medandana · 2 years
today, my mom told me i looked like i was losing weight
and i’ve never been more fucking flattered. i also didn’t eat anything today and i’m determined to fast until friday because i binged so much during the weekend due to the unexpected “big sad” of my partner cheating on me. day 1 of fasting was a breeze. i loaded myself up with TONS of water and carried my jug with me wherever i went. was also able to complete tonight’s workout woohoo! hopefully, i won’t give in before i reach the end of the week. i’ll fill you guys in with my progress.
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ding2bthin · 3 months
skinny chasing update
didn’t eat dinner last night and j couldn’t do my normal weigh in at 6 because my mom was home. So I went to work and didn’t eat or drink anything until I could get back home to weigh in. And I did it. I hit my first goal weight. 150. Started at 164 I few weeks ago. My therapist and dietitian are upset with me. But I don’t care because I’m going to be skinny. 145 here I come
#proana #dyingtobethin #ed #thin
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mothloco · 4 years
Yeah this "challenge" took my apetite
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berriesnbucky · 4 years
The scales: you haven’t weighed yourself in two weeks??
Me, spiralling into a breakdown: plateaus can’t exist if I don’t know about them 🥰😗✌️✨
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delicatelimbs · 4 years
Any christians struggling with an ED?
I'm in a funny position where I feel guilty as if restricting and thinspo etc. Everything I do, is like against God. I don't know, I just feel so weird reconciling the two and am curious if anyone else feels this way/has thoughts on it?
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gothlovestory · 4 years
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picked up a nasty habit
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Wish I had a weight loss buddy - pls msg if keen
I wish I had someone I could talk to who really understands the struggle to lose weight. Not someones who will tell me every 2 seconds I’m beautiful or whatever but someone I can share my victories with and someone who won’t sugar coat it when I fuck up. I’m not saying like an ana coach like we could discuss our workout ideas and what we do and even talk about things outside of weight loss guess it’d just be nice to have a friend.
Feel free to msg me if u want to be my friend and meet this criteria (for safety purposes)
18+ as I am 20 and cannot and will not interact with technically children as it is stated by law
Are ok with different time zones as I am australian
Aren’t going to waste my time
If you message me feel free to ask for proof of identity as I know there are creeps on here. I will provide a photo of myself. You are welcome to ask anything as well.
Please come say hello I am lonely
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zerocalbabe-blog · 5 years
Obese and starving
I feel like I'm the only one out here who is actually super fucking fat and struggling with starving myself. Everyone talks about body dysphoria, but I dont just think I'm big I know I am. I own a god damn mirror and I can see the number on the scale. I hate myself so much.
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Day 1 Goal: 500Cal
100g cucumber 15cal
100g celery 16cal
1 pack popping candy 28cal
1 quorn steak slice 426cal
TOTAL 485Cal
Treadmill -100cal
Rowing -50cal
Weights -79cal
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desire-2-b-thin · 5 years
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My fat self just binges and purged. I can’t stand myself sometimes I just want to “pinch my skin between two fingers and wish I could cut parts off with some scissors “
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sunsetskinandbones · 5 years
25 hrs into a fast
I weighed myself yesterday (14th) in the morning and weighed 82.3kg (im so fat 🤮).
Im 25 hrs into a 44 hr fast and weighed myself again tonight at the gym. in 36 ish hours i lost almost 3kg and im down to 79.4kg
I know this is so insignificant but im really happy. my friends have started catching on that im not eating lunch at today they made me eat a muesli bar. i literally mean MADE. it was so horrible, she literally sat next to me and force fed it to me. i wanted to gag and cry and scream but i had to laugh it off cos iM nOt SiCk. I tricked her though and only ate half of it (only 83 calories) so im not counting it as “breaking my fast”.
SW: 94kg
90kg 🌷
85kg 🌷
80kg 🌷
75kg 🌱
UGW: 60kg ✨
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talluaurora · 6 years
Back on track. We’re gonna look better for Christmas. We must.
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My life feels like it’s crumbling to pieces right now but at least I have stayed pretty consistent with going to the gym. I have noticed that the weight has started to drop again. This makes me extremely happy.
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I went on holiday for a week and had huge anxiety about eating and definitely gained weight. Now I’m on my period so I’m feeling like absolute crap. Back to restricting today and will be doing so until summer holidays - 7 weeks and counting! Summer body here I come!
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thatweightlossstory · 6 years
A while back I forgot to pack lunch so I asked a coworker if I could have her leftovers before she threw them out. So she gave it to me and I later found out that a couple girls were laughing about it and one said “she’s so fat she needs to stop eating”
So I did.
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gothlovestory · 4 years
White cheddar rice cakes are only 45 cals eat up young queens
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