#eath signs
deercursed · 8 months
Roe had done fairly middling at the games, and headed down to the Lounge area to relax a bit and at least listen to others chatter a bit.
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oflostinfound · 2 months
@mnstcrsiiistcrs replied to your post “|| 🔷 ||: ❝ o vohs bo jejh væræ særæ... ❞”:
"Um...Eath?" (Marsha)
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She doesn't respond. The only signs that she ever heard Marsha being the flick of her ear and the subtle tightening of her claws digging into the sleeves of her shirt.
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meow-and-ink-demon · 4 months
I guess it's time to say goodbye
If the KOSA bill get approved... I guess it all will be over
This site not only push me towards making art, let me have friends, but also help me with suicide thoughts
I guess I will hang myself or something... this all will not have sense anymore
But it won't hurt only me. Many artist will lose job... many probably will have problems with mental health...
I will try to pray or beg my parents to sign petisions because I'm too young... but I'm scared this all is just nonsense
And to all of my friends... if we never will be able to see eath other anymore... I wanted to say that I will miss you a lot. And I wish this can keep longer, because I wanted to show you much more things
I'm not crying! My eyes just sweat...
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casper-spills · 12 days
Hello dear, i would love to participate, I'm Jasmine a Capricorn sun, Virgo moon and Taurus rising. Another Funfact yes my big 3 are eath signs.
Also have an amazing day ahead sweetheart, thankyou for opening free readings it means a lot. Appreciate your time, energy and efforts!! 🫶🏻✨🤍🧿
Hello Jasmine!
I hope your day is going well ♡ Don't worry! I've seen your other messages where you said you wanted messages from your fs so that's what I will be bringing to you today ♡
Your messages: 'You're doing just fine. Don't overthink it' 'You're the strongest person I have ever met' 'If you want something, you go for it. You can do anything' 'You don't owe anybody anything. Say 'no''
Signs to look out for: aries, 9th house, north node, 1111 Keywords: honey, blue dress, gossip, blackhole, thunder, imrama, north, warrior, wind, games, disco, dance, wedding, celebration, mountain, baby, holiday
Thank you so much for participating and I hope you enjoy the reading ♡
All feedback is appreciated.
Cassy the friendly ghost ♡
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howtobesassy · 2 years
The opposites attrack each other
Life and death. Light and shadow. Instinct and pragmatism. Opposites attrack eath other since the dawn of time.
Persephone saw in Hades comfort and peace, he was forbidden for her, not only because she was signed up to be a maidden but because he incarnates the opposite of what she representes. Hades, on his side, felt like breathing again whenever Persephone stands near him, she makes him alive and heal his troubles and scars, she is his peace. In the end, love (or kidnapping) finds his way and they form the most terrifying but also loving godly couple.
In parallel, the sun and the shadows live and work together everyday. There is no light without darkness. The balance between them is undeniable and truly remarquable as the link between Nico and Will. Nico needs Will, with his chill vibe, thoughtfullness and protective behaviour. Will is to Nico his link to the real world, the world of light. On the other hand, Will was always looking for an escape from the light, that was kind of a burden for a Child of Apollo. Then, he saw Nico a gloomy little kid who doesnt give a #### about people comments' on him. Will saw Nico as an escape, where he could finally be himself and not a 24h surfer boy. They both embrace themself with their true selfs.
Then we have the confrontation between logic and instinct. The howl and her wisdom pushes Annabeth to let her instincts aside and encourage her to think efficiently about her actions, their consequences and their whereabouts. While, Percy follows blindly his instincts. I'm not saying that the guy is dumb, not at all, he is pretty smart ! But he prefers to follow unconsciently his feelings. Thats why he seems more impulsive than Annabeth. She priorities reason before feelings. And that is also why I think percabeth is a wonderful couple they complete each other.
Those three couples complete each other in so many beautiful ways, to make a perfect harmony.
