#dynamic: blake & jacob.
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blairwarbler · 4 months ago
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Glee TV Show Jacob Artist as Jake Puckerman Unpublished Wardrobe Tag Photos from various episodes
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daisyjoners · 2 years ago
❛ promise me you won’t overreact. ❜ // jacob and blake
uma vida inteira de amizade tornava mais difícil que ainda existissem muitas surpresas entre ambos, se pegava pensando constantemente. nenhuma atitude era completamente inesperada, muito menos havia uma história por trás que não conseguiriam enxergar de onde surgira com uma facilidade que qualquer outra pessoa além do terceiro amigo poderia. no momento em que encontrou a peça de roupa feminina, caída no chão lateral ao sofá da residência do melhor amigo, a sheridan imaginou de onde aquilo vinha - ou melhor, de quem -, porque o conhecia o suficiente para ter certeza de que eram quase inexistentes as chances de pertencer a qualquer outra pessoa aquela blusa, além da que rondava a sua mente. desde que jacob havia se separado de sua esposa, não havia pensado muito nas chances dela retornar, porque acreditava que o bom senso alheio seria maior que qualquer motivo que ainda tivesse para permanecer naquele relacionamento. sempre tinha achado que ele merecia muito mais que aquilo, e odiava como a carver o tratava - e odiava como ela e jack eram tratados por não darem corda para os seus absurdos, ao tentar descobrir informações sobre jacob através deles. a possibilidade, então, de que ele estivesse retomando o contato com ava, a deixava quase com o estômago embrulhado.
usualmente, não estaria fazendo muitas perguntas sobre o comportamento alheio ou o que fazia ou até deixava de fazer com a sua vida. contudo, aquilo era sério. caso ele estivesse se envolvendo outra vez com ava, gostaria de saber com urgência justamente para aconselhá-lo a não entrar naquilo de novo - o mal estar que vinha junto não compensava absolutamente nada de bom que ele acreditasse que viria de uma relação perdida como aquela. enquanto o amigo retornava para a sala, apoiou o corpo no braço do sofá. “alguém esqueceu isso aqui.” murmurou, apontando para a peça próxima aos seus pés. aguardou que ele visse do que estava falando antes de encará-lo mais diretamente. “de quem é?” a pergunta saiu com certo receio, e o encarava com o cenho vincado. tinha medo de ouvir a resposta e concretizar as teorias das quais já estava praticamente certa. no entanto, nada poderia tê-la preparado para o que ouviria. mal o havia escutado, e estava prestes a iniciar um discurso sobre como estar com ava lhe fazia muito mal, quando se deu conta do que fora dito. sienna - aquele era um nome que não escutava desde vários anos atrás, mas que não esqueceria tão facilmente quem era a pessoa a quem estava associado. não quando a pessoa a pronunciá-lo era jacob, para quem aquilo dificilmente derivaria de outra pessoa. de início, ela não conseguiu fazer nada além de encará-lo. estava boquiaberta. queria muito perguntar se ele não iria perceber que aquilo não era engraçado de se brincar sobre, contudo, nunca acreditaria que aquele seria um tópico com o qual o rhodes escolheria brincar. “a sienna? a sienna? a sua ex-namorada?” aquela era uma maneira muito simples de descrevê-la, e não pensava assim como um elogio.
passou a mão na testa, precisando respirar fundo uma, duas vezes, enquanto tentava compreender qual era o sentido naquilo. ou, melhor, o que diabos ele estava fazendo com ela. “que porra ela fazia aqui, jacob?” o questionou, erguendo o olhar na direção do irmão. “olha, você sabe muito bem o que faz e deixa de fazer, e eu não tenho nada a ver com as merdas que você faz com a sua vida. mas… não vai me dizer que você subitamente esqueceu tudo o que ela fez, porra.” não precisava falar, porque sabia muito bem que aquilo não era algo que jacob poderia simplesmente esquecer. não era sempre que uma namorada o delatava para a polícia e, de brinde, ainda ocasionava a prisão do melhor amigo dele. se recordava de ter visto sienna duas ou três vezes durante aqueles dez anos, entretanto, fora de forma unilateral e não acreditava que havia sido notada de volta. nunca tinha comentado aquilo com jacob, só sabia que ele deveria imaginar que ela ainda estava na cidade - não era bem o tópico que mais gostaria de puxar com o amigo, porque sabia o quanto tinha sofrido com o desenrolar do fim do relação deles. a sheridan não imaginaria, é claro, que ele tornaria a encontrá-la por conta própria. “que merda você tá fazendo, jake?” o questionamento saiu mais como um murmúrio, enquanto se sentava no sofá. estava certa de que a conversa não acabaria tão cedo assim, e não o deixaria concluí-la antes que entendesse o que diabos ele tinha na cabeça. “imagino que você já saiba o quanto o jack vai ficar puto.” o amigo era esquentado, e dificilmente entenderia a razão de jacob estar envolvido de novo com sienna. sempre fora a mais moderada entre eles, e nem ela própria conseguia imaginar as razões para aquilo. “sabe que eu nunca te pergunto das suas coisas, mas... por favor.” 
