#earrol flynn
darkspellmaster · 6 years
She-ra Theory: Sea Hawk (Seahawk?) and why he’s dressed the way he is.
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So with recent events in the world of She-Ra we’ve gotten to see what Sea-Hawk fully looks like and the one thing I noticed was that there was a lot of design ascetics taken from a few places that I would like to point out to.
For starters, the good Captain Jeoff wears in the new series similar colors to his other self. This to me is important because it shows that they’re at least keeping consistent to the rules regarding their outfits as per Mattel’s original designs. So at least in regards to the color scheme they have meaning:
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Brown: Traditionally is an earth tone. Unlike Bow who is given Golds, whites and reds (which are all hot colors in the color wheel tradition and are also connected to someone with a fire like temper or emotions) Sea Hawk is given a heavy doses of browns. His pants his hair and his boots. The color has a clear connection to stability as we tend to walk on earth and dirt and it’s pretty rock solid, wouldn’t you all agree. The idea of earth also calls to mind the idea of a solid foundation and someone who knows who they are and what they are doing. Nature and natural things are connected to this color and typically show up in characters that are warm and reassuring. Someone who is safe and is less willing to take risks that don’t have rewards and that person must have a plan in hand before they run off into danger. On top of that it tends to convey the idea of honesty and sincerity. To a lot of people it can come off as simple and unsophisticated, but browns tend to become elegant and noble when worn with other colors.
The thing about the color brown is that normally you see the brown color worn a lot by rogues or figures that are seen as stable. In many animated shows that take place in a period that’s “way back in ye olden days” green and brown tend to be a big color for older motherly figures to wear. Thus signifying that the person is honest, safe, reliable and wholesome. This is why (along with green) someone like Flynn Rider or Robin Hood wears the color brown with the green. While the green means the positive nature of the character, someone who is full of energy and life, while the brown counters, shows that the person can be responsible, and stable as well.
In the case of Sea Hawk, there’s a huge hint there that of the two males in the group he’s probably the one that is the less risky. Whereas Bow is going out of his way to take a chance on something, Sea Hawk probably has his crew and his boat to think of. As such it makes sense that he would be seen as a person that is ready for action but also someone that could be there as a backer to Adora. Like Flynn, there’s a sense of being a rogue, but also someone that can be solid and knows what he’s doing and can not only improvise but can take an order and give it.
He’s got brown everywhere on him. From his hair and stache, to his bracers to his pants, boots and belt. This guy has a lot of indication that he’s a down to earth sort of person who probably will be there for the team and have their backs via the water.
Speaking of which…
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Blue: It’s the second biggest color in his outfit. Blue has a lot of connections to the sea and sky, and is it any wonder that his name indicates both. Hawks are a bird of prey that tend to be very protective of their young and also are fierce fighters. (There are so many connections to Hawks everything from Assassins creed to Berserk, to various movies that have the Hawk as their main symbol of a team or a character that is seen as the strong fighter.) Thus the connection to the sky. As a pirate or Captain of his own ship, Sea Hawk’s connection to the water is clear. Water itself is flexible and can be very fluid in nature as it can be both gentle and ferice when need be. (Have you ever been hit by a wave, it can hurt like hell.) Same idea for Sea Hawk here, he’s a persons that can come off as someone that is fluid and ever willing to roll with whatever happens, but I also think that he’s going to show that he’s a strong fighter and someone you should not underestimate at all.
Blue’s color though is an interesting one. For someone that is a fighter, blue is used to promote calmness and peace, and usually indicates someone who is tranquil and serenity. This normally shows up a lot on mages and other magic users, but so far Sea Hawk doesn’t have this ability. So it’s interesting that they would give him that color as the largest color scheme outside of the earth brown. Blue also indicates trust, loyalty, integrity, responsibility and honor. All aspects that connect with brown and the earth tone, making it clear that Sea Hawk is going to be the go to guy to get things done for the team and be the most loyal when it comes to Adora and have her back outside of Glimmer and Bow. It’s a cool color that could also be seen as kind of aloof, showing a bit of royalty, and could hint at him being a prince that chose to become someone doing something for his kingdom rather than sit there and do nothing to help the people. It’s also a conservative color, meaning it’s not something that stands out and is too flashy, unlike red.
