#e: story op. 2
fyjjong · 1 year
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(230408) @choiminho_1209: happy birthday! i miss you a lot too this year. date.2017.04.08.
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moonydustx · 6 months
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requests here | rules and guides | more content
Oneshots and requests
valid for single stories or single requests, if there is a part 2, they will be reallocated.
○ Lighting up - Sanji x F!Reader - smut, porn with no plot
○ The Cake - Sanji x F!Reader - fluff
○ Can I be your favorite? - Law x F!Reader - smut
○ Good Medicine - Law x F!Reader - fluff, sick F!Reader
○ Feeling loved - Law x F!Reader - fluff
○ The isolated - Law x F!Reader - idiots who don't know how to show their feelings, wrong use of DF, certainly medical errors.
○ Heartache - Law x F!Reader - angst with no happy ending. Unrequited feelings on both sides.
○ The Bear and The Target - Law x F!Reader - requested, super fluff
○ The diagnosis - Law x F!Reader - angst with a happy ending.Hurt/Comfort, main focus is Law with your daughter, Rosi
○ The phoenix and the dove - Marco x F!Reader - angst, hurt/comfort
○ I look better under you - Zoro x F!Reader - smut
○ A not so friendly friend - Zoro x F!Reader - jealousy, protective zoro, fluff and a litte smut
○ We've been hurtin', but it's happy hour - Ace x F!Reader - A little angst and a little spicy at the end, best friends to lovers (based in bodyguard by beyoncé)
○ Who breaks first? - Ace x F!Reader - NSFW smut, kinda of dom!F!reader e sub!, sweet boy Ace
○ Alligator Tears - Crocodile x F!Reader - Smut, angst with no happy ending.
valid for stories with more than one chapter, but about the same character
○ The Night Cook - Sanji x F! Reader - fluff
Part 01 - Part 02
○ A not so funny story - Trafalgar D. Law x F! Reader - angst, fluff
Part 01 - Part 02 - Part 03 (NSFW)
○ The proposal - Trafalgar D. Law x F! Reader - fluff, law its a sweetheart here
Part 01 - Part 02 - Part 03
○ How does it feel? (part 1) - Trafalgar D. Law x F! Reader - smut
○ How does it taste? (part 2)- Trafalgar D. Law x F! Reader - smut
Pregnant F!Reader x OP Boys - Zoro, Ace and Luffy - Mihawk, Lucci and Crocodile - Shanks, Rayleigh and Law - Kid, Law (pt.2) - Killer and Marco
Kunoichi F!Reader x Law and Zoro
Disney / Fairy Tale with OP Boys
Romantic moment being interrupt - F!Reader x Zoro, Ace, Luffy, Law, Crocodile, King and Smoker (placed individually)
Scenarios or stories without titles
○ Crocodile x F!Reader NSFW - smut
○ Law x F!Reader - mention of pain/migraine. Law is a great boyfriend and doctor, as always.
○ Law x F! Reader NSFW - short story, NSFW smut, poorly written and poorly revised
○ Zoro x F!Reader NSFW - very brief mentions of smut, hidden relationship between the two of you.
○ Law x F!Reader - fluff, Law tries one of the reader's hobbies and fails, probably poorly crocheted,
○ Sabo x F!Reader - injury reader, injury Sabo. Fluff.
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liteyagummy · 1 month
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𝖰𝗎𝗂𝖾𝗍𝗅𝗒 𝖮𝖻𝗌𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖾𝖽 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 2
TW: yandere behavior, cnc, r4pe, abductor and captor, (the characters are aged up let’s just act like they stayed in dorms so everyone is around 19-20) NSFW
ignore any typos please and thank you, this is one of the longer ones so sit back and grab a snack ||fem reader nothing specified but gender and quirk
(let me know if you enjoy longer or shorter stories!)
your palms sweat as you’re nervous to walk back inside the classroom after weeks.. no MONTHS of absence.. you were unaware of all the cover ups kirishima had dished out you closed your eyes and sighed walking in the class just having a moment to discuss what Aizawa had just told them for todays lesson
Kiri right behind you, he was never going to let you guys sneak around and hide your relationship.. even before he was very open with his friends about how he felt about you just clearly never told him the plan of KIDNAPPING but.. nonetheless, your friends instantly bolted up to you, Jiro, hagakure, and midorya along with other but you weren’t too close to class A even though you transferred in your friends were mainly in class 1B but 1A was very nice to you still
“hey y/n how was your work study!” midorya said with his notebook out with a pen behind his ear
“yea! did you fight anyone outside of training??” denki chimed in
“did you learn any new moves??” Uraraka asked
“i doubt it’d be anything better than mine.” bakugo said from the side of the class having been shouting at sero about the assignment they’d just gotten.. after you looked at kiri confusedly he smiled brightly his red hair sticking up and his sharp teeth showing “y/n actually JUST got dropped off, im sure she’s tired maybe let’s ask about it later at lunch! as of now what are we doing in class?” he raised a brow as he guides you by your hips to your seat everyone seeing this, the girls giggling and the guys having a slight look of shock to their face you just sat down, even though he was lying through his teeth. he was right you were tired you weren’t used to waking up for school anymore you forsure had to get back into your routine
“we’re meeting up with class 1b, we’re going to be doing training together again.. i’m not sure why? it’s pretty random but” tsuyu said
“then again when isn’t our class assignments random” momo chimed in
“regardless we should start getting prepared we don’t want to be late and give class 1B another reason to dislike our class” ida said
after getting ready you walked next to the girls talking with them catching up as you entered the new training dome the old faces flooding back but one standing out.. who was he? you were never IN class 1b you would just meet them separately when walking around.. you’d thought you met everyone already but clearly not
“y/n!” kendo waved with a smile “where have you been girl” she asked as she put a hand on her hip to talk to you while also watching out for her classmates mouth
“oh i had- a last minute work study.. i um, since i came to the hero course late i needed to get that out of the way” you lied on your toes
she nodded “you’ll have to tell me about it! how cool is it that we get to train together “ she continues the conversation but honestly you were zoning in and out of it.. you were curious about the man you’d never seen before
“who is that” you accidentally cut her off while motioning to this guy
“oh that’s tetsu tetsu” she looked to him and then called him over, your cheeks started to get read as he was running over kirishima took a break from talking to his friends to look and see what you were up to, as he saw tetsutetsu running up to you he stood on guard
Kendo heard her classmate start to get a little too chatty, she excused herself walking straight over to monoma and snatching him up apologizing for him yet again
you were alone with this steel man infront of you.. he spoke starting the conversation off with a smile and trying to get to know you, you entertained it truthfully this made kirishima’s blood boil he tried to keep his composure not wanting to blow up here and now. why did this guy think he could talk to his babe?? you were HIS and HIS only not to be shared or easily acceded, he walked over with a fake smile and butted into your conversation, you looked at kiri then tetsutetsu.. then back again.. then again. why the hell were they so similar? kiri wrapped his arm around you “ hey babe! are you ready to train hard! not harder than me because the manly thing to do would be to train the hardest “ he smiled you nodded “ honestly i’m probably the only one who really needs this extra training “ you shook your head, kiri used this opportunity to turn you away and walk you back to their side you noticed this “i- “ you turned back to tetsutetsu who was waving with a chuckle, kiri balled his fist up as you both were away now he’d taken you back to his friends and there you were again not knowing what was going on but somehow still in the middle of the conversation what with denki and kirishima pulling you in for your input on topics here and there how could you space out
as you all stood in your hero outfits you crossed your arms waiting then a loud alarm went off you covered your ears quickly as villains ran out, but they weren’t normal villains they were teachers pretending but man were they being destructive ida and kendo were quick to call out plays and plans each class following the instructions of the most trusted
you all were off quick, you wanted to be a sidekick.. something like hawks you wanted to make someone else make their way to greatness so your training was a but different, you ran in jumping through the sky at fast speeds and teleporting in mid air getting all the play civilians out the way of harm
kirishima followed behind you using his quirk to break any rubble that flew your way as he took down the villains guarding those who you had to save, as soon as you got everyone back you were on the guard to watch them, making sure no one was harmed or injured you stood up grabbing your long swords putting some of your quirk energy into them to make the weapon more powerful, you watched the door to the safe haven that held the civilians
before you could even look over a kick was sent your way sending you down, you blocked it at the last moment but couldn’t stop the momentum, looking down at your arms where the blow had landed now being a bit of red “fuck” you mumbled as you jumped up in the tree where you had been knocked down from
You crouch on a thick branch, hidden in the shadows of the training dome’s artificial forest. Your katanas are ready, the familiar weight grounding you as you listen for any sign of movement below. Mirko, the Rabbit Hero, is somewhere in the underbrush—fast, you know it. you saw her. she was playing the villain today. You knew she wouldn’t hold back.
Your Quirk hums with energy, primed for teleportation and high jumps. A snap of branches below signals her approach. You catch a glimpse of white—a flash of her ears—before she rockets upward, aiming directly for you. Instinct kicks in, and you teleport just as her powerful kick obliterates the branch you were perched on. You reappear on another limb, high above, your senses sharp.
Mirko grins as she spots you, her relentless speed closing the distance in an instant. You teleport again, keeping her guessing, your katanas flashing in the dim light as you strike from behind. She’s fast, but you’re quicker, anticipating her every move. There’s something more at stake today—a subtle caution in your movements, a reason to protect yourself with even greater precision.
As you battle Mirko, another clash unfolds in the training dome. Best Jeanist, acting as the “boss” villain, uses his Quirk to control the fibers around him, manipulating the environment to ensnare his opponents. Six students—Bakugo, Ashido, and Sero from Class 1A, along with Monoma, Tokage, and Kamakiri from Class 1B—face off against him.
Jeanist’s fibers snake through the simulated city, creating barriers and traps. Bakugo blasts through them with his explosions, shouting, “Outta my way, you damn extras!” His relentless energy sends shockwaves across the battlefield, but Jeanist adapts, tightening his grip.
Ashido melts the barriers with her acid, clearing paths, while Sero swings through the chaos with his tape. Monoma, ever the strategist, copies Sero’s Quirk, using it in tandem to bind Jeanist’s fibers. “We need to coordinate better!” Monoma urges.
Bakugo scoffs, “Like I’m taking orders from you, copycat!”
As the battle intensifies, Tokage splits her body into pieces, scattering around Jeanist to create distractions. Kamakiri slashes through the fibers with his blades, trying to cut a path forward. But Jeanist’s control is overwhelming, and the group struggles to gain ground.
In the midst of the chaos, Tokage yells, “Bakugo, we need your explosions to disrupt him! Sero, get ready to tie him down!”
Bakugo sneers, “Don’t tell me what to do!”
Before Bakugo can argue further, Sero snaps at him, “Bakugo, focus! We won’t win if you don’t listen!”
Bakugo glares but knows Sero’s right. “Fine! But this better work!” he grumbles.
With a fierce explosion, Bakugo creates a massive shockwave that shakes the battlefield, forcing Jeanist to lose control of his fibers. Sero and Monoma act quickly, shooting their tape to bind Jeanist’s arms and legs. Tokage’s scattered body parts add confusion, while Kamakiri slashes through any fibers that attempt to regroup.
Ashido seizes the moment, dousing the area around Jeanist with her acid, weakening his defenses. Bakugo delivers a final, powerful blast, breaking through Jeanist’s control entirely.
Best Jeanist, impressed by their unexpected synergy, concedes, “Well done. You’ve shown real teamwork.”
The exercise ends with the announcement of their victory. The six students, panting but triumphant, exchange looks of pride. Bakugo scowls, though a hint of satisfaction lingers in his eyes. “Tch, you better not get used to me listening to you,” he mutters.
As the victorious team of students from Classes 1A and 1B stay on guard, the sounds of their fight ending echo faintly through the training dome. But in another part of the dome, your battle is far from over.
The clash between you and Mirko is intense, the training exercise pushing both of you to the limit
As she dodges and lunged again, you teleport above her, diving down with your katanas poised for a decisive strike. She barely has time to react, twisting to avoid the worst of it, but your blade still grazes her side. The impact sends you both tumbling through the branches, but you teleport just before hitting the ground, landing lightly as Mirko rolls to her feet.
She’s breathing hard, a grin of respect on her face. “You’re tough to pin down,” she admits, clearly impressed.
You lower your swords slightly, maintaining your focus. “Speed alone won’t win this,” you reply, your voice steady.
Mirko nods, hopping back with a look that says she’s noticed the change in your approach, even if she doesn’t understand it. “Keep fighting like that, and you’ll be unstoppable.”
