untouchvbles · 6 months
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Toyota GR Corolla (E210)
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spokephoto · 2 years
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Jumped out the car to shoot @k1t.f1tz hatch! - #corollahatch #corollahatchback #e210 #e210society #hks #workwheels #toyota #2jracing #corollahatchbacksquad #toyota #trd #jdm #hatchback #airdemandsuspension #lowlife #slammedenuff #stancenation #stance #cambergang #slammed #bags #modelista #photography #lightroom #airsuspension (at Gatlinburg, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj0njFoJ6mA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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personnage-neutre · 1 year
In 2015, an international group of doctors catalogued Tintin's recorded health problems (from Soviets through Picaros) in a more thorough and less tongue-in-cheek study than Cyr et al. (2004) and published it under the title "Tintin’s travel traumas: Health issues affecting the intrepid globetrotter."
I cite from the abstract:
"We found 236 events leading to 244 HIs, 13 kidnappings, six hospitalisations and two surgical procedures. There was a median of eight HIs/adventure (range 1-30/adventure). The mean number of HIs per adventure was much greater before 1945 than subsequently (14.9 v 6.1; p 0.002), which was also true of the number of kidnappings (11 v 2; p 0.001). Of the 244 HIs, there were 191 cases of trauma (78.3%) and 53 non-traumatic problems (21.7%). The most common form of trauma was concussion (62%), whereas the most common forms of non-traumatic problems were sleep problems (15.1%), depression/anxiety (13%), and gas or chloroform poisoning (13%). Overall, we found 46 losses of consciousness (LoC), including 29 traumatic and 17 non-traumatic LoCs. Of the 236 events, there were 69 (29%) perpetrated by others against Tintin (including 55 homicide attempts), and 167 (71%) events that were not (including 69 events related to Tintin's actions)."
And as for head injuries: "Overall there were 118 cases of concussion (112 concussion alone, and six associated with polytrauma) accounting for 48.4% of all HI." Concussion grade was determined according to "an “Hergé” grading system" based on "clinically evident post-traumatic signs (symbols surrounding Tintin‟s head after trauma): stars (grade I), whirls or candles (grade II), and LoCs (grades III and IV according to duration)."
The tables showing the detailed results are reproduced below.
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Eric Caumes, Loïc Epelboin, France Leturcq, Phyllis Kozarsky, Peter Clarke. Tintin’s travel traumas: Health issues affecting the intrepid globetrotter. La Presse Médicale, 2015, 44 (6, Part 1), pp.e203-e210. 10.1016/j.lpm.2015.01.006. hal-01153737
All emphasis mine.
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toyotatumblin · 1 year
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theadamantium · 8 days
Canadian folk rock singer-songwriter, Joel Plaskett, joins us on this episode of The Adamantium Podcast. We discuss his newest album, One Real Reveal, it’s themes, simplified process, the spoken words element, and the artwork created by his wife, Rebecca Kraatz. We also discuss his band Joel Plaskett Emergency, his 44-song album released during the pandemic, his father, Bill Plaskett’s influence on his career, touring with The Tragically Hip, and opening for Sir Paul McCartney in his hometown of Halifax.
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naanomar · 2 months
{{ دهن الخنزير ar }}
■الدكتور محمد أمجد خان
في الدول الغربية كلها تقريبا بما في ذلك أوروبا، الاختيار الأول للحوم هو *الخنزير* هناك الكثير من المزارع في هذه البلدان لتربية هذا الحيوان.
*في فرنسا وحدها عدد مزارع للخنازير أكثر من 42000 مزرعة*
الخنازير تحتوي على أعلى كمية من *الدهون* في الجسم من أي حيوان آخر. لكن الأوروبيين والأميركيين حاولوا تجنب هذه الدهون
يتم ذبح جميع الخنازير في المسالخ تحت مراقبة قسم الأغذية وكان الصداع الذي يؤرق قسم الغذاء هو التخلص من الدهون التي يتم إزالتها من هذه الخنازير
رسميا، كان يتم حرقها
( منذ حوالي 60 سنة )
بعد ذلك فكروا في الاستفادة منها .
*أولا* : تم تجربتها في صنع الصابون و نجحت التجربة .
