#each time you see this post he will get his head bashed in :03
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marsithefox · 9 months ago
An oldish drawing I made a bit ago :03
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bebepac · 4 years ago
Substitute Queen (Happy Birthday Queen Walton!)
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This is a special edition of Fast Forward for my friend @queenwalton as she enjoys this series I've created a lot and it is her birthday! (Well a day early!)
I'm pretty sure you have been following along with me since I started writing on the fandom a little over a year ago. Thank you for your friendship and support. I hear from you after every chapter I post and I love it. Also thank you for being my trustworthy reader of infinite snippets. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday my friend. 🥰🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤
A/N:  Thanks @dcbbw​ for bouncing some ideas around with me, and giving me a few to make this birthday fic even better.  Thank you girl.  
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Summary:  Riley and Liam go on their first vacation alone since the events of Ellie’s kidnapping.  Maxwell and Taylor take care of all the children.  Maxwell throws a “Baby” Beaumont Bash.
Original Post Date: 03/24/21 at 11:55AM EST
The Book:  TRH and Beyond
Pairing: Liam x Riley  / Maxwell x Taylor 
Warnings:  None other than hilarious fluff
Word Count: 2425
Song inspiration for this chapter: Baby Shark (Trap Music Remix) 
I don’t own rights to this hilarious music.  
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Liam saw Riley standing  in the study with her back turned to him.  The King of Cordonia shifted seamlessly into stealth mode as he crept silently into the study, surprising his Queen by pouncing on her like a lion, grabbing her and slipping his arms around her waist, and sensually planting a soft kiss to the sensitive skin on her neck.  He gently rubbed himself against her.  
“Take a break for a little while my love.”
He felt her body tense up.
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Liam quickly recoiled from her.   Liam looked genuinely horrified when she turned to face him.
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“I’m so sorry Taylor.  From behind, I swear I couldn’t…I mean I didn’t…..”  
“Bleh!!!! Don’t finish that sentence!!!!!!
Riley walked in the room seeing Taylor and Liam visibly uncomfortable.
“What did I miss?”  
“I need a bath!!!  Your husband thought I was you.  Apparently we look the same from behind.”  
Riley glanced at Taylor.  “I mean…. He’s really not completely wrong Tay.  Now that you had the twins, we really do.”  
Taylor scowled.  
“And that right there is why no one will mistake us for each other from the front.  Your scowl face.”
“Well this is a sufficiently awkward conversation, so I’m going to go, especially after I’ve completely embarrassed myself. Riley when you’re finished, please come by my study.”  Liam still had a flush on his cheeks and ears.
“For real, put that thing away Liam, it’s barely lunch time.”  Taylor grumbled.
“I will be there.”  She winked at him.  
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Liam’s smile returned.  
“Can one of you keep it in your pants please?  You two are like horny teenagers.”  
“I’m okay with that.”  They both said in unison smiling at each other.  Liam left the room.
“Are you going away for your wedding anniversary?”
“We probably should, but we have our date nights, and we can always sneak some time alone now that the kids are a little older, now that everyone is potty trained and not on the boob anymore.  God I missed my boobs being mine, and now that they are again, of course they look like a dumpster fire after breastfeeding four kids.”  
“Well that’s one hell of a bra then.”
“Who are you telling? They would be dragging the floor otherwise.”
Taylor laughed.  
“Please don’t do that visual to our body.”
“It is our body right?”  
Riley and Taylor giggled.  
“You two should go away alone.  You two never get adult time… And I don’t mean just for that.  You two apparently get more than enough adult time for that.” 
“Tay, it’s just that we haven’t really been away from the kids.  Anywhere we go, we travel as a family.  I feel safer that way, so does Liam.”  
“Because of me right?”  
“It is.  The last time you two tried to go on vacation was when I took Ellie, and you haven’t been apart from them a day since.  It’s my fault you two are afraid to be away from your children."
“Taylor, Liam and I have forgiven you for that, a long time ago.  We know that you’re not the same person you once were.”
“Prove it, you two take a trip, and it’s a trip you two desperately deserve. I promise the palace will be still standing when you get back.”
Taylor smiled at Riley.
“Please let me do this for the two of you. It’s been one thing after another, and you guys deserve a vacation. Let me and Max take care of the kids.”
“Tay… you do realize that would be your two barely crawling plus my four.  You two would be taking care of six children.”  
