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kutsalahmacun · 2 years ago
rebloglarım arasında gezinirken tekrar denk geldim
çok değil iki ay içinde Kızılay’ın kan ve çadır sattığının ortaya çıkması 🤡🤡 cant have shit in turkey
PLEASE do not donate to kızılay.org because they are literally frauds and they don't use the donations for victims and they pocket the money! instead donate to https://ahbap.org/bagisci-ol
their swift code for payment from abroad: “ISBKTRIS”
p.s. i know kızılay is a government agency but our government officials are frauds and ahbap.org is a charity of haluk levent, a turkish singer and philanthropist and every turkish people knows that he's a good person.
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kdpartworks · 18 days ago
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careful what you wish for.
sky!ody lore: that sword was given to him by athena, a normal sword with the ability to be recalled from anywhere. he also burned the suitors alive. :3
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Oh, The drama, the twist. Not a Poseidon being dramatic. And not Cloudysseus realising that pretend to be dead makes him feel loved Sky what the hell? Those pages are FIRE - literally This Poseidon and Odysseus - the cloudysseus human size - are designs from Neal Illustrator!
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sadeceiclal · 2 years ago
deprem anında çizdiğim Ufak bir elbise benim için çok şey ifade ediyor eğer o gece bunu çizmek istemeseydim belki uyurken yakalanacaktım o sarsıntıya
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andromedasummer · 1 year ago
they just. discovered another major faultline. under the city.
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indoraptorgirlwind · 1 year ago
And the earthquakes begin again. I swear, if it happens in 19th, i will chaos, because there have been already 3 massive earthquakes here in México in that day of the month (1985, 2017, 2022)
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gemstarb · 3 months ago
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stresseddinopotato · 1 year ago
Afaik there's no earthquakes on Pandora (I don't remember where I read this so I'm likely mistaken) but I live right besides the Nazca plate and the pacific ring of fire so I may as well indulge a little bit.
Just imagine on a random night there's an eartquake, one strong and long enough to force the people out of their mauries. Once the Metkayina evacuated they notice that there's no trace of the Sully family, which means they had to still be at the village. And people are confused because what the actual fuck can these people not feel the ground doing the cha-cha??
But then, alas, there comes three of the older Sully kids followed by their mother who's carrying a, clearly terrified, crying little Tuk. Finally, Toruk Makto appears, carrying the limp form of his son over his shoulder like a sack of the-pandorean-equivalent-of-potatoes, and the people go from being confused to deeply worried cause it looks like this child just had a heart attack and died and for a moment they think that's why the youngest was crying.
The eartquake stops at some point and Ronal appears to check on the child and Tonowari follows looking at Jake like "What the fUCK, BROTHER? DID YOUR BOY JUST DIE?"
But Jake it's just "OHH, don't worry, he's fine. He's just a REALLY heavy sleeper. Did you guys know he actually slept during most of the journey here? he's THAT heavy of a sleeper. He's FINe."
And Ronal confirms it, the boy's heart is beating and he's breathing just fine. He's fine. He just hasn't woken up after a long ass quake or after all her poking and prodding to confirm his state as part of the living.
Ultimately, it is the middle of the night, and the people are tired. So after some of the kids confirm hearing the other Sully brothers tease Spider about his sleeping habits they leave it as just another instance of the family's natural weirdness and let them go back home.
But Ao'nung is not convinced. And he wants answers.
Guys hold on, I've got another absolute banger of a Spider fic idea for all you Spider fic writers to use and then praise me for thinking of.
Consider this: Spider goes to Awa'atlu with the Sully's as their son in the first place, and he's been raised by them his whole life. But, he's got an avatar. He comes looking like hybrid like Kiri and Lo'ak. They decide, in order to best keep him safe, they won't say anything about his human half. I think most likely his human self stays with the Omaticaya, for his safety and for the logistics of sneaking a fucking lab onto the island secretly.
BUT JUST IMAGINE, imagine Spider having to pretend to be a bio child of Jake and Neytiri's and even though he's been supported and loved his entire life, the complicated emotions that would bring. He's being treated as entirely Na'vi, and even though he's getting bullied like his siblings, it's for reasons he'd much prefer to the usual comments he gets, even if most of the Omaticaya and humans love him. He also gets more attention than usual, because his avatar is a little more similar to his human body shape than to the Omaticaya. Shorter and stockier and more muscular than lean. Usually he'd get teased for it but now it helps him excel in the water. He's pulling long hours in the link, his human body is suffering and his parents, Norm, Max, and Mo'at are concerned but there isn't much to be done to keep up the ruse.
WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS AT NIGHT AND SPIDER ISN'T IN HIS BODY? Lol, Jake carrying him out of the Mauri like "he's a rEALLY heavy sleeper, guys, it's crazy right?" And Lo'ak and Neteyam have been crafting that ruse for weeks now, commenting on how hard it is to wake up Spider, about how Tuk always sleeps by him because she kicks, about how he slept through the bombing of Hometree the second time aND the first time? Laying the groundwork for someone trying to wake him up when he isn't in his body lol.
But detective Ao'nung is on the fucking case, something is sus with that short (he's like two inches taller than Tuk) Na'vi. Tsireya refuses to be involved and Rotxo thinks he's crazy but is tagging along begrudgingly on his investigations.
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anotheroceanid · 6 months ago
Mortals on the kidnappings of Persephone year did not have a fucking break, no food to eat bc the goddess of Harvest is on a strike and no safe place to sleep bc of rising seas and eartquakes
The Persephones started their story almost ending humanity and then they became the historians biggest headache because they can’t tell anything for sure about any of them, since their stories got overlapped after so many centuries.
The worst part? It seems that not even the romans could tell them apart, since both their romans equivalents have the same name, too 😭
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jhon-the-cat-follower · 4 months ago
event:the land of oportunity
[both vessel and jhon feel the lands of the old faith tremble and vessel teleports to where jhon is at]
ya good kid?
yeah,what was that
like an eartquake
i should go to my tent to see if anything was damaged
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hansliver · 23 days ago
Daily lifte 2
Part 3
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Part 1 2 3(u r here) 4 5
For those who didnt understand
(18) Blue B: Why are you here? Are you lost?
Pi (i named it): Yes. I dont know where my nest is
(19) The night before
(20) Three birds slept soundly
(21) Suddenly, there was an eartquake coming. The trees shook violently
(22-23) The tremor caused Pi to fall from its nest. Out of the tree.
(24-25) Pi fell in and rolled on branches
(26-27) And then, whoop~ fell into the bushes. Far from its tree maybe 3-5 meters away
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miloutic · 11 months ago
that thunderclap ngl scared me so much
ff7rebirth spoilers
bro the confirmation that what cloud is saying at the forgotten city is the og speech.? im in shambles. cody christian has allegedly already recorded the lines to be heard in the next game. help it just started thundering so bad
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androgynousblackbox · 4 months ago
Can't Remember To Forget You. 9 FINALE [Radioapple, Appleradio]
Chapter 9: Baby One More Time
The eartquake was as much of a surprise for him as it was for Vox. But as soon he heard that voice calling his name, that deep growl that reverberated on the walls, he was up in his hooves faster that the TV Demon could react to it. After days being blinded by the lights, his vision took a couple of seconds to fully adjust to the dark. Thank goodness for the bright screen that Vox had for head that made it so easy to find and dispose of, taking him out of the way towards the door that he ran to. Of course it worked with electricity, like everything that didn't need it, so he had to push it open with his tentacles and found himself on a huge hallway.
At the other extreme of it, a massive hole had been created in the ceiling where the devil stood, the fire between his long horns and at the sides of his mouth the only true point of light. Alastor froze in place, not knowing what to do. Was he there because of him, only him, because he knew who Alastor was now, or because their daughters had begged him to?
One look from Lucifer was all it took to answer him. So much regret and longing and pure joy brightning up those features could not come from a man that was there purely out of obligation. And yet, Alastor did not move, as if doing so somehow could break the ilusion and show that none of it was real. For a moment it seemed that Lucifer was going through the same thought process. That would make sense as to why he extended his hand in front of him.
A golden chain sprung out, moving through the air like a snake about to pounce, creating a path of bright light that went directly to join the shackle that appeared around the radio demon's neck. Alastor touched it with a shaky hand and something inside of him collapsed, broke apart like a monster finally leaving his back and let him breath free, at last.
He took a step forward. That was all he managed to do before Lucifer moved and reached him first, propelled by his six wings in full display. His arms wrapped Alastor by the middle like a vice, gripping, clinging to his back with anxious fingers, and Alastor couldn't do more than to hug his head in return to bury his face into the blonde air, the horn retracted to a smaller size. Soft, silky, fragant like only Lucifer could be. It felt good to be squeezed like that, so needed. Better than any dream he ever had.
