#earl of dudley
gwydpolls · 3 months
Time Travel Question 51: Early Modernish and Earlier
These Questions are the result of suggestions a the previous iteration. This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct earlier time grouping. In some cases a culture lasted a really long time and I grouped them by whether it was likely the later or earlier grouping made the most sense with the information I had.
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration. All cultures and time periods welcome.
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lucreziagiovane · 1 year
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"Elizabeth’s relationship with Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, was perhaps the most important in her life. The savage possessiveness with which she wrote of him - ‘a creature of our own’, as she described him, with all the imperiousness of the royal ‘we’ - in no way diminished his importance in her eyes. For a woman so short of surviving blood relations, he was the nearest thing she had to family."
— Sarah Gristwood, Elizabeth and Leicester: The Truth about the Virgin Queen and the Man She Loved.
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bibliophilicstranger · 6 months
Things I learned today:
As a child, Queen Victoria occasionally played with Sir John Conroy's daughters (one was also named Victoria)
There is an opera/ballet called Kenilworth based on Queen Elizabeth I, Robert Dudley, and Amy Robsart.
Queen Victoria "went to the opera and saw the ballet, of which she was very fond, several times."
Queen Victoria had a whole set of dolls based on this ballet. She made Amy and Robert Dudley herself.
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mametupa · 2 years
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tudorblogger · 4 months
Book and Writing Update
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perfettamentechic · 6 months
27 marzo … ricordiamo …
27 marzo … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Gianni Minà, giornalista, scrittore e conduttore televisivo italiano. Annoverato tra i più importanti giornalisti italiani, collaborò con quotidiani e settimanali italiani e stranieri, realizzò centinaia di reportage per la Rai, ideò e condusse programmi televisivi, girò film documentari. Iniziò la carriera giornalistica in ambito sportivo nel 1959 a Tuttosport. Nel 1983 recitò il ruolo di…
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washedupuriel · 7 months
So modern AU RPF for Robert Dudley Earl of Leicester/ Elizabeth I Queen of England based on a Taylor Swift song is a thing that exists.
If you understand that string of words I'm sorry but also that's kinda your fault really
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isabelleneville · 3 months
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"Elizabeth’s relationship with Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, was perhaps the most important in her life. The savage possessiveness with which she wrote of him - ‘a creature of our own’, as she described him, with all the imperiousness of the royal ‘we’ - in no way diminished his importance in her eyes. For a woman so short of surviving blood relations, he was the nearest thing she had to family." - Sarah Gristwood
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elysabeththequeene · 7 months
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 On September 21 1578, Robert Dudley married Lettice Knollys in a secret ceremony, it had been secretive that only his chaplain and his friends were informed of it the day before. The Earl of Leicester was marrying the woman Elizabeth I had dubbed "the She-Wolf", the Queen herself was filled with rage upon learning about their marriage that she banished Lettice from court, however she was able to rekindle with Dudley later on.
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blueberry-bubbles130 · 2 months
And we are back with more historical hypothetical polls, this time it is:
English monarchs and nobles round two!
I am so excited to see who you choose this time.
Most of these are from periods of time I’m interested in. So a lot of it is mediaeval and Tudor. There will be more rounds so if you have any figures you really want to see a certain figure in a poll, please submit it.
I spend a good hour or so checking the fanfiction of the people I put in my polls first just to see what it’s like. I know I shouldn’t be surprised with fanfiction at this point but some of the stuff, I swear.
Why is there Vince McMahon fanfiction? Just why? Especially considering the stuff going on with Vince McMahon right now.
