#eastenders baby oscar
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youlooklikeasixtiesqueen · 9 months ago
here are all my thoughts and notes from purcon!! not formatted for tumblr but readable!!!
Day 1:
everyone was so happy to be there, and so shocked how many people were there!!! 2500!!!
they showed vids before bringing everyone on stage and continued that throughout the panels. it's a cute touch
Misha auto:
he smiled and i got shaky knees and giggled like a 12 year old with a crush
jensen was at the table next to him!!
very quick but there was a huge line
he signed my book!!
i said "hi misha" and he said hi back
he looked at my destiel shirt and smiled :)
Ty & DJ:
started by telling us thank you for the congrats on their engagement
you can see how much they love each other!!! no pda but the way they look at each other!!
plus they both said multiple times that meeting each other was the best thing that happened
dj has been obsessed with eastenders since the 90s, never missed an episode
ty told everyone not to smoke cigarettes
dj had a glass of wine (it was 1pm)
left 5 mins early to get the Darius auto
Meeting Darius:
so nice and kind!! gentle vibes, literally what you would expect from misha's best friend
i was 2nd in line out of four people
four people in the autograph group so he talked to us all for about 15 minutes as a group
he signed his name on the picture, then asked if misha was going to sign it as well. i said no so he asked if he could sign misha's name for him and we all laughed and i said yes and it literally looks like misha wrote it
he told us him and misha have a competition to see who can bring the other person to a bigger event - darius took misha to the oscars, misha took darius to meet zelensky, but now darius got invited to meet the pope!!
talked to us a bit about filmmaking and how the picture aspect is basically the same throughout film history, but sound changes every week
it took 26 weeks in post for the sound of metal to get the sound right
he's friends with emilia clarke??? and said that she was so upset over the got ending because so many babies have her character's name
he felt the spn ending was rushed
sooooo handsome in person and the nicest voice
darius is getting austrian citizenship bc his grandma was from austria but she had to flee
only saw the last bit but he was of course wandering the crowd
talked a lot about mental health and how we're not alone
said the best place to have a panic attack is a spn convention
Sachin & Osric:
fun!! not that interesting but fun!!
sachin just learned about destiel. like minutes before the panel started
talked about being poc in the industry and how much better it has gotten
it was fine but again not interesting
talked about pranks
talked about maybe being on the boys
talked about mental health
Misha & Jensen:
an hour late bc they made jensen do photos :(
they played the confession right before they walked on stage???
question queue was very long, they took about five or six not so great questions
someone asked what their fave gym equipment is (wtf) and misha said it's the towel to slap others on the butt with
but they were very fun!!
some people decided to tell a sob story at the mic which wasted time. like they know you love supernatural, they know you're nervous, you don't need to tell them.
they joked around a lot
three touches!! fingers, high five, hug!!!
you can just see how much they adore each other
darius was sitting on the steps but they wouldn't give him a microphone :( hopefully he'll come out at misha's panel tomorrow
Day 2:
Jared & Jensen VIP:
question abt Radio Company coming to Germany
Jensen says they're discussing it, his fave songs are Quarter To and City Grown Willow
Mario Kart characters - Jared Yoshi because he poops eggs, Jensen Blue Shell guy??, his 7yo plays Rosalina, JJ can beat him in Mario Kart now
Jared is 25% German (maternal grandpa)
Jensen wants to turn his next Purcon visit into a vacation
one person is talking so slowwwww
Jensen would want to reshoot Bugs without the bees
They had to do a bee allergy test where someone actually picked up a bee with tweezers and made it sting them
3 part question 🙄 with backstory 🙄 about their kids and if they can grow up normal and if they have a strategy if their kids read fanfic
Jensen played baseball in HS
His first school play was a musical
thanked us for letting them do the panels in english without a translator
Crowley was more excited to spend time with Dean instead of being in Hell
Mark went upstairs and helped a fan who had a bad photo with Jared
Got a standing ovation
Ty & DJ:
DJ used anti wrinkle creme on his balls but he stopped when his doctor said it would make him infertile
Ty told us to listen to a 23yo Canandian who sounds like Johnny Cash (Colter Wall??? maybe??)
Ty listens to a lot of country, DJ doesn't really have strong feelings about music
DJ adopted a dog who pissed on his belongings for 10 years - he was supposed to live until about 2 bc of health problems
DJ says to watch the movie Overboard
several questions were asked yesterday
DJ, Ty, and Ty's daughters have matching tattoos (they got them drunk) it's a little skull
Sachin & Osric:
Osric is Timon, Sachin is Pumba
couldn't do notes bc i was in line!! wasn't picked tho, because everyone rushed to the microphone before the last panel was over
one person spent five minutes monologuing
misha said people should ask him questions on their knees
Bishagate reference!! He asked a girl if she was coming out as an alien and she said "that's rich coming from you", Darius laughed so much (while he was still on the stairs)
Compared whipped cream to cum
Darius was on stage!!
greeted us with Guten Abend, Guten Tag, and howdy y'all
said it's not a goodbye to spn, it's a see you later
said swan song was easier than sacrifice bc he was lucifer for swan song so he had to act... reminder: that's his job...
first question was not a question
second question was a prank question
trivializing the thing where jared put coins in misha's car!!! wtf
praising mark p ew
woman keeps talking about her alarm sound which is german dean
called out a woman's shirt that says "save an impala, ride a winchester"
looks like jared will be on the boys, he basically confirmed it
he likes mountains more than beaches
says they might do a beach episode in the future
talking about the finale and the dean death scene
wants to bring jdm to the next con
GIANT line to ask a question
first woman named her kid Dean Jensen
hates toy slime bc it's all over his house
danneel moves a creepy doll around the house to mess with jensen
question abt cas in the winchesters and cas returning!! how to address the confession!! jensen thinks the confession was a long time coming and beautiful and raw and real!! dean understands cas loved him!! said cas saying he loves dean was clear text (rather than subtext) said cas and jensen found each other and when they meet again cas' feelings are just understood
says demon dean is stronger than soldier boy bc demon dean has no soul
boys question - jensen talks about herogasm, jack quaid just told jensen good luck when he went on set, nobody on set knew what was lube and what was hand sanitizer, he was unprepared to see so many naked people, he was standing next to a guy when the robes came off and he "had to do the glance", couldn't help looking at people having sex "there's four people here in a position i've never seen before"
woman crying while asking a question
woman said dj said he wanted to exchange his husband for jensen, and jensen said he doubts it because ty is pretty great
woman telling bad jokes, one about how women having orgasms is like a snowstorm because you can't see it coming?? not true for either i think
jensen needs to do more solo panels. i could listen to him talk for hours
i can't believe i was in the same room as this man wtf
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emmacrb · 4 years ago
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Way back in 2008 I was part of an EastEnders forum (that no longer exists) where we would sometimes screenshot the episodes- seeing as they’ve been showing EastEnders 2008 lately I thought I would share these that I took back then
EastEnders 20 November 2008 Part 1
Part2: https://emmacrb.tumblr.com/post/642584773663096832/way-back-in-2008-i-was-part-of-an-eastenders-forum
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letschateastenders · 6 years ago
The Branning Family
2006 to 2019
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doof-doofblog · 5 years ago
EastEnders Iconic Episodes:- Max & Stacey
Tuesday 4th August 2020
Good evening everyone! Hope you've all had a good week! I'm back again tonight with another fantastic memorable iconic episode, last night's episode was the 2007 Christmas episode revolving around the Branning family and the affair of Max & Stacey is finally revealed to everyone, in such dramatic nail-biting circumstances! I think this episode will go down in history as one of the most memorable Christmas episodes. This episode was originally aired 25th December 2007!
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For those of you who watched Secrets Of The Square on Monday evening, you will know that Jake Wood who plays Max Branning admitted that the Max and Stacey affair was only meant to last 6 months, but the script writers decided to extend the story and make it the Christmas story-line, thank God they did as, to this day, it has remained one of the most iconic and memorable EastEnders moments. 
Wow! So it looks as if the episode has started right at the moment where the affair has been revealed by the video recording. The video has been put into the TV and all the family gathered around have seen and heard everything that has been recorded and heard the words out of Max and Stacey's mouth. Max is stood there looking guilty as sin, dressed as Santa, as his poor wife Tanya and all his children hear about him actually falling in love with Stacey. Telling everyone it's a joke and not to hear a word of it ... although everyone knows that what they're seeing is true! He quickly grabs the remote and stops the video before anything else can be shown, even though that they have seen and heard enough to believe it's true. Bradley is seen seething with rage, Lauren leaves the room clearly fearing that she is going to be the one to blame as it was supposed to be a gift from her to Stacey and Bradley, as you see, before she leaves the room Stacey looks over to her as if to say "What have you recorded?" but obviously, poor Lauren had no idea. 
Max is seriously trying to worm his way out of it, desperately trying to convince them all it was a joke, even looking to Stacey for backup ... looking back now, it's ridiculous for Max to even say that Stacey was going to show Bradley on their honeymoon! Not a very good cover up story! But Tanya knows something isn't right and she's eager for the tape to carry on, she states the fact that the video clearly shows them snogging. Stacey can't even bare to say a word, tears slowly pouring down her cheeks as she realises what has been uncovered, Max is shouting at her, demanding her to tell them all it's a joke. She looks up at Bradley and gently says the words "I'm sorry!" ... that's all she could muster.  Bradley nods his head, knowing that what has been revealed is true, he lashes out at Max - "I'll kill you! I'll kill you, Dad!" - Max goes flying, the Christmas tree goes flying, Jack has to hold Bradley back and Tanya is just distraught, she needs to be away from everyone and leaves the room! 
This whole reveal is the moment where everything breaks down for the Branning family. I do feel for Stacey in a way, because just because of some stupid mistake, she - in a way - is to blame for the breakdown of the Branning family. She was the one who caused them to fall apart, of course Max had his part to play, I guess you could say, if he never cheated on Tanya, none of the issues with the Brannings would've never happened - Lauren's alcoholism, Abi's death, the break down of Max and Tanya to name but a few. The other devastating thing also is how much Abi doted on her Dad, this was most likely, the first time she had ever seen him in a terrible light, where he had done something extremely wrong. Bradley rushes away to let off some steam, little Abi is left watching from the top of the stairs, she asks her Dad, "Do you love Stacey now?" Max completely rubs it off and explains how much he loves her and her siblings and her Mum, he tells her to go upstairs to make sure Lauren is okay and she sweetly wipes away a tear from her face and smiles. It makes me sad that all Abi wanted was to have her family together, forever! She was such a sweet soul! 
Jean is also a sweet soul in this too, sat there with her Christmas hat on from a Christmas cracker, Charlie tells her that they had all leave and she ever so politely says "We can't, we're guests!" She's unsure as to whether what she has seen is real or not, she asks Stacey for reassurance and all she can do is tell her Mum to go home!  Jack is out looking for Bradley, only to find him throwing up in the square, he tries to explain to him that what he's seen could be wrong, it might not be what he thinks it means. Tanya is all over the place, not wanting to be anywhere near Max, she finds Lauren in her bedroom and asks if it was a joke, poor Lauren doesn't know what to say! She has no idea whether what she found was real or not, all she knows is that her Dad told her he loved her Mum. Tanya consoles her daughter and explains it wasn't her fault, she leaves both Abi and Lauren together before she confront them.
That's when it all kicks off, the acting between Jo Joyner and Lacey Turner is brilliant in this scene! Tanya throwing insults at Stacey as she weeps and tries to explain that it meant nothing as was just a horrible fling. Tanya lashes a good slap on Stacey's face, she throws both Max and Stacey out of her house. Stacey begs Sean to stay behind and explain that she's sorry and that she never meant to hurt anyone, as she leaves Sean listens to the living room door and can hear the tape being played again - poor Tanya torturing herself hearing the words a second time as her eyes fill with tears. I have to say for everyone involved in this story, the acting is fantastic! Jo Joyner, Lacey Turner, Jake Wood, Charlie Clements - everyone! The acting and the writing is what makes it so so epic! I can't believe that this Christmas is over 10 years old, it's amazing how moments like this live on in a soap like EastEnders, it's truly an EastEnders classic that made everyone's toes curl. 
It's amazing how an affair can affect so many lives, even Dot is utterly devastated for her grandson, Bradley. If i'm not mistaken, it took a bit of a while for Dot to forgive Stacey for what she had done. I'm a little bit amazed as to why Sean is still there at Tanya's when you'd think he'd need to be there for Stacey more than anyone at that moment in time. I mean, okay, Stacey asked him to stay and explain but he's been left to console Tanya also. She collapses in tears in his arms, asking desperately "What am I going to do?" I guess, in a way of making herself feel better, she starts to kiss Sean, but even he backs away and explains that she is not thinking straight and it'll only make things worse. He tells her calmly that he'll look after her, but she scoffs and tells him leave, she is left in her house with her children upstairs as baby Oscar cries. Meanwhile Jack has taken Bradley to the Vic to get a drink down him to help him consume the information he's been given. Another fantastic scene between Scott Maslen and Jake Wood unravels as Max goes to find Bradley, only to see that Jack found him first. Jack is trying to get his brother to do what's right and acknowledge he's made a huge mistake and he should be looking after his son, Max can't seem to grasp it as he keeps calling his brother "Golden Boy!" he only goes quiet when Jack shouts at him "I'm trying to help you! Whether you like it or not, i'm brother and i'm trying to help you!" He softly explains that Bradley is in a very bad place and he needs to tread lightly if he wants to try and explain to his son and continue to have a bond with him. 
I feel sorry for Bradley also in this episode, he was such a lovely, lovely character. He was one of my favourites when he was in the soap. Bradley and Stacey, for me, were another one of EastEnders iconic couples, it was as if they were meant to be together. Regardless of how many rocks in the road they hit, they would always come back together. When Max finds him in the Vic, drowning his sorrows, it's horrible to watch as he tries to pull away from his father, not wanting to hear a word he has to say. Unfortunately he pulls away too quick and loses his balance and falls, knocking a load of drinks off the bar. Of course, the locals have no idea what's going on, Phil makes a snide dig at him saying he can't hold his booze! Peggy politely asks Max to take him, but then Bradley makes a stand suggesting everyone thinks he's a joke ... which couldn't be further from the truth! He shows the picture of Stacey in his key-ring and claims her to be a slut! Another tremendous moment on the Square is next, when Max is chasing Bradley down the street, them shouting at each other, Bradley trying to get away from his Dad, not willing to hear a word he says! Max is getting incredibly frustrated as he tries to explain himself without letting a word out, he slams onto to car bonnet which causes the alarm to blare. Bradley trips as he goes up toward his front steps, only to then turn and give his Dad a smack in the mouth as he goes to help him up. Max is refusing to give up as he follows Bradley into his apartment, Bradley still inconsolable as he face drips with tears. 
Oh gosh I remember!!! Tanya is left in her house with her children, only the sound of baby Oscar crying can be heard. Her eyes smudged with mascara, she goes into the draw and finds a tub of pills and spills them out onto the floor. I remember seeing this and thinking, "She's not going to top herself, is she?!" If Abi hadn't of walked in at the moment, would Tanya have gone ahead and perhaps maybe try to commit suicide? Who knows? Abi luckily stops her in her tracks before she can swallow any, she soon realises she's making a mistake. She demands her children to pack a bag as she's preparing for them to leave.  Poor Abi, no wonder ended up with some troubles, a broken family, watching her brother die after falling from the Queen Vic roof, watching her Dad slowly recover after being ran over by her sister, almost catching her Mum take an overdose of pills, then having to cope with her sister's alcohol addiction. It didn't hit me until now how much little Abi had been through during her life on the Square. Such a small, yet fantastic little actress ... we watched her grow and bloom on the Square until she sadly passed, near the end its true she did have her demons, but to be honest, wasn't it all about to happen at some point? Didn't we see it coming after everything she had been through? It all makes perfect sense to me now! Lorna Fitzgerald was brilliant as Abi Branning, i'd love to have her back on the Square, still makes me sad to this day that they killed her off. Plus it also saddens me that Max has had two children die of the same circumstances - by falling off the Queen Vic roof! Madness isn't it?! 
