#dwm drabble
ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Hii, idk is this a weird request but. Silcos s/o fainting.
SO I got the idea 15 minutes ago when I got up too quick and just bam, lights out. My first thoughts waking up on the floor was just 1. Wtf 2. Wouldn't it be hilarious if my fav villain was looking at me confused af rn.
So like. They've just been discussing something, maybe the s/o was sitting on his couch while Silco got some paperwork done and then like
Silco: dear, could you fetch me the last weeks reports from downstairs(or sumn)
S/o. Ye. *gets up and BAM*
It isn't a weird request at all, and even if it was I love being sent weird shit. I realise that this ask is nearly 3 months old but I hope you're okay💜
I've actually had this half written for a while, but realistically I can’t see myself finding anymore time to extend or finesse it, so I’m just gonna post it as is. It's short and pretty rough, but I hope you enjoy all the same!
Also I hope you don't mind but I've used Astrid as the reader because this is just very in-character for her🥲
Silco x Reader || Silco x Astrid || Fainting || Unedited drabble
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The toes of your boots tap absently together high above you - perched as they are atop the back of the crimson chaise in Silco’s office. The rest of you sprawled in a diagonal swoon across the seat cushions.
“You’re doing it again,” Silco chides beneath his breath ­- a mockingly melodic baritone from his seat at his desk, eyes not lifting from the papers in front of him.
Your boots halt their tapping, and you drop your book page down upon your chest in a huff.
“Bored,” you complain.
“Yes, you’ve already mentioned,” he responds patiently, “Which is why I suggested some quiet reading.”
You pull a face and discard the book on the coffee table, “Can’t get into it. Feel restless.”
A lengthy exhale hisses from his nose, and his gaze ticks upwards to meet yours. Long, unimpressed face upside down in your vision from your position upon the sofa.
“If you’re feeling restless then you can make yourself useful,” his attention drops back to his work, and he gestures towards his bookshelves with a flick of his pen, “Fetch me the profit ledger for this quarter. Bottom shelf.”
“What’s the magic word?”
You roll your eyes and swing your legs off the back of the sofa in a single dramatic swoop to spring to your—
The voice swims and warps at the edges of your mind. Loud and distant all at once. The surface beneath your spine is hard and coarse. Your vision remains obscured by a fluttering curtain of darkness which slowly recedes to the outer edges in swirling patterns of dappled red and chem-green.
A face above yours. Eyes that don’t match beneath dark, pinched brows. Mouth drawn tight and age lines deep with apprehension. Cute though.
Your mouth quirks into a dopey smile.
“Hey there handsome,” you trill.
Concern darkens to irritation, “I’ve told you not to lie upside down on the sofa like that. You’re as bad as Jinx. At least she has the excuse of adolescence.”
“Be that as it may, you—don’t even think about it,” Silco growls, pressing firmly on your sternum to force you back down to the rug when you attempt to shift up onto your elbows.
“I’m fine Silco. Just stood up too fast is all.”
“And do you think repeating that mistake is the best course of action? Lay still.”
“Cluck cluck mother hen,” you grumble. But your complaint goes ignored. Silco shifts from his haunches to sit properly at your side, and his arm snakes beneath your knees to lift them, gathering them in a bundle up onto his shoulder.
“Not now Silco. Not in the mood.”
He offers you a slow, unimpressed blink, “It’s to help the blood flow back to your brain. I shouldn’t think it will take all that long to fill up again.”
You flip him the middle finger and his annoyance chips away just a crack, allowing through a tiniest of smirks.
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syrupsyche · 18 days
Is Marius in the teacher au? :0 👀
HI EMILE!! Indeed he is!:
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before DWM exchange happened, Marius was meant to be the "first" story of the AU: he comes in as a trainee teacher for a few months! Some details from that:
He is assigned English and Languages and thus shadows Courfeyrac (English) and Prouvaire (Languages) in their lessons. Courf is, as we can see, very happy.
Marius is quite young here; about 22-23? And he's so baby-faced that he could probably pass for a senior in school (if not for his incredibly tall height)
When a student first asked him his name, he panicked and said Marius so he's now just. Mr Marius instead of Mr Pontmercy 😭
Georges Pontmercy was a teacher too before he passed away; Gillenormand had looked down on the career and so in a fit of not-so-teenage rebellion, Marius abandoned Gillenormand's plans for him to inherit their old family business and instead, tried to do what his father did and become a teacher himself. Whether or not he stays in this career is yet to be seen....