Lucifer was doing as much with his chest. It took a second for Alastor to realize that Lucifer wasn't just breathing deeply. He was sniffling.
"I am so, so, so fucking sorry" said finally, lifting his head. He cupped one of Alastor's cheek and he relied on it. In the dark the shiny tears of Lucifer seemed so bright, reflecting the. "I am such a fucking idiot. I should have never let you go. What the fuck was I thinking?" Alastor felt a weird sensation of deja vu. He didn't disagreed anyway, but he did bended a little to leave a simple kiss on his forehead. "I am sorry" Lucifer drew a shaky breath before hugging him again. "Please, tell me that you are okay. What did that fucker did to you? I will do it a thousand times worst to him!" added, the fire coming back to expell his mouth.
For as lovely idea as that was, Alastor shook his head briefly.
"Nothing I couldn't break off anyway" assured him, nuzzling his head. "I was never in any real danger thank to our contract, dear. I was just… wasting time, I guess. I was going to get out as soon I had enough of dealing with him."
"But are you okay?" Lucifer squeezed him again. Alastor thought in how unwise that would be if he was actually hurt anywhere. But that is how Lucifer was and he didn't want him any other way.
"Perfectly" said sincerely, resting his arms around the neck of Lucifer. "Can we just go home, darling? There is nothing here for you to concern yourself with."
"Are you sure?"
All it took was one nod from Alastor for Lucifer to lift him from the ground, straight to a portal of golden edges. Alastor hold on tight. Losing his footing was never fun, although it was different when Lucifer was the one making him do it. Still not the ideal for him.
The change from total darkness to a gently lit room had him squinting his eyes until his eyes could adapt again. Lucifer flapped his wings to hold his face so gently, caressing both his cheeks. Alastor loosen up a little. When he was sure that he could focus on anything, he looked back to his husband, holding his hands. Lucifer smiled as he joined their foreheads together.
"Baby, don't take this the wrong way, but you reek" commented after a while, his voice still soft. "What have you been drinking?"
"I have no idea" Alastor closed his eyes, shrugging. "Something that apparently could have bought an entire village and gentrify it in a month. I think that is what Vox said at least. Or maybe was the bottle before that. Either way, I had better. They weren't sweet at all. You would have hated them."
"Want me to take care of it?"
Alastor hummed lazily as an affirmative.
"Okay, just sit on the bed."
Lucifer separated from him to let him move on his own and sneered briefly. The back of his leg found the edge of the bed before his eyes could. He was planning to sit, but let himself fall instead and closed his eyes. His fingers played with the magic chain as he felt Lucifer get on the bed, moving towards him.
"I always forget how good you look with that" commented Lucifer, his voice right above him. Alastor barely had time to lick his lips before his husband bended over, reaching him first. A kiss that was both deep and demanding, but still so gentle. "I love how you react to it too" whispered, nuzzling his cheek.
"I missed it" confessed Alastor, returning the gesture. On his hand he gripped the chain, the warmed up magical object a comfort against his skin. "I missed you."
Lucifer caressed his temple and went down his cheek. Alastor opened up his eyes to see Lucifer biting his inferior lip. At noticing that, Lucifer shook his head.
"I am sorry, I just… I want to fucking smack myself" Lucifer sighed moving away from his eyesight. But with the chain still on his hand, Alastor could just relax until he felt Lucifer lifting his head to put on a pillow and then he sitting again. As he put both his hands on his temple, Alastor looked up again. The familiar surge of healing magic turned him into a lump over the bed. "How are you not mad with me?"
"I had an… idea of what could happen if I spoke more than I should to you with the spell on" Alastor closed his eyes, as if that could erase Lucifer from the room and let him to speak. The mental numbness of all the alcohol in his system was being washed away, bringing back all those feelings he was trying so hard to run from since that night. The bitter, oppressive taste of shame attached to the ceiling of his mouth. "I still went and did it. I was mad with you, but you didn't deserve that. I only managed to make everything worse. I am… I am sorry."
Lucifer bended over him, without losing the contact with him to send him his magic, in order to kiss his brow.
"I was saying a bunch of stupid things. After all you did to try to make the night the best you could. Of course you were mad. I am mad because I reacted like that" Lucifer was almost speaking barely separating at all.
It was pleasant, and his words did made him feel a little better, but Alastor shook his head anyway.
