#eagle spotted stingray
vestaignis · 4 months
Движемся навстречу солнцу с элегантным скатом (Обыкновенный пятнистый орляк). Moving towards the sun with an elegant eagle spotted stingray.
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Обыкновенный пятнист­­ый орляк (Аetobatus narinari).
Это — вид хрящевых рыб одноимённого рода семейства орляковых скатов. Пятнистый орляк прин­­­адлежит к роду Aet­oba­t­us, его видовое на­зв­ание можно переве­сти, как «орел­–скат». Это скат крупных раз­­­меров (до 8,8 м с хвостом), у которого ма­ксимальный размах пл­авников-крыльев может доходить до 330 см, толщина тела в рай­оне головы – 50 см, а вес до 230 кг. Скат орляк похож на парящую под водой хи­­­щную птицу -- не зря он получил свое на­з­вание. Движения его плавник­­­ов похожи на взмахи крыльев, нос на пт­и­ч­ий клюв. Спинная поверхность орляка окрашена в темно-синий или чёрный цвет с белыми точками, брюшная сторона — белая. Хвост длиннее, чем у других скатов, и несёт на себе 2—6 ядовитых шипов.
Широко распространён в тропической зоне, включая Мексиканск­­­ий залив, Гавайские острова, вдоль побе­р­­ежья западной Афр­ик­и, в Индий��ком ок­еан­е, Океании и вдо­ль об­оих побережий Амер­ики на глубине до 80 м. Обычно ведет одиночн­­­ый образ жизни, но вне сезона размноже­н­ия может образовыв­ать крупные стаи. В дикой природе , ес­­­ли пятнистого орля­ка не трогать , то это животное неопасно и пугливо. Но , если , нечайно наступить на пятнист­­­ый орляк , то он об­в­ивает ногу хвост­ом, наступившего на ры­бу пловца , или рыба­ка и вонзает ядов­итые шипы.Часто люди получают рваные раны, которые необходимо промыть и лечить.
Пятнистый орляк имеет охранный статус на Большом Барьерном рифе вдоль восточного побережья Австралии.
Eagle spotted stingray(Aetobatus narinari).
It is a species of cartilaginous fish of the eponymous genus of the eagle ray family. The eagle spotted stingray belongs to the genus Aetobatus, its specific name can be translated as "eagle–stingray". This is a large-sized stingray (up to 8.8 m with a tail), whose maximum wingspan can reach 330 cm, body thickness in the head area is 50 cm, and weight is up to 230 kg. The eagle stingray looks like a floating chi under watera bird of prey -- it got its name for a reason. The movements of its fins are similar to the flapping of wings, its nose is like a bird's beak. The dorsal surface of the eaglet is colored dark blue or black with white dots, the ventral side is white. The tail is longer than that of other stingrays and carries 2-6 poisonous spikes.
It is widespread in the tropical zone, including the Gulf of Mexico, the Hawaiian Islands, along the coast of West Africa, in the Indian Ocean, Oceania and along both coasts of America at depths up to 80 m. It usually leads a solitary lifestyle, but outside the breeding season it can form large flocks. In the wild, if the eagle spotted stingray is not touched, then this animal is harmless and timid. But if you step on a eagle stingray, it wraps its tail around the leg of a swimmer or fisherman who stepped on a fish and pierces poisonous thorns.People often get lacerations that need to be washed and treated.
The eagle spotted stingray has a protected status on the Great Barrier Reef along the east coast of Australia.
Источник://seaforum.aqualogo.ru/topic/59066-обыкновенный-пятнист%C2%AD%C2%ADый-орляк-аetobatus-narinari/, /ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Обыкновенныйпятнистыйорляк, pofoto.club/29020-obyknovennyj-pjatnistyj-orljak.html, ru.pinterest.com/pin/985231163169913/,t.me/+HLoqW4OcT5VjZjM6.
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styllwaters · 7 months
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New truesona!! Very happy with how this design turned out <3 They’re a sillay spotted eagle ray
(Currently on the hunt for art for this dude so if anyone would be interested in an art trade hmu 🫣)
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respect-the-locals · 10 months
hello!! what’s your favorite kind of stingray
Hi! 😊 Thank you for your ask! *For my other followers, please don't hesitate to send asks! I will answer anything to my best ability, if you have questions!*
My two favorite types of rays are the Giant Oceanic Manta Ray and the Spotted Eagle Ray I've snorkeled with eagle rays before and it's a very fond memory for me! They are absolutely stunning!!
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Shark Fact!
Hammerhead sharks are rather fond of eating stingrays! So much so that scientists believe they have adapted, or build up a tolerance to, the venomous barbs stingrays use to defend themselves from predators! Even their unique head shapes are perfect for hunting stingrays by pinning them against the ocean floor while delivering numerous bites to their prey! Hammerhead sharks preying on stingrays ensures their populations are maintained at a healthy level and only the fittest rays survive to maturity!
Bonus fun fact! If you are ever stung by a stingray yourself, do NOT attempt to remove the barb as they have serrated edges and will only make the injury worse! Leave the barb where it is and seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY! If you want to avoid being stung, taking smaller steps or shuffling while in areas frequented by stingrays will allow them to detect your approach and move out of your way. Stingrays are very gentle creatures and stings only happened if the ray is spooked or provoked into defending itself. 
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ilovecoelacanths · 9 months
more fish!! these ones were in a different tank :D also sorry i said i would post these like. several days ago. oops
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they had a bamboo shark too but she was swimming too fast to get a good picture of her :(
there were two kinds of rays though! the one hanging out up top had white spots and the others chilling near the bottom didn’t, plus they were shaped a little differently. i’m not a ray expert but i looked at some pictures and i think the one with spots might have been a spotted eagle stingray? the spots and the shape seemed to line up to me but idk for sure. if anyone here knows more about stingrays than me let me know if i’m wrong. i tried to find a list of what they had there but I couldn’t find anything :(
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krisleearts · 1 year
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I absolutely adore the ocean so I attempted something new! Decided to create a spotted eagle stingray painting with a giant stingray as their protector, like Godzilla sized.