tentava encontrar uma maneira de começar os seus questionamentos, só que era complicado. “quanto tempo faz que isso tá acontecendo?” não imaginava que deveria ter sido só na noite anterior, por um simples punhado de razões: agora que tinha aquela descoberta, era possível lembrar de outros indícios que havia notado ao longo das semanas de que alguém parecia ter andado no apartamento dele; várias vezes, naquele tempo e até mesmo antes, não tinham conseguido contato com ele por várias horas, nas noites em que não estava na oficina ou com o restante da gangue; se tratando de sienna, ela duvidava e muito que houvesse sido uma única vez. somente o nome dela mexia com ele, não precisava de muitas horas pensando para saber que ele teria se afetado desde o primeiro instante com ela. “como vocês se encontraram de novo? e o quê realmente tá acontecendo?” novamente, não achava que, se tratando dela, seria pouca coisa. não o via conseguindo manter uma atitude tão indiferente com a ex-namorada, ou nem estariam tendo aquela conversa. se recordava bem de como fora o relacionamento de ambos, e de como acreditava que aquilo era uma bomba relógio. “eu não entendo, de verdade, e você sabe bem. eu sei que você sabe. mas você é o meu irmão, eu vou te amar independente do que você faça, e das suas escolhas. então, eu preciso que você me ajude a entender tudo isso, o que te faz conseguir ter qualquer coisa com ela depois de tudo. porquê você não me contou nada.” blake comprimiu os lábios, pausando por um instante. “nós dois sabemos que o jack não vai querer entender tão facilmente e, apesar de você ser meu irmão, ele também é. o jack tem as razões dele pra odiar ela, e não pode realmente me negar que tenha motivos pra ficar magoado com você, também." embora imaginasse que o irmão mais novo demonstraria muito mais com a raiva, que com a tristeza, em um primeiro momento. estava certa que se sentiria traído. "quanto mais tempo você ficar sem contar pra ele, pior vai ser. então, olha, eu te peço que não me coloque na posição de ter que esconder isso dele. é melhor você falar de uma vez pro jack, antes que ele descubra por conta e tudo se torne pior do que precisa ser.” pontuou. “odeio ficar no meio de vocês, mas eu sei que provavelmente vou precisar, porque conheço muito bem vocês dois e não vão resolver porra nenhuma sozinhos. só que, pra conseguir ajudar a fazer o jack pelo menos te ouvir, essa história precisa fazer algum sentido pra mim.” queria ver jacob feliz - se é que estava feliz naquele relacionamento, se é que poderia chamá-lo assim -, porém, absorver aquilo iria precisar de mais algum tempo. por mais que se recordasse de como ele estivera tão mais leve e feliz durante a época em que os dois namoravam, era impossível não atrelar aquelas memórias no quão quebrado a ex-namorada o tinha deixado. “não me leva a mal com o que eu vou te falar, jake, mas isso realmente vale a pena? seja lá o que você tem com ela, vale mesmo insistir nisso, com tudo que vem junto?"
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lakesbian · 1 year ago
Pact arc 3 question: I feel like Wildbow shines in writing interesting groups of characters. Now that we're off to Toronto, looking back at Jacob's Bell, we've seen a good number of the factions there so far. Which one really stood out to you? Did anyone surprise you from your initial impression of them? This doesn't need to be a rundown of all the factions, just whichever one really caught your eye.
none of the characters in jacob's bell have had any real element of surprise to their arcs thus far--they're all more or less exactly what they're initially presented as. this isn't to say that practitioners (& friends) can't have unexpected twists to their character writing, but i think the fact that they literally can't lie contributes significantly to how transparent they all are. because, y'know, when you can't lie it makes your whole Deal pretty obvious. they can only misdirect, and in addition to how the trick of those misdirections is revealed & easily understood after its impact is realized, the manner in which someone misdirects indicates plenty about them as well.
anyway. already posted about maggie here. from what i hear mara is just one extended wildbow moment which fucking sucks and also completely checks out w/ how her only appearance thus far is it being treated as like. weird and curmudgeony that she's mad about colonialism. briar girl is fun--the base concept of someone who got in over their head w/ a familiar that leads them rather than vice versa serves as a consistent reminder regarding the horror & danger of practicing, and also her familiar's design rocks. like i said a few posts down i enjoy the duchamp's particular brand of Cyclical Familial Violence. i love when theres cyclical familial violence in the cyclical familial violence book.
laird behaim is sort of grating in the sense that. reasonably speaking a Magic Police Officer in his position would not actually need magic to keep the legal system from holding him accountable! it's just like that by default! the fact that he's a constant reason to depict the police as being a fantastically (and i mean in the sense of "would never happen but in a fantasy") decent system full of useful good-hearted people who are failing due to Powers Beyond Their Comprehension is just sooo consistently grating. his characterization would Be Something if he was explicitly forcing himself into a high-ranking police position for the sake of the social authority & capital on state-sanctioned violence it would afford him, but instead his position is written as incidental and near-irrelevant to his power base. not how that fucking works! manifesting i will get to find out about the behaim's own special version of Cyclical Familial Violence soon and that it will be interesting so i can care about him more. bc right now he is getting a bad grade at having a compelling character schtick. his only saving grace is that he has fun magic.
johannes i appreciate 4 his "mechanism with which 2 hammer the horrible cruelty & fatality of the world blake and rose have found themselves in into their heads" swag. i enjoy terribleawful sibling dynamics so andy calling his sister a Relative rather than Family despite her being literally his only apparent connection endears me to the witch hunters. and of course i like padraic and friends for offering to get normalguy blake pregnant. favorite little guys remain blake and rose thus far though
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lonelier-version-of-you · 10 months ago
Well, you know what - I am absolutely exhausted now. That's the thing about double Casualty nights. I went off them quite a while ago because it gives me a lot to talk about afterward, making typing up my thoughts take longer, and because while I like to think I have a good enough attention span it can only last so long. Also I was more triggered by the eps than I thought I'd be (my fault though, I misjudged how I'd feel).
Yet! I am glad. We went two entire eps without Faith turning up at all. My second-least fave, Iain, was there but primarily playing the only role I like him in: Jacob's friend who tries to look out for him. And thus, even he was likeable tonight.
And of course, Jacob is finally, finally getting focus again!! It's been long enough.
But before I get into all of that, thoughts on ep 1:
Rash's storyline was... well, it's very intense. A lot more so than I would have expected. His whole breakdown about everything being broken was incredibly sad to see. Poor, poor Rash.
I didn't think this would lead to him leaving but I'm not sure now, I could easily see this being an exit story. I hope not - though, on the other hand I want him to be happy, enough that if he has to leave for that I'd go along with it.
Neet Mohan was brilliant. He's one of Casualty's best when he gets the chance to be. I'm pleased it seems the show is finally acknowledging that, even if it means Rash getting a sad storyline for now. Also, I tend to like an ep that partially revolves around a character being in therapy. I hope we get one for Jacob eventually.
