#e-nishka aosh
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this-is-ris · 6 months ago
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I never quite realized ... how beautiful this world is.
ft. @e-nishka-aosh ♥
A duel couple's cosplay and video game prompt for Seafloor's All Saint's Wake Challenge!
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zylphiacrowley · 3 months ago
Then v Now
Tagged by @sailor-artemis @gatheredfates and @disaster-husbun Thank you friends~! ♥
I will tag uhhhhh..... @golmorehotgirl @lilas @this-is-ris @e-nishka-aosh and @stalwart-spirit
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^ 12/2020 (apparently?) || 12/2024 v
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So uhhhhh... storytime I guess.
A long time ago (I think this would've been when StB or maybe even HW was current) I bought a prebuilt "gaming" PC (mistake). To test it's capabilities I decided I would run the benchmark for whatever expansion was current at that time (don't ask me why this was my first train of thought, I don't claim to know the inner workings of my own mind)... it failed. Like miserably. Like if the bench could audibly laugh at me I think it would've. No matter, I hate MMOs and didn't plan to play it anyway, I just wanted to test it. I went on my merry way with my shitass "gaming" PC (that didn't last long anyway because it really was just a glorified paperweight).
Several years (and a new custom built PC) later, I was scrolling tumblr, as you do, and I kept seeing this red haired catboy and I was like "I don't know who this catboy is, but I wish only the best for him" then I found out that he was from XIV and that XIV had a "Free trial up to level 60 including the award winning expansion, Heavensward", so I was like, "Eh, I should try out the benchmark again see if I can run it. Also I enjoy a good character creator so I'll make a character give it a go and probably stop once I finish all the free content." Oh..... oh you sweet summer child... Anyway because I was not seriously considering playing this game for the long run, I was like "heehee I make an old catman because old man protag is unusual for SE game so is a bit sillay." I ran him all the way through ARR with people calling him "lad" and "boy" before I decided I couldn't stand it anymore and I spent my free fantasia to shoot him with the lazerbeam of youth. Woe, youth be upon ye catboy.
Now, did I need a friend to pretty much hold my hand all through ARR and HW because I was literally shaking with anxiety every time I queued for literally any content in the game? ...................I mean, yeah (thank you for being patient with me Lambs, as I made you run a bby sprout through probably mind-numbingly boring content for you at the time). But look at me now! I can queue as a DPS without crying the whole time I'm sitting in queue! Progress babeeeeeeeee!
It wasn't until this year (or late last year, I forget) that I actually got up the courage to start posting more stuff about my catboy (and my ship... especially my ship I still get sort of self-conscious about posting ship stuff but I enjoy it so I keep doing it anyway) and through doing so I've met soooooooo many wonderful friends in the community! I love seeing and learning about other people's WoLs, OCs, and ships, so I have been thriving getting to know everyone!
It has been an honor getting to share fandom space with so many fantastic people! I hope in 2025 I get to know even more about everyone's characters, and maybe even meet new people!
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candycryptids · 5 months ago
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Khorloo prefers to observe- from a distance. A great distance. Watching people live out their day to day lives….
featuring.. featuring... a lot of people... so many people... uhm... under a cut! With closeups!
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FEATURING- from @cindernet-exploded , Shyssa, U’nia, A’vyra, Oketra, and Itself!
Ris from @this-is-ris
E-Nishka from @e-nishka-aosh
Flidais from @selnyam
Verbaros from @cerbaros
Percy from @sealrock
Ashe from @gatheredfates
X’vahl and Lyra from @zylphiacrowley
ALSO Lizzy from @lizzy-calaxio (she’s there I swear….😭 I didn’t get to focus on her a!)
Keathan from @dustedbooksandreadingnooks
Aaand there’s a Wind-up Kea to be spotted, from @nhaneh
And also my self insert is there OvO and Lev, Sasha [Krystdraga] and Ishi’li from myself… uwu
I’m pretty sure that’s everybody @v@ but I will update this with MORE tags if I find out I missed people 😤
Oh also the teensy blue bird is named Zaya…
This all happened cos I wanted to pose people watching in a tree…. But there was like, no people at all? Not even a little bit? So I gathered as many people as I could find publicly available and then kinda, Scrimbled them around as little as possible because 25 actors is a LOT of. It’s a lot of everything. Don’t do that.