*ثم،* تم تشكيل شبكة كاملة لمعالجتها كيميائيا وتعبئتها وتسويقها، و اشترتها شركات التصنيع الأخرى . في غضون ذلك، وضعت جميع الدول الاوروبية قاعدة أن كل المواد الغذائية، و منتجات العناية الشخصية و المنظفات الطبية يجب كتابة مكوناتها على غلافها ، لذلك، تم إدراج هذا المكون *كدهن.الخنزير.ar*
كل الذين عاشوا في أوروبا على مدى السنوات ال 40 الماضية يعرفون هذه الحقيقة.
ولكن، تم حظر هذه المنتجات من قبل الدول الإسلامية في ذلك الوقت لاحتوائها على دهن الخنزير ، ما أدى إلى عجز الميزان التجاري
بالعودة بالزمن ، و إذا كنت ترتبط بطريقة أو بأخرى إلى جنوب شرق آسيا و الهند ، فبالتأكيد انك تعرف العامل الذي أدى لإثارة الحرب الأهلية عام 1857 م . في ذلك الوقت كان ذخيرة البنادق تصنع في أوروبا و تنقل إلى شبه القارة الهندية من خلال البحر . و الذي كان يستغرق شهرا للوصول إلى هناك و كان البارود يفسد بسبب التعرض للرطوبة البحر
و حصلوا على فكرة
*طلاء.الرصاص.و.الذخيرة.بالدهون.ar* ، التي كانت دهن.الخنزير.ar و كان يجب ازالة طبقة الدهون بخدشها.بواسطة.الأسنان.ar قبل استخدامها. وعند انتشار هذه المعلومات، رفض بعض الجنود، ومعظمهم من المسلمين وبعض النباتيين، القتال، والذي أدى في نهاية المطاف إلى حرب أهلية
فَطِنَ الأوروبيون لهذه المشكلة، وبدلا من كتابة دهن الخنزير، قاموا بكتابة
*دهون.حيوانية.ar* .
الذين عاشوا في أوروبا منذ عام 1970 يعرفون هذه الحقيقة
وعندما سُئلت الشركات من قبل السلطات في الدول الإسلامية، *ماهي.هذه.الدهون.الحيوانية.ar* ، تم اخبارهم انها كانت دهون.البقر.والأغنام.ar
و اصبح السؤال المطروح هذه المرة، إذا كانت دهون البقر أو أغنام، فهو لا يزال *يحرم.على.المسلمين.ar* ، حيث لم يكن ذبح هذه الحيوانات حسب الشريعة الإسلامية وبالتالي ، تم حظرها مرة
الآن اصبحت *الشركات.متعددة.الجنسيات.ar* تواجه مرة نقص شديد في المبيعات حيث يأتي *75 ٪* من دخلها من بيع بضائعهم إلى البلدان الإسلامية، و تجني المليارات من الدولارات من أرباح صادراتها إلى العالم الإسلامي.
وأخيرا قرروا البدء في *لغة.الترميز.ar* ، حيث لا يعرف معناها الا المسئولين في إدارة الغذاء ، وتركت الرجل العادي لا يعرف أي شيء . وهكذا، باستخدام *رموز E*
هذه المكونات *E* موجودة في معظم منتجات الشركات متعددة الجنسيات بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر
*معجون الأسنان*
*كريم الحلاقة*
*فواكة معلبة*
ويجري استخدامها في بعض الأدوية *كالفيتامينات*
ومع بداية استخدام هذه المنتجات في مجتمعاتنا الإسلامية دون تمييز أو معرفة . بدات مجتمعاتنا تواجه مشاكل مثل
*المجون* و *الوقاحة* و *الاختلاط الجنسي* .
لذلك، يطلب من جميع المسلمين أو الذين لا يأكلون لحم الخنزير فحص مكونات الأصناف التي يتم استخدامها يوميا و مقارنتها مع القائمة التالية من الرموز . إذا وجدت أي من المكونات المذكورة أدناه، يجب تجنب تلك المنتجات فورا ، لاحتوائها على دهن الخنزير.