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elxgantcaptain · 1 year
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FULL NAME. Captain James Bartholomew Hook
ALIASES. Captain, Codfish, Kapitan, pirate, old man
PRONOUNS. he / him / his
SIZE. 6,6
AGE. 48
ZODIAC. Sagittarius
SPOKEN LANGUAGES. English, Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Latin, French, Sign Language
HAIR. Long black, wavy hair
FACIAL HAIR. Black moustache, occasionally stubble
SKIN TONE. Olive skinned, sometimes rather tanned
BODY TYPE. Average, but muscular, especially in arms and thighs
VOICE. Proper, rich and well spoken
POSTURE. Straight, though often he can be a bit haunched over
BIRTHMARKS. One on his left ankle shaped like a sword saber
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES. Olive Green eyes, missing hand (Hook hand), Bullet wound on left shoulder/back, 100 whip scars across back, bite mark scars from croc
PARENTS. (I have not thought of their names yet, lol)
OCCUPATION. Ship's Captain
CLOSE FRIENDS: Mr Smee(?), Jafar (@grandvizier), Jessica (@quitethepirategal) and I suppose Eath is starting to become quite close (@oflostinfound)
FINANCIAL STATUS. UH, difficult, technically homeless, but not poor cause he steals, raids, sells and trades stuff LOL
CRIMINAL RECORD. Yep. Extensive.
VICES. Liar, murderer, raids and plunders
TURN OFFS. 'Daddy' talk, children, Peter pan, Crocodiles, Alligators, large reptiles, whips
TURN ONS: Strength, power, intelligence, commandment
LOVE LANGUAGE. Physical affection, holding hands, sitting together, wrapped in blankets or under the stars together
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES. He doesn't admit it, but he often just wants MORE out of a relationship. He DOES want that single person to want to love and settle down with. But he's also married to the ocean, he always has to be on the sea. But he's had one night stands in the past, but he's also had a few relationships that just left him behind. He's got together with another and eventually, because he sails away, they forget about him and move on. So at the same time he worries about committing because this person may forget him again.
CHARACTER’S THEME TUNE. Hook's music / Rumour has it
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME. Reading, sketching, writing in his journals and studying the land around him, fencing
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cauterisen · 8 months
Kimiko decides to go via dragon this time tonight, on her own. She loves her friends, and she loves Dojo very much, but she doesn't want to inconvenience them… and besides, this is her night. A night to have fun and possibly make new friends and be a person outside of being a Tohomiko, or a Xiaolin Dragon… Even if only for a night. She's here to support Eath too, of course, and the friendship they share.
Going on dragonback is always exciting and exhilarating with the wind in her hair and head in the clouds, especially with Zempei. Zempei is a good navigator, and he and Kimiko are connected after they've spent a good amount of time together as dragon rider and dragon and as friends. The Starlight ball is a bit tricky at first to find, but Kimiko manages with his help and they make their way into the forest and into the ball area after some time.
Kimiko loves a dramatic entrance, so she manages to rig up some tech on her dragon's back as he lowers her into the arrival area and gate. Music plays, lights go on, and Kimiko disappears in a cloud of smoke. After a while, she emerges, with a light up sign hovering above her (courtesy of a drone she'd hooked up herself) emblazoned with her name.
'Eath, darlinggg.' Kimiko presses two kisses on the daemon's cheek, wide grin from ear to ear. 'How are you? The place looks lovely, as always-'
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@oflostinfound for kimiko's entrance to the ball!
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hick4hire · 6 months
@peppy-jester —
[ cw g/ore ; b/lood ; d/eath ; v/iolence under read more ]
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The world keeps going. Despite his failures, despite his losing streak, despite being set on fucking fire— he was back on his feet and back on the job. Locate. Execute. Locate. Execute. If he didn't relish in every kill, he might have been bored by now.
But as it were, the sight of blood, even at a distance, stimulated something in his brain juuust right. The same way some people found popping bubble wrap— everything about the instant the life was choked out of their miserable, pathetic bodies was endlessly fascinating to the hybrid. Stress relieving, even. A pleasant buzz that held him tightly and soaked him to the bones in sadistic bliss. He could breathe easier. As if he'd absorbed his victim's very life force in gruesome, vampiric fashion.
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Everything about this job was a routine by now. A list, a formula, a smooth clean checkmark in a box. This target had been no different. A melee kill, bring back the target's watch, and a picture of the corpse. Simple enough. Nothing remarkable whatsoever.
So, when he's sliding the knife into the target's torso, roughly twisting it as the serrated blade parts skin and pierces meat... The last demon he expects to see when he lifted his head was that damned clown that Crimson had tried to sell back to the Prince of Lust.
