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turoce · 2 years ago
they don't know that they are mortal enemies behind the mask
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slime-bopweeo · 3 months ago
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Looking through my notebook, I found this DyNin art sitting there wahoo
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redey3core · 1 year ago
Thoughts on dynin (Dynamoe x Ninjoy)
any specific interpretation of the ship or their dynamic ❓
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I LOVE DYNAMOE/NINJOY SO MUCH OH MY GODDD they're SO much fun to write and their dynamic is so much fun!!!! Ninjoy as someone who takes her job extremely seriously and uses her identity to take out her frustrations with her life X Dynamoe who just really enjoys the thrill of being a supervillain and thinks she needs to lighten up a bit more.
She doesn't really see him as a true villain, more of an extreme nuisance who distracts her from her real job. He can still be a threat though when he wants to be, so he's on her radar for any suspicious activity. The Dynamoe is also extremely dramatic and over the top, which Ninjoy finds very obnoxious.
They still kept their thing up after finding out each other's identities but it became more of a rivalry than being enemies, neither of them wanted to hurt each other so it became more like teasing each other and outsmarting the other.
But yeah overall they're SO much fun I completely understand why Matt and Tony kept making holiday photos with them 😭 half of my Moe/Joy playlist is dedicated to just their songs because they're so fun
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discoveredreality · 8 months ago
help my lapotp is like dynin
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444names · 8 months ago
Names generated from dunmer male forenames from TES, excluding the letter "S"
Adaril Adayn Adrain Adreth Alarverik Alero Aloth Amerryvn Aralmer Aralmon Arelimarol Areron Arerongar Arevan Arril Artidan Atelvi Athir Athonethill Athrebivar Avaryn Avereron Avivulimar Avonur Avoron Azararynd Azarikil Azarven Azaryn...
Balam Balden Balivanor Balvyn Balymmar Bandrynel Bedrar Belam Beland Belar Belayn Benderebien Berarero Beraron Berilen Bervam Biivel Bilan Bimarr Bolon Borin Bovor Bradylyn Brain Branirvyn Brano Brarynel Bratolme Bravil Brayn Brebkalan Brelao Brelvivyn Brendyn Brent Brerayn Brervuril Brevir Breytaren Brien Briliudyn Brillam Brilur Brivam Brodram Brondiner Broner Cadarul Cader Dalar Dalver Danuryn Daredonel Darikimath Darvan Darvayl Darvilonyl Daven Davryn Dedarynivar Dedath Dedenvam Dednil Dedro Delon Dendryn Dener Deryn Devoner Devyn Diirvendyn Dilavuhon Diral Diranimaril Dohnaron Dovur Dralven Drandil Drareryn Drarlien Drathin Drayn Dremyn Dreth Dreyn Drien Drikimarver Driler Drimandirm Drulan Dryno Drythur Dubeldravyn Dynin Elanelvayn Elibatheli Eradryn Erdaleddu Erevul Erilurarlar Erliam Erolendrelm Erovon Ervam Erven Ervyn Ethoni Evaryn Fadilvil Fadrienar Falain Faldravlo Falik Fallun Falvelro Farevulin Farinden Fariril Faron Farvi Farvynorol Favul Felam Feldra Felendon Felirel Felmyn Felnorindol Feltino Felvanil Femadrev Fenor Fenril Feren Ferendelam Feverebil Fevil Fevilendyl Fevondu Fevryn Folam Foland Folon Folvam Forothel Fothelm Frandral Furado Gadraylen Galdil Galivil Galvil Galym Galyn Gariirvith Garon Garulien Garvan Gaurfalmur Gauror Gavulven Gedriirvyn Gethar Gethollam Giirar Gildyl Gilerimarin Gilin Ginel Giravon Giril Girimalar Girvenden Girynor Golen Golmil Gondral Goralen Gorvalyn Gothyn Govalen Govonaren Govor Gralan Grendel Grevil Halodyn Hekviril Heldu Helrebil Henval Hervuler Heven Hladril Hlanevam Hledrel Hlemer Hlend Hlendrak Hlereron Horalar Idraer Idryn Iledayn Indenorvyn Irynikiv Jubdil Kanor Kilainerayn Kivil Krebal Krevon Kyden Kydram Kydro Kydrolen Kylbel Lendel Libaryn Linela Liral Llada Llain Llamin Llandener Llarther Llayn Llendrel Llerer Lliathrel Llira Lluril Ludvak Lurin Madiren Madrav Maliatham Malmyliren Malnar Malorol Malyanikkan Mandilyn Mandrak Mandulynnil Manendren Manfar Maramth Marilo Marparen Marraryn Mathen Mathrelain Mavien Medayn Melam Meren Meruk Methen Mevirivyn Mevyn Mevyni Midenden Midrandar Miilevam Miirvyn Mileram Milmar Milynimath Miryn Mithadd Morik Murinel Murouril Muvevyn Nalerayn Nalerireni Nalurien Narver Naval Nelam Nelran Nelyth Nenaval Nererril Nilendram Nirin Niron Odran Omarven Orvayn Orvyn Othyn Radryn Ralvam Ranrynor Rartidayn Ratham Ratolvulayn Raven Rebaten Rebimalyn Relibaen Relik Relvam Remal Rerelen Rerithen Rervandyn Rethan Riiran Riiril