#dynamic: rumbelle
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dinneratgrannys · 2 days ago
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2.16, The Miller's Daughter 7.04, Beauty
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messoremxvi · 1 year ago
✨️I was doing you a favour✨️
"It was an arranged marriage! I was doing you a favor!!!"
"Belle French & The Dork One"; a rumbelle fanvid
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chippedteacupchat · 4 months ago
Me as a Rumbeller: I know I should watch all seasons on my rewatch of OUAT, but... Season 4 makes Rumple suddenly act really out of character, and Season 6A is probably the worst thing ever, and you can feel the writers' bias through the dialogue!
My friends : I have never seen those seasons, can we watch...
Me: No!
(idk what all you rumbellers are complaining about, season 7 is way better than these monstrosities.)
Season 7 may be bland, but at least I can die knowing these two dorks got to make a rose garden together, got to raise their son to be just as nerdy as them, and Belle finally did get to see the world with Rumple by her side!
They could have kept Belle alive but hey, it's better than nothing.
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thestraggletag · 7 months ago
Dark!Rumbelle Fic Recs
Golden Cuffs by @kelyon. This is like... dark smut. Like BDSM and lots of psychological introspection on it. The sequel is set in Season 1 and pre-Season 1 Storybrooke and explores Gold and Lacey in such a setting. It's definitely got a dark romance sort of vibe.
Nothing is Innocent by @0ceanofdarkness. "The Dark One seeks his son in a land without magic, but he must obtain an elusive beast before the Dark Curse that will take him there can be cast."
Pride and Other Poisons by Hikari_no_Chibi. A Dark Victorian Rumbelle AU. "Gold is haunted by the First Carlist War, and Belle embodies everything he hates from his past. Expectations will crumble like the foundations of an old house, and it will be up to them to build something new on the rubble. Rated M for violence and substance abuse."
Shadow Manor by @suchadearie. "Mr. Gold sets out to find himself a wife that will bear him an heir for his estate. But his marriage to Belle French turns out to be a little more complicated than the mere business arrangement he had in mind."
Trading for Touch by @suchadearie. Set in cursed!SB, Belle enters into a "sordid" relationship of sorts with Mr Gold.
@suchadearie in general wrote a lot of fics where Belle and Gold have a sort of dark-ish dynamic.
In the Blood by Megara Bee. A vampire AU. "Belle French will never be able to settle her father's debts; of that she is certain. But she is hopeful that Mr. Gold, the most feared creature in Storybrooke, will accept her blood in trade. Unfortunately for her, he has something much more devious in mind…" Warning for sexual content that might not be everyone's cup of tea.
Endless by @mareyshelley. Vampire AU. "Unable to pass up the opportunity to attend one of Storybrooke’s annual balls, Belle finds herself drawn to the old manor’s library and her unusual host."
Honestly most of her fics have a dark vibe I really like, so I would recommend anything she's written.
The Haunted Man by @nerdrumple. "When her father tries to arrange a marriage for her, Belle decides to take fate into her own hands - but seeking the help of Mr. Gold is its own winding, mysterious path. Gothic Romance Rumbelle AU."
Will update this Rec List as I remember new fics. Hope it helps anon!
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snowivyimconfusi · 8 months ago
Hi! I'm SnowIvy, you can call me Ivy if you'd like 🩷
I write for Once Upon a Time, mostly SwanQueen but I love and write for other ships (see below😅.)
I guess I should do an about me section? Idk I'm not very internet savvy, but anyway:
Age : mid 20's
Timezone: Central Europe
Pronouns: she/her or they/them (irl it's she/her but you know I have a job so idc. (I don't actually have a job that's just a quote))
Oh yeah I'm bi in a straight relationship, so everyone thinks I'm straight (would they be shocked if they saw this blog and my ao3? Oh yes) I'm in the proverbial closet, everywhere except here.
I don't like DNI's. Interact with me, just be nice about it or you'll hurt my feelings. Thanks.