Back at Bradley's apartment, Max is finally getting his chance to explain ... even though it's making Bradley sick to his stomach how his Dad could betray him in such a way to sleep with his wife! Wow! Am I right in thinking that the whole Max and Stacey affair lasted a whole year? As in this conversation, Max is explaining that the Christmas before, Stacey came onto him - even when Bradley was thinking about giving it another go with her. It's amazing to think that they had been able to drag this story on for a whole year, perhaps maybe longer! Max is doing everything he can to apologise to his son, without saying the word "Sorry" ... he explains that their fling started before he and Stacey got back together, and when they eventually did she chose Bradley. I love how in this scene, both men are teary - have runny noses, it makes it all feel incredibly real! But that's what makes it so fantastic and so memorable, the reveal, the fights, the aftermath! Max even saying to his son not to give up on his wife, because she loves him and she has a good heart, everything that Bradley knows to be true! Even though he knows Stacey loves him, Bradley can't bare to even be around his Dad right now, even saying to him that he means nothing to him! He's ripped his life apart twice, once as a young boy and now as an adult. Max tries to persuade him to give Stacey another chance, but Bradley just tells him to leave. Meanwhile, unbeknown to Max, Tanya has packed her things - along with Lauren and Abi - and is preparing to leave the Square and Max for good. As he leaves Bradley's apartment he bumps into Stacey, he tells her that he tried his best and it's basically now her turn to have a talk with her husband. They cross each other's path and carry on to each of their spouses, Max gets home to find his daughters waiting at the bottom of the stairs with their luggage and he goes to find Tanya upstairs. 
Meanwhile, Stacey is finally coming face to face with Bradley since the beginning of the episode where she told him she was sorry.  Back at Max and Tanya's, Max finds Tanya with suitcase ready to leave the Square, she tells him that she's leaving him with the kids - once again, raised voices are heard and again, it's young Abi who witnesses her parents fighting, she runs downstairs to be with Lauren and as Max tries to stop Tanya from leaving, he grabs hold of her bags and tugs at them, begging her not to leave, also causing  Tanya to lose her balance and fall backwards down the stairs and end up in a heap on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, much to the horror of their daughters. 
If I'm right in thinking the episode which follows this one, is just as epic! This Christmas episode was basically the start of where everything went wrong for Max and his family, it caused the break down of his marriage, which has lead on to many flings with other Walford women. I truly believe that Tanya will always be the one for Max, she always has and always will be. She was the one who he had children with, to my knowledge, Max has had no other children with anyone else, considering the amount of women he has slept with! Tanya is the only mother of his children, and I believe that will be the only reason he will hold a light for her. It's the same with Stacey and Bradley, much to the sadness of Bradley's tragic death, I truly believe that Stacey won't love anyone as much as she loved Bradley, I feel that they will always be soulmates. 
I've loved re-watching all these epic iconic EastEnders episodes, I'm sure you'll agree they have all been brilliant and very much deserve to be in the list of iconic episodes. I'm not too sure what the next iconic episode will be, but i'm very much looking forward to finding out! I hope you've all enjoyed reading my blog! I can't wait for the soap to be on our screens again very soon! Look after yourself folks and I'll be back again with another post very soon! xXx  
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obliviatemick · 6 years ago
Ben Hardy Fanfiction | When I Kissed You p. 3
❤ Chapter 3. The Party.
Word count: 1511 words.
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therealbarbxx enjoying my only night in NYC 🍎 this dress makes me look fat?
Liked by colesprouse, elliebamber_, lilireinhart and 749,054 others
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colesprouse finally!!!! any lads making you company? (liked by lilireinhart)
therealbarbxx @_tonybel none of your business, dork...
colesprousel @therealbarbxx @lilireinhart baby, come defend your man!
elliebamber_ stunning, darling! 🔥 (liked by you)
Narrator's POV.
The place was packed.
Ben and Barbara had arrived in Ben's car and now he'd left her alone to look for his friend. She stared at the decoration trying not to open her mouth in awe. There was everything you would expect from a NY party: red flowers in magnificent white pots that were lined up in front of every wall, tables full of silver plates with the most expensive looking snacks, fountains that were definitely not full of fruit punch and baskets serving what looked like French patisserie, purple lights that made everything and everyone look eerie yet elegant and sexy... Barb thanked the gods she had bought the dresses she tried on before.
She felt tempted to try one of those French desserts, she stretched an arm and someone snickered behind her back. A group of girls staring at her, whispering and giggling. She reached for the glasses instead and helped herself a drink from the bubbly liquid. It was delicious, she couldn't put her finger on what exactly it was though. Something mixed with strawberry.
"Ah, you found the fountain!", a skinny man with brown hair talked. "Be careful, miss... Some of my funniest moments came after drinking too much of this", he looked familiar, but Barb didn't know from where.
Ben laughed and hugged him by the shoulders.
"Barbs, this is the guy I told you about..."
"Ohhh, you were talking about me, Benny boy?", the guy gave Ben love eyes.
"All the time, babes!", the man said "awwww" and engulfed him in a tight hug.
What the fuuuuuckkk?, she thought. The guys seemed to know each other very well, Ben seemed happy and comfortable around the new guy. They soon started talking low and laughing at inside jokes. Until the girl cleared her throat...
"Ahhh, and you are?"
"The name's Barbara! And don't worry I won't steal your man from you, dude."
"That's what everybody says, but truth is...", he leaned to whisper in her ear. "Ben's a slut!" she almost spits her drink.
"Hey, man! What you saying about me?"
"Just the usual, baby!", he played hurt, a hand on his chest and all that. Barbs instantly loved him!
"Yeah, whatever... Barbs, this is-"
"The kid from Jurassic Park!", she chirped. She finally recognized him and was immediately star struck! "OMG, I'm a huge fan!"
"Oh, God! When will I get rid of this curse, Ben? WHEEEEN?", he put in a disgusted face and screamed dramatically.
"Oh... I'm sorry! Don't you like when people recognize you from that?"
"What? No! I love it!", he grabbed her arm and started walking. "Come, walk with me"
Barbara turned her head to give Ben a confused look. He just snickered and shrugged.
"Ummm, I don't get it"
"Baby, I was just pulling your leg! Recognize me from JP, The Pacific, a Cheerio's commercial... I don't care where from!"
"Roger that!" they were walking to a whole separate room on the other side of the venue. "And... where exactly are you taking me? I thought I was here with Ben"
"Wha-? And I thought you'd said you wouldn't mess with my man, bitch!"
"Heeeeey! I mean, not that I'm no bitch, but wtf?!", he laughed and squeezed her arm.
"Takes one to know one", a wink. "I'm taking you to meet the squad before you drown on that champagne and start taking your dress off"
"Oh, good idea!", she nodded and brought the drink to her lips.
"And btw, my name's Joe"
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Liked by joe_mazzello, mrgwilymlee, therealleech and 348,838 others
benhardy Last night in NYC was a blast! These two guys asked me for a picture and it turned out weirder than I expected...
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joe_mazzello I thought you liked when I chained you up?
benhardy @joe_mazzello excuse me, sir! There are kids on this app
mrgwilymlee why am I not in this photo?
joe_mazzello @mrgwilymlee sorry, m8 only bros allowed
lucyboynton1 dorks
benhardy @lucyboynton1 @ramimalek are you gonna let her talk to us like that?!
ramimalek @benhardy you didn't include me in the pic so YES!
lucyboynton1 @ramimalek 😜
Barb's POV
"OH. MY. GOD."
I don't know how it happened, but from one moment to another I was sitting ON TOP OF A 20-STORY BUILDING with the one and only, the OSCAR WINNER Rami Malek himself and the rest of the cast of Bohemian Rhapsody, the biopic based on Freddy Mercury's life.
"Why didn't you tell me you were in BhoRap?!"
"I thought you already knew", Ben said matter of factly. "I mean, I played Roger Taylor, how could you have missed that?"
"Yeah, I must've fallen asleep during your parts", the boys laughed at my comment and Joe yelled:
"ROASTEEEDD!", Ben just rolled his eyes at me.
"Ben's famous for not telling girls his roles", Gwilym broke in. "But I'm pretty sure you remember him as Warren."
"X-Men?", Joe added with a hiccup. It wasn't even midnight and he was already drunk.
"Oh, no. I was never a big fan of X-MEN"
"What about The Pacific?" Rami slid in the conversation. A simultaneous UGHHH filled the table.
"Man, not again!", Gwilym slouched back with both hands on his head.
"Why?" I asked "What's with The Pacific?"
"Nononono, DON'T ASK!", that was drunk Joe pointing a finger at me.
"Well, Barbara... Let me tell you the story of how I was casted in The Pacific miniseries", collective UGHHH again. "Do you want the long version or the short one?"
"None of them, man!"
"C'mon! You'll scare her off..."
"Long version it is, then!"
In the middle of that mess, I caught Ben eyeing someone on the other side of the room. I followed his sight and found a blonde girl standing near the entrance, she craned her neck as if she were looking for someone. Suddenly, he rose from his seat.
"I'll be back in a second"
"Yeah, yeah" Rami answered. "As I was saying... it all started in the year..."
"Is that his girlfriend?" I raised my palm and pointed at it with the other hand in the direction of the girl.
"Oh, who?" Joe perked up at the first sign of gossip.
"Why won't anyone listen to my story?" Rami whined.
"Yeah, man, so sad", Gwilym replied in a monotonous voice, then turned to Joe and I and inquired: "Who's Ben girlfriend?!"
"Umm, Barbs? I thought that was you" Rami said.
"Yeah, I thought the same?", Gwilym chimed in.
"How?! I just met him!"
"Y'all are wrong, though", Joe whispered leaning on the table. We came closer to hear him better. "Ben's girlfriend is..."
The remaining three exchanged nervous looks. Joe looked back at Ben and the girl, then again to us.
"Ben's girlfriend is... ME!" Rami, Gwilym and I yelled at him for his dumb joke. "But you already knew that"
"But anyway...", I started. I wanted to make clear my position in this party. "I'm just asking because I don't want to be the reason why Ben's ass gets dumped or something worse"
"Nah, you're ok", Gwilym assured me. "As far as I know, Ben's single. So relax"
"Welp, whatever!" Joe burped and attempted to stand up "It's my party and I ain't spending it here sitting with you nerds...", he looked around and grabbed a blonde girl by the wrist, then made her spin elegantly. The girl let out some giggles, she was so radiant my self-esteem went down three levels. "May I, Rami?"
"Have fun, man!", he replied but then raised a menacing finger "but not too much, you two..."
"I'm coming for 'ya later, babe!", the blonde blew a kiss to Rami and then walked off with Joe by the hand.
I gave a curious look to Rami, "Oh, that's Lucy, my girlfriend. Sorry I didn't introduce you, Barbs"
"Don't worry! She looks kind" I gave Rami a friendly punch on his shoulder "and gorgeous, you lucky bastard!", he laughed sheepishly, I can't tell for sure but he seemed to blush at my comment.
"Barbs?", I turned around and saw Ben standing by the table. I was about to ask what was up when he smiled and tilted his face down a little, an outstretched hand in front of me. I smiled and took it.
"It'll be my pleasure, Ben"
Btw, do you think Ben's a good dancer? 🤔
I’ve seen some videos from Eastenders and I’m not so sure lol
And that being being said, I’m also starting a series of imagines... I’ll be posting them here and on Wattpad as well ;)
TAGLIST: @valeriecarolinaw @rrrogahtaylahhhh
As always: thx for reading!! 
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cvrnewsdirectindia · 5 years ago
Ginger Baker dead: Cream drummer dies, aged 80
Ginger Baker, the legendary drummer and co-founder of rock band Cream, has died at the age of 80.
Last month, the musician’s family announced he was critically ill in hospital, but no further details of his illness were disclosed.
On Sunday morning, a tweet on his official Twitter account stated: “We are very sad to say that Ginger has passed away peacefully in hospital this morning. Thank you to everyone for your kind words over the past weeks.”
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Baker had suffered from a number of health issues in recent years. He underwent open heart surgery in 2016 and was forced to cancel a tour with his band Air Force after being diagnosed with “serious heart problems”.
The drummer, who is widely considered to be one of the most innovative and influential drummers in rock music, co-founded Cream in 1966 with Eric Clapton and Jack Bruce. The band released three albums before splitting in 1968, after which he formed the short-lived band Blind Faith with Clapton, Steve Winwood and Ric Grech. A fourth Cream album was released after the band disbanded.
leftCreated with Sketch. rightCreated with Sketch.
1/61 Dean Ford
Ford, whose real name was Thomas McAleese, was the frontman of guitar-pop group Marmalade. The band the first Scottish group to top the UK singles chart, with their cover of the Beatles’ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da in December 1968. Ford died in Los Angeles on 31 December 2018, at the age of 72 from complications relating to Parkinson’s disease.
2/61 Pegi Young
A singer, songwriter, environmentalist, educator and philanthropist, she was also married to Neil Young for 36 years. She died of cancer on 1 January, aged 66, in Mountain View, California.
3/61 Daryl Dragon
The singer and pianist achieved fame as half of the musical duo Captain & Tennille, best known for their 1975 hit “Love Will Keep Us Together”. Dragon died on 2 January, from kidney failure in Prescott, Arizona, aged 76.
Getty Images
4/61 Darius Perkins
The actor was best known for playing the original Scott Robinson on Neighbours when the show launched in 1985 on Australia’s Channel Seven. Perkins died from cancer on 2 January, aged 54
5/61 Bob Einstein
The Emmy-winning writer appeared in US comedy shows Curb Your Enthusiasm and Arrested Development, becoming known for his deadpan delivery. He died on 2 January, shortly after being diagnosed with leukemia, aged 76.
6/61 Carol Channing
The raspy-voiced, saucer-eyed, wide-smiling actor played lead roles in the original Broadway musical productions of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Hello, Dolly!, while delivering an Oscar-nominated performance in the 1967 film version of the musical Thoroughly Modern Millie. Channing died on 15 January of natural causes at her home in Rancho Mirage, California at the age of 97.
7/61 Mary Oliver
Oliver, a winner of the Pulitzer Prize, wrote rapturous odes to nature and animal life that brought her critical acclaim and popular affection, writing more than 15 poetry and essay collections. She died on 17 January, aged 83, in Hobe Sound, Florida.
8/61 Windsor Davies
The actor was best known for his role as Battery Sergeant-Major Williams in the TV series It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum, which ran from 1974 to 1981. He died on 17 January, aged 88, four months after the death of his wife, Eluned.
9/61 Jonas Mekas
The Lithuanian-born filmmaker, who escaped a Nazi labour camp and became a refugee, rose to acclaim in New York and went on to work with John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Janis Joplin and Andy Warhol. He died on 23 January, aged 96, in New York City.
Chuck Close
10/61 Diana Athill
The writer, novelist and editor worked with authors including Margaret Atwood, Philip Roth, Jean Rhys and VS Naipaul. She died at a hospice in London on 23 January, aged 101, following a short illness.