I'm... intrigued by Patrick. I really don't know what to make of him, though I don't think I'm meant to. He's definitely an unknown quantity of sorts so far. I thought he'd remind me a lot of Henrik and he does, albeit mostly in different ways than Max did. Patrick makes me think of early Henrik. The grumpy, not exactly nice new man in charge who just wants everyone to focus on their work, with just the tiniest hint of a gentler side beyond all the rudeness. The scene where he talked about Rash being like him, however, was not very Henrik of him. I don't think early Henrik would ever have opened up even that much.
I continue to like Tariq as a character so far. I enjoy his dynamic with Rash a lot, still. Their borderline-brotherly dynamic is very interesting. And I have to say, he was cast really well - he feels like such a believable cousin for Rash!
Ngozi continues to be great, as well. I adore her.
I thought the way this ep depicted how busy the department was was incredibly well done. I don't have much more to say there, but I wanted to point it out.
And as for the second ep:
I'd almost forgotten just how good Charles Venn is when he gets to do dramatic acting! Not that I don't enjoy the comedy/lighthearted stuff too, but there's been hardly any of that recently either - it's just felt like nothing but "Iain, I am now going to prop up your storyline because you're not interesting enough to carry it alone, I hope you don't mind". But he got to be brilliant again tonight.
And Jacob gets the focus he deserves. It's about time Blake came up again! I wonder what's going on with Blake, he did sound very upset. And I wonder what Elle is doing. I hope she doesn't get forgotten.
Jacob's line about how him and Blake haven't really talked for a while was very intriguing. I'm glad him being basically never acknowledged for like, forever is seemingly being incorporated into the storyline rather than glossed over.
Nicole is an excellent character so far. I love her.
Rida was fantastic tonight. Incredible acting from Sarah Seggari! Some very upsetting moments, undeniably, but the writing and performance were pitch-perfect. Wow. She's amazing.
Siobhan is wonderful. I've definitely come around to her.
Anyway, that's most of what I can think of to say about tonight but I'm sure I've left a lot out that I can't remember at the moment. Basically, however, the TL;DR version of all this is: I love Jacob.
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apiscircensis · 1 year ago
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being aggressively late for Jacob's birthday is my gift to him actually so
happy (very belated) birthday Jacob 🎉✨
interview draft under the cut
- Jacob has never been fond of the Octavinelle color scheme, but recons it looks good on the varsity jacket. he's not as keen on the bowtie though lol
- Blake gave him his signature ugly frog figurine, Jacob hated it~
onto the interview 💫
Jacob's 🎇 presenter is...
🎇: it's been over twenty minutes, who does this guy think he is to be making me wait so long? ❓: greetings! 🎇: ah, it's you...
Eri! 🕰️
🕰️: Jacob Quinn! march 6, 7:10 pm you shall kiss a frog. do not forget! 🎇: that is by far the worst birthday wish I've ever received in my entire life, thanks. 🎇: anyways, I'm frankly terrified of what else you might say if I let you go on, so let's get this over with quickly, shall we? 🕰️: of course, time is a precious resource after all, we should not waste it! 🎇: you have some gall saying that after arriving half an hour late...
Jacob is not particularly fond of Eri and will avoid him on purpose when he doesn't feel like dealing with his oddities. Eri is not aware of this, but wouldn't think much of it even if he was anyway lol
Eri's signature gift are clocks. he has a vast collection of watches and clocks that he gives out freely, however since being birthday presenter is a rare and important occasion he made sure to get one that he thought Jacob specifically would like
he gives Jacob a fully functional miniature cuckoo clock. Jacob is very impressed by the fine craftsmanship and delicate mechanism. he's quite pleased with this gift ✨
for the sibling question Jacob picks Ortho 🕰️: of course. 🎇: ... 🎇: what do you mean "of course"???
Eri reasons that for someone as proud of their status as an older brother, that it makes sense that he'd be drawn to the littlest brother in school. Jacob finds this train of thought weird but not entirely wrong
🎇: Ortho is a wonderful lad, so eager and full of curiosity... and so ready to fire his beams at any given chance, heh~
for the dorm transfer question Jacob picks Scarabia
Jacob is sure he would thrive in any dorm, but is not interested in following strict rules or hierarchies, so he thinks the more relaxed dynamic of Scarabia would fit him just fine
🕰️: is it not particularly hot in there? 🎇: it's nothing I can't deal with 🎇: plus the food is so good~
now, the gift of good fortune! ✨ 🎇: if you get any of that cream on my hair I'll kill you 🕰️: I can not be killed by the likes of you 🎇: ... 🎇: what does that even mea- 🕰️: happy birthday, Jacob Quinn! [splat! 💥]
Eri totally did get cream on Jacob's hair 😋😝
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winthorntales · 2 years ago
Femslash Friday: Couples That Never Were But Should Have Been Vol. 4
Mother Sappho can sure be cruel.
In the tv series The 100, we have a lady-lovin’ side character with an interesting background who is criminally underdeveloped and killed off too soon.
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With the limited time we are graced with her presence, this side character is somewhat reduced to the role of the evasive love interest of a protagonist who spent half of their initial time together grieving her dead boyfriend. A dead boyfriend, mind you, who was gruesomely deaded on the lezzie side character's orders! I mean, Holy Jacob Black, does it get any worse than that?
To top it all off, the attempted romance ends cheaply tragically before it even truly kicked off, casting this shadow of shallow placation over the whole tchotchke affair.
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*begrudged index finger clap for on-screen same-sex love tho*
And then… *lights cigarette pinched between teeth*
Then there’s the staple character with several seasons’ worth of engaging, divisive, heart wrenching internal and interpersonal development, who is as intolerably sexy as she is strong, caring, and deeply flawed. The sugar, spice, and everything damaged that draws this angst-addicted, lovelorn moth (me, hullo) to the flames of everlasting love.
And this character, of course, is straight. No bi-no buts-no bends straight.
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Octavia Blake, played by the magnetic Brunette Goddess Marie Avgeropoulos, is the sapphic sister we deserved but never had a chance in hell of getting.
