#earnest hooton
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just-the-cool-page · 2 years ago
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korrektheiten · 4 months ago
Deutschland oder wie ein Volk verschwinden kann
Tichy:»Immer wieder gab es Gedankenspiele, wie man ein angeblich unkontrollierbares Deutschland schwächen könnte. Der sogenannte Hooton-Plan etwa mag einigen Lesern noch ein Begriff sein: Pläne um das Jahr 1945 Earnest Albert Hooton, ein US-amerikanischer Anthropologe, Anhänger der im frühen 20. Jahrhundert aufgekommenen und verbreiteten Eugenik-Lehre, war von 1913 bis zu seinem Tod 1954 Professor an Der Beitrag Deutschland oder wie ein Volk verschwinden kann erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/TFP9zl «
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lateralreader · 8 months ago
“Since we have known for a long time that savages have excellent teeth and that civilized men have terrible teeth, it seems to me that we have been extraordinarily stupid in concentrating all of our attention upon the task of finding out why all our teeth are so poor, without ever bothering to learn why the savage’s teeth are good,” wrote Earnest Hooton, a Harvard anthropologist who supported Dr. Price’s work.
Nestor Breath
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bunkerblogwebradio · 2 years ago
O Plano Hooton
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O aprendiz de genocida Earnest Albert Hooton
Já durante a guerra, os EUA divulgaram planos concretos para a Alemanha do pós-guerra.
A destruição étnica do povo alemão tornou-se um denominador comum e levado ao patamar de objetivo principal dos aliados, mesmo porque para combinar junto aos soviéticos uma atuação coordenada em relação à Alemanha. O emissário especial de Roosevelt, Wendell Wielkie, que iniciou as respectivas negociações com Stálin, exigiu em 1943 “a eliminação da exclusividade étnica” dos alemães.[1]
O mesmo objetivo foi divulgado também no mesmo ano pelo professor norte-americano para antropologia, Earnest Albert Hooton (1887-1954), através de um jornal de Nova York, o PM Daily.[2] Hooton – longe de ser um mero desconhecido – é apresentado na página da internet da Universidade de Harvard da seguinte forma:[3] “Hooton foi uma autoridade reconhecida em sua época no quesito ‘antropologia racial’, formação e comportamento corpóreo, antropologia criminal, desenvolvimento humano e sobre os métodos e estatística da antropologia corporal.”
O Plano Hooton, citado no artigo do jornal,[4] pode ser caracterizado como um esboço das condições de contorno para a repovoação da Alemanha.
Primeiramente, Hooton apresenta generalidades sobre o comportamento de uma nação e expressa a visão de que não é necessário apenas influências externas (reeducação) para fazer valer uma alteração sustentada deste comportamento, mas também medidas biológicas. E ele faz então a exigência principal:
“Para quebrar o círculo vicioso de um Estado militarista e a inclinação delituosa de seus cidadãos, o primeiro tem que ser destruído e o último neutralizado ou expurgado. Como o Estado incorpora o mecanismo para incentivar a agressão em grupo, sua destruição deve contrariar ao máximo suas agressões e, ao mesmo tempo, facilitar a manipulação da cultura e individualmente da qualidade biológica da população. O objetivo geral da operação é a destruição do nacionalismo alemão e da ideologia alemã agressiva, sob manutenção de uma desejada capacidade produtiva biológica e social dos alemães.
Como medidas para atingir esse objetivo, Hooton sugere:
“1. Execução ou condenação perpétua de toda a liderança do NSDAP; expulsão permanente de todos oficiais de carreira.
