#eastern is so much cooler. fuck the west
slimmestslime · 7 months
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razorblade180 · 3 years
MHA Chapter 331 slight spoilers
I like and find it funny how All Might and Stars and Stripes embody one of the better parts of the relationship between US and Japan.
All Might thought America had so much cool stuff that he formed his larger than life identity with it weaved all through it. It was so cool and inspiring that an America and specifically Kathy went “That guy is the fucking bar!” Then proceeds to strive to be and imitate the extremely cool foreigner that is using ideals and aesthetics that were already there’s.
It’s like when Eastern game or movie developers make a cool thing based off western inspired things; then people in the west see it at think “Damn they did our thing but ten times cooler! We should make things how they made that!” It’s a cycle of “wow these people get it!” and I love that. You can’t tell me Stars and Stripes didn’t see All Might change the weather with the air off of his punch and go “Now I must control the air itself!” 😂
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thisonesforfanfic · 4 years
Light in the Dark (11/?)
Bucky x Reader
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: After allowing you to try helping him, Bucky left without a trace, not wanting to hurt you anymore
A/N: So, I really wanted a better picture to go with this one, but I couldn’t seem to find any that matched this part for me :/
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The sheer feeling of recognition made him hesitate, when Bucky came to his senses you were already on the verge of blacking out, under his very own cold fingers. The strike aiming for your head was redirected to the wall, just a little to your left. The grip on your neck was almost immediately changed into a supporting hold on your back.
"Y/N? Please, please I- ...fuck... Talk to me Y/N" Salty tears streamed down his face, dripping over your limp body. The blood from the wall impact on his knuckle splattered on your already bruising neck, as he franticly checked for a pulse. ".....please wake up"
His words were no use, Bucky could still feel your heart beating, your eyes however remained shut as he took you to the corner and settled you in on the improvised bed, sitting across from you, holding your hand.
This took him back, not like he was remembering with you earlier, now it was every single Hydra mission he executed. The faces were no longer blurs, his targets no longer forgotten, all the blood on his hands had almost been topped off with yours, and he couldn't handle the idea of getting this close to it ever again.
The excruciating pain on the neck made it hard for you to even open your eyes at first. Trying to concentrate and healing it just enough to recollect your moves, you realized the silence surrounding you, all you could hear was breathing. Your breathing.
Your eyes burst open in panic, looking around for his familiar face, but Bucky is nowhere to be seen, you call out his name and nothing. He left.
Stumbling around the place, you searched for any sign of his things 'he just went to grab coffee, surely' , but there was nothing but a piece of paper where his backpack once was.
Your heart sank to your stomach as you realized what it truly was, with shaking hands you picked up the note as your eyes welled up
It took you about a week to grow courage to tell Steve what happened.
"I can't believe he straight up left you like that" Steve's voice was more angry than sad for his friend dissaperance "he is just -" he changed the subject subtlely when he heard your sniffs quietly over the phone "Y/N, are you okay? I know it's like the tenth time i've asked you in the past 5 minutes... But I- oh... Okay, I'll be there in a minute" he distanced hismself from the phone as some muffled voices called out for him "Sorry. Y/N... I have an important mission to get to, I'm - Right! I'm sending Sam your way, okay?"
"You know- you don't have to Steve, I can fend for myself" you knew he didn't mean to portrait you as a damsel in distress or anything like that, but you weren't exactly eager to go out and meet someone, anywhere surrounded by God knows how many people. "plus, I don't want to put any of you in trouble"
"I know that, I just fear you'll kill Bucky if you find him on your own after what he just pulled" your soft laughter was taken as a yes "Okay, you remember his face, right? Where exactly should I tell him to meet you?"
"Just send him here to the central station, I'll find him" Berlin's central was huge, but the mainly glass structure made it quite easy for you to track someone while remaining incognito.
People didn't really care for others there, apart from the casual tourist stare. You sat on the floor, leaning against some shop wall with a backpack in between your legs. Since this was fairly common, people sitting on their suitcases, eyes glued to their phones, waiting for their train, you blended right in. It wasn't really comfortable being out in the open like this, but it was definitely the easiest place to hide in plain sight.
Sam didn't take long to show up after you took your place. However, it took you sometime to approach him, he could have been tailed, some precaution wouldn't hurt.