OUAT ships and my ratings :
1.OutlawQueen - 8/10 - I liked it, it was good, it had potential. It didn't fully realize its potential. And Robin's death killed me.
2.CaptainSwan - 1/10 - sorry it's just one of those I don't see, I just didn't see any chemistry between them, which is sad because I like Killian.
3.CharmingSnow - 10/10 - I do love them, they're so sweet and wholesome. Yes.
4.Rumbelle- 0/10 - Boring. Toxic, and not in the fun way.
5. Rumple/Cora (Goldenheart? Idk) -8/10 - THEY BROKE ME. Such a good storyline, Cora's decision to rip her heart out, Rumple's heartbreak, how that makes him harder and more ruthless. Then of course how that influences his behavior towards Zelena and later Regina. Ugh. Doomed love is so good. And they are doomed by their own characters!! God.
Kinda canon I guess? :
6.GoldenQueen - 11/10 - I like this ship in all its iterations, Rumple and young Regina, Mr.Gold and Regina, Rumple and the Evil Queen, Roni and Weaver. It's so good. The potential is *chef's kiss*
7.DragonQueen - 9/10 - this is kinda canon. Fight me. I like it as a past relationship for Regina. It's good.
8.CaptainQueen (Killian/Regina) - 8/10 - yes. Tell me they didn't give "we fucked" vibes?? Tell me that.
Not canon:
9. SwanQueen - 100/10 - perfect. Amazing. Incredible. Meant to be. I could go on.
10.GoldenCaptain (Rumple/Killian) -6/10 - It's cool, it's not something I think about, but in theory it's not bad.
11. Killian/Belle - 9/10 - YES. this would've been so much better than CaptainSwan 😭
12.GoldenSwan - ?/10 - I have never thought about this ship, it just literally never crossed my mind.
13. SnowQueen - 2/10 - no. Sorry. (I'm thinking about it)
14. WickedQueen - 4/10 - I guess...whatever floats your boat? Not for me, but I get it.
15. WickedSwan - 7/10 - I get it. I'm not into it. But I get it.
No number. CharmingQueen- 8/10 - NEVER would I have thought of this ship if it weren't for some awesome writers out there. Now I like it hehe.
- CharmingHook (CharmingCaptain?) - 7/10 - I love weird ships. I LOVE weird, fucked up ships.
16. StepQueen (Ivy,drizella/Regina) - 10/10 - Give me all the master-pupil dynamics, and all the Evil to Good teaching Evil trying to make her good 😭 I want more fics of these two tbh.
17. Alice/Robin - 10/10 - I love them. No notes.
18. Ivy/Henry - 9/10 - they had so much chemistry!!! And it would've been so fun to see Henry fall for a villain 😭
19. Facilier/ Regina - 8/10 - you know I love any ship with Regina (if that wasn't obvious) I just wish we'd known a little bit more!!
I'll be updating this with all the ships I think of 😂
You can find me on AO3:
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messoremxvi · 1 year ago
12 years, and I still melt at the sight of them together ❤️
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Rumbelle screenshots
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florida3exclamationpoints · 8 months ago
Also I really liked rumples father/daughter relationship with tilly. I had kinda hoped rumbelles baby would be a girl or they would have another baby that was a girl so I love that he still had that dynamic with her. And it's sweet that she wasn't in his blood related circle of people he cared about
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 months ago
8, 16, 24
I answered 24, but here are the other 2! Placing under a cut for vague allusions to potentially upsetting content (sexual abuse).