She was a phantom on The Ark (illegal child hidden under the floor never to be seen or acknowledged by the world in which she lived), turned ace survivor in the new world, turned assassin, turned trauma-plagued warrior queen, and I lived for every gutting second.
She loved Lincoln with such fiery depth that her heart sank into some dark waters when he was torn from her. She never lost it completely (her heart), but trying times, like the increasingly intense circumstances of everyone's survival, didn't help her recover it any faster.
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But new love could have. New love with someone worthy of it as a person and deserving of a greater story as a character.
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The only thing that would’ve salvaged The 100 as a whole, to my viewing pleasure, was a slowbloom-to-true love romance between Octavia as Blodreina, the tormented Dark Queen of Wonkru, and her Right Hand Healer - the only woman who was still willing and able to see the heart of a tortured hero behind her blood-stained crown.
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The potential of a perfectly squeetastic a.k.a. overtly romantic relationship between Octavia and Niylah sat in the room like an elephant in a tutu every time they were on screen together.
We’ve got Protector x Nurturer roles, Seme x Uke dynamics, reasoned heart-wrenching angst, and earned trust. Throw in some hurt/comfort scenarios with a little mortal danger or sexual intimidation directed at Niylah by the enemy, and Octavia losing her shit on the asshole who dared threaten/hurt her lover, and I would’ve given up all my earthly possessions to board this ship.
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If Niylah had become Octavia’s second chance at true love in a hopeless place, I would be singing The 100’s praises ‘til the end of time as having one of the best sapphic love stories to grace the small screen. But she didn’t. Because she couldn’t. So, I don’t. But I can dream.
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behindclosedfiles · 3 months ago
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whatsonmedia · 1 year ago
Beyond the Canvas: Immerse Yourself in Dazzling Art Experiences
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This week, transcend the ordinary and delve into a global tapestry of artistic experiences. From gravity-defying dreamscapes to introspective explorations of light and identity, these five exhibitions promise to ignite your imagination and challenge your perceptions. 1. Carlijn Jacobs & Sabine Marcelis: Sleeping Beauty (Foam, Amsterdam, Netherlands) Opening: January 29th, 2024 Slip into a world of distorted realities and fantastical dreamscapes with this collaboration between photographer Carlijn Jacobs and designer Sabine Marcelis. Jacobs' surreal imagery, known for its warped perspectives and dreamlike atmospheres, collides with Marcelis' otherworldly aesthetic, creating an immersive and mind-bending experience. Expect floating landscapes, gravity-defying objects, and distorted portraits that blur the lines between reality and fantasy. For more> https://www.foam.org/events/carlijn-jacobs Highlights: "The Ballroom," a large-scale installation featuring shimmering curtains and warped furniture, and "The Garden," a surreal landscape with oversized flowers and floating chairs. 2. Olafur Eliasson: the weather experiment (Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark) Opening: February 2nd, 2024 Embark on a sensory journey through light, space, time, and perception in Olafur Eliasson's captivating experiments. Immerse yourself in large-scale installations that explore atmospheric phenomena like rainbows, mist, and artificial moonlight. Prepare to be challenged and intrigued by Eliasson's inventive approach to manipulating light and temperature, questioning our understanding of the world around us. Highlights: "Your rainbow panorama," a breathtaking rainbow spanning the museum's entrance hall, and "The fog machine," a room filled with an ever-shifting mist that distorts your perception of space and time. For more > https://www.phaidon.com/agenda/art/articles 3. New Paintings: Cecily Brown (Gagosian, London, UK) Opening: February 2nd, 2024 Dive into a vibrant world of mythology and dreamscapes with renowned American artist Cecily Brown's new large-scale paintings. Known for her expressive figures and dynamic compositions, Brown's artwork blends mythology, personal narratives, and dreamlike imagery. Prepare to be captivated by her bold brushstrokes, vivid colors, and the raw emotional energy that pulsates through each canvas. Highlights: Expect new works exploring themes of desire, transformation, and the fluidity of identity. For more> https://galeriemagazine.com/three-major-painting-exhibitions-not-missed-new-york/ 4. Beyond Words: The Art of Illustration (British Library, London, UK) Opening: February 3rd, 2024 Travel through centuries of storytelling through this exhibition showcasing the power of illustration. Witness original artwork from iconic illustrators like Aubrey Beardsley, Arthur Rackham, and Quentin Blake, exploring diverse genres from children's literature to political satire. Discover how artists use visual language to interpret texts, shape narratives, and evoke emotions. Highlights: Original illustrations from famous classics like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and The Wind in the Willows, alongside contemporary works addressing social issues and political commentary. For more> https://www-ianvisits-co-uk. 5. Faith Ringgold: American People (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA) Opening: February 4th, 2024 Themes: Witness a powerful journey through American identity, race, and social justice in this major retrospective of Faith Ringgold, a pioneering African American artist. Explore her iconic narrative quilts, featuring vibrant fabrics and bold storytelling, which tackle issues of racism, sexism, and the ongoing struggle for equality. Be prepared to be moved and inspired by Ringgold's unwavering voice and artistic activism. Highlights: Large-scale quilts like "The American People Series" (1963-1964) and "The Slave Ship" (1994), alongside mixed-media works and archival materials. For more> https://visit.mcachicago.org/exhibitions/faith-ringgold-american-people/ These are just some of the incredible exhibitions opening this week, offering diverse experiences for every artistic taste. So, get out there, explore, and let your artistic spirit take flight! Read the full article
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rhodesportfolio · 1 year ago
KENDALL for Marc Jacobs
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Kendall Jenner stars in Marc Jacobs spring 2024 campaign. Shot by Blake Rhode. Shot in Los Angeles, CA.
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Out now, the Marc Jacobs spring 2024 campaign has enlisted one of the biggest names in the industry, Kendall Jenner.
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Modeling a chain necklace, Kendall Jenner fronts Marc Jacobs spring 2024 campaign.
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These images will appear in print, digital, and outdoor formats starting this month, giving fans and fashion lovers a look at the dynamic pictures.
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The model’s effortless beauty and confidence pair perfectly with the stripped-down aesthetic.
