#e-nishka aosh
this-is-ris · 1 month
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Just you and I, a summer sky, a heavenly breeze kissin' the trees
ft. @e-nishka-aosh ♥
These are giving me fairytale vibes and I am currently exploding, perishing and throwing up over it. Obsessed with them, your honor!
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e-nishka-aosh · 3 months
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E-Nishka-Aosh, through the years.
one day I'll write out more details about him and his story... one day... for now, take this! take it and run and do with it what you will!
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riftdancing · 3 months
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I was talking to @e-nishka-aosh in Sea Floor today about how I've been struggling with the "Character inspired by character" memes. This is mostly in part because I don't usually like pulling from other characters to create my own.
A lot of my character development is based in what their lives are like. Where they were born, what they do for a living, who their family is, ect. Because of this I more often run into finding characters in media that are similar to mine long after I've created them. So these memes have always been pretty difficult for me. I'd get like 1-3 characters in and just find myself not feeling it whilst still wanting to participate in some way or another.
Well tonight, I saw Byleth's "What characters are similar to your WoL/OC" and I was like "HECK! That one I can do!!"
So here's the oldest gal in my roster, Blink!
I will say despite what I said earlier, Lightning did actually play a pretty heavy influential part when I was originally writing the downfall side of her character. Gave me good guidelines as to how I wanted to write some of her attitude. But of course, over the years that's fluctuated and molded into a beast of it's own.
Helga was a funny addition to this for me personally. This comes from FC movie night with a lot of my close friends who have roleplayed with Blink. The whole movie I listened to multiple people go "oh my god is that Blink Vaniro???" literally any time Helga was on screen. I had never intended this--- but the similarities are very close.
Which makes it NO surprise Sevika from Arcane has ended up here. I think if you slapped Sevika and Vi together you'd probably get something pretty close to Blink's current iteration. Especially with her role towards Rex and also Firelight Trading Company.
And Kafka? ...That might be where we're slowly heading. But you didn't hear it from me. (REX. YOU DID NOT PERCIEVE THIS PARAGRAPH. Respectfully, piss off. ♥)
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eleventhcircle · 6 days
People I want to get to know better
tagged by @allyennah!! thank you, this was fun :3 ilusm
tagging @tenebraelemurum, @e-dragoons, and @e-nishka-aosh
Last Song: abstract (psychopomp) by hozier. adrian sent it to me saying it's a very toastcore song (he was right)
Favourite Colour: orange and purple!!!
Currently Watching: making very slow progress through pokemon horizons... it's a good time, i'm just terrible at consistency. the fc wants to start a watch party for fma brotherhood sometime soon :3
Last Movie: 1997(?) mortal kombat movie! i don't know anything about mortal kombat but i will always support the interests of my friends
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: sweet >>>>>> everything sorry. i'm a chocolate fiend in particular
Relationship Status: dating some guy i met on twitter idk
Last Thing I Googled: how to install addons for world of warcraft
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kannedia · 3 months
Similar Characters - Eirini Rini
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Template by: @e-nishka-aosh
Decided to try this. Characters are chosen based on how I remember them.
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capriciousvisage · 1 year
1. Envoy
The wind whipped his robes around and kissed his face. His knuckles lightened with the intensity of the grip he had on his pack, situated in his lap. There was no danger of it flying off—it was certainly too heavy—but there was the possibility it could. Mostly, though, it was his nerves, and the pack was simply the closest thing that he could squeeze the life out of without anyone yelling at him.
‘Twas his first time riding an airship, and he found that he wasn’t a big fan. His stomach churned, and a solid lump filled his throat. He had made the mistake of peering over the railing once, and he’d regret it for years to come, long after he stopped riding airships for his sanity.
Why did he agree to this, again? It had seemed simple—even trivial—when Sister Kan-E suggested it to him, and Brother E-Sumi’s strong encouragement spurred him on even more, perhaps inflating his confidence a tad too much.
You, E-Nishka-Aosh, will become Gridania’s envoy, Kan-E had said, for the Elementals have already given their Blessing.
It was exceedingly rare for a Padjal to be granted leave of the Twelveswood by the Elementals. Usually, when a Padjal left, they were no longer a Padjal and they left for good. The Elder Seedseer was generally the exception, though others had done so as well, but more often than not, the Padjals were to stay and attend to the Elementals and other general affairs within the Shroud.