"That doesn't justify it, love" He took a deep breath and lifted his eyelids, finding close the red eyes of Lucifer. "When that happened, I couldn't even do anything to help. My shadow was the one who brought Charlie. Charlie was the one who called Belphegor. How many times you have defended me and I just stayed there like an idiot while you were in pain? Pain I bought on?"
"You were in shock" Lucifer said it easily, his thumbs rubbing him gently at the sides. Alastor was almost sure that he wasn't drunk at all anymore, but didn't tell him to stop it. It felt warm and safe. "Anyone would be, babe. I wouldn't ever hold that against you."
"You don't?" Alastor lifted his hand and grabbed Lucifer by the face, bringing him down as he elevated his chin. His managed to land on Lucifer's lips like he wanted.
"No" Lucifer's response accompanied another slow kiss. "I love you so much. I am sorry."
"I love you too" Alastor sighed, opening his mouth further for an invitation that Lucifer didn't turned out. His fingers took a hold of the blonde hair as he maneuvered his head. "I am sorry."
Lucifer swallowed up before lifting himself over his hands. Alastor would have lamented more there was no more healing magic if not because Lucifer started to gently float above him, easily moving on top to reach his mouth again. Then his neck, untying his bowtie to send it flying to the nightstand.
"Get back all my memories and know you weren't there was… well, the fucking worst" Lucifer spoke while opening his shirt, kissing the skin of his clavicle and nuzzling his chest fluff. "I couldn't stand it. I just had to rush to find you. When I saw you were at that place, I swear I was ready to turn it all into dust."
"Were you?" Alastor shivered with the violent image that appeared in his mind. His body was oversensitve as Lucifer was opening his clothes more, finding other spaces he wanted to recognize with his mouth again. He twitched and leaned against him. Maybe he should have left Lucifer to believe he was tortured after all. But it was too late for that now. "You know, we still have to talk about what to do with Heaven."
"What is there to talk about? "Lucifer huffed, pulling open the belt of Alastor out of his pants. "I am going to fuck them up for ever making us go through that whole bullshit. For years they have been using my name as a warning. About time to give them a reason for it."
There was no hesitation on his words, not a trace of doubt about them. One years ago, that same man had a panic attack imagining their daughter going up to Heaven or at the thought of Alastor end up killed by them. Now he was talking about giving them a lesson they could never forget and make good on his reputation. Heaven had taken care of erasing any good will left on the first fallen. It didn't even mattered that they essentially had no means to do anything now. They would work out something eventually. Then they would know they should have never messed with them.
Alastor moaned and grabbed the head of Lucifer to bring it over. Lucifer lifted his eyebrows in surprise, but was not one to reject him. Their tongues recognized each other once again, like it had never passed not even a day since their last encounter. It was so entrancing that Alastor almost failed to notice Lucifer's finger moving in the air. Close to it, Lucifer's phone was floating nearby in a way he couldn't see the screen. He pulled the blonde hair to glare at him.
"Are you texting right now, love?" groaned, caressing his cheek. "I thought I was providing an effective distraction here."
"I am just letting Charlie know that I found you, that you are okay and we will be resting in my room" Lucifer easily pulled down to kiss him again, a gesture more of reassurance than need like how Alastor's was. "It was thanks to making a small deal with Charlie that the spell got broken. That is the least I could do for her. I learned my lesson from the last time we didn't update her on what happened."
Alastor relaxed again, brushing his fingers through the blonde hair. He stroke Lucifer's sides as his husband was finishing with the phone, only to then send it away to his nightstand. By then Alastor had already opened up his pants with his tentacles and get them out of his legs, shoes included, so he was only with his underwear left to press his thighs together. Lucifer chuckled good naturedly at seeing that, one hand trailing over the same way his mouth had been. Until he landed on someplace of his stomach and stopped there. Alastor barely had to lift his head a little bit to know that Lucifer was drawing the curvature of his C-section scar with an expression he couldn't quite make up, but already knew it wasn't a happy.
"Dear" called, cupping his cheek.
"I should have been there" Lucifer sighed as he let his forehead rest against the fluff of his chest. "I wanted to be there with you so much."
"I know, darling" Alastor joined his hand to his husband's and gave it a reaffirming squeeze. "They are still so small, dear. You can still see them grow up. Nobody is taking that away from you."
Lucifer's head peaked from over his fur and nodded slowly.
"I just wished I could have accompany you through it all" said with a new sigh, descending again.
