Some Bloopers From Ang3lRune
Backstory: Ang3lRune is the Marvel show that Azrael's the star of though it features him joining the Avengers so the Avengers that became the main group after Endgame are the rest of his group. Plus some appearances from characters from the Defenders and other parts of the MCU. Azrael: *fumbles his American accent on screen* Ben: I don't think we're american in the first place Azrael: Well you fuckin wrote it. The fuck is it? Ben: English probably. Someone wanna check the notes? Seren: Yes, fucking *English* accents. Azrael: I am English, you fuckwad Ben: *laughing nervously* We've been here six hours I forgot what show we're on Azrael: *points the the Ang3lRune poster on the wall* You did? Ben: Listen man- Azrael: Let's try this again *repeats the line in his normal voice* Azrael:.... Azrael: *sighs* I think that was French EJ: Yeah, you're a little too baguette. Be more...... PG Tips Azrael: Uhhh? Repeat that? EJ: *repeats it in French* Azrael: Not what I meant but thank you Anthony: *dancing in the middle of a scene* Azrael: *stops mid stunt* Good over there, Mackie? Anthony: I fell off the suspender string thingies so I'm jamming Azrael: To silence? I mean, you go man. *climbs down the faux building he was climbing and restarts* Azrael: *puts his headphones in during a group workout session* Ben: *starts recording something for Instagram* Azrael: *starts dancing while on a treadmill* Ben: *turns up the speed on the treadmill* Azrael: *trips and slides off the treadmill* Ben: *apologizes profusely and with no intelligible words and helps him up* EJ: *sets the weight he was using down* Our camera crew sucks Ben: I was tryna mess with him, I didn't mean to fucking maim him Azrael: *finally turns off the treadmill that was still fucking running* We'll just have to write it into the show that Russo pushed me into a car Seren: He would. And it's a little problematic Azrael: He's more keen to just inconvenience me. Seren: Guess that's canon too Ben: Did you just call real life canon...??? Seren: Yes Benjamin. Canon
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thaiarchive · 5 years
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                              ⃟☁️ N E W P O S T. ♡ꜝꜝ
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                    ☆★ by. THAIARCHIVE # ! ★☆
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moaserendipity · 5 years
Until we meet again Finale..... WRECKED ME!!! I mean who in the world starts a show of with a funeral!! my dear heart couldn’t take it and it ended up in me crying, sobbing for at least 2 parts of this episode!! 
Darn it!! The I watched it again but merely for screenshots and was not even paying attention and I ended up sobbing again! that’s when you know a show is good!!
They are starting with the funeral of Korn and Intouch, which was, ugh too sad. I have to admit even though the dad of Intouch was crying, I was mostly telling him it was partly his own fault and well, I was angry and sad people. I mean they committed suicide because they were kept away from each other by their fathers...
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Then if you thought the heartbreak was over, they switch over to Pharm and Dean in the condo of Korn and Intouch, where Intouch takes over Pharm for some time. I straight up sobbed, I ugly cried behind this computer.
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my heart broke several times during these scenes, the fear on Pharm’s face when he recognised Korn’s dad, the way he collapsed to the point Dean had to hold him. then those flashes to Korn and Intouch, finding and forgiving each other after all these years. 
After this storm, things calmed down and things get switched to the hospital where Pharm and Korn's dad are staying and after Dean promises to take care of Pharm, Korn's dad passes away. 
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Things will get into a fast pace after this and that dream of Pharm shocked me because It confused me when I saw the teaser, as it didn’t appear in the novel but the second Dean cut through that red thread, i literally screamed “WHY?” but quickly realising it was just a dream but Pharm ended “breaking up” with Dean anyway to see if they really love each other, which I can understand because things must’ve been so confusing after everything.
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I felt Deans heartache though, it was a big shock for him but in the end what could he do then give Pharm the space he needs. I love Dean so much for this, the way he always put Pharm before himself, the way this man loves his other half (i need this too!)
Then we get to see that Pharm get his happy self back by spending time with Team and Manaow, which i love to see. I wish I had friends like this but yeah, i don’t.....
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Then we move over to Win and Team. I really need them to get their own show because lord knows i wil be watching that. I really love this couple, a lot!!