"You know, for a superhero, you definitely need to improve your stealth skills" your low voice made him jump before turning around and shaking his head at your chuckles
"I see what Steve meant by a very active sense of humor" he grinned and extended a hand to greet you
"Oh? Then I guess I'll have to live up to those expectations" you shook his hands and turned to the exit, Sam followed you out into the streets "and you better hope that leather jacket keeps you warm" your words ringed simultaneously with a cold breeze rushing through you as the doors opened.
The autumn chill kept the people on foot in the area to a minimum, apart from the occasional check, and some shivers, getting back to your safehouse was quite easy. You and Sam spent hours speculating possible locations Bucky could go to. 'Being seen as a tourist was also dreadful to him, he would want to go somewhere he spoke the language' though that didn't help a lot, Hydra had you learn pretty much every eastern European dialect.
"He wouldn't head to small towns either, even if all he wanted was peace and quiet, he'd stand out to locals way too much" Sam was focused on a large map opened on the floor, circling and crossing out the possibilities being discussed with a black sharpie.
"What about the places you've been already? Any chance of him going west?"
"I'd say they are quite low, as well as anywhere with a warmer weather at this time of year" your red pen striking notes of what you were saying on a tiny notebook "He wouldn't want to risk being recognized because of his arm"
"Well, that still leaves us basically with all the major cities on the north hemisphere" Sam let out a tired sigh
"At least we can cross out Spain, Portugal, France and Italy" you tried to sound cheerful with a weary smile on your face
"You are very optimistic, aren't you Y/N?" he started putting the maps away on his bag, neither of you had the energy to keep going today.
"Well, I did survived being captured, brainwashed, used as a massive destruction weapon, found 2 people - I assumed were long dead might I add- alive and well AND was basically given superpowers by an evil organization" You shrugged and laughed "I guess I have to be" his laugh was sweet and soothing, you hadn't realized how tense you were since Bucky had left.
Sam's presence was comforting, it was nice to be able to talk to someone who didn't see themselves as a bull and you as a china store. He had to stick around for a couple of days before heading back to the US, to compile all the information he could, then checking with a couple of contacts if they had anything. You offered the club as a place for him to stay if he wanted to lay low.
"As long as Tinman doesn't come bursting in on me while I'm here, I'm game" he smirked with his open arms, he reminded you of Bucky back in the war camp, a flirtatious hot mess.
You looked him up and down, as if checking him out, then placed one hand on your waist and looked down at the other.
"I don't think I'd need his help if you tried doing anything" you laughed through your cocky smile and Sam joined in
"Oh, that's how it is huh? I like you, you are cooler than Steve's other friends"
"I think you'd make apretty decent friend as well, birdman" you saw all the light fade from hiseyes as you called him that, and it made you crack up even louder than before,it took you a second to catch a breath "Okay, sorry... Let me show youwhere to keep your things then we can go grab some food"
Thanks for reading!
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hellohasheehee-blog · 8 years
A Reverie in the Swamp
The tavern looked to have been a former church, but the tongues spoken inside were clearly not the Sunday variety.  Through the window, I saw figures traced in candlelight outline the clamor from within.  There was no hesitation.  I strutted up the creek board and, emboldened by my prowess, pushed forth the door and entered as a realized being, brazen as the days when an entourage of Hasheesheens and hanger-ons still clung to my side.  That is my way wherever I may roam, but sometimes I forget.  A gray-eyed Cree nodded as I approached and gestured at the bar with a snap of his fingers.      
I came in search of direction, but lost it soon enough under the influence of a squirrely barmaid with an eye for strangers.  “Such a coaxing lass,” I thought as she poured an a generous dose of moonshine into my Seabreeze, “I swear she’s among a pantheon of forgotten goddesses, or at least the neice of one”. Seeing her, I remembered faces of distant loved ones, still I could not place her origins.  Her smile led to a shot, which led to many more.  
So captivated was I by her aura, I failed to notice a swelling crowd compacting the barroom with each ticking on the clock.  A spell had been cast. “10, 9, 8…”  And firmly broken.  “7, 6, 5…” I whipped around poised to strike.  “4, 3, 2…”  And saw the darnedest thing. “One.”  A possum floated in a glass pyramid above a frenzied mass of swamp dwellers.  
“Happy New Year!”
