dxrknessexplored · 7 days
@dxnisheatingdetective asked ❛ i thought you’d like some company. ❜
Lily hadn't been back in Gotham for more than two hours, roughly, when the knock on the door had come. Everything still felt a surreal, moving about in a bit of a daze after the last week and a half. The loss of a parent was tough at any age, but the unexpected passing? It hit a little harder. She hadn't known that her mother was sick. Helping her father get things in order and getting the funeral together had suddenly become top priority, and there hadn't been any real appropriate time to grieve. That edge was where she was teetering now. A breakdown was likely better to have alone. But the second knock meant that whoever was at the door wouldn't be ignored. Likely it was only one person. Seeing Harvey was something she was unsure if she wanted. For the first time since he had shown up in her office with Jim, conducting their investigation. It was a feeling so foreign that she didn't know what to do with it except ignore it and open the door.
She mustered a smile, half a one at best, and stepped to the side to let him in. Habit, though she figured he was being respectful since he had a key to her place. What did she say to that? What did she say at all right now? The lack of sleep and the lack of being able to properly deal with any of it was catching up to her.
"Thanks, Harv," she murmured softly. Her normally somewhat kept apartment was in a state of slight disarray. Between the haste in packing to get out and the fact that she hadn't been home long, nothing was taken care of it, and the disheveled appearance of the living space matched where she was at mentally.
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vntagetee-archive · 1 year
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⸻ @dxnisheatingdetective asked: [ scared ] sender scares receiver {REVERSE} ( chase & harvey )
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“did   you   really   just   screech   bloody   murder,   detective,   or   are   my   ears   deceiving   me?”
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ohsolovingsouls · 9 months
Pinned Post: Muse List
Updated: 17th Sept 2024 - Bios are short for the moment as muses are being explored/revamped and full bios will be written out in good time.
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Brief Rules and Muses are below the cut. - This blog is incredibly slow I also run @tealeavesandthorns (Main blog -and where follows come from) and @dxnisheatingdetective (secondary blog) - the muses here are mostly tertiary and muse comes and goes for them.
Mun and Muse 30 +
No force shipping
This is a sideblog, just exploring the muses and having fun populating spy universes. Initially setting up as low activity.
Don’t be a dick
Hate isn’t tolerated 
Asks are always open.
All current muses on here are heterosexual
Larger list of rules can be found here (ignore muse specific ones)
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- Hugo Teddy Wallace - 003 - 35-50 -
Brief About: Cocky, arrogant, annoying, Hugo is a bit of a thorn in the side of MI6, he likes to think he's the hero everytime and has a real hatred of Bond, seeing him as the favourite. In love with and a bit obsessed with Maria Bloomsco, Hugo generally does things for one of two reasons, will it benefit him or will it impress Maria. Tags: ;they love to hate me (fc), ;Hugo Thread, ;Hugo Likes
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- George Finley - 45-55 -
Brief About: All anyone really knows about George is that he always has a ham sandwich for lunch and always drinks tea from a flask with a tartan print on it. Beneath his quiet exterior though George is a complicated man with a passion for numbers and a history in domestic espionage that runs deep. Tags: ;the most boring man in the world (fc), ;George Thread, ;George Likes
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- Charlie Dawson - 35-45 -
Brief About: Charlie is the fun loving head of admin at Kingsman, her code name is Kilgharrah, the great dragon. Charlie is well known for her love of karaoke, the Mamma Mia movies and wine. She's open, always ready to offer sound advice and friendly but if you cross her she has a very good death stare. Tags: ; they call me the fun one (Charlie fc), ;Charlie Thread, ;Charlie Likes
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- Huck Wells - Agent Rum - 45-55 -
Brief About: Grumpy but with a heart of gold, Huck has heard every pun about being a pirate because of his codename and his beard. Huck has been an agent for a long time, a mentor to a lot of others too. Huck can be stand offish at first but like an old dog once you have his loyalty it's there for life. Shipped with: Sora (@agent-scotch) Tags: ;not a pirate (fc), ;Huck Thread, ;Huck Likes
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- James Davenport - Agent Cador - 50-60 -
