#eat dem groceries
birdsintheory · 2 years
Republican campaigns completely rely on people not understanding how inflation (and the economy in general) works.
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Libs and Dems love using that "leopards eating my face party" meme to poke at Republican women and queers but like
Youre asking us to vote for man committing genocide overseas because you think he wouldn't do the same to you. Even though it's him opening the wallet for it to happen and he didn't give a shit when you protested and called and marched for him to stop, did he?
In fact let me see here, what he did was *checks notes* tell the collective USA to get fucked cuz he's gonna keep supporting Israel committing war crimes. Which is currently causing a massive party divide. Headlines from today:
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Oh right and he did this.
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After he did this already
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And hows your healthcare look? Your rent? Your gas tank? Groceries? Your paycheck? Winter is coming up for the USA and how often are you gonna worry about paying the electric bill?
And he wants to use more of your taxes to keep committing war crimes, knowing full well that you're already struggling.
And you think that guy will protect you from Republicans and Fascists?
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Him? He's gonna protect y'all from fascism?? The dude cutting educational funding and student work programs for this?
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wiisagi-maiingan · 1 month
As someone who is several thousand dollars in medical debt and hasn't been able to see a doctor in years, work family members who would be doing just fine financially but can't even buy groceries because of insurance costs that don't even cover the hundreds they pay in medicine and medical devices every month, I do actually think it's evil that the Dems can't even settle on supporting universal healthcare.
I know, I know, a lot of that is because they don't want to lose more conservative voters and the support of corporations but.
People are dying every single day because they can't afford their medication or a hospital. People are being forced to choose whether they want to eat that week or whether they want to buy the medications that they'll die without. People are being pushed into poverty and homelessness by medical costs and hospital bills.
I'm just. Tired. Tired and scared and angry. I don't know how we as a society have reached the point where it's controversial to say that people don't deserve to die because they're poor.
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babyhatesreality · 3 months
hello hello! i hope you’re well!💕 imagine the following:
baby being a hot chip fiend.
the thought has not left me. i’m plagued with thoughts of it on the daily.😭
since katie cat is a modern little, the thought of her enjoying and munching away on takis or hot cheetos while steve and/or bucky just recoil at the spiciness of it just makes me laugh.
especially since steve and bucky were just raised in a completely different time, a stomachache waiting to happen for them, is literally just a casual little snack for her.😭💀
however, there’s also the possibility that at least one of them…bucky would like the spice.
OMG @spoopynortherndownwhore!! So this is hilarious for a multitude of reasons. The first being- I adore this idea and it makes me laugh so hard- you are a genius. Also I'm so sorry for the delay. The second- I am the absolute opposite of a hot chip fiend. Like some of the Taco Bell mild stuff is too much for me. So I have absolutely no idea how to write it because I am literally that person that get a whiff of a spicy scent and starts making faces like a two year old confronted with broccoli.
So all that being said....Imma make some stuff up because it makes me laugh and because you are amazing and I hope it makes you laugh!
This one time you were grocery shopping with Bucky, and a package of Flaming Cheetos caught your eye. You thought the cheetah with the fire behind him was pretty, so you asked if you could get it.
Bucky wasn't sure about this. "Baby, these are hot and spicy. I don't think you're gonna like 'em." But when your face crumpled with disappointment, of course he couldn't handle that. He tossed them right into the basket. "What the heck. Let's live a little."
Your cheering and giggles was all he needed to know it was the right move.
Once you got home, you were desperate to try them, but Bucky insisted on you eating a normal lunch first. Once you finished your pb&j and carrot sticks, you both decided to try them together.
At the first taste, your eyes widened from the burn, your nose wrinkled as it ran, and your tongue felt like it was on fire. And you liked it a lot. You didn't care for the burn, but once you got past that the taste was really good! You reached for another one, but your hand was intercepted.
Because Bucky, who had popped one in at the same time as you, was nearly gagging. He felt like his face was exploding, his guts were on fire, and he didn't even want to think about what was happening in his colon.
"Absolutely not," he wheezed at you, keeping a hold of your hand while snatching the bag. He put the offending fire chips from hell in the top cabinet above the fridge where you couldn't reach even with your step stool before grabbing the gallon of milk. He sloshed some into your glass quickly, before drinking straight from the jug himself.
Once he tamed the burn, he became aware that you were just watching him curiously, having not touched your milk at all.
"Didn't that burn?" Bucky asked, his voice still hoarse from the spice. You nodded.
"Yeah but it was fun!"
"Yup! Can I have another?"
"No, baby, I don't want it to hurt your tummy."
"Doesn't hurt!"
"It might not hurt now, but it'll hurt later. No more flaming hot cheetos."
"Dat's no fun."
"You'll thank me later."
"You didn't like dem, Daddy?"
"They're not gonna like ME, munchkin. Drink your milk please."
After you had obeyed and had a milk mustache, you tried again. "Dey didn't taste good to you?"
"They tasted fine, but that burn....yikes," Bucky mumbled as he wiped your face.
"I like da taste too!"
"The taste WAS good, but it's not worth it."
"Please, Daddy? Just one more?"
"Sorry Trouble, it's not happening again."
"But what if Papa like da taste? Can he has them?"
"Okay, now THAT'S a fun idea."
Later that night, Bucky had convinced Steve to try one, and relented on letting you have another- mostly so he could watch Steve's reaction to you having no reaction.
It went exactly how you think it would go.
Steve banned them from the house after watching you down three cheetos in a row in absolute horror.
When you asked what was going to happen to the rest of the cheetos since they weren't allowed in the house anymore, Bucky brushed it off, saying they'd take care of it.
What you didn't know, was after Steve had tucked you into your bed that night, he caught Bucky sneaking a handful of them in the kitchen pantry with a tub of ice cream next to him.
Bucky just blinked at him innocent. "Don't you judge me, Rogers."
"Fine, Barnes. But you either point your ass the other way in bed tonight, or you're sleeping on the couch."
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all-risejd · 1 year
A New Judgement Chapter 13: Braiding Challah and Some Morning Snuggles (Poly Judgment Day Fic)
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Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.  Part 5. Part 6. Part 7. Part 8. Part 9. Part 10. Part 11. Part 12. Part 12.5.
Warnings: Smut below, not too graphic but there are hand necklaces and biting involved as well as talk of the loss of a loved one.
Nessa pulls up to Rhea's house after finally getting the groceries she promised. She turns off the car and sits there a moment trying to process what happened in the last hour or so. Nessa bites her lip deciding to not bring up the weird coffee shop experience and sends a message to the group text calling everyone out to help her bring in the groceries. One by one they all jog out of the house. Damien is out first and goes to hug Nessa, the rest of them surrounding her, hugging her in relief.
“We were so worried Nessa, we couldn’t get a hold of you and thought something happened.” Damian is the first to speak.
“I’m sorry,” Nessa says her voice muffled by Damian's chest and she wiggles trying to get some space and air. Everyone thankfully notices and takes a step back still surrounding Nessa.
“I’m so sorry guys, a storm came out of nowhere and I couldn’t see to safely drive so I parked and ran into the nearest building which was a coffee shop and there was like no service for some reason and I waited out the storm and then I forgot where I parked for a bit.” Nessa blushes, embarrassed at the admission.
“Then please next time ask someone to use their phone or even the business phone to just let us know you are ok and what is going on. Like Luis said we were worried sick!” Rhea gently pushes Nessa on her shoulder, the rest of them making sounds of agreement.
“Ok, I will I promise.” Nessa holds her hands up in surrender before gesturing towards the car.
“Can you guys please help me get the groceries in before they spoil? There is cold stuff in there and I want to get to starting dinner.” Damian kisses Nessa's forehead and hugs her one more time and Nessa can feel that he is relieved she is safe and can see the tension still in his body, in all their bodies they were so worried for her and she fills with guilt. Rhea grabs Nessa’s hand to stop her from going to help the boys carry in the groceries. Nessa looks at Rhea who shakes her head and kisses Nessa’s hand.
“Let them carry it in, I need some Nessa time. You promised to let me help you cook so let's go set up the kitchen while they bring everything in.” Rhea asks and Nessa nods and heads into the house pulling Nessa with her. The boys following behind grumbling.
“Hey, I thought you only went to the store for a few things,” Dominik complains loudly. Nessa looks over her shoulder as Rhea still continues to pull her along.
“We are here for a few days so I got a few day's worth of food for 3 grown ass men one of which doesn’t eat carbs, one that eats super healthy and constantly to keep up with his workouts, and you know how you eat; so I planned for those few days so everyone's dietary needs are met,” Nessa answers back yelping as Rhea pulls a little too hard on her arm bringing her through the doorway. Rhea looks guilty at hearing Nessa yelp.
“I’m sorry Bunny, I didn't mean to pull that hard!” Rhea apologizes and releases Nessa’s arm.
“It’s fine Dems, I know you didn’t mean to.” Nessa accepts the apology immediately and grabs Rhea's hand again and together they walk to the kitchen and the boys set all the bags on the counter. They all turn to walk away and Rhea clears her throat.
“Can you help us put this stuff up while we get started?” Rhea cocks her head and the boys grumble but they do as asked while Nessa sets aside the ingredients she needs.
“Ok, thank you.” Nessa grabs Dominik's hand and pulls him into a hug before placing a kiss on his lips and doing the same for Damian.
“Come here Luv?” Finn holds out his arms and Nessa steps into them wrapping her own around his waist. He tightens his arms around her, pulling her closer and whispering in her ear. “We are glad you are ok. I am glad you are ok,” He pats the back of her head before breaking the hold he has on her.
“Thank you Finny, If you guys are ok with it can you leave me alone with Dems for a while? I’ll bring you plates when it is done.” Nessa asks and informs them.
“No Nes call us we will get our own plates, you are cooking for all of us the least we can do is get our own plates.” Dominik shakes his head and the others make noises of agreement.
Nessa starts waving them away, “Fine but get out of my kitchen,” she continues to shoo them, not noticing the smile they were sharing with each other. Nessa waits until the boys are clear out of the kitchen before turning to Rhea.
“Ok, Dems start the oven then zest and juice the orange and then soak the raisins in the orange juice, I’ll start the noodles.” Nessa gently instructs as she starts to make the dough for Challah and sets it on top of the stove to proof while the Kugel bakes. Nessa grabs a few Lunchables from the fridge that she bought and sits down on the floor leaning against the counters facing the oven and pats the ground next to her for Rhea to join her.
