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trioxina245 · 2 years ago
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Huntress & Power Girl, by Ed Benes
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silveragelovechild · 11 months ago
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artphotographyofmen · 11 months ago
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Superman by Jay Hero
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year ago
Harry Wells Earth 2 (Flash) -Oneshot
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To be honest you should have suspected something was wrong from the beginning.
You worked for a security company. When you were requested for a job, it wasn’t that strange. Your boss however said the company that asked for your assistance wanted you specifically by name. Which was a little weird. You weren’t a terrible employee. But you weren’t great enough for someone to request you by name. 
Nevertheless, you took the gig. The pay was pretty good. After finding out it was at Star Labs, it sort of made sense. 
The explosion that happened years ago left a lot of people on edge. So of course they would have to raise the price if they wanted anyone even stepping foot in that building. Getting there was easy. While Cisco Ramon was giving you the tour, you kept your eyes open for just about anything. 
By the time you made it to the cortex, you waited patiently to figure out why exactly they needed your services. The lab looked pretty high tech already. So security really didn’t seem necessary.
“Thank you for taking the job. I’m Barry Allen. I own Star Labs now. This is Caitlin, and Iris. “ Barry introduced . They all greeted you with smiles. However, there was another man in the room behind the glass that looked like a medical area. His back was to you, a cap on his head. He was pacing back and forth. 
“It’s nice to meet you all. I’d like to get right to it.” 
Barry suddenly looked a bit unsure. He rubbed the back of his neck. Cisco’s eyes shifted and Caitlin offered a smile. 
“Can we get you anything, a glass of water?” 
You narrow your eyes. 
“I’m alright.” 
The man in the other room finally came walking out and he looked annoyed. 
“Would you all just stop beating around the bush!” He moved his hat, and you took a step back. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing. Even for Central City this was crazy.
“H-Harrison Wells..” 
This didn’t make sense. He was supposed to be dead. Better yet, didn’t he confess to murdering Barry Allen’s mother?
“What’s going on!”
This was not what you expected at all. You were ready to hightail it out of there. 
“Okay, I know this is going to sound crazy but you’re..well you are..” Barry was fumbling over his words. 
“Damn it Allen!” Harrison moves over to you lifting his watch and when the red light begins to blink, you’re weary. 
“You’re a meta human.” The information hits you like a ton of bricks. 
“T-That’s impossible..” 
Barry lets out a sigh. 
“We didn’t hire you for your expertise in security. I need you to help me with my speed.” Barry pleads. 
“Your speed?” 
He nods, and you feel the wind smack you in the face. He’s right in front of you again, this time wearing the red and golden suit that you’ve seen around the city saving lives. This was a lot to process.
From that one action, Barry looked exhausted. He braced his hand on a table and Iris moved to his side. 
“I know this seems crazy. It probably doesn’t make sense, but right now you’re the only one who can help me. We’ve tried just about everything. Please.” You shake your head. 
“I’m sorry but I can’t help you. I’m not a meta, you have the wrong person.” 
They can’t fight the disappointment on their faces. You don’t stick around. You’re practically running out of there. 
Learning the truth was a bit painful. But you knew what you had to do.
 You need to leave Central City.
Most of your family had already left. After the incident your parents practically pleaded that you go with them, but you declined. You wanted to figure this all out on your own. But now, everything is different. 
Being a meta human in this city was a curse. 
In the last four hours, you’ve quit your job, texted your landlord about your lease and bought a plane ticket to New York. 
It’s possible because of the impromptu plans that you might get stuck at an airport for the night, but you could live with that. 
Shoving your clothes into your suitcase, you only pause when you hear the knocking at your door. Your brows furrow as you move over, opening it. The sight of Harrison Wells makes you uneasy. 
“How did you even find me?” 
“That’s simple, on Earth 55 you come from a family of speedsters. Basically I  tracked the address from that universe and made an educated guess.” 
You frown. The more he speaks the less you seem to understand. 
“What do you want?” 
“I was nominated to give you a pep talk.” 
“Are you being sarcastic?” 
“No, I’m serious.” 
You didn’t have time for this. You shut the door in his face. Turning the lock, you head back to packing. At least you try. A portal opens right in front of you, and you want to scream, but you just freeze up. Harry jumps through the portal and it closes right after.
“That was very rude.” 
“W-Wha- Get the hell out of my house!!” 
“Not until you listen. It’s not just the faith of this city that’s in danger. The world needs the Flash.” 
“That has nothing to do with me!” 
“It does and you know it.” 
You swallow. 
“When Allen changed the timeline a few years ago he altered a lot of events. You were one of them. When the accelerator exploded, you were affected, am I right?” Harry’s stare is firmly planted on you. 
It’s crazy that he knows that. 
You look at your feet.
“I was actually running.” You mumble. 
It’s a little unnerving how much knowledge he has on your life. He’s reading you like a book. 
“I didn’t even know about that stupid science opening. I heard it. It felt so close. But when the screams started, it could not have been good. Barely made it two feet away when I was hit. I was in a coma. My brother was the one there when I woke up. He looked at me as if I were a ghost. Doctors didn’t think I would ever come back.” 
Your situation sounds very similar to what Barry experienced.
“I don’t have powers. I’m normal. I’m telling you I can’t help. “ You sound defeated. Harry can understand why. The feeling that you’re letting someone down. He can relate. 
Harry removes his glasses. 
“This isn’t easy, it may even seem crazy. But you have the ability to help. Like Allen this wasn't just by chance. Regardless of what he did, it’s no coincidence that in other universes, you’re a speedster. You have a gift, and you can help Barry with it. You can help this city. You just have to be willing to try.” 
