#◇ threads: lily & harvey 01 ◇
dxrknessexplored · 7 days
@dxnisheatingdetective asked "“I almost caught myself on fire…”
An average day in Gotham was not what most would typically consider an average day by many other standards. What was normal here would throw most off. And likely enough to have anyone from outside Gotham want to institutionalize any Gothamite. But the comment that came from Harvey was out of the ordinary. Even by their standards. She nearly did a spit take with the beer, coughing as she tried not to inhale the alcohol. Setting one's self on fire was something that she was more apt to do given her occupation. Lab accidents happened, after all. But Harvey being a detective, well, it should have been significantly less likely. Then again, he did have some stories that were out of the realm of belief.
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"I'm sorry, what?" She looked over to him, managing to catch her breath.
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