Powders of natural dye colored the musty air with celebratory clouds, as revelry commenced. Clay trinkets and tiny pebbles were tossed about, rattling as they hit the floor.  A jug band huffed and puffed “Auld Lang Syne” in a gassy baritone.  For a moment, I stood humbled.  The opossum’s obelisk had obviously been a planned descent from the rafters for a New Year’s lark, but damned if it wasn’t a most crazed spectacle to catch by happenstance.  Have you ever expelled a belief etched firmly in your mind-- one that’s shaped you since childhood?  The belief you aren’t good enough, perhaps, or smart enough, or beautiful enough? I realized I had fixated on the notion that I was unique-- that I was different than all else, a bon apart. But as this whiskered madonna descended, that illusion shattered like glass.  We all cast our own light, undoubtedly, but nothing holds sway like a Possum Drop, man.  If you want something special, that’s it-- they doll her up and everything.  I swear the midnight critter even cast me a conspiratorial wink mere moments before the barmaid of my fancy stole me away for a new year’s kiss over by the swamp cooler!  
In an hour’s time, I had bought the bar and won the people. “To the Great Dismal Swamp,” I cheered, “And the company she keeps!”  Jars an bottles were hoisted high into the air. The walls vibrated with pleasure!  An overflow of liquor leaked between the floorboards into the dredge below. An elder in fez, wearing rags and ribbons of a war long passed, staggered through a slurred rendition of “Knocking on Heaven’s Door" by Hafez of Shiraz (upon whose mention be peace).  Knowing glances were exchanged between several love triangles, a few of which I found myself in the middle.  At the height of revelry, a carpenter with chief’s blood leapt off his stool and demanded a contest of Tuscarora smoke dances, a competition in which I proudly took sixth place despite lacking at least a week of sleep.  A young woman presented roses to the champion of the dance and led him away, as though she had planned that moment for a very long time.  The room burst with whistle and applause.
Despite the clatter, the crash of the table collapsing was so extraordinarily out of place, it brought the celebration to a screeching halt.  From under the debris, scurried the midnight possum, long since unattended to and still wearing her new year diaper.  She scurried through the crowd eventually hiding beneath the hoop-skirt of the genius granddaughter of one Harriet Tubman.  Face smeared in rouge and mascara, the wayward marsupial peeked out from the shadows and softly hiccuped.  A flannel-clad gentleman reasoned she must have snuck a few sips from the whiskey gutter and having acquired the taste, tried and failed to climb a nearby table to partake in his unattended brandy, but my theory was she had a penchant for mischief.  She met my gaze and I smiled conspiratorially, picked up my snifter full of moonshine, and placed it at my feet. “This one’s on me, comrade.  You earned it.” The possum cautiously exited the shadows.  She stopped at the glass, looked at me with a twinkle in her eye, and drank, lapping it up as a cheer rattled the ceiling and the swamp was free again.
When I came to the next morning or the morning after, the joint was empty.  Detritus of festivity littered the floor, ash and undergarments spread hastily about the room, an abandoned dragon puppet that had seen it’s last parade lay crumpled in the corner.  The glass pyramid still dangled from the ceiling.   Patches of chalk smeared the walls, revealing shapes that somewhat resembled bodies.  The dim light of the room traced daggers in my brain, but when I reached to lower my Stetson, it wasn’t there.  Disoriented, I searched the premises, until I found my hat behind the bar.  In it, nestled in a ball, slept the stone drunk o-possum.  My movements awoke her and she looked at me with regret, but with heavy eyes that plied for one more shot of bourbon for the road.  I rightfully complied and of course partook myself.  Downing the shot with a cough, I said to the critter, I said, "Jezebel, this is the first day of the rest of our lives.  Let’s see what we can make of it."  With taste in mouth, she crawled out of her ten-gallon cubby and began suckling a jug left empty on the floor.  "I love you, Jezebel, “ I sang as I dusted soot off my hat,  “Yes, I do...”
Outside, the day was much brighter, but the shine no longer pained me.  In fact, I felt effervescent.    A road stretched endlessly into both horizons.  Must’ve come in the back way, I noted, looking into the distance.  I looked to the West.  It was time to go home again.  Leeward, a patch of yellow lingered in the distance, but it was not the rising sun.  As it came closer, I saw it was a Vanagon.  By either mirage or miracle, I recognized the Jester’s wagon.  “Not all who wander are lost,” I whispered as I stuck out my thumb and drew down my hat.  The van slowed to a stop and I was in the passenger seat with belt buckled before the driver realized he knew my face.  
“Aw, shit it’s Dewdrop Saint Frank,” he exclaimed pulling his hair back from the brow in exasperation, “Of all the fucking people.”  