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myriadeyed · 2 years
I would like to offer this resource for therians, an extensive list of all of Sir David Attenborough’s nature documentaries that are available on soap2day, and a full list of what species* they each (notably, prominently) feature the natural behaviors of, separated by episode, and omitting species that were only shown dead, juvenile or being predated on. This took me a while (I have been working on it since Prehistoric Planet’s release) because I did in fact have to watch every single series in full in order to list all the species and the episodes are around 50 minutes long, but enjoy.
Long post ahead:
Most of these shows have closed captioning, which is why I’ve picked soap2day. Planet Earth is the only one that doesn’t. I did not include Dynasties and Dynasties II because each episode only features one species.
Thank you to Birch (@ambiguousmutt​) for his help (he watched about half of the episodes) so I didn’t have to do it individually. Credit goes to him as well.
*Sometimes Attenborough doesn’t say the specific species and I was too busy trying to get through the episodes to identify it. In those cases I just put the most specific name I could.
Planet Earth
Episode one (From Pole to Pole): emperor penguin, polar bear, caribou, arctic grey wolf, Amur leopard, six-plumed bird-of-paradise, superb bird-of-paradise, great white shark, African elephant, African buffalo, lechwe, baboon, African wild dog
Episode two (Mountains): gelada, walia ibex, Ethiopian wolf, guanaco, cougar, grizzly bear, markhor, snow leopard, golden eagle, grey wolf, panda, golden snub-nosed monkey, red panda, demoiselle crane
Episode three (Fresh Water): giant salamander, grizzly bear, smooth-coated otter, Nile crocodile, dolphin fish, midge, Amazon river dolphin, dorado, piranha, spectacled caiman, crab-eating macaque, snow goose
Episode four (Caves): wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat, cockroach, bat hawk, cave swiftlet, yellow-red rat snake, Texas blind salamander
Episode five (Deserts): Bactrian camel, dromedary camel, red kangaroo, fennec fox, guanaco, long-nosed bat, Nubian ibex, flat lizard, lion, African elephant, locust
Episode six (Ice Worlds): snow petrel, Antarctic petrel, south polar skua, humpback whale, emperor penguin, eider, muskox, arctic grey wolf, polar bear, little auk, arctic fox
Episode seven (Great Plains): Mongolian gazelle, red-billed quelea, wildebeest, snow goose, arctic fox, arctic grey wolf, bison, wild ass, Tibetan fox, pygmy hog, African elephant, lion, baboon
Episode eight (Jungles): magnificent bird-of-paradise, spider monkey, howler monkey, siamang gibbon, gliding tree frog, colugo, red crab spider, African elephant, chimpanzee
Episode nine (The Shallow Seas): humpback whale, multiple corals, banded sea krait, trevally, dugong, bottlenose dolphin, Socotra cormorant, salp, comb jelly, sea lion, dusky dolphin, sea urchin, sunflower starfish, short-tailed stingray, great white shark, king penguin, fur seal
Episode ten (Seasonal Forests): Eurasian lynx, moose, crossbill, wolverine, western capercaillie, pine marten, great grey owl, pudu, kodkod, mandarin duck, cicada, red deer, Amur leopard, tiger, mouse lemur
Episode eleven (Ocean Deep): whale shark, oceanic whitetip shark, common dolphin, Cory's shearwater, manta ray, sea spider, vampire squid, spider crab, unnamed deep sea eel, giant isopod, chambered nautilus, Pacific spotted dolphin, mola mola, frigatebird, sailfish, blue whale
Planet Earth II
Episode one (Islands): pygmy three-toed sloth, Komodo dragon, sifaka, marine iguana, Galapagos racer, Buller's albatross, fairy tern, Christmas Island red crab, yellow crazy ant, chinstrap penguin
Episode two (Mountains): Nubian ibex, red fox, golden eagle, grizzly bear, bobcat, flamingo, mountain viscacha rat, snow leopard
Episode three (Jungles): spider monkey, flying lizard, sword-billed hummingbird, river dolphin, jaguar, glass frog, paper wasp, click beetle, red bird of paradise, Wilson's bird of paradise, indri
Episode four (Deserts): lion, Harris's hawk, shrike, locust, sand grouse, pale chanting goshawk, feral mustang, golden mole, desert long-eared bat, darkling beetle, Namaqua chameleon
Episode five (Grasslands): saiga antelope, lion, harvest mouse, carmine bee-eater, Kori bustard, African elephant, serval, Jackson's widowbird, grasscutter ant, compass termite, giant anteater, bison, red fox, arctic grey wolf
Episode six (Cities): langur, peregrine falcon, leopard, European starling, great bowerbird, raccoon, rhesus macaque, spotted hyena, wels catfish
Our Planet
Episode one (One Planet): lesser flamingo, orchid bee, golden-collared manakin, red-capped manakin, blue manakin, cormorant, booby, common dolphin, shearwater, African wild dog, timber wolf
Episode two (Frozen Worlds): gentoo penguin, wandering albatross, narwhal, Pacific walrus, humpback whale, orca, leopard seal, polar bear
Episode three (Jungles): lowland gorilla, forest elephant, black sicklebill, twelve-wired bird-of-paradise, western parotia, mountain treeshrew, Philippine eagle, black spider monkey, leafcutter ant, Sumatra orangutan, velvet worm