As she gets away, you know the real challenge is just beginning. You’ve proven you’re more than ready for what’s ahead, your Quirk sharp, your resolve even sharper ready to hold your own in this damned class.
You make your way through the dense forest, each step feeling heavier than the last. The training dome’s artificial environment is convincing, but it’s the fatigue that’s all too real. You haven’t eaten anything today—only managed to keep down some water before throwing up this morning—but you push the discomfort aside. There’s still work to be done.
The small house where the civilians are sheltered comes into view, and you spot Kirishima at the entrance, standing guard. His eyes brighten when he sees you, and he quickly makes his way over. “Hey! You hanging in there?”
You nod, though the dizziness is getting harder to ignore. “Just checking on the civilians,” you say, trying to keep your voice steady. The last thing you want is for him to notice how worn out you’re feeling.
Kirishima gives you a once-over, his expression softening with concern. “You sure you’re okay? You don’t look too great.”
You force a smile. “Just tired. It’s been a rough morning.”
He frowns slightly, still not convinced. “You’ve been going nonstop. If you need to take a break, I can handle things here.”
The offer is tempting, but you shake your head. “I’ll be fine. I’ll grab something to eat at lunch.”
Together, you check on the civilians inside the house. They’re safe, which is a relief, but you can feel your energy fading fast. The lightheadedness intensifies, and you have to steady yourself against the doorframe as you step back outside.
The sun is warm, filtering through the leaves, but it does little to chase away the chill that’s starting to settle in your bones. You take a deep breath, hoping it’ll clear your head, but your vision blurs slightly. You blink hard, focusing on Kirishima’s steady presence beside you.
“Training’s almost over,” he says, glancing around. “Looks like 1A and 1B really pulled together.”
You nod, though even that small motion feels like it takes too much effort. The teamwork between the classes has paid off, and the announcement over the intercom confirms it. “Good work, everyone. Classes 1A and 1B, please return to the main building for lunch.”
Kirishima grins, giving you a thumbs-up. “We did it!”
You return the gesture weakly, your thoughts consumed by the idea of food. “Let’s head back,” you say, your voice softer than you intended.
As you walk toward the exit, Kirishima stays close, his eyes never leaving you. “Seriously, if you’re not feeling well, let me help. I’ll make sure you get to the cafeteria, okay?”
You manage a small sigh your head throbbing “ill be fine i swear it” you softly say
He smiles, but there’s an undercurrent of multiple different emotions but the main one , concern. that he doesn’t dare voice. You’re grateful for him even letting you out the dorm today, even if you can’t quite place why you’re feeling so off. Right now, all you can think about is getting something to eat and shaking off this strange weakness. you’ve used up your teleportation for the day. one of the main reasons you hardly use that quirk
The victory in the training exercise feels distant as you focus on making it back to the main building. Lunch is next, and you know you need to refuel. Whatever’s going on, you’ll figure it out later—after you’ve had a chance to rest and recover.
After the intense training exercise, the students head back to the main building for lunch. The atmosphere is lighter, filled with chatter and the clinking of trays. You and Kirishima, freshly changed and looking a bit worn, make your way to the cafeteria. His hand is firmly on your hip, a constant presence as he guides you through the crowd.
The usual suspects from Class 1A and 1B have already gathered, their voices mingling in a cacophony of post-training relief. Kirishima steers you toward an empty table, where Midoriya, Uraraka, Jiro, and others from both classes are waiting.
“Hey, y/n!” Midoriya greets enthusiastically, notebook and pen still in hand. “So, how was your work study? Kirishima mentioned it was pretty intense.”
“Yeah,” Uraraka chimes in, “did you get to face any villains or learn new techniques?”
Bakugo, sitting with his usual scowl, adds, “Hope it wasn’t just some fluff job. Better be something worth your time.”
Kirishima, his arm around you, smiles brightly. “It was definitely a challenging experience! But y/n’s been working hard and could use a break. Maybe we should save the details for another time?”
Denki, leaning forward, grins. “Come on, just a little teaser? Was it as crazy as the stuff we did today?”
You give a tired smile, thankful for Kirishima’s attempt to shift focus. “It was... pretty demanding. I learned a lot, though.”
Jiro tilts her head, still curious. “Kirishima made it sound like you were in the thick of it. Any cool stories?”
You nod slightly, glancing at Kirishima. “Maybe I’ll share more later. For now, I’m just looking forward to some food and a bit of rest.”
Kirishima chuckles, squeezing your shoulder gently. “Yeah, let’s focus on enjoying lunch. We all worked hard today.”
As you settle into your seat, Kirishima finally releases his grip, though his hand lingers close by. The group’s curiosity remains piqued, and Midoriya presses further. “Come on, y/n, just a bit more about your work study?”
You take a deep breath, smiling to keep up the pretense. “Alright, fine. There was this one moment I fought a hero pretending to be a villain. It was pretty intense. I used some of the techniques I picked up to keep up with her.”
“Really?” Uraraka leans in, eyes wide. “What happened?”
You nod, picking up your fork. “Well, I was up against Mirko, the Rabbit Hero. She’s incredibly fast. I had to rely on my teleportation and high jumps to stay out of her reach. There was one time I was perched in a tree, and she charged at me. I teleported just before she reached me and struck from above. It was a close call.”
Jiro looks impressed. “Sounds like you had to stay on your toes. Did you use any new moves or strategies?”
You nod, keeping the details vague. “Yeah, I combined some of the techniques I’d been working on. Like using my teleportation to disorient her and then hitting her with a surprise attack. It wasn’t exactly easy, but I managed to pull through.”
Bakugo, with a skeptical look, mutters, “Sounds like you didn’t learn anything new but just got to show off your usual tricks.”
You shrug, a smirk playing on your lips. “You could say that. Sometimes it’s just about using what you’ve already mastered in new ways.”
Kirishima grins, relieved by the change of topic. “Well, whatever you did, it must have been impressive. I’m just glad you’re back and in one piece.”
The conversation shifts, with everyone eager to share their own experiences from the training. As you enjoy your meal, you let yourself relax, the warmth of the cafeteria and the friendly banter a welcome contrast to the day’s earlier chaos.
As the group finishes classes up and heads back to their dorms, you and Kirishima make your way to your “shared” dorm. The atmosphere in the hall is relaxed, filled with the casual chatter of students winding down after the day’s training.
When you finally reach the door to your room, Kirishima’s usual easygoing smile fades, replaced by a more serious expression. You notice the change, but before you can ask, he opens the door and ushers you inside.
The moment the door clicks shut, Kirishima’s demeanor shifts from jovial to intense. He turns to face you, his brows furrowed.
“Hey, what was that back there with Tetsutetsu?”
You look up, startled. “What do you mean?”
“You seemed pretty chummy with him,” Kirishima says, his voice edged with frustration. “He was all over you, and you didn’t exactly push him away.”
You quickly try to defuse the situation. “It wasn’t like that. He was just being friendly.”
Kirishima’s expression hardens. “Friendly? You were practically cornered by him. I saw the way he looked at you. I don’t like it.”
You shake your head, trying to explain.
“Kirishima, it’s nothing. We were just talking in barely even know the guy.”
His frustration doesn’t wane. “It’s not just about him. It’s about how he was acting like he had some claim over you, and it bothered me.”
Seeing his anger, you try to reassure him. “Kiri, it really was nothing. I wasn’t interested in him. He was just a bit too forward, and I was trying to be polite.”
“bullshit so laughing and talking and blushing is being polite.” he looked away growing more annoyed with the situation. “y/n don’t- make me.. do something i don’t want to.. it won’t be very heroic.” he said as he walked into the dorm more going to his closet to take his close off and change
you worried about that statement.. what did he mean..?
whatever he meant this anger needed to go somewhere.
“y/n.” he called from the bedroom..
PART 1 (part 3 coming soon)
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 8 months
the swan and her princess (part 1)
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summary: Swan Lake isn’t all beauty and grace, contrary to popular belief. And you experience firsthand that as you wage a one-sided war with your “rival” for the role of the Swan Princess, Odette.
pairing: Gwen Stacy (Spider-Woman) x fem!Ballerina!Reader
word count: 842
warnings: uses of Y/N, lots of ballet terms and references, the teacher displaying blatant favouritism ig?, mildly petty reader 💀
a/n: I finally got around to doing it! yay :D academic rivals to lovers ftw honestly
gearing up for my first official chapter-based fanfic WHOOOOOOOOO
dividers by me btw! it’s my first time doing dividers so any feedback would be appreciated <3
part 1 // part 2 (pending)
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Swan Lake: Swan Lake, Op. 20, is a ballet composed by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1875–76. It is now one of the most popular ballets of all time. The ballet is based on a German fairy tale, and tells the story of a prince named Siegfried who falls in love with Odette, a princess who has been turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer
Odette: Odette is the main female protagonist in the ballet "Swan Lake," which is composed by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. She is the White Swan, also known as the Swan Princess/Swan Queen.
Anna Pavlova: Anna Pavlovna Pavlova was a Russian prima ballerina of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. She was a principal artist of the Imperial Russian Ballet and the Ballets Russes of Sergei Diaghilev. (basically, every ballerina’s idol)
first position: In the first position, the heels are together, with toes turned out until the feet are in a large, open V or a straight line.
relevé: Relevé is a French term meaning "raised up." It is one of the basic ballet moves. The dancer starts in a demi-plié (a move where the dancer bends their knees halfway while keeping their feet on the ground) and then rises up into demi-pointe (on the balls of the feet) or en pointe (on the toes), either on one foot or both feet.
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“Let’s take it from the top, Y/N. More turned out this time. And your ‘wings’ aren’t flowy enough. You are the very Swan Princess, not a struggling cygnet. You die gracefully.”
You blew air threw your nose a little more forcefully than you usually would, trying your best to follow your ballet teacher’s instructions.
“Ah, Gwendolyn! So nice of you to join us.”
That statement was usually used sarcastically in most settings. So why did your teacher’s voice take on a note of adoration? You resisted the urge to roll your eyes, not even looking at the new arrival. All she ever did was drop into class half an hour late - without even doing her hair in a proper bun - and get showered with praises for everything she did. Always Gwen this, Gwen that. You were so sick of it.
“Gwen, if you decide to try out, you would be a perfect fit for the White Swan,” Your teacher eagerly told her, and your ‘flowy feathers’ tightened into fists. Just brilliant. In her eyes, you had no chance at Odette, did you? Once again, Gwendolyn Stacy would swoop in and snatch up something you had worked so hard for, spending hours upon hours on late nights at the studio practising alone, all because the teacher thought she was the next Anna Pavlova. But every time, you bit your tongue and kept your head down. One day, you would show them. You would show them all how good you were. And little Gwendolyn Stacy, the number one teacher’s pet, would watch and weep.
You cleared your throat to jolt your teacher out of her rambling. “Miss? My audition?”
She blinked as if she were just noticing you. “Ah, right. Yes, you may continue.”
You were ready to hurl your pointe shoes at both of their annoying faces, but you focused on making yourself extra turned out and extra graceful. Oh, how the tables would turn when you got this role.
You risked a glance out of the corner of your eye and noticed with a smug satisfaction that Gwen was staring at you, eyes wide. Completely enthralled.
Ha-ha, Gwendolyn Stacy. Look upon actual, hard-earned talent and despair.
You finished the Dying Swan - the Swan Lake piece you were doing for your audition - and bowed, standing in first position with your head held high.
“Thank you, Y/N. That was very nice. Everyone, let’s get started. Get your shoes on and get into your positions at the barre, please.”
Ugh, the barre positions. Your arch-nemesis, apart from a certain Gwen Stacy. Well, maybe not apart from her, since your barre position was right in front of her.
“One, two, three, four - hold, two, three four…”
You tuned out the voice of your ballet teacher; the exercise was purely muscle memory to you by now, and her voice was only distracting you at the moment.
“Hey, Y/N.”
You were pulled out of your intense focus by the voice behind you. Once you realised who it was, you had to resist the urge to scoff. “What is it?”
“I, uh… I just wanted to say that you did amazing. It was very graceful. You’ll make a good White Swan.” That almost made you lose your balance in a relevé and twist your ankle, because what?
Gwen Stacy thought that you’d get the role?
Oh. That was new.
Or maybe it wasn’t, and you were just imagining the whole ‘undeserving slacker’ thing and painting her as the bad guy…?
