hick4hire · 2 months
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general update + a little advertising.
my welfare application was denied. unemployed, no place will get back to me all the way since october. in a job program thing, but placement isn't guaranteed. stuck between a rock and a hard place. my dad kicked me out back in october, too, so i've been crashing at a friend's. trying to finish school on top of it all.
i wanna be more active here but it's just a LOT of stress right now. i've been trying to get by with commissions. if interested in commissioning (furry characters, dnd characters, ocs, ect;) please reach out!! my dms are open. commissions are the only way i'm able to get any money at all at this time. my account is at -5 dollars (not a joke) and it's all generally gone to shit.
tldr my name is adam. i'm autistic, transgender, and diabetic. my family provides 0 support to me, i'm unable to find a job (been looking for 6 months). any support is greatly greatly appreciated and i'm opening emergency comms (prices are negotiable+ more flexible). i specialize in characters and ocs (mecha isn't my strong suit but i'll give it a shot if asked. will do nsfw.)
i hate making this kind of post but i genuinely don't have any options rn. behold my art examples. dm if interested!!
pls reblog if possible. don't feel bad if you can't support in any other way except reblogging, i appreciate you regardless.
☆ kofi : https://ko-fi.com/chaoticopossum42
☆ paypal : https://www.paypal.me/chaoticpossumart
☆ prices reference :
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41 notes · View notes
hick4hire · 2 months
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general update + a little advertising.
my welfare application was denied. unemployed, no place will get back to me all the way since october. in a job program thing, but placement isn't guaranteed. stuck between a rock and a hard place. my dad kicked me out back in october, too, so i've been crashing at a friend's. trying to finish school on top of it all.
i wanna be more active here but it's just a LOT of stress right now. i've been trying to get by with commissions. if interested in commissioning (furry characters, dnd characters, ocs, ect;) please reach out!! my dms are open. commissions are the only way i'm able to get any money at all at this time. my account is at -5 dollars (not a joke) and it's all generally gone to shit.
tldr my name is adam. i'm autistic, transgender, and diabetic. my family provides 0 support to me, i'm unable to find a job (been looking for 6 months). any support is greatly greatly appreciated and i'm opening emergency comms (prices are negotiable+ more flexible). i specialize in characters and ocs (mecha isn't my strong suit but i'll give it a shot if asked. will do nsfw.)
i hate making this kind of post but i genuinely don't have any options rn. behold my art examples. dm if interested!!
pls reblog if possible. don't feel bad if you can't support in any other way except reblogging, i appreciate you regardless.
☆ kofi : https://ko-fi.com/chaoticopossum42
☆ paypal : https://www.paypal.me/chaoticpossumart
☆ prices reference :
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41 notes · View notes
hick4hire · 3 months
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Hello! I’m Key, and this is my commission sheet! All of the necessary information for commissioning me is here, and I’d appreciate it if you could take a look before shooting me a message! Here is my Ao3 For Reference!
Please read my Will Not Write section thoroughly. Just because something is on the list doesn’t mean that I dislike or don’t support it, but there are things on that list that I just don’t have enough interest in writing. That said, things on my Will Write list do not inherently mean that I support or like it. 
Currently, the only fandoms listed that I will write for are Final Fantasy VII, and Hellaverse (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss). This is because they are both hyperfixations for me and I am more capable of writing for them without issue.
I will allow up to three edits of less than 300 words before those incur a fee. If I interpreted your prompt wrong entirely, please let me know. If the confusion was on my part, no fee for a total rewrite will be incurred.
Please message me before filling out the form for a commission. I’d like to discuss particulars about certain topics and things and I’d like to approve the commission beforehand.
If given artistic freedom for a prompt, I will write how I naturally write the characters. I am willing to take direction for how you want characters to be written. I would prefer not to go against canon to the point of completely erasing a character’s identity. This does not count for certain kink scenarios (Bimbofication and other mind-altering things).
This is a proship and kink-friendly account. By proship, I mean that I will not harass others over their fictional tastes and I do not support harassing anyone for any reason. I will write things that will make you uncomfortable. I will write things that are dead dove: do not eat. I will write a whole host of things and if that upsets you, please find someone else to commission.