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whencyclopedia · 27 days
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Edward VI of England
Edward VI of England reigned as king from 1547 to 1553 CE. Succeeding his father Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE), Edward was only nine years old at the time and so the kingdom was ruled by a council of nobles, foremost among whom was Edward's maternal uncle, Edward Seymour (l. c. 1500-1552 CE) until he was replaced by John Dudley, the Earl of Northumberland (l. 1504-1553 CE). During Edward's reign, Protestant religious reforms continued as the Church of England broke further away from the traditions of the established Catholic Church directed by the Pope. There were also popular uprisings as the economy faltered and inflation was rampant. Edward's reign was short as he died of tuberculosis aged just 15. He was succeeded by his cousin Lady Jane Grey (1537-1554 CE) until what the majority of the people and nobility regarded as the rightful heir, his elder half-sister, was installed nine days later as Mary I of England (r. 1553-1558 CE).
Henry VIII & The Succession
Henry VIII married six times but it was his first three marriages that each produced a future monarch. With Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536 CE), Henry had a daughter, Mary (b. Feb. 1516 CE). With Anne Boleyn (c. 1501-1536 CE), there was another daughter, Elizabeth (b. Sep. 1533 CE). With wife number three, Jane Seymour, who was a lady-in-waiting at court, Henry had his first and last legitimate son, Edward, born on 12 October 1537 CE in Hampton Court Palace. At the joyous news, there followed 2,000 cannon shots let off in the Tower of London, bells rang out across England and there were 24 hours of parties and feasts but, tragically, Jane died 12 days after giving birth, most likely from post-natal fever.
As the first marriage was annulled to permit the second and Anne Boleyn was executed on charges of adultery, so each of their children was disinherited and it was Edward who became the official heir to the throne. As more wives came and went and no more children were forthcoming, Henry changed his mind in 1544 CE and declared that Edward could be succeeded by his half-sister Mary with Elizabeth next in line.
Henry VIII's health declined rapidly in his later years as the king became seriously overweight and suffered a badly ulcerated leg. The king died on 28 January 1547 CE at Whitehall Palace in London; he was 55 years old. Henry was buried in Saint George's Chapel at Windsor Castle, next to his late third wife, Jane Seymour, and he was duly succeeded by Edward who became Edward VI at his coronation in Westminster Abbey on 20 February 1547 CE. Henry, having split the Church in England from Rome to acquire his first marriage annulment and gone on a massive spending spree on palaces and wars, left his son an impoverished kingdom split over religious issues and, particularly, whether or not to press on with reforming the Church.
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evenhisfacewasanalias · 2 months
You should see me in a crown
Lady Jane Grey/Guildford Dudley
Rating: Adult
“In regione caecorum rex est luscus,” Guildford quips back with a smile. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. 
“I think you mean ‘regina est lusca’,” she corrects.
But his grin only widens. “Glad to see becoming Queen hasn’t gone to your head if you’re still correcting my Latin.”
She raises her brows, “and you’re still in need of correction.”
(Really just an excuse to write some throne room smut. Guildford shows off his language skills with full marks on the oral exam!)
Jane watches as the sun sets through the stained glass windows to the west, wishing she could see an end in sight to this Council meeting. Party planning meeting, really - what had started as an actual meeting about her sudden disbanding of the Kingsland Guard and easing of the Division Laws had taken a strange turn at the reminder of her upcoming coronation.
Suddenly, everyone had an opinion. Many of those present still remembered the spectacular coronation of Henry the VIII, and the somewhat lesser occasion of her cousin’s. All had an endless supply of advice to offer her, which had taken the better part of the last several hours. 
Jane finds she doesn’t care one whit about the sodding menu, or the music, or really any part of the ceremony that isn’t her plan to draw Mary’s treachery out into the open - with a little help from her surprise guests. But she can’t exactly discuss those plans here.
At the far end of the throne room, she spots Guildford leaning against the doorframe, watching her try to hide her growing annoyance at her intransigent cabinet suddenly transformed into experts on floral arrangements - on which they are equally as uncompromising. Despite the smug expression with which he watches her field their advice, she can’t remember when she’s ever been so happy to see her errant husband. He must have come here straight from the stables as he was still in his leather doublet and trousers.
She stands from the throne with finality.