“Please don’t call me that, Jester.  My name’s Hasheeshee.  Hasheeshee Saint Frank”.  
“Whatever, man…  Cripes!  What the fuck is that thing?”  
The hippy stared at Jezebel as she jumped into his van, crawled up my pant leg, and cuddled in my lap.  There was a long silence, as I picked up a roach that had been abandoned on the dash and lit it. I coughed and held it forth as a peace offering.  “That thing is life, Jester.  That... thing... is life itself.”  The van inched forward and so began our journey home, past the Eastern hills and inland cities, through gorges and chasms, across the Great Western Plain until we finally reached the shadow of the Rockies, home to Eldorado Springs to this garden where you and I now sit, two souls brought together by a chain of epiphanies in an eon of unremarkable events.  There is nothing shocking, nothing unique, about any of us when we are here together and know we are each other.  Here, caress my cheek.  Do you feel me or do you feel your own hand?  We are one, brought up as one by what, we do not know.  But I digress. So now that the tale of Jezebel’s remarkable adoption ends, the time has come to talk of more pressing matters.  
Now let's talk about us.
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isaacathom · 8 years
the Kingdom of... Lessia? Lissaea? that sounds kinda cool. looks weird as shit, but sounds cool. of course, what the hell does Liss mean.
Lassaea also sounds cool. i dont know is lass- means anything geographically either, because some wikipedia pages wont fucking tell me anything topynymic like for gods saaakkeeee tell me why it was called the Pantalassa ocean, you bum.
oh it DOES tell me but its wholly in greek. i cant read greek. what sounds am i looking at. god, its even ancient greek, buddy. please. ok, the sea bit is Thala? ok, Thalatha, but Thala. Thalassia? ok, thats a bit of an inane name, it literally means ‘sea land’ but if New Zealand can do it, so can I. Thalassaea? thats a bit garbled, i think. but Thala sounds really nice, as a sound combination. and thats like, historically my favourite sort of sound combo, so :D
Thalassia? that will change things, admittedly, since it means the Kingdom will be bordered by ocean, definitely to the south, and possibly to the east. since its land bordered to the north and west by default, since north east-ish is where Adelaide’s home country is, north west-ish is a neutral country, and the west are those guys the Kingdom went to war with. hmm.
Thyssia? that looks like an actual place name, too.... its not, not specifically.
also, fuck, i cant name it Thalassia anyway, theres a place in Greece with that name D: alright. shit. ok.
ok how about instead of throwing noises, i go find something i want the Kingdom to be named for. like, its probably bordered by water on at least one side, because thats cooler, though no guarantee the entirety of its southern border touches the sea. depends on how much land there is. its north and probably west have land. it shouldnt have the word ‘south’ as one of its roots, no matter what language, since then its a lil too blatant of an Australia reference (given Australia means Southern Land, yknow)
it could always be named for a sort of plant, or a geological thing aside from the ocean. are there mountains? hmm..... if there are, theyre probably to the north east-y end, since thats near where Adelaide’s home country is, an if there were gonna be mountains, it’d be dividing them. but that’d also beg the question of why the eastern dudes, the ‘baddies’ would need to cut through the Kingdom to get to it. it’d make more sense to go around? unless ‘around’ has like 7 different countries and thats a lot more legal hassle than just one Big FuckOff Country, right. idk. probably no big mountain ranges, though that doesnt prevent there being SOME mountains, like some isolated big ass hills. could you name a country for like, its bays? like if it has a prominent god damn. fishbowl. big doodad. like port phillip bayy? oh thank god, i didnt misremember the name of the Bay, i am an australia ;v;
but like, you could name a country for a bay, i dont see why not. but if the country had a bay, well, it’d make sense for the Castle to be close to it, wouldnt it? oh, shit! and, also, the Kingdom was probably initially two separate countries, due to the existence of the ‘fort’ that serves as the centre of royalty during the war with the west. so possibly the name could be based off one of those? probably whichever half held the bay initially? though if the bay is so important, it couldve sparked the conflict anyway, like fishing water shit, and it wouldnt really matter who won it because the whole point was that neither owned it outright? yikes. ok, maybe not a bay.
idk. i like Thyssia. but, ofc, it sounds p... greek. nothing wrong with that, and honestly that works.. idk. im conflicted.
yknow, fuck it, that’ll do for now. the kingdom of Thyssia. nice
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jones573 · 8 years
New Year’s Party Set Up
umm pretty much whatever the fuck you want. guests, activities, foods, if you like it it shall be there.
