)) Prowl: ((screw this mom)) E x s p i r a v i t: / sprawls out like a puddle of smoke by Tara / Fireball: ((whoops Fireball: ((LS STOP THAT IncuTara: *can smoke be cuddled, tara's gonna try* Prowl: *hears talk about shadow things and can't even watch.* E x s p i r a v i t: */ E x s p i r a v i t: / it can be sort of . IncuTara: *tryna make up for leaving spira behind last time* Prowl: *well. stretches out along the shadow on the back of the couch and tries to get comfortable.* Fireball: -they're now impersonating a light fixture on the ceiling- E x s p i r a v i t: / huffs a little / Mindwipe: /watching the movie/ Humans do such strange things... E x s p i r a v i t: / wrapping smoke tendrils around Tara's arm / Prowl: *... the light shining from the bottom of the couch is gone. sinks back down and underneath.* E x s p i r a v i t: [[ i love this ghost ]] Prowl: *wonders why they didn't just ask for some sweat. they're probably used to helping with spells around town.* Fireball: ((that still looked black as hell Fireball: -mildy excited bobbing again, up by the ceiling- E x s p i r a v i t: / coiling his own smoke tendrils around a claw / Fireball: -what's that, what's that?- Prowl: *ooh. a shadow thing that carries his own shadows around. and corporeal in partial light, too.* Fireball: -oh, a trick! And no treats- Prowl: *brr. never wants to see one of those things in person.* E x s p i r a v i t: That must be a nice town. Fireball: -that was bright! Brighter than them!- Mindwipe: I want to live in the spooky theater... Good place to catch a snack E x s p i r a v i t: That theater looked nice. Fireball: -oh wow! What was that?- Prowl: (("i'm sorry i didn't trust you" fvcker this has nothing to do with trust you chose to cut her off from half her life when she was born)) Fireball: ((and now she choses to change her tune E x s p i r a v i t: I want to live there. /coils up from the ground / E x s p i r a v i t: Seems nice. Prowl: (("oh yeah I forcibly refused to let you even KNOW you could be a witch and cut you off from every opportunity to learn it, but now i'm reserving exclusive privileges to train you as one")) Ravage: =Nothing to eat there.= Ravage: *Streeeeetch.* E x s p i r a v i t: There's nothing to eat HERE, either. Prowl: ((like fvck off you don't deserve that right, let the grandma who was endlessly supportive and wanted to teach her grandkids about the world do it)) Ravage: =You're right.= Prowl: ((like she doesn't even have good justification for cutting off her kids from that world.)) Ravage: *So he'll hop off the couch, shake himself out, and slowly limp toward the exit.* Fireball: -and drops back to the floor. Movie's over- Prowl: ((no "it's too dangerous" or anything. just "meh. *I* like being normal, so I'm never even gonna present them with the option to be otherwise, even if they want it.")) Prowl: *trusts the sphinx not to bat prowl around like a toy. latches onto his shadow to ride out.* E x s p i r a v i t: / swirls up from the ground / Ravage: *Not after the first night. He'll shiver a little, probably won't figure out the shadow is there right away, but will welcome the tagalong once they're noticed.* E x s p i r a v i t: Try not to eat anything on the way out. Fireball: -and zips out of the room. Movie was funny but time to go now. Bye!- E x s p i r a v i t: [[ well idk who is still heere because the stupid chat won't tell me]] Fireball: ((well, I'm heading off, so g'night!
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