“I think that’s enough planning for one night, we can resume our discussions on the morrow.”
A spirited debate over whether the inclusion of rosemary would be a warm remembrance of Edward or too funereal, thankfully ends at her rise. But still, no one makes a move to leave.
“You are dismissed,” she tries, barely holding herself back from shooing her Councilors from the room.  
Jane remains standing as they all file out of the room to the last man, finally leaving her alone with Guildford. She hadn’t been able to speak with him since he had helped her to decipher Mary and Lord Seymour’s letters the night before - and then there was the matter of their near kiss in the stables. But for once he looks nearly as pleased to see her as she does to see him, and so she decides that now is not the moment to tell him of Mary’s attempted regicide, or her newly developed plans to bait her into another attempt. He will only try and talk her out of it. So she simply smiles as he makes his way toward her.
“The crown suits you,” he nods to her as he nears the throne, where she still stands on the slightly raised dais, leveling her gaze with his. 
Jane reaches up to straighten the heavy circle of gold and jewels, expertly matched with her green and blue dress by her mother. She had only put it on to try and gain back a little of her authority as she faced down her Council. Now she feels a little silly about wearing it, and the ridiculous debate he just witnessed.
“It actually did start as a real Council meeting,” she tries to explain. “But I don’t know which is worse - arguing with a bunch of obstinate old men over the backwardness of our Division Laws, or debating the merits of peacock versus porpoise on the menu.”
“Well, that all rather depends on whether one considers peacock to be meat or poultry,” Guildford puts on his best impression of the Earl of Wiltshire. Apparently he had been listening for some time. It must be later than she realizes.
“Please don’t start that again,” she begs. “But you’re right, that was actually worse. I think I might actually be reaching a few of the younger Councilors on the Ethian issue.” 
“In regione caecorum rex est luscus ,” Guildford quips back with a smile. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.  
Jane freezes. Even though he means to mock her, she sometimes forgets that while her husband might be equal parts ill-mannered and pigheaded, underneath it all he is in fact highly intelligent. And - rather unfortunately - almost nearly as charming as he thinks he is. But she won’t admit that the reminder of her husband’s ability to spout Latin aphorisms - or crack elaborate ciphers - still does something to her as it had at their first meeting. 
And so she pulls herself together as best she can, putting on a mask of indifference to the effect his words have on her. 
“I think you mean ‘regina est lusca ’,” she corrects.
But his grin only widens. “Glad to see becoming Queen hasn’t gone to your head if you’re still correcting my Latin.”
She raises her brows, “and you’re still in need of correction.”
“How about this one then? Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta movebo .” If I cannot move Heaven, I will raise hell. 
Fuck. That’s even worse. She can feel her body tensing in expectation of…something. Another battle of words, perhaps? Jane will never admit she enjoys matching wits with her husband on occasion. Even if she still craves a different kind of confrontation.
“Virgil, not bad. Carmina vel caelo possunt deducere lunam ,” she counters his Aeneid with the Eclogues. Songs can lead even the Moon down from the Heavens - not a perfect retort but at least it mirrors the reference to the heavens, and it comes from a far less widely read source. Guildford:1, Jane: 2. “Your pronunciation has improved at least,” she allows.
“I’m no polyglot, though I’ve often been complimented on my skilled tongue,” he winks back at her, bringing an immediate flush to her cheeks. 
Her mind immediately jumps to the oft-visited memory of their two shared kisses, both all too brief - the way his warm hands had cupped her jaw as his tongue sought hers. Skilled indeed.
His smirk tells her he notices her blush, but he has the good grace not to comment on it for once. “Did you know, that first night that we met, I thought to myself - what kind of woman visits a tavern just to correct a man's Latin?” 
This, at least, she can handle. Debating their respective faults is well-worn territory between them.
“And I wondered how I managed to find the most insufferable prat in all of England.” 