“Come on Mami, we have about an hour or so before we braid the Challah and put it in when the Kugel is out. We will put the Kugel in the warmer while the bread bakes. I’ll have you braid it.” Nessa smiles and offers a Lunchable to Rhea who returns the smile and joins her on the floor grabbing the Lunchable.
“When we lose someone we love or anyone in general we say to each other and to family may their memory be for a blessing. We sit low on cushions or on the ground to signify how low our grief takes us and we eat stuff like cheese and fruit and talk about the memory of the one we lost. For immediate family we are supposed to stay home for a week after the funeral.” Nessa explains grabbing Rhea's hand and leaning her head on Rhea's shoulder. Nessa feels Rhea's body start to shake in silent sobs and Nessa runs her other hand up and down Rhea's arm in a calming gesture just letting her cry. After a few minutes, Rhea calms down and sniffles, laying her head on top of Nessa’s. “Tell me more about your Nonna sweetheart,” Nessa asks, squeezing Rhea's hand gently which Rhea returns by lifting their hands to her mouth and placing a kiss on the back of Nessa’s hand.
“She… She… She used to let me help her in the kitchen. Especially after I had a rough day with my self-worth and mean comments. Much like this actually.” Rhea starts off weak, her voice getting stronger.
“I’m glad I could do something to keep her memory alive. Tell me more if you would like?” Nessa prompts.
“How about we both share memories of people we lost… please,” Rhea asks and Nessa nods Rhea's head still laying on hers.
“Ok, when I lost my brother in January I was gutted. I went no contact because he couldn’t stay clean from drugs and was stealing from Mom. But I loved him, that was my brother and I had to mourn what we could have had as well as the life that was lost. When I was 16 he tried to sneak me out to a seedy tattoo place for us to get matching tattoos. We got busted and mom got so mad.” Nessa smiles at the memory, wiping away the stray tear that slid down her cheek.
“How old was he?” Rhea asked, picking her head back up and taking a good look at Nessa.
“24, so he knew bette,r” Nessa chuckles and meets Rhea's gaze. Nessa gently wipes away the tears on Rhea's face.
“My Nonna wasn’t surprised when I came home with my first tattoo and she actually was supportive of me getting it and calmed my parents down…” Rhea lets out a little giggle at the memory, resting her forehead on Nessa’s. Rhea closes her eyes like watching another memory and Nessa grabs her hand again.
“I remember my first year in NXT. She surprised me on my birthday by sending me a care box of my favorite sweets from home. She was always so thoughtful and I am going to spend the rest of my life missing her.” More tears fall down Rhea's face. Nessa moves to pull Rhea down and rests Rhea's head on her shoulder and wraps her arms around her.
“I know, sweet girl, but her memory lives on in you. Every time you breathe, think of her, in the inspiration you are for others like she was to you. She is still alive in that memory. It is up to those they leave behind to keep the memories alive and you do that with everything you do. I don’t know her but I do know how proud she must be of you for achieving your dreams and inspiring others to be themselves.” Nessa kisses the top of Rhea's head mirroring the comfort the woman in her arms has given her. Rhea sniffles and shuffles deeper into Nessa’s arms.
“This…this helps, thank you, Nessa,” Rhea scoots down in Nessa’s arms to rest her head on Nessa’s lap. Nessa runs her fingers through Rhea's hair, gently scratching her scalp. They stay like that for the rest of the hour trading stories of their lost loved ones until the timer goes off.
“Ok sweets let's get up and I’ll show you how to braid the Challah after I put the Kugel in the warmer to keep it ready.” Nessa gently slides Rhea's head off her lap, laughing when Rhea lets it thunk on the ground.
“Everything ok in there?” Comes Damiens worried voice.
“Yeah all good, Rhea decided to test the hardness of the floor with her head.” Nessa answers back while getting up, laughter coming from the living room as she helps Rhea up. Rhea gently grabs Nessa, both hands on either cheek and kisses her lips tenderly, and pecks her nose before letting her go. Blood rushes to Nessa’s face with affection.
“Are we going to talk after dinner Bunny?” Rhea asks softly as Nessa takes the dish out of the oven and puts it in the warming drawer. Nessa turns around still blushing and goes to stand next to Rhea at the counter.
“Yeah, I suppose it is time to give you all my decision. It is unfair to you all to not have an answer, especially because I’m the reason y'all haven’t had sex for what over a week?” Nessa shrugs, feeling guilty and embarrassed. Rhea shakes her head and just pulls Nessa towards her trapping her between the counter and herself. Nessa’s back against Rhea’s chest and Rhea leans down to whisper in her ear.
“That is not a problem and is not a bad thing or your fault Nes. Don’t give us an answer just because you feel bad or because you feel pressured for sex.” Rhea tells her seriously and squeezes her arms around Nessa’s waist.
“It's not because of that, I want to because…” Nessa stops when she hears Rhea take a sharp breath and nuzzle into her neck.
“I knew it.” Rhea quietly gloats, smiling into Nessa’s neck.
“Just keep it quiet till after dinner, there are still some things I need to discuss ok?” Nessa asks and Rhea nods and places a string of kisses on Nessa's neck making her breath catch in her throat. Nessa swallows a few times to gather herself and clears her throat. “Ok so let's get the Challah done, it'll take another hour and I’m getting hungry!” Nessa tries to move out of Rhea's arms only for Rhea to grunt, “Nuh uh”. Nessa sighs and shakes her head. “Menaces the lot of you…” Nessa can’t help but smile glad her back is to Rhea.
“So what do I do?” Rhea asks, reaching around Nessa. Nessa rolls her eyes and directs her on what to do, sometimes guiding her hands and helping as they cut and braid the Challah and add the egg wash. Rhea grabs the tray and turns around putting it in the oven, Nessa can’t help it, but she smacks Rhea's ass as she is bent over, a blush rushing to her face again as Rhea snaps back into a standing position and turns around her eyebrow raised. Rhea slowly steps towards Nessa who is already backed up against the counter. Rhea closes the gap between them and places her hands on either side of Nessa trapping her back against the counter.
“Now little girl, what was that?” Rhea’s voice drops and Nessa’s face gets even redder as she bites her lip.
“I mean it looked so inviting and delicious I couldn’t help myself…” Nessa squeaks out looking up at Rhea with wide eyes. Rhea smirks devilishly down at Nessa, grabbing her by the ass and lifting her onto the counter, Nessa instinctually wrapping her arms around Rhea's neck.
“I know you like rough play but you don’t know the game you are playing yet little girl. You don’t know how much I want you, how much we want you, and have come close to crossing that boundary. You’ve been such a good girl taking care of me and the boys this week,” Rhea gets even closer as she talks, her face close to Nessas, her voice sending shivers up Nessa’s spine.
Rhea scoots Nessa closer to the edge of the counter closer to her and Nessa wraps her legs around Rhea. Nessa leans closer and puts her lips to Rheas, feeling her soft lips move with hers, Nessa’s hand tangling in Rhea’s short hair making the woman moan and pull back.
“Oh no Bunny, if there is hair pulling I’ll be pulling yours.” Rhea rasps out knotting her hands in Nessa's hair and pulling her head back exposing her neck. Rhea wastes no time biting and sucking on Nessa’s neck, Nessa whimpers quickly becoming putty in Rhea’s hands.
There is a thunder of footsteps and Damian and Dominik run into the kitchen making Rhea separate from Nessa, a proud smirk on her face seeing the marks lining Nessa’s neck.
“Oh come on, that's not fair!” Dominik whines and Damian smirks and crosses his arms.
“What happened here Mariposa? I hear a thunk then all of a sudden you guys are making out?” Damian whines.
“She smacked my ass!” Rhea answers and Damian chuckles while Dom makes the oooh face.
“Yeah, that’ll do it.” Damian chuckles and walks over gently grabbing Nessa’s chin and gently moving her head to look at the marks on her neck.
“I'll have to add to this, it is unfair that Rhea gets all the fun.” Damian says, the promise heavy in his voice and Nessa takes a shaky breath looking up at him. Damian meets her gaze and leans down about to kiss Nessa only for Rhea to pull him back and Nessa pouts.
“You can kiss later, it's my time right now and we are cooking dinner, so like she said get out of my kitchen.” Rhea playfully shoves a pouty Damian out of the kitchen, Dominik laughing and following him out. Once she is sure the boys are gone and hopefully out of earshot Rhea steps back to where Nessa is still sitting on the counter and stands between her legs again, hands gently resting on Nessa’s hips. “Are you ok Bunny?” Rhea asks, studying Nessa’s expression trying to read any potential discomfort. Nessa blushes and nods her head, wrapping her arms around Rhea's neck again.
Remembering Rhea asks for verbal confirmation Nessa answers, “Yes... Can you kiss me again?” Nessa asks, rubbing her nose on Rhea’s. Rhea lets out a noise between a huff and a chuckle at how much more innocent Nessa seems, clearly, she is a little, more bits and pieces falling into place making sense. More gently this time Rhea slides her hand up Nessa’s side, continuing until it is on the back of her neck, and pulls her close, melding their lips together, Nessa’s lips parting slightly allowing Rhea to maintain dominance. Nessa’s hands gripping Rhea's shirt at her shoulders, feeling Rhea’s tongue on her own, Nessa’s heart pounding in her chest. Rhea breaks the kiss first, resting her forehead on Nessa’s, both of them taking shallow breaths, their chests heaving with the effort.
“I uh… I think we should stop there for now, Bunny.” Rhea nearly whispers, swallowing trying to put some control back in her voice. Nessa whines, batting her eyelashes at Rhea silently asking for more. “Nessa, you haven’t told the others and I am afraid we won't stop if we continue, so, we stop there for now. We have plenty of time to continue.” Rhea kisses Nessa’s forehead and takes a step back, helping Nessa off the counter.
“Ok I guess that is fair…” Nessa can’t help but pout as Rhea starts cleaning up the kitchen and Nessa does the same, almost glad to busy herself to distract from the throbbing between her thighs. They clean the kitchen together, moving in sync with each other, no feeling of awkwardness between them, instead, it is the sexual tension from earlier, their actions playing on repeat in Nessa’s mind. They are nearly done when the timer for the bread goes off.
“I’ll get it Bunny, you’ve done most of the work.” Rhea kisses the top of Nessa’s head and turns, getting the bread out of the oven.