A few things happen at once: he freezes, a cold jolt of fear ripping down his spine like an electric shock. His gaze darts to the area behind the doorway, past Fizz, eyes wide open, observing every flicker of movement.
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His biology makes this a much easier process than it might be for a regular imp or regular loan shark: a special secondary eyelid dropped, made of a membrane sensitive to heat that allowed him to see a sort of overlay for heat signatures. In short, built in infrared.
From what he understood of regular hell beast snakes, this feature was some sort of convenient adaptation of a special organ that most vipers possessed: something called the pit organ that was usually beside a hellsnake's nostril on the snout. As a child, he'd asked his parents about it, but they knew as much about his particular mutation as he did.
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He doesn't see any signs of Asmodeus' presence. Fizz was alone, from what he could tell. The fear completely fades from his face, a sneer replacing his brief stunned expression. "Well, howdy. Don't mind me, clown. I'm just finishing up in here."
The imp in Striker's claws has been pinned down to the floor, Striker's knife still embedded into them. They're squirming and struggling, but Striker doesn't pay it any attention. The desperate clawing at his arms was laughable. He twists the knife further in with a satisfying crunch, staring unblinkingly at Fizz.
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"Well, What're you doin' this side 'a town? Didn't think your biddy'd let ya go free range just yet." Striker's grin is wide, something crazed and gleeful entering his eyes. He pulls the knife up out of the imp's chest and with a casual, graceful motion, cleanly slits their throat. He grabs their arm, ripping the watch off them. One checkmark. Two checkmarks. Two boxes ticked. Only one left. Better not take too long with the clown.
"...You ain't gonna do nothin' stupid, are ya, Fizz? You don't got that fight in ya." Striker doesn't even say it aggressively: he says it like he's making small talk about the weather. "I saw ya back in that warehouse, yack. Y'r a performer, not a fighter. Wanna do some shadow puppets for this poor fucker?"
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A cruel snicker before he backhands the target, who's miserably choking on their own blood and flopping like a fish. "Better yet, you can feature in his final photo. Bet that'd sell to your freakish fanbase, huh?"
Striker stands up as the body beneath him finally goes limp. "Tch. You seein' this shit? This fucker didn't even properly scratch me. Can you believe that? Our kind was made by Wrath. Satan, for fuck's sake. But ohhh no. Y'all grandparent's left t' the other rings n' got right cushy, didn't ya? Livin' in those big cities, slavin' away for Overlords and royals. Pathetic." He spins the knife in his hand with such force the black blood is flicked off it. "You, though, you're the worst case I've ever seen." Striker takes several slow steps forward, eyes glowing brightly.
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"Run." Striker leans forward slightly. His body language shifts to show just how prepared he is to burst into a sprint. Fizz wasn't get out of this without a little game of cat and mouse.
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hunters-house · 1 year
Official H.O.U.S.E. Handler Message
Subject: Additional Information and Cover Identities
Handler: Mr. Button
To: Casper Cade, Mackenzie Thorns, Niner Zed
Good afternoon, team. We've got 72 hours until the Summer Ball. Now, you're no strangers to having alternate objectives, but this is one of those times: Our objective has changed from broad intelligence gathering to targeted intelligence gathering. Our goal isn't to simply inform MVS, but to convince them of the truth: That they have nothing to fear from Eath.
That's not all: You should know Eath has a guardian. MVS is working on a dossier on this individual, codenamed “Sting.” They are a shapeshifter, and are fiercely protective of Eath. They pulled a gun on me when I went to talk to them, so keep an eye out for signs of shapeshifters in the area.
Your cover identities have also been included, and I've ensured they are cover identities you've used before.
I'd wish you luck, but I know you've never needed it.