11/61 Michel Legrand
During a career spanning more than 50 years, the French musician wrote the scores for over 200 films and TV series, as well as original songs. In 1968, he won his first Oscar for the song “The Windmills of Your Mind” from The Thomas Crown Affair film. He died in Paris on 26 January at the age of 86.
12/61 James Ingram
The singer and songwriter, who was nominated for 14 Grammys in his lifetime, was well known for his hits including “Baby, Come to Me,” his duet sung with Patti Austin and “Yah Mo B There,” a duet sung with Michael McDonald, which won him a Grammy. Ingram died on 29 January, aged 66, from brain cancer, at his home in Los Angeles.
13/61 Dick Miller
The actor enjoyed a career spanning more than 60 years, featuring hundreds of screen appearances, including Gremlins (1984) and The Terminator (1984). The actor died 30 January, aged 90, in Toluca Lake, California.
Warner Bros
14/61 Jeremy Hardy
The comedian gained recognition on the comedy circuit in the 1980s and was a regular on BBC Radio 4 panel shows, including The News Quiz and I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue. He died of cancer on 1 February, aged 57.
15/61 Clive Swift
Known to many as the long-suffering Richard Bucket in Keeping Up Appearances, the actor’s first professional acting job was at Nottingham Playhouse, in the UK premiere of JB Priestley’s take the Fool Away, in 1959. He died on Friday, 1 February after a short illness, aged 82.
16/61 Julie Adams
The actor starred in the 1954 horror classic Creature From the Black Lagoon, playing Kay Lawrence, the girlfriend of hero ichthyologist Dr. David Reed (Richard Carlson) and the target of the Creature’s obsessions. She died 3 February in Los Angeles, aged 92.
17/61 Albert Finney
The actor was one of Britain’s premiere Shakespearean actors and was nominated for five Oscars across almost four decades – for Tom Jones (1963), Murder on the Orient Express (1974), The Dresser (1983), Under the Volcano (1984) and Erin Brockovich (2000). He died aged 82, following a short illness.
18/61 Peter Tork
Born in 1942 in Washington DC, Tork became part of The Monkees with Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith and Davy Jones in the mid-sixties, when the group was formed as America’s Beatles counterpart. All four were selected from more than 400 applicants to play in the associated TV series The Monkees, which aired between 1966 and 1968.
19/61 Mark Hollis
As the frontman of the band Talk Talk, Hollis was largely responsible for the band’s shift towards a more experimental approach in the mid-1980s, pioneering what became known as post-rock, with hit singles including “Life’s What You Make It” (1985) and “Living in Another World” (1986).
20/61 Andy Anderson
Musician Andy Anderson, former drummer for The Cure and Iggy Pop, died aged 68 from terminal cancer, after a long and successful career as a session musician
Alex Pym/Facebook
21/61 Lisa Sheridan
Having attended the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama in Pittsburgh, Sheridan went on to star in a string of film and TV credits of the next two decades, including Invasion and Halt and Catch Fire. She died aged 44, at her home in New Orleans.
Getty Images
22/61 Janice Freeman
Freeman appeared on season 13 of the TV singing competition The Voice, making a strong impression early on with her cover of ‘Radioactive’ by Imagine Dragons, performed during the blind auditions. She had an extreme case of pneumonia and had a blood clot that travelled to her heart. She died in hospital on 2 March.
Getty Images for COTA
23/61 Keith Flint
Flint quickly became one of the figureheads of British electronic music during the Nineties as a singer in the band The Prodigy. He died, aged 49, on 4 March.
24/61 Luke Perry
Perry rose to fame as teen heartthrob Dylan McKay in ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’, and most recently played Fred Andrews in The CW’s ‘Riverdale’. He died on 4 March after suffering a ‘massive stroke’, his representative said in a statement.
AFP/Getty Images
25/61 Jed Allan
Allan was best known for his role as Rush Sanders, the father of Ian Ziering’s Steve Sanders, on Beverly Hills, 90210; Don Craig on Days of Our Lives; and CC Capwell on Santa Barbara. He died on Saturday, 9 March, aged 84.
Rex Features
26/61 Hal Blaine
As part of the Wrecking Crew, an elite group of session players, Blaine played drums on some of the most iconic songs of the 1960s and 1970s, including The Beach Boys’s “Good Vibrations”, the Ronettes’s ”Be My Baby”, and Simon & Garfunkel’s “Mrs Robinson”. He died on 11 March, aged 90.
27/61 Pat Laffan
The Irish-born actor had roles in almost 40 films and 30 television shows, including in BBC’s Eastenders, Stanley Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon, and RTE’s The Clinic. He died on Friday, 15 March, aged 79
28/61 Mike Thalassitis
Mike Thalassitis was a semi-professional footballer before finding fame on the third season of Love Island. He died aged 26.
Rex Features
29/61 Dick Dale
Dale is credited with pioneering the surf music style, by drawing on his Middle-Eastern heritage and experimenting with reverberation. He is best known for his hit “Misirlou”, used in the 1994 film Pulp Fiction. He died on Saturday, 16 March, aged 81.
30/61 Bernie Tormé
Guitarist Bernie Tormé rose to fame in the seventies before joining Ozzy Osbourne on tour in 1982, following the death of guitarist Randy Rhoads in a plane crash that same year. The Dublin-born musician died on 17 March, 2019 at the age of 66.
31/61 Andre Williams
R&B singer and songwriter Andre Williams co-wrote “Shake a Tail Feather” among many other hits, signing first with Fortune Records then with Motown. The Alabama native, who relocated to Detroit as a young man, died on 17 March, aged 82.
32/61 Scott Walker
The American British singer-songwriter and producer who rose to fame with The Walker Brothers during the Sixties and was once referred to as “pop’s own Salinger”, died on 22 March, aged 76. He was one of the most prolific artists of his generation, despite shunning the spotlight following his brief years as a teen idol, and released a string of critically acclaimed albums as well as writing a number of film scores, and producing albums for other artists including Pulp.
33/61 Agnès Varda
French New Wave filmmaker Agnès Varda died on 29 March, aged 90. She was best known for the films “Cléo from 5 to 7” and “Vagabond” and was widely regarded to be one of the most influential experimental and feminist filmmakers of all time.
34/61 Tania Mallet
Model and Bond girl Tania Mallet died on 30 March, aged 77. She earned her only credited acting role opposite Sean Connery in 1964 film Goldfinger, playing Tilly Masterson.
United Artists
35/61 Boon Gould (right)
One of the founding members of Level 42, Boon Gould, died on 1 March, aged 64. He was a guitarist and saxophone player.
Rex Features
36/61 Freddie Starr
Comedian Starr was the star of several eponymous TV shows during the 1990s such as Freddie Starr, The Freddie Starr Show and An Audience with Freddie Starr. Starr was the subject of one of the most famous tabloid headlines in the history of the British press, splashed on the front page of The Sun in 1986: “Freddie Starr ate my hamster.” Starr was found dead in his home in Costa Del Sol on 9 May 2019.
37/61 Peggy Lipton
Twin Peaks star Peggy Lipton died of cancer, aged 72 on 11 May.
38/61 Doris Day
Doris Day became Hollywood’s biggest female star by the early 1960s starring in Calamity Jane, Pillow Talk and Caprice to name a few. Day died on 15 May after a serious bout of pneumonia.
39/61 Andrew Hall
Andrew Hall died on 20 May, 2019 after a short illness, according to his management group. The actor was best known for playing Russell Parkinson in the BBC show Butterflies and Marc Selby in Coronation Street. He had also recently appeared as The Gentleman in Syfy’s Blood Drive.
Photo by ITV/REX
40/61 Carmine Cardini
Carmine Cardini, who was most famous for playing two different roles in the Godfather franchise, died on 28 May, 2019 at Cedars Sinai Hospital, aged 85. He played Carmine Rosato in The Godfather Part II (1974) before returning to the franchise in 1990 as Albert Volpe in The Godfather Part III.
Paramount Pictures
41/61 Leon Redbone
Leon Redbone died on 30 May, 2019, aged 69. The singer-songwriter, who was noticed by Bob Dylan in the Seventies and was an early guest on Saturday Night Live, released more than 15 albums over the course of four decades.
Photo by Chris Capstick/REX
42/61 Cameron Boyce
Disney Channel star Cameron Boyce died in his sleep on 6 July, aged 20. His family later confirmed the actor, who appeared in Jessie and descendants, had epilepsy.
43/61 Rip Torn
Rip Torn, the film, TV and theatre actor, died on 9 July, 2019, aged 88. His career spanned seven decades.
44/61 Michael Sleggs
Michael Sleggs, who appeared as Slugs in hit BBC Three sitcom This Country, died from heart failure on 9 July, 2019, aged 33.
45/61 Rutger Hauer
Dutch actor Rutger Hauer famously played replicant Roy Batty in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. As Batty, he delivered the iconic “tears in the rain” monologue. Hauer died on 19 July, 2019 aged 75.
46/61 Paula Williamson
Actor Paula Williamson, who starred in Coronation Street and married criminal Charles Bronson, was found dead on 29 July, 2019.
47/61 David Berman
David Berman, frontman of Silver Jews and Purple Mountains, died by suicide on 7 August, 2019, aged 52.
48/61 Peter Fonda
Peter Fonda died of respiratory failure due to lung cancer on 16 August, 2019. aged 79, his family said. He was the co-writer and star of counterculture classic Easy Rider (1969).
49/61 Ben Unwin
Home and Away star Ben Unwin was found dead aged 41 on 14 August, according to New South Wales Police. He starred as ‘bad boy’ Jesse McGregor on the popular Australian soap between 1996-2000, and then 2002-2005 before switching to a career in law
50/61 Franco Columbu
Italian bodybuilder, who appeared in The Terminator, The Running Man and Conan the Barbarian, died on 30 August, 2019, aged 78. The former Mr Olympia enjoyed a successful career as a boxer and was best friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Getty Images
51/61 Kylie Rae Harris
The country singer died in a car crash on 4 September, 2019, at the age of 30. Harris, of Wylie, Texas, she was scheduled to perform at a music festival in New Mexico the next day.
YouTube / Kylie Rae Harris
52/61 LaShawn Daniels
Songwriter and producer LaShawn Daniels died 4 September aged 41. He was best known for his collaborations with producer Darkchild, and had songwriting credits on a number of pop and R&B classics by artists including Beyonce, Destiny’s Child, Janet and Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Brandy and Whitney Houston.
53/61 Carol Lynley
The actor, best known for her role as Nonnie the cruise liner singer in The Poseidon Adventure, died on 3 September at the age of 77.
Dove/Daily Express/Getty Images
54/61 Jimmy Johnson
Jimmy Johnson, revered session guitarist and co-founder of the Muscle Shoals Sound Studios, died 5 September 2019, aged 76.
55/61 John Wesley
John Wesley, the actor who played Dr Hoover on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, died in September 2019 aged 72 of complications stemming from multiple myeloma, according to his family. His other acting credits included Baywatch as well as the the 1992 buddy cop comedy film ‘Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot’.
YouTube / Warner Bros Domestic Television Distribution
56/61 Daniel Johnston
Influential lo-fi musician Daniel Johnston died in September 2019 following a heart attack, according to The Austin Chronicle. His body of work includes the celebrated 1983 album ‘Hi, How Are You’.
57/61 Ric Ocasek
Ric Ocasek, frontman of new wave rock band The Cars, died 15 September at the age of 75.
Ocasek was pronounced dead after police were alerted to an unresponsive male at a Manhattan townhouse. A cause of death has yet to be confirmed, though The Daily Beast reports that an NYPD official said Ocasek appeared to have died from “natural causes”.
Ocasek found fame as the lead singer of The Cars, who were integral in the birth of the new wave movement and had hits including “Drive”, “Good Times Roll” and “My Best Friend’s Girl”.
Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for Netflix
58/61 Suzanne Whang
The former host turned narrator of HGTV’s House Hunters died on 17 September. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 and initially recovered, until the disease returned in October 2018.
Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images
59/61 Robert Hunter
The lyricist, who’s behind some of the Grateful Dead’s finest songs, died on 23 September at the age of 78. His best known Grateful Dead songs include ‘Cumberland Blues,’ ‘It Must Have Been the Roses,’ and ‘Terrapin Station’.
Larry Busacca/Getty Images for Songwriters Hall Of Fame
60/61 Linda Porter
Linda Porter, best known for her role as elderly supermarket employee Myrtle on the US sitcom Superstore, died 25 September after a long battle with cancer. She also appeared in series including Twin Peaks, The Mindy Project, ER and The X-Files
Tyler Golden/NBC
61/61 Ginger Baker
Ginger Baker, the legendary drummer and co-founder of rock band Cream, died at the age of 80 on Sunday 6 October after being critically ill in hospital. The musician co-founded Cream in 1966 with Eric Clapton and Jack Bruce.
1/61 Dean Ford
Ford, whose real name was Thomas McAleese, was the frontman of guitar-pop group Marmalade. The band the first Scottish group to top the UK singles chart, with their cover of the Beatles’ Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da in December 1968. Ford died in Los Angeles on 31 December 2018, at the age of 72 from complications relating to Parkinson’s disease.
2/61 Pegi Young
A singer, songwriter, environmentalist, educator and philanthropist, she was also married to Neil Young for 36 years. She died of cancer on 1 January, aged 66, in Mountain View, California.
3/61 Daryl Dragon
The singer and pianist achieved fame as half of the musical duo Captain & Tennille, best known for their 1975 hit “Love Will Keep Us Together”. Dragon died on 2 January, from kidney failure in Prescott, Arizona, aged 76.
Getty Images
4/61 Darius Perkins
The actor was best known for playing the original Scott Robinson on Neighbours when the show launched in 1985 on Australia’s Channel Seven. Perkins died from cancer on 2 January, aged 54
5/61 Bob Einstein
The Emmy-winning writer appeared in US comedy shows Curb Your Enthusiasm and Arrested Development, becoming known for his deadpan delivery. He died on 2 January, shortly after being diagnosed with leukemia, aged 76.
6/61 Carol Channing
The raspy-voiced, saucer-eyed, wide-smiling actor played lead roles in the original Broadway musical productions of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and Hello, Dolly!, while delivering an Oscar-nominated performance in the 1967 film version of the musical Thoroughly Modern Millie. Channing died on 15 January of natural causes at her home in Rancho Mirage, California at the age of 97.
7/61 Mary Oliver
Oliver, a winner of the Pulitzer Prize, wrote rapturous odes to nature and animal life that brought her critical acclaim and popular affection, writing more than 15 poetry and essay collections. She died on 17 January, aged 83, in Hobe Sound, Florida.
8/61 Windsor Davies
The actor was best known for his role as Battery Sergeant-Major Williams in the TV series It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum, which ran from 1974 to 1981. He died on 17 January, aged 88, four months after the death of his wife, Eluned.
9/61 Jonas Mekas
The Lithuanian-born filmmaker, who escaped a Nazi labour camp and became a refugee, rose to acclaim in New York and went on to work with John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Janis Joplin and Andy Warhol. He died on 23 January, aged 96, in New York City.
Chuck Close
10/61 Diana Athill
The writer, novelist and editor worked with authors including Margaret Atwood, Philip Roth, Jean Rhys and VS Naipaul. She died at a hospice in London on 23 January, aged 101, following a short illness.
11/61 Michel Legrand
During a career spanning more than 50 years, the French musician wrote the scores for over 200 films and TV series, as well as original songs. In 1968, he won his first Oscar for the song “The Windmills of Your Mind” from The Thomas Crown Affair film. He died in Paris on 26 January at the age of 86.