“Let it sit for about 10 minutes and we can plate everything up. I have a salad with chicken in the fridge for Finn, just give him a little scoop of the Kugel so he can try it since it is high in carbs. There are some other food options if you guys don’t like it. Kugel isn’t for everyone…” Nessa shrugs shyly, nervous about how they will like the food.
Rhea shakes her head and goes over to Nessa pulling her close and resting her chin on top of Nessa’s head. “It smells delicious and I am sure we will all love it. You need to have more confidence in yourself and your abilities.” Rhea orders gently swaying them back and forth.
“How much longer, I’m starving!” Dominik whines from the other room.
“A few more minutes Dom Dom be patient. I’ll bring it out when it is ready.” Nessa answers back.
“You mean you’ll call us when it is ready.” Finn hollers back.
It makes Nessa roll her eyes, “Uh… yeah sure” Nessa responds, jumping away from Rhea who tickled her side. Nessa swats away Rhea’s hands and goes over to the oven and slices up the bread and pulls out the tray of Kugel, Rhea grabs the plates and utensils. Nessa plates up the food and sets it on the counter before calling out for everyone to come and get it.
The boys all run in and see plates already ready all with different things on them. Nessa grabs the first plate and hands it to Finn. “I know you eat a low or no-carb diet so I only gave you a little of the Kugel and bread and the rest is a healthy chicken salad.” She smiles shyly as Finn takes the plate with a grateful smile.
“That is so sweet of you to do that, you didn’t have to.” He steps forward and kisses her forehead surprised she went through the trouble to prepare them all separate plates for their dietary needs. He smiles and turns away as Nessa blushes and heads back to the living room.
Damian grabs the plate Nessa holds out to him and steps forward placing a gentle kiss on her lips. “Thank you Mariposa, you didn’t have to go through all the effort to make us all special plates we would have eaten whatever you made.” Damian gently strokes Nessa’s face for a moment before turning and joining Finn in the living room.
Dom smiles widely at Nessa and grabs the plate which was admittedly less healthy than his counterparts, playing on his sweet tooth though it was well portioned. “Thank you Mi Vida, I always love your cooking, you know that!” Dom steps forward and kisses Nessa much the same as Damian previously.
“I know that’s why I gave you a little more than the others, though not enough to wreck your diet, now go sit while Demi and I bring in our food.” Nessa shoos him away and smiles as he goes in for a second kiss before scurrying out the room avoiding Nessa swinging lovingly at him with the wooden spoon she picked up. Nessa shakes her head and sets it down, handing Rhea her plate and grabbing her own. Rhea follows Nessa and sits down on the floor in front of the couch where the boys are, Nessa in front of Damian's legs and Rhea in front of Dominiks.
“Why are you guys sitting down there, there is plenty of room on the chair or you can sit on our laps.” Damian offers wiggling his eyebrows.
“I think I am good down here guys, Nessa taught me this is a way to grieve and it kinda helps.” Rhea shrugs and takes a bite of the Kugel and closes her eyes letting out a moan, “You didn’t tell me it was going to be sweet.” Rhea takes another bite and does a little happy wiggle enjoying the taste of the food on her plate.
“This is really good Luv, thank you!” Finn takes another bite and smiles, the others making noises of agreement as they eat.
“This bread is delicious, you made this from scratch?” Damian asks, his mouth full and holding up a piece of the bread.
Nessa swallows her mouthful before answering and leans back on Damian's legs, laying her head back on his knees to look up at him upside down, “Yeah it is really easy and doesn’t have to proof for too long.” Nessa smiles up at Damian who uses his free hand to momentarily stroke Nessa’s cheek.
Damian notices that Nessa’s expression has changed to a look of worry. “What’s wrong Mariposa?” Damian strokes her cheek again.
Nessa’s eyes focus back and she picks her head back up and shakes it. “Nothing Luis, I just want to talk after dinner. There are some things I want to say to you all…” Nessa takes a nervous bite of her bread trying and failing to hide her shiver as Damian runs his fingers through her hair.
“There is no need to be nervous, Corazon, we accept your decision no matter what you say. Just eat Princesa, you’ve spent so much time cooking and taking care of us you need to eat now,” Dominik reassures her while trying to make sure she takes care of herself. She does as she is told, the rest of them eating their dinner in comfortable silence with the tv on for background noise. Once everyone is done eating, Nessa tries to get up to collect the dishes only for Damian to stop her by placing his hand on her shoulder before getting up and grabbing the plates, Dominik helping him. They come back in after a few minutes and join Nessa and Rhea on the floor, Finn doing the same, all of them sitting in a circle facing each other.
“The floor is yours Mariposa.” Damian smiles at his pun making the rest of the room groan. Nessa swallows nervously and taps on her knee.
“I … I have… I would like…” Nessa stutters her nerves making it impossible to say what she wants, the group looking at her patiently, Rhea reaching out to grab Nessa’s hand. Nessa pauses and takes a deep breath and tries again, “Uh… I want to be with you all, I… I’m all in.” Nessa says so quietly it is a whisper and they didn’t hear her. Trying to lean closer, Damian asks her to repeat what she said. “I’m in, I’m all in with you all with everything,” Nessa says a little louder, her face cherry red. Everyone sits back the way they were a moment ago, Finn looking happy, Dominik smiling from ear to ear and Damian looking smug.
“That is so good to hear Mariposa, are there any additional boundaries you wanted to discuss oh and we will need to have the kink discussion soon…” Damian claps then rubs his hands as Rhea pulls Nessa onto her lap. Nessa grabs Rhea’s hand for courage and plays with her fingers.
“If it would help I could, we could fill out a kink chart. And you can ask Dom, he knows a fair chunk of what I like and that could start that conversation.” Nessa offers to try and feel more comfortable with the conversation.
“And you mentioned you don’t know exactly what you need for aftercare. That is fine, we can figure it out together…” Damian promises with a smile, the rest nodding in agreement. Dominik scoots over and leans against Rhea and Nessa almost crying in relief that she is his again, that she is now properly theirs and he needs the physical contact. The others see this and converge all leaning or laying on one another as the conversation continues.
“It's not an additional boundary I want to discuss but more of an ask. I know for the last few weeks you all have not been able to be intimate with each other, at least where Rhea was concerned while we roomed together. I don't know what you did behind closed doors… Anyway if there is ever a time you want that with each other and I am not… I don’t want…” Nessa sighs trying to gather her train of thought before continuing, “If you want to have sex and I don’t want to please just let me know I won’t be upset and will give you the time you need…” Rhea's arms squeeze harder around Nessa’s waist, Dominik squeezes her thigh and Damian sighs in mock annoyance.
“It isn’t a problem the last two weeks Mariposa, you were, are learning us just as we are learning you. We aren’t going to ask you to leave just so we can have sex that isn’t fair to you, that is something we can figure out organically. So don’t go and feel bad about that.” Damian explains.
“Yeah, we aren't always having sex either, a lot of times it is just nice to relax and cuddle like this,” Finn adds on and for emphasis throws himself on Damian's lap. Nessa relaxes more and laughs at Finn's antics.
“So Mamita, since you have agreed to join us does that mean that sex is back on the table?” Damian halfway jokes wiggling his eyebrows and blood rushes to Nessa’s face remembering what happened the previous week. The group erupts in laughter, Nessa laughing along because the genuine happiness they are exuding is contagious. ____________________________________________________________________________
Nessa and Rhea are in the middle laying down on the couch cushions they pulled off the couch and laid it out so as to be enough pillows for all of them. Damian is lying next to Nessa, Dominik on Rhea's other side. Finn shimmies in between Nessa and Rhea forcing them apart and making Rhea spoon him and he flips Nessa over so he can spoon her, “Hold me asshats,” Finn grumbles and Damian scoots closer and throws his arm over the both of them his face close to hers. The two of them smiling softly at each other.
“Hi.” She mouths to him.
He smiles wider, answering back, just as silently, “Hi Hermosa,” he lays his head on his free arm using it as a pillow. Nessa reaches out grabbing Damian’s shirt to pull him closer and closes her eyes, getting more comfortable and falling asleep to the sounds of her various partners already snoring, Dominiks being the most pronounced.
The next morning Nessa wakes up under a pile of limbs feeling the most refreshed she has in a long time having actually slept through the night. She opens her eyes and cranes her neck seeing Finn’s beard that tickles her face she scrunches it up and tries to wiggle back only to back into Damian and making both men groan, Finn pulling her back to his chest and Damian practically rolling on top of them smooshing Nessa between them.
“It’s too early to be up, go back to sleep Mariposa…” Damian's deep voice still thick with sleep orders and Finn hums in agreement.
Rhea picks up her head and looks at the clock on the wall and groans plopping her head back down, “It’s 10 am we haven’t slept this late in a long time.” Rhea groans and squeezes Dom’s hand to make sure he wakes up too.
“So we have the week off, basically we can afford to sleep in.” Damian responds, his eyes still closed. Nessa wiggles trying to create some room but her breath catches feeling their hard cocks on either side of her. Finn realizes first and places a gentle kiss on Nessa’s head.
“Sorry Luv,” He apologizes before being the first to leave the cuddle pile. With Finn’s spot vacant Rhea reaches out and pulls Nessa to her chest Damian scoots along resuming their closeness, Rhea’s arm around Nessa’s waist. Damian pulls her head to his, their lips meeting sweetly in little pecks progressively getting more sensual, Nessa gently tugging on Damian's hair making him growl in response, and he pulls Nessa's leg over his hip so his erection is now pressing against her, her sleep shorts and his underwear the only barrier between them.
Rhea runs her hands up and down Nessa’s body biting and sucking more marks onto her neck and shoulder making her moan as Rhea slides her hand under Nessa’s shirt gently playing with her breasts and making Nessa moan into Damian's mouth, parting hers to give him entrance. His own hands roam her body, ending up on her ass and hiking her further onto his hip.
Dominik is kissing Rhea much the way Rhea is kissing Nessa and he pauses, “Mami can I have a taste, please” Dominik begs, wanting to feel his lips against any part of Nessa. Rhea hums against Nessa’s shoulders, biting down and leaving another mark making Nessa break the kiss with Damian to moan, throwing her head back onto Rhea.
“Bunny can Dominik have a turn kissing you, I think he has been a good boy,” Rhea asks, peppering kisses on Nessa's soft plump lips. Nessa nods and Rhea scoots back allowing Dominik to climb over her, Nessa rolling over to face Dominik, Damian taking the opportunity to slide off Nessa’s shirt and kiss up her back as Dominik captures Nessa's lips, his shaky hand raising up to rest on Nessa’s face. He places kisses down Nessa’s jaw and the other side of her neck which has yet to be marked by any of them.