Here’s my thoughts:
like all excessive events, there is a veritable army of folks to keep it running smoothly. Security are wearing those black tux tee-shirts with white print of ‘security’ on the back. Waitstaff and all other help are wearing white tee-shirts with ‘staff’ across the back in black with a screen printed black tie, bowtie, or bow/tie with suspenders on the front. Annabelle thinks these uniforms are fucking delightful, Maria thinks they’re atrocious, and so they reappear year after year 
unlike the staff at the New Year’s Eve party, those at the New Year’s Day party are largely unaware of the supernatural or the nature of the family employing them. This excludes Janet (annabelle’s personal assistant and a human), the top security staff (annabelle’s cousins, a mix of born and bitten vampires) and some various others. idk how many really- more than a tenth but less than a fifth?
Silver Stars
upon checking into the party, each guest receives a nametag and a personalized list of what they might be interested in (particular activities Annabelle thinks they might enjoy, people they may want to speak with, food suggestions based on their dietary needs, what have you). Nametags all have a star in the bottom corner. if a star is outlined in black, that means the guest is underage and will not be served alcohol, though the interior color of the star is largely random. BUT
anyone who is ‘supernaturally’ aware gets a silver star (this applies to staff as well). this grants the guest access into the upstairs of the house (it is roped off and guarded, generally), will mean they can get ‘specialized’ food items, and other such privileges. blood, for instance, is not offered to the general public, but if a vampire were to go the bar, tap their nametag and ask to see the selection, the bartender (regardless of their own status) would present the vampire with a closed menu that the vampire could peruse. the vampire would then ask for ‘number five’ and the staff member would retrieve that for them from the cooler Annabelle has already prepared. the vampire would be sure to close the menu before returning it to the mundane bartender, who is being paid enough that he or she does not really care about the weird things rich people do. (annabelle does try to have at least one silver star staff person at each ‘zone’ of the party, tho, and usually silver star guests would interact with them)
assumedly, annabelle would explain this all to these specific guests and alert them of any changes that may have been made from last year, like unfortunately if you would like a raw steak you will have to get that from the house kitchen (which deno would be able to get into by showing the security guard his nametag)
some humans dislike nametags as everyone should know who they are, but alas, they will then not be served alcohol. so. they put up with it.
as previously alluded to, annabelle does offer plane tickets to guests to get them in and out of town. she also rents out the local hotel and car service - guests may check into the hotel as early as 8 am on New Years Day, and the rooms are booked until 8 am on Jan 3. towncars with staff drivers perform regular runs between the hotel and the Yates plantation to discourage drunk driving, and though guests are welcome to drive their own vehicles to the party, they will not receive their keys back until security determines them safe to drive. otherwise, a towncar will return them to the hotel and a valet will drive their car back for them, or they will driven back in the morning to pick it up. annabelle is all about safety yall
assumedly, the Yates plantation was at one point at least 500 acres or so and perhaps still is, but most of it is farmland that annabelle pays other people to manage or has since sold of, so. i imagine ‘party’ activities are only really happening in maybe a 5 to 10 acre area that is more residential (has buildings, lawns are mowed, flowering tree, etc)
also im all about historical accuracy BUT a significant portion of the original mansion and other buildings did burn down after the civil war (actually NOT annabelle, i think, but who knows) and renovation of the property only began in the 1950′s when annabelle and matt decided to start trying to have children and some of that was redone anyways in the year before Alex’s birth. 
assuming the main house faces south, one would drive north on a very long driveway for some time before coming in view of the house- long circular drive, huge ass trees lining it, etc. towncars use the circle drive, everyone else pulls off into the lot on the right before reaching the house. on the lawn between the lot and the house’s main entrance is the check in table
on the back right hand side of the house is the separated kitchen, annabelle has converted it to industrial kitchen and office space for her various pursuits. family and silver guests would have access to this.
behind the main house is a patio/deck and garden combination that is almost excessive even by annabelle’s standards , and beyond that is the pool, which is drained and fenced off
on the eastern lawn (right of the house and kitchen and bit more northern) is the largest bar, and a more traditional bar set up with a smaller dance floor, karoke, what have you. maybe some dance dance revolution and arcade games off to one side?