Five years had passed since he had taken part in the Battle at Carteneau. E-Nishka was never one to boast even a little confidence, and the destruction after Dalamud’s fall only worsened his perceived self-worth. Year by year ticked by, and on some level, he was aware of just how poorly he was doing. But what could he do, really?
What was there to do? That he was capable of?
He tried to swallow his airsickness again, tried to push it down along with the sickness brought on by worrying too much.
It wasn’t even as if he were to be an envoy forever. E-Nishka had already spoken with Admiral Bloefhiswyn, in Limsa Lominsa. He just had to speak with the Flame General of Ul’dah, and he could go back home, where he could prepare for the anniversary ceremony and never set foot beyond the threshold of the Wood again.
He squeezed his eyes shut tight, and he held his bag close to his chest.
“Ser,” someone called to him a little while later, “the airship has docked. Are you alright?”
Cracking one eye open, he looked for the source of the voice. The Miqo’te’s eyes were full of worry, and he looked down and away, apologetic. He stood up, finding the railing of the airship, then the steps down onto solid ground.
“I... I appear to have fallen asleep,” he explained. “Airships are quite... relax...ing. Do you nnnnnot—” He nearly tripped over himself as he began making his way to the exit gate, slinging his pack onto his shoulder. For a few moments, he wobbled in place like a newborn calf. “... ahem. Do you not agree?”
The attendant nodded slowly, as if she were missing out on a joke. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m...” E-Nishka’s voice cracked. “... I’m fine. Thank you. I will attend to my duty, then... Sorry for any trouble.”
He almost tripped again as he entered the lift, but thankfully, there were no more incidents, from then until he returned to the Lotus Stand.
(Where he would be told, of course, that his duty as an envoy was not yet complete... Another ride to Limsa Lominsa was in order...)
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this-is-ris · 21 days
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moon, sun, all reminds me of your grace-
ft. @e-nishka-aosh
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this-is-ris · 1 month
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suns out, bun ears out!
ft. the lovely @e-nishka-aosh
...we really did try to complete the jump puzzle...but at least the views were still very nice!
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this-is-ris · 2 months
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Friendly faces in Tural... though i think Fray could use a taco...
ft. the wonderful @e-nishka-aosh living dead buddy
(also congrats AGAIN on your M1S clear!!)
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e-nishka-aosh · 3 months
[Timeline] E-Nishka-Aosh - Pre-ARR~Beginning of ARR
With nothing else to do during maintenance, I thought it'd be nifty for myself and others to have a timeline and general notes for my main, E-Nishka! It'll be located under the readmore!
Please note that this may retcon some things I've posted about in the past on really old posts. It may also include certain headcanons and explanations for them, especially with regards to Padjals and the Elementals.
Sixth Astral Era
Layla arrives in Gridania from Thanalan with the aim of honing her culinary arts. She has trouble fitting in and being trusted.
A well-respected Wood Wailer named Caerwyn befriends Layla and helps the others in Gridania to come around to her.
Layla and Caerwyn wed.
Caerwyn is killed by the Ixal when trying to make peace with them.
Shortly after, Layla is found to be pregnant.
Layla’s child is born on the 28th Sun of the Fifth Astral Moon.
He is confirmed to be padjali soon after his birth and is taken by Stillglade Fane, given the name E-Nishka-Aosh by the Elementals.
1540~1548 [0~8]
Layla refuses to accept her child being taken away from her. She heckles the Seedseer Council and demands her son back, but she is denied at every turn.
By his eighth nameday, E-Nishka’s birth mother is formally exiled from Gridania.
1549 [9]
Kan-E-Senna is born.
Ea-Sura-Supin is born.
E-Nishka takes to conjury incredibly quickly and displays an aptitude that most other Padjals take twice his age to master. He becomes a regular face at the Conjurer’s Guild, and is often seen on E-Sumi-Yan’s coattails.
1553 [13]
E-Nishka becomes a Hearer in Stillglade Fane. He dons deep blue and purple robes, contrasting his previous white ones.
E-Nishka begins to demonstrate considerable abilities in hearing the Elementals. There are some rumors that he could even surpass the Senna line with his prowess in this regard.
However, it is made known he is terrible at interpreting the Elementals’ will and emotions for non-Hearers, and that he is often overwhelmed with the Elementals that convene with him.
1556 [16]
Raya-O-Senna is born.
To try and help curb E-Nishka’s shyness, E-Sumi tasks him with aiding him in tutoring the other Hearers, namely Kan-E and Ea-Sura.