He barely gets a mark on her neck before Rhea pulls him away from Nessa, "Now, please Mami while I get Bunny ready for Papi." Rhea orders Dominik and maneuvers her body to give Dominik access while she continues to kiss and mark up Nessa, sliding her fingers into Nessa's cunt, Rhea gasping in pleasure as Dominik uses his own mouth and fingers to do as he was told.
“Is this ok Mariposa?” Damian asks, as he rolls her onto her back so Rhea still has access to her cunt, and he can resume marking up her chest and playing with her nipples enjoying the noises spilling from her lips. She only manages to nod her head but the silence makes them all pause, Rhea pulling her finger away from Nessa. “Words Mariposa, we need words.” Damian growls, a reminder.
“Yes, please don’t stop,” Nessa whimpers. Rhea and Damian share a look and smile at each other, an unspoken agreement forming.
“Dom, lay on your back let me take my pleasure from you while Papi pleases our Bunny.” Rhea grabs Dominik by the hair and pulls him back up, kissing him, tasting herself on his lips before shoving him on his back, and quickly getting undressed and straddling him, guiding his cock inside her the both of them moaning as Rhea moves her hips and rides him while next to them Damian is getting similar sounds out of Nessa.
Damian kisses down Nessa’s body, biting and sucking, Nessa arching her back as he does so on her thigh making her spread her legs for him. Damian wastes no time burying his face between her thighs licking at her clit and using his fingers to help get her ready. Nessa moans and writhes, grabbing a fist full of his hair which he takes as encouragement adding another finger making Nessa moan again, her breathing getting more shallow.
Damian feels her clench around his fingers and he stops licking her for a moment, “Good girl Mariposa, cum for me.” He tells her and returns to pleasing her with his tongue. Nessa whines as she cums around his fingers. Her own fingers were still tangled in his hair. Damian licks up at the increased wetness savoring her taste.
Damian starts to lick and bite back up Nessa’s body as she glances over to see Rhea still riding Dom, their faces scrunched up in pleasure, one of Rhea's hands pinning Dom's hands above his head the other pressing on his chest for leverage. They disappear from Nessa’s view as Damian turns her head to access the part of her neck not marked up and proceeds to add his own marks before returning to Nessa’s lips. His hand travels back down to her cunt and slides his fingers back in, Nessa arching her back, her chest momentarily rubbing against Damian's. It is at that moment the conversation from the coffee shop pops into her head.
“Papi. please.” Nessa begs bucking up against his hand.
“Please what Mariposa?” He answers back gently biting at her neck, his cock grazing across her thigh as he moves his fingers in and out of her wet cunt.
“Please just fuck me…” She begs her breath catching in her throat. Damien groans into her neck, using every bit of his strength to control himself so as to not hurt her, not knowing what she needs yet. He lines himself up and gently pushes in, careful to let her adjust to his size and pressing his lips to hers tenderly. Even when his full length is inside her he moves slowly and carefully, while it feels good it annoys Nessa, she wants more and decides to do something about it. She slightly turns her face away from his kiss and pulls on his hair making him expose his neck. She leans up and bites down, hard, making Damian shudder and groan. Nessa moves her mouth to his collarbone and bites down hard again this time a coppery taste touches her tongue. She lays her head back down on the pillow satisfied with the marks she made. Damien looks at her shocked, his pupils blown with lust. He leans down by her ear, his thrusts speeding up and getting more forceful.
“If that's how you want to play it, Mariposa, so be it.” He growls in her ear before capturing her lips in a possessive, bruising kiss while rutting into her, one hand loosely wrapped around her throat, bracing himself on that elbow, his other hand goes back to rubbing her clit as he fucks her. He keeps up the pace for several minutes until he feels her cunt begin to spasm around his cock, her orgasm rushing through her, her skin flushing red all over her body. He continues his pace prolonging her orgasm and chasing his own until he shudders and bites down on Nessa’s shoulder like she did his, as he finishes inside her.
Damian stays there for a moment collecting himself and watching Nessa’s expression. Her chest heaves with the effort to breathe but she is smiling which ensures Damian that she is ok. He sweetly kisses her forehead before rolling off from on top of her and pulling her to his chest and holding her. “Are you ok Mariposa? Was that too much? What do you need?” Damian asks rapidly, wanting to make sure she is ok as he holds her to his chest, Nessa’s hand resting on his chest next to her head. Nessa nods her head and swallows trying to find strength to talk and collect her thoughts, her body trembling slightly still.
“I’m ok, that was, that was wonderful and just hold me please.” She quietly answers, partly muffled by Damian's chest. They do hear her however and all scoot over surrounding her in the cuddle pile again. “Did you guys just lay there when you were done waiting for us to finish?” Nessa asks, a little more strength in her voice and she feels Rhea laugh against her.
“Yes, this does happen fairly often, and that's what we do so we can all give each other what we need afterward.” Rhea answers. Nessa feels someone play with her hair.
They lay like that for a while before Damian clears his throat, “This probably should have been discussed before but we got carried away, are you on birth control? I’m sorry to ask like this but we did discuss that in the boundaries…” He kisses Nessa’s head as she jumps hearing thumps from the kitchen.
��Relax Mi Vida, Finn is making us breakfast. He does that when he doesn’t participate if we have sex in the morning.” Dominik soothes Nessa reaching over and squeezing her shoulder.
“Yeah, I have an IUD, it’s still good, I am due to have it replaced in a few months.” Nessa explains craning her neck to look up at Damian. She starts to fidget and wiggle and Damian shakes his head and breaks the embrace and slides into a sitting position.
“Go to the bathroom, Nes you clearly need to and we don’t want you to get a UTI, the same goes for you, Rhea.” He orders gently running his fingers through Nessa’s hair when she pouts at the loss of contact but stays laying down because Rhea pulled her to her chest spooning her.
“But comfy…” Rhea mutters into Nessa’s hair, Dominik hums in agreement.
“I know Nessa is comfortable but your health comes first, now, let her go and both of you go to the bathroom.” Damian orders. Nessa wiggles out of Rhea's grasp for Rhea to whine at the loss of heat. Nessa leans over and kisses Rhea, then Dom, then she straddles Damian momentarily and kisses him again before jumping up and going to the bathroom.
Rhea giggles watching Nessa run naked through her house to the bathroom.
"Well that was unexpected," Rhea comments, getting up herself wrapping the blanket around her and continues, "Tonight I'll see if she will fill out the kink chart so we know for sure what is ok and not." Rhea struts away from them Dom still laying on the floor and Damian leaning against the couch sitting up. Damian opens his arms for Dominik who crawls over and sits on his lap.
“She let me kiss her and would have let me do more if Mami would let me,” Dominik pouts, laying his head on Damian's shoulder. Damian wraps his arms around Dom's waist.
“Yes she would have, but we don’t want to do too much too fast, she is still hurt from what happened Dom. We didn’t stop you out of being stingy but to protect both of you. I think it was almost too much for her; she nearly went nonverbal.” Damien explains rubbing up and down Dom’s arm.
“If she is moving and nodding and whimpering it’s ok, it's when she nods but no sound at all is when she shuts down.” Dom explains.
“Where did the biting come from? Did she do that with you?” Damien asks trying to understand how the girl who blushes when he flirts suggestively, she just bites down, did she know that is one of his kinks?
“No not really, she did bite me a bit but never like that,” Dominik answers, kissing the bruises on Damian's neck and making him moan again.
“Oy no more fucking, breakfast is almost done go get dressed the girls are already in here helping me!” Finn hollers out from the kitchen. Damian sighs and pats Dominik’s thigh who gets up, Damian does the same and stretches the two of them going to get ready for the day.
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lookninjas · 3 months
Feeling better today, so it was probably more reflux (and/or possibly me doing something to my left shoulder and not realizing it, which happens sometimes). That said, we're going to keep today pretty light, so:
Put on jeans/socks
Clean litterboxes
Put on cat spa music
Grocery store -- lunch for Saturday, dinner for tonight. More chips. Vinegar for the coffee pot and shower head. Everything else should be good. Please return your cans though.
Put gas in car
Pick up lunch on way home
Eat lunch
Start laundry
Work on County Dems minutes
Get some writing done. Couple fifteen minute sprints is fine
Maybe clean bathroom counters
Dinner/poem/Latvian/cat dinner
Today is mostly going to be chilling out and not doing much. I'd like to take a walk if possible, but to a degree that does depend on what the cough is doing.
All right. Jeans on, let's get moving.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Dystopias
Office-wise, we are hacking through the backlog. And it’s sad that I say that when what I mean is “we went from 450 backlogged items to just under 300 when I left”. If we push ourselves beyond all reasonable limits, we might get down to “we’re only a day behind in the typing queue” in time for the weekend.
...And then a couple of people will come in at the weekend and dictate more when no one’s around to at least keep the backlog on an even keel and we’ll be right back to where we started, more or less.
This is the office that Scruffman insists is not understaffed, y’know. Still no word on the two who are supposed to be coming back from sick leave / maternity leave respectively. Still no word on even posting an advert for Sunshine’s job, or Sid’s. Most of all, I actually sat down and counted the new trainees on the list we got awhile back. There’s fifteen of them. So fifteen more people doing dictation and fewer typists, and yet we’re not understaffed? Scruffman is lying to everyone up to and including himself to cover up his not being very good at this management thing, I’m telling you.
As for politics ... well, it’s been the Conservative Party Conference the last few days, and it’s been an utter nightmare. We have people telling us, “Well, when you get your fuel bills and they’re too high to pay, you either reduce your consumption or go out there and get that better job!” Which ... won’t help because companies have been encouraged not to give anybody raises because apparently it’ll make inflation worse. Not that companies need any encouragement on that front, but I don’t see how much good this is going to do anybody even in the short term. The way I see it, this happens:
People have less money and their money is worth less, so they spend less on goods and services
People who provide goods and services make less money because people are giving them less money
People who provide goods and services don’t want to risk their profit margins because shareholders
People who provide goods and services rack up the prices on their goods and services, and lay off staff
People have less money and their money is worth less, so...
YOU GET THE IDEA. At some point that all reaches critical mass and I don’t know what happens after that.
Then again, given that Truss had a moment in her closing day speech today that sounded way too much like “work makes you free”? I’m pretty sure I know exactly what happens after that.