“And your kids are pretty self sufficient.  They can feed themselves.”  
“You’ll need some reinforcements, Tay. For real.  I’ll call Drake and Hana to help.”  
“I really think Max and I can handle it.”
“Riley, we got this.”
*^*^*^*^* Taylor and Maxwell *^*^*^*^*
“You volunteered us for WHAT?!?!?!?!?”
“Oh come on Max, they’re just kids.”
“Yeah, and we’ve been lucky to keep the two of ours alive so far.  We’re going to be outnumbered Softie. There’s going to be six of them and two of us. You have put them at an unfair advantage.”  
Taylor laughed.
“This is not a war Maxwell.”
“Oh, it’s definitely a war.”
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A week later,  Riley and Liam were preparing to leave for their first vacation alone, since they had children.  
Riley kissed and hugged each child.
“Now you kids behave for Auntie Taylor and Uncle Maxwell.  I’m counting on you Miss Crown Princess for a report when I return. You know you’re first in command Ellie.”
Ellie stood up straight and squared her shoulders.  “I promise Daddy, we’ll all be good.”
Ellie gave a little salute.
Liam gave one back.
“As you were, my princess.”
Riley, still kneeling, smoothed down Liberty’s little curls.  Her little lip was already trembling.  
“Mommy loves you baby.”  She kissed her little cheeks.  
“Are you ready to leave My Love?”  
Riley stood up nodding.   Liam reached out her hand for hers.  
They started to walk towards the SUV.  
Liam felt Riley stop.  
“It’s okay My Love we can do this.”  
Riley’s eyes were quickly filling with tears.
Riley resumed her stride.
The little inflection of a question in Liberty’s voice made Liam stop dead in his tracks. His grip tightening on Riley’s hand.  Liam took a deep shaky breath.
"Don't look back Liam, you know we won't leave if we do."
Bastien and Nico could see how the King and Queen were struggling to leave their children.
“Your Majesties, come this way.”  Bastien called out to them gently.
Both the King and Queen were in tears hearing their youngest burst into tears at the sight of them leaving, as they climbed into  the black SUV.
“It’s okay.  They’ll be fine Riley. They have reinforcements.”
“Taylor wouldn’t let me call Drake or Hana.”  
Liam hit a button on his phone. He put the phone on speaker.
“What’s your location?”  
“Already inside the palace.”  
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“And you fully understand the plan?”
“Let your tiny humans drive Taylor and Maxwell insane?”
“I know the plan Liam! Not be seen and keep a watch on them, and only appear if they need help with the children. “
“Yes. Thank you Liv.”  
“I do this because we’re friends Riley.”  
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“Liberty has a set of lungs on her, she hasn’t stopped crying since you two left.  I’m sure she’ll be fine.”  
“Thank you Liv.”  
“They’ll be fine, i’ll be watching. Enjoy your vacation already.”  
“Where are we headed? Since you wouldn’t disclose a location to me, I literally packed for everything including plagues and fire rain.”  
“For some fun in the sun on our own private beach.”
“Good thing I packed a bathing suit.”  
“You won’t be needing it.”  
Riley smacked Liam’s arm as he waggled his eyebrows at her.
*^*^*^*^*^* Meanwhile back at the Palace *^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
“C’mon Libby it’s okay.   Mommy and Daddy will be back.”  
Taylor picked her up, rocking her in her arms.  
“Shhhhhh… it’s okay Libby.   Auntie Taylor is here, so is Uncle Max.”
Libby’s cries subsided a little but not significantly.
“Can I try?”  Ellie asked.
Ellie crossed her eyes and made a funny face at Libby causing her to break out into a fit of giggles.  
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“We’re evening out the odds.  Three on three, I like those odds better Taylor.  We might actually survive this. They will listen to one of their own.  Ellie is like our super agent spy.”
By the end of day one both Taylor and Maxwell were exhausted, tending to and chasing around six children.  At least their two were relatively easy to catch, as they were barely mobile.
“Why did I think the children being self-sufficient was going to be a good thing?  I’ve never been this tired in my life.”  
“Is this what we have to look forward to when they’re older?”  
"Seems like it."
^*^*^*^* Liam and Riley *^*^*^*
“My Love?”  
“Yes Dear?”  
“You don’t have to cut up my food for me.”  
Riley had absentmindedly cut up Liam’s chicken into very small child bite size pieces. She had also ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.