The corners of her mouth tilt upward to show she’s merely in jest. After all, they’ve both had to deal with Lord Seymour lately. Still, she counts it as a victory, sitting back on the throne and crossing her arms over her chest looking very pleased with herself. Jane ignores that this posture unintentionally presses her breasts up against the bodice of her gown, but she doesn’t miss the way Guildford’s eyes glance down.
“In all of England, really? London, maybe,” he concedes. “Neither of us was at our best that night. Any chance you’ve reconsidered that first impression?”
“A queen must be unwavering,” she replies, feigning a royal countenance. Her crown tilts a little against the engraved wood behind her as she tries to look down, her nose at him, but Guildford’s standing far too close.
He slips even closer. One booted foot steps up onto the dais, bending at the knee so he can lean further into her space. His arms go to either side of her, gripping the throne’s armrests and caging her in. Her breath catches at his sudden nearness.
“Then perhaps I shall tell you more about my first impression of you,” he offers. 
“Oh?” She attempts to feign indifference, still trying to act the part of the Queen regnant - even as the heat of his body and the smell of warm leather reach her, leaving her feeling a little lightheaded. “Remember that any disparaging remarks could now be considered treason.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he smirks, his face nearing hers. “In fact, when I saw you walking towards me I thought you looked like a woman in desperate need of a good shagging. Or at least a very thorough tongue lashing.”
His words are delivered with a wink and she can’t help the blush that reaches her cheeks, her whole body growing warm with the weight of his words. Jane tries to keep it together.
“I seem to remember already receiving a tongue lashing from you over my - what was it again? My amiability?” Her voice nearly squeaks at that last word, but she makes it through.
“Not that kind of tongue lashing, Your Highness.” 
Guildford’s nose does that little scrunch that it always does when she’s being particularly obtuse, and her face heats further at the realization of what he means, as well as the intimate inflection of her title. That last part sends a little shivery zing down her spine. Guildford’s probably already guessed the effect it’s having on her, the bastard.
“And what made you change that impression?” She barely manages to get out.
“Who says I did?”
And it’s true that Guildford has made no secret of his desire for her - it’s her wishes that have always halted them. But with the imprint of Mary’s fingers still around her throat, she finds she really doesn’t want to stop whatever is happening between them right now. Who knows when she’ll ever have the chance again? Jane catches Guildford’s dark eyes glancing down at her lips and pushes all thoughts of doubt from her mind.
“Shut up and kiss me, you idiot,” she commands
“Happy to serve, Your Majesty,” he smiles back, leaning in.
And promptly drops to his knees.
Her mind blanks a little at the sudden sight, eyes widening and lips parting. What on earth was he doing? Jane realizes she’s asked the question aloud.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” He smirks before bringing his hands to her knees, sliding the fabric of her skirts upwards. Surely he doesn’t really intend to…
“What if someone comes in?” she stammers, but doesn’t stop the press of his hands upwards.
“That’s half the fun,” he winks up at her.  “But don’t worry, they won’t see much,” he assures before ducking beneath her skirts. Jane doesn’t even think of halting him, still too stunned and more than a little aroused by the thought of it..
The first touch of his warm hands to the backs of her knees has her inhaling sharply, the sound echoing loudly in the empty hall. With those same hands he pulls her to the edge of her seat, spreading her thighs to accommodate broad shoulders between them, and she barely catches herself from falling back against the throne.
It occurs to Jane that beneath her heavy damask skirts, she’s completely bare but for her chemise and stockings. There’s nothing to impede him. He could just…
Instead, she feels the faintest press of lips, the slight catch of his stubble against the side of her right knee though the silk. And how had she never realized before that her knees were this sensitive? His hands run soothingly along the backs of her stockings until she’s able to slightly regain her balance, reaching out to grip at ornate armrests. And then she can feel his hands moving inward to press her knees further apart, bringing a fresh wave of heat spreading beneath her skin and down to her pool low in her belly. 