12/61 James Ingram
The singer and songwriter, who was nominated for 14 Grammys in his lifetime, was well known for his hits including “Baby, Come to Me,” his duet sung with Patti Austin and “Yah Mo B There,” a duet sung with Michael McDonald, which won him a Grammy. Ingram died on 29 January, aged 66, from brain cancer, at his home in Los Angeles.
13/61 Dick Miller
The actor enjoyed a career spanning more than 60 years, featuring hundreds of screen appearances, including Gremlins (1984) and The Terminator (1984). The actor died 30 January, aged 90, in Toluca Lake, California.
Warner Bros
14/61 Jeremy Hardy
The comedian gained recognition on the comedy circuit in the 1980s and was a regular on BBC Radio 4 panel shows, including The News Quiz and I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue. He died of cancer on 1 February, aged 57.
15/61 Clive Swift
Known to many as the long-suffering Richard Bucket in Keeping Up Appearances, the actor’s first professional acting job was at Nottingham Playhouse, in the UK premiere of JB Priestley’s take the Fool Away, in 1959. He died on Friday, 1 February after a short illness, aged 82.
16/61 Julie Adams
The actor starred in the 1954 horror classic Creature From the Black Lagoon, playing Kay Lawrence, the girlfriend of hero ichthyologist Dr. David Reed (Richard Carlson) and the target of the Creature’s obsessions. She died 3 February in Los Angeles, aged 92.
17/61 Albert Finney
The actor was one of Britain’s premiere Shakespearean actors and was nominated for five Oscars across almost four decades – for Tom Jones (1963), Murder on the Orient Express (1974), The Dresser (1983), Under the Volcano (1984) and Erin Brockovich (2000). He died aged 82, following a short illness.
18/61 Peter Tork
Born in 1942 in Washington DC, Tork became part of The Monkees with Micky Dolenz, Michael Nesmith and Davy Jones in the mid-sixties, when the group was formed as America’s Beatles counterpart. All four were selected from more than 400 applicants to play in the associated TV series The Monkees, which aired between 1966 and 1968.
19/61 Mark Hollis
As the frontman of the band Talk Talk, Hollis was largely responsible for the band’s shift towards a more experimental approach in the mid-1980s, pioneering what became known as post-rock, with hit singles including “Life’s What You Make It” (1985) and “Living in Another World” (1986).
20/61 Andy Anderson
Musician Andy Anderson, former drummer for The Cure and Iggy Pop, died aged 68 from terminal cancer, after a long and successful career as a session musician
Alex Pym/Facebook
21/61 Lisa Sheridan
Having attended the Carnegie Mellon School of Drama in Pittsburgh, Sheridan went on to star in a string of film and TV credits of the next two decades, including Invasion and Halt and Catch Fire. She died aged 44, at her home in New Orleans.
Getty Images
22/61 Janice Freeman
Freeman appeared on season 13 of the TV singing competition The Voice, making a strong impression early on with her cover of ‘Radioactive’ by Imagine Dragons, performed during the blind auditions. She had an extreme case of pneumonia and had a blood clot that travelled to her heart. She died in hospital on 2 March.
Getty Images for COTA
23/61 Keith Flint
Flint quickly became one of the figureheads of British electronic music during the Nineties as a singer in the band The Prodigy. He died, aged 49, on 4 March.
24/61 Luke Perry
Perry rose to fame as teen heartthrob Dylan McKay in ‘Beverly Hills, 90210’, and most recently played Fred Andrews in The CW’s ‘Riverdale’. He died on 4 March after suffering a ‘massive stroke’, his representative said in a statement.
AFP/Getty Images
25/61 Jed Allan
Allan was best known for his role as Rush Sanders, the father of Ian Ziering’s Steve Sanders, on Beverly Hills, 90210; Don Craig on Days of Our Lives; and CC Capwell on Santa Barbara. He died on Saturday, 9 March, aged 84.
Rex Features
26/61 Hal Blaine
As part of the Wrecking Crew, an elite group of session players, Blaine played drums on some of the most iconic songs of the 1960s and 1970s, including The Beach Boys’s “Good Vibrations”, the Ronettes’s ”Be My Baby”, and Simon & Garfunkel’s “Mrs Robinson”. He died on 11 March, aged 90.
27/61 Pat Laffan
The Irish-born actor had roles in almost 40 films and 30 television shows, including in BBC’s Eastenders, Stanley Kubrick’s Barry Lyndon, and RTE’s The Clinic. He died on Friday, 15 March, aged 79
28/61 Mike Thalassitis
Mike Thalassitis was a semi-professional footballer before finding fame on the third season of Love Island. He died aged 26.
Rex Features
29/61 Dick Dale
Dale is credited with pioneering the surf music style, by drawing on his Middle-Eastern heritage and experimenting with reverberation. He is best known for his hit “Misirlou”, used in the 1994 film Pulp Fiction. He died on Saturday, 16 March, aged 81.
30/61 Bernie Tormé
Guitarist Bernie Tormé rose to fame in the seventies before joining Ozzy Osbourne on tour in 1982, following the death of guitarist Randy Rhoads in a plane crash that same year. The Dublin-born musician died on 17 March, 2019 at the age of 66.
31/61 Andre Williams
R&B singer and songwriter Andre Williams co-wrote “Shake a Tail Feather” among many other hits, signing first with Fortune Records then with Motown. The Alabama native, who relocated to Detroit as a young man, died on 17 March, aged 82.
32/61 Scott Walker
The American British singer-songwriter and producer who rose to fame with The Walker Brothers during the Sixties and was once referred to as “pop’s own Salinger”, died on 22 March, aged 76. He was one of the most prolific artists of his generation, despite shunning the spotlight following his brief years as a teen idol, and released a string of critically acclaimed albums as well as writing a number of film scores, and producing albums for other artists including Pulp.
33/61 Agnès Varda
French New Wave filmmaker Agnès Varda died on 29 March, aged 90. She was best known for the films “Cléo from 5 to 7” and “Vagabond” and was widely regarded to be one of the most influential experimental and feminist filmmakers of all time.
34/61 Tania Mallet
Model and Bond girl Tania Mallet died on 30 March, aged 77. She earned her only credited acting role opposite Sean Connery in 1964 film Goldfinger, playing Tilly Masterson.
United Artists
35/61 Boon Gould (right)
One of the founding members of Level 42, Boon Gould, died on 1 March, aged 64. He was a guitarist and saxophone player.
Rex Features
36/61 Freddie Starr
Comedian Starr was the star of several eponymous TV shows during the 1990s such as Freddie Starr, The Freddie Starr Show and An Audience with Freddie Starr. Starr was the subject of one of the most famous tabloid headlines in the history of the British press, splashed on the front page of The Sun in 1986: “Freddie Starr ate my hamster.” Starr was found dead in his home in Costa Del Sol on 9 May 2019.
37/61 Peggy Lipton
Twin Peaks star Peggy Lipton died of cancer, aged 72 on 11 May.
38/61 Doris Day
Doris Day became Hollywood’s biggest female star by the early 1960s starring in Calamity Jane, Pillow Talk and Caprice to name a few. Day died on 15 May after a serious bout of pneumonia.
39/61 Andrew Hall
Andrew Hall died on 20 May, 2019 after a short illness, according to his management group. The actor was best known for playing Russell Parkinson in the BBC show Butterflies and Marc Selby in Coronation Street. He had also recently appeared as The Gentleman in Syfy’s Blood Drive.
Photo by ITV/REX
40/61 Carmine Cardini
Carmine Cardini, who was most famous for playing two different roles in the Godfather franchise, died on 28 May, 2019 at Cedars Sinai Hospital, aged 85. He played Carmine Rosato in The Godfather Part II (1974) before returning to the franchise in 1990 as Albert Volpe in The Godfather Part III.
Paramount Pictures
41/61 Leon Redbone
Leon Redbone died on 30 May, 2019, aged 69. The singer-songwriter, who was noticed by Bob Dylan in the Seventies and was an early guest on Saturday Night Live, released more than 15 albums over the course of four decades.
Photo by Chris Capstick/REX
42/61 Cameron Boyce
Disney Channel star Cameron Boyce died in his sleep on 6 July, aged 20. His family later confirmed the actor, who appeared in Jessie and descendants, had epilepsy.
43/61 Rip Torn
Rip Torn, the film, TV and theatre actor, died on 9 July, 2019, aged 88. His career spanned seven decades.
44/61 Michael Sleggs
Michael Sleggs, who appeared as Slugs in hit BBC Three sitcom This Country, died from heart failure on 9 July, 2019, aged 33.
45/61 Rutger Hauer
Dutch actor Rutger Hauer famously played replicant Roy Batty in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. As Batty, he delivered the iconic “tears in the rain” monologue. Hauer died on 19 July, 2019 aged 75.
46/61 Paula Williamson
Actor Paula Williamson, who starred in Coronation Street and married criminal Charles Bronson, was found dead on 29 July, 2019.
47/61 David Berman
David Berman, frontman of Silver Jews and Purple Mountains, died by suicide on 7 August, 2019, aged 52.
48/61 Peter Fonda
Peter Fonda died of respiratory failure due to lung cancer on 16 August, 2019. aged 79, his family said. He was the co-writer and star of counterculture classic Easy Rider (1969).
49/61 Ben Unwin
Home and Away star Ben Unwin was found dead aged 41 on 14 August, according to New South Wales Police. He starred as ‘bad boy’ Jesse McGregor on the popular Australian soap between 1996-2000, and then 2002-2005 before switching to a career in law
50/61 Franco Columbu
Italian bodybuilder, who appeared in The Terminator, The Running Man and Conan the Barbarian, died on 30 August, 2019, aged 78. The former Mr Olympia enjoyed a successful career as a boxer and was best friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Getty Images
51/61 Kylie Rae Harris
The country singer died in a car crash on 4 September, 2019, at the age of 30. Harris, of Wylie, Texas, she was scheduled to perform at a music festival in New Mexico the next day.
YouTube / Kylie Rae Harris
52/61 LaShawn Daniels
Songwriter and producer LaShawn Daniels died 4 September aged 41. He was best known for his collaborations with producer Darkchild, and had songwriting credits on a number of pop and R&B classics by artists including Beyonce, Destiny’s Child, Janet and Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Brandy and Whitney Houston.
53/61 Carol Lynley
The actor, best known for her role as Nonnie the cruise liner singer in The Poseidon Adventure, died on 3 September at the age of 77.
Dove/Daily Express/Getty Images
54/61 Jimmy Johnson
Jimmy Johnson, revered session guitarist and co-founder of the Muscle Shoals Sound Studios, died 5 September 2019, aged 76.
55/61 John Wesley
John Wesley, the actor who played Dr Hoover on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, died in September 2019 aged 72 of complications stemming from multiple myeloma, according to his family. His other acting credits included Baywatch as well as the the 1992 buddy cop comedy film ‘Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot’.
YouTube / Warner Bros Domestic Television Distribution
56/61 Daniel Johnston
Influential lo-fi musician Daniel Johnston died in September 2019 following a heart attack, according to The Austin Chronicle. His body of work includes the celebrated 1983 album ‘Hi, How Are You’.
57/61 Ric Ocasek
Ric Ocasek, frontman of new wave rock band The Cars, died 15 September at the age of 75.
Ocasek was pronounced dead after police were alerted to an unresponsive male at a Manhattan townhouse. A cause of death has yet to be confirmed, though The Daily Beast reports that an NYPD official said Ocasek appeared to have died from “natural causes”.
Ocasek found fame as the lead singer of The Cars, who were integral in the birth of the new wave movement and had hits including “Drive”, “Good Times Roll” and “My Best Friend’s Girl”.
Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for Netflix
58/61 Suzanne Whang
The former host turned narrator of HGTV’s House Hunters died on 17 September. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 and initially recovered, until the disease returned in October 2018.
Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images
59/61 Robert Hunter
The lyricist, who’s behind some of the Grateful Dead’s finest songs, died on 23 September at the age of 78. His best known Grateful Dead songs include ‘Cumberland Blues,’ ‘It Must Have Been the Roses,’ and ‘Terrapin Station’.
Larry Busacca/Getty Images for Songwriters Hall Of Fame
60/61 Linda Porter
Linda Porter, best known for her role as elderly supermarket employee Myrtle on the US sitcom Superstore, died 25 September after a long battle with cancer. She also appeared in series including Twin Peaks, The Mindy Project, ER and The X-Files
Tyler Golden/NBC
61/61 Ginger Baker
Ginger Baker, the legendary drummer and co-founder of rock band Cream, died at the age of 80 on Sunday 6 October after being critically ill in hospital. The musician co-founded Cream in 1966 with Eric Clapton and Jack Bruce.
Baker was named number three on Rolling Stone’s 100 Greatest Drummers of All Time list, and is the subject of the documentary Beware of Mr. Baker.
“Gifted with immense talent, and cursed with a temper to match, Ginger Baker combined jazz training with a powerful polyrhythmic style in the world’s first, and best, power trio,” said the Rolling Stone article. “The London-born drummer introduced showmanship to the rock world with double-kick virtuosity and extended solos.”
Read more
Lewisham-born Baker was known for being a mercurial and argumentative figure, whose temper frequently led to on-stage punch-ups.
His father, a bricklayer, was killed in the Second World War in 1943, and Baker was brought up in near poverty by his mother. He joined a local gang in his teens and when he tried to quit, gang members attacked him with a razor.
Baker suffered from heroin addiction, which he acquired as a jazz drummer in the London clubs of the late 1950s and early 1960s. He once told The Guardian he came off heroin “something like 29 times”.
Tributes for the drummer have been pouring in on Twitter.
Paul McCartney called Baker a “wild and lovely guy”, writing: “We worked together on the ‘Band on the Run‘ album in his ARC Studio, Lagos, Nigeria. Sad to hear that he died but the memories never will.”
Baby Driver director Edgar Wright wrote: “RIP the music giant that was Ginger Baker. The beat behind too many favourite songs from Cream, The Graham Bond Organisation and Alexis Korner’s Blues Incorporated.”
Rock journalist Mark Paytress tweeted: “Like Hendrix, Ginger Baker was a name synonymous w/ early days rock. Once you heard him play, saw pics & footage, he seemed to embody the music’s power, the culture’s adventure. Spending a day w/ him in 2014 magnified it all. Lost a big one this morning.”
Slipknot’s Jay Weinberg simply wrote: “Thank you Ginger Baker.”
from CVR News Direct https://cvrnewsdirect.com/ginger-baker-dead-cream-drummer-dies-aged-80/
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trendsdresscom · 5 years ago
Khloe Kardashian shows off her curves in fitted jumpsuit as she grabs lunch with Scott Disick
KHLOE Kardashian showcased her gym-honed curves and derriere in a daring black jumpsuit around Los Angeles yesterday.
The 35-year-old reality star looked sensational in the chic one-piece as she grabbed lunch with Scott Disick at the Follow Your Heart Cafe in Sherman Oaks.
Khloe Kardashian showcased her gym-honed curves in a daring black jumpsuitCredit: BackGrid
The Good American founder teamed the sleek garment with a pair high-heeled black boots and oversized visor-style sunglasses.
Accessorizing her look, she sported a statement gold designer watch, large hoop earrings and dazzling diamond rings.
The E! star worked her brunette hair into a sleek high ponytail and complemented the outfit with a bronzed beauty look.
Following Khloe’s fashion lead, Scott, 36, kept to his casual style in a Keith Haring white hooded sweater and black pants.
The 35-year-old reality star looked sensational in the chic one-pieceCredit: BackGrid
She grabbed lunch with Scott Disick at the Follow Your Heart Cafe in Sherman OaksCredit: BackGrid
The reality star, who has three children with her sister Kourtney, completed his look with a pair of black sneakers and shades while carrying an iced tea to the eatery.