“Oh!  I didn’t even realize.”
Liam smiled at her, running his fingers through his hair.  “We’ve been parents for so long, it’s been a long time since you and I have been truly alone.”  
“You know what I want to do after dinner?” Riley inquired.
Liam raised his eyebrow with an intrigued smirk.  
“I think I might have an idea of exactly what you want to do.”  
Liam and Riley went to sleep after dinner.  Both stretched out in the bed.  Both had covers, and no kids arms, legs, feet, or hair  in their face.
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Every night was like that Liam and Riley got the most sleep they had, had in years…. Well after other adult activities. Liam had even turned off his alarm living in the moment with Riley.
*^*^* Baby Beaumont Bash *^*^*^*
Taylor was feeding the girls when she heard loud thumping music. Taylor could hear jingling. Taylor glanced up, seeing the chandelier above her head was thumping to the beat of the music. Thank goodness the twins were used to Maxwell's antics, and Lily and Violet were sleeping right through it. She put Violet back in the crib and walked down the hall. The closer she got to the east wing ballroom the music got louder.
Taylor pulled the doors open to the ballroom, smoke bubbled down the hall.
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There were multi colored blinking lights, a disco ball spinning from the ceiling and a snack table full of candy, sweets and soda.
Maxwell had a DJ station set up  playing a song on an endless loop, bobbing his head to the music with his headphones on.
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And Riley's kids hopped up on kiddie cocaine (aka sugar) dancing and flailing around in what Taylor could only think to describe as a kiddie rave.
"Is that….. a trap remix of baby shark?"
"Heck yeah it is."
And the kids were loving it.
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Maxwell let the music keep playing and he had a bottle of champagne in one hand calling Ellie and Adam over to him. He had a sword in his right.
"Adam you hold the bottle."
"You are not giving them champagne Maxwell! They're children!"
"I'm shocked at you Softie. What kind of Uncle do you think I am? It's just sparkling apple cider. Okay Ellie, you get the sword because you're the oldest. And what you want to do is slice just like I'm showing you. Oh, and don't kill your brother, that would be bad."
"I don't think Daddy would let us do this Uncle Maxwell." Ellie said wearily.
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"Heck no he wouldn't.  Well not with Maxwell teaching you. If anyone is going to teach the crown princess to slice anything while someone else is holding it, it's going to be me."
Olivia appeared walking out of the shadows of an alcove.
"Have you been here the whole week?"
"Of course! You know Liam and Riley. And these kids are never going to fall asleep, if we don't have them dance the sugar out."
"I've got just the thing.”
 Max cranked up the music.
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*^*^*^*^* Liam and Riley *^*^*^*^*
"Liam I miss them."
"We'll be home to see them by noon tomorrow."
"Liam I know you miss them too, log into Crown Cam, so we can see them."
Riley sat next to Liam as he logged into Crown Cam.
As they went to each room they noticed none of the children were in their beds.
"It's past their bedtime."
"Did you really think Max and Taylor would get all kids to bed on time?"
"No but…."
They clicked on each room, until they got to the ballroom on the east wing.
Both gasped at the scene. Liam clicked the button enabling the cameras to pick up sound in the room.
Both looked at each other, seeing their kids wildly dancing and flailing about. Libby was excitedly jumping up and down with a glow stick while Olivia sang on stage.
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"Is Olivia really singing and rapping to Let It Go?!?"
Olivia's Rap
Liam nodded, watching the scene for a few more moments before slowly closing his laptop.
"I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for all of this."
*^*^*^*^*^* kiddie rave *^*^*^*^*
Taylor danced with the kids while Max continued at his DJ station.
"Olivia can flow, can you believe it Max?!?"
"OLIVIA!!!!! LANGUAGE!!!!!!! THEY'RE CHILDREN!!!!" Maxwell screamed.
"Are you serious with me right now?!? Language?"
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Olivia rolled her eyes in complete annoyance.
"Of all the things you've done, LANGUAGE is your hard stop? You gave the crown princess a SWORD to slice a bottle out of her younger brother's hands, and instructed her not to kill him. That's entirely okay, but CURSING is where you draw the line in the sand? Seriously Maxwell?"
Both Taylor and Olivia glared at Maxwell for a few moments in confusion.
"Liv keep going!!! We have to tire them out!!!"