Brief About: Once upon a time James Davenport was 007 and known as James Bond. He got so used to James as a first name that he ended up legally changing his own. After retirement from the 00 program James tried to slowdown and enjoy a quiet life but he itched to be back in the field, albeit without the constraints of the government. A contact put him in touch with Kingsman and James became agent Cador - though not as spritely as he once was James still gets involved in information gathering but mostly mentors new agents and talks them through missions whilst Merlin is busy. Tags: ;Life in the old dog (fc), ;James Thread, ;James Likes
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- Indy Baxter - Agent Alundyne- 35-45 -
Brief About: Born with a freaky gene that heightened her pain threshold and made her freakishly strong Indy is a force to be reckoned with in the field. Though her parents dreamed she'd be an archaeologist and bring them riches galore, Indy instead became a Kingsman Agent. This gal is relationship shy, loves having a good time and can really kick some arse when it needs doing. Tags: ;No guts no glory (fc), ;Indy Thread, ;Indy Likes
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- Arty Mills -Agent Tristan - 35-45 -
Brief About: Boyish, soft, charming and mischievous, Arty loves his job at Kingsman but not as much as he loves his little dog Betsy, a scrappy Jack Russell, that followed him around on a mission one time. Arty is well known for getting himself into scrapes and only just getting himself out of them. His mouth often also moves faster than his feet can. Tags: ;Don't stop me now (fc), ;Arty Thread, ;Arty Likes
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- Dr Briar Rowan - Botanist and Zoologist - 35-45 -
Brief About: Soft and loving Briar lives her life amongst nature. Adoring it from a young age thanks to her hippie parents Briar decided to become both Botanist and Zoologist when she couldn't decide which of the disciplines she adored more. Briar loves the more beastly of plants, animals and insects and has a knack for seeing the charm in the more deadly and monstrous. Tags: ;Mamma Mia here I go again(fc), ;Briar Thread, ;Briar Likes
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- Dr Stephanie Harker - Cosmologist and Vampire - Appears 35-45
Brief About: Focused, driven and driven Stephanie Harker was only ever concerned with her work studying the potential for other universes. She was obsessed and her family facilitated her obsession. It was all she ever wanted until one day her head was turned by a werewolf bodyguard assigned to her. Stephanie fell head over heels and eventually the two had a child.
One day her daughter went missing, never to be seen again and Stephanie was convinced she had stumbled upon a rift in the universe. Her and her husband drifted and he too disappeared. Stephanie set out to find them traversing universes and never giving up hope. Tags: ;I've got you under my skin (fc), ;Steph Thread, ;Steph Likes
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
List of Side Blogs
(Because I will just make a million side blogs and not full separate accounts because 1. it's easier and 2. side blogs will generally be lower must.)
Anyway here's a list of current sideblogs;
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Evelyn Carnahan - Low Muse - @acxtastrophe Canon - The Mummy/Mummy Returns FC: Rachel Weisz
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Harvey Bullock - Mid Muse - @dxnisheatingdetective Canon - Gotham/Batman FC: Donal Logue/Jeff Bridges
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Greg Lestrade - Incredibly Low Muse - @askthelionhearteddetective Canon - BBC Sherlock FC: Rupert Graves
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George Finley - Mid Muse - @themostboringmanintheworld OC - James Bond/Spy FC: Colin Firth
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Pinned Post
RP Quick Guide - Rules/Muse/Mun/Links
Post Updated: 01/09/2023
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I've made this quick guide for the RP blog @dxnisheatingdetective so that you can have a brief introduction to both Harvey and my RP Rules and decide if you’d like to investigate further. This is a sideblog, followbacks come from tealeavesandthorns
I RPed as Harvey previously on tumblr (with me taking a break/deleting for a while and returning now) - previous handles have included - askthedanisheatingdetective, dxnisheatingdetective, whodxntiowe, doomedanyhxw and possible variations of those.
Below is a brief bio, brief rules and a brief look at mun with important links for you at the bottom of the post.
Dropping below a read more so as not to clutter!
Harvey Bullock - About / Opens
BASICS Name: Harvey Bullock Nicknames/Alias: Bullock, The Bull, Fat ass, Face Claim: Donal Logue Age: late 40’s - late 50’s Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Date/Place of Birth: September 11th Currently: Gotham City Nationality/Species: American - Human Occupation: Detective Marriage Status: Single
HISTORY Harvey is a detective at the GCPD and it’s safe to say his life hasn’t exactly gone the way he thought it might.