I predominantly write romance, smut, fluff, and angst, but can try my hand at other genres. 
I do not mind aging characters up for smut, and I will write any manner of ship type from m/f, m/m/, f/f, to polyamory. Please keep in mind that a fee will incur for more than 4 characters in a ship per every 1k words. If your ship includes 6 people then I will require at least 1,500 words minimum to write them. Smut for that many will be over 2,000 words easily.
For prompts, I will accept up to five words, two sentences, or a small paragraph of what you would like for me to write. Please try to be as concise as possible.
I will not start your commission until the upfront $15 for the first 500 words is paid. Once that is paid, I will begin and you will only be charged for the rest once the fic is completely finished and edited. I tend to add 100+ words to things in the editing process, as a heads-up. Payment can be made via PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp.
Will Write List
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Most Kinks (PLEASE ask if you’re unsure), Smut, Top/Bottom Dynamics, Omegaverse, AUs, Crossovers, Domestic Fluff, Violence, Age Gap Ships, Any Sexualities, Intersex Characters, Homophobia/Transphobia/Fantasy Racism/Racism (IF THE CONTENT IS RELEVANT TO THE CHARACTER), Your OCs, My OCs, OC-Centric Fics, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Angst, Headcanon-Based Things, Canon Compliant Fic, Canon Divergent Fic, Most Ships, Sickfics, Whump
Will Not Write List
Defecation of ANY KIND, tickling, gas, eye trauma, OCs without proper information for me to work from
Ships Most Likely To Write - Final Fantasy VII
Angeal Hewley/Genesis Rhapsodos
Sephiroth/Cloud Strife
Sephiroth/Genesis Rhapsodos
Tseng/Rufus Shinra
Zack Fair/Cloud Strife
Ships I Will Not Write - Final Fantasy VII
Cloud Strife/Aerith Gainsborough
Cloud Strife/Jessie
Cloud Strife/Tifa Lockheart
Sephiroth/Aerith Gainsborough
Tseng/Aerith Gainsborough
Ships Most Likely To Write - Hellaverse
Alastor/Angel Dust
Alastor/Angel Dust/Valentino
Alastor/Vox/Angel Dust/Valentino
Travis/Angel Dust
Valentino/Angel Dust
Vox/Valentino/Angel Dust
Ships I Will Not Write - Hellaverse
Verosika/Barbie (MAY make an exception for this)
Fandoms I Will Write Crossovers With
Assassin's Creed
Deadman Wonderland
Devil's Carnival
Dragon Age
The Evil Within
Fallout Universe
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy X/X-2
Invader Zim
Jeepers Creepers
Kingdom Hearts
Left 4 Dead
Lollipop Chainsaw
Mad Max
Nightmare On Elm Street
The Quarry
Silent Hill
South Park
Team Fortress 2
Until Dawn
Feel free to ask about other fandoms, as well!
Please reblog to spread the word!
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hick4hire · 4 months
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give this post a little like if you'd like to be MAINS, EXCLUSIVES or AFFILIATES ? i'll reach out via dms !!
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hick4hire · 4 months
"I could just leave, you know." Holds up belph to veteran au boy :3 @/gethellbcnt
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Striker's voice comes out strained. His teeth are grit, jaw clenched. His gaze is a furious glare. "...Don't. Please, don't." Wow. A please? He must really be at some kind of breaking point here. It's new, for the usually utterly aloof bounty hunter.
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The biggest influence was one of those downsides of the semi-frequent testing. His duties to Belphegor, to the contract he'd signed. Now, though, he had learned to regret being so hasty with a pen. A quickdraw was a poor quality when faced with legal documents, with a fucking Sin no less. Side effects. Symptoms. The days of recovery after being jabbed at or cut open or injected. The years of gruelling misery, over and over and over again, the times he's straight up died on their operating tables. All that he could have dealt with . . . He'd fought his way to the top after all. He'd clawed his way to a position of commanding respect. To knowing Belph, to seeing a side of her that no regular imp could dream of. He's drawn his own damn constellation in the sky.