This bring up a point in regard to the opposites of Bow and Hawk. Bow himself has been shown to be someone that fires up a lot, whereas Sea Hawk, as in the past, has been shown to be a bit more reflective of a situation. Look before you leap, which also shows in their colors since Bow is more hot colors as is Adora, and Sea Hawk is more cool color that show he’s the anchor to the groups more insane ideas. This could hint at something in regard to Adora and his relationship. We’ve seen so far that she’s a bit on the head strong side, and that, like Catra and Bow, there’s a heavy number of hot colors on her to show she’s not always the person that thinks before she acts. Meaning that Sea Hawk and the others with the more cool colors (Mermista for example) probably will have more direct connections to being the ones trying to keep everyone from running off and doing something dumb. This would probably mean that Sea Hawk will be a voice of reason to her and give her a strong push when she’s not sure of herself, especially when it comes to Bow and saving him, since it’s been indicated by the VA’s that Sea Hawk and Bow are friends.
Blue is all over his jacket and his eyes as well, showing that there’s honesty and trust to him that Adora can depend on.
Speaking of Trust, and depending…White is the next large color of his scheme.
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White: So we know he has a shirt of white, with the Power girl window in the front. (Why they did that, I don’t know, seems a bit odd but I guess they wanted to make him seem sexy without being too sexy? Like showing skin ala Bow.) The thing about white is that it’s heavily associated with the color of goodness, innocence, light, purity and in some cases virginity. It’s normally considered as a color of perfection and can go with just about any other color.
The thing about white with Sea Hawk is that it’s there to show one of the other meanings. Someone who is safe and faithful. One thing has been clear in every shot of him, that he’s someone that seems to be in the background but also always smiling and seems to be ready to help out. Even in the early trailer we see him looking over at Adora and smiling at her before turning his head and getting ready for a fight. It’s clear that he has a lot of faith and trust in her as a person, and one that will probably stand by her no matter what.
It's easy to see why they threw white on him to counter act the other colors, but also one could argue it goes back to the idea of him being a responsible, honest, caring and stable character with a strong streak of doing the right thing and being loyal and there for his friends. Again while he’s a sea character and thus blue for the calmness, he’s also an earth character so he has a lot going on in the more stable aspect of his character and the cooler colors to help show that he’s someone who knows who he is and what he wants.
Speaking of wanting…the two hot colors…Gold and Red in his look.
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Red: There is only one bit of red in Sea Hawks look and that’s his bandana. Red is a passion color, that tends to have a lot of dramatic meaning behind it. You see a character wearing red when they tend to be a character that has a hugely dramatic moment (Masque of Red death in Phantom of the Opera) or when the character is highly dramatic in nature (Red worn by Mother Gothel or the Incredibles). Red tends to attract attention, and Sea Hawk wears it around his neck to draw your eyes to his face so that he can give you looks that could make you back up.
Typically red can convey the idea of courage, which we know he has as the captain of his own ship, strength –Bow indicates that about him and we can see it in his body that he’s not some small thin person, and power, which again, leader in his own right of his ship. It can also be used to show danger, as with Catra and the Horde. Thus why it’s limited on him because he’s not a overtly passionate person in the same way Bow or Catra, or Adora would be. Red usually is used to promote excitement and is seen as vibrant and a lucky/prosperous color in Chinese –and somewhat in Japanese and other Asian cultures. One of the bigger aspects is that it tends to denote desire and pushes to show case action. Something that Sea Hawk seems to be built for.