No, I am not kidding. There was that, and then there was tagging everyone who has issues with the “trickle-down economy by a different name” mess that the current Tory government is spouting as “anti-growth”. It’s the same as people have been doing with ‘antifa’; they’re trying to demonise anyone who is actually against this economic shit-show. Labour, Lib Dem, the unions, environmentalists ... all ‘anti-growth’, and therefore to be fought against in this othering nightmare that effectively brought us Brexit. This in more or less the same breath as stating that growth is much more importance than parity because “We don’t want to give some people a bigger piece of the pie; we want to make the pie bigger so everyone gets a bigger piece!” To which I say:
The people who are already eating most of the pie do not need a bigger slice. They already stick most of theirs in the freezer (which in our metaphor is offshore accounts)
If the pie somehow gets bigger, the people who are already eating most of the pie will just take yet bigger slices for themselves and the people with the smaller pieces will be lucky to have the same size slice as they do now
Half the reason our pie is smaller these days, and most of the reason why it won’t get any bigger any time soon, is because you threw a massive hissy-fit at the people who run the nearest, and best, grocery store (which in our metaphor is the EU), and now we can’t buy ingredients reliably, and then at a massive premium, and also have to go try to get a better deal at the not-so-nearby corner shop, who know we’d only be trying for an account with them if we were desperate and are milking that for everything it’s worth (Australia, India, everyone we’ve got lopsided trade deals with).
Also, while I am by no means a royalist, I think Kwarteng saying, “Yeah, sorry about that rush job about the rate of tax blurb; it’s just that the queen died and I had to rush everything” is just a grubby, grubby thing to say. I mean, particularly when what he actually meant was, “Yeah, I was hoping the queen dying would distract you plebs a little longer and fill you with the kind of nationalism that would let you swallow our bullshit easier”.
Plus she kept making allusions to scrapping any of the EU regulations we still follow, because apparently we don’t want to trade with the EU ever again? Or something? We can’t send trade goods to Europe if they don’t meet EU standards, so... I mean, we’re also talking about health and safety, anti-discrimination policies, things like annual leave, paid sick leave, the 48 hour work week, stuff like that. Not to mention apparently having orgasms over the idea of leaving the ECHR so they can write a human rights act in which we don’t have any. Braverman’s still creaming her dainties over the idea of shipping refugees to Rwanda by Christmas.
Oh, and that thing I mentioned about energy companies demanding the government drop fines for any inability on their part to provide energy to their customers? Well. Apparently they’re looking at blackouts by January. Along with nice little text alerts reminding us how to cut consumption etc etc etc, because we’ve got the dystopian tech to do that now where we didn’t during the various UK miners’ strikes. Which is going to be great, isn’t it - getting text alerts to maybe not switch on the lights or heating before, like, seven in the evening when the sun goes down at 4pm and isn’t properly up until, like, 9am, and we’re supposed to have a colder winter than ever this year.
I’m genuinely terrified. This is why I put up with my job. It used to be bad enough when I was temping and the conditions were crap but I always wound up between assignments for so long every time I left one that I couldn’t afford the wage hit. Now? I don’t even want to try finding a steady permanent part-time job that would accommodate my disability in any way, however half-assed my company’s being about it at the moment. (Still no word on the work-from-home shit, by the way.) I’ve been hearing things about what they intend to do with the benefits system. Things like, “If you work part-time and are claiming benefits, you’d better find yourself a permanent job or you’re going to get your benefits cut”, even under circumstances like disability, caring for a disabled family member, child care, etc. Because Truss simultaneously says “the real heroes are the ones who get out and sweat and work!” and “People in England are the laziest, most workshy skivers in the world and we need to get them back to work”.
I have leftover lasagne, and some video game demos (Steam’s doing its demo bonanza again, which is nice because I found some good ones last time). And then I’ll try to get an early night but I’m probably just going to fret a lot. Living in a dystopia is really, really hard on the nerves.
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hisuizorua · 7 months
everything i hear abt the upcoming election is so bleak. i really shouldnt be surprised that dems are stooping so low as to make deportation part of their platform but fucking really? even if you were stupid enough to think immigrants were the problem in the first place, ramping up deportations has done absolutely nothing to keep things from getting worse. existing as a transgender person has gotten so much harder in so many areas of the country as wave after wave of new laws are brought forth and intervention from the federal government to protect its trans citizens has been pathetic or nonexistent. book bans have continued to grow. we lost roe v wade. and buying groceries is so expensive i think about becoming a vegetarian just because i can't afford meat.
you think "ok so vote for the same guy, but dont worry! this time, he's deporting MORE immigrants :)" is going to fix any of that? do you think i'm going to look at this group of people who's statistically more likely to be impoverished and on the receiving end of hate crimes and go, "oh yes! clearly they must be responsible for the fact that i am also impoverished and at high risk of being hatecrimed!" i have FAR more in common with them than the ghouls who run this country. stop throwing tax dollars at inflicting maximum harm and trauma to vulnerable communities of color when there's a rapidly growing number of people who CANT AFFORD TO EAT
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onlinemarktplatz-de · 8 months
Getir und Uber Eats starten Partnerschaft in Deutschland
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Der Quick-Commerce-Pionier Getir / Gorillas und Uber Eats, die Plattform für Essenslieferungen, kooperieren in Deutschland. Ab sofort können Nutzer von Uber Eats innerhalb der Uber Eats-App alle Produkte aus dem Sortiment von Getir bestellen. Die Integration des Getir-Angebots in die Uber Eats-App startet gleichzeitig in Hamburg, Berlin, Köln, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt und München. In den kommenden Wochen werden sukzessive auch alle Gorillas-Stores in Deutschland in die Uber Eats-App integriert. Uber Eats-Nutzer haben damit direkten Zugang zu den mehr als 2.000 Artikeln des täglichen Bedarfs, die sie innerhalb weniger Minuten von den Getir / Gorillas -Kurieren geliefert bekommen.  “Wir freuen uns außerordentlich über die Partnerschaft zwischen Getir /Gorillas und Uber Eats in Deutschland. Diese Kooperation ermöglicht es uns, unsere hochwertige Produktauswahl aus lokalen und internationalen Marken und unsere ultraschnellen Lebensmittellieferungen einem noch größeren Kundenkreis zugänglich zu machen. Getir ist stolz darauf, zusammen mit Uber Eats innovative Lösungen für die Bedürfnisse der Kunden in den größten deutschen Städten voranzutreiben. Gemeinsam setzen wir einen wichtigen Meilenstein auf dem Weg, den deutschen Lebensmittelhandel der Zukunft zu erschaffen. Der Lebensmitteleinkauf wird damit für die Menschen bequemer, effizienter und noch schneller.”, erklärt Dr. Clemens Koebele, General Manager Getir Germany. Dr. Fabian Schrempf, Head of Grocery and Retail von Uber Eats Deutschland: “In den vergangenen zweieinhalb Jahren haben wir unseren Essenslieferdienst erfolgreich in mehr als 100 Städten in Deutschland etabliert. Jetzt bringen wir in Kooperation mit Getir zusätzlich mehr als 2.000 Produkte des täglichen Bedarfs auf unsere Plattform. Das ist ein wichtiger Schritt für uns auf dem Weg zur Plattform, auf der sich Nutzer innerhalb weniger Minuten fast alles per Klick in der App liefern lassen können.” So funktioniert’s In der Uber Eats-App können Nutzer unter der Schaltfläche “Lebensmittel” Produkte aus dem Sortiment von Getir / Gorillas finden. Sobald die Produkte im Warenkorb liegen und online bezahlt worden sind, werden sie von den Getier/ Gorillas -Kurieren innerhalb von Minuten an die gewünschte Adresse geliefert. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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Olive Gardin
Adventure timez…!!!!!! soooOooo 2 weekZ ago we defz went to olivE garDin and defz gots 6 baskins of bred sticks n Put dem in hottopic bagg under our table n it wuz SOO FUNNZ to also pretend we were just newly Married w our court ordained ined ring-pops n ask our nameless and hobophobic server if we koild get free desert (she didn’t even say no she just said nothing so we stole tha cheese grater) . da chiggen Gnocci unlimited soup was Def canned but i rly likeD mixing it with the raspberryy iced T cuz i personally think all parts of ur tung shuld b stimulated when U eat Cuz eating is just like fuckin . n my feet hurt sooooooo bad rN cuz of my wooden jeffrey campbellz . but i feel kinda cute . ??? also we ran around beacons talkin bout how the soundcloud beats they played on overhead speaker made us wanna abort all our future fetuses n they laffed then we went to do drugs in the ahmitofu bathroom then kholed n laid on the sidewalk outside then ran into friends and also a local white pervert . :-]
Justin Bieber something something Yea yea yea i forgot the lyriX but ima keep mY eye out for SeleneerRRRRR .!!! >_< >_< <3 Jelena all overzz my TicTac Clock app .! i think im gonna try to find sum j13 magazines oFf ebAy n Make a shrine of pop culture 2000 in moi room . Cuzz like just cuz hailey is lik a enneagram 9 type n avoidant or whatever’s dis not Mean she not phlegmatic . i mean Problematic, my autoKorect go wiLd. :-p ask moi friend Jaime whos dads name is italian Salami. lYke can we talk ab the G tattoo n lik the stalking .?! n Jaden smith friendzoning her hug . SUS.!!!!!! WEERIIIRDD.!!!
im SooooOooOooo sad cuz i accidentally punched myseLf takin off my platformzz comin home from music video shoot on the Lords day N i gave moiself a semi black eye :-[ it wuz kuz i wuz rushing n rly tired cuz yea Idk jus went to bossa n stayed at friendz afties for literally 11 hourzz. n After my cute breakdown at Krazypizza n Wingsz n tryin to protect friends from gettin harassed for spare change off myrtle Bratwurst then tried to climb into a closet on top of a closet . i signed Dat NdA N i kant rly disclose nothInG YET but the wardrobe styling was as professionally listed in email from casting agent:”CUNTY FUCKING FABULOUS DENIM 4 jesus!!!<3 <3 “
Woowwwa has i been burnt out n on tha verge of mf resentment.!! i needs 2 practice giving compassion rather empathy.? n reevalue my boundaries also slow down when it comes to givin my heart cuz im such a mf simp . n Now that i cried for the last 46 hours and 27 min im ready to take the world again.!!!!!! ((online)).