. . . But after all that time around Belphegor. Breathing in the Sin's intoxicating aura — less an aura, more a chemical air — would have taken a strong toll on any regular hellborn. Let alone the direct positive reinforcement that the implant released in Belphegor's presence, the responses to her approval that flooded him with instant gratification. While Striker didn't exactly know the specifics or technical details . . . He did know what the withdrawals were like. Restlessness. Agitation. Insomnia. A deep seated discomfort in his own skin.
Now he was back. After a week long disappearance to the Wrath Ring. He could never quite get away. He'd found her in the institution, pushed his way through the halls of the clinic. Belphegor was busy, of course, surrounded by a swarm of demons — assistants, that stupid fucking shark, the clients passing through. He'd waited, lurking near doorways, staring, waiting, visibly stewing in an angst. The intense smell of tobacco chew wafted off of him as he ground his teeth on a wad of it. Waiting. He almost couldn't bear it . . . but he'd rather suffer a thousand nights of withdrawal than publicly humiliate himself like that lap dog of a shark. Chad, or whatever his name was, was more than happy to lick the hand that fed him. None of these slimy fucks were worth a Sin's time. He can't help but wonder: why fucking bother with all this? Rubbing elbows with the common folk, even for the sake of your experiments . . . He didn't get their angle.
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Striker manages to dodge a direction conversation, even having the nerve to directly brush her off in the moment, telling her to meet him later. Albeit in rather rude fashion: he can't risk getting close to her. He knows that the second he gets a proper hit off her presence, he'll get . . . clingy. A fate worse than death.
So, when they do finally get a moment by themselves, in some side room, Striker finds himself conflicted. Striker needs him. Needs to know he retains their approval. Needs to breathe in his scent. Know they're there, feel them— he sits there, perched on a desk, all but glaring at the Sin. The words caught in his throat. His body is too stubborn to move either way.
"I...." What? What do you need? Spit it out. You're wasting her time. Tell them, go on. Tell them you need them. Tell them you can't sleep without them, can't eat without them, can't damn well fire a good shoot without your damn hands shaking without them. Or, you heard them, they'll leave. Striker's expression is frozen in a mixture of disgust. Self-loathing. His pride keeps his mouth half open, his gaze darting around the room, desperately trying to think of some excuse to make her stay that didn't sound pathetic.
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"I — fuck. I'm... I'm sorry I snapped at ya earlier, arright? You know I get... antsy, when there's folks around. Pryin' eyes n' whatnot. Don't need folks knowin' we're... involved." Even that much of a half assed apology was pulling teeth. I'm not an embarrassment like your starstruck lover boy. I'm better than all of them. Striker scowls, directing his gaze to the ground, lowering his voice. "...Please... stay."
Just across the room. If he could just move. Approach her. Breathe her in. Hold her— hold her? The sound of cracking wood. His claws dig deeply into the desk he's sitting on, wood crunching in his tightened grip. He closes his eyes a moment, trying to clear his head. An impossible task. All that was on it— Belphegor, Belphegor, Belphegor. It's painful to admit, but he's sipped at enough whiskey today to finally admit it: "I... need you." His voice cracks: there it was. Something in him had won out over his pride, over that impressive ego. The chemical influence, the years of servitude, had chipped away at those emotional barriers. A break in his armor, at last.
He can't even make eye contact with them.
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— @gethellbcnt
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hick4hire · 4 months
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11K notes · View notes
hick4hire · 4 months
Reblog this if you could use some positivity in your inbox.
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hick4hire · 4 months
Send in “Intoxicated” to find my muse after becoming drunk.
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hick4hire · 5 months
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A certain snake hybrid is staring intensely. It's nearly impossible to tell what exactly he's thinking. But it seems they had similar ideas, as Striker sips from a bottle of whiskey.
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Blitzo brought multiple drinks into the cage with him- other then that's just watching.
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hick4hire · 5 months
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Two of the deadly motherfucking Sins? Here? Striker crosses his arms, sitting in his cage. He makes eye contact with Chaz, who's suspended nearby. He's not sure why, but something stirs in him. The performance is alright. He leans forward, the adjustment making the cage sway very slightly. He peers down. Two Sins. Overlords. Ars Goetia. Bloodthirsty that he is, even he knows a suicide mission when it's in front of him. He can fantasize all he wants though.