You almost giggled at that. Nah. This was definitely some ploy to get you to relax a little, to stop practising almost obsessively. Yeah, she was just trying to ensure you weren’t a threat. The moment you let down your guard, she would snatch up the role of Odette. You just knew it. Well, she could try all she wanted; you would not make it easy for her.
“Oh, I know,” You replied coolly, ending the exercise with everyone else and turning to offer her a politely bored smile. “But thank you.”
Gwen’s smile dropped a little and her eyebrows scrunched together slightly, her piercings glinting in the studio’s warm light. “Okay, well… I’ll see you around, I guess.”
She reached down and grabbed her duffel bag, unceremoniously dropping her teal pointe shoes into the mess of clothes and who knows what else she kept in it.
You kept your eyes on her until she disappeared out the studio’s door after a quick goodbye to the teacher. She was like a ghost, always appearing and flickering out just as quickly as one. And somehow always getting away with it, every single time. Not to mention… she was also somehow really good. Despite missing classes and coming late.
“Remember, class. Now that I’ve seen all your auditions, the roles will be up next week. Don’t be late,” your teacher called as you all left the building.
You kissed your teeth in annoyance. Yeah, don’t be late. Unless you’re Gwen Stacy.
Good grief, that girl would be the death of you.
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Taglist: (reply to be added!)
@hobiebrownismygod @l0starl @therealloopylupin2099
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huramuna · 8 months
beware the sapphire peak - chapter 3, end.
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aemond targaryen x wife reader x alys rivers a period piece, set in 1902.
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wordcount: 3.7k
you're a young, american lady who is an aspiring author. you are wooed by a mysterious and charming savant from england. swept off your feet, you're whisked away to his family's ancient estate, Dragonstone Hall. but with all stories, secrets are hiding around every corner, and your suitor is no different.a crimson peak inspired mini series.
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings!i don't do taglists right now, so sorry!
content: smut (specifics below cut), angst, gaslighting, unhealthy relationships, manipulation, alys in her girlboss gatekeep gaslight era, no use of y/n, afab reader, pre-established alysmond, this isn't going where you think it is (it might be), infidelity-ish, polyamory, mentions of infertility, murder, depictions of murder/violence, pregnancy
moonlight sonata - beethoven • nocturne in e-flat major, op. 9, no. 2 - chopin
warnings: p in v, face sitting, come eating i guess!, breeding kink
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So sweet– she had tasted so sweet to you, like the most saccharine, tooth rotting, sugary treat you’d ever had. A taste that you could get lost in for eons, grasping at the surface that threatened to pull you under, deeper, deeper… until darkness consumed you– and you could only taste her. 
Alys murmured something to you as your mind went fuzzy with panic. What would Aemond think? What would happen now? Would he divorce you? Would he fire Alys? 
Your hands shook slightly, a tingling and eventual numbing feeling coming to your lips, spreading throughout your extremities. Everything was in slow motion, the vision of Alys blurred through tears. “A-Alys,” you croaked. “I-I don’t know what just happened— I-I’m sorry.” 
“Oh, don’t cry, my sweet puppy,” she cooed, upon you again, her scent all consuming and overwhelming and you wanted to kiss her again. “It’s natural.”
“N-Natural?” you whimpered, eyes still misty.
“Yes,” Alys breathed, petting your head. “You know, male lions usually have a few lionesses in their pride— and the lionesses are known to take great affections with each other, too. ‘Tis only natural, to seek the comforts of ones who comfort you.” 
You sniffed, not really understanding what she was saying. The numbness was spreading, your head spinning and feeling like a hive of bees had taken host in your cranium. “I-I don’t… I don’t feel well…” you managed to whisper, clinging to the older woman as you lost feeling in your limbs, an acute pins-and-needles type pain steepling into your flesh, tapering off into icy splinters. 
Now, you saw nothing but darkness, only hearing the hushed whispers of someone faraway. 
You were dreaming now, you were sure— as you walked through the halls, feeling light as a feather. Your hand dragged along the stair bannister, nails tapping to a rhythmic tune that you could hardly recollect. It felt as if you were outside of your body in a slightly pastel toned version of the real world, a skewed view of what was actually real. The shade of carpet was off hue, a lighter, rosy red than it actually was, the accompanying curtains a complimentary shade of pink, when in reality, they were deep crimson. 
Your steps felt effortless, a spring in your step like a young fawn who’d figured out how to use its legs, jaunting through the corridors with ease. You enjoyed your lovely pastel dream world, until you turned and saw the very end of the foyer. 
It was dark, the light sucked out of it like it’d been erased, consumed— a familiar sight of inky black tendrils beckoned from the end of the hall, your feet moving on their own accord now. Your brain, feeling very much like prey, screamed at you. Threat, threat— run, run, run! But you couldn’t, you couldn’t turn, nor abscond. Getting closer, there was an eerie hum, like many voices converging together into a cacophony— you recognized it, fear settling into your bones. It was a dirge. 
Pleasepleaseplease, don’t make me, don’t make me. Save me, save me.
The siren song lured you closer, until you were swallowed by the darkness itself, falling, falling… 
“We are you, Lady Targaryen.” 
“You shan’t leave this place.” 
“You will be trapped and rotted like us.” 
“You’ve fallen for their ruse. A fatal mistake.” 
The fall felt neverending, the breath stolen from your lungs until they felt like shriveled raisins. Hands grabbed at your body greedily, pulling you under the surface as water replaced oxygen in your body– you gasped out, screaming, but no sound came, your arms wouldn’t move, as if they were stuck in molasses.
Other voices permeated your being, familiar ones. They brought a little comfort, but you could only discern bits and pieces of what they were whispering, chattering around you. 
“— used too much, Alys—,”
“— she is perfect—,” 
“— needs to wake up before—,”
Your consciousness, your real life felt so far away now, as your hands reached out to buffet the impact of your fall into the void… you could almost feel the sickly crunch of your ligaments being broken as you kissed the loam, into a darling embrace of nothingness.
You crashed to the ground, body strewn and broken like a porcelain doll– broken, shattered, thrown away. Trapped.
Sitting up from the bed, your bed, you were drenched in sweat. Oxygen ballooned in your lungs with a sharp, audible inhale as you looked around, eyes wide like a newborn fawn, once again. You zeroed in on Aemond, who was sitting in the corner of the room in the reading chair, one leg crossed over another, bobbing with anxiety. Alys was there, too, off to the opposite side of the chamber, fiddling with something on the desk. Her hair, usually well mannered and groomed, was slightly strewn in a loose bun.
The sound of your gasp caused them to be at your side in an instant, one on either side of the bed. Aemond’s hand was entwined with yours instantly.
“Thank God, she’s finally awake,” he murmured, shooting Alys a quick glance, brow furrowed.
“Oh, darling,” Alys cooed, “You took quite a spill in the bathroom– Lord Targaryen found you with a nasty head wound.”
Fell? When did you fall? With a shaky hand, your fingers skimmed the outline of cloth pressed to your forehead– you winced, a sharp intake of breath hissing through your teeth, it was tender to the touch. “When… how long have I been… unconscious for?”
“Five days.” Aemond responded, his leg still shaking as he pulled up the chair, sitting back down in it promptly. 
You felt bewildered by that– five days? Five days you’d been asleep– and your dreams felt like only a moment and an eternity. The distress must’ve clearly read on your face, as Aemond squeezed your hand. You glanced over to him, lines of worry etched into his brow and beyond. He had dark circles under his eyes, likely from lack of sleep. He was, overall, disheveled, a look you hadn’t quite seen on him. You swallowed, your mouth suddenly cloying and full of cotton. 
Alys nudged you, a spoon in her hand. She had soup– when did she leave? – offering it, intent on feeding you like a mere babe. Curling into yourself inwardly, you shook your head. “... m’ fine, I can… I can do it,” you offered, suddenly feeling extremely aware of the heavy mood of the room. They had fretted over you for days, for an accident you likely caused yourself. 
“Come, dear,” Alys urged. “‘Tis wild rice in a nice bone broth.” 
Your indignant streak ended quickly as your stomach audibly growled at the sound of the food. Mustering down your shame, you sipped at the soup, allowing Alys to spoon feed you. Aemond had a faraway look in his eye as he stared at the pair of you.
Your recovery was slow and meticulous– you had fractured your leg from your fall, as well as having some nasty bruises on your hip, the purple red hue blooming under your skin like ink from a tipped over inkwell. 
You were utterly dependent on Alys and Aemond as they nursed you back to health, hand feeding you, bathing you, carrying you down stairs– and you let them. You melded into their touch, becoming one with them and they handled you like extensions of themselves, gentle and loving, as not to hurt you any further.
Your head wasn’t completely clear, though– even a whole month and a half after your accident, you still felt like a teddy, stuffed full of wool and hardly sentient. Alys laid you down in the bathtub, the same one you’d knocked your head against apparently, the water warm. It washed over you in waves, heat sinking into your bones and quelling the urge you had to scream, to run– to do anything. The scent of lavender filled your nose as she poured floral oils into the water. 
Aemond was behind her, watching carefully. He was always there, no matter the situation, looming. He was adjusting his shirt cuffs idly, over and over in an anxious habit. He had quite a lot of those, you had noted. Now that you were almost always by his side, you watched him constantly, taking in those little habits. Jaw clenching, eye twitching, rubbing his fingers together, bouncing his leg. Not only those, but he constantly looked to Alys, as if they were communicating with their eyes alone. 
You wondered what they were saying, as they met gazes and then looked back to you in sync while you were in the bath, nude as the day you were born. You pulled your legs up to your chest, suddenly feeling self-conscious as they both bore into you, regarding you unabashedly, orbs roving over your figure. Pressing your chin to your knees, you looked past them, the glint of their scrutiny in your peripheral now. There was someone behind them.
Bloody and crooked, dripping water and essence of life, her body bloated and putrid. Her hair was blonde, at one point, at least– it was now a murky gray, stained pinkish with only the notion of its former color peeking through. Her eyes were dark, never ending holes– it was like looking straight into the void itself. Her throat was slashed, leaking the same black ichor that was in your dreams while you were incapacitated. Heavy breathing, jagged and errant, like a broken key on a piano, drowned out the chatter between Aemond and Alys. Her hand, spindly and wretched, squeezed on the frame of the bathroom door as she perched upon it, unable to stand upon the weight of broken, splintered legs. 
“You. Won’t. Live.”
The person you were before your accident might have choked, sobbed– but you were good acquaintances now with the ghosts of the estate, and their never ending threats and prophecy. Your eyes glazed over, a peeved grunt coming from you. “Go away.” you muttered. You were sick of seeing their faces, hiding in plain sight, always leering at you from afar with their grotesque visages.
“What?” Alys asked, taking her hands out of the water and peering at you curiously.
“... may I bathe alone, please?” you sighed, wishing for one moment of peace and quiet and aloneness.
Alys looked back at Aemond and they shared that unspoken connection once again. He nodded slightly, minutely. He didn’t even say anything– he didn’t say much since your accident, leaning on Alys to be his voice. He clenched his jaw, as he does, and left the room. 
Alys planted a kiss on your brow– the sweetness of her perfume felt familiar– and she departed, closing the door. As she left, you reflected on the state of your life. You felt like less than a person, moreso a doll. You didn’t remember falling, and you remembered… kissing Alys. Hardly, it was like a memory fluttering away on a breeze now, but the feeling of it was still there. It flooded back in your mind as you had drank in the scent of her when she got close, your stomach turning into a horde of butterflies. Was that even real? Or was it a figment of your damaged brain, painting a pretty picture for you while you were in a state of stupefaction.
It had to have been an illusion. Surely. 
You supplanted your hand on the lip of the tub after soaking for at least three hours– the water was cold now, turning your slightly warmed stupor into ice. You had hardly walked on your own these past few weeks, and when attempting to, held up by Alys or Aemond. Pulling yourself up with the little strength you had, you stood up. Your legs shook, but eventually found their own as you tested your luck further. One foot on the floor, then the other, toes splayed and wiggling as they touched the cool floor. Something akin to elation came to your chest as you stomped, hiding a tiny giggle. How childish you felt now– but not as bad as you’ve felt during your recovery. You felt less than a child then, moreso a barely living organism, attached to the hip of Aly or Aemond, solely dependent on their care of you.
You grabbed the robe left on the privy lid, snugging it to your form– you considered keeping it untied, to rove around the estate free of inhibition, just because you could. But, you decided against it, tying it taut around your waist. You went to leave, hand hesitating as you went to touch the knob, remembering something… something like a shock touching your hand from before. Shock be damned, you turned the knob. No prick of electricity followed, and you were free. 