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I love how patient Win is with Team. they are just cute together! I’m definitely shipping these two!!
Pharm dreams about Korn ad Intouch and In even thanks Pharm, which made my heart sob one again. 
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Then Pharm wakes up and longs for Dean and as he opened the door, he comes eye to eye with Dean and runs into his arms and that’s when i can’t take it anymore because it’s to beautiful. The moment is just beautiful, the way Pharm and Dean hugs each other and love each other, it was just beautiful.
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Now this series has come to an end and i’m sad about it because i want more! lol. I never felt bored for one second while watching this and I love all the characters. It was so refreshing to watch a storyline like this and the chemistry between all actors was so good!!
I do want to compliment Fluke, Ohm, Earth and Nine for their amazing acting. they way they portrayed their characters was amazing. You could tell they gave it their all and the chemistry between both couples was just flawless. I was pulled in every time they had scenes and those flashbacks, made me want to see a separate show with Earth and Nine only! 
I’m really going to miss this show and will rewatch it often! 
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Shit Azrael says:
"Your balls are just so far down they're on the floor. And we don't judge you for it. Not to your face at least. Yet. But you're pushing it."
"If all of your bloopers aren't dance breaks, you're wrong."
"Yes I did some very shitty netflix porn. Could we not put it on my resume? I mean, how would you explain that?"
"Of course I still write letters. Howlers only though cause if you're not screaming you aren't serious enough. Plus my mother fearing for my safety cause I put 'I just took a shit' in a screaming envelope is just too good of picture to stop."
"I'm too old for this. Both the getting shot part and the human interaction."
"Finally streaming, I know. Must be an alternate universe."
"I've been alive so long that my skin should've been on display at a meat market by now."
"This place is an art gallery. It's also the barracks but the MRE's make it easy to make feces sculptures."
"No, James. I didn't crash your car. Just my own."
"Did I get detention? It's funny you say that. I'm fucking 900."
"I can't tell if you meant to call me a child. You'd be right if you were but at least clarify your insults."
"I collect all the bullet cases from Russo in particular having shot me. I think our record was ten in a day. It was just target practice and he didn't fire them."
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Welcome to Earth Nine
Hello. My name's Sirius or Azrael. (Yes I have to pronounce that second one like Israel every time I have to spell it because I can't otherwise.) But I'm a writer that besides my Marauders/multifandom stuff on Quotev and Wattpad, I also have a story called Earth Nine.
I'm sure this is all unbelievably odd if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about but I hope that if you follow these tags, maybe I'll find my people.
Earth nine is basically a self-insert fanfiction to a degree. I work on it here and there in writing but most of it is just posts and anecdotes that come to my head randomly. I wanted to make something in particular for me to write those things on.
My character (at least the name that I use in it) is named Azrael, I'm sure if you hone your common sense you can figure out why. But, I am the son of two demons. Lucifer Morningstar himself and another who is the demon queen from a different sector of hell, her name is unknown to me. Anyway. I was experimented on in this story as an infant. Basically there's this thing called gene changing, that can make you either super powerful or extremely fucked up. That happened to me when I was a little kid and then I was picked out of Hogwarts to join the United States Marine Corps because they figured it was safer for me to be on their side than it was for me to be with anyone else.
I won't explain a whole ton more on my backstory cause I'm sure that you'll end up finding shit out randomly.
Welcome to Earth Nine. It's kind of an odd place to be. That's all for the actual intro.
Some random facts that may help though:
-I was an actor after I got out of the military
-I was also a teacher
I'm a huge nerd both in this reality and in Earth Nine so you'll notice a lot of that
Some notes though:
Partially why I wanted to make this blog for this in particular is because I wasn't sure how to write some of the scenes that I come up with into the books. I wanted to just do random little snippets, really. Also I shift to the reality this book comes from so I wanted to mention that. If you don't know what reality shifting is, I don't know how to explain it, I just fuckin do it. There's a ton of different fandoms that are going to be used in this book as well but I won't list all of them here cause they might be subject to change.
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thaiarchive · 5 years
  earthnine lockscreen please 
— done ! i hope you like # ♡ !
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