Episode four (Coastal Seas): northern fur seal, compass jellyfish, giant trevally, mobula ray, Atlantic stingray, bottlenose dolphin, grey reef shark, whitetip reef shark, sea otter, California sheephead wrasse, Steller's sea lion, bald eagle, humpback whale, Guanay cormorant, Inca tern, Peruvian booby, South American sea lion
Episode five (From Deserts to Grasslands): Socotran cormorant, Arabian leopard, Arabian oryx, African elephant, cheetah, bison, Alcon blue butterfly, saiga, Przewalski's wild horse, tiger
Episode six (The High Seas): blue whale, spinner dolphin, mobula ray, oarfish, anglerfish, bristle worm, giant petrel, black-browed albatross, wandering albatross, bluefin tuna, sea lion, humpback whale
Episode seven (Fresh Water): Australian pelican, torrent duck, grizzly bear, manatee, giant mayfly, common kingfisher, osprey, jaguar, callipterus cichlid, Siamese fighting fish, hippopotamus, lion, African elephant, sandhill crane
Episode eight (Forests): Siberian tiger, bald eagle, rough-skinned newt, great hornbill, African elephant, African wild dog, fossa, gray mouse lemur
A Perfect Planet
Episode one (Volcano): lesser flamingo, marabou stork, Galápagos land iguana, vampire ground finch, Aldabra giant tortoise, North American river otter, coyote, Kamchatka brown bear, wildebeest
Episode two (The Sun): yellow-cheeked gibbon, fig wasp, arctic grey wolf, wood frog, garter snake, arctic fox, Saharan silver ant, golden snub-nosed monkey, sooty shearwater, humpback whales
Episode three (Weather): straw-colored fruit bat, fire ant, Amazonian giant river turtle, desert rain frog, Bactrian camel, Christmas Island red crab, carmine bee-eater, Nile crocodile, African fish eagle, hippopotamus
Episode four (Oceans): common dolphin, marine iguana, flightless cormorant, flamboyant cuttlefish, eider, bottlenose dolphin, lemon shark, manta ray, blacktip reef shark, trevally, rockhopper pengin, Eden's whale
Episode five (Humans): none
Episode one (Challenges of Life): bottlenose dolphins, cheetah, panther chameleon, orca, brown-tufted capuchin, stalk-eyed fly, hippopotamus, Clark's grebe, giant Pacific octopus, strawberry poison-dart frog, leopard seal, orangutan
Episode two (Reptiles and Amphibians): pebble toad, caiman, basilisk, Brazilian pygmy gecko, panther chameleon, Namaqua chameleon, red-sided garter snake, collared iguana, hog-nosed snake, horned lizard, sea krait, African bullfrog, Komodo dragon
Episode three (Mammals): Weddell seal, elephant shrew, aye-aye, caribou, straw-colored fruit bat, lion, spotted hyena, polar bear, brown-nosed coati, meerkat, African elephant, humpback whale
Episode four (Fish): sailfish, flying fish, weedy sea dragon, convict fish, sarcastic fringehead, mudskipper, Hawaiian freshwater goby, hippopotamus, barbel, silvertip shark, clownfish, sea lion, ragged tooth shark, multiple snapper, whale shark
Episode five (Birds): spatuletail hummingbird, lammergeier, red-billed tropicbird, magnificent frigatebird, red knot, horseshoe crab, lesser flamingo, chinstrap penguin, great white pelican, Clark’s grebe, sage grouse, Vogelkop bowerbird
Episode six (Insects): Darwin’s beetle, unnamed damselfly, monarch butterfly, alkali fly, Wilson’s phalarope, oogpister beetle, mongoose, bombardier beetle, honey bee, black bear, Japanese red bug, Dawson’s bee, grass cutter ant
Episode seven (Hunters and Hunted): ibex, short-tailed stoat, brown bear, Ethiopian wolf, California ground squirrel, star-nosed mole, cheetah, red fox, greater bulldog bat, bottlenose dolphin, Bengal tiger, rattlesnake, orca
Episode eight (Creatures of the Deep): Pompeii worm, Humboldt squid, nemertean worm, moon jelly, fried egg jellyfish, spider crab, stingray, cuttlefish, giant Pacific octopus, sunflower sea star, king crab, cleaner shrimp
Episode nine (Plants): monarch butterfly, purple-throated carib hummingbird
Episode ten (Primates): Hamadryas baboon, Japanese macaque, lowland gorilla, spectral tarsier, phayre's leaf monkey, ring-tailed lemur, Sumatra orangutan, chacma baboon, white-faced capuchin, brown-tufted capuchin, western chimpanzee
Blue Planet II
Episode one (One Ocean): bottlenose dolphin, tuskfish, tern, giant trevally, mobula ray, false killer whale, Asian sheepshead wrasse, orca, humpback whale, walrus
Episode two (The Deep): sea toad, Venus’ flower basket, unnamed shrimp, ethereal snailfish, cock-eyed squid, pyrosome, barrel-eyed fish, unnamed siphonophore, yeti crab, Humboldt squid, fangtooth fish, sixgill shark, scabbardfish, zombie worm
Episode three (Coral Reefs): broadclub cuttlefish, coral grouper, day octopus, multiple corals, green turtle, bottlenose dolphin, manta ray, bobbit worm, saddleback clownfish, marbled grouper, grey reef shark
Episode four (Big Blue): spinner dolphin, yellowfin tuna, mobula ray, sailfish, sperm whale, sea turtle, blue shark, great white shark, multiple jellyfish, Portuguese man o' war, whale shark, wandering albatross, shortfin pilot whale