Leaving wet footprints on the wood floors, you saw the halls in a new light. ‘Twas no pretty pastel painting, but it was familiar and real. You hummed along, hand tracing the bannister like you had when you dreamt. The estate was very quiet, not even a sound emitting besides the little pitter-patter of your feet– where had Aemond and Alys gone? Surely, with the length they’d kept you, they hadn’t gone far? 
As you descended down one of the far halls you usually did not venture to, namely the Servant’s Quarters, where Alys resided, your ears pricked up to pick up a noise. Like the faraway call of an owl, deep and throaty, you could only hear, feel, the bass of it– it only got louder as you got closer to her room, the door ajar, cracked… 
Peering in, your heart momentarily stopped, breath caught in your windpipe. Alys and Aemond were upon her bed, the top three buttons of her shirt undone. You could see the swell of her breast, heaving as she mouthed Aemond’s bare neck, his tie undone slightly from its spot on his collar, but done tighter just below his Adam’s apple in… a makeshift collar, almost. The older woman pulled on it with one hand, her other down… down… to Aemond’s weeping cock. She massaged it, her hand glistening with his arousal. His face was that of pure bliss and servitude, falling apart in her hand, with her lips against his skin, whispering. 
A gasp fell from your lips and they peered up at you. Aemond’s face turned to that of horror– but Alys’ didn’t change. Her lips just perked into a further smile. “Come in, little one,” she hummed.
Against better judgment, or any judgment really, you opened the door further. Your still wet hair was stuck to your face slightly, peering up at them both through fettered lashes. You should be in hysterics, you should be crying, screaming, cursing, damning them both to hell for– for… this. But, you were doing none of that. You felt… placid, like calm water. 
Alys beckoned you closer. “See, Aemond?” she practically purred, nosing his cheek while offering her hand to you. “I told you, she was perfect.”
“My love,” Aemond croaked. “Are… you well?” 
That was the question of the year, wasn’t it? Were you well? You blinked slowly, mulling it over in your mind. “No. I’m not,” you responded, taking Alys’ hand in your own. “But, I am alright with that. We are all… unwell in our own ways.” 
“So insightful, my little puppy,” Alys pulled you closer, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Your mind and soul were utterly enraptured by her. “She knows how to share, don’t you, sweet puppy?” she side-eyed Aemond. “The others didn’t know how to share, did they– so greedy, they were. Not like you,” she spoke of you so reverently, with a honeyed warmth in her voice you just wanted to melt into. 
Your heart was thumping at the sheer taboo of the situation, but you were excited– Alys tugged at your robe slightly, exposing your breasts to the cold air, your nipples pebbling into pert little peaks instantly. She let go of Aemond’s shaft, her hand wetted still with his excitement, offering you two fingers. She didn’t even have to say anything, you just opened your mouth as she rested those digits on your tongue, and you sucked on them eagerly. 
Aemond, all the while, was slightly aghast at it– and even more, aroused. His blood felt like it was on fire as his hand reached out to caress your nipple like he always had before, between his fore and middle finger. You whimpered around Alys’ fingers before she withdrew them, smearing your lips with your own saliva. 
“I’m so happy, my love,” Alys seemed to be addressing both you and Aemond, as she pulled you onto the bed between them, her fingers drawing little circles upon your bare thighs as your robe rode up. “We’ve waited so long for you– but it was worth the wait, wasn’t it?” her lips skimmed one side of your neck, while Aemond nosed at the other. 
You felt all encompassing, squeezed between the two of them– your brain was firing off on all cylinders, every cell of your body writhing in pleasure. “... w-waiting?” you managed to ask.
“Yes, puppy. We waited for you– all of the others were no good, defective– but you are perfect. You desire both of us, yes?” Alys asked, peering up at you.
You nodded without hesitation. 
“You know how much I desire children, but unable to have any of my own,” she murmured. “Will you have a family with us? Like a pride of lions, hm?”
You swallowed, eyes peeling away from Alys, drifting to the door, which was now open. The ghastly figures of seven women hung in the hallway, dead by many different manners. Eyes of the damned stared back at you.
“Y-yes, I want to have a family with you,” you agreed softly. You truly did want it– as you’d become so dependent on the both of them, you would do anything to please them. And you loved them both. You blinked– the figures at the door were gone now. 
Alys hummed in delight. “Oh, my sweet,” she nipped at your skin before pulling you to the side of the bed. “Aemond, I am surprised she isn’t taken with child yet– he is quite virile, isn’t he– like a stud stallion,” she giggled as Aemond came up behind you, continuing to kiss your neck. “I suppose you need to breed her more often, now that she’s agreed.”
You melted into your husband’s touch, you had missed it so sorely– he had been so quiet and solemn during your recovery, like he was mourning something. He laid back on the bed and pulled you atop him, his arousal already prodding at your folds. You ached for him, truly, sighing a little moan into his mouth as you kissed. His taste was so different from Alys’, his was heady and deep, lulling you into a sense of familiarity. Sliding you back, he slowly lowered you down onto his length, stretching you out. You mewled at the sensation, coupled with Alys palming your breasts and pinching your nipples, causing that delightful cocktail of pain and pleasure that you had chased so fervently months ago.
Cursing under your breath, you adjusted to his size, looking down at him as you rested with him to the hilt. His hand grasped your hip, eclipsing you and thumbing at your clit. You rocked back and forth on him, eyes closed for a moment in exhilaration. Once opening them, you didn’t feel Alys behind you, but now she was atop Aemond as well, her bottom half sat upon his face as he serviced her, too– ever dutiful. The sight was raunchy and erotic and made a tingle go through you as you continued your rocking motions, skin slapping upon skin as you chased your high. 
Alys leaned forward, in turn, pulling you to her. Your lips met again and she tasted just as lovely as you remember, so sweet and comforting, like honey coating your lips. The entirety of the situation was catching up to you as your peak hit you like a train, whimpering sweet nothings into Alys’ mouth, your hand squeezing on Aemond’s hip. 
Apparently your peak had started a crescendo, as Alys was next, spilling on Aemond’s tongue and rolling off of him, his face coated in the evidence of her orgasm. Something primal and feral came over you as you leaned down and connected lips with him again, tasting both him and her at the same time– you clenched on his cock that was nestled deep inside of you, and with a grunt, he spilled deep inside of you. 
‘Twas round one of four upon that night.
You quite enjoyed the estate, as big and spacious as it was, you suppose it could be considered lonely. You imagined it in its heyday, full of diplomats, royalty, lords and ladies and children alike– but it seemed to be a ghost of its former self. Much like you felt you were– mayhaps not a ghost. You felt more akin to a moth, emerging from your silken cocoon and spreading your wings.
Sitting upon the terrace, it was a full three years since you and Aemond had married. You watched the lawn as your twins toddled on the greenery with an abundance of toys– a boy and a girl that were just a bit over a year and a half old. 
Settling into the seat, you put a hand over your swollen belly– once again round with child. You and Alys were keen on running Aemond ragged until the estate was once again full of children, much to his chagrin– and pleasure. 
“Lemonade, puppy?” Alys hummed, nosing your ear as she offered you a cool glass. 
“Thank you, sweet,” you responded in kind, taking a sip. Your eyes followed Alys’ hand as she gently caressed your belly, pulling up a stool and sitting beside you, one ear to your stomach. She quite liked talking to the children, born or unborn– always chattering, reading stories and telling tall tales. 
Aemond scooped up the twins from the greenery, walking over to the two of you. “Say hello to mummas,” he cooed softly. 
The twins babbled little greetings to both Alys and you, who they both considered their mother. You feared for the conversation that would come in the future where you had to explain that every family was different, and not everyone had two mummas. 
But for now, you’d enjoy blissful ignorance upon the secluded estate. 
Tipping your head back, you surveyed the tall walls of the building. 
Seven windows lined the eastern inner palisade– and with those seven windows, were seven figures, staring back at you. 
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batmanego · 2 years
one of the most common things i hear when trying to get people to read comics is that they're just not that into batman. which boggles my mind! not because i'm a huge batman fan -- which i am, but i can understand why people might not be interested in his comics -- but because it's insane to me that batman (or superman, or wonder woman, or any other dc superhero they've made a movie about) is people's default perception of dc superheroes.
there's a whole world out there! and if you're intimidated by the big superheroes, or uninterested in their stories, or even if you like them but you're looking for something different, this is the guide for you. without further ado, i present:
to nobody's surprise, doom patrol is first on my list of recommendations. it's a comic book about a group of disabled people who have been labeled freaks, weirdos, or otherwise undesirable by society, coming together to save a world that doesn't care about them because there has to be beauty in it somewhere.
good for: well, i'll let the introduction quote do the talking. “remember when all the other kids on the block had superman and batman as positive role modes? well, if you could only identify with a human brain in a metal body or a guy wrapped up in bandages, and if you grew up weird, welcome home. you’re among friends now.”
read doom patrol here. trigger warnings for: ableism, child sexual abuse, medical abuse, transphobia.
hellblazer is a 300 issue long comic book, mostly comprised of dogshit stories by dogshit writers. i am recommending it because i genuinely think the first 41 issues are art. please do not do as i did and read all of hellblazer. you won't survive the experience. ok? ok.
hellblazer is a comic about aging punk magician/occultist john constantine trying desperately to sort out his life in late 80s london while constantly being beset by poor life choices, poverty, and also lots and lots and lots and lots of demons.
good for: punks, anarchists, fans of the occult, enemies of aleister crowley, anyone who has a personal vendetta against margaret thatcher.
read hellblazer here, BUT STOP READING AFTER THE FIRST 41 ISSUES OK? trigger warnings for: literally almost everything you can imagine, but specifically discussions of child sexual abuse are prominent in the original sins run. also, it was written by a white man in the 80s, so it suffers from "white man in the 80s" syndrome.
3. WILDCATS (1999)
"FERRIS", some of you comic book knowers cry, "WILDCATS IS WILDSTORM NOT DC". to that i say Shut the fuck up DC acquired the rights to the wildstorm universe it's close e-fucking-nough.
wildcats 1999 is about cole cash (a conman and ex-special ops man), hadrian 7 (an alien robot posing as a human named jack marlowe), and noir (a bisexual ex-arms dealer from france who talks in the third person) picking up the pieces of the OLD wildcats team after they all found out they were soldiers in a war that ended before most of them were born and nobody bothered to tell them, and trying to 1) run a company and 2) save the world.
good for: people who hate the military, tacky sci-fi fans, anyone who wishes guys would suck more, anyone interested in the horrors of war.
read wildcats 1999 here.
"ferris i want to leave wildstorm" too fucking bad. we're talking about sleeper right now.
sleeper is about holden carver, an undercover agent in the world's largest underground crime organization/network, who gets stuck undercover when his handler (the only guy who knows he's undercover and not just a traitor) gets shot and put in a coma. it is about grappling with your own morality, losing faith in your ideals, and (like most wildstorm properties), how war is a pointless exercise in horror.
good for: fans of spy thrillers, evil women enjoyers, evil men enjoyers, anyone who has ever thought they could make someone worse, people who want bad things to happen to people in power.
read sleeper season 1 here, and then sleeper season 2 here. trigger warnings for pedophilia (the pedophile gets beat to death in issue 2), homophobia, and child abuse.
stop crying we're almost done with wildstorm. the authority is a comic book about 6 super-people (who are very loose parodies of the justice league) forming a self-described "anarchist cell" to operate against the wishes and outside the influence of earth's governments to defend the planet against extraterrestrial threats and handle human rights violations.
good for: political science fans, good sci-fi enjoyers, people who think batman and superman should have kissed instead of making a million movies, people in polyamorous six-ples.
read the authority here. trigger warning for "this writer probably shouldn't have written this asian nation like this", homophobia, sexual abuse.
hey, remember how i was talking about wildcats? imagine the same sort of themes of wildcats (the horrors of war, the effects of being in the military, american imperialism, what it means to be a hero or even a good person), and then apply them to the worst group of people you've ever had the displeasure of being in the same room as, and they all fucking hate each other. suicide squad is about a bunch of incarcerated villains being "recruited" (forced) into working hero-missions for the government, because nobody will miss them if they die.
good for: villain apologists, people who (in the immortal words of hack/slash) think "there just aren't enough big mean women in comics", and this guy:
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[ID: a comment on read comics online by “the king of anime” reading, “I want to give this a try would it be worth it”. end ID.]
read suicide squad here. trigger warning for, again "white man in the 80s syndrome", along with... probably pretty much everything else imaginable (it's been a while since i read this!)