*E100 ، E110 ، E120* ، *E140 ، E141 ، E153* ، *E210 ، E213 ، E214* ، *E216 ، E234 ، E252* ، *E270 ، E280 ، E325* ، *E326 ، E 327 ، E334* ، *E335 ، E336 ، E337* ، *E422 ، E430 ، E431* ، *E432 ، E433 ، E434* ، *E435 ، E436 ، E440* ، *E470 ، E471 ، E472* ، *E473 ، E474 ، E475* ، *E476 ، E477 ، E478* ، *E481 ، E482 ، E483* ، *E491 ، E492 ، E493* ، *E494 ، E495 ، E542* ، *E570 ، E572 ، E621* ، *E631 ، E635 ، E904*
بمعنى أي منتج عليه كود او رمز يبدأ بالحرف *E* فهو يحتوي على *دهن الخنزير*
*الدكتور محمد أمجد خان*
*معهد البحوث الطبية بالولايات المتحدة* .
برجاء مشاركتها حتى تصل الى مليارات المسلمين في العالم
المشاركة تعنى الاهتمام .
*من لم يهتم بأمر المسلمين فليس منهم* .
دمتم في أمان الله وحفظه.
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widowshill · 1 year
I've been seeing you blog about Dark Shadows for a bit now and I was wondering where you've been watching it? I've tried looking it up but can't find it on any streaming services. Thanks ^^;;
oh allow me to spread the gospel of tubi <3 it's split up into pre-barnabas ("dark shadows: the beginning," starting at e1) and post ("dark shadows," starting at e210.)
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anamoon63 · 2 years
At the same time, in Juliette's house...
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"Well, it looks like he did go to sleep after all," Robin commented, as they walked in the house. "Yeah, I guess his lunch will have to wait," Juliette replied. "But he had a wonderful time, he looked so happy around you." "I had a great time too. I can't wait to live all together, which will be soon, I hope." "I hope so too," Juliette answered, then they just stood there, looking at each other for a few seconds…
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"You still haven't told me, how come your mother decided not to join us today?" Robin asked to change the subject, as he placed Rowan on the swing; Juliette let out a sigh. "Well, in the end the respect for my privacy prevailed in her; she understood that we're adults now, thankfully".
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"But she still doesn't trust me, does she?" "Of course she trusts you, and Dad does too. I'm not going to lie, they were both a little sad that Row no longer carries the last name Shen, but overall, they're happy and grateful to you - just like me. Really, I can't thank you enough for what you did today". "You don't have to thank me; I just did what I had to do as a father."
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"I know, and I thank you for that too. But I wasn't talking about the registry, I meant you and Row, you are right for each other; to see you play together like that, how you understand each other so well, was just beautiful. This whole day itself, it was perfect."
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"Yeah, it certainly was." Robin replied. Again, they stood looking at each other. He, holding back his desire to kiss her; she, fighting the impulse to throw herself in his arms.
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Until Robin took a few steps away and cleared his throat, willing to change the subject once more. "Do you know if your father has been able to unlock the document yet?" he asked; Juliette snapped back to reality. "Ah, yes, about that…", she stammered.
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"Dad told me he was close to figuring it out with the help of a friend, Dr. Beaker." She replied, following Robin across the room. "Great, I hope the document actually contains information about my parents, and about the true reason the Oasis Landing Council is chasing me." "I look forward to that as well."
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"It would be amazing if your parents were alive, don't you think?" "Yes, and a bit of a shocker, too." "If they are, and you could meet them right now, what would you do or what would you say to them?" "Honestly? I don't know." "Why, aren't you excited at the thought of having them with you after all this time?"
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"Well, I know this is going to sound terrible, but sometimes I'd rather think they're dead, than to think they abandoned me, and that being alive all these years, they never tried to contact me". "Well, no parent abandons a little kid just like that, maybe something happened that forced them to leave you, maybe it wasn't even their fault". "Maybe. But I find that hard to believe."
Credits and thanks to Doylegirl @andebebe for her lovely Cuddly Toddler pose pack.
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toytraint · 10 months
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untouchvbles · 7 months
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Toyota GR Corolla Circuit Edition (E210) at the Greater Milwaukee Autoshow (2024) in Milwaukee, WI.