2. Utilização da massa atual do exército alemão pelo período de 20 anos ou mais, como força de trabalho para reconstrução das áreas destruídas dos aliados na Europa ou em outro lugar. Os indivíduos desta força de trabalho não deveriam ser tratados como prisioneiros de guerra ou prisioneiros, mas sim como trabalhadores remunerados (supervisionados e com limitada liberdade). Eles podem até, por bom comportamento, serem nacionalizados. Homens solteiros deveriam contrair matrimônio com as mulheres dos locais onde se encontram ou se nacionalizaram. As famílias daqueles já casados devem permanecer bom um longo período na Alemanha, porém, eventualmente receber a autorização para se reunir com os maridos. Estes últimos não deveriam receber autorização para regressar à Alemanha. O objetivo destas medidas visa reduzir a taxa de natalidade dos alemães “puros racialmente”, neutralizando a agressividade alemã através da miscigenação e desestabilização de pessoas doutrinadas.
3. Fragmentação do Reich alemão em vários países (provavelmente em seus estados originais, M.K.), onde cada um deveria escolher dentro de momentos distintos sua forma de governo não-fascista, sob supervisão dos aliados. O objetivo destas medidas é destruir as bases nacionais para uma agressão alemã em conjunto.
4. Durante a fase de supervisão e ocupação de cada um dos estados pelos militares e civis das forças aliadas, incentivo do casamento entre força ocupante e mulheres alemãs, assim como estadia permanente na Alemanha. Durante essa fase, deveria também ser incentivada a imigração de estrangeiros do sexo masculino em cada um dos estados alemães.”
É desnecessário dizer que os políticos da Alemanha atual (RFA) aplicaram as diretrizes do Plano Hooton – uma espécie de camisa de força – da melhor forma possível. Lembremos do lema do Partido Verde: “Não nos deixem sozinhos com os alemães!”. O fracasso notório da política de imigração desde os anos 1970, a negligência frente a uma saudável e consistente política familiar, produzem seus “frutos” e colocam em xeque a existência do povo alemão.
Michael Klotz
Der Grosse Wendig, Vol. 2, Artigo 345, pág. 388.
[1] Wiekie, Wendell L. – One World, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1943.
[2] Hooton, Earnest Albert – “Breed War Strain Out Germans, and Should We Kill the Germans – Application to Post-War-Germany. Basic Postulats, General Objective Measures, in PM’s Daily (New York), 4.1.1943.
[3] www.peabody.harvard.edu/archives/hooton.html
[4] Fax dos artigos de Hooton em: Hermann Franzis, Die Zerstoerung des politischen Standorts Deutschlands, Hohenrain, Tuebingen 1998, pág. 354.
Este artigo foi escrito há mais de dez anos e o que aconteceu desde então? O processo de destruição da unidade alemã segue a todo vapor, a política do Partido Verde se revela cada dia mais hostil a tudo que seja alemão, o processo imigratório tomou outra dimensão, depois de 2015, próxima a níveis dantescos, catapultando os índices de criminalidade para patamares que se aproxima àqueles do terceiro mundo.
O ódio a tudo que é alemão é incentivado pela grande mídia corrupta e inimiga do povo. Emissoras estatais não se cansam em transmitir 24/7 toda sorte de programas hostis e contrário aos interesses do povo alemão. No artigo Guerra e Objetivos de Guerra, Horst Mahler revela o plano de extermínio do inimigo.
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derschandstaatinfo · 2 years ago
Der Hooton Plan - Die biologische Umzüchtung des deutschen Volk!
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Earnest Albert Hooton (1887 - 1954), ein US-amerikanischer Hochschullehrer, hat sich Zeit seines Lebens der Rassenlehre verschrieben.  Als Hooton-Plan werden in den 1940er Jahren veröffentlichte Gedanken des US-amerikanischen Harvard-Anthropologen Earnest Hooton bezeichnet, die die rassischen Eigenschaften der Deutschen in den Mittelpunkt stellen und statt der psycho-sozialen Umerziehung eine biologische Umzüchtung und Umvolkung als notwendige Maßnahme zu ihrer erfolgreichen und dauerhaften Unterwerfung propagieren. Er zielt auf Völkermord am deutschen Volk ab.