Episode five (Green Seas): Garibaldi, Australian giant cuttlefish, weedy seadragon, common octopus, pyjama shark, sea otter, tiger shark, smooth stingray, zebra mantis shrimp, common dolphin, humpback whale
Episode six (Coasts): Pacific leaping blenny, king penguin, southern elephant seal, Sally Lightfoot crab, Galápagos sea lion, ochre starfish, clingfish, chain moray eel, Atlantic puffin, arctic skua
Episode seven (Our Blue Planet): none
Prehistoric Planet
Episode one (Coasts): Tyrannosaurus rex, Tethydraco, Phosphatodraco,  Tuarangisaurus, Mosasaurus hoffmannii, pycnodont fish, ammonites,  Kaikaifilu
Episode two (Deserts):  Dreadnoughtus, Tarbosaurus, Velociraptor,  Mononykus, Barbaridactylus, Secernosaurus
Episode three (Freshwater): Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus rex, Deinocheirus, Quetzalcoatlus, Masiakasaurus, Beelzebufo, elasmosaur
Episode four (Ice Worlds): dromaeosaur, hadrosaur, Ornithomimus, Olorotitan, troodontid, Antarctopelta, Pachyrhinosaurus, Nanuqsaurus
Episode five (Forests): Austroposeidon, Triceratops, Carnotaurus, Qianzhousaurus,  Edmontosaurus, Atrociraptor, Anodontosaurus, Therizinosaurus, Telmatosaurus, Hatzegopteryx
The Hunt
Episode one (The Hardest Challenge): African leopard, African wild dog, Parson’s chameleon, nose-horned chameleon, African mantis, Darwin’s bark spider, Nile crocodile, Amur falcon, orca, cheetah
Episode two (Arctic): polar bear, arctic grey wolf, arctic fox, glaucous gull
Episode three (Forests): tiger, American marten, sparrow hawk, Portia spider, tarsier, harpy eagle, chimpanzee, army ant
Episode four (Oceans): blue whale, frigatebird, dorado, sargassum fish, spinner dolphin, Beroe ovata, Chiroteuthis, lionfish, black-browed albatross, sea lion, tuna, copper shark, common dolphin, Bryde's whale
Episode five (Plains): cheetah, caracal, honey badger, termite, bald eagle, lion, Ethiopian wolf, hotrod ant, spoor spider
Episode six (Coasts): bottlenose dolphin, algae octopus, sand bubbler crab, long-tailed macaque, marine otter, grizzly bear, grey wolf, peregrine falcon, orca, humpback whale
Episode seven (Conservation): none
Life In Colour
Episode one (Seeing In Color): Indian peafowl, mandrill, Costa’s hummingbird, magnificent bird-of-paradise, blue moon butterfly, fiddler crab, mantis shrimp, flamingo, poison dart frog
Episode two (Hiding In Color): Bengal tiger, langur, ptarmigan, crab spider, zebra, Cuban painted snail, blue-striped fangblenny, common waxbill, pin-tailed wydah, Augrabies flat lizard
Frozen Planet II
Episode one (Frozen Worlds): emperor penguin, orca, Pallas’s cat, Siberian tiger, grizzly bear, hooded seal, polar bear
Episode two (Frozen Ocean): polar bear, beluga, harp seal, skeleton shrimp, crested auklet, orca
Episode three (Frozen Peaks): high-casqued chameleon, japanese macaque, kea, andean flamingo, giant panda, golden eagle, andean mountain lion
Episode four (Frozen South): king penguin, Antipodean wandering albatross, blue whale, Weddell seal, chinstrap penguin, snow petrel, leopard seal, orca
Episode five (Frozen Lands): grey wolf, arctic fox, Amur leopard, Siberian tiger, painted turtl, Lapland bumblebee, snowy owl, caribou, grizzly bear
Episode six (Our Frozen Planet): none
Episode one (Kalahari): fork-tailed drongo, ostrich, black rhinoceros, Angolan giraffe, African leopard, armored ground cricket, spider wasp
Episode two (Savannah): Agama lizard, shoebill, bee-eaters and rollers, lesser flamingo, African elephant, crowned eagle, African fish eagle, martial eagle
Episode three (Congo): chimpanzee, central African rock python, Angola banana frog, African skimmer, rockfowl, African elephant
Episode four (Cape): emperor swallowtail, giant kingfish, African penguin, monkey beetle, springbok, yellow-billed kite, pied crow, ghost crab, vundu catfish, Nile crocodile, Bryde’s whale, great white shark, common dolphin
Episode five (Sahara): Grevy’s zebra, naked mole rat, barn swallow, Dromedary camel, dung beetle, crocodile, western yellow wagtail, Saharan silver ant
Episode six (The Future): none
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dragonmarquise · 2 months
BRC MerMay Ideas
And now for my BRC MerMay headcanons!! Like I mentioned in the poll, every year I try to do a drawing for MerMay, which is usually just a mermaid version of a favorite character. I’m hoping to do something for BRC next year, so I’ve got a bunch of ideas for mermaid versions for almost every character!
Benni, the Oldheads, and Berlage are not here, but maybe they can stay as humans in this… I guess it’s basically a MerMay/mermaid AU by this point, lol
Starting with the main cast:
Tryce = red snapper
Bel = floating bell jellyfish (Get it, bell, Bel, lol)
Vinyl = sailfish, probably the Atlantic sailfish in particular
Felix = coelacanth (for headcanons-derived-from-implied-lore reasons, hee hee...)
DJ Cyber = manta ray, specifically the giant manta ray because they're cool as hell
Solace = garden eel! He pops in and out of the sand.
Solace: *popping out of the sand* Hello friends! How are y-- Tryce: You get back in that sand hole, or so help me-- Solace: *going back into the sand* Oh, okay, sorry!!