Alastor felt his legs twitching a little as the hands of the devil pulled on his last piece of clothing, down his thighs. All the while kissing his light grey scar. Alastor couldn't say that he didn't have the same thought as him. Since getting his own memories back, he had let that dissapointment to feed on his own secret rage, the one that would impulse them to take on their revenge in Heaven. But as Lucifer opened his legs to make a space for himself between them, a new idea was born and it looked just perfect on its simplicity.
"Dear" He sighed, grabbing a handful of blonde hair as Lucifer started to descend, mouth already open. "What do you say, after a prudential time has passed, we try to have another?" The way Lucifer quickly straighten up, staring up at him with an incredulous expression, brought a chuckle out of him. "What? You don't want to?" teased with a smirk.
"Are you serious?!" Lucifer's eyes sparkled with his question and Alastor chuckled again, nodding.
"Why not?" said, playfully drawing the line of the king's jaw with a finger. "I wanted to live that with you too. That is how they came to be in the first place. We can have another chance. Artemis could have a sibling around their same age too. Wouldn't that be nice?"
Lucifer let out a tiny squeal with a wide, toothy smile. This time he was the one to grab Alastor's face to kiss him and then hug him tight by the neck. That wasn't the kind of contact that Alastor was looking for, but it was warmth coming from Lucifer so he couldn't complain too much as he patted his back in return. When Lucifer started kissing his cheek, over and over, he hummed pleasantly like a cat under the sun.
"How long should we wait?" asked Lucifer, nuzzling against him.
"I don't know" Alastor was not thinking to have another one when he talked to his designated doctor in Heaven, or the last time he had Belphegor in front of him. He was never an expert on normal pregnancies in the first place either, much less magical ones. "A year I suppose?"
"I will ask Bel" Lucifer unwrapped his arms from around him to reach out for his phone.
But that just wouldn't do for Alastor. He grabbed the wrist of the king and pushed him by the other shoulder until Lucifer was laying on his back and he could comfortable straddle him by the waist.
"You could do that" said, ripping open the vest and shirt of Lucifer easily, button flying off everywhere. All so he could finally touch the chiseled out body underneath. God's most beatiful creation indeed. "or you could stop stalling already and give your husband the welcome I have been sorely lacking ever since I came back to Hell. Which is going to be, love?"
Lucifer made a line with his mouth. The hand that he had left when Alastor pinned it against the bed snapped his fingers. In a blink of an eye, all clothing was off him and Alastor was once again very aware of how sensitive his skin was, because the contact with Lucifer's thigh made made his to tremble a little.
To think he spend the rest of his human life without ever needing that kind of intimacy with another person, and now in death he truly knew the meaning of what was to wait too long to get it. It was fitting after all that only the king of hell would be the one to tempt him to indulge in another kind of sin that the one that condemn him.
"That is better" purred, lifting himself just enough to grip Lucifer where he wanted the most, stroking him further.
Lucifer sighed he went to hold him by the waist, black fingers stretched out to touch as much as possible. Replacing his own hand with a equally firm tentacle, Alastor bended over to kiss the neck of Lucifer. His tongue pressed against the vein palpitating there and he nibbled the zone until Lucifer moved his head, letting him do as he wished, already knowing what was to come. Alastor opened up his mouth, already salivating at the mere thought.
The first taste of Lucifer's blood felt like glory, like home, a paradise he had no issue receiving in full. When Lucifer them around, fully prepared now, and met him inside, Alastor was ready to receive him as well.
Alastor had no idea how long he was asleep. He only knew that he felt totally rested for once, despite every part on his body feeling like their weighed like iron. Between his legs, on his chest, even his mouth felt sored and abused. The worst offenders were the muscles of his legs, strung up after repeating tension and releasing that also had no idea how much it lasted, but it felt like hours. Even now, after the rest, his nerves kept palpitating under the skin.
However, the part that he liked the most was becoming aware of Lucifer's look over him right at his side, arm around his waist, legs brushing witb his. Just watching in silence, without attempting to wake him up.
"I thought I was supposed to be the creepy stalker" commented Alastor finally, turning his head ever so slightly to see at his husband through half closed lids. He moved so slowly to reach his forehead and caress it with his lips.
"You still are. Nobody is taking your title anytime soon" Lucifer smiled a little and accomodated better over Alastor's shoulder. One hand came out to pet Alastor's ears and they instantly flattened. "But I am starting to see the appeal. How do you feel, babe?"