Harvey yearned to be a detective from an early age and he applied to Police Academies outside of Gotham but just didn’t quite make the grade. Harvey made his peace with this early on and started at the GCPD as a uniformed officer working his way up the ranks.
Eventually Harvey would be paired with Dix and though Harvey tried to keep his white knight optimism, tried to keep his head above the criminality, tried to mostly do the right thing he realised that in the end he had to go along to get along and so Harvey was shaped by Gotham, he moulded to fit her form. He was been broken down by her and rebuilt so many times that he lost count. Harvey found he couldn’t fight Gotham entirely and that eventually like Dix he was probably going to end up swallowed whole by her.
The good intentions of a detective wanting to make a stand are still there, still in his heart but they have been mostly ground out of him.
Rules - Quick Look - Full Rules
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Mun and Muses are 18+ and would prefer to write with those 18+ (Muses can be any age though)
Unlike Muses, Mun is a serious introvert. That being said I'm friendly enough.
GIFs more than likely aren't mine.
Asks are always open
Hate isn't tolerated.
Keep it fun!
Mun is open to most ships and most subject topics when it comes to threads. If you'd like to develop a plot don't hesitate to message me but also feel free to interact via fluffy asks and memes.
Please read the full rules, or have any questions drop me an ask.
A Bit About Mun:
Mun is 30+ female, pronouns are she/they/that thing over there.
Mun has been writing for 15+ Years and first rp'd on Tumblr in 2009/2010
Mun is open to most fandoms and of course open to OCs!
Mun has Autism and potentially ADHD (a post about how this affects rping is here)
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These are the important links you might need if you wish to investigate Harvey further: 
| About | Rules | Verses | Headcanons | Opens | Open Memes |
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dxrknessexplored · 7 days
@dxnisheatingdetective asked "“I almost caught myself on fire…”
An average day in Gotham was not what most would typically consider an average day by many other standards. What was normal here would throw most off. And likely enough to have anyone from outside Gotham want to institutionalize any Gothamite. But the comment that came from Harvey was out of the ordinary. Even by their standards. She nearly did a spit take with the beer, coughing as she tried not to inhale the alcohol. Setting one's self on fire was something that she was more apt to do given her occupation. Lab accidents happened, after all. But Harvey being a detective, well, it should have been significantly less likely. Then again, he did have some stories that were out of the realm of belief.
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"I'm sorry, what?" She looked over to him, managing to catch her breath.
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dxrknessexplored · 4 days
@dxnisheatingdetective asked Send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent).
Name: Harv
Ringtone: Life is Better With You - Michael Franti
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(Lily 100% paid Jim to get a photo of Harvey in his glasses at work)
Last text sent: The goodies on your desk are safe for you to eat. Know the last few days have been rough. Know a coffee and a pastry don't make up for it, but hopefully make for a better start to the day.
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dxrknessexplored · 1 year
Starter for @dxnisheatingdetective
Stressful didn't begin to cover the week. For either of them. Lily knew, for a fact, even if Harvey hadn't said anything, that the new coverage of the case he and Gordon had gotten slammed with was wearing on him. She could see it in his eyes, practically feeling it in every word that he spoke. She was likely no better off, with the university breathing down her neck for some breakthrough in her research at the same time that they wanted her to take on more grad students plus the loss of two of her student that had been TAs for her. Barely time to breathe, let alone be able to let go of everything and relax.
Friday night had come along, and they both had decided simultaneously that enough was enough. The way that they had asked at the same time to go out for a drink would have been amusing if either could have given it the time of day. Now, Lily had drinks with Harvey before. The most she allowed herself, though, was enough to feel a faint buzz before she called it off and switched to water. Tonight? It wasn't the case. If there was anyone that she could let that guard down around, it would be Harvey. Even if he was drunk, she had no doubt of her safety with him. So, what was the harm in letting herself overindulge a little.
Swaying a little on her feet as she came back with another round, the bar was starting to get a little too crowded for her liking.
"We should get some food and continue back at my place..." An open invitation that wasn't unusual between the two friends at this point, though with her inhibitions lowered, her mind did travel down some roads it probably shouldn't have.