So why give him Red at all when he’s mostly an earth based cool tone character. For the express reason that you want to show that he can have an excitement for life. In the early trailer we see him run off weirdly with the group. I think the red is designed to show that while he is a very down to earth sort of person over all, he’s not beyond being full of excitement and engaging with the others in a goofy way for a short while of time. The small bit of red shows to the viewer that he can be passionate when he wants to.
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Gold: Gold is the other hot color here. As part of the yellow area of the color wheel it can take a lot from that. It’s the cousin to brown and yellow so pulls from both aspects of the colors. From Yellow it can be an optimistic color, uplifting the person and people around it, it also is a color that tends to simulate clar thinking and quick decisions. It’s also a color that has confidence in it and grabs attention as well as indicating success. Yellow itself is seen as a cheerful and childish color at times, and can be seen as spontaneous. However, because gold has the brown aspect to it, it dulls down a lot of the excitable levels of Yellow.
Gold is an extravagant color, usually showing wealth in some way and why it’s not used a lot for those who don’t want to seem like a show off. It is known as a warm color, connected to the idea of illumination, love, compassion, courage, passion, magic and wisdom. All things that previously Sea Hawk was known for in his past 80s version.
Again the color gold seems to indicated someone who has a deep understanding of who they are, confidence and optimism. Something interesting here too, is that it is a positive color, with a heavy emphasis on the masculine. Which was why a lot of queens and kings wore it to denote their power.
Sea Hawk, unlike Bow, or Adora, doesn’t have a lot of gold on him, but what he does is significant. The bands around his jacket to balance out the blue, the gold earring and the belt buckle and on his bracers. Now the interesting thing about the earrings is that most pirates tend to wear some form of jewelry, and this wasn’t a fashion statement. The reason for this is due to the aspect of keeping their money close. Rather than have their money set out in gold coins, some would actually have the gold melted and shaped into earrings or other trinkets they could wear. It’s more than likely that Sea Hawk’s earrings are a nod to this.
Lastly the black band….
Black: Matching his old look with the band around the head. The color black is one that tends to indicate mystery, and is a strong and powerful color that tends to imply formality as well as sophistication and secrecy. It could be seen as an intimidating color, and one that is refined, elegant and confident. It shows that someone has control over things, and as the captain of the ship this could mean that Sea Hawk is someone that is a strong leader.
With this all in mind, it makes me think that a lot of the physical look of Sea Hawk comes from a few places.
Firstly and right off the bat I automatically thought of a few characters: Robin Hood, the famed captain Blood, Lando Calrissian, Jack Sparrow, and the one I think has the most influence here Dread Pirate Roberts.
Allow me to go farther.
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Robin hood comes to mind (much like Flynn Rider) since Sea Hawk is a pirate and robs from the Horde to return to the people of Etheria. We know this from the old series and I have no doubt this would come up in this one too. Robin’s outfit is traditionally all green and brow, but of note he’s very much the sort that tends to be very cocky and sure of himself. Something that this Sea Hawk has shown in his few appearances so far. Physically we get a sense that he’s very much like the Robin from the old 1950s version, as played by Errol Flynn.
A charming person that has a smile on his face and a wink in his eye. Unlike say, Jack Sparrow or Lando, you know he’s not going to screw you over and he’s genuine about his feelings in regard to helping the group. The other thing is that Sea Hawk’s smile seems like a merge between that of Robins, Lando’s and Wesleys. There’s a confidence about him, and he’s able to stand up  for what he believes in, yet still keep a smile on his face, and get serious when he needs to. Also the costume’s shirt seems to be a bit of a nod to his and Pirate Roberts looks.
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Next we have Captain Blood, and the pants and boots seem to have come straight from this movie. I mean, save for the shirt the pants and boots set are the same, and before Jack and Wesley, Captain Blood was one of the most influential pirates known in pop culture. As with Robin there’s a charm to him, that Sea Hawk seems to have as well. I can’t really say much here as I haven’t seen enough of this movie, but it’s a strong indication that at least there was some influence from this in the past that probably made it to the present.