Olivia resumed her rap battle….with herself.
Within an hour it looked like a crime scene in the ballroom. Children were passed out everywhere.  
Taylor picked up a sleeping Ellie, Olivia, grabbed Adam, and Maxwell carried Jaiden and Liberty upstairs to their beds.  
"They need baths, their faces and hands are dirty with crumbs and sweets."
"We'll give them baths in the morning, before Liam and Riley get back." Maxwell was confident they could get it done.
They didn't. They all slept in instead.
When Liam and Riley arrived back at the palace, they didn't know what to expect.
They saw their kids, all lined up wearing yesterday's clothes, dirty faces, and wild chaotic hair, looking like they had their own kiddie walks of shame.  But each child had a huge smile on their face.
Liam walked up to Ellie.
"Your report my Crown Princess?"
"Daddy! I sliced a bottle top off a bottle while Adam held it."
"And I didn't die!" Adam screamed confidently.
"We had fun!" Jaiden exclaimed.
"Daddy did you know Auntie Liv is a gangsta rapper?" Ellie's voice sounded like she was in complete awe.
"Yes My Princess, we saw."
Olivia turned pale, then she knowingly nodded. "I should have known you two would access Crown Cam."
Riley turned to Maxwell.
"So you threw a Beaumont Bash…. for our children?"  Riley asked.
"Of course, gotta train them up right!! Little Blossom!"
"Sure, they're a little dirty, but at least the palace is still standing, what else would you expect from the Substitute Queen?" Taylor commented with a smirk.
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Happy birthday! I hope you enjoyed this!
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merlinsbudgiesmugglers · 3 years ago
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I posted 331 times in 2021
17 posts created (5%)
314 posts reblogged (95%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 18.5 posts.
I added 34 tags in 2021
#in the heights - 4 posts
#anne with an e - 4 posts
#bridgerton - 4 posts
#mediator - 4 posts
#this! - 3 posts
#meg cabot - 3 posts
#omg - 3 posts
#yule bash - 3 posts
#fatws - 3 posts
#csi:vegas - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#blackevans friendship and harry/hermione (realised i don't know the ship name for them) are actual cinnamon roll goals
My Top Posts in 2021
Deleting the dating apps to fall in love the old fashioned way (He is actually trying to marry my sister but I get stung by a bee on my collarbone and he is caught trying to suck out the venom so we’re forced to get married. He doesn’t admit that he loves me until after I get in a life threatening carriage accident and break my leg (also he pretends to hate my dog))
71 notes • Posted 2021-06-26 13:03:47 GMT
Am I sad that Regé has left Bridgerton? Yes, of course I am. Did I make the joke that there’s no point watching anymore? Yes I did. Was that just a joke? Of course it was!
Look, tbh Simon really isn’t in the later books at all. He is part of the all important Pall Mall scene in TVWLM, but he is kind of just along for the ride and to dote on his wife. All of Simon’s scene’s can be replaced by a Bridgerton brother.
Daphne, however does have some important scenes in the later books, I can’t remember many details off the top of my head but Colin goes to Daphne to ask how she knew she was in love, she is much more prominent in the Pall Mall scene, I think she has some conversations with either Benedict or Sophie. She is the eldest Bridgerton daughter and her siblings (even her elder brothers) tend to come to her for advice.
Yes it is upsetting to lose a prominent POC from the show, but it is an ensemble show where they will be adding more characters each season (hopefully continuing with more POC), which means that other characters will need to leave. Otherwise we’ll end up with the Grey’s Anatomy season 12-13ish issue where there were too many characters and not enough screentime for them all.
As it is, I wish Regé all the best, I don’t like seeing this hatred of him in the fandom and people need to use their heads more. There’s all this bullshit about him leaving because he is difficult and doesn’t get on with the cast, but you literally have no evidence to back that up other than the fact that he isn’t in some photos. Be grateful that this gorgeous and talented man has gotten his big break and we will most likely be seeing more of him on our screens in future.
91 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 01:15:35 GMT
Saw this post today talking about how one of Bridgerton failings is that it doesn’t take Austen’s “one lesson” of marriage being about money and security and that love should be “rightfully second”.
And, um, I think we read different Austen novels.
Emma marries well, but only because she loves Knightley, she was determined to never marry before she realised she loved him and he agreed to live with her and her father.