Rikan Rileth Rimalvam Rimin Rolmon Rolon Rondivam Roron Talarvyn Taldel Talenivyn Talgav Talon Talyn Taralmerayn Tarlyn Tarovan Taurayn Tedan Tedath Telam Telhuril Temil Tendralec Teral Terayn Teren Teric Teryn Thalturon Thandurval Thevyn Thyan Tiirm Tirilyn Tiron Tirvyn Tivael Tolvyn Tovaden Trayn Trelaryn Tridel Triirvil Trimalon Tural Turaldil Turdoll Turrimal Turvavilan Turyn Ulden Uleril Ulfaron Uliathalmyl Ulmil Ulmoden Ulrain Ulvandryn Ulvulki Uravalen Urfarather Vaelar Valadra Valimal Valmodil Valmyn Vamehrenik Vamer Vamiv Vamivanevar Vanar Vander Vandryn Vanyn Varalen Vardruren Vathel Vavaneth Vavon Veldril Vellenovon Verelroth Verlikan Vervynik Vevid Vidylen Vondeldrem Voravain Vronor Vulkurovyn Vunelvil Vuneralvul Wilan Yevro Yevyn Zandan Zanelen Zangalyn Zaryn Ziral Zirar Zirile Zirythero
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shewreckz · 2 years ago
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these mfs STRAIGHT!!!!
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cyanide-hides · 7 years ago
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This is a little one-shot comic I did for my Drawing 2 class. I wanted to do something I never did before so I decided to go with a fight scene. I’ve had the idea for story and characters for a while now but I never got around to it because laziness. But I do plan to continue it! I got a good streak goin’ so why stop now? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  
note: This is my first real attempt at making a comic/ story pls be gentle
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thequimmqueen · 4 years ago
You wanna share any Dynin hcs?👁👁👉👈
Well,for Instance: I like to think Joy was the one first developing Feelings for Moe.
She thought it was dumb and, she honestly didn't think it'd be a serious thing. But she Liked him so much and fell a little more for him with each visit he did to the pizzeria that,well, She was fully enamoured!
She always made excuses to be the one Delivering His orders instead of Roy, So much that Moe even asked her to come in sometimes! And she Accepted gladly.. tho she always got scolded 😅
I also think Joy always got very nervous around him at first,which was a Shock to Roy and Papa Louie, as She was always chill and pretty levelheaded. until they were used to one another. Which Made them closer!
Of course,They didn't know they were each other's arch nemesis.. so when she eventually found out,she didn't want to accept it..
In my Future AU, Joy and Moe eventually get over a lot of things, But When she has to confront about him being Dynamoe its near the time he proposes marriage to her as civilians.. its a Difficult thing to get over so fast but, as they really care for each other they Get over it together
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laplaylistes · 3 years ago
Garonzos, Booty Leak, Lauren St James ‑ Down Down (ft. Aditii & Dynin)
Garonzos, Booty Leak, Lauren St James ‑ Down Down (ft. Aditii & Dynin) https://laplaylist.es/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/hqdefault-3626.jpg
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archived-caeppeli-blog · 8 years ago
bubblinghamon replied to your post “d6 for caesar!”
//your art is so cute im dynin scoob omg
im blushign b ye
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dzismis · 5 years ago
Z walizeczką brylantów
  Marian Marzynski
  Jerzy Dynin pisał swój pamiętnik jako 20-letni młodzieniec, zaraz po zakończeniu wojny.  Dlaczego przez 75 lat trzymał te kartki w ukryciu?  Czy taka była cena wojennej traumy ocalonego Żyda?
Pisze Dynin:
Wiosną czterdziestego drugiego roku, wszystko zaczynało się zielenić. Lepkie pączki kasztanowca pękały i ukazywały swą zawartość. Na duszy było nam nieco lżej,…
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keepitging-blog · 13 years ago
So we actually made two videos, and this is my warmup video, the legit vid is coming up later tonight. :)
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dzismis · 5 years ago
Jerzy Dynin. Żyd, który przetrwał wojnę udając polskiego arystokratę
Jerzy Dynin. Żyd, który przetrwał wojnę udając polskiego arystokratę
  Wspominał, że pierwsze lata wojny były dla niego niemalże beztroskie. Potem też mógł się poczuć… niczym najprawdziwszy hrabia. Wszystko dzięki jednej zadziwiająco prostej i nieprawdopodobnie skutecznej metodzie. Jak żydowska rodzina Dyninów zdołała zamienić się… w polskich hrabiów?
Dzieciństwo urodzonego 1925 roku Jurka Dynina było bardzo szczęśliwe. Jego rodzina żyła w Łodzi we…
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