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dxrknessexplored · 24 hours
@dxnisheatingdetective asked [ lipstick ] sender is wearing lipstick, and uses that fact to mark receiver with a few lipstick stains - Reverse
Insecurity wasn't a stranger to Lily. Just like everyone else that existed, there were certain things that left her feeling smaller and less than. And as wasn't wholly unusual, a lot of that centered around her looks and the place that she had in others' lives. Of course, she trusted Harvey. More than she had trusted anyone before in her life. But that didn't stop the flare of insecurity and something almost foreign, jealousy.
Something that she probably didn't have a right to and was likely an overreaction. There was no way of stopping the way that the feeling swirled in her gut and tightened her chest, however. No matter how many times she told herself to settle and let it go. Like an annoying scratchy fabric that refused to be ignored, it needled at her brain. To the point that her feet were moving without thought, just to soothe that irritating sensation.
A fresh drink in hand for the man, she saddled up to his side and handed the drink off, just as she leaned up and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Another one pressed just a little lower along his neck as she settled back down to her feet. No thought had been given to the action, or the thought that there would be a mark left behind thanks to her lipstick.
"Sorry it took a moment. Bar is a little busy."
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dxrknessexplored · 1 day
@dxnisheatingdetective asked ✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours
Gotham was quite literally a city that never slept. Silence or quiet simply didn't exist. Whether it was the sounds of people, or cars, or sirens. It simply was a constant buzz of noise in one form or another. Being out here? It was entirely different. The occasional sound made by some bug or animal. Sure, there was the light whistle of wind through the trees. But it was genuinely quiet. Enjoyable. The, there was the air quality. Fresh. Not as stifling. Lily had always enjoyed being outdoors, something that she hadn't found time to appreciate or experience as much as of late. And she hadn't needed to ask Harvey when the last time he was able to do something like this. She knew it had been far too long.
The little house on the lake had been rented out by friends of the family. A little private getaway for them both. It had taken some planning and some careful consideration of keeping it a surprise, but here they were. Lily felt herself grinning, leaning against one of the posts of the porch as she watched Harvey relax and case out a line into the lake. They had talked about fishing here and there. Seeing him getting to enjoy it and not have the weight of the city crushing down on him? Even if she hated it, it would have been entirely worth every second.
Drinks in hand for the both of them, she made her way down the small path to where he was at.
"Got ya a drink," she offered softly. Just as he turned his head...
Lily was jolted back to reality as the alarm in the lab went off. Scrambling to her feet, all thoughts of peace and tranquility left her, and focus was brought right back to the present.
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vntagetee-archive · 1 year
⸻ @dxnisheatingdetective  //  continued from
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“oh,   come   on.   i’m   not   one   to   lecture   anyone   on   smiling   more.   god   knows   people   have   been   saying   that   to   me   most   of   my   life.   but   smiling   at   work   every   once   and   awhile   never   killed   anyone.   it   could   even   make   things   more   bearable.   i   know   it’s   been   chaotic   lately   as   far   as   the   criminal   element   goes.”
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dxrknessexplored · 1 year
[ FIVE NUDES ]  send for five times the receiver almost sent a nude and the one time they do. - dxnisheatingdetective - For when they're together DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY hahahaha xD
1) While calling it a relationship was fairly new, the level of comfort and dare she say it, intimacy, was not. Their friendship had always been like that, a natural pull towards one another and an affinity for traded touches. There were a few awkward moments while they navigated new waters, but it was far easier than anything Lily had been involved in throughout her life. A natural progression of sorts. The teasing banter had just increased, though far more open flirting included than before. Lily was at home and had just gotten a teasing text from the man in question. A flare of insecurity followed it up when he mentioned he would be late and where in Gotham he and Jim were stuck heading to. In that insecurity, the idea of spending him a picture popped into her head. Eyes jumped between the phone and her bedroom. She was halfway undressed when she realized that she needed to stop. No. It wasn't a good idea.