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Quelle:https://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Datei:VS-amerikanische_Plne_fr_das_deutsche_Volk_im_Kriegsjahr_1943.jpg Dorothy Thompson, Franz Boas, Albert Einstein und Earnest Hooton erläutern 1943 in einem Aufsatz im „PM Daily“ den Umgang mit den Deutschen nach dem Krieg. Am 4. Januar 1943 veröffentlichte Earnest Hooton im New Yorker Peabody Magazine einen Beitrag mit dem Titel: „Breed war strain out of Germans“, in dem er – historische Tatsachen ignorierend – den Deutschen eine besondere Tendenz zum Krieg unterstellte und ihre Umzüchtung forderte mit der allgemeinen Zielrichtung, das deutsche Volk zu zerstören. Zu diesem Zweck empfahl Hooton, der unterschiedslos alle Deutschen für moralische Schwachsinnige hielt, die Geburtenzahl der Deutschen zu reduzieren sowie die Einwanderung und Ansiedlung von Nicht-Deutschen, insbesondere von Männern, in Deutschland zu fördern:„Während dieser Zeit (der Überwachung und Besetzung) soll ebenfalls die Einwanderung und Ansiedlung nichtdeutscher Menschen, insbesondere nichtdeutscher Männer, in die deutschen Staaten gefördert werden.“ Im nationalistischen Ton des laufenden Weltkrieges hatte ein anderes Magazin unter anderem gefragt, ob die Deutschen getötet oder gerettet werden sollten. Der Eugeniker und Rassist Hooton antwortete auf diese Frage rassistisch und eugenisch mit dem später sog. Hooton-Plan: Die deutsche Führung und das Offizierskorps sollten dauerhaft, auch einfache Soldaten auf Jahre hinaus interniert und deportiert werden. Gleichzeitig sollten US-Besatzungssoldaten ermutigt werden, sich mit deutschen Frauen zu verheiraten. Das Ziel sollte eine Senkung der Geburtenrate reiner Deutscher und eine Herauszüchtung der deutschen Aggressivität sowie eine Entnationalisierung der indoktrinierten Individuen sein. Hooton deutete auch Rassismus und Gewaltbereitschaft als genetische Züchtungsprobleme! Um größeren Widerstand bei den Deutschen zu vermeiden, schlug Hooton vor, diese Umzüchtung langsam durchzuführen. Ebenso äußerte sich Hooton am 10. Oktober 1944 in der New York Times und in anderen Zeitungen. Außer vielfältigen Genmanipulationen, um den Deutschen die kriegerischen Erbanlagen wegzuzüchten, empfahl er, den Großteil der Angehörigen der Deutschen Wehrmacht für 20 Jahre oder länger in alliierten Staaten als Arbeitssklaven einzusetzen und das Kreuzen der Deutschen mit Vertretern anderer Völker. https://der-schandstaat.info/euxit-pier-antonio-panzeri-ehemals-von-der-linken-sozialdemokratischen-partei-italien-geht-mit-fussfessel-aus-dem-gefaengnis/ Read the full article
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Allison and Elizabeth Davis with friends in Berlin in 1933. They couple is on the far right. Via Varel’s The Lost Black Scholar. This entry is basically a book report on that book.
Throughout the 1930s, the depression deepened, race relations worsened, and Davis grew restless. He decided to pursue a Ph.D. and conduct research on the social problems and racism which were at the center of his life. He grew interested in Africa — what was it like? How potent a force in behavior was African heritage — meaning both biological and cultural heritage? Allison and Liddie decided to study in Berlin, Paris, and London. Not only would this get them away from American racism, but German universities were regarded as the best in the world and the LSE offered an education that was politically relevant and cutting edge. In order to get there, they would first need some a record of success in graduate school, so the Davises both applied to Harvard (or, in Liddie’s case, Radcliffe) and Allison won an SSRC grant to support their studies. By the 1930s Harvard had used Rockefeller money to develop a robust graduate program in anthropology. There, they studied with a variety of professors, including physical anthropologist Earnest Hooten. However, Allison’s chief mentor at the time was W Lloyd Warner.