Also why the hell does that tree sway 😭😂😂😂 [oh my god there’s a tag limit of 30]
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sailor-artemis · 3 months ago
Then and Now
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↑ Then (June 2019) / Now (November 2024) ↓
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Tagged by the ever-talented @iron-sparrow! I'll tag @zylphiacrowley @this-is-ris @wildstar25 @e-nishka-aosh @archaiclumina @sealrock @lynxden and also if you see this and you GPose, consider yourself tagged!
It's such a wild comparison, 5 years ago to today. I was... A very different person in a lot of ways when I started playing XIV, and both my WoL and my posing ability reflect those changes. I've transitioned, I've changed my name, I've grown out my hair, I've gotten married and immigrated across the continent, I've found my creative stride again after the burnout of college and the pandemic. I've found circles of friends that support my work and are somehow as obsessed with my OCs as I am with theirs, I've discovered a whole new side to Tumblr and XIV that lets me see how creative the community can be, and it's been such a net positive on my life. I know I sound like a broken record, but if you've made a pose, made art, wrote a fic, made a meme, liked or reblogged or shared something cool you saw in the community, offered resources, time or financial support to an artist, thank you. It's folks like that that make this community worth being in and that's made it such a force for good in my life. Love you all and happy early new year!
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e-nishka-aosh · 9 months ago
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E-Nishka-Aosh, through the years.
one day I'll write out more details about him and his story... one day... for now, take this! take it and run and do with it what you will!
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kannedia · 9 months ago
Similar Characters - Eirini Rini
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Template by: @e-nishka-aosh
Decided to try this. Characters are chosen based on how I remember them.
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riftdancing · 9 months ago
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I was talking to @e-nishka-aosh in Sea Floor today about how I've been struggling with the "Character inspired by character" memes. This is mostly in part because I don't usually like pulling from other characters to create my own.
A lot of my character development is based in what their lives are like. Where they were born, what they do for a living, who their family is, ect. Because of this I more often run into finding characters in media that are similar to mine long after I've created them. So these memes have always been pretty difficult for me. I'd get like 1-3 characters in and just find myself not feeling it whilst still wanting to participate in some way or another.
Well tonight, I saw Byleth's "What characters are similar to your WoL/OC" and I was like "HECK! That one I can do!!"
So here's the oldest gal in my roster, Blink!
I will say despite what I said earlier, Lightning did actually play a pretty heavy influential part when I was originally writing the downfall side of her character. Gave me good guidelines as to how I wanted to write some of her attitude. But of course, over the years that's fluctuated and molded into a beast of it's own.
Helga was a funny addition to this for me personally. This comes from FC movie night with a lot of my close friends who have roleplayed with Blink. The whole movie I listened to multiple people go "oh my god is that Blink Vaniro???" literally any time Helga was on screen. I had never intended this--- but the similarities are very close.
Which makes it NO surprise Sevika from Arcane has ended up here. I think if you slapped Sevika and Vi together you'd probably get something pretty close to Blink's current iteration. Especially with her role towards Rex and also Firelight Trading Company.
And Kafka? ...That might be where we're slowly heading. But you didn't hear it from me. (REX. YOU DID NOT PERCIEVE THIS PARAGRAPH. Respectfully, piss off. ♥)
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eleventhcircle · 7 months ago
People I want to get to know better
tagged by @allyennah!! thank you, this was fun :3 ilusm
tagging @tenebraelemurum, @e-dragoons, and @e-nishka-aosh
Last Song: abstract (psychopomp) by hozier. adrian sent it to me saying it's a very toastcore song (he was right)
Favourite Colour: orange and purple!!!
Currently Watching: making very slow progress through pokemon horizons... it's a good time, i'm just terrible at consistency. the fc wants to start a watch party for fma brotherhood sometime soon :3
Last Movie: 1997(?) mortal kombat movie! i don't know anything about mortal kombat but i will always support the interests of my friends
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: sweet >>>>>> everything sorry. i'm a chocolate fiend in particular
Relationship Status: dating some guy i met on twitter idk
Last Thing I Googled: how to install addons for world of warcraft
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capriciousvisage · 2 years ago
1. Envoy
The wind whipped his robes around and kissed his face. His knuckles lightened with the intensity of the grip he had on his pack, situated in his lap. There was no danger of it flying off—it was certainly too heavy—but there was the possibility it could. Mostly, though, it was his nerves, and the pack was simply the closest thing that he could squeeze the life out of without anyone yelling at him.
‘Twas his first time riding an airship, and he found that he wasn’t a big fan. His stomach churned, and a solid lump filled his throat. He had made the mistake of peering over the railing once, and he’d regret it for years to come, long after he stopped riding airships for his sanity.