I’m sorry, I just find the idea funny, lol
Some bonus BRC members plus Escher:
Rave = wahoo
Mesh = threadfin butterflyfish
Shine = sunshinefish (was originally going to make her a sunfish, but I decided to be nice to her :P )
Rise = leopard seal
Coil = rainbow wrasse
Rietveld = orca
Escher = whale shark with prosthetic tail (I headcanon that the original Escher has non-cybernetic prosthetic legs, below the knees, so that’s getting carried over to his MerMay design)
Okay so also! With Rietveld and Escher in this weird AU, they used to be humans (Cops? Part of a navy who tried to hunt mermaids maybe?) who said “Screw this, we won’t be the bad guys anymore!!” and found a way to turn into mermaids. I guess. :P
So moving on, for the rival characters from here, besides DOT EXE, the seasons in parentheses indicate which in-game palette corresponds to that character. Just so you know!
The Franks = stitched together of different sharks and dolphins!
Bill (spring) = common dolphin + lemon shark
Charles (summer) = dusky dolphin + blue shark
Michael (autumn) = Commerson’s dolphin + thresher shark
Larry (winter) = bottlenose dolphin + leopard shark
Flesh Prince = Atlantic spotted dolphin (Spots and freckles!!)
Eclipse = all octopi
Vela (spring) = common octopus
Aquila (summer) = blue ringed octopus
Lyra (autumn) = mimic octopus
Cassiopeia (winter) = giant pacific octopus
DOT EXE = Robo fish mermaids!! So not specific fish species here, just general shapes/appearances basically.
Twoson (two ball) and Fourside (four ball) = robo guppies
Cinco (five ball) = robo sailfish
Neun (nine ball) = robo stingray
Eight Ball = robo shark
Jūrō (ten ball) = robo eel
Quatorze (fourteen ball) = robo octopus
Cueball = robo dolphin
Devil Theory = all sharks (more specifically picked species that have been most commonly reported in shark attacks)
Sai (spring) = great white shark (the guy with the anger problems of course gets the shark with the most reported bites :P )
Nunchaku (summer) = tiger shark
Daishō (autumn) = blacktip shark (Not blacktip reef shark! That is actually a separate species)
Bō (winter) = bull shark
Fun fact! Leopard seals are apex predators, and are even known to eat sharks on occasion. This is why Rise is allowed in Devil Theory’s turf (waters?) in this MerMay AU, lol
FUTURISM = stingrays, like with DJ Cyber
Nyx (spring) = eagle ray
Jazz (summer) = bat ray
Veronica (autumn) = whiptail stringray
Quantum (winter) = electric ray (maybe the marbled one in particular?)
Bonus round of “Red is somehow a separate person from Felix and Faux” stuff because I like the idea of that (but not as a replacement for Felix, the hate I have seen against Felix just to prop up Red that I have seen in this fandom is ridiculous...)
Red = A red guppy! So then Faux was this before being defeated too of course. Red in this AU is like… a talking hermit crab taking shelter in the old Red helmet. Felix was putting the helmet back together to use as his new mask, and found Red.
He decided to let the crab have the helmet (especially since it needed it more than him, having a hard time finding an actual shell after being bullied by other hermit crabs) plus Faux's old body. Using the helmet and some advanced set up inside of it (probably with further modifications by the Flesh Prince and DJ Cyber), Red can use it to control the body just like any other mermaid! Huzzah!
Faux's head is found at some point later, miraculously still alive and well! He gets attached to a non-mermaid sea dragon at some point. Not an actual sea dragon, but a leafy seadragon. Basically the Flesh Prince and DJ Cyber tricked him into agreeing to the new body, omitting the “leafy” part, lmao
They promise to get him a proper mermaid body if he behaves and properly repents for what he did (he still killed Felix here and tried to kill the others before being stopped), but uh, suffice to say at the moment he's got a long way to go.
It doesn’t help that he keeps trying to outright steal his old body from Red. “Dude, you literally threw it away to try and steal Solace’s body!!” “Don’t care, give it back!!” lol
So yeah! That's all of what I have for MerMay ideas! Feel free to let me know what you think of these :D
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misow0 · 7 months
This is literally my first time ever posting anything meaningful on here besides cringy stuff I posted in middle school and subsequently deleted so please bear with me
I have been slipping farther and farther into the hazbin hotel rabbit hole lately and like it far more than I ever expected to atp which led me to this. Initially got the idea for this while reading on AO3 from Moirasbabygirl, who described their character as having died from a stingray, which (from my understanding if this is wrong literally ignore everything I said please and thank you teehee) shaped how she appeared in death. I could not get the thoughts of a spotted eagle stingray themed character out of my head and so she was born:
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I have not thought up any backstory for her homegirl doesn't even have a name yet. If anyone has any thoughts, critiques, ideas, etc I am so open my art skill is minimal at the best of times so if any of this looks janky please forgive and also point it out so I can maybe improve?? The full body was just something quick I did while brainstorming outfits so it's lacking any kind of clean outline or put-together-ness (or as put together as anything I produce gets lmao) and also added a second thought I had about the hair shape that kind of mimics the back end of a stingray but idk how I feel about that
Anyways sorry for the ramble I'm trying to make this not super long and boring. So thoughts, opinions, criticisms?? I'm definitely going to make more of her and maybe post it if this does well and if it doesn't I will simply drop off the face of the internet forever k thanks bye 💙💙💙
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joeallbright · 10 months
Finding Sunken Ships while Diving in the Caribbean Sea
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The countries that make up the Caribbean are most widely known for their pristine beaches and aquamarine waters. The Caribbean is also a popular scuba diving spot, with many divers taking in the diverse marine life, including coral reefs. Scuba divers can also tour the sunken ships beneath the Caribbean Sea.