Warner’s life is a colorful story. He grew up in the early 1900s in Redlands, San Bernardino — not too far from where Ruth Benedict had done her first fieldwork. In fact, Benedict’s informants had only recently been dispossessed of their land by Warner’s ancestors, who turned it into the world center for growing navel oranges. Warner was just old enough to enlist in World War I, but was invalided out for tuberculosis before he could be deployed. He tried his hand at college instead, first at USC and then Berkeley. Bored, he set off for Broadway and tried for an acting career, only to returned to Berkeley and became interested in anthropology. When Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski came through town on their 1926 Rockefeller-funded tour of the US, Radcliffe-Brown took a shine to Warner. On his way to his new position at Sydney, Radcliffe-Brown asked Warner if he wanted to come along. The answer was ‘yes’, and was on his way to his position at Sydney and invited Warner along . After some coursework at Harvard with Hooton which “prepared him to take measurements of the native people”. Warner became one of Radcliffe-Brown’s closest students and friends and conducted fieldwork in Australia.
The anthropology to which Davis was exposed, then, was of a decidedly non-Boasian kind. It was, rather, ‘British’ social anthropology: Interested in social structure, generalization, and not at all limited to ‘primitive’. For Warner, the line between social anthropology and sociology was thin too non-existent. In fact, he was part of a trend of  ‘community studies’ at Harvard, and Warner would do fieldwork in urban New England inside a factory, and in rural Ireland on [see that article in the Irish Journal of Anthropology on Arensberg]. Not much has been written on Warner, he appears to have been pretty ‘woke’. There is a striking image of him doing fieldwork in Australia around 1928 [in Warner, Warner] with his arm around one aboriginal man while a second man has his arm around Warner. All three are smiling broadly for the camera — it is a strikingly more intimate and friendly image than any I have seen of white people doing fieldwork in Australia at that time (although perhaps I just have not seen enough in order to tell if it is representative or not). Warner was also a member of the Socialist Party at Berkeley. It’s hard to tell just how the left he was — a lot of people are socialists when they are in college — but given this background it is not surprising that he was willing to mentor a student like Allison Davis.
I go on at length about Warner because the Davises spent more time with him than they had originally planned. Allison received Rosenwald Fund money to travel to Europe for a year to study, and the Davises arrived at the LSE in September of 1932. It was not a good trip. The chances of earning a Ph.D. were slim, since it was a two year program and Davis only had one year of funding. His attempt to pursue education in Berlin was interrupted by Hitler’s ascent to power: Davis literally  watched Nazis burn books and jail political opponents before returning to the LSE by March 1933, when Hitler took power as chancellor. As for Paris, there was simply no money for that.
At the LSE the Davises attended Malinowski’s seminar. Malinowski would go on to write letters of recommendation for Allison and would influence Davis, providing him the other hall of the ‘functional’ revolution whose Radcliffe-Brownian variant Davis had already received from Warner. However, he was never close to Malinowski and he remained on the outskirts of Malinowski’s seminar. Rather,  Lancelot Hogbin, a white South African biologist, became Davis’s mentor. Hogbin was part of a wider ‘environmentalist’ movement (of which Boas was a part, for one) which pointed out the plasticity of people in their social and natural environments. Davis would learn it was social structure, not ‘bad genes’ which held African Americans back.
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glorioustidalwavedefendor · 4 years ago
Ivy League n*de posture photos
The Ivy League n*de posture photos were taken in the 1940s through the 1970s of all incoming freshmen at certain Ivy League and Seven Sisters colleges (as well as Swarthmore), ostensibly to gauge the rate and severity of rickets, scoliosis, and lordosis in the population. The photos are simple black and white images of each individual standing upright from front, back and side perspectives.[1][2] Harvard previously had its own such program from the 1880s to the 1940s.[2] The larger project was run by William Herbert Sheldon and Earnest Albert Hooton, who may have been using the data to support their theory on body types and social hierarchy. What remained of the images were transferred to the Smithsonian and most were destroyed between 1995 and 2001.[1][3]
That sounds ... already creepy enough ... but the truth is so much more fuckt up. So I implore you to read the entire thing the new york times did ... because man ...