The snake is wrapped in a leather harness and a mockery of a cowboy outfit. He'd arrived in his regular clothes, but after some deliberation, had hesitantly allowed himself to be... displayed. They'd slapped some makeup on his lashes too, the bastards.
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It's not often that Belphegor chooses to show skin to the public, for he knew how the night could turn out if he exposed his skin for too long. but, Asmodeus had given the goat-demon a pep-talk that lifted his spirits higher than the heavens, assuring him that his performance won't last long enough for his presence to cause a stir with his drug-infused odor. After all, you miss all the shots you don't take, right ? So, he waits for their cue to take the stage, watching on as the tail-end of the previous performer's segment comes to an end, and when the tailed demon takes the stage he takes full advantage of his surroundings. between the poles, lights, and his power, his body remembers the motions and moves of party days long-past, relishing in the attention of the audience during his few minutes in the spotlight. And boy does he SING !
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I am in sooo much trouble Busted, arrested, guilty Oh! You got me Again...
I'm busted, arrested So guilty, you got me There's no excuse for me
I'm busted, arrested So guilty, you got me There's no escape from here
I thought I'd have my way with it I only meant to play with it I almost had a day with it I couldn't get away with it
You got me in trouble I'm in trouble yet again You got me in trouble So much trouble yet again, oh
Again and again and again, trouble Again and again and again, trouble
You're busted, arrested So guilty, I got you There's no excuse for you
You're busted, arrested So guilty, I got you There's no escape, it's true
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@overangeled @raven-hellish-imp @voxxcd @dancingdevildemon @seven-circlllxs @gethellbcnt @kakodaimones @odiumfidei @peppy-jester
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hick4hire · 5 months
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Striker has appeared ! What to do . . .
☆ @questionablemuses — Angel's gonna take his chances & pet. Cautiously.
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The Sinner is extremely lucky: Striker is holed up in the Hazbin Hotel this month. It was a reliable place to stay, somewhat lowkey, isolated from the rest of the Pentagram, non-hostile, with good booze... and most of all? Free. Save convincing that bleeding heart of princess that he was really interested in bettering himself and that even if he had no soul to redeem— he just really needed a place to stay.
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She'd agreed, and a couple days in, all Hell had broken loose for the imp hybrid. He's fucking shedding. Patches of scales that flicked off his back, upper arms, and thighs. They were tan, dry, sepia-toned scales that blended in pretty well with the rest of his body— but not well enough for him. He hated them. From being called scale-slug in middle school, to feeling like a freak whenever he showered, Striker really did his wholehearted best to keep the scales from view. So when Niffty commented on the loose scale grit that dropped occasionally, like dandruff, he kept his damn mouth shut. Hopefully they'd blame it on the other snake.
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Long sleeves and long pants were a good solution... until his scales lifted and itched against the fabric. He knew better than to pick them off. He'd learned that painful lesson fairly young. No, the agonizingly best route was just to wait for those slow, awful days. It came in stages: separation— his eyes had a thin cloudy film, rendering him completely fucking useless. He had to rely entirely on his heat vision, and that only went so far. His scales paled. Then, the whitening: his scales cracked, prickled, and started to lift. Next, the worst of the worst in terms of the irritating tickling sensations: he'd need to rub himself against any scratchy surface, especially his back. He had a carpet in most of his bases specifically for it. But those weren't here and no way was he risking going outside right now. A loofah sponge would have to do. Maybe he could attach one to a stick.
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The worst part? The usually mostly dormant reptilian instincts. He was a heat seeking, drowsy creature. The lethargy soaked him to the bone. He couldn't work out. He couldn't eat. He couldn't even sleep in peace. He wished it would come off all at once, instead of this wishy-washy bullshit where the segments of his scales across his body let loose individually. It made it all the more excruciating. The ONLY positive trait of this unfortunate biological reaction? It meant he'd gotten bigger. Stronger. His scales were adjusting to fit a body one step closer to what was required.
Still. He'd substituted the warmth of another person for the warmth at the bottom of a bottle, and now here he was, wasted, at the hotel's bar. The bartender was missing, but he didn't let that stop him. Striker didn't notice though, a clawed hand loosely holding a bottle of absinthe, his head laid on the counter, eyes closed. He wasn't asleep. He wishes he was. He was in some groggy half-state, too apathetic to move and too intoxicated to try.
