#eallin vuosttamus
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Hello and welcome back to too many effing babies. Here we see visiting good guy ex Entzu's bonding with his son
While responsible older sister/cousin Eallin puts the other babby in bed
before getting to have her birthday finally
Also I'm so sorry Eallin, but life's about to get a bit less breezey.
She wants to move out, and as this family is slave class, she'll be moving in with and working for an upper class family. She takes the name Goalmmát as she won't be continuing the Vuosttamus line
Piggy and Wiola are coming with her, look at how many are in this household otherwise lol
Bye Eallin, hope your new life treats you well over with the Leheniks.
More on that later.
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#qallariq household#forest dwelling#round 14#entzule bigarrena#sumaq iskay#saminchay iskay#eallin vuosttamus#eallin goalmmát
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Hello and welcome back to Qallariqs
it's birthday time for T'ika
She grows up pretty good and is a family sim looking for a lad who cooks and looks good but not too confident
Meanwhile Aunt Inti is embarrassing us all again
Sky the cat isn't sure about raising a puppy as her own, but Piggy's all for it
That next morning, after killing a pretty blue bird, Sky becomes Old
Sacha learns words
Greeting walkby!Johka was pointless, he's exactly what T'ika isn't looking for
and also she caught the plague off him. Goddamnit
I never find anything interesting to say about the economies of these guys, but having invented chicken husbandry has done wonders for it. Here's the latest litter I know it's not called a litter of chickens but like whatever mom
Plague means a lot of sleeping during the day for T'ika
But Aunt Inti will have her get up for comfort soup.
Woop! Yeah this pregnancy hasn't been as smooth as her former goes, but
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#roman stage#round 14#forest dwelling#qallariq household#eallin vuosttamus#sacha iskay#sky the cat#piggy the cat#t'ika qallariq#inti iskay#mutia the dog#johka vuosttamus
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Part of why I've been hesitant to start the Roman Stage properly is that the first household we'll be spending time with, the Qallariq family, is one where nothing's really gonna change much. These guys are slave class, the only class who'll stay living on their old lots, so gameplay will look very similar to the neander stage. But anyway
Entzu is visiting... I'm still not getting them back together, I don't care what they do
Inti's about to be way too busy for any of that nonsense anyway. Teh twins are aging up!
I gave Wakin a haircut but unfortunately forgor to get his picture aftewards, whoopsie
You can sort of see him in the background there as Inti's struggling with her pregnancy.. yep, that's happening too. She's not as young as she once was but she wants 10 children damnit!
T'ika's bonding with little Sacha
Piggy the cat is also getting some love
Little Wakin's taking his first steps
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#roman stage#round 14#qallariq household#eallin vuosttamus#entzule bigarrena#inti iskay#wakin iskay#sacha iskay#forest dwelling#piggy the cat#t'ika qallariq#sky the cat#miharo tuatoru#arvi nubbe
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Late night nonsense with the Nubbes. Spot is still out a-haunting
Go away Inti >:(
So stacked beds can cause some issues with the kids waking up at the same time, unless the beds are facing opposite directions. Smooth as butter.
Miretsi's a mean girl.
Bierdna to the rescue! The 'torment' interaction from AL is seriously underrated, the animations are just great
Ok let's try to talk this out. Miretsi, are you upset with Eallin because your mom lives with her now?
Meanwhile Rieban makes a friend in this cool older girl Aroha. Also hi Orotika
Gaem. Pls :(
Miretsi! Poor Eallin :(
and that's where we leave these guys for now
And that's the end of round 13! the round in which the oldest gen 2 child reached adulthood. Which means the next round is the beginning of the Roman stage, which requires a bit of setting up as we're changing the whole structure of society, and a lot of sims will be moving into new homes that'll have to be built, along with the new community lots, so buckle up for a lot of wip-posts in the next few days
#sims 2#test of time challenge#neanderthal stage#moon islands#round 13#woods hut#nubbe household#stuorra nubbe#tips the dog#spot the dog#inti iskay#arvi nubbe#gáranas nubbe#aroha tuarua#bierdna nubbe#rieban nubbe#miretsi bigarrena#doaivu vuosttamus#eallin vuosttamus#orotika keji#johka vuosttamus
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Uncle Puawai makes a visit to the Reeds hut to meet the kiddos.