north and west of that area (but more east than the pool?) is a silent auction that runs most of the night. items might include any number of things, as they are amassed by Annabelle and donated by guests or friends. So like, a piece or two by matt or even a commission from him might be on there. Super classy kitchen stuff from Annabelle’s line of products, or subscriptions to her magazines. A grand piano. A breakfast date with Justice Sotomayor. Random historical artifacts. Who the hell knows. Whatever you want to be there, it is. All guests can vote on which charities they wish the proceeds to go to, and which charities they’d like to see included next year  
on the western lawn (north of the house but maybe not as north as the karoeke bar area) is what used to be the carriage house. it is open on two sides so that a large L shaped dance floor goes through it if that makes sense- some people can dance inside or make requests of the dj, but the elevated platform itself spills out into the night air. the space between the two exposed floors is filled with chairs and tables and even some couch and benches, as well as towers of cubbies to put your shoes or things in. the ends of the dance floors parallel to the walls of the carriage house have tables of drinks and refreshments, as well as a bar each. the third side of the sticking out floors have tables and tables of food lined up, and chairs and tables to sit and eat at arc between these two ends so that the carriage house is completely encircled by festivities.
south of the carriage house and the main house is an art display, set up in zig-zagging aisles. Matt does the curation to highlight new and upcoming artists that he thinks are promising and deserve exposure, as well as old favorites of his that he has ‘on loan’ from museums. (matt owns a shit ton of art that he has given to galleries over the years in exchange for anonymity and if the possibility that he could maybe ‘borrow’ back a piece or two on occasion.) there are usually a few of his own pieces as well, though he thinks that is stupid and self-promoting and he tries to change the piece information to list the creator as ‘unknown’ or ‘anonymous’ late enough in the game where Annabelle won’t notice or wont have time to change it back) there is also a bar and food over here as well, though not nearly the selection, and Matt is known to hover near guests who are examining a Monet and eating SLOPPILY RIGHT NEXT TO IT DEAR GOD
hmmm what else is there
okay well obviously the main house- guests are allowed on the main floor, and generally the people in the house are more of the snooty-rich variety than the buy-gold-leaf-glitter-because-i-can variety, and they have minimal interest in mingling with the masses and enjoying themselves. so they stay in the soundproofed house and eat and drink things off serving trays and pride themselves on their good taste and breeding. if they are really feeling wild they might play cards (and resent that they are not allowed to smoke indoors) or ask the girl on the harp if she could switch to the piano a bit so they can really let their hair down. you know
there’s also random places across the massive lawn- another garden maybe, or a large table with a stack of boardgames and smaller tables about it (probably several of those ‘stations’). i imagine one can get sparklers somewhere and perhaps other small explosives, but they are not allowed inside house, the auction or art gallery.  maybe those are located north of the carriage house? somewhere alex is hoping bram and winona will not find
pretty much there is ample food and drink anywhere you go, but food central is at the carriage house and booze central is at the formal bar area. it’s night but everything is lit up with strings of twinkling lights, and there are a lot of ‘paths’ laid across the lawn, but they are largely ignored except for by staff wheeling food trolleys about. tablecloths and other decor are bright, solid colors and lanterns hang off of the flowering trees and are embedded throughout the garden areas. annabelle is an exuberant but tasteful decorator and she knows her audience- this party is mostly for enjoyment and has a wide range of guests, so things look ‘fun’ but not cheap. dishes are not disposable but napkins are, and guests can either leave their dishes at their tables or deposit them in the large rolling trays marked for such a purpose 
other things on the property but not accessible or easily in sight would be the stables and current ‘carriage house’/garage, perhaps some barns or farming related buildings, and the remains of the slaves quarters- those with good eyes may see some in the thick woods to the left when they heading up the drive , perhaps a quarter mile from the house
hmm so obviously all the locations described above have various activities that might go with them, but im sure there are others. there are some ‘games’ that are usually played as well. for instance, there are often food tables (usually the ones not at food central) that have a theme to be guessed, and guests can submit their ideas. the submission box says how many tables there are this year and may give hints on possible themes and a guest might guess ‘table 77- foods eaten in disney movies. table 52- foods of french aristocracy circa 1650′ or whatever. there is also a game of trying to trip the hostess up by greeting her with your nametag turned over and seeing if she remembers who you are- annabelle says this is fair as she insists she knows everyone she invites and is introduced to, but has outlawed the participation of those under 10 due to their rapid aging (twins and multiples are fair game). idk there can pretty much be whatever
other (?)
lalala i dont know
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