As his hands grasp at her thighs, she feels strangely aware of the cool weight of his wedding ring gliding across her skin, the rightness of its presence. She glances down at its mate on her own left hand. And then her whole world narrows to the feel of his hot mouth traveling up along her inner thighs, the dragging lips and the slight rasp of his jaw along the sensitive skin there. Her eyes flutter closed at the sensation, drawing in little shaky breaths as she imagines the flushed trails he leaves behind. 
The sudden hard edge of teeth biting into the softness of her thigh has her nearly jolting out of her seat. Guildford immediately soothes the sting with his tongue. Jane gasps at the feel of it, surprised at her enjoyment of the slight edge of pain mixed with the pleasure of his lips and tongue. Not hearing any protests, he repeats the gesture, a bare inch away from the last mark, and she can feel him practically growling into her thigh as he sinks his teeth a little harder into the skin there. Jane lets out a shuddery moan at the feel of it, skirting just the edge of too much. 
Showing uncharacteristic mercy on her, Guildford continues his journey upward, delivering gentler nips and sucking kisses along the soft skin. She can feel herself half trembling, winding tighter and tighter as he nears his goal, her sex already slick with want. He’s so close…
But just as he nears, Guildford suddenly switches to her other thigh, repeating the same maddening treatment until she’s practically keening. Jane already feels like she’s vibrating out of her skin and he’s still so far from where she actually wants him. She shivers as soft curls brush against the already over sensitized skin of her right thigh as he works his way up the leftmost. Each bite draws out another hiss of pleasure followed by a moan as he sucks what’s she sure is an additional bruise along the still unmarked skin. 
Finally, finally , he’s delivering a final nip to the top of one thigh and then he pauses there, breathing deeply. She shudders at the feel of warm breath against her cunt as he breathes out again. Her thighs try to press together at the sensation but are halted by Guildford’s strong shoulders. His hands pull them even further apart, as his face presses closer. Her clit is already throbbing as he noses against her curls, and she practically shouts when his tongue finally drags over her, tasting her.
This time, he doesn’t tease, lapping into her immediately, parting her with his tongue. Her face heats at the wet sound of it, muffled as it is by her skirts, but she doesn’t pull away. His tongue strokes broadly at first before delving into her folds. He swiftly finds her clit, alternating little flicks and flutters of his tongue followed by suckling at the little bundle of nerves until she’s writhing in her seat. 
“Guildford, ” a steady stream of moans and his name pours from her lips every time he gets something just right.
His tongue travels further down, dipping into her entrance. She’s only ever had the touch of her own fingers there before and the soft heat of his tongue as it presses into her nearly has her bucking her hips against him. She can feel him chuckle at the aborted twitch of her hips as she tries to restrain herself, but the inward glide of his tongue does nothing to help. 
And suddenly, she can’t stand not being able to see any of what is happening beneath her skirt, wanting desperately to see his face as he pleasures her, and tangle her fingers in his dark curls.
“Guildford, wait…”
He halts immediately, drawing back from beneath her skirts to search her face for any indication that this is too much for her. But Jane merely sucks in a breath at the sight of his own face, flushed pink and glistening with sweat, all the way down his throat to what she can just glimpse of his chest between the vee of his shirt. His curls are in complete disarray. And worst of all that vexing mouth of his is now red and shiny from what she blushes to realize is her. Jane aches at the sight.
“I wanted to see you,” she confesses.
Guildford’s face lights up at her words, apparently having thought she meant to reject him once more. With a sharp burst of fondness that surprises her, Jane reaches out to take his face in her hands, running her fingers along his relieved smile. He presses into her fingers, turning his face to kiss at the center of her palms. With one of her hands she reaches up to press back damp curls from his forehead, soothing along it. With the other she glides it back to tangle in his soft curls as she had been so desperate to just moments ago, unconsciously drawing him toward her.
His pleased expression curls into a grin. “If anyone walks in now they might get an eyeful.”