- Mr. Button
Casper- Jasper Caruthers
Mackenzie- Mary MacLyman
Zed- Zulus Ua Versa
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end-fall · 1 year
Last week's session started with Elton, Cynn, and Knight Caleb returning to the embassy. Cynn attempted to apologize to Elton who wasn't mad, just disappointed in her. Elton went into his room and Cynn collapsed in the hallway crying. Jax and Cael then returned from the artificers' college. Jax was pissed from learning she was legally dead and stormed into her and Elton's room, stepping over Cynn in the hallway, giving Cael Violet's file, and grabbing her gauntlets. Cael followed Jax to the room, picking Cynn up off the floor and telling her she was in the way. Cynn tried to apologize to her and Cael said she didn't want to hear it. Cael got Elton caught up on what was happening. During this, Jax finished putting on her gauntlets and storms out of the room going to the training yard. Cynn tried talking to her and she decked Cynn in the face, fracturing her jaw and knocking out 3 of her teeth, and kept going without stopping. Elton made sure she was okay and Knight Caleb took her to the first aid room. Jax destroyed 5 training dummies while Elton watched before she calmed down enough to explain what had happened.
During this Cael was reading Violet's file in the Roses' office and found out who Violet's friends were at school, as well as who signed off on Jax's eath certificate.
Elton and Jax deposited the soul gems in the lead safe in the office.
Elton went to check on Cynn qnd get her ready to go apologize to the dude she stabbed, but Cynn said that it was actually her brother pretending to be a merchant dude who was dead. Jax came into the room, heard what was going on, and elected to go get Lady Carestia to figure out what to do. After some discussion, they decided that they needed to go apologize anyway to keep up appearances. So they all headed out to the dude's very guady and showy estate. Everything this dude did was a performance, evenvthe scar on his chest, which Jax clocked as not real. Cynn apologized and Elton did his best to smooth things over before the party left and returned to the embassy.
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aquillis-main · 2 years
Me: Man, I kind of wished instead of Meiko, they tried a third batch of new Digidestined/Chosen Children in Tri - give both groups a chance to mentor some new kids wanting to help against possible Digital (and human) threats against both Eath and the Digital World -
My Digimon OCs: We sign up for that!
Me: Wait, no - You can't -
My Digimon OCs slot themselves into the Adventure/02 world perfectly
Me: ... Holy shit, I think I can make this work.
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oflostinfound · 1 month
Jewel makes her trembling way towards Eath. Keeping her eye from darting towards Grim’s body. Avoiding the grief stricken glare she carries. Not wanting to crumble in front of Eath.
Appearing before like a widow. Unable to do anything but kneel. And cradle Grims body as it lays lightless. A painful sob. The sign of bitter tears.
“Eath- I have no right…” She hics unable to deny her desperate emotions.
“I-I beg for Mercy for him…” Jewel cast her head low.
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|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Why? ❞
She seethes, her free hand balling into a fist. The soul in her hands flickering more as Jewel approaches. As if trying to warn her to stay away.
|| 🔷 ||: ❝ Why should he have mercy when he showed Hax none? ❞
Though he would live, if she continued he would not come out unscathed.
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rulesdreams · 2 years
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bio / history :
(will be mentions of d/eath, s/uicide,spoilers for all of the sandman comic)
morpheus manifested when life forms became capable of dreaming and is the third sibling of the endless. 10,000 years ago in an african city made of glass, was ruled by a young queen nada that wasn’t satisfied with the suitors being offered. one day she meets an entity named kai'ckul, an alias dream went by, and fell in love with him. wanting to met again nada seeks this being in the dreaming told to her by a white bird. knowing the consequences if an endless fell in love with a mortal, the two gave into their desires. the next day fire came down from the sun destroying nada’s kingdom. feeling guilt the queen threw herself off the mountaintop killing herself. kai'ckul appeared to her soul offering a place for nada as the queen of the dreaming, but she refused. enraged, devastated, and out of pride dream condemned her soul to hell.
next the shaper would appear to emperor augustus in a dream in 6 a.d as a favor to the roman god, terminus, to foretell the fate of the roman empire. the first where rome rules the whole world for thousands of years and other where roman empire would only last a few hundred years only to be forgot in time. augustus wished for the latter but knew this would anger the Roman gods. dream would advise the emperor to dress as a beggar giving up his title for a day. augustus took this advise and while the gods weren’t look he formulated a plan for rome to stop it’s expansion.
late 700s in baghdad dream was summoned by haroun al raschid to put the city into the dreaming.  dream agreed putting the city and baghdad into a bottle.
in a tavern during 1389 morpheus would met hobb gadling giving the other immortality in order for dream to have a friend and the two agree to met once every hundred years.  