7. STARMAN (1994)
starman is a story told with the drama of a theater production about jack knight, a late-20s to early-30s punk antiques dealer who gets the mantle of starman (a well-known superhero from the golden age) thrust upon him suddenly. it is a story about legacy, family duties, identity, and most importantly about being kind of a loser who gets shot at all the fucking time.
good for: sci-fi fans who are too proud to admit they also like fantasy, rock opera listeners, family disappointments, single fathers.
read starman here. trigger warning for sexual assault.
"ferris you said no batman" i did. i did not say no batman villains.
arkham city: the order of the world focuses on some of batman's lesser-known foes, and the fallout of arkham asylum collapsing. i can't really explain it more than that, but it is good and legitimately unnerving at times.
good for: horror fans, enemies of the psychiatric system, villain enjoyers, people who live in new york city.
read arkham city: the order of the world here.
9. THE SHADE (1997) and THE SHADE (2012)
hey, remember starman? want a series about the old immortal victorian man with an "ambiguous sexuality" from it? okay. the shade (1997) follows his origins: specifically, his long-standing beef with one specific family. the shade (2012) is a sort of cross-country whodunnit as the shade tries to track down who is trying (and failing) to murder him.
good for: bisexual enjoyers, dramatic theater kids, vampire fans, goths, people who would have fucked lord byron given the opportunity.
read the shade (1997) here, and the shade (2012) here.
10. METAL MEN (2007)
lastly (but not least), a comic featuring will magnus from doom patrol. metal men (2007) is... a complicated story. it's about robots? it's about being mentally ill. it's about a guy who is so divorced forever. it's about being a little loser guy. it's about time travel, and terrible relationships with your brother. it's hard to describe. but it's fun.
good for: bad sci-fi enjoyers, people who can understand the timeline of looper, robot fans, anyone who has ever been consumed by a desire to create.
read metal men (2007) here.
not included in this list because batman is there, i encourage everyone to have a look at the original justice league international series. it is a superhero comedy. it is silly and stupid and i love it.
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marsmarbles · 8 months
Chained Life AU Masterpost!!!
(Chained Life is a Life Series AU of mine. It’s currently on an unclear forever hiatus. I don’t know if I’ll ever return to it, but it still makes me happy people enjoy/enjoyed it….. Even though I violently cringe when I get notifications of people binging it …..it’s really just a bunch of old art and shipping requests lmao.)
Each team with chain order
Lore(as chronological as I could make it):
Scott’s promise // Scott’s promise w/ writing
We are those who speak….
More on the Speakers
Waltz in E-Major, Op. 15 “Moon Waltz”
And could you still love me….
Just the smiley type
The Heart Acoustic // The Mind Electric // The Soul Eclectic
Character designs:
Scott and Joel(green life)
Speaker Scout form
Scar and Sausage
Scott x Joel/Damsel Duo:
So is he ur bf or smth? // remember when I said I didn’t know if I was gonna ship them? // Joel wants to cuddle // since when did you care? // NOW KISS!! Pt.1 // NOW KISS!! Pt.2 // DamselDuo but extra gay and sparkly!!
BigB x Grian:
I love you BigB!! // I made you some cookies! Pt.1 // Grian just kissed me!!!! Pt.2 to I made you some cookies! // Grian and his crushes // And could you still love me…. // Golden Light to Silver Shadows(fic) // Golden Light
Ren x Sausage x Martyn/ Lore Whore Trio:
Men…kissing?!?! // The answer was polyamory all along // Mr. InTheLittleWood enjoying his relationship // Martyn likes to brag he has 2 boyfriends
Sausage x Scar:
Star Wars!? // Can we still be friends?
Skizz x Impulse:
H-hey Impulse // Something wrong, Skizzy? // Lil Skizzy n Impy // Skizz and Impulse hugging // Impy kissing Skizz // What Makes Me So Special?
Grian x Scar/Desert Duo(the events are canon but the ship is not canon):
You could hang out with me… // Grian and his crushes
General story:
Without me… // just the smiley type // You can’t fix this, Sausage
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sasheneskywalker · 2 months
Weekly Batman/DC Fic Recs (2)
This week I've mostly read dark fics, focused on unhealthy and toxic romantic/sexual relationships. One was a fascinating study of Bruce's inappropriate relationships with Dick, Jason, and Tim and his guilt and excuses. There're also two fantastic Bruce/Jason fics, exploring their complicated relationship and history. Additionally, I've found an amazing post-Dark Crisis enemies to lovers Slade/Dick fic and a funny relationship reveal Slade/Jason fic. Apart from that, we also have a Damian/Dick relationship study with trans Damian and a recurring motif of blood. And the last rec is a spectacular long canon divergent one-shot centered on Cass/Rose and their relationships with their fathers. Hope you enjoy the recs <3
four graves, one gun. by projectfreelancer
They are his boys, and Bruce has made them this way.
a character study of Bruce Wayne and the Robins.
M | Underage | DCU (Comics) | Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake/Bruce Wayne
truth hurts (so Batman would rather fuck than tell) by blueyeti
Red Hood and Batman are captured together, and offered an ultimatum of sex pollen or truth serum. Batman chooses sex pollen, but Jason chooses to tell the truth.
M | Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | DCU | Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
Wind Beats Like Wings by submariner
Oliver was fuming by the time Bruce pulled up to the house. “You keep your fucked up family bullshit the hell out of my city,” he told Bruce quietly, as he and Mia exited the car.
Bruce didn’t say anything.
Oliver hadn’t expected him to.
in which Oliver Queen sees a lot more than he ever wanted to.
E | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Green Arrow (Comics) | Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne
half out of shadow by wednesday
Slade, still recovering from Dark Crisis, meets Grayson during a job. It's easier to manipulate someone whose weaknesses you know so well.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU (Comics) | Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson
this isn't what it looks like (depending on what it looks like) by SafelyCapricious
Tim must make a noise — because suddenly Deathstroke is whirling. But most importantly, he’s let go of Hood. Hood doesn’t do more then slowly lower his arms though as Tim freezes.
Deathstroke, no less intimidating sans mask, stares at him menacingly for a minute before glancing over his shoulder to a still dazed Hood — shit, hopefully he doesn’t have a concussion — “I’ll find you later,” and then he’s taking off.
Tim rushes to Jason, who swats him away with a, “Fuck off, what do you want?” seeming more alert now that Deathstroke has gone.
Five times the Bats thought that Deathstroke and Red Hood were fighting and one time they found out differently.
M | No Archive Warnings Apply | DCU | Deathstroke the Terminator (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) | Jason Todd/Slade Wilson, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake & Barbara Gordon & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Roy Harper & Jason Todd
do cherries bleed? by dikudami
Years pass—Damian's father is still dead, and Grayson and him are so in sync he sometimes can’t tell where his own thoughts start and Grayson’s end. But just like others, Grayson doesn't want Damian.
But Grayson stays. Doesn’t that count for something? It must.
Or, Damian Wayne knows better than anyone that need and want are not the same.
M | Underage | Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics), Batman: Son of the Demon | Dick Grayson/Damian Wayne
bleeding-heart doves by wraithwings
Now all she had were bullet-holes where people had been.
And she had Rose Wilson. Who had bullet-holes, too.
In which the story is inevitable, and Cassandra Cain was always going to fall.
T | No Archive Warnings Apply | Batman - All Media Types, Batgirl (Comics), Deathstroke the Terminator (Comics), Teen Titans - All Media Types, DCU | Cassandra Cain/Rose Wilson, Batfamily Members & Cassandra Cain
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tcfactory · 6 months
thinking about a dumb thing where mobei overhears sqh telling a story to the disciples and gets rlly invested but doesnt want to admit he's been following him around his peak so he listens from the shadows. It's a beautiful tale of a powerful cultivator king who seeks demonic cultivation in order to save his family and people. There's a grand battle where he is the sole solider against an army of thousands, everyone is on the edge of their seats as SQH describes that during the battle, (1)
(2) spies have infiltrated the castle to take his son! the wife fights valiantly, but shes mortal, and by the time the king hears her call she is already slipping from the tallest tower. She falls before her beloved husband arrives, and he flies after her. It's a drawn out moment, where SQH describes the wind pressing past them both, the weight of her body dragging her down. what mbj does not anticipate is "the agonising silence that followed the tragic thud of her body, too fast to catch" (3) cue mbj leaping out of the shadows without thinking because WHAT!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE D I E D, WHAT! the disciples are screaming. the hall masters are rushing in the room in a panic. sqh has no fucking idea what to say other than "ITS A TRAGEDY FOR A REASON!!"
Anon, I love this idea so much.
SQQ would be crowing about how he absolutely told zhangmen-shixiong that SQH was a spy! (This applies to both versions of SQQ. SJ because he's upset that nobody believed him, SY because that's what you get when you let your demon sneak onto the peak Airplane!!)
SQH has to pull out all stops in his bullshitting to explain why he shouldn't be executed or kicked off the mountain and actually zhangmen-shixiong, having the future Northern Demon King as our mascot ally could have a lot of benefits for us...
In the end MBJ is allowed to visit for SQH Story Hours if he behaves, mostly because they can't exactly keep him out (they try. MBJ is too OP, nothing they do even so much as hinders him) and SQH is too important to be easily replaced.
So MBJ gets to sit among the disciples and listen to SQH tell his funky little stories. Then one day the disciples complain about how SQH always messes up the endings (why all the tragedies, Airplane? Clearly your audience is clamoring for a happy end!), so SQH suggests that if they don't like the stories then they should write their own.
Next morning there's a perfectly filled out request form on YQY's desk for an open attendance fiction writing workshop. YQY is very sure he has locked the door last evening, but also that handwriting is very familiar, wtf Shang-shidi. He always assumed SQH's head disciple was finishing up SQH's paperwork whenever he fell asleep at his desk and turns out he was half right. He has no idea what interest a bored demon could possibly have in requisition forms, but there are so many worse things he could be doing that YQY will just pretend that it's not happening, for the sake of his sanity. He will have Words with SQH about why his demon has free access to all of CQMS's paperwork, but in the meantime he gives his blessing for an interpeak writing workshop ft. one MBJ, because that feels like the path of least resistance. Also maybe because SQQ expressed interest in the idea when he heard about it and what SQQ wants, YQY will give him.
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majosullivan · 7 months
Castle Swimmer Dashboard Simulator 2
🔄 gay-ass-seagrass reblogged sandyshells
🌳 everlastingwhiskers Follow
Threre are ha;ir thi eves haeving sex ;;; in my castsle’swalls sned help
🌳 everlastingwhiskers Follow
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There are hair thieves having sex in our walls and now I’m getting fucking HECKLED
🪝 hookedline Follow
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This has to be the funniest reason I seen for accusing a post for being fake cause like…it implies that they thought it is simply impossible for anyone here to be the same age or have similar usernames imao
🌳 everlastingwhiskers Follow
I can’t believe that out of all things, I’m being accused of lying about my castle having hair thieves infestation. I don’t think some of you guys understand just how much of a nightmare it is t;o ha e (32$$:?2 s)3$:!/@“/ svehiwsjlajwvdbk
🐚 sandyshells Follow
Op? Op are you good?
🌿 gay-ass-seagrass Follow
The hair thieves fucking got them
62,586 notes
🐬 divingdelphinus Follow
Head of the Guards: Oh hey, you guys are back early-
Guard: God Mouth’s haunted
Head of the Guards: What?
Guard: [grabbing a leister and heading back out the castle] God Mouth’s haunted
82,506 notes
♣️ saltysoul Follow
There are three evil witches from the dark sea traveling through the Purple Peaks? Damn, are they single?
496 notes
🔄 kitti-fishh reblogged
💟 kitti-fishh Follow
As a mer with any basic morals, what mini gods are capable of is terrifying. I have heard so many stories about poor castles being cursed because they defend themselves from an unprovoked attack from a minigod. No creature should have the ability to damn someone or a whole castle to a cruel fate because they defended themselves or an offence out of their control.
However, as a petty bitch-
🫧 bubbly-bubbles Follow
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💟 kitti-fishh Follow
You. You Get It
#LISTEN #I’m not SAYING that if I had mini god destructive powers I would use them constantly for petty shit #I am simply putting it out there that the temptation would possibly pass my mind
5,891 notes
🔄 lesbiankelp reblogged
🦪 clamingdown Follow
What if we k-kissed at the bottom of the god mouth 🥺👉👈 and we were both girls 😳
629 notes
🔄 needling-on reblogged
💰 needling-on Follow
A list of things that I have learnt about/was told by the thirteen year old boy that has recently been staying at our castle with his mother (with every single thing being confirmed as being true):
-His mother threatened the leaders from their original castle that she would cut off their HEADS if they ever came near her son again cause they were treat him like shit. It should be mentioned that she said this TO THEIR FACES in front of THE ENTIRE CASTLE
-His first sword fighting pupil is a cursed prince (from what I’ve heard from his mother, his pupil is basically a big brother to him now)
-Also, his first pupil happens to be the beacon’s BOYFRIEND???