"From the outset, the purpose of these 'posture photographs' was eugenic. The data accumulated, says Hooton, will eventually lead on to proposals to 'control and limit the production of inferior and useless organisms.' Some of the latter would be penalized for reproducing . . . or would be sterilized. But the real solution is to be enforced better breeding -- getting those Exeter and Harvard men together with their corresponding Wellesley, Vassar and Radcliffe girls."
In other words, a kind of eugenic dating service, "Studs" for the cultural elite. “
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faxist · 5 years ago
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We should listen to history.
The following editorial appeared in the Southern Israelite, a widely circulated Jewish newspaper, on Nov. 6, 1936 – so almost 83 years ago. The author was Rev. Leon Milton Birkhead, an American Unitarian minister who spoke out against Nazi-sympathizers and anti-Semitism throughout the 1930s. He issued many warnings, aimed at all audiences, and cited events in Germany as a sign that it could happen in the United States. (The Streicher he mentions is Julius Streicher, a prominent member of the Nazi Party and founder and publisher of the infamous antisemitic newspaper Der Stürmer. He was executed in 1946.)
The following is the full text of the article. Below it I have included scans of the column as it appeared, pasted together so that the introduction, eight points, and closing paragraphs appear together instead of broken up into columns.
Note: The first few paragraphs outline the beliefs of Fascists and anti-Semites. They are not a defense, but a starting point from which Birkhead begins his screen against them. Wendy Darling Atlanta, GA Contact: @wcdaring (Twitter)
Defend America against fascism!
By Rev. Leon Milton Birkhead
There are certain important facts about all the Fascist anti-Semitic groups that I have enumerated which must be kept in mind. Many of them believe that the source of our trouble is gold. The gold standard is a Jewish invention inasmuch as the Jews have control of the gold of the world. Therefore, destroy the gold standard and the Jews are defeated. Such is their simple logic.
The facts which I have enumerated about the views of these groups concerning Communism and Zionism are also important. Both these movements are part and parcel of the conspiracy of world Jewry to destroy modern Gentile civilization. The Fascists claim that 85% of the Communists are Jews.
Streicher’s slogan is "the Jews are the cause of our trouble” is fast becoming the slogan of Streicher’s American counterparts. If America is to be saved, the Jews must be defeated, they say.
These pro-Fascist leaders all know each other and exchange ideas literature and letters. They keep in touch with each other. They are very patriotic. They are one hundred per centers. They're constantly seeking connections with such patriotic groups as the Daughters of the American Revolution and the American Legion. They praise the “redbaiting”. of William Randolph Hearst and the fine work that Hitler has done in Germany
These groups propose (and they are doing it) to educate the country in anti-Semitism. They want to defeat the New Deal because it is a “Jew Deal,” they say.
They cannot be ignored. They cannot be laughed out of existence. Ridicule may help to restrain them, but it is not a sufficient instrument for their destruction. It is not sufficient to say they are radical, fanatical and psychopathic. The same thing was said of Hitler in Germany before he came to power.
But what shall we do? Ah, that is the rub; what wouldn't modern civilization give for an answer to this problem of racial hatred and religious bigotry: but who has the answer? Not I. And no one else that I've conferred with.
However, at the risk of being presumptuous, I am going to make certain hints or suggestions.
1 - It needs to be said around the world and shouted from the house tops that the source of modern civilization's evils not to be found in any one race or religion. To say, for example, that "the Jews are the cause of all our trouble” is to do what all simple minds are forever seeking to do, namely, to oversimplify our problems. If it were possible to capture all the 15 million Jews of the world and execute them, I do not believe that that would solve any of our problems or any of them for that matter. This is an idea that need to be preached widely.
2- Very closely associated with the above, over-simplification of civilization’s problems by blaming everything on the Jews is this scapegoat idea. Mankind is inclined personalize its evils. Once the devil caused all the trouble; now it must be the Jew or the Catholic or the Negro. We need to say that everybody (and to ourselves) "Don't blame the races, groups, or classes for the ills of which you suffer. There's no scapegoat for all our evils.”