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Now as for Lando…well come on. Noelle has said that she’s a Star Wars fan, and there’s no one that doesn’t know about Lando. He’s pretty much a pirate in space, and has every air of someone that plays up the looks and charms of a rouge type of person. Both he and Sea Haw share the same smile and I’m pretty sure that some of the inspiration for Sea Hawk came from him in regard to the more charming looks that he keeps giving. Also he has the stache and the threads that show someone who knows fashion and can be one hell of a fighter when need be.
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Now Jack sparrow probably has a bit of the goofy aspect that they added to him. Since most people know this character it’s easy to see that they more than likely wanted him to be a bit of a dork to counter Adora’s dorky moments as well. I would say the earrings and the design of the shirt probably came from him.
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Everything else…Wesley the Dread Pirate Roberts. You can tell in the stance and the way he smiles that someone spent time watching this movie to get an idea of a pirate that is not Jack Sparrow. Wesley’s personality is in tune with how Sea Hawk has been shown so far and very much matches up with the color scheme. Someone who is loyal and devoted, can be passionate, but is calm, cool, and responsible. We see in the Princess Bride movie how he stays calm during events of his capture, when explaining things to Buttercup, how he stayed away from being killed and eventually became the Dread Pirate Roberts.
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Given that we probably will have a similar backstory for him having his father be wealthy and that he chose to be an adventurer I’m sure that Wesley’s “As You wish” sort of personality may come into play here. Blending in the old and the new. I hope.
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angels-roses · 5 years
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This is my mom, she passed 9 years ago at the age of 90. She had an amazing life! She was born in NYC. My grandfather was in charge of Floyd Bennett Field. She had flying lessons from Emilia Eharhart, asked out by Earrol Flynn, asked to be a playboy bunny ( which she wouldn’t do because of the costume she had to wear) she met Howard Hughes and wrong way Corrigan. She fell in love with my dad who was a warrant officer in the submarines, had 6 kids and was the most amazing mom ever. Wishing her an early happy Mother’s Day knowing she is in heaven with my dad looking down on all of us giving us guidance. Love you mom 💕
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darkspellmaster · 7 years
Just a friendly reminder of how Awesome Prince Florian from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is....
So for those who don’t know, this….
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Is Prince Florian. He’s also known as the Prince in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and honestly, along with Prince Henry (Charming) is probably one of the most underappreciated of the Princes in the Disney line. 
Thing is Florian is awesome, and not for just what you seen on screen. The dude has a whole history that didn’t get to make it into the original film and only survives because of the fact that there are still storyboards and interviews and other material that the Disney archive has preserved all this time. 
So I figured it would be fun to talk a little about this cool as hell prince and show what makes him tick. 
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So let’s start with the easiest fun fact about this prince. He’s an animal lover very much like Snow is. When first meets Snow he’s more then willing to allow a bird to return the kiss that she gave to him. 
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Not only that, but when it came to finding her apparently a cut scene had him talking to her animal friends, though he couldn’t quiet understand the language and his mare (that’s right he rides a Mare unlike most of the princes who get stallions) Astor, who did but got the message all scrambled, took him the long way and he was too late to save Snow. 
Another factor, that makes him damn impressive is that he managed to escape from the Queen when she had him locked up. 
In the following scene you can see the prince being captured after he came back to see Snow, and thrown in the dungeon where the Queen taunts him and intends to use him basically to make her rule legit by forcing him into a marriage after she kills Snow White. 
So what does Florian do? Well he Earrol Flynn’s his way out. Hops on his horse and then goes off to find Snow. 
Prince Florian also has a strong sense of humor. In the 1938 comic, Snow White builds a dummy Prince named Prince Buckethead. Florian disguise himself as the dummy and surprises her, and sassily says his name is Buckethead.
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