-He could probably beat every guard at my castle in a fight
-He has broken a grown man’s arm so badly it popped in the other direction because he made fun of him and his pupil
-His mother was almost kidnapped by a giant trench monster in the God Mouth
-He stabbed said trench monster in the eye to save his mother
-He has recently fought an evil witch
-Him and his mother have also recently met the beacon
💰 needling-on Follow
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Love seeing everyone’s priorities
239,063 notes
🔄 seadaisies reblogged
🌼 seadaisies Follow
okay but can someone tell me what is up with petrified pufferfishes? i swear, every time I plan for a trip, without fail, someone wanting to help me with supplies will give me one of these stupid little guys and just. Refuse to elaborate further
🐡 petrified-pufferfish Follow
You fool. You halfwit. A senseless sentiment from a simple-minded stooge. Your denial of me will bring forth your downfall. Your ignorance will wrap you in the garments of your rising. What will you have when you’re buried in the sand, choking on your own blood and no merciful god to hear your pleads?
🌼 seadaisies Follow
feel like my skeleton is about to jump out of my god damn skin, what the actual FUCK does this mean???
8,475 notes
🔄 give-that-axolotl-a-knife reblogged
🌿 gay-ass-seagrass Follow
The Surface God released me into the wild and now they’re hunting me for sport
24,074 notes
🔄 nauticalnymph reblogged
💠 nauticalnymph Follow
Of course you have an unending sense of dread as you desperately cling to a prophecy that could never be fulfilled. and pronouns
💠 nauticalnymph Follow
Easy site
58,944 notes
🥒 cutecumbers Follow
Oh the things I would give up to live the rest of my life as a little sponge. Bouncing around all day. Not a single thought ever going on behind those eyes. The ideal existence
2,857 notes
🖼️ ocean-landscapes Follow
The Purple Peaks
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749 notes
🪨 mossy-rocks Follow
rip to everyone who died while trying to swim to the surface but I’m different
🪨 mossy-rocks Follow
if I wanted to reach the surface, I would simply just swim straight up until I got there
🔘 mossy-rocks-deactivated
you know what i’m gonna start swimming up there right now
84,689 notes
🔄 moonjelly reblogged honeydew-gourami
🎗️honeydew-gourami Follow
Do we still talk about that giant mini god crab that was destroying the Purple Peaks and making it basically impossible for castles to live peacefully there? Like whatever happened with that?
🌀 moonjelly Follow
The beacon completed the crab’s prophecy and turned him back to normal so things are chill now
🎗️ honeydew-gourami Follow
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🌀 moonjelly Follow
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What’s not clicking?
#you know who does click though? #the crabs #bunch of funky little guys
47,524 notes
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
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Fic Finder
1. Hi I’m looking for this specific fic:
I remember there’s mpreg and lan Zhan is the one pregnant.
It’s a modern day AU where they’ve been hooking up in hotels. So friends with benefit to lovers to husbands eventually. Lan Zhan quits his job eventually to be a stay home and there’s conflict of interest between their two jobs.
Thank you so much!
Hi I’m looking for a fix where lz can get pregnant and eventually does. I recall it’s a modern au where they’re in rival companies. LZ eventually leaves the company to be a stay home dad for their kids. They meet up in hotels to have rendezvous frequently before their relationship was open.
They got eloped as well.
Thank you!!
FOUND? sweet as cherry wine Series by cicer (E, 81k, WangXian, Modern AU, Business rivals, Intersex, Mpreg, Barebacking, Pregnancy kink)
2. hello! for fic finder, may i ask for a great tumblr meta that i cant find anywhere? (i feel like i should disclaim that ppl should read what they find hot. i just saw a recent mxtx interview that said like the exact same thing as the meta and thought it was cool)
the meta talks about how mxtx specifically choosing to write lwj as a top WAS the gnc option. i think op was just frustrated about some people insisting that switching/top wwx was 'less heteronormative' (as a justification for liking it??). i think op mentioned that this seems like a western take on mdzs?
basically, in the meta, they expand on how lwj is gnc-coded. like how touching lwj's headband equals staining his honor like how a cdrama man kissing an unmarried woman would be (this is what mxtx also said herself in the interview), and a bunch of other things (handling money, etiquette, lwj keeping track of wwx's tastes as opposed to wwx buying him spicy food, the incense burner domesticity, and idk more stuff i cant remember)
i *think* they wrote something like "all mxtx couples come with the gnc already built in" which was a cool point imo (one example is hc flipping the gege kink), but i tried searching for that and i couldn't find it for the life of me. thank you! (Huh, I feel like I remember this one faintly 🤔 ~Mod L)
3. Hi there! I appreciate all the work yall do 🥰 I'm trying to find a fic where LWJ has to do an ascension trial in the moral world and WWX accidentally fucks it up. WWX has to break LWJ's heart in order for LWJ to still pass the trial. I remember that WWX takes the option to forget the trial but LWJ doesn't. Might be a foxxian fic? Thank you!!! @la-voce-to-me
FOUND! Keep Me on Your Pillow by catbrainedschemes (E, 42k, wangxian, fantasy au, pillow book au, high immortal LWJ, red fox WWX, pining, angst, fluff, eventual smut, slow burn, feelings, first meetings, misunderstandings, happy ending, sharing a bed, first kiss, oblivious WWX, oblivious LWJ, sexual tension, hero worship, falling in love)
4. A) This fic is a modern au, I think that both LZ and WY are cultivators, WY specifically is kind of a witch (?), he messes with dark magic and lives in a haunted town or something like this. There's a reencounter between the two (I don't know if by chance or if LZ tracks WY) and at some point LZ gets worried that WY is sorrounded by ghosts/resentful energy, but he is aware of the situation. I think WY even has a pet crow/cat, but I'm not sure. And the plot may envolve him being isolated, running away or being expelled because of his methods of cultivation. Also, I'm pretty sure there's a fanart featured in the story that has Wangxian and the haunted place WY lives/takes care.
B) The second one is also a modern AU, LZ father is very sick, almost dying and stays in the hospital all the time, but LZ refuses to visit him because of the resentment caused by the situation with his parents. He meets WY in this same hospital, I don't remember if he works there, but I think it has something to do with Yanli. They connect through this situation, LZ eventually goes see his father and I think WY has some part in convincing him to do so.
C) Another modern AU, Lan Qiren is a priest/owns a church, the Lans are very religious and that includes LZ. WY is kind of a delinquent, he starts to go to the church and begins a friendship with LZ, who is very upright and frigid like in canon, plus the super religious part. I think LQ even says WY is a bad influence bacause of his behaviour and the things he did/does, but LZ realizes he is not that bad and there's probably some toutoring/disciplining envolved from his part. They are both teens or young adults and I specifically remember a scene when the two have sex inside the church with LZ being on the receiving end.
Thank you in advance and keep up the awesome work!
FOUND? 兔死狐悲 (tù sǐ hú bēi) by Anonymous (M, 14k, WangXian, Modern AU, Getting Together, Meet-Cute, Doctor WWX, Hospitals, Canonical Character Death, (But a minor   character - not the ones listed), Angst with a Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
FOUND? Say Amen by Wuxian_Biscuit (Charlie_Biscuit) (E, 6k, WangXian, Religion, Internalized Homophobia, Church Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Bottom LWJ)
5. Hi! I love your blog and I have found it really helpful in the past. I was wondering if you could help me find a fic? It does have wangxian as the endgame. With wwx and lwj being opposing generals on opposite sides of a war. However, they both respect each other and have worked together to save innocent lives in the past.
In the end the Lan win the war and lwj takes wwx under his protection as a sort of war prize. This fic is very heavy on the Jiang and Jin bashing and in the end I think the Jiangs and Jins have to stand trial for their crimes during the war. While wwx is under lwj’s protection and never committed any crimes thus is not punished. I don’t think it is terribly long and I thought it was finished or almost finished at the time when I was reading it. If you could help me find this fic I would really appreciate it! @kjwaikiki
FOUND! Crossing Paths by Ilona22 (M, 21k, wangxian, shapeshifter au, graphic depictions of violence, war between sects, war crimes, not JC friendly, happy ending)
6. 👋 I am looking for a time travel/kid fic among thousands. This one LWJ travels back to being a kid, rescues his mother and they escape cloud recesses. He takes then to save WWX from the streets of yiling and they all grow up together I think in Meishan yu sect elser house before war happens. Cam you help this lowly one? 🙏🏻 @the-untamed-stole-my-heart
FOUND? The Dreams of Youth by sami (E, 86k, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, family, not lan sect friendly, canon typical violence & gore, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, mothers who live, some people live/not everyone dies)
7. Hi for the next ficfinder please help with this request. This came as a random thought that refuses to leave my mind. I really only remember one scene. Which is someone, I believe it’s lan xichen, remarking that lwj would walk all over jyl. Not in a bad way just that he was more assertive and her being more demure i guess. It was a wangxian fic though. Not sure if it wasabi. Please help @lilly-420
FOUND? In Love and War by Cataclysmic_Calamity (E, 68k, wangxian, ABO, canon divergence, alpha LWJ, omega WWX, arranged marriage, slow burn, enemies to lovers, sexual tension, menace to society WWX, doing his best LWJ, miscommunication, past emotional abuse, dubious consent, consensual non-con, semi public sex, dom/sub)
8. hiii it's me again I'm sorry I can't seem to find anything rn and you guys are literal lives savers I'm looking for a fit where lwj was raisin A-Yuan and I just remember that they were talking about wwx and lwj compared him to a butterfly going in a dark forest to bring back treasures for other but each time he made the trip he lost some of his light until one day he couldn't come back. that all I have can you help ???🙇🏼‍♀️ thank youuuuuu✨✨ @ihaveasoftspotfora-yuan
9. Hi, thanks for your time! I'm looking for a(n older), well-written fic where wwx takes the wen away from the cultivation world after breaking them free from qiongqi road. Lan Zhan decides to follow after them. They settle far away, I think, on a mountain. Living conditions are harsh, at some point I believe mud floods washed their crops away and they had to move them elsewhere. Wwx was quite weak for some time. At the end of the fic was a grand scene where wwx and lwj destroy the tiger seal together, almost dying while trying. They don't rejoin the cultivation world. Any idea? @kesterling
FOUND! wide enough and wild by impossibletruths (E, 64k, wangxian, canon divergence, Getting Together, Canonical Accidental Baby Acquisition, Families of Choice, References to Depression, Canon-Typical Violence, Happy Ending, Noping Out Of Society With Your Boyfriend And Your 50 Wen Refugees: The Novel, Overzealous Use Of Imagery, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Well Except Wen Ning But He Was Already Dead So, Fix-It of Sorts, Podfic Available, Spanish Translation Available)
10. hello mods! I am looking for a fic where wei wuxian is taken over by a phoenix god (?) and is locked up post-sunshot in the cold pond cave so as to not kill everyone with his new phoenix powers. lan wangji willingly enters the cold pond cave as well even though he knows that wei wuxian is being controlled by the god.thank you in advance!! @yourancestorsarefrowning​
FOUND? Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 110k, wangxian, angst, fluff, captivity, creepy WRH, no non-con, dreamsharing, politics, people making the best decisions they can, epic length, mythical creature WWX, canon-typical violence, dark, happy ending)
11. Hi! I was actually searching for a mdzs meta blog here on Tumblr . i have been scrolling for hours now but i can't seem to find the blog.I am very sure that they write a detailed meta on the last scene of the untamed where Wwx says to lwj " You are indeed hanguang jun " and lwj replies with " you are indeed wei ying".They had a lot of other posts too .
I understand you do not find blogs / posts but if you know anything any account like that i would gladly appreciate it .
Please feel free to ignore this ask if you wish to ! Thank you.
FOUND! number eleven might be https://hunxi-guilai.tumblr.com/, with this being the post they mention
12. Hiya, im hoping you guys can help me find this fic? The only things I remember is it was canon setting, lwj pov, where he kept hiding/fidgeting with his hands in his sleeves and the author kept bringing attention to it to show him being nervous. It was also complete and definitely longer than 10k at least. Thank you!