1593 dream contracted william shakespeare to write two plays for the shaper, A Midsummer's Night Dream. for the audience he would invite the envoys of faerie world. the sandman uses this play as a sign of gratitude to the fairies that they will live forever through this play.
around the 18th century, dream and the corinthian met with destruction. destruction showed both the invisible college where he learned of the advancements of mankind and feared the incoming future of nuclear wars.
in 1789 hob gadling and dream would met again and in this meeting would encounter johanna constantine who tried to kidnap the two. dream stopped this by incapacitated her and her team by putting the thugs to sleep and Constantine in a dreamlike state being haunted by those whose lives she’s sacrificed to advance her own goals. years later dream would employ johanna to retrieve the head of his son, orpheus from the french government.  
on the night of june 15, 1916 on a full moon, british occultist roderick burgess and the order of ancient mysteries were trying to summon and capture death, but instead captured dream by mistake. at the time dream was weakened from a recent odyssey thus capturing the endless was easily. burgess steal his ruby, helmet and pouch. dream would be imprisoned in a crystal prison in the basement of occultist house in wych cross. due to this imprisonment it could cause difficulties worldwide. many people were not able to sleep which included wesley dodds, a golden age hero who would take the name sandman. the universe at this time would place some of dream’s essence into dodds.
1930 the king of dream’s items would be stolen burgess and lost.
with the death of roderick burgess in 1947, alex burgess would take over watching their prisoner for over 40 years. the order would fall yet roderick would still hold dream captive and he still declining in helping capture death.  
while visiting dream 1988 alex burgess would accidentally break the binding circle. now free dream demanded to know the whereabouts of his missing items. alex would disclose where the items are, but out of revenge would curse alex with a never ending nightmare. on his way back to the dream. marco polo gave him water and in gratitude, dream sent marco back to the year 1273. trying to get the castle in the dream morpheus would faint and be brought ti the house of mysteries by cain and abel. nursing him back to health dream arrives to the castle to only find it in ruin because of his absence. then he summoned the three witches which they gave him clues to where to find his pouch, helmet and ruby
the shaper would met john constantine in order to get the pouch back but was told that it was stole by john’s ex girlfriend rachel. rachel became so addicted to the sand that it was the only thing keep her alive. as requested by constantine dream took the pouch and gave rachel one last dream to die peacefully. on the quest to find this missing items dream would be aided by etrigan the demon to find lucifer in hell to reclaim his helm; however, the helm would be in possession of chrononzon. chrononzon challenged dream to a game in which they would alternately choose something in creation that would vanquish their opponent’s choice. dream used hope to defeat the demon and got the helm. next dram visited mr. miracle and martian manhunter since they knew one of their enemies had the ruby. dream found the ruby with dr. destiny, but dr. destiny had altered it and the ruby drained away a good portion of dream’s power when dream touched it. dr. destiny then used the ruby to drive people insane. when challenged by dream, dr. destiny crushed the ruby thinking it will also destroy dream. instead, all of the power of the ruby returned to dream and the sandman returned dr destiny to his cell in arkham asylum.
in the dreaming, brute, glob, the corinthian and fiddler’s green were missing, and the dream vortex by the name of rose walker becomes stronger. he went matthew the raven to watch over rose and found out that she was looking for her brother, jed, but jed was imprisoned by brute and glob in a fake dream dimension with a fake dream king named hector hall, son of halkman and hawk girl. dream dismantled the fake dimension, free jed and banished brute and glob and sent hector hall back to the afterlife. however hector had a wife in the dream dimension named lyta trevor, also known as fury, daughter if wonder woman and steve trever; and the two would have a on named daniel hall. dream told lyta that the child she had be carrying in the dream dimension belongs to him and one day would return to take him.
when rose walker power of the vortex grew stronger dream had no choice but to kill her since this power was absorbing all dreams. however, rose’s grandmother, unity kincaid, reclaimed the vortex power then passed away saving her granddaughter. later on dream found out that desire of the endless was rose’s grandfather and killing rose would mean killing a family member leading to damnation.  
dream would later save his former lover calliope from a failing writer named richard maddock by overloading his mind with ideas for stories to the point of madness.  