Eallin is also here.
And now that we know that, we can get on with the main event.
Tapu and Miharo don't even glance over here, damn. Must be a riveting convo. Also hi Aroha
Another baby girl! Welcome Peara :)
Everyone's eager to meet the baby
but babies need a lot of sleep and is eventually taken inside for a nap
everyone else may party on tho
Luma feels no need for bed rest this time and just wants to teach Awhina her words. She's really getting the hang of this childbirth thing
look at all these good kids being good kids
wow even the cats are playing nice! this household is blessed fr. well they are father and daughter so i guess that makes sense. (so yeah the visiting cat with the stripey coat is Vang and he's Luna II's father)
Can't say the same for the cat and dog though. Oh well
#sims 2#test of time challenge#neanderthal stage#moon islands#round 13#tuawha household#reeds hut#puawai tuarua#tomuritanga tuawha#awhina tuawha#eallin vuosttamus#luma tuawha#tapu tuawha#miharo tuatoru#wuruhi tuawha#aroha tuarua#vang the cat#luna ii the cat#tipper the dog#nui tuatahi#indartsu lehenik
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Day 2 with the Tuawhas. It's a new day and a bunch of aunts uncles and cousins visit
Luma's not feeling too great. That was quick wasn't it? She only just had a baby last night
Said baby is shown here meeting her uncle Entzu.
meanwhile her older siblings are working on their artistic skills
She might not be the baby of the house anymore, but Wuruhi's aunts and uncles are still lining up to hug and play with her
When Miharo grows restless, she likes to go to the beach. Despite being shy and a Loner, she's still a popularity sim and likes to challenge herself to socialize with the other kool kidz
Today uncle Tapu and aunt Luma convinced her to bring Tomuritanga along. He seems to be pretty self-sufficient so it's not even a hassle really
Meanwhile Oye Keji and Nerea Bigarrena seem to be hitting it off playing tag on the path. One approves.
Like any introvert, Miharo needs a break from the kool kidz now and then, and finds that there's nothing better for it than a good swim. Meanwhile Tomu's befriending T'ika Qallariq, one of very few fellow kids in he neighborhood he's not related to, just making a note of that to myself don't mind me
back home:
lol what, also girl you care way too much whether boys like you
Anyway yeah Aworan visits and I have them go steady. Miharo has also been courted by Aitor previously but I want better things for her and he prefers Moemoea anyway
positive memories all around! and yeah most of my sims' memories are of relatives' birthdays now, that's how this goes i guess
moar soon
#sims 2#test of time challenge#neanderthal stage#moon islands#round 13#reeds hut#entzule bigarrena#miharo tuatoru#wuruhi tuawha#tapu tuawha#waiata keta#moemoea tuatahi#awhina tuarua#eallin vuosttamus#aroha tuarua#teina tuarua#tomuritanga tuawha#oye keji#nerea bigarrena#t'ika qallariq#aworan akoko
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Lunchtime with the Bigarrenas
Why hello Eallin
These 3 dogs are the best dogs. The Bigarrenas have raised them well
Auntie Ausarta's also here today, hanging out with her lil nieces
That evening, Miretsi grows up
She grows up feeling pretty good and looking awesome
and that's all for today
#sims 2#test of time challenge#neanderthal stage#moon islands#round 13#bigarrena household#earthen dwelling#entzule bigarrena#miretsi bigarrena#nerea bigarrena#nahia bigarrena#izar bigarrena#eallin vuosttamus#otis the dog#dot the dog#maggie the dog#ausarta vuosttamus#poza bigarrena
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Round 13, Leheniks part 3. The children are being very good.