13. Hi! I’m looking for a wangxian fic about right-hearted and left-hearted people. In the story, hetero couples have men with hearts on the left side and women with hearts on the right side of their bodies, and gay relationships were either both on the right side or a combo. I just remember that wèi yīng had a right sided heart. I remember that wèi yīng and lán zhàn got together before it was revealed that wèi yīng was about to be in an arranged marriage. I think wèi yīng turns the girl down and she shoots spiritual energy to his right side in an act of rage and almost kills him and because he and lán zhàn had, like become mates(?), he is the only person who could save him. I’m pretty sure it’s not a/b/o, and it is in the canonical time period. Thank you! @fries-n-salt
FOUND? Right-Hearted by 0_Heta_0 (E, 22k, wangxian, heartmark au, canon-typical homophobia, internalized homophobia, hurt/comfort, falling in love, fluff & angst, smut)
14. Hey ! For the next fic finder i am looking for a work where wei wuxian was a god and so was lan wangji .I think it was a Hades and Persephone au .the clans still existed . Also i think lwj was the god of flowers and wwx the god of death and when lwj visits the underworld he makes flowers grow for ayuan who is wwx adopted son
FOUND? Flowers Blooming in the Dark by TheLegendOfChel (T, 65k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ & LWJ, Gods & Goddesses au, Inspired by Hades and Persephone, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Fusion, but it's still in a xianxia/wuxia setting, Pining, Courtship, Forbidden Love, Kidnapping, kind of, Smitten LWJ, Smitten WWX, Courting Rituals, Secret Relationship, references to wwx's canonical kinks, Child LSZ, Fluff)
FOUND? there will come soft rains by infinite (recursion) (Not rated, 14k, wangxian, gods & goddesses au, Hades/Persephone au)
FOUND? The Radish and the Pomegranate by MissMagus (T, 15k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ & LWJ, Inspired by Hades and Persephone, greek mythology au, kid fic, fluff & angst) could also be this, but in it ayuan is the God of flowers and makes them grow in the Underworld
15. Hi! It's me again. It's for fic finder. On this fic, Qin Su dies and Jin Rusong lives. Before QS dies, she told JRS to never trust JGY and a few days after she said that, she dies because of drowning (i think). That happen in the flashback. And JRS indirectly help NHS in his revenge. Thats all i can remember. Thank you!!! @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
16. Hello! I’m looking for a fic and I can’t for the life of me find it… I believe the plot was branching off after qiongqi path or nightless city, and it’s wwx running away from the cultivation world and lwj pursuing him. And while this is happening wwx meets xiao xingchen and lwj meets song Lan on the way. And it goes along with song Lan and lwj tailing wwx and xiao xingchen hoping to find them and explain everything and make up. I know wwx and xxc end up at baoshan sanren’s mountain and that lwj finds mo xuanyu during this and takes him with them. I remember the detail that a-qing brings song Lan to Lan wangji bc she knows they’re looking for a cultivator dressed in white with a white cloth “over his eyes” and she mistakes the forehead ribbon for that description. Any help is appreciated I have such a hankering to reread!
FOUND! These Things Unseen by bonyenne (T, 34k, wangxian, WWX & XXC, WWX & LY, canon divergence, fluff & angst, accidental baby acquisition, getting together, happy ending, found family, alternating pov, pining, kid fic)
17. Hi, hope you guys are good. I'm looking for a fic I read that I forgot to bookmark. I remember WWX never got adopted by the Jiangs and was instead raised by BSSR. One day he got caught sneaking into Cloud Recesses while helping to pass messages between her and LY. When asked why he was there he panicked and claimed he was a Jiang disciple and JYL rolled with the lie for the drama of it all. I also remember the Wens attacking and he helped defend the place with the help of the other guest disciples
FOUND! Become Tomorrow by ShanaStoryteller (Not rated, 39k, wangxian, alternate universe, cloud recesses study arc, WWX is BSSR's disciple)
18. hello!
i was trying to find a fic but it's as if it disappeared from the internet.
it's one where wei wuxian 'died' at qiongqi path and lan wangji goes to pay respects in burial mounds but turns out he isn't dead.
thank you.
FOUND? Also it’s possible 18 is my fic? in this place where we don’t have a prayer by Cerusee, Mikkeneko (T, 42k, JC & WWX & JYL, WN & WWX & WQ, wangxian, JYL/JZX, JC & WQ, JC & WN, future JC/WQ, character death (WWX), JC shouting, humor?, JZX is ok for a Jin, necromancy)
FOUND? End Racism in the OTW | The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, wangxian, canon divergence, hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, blood & injury, injury recovery, respiratory illness, major illness, fever, grief/mourning, angst w happy ending, implied/referenced suicide, hunger & food scarcity, surgery, Fix-it of Sorts)
19. Hello! Please help! 🙏 I've been going crazy trying to find this fic. It's post-canon, married wangxian in wwx pov, where lwj is under a spell/curse which makes him emotionless (i think its a long one-shot). I remember a scene where wwx thinks lwj just fell out of love w/ him in the beginning until he sees lwj interact with sizhui and a very robotic sex scene that ends with wwx feeling very uncomfortable. @littleladysilver
I just read #19, I wanna say it was on a recent fic finder ?? it was a 2 part fic, I think it was tagged for curses rather than amnesia
FOUND? Does anyone even read work titles? idk what to call this by Nighttdust (M, 14k, WangXian, Curses, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, though not to much, Both get hurt both get comforted, Established Relationship, Post-Canon, Happy Ending, Protective WWX, Insecurity, a bit only)
20. Hi!
So i read a canon divergence fic long time ago that wangxian were betrothed to each other since young and wei wuxian always had to wear a mask and besides the jiang family no one was allowed to see his face, also he lived in a mansion in yilling with mian mian and xue yang, plus wei wuxian and lan wangji were pining hard in this fic. Also for the sake of her family wen qing married lan wangji. I feel like it was deleted from ao3 cause i searched a lot but i wanted to get help from you guys too.
20 might be a deleted fic. I've seen people asking about it before, but I can't think of the name.
FOUND? I think #20 might be Price to Pay by Wangxianist and unfortunately it is a deleted fic. I also don’t think it was ever finished.
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revnah1406 · 3 months
Did you ever make a. bell oc?
Hi Anon!
No, I've never made a Bell Oc. I like cold war but I'm more into black ops 2.
For now I just have Abby as my black ops oc.
But it's true that in Abby's timeline exists a Bell oc. Her name is Mila and belongs to @efingart , I'll leave her story here if you want to know more about her. I fucking love everyone's Bells, especially my mutuals. But my friend E and I talked a lot about these and we decided to make our ocs canon in each others' story to make it more interesting. The drama is really good, and her story is amazing, you should check it out.
I'll leave a small sketch of Mila and Abby here hehehe.
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That's all! Thank you for the ask! 🧡✨
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chenfordspiral · 1 year
master post - all my Chenford stories
missing you sucks (i don't feel like me anymore) (AO3) Spec fic for 5x21 & 5x22. Lucy's on a longterm UC op and Tim misses her.
home is where my heart is (you feel like home) (AO3) Lucy's POV while she's undercover. Companion piece to "missing you sucks"
she was always the one you were meant to find (AO3) Isabel returns and makes a few observations about Tim and Lucy's relationship. Spec fic for 5x20.
i don't wanna lose you now, or ever (AO3) Lucy's insecurities are brought to the surface with Isabel's unexpected return, leading to a long overdue talk with Tim. (kind of a continuation of 5x20 spec fic from Lucy's POV, but works as a standalone)
it never was, not with you (AO3) Lucy spends some more time at Tim's bedside after his surgery, eventually hearing something unexpected.
you couldn't have loved me better (AO3) Lucy gets pulled out of her deep cover op prematurely after three months, so she's expecting bad news. She just never imagined this. Warning: Major Character Death!
i can't lose you (ch 1; ch 2) (AO3) A continuation of that last Chenford scene from 5x21, from Lucy's POV.
no one but you (AO3) Tim hasn't been able to let the thought go, but he didn't expect the conversation to end up being this emotional.
we've been here before, but it's different this time (AO3) Missing moment from the season 5 finale. Continuation of that hug scene.
i'm here if you need me (AO3) After learning of Chris Rios's passing, Tim tries his best to offer some comfort and be there for Lucy.
tell me we could have it all (AO3) Tim and Lucy share a moment when he drops her off after Nyla's wedding. Will they run and pretend it never happened, or will it finally make them realize that there's something between them and talk about their feelings?
feels like there's oceans between you and me (ch 1; ch 2; ch3; ch 4; ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8) (AO3) An insight into Tim's mind as he struggles to make sense of his changing relationship with Lucy and come to terms with his growing feelings for her.
the scratches gave us away (AO3) Aaron makes an interesting discovery, and proceeds to out a certain secret relationship.
Little bit of Love (AO3) A look into what the future may hold for Tim and Lucy.
when you’re by my side (AO3) Tim, Lucy, and Aaron get stuck in an elevator while on duty. Lucy’s trauma triggers a panic attack, but Tim is there to help her through it.
run into the night (like the sun won't ever come up) (AO3) After their first time together, Lucy and Tim spend some time lying in bed talking about scars, and feelings, and how they got to where they are today.
you keep his shirt (he keeps his word) (AO3) The day wasn’t special or remarkable at all, not in that sense anyway — until it turned into one that neither Lucy nor Tim would ever forget.
all this chemistry has got me falling (i'm definitely high) (AO3) Tim needed to forget; he needed to forget that his marriage was basically over. So when a beautiful stranger he met at a bar while drowning his sorrows suggested they help each other forget for a night, he couldn’t say no.
Little bit of Lust (AO3) The M and E rated missing scenes from Little bit of Love.
warm with you, safe with you, in love with you (AO3) When Lucy unexpectedly gets sick with the flu, Tim makes sure she's well taken care of. Even when she doesn't want to admit she's sick in the first place and insists on going into work anyway. Set sometime between 5x14 and 5x16.
'tis the first of many seasons (AO3) Chenford celebrate their first Christmas together with a ski trip and a cozy cabin. Bonus points if they get snowed in for a couple days. For Chenford Secret Santa 2023
two hearts that beat as one (our lives have just begun) (AO3) Chenford's first New Years as a married couple. Bonus fic for Chenford Secret Santa 2023
cause I know that it's delicate (AO3) Lucy speaks her mind and doesn't take no for an answer. Set a couple of months after 6x06.
I move through the world with the heartbroken (my longings stay unspoken) (AO3) The first two times Tim and Lucy run into each other again after their breakup. Post ep for 6x06.
in sweetness (AO3) Lucy is six months pregnant with her and Tim’s first child, and has some interesting in-the-middle-of-the-night snack requests.
it's brighter now (i only see daylight) (AO3) Tim and Lucy's first time after getting back together.
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elpis-simps · 9 months
Okay I just found out something. So we all know Captain Marvel. (BTW this post is for marvel fans) and her movie. I've watched that movie multiple times. Love it, I think it's written fairly well, great CGI, funny script, good lore and story, love how everything ties in, overall its a really good movie; and captain marvel is one of my favourite superheroes, and one of the most badass.
WHY THE F*CK do people think she's a "bad movie and bad superhero" like it's one of the really good B.E movies! (Before Endgame)
**I'm using B.E as Befoee Endgame because A.E (after endgame) is arguably the worse marvel era. Don't get me wrong, it has some great stuff in A.E, but B.E is just better overall.
Anyways, back to what I was saying. I think k Brie Larson was a great actress and did really well portraying the character Captain Marvel. Not to mention captain marvel was one of the overpowered superheroes in the B.E era, before they started making everyone OP to defeat big CGI villains and to make their movies more action packed to get more views and stuff. She had good plotline, good powers, cool backstory, funny, and genuinely one of my favourite female superheroes.
I would love to see her as the new face of the MCU, A.E. considering they killed off what was generally considered the "face" of the MCU, Iron Man and Captain America, they haven't put much focus on one or two specific people to be aforementioned face.
Captain marvel hasn't been killed off, she has amazing potential, and she's personally one of my favourite 'Big Badass Backup To Fight Big Strong Villain" in those "No hope left" moments.
I don't understand the hate on her. May e its because she was, along with Natasha Romanff, one of the first female superheroes on-screen in the MCU. Sexism is a big thing in movies and stuff, but I have some reasons why I think she and another person- who I will mention later- should be the next 'Face of the MCU'.
1: the previous 'face' duo was Iron man and Captain America. So it sta ds to reason, along with what marvel has been doing to be more racially and gender inclusive, that we should have 2 female superheroes.