Cozumel, Turks and Caicos, Bonaire, and St. Croix are among some of the top scuba diving destinations. However, while they offer divers much in terms of marine scenery, the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Aruba, and Roatan offer divers something more- a little bit of history.
The Bahamas is an archipelago comprised of 700 plus islands located in the middle of the Caribbean Sea and the Western Atlantic Ocean. Some top diving spots include Tiger Beach, where divers can see many tiger sharks, or visit Bimini to see hammerheads. Bimini is also where divers can tour the remnants of the once powerful 282-foot cargo steamer, the SS Sapona.
The vessel traveled the Caribbean Sea during World War I, but a 1926 hurricane caused the ship to move off course. The vessel shipwrecked near Bimini, where remnants of the wreckage still exist. Today, the wreck off Bimini is one of the most popular diving spots because of the marine life that sits below. The ship's skeleton appears on the water's surface, but frogfish, nudibranchs, starfish, and crabs live below. Furthermore, divers can see reef sharks, sea turtles, grouper, and various rays.
The Cayman Islands is also the location of two shipwrecks. Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, and Little Cayman offer divers impressive drop-offs, with Grand Cayman being the location of Stingray City and other marine life. These islands were also the location of a significant discovery for a couple who traveled to the Cayman Islands in 1970. The couple snorkeled near Seven Mile Beach on Grand Cayman when they found an emerald-encrusted jewel in an area now named Lost Treasure Reef. After renting diving gear, they returned to the site to find a 13-foot gold chain, platinum bar, and 300 pounds in gold items. The booty came from a 450-year-old Spanish ship traveling from Mexico to Spain circa 1522 that disappeared.
The other sunken ship was the USS Kittiwake. The boat has remained intact after being intentionally sunken in 2011. This rescue ship traveled among the Caribbean, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans for five decades, beginning in 1949 and ending in 1994. After removing all its contaminants, the government sunk the ship. Today, the recreational site is shallow enough for free divers and snorkelers to tour the wreckage.
Divers can also travel to Aruba to tour Antilla, one of the Caribbean's largest (and most famous) shipwrecks. Aruba was a Dutch colony in 1940. Germany built Antilla and anchored it off the coast of Aruba in 1939. Coincidentally, Germany invaded the Netherlands, so Dutch mariners tried to board the ship, but the German captain prevented them from boarding. The captain then ordered his men to destroy the ship, after which they escaped sinking, but were apprehended by the Dutch. Today, parts of the ship's wreckage sit above the surface where pelicans and other sea birds live, but divers can find diverse anemones, hard coral, moray eels, crustaceans, and octopuses.
Finally, Roatan, an island off Honduras, is another popular for scuba diving. The lush, mountainous landscape allows divers of all levels to tour the water's depths. Those diving in the area will descend the Hole in the Wall, a steep vertical descent down a reef wall. In addition to seeing bright coral, schools of fish, rays, and moray eels, divers can also tour the El Aguila (the Eagle) shipwreck.
In 1998, before being broken into three parts during Hurricane Mitch, it measured 230 feet. Historians believe the ship was on course from Haiti to Puerto Cortes carrying concrete. After shipwrecking, it remained underwater for years before being brought into the Roatan harbor before another storm drug it out to the reef. At some point, a team purchased and cleaned the ship, sinking it in its current location.
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
tbh rayqua is more spotted eagle ray than stingray
rayqua has little star-like patterns on the underside of their fins that twinkle when the sunlight has stopped hitting the water. its camouflage, to look like the night sky
also also did you know rayqua is a troll/alien hybrid? not a full troll? yeah no they have something completely different going on <3
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waterfunblog · 15 days
Experience the Best Tours in Turks and Caicos
Not many destinations come close to Turks and Caicos when it comes to a dream destination. From the endless turquoise waters, powder white-sand beaches to lush marine life, the islands are full of various outdoor adventures waiting for visitors. No matter whether you are after relaxation or adventure, the variety of excursions in Turks and Caicos means every traveler will find something special.
Adventure on the Water
1. Snorkelling and Diving Trips
The waters off Turks and Caicos boast one of the healthiest coral reef systems found anywhere in the world. Excursions offered most widely include snorkeling and diving trips. Places like the Bight Reef and Grace Bay offer shallow areas where colorful tropical fish, sea turtles, and sometimes even eagle rays can easily be seen. For more advanced divers, other excursions are available that explore dramatic undersea drop-offs and twisting cave systems.
2. Kayaking and Paddle boarding
Kayaking and paddleboard excursions grant the thrill-seeker quiet cruises on shallow waters off coasts. Paddle through mangrove channels where you can encounter diverse wildlife, including stingrays, baby sharks, and exotic birds. It provides a way for visitors to see the quieter and unaffected nooks of the islands at a leisurely pace on an eco-tour.
3. Boat Tours
One of the best ways to fully appreciate excursions turks and caicos  beauty is by taking a boat excursion. These trips often feature stops at secluded cays, snorkelling spots, and possibly even dolphins-so take either a private charter or go on a group tour. A half-day or full-day excursion might take you to famous spots such as Iguana Island, home of the rare Turks and Caicos rock iguana.
1. Historical and Cultural Tourism
History buffs can enjoy excursions that delve into the culture and history of the islands. Take a visit to Cheshire Hall Plantation for a glimpse into the cotton industry and the stamp of the British Empire, or tour the Grand Turk Lighthouse, a relic of the island's rich nautical history.
2. Beach Horseback Riding
If you have ever dreamed of riding horses along a pristine beach, Turks and Caicos could avail you of just that. Horseback riding excursions take one along the coast and even allow one to wade into the water on one's horse.
