#early adventures
talesfromeorzea · 9 days
FFxivWrite2024 Day 11 Prompt Surrogate
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"Hes got no one Ru we gotta do something," Taln stated looking at his partner with pleading eyes.
"I don't deny that Tal, but how do you expect us to take care o him if we're always on the road? What if we get into trouble? I'd rather not have a kid in the midst o some o the stuff we've dealt with." Ruru responded.
"I…well….I mean obviously I aient intending to take him on the road with us but we can't just leave him alone."
Ruru nodded looking down at the young Elezen who was sleeping between their chocobos. It was evident that even the stubborn birds had taking a liking to the kid.
Taln was right the boy, Almault had no one. His parents were victims in a recent attack on their village and the other villagers didn't have enough left from the attack to aid a young orphan. Which left the boy with no where to go and in the hands of a pair of too caring adventurers.
"Seven hells," Ruru hissed to herself, "I'll see if my sister can look after him. Aside from that I aient gotta clue what else to do."
"Really?" Taln asked his tail swishing in delight
She gave him a grin, "Aye, Im not about to abandon the kid. And my sis inherited the family business so he won't go without. Only thing strange for him is there aient many Duskwights in Ul'dah. But kids are kids and Im sure it won't be hard for him to find some friends."
"And we can of course visit him between adventures." Taln added beaming
Ruru laughed, "O course, one ye won't let me hear the end o it if we don't and I have a feeling that Pumpkin and Cinnamon there wouldn't either given how they've curled about him."
Taln nodded then said, "I'll make him some food for when he wakes then we can tell him what the plan is."
Ruru nodded and smiled as the Miqo'te then rushed to their packs and began gathering his cook pan and supplies. Ruru simply watched him amused realizing that they technically just adopted the boy. She then rummaged through her pack till she found a linkshell she had not thought to need to use at all.
She placed it in her ear and channeled the bit of aether to it hearing the triple chime of it activating. After a second set of chimes a voice came over it, "Well I hardly expected to hear from you Uma. Whats wrong?"
"I need yer help Une." Ruru responded, "Me and my partner U'taln have come across a young boy with no where to go. I can't take him with us cause o the dangers so I was wonderin."
"If he could stay with me. O course Uma ye know full well mom and da would never let me hear the end o it if I refused. Whats the boys name?"
"Almault, and fair warning hes been though a lot. There was a mess here in the Shroud and his folks had got caught in all o it and I'm pretty sure he saw far more than a lad his age should if ye get what I mean,"
"Poor kid, understood ye bring him by Amber Silk Tapestries and I'll get him settled,"
"Thanks Une I appreciate it, and o course we will not only send money to ye to support him but we will be by from time to time." Ruru responded
"So no chance o this new responsibility having ye two settle down is there?" Une asked an almost wistful tone in her voice
"We've been over this Une, I aein't made for business and dealing with customers. Do you remember the one and only time da had me in the shop." Ruru asked
Rurune giggled over the linkshell and responded, "Aye Silver Wolf still to this day gets a discount cause o how badly ye offended him. I get you its just…I miss having ye here."
Ruru gave a soft smile, "I know sis but look at it this way, Taln and the birds aient gonna let me avoid coming to visit the lad so this'll be a way ye get to see me more often."
Another giggle came over the shell and Une stated, "I'll hold you to that see you in?"
Ruru did the mental calculations, "Three days from where we are in the Shroud. That's o course if the weather don't get to soggy and slow the birds down."
"See you then sis," Rurune replied as the linkshell clicked indicating she had shut it off.
Ruru sighed and looked over at Taln who was carefully measuring out some spices for the rub on the dodo he was preparing for the boy. Looking over at the sleeping Elezen Ruru said softly, "Hope ye like spice lad cause thats what Taln prefers."
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cmweller · 8 months
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Challenge #04049-K031: The Dawn of Engineering
A kind human teaches Wraithvine and friends how to properly use spinning wheels. Then gifts them enchanted ones that can become pocket sized, or full sized, as needed. -- Lessons
The denizens of Nanogh had never had to make things by hand. They could weave anything they liked out of raw magic. So when the Faekindred invaded the Mortal Plane, they had some difficulty. Setting up magefonts, manafonts, moon pools, and the like had been their priority. They opened doors they should not have opened. Changed the world forever.
It was quite the adjustment phase, to say the very least of it.
Wraithbind was born into the Mortal Plane, and never held with the rights of the strong to punish the weak. Ze was therefore a wandering outcast, seeking to maintain hir oath with what little ze could do.
[Check the source for the rest of the story]
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galacticlamps · 2 years
The real plot of After the Daleks is pretty unoriginal and downright corny at some points but the Susan/David bits really are very sweet, I’m so glad the story exists. This guy loves her, and without it being a big dramatic thing, she’s genuinely very happy with him. Part of me’s like oh why couldn’t it just be more about their relationship - but their relationship is so cute in this maybe I wouldn’t like the whole plot to be about it, I like what a nice kind of stability it is for her in a time of change, uncertainty, and turmoil.
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slymanner · 1 year
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hurt my heart why dontcha.
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pastelicide · 6 months
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First time she heard him use that word
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Also the extra Yukako bc I really like how she turned out
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slutpoppers · 2 months
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Digimon Adventure OVA(1999)
Agumon rises.
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navree · 1 year
my adventures with superman turning deathstroke the fucking terminator into an anime twink is the single greatest thing i've seen in the history of animation i have not been able to stop laughing
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taffybuns · 7 months
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been rewatching the show again n i forgot how much i love the early seasons ourgh
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2000snerd · 10 months
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All my blogs so far
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martineisling · 3 months
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Something a bit painted
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galacticlamps · 2 years
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screamingblogger · 7 months
yadda yadda first dnd character is a reflection of the player yadda yadda
only murph could ever play riz and riz could only ever be Murphs character. watching the wheels spin in this mans mind every time any kind of investigation or information gathering comes in to play is insane
the other bad kids stalling conversations until riz gets there because murph already has a full game set match interrogation prepared for Brennan is top notch, sometimes the lines between Brian Murphy and riz gugak disappear completely and baby im here for it
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hammerings · 1 year
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you better not be cunty simon petrikov when i get home
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pastelicide · 3 months
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Some Jolyne stuff
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slutpoppers · 2 months
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Tailmon evolves to Angewomon
Digimon Adventure (1999)
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