Khloe’s appearance comes after she commented on the shock death of NBA star Kobe Bryant, who tragically lost his life in a helicopter crash on Sunday.
The TV star was previously married to Kobe’s LA Lakers teammate Lamar Odom, who also grieved the loss of his “brother.”
Taking to Twitter, the mom-of-one posted: “This can’t be real there’s no way!!! My heart hurts,” with several broken heart emojis.
The E! star drew attention to her derriere in the one-pieceCredit: BackGrid
Khloe’s appearance comes after she commented on the shock death of NBA star Kobe BryantCredit: Twitter / Khloe Kardashian
Kobe was a good friend to Lamar during his marriage to KhloéCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Kobe was a good friend to Lamar during his marriage to Khloé and during his recovery after he was hospitalized in 2015 after being discovered unconscious at a legal brothel in Crystal, Nevada.
Kobe and his 13-year-old daughter Gianna lost their lives alongside seven other people when their helicopter plummeted nearly 1000 feet in just 15 seconds before smashing into a Los Angeles hillside.
The basketball star’s private Sikorsky S-76 crashed into a hillside in Calabasas, about a mile away from Kourtney Kardashian’s mansion.
The mom-of-three posted sweet photos of Bryant with his daughter Gianna, 13, who also died in the horrific accident, captioning the post: “My heart is with Vanessa and her babies.”
Kobe’s private Sikorsky S-76 crashed into a hillside about a mile away from Kourtney Kardashian’s (Pictured) homeCredit: Getty Images – Getty
Kourtney shared an photo of Kobe with his daughter on her Instagram StoryCredit: Instagram
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Flight data shows the aircraft appeared to get into trouble above Los Angeles Zoo, where it circled at a very low altitude.
Air traffic control audio suggested conditions were worsening in the run-up to the crash.
Upon hearing the sad news, Kourtney attended brother-in-law Kanye West’s Sunday church service, which she also captured on her Instagram Stories.
Khloe Kardashian shares snap of sister Kourtney’s bum as she does squats in gym during family workout
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from Trends Dress https://trendsdress.com/2020/02/11/khloe-kardashian-shows-off-her-curves-in-fitted-jumpsuit-as-she-grabs-lunch-with-scott-disick/
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sid71blog · 8 years ago
Some upcoming films:
Apples are not the only fruit. I think that tomatoes are too, but I'm not sure; I'll look it up.
  Swirly Fortescue (Bobby Ball) is an ageing gay fella living in San Francisco with his younger lover Busty Hamilton (Dean Gaffney). The local government has decided to bulldoze the entire area that these two live in so that a lucrative bingo and whist drive hall can be built, and, due to Swirly having bet all their savings on Sunderland staying in the Premier League, they are totally skint, and have no choice but to move in with Busty’s homophobic, beer-swilling older brother Bruck (John Goodman). What follows is a moving look at the breaking down of barriers and prejudices, as Bruck slowly begins to appreciate musicals, John Barrowman, washing his pits and genitals EVERY day, and arty black and white posters of blokes with their big cocks out dotted all over the walls of his home, whilst simultaneously teaching them about indoor plumbing (not a euphemism), the correct belt fitting on your jeans so that just the right amount of bum-cleavage shows on the building site when you bend over, and farting into your mate’s pint in the pub when he goes for a shit.
  No-one came back alive; not even me.
  Drudge Hanktankerson (Clint Eastwood), is an old-timey sort living in a retirement home in California. Over time this cantankerous old codger befriends the young nurse L’il Sue Sugarstick (you won’t know her; crackin’ tits though), and eventually he begins to regale her with the harrowing tales of his time during World War Two. You will cry with her as he tells of his eighteen year old friend Brank Guthammmer dying screaming alone in a shell-hole, after a Stuka blows both his earlobes off; you will laugh as Drudge regales her with lighter battlefield moments, such as the time the lads painted a hand-grenade to look like a tin of Skol, and gave it to “Simple Dave” to pull the ring-pull; you will cry again as the lads bury Simple Dave ten minutes later; and you will have uncomfortable feelings, and mutter “this bit’s shit” to your girlfriend, during the bit where the young soldiers skinny dip in a French river.  
  In this long-overdue Hollywood blockbuster based on the Coronation Street character, Channing Tatum is Roy Cropper, a man slightly flustered one reasonably busy Tuesday afternoon, when a minibus full of pensioners stops by and cleans him out of baps. In a performance already creating a strong Oscar buzz, Channing displays the full gamut of Roy’s emotional range, as we watch him ring Rita (Meryl Streep) to see if she has any baps in stock, and ask Gemma (Elizabeth Hurley) to mind the shop for a bit while he nips to the Cash and Carry. 
  Deaded to Death.
   Steven Segal (no way!) is Bronson Masticator, a retired UFC bigbone-weight world champion, down on his luck after gambling and drinking away all of his fortune. He now ekes out a living as a human panda in a shit zoo in the rough part of a rough town in a rough, intentionally vague South American country. He also bounces for a share of the tips and all the Fray Bentos pies he can eat at a local titty bar, run by the shady gangster Fuego “the castrator” Del Monte. One night Bronson witnesses a couple of Fuego’s heavies manhandling Paula Shane, the massively-popular drag tribute to Hi-de-Hi actor Paul Shane, currently on a massive stadium tour of South America, into the back of the club. Upon waking up the next morning in his rusty old caravan, he turns on his cracked old black and white television to see that the news is devoted to a $50 million ransom demanded for the return of Paula, and he must decide whether to do the right thing and take on his boss and assorted henchmen and free Paula, or keep his mouth shut and keep the Fray Bentos flowing.
  Paedon't you want Me?
   Gareth Possibly is a shy, thirty-four year old hamster-herder from Wolverhampton, who forms an attachment to Samantha Alannsuger, who moves in next door with her mother. A sweet bond unfolds between the pair of them over one long, hot summer, with Gareth slowly emerging from his brittle shell in the company of this talkative giggler, but complications inevitably set in as feelings go unreciprocated, and the nursery threaten to call the authorities if he doesn’t back off.
  Blood of the Chaffinch.
   Even eighteen year olds are advised to watch this accompanied by an older adult, so frightening is it rumoured to be. In Argentina forty two women fainted just upon seeing a badly-bootlegged t-shirt bearing the lead chaffinch hanging on a washing line, and at the premiere in Los Angeles one woman went into labour in the cinema, despite not being pregnant when the film started. The baby came out covered in BLOOD. Due to these haunting stories, the film has gained notoriety even before its world-wide release, and many reckon that it will do for chaffinches what Jaws did for Great Whites.   
  Cold cold Heart.  
   This Inuit romance wowed the critics at the inaugural Macduff film festival, causing many of the film critics to pretend to shed a manly tear, in the hope of a sympathy tug in the bogs afterwards.  Wee Beely Johnson is a lonely Inuit igloo salesman, doomed to a solitary life spent ploughing the snowwoman he has built most nights, or trying to convince himself that the three month old seal carcass in his front room is a comely mermaid. One night he finds a woman trapped by her leg in a bear trap he has set, and as she slowly recuperates in his igloo conservatory, feelings grow. It takes him four hours to feel his way through all the layers of fur, but eventually the relationship is consummated, and they live happily ever after. Well, until she starts to rot, being a fucking bear corpse that the mad old cunt has been shagging in the delusion that it’s a tidy bint.   
  The wrong Trousers.
   Hollywood live-action remake of Wallace and Gromit, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as Wallace, and Andy Serkis as a motion-capture CGI Gromit. In this slightly-tweaked story Wallace is a grizzled cop who doesn’t play by the rules, and Gromit is his loyal German Shepherd police dog. When investigating a drug deal the pair come to the attentions of the powerful drug lord “El Capitano”, who kills all of Gromit’s closest relatives, and blows up Wallace’s opulent beach-front property; that he can somehow afford on his policeman’s salary. The pair must hunt down El Capitano and put him out of business before he does the same to them, something not helped by Wallace’s alcohol problem. Also starring Charize Theron as the love interest. For Wallace, you sick bastard. 
  "Sorry Dad, you're breaking up, I'm just heading into a fudge tunnel". 
   This hilarious comedy stars Zac Efron as Billy Fronc, an eighteen year old who lives for partying with his friends. Mark Wahlberg is his seventeen year old buddy, “Stoner” Crud Mazzwick, and Adam Sandler is twenty year old layabout Freez Dirklange. After losing a bet with Crud’s older brothers Broxton and Steele, the three must spend a Saturday night at the city’s notorious gay club Oooooo, Get You! Initially reluctant to mingle in case they catch gay, after a few rounds of confidence-boosting and trouser-slackening tequila they are soon dancing up a storm on the dancefloor with their new friends.  Well, apart from Wahlberg’s character of course; he had it written into the script that he won’t let any “bummer” near his meat and two meat (no girly veg for Mark), and in fact his character gets into a fight with three burly homosexual men after one of them gives a lascivious look in the vague direction of Mark’s ashtray.
Mark wins.
   No room at the inn for Jar Jar.
   This sombre, black and white documentary follows what happens to Jar Jar Binks, after his unpopular starring role in some shit prequel or other. A sobering look at the American dream gone wrong, we follow a desolate Jar Jar as he repeatedly auditions for further acting roles, only to be turned away time and time again. We watch his slow descent into alcoholism, every drink punctuated by his sobbed mutterings of “Meesa fuckwit”, as he tortures himself watching a worn-out DVD of his only major role over and over again.
  No tulips in December.
   Sally Algernon (Dot Cotton) has been living in the old people’s home of her quiet part of Boston for seven years now. Her husband long dead and her children busy washing their hair, besides exchanging pleasantries with the nurses she has little to fill her days, apart from an ongoing feud with Gertrude Begonia (Honor Blackman) over who gets to sit in the best chair in the TV room. All this changes when a new gardener, Bowl Funterton (Russ Abbott), begins tending the gardens of the home (again, not a euphemism). Seeing his shirtless exertions, with his darts-honed physique and rippling liver spots, awakens feelings in Sally that she had thought long dormant. Soon she is flirting suggestively over a plate of Hobnobs, and being “accidently” caught walking cardigan-less in front of her window, with its deliberately open curtains. Unfortunately, there is a spanner in the works in her attempts to attract his attentions: she is surrounded by young, attractive NURSES, so she could ride a unicorn whilst juggling the Arsenal youth team and farting the theme tune to EastEnders perfectly, and she still wouldn’t be able to drag Bowl’s eyes away from young Samantha’s shapely arse.  
  A banjo for Billy.
   Cuthbert Faintlyaromatic and his wife Cynthia are dealt a crushing blow when, after seven years of trying, they finally have a child, only for young Billy to be born with the rare disease Kenny Loggins’ contraption. With knees for eyes, hairy teeth, a hunch-back AND a hunch-bum, continuous flatulence, an ingrown penis (on his tongue), and an allergy to his own nostrils, there is as yet no known cure for this horrible affliction, and those first few months tested their partnership to its limits. Just when things seemed totally desolate, a kindly doctor rescues them from despair, when he hands over an old banjo of his Grandads in exchange for Billy, as he needs something to lay on the floor in front of his living room door, to keep the draught out. Oh, did you think that maybe Billy would grow up and find meaning in his existence with the discovery of a musical gift or summat? Sorry. 
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emmacrb · 4 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
So way back, I was part of an EastEnders forum that no longer exists and we used to screenshot the episodes sometimes. Seeing as this episode (18 September 2008) has just gone up on bbc iplayer, I thought it was time to post these. I put the pictures in order.
EastEnders 18 September 2008 Part 2
Part 1: https://emmacrb.tumblr.com/post/636876380288761856/so-way-back-i-was-part-of-an-eastenders-forum
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aion-rsa · 5 years ago
Away Trailer Sends Hilary Swank to Space for Netflix Drama
Hilary Swank is headed to Mars—by way of Netflix in the upcoming television series, Away.
The two-time Best Lead Actress Oscar winner—Boys Don’t Cry in 2000 and Million Dollar Baby in 2005—is headlining a space series from the streaming giant that’s more grounded (no pun intended,) than its other such offerings like, for example, Lost in Space or Another Life. Indeed, Swank stars in this 10-episode drama series as an American astronaut who reluctantly leaves her family behind for the perilous task of leading NASA’s first manned mission to Mars.
Interestingly enough, the series is loosely inspired by real-life events, based on an article published in Esquire about a mission of astronaut Scott Kelly.
With that said, check out the first trailer for Netflix’s Away just below.
As the official logline for Away further explains of the plot:
“Away is a thrilling, emotional drama on an epic scale that celebrates the incredible advancements humans can achieve and the personal sacrifices they must make along the way.  As American astronaut Emma Green (Hilary Swank) prepares to lead an international crew on the first mission to Mars, she must reconcile her decision to leave behind her husband (Josh Charles) and teenage daughter (Talitha Bateman) when they need her the most. As the crew’s journey into space intensifies, their personal dynamics and the effects of being away from their loved ones back on Earth become increasingly complex. Away shows that sometimes to reach for the stars, we must leave home behind.”
Veteran television actor Josh Charles (The Good Wife, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) co-stars as Matt, the left-home NASA engineer husband of Swank’s space-sent Emma. The full series cast (as revealed last year,) also consist of Talitha Bateman (Hart of Dixie), Ato Essandoh (Chicago Med), Mark Ivanir (Homeland), Ray Panthaki (EastEnders), Vivian Wu (The Best Partner) and Monique Curnen (Power).
Jessica Goldberg assumes the controls in the proverbial cockpit of Away, serving as showrunner, writer and executive producer, having co-created the series with Andrew Hinderaker (Penny Dreadful, Pure Genius). Goldberg is best known as the creator of Hulu’s 2016-2019 cult-centric drama, The Path, and scripted the developing Tom Holland-headlined, Russo Brothers-directed drama film, Cherry. She is joined by veteran film and television director/producer Ed Zwick, who serves as an executive producer and directed the first episode, which was written by co-creator Hindraker. The director lineup for the season also includes David Boyd, Charlotte Brändström, Bronwen Hughes and Jet Wilkinson. Joining Goldberg and Hindraker on the writing side are Jason Katims and Aditi Brennan Kapil. Lastly, the show’s gaggle of executive producers also includes star Hilary Swank, along with Adam Kassan and Jeni Mulein.
Away Netflix Release Date
Away is scheduled for liftoff on Netflix on September 4.
The post Away Trailer Sends Hilary Swank to Space for Netflix Drama appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2BPTSaq
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funface2 · 5 years ago
Graham Norton reveals some A-list actors are ‘annoying’ and complain his show isn’t funny, but he loved Mark W – The Sun
CHAT show king Graham Norton is the go-to guy for Hollywood stars eager to plug their latest movie in the UK.
But keeping company with Tinsel Town’s beautiful people isn’t all its cracked up to be, according to the man himself.
Graham Norton reveals some of his A-list guests can be ‘dull’Credit: WARNING: Use of this image is subject to the terms of use of BBC Pictures’ Digital Picture
Indeed, in one of his most candid interviews yet, the Irish presenter claims some A-listers are “annoying” and complain his show isn’t funny when they’re the fun sponge.
Speaking in one of a series interviews in the US to promote his novel A Keeper, he says: “There’s the guest sitting on the couch thinking, ‘But I love this show. Tonight just, I don’t know, it’s just not that good tonight,’ and you’re like, ‘Because you’re on it. Because you’re here. You’re ruining it’.
“It happens quite often where people are like, ‘Normally this show is so fun,’ and I was like, ‘Yeah, but you’re here. You carry this with you. You kill every room you enter.’”