And she can see exactly what he means. Her skirts are bunched around her thighs - which are now covered in lines of pink and faint bruises - her stockings barely holding on. But in between them is Guildford, flushed even pinker and on his knees before her. She should be embarrassed but all she feels in this moment is powerful.
“All they’ll see is you serving your Queen,” she retorts, and doesn’t miss Guildford’s shudder at her words.
Her hands slide deeper into his curls to grip at the locks, delighting at the sight of her husband’s eyes nearly rolling back, his lips parting at the slight tug. An even stronger pull has him moaning, but still grinning up at her. Jane laughs. Neither one of them has ever been good at giving in.
Still, he goes willingly as she guides him back to where she’s aching. It takes them a moment to rearrange her gown so that it’s out of the way but then he’s pressing back in, tongue picking up just where it left off. 
Where it left off was driving her slowly insane, the delicious in and out of his clever tongue. Still keeping a firm grip on his curls, she guides him back up to her clit when it has started to feel neglected, and he’s quick to wrap his lips around it, swirling his tongue around her. His eyes flick up to meet hers and she gasps at the intensity of his gaze.
His tongue moves down to dip into her again, and at the slight tease of it she tightens her grip to press him deeper. Guildford groans, eyes briefly slipping closed at the sensation and she can feel the sound vibrate through her. Jane suddenly wants more.
With one hand she keeps hold of him, pressing him into her, while the other shifts to run through his wild curls, occasionally scratching at his scalp with blunted nails. Each motion draws out a new little noise from her husband and she feels them all reverberating shiveringly through her cunt. His tongue is practically fucking her now, and she can feel her hips trying to match his rhythm.
Jane tries to stop herself, but Guildford’s hands run soothingly along her outer thighs, petting at her hips and encouraging them to rock back, riding against the thrust of his tongue. Like this, his lips and nose occasionally bump against her clit, but it’s not quite enough.
“I need…” she starts, not sure exactly what she intends to say.
Thankfully Guildford seems to guess at it, the way she’s tilting her hips against him. His right hand abandons her hip to wrap around her thigh and slip between them. Like this he’s able to press his palm against her belly, thumb slipping down to slickly circle her clit in time with the motion of his tongue, leaving her trembling above him. In Guildford’s dark eyes she can read how much he wants this too, how lost he is in her pleasure, in his adoration of her.
Her hands can’t stop running over any part of him she can touch - his hair, his shoulders, his jaw - and he hums his pleasure at each touch deep within her. The sensation is almost too much as her hips buck helplessly against him, legs shaky with effort. She can feel her inner walls clenching with each plunge of his tongue inside her, her whole body thrumming with need. 
“Guildford, ” she breathes out.
She can feel what must be her own name moaned into her as Guildford clutches roughly at her hip, pressing her into his fingers and mouth as he drags her screaming over the edge. Wave after wave of pleasure flows through her as the muscles of her core tense and release with the continued onslaught of his tongue, the ceaseless press of his thumb against her clit. When it finally gets to be too much, he eases her down from it, gentling his tongue and fingers until she only feels soft little kittenish licks and the shuddery tremors that follow. 
Eventually, she draws him back from him, huffing out a giggle as he wipes his face on the edge of her gown. Guildford raises himself up on unsteady legs to press his lips to hers, mouth still slick with her release. Her body gives one last little tremble at the taste of herself on his tongue. She never wants to stop kissing him, but eventually they have to break apart for air. 
“Thorough enough for you, Your Majesty?” Guildford asks rather breathlessly, reaching up to straighten her crown where it’s tipped forward.
“Full marks for pronunciation,” she laughs.
He winks back at her.
“You can correct my Latin anytime.”
