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theworldofkirby · 1 year ago
knighting shine and armor
meta knight goes on a journey and finds love. one shot. Meta KnightxFemReader (ao3)
ONE DAY metal knight was told there was a princess locked in a tower.
"whats it to me" meta knight asked
"um" a wize wisard waggle dee said "its part of the prophecy she must be rescued"
"i'm allergic to prophecies" meta knight says
"ummm" Wize Wisard Wagdle De says "theres a dragon that you need to fight"
"fight???? why didn't u say so" meat knight say. astonished
"i'm a wisard" wize wisard eaddle dee sayed beardly as he bearded his beard
YOU SITS THERE in her tower and are you pensive? perchance. you sighs abd brush her hair and look in the mirror. her dress is hot
"sigh" you sighs. "i hope someone rescues me"
SUDENLY !!!!!!!! A KNIGHT bursts through yous door
"wat da hek!!!!" you screams
"the door was locked so i broke it"
"oh ok"
"anyway hola my name is meta knight"
you blushes. "m-my name is-"
meta knight stabs you
"i was sent to fite u" meta knight says
"omg meta knight!!!!!" wize wisard wadle dee says "i said fight the DRAGON not the PRINCESS"
"oops….. i thoutght u said to rescue the dragon and fight the princess" meta knight smumbles
"you WHAT" wize wisard wabble dee says
you lay there "ow"
"sorry" meta knight says "i was kissing the dragon she was kinda hot"
"yea her name is-"
"hi my name is (Y/N)" says the dragon
"AEEUHH???" wize wisard dee screacks
"(Y/N) mi amor…… your (color) eyes……. they are just so…….. how u say……….. magnifico" meta knight blushes and kisses ur cheek becasue your a giant dragon and hes a little ball
"Princess You no……." wise wizard waddle dee laments
"wait is her name actually You" meta knight asks??
"ya" (Y/N) says "thats not the weirdest name a princess has had"
"im so happy i could save u mi amor" metal night scrokes your cheek
"thank u that princess was always screamin for help every day i couldnt take it" (Y/N) sigh
"i need a hopsital" You says
"Augghgh… the propecy….. ruined………." Wize Wizard Wadle De collapses to the ground and dies of a heart attack
(Y/N) and Meta Knight share a tender kiss. how they did with their height difference is up to ur imagination. the end
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444names · 2 years ago
the entire article on canaanite religion from english wikipedia
'alare 'ammoron 'forth Adivin Afted Aftere Aftered Aftern Agatittle Agents Alaind Alated Allacriors Allyon Almough Almythad Amealze Amettler Anames Ansing Anted Appit' Aratio Arrent Arrove Artion Arusk Ascaved Ashaddles Ashaely Ashowel Astopon Astorom Astromed Atern Ation Atood Augarran Augarrink Auggelle Aurench Baale Bably Baleved Bally Banitic Bassonsor Batchou Ba‘almou Befre Beigicaved Beiters Berly Berromply Bervied Betical Betted Betwo Biber Bited Brucia Bruills Buited Bulat Bulevale Buted Bylocks Calen Calow Cames Camidame Camille Canite Caverin Charcul Charqody Chiew Chiliern Chimples Chong Citan Citurts Claring Clate Cleve Clorce Coaboder Coara Consosm Conzed Corme Courn Crian Critim Culargh Cullo Culloch Cultards Curcle Datinte Dattrum' Dearcusic Descalwa Dessed Dessets Diagan Diefrai Diessirs Dising Disted Distric Dites Divan Dividefs Divinly Dnained Doninate Drite Dritin Durplayim Durulation Eaddinge Eaddle Eadry Eadû'a Eaganah Eapargal Earecon Eated Eations Ebled Edlern Egionscs Elies Ellistice Emarrin Endemput Ention Equis Etitionze Etzky Evedinked Examente Expoent Faite Famayern Fartions Fater Fatuntions Femaing Ficering Fiery Firsurn Fited Fluchon Fluen Folon Forsagatek Fortur Francest Fropen Fulasson Ganniumess Gianort Godyed Goends Grafts Grage Graing Graymbers Greally Grear Gronschast Groya Hacts Hamakkad Hauganiall Hebrormson Helve Herions Herly Hermentan Herron Hettly Hilakey Himan Histrianir Holorm Honslaing Horayinly Hounied Hysibery Ibovess Icallon Idditeks Idearchild Imayed Imence Impirces Ineeks Influen Inhate Isholy Istooliven Ithed Itich Jeries Joing Judgil Judially Jushon Kined Kiner Kinglegits Kinly Kippron Kothrow Lablence Laraing Larce Larly Lemposes Levatek Leving Lians Liarge Lieng Ligation Limpot Locks Lovies Lustal Luted Maging Mailepho Maing Maiticast Malle Maman Mamosed Marabylon Maremad Maticedge Mider Milele Minke Miremons Mitimilo's Moast Moneolon Mortic Moses Murres Nabylons Nated Neade Nesside Nethes Nostion Nottle Nussine Oba'a Obaalacte Ofter Oftervided Olort Olowlerans Onius Orderly Orescs Ortions Pagly Pagust Paing Pansons Pares Parge Pargel Pastomars Peasa Peater Peding Peoly Phall Philigure Phordaing Phormon Phossalle Piters Plachilot Plagivesh Plenan Poinean Poing Porsume Posist Posts Prances Precians Prefer Preganikh Prege Pried Pritive Prive Prives Prizizos Pulan Pulespon Puress Rafts Recent Recourch Redia Refeby Refreascal Regationg Remple Repaphas Repon Repro Reseepos Rexcan Rialwarth Rothousace Roully Roves Royagle Saccon Samed Sames Samic Sanalohied Scried Seastooth Secto Secunt Seres Serther Sessint Shasely Shash Shating Shavations Sherres Shmuref Shtnisom Sider Sintacks Skieranda Skinflon Sking Skinst Sochy Sords Sounin Staeou Stinsing Store Stran Stria Strod Stron Stroya Sumanic Supaged Supon Suprove Surchost Suriondied Suriticay Surpeops Surroddius Swargal Symbsels Tably Takey Talai Tamouns Tandive Taray Tarld Tarth Telve Tering Tesume Thelp Thount Thown Throngent Tians Tioddû Tirtu Tismal Tited Toloune Tople Tormallet Tranaancy Travanne Trece Tries Trigary Tripper Trounts Trualt Truse Twisraugh Tworsurple Ugarly Ughbous Ughter Ughtu Untale Upicunts Upoly Uposhunes Uppripally Uproust Usibelymon Usineans Ussor Valan Vatestion Virsup Weaddā'û Weaps Werinikh Wetherm Wettérove Whapiterow Wheast Wheight Whilbod Whilhm Woremple Woriage Wrianogy Yahhu Yaltenic Yedly Yonity Zapshar Ṣappold