It’s the fear of a glum A-lister which prompted the regular booking of a comedian, usually British, sitting at the end of the sofa to come to the rescue if his star name is bringing nothing to the table.
Mark Wahlberg appeared to fall asleep on Graham Norton’s couch in 2012Credit: WENN
Graham adds: “That is the joy, because if I’m getting nothing, if that is a bloodless stone then you turn to someone else, or I might be lucky to have a comic at the end.
“They can do 20 minutes, so off they go. And actually sometimes, it’s as illuminating to see a really kind of stern actor who is not really good at telling their stories to see what makes them laugh, to see the comic is really tickling them.
“That’s, in a way, more revealing than the answer to any question I could ask them.”
He says he appreciated the comedic distraction when action star Mark Wahlberg appeared and fell asleep on his couch.
He explains: “If they’re disruptive then that is a bore and annoying. Like Mark Wahlberg, I think Mark got a bit confused about the jet lag and wine.
“He fell asleep — that was the good bit. When he fell asleep, that was like we were able to tell stories. The show’s going a bit better now, I wonder why? Oh, he’s asleep.
‘At one stage Mark Wahlberg climbed on my lap and was pinching my nipples. . . I was like ‘get off me’’, Graham opens upCredit: WENN
“And at one stage, he climbed on my lap and was like pinching my nipples, and I remember afterwards thinking, ‘wow, my 20-year-old self, my head would have exploded if someone would tell me he would do that’, but my 50-year-old self was just like, ‘Get off me.’”
Graham, 56, has been hosting his chat show on BBC1 for a decade and enjoyed huge success, which is why he is one of the Beeb’s highest earners, pulling in more than £600,000 a year.
He’s graduated from stand-up comedian, to comedy actor to presenter of cult Channel 4 chat show — So Graham Norton — to become the daddy of Saturday night TV on the Beeb.
But he admits away from the cameras he’s nothing like the bubbly character you see laughing with alongside the celebs on telly – especially when he’s walking his dogs near his London home. He explains: “I’m so unfriendly. My face is like thunder. So I’m out with the dogs and I try to give off the vibe that I’ve just received terrible news, or a member of my family has just died, so best not to talk to me.
The chat show host says: ‘Occasionally you get a guest who doesn’t care if someone likes them. . . like Lord Sugar. I really like him for that’Credit: PA:Press Association
“And also, I’ve got a really vicious dog. I mean I didn’t choose that, she’s a rescue dog and it turns out she is my spirit animal and she hates everyone.”
But despite his moody exterior, A-listers continue to flock to his red sofa. This year alone Graham has hosted Hollywood royalty including Charlize Theron, Keanu Reeves, Chris Hemsworth, Madonna, Tom Hanks and Gwyneth Paltrow. Yet no matter how many awards they’ve won or box office records broken, the Irishman has little time for any actor who suffers from nerves.
Graham says: “I find actors being nervous so annoying. Like you know that thing: ‘Oh, I was so nervous, I was vomiting in the wings. I needed a bucket in the wings before I could go on stage. I was so nervous.’ You’re in the wrong job! If a bus driver is afraid of his bus, get a new job. Just don’t do that. So I have no patience for actors being nervous. I just think, ‘Oh shut up. Okay, don’t go on. See if I care. We’ll all go home.’ Nerves annoy me.”
And worse still, he gets infuriated by big names who cannot even pretend or act like they’re having fun. He says: “They’re an actor. Now some of them can’t (act). Some of them it’s not in their wheelhouse. They’re good at learning words and saying them aloud.
Graham reveals: ‘Will Smith produced the Fresh Prince segment. . . he flew in Carlton, got the DJ, he did it all. He was amazing’Credit: PA:Press Association
“And it is terrible, because sometimes you’re thinking I’ve got quite a funny story about that, but I can’t tell it, because it’s supposed to be about the stupid guest.”
He does have some favourites, however. Graham cites George Clooney and Bill Murray as his “biggest gets” because they’re both so hard to book.
Tom Cruise was a hit because of his impeccable manners and warmth backstage, he loved Madonna for “just being Madonna” and enjoys Russell Crowe’s appearances, suggesting he “only comes on the show so he can flip the chair”, in a nod to his Red Chair segment in which an audience member tells an intimate anecdote.
And he highlights Will Smith’s rendition of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme, along with former co-star Alfonso Ribeiro who played Carlton Banks and pal DJ Jazzy Jeff, as one of the stand-out moments in his show’s history – made more special by the fact he “didn’t have to do a thing”.
Graham explains: “Will Smith produced that whole segment. He flew in Carlton, he got the DJ, he did it all, so it was an amazing moment.
“And to see an audience that happy over a sustained period of time, it was like a drug. It was like Oprah giving away a car to everybody. It was that atmospheric.”
Yet his all-time favourite isn’t an Oscar-winning star or legendary music act – he’s a grumpy billionaire business mogul whose catchphrase is “you’re fired”.
‘When I’m out with the dogs I try to give off a vibe that I’ve just received terrible news . . . so best not to talk to me’, the TV favourite saysCredit: Louis Hollingsbee – The Sun
He says: “I think with most people in this industry, the ‘wanting to be liked’ gene is quite strong in them, so they’ll just fake it.
“Occasionally, I’ll get a guest who doesn’t have that gene.
“They don’t care, but it’s so unusual it takes your breath away. Oh wow, you really don’t care, and I quite like it, like Lord Alan Sugar. I really like him — he’s really funny and great.”
Graham reveals there are a few star names who’ve yet to appear on his show he’d like to interview, namely Julia Roberts, plus Prince Harry and Meghan. He says: “If I was looking after Harry and Meghan right now, I’d say, ‘Do that.’”
The former Father Ted star says one of the secrets behind his success is he knows he’s not at the top of the pecking order — despite the fact his name is in the title.
He sees himself as the “comedy butler”, which he’s fine with, but he believes British chat show rivals who’ve failed to match his longevity may have struggled to deal with not playing top dog on their own show.
Graham first found fame on comedy show Father Ted in the ’90s
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Peter Andre shares rare pic of daughter Amelia as big sister does her hair
Discussing why there are less chat shows in the UK compared to across the pond, Graham says: “A lot of British comics in particular think they want to do a talk show.
“They think, ‘I’m going to like this,’ and in fact they don’t, because they get confused, because their name is in the title of the show and because you walk out and everyone is clapping and it’s great, it’s all about me, look at you, you love me, I’m the big man, and the minute you get the guest out, it’s not about you.
“You’re low status and I think that doesn’t suit a lot of people, particularly a lot of performers, because they were bred for stardom, not to be some sort of comedy butler handing people feed lines.”
Fame got me the book deals, sorry
GRAHAM Norton apologised to jobbing writers for landing a book deal thanks to his FAME.
He published second novel A Keeper last year, having seen his debut Holding become a Sunday Times bestseller.
The tome is “a twisted tale of secrets and ill-fated loves” set in Ireland. The presenter says he “always wanted to write” but finally did it after turning 50. He adds: “I thought, ‘Stop talking about this book. Write one.’
“So I got myself a book deal. To any authors out there, I’m sorry. It is awful that a bloke off the television can just go, ‘Hi, I’d really like to write a novel,’ and they let me.”
Graham says it feels “gratifying” his books are being talked about in the US where he has little profile. He adds: “If you have watched my show, or know anything about me, the books aren’t what you expect.
“They’re not funny, they’re not set in media, they’re not in London, none of those things. They’re sort of romantic, but kind of darkly romantic.”
A Keeper is out now, published by Coronet.
Madonna was ‘rude’ and ‘vain’ in Graham Norton interview
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from Funface https://funface.net/funny-news/graham-norton-reveals-some-a-list-actors-are-annoying-and-complain-his-show-isnt-funny-but-he-loved-mark-w-the-sun/
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gyrlversion · 6 years ago
Original EastEnders cast member Sandy Ratcliff found dead aged 70
Original EastEnders cast member Sandy Ratcliff, who played the much-loved character Sue Osman before falling from the public eye, has been found dead aged 70 in a north London care home. 
Appearing as Osman from the first episode of the BBC1 soap in 1985 until 1989, she took on a number of tough storylines including when she lost her baby to cot death syndrome before divorcing her husband, Ali, soon after. 
This prompted a years-long exploration of mental health on the popular show as Sue struggled with the grieving process, depression and the breakdown of her marriage.
Off-screen, Ratcliff faced her own personal battles with drink and drugs which drew her into the lime-light.
It was reported in 1988 that she had an alcohol-fuelled bust-up with her boyfriend while holidaying in Tenerife before she was written out of the show because of a heroin addiction the following year.
The mother-of-one to her son William also suffered three strokes and was later diagnosed with cancer.
She was found dead on Sunday morning. Her cause of death is not yet known and it has been reported to the coroner. 
Nejdet Salih, who played Ali, paid tribute to the mother of one last night. ‘It’s very sad. I remember the first time I auditioned for the show, we had this instant chemistry and banter,’ he told The Sun.
‘I remember going to her flat to rehearse lines and her son William and boyfriend Tony would be there. She was a great mum. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for William.’ 
Scroll down for video.  
Sandy Ratcliff, who played much-loved character Sue Osman in the soap, (right, with her husband Ali) was discovered in a north London care home on Sunday morning. The image of Ratcliff on the left is undated 
The cast of EastEnders celebrating the show’s 15th anniversary in 1985 outside the set of Albert Square. Ratcliff is seen on the far right 
After leaving the show in 1989, Ratcliff slipped into heroin and alcohol addiction before later retraining as a counsellor.
She was written out of the soap after her battle with addiction came to light.
Following her death, a friend said she had been clean of drugs for some years but was forced to move into a care home due to poor health.
Describing her death on Sunday, an ambulance spokesman said: ‘We sent two single responders in cars and an ambulance crew. Sadly, a person was found dead at the scene.’ 
Ratcliff first became known as a model in the 1970s, when she was cast as ‘The face of the 70s’ by royal photographer Lord Snowdon. 
Before starring in her best-known EastEnders role, Ratcliff featured in Crossroads as Barbara Parker, the younger wife of series regular Vince Parker.
She also appeared in BBC 2 versions of A Box Of Swan and Men Of The Month. 
Ratcliff married photographer Peter Wright in 1968, but the couple broke up and by 1973 she had her only son, William, by theatre director Terence Palmer. 
One of her last public appearances was at the Old Bailey trial of her then boyfriend, Michael Shorey, who was found guilty of murdering two women in 1991.
She claimed they were together when he was accused of murdering the woman, but the jury rejected her account and Shorey was jailed for life.   
Sue was at the centre of the most bleak story line British soaps had ever seen when her baby died from cot death syndrome in June 1985. Afterwards, she and her husband Ali (pictured in 1985) broke up
Nejdet Salih, who played Ali, paid tribute to the mother of one (seen here as Sue on EastEnders in the 1980s). ‘It’s very sad. I remember the first time I auditioned for the show, we had this instant chemistry and banter,’ he said
Ratcliff then largely disappeared from the public eye and in 2005, it was reported that Ratcliff no longer used heroin and lived on a £70 a week disability allowance.   
Speaking in 2010, she admitted she had a ‘hard time’ following her EastEnders exit. She said: ‘I had a hard time when I left the show. There were stories about my drug addiction, and I was quite an innocent, even in my thirties.
‘Some of the things written about me hurt me and made me quite ill. But I recovered and moved on to other things.’
Fans paid tribute to Ratcliff on Twitter, with one writing: ‘So sad to hear of Sandy Ratcliff’s passing. I’ve become a big fan of Sue Osman since I started watching #ClassicEastEnders and that’s down to Sandy’s performance.
‘She was amazing during the cot death storyline.’
Another tweeted: ‘So very sad to hear of the death of former @Eastenders star #sandyratcliff I loved her as Sue Osman. Rest in peace Sue.’
Ratcliff is survived by her son William, who has not yet spoken publicly about her death.   
Ratcliff (second from left) with BBC controller Michael Grade and fellow members of the EastEnders cast. Image undated 
After leaving the show in 1989, Ratcliff (seen in 1979) slipped into heroin addiction before later retraining as a counsellor 
Where are the members of the original EastEnders cast now?
Actor Leonard  Fenton, 92, is returning to Albert Square at the age of 1982, but how many other members of the original cast can you name? 1. Wendy Richard (Pauline Fowler). 2: Anna Wing (Lou Beale). 3: Linda Davidson (Mary Smith). 4: Ross Davidson (Andy O’Brien). 5: Shirley Cheriton (Debbie Wilkins). 6: Bill Treacher (Arthur Fowler). 7. Susan Tully (Michelle Fowler). 8. Letita Dean (sharon Watts). 9: Gretchen Franklin (Ethel Skinner). 10: Willy the pug. 11: Roly the poodle. 12: Leslie Grantham (Den Watts). 12. Anita Dobson (Angie Watts). 14: Tom Watt (Lofty Holloway). 15: Leonard Fenton (Dr Legg). 16: Andrew Johnson (Saeed Jeffrey). 17: John Altman (Nick Cotton). 18: June Brown (Dot Cotton). 19: Paul J. Medford (Kelvin Carpenter). 20. Oscar James (Tony Carpenter). 21: Sandy Ratcliff (Sue Osman). 22: Nejdet Salih (Ali Osman). 23: Gillian Taylforth (Kathy Beale). 24: Adam Woodyatt (Ian Beale). 25: Nick Berry (Simon Wicks). 26: Peter Dean (Pete Beale)
1. Wendy Richard
Played: Pauline Fowler
Sitcom veteran Wendy also appeared in Are You Being Served?, Dad’s Army and a couple of Carry On films. 
Our favourite cheeky Cockney was actually born in Middlesbrough, in 1943. The matriarch of Albert Square, her 21 years on the show ended with an on-screen death in 2006. Wendy died from cancer in 2009, aged 65.
Then and now: Wendy Richard (Pauline Fowler) pictured with her on-screen husband Arthur (Bill Treacher) in the first year of the soap, 1985 (left) and pictured in 2006 (right)
2. Anna Wing
Played: Lou Beale
Lou was the most formidable character of the original cast, Pauline and Pete’s mother, and a no-nonsense Londoner. 
Anna, who was 70 when the show began, was also a mighty personality: in the Fifties she had been the lover of poet Philip O’Connor, with whom she had a son. She left the show in 1988, but kept working right up to her death, aged 98, in 2013.
Then and now: Anna Wing, who played Lou Beale, was one of the show’s best-loved characters. She left the show in 1988, but kept working right up to her death, aged 98, in 2013
3. Linda Davidson
Played: Mary Smith
Mary was one of the Square’s most controversial characters — a former punk rock groupie and drug user whose wild lifestyle put her baby’s life at risk. Barely literate, she couldn’t to look after her child without her neighbours’ help, and earned her living by prostitution. 
Actress Linda, who was born in Canada, dated co-star Nejdet Salih and left the show in 1988; now aged 53, she gave up acting to work in internet design and today runs a social media agency.
Then and now: Linda Davidson as punk rock groupie Mary Smith in 1986 (left) and today (right) running a social media agency
4. Ross Davidson
Played: Andy O’Brien
Ross was a PE teacher who played water polo for Scotland before acting. EastEnders was his first major part — he played the nurse who has an affair with the Vic landlady, Angie Watts. 
In his final scene, in August 1986, Andy rows with girlfriend Shirley: when she tells him to ‘drop dead’, he stomps out of the house and is flattened by a lorry . . . making him the first character to be killed off. 
Ross believed he was dropped because he was dating his co-star Shirley Cheriton. He died from cancer, aged 57, in 2006.