2) Being sent away for a conference to present her research was something that Lily normally appreciated and valued. It gave merit to what she was doing and the work that she had put in. This didn't feel like that, though. All she could think about was Harvey and the stupid little argument that they had before she had left. It wasn't often that the two argued, despite the personalities. If one was upset with the other, they were surprisingly decent at just hashing it out or reigning it in. But the word kept repeating round and round, creating a heavy feeling in her gut. It was stupid. It was silly. It wasn't something that would alter what they had, relationship, friendship, whatever, forever. Logically, she knew that. She knew Harvey would come to the same conclusion, but that didn't stop the naggle of worry. She chewed her lip, sitting in her hotel room. The few colleagues she knew were already breaking ice, drinking, and sharing dinner, but she hadn't felt particularly hungry. She thought about sending an apology text with a picture. Hell, she had even posed and snapped one. Instead, she found herself hitting the call button, wanting to hear his voice..
3) It wasn't often that Lily bothered to spend more time than what was absolutely necessary clothes shopping. It wasn't really a high value pass time for her. Books? Travel gear? Other things that piqued her interest more got more time dedicated. But, this time around, she had forced a bit of thought. With the fundraiser coming up, she needed to buy a new dress. On a whim, she had snapped a few pictures to Harvey to see what he thought. She was on her own and undecided between two. She included one of the new lingerie sets she had eyed and picked up on a whim, simply as a fun little tease. Part of her was feeling bold, and she had pulled off the set, but couldn't bring herself to snap a picture standing there right in the dressing room to send. The final nail in the coffin for the idea came when someone knocked on the door, making sure she had everything she needed.
4) It had been an accident entirely. Lily had just been ready to step out of the shower when the phone rang. Seeing it was Harvey, she went to pick it up but ended up nearly dropping the phone instead as it slipped from her wet hands. In the attempt to catch it, she had hit buttons and ended up with a horrible looking picture of herself. It had been ready to share with his contact since he had been calling, and Lily quickly deleted it, relieved that she had managed to catch it before it sent. That would have been highly embarrassing.
5) The hospital was the last place that she wanted to be but with the accidental spill and exposed, with a few chemical burns to her forearms, that was where she was. She hadn't had a chance to call Harvey yet, knowing that he had a right to know even if they weren't getting together that evening. The last thing she needed was him hearing it from someone else. The problem was the hospital demanded a wash down to ensure that she was free of anything else that might cause arm. Having been playing with her phone for entertainment, she had also take a picture of herself to show that she was okay before she had to clean up. She hadn't realized it was still open when she picked it back up, a picture taken. In her haste to at least text him since she couldn't call, she accidentally selected the wrong picture, realizing it right before she hit send. Thank God.
6) Harvey was a little sensitive about his age. There was no doubt about it. No matter how much reassurance she gave, it made no difference. So, she wasn't surprised to find that he still hadn't told her about his birthday. Lily wasn't going to take that lying down, though. If he thought it would be glossed over, he had another thing coming. There had been the traditional things plotted out without his knowledge. Dinner and pastries were decided upon, but she had to make sure to get things ready in secret so he wouldn't know about it. A new fedora to replace the worn one that he kept wearing was tucked away in the bottom of her closet, along with a new watch that she had spotted and immediately thought of him. Maybe it was a little much, but the man deserved to be spoiled. So, the day had come and she had played it off like she didn't know, sending him off to work like any other day, getting ready herself even though she had taken the day off, to keep from arousing suspicion. A trip to the campus before turning around was a small price to pay, even with traffic in Gotham the way that it was.
Lily had time to make sure that everything was right, hoping that he would actually end up back at the apartment on time. There was a little enticement to help with that. The thought alone made her snicker in complete amusement. Risqué yeah. But it was totally worth it, and a sure-fire way to make sure he would be heading back. As long as no one else managed to get a peak at his phone. Come afternoon, she had the two presents wrapped, the pastries finished, and the dinner in the oven. So, it was off to the bedroom she went to snap as tasteful a picture as she could manage that still was far more than she had given anyone before. A simple message accompanied it. Hope you're on time birthday boy.
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dxrknessexplored · 1 year
How do you really feel about Harvey, Lily?
Truth serum meme: @dxnisheatingdetective
"He is a good man, far better than he thinks himself to be," she started off, trying to gather her thoughts into anything that could be taken as articulate. It wasn't like she had spoken of her feelings out loud, and really, they were far too jumbled around in her head to make sense, just spewed forth. "I see it, and others do too, even if he thinks that they don't. I know that Gotham has a way of twisting people, and he thinks himself far too chewed up to deserve any good. But, it really is far from the truth. He has one of the kindest, biggest hearts of anyone I have ever met. And it shows, if you really know what to look for. He's safety to me. I can't recall ever feeling as content and safe as I do when I'm with him. He deserves so much more than he allows himself to have." She let out a small sigh for a moment. "I couldn't ask for a better friend. He means the world to me. And I love him..."