He hopes that this will help you make the decision that you need to. He’d always felt that time after time he kept making the wrong choices. He wanted to spare you from doing the same thing. He can see the contemplative look on your face. He only hopes he’s gotten through to you. Putting on his glasses, he turns, reopening another one of those portals. Just as he’s about to jump through, you take his wrist. Harry pauses. 
It’s said so softly. He notices how unsure you still look, and he can’t help but smile. It’s obvious that you’re still terribly scared. It makes sense. You release his wrist, and he takes your hand softly in his. It’s a hold of comfort, one that you actually appreciate at that moment. He takes a step, and you follow, both stepping into the portal.
“I’m just saying, maybe Harry wasn’t the best choice. I know we drew straws but he’s the least emotionally in tune out of all of us. “ You can hear Cisco’s voice from around the corner and you send a smile in Harry’s direction. 
“I appreciate the vote of confidence Ramon.” Comes Harry’s snarky tone. They all turn when they see you. 
“You came back.” Iris says with a smile. 
Doubt seems to creep back in, and Harry gives you another comforting squeeze before he lets go. It gives you the bit of confidence you need to face this. 
“I would like to help in any way that I can.”
Barry’s smile is wide and they all begin to guide you over to the speed lab. 
The Team takes a step back and you stand at the center with Barry, awaiting instructions. 
“Our abilities, they come from the speedforce. The last meta I fought did something to disrupt my electrical connection to it. I can’t access it right now. But it’s still there. I still have my speed, I just can’t use it properly.”
“If that’s the case, couldn’t you have called one of those other speedsters. There’s been like three others that I’ve seen on tv.” 
“Trust me, we tried. Even ones from other dimensions. Nothing works.” Cisco explains. 
“So what makes you think that my speed will help? I-I don’t even know if I really am a speedster. I’ve never been able to use any powers.” 
“Your speed hasn’t been accessed at all yet. So it’s the purest out of all of us. Because your meta gene is still new, it contains the electrical patterns I need to jumpstart my own.” Barry hopes that will make it clear, but even when he explains it, it doesn’t make sense. He can tell you’re confused by the look on your face. 
So maybe he needs another approach.
“Take my hands.” He holds them out. You’re skeptical, but you take his hands. 
“I need you to close your eyes.” 
You follow each instruction. Closing your eyes, you exhale softly, doing your best to level your breathing. 
“Picture the lightning, running through your veins. Like you’re weightless. That feeling you get when you’re moving and everything just slows down. But your heart, it’s still going, still moving.” 
Harry and the others look on. At first nothing happens, there is no change. But his eyes catch a minor spark at your feet. Barry grins when he sees it. Cisco looks very excited. 
“Time is just an object that you have control over. You can slow it down, speed it up. You have the power. The speed.” 
The specs of lightning are becoming more prominent. 
“Is that..” Cisco nods at Caitlin’s question.
“It’s working!!” He’s practically bouncing on his feet. Harry looks proud. 
“I knew she could do it.” 
Barry is wearing a similar look. He can see the energy surging through your hands, all the way to his. 
“Now you’re one with the speedforce. You’re a speedster (Y/N).” 
He doesn’t say those words aloud, and your eyes pop open. You gasp at the electricity that is present in Barry’s eyes. As you look around, your bodies are covered by a ball of golden streaks. 
“Thank you (Y/N).” 
“No problem…” You whisper in awe. 
There might be more to life than what you initially thought.
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amazingactionfigures · 1 year ago
Exploring Earth-2 Batman: A Dark Knight
Take a Journey through the shadows with 'Exploring Earth-2 Batman: A Dark Knight.' 🦇 Get into the mysterious world of this iconic hero as we reveal the untold tales that define his legacy. Join us in discovering the enigmatic world that shaped the Dark Knight on Earth 2. 
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like-sunflower · 4 months ago
Hank anderson
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Father Justin Crowe
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John Danziger
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Gus Gilbert
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And many others <3
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Okay, fine... But how do you not include his two most iconic roles?
Rawhide, Buckaroo Banzai
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And the motherfucking Kurgan!!
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sarayashikidays · 4 months ago
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Kurama watercolor doodle
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purplecyborgnewt · 1 year ago
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starry-beetle · 4 months ago
I haven't gone giffing a series like this in 10+ years HELLPPP
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i started watching earth 2 with a friend and uhhhh BARK BARK BARK
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plumtale · 6 months ago
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years ago
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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2
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adriellej · 1 year ago
So guys! I've come back into writing these past two days, and honestly, I came up with a pretty long (for coming back to writing) one shot!
It's not with SPN as I usually do, because of my rabbit hole into the Flash universe. So it's actually a Harry Wells x Reader. My first one, just hope I actually do Harry justice!
So if anyone wants to be tagged in it, let me know!
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sufferthesea · 1 year ago
love that tiktok has already suspended my account
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holyrgbatman · 29 days ago
Batman (1940) #5; Story 1
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Writer: Bill Finger
Pencils: Bob Kane
Inks: Jerry Robinson & George Roussos
Letters: George Roussos
Cover: Bob Kane & Jerry Robinson
Editors: Whitney Ellsworth
- Bruh what, what happened during the scan
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- Oh shit it's the Batmobile for real this time, not the red thing
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An epic moment!
- Boyfriend senses
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- This angle's so funny, also man's got calves Also, "Hi, Robin!"
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Anyways, he obvs doesn't play fair and when Bats fights back, Joker sets the place on fire
Batman's eternal rizz
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Robin comes to save the day on this epic stage
Hunchback of Notre Dam vibes
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palsaa · 2 months ago
4 PLANETS Better for LIFE Than EARTH! 🌍🚀 | Most Habitable Exoplanets Dis...
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unstoppablelove · 1 year ago
I miss tcf💔 wish I wasn't lazy and caught up with it
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