3 - Anti-Semitism is an idea alien to America. There is much talk now availing philosophies and theories which have been imported into America. But there's no question about racial hatred and religious bigotry. These are definitely Old World ideas from which our ancestors sought to escape. On this continent they set up a haven for the persecuted and the hated minorities. Are we going to import the Old World hatreds into America and disrupt our society?
4 - Anti-Semitism is a Gentile problem, not essentially a Jewish one. It is the Gentile who hates and persecutes the Jew. It is, therefore, the problem of the Gentile to deal with his fellows who are so full of the venom of racial and religious bigotry.
5 - The real plans and purposes of these anti-Semitic groups should be disclosed to the American people. Many of these groups fly the banner of patriotism and in the name of patriotism they circulate the worst sort of lies and unfounded rumors about racial and religious minorities. They make one believe that there is a great measure of truth to the statement attributed to Dr. Johnson that “patriotism is the last resort of scoundrels.” The righteous indignation of the American people should be aroused against these groups that are racketeering in racial and religious bigotry.
6 - Some new and creative approach to the idea of the brotherhood of man is needed. What we say about this subject is so platitudinous and ineffective. There is a profound truth in the Lowell couplet that
In the gain or loss of one race all the rest have equal claim
I do not know exactly how it should be said but America should be told no one race or minority can be injured without injury to rest of us.
7 - There is a very great need that all of us shall learn to judge races and groups more discriminately. I mean that races and peoples must not be condemned in toto. And yet that is exactly what the majority of us is doing every day. A profound truth recently expressed by Prof. Earnest A. Hooten, Harvard physical anthropologist, ought to be taught to everyone. “Each racial type runs the gamut from idiot and criminal to geniuses to statesman,” according to Mr. Hooton. “No type produces a majority of individuals at either end of the scale. There are no racial monopolies either of human virtues or vices.”
8. Minority groups must make common cause against though those who advocate oppressive measures against any one minority group. The world must be safe for minorities or is not a safe world for any decent, self-respecting person. I believe that we must oppose every piece of legislation which is in the oppression of minority groups or which discriminate against any minority.
These suggestions of things to do is not very satisfactory, I agree. But I have a strong conviction that something must be done and done it once. Fascist and anti-Semitic groups are now actually terrorizing American citizens. And they're planning further vigorous actions against Jews and other so-called “alien of minority groups.” So, we shall be on the defensive against these advocates of racial hatred, religious bigotry and of direct action. When that time comes, we are lost. You must do something to put every Fascist and anti-Semite on the defensive. We must make him apologetic.
Moreover, the situation has become so threatening and menacing in America that the Fascists anti-Semites need only the right sort of leader to make them formidable. They claim the following of 8,000,000. This number is to be reduced by half, according to my opinion. Now 4,000,000 are disorganized, but they have common ideas and plans. Can we head off the unification of these victims of hate and bigotry? Well, my answer that this is the one case where the victory may be to the swift. What is to be done, must be done, must be done quickly. Liberals cannot afford to make the mistake of their fellow Liberals in Germany. That is, they cannot afford to ignore the existence of Fascist and anti-Semitic. They cannot afford to dismiss the American Hitlerites as “erratic and crazy.” Anyone can learn from his own experiences, but clever people learn from the experiences of other people. A great statesman once said, "prevention is the daughter of intelligence.”
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aestheticsandyou · 6 years ago
Hooton Plan
I have recently read about the “Hooton Plan” from the years just after the Second World War. It is quite disturbing, and I recommend you all read up on it. May the creator of this plan, Earnest Hooton, burn in Hell for all eternity.
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kilmesnet · 2 years ago
No hay base antropológica alguna para seleccionar cualquiera de los llamados grupos raciales, o cualquier grupo étnico o nacional, o cualquier grupo lingüístico o religioso, para preferir la condenación.