Elizabeth definitely marries well, but she turned his first proposal down because she didn’t like him. She could have saved her entire family from an uncertain future if she had put money and security first, but she didn’t. (And this is the second proposal that could have saved her family that she has turned down).
Fanny marries fairly well, though Edmund is a second son and is going into the Parish.
Eleanor marries a disinherited parson.
Marianne probably makes the most sensible financial decision out of all the heroine’s, but that’s only after she’s been scorned by fanciful love. I also don’t think she would marry Brandon without there being any love there.
Catherine marries Tilney who again is a second son parson.
Anne initially turns down Wentworth because it’s the financially sensible thing to do, but when we meet them years later they are still both struggling with those feelings. Luckily Wentworth had made his fortune at that point, but his fortune has very little to do with Anne’s acceptance of him. Her family still are not impressed by their acquaintance.
In fact, women who seem to set out to marry financially well ultimately end up without the happy ending. We don’t know what happens to Caroline Bingley but she certainly isn’t portrayed as happy. Maria Bertram marries well, but she has an affair and is ruined. In fact, most woman that seems to be out just to marry financially well are portrayed as vindictive and mean. Even the men who marry for financial stability (Willoughby for example) are shown as selfish.
152 notes • Posted 2021-04-06 08:32:50 GMT
I’m rewatching Anne of Green Gables and I love everything about season 1 Gilbert. I think the thing I love most is when Anne meets his father and he knows, straight away that the girl with the red hair is the Cuthbert’s charge.
Gilbert has definitely been coming home from school and waxing lyrical about the cute girl, about how awful he felt about getting her in trouble, and how she is so smart and doesn’t back down from bullies.
Baby Gilbert is smitten and everyone knows
168 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 11:52:51 GMT
Deleting dating apps to find love the old fashioned way (hitting him over the head with my slate after he pulls my braid and calls me carrots)
392 notes • Posted 2021-06-24 10:36:54 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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mightbedamian · 8 years ago
#TMIishTuesday #54 - YouTube stop censoring us!
Hey, If you follow an LGBTQ+ YouTuber on Twitter, you're probably aware of this, but I can't stress it enough: What YouTube are doing with their "restricted mode" is plain censorship! Here's why. Hey there mighty people of the internet! And welcome to issue #54 of #TMIishTuesday - my weekly Tumblr post about what goes through my weird mind and on what you guys want to know more about. It can be something very personal, it can be something political, it can be completely pointless - but in 99.9 % of the cases, it involves opinions. And mine as well. // Last week I told you about my slightly crazy hair adventures and how they came about. Btw, I had school this week as well. One class mate is obsessed with my hair! She calls me "green hair" now, haha. The rest of my class mates don't really seem to mind. No positive, no negative feedback. Just: "What? You really did it?"- Hell yeah, I did! Surprisingly, most of my teachers like it as well. And not a single negative comment on that as well (although I'm 99 % sure my Politics teachers doesn't like it :D). Anyway, if you're curious how I look (with turquoise hair), click the link above. // Back to business: YouTube, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!? But okay, first things first: What is YouTube's "restricted mode"? You could call it a "family filter". It is meant to make YouTube a place that is safe for minors. It's basically Google's try to make sure parents don't freak out because "OH MY GOD! THERE ARE SO MANY VIDEOS ON THERE!" and telling them: We got your back! Probably a good majority of family filters look for certain key words in the articles, websites, or videos that they scan - and those media that use these keywords, are banned from viewing. It's how censorship in authoritarian countries works as well. So far, so not-worrying. Good intention, YouTube! There is some sh*t on your platform that, indeed, minors should not view. *cough* Sam Pepper *cough* ItsMert *cough* Leon Machére *cough* Sorry,  I'm still battling the cold. It's just not getting better! *wink* Long story short: I don't know if videos of those three channels are blocked in