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Modeling with a pink mini tote bag, Kendall Jenner shines in Marc Jacobs spring 2024 campaign.
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blairwarbler · 2 years ago
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Glee TV Cory Monteith Finn (+Sugar,Ryder) 6 Rare Unpublished Wardrobe Photos 407 (x)
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daisyjoners · 2 years ago
❛ you’re not a very convincing liar. ❜ // jacob and blake
quando assinou os papéis de divórcio, imaginou que alguma espécie de alívio tomaria conta dela pelo encerramento de um ciclo que não estava mais sendo bom como em seus anos iniciais, acreditava que seria o normal sentir uma sensação de que tudo enfim se encaminharia para algo melhor. porém, se parasse por mais que alguns minutos sem ocupar a sua mente com alguma coisa, acabaria entrando nos caminhos de seus pensamentos que a levavam a crer que estava muito longe daquela paz de espírito na qual pensava em que estaria. tinha medo de terminar aquilo percebendo que tinha cometido um erro ou mesmo iniciando a dúvida de que aquilo era uma possibilidade, porque não queria realmente acreditar que fosse. a ideia de ter jogado fora uma década juntos embrulhava seu estômago toda vez que vinha à mente, e a afastava o mais rápido que poderia. não havia tomado a decisão errada, não tinham futuro. o máximo que poderia esperar com finnick era mais alguns meses de angústia entre ambos devido a uma relação que não iria a lugar algum e que só permanecia daquela forma porque não tomavam a coragem de pedir o divórcio. o que, ao menos, entre ambos fora ela a ter coragem de fazer. restava, então, ter os momentos em que estaria em seu apartamento, antigamente o de ambos, ocupados de alguma maneira. a sua favorita, obviamente, sendo estar em companhia de algum dos melhores amigos, quando estavam disponíveis.
viver em uma mesma casa durante toda a juventude era um benefício apenas em um ponto, visto que a situação entre os sheridan e em seu bairro como um todo era extremamente desanimadora: ter crescido juntamente com jacob, que morava na casa ao lado. eram da mesma idade, passavam a maior parte dos dias sozinhos e não tinham uma figura estável em suas casas, a receita para uma amizade nascendo em base precisarem de alguém que genuinamente se importasse com eles. ser aquela pessoa para quem era o seu irmão de coração desde que se conhecia por gente, sempre a havia deixado genuinamente feliz. o rhodes fora o seu porto seguro nos primeiros anos de vida, quando precisava se virar sozinha porque o pai não se lembrava de pagar as contas ou passava noites fora desacordado perto do bar em que ia toda tarde e somente saía de noite. era ele quem segurava a sua mão enquanto chorava pela mãe ir embora e não voltar para buscá-la como prometido. da mesma forma que havia sido ela a cuidar dele quando os descontroles de seu pai acabavam sendo descontados fisicamente no único filho, quando precisava de um lugar para passar a noite ou simplesmente alguém que o ouvisse e acreditasse nele. e, no momento em que se aproximaram mutuamente de jack, sentiu tudo aquilo de novo; assim como jacob, jack era o irmão de blake. ambos os homens significavam tudo para a sheridan e, por mais disfuncionais que eles três fossem, e o quão complicados costumavam ser em suas vidas, eram uma família.
a razão pela qual havia pedido que jacob a encontrasse em seu apartamento naquela noite não era bem apenas estar se sentindo sozinha, mas uma necessidade de conversar com dos irmãos sobre o que havia descoberto na noite anterior. como jack estaria na oficina até tarde para terminar uma encomenda para o dia seguinte, resolveu que somente contaria quando chegasse, mesmo que tarde da noite, e pudessem conversar sobre aquilo entre os três. queria adiantar aquilo o máximo possível, pois temia o quão real a sua situação se tornaria a partir do momento em que deixasse a segurança de sua mente e virasse parte do mundo real. como estavam finalizados com a janta, colocou na pia os pratos de ambos para lavar na manhã seguinte e guardou na geladeira o restante que ainda estava na panela - sabia que jack chegaria, provavelmente, morrendo de fome. “o quê?” se virou para o outro, percebendo que não entendera seu questionamento. parecia ter sido algo relacionado ao seu bem-estar, contudo, estava um pouco avoada, e uma rápida distração em seus pensamentos fora o suficiente para só perceber que ele falava quando a pergunta estava no final. “tô meio cansada, foi mal. você não faz ideia de como lidar com o povo lá do meu trabalho tá sendo exaustivo, ainda mais essa semana. acho que tô precisando dormir.” as palavras não eram exatamente mentiras, visto que realmente não queria nem enxergar aquelas pessoas que estavam ocasionando tanto estresse aos funcionários de recursos humanos. mas jacob a conhecia o suficiente para saber que nunca ficava daquela forma apenas por problemas com o horizon. em geral, a sheridan estaria reclamando sobre as situações em que a colocavam, não se distraindo ao ponto de não escutar o que falavam com ela.
deveria ter esperado, portanto, a sentença que veio dele - você não é uma mentirosa muito convincente, blake. em certo momento de sua amizade, descobriu que mentir para ele não adiantaria em nada; jacob conseguiria lê-la com uma precisão assustadora. então, não poderia explicar a razão de ter achado que uma desculpa esfarrapada como aquela conseguiria convencê-lo. “alguém já falou pra você o quanto é irritante quando tá com a sua cara de que sabe tudo?” mais uma maneira de postergar falar sobre aquilo. não adiantava tentar mentir muito mais para ele, entretanto, e não sabia se ainda estariam muito acordados na hora em que jack chegasse. a conversa aconteceria de qualquer jeito, vendo por um lado, e precisava também da opinião do sutherland sobre a questão que mais a afligia. mas, talvez botar para fora pudesse aliviar um pouco o peso em seus ombros, por mais que não soubesse se gostava muito da ideia de aquilo sair da proteção de sua mente e atingir a realidade do mundo real. enquanto, também, a mulher precisava reconhecer que contar para os irmãos deveria ser a parte fácil. o problema de verdade viria em ter de tornar aquilo conhecimento de finnick também. “comentei com você que não andava me sentindo muito bem, certo?” por mais irônico que fosse, lembrava do comentário do outro irmão quando mencionou que andava vomitando - uma piada sobre gravidez, maldita fosse a visão de futuro que estivera em jack naquele momento. “bem…” pausou, puxando a cadeira ao lado da dele na mesa e se sentando. “fiz alguns exames no horizon, porque estava em preocupando um pouco não ter ido embora ainda o mal estar. achava que era alguma intoxicação alimentar, sei lá, uma merda desse tipo.” 