Why did he agree to this, again? It had seemed simple—even trivial—when Sister Kan-E suggested it to him, and Brother E-Sumi’s strong encouragement spurred him on even more, perhaps inflating his confidence a tad too much.
You, E-Nishka-Aosh, will become Gridania’s envoy, Kan-E had said, for the Elementals have already given their Blessing.
It was exceedingly rare for a Padjal to be granted leave of the Twelveswood by the Elementals. Usually, when a Padjal left, they were no longer a Padjal and they left for good. The Elder Seedseer was generally the exception, though others had done so as well, but more often than not, the Padjals were to stay and attend to the Elementals and other general affairs within the Shroud.
Five years had passed since he had taken part in the Battle at Carteneau. E-Nishka was never one to boast even a little confidence, and the destruction after Dalamud’s fall only worsened his perceived self-worth. Year by year ticked by, and on some level, he was aware of just how poorly he was doing. But what could he do, really?
What was there to do? That he was capable of?
He tried to swallow his airsickness again, tried to push it down along with the sickness brought on by worrying too much.
It wasn’t even as if he were to be an envoy forever. E-Nishka had already spoken with Admiral Bloefhiswyn, in Limsa Lominsa. He just had to speak with the Flame General of Ul’dah, and he could go back home, where he could prepare for the anniversary ceremony and never set foot beyond the threshold of the Wood again.
He squeezed his eyes shut tight, and he held his bag close to his chest.
“Ser,” someone called to him a little while later, “the airship has docked. Are you alright?”
Cracking one eye open, he looked for the source of the voice. The Miqo’te’s eyes were full of worry, and he looked down and away, apologetic. He stood up, finding the railing of the airship, then the steps down onto solid ground.
“I... I appear to have fallen asleep,” he explained. “Airships are quite... relax...ing. Do you nnnnnot—” He nearly tripped over himself as he began making his way to the exit gate, slinging his pack onto his shoulder. For a few moments, he wobbled in place like a newborn calf. “... ahem. Do you not agree?”
The attendant nodded slowly, as if she were missing out on a joke. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m...” E-Nishka’s voice cracked. “... I’m fine. Thank you. I will attend to my duty, then... Sorry for any trouble.”
He almost tripped again as he entered the lift, but thankfully, there were no more incidents, from then until he returned to the Lotus Stand.
(Where he would be told, of course, that his duty as an envoy was not yet complete... Another ride to Limsa Lominsa was in order...)
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this-is-ris · 5 months ago
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Happy Halloween from the cutest Moogle Delivery Service in Eorzea!
ft. the adorable @e-nishka-aosh ♥
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this-is-ris · 5 months ago
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Just you and I, a summer sky, a heavenly breeze kissin' the trees-
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ft. @e-nishka-aosh ♥
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this-is-ris · 7 months ago
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moon, sun, all reminds me of your grace-
ft. @e-nishka-aosh
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this-is-ris · 5 months ago
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Take my hand And believe We can be Together evermore-
ft. the handsome @e-nishka-aosh 🥺♥
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this-is-ris · 8 months ago
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suns out, bun ears out!
ft. the lovely @e-nishka-aosh
...we really did try to complete the jump puzzle...but at least the views were still very nice!
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this-is-ris · 8 months ago
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Friendly faces in Tural... though i think Fray could use a taco...
ft. the wonderful @e-nishka-aosh living dead buddy
(also congrats AGAIN on your M1S clear!!)
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e-nishka-aosh · 10 months ago
Light carries on endlessly, even after death,
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This is a FFXIV-centric sideblog of @capriciousvisage, specifically for original characters and Warriors of Light, both my own and others.
My main character is E-Nishka-Aosh, though I have a few alts floating around, namely Elias Daaé. You can read more about them on the characters page.
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Feel free to follow and tag me in things, send asks, etc. I super want to see your characters too!
Below the cut are some tags.
This blog is a work in progress, so some of the tags below may not lead anywhere yet.
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original posts
answered asks
ask games/questions
commissions i got
E-Nishka-Aosh centered
shitpost (inclusive of aesthetics)
"co-tanks" (Fray, Ardbert, and/or Elidibus)
with G'raha / Fray / Magnai / Kan-E
with Kan-E-Senna, E-Sumi-Yan, or other Padjals
as an ancient [Apollo]
Elias Daaé centered
shitpost (inclusive of aesthetics)
with Granson / Arthur [OC] / Lahabrea / Lyna
with Emet-Selch
as an ancient [Dionysus]
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