Sunset and Night Tours The day can be wrapped up well in style or a sunset cruise and even a glowworm tour. Ideal for spectacular sunsets, the calm evening waters of Turks and Caicos offer just the setting; after dark, some tours let you see Bioluminescence-lighting-up of the water by bioluminescent marine life. Thoughts by the End The very nature of natural beauty and types of activities that are possible make the excursions in Turks and Caicos all-inclusive for every category of traveller. Be it going on a marine exploration in the crystal-clear waters or unveiling the historic perspectives of the islands, such adventures are there to ensure that your visit to this tropical position can never be forgotten.
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wwwvilladejablue · 18 days
Uncovering the Wonders Of Colombia Shallows In Cozumel? Explore the Wonders of Punta Sur Eco Park? Discover the Secrets of El Cielo Snorkeling? What Wonders Await at Paso Del Cedral? Dive into the Columbia Reef: What Wonders Await in Cozumel? The Colombia Shallows is an idyllic second dive for many boat tours, perfect for snorkelers seeking maximum bottom time. Here you might spot large southern stingrays. Devil's Throat is an expansive deep dive site known for strong currents. Eagle rays, nurse sharks and turtles can often be spotted here. https://villadejablue.com/wonders-of-colombia-shallows-in-cozumel/?feed_id=22732&_unique_id=66df204d196d3
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Explore the Best Beaches in the Maldives for Snorkeling and Swimming
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If you're dreaming of turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs, and endless sunshine, the Maldives should be at the top of your travel list. 🌴 Whether you're a seasoned snorkeler or just love to swim in crystal-clear waters, the Maldives offers some of the best beaches in the world for underwater adventures. Let's dive into a few must-visit spots that you should include in the Maldives tour package.
Banana Reef, North Malé Atoll
Banana Reef is a snorkeler's paradise! 🐠 With its unique banana-shaped coral formation, this reef is teeming with marine life, from colorful fish to majestic sharks. The visibility here is amazing, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced snorkelers.
Fihalhohi Island Beach, South Malé Atoll
Looking for a serene spot to unwind? Fihalhohi Island’s beach is the place to be. 🏖️ Swim in the warm, shallow waters or explore the nearby house reef, where you can spot everything from playful parrotfish to graceful sea turtles. It’s a peaceful escape that feels like a hidden gem.
Maafushi Island Beach, South Malé Atoll
For those who want a mix of adventure and local culture, Maafushi Island is your go-to. 🌊 This vibrant island has a beach that's perfect for snorkeling. The house reef is easily accessible, and you'll be surrounded by schools of tropical fish and even the occasional stingray. Plus, the island’s laid-back vibe makes it a great spot to chill out after your underwater explorations.
Reethi Beach, Baa Atoll
If luxury and nature are what you’re after, Reethi Beach in Baa Atoll won’t disappoint. 🌺 Located in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, this beach offers top-notch snorkeling right off the shore. Imagine swimming alongside eagle rays and turtles in some of the clearest waters you've ever seen.
Dhigurah Island Beach, South Ari Atoll
Looking to escape the crowds? Dhigurah Island’s beach is a tranquil haven. 🌅 The long sandy stretches are perfect for a peaceful swim, and the nearby reefs are ideal for spotting whale sharks and manta rays. This island gives you a true taste of the Maldives’ natural beauty.
Fulhadhoo Island Beach, Baa Atoll
For a more off-the-beaten-path experience, Fulhadhoo Island offers a beach that feels like your own private paradise. 🌴 The calm, shallow waters are great for swimming, and the snorkeling here is fantastic. Keep an eye out for turtles and reef sharks as you explore the vibrant underwater world.
Why You Should Include These Beaches in Your Maldives Tour Package
Each of these beaches offers something unique, whether it’s the marine life, the peaceful atmosphere, or the crystal-clear waters perfect for swimming and snorkeling. When booking your Maldives tour package, make sure to add these spots to your itinerary for an unforgettable experience.
Ready to explore the best of the Maldives? 🏝️ Pack your snorkel gear and let’s make some tropical memories!
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tropicalwavetci · 4 months
Discover the Ultimate Water Adventure in Turks and Caicos Islands with Tropical Wave
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Turks and Caicos Islands, a tropical paradise nestled in the Caribbean, offers a breathtaking array of water adventures that promise to leave you with unforgettable memories. At Tropical Wave, we specialize in curating the most exhilarating and unique aquatic experiences that showcase the stunning natural beauty and vibrant marine life of these islands. Join us as we explore the top water adventures Turks and Caicos.
Unparalleled Snorkeling Excursions
Experience the underwater wonderland of Turks and Caicos with our premier snorkeling tours. The islands are renowned for their crystal-clear waters and thriving coral reefs, making them an ideal destination for snorkeling enthusiasts of all levels.
Grace Bay: A Snorkeler’s Dream
Grace Bay, often listed among the world’s best beaches, is a haven for snorkelers. Its calm, turquoise waters are home to an array of colorful fish, sea turtles, and vibrant coral formations. Our guided snorkeling tours in Grace Bay ensure you see the best spots, safely and comfortably.
Smith’s Reef and Bight Reef
For a more immersive snorkeling experience, head to Smith’s Reef and Bight Reef. These sites boast a rich biodiversity and are perfect for spotting stingrays, barracudas, and a variety of reef fish. Our experienced guides will provide insights into the marine ecosystem, enhancing your underwater adventure.
Thrilling Scuba Diving Adventures
Dive into the depths of Turks and Caicos’ marine world with our exciting scuba diving tours. The islands offer some of the best diving sites in the Caribbean, featuring dramatic walls, coral gardens, and a plethora of marine life.