Ty 2 my friends who don’t judge me when i cry cuz i C too many colors when i khole n think bad thoughts.!! and hold my hand while they poo pee n pee poo cuz my friends r sooo talented they can multitask lik dat <3 uwu <3 i still confused y i kholed n saw everything lik in marie antioinette viobez, i think it was The daughter of italiano salami’s vivienne westwood pearlZ that triggered meh. YEA i lik to speak in metaphors n colors n b confusing .! lik this one bitch i don’t talk to anymores twitter cover picture says ,”If im 2 much ….. find less.” =] enemies who giv u life quote inspo>>>>>>>>>
Shuld i just run away n move to connecticut or somewhere w like big grocery stores n like wildflowers on the road n trackerz just so i culd hibernate4a lil.?? i wanna b truly happy n not so heavy hearted n lik Stressed ab living / stayin above water . singing billie eyelash at thurr clurb made me realize i b wanting to cry when i dancin n in a room full of ppl n I rly do b goin out 2 da clurb to find “mutual understanding and good conversation. “4 now Ig ill jus keep distracting myself by watching lesbian dramas (Find that cheater in ur local neighborhood in the PNW.!!) and more Angry angry food reviewers eating cardi B + oFfset ‘a micky D meal ‘ mukbang N watchin dem get really upset cuz they got ripped off . Fast food inflation is crazy n im not sayin it’s ok cuz i still think of everything in Mcchiggen currency .
i want SydneySweedney to be my peeping tom so bad n also to forgive myself for being mean to someone who didn’t deserve it but i was just mad n tired of being heart brokeN. No im not talkin about the uhaul lesbian who love bombed meh the last month n a half n showed up to my house when i told them not to w a bag of mini nutellas n an old ringpop i ated that they tied their hair all around to bind meh to dem . Im also contemplating doing squats to get a fat ass cuz if i can’t get a lobotomy i should probably hav something vein instead to feel better (achieving the same result of happiness at the end but through a different method.) Is that rational.?? i’ve been told i kant rly compartmentalize .
Just cuz we all hav adhd does not mean we don’t kno how to listen n tht rly makes me happy esp cuz im still mad at that callenlourde psychiatrist w the huge badonkadonks who refused to diagnos meh cuz she is a cop. N
i luv goin 2 moi friendzz casa then not knowin her roomie is throwing a party w a local trak meet group n making shashooka N then everybody comes in sweaty even tho it’s sleetingsnowing outside then all these men n one women take off their shirts then put david bowie makeup on N clown costumez then im slowly realizing it was lik mayb lowkey an intended orgy.?!..?! n Im just sitting in the corner nxt to the space heater cuz im low in iron and googling “How long does cocaine last “ cuz along w this street adderal and the copious amounts of Kitty idont rly think i’m loading anymore N ima shashookashoot moiself if a sweaty man is near me again trying to help me hold the vaccuum in place while we scramble to figure out which Hdmi cord is broken. i took the What type of lesbian test r u and it said lipstick. but Idk what any of this means..?!
UGHHHHHHH i def am hexed by another hot self employed lesbian cuz how did I uber us all to they apt the other nite completely sober . tHinking it wuz takin us to moodring. N god damn how did i lose my phone n it wuz under the couch rite nxt to his old vape he lost 2 weeks ago there. Im hexed!.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dere is sm more to share lik how i kinda still admire my ex Gf who visited nyc this last week even tho they don’t remember denying me closure and how i Found a tboy who is willing to be the community scapegoat for hot afab femmes / A human bench , and my new obsession the word assburgers . N how my roomie n i went to pick up a couch from a man in queens who told us to go in n make ourselves at home when we arrived 5 min earlier than him cuz the heartshaped lock on the door was unlocked but im tired n hav to work on confronting my addiction to chicken as a vegan , getting a blink membership n getting hotter. love u all <3
—Renny whowill get a fat asssoon Chang cuz if i can’t hav a lobotomy i want power .
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knfreakmind · 5 years
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Dem moody booty tho
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endeaavorr · 3 years
bokuto headcanons (grocery shopping with msby!bokuto)
it’s currently off season, but bo’s got a week before he needs to leave for training again.
you enjoy grocery shopping as a hobby
but you don’t really enjoy stocking up food because you like them fresh and bo deserves only fresh warm meals 🥺
so you usually go for weakly trips instead of those ‘1000$ costco haul’
i can see bo naturally using layers going out bcs he’s a pro athlete
gotta keep dem pores safe from cold air hehe
you’re working on you laptop in the living room and he’s sitting next to you, his head on your lap snuggling your tummy 🥺
and he says he wants attention :((
so you prompted to go grocery shopping :((
you tell him to go change while u finish up work.
by the time ur done he’s waiting patiently all puffed up from the fluffy winter jacket that’s hiding his beeg beeg muscles 🥺
omg that’s so cute i need a moment
ok i had my moment
you’re taking your car
a lambo’s trunk isn’t actually built for groceries.. plus its filled with bo’s spare gym bag and training shoes too.
you drive bcs 🥺 he’s your puppyboy 🥺 he should sit pretty 🥺 and let u love him 🥺
ehehe he’d make excited comments on how the ‘streets have changed since last time i stayed’ and ‘i wonder if the sticker shop you liked so much is still here’
you originally carried the trolley so bo can freely pick things he’d like
but baby bo insisted to push the trolley instead 🥺 bcs 🥺 just wanna be good boy 🥺
holds ur hand below his in the trolley handle accidentally too hard (not that u mind)
but eventually lets go (with a pout) bcs u said it’s hard to grab things with one hand :((
def puts a fruit sticker on your elbow waiting for u to notice 🥺
but u were so focused on picking up the best fruits and didn’t notice at all 😭
if offered samples he’d give it to you instead 😭
one of the sample handlers were a msby fan so they took a selfie together
bokuto best boy 🥺🥺
tried to help checking out but the aisle is too small and he’s just a giant puppyboy.
so he’d contently wait whilst drinking his pre checked out favorite juice box u handed him and his free hand would gently tug the shirt inside your coat to make sure u don’t get lost 🥺
wow i got carried away
def boasts on how he can carry all the bags in one go
but complains later bcs the bags hurt his hand 😭
maybe go eat dinner and watch movie at a nearby theater
idk he seems like the type to order 3 servings of kid’s meal bcs the nuggets has better texture than the ‘adult’ ones.
too tired to unpack so u left the bags near the door and just shower then cuddles before sleep.
wow this is a very self indulgent bokuto hc.
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mysterytickingegos · 4 years
I’ve Created a Monster
Pairing: Darkiplier x Clairvoyant!Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 2,480
Summary: After a bad date, you made a rather interesting friend. But better yet, you discovered something just as interesting about yourself. This something leads to a very exhilarating part of your life, but you learn the hard way that it’s not quite as glamorous an adventure as it may seem. The last person you’d expect is the one to bring you back to reality.
Anonymous Request: If I may request! :) Can I have a darkiplier x fem!reader fic with the prompts 37, 44, 45? After the events of wkm? Just some hurt and comfort to give me dem feelz 😀👍 Maybe Dark is the one saying it please? Much thanks!
Authors Note: Probably not what you were going for with the prompts but I hope you still enjoy it!
Want to read more?
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[Image Description: A Gif of Darkiplier from the “horror” branch of “A Date with Markiplier,” speaking to the viewer at a table, while another image of him leans away and yells. End Description]
Junk mail, bill, wrong address, junk mail...
The usual. You weren’t sure what ‘cool thing’ you were expecting to get in the mail in 2020 but the disappointment was there anyway. Just as you shut your mailbox you heard somebody coming down the stairs and cringed, bracing yourself as you hoped it wasn’t who you thought it was. But of course it was.
Your upstairs neighbor, AKA the worst date ever. “Ah, hey Y/n.”
“Hi Mark...” You gave him a sad attempt at a wave, and he gave you a nod, walking over to his own mailbox.
‘How’s it going?”
“Great, yeah...you?”
And with that the room dissolved into awkward silence, and you took your leave back up the stairs. Funny enough these moments used to be filled with dumb jokes and flirting, that was until he finally asked you out. You had been overjoyed, happy that someone had taken an interest in you and glad that something was breaking your dull everyday routine. Little did you know the highlight of the date would be the end. He had taken you to an expensive restaurant only to reveal that he had ‘forgotten’ his wallet (which ended up falling out of his pocket in front of you in the theater.) Then he had been upset with you for accidentally falling asleep to what must’ve the most boring Rom-com you had ever been subjected to. You both seemed to be in silent agreement that this should never, ever happen again.
But unbeknownst to you and Mark, somebody else had been lingering around. That was the first time that specific somebody had decided to visit you, making a sucky date the least of your concerns. You spent the rest of your night watching compilations on YouTube and eating chocolate Ice Cream. You kept going from sad to angry over your horrible day in your head.
Were you only worth asking out for a free meal? A meal that for you took about half your grocery budget. You should’ve given that ass a piece of your mind.
You sniffed, wiping your eyes and scarfing down even more ice cream. “Damn it.”
“Aw, don’t cry, darling. It wasn’t that bad.”
You screamed and nearly jumped out of your skin, scrambling away from the man now next to you on the couch. The moment your feet hit the ground you grabbed your phone and locked yourself in your bedroom. “Who the fuck are you?!”
“Let’s say I'm a... friend of a friend. I thought I’d check up on you after that train wreck.” He spoke through the door. You heard a laugh layer over his voice, and wondered if somebody else was there.
“I’m calling the police!” You shouted back.
Then you heard the same voice just in front of you, clearly amused with the situation. “You’re welcome to do so, though I’m not sure they’d believe you.” It was the same man from the couch, smiling at you. You noticed how he seemed to be glitching, and how as his head tilted to the side his figure had duplicated in blue for a split second. “As I’m sure you can tell by now, I’m not exactly human.”
“What do you want from me?”
“I’d like to get to know you, Y/n. Is that so much to ask?”
The first few nights that you had stayed up a little too late and wound up speaking that deranged spirit again, you had been terrified. But soon enough you learned to enjoy his company. Sure, he could be a little unsettling at times, particularly when he was irritated and got...cold. Not just figuratively, which he was, but literally. The temperature in your apartment would drop a significant amount and you would change subjects shivering. But all in all, from what you could see behind that wall he had up, he was simply lost at worst, not exactly evil. And it was nice to not have to be so lonely all the time.
But during one of these visits, early on, you had decided to ask why.