restricted mode (and I don't want to check. I don't want to give them even more doubtful fame). What I do know is that most videos revolving around LGBTQ+ issues are blocked. And that is just shocking! It seems that once you mention the words "gay", "lesbian" or "trans" in your video title, it won't show in restricted mode. But that's not all. Even videos that have NOTHING to do with sexuality, gender, or anything along those lines, simply get blocked in restricted mode. Tell me, YouTube: Why is a video titled "My Tattoo: I was bitten by a tiger" blocked, why a "most likely to" video by two guys, why is barely any "My Drunk Kitchen" episode viewable when Hannah barely talks about drinking - and never gets drunk. May it be because these people are gay, bi, or lesbian? YouTube, you have a whole lot of explaining to do! Oh, and why are entire channels basically blacked out? Check out Calum McSwiggan's channel in restricted mode: There's 1 - in words: ONE - video left. At least it's for a good cause: When he shaved his head in benefit of StandUpToCancer. Why, on the other hand, are there other LGBTQ+ creators that have barely any videos taken down? Why do you even think that videos on the pros and cons of the different types of top surgery, the thoughts of a trans guy before surgery and after, and the outcome of the surgery, is "potentially inappropriate content"? HOW ON EARTH could informative videos on top surgery featuring totally non-biased opinions be "potentially inappropriate content"? And why is "cross-dressing" allowed, but hangover morning thoughts, that are not at all about the hangover, are not? Why is a video titled "coming out at the scouts" perfectly fine, when most other coming out videos are not? And why is a video introducing a person on a channel titled "on party tour with the camera" blocked? Why is a video on greygender fine - and one on pronouns, while other videos on different LGBTQ+ spectrums and a discussion on how many genders there are, are not? Okay, I could name way more examples of great LGBTQ+ content creators. But I want to mention one more video: levlognog's lovely anti-hate video as a reaction to KsFreak's video "I don't want to be gay". I don't remember what exactly had happened to KsFreak and one of his friends, but in the end they pretended to be gay-married to get out of some trouble. And KsFreak made a video about that, stating how strange that felt and that he really didn't like being seen as gay and basically BASHED gays. No one seemed to notice. No YouTubers. Except levlognog. He made a very friendly, very open video about his opinion, stating that he thought KsFreak's video was offensive as hell and spoke out about the inequality in society. Take-away from his video: Be friendly. Don't judge. And don't tell others off for being themselves. This video - which, again, by no means is offensive or anything - is not viewable in restricted mode. WTF, YouTube!? What the actual f!? You better fix this! ASAP! And I don't speak out about this because I have a loss from this. I don't use restricted mode, I can view whatever content I want. But: Those, who need information on LGBTQ+ issues the most, are kids. Teenagers, who battle with their anxiety and feel that what they feel is not right. Kids, who are trans, gay, lesbian, bi, pan, etc. What these people need most is recognition. Recognition that what they are feeling is natural. That what they are feeling is nothing to be ashamed of. That what they are feeling is totally valid. In 2017 the number 1 source for teens to look for information - especially for info on topics that they haven't figured out for themselves completely and therefore would want to hide from anyone else for the moment - the number 1 source for teens to look for such information is the internet. With the second largest search engine of the internet blocking that content, that these people are so desperately looking for, we are ruining our hard-fought-for freedom of speech. We are ruining the achievements of heroes, who have battled those, who were fighting against equality. We are basically ruining our future! YouTube, STOP beta-testing in real time! You've done it so many times before. And it never worked! Don't mess around with topics like this! How do I end this? Is there even a good way to end this post? I don't know. Maybe with a shocking number: 56.3. That's the percentage of the latest videos on the LGBTQ+ channels that is blocked in restricted mode. 184 of the 327 videos blocked*. Think about that! *taking into account the last 15 uploaded of each of the 22 channels run by LGBTQ+ people that i’m subscribed to.