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thatliminal-wanderer · 3 months
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Fluttershy (MLP:FIM) ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Adam, Albert, Alberta, Alfred, Alice, Alistair, Alvin, Amaranth, Ambrose, Andrea, Archie, Arthur, Audrey, August, Autumn, Ayala, Baker, Bear, Belle, Benedict, Benjamin, Bertha, Beryl, Bianca, Birdie, Bjorn, Blaise, Blu, Buck, Bunny, Carmela, Carnation, Cat, Cecilia, Chiffon, Christian, Chuck, Claudette, Conan, Cosette, Coye, Daisy, Darby, Dawn, Delilah, Deryn, Doreen, Doris, Dorothy, Dudley, Earl, Edith, Edna, Edward, Elizabeth, Finch, Finn, Fiona, Flora, Florence, Florian, Fox, Franklin, Fred, Frieda, George, Greta, Griffin, Hannah, Hattie, Ian, Ida, Irene, Jack, James, Jay, John, Juliette, Katherine, Kitty, Kiyoshi, Laqueta, Larry, Lemon, Leo, Liam, Lillian, Lily, LouAnne, Lynx, Mabel, Marcus, Margaret, Marian, Marvin, Mel, Miller, Mimi, Modesta, Molly, Nesara, Odette, Orchid, Pearl, Petunia, Phoenix, Placido, Prakriti, Praneeth, Raven, Robin, Rose, Rosemary, Saundrine, Sethuramani, Sylvie, Thomas, Tivona, Vaishant, Vera, Vern, Verna, Vernon, Walter, Willa, Wren
bloom/blooms, bun/buns, butter/butterfly/butterflies, calf/calfs, cozy/cozies, dan/dandelion/dandelions, farm/farms, fir/firs, flower/flowers, flutter/flutters, fur/furs, green/greens, hush/hushs, leaf/leafs, meadow/meadows, nature/natures, pink/pinks, rose/roses, rural/rurals, shy/hyr, tea/teas, yellow/yellows, ☁️/☁️s, 🐇/🐇s, 🦋/🦋s, 🪶/🪶s, 🪽/🪽s
A Pegasus of Shy Demeanors, An Animal Loving Pegasus, Animal Lover, The Animal Communicator, The Calm Party Goer, The Fallen Pegasus, The Fluttering Pony, The One Who Speaks in a Whisper, The One Who Takes Care of Animals, The Pegasus Scared of Flying, The Pony Who Hosts Tea Parties, The Shy Pony, The Soft Spoken Pony, The Yellow-coated Pegasus, [prn] Who Can Speak to Animals, [prn] Who Loves Animals, [prn] Who Loves Tea
Cottagecorimasc/Cottagecorifem, Eilumescian, Flushymarcenic, Flutterosboyic, Fluttershycharic, Fluttershycutecorian, Forestembodiment, Lipinkyelquoise, Natureserenic, Naturogender, Plétoile, Quiwilliyn, Shentatic, Shygender, Swetear, Teagender, Teaherbal, Teapartyic
Other mogai
Cabincoreaestelic, Cottagecoralius, Cottagecoreperspesque, Fluttershyvior, Foresthearthic, Inviglasstrawberrypot, Planturbahearthic, Teavior
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queenmarytudor · 2 months
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Mary I's Fight For The Throne
20th July - Mary is victorious
Having heard of Robert Dudley proclaiming Jane queen in Kings Lynn, Mary sends "requiring them to apprehend the Lord Robert and also to lie in wait for the like apprehension of the Duke, if it shall happen him flee, as it is suspected he will do" following Mary's proclamation for his arrest on the 18th. 1
The Earl of Oxford finally arrives at Framlingham "with a large force of men whom he had quickly been able to gather at the moment of his desertion of the duke." 2
Still wanting more men, Mary and her Council decide to "discharge all manner of gaols [...] within the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk" 3, while 500 are appointed to attend upon Mary at all times to guard her from harm. 4
In the afternoon her troops are mustered in two separate companies led by the Earl of Sussex and Lord Thomas Wentworth, where "the standards were unfurled and the military colours set up; everyone armed themselves fully as if about to meet the enemy. The infantry made ready their pikes, the cavalry brandished lances, the archer bent his bow, and girded on his quiver; the harquebusier filled his weapon with powder, inserted its leaden ball and set his match burning." 5
At 4pm, Mary rides out from Framlingham castle on a white horse, and "gave warning in an order that no harquebusier should fire his gun, nor any archer release his arrow until her majesty had inspected the army. When this order was given, such was the respect that everyone felt for their sovereign that no harquebusier nor archer fired after the command; but the soldiers bowed low to the ground and awaited their beloved mistress's arrival." 6