“Why me, of all people?”
The man you had come to know simply as ‘Dark’  leaned in, lighting up as though he had been waiting on you to ask that this entire time. “Oh, Y/n. Don’t you know?”
“Why would I ask if I already knew?”
He let out an impatient sigh. ‘That’s...I was being...” He glanced up at you just in time to catch the smile playing at your lips after successfully ruining his aesthetic. “You know what? You can stay in the dark.”
“No no no, I’ll shut up, just tell me.” You turned to face him on the couch, tucking your legs under yourself.
He left you in suspense for a few moments, before dropping his voice down low when he spoke so you would have to lean closer in just to hear him. “Let’s just say you are...spiritually attuned to my world.”
“Spiritually attuned?”
“Yes, you are psychic, a medium, clairvoyant. Whatever you want to call it.” He explained. “You are a magnet to things outside the realm of the natural. A strange pair, aren’t we?”
And that was all it took, so many unexplained events from your past were now explained, and a world of possibilities was opened to you. You must’ve spent weeks researching how to harness your abilities, starting the second he left. Sure, most sites and blogs were absolutely full of it but you got the gist. With that and some common sense, how much could go wrong?
You started to take silly jobs on the internet, from old women who thought something was off with their mirrors to amateur ghost hunters who wanted a ‘consultant.’ It took you a while to gain some confidence that you weren’t just pulling this stuff out of thin air, that you hadn’t lost your mind. But after a few months, once you hit that learning curve, man it was fun.
Your latest job was a little more hardcore, a young family wanting help to push a poltergeist out of their new home. Their stories had chilled you to the bone, but you were happy to help. Your evaluation at the house went fine, nothing too far past what you were used to. Except, the entire time you were there you felt as though you had weight sitting on your chest. You could barely listen to the poor couple tell you what they experienced due to a faint scratching feeling at the back of your mind. You weren’t an expert yet but you could tell that whatever this thing was, it did not welcome you there. Worse yet, the feeling of being drained that the couple mentioned was certainly affecting you as well. Perhaps worse.
But all that accomplished was making you even more determined to rid the house of it. You took notes for your research later, tried to communicate in the most active part of the house (with no results,) and gave the couple the best advice you could at the moment.
“Until this thing is gone, it’s best you stay somewhere else.”
A few nights later, you had just finished packing your bag and begun heading for the door when you heard Dark just behind you. “Good evening, Y/n.” His voice was layered, followed by a subtle echo bouncing off the walls of your small apartment. When you turned to face him you saw he was already frowning, having realized you were on your way out. “Where are you off to so late?“
“I’m going to hang out with some friends. So I’m sorry, you’ll have to find some other way to entertain yourself tonight, instead of ya know, slowly but surely turning me into a nocturnal hermit.“ You joked, adjusting the tote bag on your shoulder.
He chuckled, bringing his hands behind his back. “I hate to break this to you my dear, but you were there well before we met.”
“Ha ha.” You turned to leave but were stopped short when you saw that he had apparated directly in front of you.
“What’s in the bag?” He asked, starting to reach for it curiously before you stepped back.
“Nothing.” You said, a little too quickly. “Just some party supplies, alright?”
He raised his brow, no longer amused. “...Convincing. Is it really so difficult to be honest with me?”
“Oh don’t even try and pull that card, you won’t even tell me why you’re haunting that jerk upstairs.”
His jaw clenched, and he looked away from you. “That’s different. Bringing such things to light would only do more harm than good.”
“Well, I may be wrong but...my thing is kinda the same. And I like what we’ve got going on so just let it go. Please?”
Dark stayed quiet, peeved off and clearly even more curious than he was before. Finally, he side-stepped out of your way, “Just be careful.”
When you got to the house, you were careful. Keeping lights on and keeping quiet while you did everything your research said you were supposed to. As you did, the spirit was also quiet, too quiet. And on your way home, you kept waiting for that heavy feeling on your chest to fade away.
Your apartment was freezing when you stepped out of the bathroom after your shower. Cold air brushed over your shoulders as you wrapped your arms around yourself. “Dark?” You called out, looking around for him. This wasn’t like him. He usually made you aware of his presence as soon as he showed up. You walked into your bedroom and when you locked eyes with another in the mirror, you froze.
This wasn’t like Dark, because it wasn’t him.
Instead, the person standing behind you was a very decrepit and very angry old woman, seemingly fading in and out of reality as she glared at you. “Y̸o̵u̶ ̴s̴h̷o̵u̶l̶d̸ ̸h̵a̵v̷e̷ ̵l̸e̴f̷t̶ ̷w̶e̶l̵l̶ ̸e̴n̵o̷u̶g̷h̶ ̶a̸l̶o̴n̸e̷.̴“
The mirror shattered and you whipped around to face her, but she wasn’t there. The air whirling around the place started to pick up, and picture frames flew off the wall at you, then other objects that had decorated your room. You tried to flee but your front door wouldn’t budge. You started to bang on it, crying in fear and praying that anyone would hear you. Next thing you knew though, you were flung towards the wall.
Finally, everything settled. The weight was off your chest, but there was plenty of pain there in it’s place. You slowly pulled yourself into a sitting position, then wiped the tears off your face with one hand and held the other over your ribs. You weren’t sure how long you sat there, waiting for something to happen and your heartbeat overpowered the ringing silence in your ears. You wanted to get your phone, to call for help but you were terrified of gaining attention again. You didn’t even really stop shaking until you heard a familiar voice.
“...Y/n?” Dark didn’t see you when he first showed up, just the disaster area that was your living room. Once had seen you, he was beside you in a blink of an eye. You didn’t even think about it before you wrapped your arms around him. He only gave you a moment of comfort before he pulled back, looking over you in concern. “What happened? Who hurt you?”
You couldn’t really get much out between pained wincing as he scooped you into his arms. “It was a -Ow- s-spirit.”
He laid you down on the couch as gently as he could, and you could see his face change from confusion to recognition to irritation. “Why, pray tell, would a spirit be here?”
“I may have taken a job to get rid of it...” You muttered under your breath.
“Unbelievable.” He shook his head, about to say something else before he stopped himself. Instead he moved his focus to your hand, moving it to reveal the dark bruise over your ribs.
“See, I knew you weren’t gonna like it.”
“You going off and messing with things you haven’t even begun to understand? Of course I don’t like it.” His figure glitched and layered itself in different colors before he got up and went to the kitchen.
You scoffed at his remark, trying to sit up. “Hey I understand more than you think, I’ve been doing this crap for months!”
He came back around the corner with an ice pack from your freezer in his hand. “Months?” He apparated in front of you, gently placing the pack down on the bruise, allowing you to squeeze his free hand until the shock wave from the pressure passed over you.
“I started looking into all this after you told me the truth.” You confessed. “I mean with the internet it wasn’t difficult, and I do my due diligence alright? I don’t know what went wrong.”
The aura behind him flashed pure red for just a moment, he approached his next words much softer than usual. “You can’t navigate things like this using the internet, Y/n.”
“Well I didn’t think you’d want to help me help everyone else get rid of their ghosts.”
He scoffed at you, beginning to raise his voice as the aura swapped back to blue. “You were right! I don’t understand why you would want anything to do with this, anyway. Why would you do this to yourself??” 
“I thought...I thought it’d be fun-”
“This isn’t a game!”
“You know I really don’t get you, why-”
“Of course you don’t! Do you even know what I am?”
“Well, no...”
“Neither do I.” He growled. His words truly sunk in once you saw the pain behind his eyes. He collected himself, taking a deep breath before continuing, “What I do know, is that I was human once. And people screwing with things that they shouldn’t have for selfish reasons is what turned me into this. Over the years I’ve had to see other terrible things happen to well meaning people. I’ll be damned if you throw yourself into the fire for fun.”
You nodded softly, breaking the intense gaze between you to look as your hands. “...Okay.” You opened your mouth to speak again after that, but decided against it.
“What is it?” Dark asked, trying and failing to hide the impatience in his voice.
“I just didn’t think...well I really didn’t think you’d care. Well, about this part I guess-”  You sighed, cutting yourself off this time, rather than rambling.
He was quiet for a moment, placing his hand under your chin and tilting your head up to look at him. “I care...more than you know.” It was the silence after that, that spoke volumes, and even more so the way he moved forward to press his lips to yours. “Now, if you’ll excuse me I have a poltergeist to take care of.”
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thorsthot · 4 years
Ship: okoye/heimdall
wayment...... i ain’t heard of this being a ship and lemme tell you..... i think i like dat
who’s the cuddler: heimdall deffo is the cuddler,,
who makes the bed: they probably take turns doing it. like alternate days or sum — better yet,, they make the bed together 🥺
who wakes up first: i think they both wake up early but okoye is usually up first,, like can u fuckin imagine heimdall trying waking up before her to make her breakfast i- he’s all in the kitchen trying not to burn shit just to make his lady a nice meal 🥺 (he’s eating the burnt toast)
who has the weird taste in music: honestly, what if music is something that they bonded over in the first place. he’s showing her asgardian music and she’s showing him earth/wakandan music. honestly don’t think either of them have a bad or weird music taste
who is more protective: similarly to the thor/val ship — they’re both protective over each other but they KNOW they can both hold their own
who sings in the shower: duetting together in the shower. i think they both sing in the shower fr, one of them would hear it and then decide to join them
who cries during movies: okoye
who spends the most while out shopping: heimdall. cause listen, men are natural wanderers when it comes to shopping. always wanting to touch something or go look at something. they went for groceries and heimdall found his way into a pet smart n got a cat n then decided to build a fortress for the cat n now they’re at home depot
who kisses more roughly: heimdall,, he tryna get out dem pants
who is more dominate: okoye,, heimdall is madd subby and will do whatever he needs to to please her
my rating of the ship from 1-10: 10. i ain’t even know it existed but i fw it heavy
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lookninjas · 3 years
Things to do today, in rough order:
Short easy run
Get dressed
Put away groceries
Start a small load of laundry if needed. 
Consider going down to Gurney’s/going for a walk in Harbor?  If you’re feeling ambitious
Put away laundry if you did a load
Make zines.  Mail zines.
Maybe go for a walk behind the college if you didn’t go to Harbor.  IDK.  Seems like a good day for walking.
Start County Dems minutes.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  Just do the thing.
Shower, poem, bed.
It isn’t much!  It’s weird to not have something to be writing RIGHT STINKING NOW.  Maybe you’ll come up with something.  Maybe you’ll pull some knitting out.  See how it feels.  Figure out the vibe.