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shop4china · 2 months
الهجين ABS سيارة الجبهة رئيس ضوء مصباح ، ضبط زر ، غطاء التبديل ، تقليم الملحقات الداخلية ، تويوتا كورولا E210 ، 2019-2023 ، 2024
اشتر من الصين مع توصيل مجاني الهجين ABS سيارة الجبهة رئيس ضوء مصباح ، ضبط زر ، غطاء التبديل ، تقليم الملحقات الداخلية ، تويوتا كورولا E210 ، 2019-2023 ، 2024
الهجين ABS سيارة الجبهة رئيس ضوء مصباح ، ضبط زر ، غطاء التبديل ، تقليم الملحقات الداخلية ، تويوتا كورولا E210 ، 2019-2023 ، 2024
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roadrevamp · 5 months
Best car accessories to have
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Best car accessories to have When it comes to enhancing your driving experience, equipping your vehicle with the right accessories can make all the difference. From practical gadgets that boost functionality to innovative tools that ensure safety, identifying the best car accessories is crucial for any car owner. These accessories not only heighten the convenience factor but can also enhance your car's aesthetics and its resale value. In this article, we'll delve into several must-have car accessories that promise to elevate your driving experience. alt="Variety of car accessories" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S18f0e7eb0b1d4fb99c7769fd9aad566bR.jpg" />
Essential Car Accessories for Every Driver
Smartphone mount for easy navigation > Car charger to keep devices powered > Dashboard camera for safety and legal protection > Portable vacuum cleaner for easy cleanups > Seat covers and floor mats for interior protection > Tire pressure gauge to maintain optimal tire health >
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Car Air Freshener Perfume Vent Clip Electric Aroma Diffuser Cordless with 6 Scent Small Portable Gifts Essential Oil Diffuser
View More >Key Features > Cordless and portable design Includes 6 different scents Easy to attach to car vents >Considerations > Battery powered, may need frequent replacements Scent may be too mild for some preferences Enhance your driving experience with a refreshing and pleasant aroma. This car air freshener comes with a cordless, easy-to-install design and six different scents to choose from, ensuring your car always smells delightful. Ideal for those seeking a portable and efficient way to keep their car smelling fresh. >Type > Electric Aroma Diffuser >Feature > Cordless, Portable, 6 Scents >Use > Car air freshening src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/Sa4a6c982798444c9b060d4323fd8eb764.jpg" alt="Car Seat Covers for Mazda models" />
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View More >Benefits > Custom fit for Mazda models Enhances interior aesthetics Durable and easy to clean >Considerations > May not fit perfectly on all listed models without adjustment Color may vary slightly from pictures These car seat covers are tailored for various Mazda models, offering both protection and a touch of elegance to your vehicle's interior. They're an excellent addition to your car accessories, aligning perfectly with the necessity of preserving the car's resale value while enhancing its appearance. >Material > High-quality fabric >Compatibility > Mazda 2, Mazda 3, Mazda 6, and various CX models >Features > Easy to install, durable, easy to clean src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S13fea1064a4441e2baf1de8c93fd48f90.jpg" alt="ZITWO LED Interior Light Kit for VW Scirocco R" />
ZITWO 11Pcs For VW Volkswagen Scirocco R 2009 2010 2011 - 2014 2015 2016 2017 LED Interior Light Trunk Courtesy Bulb Kit Canbus
View More >Benefits > Enhanced interior lighting Custom fit for VW Scirocco R Easy to install Canbus compatible bulbs minimize error messages >Considerations > May require basic automotive knowledge for installation Installing LED interior lights is a simple upgrade that can significantly enhance the ambiance and visual appeal of your vehicle's interior. The ZITWO LED kit for the VW Scirocco R offers a blend of performance, ease of installation, and compatibility, making it a top pick for car enthusiasts looking to improve their vehicle's interior lighting. >Compatibility > VW Volkswagen Scirocco R 2009 to 2017 models >Kit Contents > 11 LED bulbs >Feature > Canbus compatible, minimizes error messages src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S037b89c599f84244952cb1bb57e3b137k.jpg" alt="Car Mobile Phone Holder for Toyota Corolla E210" />