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tealeavesandthorns · 2 years
RP Quick Guide - Rules/Muse/Mun/Links
Post Updated: 27/07/2024
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I've made this quick guide for the RP blog @tealeavesandthorns so that you can have a brief introduction to both Maria and my RP Rules and decide if you’d like to investigate further.   I also run @dxnisheatingdetective (which is secondary and a sideblog) and @ohsolovingsouls​ (which is a very slow muse fleeting sideblog).
Maria Bloomsco - Tea nerd and Bibliophile
Links:  Opens / All Verses / General Bio / Headcanons / 
Maria Bloomsco - Mid 30′s-Mid 40′s - Tea nerd and bibliophile Main Verse (the verse I rp in most) - Bond!Verse - Mid 40′s - Mid 50′s - Former 00 now Head Archivist at MI6 -
Caring, loving, fiercely loyal. Once you're Maria's friend you're family and she will go to bat for you. Maria is a passionate lady with a tendency to ramble and babble, especially when she's nervous or excited.
Maria has been over ten years in the making and so far I haven’t found universe she can't be part of! She's incredibly versatile and each universe has a tweaked and tailored version of her
I have RPed as Maria since 2013 (possibly earlier) on tumblr (with me taking a break/deleting for a while and returning now) - previous handles have included - mariathecoffeeshopgirlrp, cxffeeshxpgirl, and possible variations of those.
Below is brief rules and a brief look at mun with important links for you at the bottom of the post.
Dropping below a read more so as not to clutter!
Rules - Expanded Rules
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General Rules & Guidelines - Expanded Rules are available with more clarification and such: 
Mun and Muse are 30+ and I would prefer to write with muns who are at very least 18+
I have written Maria since 2013 (probably earlier).
I am UK based, run on GMT Timezone and work 40+ hours.
I DO NOT write on discord. I DO NOT RP via IM. I write on tumblr via posts and us the tumblr messaging system for ooc communitcation.
Asks are always open.
Hate is never tolerated, rarely published and for the most part simply deleted and blocked.
I’m open to most ships and subjects for threads. I will never force a ship or topic for a thread.
I look at every blog that follows me and make informed decisions about following back.
If you follow me first I will expect you to make the first move. If I follow you first I will make every attempt too. If no contact has been made/reciprocated within two weeks, unfollowing may occur.
I would prefer to write with mutuals, however not being mutuals does not mean we can’t do tester threads.
If you run multiple RP blogs and follow me from them/engage with me from them please let me know the other blogs you run, I won’t work it out.
Maria is heterosexual and hetero-romantic.
Shipping is based on chemistry and potential, this includes our writing styles meshing.
The verse I RP in the most at the moment is Maria’s Bond!Verse.
I find the best way to get interactions going is through icebreakers or memes.
I prefer to write paragraphs or multi-paragraph threads - I reserve one-liners and very short interactions for crack/seasonal things. I don’t like writing with anyone in first person (’I walked towards them’), and prefer third person interactions or dialogue.
If I reject an interaction, please try not to take it personally. I do due diligence before interacting with people and generally rejections are because I cannot see how our characters will interact, I don’t think our writing styles are compatible, or something else has put me off. Not everyone can like everything, not everyone will mesh well and that’s okay.
Please ask me before adding Maria to plots/interactions involving other characters. 
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|All Verses |  General Verse | Bond Verse | Batman/DC/Gotham Verse | Marvel Verse | | Star Trek Verse | Bridgerton Verse | GOT Verse | The Boys Verse | | Once Upon A Time / Disney Verse | Deity Verse Tack on Verses:  | Single Parent Verse | Vampire Verse | Evil Verse  For Quick Reference: Headcanons | Open Memes
A Bit About Mun:
Mun is 30+, queer female, pronouns are she/they/that thing over there.
Mun has been writing for 15+ Years and first rp'd on Tumblr in 2009/2010
Mun is open to most fandoms and of course open to OCs!
Mun has Autism and potentially ADHD (a post about how this affects rping is here)
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