And the cats are not. Stahp :(
Klutz is the goodest boi.
Aitor finds jogger Miharo is almost as cute as Moemoea, and with double bolts and a want for a date, we're doing a date now
But first
Balin becomes a senior cat
And in less happy news, Grim is here for the goodest boy
Aitor decides this is the time for noogies -_- that child, I swear
Goodbye, Klutz :(
Again, Aitor has no class at all, autonomously and angrily arguing with his date while everyone's in grief. You guys...
Getting out of the house helps a lot sometimes. Eager swimmer Miharo shows a kinda surprising dislike for fish
In the end, they had a great ol' time
and Aitor celebrates in his way. I kind of hate him.
And straight to the next high-chemistry-haver. You can do better Eallin! You all can! But Aitor fulfilled a want to make out with 3 different sims, so
Moar later
#sims 2#test of time challenge#neanderthal stage#moon islands#round 13#lehenik household#rock dwelling#aitor lehenik#egun lehenik#iluna lehenik#klutz the dog#dido the cat#balin the cat#zaindu lehenik#miharo tuatoru#vang the cat#indartsu lehenik#eallin vuosttamus
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Leheniks now, where everyone's coping after losing Eléwa since last time. Iluna and Egun are keeping themselves busy with the garden and the cats
while Indartsu spends most of his time looking after Zaindu the baby
Young Aitor is connecting with fellow romance sim Moemoea Tuatahi, and has a want for a date to fulfill, so heck yeah let's do this
These households are getting so big and stressful to manage I'll take any excuse to take a teen or older on a community lot excursion.
It's also great for people watching
As the rain intensifies, Aitor's gallantry leaves a little to be desired
Yep, that's a boy giving his date a noogie.
Moea's mom, aunt AND uncle are right there Aitor, what's with you?
I definitely don't blame her for just ending the date there.
She comes back almost immediately to hang out with the other teens. I just hope Aitor realizes he blew it.
The less than ideal weather follows him home, making his outdoor chores a, uh, chore
The evening brings some respite from rain, and some random guests. Dido the cat isn't getting along with either of the other cats living here, but her mom DD is the most fun playmate
and that's all for today
#sims 2#test of time challenge#neanderthal stage#moon islands#round 13#lehenik household#iluna lehenik#egun lehenik#zaindu lehenik#indartsu lehenik#aitor lehenik#moemoea tuatahi#doaivu vuosttamus#mayu tuatahi#inti bigarrena#wahi tuatahi#ausarta vuosttamus#miharo tuatoru#eallin vuosttamus#suyana akoko#oorun akoko#ibukun akoko#dd the cat#dido the cat#awosanma keji#t'ika qallariq
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Mutia's still not as close with all the Qallariq cats as she'd have liked.. when did she grow out of puppyhood anyway? The things I miss with my screenshotting, man
Sacha's really cute.
Cool big boy Johka drops by. The kids are his cousins, not that they'd know. Also pets playing nice, how about that. I don't use the controlpets cheat as a rule so it always a stroke of good luck when they're not fighting.
We are allowed jobs now, but T'ika won't be going to work for some upper class household as that means moving out of this house.
That leaves us only one other option, hehe. Our first professional, folks
Mutia has some bad habits
After tending the crops, Entzu pays a visit along with his sister and nephew
Later in that afternoon!
What's Entzu looking so pleased about?
This is Entzu's 3rd set of twins to be born... and Inti's 4th. FML
Two boys this time, that's a first for this hood I think? Yeah pretty sure it is actually! So that's something
moar soonish
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#roman stage#qallariq household#forest dwelling#inti iskay#mutia the dog#piggy the cat#sacha iskay#wakin iskay#johka vuosttamus#t'ika qallariq#eallin vuosttamus#entzule bigarrena#idja vuosttamus#ausarta vuosttamus#sumaq iskay#saminchay iskay
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Akoko householde round 13 part 2. Relations visit.
It's never long between birthdays in a household this full, and this evening it's Ibukun's turn.