Car Mobile Phone Holder for Toyota Corolla E210 8/9" Screen 2019~2022 Car Mount GPS Bracket Navigation Stand Auto Accessories
View More >Benefits > Custom fit for Toyota Corolla E210 Easy installation without tools Stable and secure mounting >Considerations > May obstruct some dashboard controls Limited to certain screen sizes Enhance your driving experience with this tailor-fit car mobile phone holder designed specifically for the Toyota Corolla E210's 8/9" screen. It's an essential accessory for modern vehicles, providing you with an unobstructed view of your navigation system without compromising on safety or comfort. >Compatibility > Toyota Corolla E210 2019~2022 >Screen Size > 8/9 inches >Installation > Tool-free, easy setup src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S18f0e7eb0b1d4fb99c7769fd9aad566bR.jpg" alt="K2 Pro 11.3'' Dash Cam 4K 2160P" />
K2 Pro 11.3" Dash Cam 4K 2160P Car DVR Recording Carplay & Android Auto Wireless Connection 5G WiFi GPS Navigation Dashboard
View More >Benefits > 4K Ultra HD recording for clear, detailed footage Wireless Carplay and Android Auto for seamless integration with your smartphone GPS Navigation to simplify your driving experience >Considerations > Requires initial setup for connectivity features Might need additional accessories for complete installation Incorporating a dash cam like the K2 Pro 11.3" Dash Cam into your car accessories provides safety, security, and convenience, making it an essential companion for every journey. With features such as 4K recording, wireless smartphone integration, and GPS navigation, it enhances the overall driving experience while ensuring peace of mind on the road. >Connectivity > Carplay & Android Auto wireless, 5G WiFi >Camera Resolution > 4K 2160P >Features > GPS Navigation, 5G WiFi src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S9e2b97e95db64306b710c17373f51a81F.jpg" Read the full article
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phuonglapcps · 5 months
Danh gia laptop Asus E210
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ASUS E210 được đánh giá là dòng laptop cho sinh viên giá rẻ, luôn mang lại trải nghiệm vượt trội cho người dùng. Cùng với đó là cấu hình vượt trội đã tạo nên trải nghiệm mượt mà để người dùng có thể thoải mái thực hiện các tác vụ.\ Khám phá thêm thông tin về laptop ASUS E210 được ưa chuộng tại CellphoneS
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Weber Spirit II E210 2-Brülörlü Gazlı Izgara
Bu yüksek kaliteli gazlı ızgara, aileniz ve arkadaşlarınızla lezzetli yemekler pişirmek için idealdir. 2 brülör, büyük gruplar için bile bol miktarda pişirme alanı sunar. Izgara ayrıca, yiyecekleri eşit şekilde pişirmeyi sağlayan bir hava sirkülasyon sistemi ile donatılmıştır. Izgara, kullanımı kolay ve temizliği kolaydır. Teknik Bilgiler: Malzeme: Paslanmaz çelik Boyutlar: 107 cm x 54 cm x…
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untouchvbles · 1 month
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Toyota GR Corolla (E210) at Waukesha Cars & Coffee (2024) - Meet 2 in Waukesha, WI.
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mohammadwaliashna · 7 months
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د اروپا په شمول تقريبا په ټولو غير مسلم هيوادونو کي د خنزير غوښه هم خوړل کيږي او ورسره د خلګو خوښيږي او په دغو هيوادونو کي بي شميره د نوموړي ځناور د ساتنې فارمونه شتون لری.‌ يواځي په فرانسه کي (42000) څخه ډیر فارمونه موجود دي
خنزير د ټولو ځناورو په پرتله وازده ډیره لري ليکن اروپايان او امريکايان د وازدي خوراک څخه پرهيز کوي..
د خنزير وازده په څه کي استعماليږي ؟
په لمړيو کي به ټول خنزيران د خوراک ادارو تر نظارت لاندي په مسلخونو کي ذبح کيدل او وازده به يي يادو ادارو ته هم درد سر وه . تقريبا (60) کاله مخکي پوري به سوزل کيده لاکین د وخت په تيريدو سره خلګو د وازدي د استعمال هنر زده کړ او د صابون په شمول يو شمېر مواردو کي يي استعمال کامیاب شو..