All right.  Eat the bagel before it gets too cold.
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theskamlibrary · 5 years
75 dates in the Skam Universe Masterpost
Thank you so much for everyone who participated, we had a total of X dates in the Skam Universe. We are so grateful for every content creators who put such hard work and shared it with us, you are the backbone of this fandom and the ones who make it worthwhile. 
Support your content creators! Reblog their posts, give them feedback, comment, share the love.  
Cliché by @catloves3 {WTFock - Zoë Loockx/Senne De Smet - 497 words}
written for (fun)fair
Senne, Zoe, Jana, and Luka at a funfair.
click by @butforwardiscalling {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 1613 words }
written for shooting photos 
niccolò has a camera. martino is his preferred model, willing or not.
Cheats and Prank Wars by @toobaddiane {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David Schreibner - 2507 words}
written for prank war
It’s the summer after their first year in university started and the boys are just lazying around. After an episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine gives Jonas an idea, they engage in a harmless prank war. What could possibly go wrong when someone is super competitive and their boyfriend is their teammate?
Or Matteo and David are teammates in a prank war and David is a competitive jerk.
I think I like my eyes by @ayellowcurtain {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 1026 words}
written for building a pillow fort 
shut up and kiss me by @orpheuscris {Skam Espana - Cris Soto/Joana Bianchi - 3441 words}
written for study date
Joana and Cris have been at odds nearly the entire time they've been sitting next to each other in class. So that’s why it’s such a surprise when one day, near the end of the semester, Cris invites Joana over to her house to study. And why she’s even more surprised by herself when she accepts.
show me the things (that you believe in) by @softdemaury {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 6329 words}
written for at home movie night
“Guess there goes your movie, then.” Lucas says while they’re sitting down at the kitchen table.
“Wait, you didn’t organize this to get out of watching that damn thing, right?” Eliott squints his eyes at Lucas, raising his fork in an attempt to look threatening.
Lucas laughs, “You think I’d do that? Of course I didn’t. We’ll just watch it next time, no big deal.”
5 times Eliott fails in making Lucas watch 10 Things I Hate About You and the 1 time Lucas takes the matter into his own hands
Future Little Koala by @youleavebehindmemories {Skam Italy - Eva Brighi/Giovanni Garau - 2697 words }
written for wedding 
It's basically Giovanni and Eva at the wedding of Marti and Nicco with glimpses into Gio & Eva's future, domestic life! (as well as background moments from others)
Feels like Love by @tunonseisolonico {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 2602 words }
written for karaoke 
“Come on, Marti! Let´s go and sing a song, the two of us!”
“You for real?!” Marti immediately exclaimed, being full of doubts.
He couldn't help but got flashbacks in his head, thinking back to Silvia´s 80´s party, him sitting close to Nico on the couch, Emma on Nico´s other side. Niccolò asking them to sing a song with him, Marti already refusing to do so back then.
“Of course, I´m not joking!”
“Well, sounds like it. No, I´m not going to sing a song with you!”
come with me, my love (to the sea of love) by @lepetitepeach {Skam France -Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4816 words }
written for aquarium
there’s a small touch of wonder to everything that lives in the ocean
critter cottage by @spacekardemomme {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 1546 words }
As he walked further into the room, he watched the rise and fall of eliott's chest, the way his hair is messily sprawled along the pillow, a few strands scattered across his forehead and cheekbones.
this is who i’m meant to spend the rest of my life with
Yearning for more than a blue day by @modestytreehouse  {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 3723 words  }
written for brunch date 
He really should leave while Isak is still asleep and spare him the awkwardness of waking up beside Even. Spare himself the shame when Isak recognizes him.
Kings of the cargo hold by @evakuality {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen -  3029 words}
written for cruise // art created by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 
“You’re early,” a voice says, a breathy, stuttery quality to it as its owner pants into the room behind Isak, the clatter of his feet loud as his footsteps echoes off the metal of the walls. “I was supposed to be here before you.” “What is all this?” Isak gestures at the table laid out in front of them. “Well, you agreed to eat with me,” Even says, his unfairly gorgeous blue eyes lit up as he stares into Isak’s soul
Aka, the one where Even gets extra as he prepares for the perfect moment with Isak.
sens de la vie by @livvyblxckthxrn {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 2809 words}
written for museum date
a little dive into all of those instagram pics and stories
det betyr jo alltid noe, det gjør jo det by @pagnilagni {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 8722 words }
written for apple picking // in Norwegian // translation in English by Bolomapa
Han står oppgitt ute på den overgrodde plenen og ser på epletrærne. De er gamle og krokete, har altfor mange greiner, de henger for tett sammen under den tette trekronen, tynget av røde epler tett i tett, de skulle vært tynnet, sa naboen, og treet skulle vært beskåret, han sa det et par uker etter at han beskar sine egne trær. “Men det er for sent nå, sevjen stiger, treet kommer til å blø i hjel. Du får ta det neste år i stedet”, hadde han sagt, mens han klappet ham faderlig på skulderen.
Han ser på epletrærne med den modne frukten, en mengde epler har falt ned i natt, mange flere enn i går, han burde plukke dem nå, han burde absolutt det. Men hva skal han med dem, lurer han på, en fortvilende klump i magen spør ham om svaret på det, for han aner ikke, å bruke en kilo epler er greit, kanskje to, han kan vel bake to eplekaker, men alt dette, det må være hundrevis av kilo, hva faen bruker folk dette til?
You’ll never believe how ice cream helped this man to get a date by @nofeartina    {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 3333 words }
written for ice cream 
If it wasn't for Magnus, Isak would never have ended up at this ridiculous hipster ice cream place. But then again, he never would have met that ridiculously cute ice cream guy, either.
Sometimes it really pays off being a good friend.
Or 5 times Isak buys ice cream for Magnus and 1 time Even buys it for Isak.
come and fade me by @ho1ogram {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 3957 words}
written for grocery shopping
And no matter how many times he repeats the same lines over and over again till he runs out of reasons to support why dating should be banned (it's a lie; Lucas will never run out of reasons for this purpose, he just gives in to the looks the boys - or Eliott - throw at him) that his friends understand his struggles, his pleas for them to stop. And always, like clockwork, he ends in having them set him up with an unknown guy.
or, Lucas is tired of going on dates after dates with guys that aren't Eliott, and Eliott has a few tricks up his sleeves.
Thousand spires and thousand bridges by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/ David Schreibner - 46352 words}
written for vacation // art by @hjertetssunnegalskap1
In this world, Matteo and David met during Abitur back in Berlin, just like in the canon story and they made sandwiches and almost kissed at the neon party, but David backed out, Matteo did the same and.... nothing more happened.
Now they are studying in Prague. Matteo thinks he lost his chance with David a long time ago. What David thinks, nobody knows.
it's nice to have a friend by @livvyblxckthxrn {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 6592 words}
written for rollerskating
5 times eliott and lucas definitely were not on a date, and one time they were
to all who come to this happy place, welcome by @tawmlinsun {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4703 words }
written for disneyland // art by @cottonsdraw
"eliott demaury, you just passed your bac. what are you going to do now?"
"i'm taking my boyfriend to disneyland!"
Super Smash Bros by @thegirlnooneknows5 {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 11672 words}
written for video games // playlist
“Okay. Pretend I’m a customer. Sell me this game.”
Eliott's smile was determined. “You ever had a customer you wanted to throw into the wall?”
“Knock-Out X lets you live that fantasy.” He pulled the game off Lucas’ lap and held it up. The thought of Eliott’s hands so close to him coloured Lucas’ face pink. Eliott continued, “Just imagine if you could throw that customer into a wall and leave with no scratches, bruises or consequences. And look super badass while doing it.” “Seriously, though. You’re going to love it.”
-Or, a Striking Vipers Elu au in which they fall in love through a virtual reality game because love transcends all
Coffee, Gay Gurus, and a Dance by @amyriadfthings {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David - 1242 words}
written for coffee date
Good things happen over coffee. David & Matteo visit a veritable Berlin cultural institution and learn how to swing dance. Gay Gurus in action. Bonus gay gurus to appear eventually.
Small Things by @probablydaydreamingg​ {Skam Italy - Niccolò Fares/Martino Rametta - 3232 words}
written for concert
Martino gave Nico two tickets for a concert as a graduation present. A cute date ensues.
Hedgehog, on the rocks by @flying-elliska {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 4635 words}
written for drinks
Lucas's boyfriend just left him, two days before he has to go to his cousin's wedding, who just so happens to be marrying the town billionaire, and his friends are all otherwise engaged...
So as he arrives alone, he heads to the bar for some liquid courage.
Turns out the bartender isn't having a great evening either. So he embarks Lucas in a creative quest to find him the perfect beverage...
It's not a date yet. But there's still time...
If I Should Fall Behind by @irazor {Skam Norway - Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 14732 words}
written for fancy dinner // art by @lovethem2121
The plan for tonight had been crystal clear. Stay close to his best friend, and steal her away if needed. Hold her hand through the ordeal of meeting Noora again for the first time in years. Then Even shows up – and suddenly, nothing goes the way it was supposed to.
Or: 3 times Isak didn't know what to say to Even, and 1 time he did.
Fontainebleau by @hallo-catfish {Skam France - Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 12770 words}
written for camping
Lucas, let’s go camping, Eliott says, and with a vision of perfect quiet and green leaves unfurling before his eyes, Lucas agrees without even looking up from his problem set.
The summer after Lucas' first year in university, Lucas and Eliott take a weekend trip to Fontainebleau. 
Under Starry Skies Above by @fille-lioncelle {Druck - Matteo Florenzi/David Schreibner - 7197 words}
written for weekend getaway 
Matteo and David have been feeling a little dejected, so Matteo suggests they get away for a weekend trip.
Lost & bound by @hjertetssunnegalskap1 {Skam Norway -  Even Bech Næsheim/Isak Valtersen - 16397 words)
written for bicycle date
Even has been in a bicycle accident and he has lost his memory of the past three years. However, Isak gets a shock when Even tells him that they’re bonded soulmates, and expects them to be a couple.
Così fan tutte by @hallo-catfish {Skam France - Chloé Jeanson/Lucille, Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant - 14070 words}
written for opera
Lucille goes to the opera. It’s another double date.
➔ @hjertetssunnegalskap1 : X - X
➔ @cottonsdraw : X
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