Popularity/knowledge, high-key a snob, low-key heartthrob
Luma accompanying on drums while Aworan teaches Ewa a nursery rhyme is the sort of stuff I'm here for
Later that night
It's a boy! He's called Pataki. And everyone lived to tell the tale
Titobi stayed up past his bedtime to watch the birth, so he needs to have a long morning nap
Ditto for his parents, for different reasons.
The boys take a brief trip to the beach that afternoon. Ibukun gets to know his brother's crush. She's alright.
Back home, Inti visits and meets the tinies.
Imma cut it there for now :3
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#neanderthal stage#round 13#aworan akoko#mayu tuatahi#wahi tuatahi#suyana akoko#ewa akoko#mips the dog#dd the cat#diddy the cat#luma tuawha#titobi akoko#pataki akoko#miharo tuatoru#eallin vuosttamus#didan keta#t'ika qallariq#inti iskay
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Hi y'all and welcome to round 13 - the last round of this challenge stage! Inti's cooked up a platter of corn on the cob to celebrate! Reminding me that I didn't have any this summer, how did that happen
Meanwhile there's drama between the cats. we try not to judge what we don't understand
of course the number of babies expected is 2 -_-
I don't check this ahead of time generally, but I was wondering as Inti wasn't showing even though it had been more than 25 hours, idk what that's about
Didan visits and goofs around with his niece
and then ACR did this ^^ I'm so disappointed in you Didan
so yeah, this happened:
I had her wish for 'power to cheat death' (just felt like something she'd do) and a long life, and saved the last wish for later :P
Inti may not have gotten her 1st baby bump at all, but the 2nd showed up right on time
You can tell they totally think they're being cute >:(
Entzule drops by... Inti tries real hard to get back on good terms, while Eallin takes care of the garden
Suyana's BFF's with Entzu and properly pissed off with Inti, but she still visits next morning. idk who she thinks she is to be judging tho
maybe she should've stayed home actually, she's not feeling very well and almost barfed straight into the face of her concerned niece
Maybe a bite to eat will help. Eallin's really pulling her weight with the butchering
As is T'ika with the gardening
Moar soon
#sims 2#test of time challenge#round 13#moon islands#neanderthal stage#forest dwelling#qallariq household#inti iskay#spiddy the dog#eallin vuosttamus#t'ika qallariq#sky the cat#wiola the cat#didan keta#arvi nubbe#entzule bigarrena#suyana akoko
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Round 12 Tuarua household part 3. Quite a short part 3 but it will have to do. The family tries to move on from losing Lorea in the last segment
Helpful neighbors and relatives visit...
Teina got bigger
but as Aroha finds out, just as ticklish as her toddler self
And we close out with Pua and Maru. His expression is so tender here.
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#neanderthal stage#round 12#tuarua household#beachview hut#teina tuarua#oraora tuarua#aroha tuarua#puawai tuarua#pouri tuarua#maru tuarua#orotika keji#eallin vuosttamus#harikoa tuatahi#luma tuawha
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morning of round 12, Tuatahi household part 3. Aworan drops by to meet his littlest cousins Awatea and Manawataki
Moar cousin visit
Also! Moemoa ran into Aitor Lehenik whom she has triple bolts with and a want for a date, so guess what we're doing now
Aitor is a total grouch but he warms up to Moea's charms like nobody's business
Date successful.
Back home, Para and Eallin are besties, Awatea wakes from her nap and Hari and Mayu embarrass us all
Manawataki grows into a lil evil dummy
And Awatea grows into a lil fisherwoman. She kinda has resting "something smells" face
Beach time. Wahi tries her hand at freestylin
I promise Egun isn't planning a mass murder, he's a good kid
And that's where we leave the Tuatahis for this round :)
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#neanderthal stage#round 12#seaside dwelling#tuatahi household#harikoa tuatahi#manawataki tuatahi#moemoea tuatahi#aworan akoko#awatea tuatahi#wahi tuatahi#nui tuatahi#mayu tuatahi#eallin vuosttamus#aitor lehenik#para tuatahi#miretsi bigarrena#egun lehenik#t'ika qallariq#tapu tuawha#entzule bigarrena
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Brief interlude-ish thing. Having no money to buy even an empty lot with, Inti moves back into her childhood home where her nieces Eallin and T'ika live. She's not intending to continue the Qallariq name though, that's T'ika or arguably Eallin's birthright and also Inti has a lot of children of her own already. So she takes the new surname Iskay, just... in case.