Yes I know the whole 'really overexaggerated feminist film superhero plotline new budget annoying superhero to earn more money and get higher ratings' thing is annoying; but hear me out.
Point 2: I have a few options, but to continue off of point 1; I feel like a good combo would be The Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel. (Wanda Maximoff and Carol Danvers)
They are both powerful, badass, good storyline, great actors behind them heroes/characters. They could make for a good duo to contrast from the B.E duo of men.
Point 3: yes u know that Wanda is 'dead' BUT before the rocks fell on her, you could clearly see a flash of RED MAGIC in the rocks. After the entire Dr Strange MoM (multiverse of madness) plotline was 'Scarlet Witch has grown in power she's following us into DUFFERENT DIMENSIONS and was prophesied since the DAWN OF TIME, and has unlocked much more of her powers, I HIGHLY doubt some normal old rocks would kill her.
It's just unlikely considering how obscure some of marvels foreshadowing has been, we know that they foreshadow films that come out like 3 years later.
Point 4: moving away from Captain Marvel and Wanda, how about a new duo.
Bucky Barnes and Yelena Belova. Its similar to the old duo of Captain America (man out of time, from 1940, soldier) and Iron Man (normal human, with special training/ gear that is one of the only things that makes them super.)
This duo would be interesting, especially as we've seen both bucky AND yelena on an official marvel movie poster together.
I personally love both characters;and it pays homage to the golden age of marvel B.E.
Bucky is homage to Captain America (obviously) and Yelena is homage to both Iron Man AND Natasha Romanoff.
And it could allow for more opportunity of the old age to come shining back through the new age, in the form of two humans, who have a rivalry,
(I think it would be interesting to have bucky and yelena to have a mild rivalry at least, considering we chose them due to there similarities with the old duo, cap and stark)
Who are also enhanced in ways that gives them an advantage in fighting, and it could give a lot of opportunity to save marvel. And bucky is a fan favourite character, so considering marvels reputation going down now their movies are getting worse COMPARED TO B.E, I think this could be a great way to bring the nostalgia of the old movies back.
So my original rant was about captain marvel being hated. Sorry for making you read all this, and if you have read everything here, I thank you immensely for giving me the time and chance.
I really miss the B.E era, and hate how they kill off all the OG great characters for new, sh*ttier superheros like Kamala Khan.
So here is just some ideas in my passionate rant which I would love to see. I love Wanda and Captain marvel, but personally I think I would prefer the Winter Soldier and White Widow duo because it would need less fancy magic CGI, and give the film(s) they appear in a more B.E and better quality feel then just a bunch of CGI that takes away from the quality of the movie and storyline, and the lack of CGI ( I mean the bright magic flashy stuff they constantly use in A.E, not the general cgi they more often use in B.E)
Would give the film(s) a better, more enostalgic, more authentic, emotional, just overall better film quality and plotline.
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our-blood-is-our-ink · 4 months
Hello I was just wondering when chapter 2 of Careful creatures will drop! If there will be a chapter 2 at all, (I really hope there will be)
Ope, not me dropping off the face of the planet fic writing wise. The depreseeion really gets to you. Anyways, here's FINALLY, Chapter Two 💚💜❤️
Careful Creatures: Chapter Two
Ship(s): Hela x Agatha, Agatha x Wanda, Wanda x Hela, Hela x Agatha x Wanda
Summary: Three powerful beings broken down back to the start somehow find themselves brought together as they relearn themselves and each other.
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: angst, descriptions of being burnt, mild gore, mention of sexual assault/non-con/rape, abuse of alcohol/alcoholism/addiction, amnesia, split personality but make it ✨magic✨
Disclaimer: 18+ ONLY MINORS DNI!
A/N: Please READ THE WARNINGS before proceeding. If this were on AO3 it would be rated E for explicit material later on in the series, and M for mature material for the heavy content this story deals with.
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Hela groans, her head pounding.
The second thing she registers is how much pain the rest of her body is in.
“Sh…” A soft, sweet voice soothes. “You're going to be okay, let me finish cleaning out your wounds.”
Distrust immediately floods the goddess, but her limbs hardly even respond to her internal command, her fingers twitching pathetically as she tries to call forth for her twin blades.
She can't even get her eyes to open.
When a cool cloth is pressed against one of her numerous burns, she nearly whimpers, the pain cutting sharply through the duller agony she is in.
“I know it probably hurts.” The sweet voice says, tone gentle and quiet. “But at least it hopefully won't get infected. I don't know if you're awake or not, but I hope you can hear me either way and that it's helping.” A pause. “I like helping people, I think. It feels… That feels familiar.”
Hela’s head hurts too much for her to decipher what the voice means by that, and instead focuses on the rhythmic motions the cloth is making over her cracked and blistered skin.
More than anything, once the sharp bite of pain fades, the coolingness of it soothes the way Hela still feels as if her skin is aflame, burning and burning and burning.
An unconscious whine slips from her lips when there's a pause, and the sweet voice shushes her again.
“I'm just dipping it into the water again. I'm trying to be very careful, these wounds look pretty bad.”
Hela has enough of her thoughts together to keep herself from whining again, but just barely.
Her lips do part in a throaty sigh of relief as she feels the cloth once more resuming its motions across her heated skin, but the action makes her aware of just how thirsty she is.
“W’er.” She attempts to croak out.
It hurts. Her throat hurts so bad, like the rest of her.
“Hm?” The voice hums in question.
“Wa-er.” Hela tries to carefully pronounce, but her tongue and mouth are so dry, she can't get the ‘t’ sound out.
“Oh, yes! Of course.” The sweet voice sounds… Embarrassed, perhaps? “Let me prop you up, so you don't choke.”
Hela nearly whimpers again as soft hands grasp at her, her skin still feeling as if it's on fire, and the pain spikes as she's manhandled into a more upright position.
How low she has fallen.
No family, no friends, no allies.
None but whoever the voice belongs to.
When water drips down onto her lips, she parts them and greedily sucks down the water being tipped into her mouth.
It hurts to swallow, but everything will hurt worse if she doesn't.
A sigh of relief expels itself after a few minutes, and Hela can feel her head loll back.
“You can rest.” The voice says. “I won't leave.”
Distrusting as Hela generally is, she has no choice but to trust.
If she wasn't suddenly flooded with exhaustion, she would be furious at how helpless she has become.
As it is though, she can barely conjure two words in her mind to string together.
She falls back to darkness.
She leans against the kitchen counter, letting the other woman ransack the cabinets in search of coffee as she smiles viciously, enjoying the enraged yelling coming from the other room.
“Seriously, where's the coffee.”
“You'd have better luck just grabbing a beer, dear.” She replies. “Or a cooler.”
Darcy Lewis lets out an exasperated sigh.
“You can drop the flirty neighbor routine, I just saw you beat up, like, six different guys.”
Agatha huffs, and doesn't deign to respond.
Ralph shouts another threat.
“You're gonna have to do something else with him. You can't just keep him tied up forever.”
Agatha shrugs carelessly.
“Take him into custody for all I care.”
“Oh, um. I don't exactly work with S.W.O.R.D. anymore. Or… Any government branch.” Darcy mumbles.
She quirks a brow, and Darcy blushes harder.
“They might've put Dickward into prison, but they said that crashing a vehicle into him was ‘reckless’ and ‘needlessly risky’.”
“Of course they did.” Agatha snorts. “This is why I've stayed under the radar.”
“You mean until you thought trying to kill a wanted fugitive was gonna be beneficial for you.”
The older woman scowls.
“That was not what I was trying to do.”
“Sure looked like it.”
Agatha scowls harder and distinctly does not look in the direction of any alcohol.
She pushes herself away from the counter and opens the freezer, pulling out a margarita mix pack.
“Um.” Darcy sounds a bit startled, looking up from where she's crouched, victoriously clutching at the canister of coffee she finally found. “Do you really think more alcohol is a good idea?”
She ignores the other woman, and wobbles a little as she begins to walk around the kitchen, pulling the various things she needs to make the drink to her liking.
“Agnes, hot stuff! I don't know why people keep trying to call me Agatha!” She smiles brightly, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.
Darcy seems frozen while Agnes whirls around the kitchen, determinedly ignoring the shouting coming from the other room.
The bubbly woman continues to smile with false brightness as she places the finishing touches on her drink, shrugging good-naturedly when Darcy shakes her head at the offered second glass Agnes holds out to her.
“More for me, dear!” She laughs, before taking a long drink from the first.
“I, um… Hot water?” Darcy asks weakly.
Agnes’s face shifts into a slight scowl that's gone almost as soon as it appears.
“You'll have to boil a pot.” Her tone is pointedly not cheery, and she drains the first cup of alcohol in her hand before moving on to the second.
Darcy steps in her way when she moves to grab another mix.
“I don't think more is a good idea.” The other woman says, flinching nervously as Ralph bellows again.
Agnes trembles slightly and tries not to let her anger get the best of her.
Being angry meant making mistakes and making mistakes meant getting punished.
“It's just a little something to help with the day!” Agnes attempts.
“How about some coffee instead?” Darcy offers.
Agnes does truly scowl now, and she crosses her arms.
“You’re in my home, dear.”
Darcy latches on to that.
“Yeah, exactly. I'm your guest. It wouldn't be polite of you to get smashed while I'm here.”
Agnes’s scowl deepens for a split second before a forced smile returns to her face.
“You're right, hon! I'll take some coffee too if that's what you want to have. Just make mine an Irish.” Agnes throws in a wink for good measure.
Ralph yells a string of crude words from the other room and both women exchange a glance.
“Maybe we should gag him,” Darcy suggests.
Agnes shudders.
“I– no. No, thank you, dear. I don't want my fingers anywhere near his mouth.”
Darcy very clearly decides not to ask.
Not that Agnes would have answered.
Ralph… Well, he is her husband.
Her husband who gave his friends permission to have sex with her. Who didn't care if she wanted that or not.
Agnes hisses with pain as a stabbing pain shoots across her head, right behind her left eye.
“I… I think I'm going to go lay down for a spell, dear.” She mumbles, not completely aware of her surroundings anymore. “I suddenly don't feel so well.”
Agnes doesn't know if Darcy answers her or not. Her ears are buzzing too much to.
Wanda sits and watches the mysterious woman diligently, her eyes roving over the places where her outfit is torn and burnt.
Pale skin is marred by angry red, and in some cases, a blackened soot color that only causes her to feel nauseated with guilt and fear.
She doesn't know why.
Raven locks, shining nearly blue, are a knotted, tangled mess, the long, straight strands seemingly determined to create a bird’s nest.
Wanda doesn't doubt that well taken care of, her mystery woman would be very, very beautiful.
Her heart twists painfully, and she scowls.
Her memory refuses to return, but not the echoes of the emotions. It's impossible for Wanda to make sense of what she's feeling without the memories attached to why she would be inclined to feel a certain way about any specific thing.
It's stupid.
She groans and thunks her head gently back against the tree trunk she's sitting against.
She hopes the pale woman wakes up again soon.
Wanda is beginning to feel restless, a creeping dread slowly overcoming her.
She doesn't know why, only that something in her, deep down, is pushing her, tugging her feet somewhere not here.
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fanfictions 4 all u OP freaks..
all on AO3!
z o m b i e ( an oc self insert i enjoyed( by @the-lizard-lord jhis fic is so *mwa* perfect depressed n traumatized nonbinary person, and KOBY. need i say any more?
The Sun And The Sea by @stygianheart. this fic is Pirate King Luffy steals away Koby to bring down a slave trading ring along with best bud Helmeppo, awesome (B)Ryan, and the Strawhats! this was purely god tier 2 me, and it was so wellpaced with a perfect balance of angst and humor.
Koby's Awful No Good Very Confusing Day by @okiedoketm. Its a wonderful, super good, very funny story perfectly brought together with perfect replications of each characters personality. When Luffy is murdered before Kobys eyes, a kiss from a ninja version of himself throws the Marine back to when he first met Luffy for a second (thirteenth) chance. Now Koby has to live as a Strawhat to save Luffy!
Camping With The Strawhats by @raiiiee ! super cute, super nice. peaceful strawhat fam!
Three's Company by @arthurianpeasant. About our favorite goth fam, Dracule Mihawk, Perona and Zoro!
A Flower Blooms by @eryingsfate. Oni_Eris on AO3. LAW KOBY MINKCHILD??????? yessir
strings, entangled. by @seekersky143 . A modern day dating show thats stupidly charming
all on ao3
ur welcome ficreaders
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