Then and now: Ross Davidson’s character Andy O’Brien was the first character to be killed off.  Ross believed he was dropped because he was dating his co-star Shirley Cheriton. He died from cancer, aged 57, in 2006.
5. Shirley Cheriton
Played: Debbie Wilkins
Debbie was a professional middle-class woman whose East End property was an investment as well as a home. The working-class locals thought she was stuck-up and pretentious. 
Actress Shirley, who left EastEnders in 1987, was a favourite of series creator Julia Smith, who had also cast her in the hospital drama Angels. 
Now 63, she hasn’t appeared on TV since 2009, when she played Mrs. Spalden in Last Night A DJ Saved My Life. 
Then and now: Actress Shirley Cheriton, who left EastEnders in 1987, left with Ross Davison, was a favourite of series creator Julia Smith
6. Bill Treacher
Played: Arthur Fowler
The gruelling pace of filming EastEnders left stage actor Bill exhausted. Arthur saw his daughter pregnant at 16, his son infected with HIV and himself having a breakdown. 
Bill left in 1996 and famously said ‘by the time I finished, even the theme music was making me feel ill’. He later appeared in films including George And the Dragon in 2004. 
Now 88, he is retired and admitted in 2015 that he’s suffering from the degenerative disease ataxia, which affects his balance and ability to walk. 
Then and now: Bill Treacher, playing Arthur Fowler, was one of the show’s longest-serving stars. He was later in The Bill and is now retired
7. Susan Tully
Played: Michelle Fowler
Susan, now 46, grew up on a North London council estate and started acting through a community theatre school. Before EastEnders, she was familiar to viewers from the children’s series Grange Hill. 
She played Michelle until 1995, and the character was credited with saving EastEnders — viewing figures had slumped to seven million before the storyline of her secret pregnancy, aged 16, hooked the nation.
Her friendship with Letitia Dean, who played her best pal Sharon Watts, endured off screen and Susan was a bridesmaid at her wedding in 2002.   
Susan is now a TV director, whose credits include Lark Rise To Candleford, The Bill, Silent Witness and most recently the historical fantasy Britannia.
Then and now: Susan Tully, who started her career on Grange Hill, starred as Michelle Fowler untill 1996. She is now a director, whose credits include Lark Rise To Candleford
8. Letitia Dean
Played: Sharon Watts
A graduate of the Sylvia Young theatre school and another Grange Hill old girl, Letitia was born in Hertfordshire, but claimed at her audition she was a Cockney. Her dirty laugh apparently won her the part of Den and Angie’s daughter. 
She left for the first time in 1995, but returned to the show from 2001 to 2006, and has been back fora  third time since 2012. 
The 50-year-old also competed on the fifth series of Strictly Come Dancing in 2007, and she later released a fitness DVD after crediting the show with inspiring her to lose weight. She starred in a touring production of Calendar Girls in 2010. 
After divorcing Jason Pethers in 2006, Letitia began dating 23-year-old model and dancer Bowen Perrin after meeting on the set of the Ipswich panto production Cinderella during Christmas 2007. However, she’s currently believed to be single. 
Leitia Dean as Sharon with onscreen husband Grant (Ross Kemp) in 1994 (left). Looking chic in black as she filmed scenes for Eastenders in London’s Notting Hill in 2015
9. Gretchen Franklin
Played: Ethel Skinner
Born in 1911 into a showbusiness family, Gretchen was a dancer in Soho in the Twenties, a member of the tap troupe Four Brilliant Blondes and was also in Crossroads. As Ethel, she was the crony of Lou Beale and Dot Cotton, always to be found with a sherry and ‘my little Willy’, her beloved pug. She left EastEnders in 2000 and died in 2005, aged 94.
Gretchen Franklin in 1987 with Willy the pug (left) from Eastenders and pictured in 2005 shortly before her death (right)
10. Willy the pug
Willy was spoilt, greedy and mischievous. The other characters couldn’t stand him: the local doctor complained bitterly about the mess Willy made on the pavements, and owner Ethel had to decline two marriage proposals when her suitors asked her to get rid of her precious pet. Willy was put down in 1992; two weeks later, the dog who had played him also died.
11. Roly the standard poodle
Landlords Den and Angie Watts never took much notice of daughter Sharon, but they poured their hearts out to their pooch. Whenever Den was in a rage, he’d grab Roly’s lead and drag the poor animal round the Square. Roly was nearly killed when Grant Mitchell set fire to the Vic for the insurance money, and died on screen when he was run over while chasing a cat in 1993. Roly’s real-life owner was EastEnders creator Julia Smith. He died in real life in 1995.
Then: Willy was put down in 1992; two weeks later, the dog who had played him also died. Roly died on screen when he was run over while chasing a cat in 1993. Roly’s real-life owner was EastEnders creator Julia Smith. He died in real life in 1995.
12. Leslie Grantham
Played: Dirty Den Watts
Dirty Den was the original villain of Albert Square, a bully who shoved his wife around and got his 16-year-old daughter’s best mate pregnant. TV had never had such a hated character — and the actor who played him, Grantham, actually murdered a taxi driver in a 1966 robbery. During his ten-year prison sentence, he took up acting. 
His character Den was seemingly killed in 1989, but he returned from the dead in 2003. The renaissance didn’t last long: Grantham, who is now 67, was caught in a sex scandal in 2004, in which he was caught exposing himself to an undercover reporter via a webcam from his dressing room.
Dirty Den was killed off for a second time shortly afterwards. 
Last month the TV star, who had recently returned to the UK after living for some time in Bulgaria, passed away aged 71, after battling cancer. 
Then and now: Controversial character Dirty Den Watts (played by Leslie Grantham) with on-screen wife Angie (Anita Dobson) (left) and a brooding Den in 2004 (right)
13. Anita Dobson
Played: Angie Watts
A real EastEnder, Anita wasn’t the first choice to play the Queen Vic landlady — when filming began, the role was taken by Jean Fennell. Jean was deemed ‘too classy’ and was replaced. 
In 1986, Anita had a No 4 hit with Anyone Can Fall In Love in 1986, produced by Queen guitarist Brian May — whom she married. Angie left EastEnders after three years. 
Anita, 69, has enjoyed a successful and varied career since quitting the soap. She took part in Strictly and played Hamlet’s mother in a touring production in 2005. 
From September 2016 to January 2017 Dobson she starred as Madame Morrible in Wicked in London’s West End. 
Then and now: Anita Dobson was in the the soap for three years but was involved in many of its most memorable storylines. Married to Brian May, she is still acting and has appeared in the West End musical Wicked
14. Tom Watt
Played: Lofty Holloway
Lofty, the Vic’s barman, was hopelessly in love with Michelle, and married her after she became a single mum . . . though she dumped him at the altar during the first ceremony. 
Watt left the show in 1988 to become a social worker. Now 58, he is a radio sports reporter and the ghostwriter of David Beckham’s autobiography.
Tom Watt as Lofty in the soap with Susan Tully who played Michelle Fowler (left). Tom, who is now a radio sports presenter, attending a film premiere in London in 2017 (right)
15. Leonard Fenton
Played: Dr Harold Legg
This East End grammar school boy, the son of Jewish refugees from the Baltic states, was an Army engineer in World War II. During a 50-year career in acting, he appeared in Z-Cars, Colditz and Auf Wiedersehen, Pet. For 12 years, Fenton was Albert Square’s caring but irascible doctor who was good friends with Dot Cotton.  
In 2004, Leonard made his debut as a theatre director. His character has returned to EastEnders three times over the years and is now back on set filming scenes again at the age of 92. 
Gushing over his surprising return, the star said: ‘I am very happy to be back at EastEnders and am looking forward to working with June and the rest of the cast and crew again.’ 
East End grammar school boy Leonard Fenton played Dr Harold Legg, who treated the main characters. This week it was announced that he’s returning to the set to film new scenes at the age of 92
Andrew Johnson played convenience store owner Saeed Jeffrey
16. Andrew Johnson
Played by: Saeed Jeffery
Saeed owned a convenience store called First Til Last and was unhappily married to Naima (Shreela Ghosh), who refused to sleep with him. 
He started using prostitutes and making obscene phone calls to women. When he was found out, Saeed left the Square in shame in December 1985. 
Like his character, Andrew, 59, is from a mixed-race background, and reportedly was unhappy at the negative storylines foisted on Saeed. He moved to Hollywood and still works as an actor, in minor parts.
17. John Altman
Played: Nasty Nick Cotton
Heroin addict, racist, conman, killer and thief, Nasty Nick set the tone in the very first episode of EastEnders when he murdered the Square’s oldest resident for drug money. He killed again and very nearly poisoned his ‘dear old ma’, Dot. 
Written in at the last minute, Nick was never intended to be a lasting character, but after his his sixth stint on the show he was killed off in the the 30th anniversary episode in 2015. 
In real life, Altman, 62, struggled with a drink problem in the Nineties. He published his autobiography in the Nick of Time in 2016, and has taken part in charity fundraising for the Alzheimer’s Society as well as being an avid supporter of wildlife charities. 
Bad boy Nick Cotton, played by John Altman, set the tone in the very first episode of EastEnders when he murdered the Square’s oldest resident for drug money. The star pictured at the The TRIC Awards in 2017 (right) released his autobiography in 2016 
18. June Brown
Played: Dot Cotton
Bafta-nominated for her work as kind-hearted busybody Dot, 87-year-old June Brown’s career started at the Old Vic theatre school. 
She became the oldest dancer to take part in Strictly, in 2010, and appeared in West End hit Calendar Girls. 
The mother of six is the only EastEnders actress to have an entire episode to herself: in 2008 she performed a half-hour monologue, talking about her life as she recorded a tape for her husband, Jim Branning, who had suffered a stroke. That same year she was awarded an MBE. 
Dot Branning (nee Colwell, previously Cotton) is still a Walford stalwart. She’s lived alone in Surrey since her second husband Robert died in 2003. 
Bafta-nominated for her work as kind-hearted busybody Dot, 87-year-old June Brown is one of the original cast members and has been at the heart of the show since 1985. Pictured at the The TRIC Awards in 2017 (right) with her former on screen son John Altman 
19. Paul J. Medford
Played: Kelvin Carpenter
Kelvin was the entrepreneur of Albert Square, who fell for an older woman and was humiliated when she publicly dumped him.
With Sharon and a group of friends, he set up a band, the Banned, but after some embarrassing gigs, Kelvin was forced to admit they were rubbish
But in real life their song Something Outa Nothing, credited to Letitia Dean and Paul Medford, reached No 12 in the UK charts. Kelvin left Walford in 1987 to do a degree in computer studies.
The actor, now 51, is a West End veteran and has starred in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Five Guys Named Moe, for which he received an Olivier Award nomination. He also co-owns a talent and modelling agency. 
Then and now: Paul Medford played Kelvin Carpenter in the soap, and launched a pop career with co-star Letitia Dean. He became a West End veteran and has starred in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
20. Oscar James
Played: Tony Carpenter
Tony was Kelvin’s father, an easy-going builder with a nagging wife. While he was working at the Vic as an odd-job man, Tony became Angie’s lover: he thought it was a serious relationship, but she was only using him to get back at Den. 
After two years, including a stint as a minicab driver, Tony left to live in Trinidad. 
Oscar, now 75, went on to perform in a wide range of TV shows, The Bill, Holby City and Casualty and had a small part in the the 2005 Tim Burton adaptation of Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. 
Then and now: Oscar James, who played Tony Carpenter, was an odd-job man who became Angie’s lover but left the soap after two years. The 75-year-old appeared on a wide range of TV shows, including The Bill and Casualty 
Sue Osman played Sandy Ratcliff at the beginning of the show in 1985, but went on to battle heroin addiction 
21. Sandy Ratcliff
Played: Sue Osman
Sandy Ratcliff played the much loved Sue Osman in the popular BBC1 soap from the first episode it aired in 1985 until 1989.
In her role she took on a number of tough storylines including when she lost her baby to cot death syndrome in 1985.
After leaving the show in 1989, actress Sandy, 64, slipped into heroin addiction; she later retrained as a counsellor. 
One of her last public appearances was at the Old Bailey trial of her then boyfriend, Michael Shorey, who was found guilty of murdering two women in 1991.
She was found dead in a care home in north London on Sunday morning.  
22. Nejdet Salih
(Ali Osman)
Born a Cypriot Turk, Ali was married to Sue and ran the Bridge Street Cafe with her. 
He was a gambling addict and held nightly poker schools in the cafe after closing. He left Walford in 1989, after losing all his money at cards. 
The 56-year-old actor changed his name to Nej Adamson, and appeared in the final Carry On film in 1992, as well as playing a brigand in two Pirates Of The Caribbean movies.
Then and now: Ali Osman, played by Nejdet Salih, was Albert Square’s gambling addict who left after losing all his money in a card game. Mr Salih went on to build a successful film career
23. Gillian Taylforth
Played: Kathy Beale
One of the show’s original and best-loved characters, Kathy appeared in the soap as a barmaid and best friend of Angie in the Queen Vic. 
During the early years of EastEnders, Gillian dated her co-star Nick Berry, who played her stepson. Her character, Kathy, was raped early in the show’s history, sparking a major TV controversy. 
Taylforth left the show in 1998, but returned three times. She acted in the soap Hollyoaks but returned to Albert Square for good in August 2015.
Off screen, she experienced turbulence in her personal life and was handed a two-year driving ban in 2015 after being caught behind the wheel while almost three times the drink driving limit.
It was the second time that Gillian, now 62, was caught drink driving. She was found over the limit back in 1995, while daughter Jessica, then aged three, was in the car.
A year before that, the actress lost a high-profile libel case against The Sun, after the newspaper ran a story claiming she had performed oral sex on her then boyfriend Geoff Knights on an A1 slip road while in their Range Rover.
She claimed she was massaging his stomach to soothe his abdominal pain, but a police officer said she had been engaging in a sex act. 
Gillian Taylforth in the role of Kathy with Peter Dean who played her on-screen husband when the show began in 1985. The actress, pictured at the British Soap Awards last month, returned to the soap in 2015, after a stint on Hollyoaks.
24. Adam Woodyatt
Played: Ian Beale
The only member of the cast who has appeared on the show without a break for 30 years. Ian has been married five times, and is currently engaged to Jane, one of his ex-wives. 
One of his biggest storylines saw him shot by a hitman hired by another wife, Cindy. In 2012, Ian had a breakdown and ended up living at a homeless hostel. 
Adam, 46, won the Lifetime Achievement trophy at the British Soap Awards in 2013, after nearly 3,000 appearances on the show.
An accomplished photographer, he previously won the Architectural Photographer of the Year Award and has appeared in panto alongside his EastEnders role. 
Then and now: A very youthful looking Adam Woodyatt as Ian Beale in 1989 with Cindy (Michelle Collins) left and at the British Comedy Awards 2014 (right)
25. Nick Berry
Played: Simon Wicks
Nick wasn’t in the first few episodes, but was drafted in after another actor left unexpectedly, having refused to play a scene where his character used racist language. 
Nick’s character, Wicksy, proved almost too popular — he was an instant pin-up and in 1986 Nick enjoyed a No 1 with his song Every Loser Wins. 
After five years on EastEnders, Nick, 55, went on to star in nostalgic police series Heartbeat, and now runs a production firm called Valentine.
Then and now: Nick Berry joined the show early on as SImon Wicks and it launched him to superstardom. He had a successful pop career, was the main character on Heartbeat and now runs a production company
26. Peter Dean
Played: Pete Beale
The affable fruit and veg trader was Pauline’s twin, and a childhood mate of Dirty Den. 