On foot, Mary walks around the two divisions of her army for 3 hours, "speaking to them with exceptional kindness and with an approach so wonderfully relaxed as can scarcely be described, in consideration of their esteem for their sovereign, that she completely won everyone's affections." 7
After she finishes inspecting her troops, the cavalry put on a rousing display as they "streamed forth and beat and trod the ground with such a thunderous noise and spread so widely through the field that it seemed like one enemy in pursuit of another." 8
Returning to the castle, a delighted Mary discovers the "most welcome news, scarcely to be hoped for, that Northumberland had abandoned hope of success because of the continual desertions of his supporters, and on 19th July had likewise taken flight from Bury in the middle of the night." 9
The Earl of Arundel and Marquis of Winchester arrive to confirm the news, and reveal that the Privy Council have proclaimed her Queen in London. They go to their knees with a "dagger turned towards [their] stomachs in recognition of [their] offence and submission to the penalty deserved." 10
They also bring a letter wrote by the Privy Council following their proclamation a day prior:
Our bounden duties most humbly remembered to your excellent Majesty, it may like the same to understand that we your most humble faithful and obedient subjects, having always (God we take to witness) remained your Highness’ true and humble subjects in our hearts ever since the death of our late sovereign lord and master your Highness’ brother, whom God pardon; and seeing hitherto no possibility to utter our determination herein, without great destruction and bloodshed both of our selves and others till this time, have this day proclaimed in your City of London, your Majesty to be our true natural Sovereign liege lady and Queen, most humbly beseeching your Majesty to pardon and remit our former infirmities, and most graciously to accept our meanings, which have been ever to serve your Highness truly, and so shall remain with all our powers and forces to the effusion of our blood, as these bearers our very good lords the earl of Arundel and Lord Paget can, and be ready more particularly to declare; to whom it pay please your excellent Majesty to give firm credence; and thus we do and shall daily pray to Almighty God for the preservation of your most royal person long to reign over us, from your Majesties City of London, this day of XIX July, the first year of your most prosperous reign. 11
Mary gladly accepts their submission.
While Mary was inspecting her army, Northumberland had proclaimed her queen in Cambridge and retreated to the house of Sir John Cheke. The Mayor, discovering this, "attended by a large force drawn from both town and gown, had the duke's lodging surrounded and watched on all sides to stop him leaving or escaping." 12
Now, Mary sends Henry Jerningham and Northumberland's former ally the Earl of Arundel to arrest him. 13
Jane Grey, Guildford Dudley and the Duchess of Northumberland are detained in the Tower as prisoners. 14
The Bishop of London flees the city after his sermons. 15
1.Acts of the Privy Council, Vol 4
2. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
3. Acts of the Privy Council, Vol 4
4. Acts of the Privy Council, Vol 4
5. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
6. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
7. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
8. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
9. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
10. Spanish State Papers, 22nd July 1553
11. Memorials of the Most Reverend Father in God, Thomas Cranmer, sometime Lord Archbishop of Canterbury
12. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
13. Vita Mariae Angliae Reginae of Robert Wingfield
14. Spanish State Papers, 22nd July 1553
15. Spanish State Papers, 22nd July 1553
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perfettamentechic · 2 years
27 marzo … ricordiamo …
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period-dramallama · 6 months
He's a bitch he's a princess he's a killer he's a malewife he's a DILF he's a girlboss he's the problem he's the solution he is JOHN DUDLEY EARL OF WARWICK
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