engoliu em seco, tentando encontrar uma maneira de falar sobre aquilo. não existia uma forma certa e, no fim, o melhor era simplesmente acabar com aquilo de uma vez. se era tão difícil falar assim com os irmãos, nem queria imaginar com o ex-marido. “que merda, jake, eu tô grávida.” soltou, apoiando o rosto em suas mãos. “é do finnick, caso você esteja se perguntando.” imaginava que o irmão já deveria ter começado a supor aquilo, mas não custava confirmar. não tinha conseguido nem cogitar a ideia de sair com alguém desde que o processo de divórcio tinha se iniciado com o ex-marido, porque não estava de muitos ânimos com a perspectiva de ter que conhecer alguém novo depois de dez anos com um mesmo homem. aquilo lhe dava uma dor de cabeça só com a ideia. e, por mais que não fosse definir assim, ela não se sentia pronta emocionalmente. “não sei como vou fazer pra contar pra ele. nem sei se quero. sei lá, criar um filho com um ex? que ideia horrível é essa? não sei nem se ele vai querer.” falava sem pensar muito naquele momento, porque não queria imaginar verdadeiramente qual seria a possível reação do pinciotti ao saber da gravidez. só queria ventilar sem se preocupar com julgamentos - o que, sabia bem, nunca viria de jacob ou jack. “eu e ele… eu não nos via funcionando mais nem estando casados, como vou conseguir criar uma criança com ele?” murmurou, encarando o rhodes em seus olhos diretamente. estendeu uma mão, segurando a dele para um pouco de conforto. “de verdade, não poderia ter acontecido numa hora pior. nós tínhamos conversado sobre isso algumas vezes… mas nunca no cenário de um divórcio, porra.” se obrigou a respirar fundo. era sempre a voz da razão para seus irmãos, no entanto, sempre se perdia quando se tratava de si mesma. “que tipo de reação você teria, se fosse ele?” não era uma pergunta muito boa, reconheceu de imediato. não apenas porque eram homens muito diferentes, o melhor amigo e o ex-marido, mas porque nem queria imaginá-lo em uma situação daquele tipo com o anticristo com quem era casado. “não sei o que fazer, que inferno. tem alguma ideia do que faria no meu lugar?”
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candycane-hockeymom · 1 year ago
Dear Author of the Hockey Holidays 2023 fic exhange
Thank you for participating and yay for writing for me! I’ve always been super excited about every gift fic I have received, and I’m looking forward to the privilege of receiving the fic that you want to write.
That said, some guidelines on my preferences as a reader and some reasons why I chose the pairings in my request below.
I'm a Canes and Team Finland fan. That doesn't mean that I'd prefer you to write the Canes pairings or Finnish players in this exchange! Just a heads-up, when choosing side characters or secondary teams, please don't be too mean to my faves.
Likes: I like a mature, nuanced view on human nature, characters who have their flaws and shortcomings; characters with dubious morals but maybe sort of a good heart. I love good characterization and character dynamics, be it romance, porn or a gen fic studying personal development of an athlete in his sports career or group dynamics of a sports team.
As themes/tropes I like friends to lovers, fuckbuddies to lovers, enemies to lovers. I like my filth: scheming, pwp, Locker room gang bangs, Winner’s room. I love equal partners, but I also find status imbalances & age and size differences HOT.
Dislikes: a/b/o, mpreg, tentacles, body horror, gore, rule 63, suicide/self harm. I'm not into BDSM AU -- Dom/sub undertones, BDSM elements and kink in smut are very welcome but not the predestined dynamics universe stuff. I don’t want to see any mentions of Alexander Ovechkin. No slander of irl SO's or writing them as villains, but I’m OK with them existing in the story, even if it involves cheating the spouse with the ship partner. Fights aren't a huge turn-on for me.
If you're writing Finnish characters, please don't use google translated Finnish or phrases picked from a dictionary without consulting a native level speaker for beta help.
About AU:s: I like mundane, realistic AUs. I'm mostly into spy / politics / crime / war stories at the moment, and I like band AUs. No high fantasy, please. Some magical realism / supernatural elements are fine if they are what you like to write. Werevolves or vampires? Team vampires, definitely. (But you know what's WAY better: angels. I just might have a bit of a religious kink.)
Prompts for requested pairings (and one pairing that didn't make it to the exchange in time but would make my day)
Remember: these are mere ideas, not requests. Vaguely in order of preference, but pick whichever gets YOUR creative juices flowing, that'll make the best reading, too!
Blake Wheeler/Jacob Trouba: Ex teammates meet on a new team. Has the hierarchy between them shifted when Wheeler has now lost his captaincy over Trouba, and Trouba has established himself as a needed brutal force in his new team? I'd love these dynamics explored, and I don't mind if it has darkish, nasty elements. I don't mind unhealthy dynamics or even violence, but if you see the situation as a chance for healing, redemption and soft landing, go for it.
Esa Lindell/Jere Pöyhönen | Käärijä: Give me anything you have for this crazy ship, I want to see it all.
Sebastian Aho (b. 1997)/Teuvo Teravainen: I'd appreciate an updated look at the current state of my Finnish Cherubs OTP. Teuvo is having a monster season and the hottest stick (lol) on the team, does Sebastian reward him? Or is he jealous? Is he proud? (Please note that Sebastian is jacked, hairy and feisty on the ice but still so devastatingly pretty)
Teuvo Teravainen/Kimmo Timonen: Why not a melancholic story of Teuvo carrying on a relationship to an older married man for years? And for what? Does it ever reach a breaking point, and what then?