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Yes there is. Nnnno it is not. Yes I can. This is a fic I’ve been noodling for like three years now. So, you know how OUaT has the whole “dual-timeline with lots of parallels” thing going on? This would basically be that, but both timelines taking place in the Enchanted Forest. Timeline 1: Golden Hook featuring spinner Rumpel. When Hook “kidnaps” Milah so that she can act as sexual relief for “the crew,” Rumpelstiltskin offers to take her place (thinking that a physically whole parent for Bae is better than a crippled one). Hook accepts, and Rumpelstiltskin is placed in sexual slavery. Since fighting and fleeing aren’t an option, Rumpel adopts a “fawn” response and convinces himself that he’s happy with his abuser. Timeline 2: Rumbelle with Dark One Rumpel. Takes place in the Dark Castle. Rumpelstiltskin made his deal with Belle, and she’s now his maid. Gradually, their dynamic shifts into a kinky arrangement where Belle is the dominant and Rumpel is the submissive. She recreates the things Hook did to him in a safe, caring environment so he can overcome the things done to him. Timeline 1 would progress forward in time, while timeline 2 would start from the end and work backward, until they met in the middle. Rumbelle, of course, would be endgame.
Needless to say, this fic would be very ambitious and emotionally taxing to write. I don’t think I’m at a place where I could commit to it right now. So the idea lives in my head rent-free.
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Not at all lol. I lack the self-control to hold onto something. When a chapter is done, I post it without even proofreading.
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atone-with-a-lone-prayer · 1 year ago
Tbh, Her Handsome Hero is such a banger of a Rumbelle episode. It’s their Dark Castle dynamic FINALLY coming into play. He’s hilarious. She’s frustrated. So Skin Deep but with development. Love to see it.
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the-chipped-cup-awards · 19 days ago
Special: AU-Original
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The creativity of our Rumbelle writers knows no parallel. The skill at blending our favorite couple into a situation in a world of their own creation is truly a gift, as they deviate completely from what we canonically know about Belle and Rumple, and still give us the dynamic that we love.
In the category of Best AU - Original, the winner of the 2025 Chipped Cup Award is:
Secret of the Seas, by @eirian-houpe
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ace-cf-cups · 11 months ago
Speaking of wish!Rumple, his canon storyline makes me very, very sad, so I say we need to see more of him being our Rumple's sort-of nosy matchmaking twin* (who has his own wish!Belle, the leatherclad adventuress that never ceases to amaze him with her sharp mind, kind soul and the ability to save a village, reunite True Love and make delightful pies for tea time and all of that by 5 o'clock, so he is more than happy to ensure his twin-from-another-realm's happiness) and him and wish!Belle being mediators for our Rumple and Belle whenever they have a fight and driving our Rumbelle nuts with how domestic and happily old-married-couple they are, considering they didn't even have Storybrooke, so our Rumbelle is like "how the hell do they even do that? wait... could we just do that? without all the angst?!" in fics / edits / other fandom creations
Because these dynamics would be gold, pun intended)
*though his and our Rumple's dynamic definitely should be "it looks like wish!Rumple is the younger brother because our Rumple is more serious but wish!Rumple is actually more mature when it comes to emotions and feelings" so while Rumple can roll his eyes all he wants at wish!Rumple's silly goofy behavior, wish!Rumple whenever our Rumple and Belle have an argument and then get back together is like "oh, look at them... they're learning" while watching them from a distance with a proud older-sibling smile
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dinneratgrannys · 2 months ago
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You are a hero who helped your people. You’re a beautiful woman who loved an ugly man - really, really loved me. You find goodness in others, and when it’s not there, you create it. You make me want to go back, back to the best version of me, and that never happened before. So when you look in the mirror and you don’t know who you are, that’s who you are.
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morosoro · 2 years ago
So the other day I posted a template for how I see MadGold as a couple, which didn’t get any attention, which is fair. Most my followers are Rumbellers. That‘s to be expected…
But what about MadRumbelle? (Or as I personally like to call it, Rumbellerson)
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Some differences here (and a bit more detail in some areas), but mainly because my headcanons and opinions can be pretty fluid. There are a lot of ways to interpret the characters and ship dynamics, and a lot of AU’s/situations they can be found in, Y’know?
If anyone is interested in discussing or hearing more about this or any of my ships please feel free to reblog, reply or reach out! My ask box is always open and I do accept DM’s too! I love talking about my blorbos and ships and sharing headcanons!