"Call me that again" Alastor hummed, lifting a hand to indolently caress Lucifer's shoulder blade.
"Babe" Lucifer reached over and kissed his jaw. "I assume fine?"
Alastor nodded. Besides his own body being turned into a sack of heavy water and being pretty sure he was completely useless from the waist down, he did felt fine. Better than he had been in months, actually.
"Just hungry" said with a sigh.
"Now that sounds familiar" Lucifer chuckled and kissed his lips quickly, only to just as easily move out of bed that immediately became a lot colder.
Alastor frowned as his ears twitched. He saw Lucifer standing up to grab his own t-shirt from the floor and some pants. The moment the king moved to open the door, Alastor's shadow closed it again with a grin. Black tentacles came out to wrap around Lucifer's shoulder to gently pushing further inside.
"Darling, where do you think you are going?" said Alastor, barely turning in order to face him.
"To prepare some breakfast?"
"Oh, no, you are not doing that" Alastor smirked as the tentacles now wrapped Lucifer's waist and elevated him in the air, straight to his arms in their bed where he belonged. All without Lucifer even trying to fight it or being especially surprised. He hugged the smaller body and nuzzled his head. "You can make appear anything you want from here, dear. If you go anywhere else, ever again, I will end you."
"I was going to leave you with a clone, you know."
"I don't care. You are staying here."
Lucifer hugged him back, grumbling satisfied to be back with his face against Alastor's fluff. The fact that Lucifer was now covered made little difference for his body to still being able to have a tingle of pleasure at their proximity. It had only been a couple of weeks that he had broken the spells before Lucifer, that he had to contain himself from touching him as he pleased, but it was like a decade had passed instead.
"Okay" said Lucifer, his voice a little muffled. "But this goes both ways, babe. I am never taking my eyes from you. I mean it."
Alastor smirked. That sounded more than reasonable for him.
"Of course."
"No, I actually mean it" Lucifer rised himself up over his elbow and then sat down at his side. Alastor still kept a hand over the monarch's thigh. "First, we are still going to have the wedding party with the girls, because I want to see Artemis in a little tuxedo-dress and I think that will be adorable, but I would feel better if we got to signing the paper to make you officially my Consort again. So if anything truly serious happens to you, I will know it immediately. And don't say nothing will or I swear for my name, Al" warned when Alastor opened up his mouth, just about to do that. He closed it again and rolled his eyes, making a hand wave to allow him to continue. Lucifer nodded, his eyes softening up. "Second, I will add a clause to our marriage certificate so our rings can tell each other where are we, what is our state and if the other needs us no matter what realm we are in. I can find you in any place of Hell, but outside of that I am blind. Our contract already does that, but I don't want to rely only in that in case it ends up making things worse for you. Not to mention that if I have my magic cut off again, like in Heaven, I can't call it either. The ring has its own magic, so it will work no matter what. Third…" Lucifer stayed with his finger lifted in the air, blinking, and scratched the back of his neck as he looked over at Alastor. "I don't know. If there is anything you would like to happen?"
Alastor consider it for a moment, but in truth he already knew what he wanted. He lifted himself up by his arms until he managed to sit too, ignoring the twitching of nerves between his legs.
"Third" said, scooping closer to Lucifer to hold his chin up. "We will make sure Heaven pays for what they did to us. You are going to give me another fawn and be there for them the entire way through to be their father. You are never going to be free of me even if you despise me. You are never going to look at anyone the same way you look at me or there will be consequences. Forth, and more importantly" added, lowering to hover the lips that rise up a little to try to catch him, "you will never ask me again why I decided to stay or why I do any of the things I do with you. That self deprecation nonsense was never a good look on you, darling. I won't have anymore of it. Deal?"
Lucifer opened up his eyes wider when around him the magic of Alastor started to expand, symbols closing in as they danced in the air. The expanded energy agitated and moved the king's hair as he swallowed thick, making a slight head nod.
They didn't seal it with a kiss nor a hug. Alastor had heard of deals closed by other forms of contact before, although he had never seen any need to deviate from a handshake before. But as Lucifer got undressed again and lifted Alastor's legs over his shoulders, it felt appropriate to do it that way too.