لدې څخه وروسته دا سلسله ورځ تر بلې زياته شوه او د خنزير وازده به د ځينو موادو په مرسته پيک کيده او بازار ته به د خرسون لپاره عرضه شوه او مختلفو سامانونو جوړيدني په غرض کمپنیو يي اخيستل پيل کړل چي مصنوعاتو کي د خنزير وازده استعمال په هکله ټولو اروپایي هيوادونو يو مشترک قانون جوړ کړ او کمپنۍ يي مکلفي کړي چې درملو ، خوراکي موادو او نورو شیانو د استعمال په صورت کي بايد ځانګړي فهرست د حکومتونو سره شريک کړي او دغه موضوع په هکله هغه څوک ښه پوهيږي چې تير څلوېښتو کلونو راهسې په اروپا کي ژوند تيروي..
ليکن داسې مصنوعات چې هغه کي د خنزير وازده استعمالېده د اسلامي هيوادونو لخوا منع اعلان شوه چې په نتیجه کي اروپايي کمپنيو لوي نقصان وکړ
که تاسو د جنوبي اسيا تاريخ لوستي وي د انګريزانو مقابل کي د 1857 عوامي بغاوت وجه همدا وه , هغه مهال به د ټوپکو مرمۍ په اروپا کي جوړيدي او له هغه وروسته به د بحري لارو جنوبي اسیا ته انتقال شوي چې د مياشتو مياشتو سمندري ماحول له امله به بارود خراب شول.. بيا مرمي جوړونکي کمپنۍ د علاج او چاري په پار مرميو پیکنګ د خنزير په وازده کي محفوظ کړل او وروسته انتقاد پر وشو پدي اساس عسکر مجبور ول چې د وازدي حصه په غاښونو وچيچي تر څو د پيکنګ نه مرمي راوباسي نو له همدي کبله مسلمانو عسکرو او سبزي خوړونکو هندو عسکرو ممانعت وکړ چې بلآخره په بغاوت بدل شو..
له هغي وروسته اروپايانو په خپلو مصنوعاتو کي د خنزير پر ځاي د نورو ځناورو وازدي استعمال پيل کړ بيا د اسلامي هيوادونو لخوا له کمپنيو پوښتنه وشوه چې تاسو د کوم ځناور وازدي څخه په مصنوعاتو کي استفاده کوي چې د هغوي لخوا په رسمي ډول اطمینان ورکړل شو چې د غواګانو او ميږو څخه استفاده کيږي لاکین بيا هم اسلامي هيوادونو لدي امله چې په غير شرعي ډول حلاليږی د مصنوعاتو ممانعت وکړ.‌چي له وجي يي غټي ملټي نشنل کمپني د لوي نقصان سره مخامخ شوي ځکه دغو کمپنيو (75) فيصده مصنوعات په اسلامي هيوادونو کي خرسيدل..
بلآخره دغه کمپنيو خفيه الفاظو ( کوډنګ لينګويچ) استعمال او سلسله پيل کړه چې يواځې په دغه کوډونو اروپايي هيوادونو خوراک اداري پوهيدلي او عام نه ول.
عام خلګ یی په تيارو کښي ساتل او بازار ته E-Cods استعمال سلسله پيل شوه تر څو د خلکو عکس العمل د وخت په تېرېدو سره عادي شي چې تر اوسه دوام لري او تر ننه په زياتره مصنوعاتو کي استعماليږي..
هغه مصنوعات چې په هغه کي د خنزير وازده استعمالېږي او په عادي ډول په اسلامي هیوادونو هم خرسیږي..
هغه کوډونه چي په مصنوعاتو کي د خنزير وازدي استعمال لپاره ځانګړي شوي..
قدرمنو ورونو: خارجي مصنوعات چک کولو وروسته دغه کوډونو لرونکو مصنوعاتو څخه ځانونه وساتي..
E100, E110, E120, E140, E141, E153, E210, E213, E214, E216, E234, E252, E270, E280, E325, E326, E 327, E334, E335, E336, E337, E422, E430, E431, E432, E433, E434, E435, E436, E440, E470, E471, E472, E473, E474, E475, E476, E477, E478, E481, E482, E483, E491, E492, E493, E494, E495, E542, E570, E572, E621, E631, E635, E904 .
دغو کوډونو زدکړه مشکله ده تاسو کولای شي خپل موبايل کي تصوير واخلي او مصنوعاتو اخستنې وخت کي ميچ کړي..
ستاسو دعاګانو په هيله!
Mohammad Wali Ashna
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