during a family meeting set up by destiny, both desire and death reminded dream of what he did to nada. dream vowed to make amends and started the journey to hell to save nada’s soul. entering hell he found lucifer morningstar. lucifer then used this opportunity to resign as ruler of hell and casted all the demons and damned souls from his realm. lucifer requested dream to cut off his wigs and handing the key to hell, making dream the new ruler of hell. this action caused death to be extremely busy and problematic to contain the souls freed. unsure of what to do with the key. each different representatives from heaven, hell, asgard, faerie and other realms arrived at dream’s castle wanting the key of hell. odin offers him a glass ball containing ragnarok and wesley dodds. bast offered information about his brother destruction. azalea threatened to devour nada. susan-o-no-mikoto offered anything. the lords of order tried to reason with him and the lords of chaos intimidate him. however, he was informed that the creator chose the angels revile and duma so he handed over the key to them. faerie send titania gave nuala, sister of cluracan, to become dream’s servant. when azalea threatened him further, dream trapped azaqzel in a glass bottle, and reincarnated nada as a baby in hong kong. dream would give the key over to the angels.
delirium asked dream to help her find their brother destruction. they sought out destruction’s old friends, but they would die a day before their visits, which lead to dream thinking that certain forces are conspiring against their search. dream’s son, orpheus, was the one who told them that destruction lived on a small greek island. dream and delirium found and dined with destruction and destruction was happy to see dream is now giving more value to mortals. destruction still declined to rejoin the endless and they parted ways.
dream returned to his son, orpheus, and ended his life as payment for the previous information, and dream grieved. due to dream spilled family blood when he killed orpheus, he became the target of the kindly ones. the kindly ones began murdering his creations and wrecking the dreaming. dream gave the eagle dreamstone to daniel hall and said that if he dies daniel will be the new dream of the endless. he then allowed the kindly ones to destroy him to save the dreaming, and death took dream. dream’s role would be transferred to daniel. dreams death causes a disturbance across time and space.
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
heyy!! I wanted to ask about how my studies and love life will be in 2024. Thankyou💕
Studies :
I see you getting good grades. But with hard work and consistency you'll be able to achieve it. Also if you're wanting to start something new then it's the green signal for you to start doing it.
Love life :
Ayy, you are the type to not pay attention to guys and focus on your career instead. You are maybe kind of scared of getting your heartbroken (?) You are not sure about love in general. You usually focus on yourself and your own work.
I'm seeing a guy having a crush on you with the page of cups and like this guy doesn't have any bad intentions in particular towards you. But they are keeping it hidden inside their heart. Haha. They think you guys have the potential and they can be your classmate. They are a fire or eath sign. And they have masculine and leadership qualities and features.
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royalreef · 1 year
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@oflostinfound​ inquired: ❛ That’s a good omen right there, right? ❜ - Eath @ Miranda 
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       “No, not to my people.” She states this dryly, almost as if bored with it, or so matter-of-fact that further inflection isn’t needed. The knots, tied into a branch above their heads, offers no further in turn, waving its multicolored strands in the wind, as if it were fighting its own bindings and attempting to spread itself free like the arms of an octopus. So out of place, it sticks out like a sore thumb, unable to conceal itself in the new growth. There’s no clear indication of how it got up there, nor why.
        “I do not think we should go that way. It was clearly placed up there as a sign, and I would much rather prefer to heed it.”
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jobssok · 2 years
Toothpaste Whitening Foam - Push-on Whitening Teeth Foam Toothpaste - Ultra-Fine Mousse Foam Deep Cleansing Teeth Cleaning Teeth to Improve Dental Health,60Ml eaths Sign Party Favors,30x30cm
Toothpaste Whitening Foam – Push-on Whitening Teeth Foam Toothpaste – Ultra-Fine Mousse Foam Deep Cleansing Teeth Cleaning Teeth to Improve Dental Health,60Ml eaths Sign Party Favors,30x30cm
Price: (as of – Details) Item model number ‏ : ‎ CE Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ GiftSto ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BC8G5GJG Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China 👍【FOAMING TOOTHPASTE CLEANS】: Superfine foam can effectively clean and dissolve stains on teeth, brighten teeth, provide fresh breath and healthier gums!👍【REMOVES SURFACE STAINS TO WHITE TEETH】: Baking Soda Toothpaste whitens your teeth naturally and softly, suitable…
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