Sebastian Aho (b. 1997)/Justin Williams: These Tumblr text posts by @andreisvechnikov say it all: "he's a lot of things…kinda like daddy to me sometimes" - Sebastian Aho on then captain Justin Williams and watching Justin Williams get his Canes' HOF thing and knowing Sebastian "he's kind of like daddy to me" Aho was there because he loves him
Sebastian Aho (b. 1997)/Roope Hintz/Jesse Puljujarvi: I'm curious. Did they have a thing at Junior Worlds 2016? Or before that? Or after that? Tell me!
Sebastian Aho (b. 1997)/Brent Burns: Sebastian expressed a strong interest to be invited to Burnzie's ranch, saying he's "into that kind of stuff" and he'd "grab his own backpack and go". I'd love a messy smut version of how it went down over there. Dom Brent please.
Sebastian Aho/Brent Burns/Jordan Staal: Bottom Sebastian getting it good from two large men. That's all. But, like, a plot-driven war or spy AU could work too.
PLUS ONE: I totally forgot to nominate this crack pairing before it was too late: Roope Hintz/Sergei Fedorov. They look SO alike, don't they? I've always wanted to read an AU fic playing on their resemblance; they could be con artists, thieves, spies or whatever pretending to be father and son but being nothing of the sort. If this tickles somebody's imagination enough to prompt a tiny treat, I'd be ecstatic.
All of this is just to give you ideas, not to limit your creativity! Have fun writing and take care of yourself, Happy Hockey Holidays!
This is my hidden side Tumblr. The actual ones are @caixxa (main) and @badhockeymom (hockey).
If you have more questions, anon ask on any of these three blogs works.
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lakesbian · 1 year ago
oh pact asks uhhh what does arc2 go up to again? what do you think about the dynamics of the groups in jacob's bell
i like how it's very blatantly a long since pre-established community with social dynamics so thoroughly settled that literally none of blake's Clever Little Plans have even the remotest chance of penetrating or unsettling it in a way that matters. genuinely all he can do is fight for scraps. the whole "getting entirely shouldered out and having to sad ant bindle back to toronto" thing was inevitable from the moment he started scrabbling for a foothold no one in his position could've gotten
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msclaritea · 1 year ago
Start a war, profit from the war and make sure beforehand that there are plenty of brainwashed college students and disruptors to help push your agenda.
"There are increasing reports suggesting that intelligence agencies, including those of Israel and the United States, had intercepted information about the Hamas attack. Concurrently, the recent stock transactions by certain members of Congress, where they significantly invested in defense stocks just two weeks ago, have sparked questions regarding whether they had advanced knowledge of the unfolding events.
U.S. Congress members have been investing in stocks related to war and defense. Several of them purchased shares of General Dynamics ($GD), a major defense company. Additionally, many Republicans have heavily invested in oil and energy companies, with purchases in ExxonMobil ($XOM), Devon Energy ($DVN), and Chevron ($CVX).
The public is curious about how they had this information when others did not.
Here is the list of U.S. Congress members who currently hold stocks that could be influenced by developments in the Middle East, including Tommy Tuberville and MTG."
1.Alan Lowenthal
2.Andrew Garbarino
3.Bill Hagerty
4.Blake Moore
5.Bob Gibbs
6.Carol Miller
7.Christopher Jacobs
8.Daniel Goldman
9.David McKinley
10.Dean Phillips
11.Debbie Schultz
12.Deborah Ross
13.Diana Harshbarger
14.Donald McEachin
15.Dwight Evans
16.Earl Blumenauer
17.Fred Upton
18.Garret Graves
19.AlJerry Moran
20.Jerry Moran
21.John Curtis
22.John Yarmuth
23.Josh Gottheimer
24.Katherine Clark
25.Kathy Manning
26.Kevin Hern
27.Kurt Schrader
28.Lois Frankel
29.Maria Salazar
30.Marjorie Greene
31.Mark Green
32.Michael Guest
33.Michael McCaul
34.Mike Kelly
35.Mike Simpson
36. Mo Brooks
37. Patrick Fallon
38.Rick Allen
40.Robert Wittman
41. Roger Marshall
42.Scott Franklin
43.Shelley Capito
44.Steve Cohen
45.Susie Lee
46.Thomas Carper
47.Thomas Suozzi
48.Tommy Tuberville
49.Trey Hollingsworth
50.Virginia Foxx
51.William Keating
52.Zoe Lofgren
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rainfrazier · 3 years ago
How do you think Rain would do in the Otherverse so far?
How are you liking Blake?
otherverse rain: absolutely abysmal karma, the universe hates him, everyone's out to get him, and he gets the shit beat out of him every time he turns around. he and blake would get on like a mall on fire! it'd be like he never left gimel. i do wonder how well he'd navigate the social aspects of pact, with all the semantics and thinking through loopholes that practitioners love so much. maybe all the time he spent training himself to think around mama mathers would pay off? either way if rain was able to survive the fallen/the cluster/shardspace/everything else in ward against all odds, he’s surely got some potential to withstand the otherverse. i'm only up through arc 3 though, so i can only imagine what hell could break loose in the arcs to come.
i'm LOVING blake so far and just really having a blast with pact in general. i don’t know if it’s the plot itself, the new setting, or just being charmed by blake in particular but i’ve been sitting and reading chapter after chapter which isn’t something my brain usually lets me do. the characters are all delightfully terrible people. every practitioner in jacob's bell is a menace to society. the magical setting has an odd sort of old-timey quality to it that intersects in funny ways with the regular modern world. after spending so much time with worm and ward, it's fun and refreshing to explore a whole new universe alongside blake. he has a real, genuine, down-to-earth humanness to him that's very endearing. like:
“I have a mother, a father, a little sister.  And we’re not close, I admit, but that’s because I’m too fucking human to tolerate the monstrous shit my family was doing to each other.  I did okay in school, and had the craziest crush on a girl in grade seven.  I dated girls and fumbled my way through it all, and some of it was so fucking poorly handled that I cringe when I think about it, even five years after.”
“You’re trying to humanize yourself.”