Nuestro verdadero propósito debe ser segregar y eliminar a los incapaces, sin valor, degenerados". y antisocial de cada cepa racial y étnica de nuestra población, para que podamos utilizar los méritos sustanciales de la sólida mayoría y los dones especiales y diversificados de sus miembros superiores
Earnest Hooton
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Harvard-Anthropologen Earnest Hooton
Als Hooton- Plan werden in den 1940er Jahren veröffentlichte Gedanken des Harvard-Anthropologen Earnest Hooton bezeichnet, die die rassischen Eigenschaften der Deutschen in den Mittelpunkt stellen und statt der psycho-sozialen Umerziehung eine biologische “Umzüchtung“ und Umvolkung als notwendige Maßnahme zu ihrer erfolgreichen und dauerhaften Unterwerfung propagieren ! Am 4. Januar 1943…
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melbynews-blog · 7 years ago
Umvolkungsangst und Hooton-Plan - Ein rassistischer Verschwörungsmythos wird digital wiederbelebt » Natur des Glaubens » SciLogs
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/umvolkungsangst-und-hooton-plan-ein-rassistischer-verschwoerungsmythos-wird-digital-wiederbelebt-natur-des-glaubens-scilogs/
Umvolkungsangst und Hooton-Plan - Ein rassistischer Verschwörungsmythos wird digital wiederbelebt » Natur des Glaubens » SciLogs
In einem Blogpost vom Januar hatte ich bereits die Aussage des Politikwissenschaftlers Ivan Krastev zustimmend zitiert, nach der die “Angst vor dem Verschwinden” als “das entscheidende psychologische Moment” rechtspopulistischer Bewegungen gelten dürfte. Und in einem Radiointerview mit dem SWR vor einem Monat (02.05.2018) hatte ich dazu erklärt:
Was mich auch als Religionswissenschaftler überrascht hat, ist wie eng Judenfeindlichkeit und Islamfeindlichkeit miteinander verbunden sind. Es ist dann tatsächlich so, dass die Leute den Juden vorwerfen, sie hätten den Orient zerstört und würden die Muslime hierher treiben um auch Europa zu zerstören – die sogenannte “Umvolkungsthese”. Ich merke also: Der Antisemitismus richtet sich immer auch, aber niemals nur gegen Juden. Und da werden auch gerne Juden und Muslime gegeneinander ausgespielt.
Auf die Spur gebracht hatte mich nicht zuletzt die Auswertung der antisemitischen Schriften des baden-württembergischen Landtagsabgeordneten Dr. Wolfgang Gedeon (AfD), in der dieser die angebliche “Islamisierung” als Teil der “zionistisch-freimaurerischen Weltverschwörung” gedeutet hatte.
In diesem Zusammenhang fiel mir auf, das zuletzt ein “alter”, rassistischer Verschwörungsmythos aus den 1940er Jahren wieder eine digitale Renaissance in rechtspopulistischen Medienblasen erfährt: Der sog. “Hooton-Plan”.
Eines von vielen Selfmade-YouTube-Videos, in denen der mythische “Hooton-Plan” in einen aktuellen, rechtspopulistischen Verschwörungsglauben eingebaut wird. Screenshot: Michael Blume
Namensgeber ist der US-amerikanische Anthropologe Earnest Hooton (1887 – 1954), der sich als “biologischer Anthropologe” vor allem in den 1930er Jahren mit eugenischen, sozialdarwinistischen und rassistischen Thesen “hervortat”. Wissenschaftlich ist all dies längst völlig überholt – aber gerade “weil” Hooton eine ähnliche Denke und Sprache wie auch damalige, europäische Rassisten vertrat, erscheinen seine “Thesen” heutigen Rechtspopulisten, Rassistinnen und Verschwörungsgläubigen als sehr glaubwürdig.