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Then... his half awake state recognizes it. Warmth. Touch. Gentle fingers through his hair, his hat long fallen to the floor. The serpent hybrid's tail had flicked, the tip shivering as if it meant to rattle, but no such sound emerged. Was he too weak for even that much? Striker inhales deeply, testing, trying to tense himself up. His pride twinges. What did this guy think he was? A pet snake? Tch. He manages to tense his shoulders, but . . .
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It felt nice. Damn it, it felt nice. Striker sighs, muscles relaxing slowly. He manages to turn his head, opening one ringed, dimly glowing eye. "Mmmm . . ?" A hum of confusion, looking at Angel Dust. What did Striker do to deserve this? Why was he being touched with something that wasn't hostility? Did the Sinner want something from him? Was he trying to soften him up? Was he making fun of him? He couldn't produce answers, so he tries to produce the questions: " . . . Heeeyy," Is what comes out, breath reeking of alcohol so harshly it almost stings the very air, tone quiet and gruff, a bit hoarse. ". . . Keep. . . doin' that."
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hick4hire · 5 months
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striker has appeared! What to do?
☆ ask on a date
☆ throw drink
☆ pet
☆ kneel down
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hick4hire · 5 months
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No luck with a Valentine's date? Partner skip out on you last minute? Come enjoy a night of entertainment, live music, and bidding on a variety of salacious singles looking to be your next date!
An evening of fine dining, free drinks, and lust from across the Rings! Don't miss it!
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@gethellbcnt @peppy-jester @overangeled (thank you guys for helping!! love yall <3)
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hick4hire · 5 months
"You didn't tell me that was a rule... I didn't know I wasn't supposed to do that!" [Chaz]
//If you don't mind me sending in a prompt from a fun thing you posted XP
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Striker grins, bringing the whip down on the shark's ass again. It barely crackles, but it stings nonetheless. It isn't a holy weapon: in fact, Striker thinks its a laughable mockery of a proper whip at all. But when he found it in Chaz's stash of sexual apparatus... well, what could he say? One thing leads to another, especially with the filthy mouth on that shark.
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"Mm, what's that? Sorry, thought my cute lil fuckhole said somethin'." Striker chuckles darkly before flipping the shark over onto his back and grabbing him by the bottom of the snout. "Who said you could talk, baby? It wasn't me, was it?" He cooed, the rings of his eyes moving, swirling and pulsing slowly: the effect is a lightheaded, pleasant sensation in Chaz's head. The world seems smaller: like it was only Striker and him, only this moment and nothing else.
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Striker uses his free hand to slowly jack off one of Chaz's dicks while he speaks. Teasing him, making him really wait for it. "You can speak now, darlin'. Remind me, lick. Who d'you belong to? Who decides when you blow that load a' yours?"
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hick4hire · 5 months
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what color is your aura?
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rose vines, blood, apples, velvet, sharp nails, galaxies, dripping jewelry. your essence is crimson: you are the strong, defiant and avoidant. you crave some sort of deviation; to walk in another's footsteps feels mundane, a waste of your time. you are possessive and never look back at the things you've lost or forgotten. you are the rebel. you are the one who will change the world. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of red, blush, garnet, and bronze, who share your impassioned existence. you are also drawn to the confident souls royal and gold, who will help you grow and show that not everyone seeks to break you. however, you may struggle to get along with the slow-acting personalities of navy and umber who never seem assertive about anything.
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hick4hire · 5 months
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what is your core theme?
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the yearner
you long for something you have never had. it is just out of reach and your fingertips graze it constantly. you can feel its electricity buzzing through you and just the adrenaline is enough to keep you chasing it. your legs are tired and your body is disfigured but you reach out anyway, you stretch your arms forward and throw yourself at what is ahead. better days are coming. rest will find you soon, you hope, but until it does, you will keep running. the end justifies the means. the end keeps you running. you will know when to stop, you are sure of it, but it isn't yet. rest will find you. your painting is "tender grace of a day that is dead" by walter langley.
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hick4hire · 5 months
Send “You belong to me” to see how my muse reacts.
Send “I belong to you” for the reverse.
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