The trio become close friends, and remain as such even after E-Nishka stops tutoring them.
E-Nishka formally joins the Seedseer Council at the behest of E-Sumi-Yan.
1557 [17]
E-Nishka begins being tasked with aiding the Wood Wailers and the Gods’ Quiver, assigning them tasks alongside other Hearers. He ventures forth into the Twelveswood when a task is too monumental for a lower Hearer to take care of.
The Sharlayans fail to negotiate with Garlemald and begin to form an evacuation plan of their Dravanian colony.
1559 [19]
A-Ruhn-Senna is born.
Ea-Sura-Supin mysteriously vanishes after the Elementals dismiss him of his Padjali abilities, devastating both Kan-E and E-Nishka.
E-Nishka stops physically aging, later than most other Padjals.
1562 [22]
Kan-E-Senna is made the Elder Seedseer, with the former Seedseer, A-Pitat-Rapa, vouching for her.
Emperor Solus zos Galvus approves Nael van Darnus’s request to study an ancient Allagan artefact.
The Battle of Silvertear Lake occurs.
The Echo first sounds across the realms. E-Nishka begins to have visions of both past and future, though this is attributed to him being a Padjal, much like Kan-E’s visions.
Adel aan Loukios, a conscripted Imperial scout and assassin, escapes the Garlean Empire’s forces in the confusion caused by Silvertear. He takes refuge in the newly built Revenant’s Toll.
1563 [23]
E-Nishka ventures into the Twelveswood after reports of a Hedgetree being compromised.
Upon arriving, the Hedgetree remains mostly intact, though there are smoldering embers of a somewhat dead fire surrounding it.
A wildling appears and attacks the group. E-Nishka realizes that this is his biological mother, Layla, and hesitates.
Due to the hesitation, an archer is attacked directly and nearly driven to death. While tending to her wounds, E-Nishka gives the order to subdue and eradicate the wildling.
E-Sumi reassures E-Nishka that he is not being held liable for Layla’s “mistakes” as the Elementals have not made it known nor have they taken E-Nishka’s horns from him.
Despite this reassurance, E-Nishka begins to doubt himself as a Hearer and requests to take on tasks entirely within Gridania.
E-Nishka begins to help with convening with the Elementals within lumber, stone, and other materials taken from the wood before they are used for man-made goods. He works especially close with chefs and restaurants.
Throughout the years, the people of Gridania grow to distrust E-Nishka after it is revealed his biological mother, who had been an outsider in the first place, was the wildling from the earlier incident.
1568 [28]
Minfilia founds the Path of the Twelve.
1572 [32]
Kan-E-Senna returns to Gridania and reinstates the Order of the Twin Adder. Her sister, Raya-O, becomes the leader.
Kan-E fails to convene with the Elementals. Once she opens up about this, the Elementals tell her that their doom lies within the moon. She motions to reassemble the Eorzean Alliance, citing the growing unrest with the Garlean Empire’s actions.
Yda and Papalymo arrive in Gridania in order to determine what Gridania is aiming to do with regards to military action against Garlemald, as well as to observe the surrounding aether.
The events surrounding Dunstan, Khrimm, and Fye occur, with E-Nishka acting as the “Warrior of Light” in this instance. The events remain largely the same, except he is not taking part of the Rite himself and he knows the people involved. He sympathizes with Fye greatly. Notably, he does not visit the Waking Sands.
The events surrounding Raya-O-Senna and the Elemental Oha-Sok occur, with E-Nishka being the one to aid Raya-O. The events remain largely the same, except he knows the people involved. At the end, Oha-Sok takes up residence in E-Nishka’s staff, the Ingrimm.
Adel Loukios, in an attempt to not be caught again, retreats to Thanalan shortly before the Battle of Carteneau.
E-Nishka joins the Battle of Carteneau, putting his excellent conjury abilities to good use in healing all those brought to him, alongside other conjurers. It is a moment that will change him forever.
The Battle of Carteneau proceeds as normal.
Seventh Umbral Era
0~5 [32~37]
The Syrcus Tower and the ruins that house Omega are uncovered.
Coerthas turns wintry.
The Circle of Knowing and the Path of the Twelve merge into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Adel Loukios returns to the new Revenant’s Toll.
The Sylphs begin to argue amongst themselves, with some wanting to summon Ramuh, their primal and deity. The other Sylphs flee and settle within Gridanian Borders, at Little Solace.