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celebanything · 5 years ago
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@devoleena ❤️ Follow==>>@celebanything . . . . . #follow #celebanything #cute #devoleena #devoleenabhattacharjee #helpingheart #helping #heart #helpinghand #love #helpingothers #help #covid #donate #community #helpinghands #kindness #charity #follow #support #eaddl #nonprofit #india #helping #heart #staypositive #awareness #helpothers #journey #coronavirus #helpingpeople #freeepilepsyexpo #freeexpo https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMgvmqlJ95/?igshid=1t6mn0acv9rbi
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 5 years ago
A Product to Look Into
A Product to Look Into
Miller Healer CBD
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I recently spoke with the Miller Healer CBD team at this years Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland in Anaheim, California. The companies products range from patches, lotions, salves, tinctures and more. They are big in working with the sports, law enforcement and emergency related fields. For this reason the company test all their products to verify they are 100% THC FREE and…
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straightyuri · 3 years ago
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catharticboredom · 3 years ago
I wish there was a new Banana Eaddle Dee render for the Forgotten Land, they just did used the one from Kirby Fighters 2 and “Americanized” him
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lungsrlife · 4 years ago
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For further information & Consultation:
#identify #eaddl #love #journey #awareness #epilepsyawareness #heart #seizurefree #staypositive #seizure #seizurelife #freeepilepsyexpo #epilepsyeducation #seizurealertdog #seizuredisorder #seizuressuck #epilepsystrong #helpinghand #freeexpo #epilepsy #purple #epilepsyawarenessday
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thecaregiverspace · 6 years ago
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I love being the big sister to these two! #caregiving #siblings #EADDL #facesofcare #epilepsy #shareyourears 📷: @robertssister https://ift.tt/2zn8PMW
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 7 years ago
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland
Hello All,
Mark your calendars for this years, Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland event to be held November 5th, 6th and 7th. If you have never been just go to their website at, http://www.epilepsyawarenessday.org for more details.
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All of us at 365 Caregiving Tips and iCare Consulting look forward to seeing you there.
Thank you,
Richard Kreis
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 7 years ago
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland Expo, Day 2
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland Expo, Day 2
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Hello All,
We, 365 Caregiving Tips, Practical Tips from Everyday Caregivers are attending the 5th annual Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland at the Disneyland Hotel Convention Center. We just had our first raffle winner Anita and her daughter stop in to pick up their three book set (1) Practical Tips, (2) Travel & Respite Tips and (3) Hospitals, Care Facilities and Hospice along with an assortment…
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 8 years ago
Chelsea Hutchison Foundation, Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland Nominations Information
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This was copy and pasted from Facebook, Saturday 4/23/17, 1:44pm pst. 
Once again, The Chelsea Hutchison Foundation will be rewarding trips to Epilepsy Awareness Day at Disneyland Resort 2017 to families who qualify. The number of trips awarded will depend on the funds raised to support this event and will be announced at a later date. We will start accepting Nominations on May 1, 2017 and will…
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 5 years ago
365 Caregiving Tips Day 2 Raffle at the Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland
365 Caregiving Tips Day 2 Raffle at the Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland
Another day, another prize! Thanks to Robert for picking the winner and congrats to Roni on her win!! #EADDL #caregiving
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 5 years ago
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland Update.
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland Update.
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland Anaheim, Ca. at the Disneyland Hotel. Day 1 Down, still two days to go.
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 5 years ago
It’s been a long few days already for Robert our attendee greeter.
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 5 years ago
Thank You NorthShore Care Supply
Thank You NorthShore Care Supply
Our thanks go out to NorthShore Care Supply for their generous donation of our books to hand out at this years Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland Expo being held at the Disneyland Hotel. The books are going to caregivers who care for a loved one dealing with epilepsy or other form of disability that requires assistance.
Thank you NorthShore Care Supply.
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kreislercaregiverauthor · 5 years ago
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland, Day 1 Raffle Prize Drawing
Epilepsy Awareness Day Disneyland, Day 1 Raffle Prize Drawing
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