Before I go let me know your thoughts on YouTube's restricted mode. Do you agree with me or do I make too much of a deal of it? Tell me, I wanna know! Place a comment, tweet me, dm me, or do anything else you can think of to get to me. This week's post basically was a Queer Shoutout in itself. Hence, I will go ahead and link you all the amazing LGBTQ+ YouTubers I'm currently subscribed to (in order of me subscribing to them): - manniac (gay, German) - Troye Sivan (gay, Australian) - Ricky Dillon (asexual, American) - Connor Franta (gay, American) - Tyler Oakley (gay, American) - ItsColeslaw (bi, German) - Hannah Hart (lesbian, American) - Troye Sivan VEVO (see above) - Miles (trans man, American) - Chandler (trans man, American) - Stephan Jonas (gay, German) - Calum McSwiggan (gay, British) - Kalem Johnson (trans man, American) - Nick Camryn (trans man, American) - Ash Hardell (pan, American) - Sam Collins (trans man, American) - PrideTV (gay, German) - Weird Norwegian (gay, Norwegian) - Courtney-Jai (bi, British) - Alex Bertie (trans man, British) - anyway.tv (channel run by an LGBTQ+ community centre in Cologne, Germany)
Check them out, they are all amazing! As always: Next #TMIishTuesday next Tuesday. If you have any questions in the meantime, just ask away. Whatever you’re curious about - I don’t bite. :) Until then: Stay mighty! (And this time for real! Show your claws!) Linkage: - Calum McSwiggan - “My Tattoo: I was bitten by a tiger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEK9xU2Uar4 - Weird Norwegian - “”Most Likely To” with Calum McSwiggan”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPG74ToU9x4 - Hannah Hart - My Drunk Kitchen playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk96M05hJx8&list=PL2EC7F45DBD9D9B1A - Calum McSwiggan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6pzgnZ75lEnsOCLi64Vx2g - Calum McSwiggan - “Stand Up To Cancer”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQz-sV0O_ME - TheRealAlexBertie - “Surgery Worries & Hopes”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMX4MhHBI1c - Sam Gillard for Ten Eighty magazine - “YouTube’s Restricted Mode Limiting LGBTQ+ Visibility”: http://teneightymagazine.com/2017/03/19/youtubes-restricted-mode-limiting-lgbtq-visibility/ - Connor Franta - “that time i wore a dress”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MepNVZrG2m0 - Connor Franta - “This Morning’s Hangover Thoughts”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgXxfe9CiKE - anyway.tv - “Coming-out bei den Pfadpfindern”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEtm6bTVdy4 - anyway.tv - “Mit der Kamera auf Partytour”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSXs9sg3Grk - Ash Hardell - “What’s...Greygender??? (ABC’s of LGBT+)”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Amt3YOkNes - Ash Hardell - “All About Pronouns (Abc’s of LGBT+)”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NcMV5dsmgI - Ash Hardell - “Gender Fucks and Confusions (ABC’s of LGBT+”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqO34uI4rwg - Ash Hardell - “Only Two Genders!”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsRu5EZO2hI - levlognog - “Ich will nicht schwul sein! |KsFreak’s schlimmstes Video”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp_KXuLVKQc Queer Shoutout: - manniac: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPFpU588dagQfGyrDuTpSzA - Troye Sivan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWcrr8Q9INGNp-PTCLTzc8Q - Ricky Dillon: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBxs6sUSOJ3UUATAi4rp30w - Connor Franta: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCudeRz9YntRrmKBSqnHyKGQ - Tyler Oakley: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvVuqRzGVqRlmZYlTf99M_w - ItsColeslaw: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtB4Win87uHQ20iv52ZGRkQ - Hannah Hart: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJQL1Fai-9GlVunsbP4x8Pg - Troye Sivan VEVO: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnsa7fw1hZHP5qvf8zVGnvA - Miles: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7XFgbOyFBoGxssEwGvkKig - Chandler: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3HxTGAxX3Ej4Bqf8LDpRtg - Stephan Jonas: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpa3q7uuPjX7Dt9hmym_hwQ - Calum McSwiggan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6pzgnZ75lEnsOCLi64Vx2g - Kalem Johnson: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCor-W_j3STNWc6RuiS3d5Bg - Nick Camryn: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJeMIfDZeEAMX9poCvD1-zA - Ash Hardell: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwXB7a3cq9AERiWF4-dK9g - Sam Collins: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCySTKqYThqBbKdEtzOjFhgg - PrideTV: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCti8U9-VbM3_pPoUsgSqYDg - Weird Norwegian: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF6M_dgiPcK8zrLRUuLeUsg - Courtney-Jai: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy2xH40m75qpAoQb7unJTRw - Alex Bertie: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXX0iCrVQnlNvGW4gKEhHdA - anyway.tv: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AwdVD7Hw1pjDovmAr-NHg Oh, and here’s some self-promo: - Last #TMIishTuesday: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/post/158402870513/tmiishtuesday-53-i-dyed-my-hair - All #TMIishTuesdays: mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/tmi - More #TMIishTuesdays on LGBTQ+ topics: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/lgbtqplus - More #TMIishTuesday on YouTube topics: http://mightbedamian.tumblr.com/tagged/mightbeyoutube - More very cool stuff: www.twitter.com/mightbedamian - Even more very cool stuff: mightbedamian.tumblr.com 
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