E-Nishka is present and very active in the rebuilding efforts surrounding Gridania and the Twelveswood, though he isn’t very “present”. E-Sumi notes that he seems to just be going through the motions.
E-Nishka rarely rests. He only sleeps once he is no longer capable of standing.
E-Sumi assigns a Moogle to watch over him. Her name is Pokcha Pokk.
A Realm Reborn - 5 [37]
Because E-Nishka is taking on any task to get his mind off things, he is tasked with aiding Galfrid in investigating a suspicious individual.
He meets Yda and Papalymo again at Lifemend Stump.
Thankfully, fetch quests are beneath him, so he just goes straight to the Spirithold after this, where he comes into contact with the Black-Masked Ascian and the golem, as well as Yda and Papalymo again.
He skips more fetch quests and converses with Hearer Leonnie at the southwestern Hedgetree. He witnesses first-hand the Elementals’ whispers about the Tam-Tara Deepcroft.
He does begin to make inquiries about suspicious characters, however. He learns of the Ixals wanting to harm the Guardian Tree. E-Nishka does not consult his fellow Hearers before going directly to Lewin, as this is a dire matter.
They act swiftly enough, putting an end to the Ixals’ plans and offing the Black-Masked Ascian, their mysterious individual.
Kan-E awards E-Nishka with the title of Emissary for Greenbliss, though he doesn’t feel like it applies to him.
Kan-E reveals to E-Nishka during Greenbliss that she believes he has the power of the Echo—that he has been chosen not only by the Elementals but by the Gods themselves. The pressure of such a realization causes E-Nishka to faint.
Once he reawakens, E-Sumi bids him to come to Stillglade Fane, where he gives E-Nishka a pep talk, basically. E-Nishka is unsure and anxious about where this is coming from all of a sudden.
Kan-E arrives and says that E-Nishka will be her envoy to the other city-states to detail the remembrance ceremony of the Battle of Carteneau. She admits that it is because he was a part of it that she wants it to be E-Nishka to deliver the missive, but she also admits that she thinks some air outside of the Twelveswood will do him some good.
E-Nishka is worried about what the Elementals will say about him leaving, but Oha-Sok reveals herself to say that the Elementals have given their blessing already, and asked her to pass it on.
E-Nishka faints again.
But the next day, he’s on his way to Limsa Lominsa on an airship, Pokcha Pokk at his side, wearing the white robes of the Seedseers…
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e-nishka-aosh · 4 months
Light carries on endlessly, even after death,
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This is a FFXIV-centric sideblog of @capriciousvisage, specifically for original characters and Warriors of Light, both my own and others.
My main character is E-Nishka-Aosh, though I have a few alts floating around, namely Elias Daaé. You can read more about them on the characters page.
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Feel free to follow and tag me in things, send asks, etc. I super want to see your characters too!
Below the cut are some tags.
This blog is a work in progress, so some of the tags below may not lead anywhere yet.
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original posts
answered asks
ask games/questions
commissions i got
E-Nishka-Aosh centered
shitpost (inclusive of aesthetics)
"co-tanks" (Fray, Ardbert, and/or Elidibus)
with G'raha / Fray / Magnai / Kan-E
with Kan-E-Senna, E-Sumi-Yan, or other Padjals
as an ancient [Apollo]
Elias Daaé centered
shitpost (inclusive of aesthetics)
with Granson / Arthur [OC] / Lahabrea / Lyna
with Emet-Selch
as an ancient [Dionysus]
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capriciousvisage · 1 year
What's your role in the tragic play?
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E-Nishka-Aosh, dark knight/white mage! And a padjal!
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I don't have any good banners for him but this will do, I think. The actual content of the result really does describe him. I think especially when thinking about this with Fray added into the mix, it's super tragic. E-Nishka is a tragic character to begin with!
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Elias Daaé, scholar/bard! And a guy who composes funeral marches for a living!
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I also don't have a fancy banner for him. Despite writing funeral dirges and other morose songs, Elias is rather upbeat and pretty confident in himself, so I think this fits a lot. He doesn't necessarily start to have imposter syndrome until, what, midway through Shadowbringers, maybe? Life of the party for sure, but yup, he really struggles with letting people in!
Take the quiz here!
Tagged by @traveleorzea. I'm pretty bad with tagging, so feel free to do this if you want.
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capriciousvisage · 4 months
ummm hi guys. i finally updated and plan to use my xiv oc blog... @e-nishka-aosh please look forward to it
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