Also, at some point in time, this happened
Inti fulfilling a want for a date caused some bad blood with her sister Suyana.
Arguably it was hasty to do this before Inti moved out but uh
No one will notice if Arvi and Inti have a late night tryst at the beach, nothing could go wrong could it
No part of this is a good idea
And now even more people are mad at them. tbf Elewá you had no business getting it on with Arvi either but
yeah, that happened. Just had to share it even though I'm not proud of the part I played in this whole debacle
What's this, Leheniks?
Yeah, we're supposed to move over to the Tuatahi household now, but I saw that Wahi's about to age up, and Aitor here is older than her... also the only eligible young lad for the million Qallariq-descended teenage girls around. He's 1 day or less from aging up anyway, so we're doing it lads
A bi boy! Just like Aworan Akoko, but they're first cousins so that's not happening lmao. Also how handsome is this young man, so of course I had to make him a romance sim
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#neanderthal stage#qallariq household#bigarrena household#inti bigarrena#inti iskay#arvi nubbe#eallin vuosttamus#t'ika qallariq#suyana akoko#elewá lehenik#round 12#lehenik household#aitor lehenik#egun lehenik
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Time now to start round 12 (whaaat) with this picture of itty bitty new kitty Wiola, looking spaced out.
Auntie Inti visits. She and Eallin have a secret cool guy handshake and everything.
Para is also visiting, helping out with little T'ika. No wonder how Eallin has been able to hang out all day at all her neighbor's houses since last round, there's no shortage of free babysitters around.
The neighbors' cooking has had a bit of an effect on Eallin's waistline though, not that it's noticeable at all with that baggy robe
When Eallin needs to tend the garden or slaughter poultry or sleep or something, T'ika's uncle Ife likes playing in her sandpile with her.
But whenever she has a free moment, she prioritizes teaching T'ika her toddler skills.
It takes time and patience, but as a knowledge sim, she knows the importance of having a solid foundation for learning, and giving T'ika that is worth every minute.
Here's another thing that's worth every minute: smoked poultry sausages. When those meat logs are good and dry, Eallin will tear up some jerky, and that extra protein should help little T'ika grow big and strong.
That night something bizarre happened. Imole Nubbe walked by and I had Eallin greet her, hoping to introduce T'ika to another one of her aunts. Instead Imole ran straight to the upper bedroom that's not in use right now
where it's all completely ablaze.
idk when this happened, or why? don't think there was anything in this room that could spontaneously combust and cause this
though apparently Tanna's firey ghost is around and actually shows herself to her sister. Could she have done this?
Sky the cat is just hanging out in the flames as well, why...
did Tanna just exorcise herself with the inferno? Her gravestone is still here but T'ika is feeling like the death just happened but it's days and days ago, i don't understand
Imole decides she's seen enough I guess
And the fire gradually dies down, leaving only the very flammable looking clothing hamper and manger unscathed. Also damn it Sky now your little feet will be all sooty.
Meanwhile T'ika was sleeping through the night in the open air, watched over by the diligent Wiola.
Who upon this day also grows a little less littler.
Sky survived the fire unharmed to get hugs from Eallin who also slept through the whole thing.
well then.. part 2 coming soon
#sims 2#test of time challenge#moon islands#neanderthal stage#round 12#qallariq household#wiola the cat#eallin vuosttamus#inti bigarrena#t'ika qallariq#para tuatahi#sky the cat#ife keji#imole nubbe#tanna qallariq
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