So hatte Hooton 1943 in einem (1948 eingestellten) Boulevardmagazin neben Albert Einstein und anderen einen Textbeitrag zur Frage geliefert, was “wir mit den Deutschen nach dem Krieg tun sollten”. Im nationalistischen Ton des laufenden Weltkrieges hatte das Magazin unter anderem gefragt, ob die Deutschen “getötet oder gerettet” werden sollten.
Der Eugeniker und Rassist Hooton antwortete auf diese Frage – wenig überraschend – rassistisch und eugenisch mit dem später sog. Hooton-Plan: Die deutsche Führung und das Offizierskorps sollten dauerhaft, auch einfache Soldaten auf Jahre hinaus interniert und deportiert werden. Gleichzeitig sollten US-Besatzungssoldaten ermutigt werden, sich mit deutschen Frauen zu verheiraten. Das Ziel sollte eine “Senkung der Geburtenrate “reiner” Deutscher und eine Herauszüchtung der deutschen Aggressivität sowie eine Entnationalisierung der indoktrinierten Individuen” sein. Hooton deutete auch Rassismus und Gewaltbereitschaft als genetische “Züchtungs”-Probleme!
Earnest Hooton im American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 1954. Quelle: Wikimedia, fair-use
Zwar wurde dieser sog. “Hooton-Plan” nie Teil der offiziellen US-Politik, doch eignete (und eignet!) er sich perfekt als antiamerikanischer und antisemitischer Verschwörungsmythos nach dem die “amerikanisch-zionistische Verschwörung gegen Deutschland” auf die “Umvolkung” Deutschlands durch “Multikulti” und “Rassenvermischung” ziele. Neuere Verschwörungsverkünder führen dabei aus, dass in UN-Dokumenten angesichts des Sterbeüberschusses in Deutschland die Möglichkeiten von “replacement by migration” – Ersatz durch Einwanderung – thematisiert werden. Dies “belegt” innerhalb des Verschwörungsglaubens die Umsetzung des Hooton-Planes durch die heutigen Vereinten Nationen im verschwörerischen Bündnis mit der Regierung Merkel!
Gerne wird zudem auch antisemitisch behauptet, dass Hooton selbst Jude – also Superverschwörer – gewesen wäre – und dabei unterschlagen, dass Hooton vier Jahre “vor” dem Hooton-Plan empfohlen hatte, auch das “Judenproblem” durch “Vermischung” zu lösen. Dies würde – so Hooton 1939 – auch die genetische, jüdische Intelligenz über die Menschheit verteilen. (Ja, auch das hat sich Thilo Sarrazin (SPD) nicht alleine ausgedacht…) Bevor Sie auflachen: Für Rassisten und Antisemitinnen fühlt sich das alles sehr “stimmig” und “wissenschaftlich” an… :-/
Wie sehr sich Umvolkungs-Verschwörungsmythen im Netz bereits wieder ausgebreitet haben, musste zuletzt das deutsche Paar Philipp Awounou und Regina Lahm erfahren, als es auf einem DAK-Werbeplakat abgebildet wurde. Da die beiden aus Baden-Württemberg stammen, habe ich sie im beruflichen Kontext eingeladen und mich mit ihnen darüber ausgetauscht, wie Rassismus und Verschwörungsglauben im Netz funktioniert und bekämpft werden sollten. Die beiden haben mich mit ihrer ebenso reflektierenden wie couragiert-klaren Haltung beeindruckt und ermutigt.
Bericht über das Gespräch mit Regina Lahm und Philipp Awounou im Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg. Foto: Staatsministerium BW
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veryintrospective-blog · 8 years ago
Zuzu – What You Want
The first song that we properly love of 2017 has arrived in the form of Zuzu’s infinitely catchy new single “What You Want” alongside some I Heart Huckabees inspired visuals. Zuzu has a rough-around-the-edges charm that we can’t get enough of. Earnest and raw, she articulates emotional confusion better than almost anyone.
Zuzu spent 2016 supporting Courtney Barnett on her UK tour as well as hitting the road with fellow Liverpudlians Hooton Tennis Club.
“What You Want” is now and released by Hand In Hive.
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