West Caicos and French Cay
West Caicos and French Cay are premier diving destinations, known for their impressive wall dives and abundant marine life. Dive with us to explore the sheer walls that drop into the abyss, teeming with life such as sharks, dolphins, and eagle rays. The visibility here is exceptional, often exceeding 100 feet.
Princess Alexandra National Park
Princess Alexandra National Park is another diving gem, offering a variety of dive sites suitable for both beginners and experienced divers. Discover the rich underwater landscape, including stunning coral formations and fascinating shipwrecks, all under the guidance of our professional dive instructors.
Exhilarating Water Sports
For those seeking an adrenaline rush, Tropical Wave offers a range of water sports that will get your heart racing. From jet skiing to parasailing, we have something for every thrill-seeker.
Jet Ski Adventures
Feel the wind in your hair and the spray of the sea on your face as you zip across the waters on one of our top-of-the-line jet skis. Explore hidden coves, pristine beaches, and remote islands, all while experiencing the thrill of speed and freedom.
Parasailing Over Grace Bay
Take to the skies with our parasailing adventures and enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the stunning Grace Bay. Soar above the turquoise waters and get a unique perspective of the island’s breathtaking scenery. This exhilarating experience combines the thrill of flight with the serene beauty of the Caribbean.
Serene Kayaking and Paddleboarding
For a more tranquil water adventure, try kayaking or paddleboarding in the calm, clear waters of Turks and Caicos. These activities allow you to explore the islands’ natural beauty at your own pace.
Mangrove Exploration
Kayak through the tranquil mangrove channels and discover the rich biodiversity of these unique ecosystems. Our guided tours provide a fascinating look at the flora and fauna, including birds, fish, and even the occasional juvenile shark or turtle.
Stand-Up Paddleboarding in Chalk Sound
Chalk Sound, a beautiful turquoise lagoon, is perfect for stand-up paddleboarding. The shallow, calm waters make it easy to navigate, allowing you to take in the stunning scenery and perhaps even spot some local wildlife. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced paddleboarder, Chalk Sound offers an idyllic setting for this serene activity.
Unforgettable Boat Charters
Explore the islands from a different perspective with our luxury boat charters. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day on the water or an adventurous excursion, our charters provide the ultimate island experience.
Private Island Hopping
Discover the beauty and diversity of the Turks and Caicos archipelago with a private island-hopping tour. Visit secluded beaches, snorkel in untouched reefs, and enjoy a picnic on a deserted island. Our experienced crew will tailor the itinerary to your preferences, ensuring a personalized and memorable adventure.
Sunset Cruises
End your day with a spectacular sunset cruise, where you can relax and unwind while watching the sun dip below the horizon. Enjoy a glass of champagne as you take in the stunning views of the islands bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. This romantic and serene experience is the perfect way to conclude your day in paradise.
Eco-Friendly Experiences
At Tropical Wave, we are committed to preserving the natural beauty of Turks and Caicos. Our eco-friendly tours are designed to minimize our impact on the environment while providing you with a unique and enriching experience.
Eco-Kayaking Tours
Join us for an eco-kayaking tour and learn about the importance of mangroves and other coastal ecosystems. Our knowledgeable guides will share insights into the local ecology and conservation efforts, allowing you to appreciate the natural beauty of the islands while supporting sustainable tourism.
Coral Reef Conservation
Participate in our coral reef conservation programs and contribute to the preservation of these vital marine habitats. Through activities such as coral planting and reef monitoring, you can play a direct role in protecting the underwater world of Turks and Caicos for future generations.
Family-Friendly Activities
Turks and Caicos is an ideal destination for families, and Tropical Wave offers a range of family-friendly water activities that are fun and safe for all ages.
Snorkeling for Kids
Introduce your children to the wonders of the underwater world with our kid-friendly snorkeling tours. Our guides are experienced in working with young snorkelers, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for the whole family.
Glass-Bottom Boat Tours
For a fascinating glimpse of marine life without getting wet, try our glass-bottom boat tours. These tours are perfect for families with young children or those who prefer to stay dry. Marvel at the colorful fish and coral reefs from the comfort of our specially designed boats.
Plan Your Adventure with Tropical Wave
At Tropical Wave, we are dedicated to providing you with the best water adventure experiences in Turks and Caicos. Our expert team is here to ensure that your time on the islands is filled with excitement, wonder, and lasting memories. Whether you are seeking thrills or tranquility, we have the perfect adventure for you.
Contact No. 649-332-5707
Address: Tropical Wave, 513B S Dock Rd, TKCA 1ZZ, Turks & Caicos Islands
Visit us : www.tropicalwavestci.com
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sonorous-eisfyl · 4 months
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what are your muse’s aesthetics? BOLD any which apply to your muse! remember to REPOST! feel free to add to the list!
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[ COLOURS ]  ~  burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
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[ BODY ] ~ mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists.  hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins.  guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
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[ WEAPONS ]  ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer.  shield. poison. (bow)guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers.  machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets. lasers.
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[ MATERIALS ]  ~ metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite.  moonstone.  petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils. skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain.  bone. shells. coral.
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[ NATURE ]  ~ grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. pond. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp.  plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space.  clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun.  heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise.  sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
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[ ANIMALS ]  ~ birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer.  hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. ants.  moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
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[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum.  mints.  candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea.  spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks.  celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
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[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. synthesizer.  violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk.  classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. electronica. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art.  sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolour. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defence. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. duelling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey.  reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. science.
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[ STYLE ]  ~ nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint.  make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. nose rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pyjamas.
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[ MISC ]  ~ balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power.  clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies.  loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honour. piety. charity. diligence. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. bitterness. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. illusion. silence.
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