“Damn straight!” I said. 
“Listen, I’m a regular, average guy who loves art but can’t draw, who’s still figuring out how to be a friendly, decent human being, because his parents never bothered to teach him that stuff.  That thing you were saying to your sister, not wanting to hurt someone?  She told you it was fine because we’re practitioners, we’re not really people, right?  Something like that?  Well, at this stage, I think I’m still more person than practitioner.”
cmon! how could you not like this guy?? also, the dynamic between him and rose is interesting, comparing and contrasting their upbringings and how that shaped the differences in their personalities. the way blake never has a plan for anything gives me hives, and he reminds me of taylor in the way he thinks on his feet and does remarkably well, but his situation is just so deeply fucked that he only manages to escape every encounter by the skin of his teeth. i like that he has a lot of mundane skills that come in handy in unexpected ways. plus, he's just really fucking funny. he literally got dinged by the universe for being too sarcastic. the whole bit in arc 3 where he disguises himself to crash laird's house party only for the glamour to wear off just a little too soon? iconic. "oh, you're trying to trap me in a time vortex? fuck you guys. i'm calling 911." i love him. i love him.
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fina13 · 3 years ago
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#TH1RTE3N  is  a  group  verse  based  around  original  slasher  lore.  if  you  want  to  know  more  or  you’re  interested  in  joining,  please  read  the  CARRD.
the plot follows a slasher in two different timelines, targeting a group of friends who all went to school together. the first timeline takes place in the summer of 2009, following graduation leading up to the first six victims being killed. there was a thirteen year gap, where most of the survivors fled town and moved on with their lives. the second time line picks up in the summer of 2022 with kill #7, when first hale came back to hell and ended up being the first kill of the new timeline. the killer used the funeral and threatened family members and friends to lure the other six names on the list back to hell. the original six victims are available to be written in the 2009 timeline. to make this plot work best, we need other citizens of hell, ohio too. think of the characters in your favorite slasher films. cops, classmates, siblings and cousins, exes, anyone that could spice up the plot through dynamics. you are welcome to make another character affiliated with any other existing character in the plot, as long as you discuss it with the mun of the character you are affiliating with first (i will check, don't be weird.)
#01 : MAKENA WU — natasha liu bordizzo. (deceased) ABI.
#02 : DANIEL MILLER — jacob elordi. (deceased) HANNAH.
#03 : FAYE CASSIDY — ashley moore. (deceased) RORA.
#04 : MARIE AUGUSTINE — lucy boynton. (deceased) MAISIE.
#05 : SLOAN CARTER — kaylee bryant. (deceased) LYNS.
#06 : MAEVE KESSLER — ella purnell. (deceased) RISSA.
#07 : EASTON HALE — felix mallard + tyler hoechlin. (deceased) MERCURY.
#08 : LAVENDER  DAWSON — ginny gardner + elizabeth lail. CAROLINE.
#09 : CASPIAN MICHAELS — carlson young + cam richardson. QUIN.
#10 : LIAM WYATT — alex fitzalan + adam brody. RISSA.
#11 : HANNAH PHILLIPS — sadie sink + kat mcnamara. KELS.
#12 : RICHIE VALENTINE — austin butler + joe anderson. BRE.
#13 : TRYSTAN HALE — danielle rose russell + phoebe tonkin. KT.
TH1RTE3N AFFILIATED CHARACTERS: *under the cut because there are so many!
BLAKE DARLING — mia healey + tracy spirodakos. CAROLINE. police officer. ex-wife of noah darling.
BENJAMIN DAVIS — cody christian + chris wood. ASTER. married to tate scott.
BRADLEY KING — jan luis castellanos + rick gonzalez. QUIN. faye’s partner in crime.
CAMERON BANKS — joe keery. KT. out of towner. it for penny’s podcast.
CASPER MICHAELS — austin north. ASTER. twin brother of caspian. unlisted murder victim.
DAISY DAWSON — olivia holt + brianne howley. MERCURY. older sister of lavender dawson.
DAKOTA JACKSON — yandeh salah + tbd. QUIN. high school photographer.
ELI ERIKSON — andrew garfield. KELS. ex-boyfriend of liam wyatt.
ELIJAH PUCK — jordan calloway + michael b jordan. QUIN. lindsey’s high school sweetheart.
ELODIE WU — peyton lee + brianne tju. MERCURY. makena + parker’s sister.
GENEVIEVE CRAWFORD — sydney sweeney + margot robbie. CAROLINE. kindergarten teacher.
ISABELLA HALE — alexandra daddario. KELS. younger sister of easton + trystan hale. girlfriend of matt phillips.
JENNIFER DAILY — emily alyn lind + samara weaving. DOE. news reporter.
JUDE MICHAELS — michel biel + casey deidrick. KT. bartender. brother of caspian michaels + casper michaels.
JUSTIN MITCHELL — dan stevens. BRE. out of towner. fiancé of lavender dawson.
LENNON LEMIEUX — natalie alyn lind + hilary duff. BRITT. publicist, maeve’s best friend
LINDSEY WYATT — maude apatow + emmy rossum. ABI. sister of liam wyatt.
MACKENZIE LAINE — abigail cowen + alexandra breckenridge. CAROLINE. penny laine’s older sister.
MATT PHILLIPS — dylan minnette. BRE. brother of hannah phillips. boyfriend of izzi hale.
NOAH DARLING — dylan sprayberry + jesse lee soffer. KT. homicide detective. ex-husband of blake darling. partner of regan driscoll.
PARKER WU — ross butler + tbd. QUIN. makena and elodie’s older brother.
PENELOPE LAINE — kennedy mcmann. LYNS. out of towner. true crime fanatic + podcaster.
POPPY DAWSON — mckenna grace + meagann fahy. KT. younger sister of lavender dawson.
REGAN DRISCOLL — katheryn winnick. BRITT. homicide detective. partner of noah darling.
ROSARIO DELGADO — jenna ortega + melissa barrera. KT. forensic scientist.
TATUM SCOTT — rudy pankow + lucas till. QUIN. former murder suspect. married to benji davis.
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