After they were done, now both of them were famelic. Lucifer conjured up a tray that could have oocupied a individual bed by itself, one side full with pastries, cupcakes, pancakes and waffles with plenty of whipped cream, syrup and chocolate sauce to go around. The one had bacon, eggs, steaks bigger than Lucifer's face still drenched in blood and other meats. While Alastor was on his own form of Heaven finally getting to fill his stomach, sitting upstraight by the pillows accomodated in his back, Lucifer checked on his phone while taking a sip of lemon tea with a spoonful of honey.
"We have officially being 2 days here" informed him. "Around this hour is that I went to pick you up."
Alastor almost chocked while drinking his coffee. He patted his chest to calm down as Lucifer rubbed his back, understanding the shock.
"What about Artemis?" asked, cleaning up his mouth with a napkin.
"Oh, Charlie and Emily love taking care of them. They send me a bunch of pictures while we were sleeping, see?" Lucifer moved closer, showing the screen as he scrolled with his finger. Different images passed by. Charlie showing a freshly bathed Artemis covered with a towell and their hair still damp, looking extra adorable with their big shiny red eyes staring with a goofy smile. Emily reading Artemis a picture book and making exaggerated expression to follow along the story. There was even pictures of Vaggie doing her best to get over her hesitation to handle such a small baby. "Artemis… was crying a lot without here. Either because they just missed you a lot or they knew something was wrong or both, but I couldn't console them" commented Lucifer, resting his head against Alastor's arm. "Want to see them?"
"Always" Alastor nuzzled the crown of blonde hair. Then stopped. "We are taking a shower before seeing anyone, though."
"Fair enough" Lucifer chuckled and wrapped an arm around Alastor's waist. "Want me to carry you into the bathtub and wash you myself?"
Alastor directed him a poignant glare. He could very well still move with both his tentacles and through his shadows. Lucifer probably knew that as much as he did. Just like he also knew his answer.
"If you ever tell anyone about this, I am riping your tongue off" still had to add.
Lucifer giggled, but otherwise nodded to the request.
Once both have finished their meals, were properly washed and dressed on their pajamas, Alastor let Lucifer carry him back to the bed and accomodated again the pillows at his back before sending the text for the girls to come see them. Alastor relaxed to see that Lucifer had changed all the bedsheets and covers, making him feel all fresh and relax as they waited for the rest of their family.
They didn't had to wait for long. Soon enough, a knock was heard on their door and Lucifer opened up, instantly getting picked up by the hug of Emily jumping to him.
"We were so, so worried about you, guys, but we didn't want to bother you in case you were resting and we kept waiting for any sign" said Charlie in one breath, coming in with Artemis in her arms. She saw Alastor in the bed and she immediately moved there. "Dad! Are you okay?"
"Never better, little fawn" Alastor crinked his eyes and extended his arms. "Let me see my polka dot."
"Of course. Hey, little sib, look who is here" Charlie sat on the corner of the bed and extended Artemis to Alastor, careful to hold their heads exactly like he had taught her already.
Artemis looked up to see Alastor as the radio demon accomodate him against his chest, big eyes full fo silent awe that on itself was truly endearing to see.
"Good to see you too again, little one" Alastor booped their nose with a single finger.
That might as well being the funniest joke in history because then Artemis started laughing incontrollably, loud and happy. Almost drowning out the also loud gasp that came from Lucifer as he jumped near by them.
"Is that my happy Arty? Is my happy little rascal back?" cooed and Artemis's giggled only expanded further, kicking out their hooves and lifting their arms. "Yes, that is my happy little rascal! You are happy that daddy is back, aren't you? Me too" said, taking one of the little hoof and kissing it gently for the enjoyment of their baby.
"We are also happy you are back" said Charlie, hugging Alastor by the neck and squeezing tighter than what would allow someone else to breath. But Alastor did not even think about telling her that.
"We missed you" assured Emily, wrapping his arms from the other side as Lucifer moved between his legs to give her the space, biting his bottom lip with a smile.
Alastor exhaled, more than resigned already to be subjected to the affection of his family. And never wanting it to end.
"I missed you too, dears. All of you" assured, kissing the forehead of Artemis as his laughter calmed down, the tootless smile still brightening up their face.
When he saw Lucifer lifting his phone up with a pout at the ready, he rolled his eyes.
"Just one" warned.
Lucifer squealed, commanding their daughter to stay close and smile. Artemis was still fascinated when looking at Alastor, but Lucifer didn't mind as he took the picture and then send it to the girls as they requested.