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eevylynn · 1 year ago
My Fandom Trumps Hate Offerings
Organizations this charity auction benefits: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups (See full list.)
Type of fanwork: Fan art
Subtype(s): Drawing/painting/etc.
Fandom(s): Teen Wolf, Avatar The Last Airbender, Once Upon a Time
Highest rating: E
FIRST CHARACTER: $5 - sketch, $10 - line art, $15 - flat color, $20 - full shading.
EACH ADDITIONAL CHARACTER ADDS: $3 per - sketch, $5 per - line art, $9 per - flat color, $11 - full shading on 1 character.
BACKGROUNDS: Solid color - free; Simple: $5 for sketch or line art, $15 for flat color, $25 for full shading. Detailed: $15 for sketch, $30 for line art, $50 for flat color, $75 for full shading
Minimum Bid: $5
Fan art details: Digital artwork, 3000x3000 pixels, 300 dpi
Especially interested in: Sterek, Sterydia, Stydia, and almost any other TW pairing, Kataang, Zaang, Zutaraang almost any other Atla/LoK pairing, Rumbelle, Swan Queen, Swanfire, almost any other OUAT pairing. Willing to draw Furry, Mpreg, ABO dynamics
Unwilling to address: Incest, scat, watersports, mecha
Other notes: Willing to just have a prompt for listed couples, but I would prefer for the bidder to have input beyond that. I want to make sure my bidder receives fanart worthy of their donation.
Special interests: F/F ships, Poly ships, Racial or cultural experiences of nonwhite characters
Auctions run from 8:00AM EST, 5 March 2024, to 8:00PM EST, 9 March 2024. Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted. If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the creator's bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! We will NOT notify you if someone outbids you. If you would like to track changes to this bidding sheet, select Tools -> Notification Settings. Email notifications may not be immediate, so we do not recommend relying on them near the end of the auction period. Bookmark this sheet so you can check it manually. FTH will only notify you if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
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chippedteacupchat · 5 months ago
What it's like being a rumbeller:
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The middle three are Regina, Hook and Emma and then of course, my dumbass brain becomes obsessed with the two dorky idiots in the corner.
(I did not make this, if any of you know who made this pls tell me because I can't find them)
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reachexceedinggrasp · 9 months ago
Have you watched the recent Fallout television show? Word on the street is that it's like Twelve/Clara. It might be the sort of dynamic you're interested in anyway, Beauty and the Beast type business. I haven't seen it myself but wanted to pass it on.
I haven't watched it yet, but some people I follow are into it and yes it looks extremely relevant to my interests. I wouldn't say twelveclara from what I've seen about it (though I'm interested to hear people's takes on that bc obviously they'd know better if they've actually watched), but certainly B&tB, Reylo, Rumbelle, maybe Sparrabeth.
I'd heard the show turned out shockingly good and was all 'that's nice but I refuse to get involved with an ongoing series from America until it has an ending so I know whether to have hope or not' because, as we've learned, NEVER LOVE ANYTHING, but the more I see about this ship the more my resolve is weakening. It looks so goooood *writhes*
I've barely played any Fallout because I am a fantasy and idealism person not a sci-fi and cynicism person, so given a choice of the Bethesda oeuvre I was always going to pick the Elder Scrolls games to waste hundreds of hours on lol. Set in the post-apocalypse US with western motifs versus set in a magical-historical world with high fantasy motifs? Yeah, the result was predictable. Morrowind/ESIII is one of my favourite experiences of all time, it's the only fictional mythology I'm aware of that genuinely feels like real mythology and Morrowind feels like a real place in a way no other game setting ever has.
But the Fallout aesthetic and use of great popular music is so well executed, plus having Ron Perlman narrate their iconic opening cutscenes, so I've always really appreciated that. The pastiche-as-satire is masterful.
Anyway, I've been teetering for a week or so and will probably cave and watch it soon. Bc yeah, that's my shit.
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