In real life, Peter Dean’s family ran a stall in Petticoat Lane, and he attracted customers by bellowing out quotes from Shakespeare. Actress Prunella Scales heard him, and urged him to go to drama college. Pete Beale was killed off in a car crash in 1993. 
After converting to Buddhism, Peter swore off alcohol. Aged 79, he enjoys racing greyhounds and is still an actor.
He suffered a falling out with his close pal Leslie Grantham on set and the pair were estranged for 25 years. 
He recently revealed his heartbreak over Leslie’s death, saying he’d tried to reach out to him to end the feud shortly before his death but the letter was sent to the wrong address and his friend passed away before he could make amends.  
Then and now: Fruit and veg trader Pete Beale, played by Peter Dean, was killed off in 1993. Right: pictured appearing in the quiz show Soapstar Superbrain in 2012
The post Original EastEnders cast member Sandy Ratcliff found dead aged 70 appeared first on Gyrlversion.
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aion-rsa · 6 years ago
Nightflyers Release Date, Trailer, Cast, News, and More
Syfy is adapting George R.R. Martin’s novella and 1987 movie, Nightflyers, as a TV series. And it's getting an ambitious release strategy.
Joseph Baxter
Oct 5, 2018
George R.R. Martin
NYCC 2018
"Nightflyers is a haunted house story on a starship. It's Psycho in space." - George R.R. Martin
Nightflyers stands as one of George R.R. Martin’s more intriguing pre-Game of Thrones space science-fiction offerings, starting as a 1980 novella, eventually inspiring a schlocky limited-release 1987 film adaptation. However, it appears that the Literary God of Death’s old property is about to be reincarnated as a television series over at Syfy. 
Last year, the genre-aimed NBCU cable outlet ordered a pilot for Nightflyers, which has since expanded into a series pickup (Netflix has first run rights outside the U.S.). Additionally, Nightflyers recently received a bountiful boon of €850,000 ($1.1 million,) from the Irish Film Board and will soon begin filming at Limerick’s Troy Studios.
Nightflyers Release Date
Syfy took its time to announce a release date for Nightflyers and now it's clear why. The network is embarking on a rather ambitious release strategy for the horror/sci-fi series. Nightflyers will debut all 10 of its episodes in a particularly-timed rollout across all of Syfy's mutlimedia platforms starting on Sunday, December 2, per a Syfy release. These platforms include Syfy channel, SYFY On Demand, Syfy.com and the Syfy app.
The schedule of the rollout will be as follows. Nightflyers episodes 1-5 will air every night from Sunday, December 2 through Thursday, December 6 at 10 p.m. with limited commercials. Then episodes 6-10 will air during the same time slots from December 9 through Decemer 13. The show will also air marathon-style on the two weekends following its scheduled release times.
Nightflyers Trailer
The new trailer for Nightflyers has arrived! Check it out:
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Official Trailer #1 | SYFY
Previously, Syfy also released three short teasers (via Collider) that give a great sense of both the production value of Nightflyers, as well as the tone. Check out these glimpses into this creepy science fiction series...
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Wake up | SYFY
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Someone is Watching | SYFY
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Interference | SYFY
And here's a longer trailer...
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Teaser | SYFY
Nightflyers Story
Per the official synopsis:
NIGHTFLYERS follows eight maverick scientists and a powerful telepath who embark on an expedition to the edge of our solar system aboard The Nightflyer – a ship with a small tightknit crew and a reclusive captain – in the hope of making contact with alien life. But when terrifying and violent events begin to take place they start to question each other – and surviving the journey proves harder than anyone thought.
A bit of recent Nightflyers news saw a new occupant ascend to the proverbial Iron Throne of the George R.R. Martin adaptation series. That’s because its appointed showrunner, Daniel Cerone, dropped out of the series, reportedly over creative differences, says THR.
Jeff Buhler, will step in as showrunner, likely signaling a smooth transition, since he’s been with the project since the very beginning as its writer and executive producer. Buhler wrote the 2008 Bradley Cooper-starring horror film The Midnight Meat Train, with movie projects in the pipeline such as Descendant, Black River and horror thriller remake film Jacob’s Ladder, as well as a revival of horror film franchise The Grudge.
Moreover, to ensure said smooth series transition, Syfy is reportedly bringing onboard (as a consultant,) Terry Matalas, writer and co-creator of the cable channel’s imminently-ending series, 12 Monkeys, who also brings experience from his time on Nikita, Terra Nova, Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek: Voyager.
Nightflyers Cast
Phillip Rhys is the latest addition to the Nightflyers cast, reports Deadline. Rhys will recur on the series as Murphy, who is described as “a top systems tech engineer” who become inconsolably disturbed upon learning that “an L-1 telepath” is amongst the Nightflyer’s complement.
Rhys, an English actor, appeared in the 2015 Doctor Who Christmas special as Ramone, one of the episode’s titular “Husbands of River Song.” He’s also fielded TV runs on 24, Nip/Tuck and Survivors, along with guest spots on Rosewood, Glee, CSI, Bones and Warehouse 13.
With Syfy's early-January announcement of Nightflyers’ full series order came the reveal of the show’s cast.
Gretchen Mol will headline the series, playing Dr. Agatha Matheson.
Mol, who burst on the scene as a late-1990s it-girl from roles in Donnie Brasco, Rounders and The Thirteenth Floor, and steamed up the small screen in the 2005 HBO biopic, The Notorious Bettie Page, has made her presence known with recent television runs on Chance, Mozart in the Jungle and Boardwalk Empire. She notably appeared in last year’s Oscars-accruing drama, Manchester by the Sea. She's also booked to appear in the upcoming USA drama series Yellowstone.
And here’s the supporting cast:
Eoin Macken (The Night Shift) as Karl D’Branin
David Ajala (Fast & Furious 6) as Roy Eris
Sam Strike (EastEnders) as Thale
Maya Eshet (Teen Wolf) as Lommie
Angus Sampson (Fargo) as Rowan
Jodie Turner-Smith (The Last Ship) as Melantha Jhirl
Brían F. O'Byrne (Million Dollar Baby) as Auggie
Nightflyers Details
Jeff Buhler, of The Midnight Meat Train and the upcoming horror thriller remake Jacob’s Ladder is the showrunner; a position to which he was promoted, after Daniel Cerone (The Blacklist, The Mentalist) dropped out.
Mike Cahill (I Origin) will direct the pilot.
Onboard as executive producers are Gene Klein, David Bartis and Edge of Tomorrow and The Bourne Identity franchise blockbuster director Doug Liman, all of whom are representing production company Hypnotic, which Liman co-owns with Bartis. Alison Rosenzweig and Michael Gaeta of Gaeta Rosenzweig Films along with Lloyd Ivan Miller and Alice P. Neuhauser of Lloyd Ivan Miller Productions are also onboard. 
Netflix is also a co-producer on the Syfy project; a privilege that will yield the streaming giant first-run rights outside the U.S.
Additionally, George R.R. Martin himself will be a credited executive producer on the series.
“We are looking forward to diving deeper into George R. R. Martin’s chilling world of Nightflyers,” Bill McGoldrick, executive vice president of scripted development for NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment, said in a July statement. “The script that Jeff delivered encapsulates this classic sci-fi horror story and adapts it to a platform where we can truly explore the depths of madness.”
Robert Jaffe, who wrote the screenplay for the 1987 Nightflyers film, is onboard the series as a producer. It doesn't look like Martin will be involved with the series, at least for now.
The story of the George R.R. Martin-conceived supernatural space thriller is set on the eve of Earth’s destruction, depicting the travails of the crew of the most advanced ship in the galaxy in the titular spacecraft the Nightflyer. Adrift in space without a planet to call home, the goal of the surviving humans is to intercept a mysterious alien ship which is believed to hold the key for their survival. However, as the ship closes in on its destination, it becomes apparent that the Nightflyer’s onboard AI and its elusive captain – with mysterious motivations – may be leading the crew on a primrose path ending in the hopeless, horrific darkness of deep space.
Video of Nightflyers (1987) trailer
The genesis of Nightflyers occurred with George R.R. Martin’s original 1980 novella of the same name, for which he received Japan’s Seiun Award in 1983 for Best Foreign Language Short Story of the Year. The story was subsequently collected as the title entry in Martin’s 1985 Nightflyers collection. The 1987 film adaptation, directed by Robert Collector (Jungle Warriors), starred perennial 1980s movie love interest Catherine Mary Stewart and Dynasty’s Michael Praed, manifesting with a limited release that grossed a paltry $1.145 million dollars at the box office (and sent Martin back to television to write for Beauty and the Beast).
from Books https://ift.tt/2NkXnpf
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aion-rsa · 7 years ago
Nightflyers: New SDCC Trailer Arrives
Syfy is adapting George R.R. Martin’s novella and 1987 movie, Nightflyers, as a TV series. Here's a new trailer from SDCC!
Joseph Baxter
Jul 19, 2018
George R.R. Martin
SDCC 2018
"Nightflyers is a haunted house story on a starship. It's Psycho in space." - George R.R. Martin
Nightflyers stands as one of George R.R. Martin’s more intriguing pre-Game of Thrones space science-fiction offerings, starting as a 1980 novella, eventually inspiring a schlocky limited-release 1987 film adaptation. However, it appears that the Literary God of Death’s old property is about to be reincarnated as a television series over at Syfy. 
Last year, the genre-aimed NBCU cable outlet ordered a pilot for Nightflyers, which has since expanded into a series pickup (Netflix has first run rights outside the U.S.). Additionally, Nightflyers recently received a bountiful boon of €850,000 ($1.1 million,) from the Irish Film Board and will soon begin filming at Limerick’s Troy Studios.
Nightflyers Trailer
The new SDCC trailer for Nightflyers has arrived! Check it out:
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Official Trailer #1 | SYFY
Previously, Syfy also released three short teasers (via Collider) that give a great sense of both the production value of Nightflyers, as well as the tone. Check out these glimpses into this creepy science fiction series...
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Wake up | SYFY
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Someone is Watching | SYFY
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Interference | SYFY
And here's a longer trailer...
Video of NIGHTFLYERS | Teaser | SYFY
Nightflyers Release Date
Nightflyers has yet to set a release date. However, the series is currently in the midst of production in Ireland.
Read the Den of Geek SDCC 2018 Special Edition Magazine Here!
Nightflyers Story
Per the official synopsis:
NIGHTFLYERS follows eight maverick scientists and a powerful telepath who embark on an expedition to the edge of our solar system aboard The Nightflyer – a ship with a small tightknit crew and a reclusive captain – in the hope of making contact with alien life. But when terrifying and violent events begin to take place they start to question each other – and surviving the journey proves harder than anyone thought.
A bit of recent Nightflyers news saw a new occupant ascend to the proverbial Iron Throne of the George R.R. Martin adaptation series. That’s because its appointed showrunner, Daniel Cerone, dropped out of the series, reportedly over creative differences, says THR.
Jeff Buhler, will step in as showrunner, likely signaling a smooth transition, since he’s been with the project since the very beginning as its writer and executive producer. Buhler wrote the 2008 Bradley Cooper-starring horror film The Midnight Meat Train, with movie projects in the pipeline such as Descendant, Black River and horror thriller remake film Jacob’s Ladder, as well as a revival of horror film franchise The Grudge.
Moreover, to ensure said smooth series transition, Syfy is reportedly bringing onboard (as a consultant,) Terry Matalas, writer and co-creator of the cable channel’s imminently-ending series, 12 Monkeys, who also brings experience from his time on Nikita, Terra Nova, Star Trek: Enterprise and Star Trek: Voyager.
Nightflyers Cast
Phillip Rhys is the latest addition to the Nightflyers cast, reports Deadline. Rhys will recur on the series as Murphy, who is described as “a top systems tech engineer” who become inconsolably disturbed upon learning that “an L-1 telepath” is amongst the Nightflyer’s complement.
Rhys, an English actor, appeared in the 2015 Doctor Who Christmas special as Ramone, one of the episode’s titular “Husbands of River Song.” He’s also fielded TV runs on 24, Nip/Tuck and Survivors, along with guest spots on Rosewood, Glee, CSI, Bones and Warehouse 13.
With Syfy's early-January announcement of Nightflyers’ full series order came the reveal of the show’s cast.
Gretchen Mol will headline the series, playing Dr. Agatha Matheson.
Mol, who burst on the scene as a late-1990s it-girl from roles in Donnie Brasco, Rounders and The Thirteenth Floor, and steamed up the small screen in the 2005 HBO biopic, The Notorious Bettie Page, has made her presence known with recent television runs on Chance, Mozart in the Jungle and Boardwalk Empire. She notably appeared in last year’s Oscars-accruing drama, Manchester by the Sea. She's also booked to appear in the upcoming USA drama series Yellowstone.
And here’s the supporting cast:
Eoin Macken (The Night Shift) as Karl D’Branin
David Ajala (Fast & Furious 6) as Roy Eris
Sam Strike (EastEnders) as Thale
Maya Eshet (Teen Wolf) as Lommie
Angus Sampson (Fargo) as Rowan
Jodie Turner-Smith (The Last Ship) as Melantha Jhirl
Brían F. O'Byrne (Million Dollar Baby) as Auggie
Nightflyers Details
Jeff Buhler, of The Midnight Meat Train and the upcoming horror thriller remake Jacob’s Ladder is the showrunner; a position to which he was promoted, after Daniel Cerone (The Blacklist, The Mentalist) dropped out.
Mike Cahill (I Origin) will direct the pilot.
Onboard as executive producers are Gene Klein, David Bartis and Edge of Tomorrow and The Bourne Identity franchise blockbuster director Doug Liman, all of whom are representing production company Hypnotic, which Liman co-owns with Bartis. Alison Rosenzweig and Michael Gaeta of Gaeta Rosenzweig Films along with Lloyd Ivan Miller and Alice P. Neuhauser of Lloyd Ivan Miller Productions are also onboard. 
Netflix is also a co-producer on the Syfy project; a privilege that will yield the streaming giant first-run rights outside the U.S.
Additionally, George R.R. Martin himself will be a credited executive producer on the series.
“We are looking forward to diving deeper into George R. R. Martin’s chilling world of Nightflyers,” Bill McGoldrick, executive vice president of scripted development for NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment, said in a July statement. “The script that Jeff delivered encapsulates this classic sci-fi horror story and adapts it to a platform where we can truly explore the depths of madness.”
Robert Jaffe, who wrote the screenplay for the 1987 Nightflyers film, is onboard the series as a producer. It doesn't look like Martin will be involved with the series, at least for now.
The story of the George R.R. Martin-conceived supernatural space thriller is set on the eve of Earth’s destruction, depicting the travails of the crew of the most advanced ship in the galaxy in the titular spacecraft the Nightflyer. Adrift in space without a planet to call home, the goal of the surviving humans is to intercept a mysterious alien ship which is believed to hold the key for their survival. However, as the ship closes in on its destination, it becomes apparent that the Nightflyer’s onboard AI and its elusive captain – with mysterious motivations – may be leading the crew on a primrose path ending in the hopeless, horrific darkness of deep space.
Video of Nightflyers (1987) trailer
The genesis of Nightflyers occurred with George R.R. Martin’s original 1980 novella of the same name, for which he received Japan’s Seiun Award in 1983 for Best Foreign Language Short Story of the Year. The story was subsequently collected as the title entry in Martin’s 1985 Nightflyers collection. The 1987 film adaptation, directed by Robert Collector (Jungle Warriors), starred perennial 1980s movie love interest Catherine Mary Stewart and Dynasty’s Michael Praed, manifesting with a limited release that grossed a paltry $1.145 million dollars at the box office (and sent Martin back to television to write for Beauty and the Beast).
from Books https://ift.tt/2JCPwRW
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