They kept the story simple of what happened simple. Alastor was in the middle of killing some new targets when Lucifer found him and brought him home, where they spend most of the time sleeping. The whole ordeal with Vox they could keep it for themselves, since it wasn't anything worth fuzzing over anyway.
"I am so glad to have you all back!" sighed Charlie, incapable of not being like her father, even on her need to hug as much as possible. "That must have been a really nice nap, because you both look so much better already!"
"Never understimate the power of a good night of sleep, duckling" Lucifer chuckled, looking away from a moment before he got up in his knees, clapping his hands. "But enough about that! Let's talk how we are going to organize our official new wedding!"
Charlie gasped, holding her cheeks. Emily had never been to a wedding or seen one, but Charlie seemed excited about it so she was instantly interested on learned what was that about. Charlie almost tripped over her words in her rush to explain the ceremony, all the while already giving suggestion about themes, decoration, menu options and even activities they could prepare for the reception party.
It was already night out when Emily suggested they could have a sleepover right there and they did, watching a white and black movie in honor to Alastor and eating pizza. All the while Artemis was taking out their nap on the craddle Lucifer conjured close to their bed, a bubble of silence around them so nothing could wake them up suddenly, and a stomach full.
It was on the next day, while both of their daughters were back to handle the rest of the hotel, but to please call immediately if they needed anything, that Lucifer hang up with one of his lawyers and conjured up a piece of paper. Even as he approached the bed again, Alastor could feel the magical presence on that document. Even Artemis, laying on his back on the bed next to Alastor, stopped playing with the tentacles above them to stare at it. Or they just liked seeing Lucifer exist on the peripheral of their vision again.
Alastor by then was able to walk and move on his own again. But it felt nice to relax in bed, without any plan or urgency to do anything more than just be there, with his husband. Like a well deserved vacation time that he had conceded himself. An important advantage of being the father of his boss.
"Well, this is it" said Lucifer, passing the certificate to Alastor. "Read it over if you like, but it should have all the stuff that we talked about."
"Did you took that part about death nullifying it too?"
"The only way to nullify our marriage will be by mutual agreement now, yep" Lucifer sat on the bed, making a kissy face to Artemis as now he played with their hands. "If you need to change something or have it added, speak now or keep silence for…" he was in the middle of saying, when suddenly Alastor shoved the paper in front of him.
The signature of the radio demon was shiny with red ink at the end.
"I read it already, it's fine. Now sign" said Alastor, barely conceiling the impatience in his voice.
Lucifer, smirking, conjured up a quill and put his own signature down in gold ink holding it in the air. As soon he finished, the paper rolled on itself, being send back to his lawyer for safe keeping. A second later, Lucifer extended his hand just like Alastor as a golden ring manifested around their fingers. This one felt heaviers, warmer than the one they had before, but it was undeniable real and Lucifer took his hand to his chest, sighning. Alastor could not say that he didn't understand it, because he did. It felt good to just have their relationship recognized like that again. Even if that how things have been for them for decades.
Alastor closed his eyes for a moment as he just rubbed the solid magic. It wasn't as easy as just seeing with his eyes, but now he was aware of Lucifer in a way he wasn't before. There was no alarm on that presence or reason to worry as he knew Lucifer was coming closer, until he felt him kiss his cheek and looked at him again. Lucifer had a full on grin that didn't look bad on him.
"Nice to meet you again, Mr Morningstar" said his newly officiall husband, chuckling to himself.
"Technically speaking, I never stopped being Mr Morningstar, dear" said Alastor, still reaching forward to kiss his lips properly. "But this is nice."
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tahraim-suggestions · 9 months ago
Y'know the Tynan dagger knife thing? I think you should shake it really hard. Like, really put it in the blender. Just to see what happens. For science.
it's currently being tempered by the forging flames of my volcano but after that it will be exposed to the concentrated power of an eartquake
for science
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ilcontephotography · 11 months ago
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An abandoned town in Southern Italy. The people started to go away after a landslide in 1963, followed by a flood in 1972 and eventually an eartquake in 1980, when it was totally abandoned.
Craco, Italy.
© Roberto Conte (2016)
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sweet-potato-42 · 1 year ago
Ill be so sad if an eartquake happesn and blue base gets burned by lava.
does anyone who knows more about minecraft know if it would work to put trap doors all over hte ceelign?
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the-stray-liger · 8 months ago
I love Clive Barker when he dries tragedies or romance he moves me like an eartquake but when he does comedy he's just too fucking funny. Also this is a horror tale compilation
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