Hopefully if the motivation persists, I'll write a little drabble fic of Marius' time at the school! I think regardless whether or not he stays, he would enjoy it very very much :33
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vampstel · 1 year
I feel like I should infodump whenever I introduce a new OC so here we goooo let’s talk about Allison!! This is mainly going to be focusing on her relationship with Lawrence, afterall he’s our main character :P
I mentioned her briefly in the last DWM episode so you might know her as Lawrence’s sister. She’s the youngest out of the 3 Winters siblings, only being 24. As a comparison, she and Lawrence have an 11 year age gap. However, the two are very close!! Afterall, Lawrence took care of her when she was 10 after the death of their mother.
I won’t go too in-depth about this, but Lawrence helped Allison a lot during this time. From coping with the loss of their mom, helping with school work, puberty, etc. Lawrence took care of both of his siblings but especially paid attention to her since she was young. He’s extremely overprotective of her and sometimes it pisses Allison off to no end. (But obviously she won’t be mad at him for too long. She knows he’s only looking out for her. They argue a lot, but they always reconcile in the end.)
They often bicker and tease each other whenever they can, especially in relation to love since the two of them are both hopeless romantics. Lawrence brings Rei up A LOT during conversation and Allison always teases him about it. Oh, and she randomly texts him things like “How’s your boyfriend?” and other things to the point Lawrence blocked her number for weeks LOL
Allison is a lesbian and she easily gets flustered by pretty women. Like, she is pathetic when it comes to girls. She’s an extrovert, she’s great at conversing but oh man… a pretty girl? Expect her to stumble over her words as Lawrence tries his best not to laugh at her.
The easiest way I can describe her personality is that she’s the exact opposite of her brother. She’s very open, kind, and energetic. But she shares one trait with Lawrence and that’s being stubborn in every sense of the word. This is why they argue a lot and poor Matthew (the middle sibling, their other brother) just has to endure it in the background. I’ll talk about Mattie some other day.
And also, as of present, she gets along with Rei well. She’s like the extroverted version of him so…
Before I finish, here’s a lightning round:
She’s very interested in fashion and dreams to be a model someday
I haven’t figured out her exact birthday, but I believe the sign Aries fits her best and her MBTI is ENFP
She’s 165 cm (or 5’5”). She got most of her features from her mother
May or may not have undiagnosed ADHD. It isn’t a big part of her overall story but it’s definitely noticeable in some of the drabbles I’ve written of her
And that’s all!! I love her a lot,, she’s just a silly girlboss who likes to harass her big brother and I’m fully supportive of that
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cutelilcurtain · 4 years
prompt: late night conversations while baby Scully-Mulder keeps getting out of his/hers (whatever you prefer) crib. Loved your last fic btw 😍
you ANGEL, thank you for the prompt and the love. Let’s pretend that everything was on the up and up after season 8 and none of the runaway silliness of season 9 happened. Only happy endings for my FBI agents and their son. I may try an honest long-form drabble style for this, so bear with me.
“Goodnight, William. Go to sleep for mommy, please.”
It’s been nearly forty-five minutes of wrangling the boy into bed, fighting over which toy to take to bed, which story to hear, how to brush his teeth, why he can’t sleep on the couch in the living room. Mommy and Daddy are tired. Your nightlight is just as bright as it was last night, honey. It’s time for bed.
It was time for everyone’s bed about an hour ago.
Mulder and Scully had both faced long workdays as of late, and with William at four months shy of two years old, they’d been testing out a new preschool near the apartment in Georgetown. It meant that he’d picked up on some new habits, courtesy of his more rambunctious peers. “No” had become a new favorite retort. He’d spilled his food across the table with much too much premeditation to be an accident, not to mention he squealed in delight with every new mess he made. And now, the icing on the cake, he’d begun refusing to go to bed when asked.
A giggle betrays William’s true intentions as he bids his mother goodnight.
"Night night, mama.”
Scully flicks the light switch off and lets the swirling glow of his starlight projector nightlight fill the room. Closing the door behind her, Scully heaves a sigh and trudges into the bedroom.
Mulder has a mouthful of toothpaste, and he manages to speak around it before spitting.
"B’by go dwm?”
Scully laughs and crawls onto her side of the bed.
“Yes, Stallone, the baby went down just fine. Finally.”
Mulder cleans his face and shuts the bathroom light off, padding around to the other side of the bed, sitting and pressing a kiss to Scully’s cheek. It earns him a smile as the redhead settles back on her pillows, eyes closing softly. Mulder picks up his book from his end table and begins to turn the pages, bookmark falling to his bare chest. Scully breaks the silence gently.
“Did you pick up your dry cleaning today?”
“No, there was a detour for construction and I didn’t feel like going to the trouble.”
“Give me the tag, I’ll pick it up tomorrow. I’ve got to pick up my mom's ring from the jeweler anyway. It was being cleaned.”
“Alright. I’m working a little later tomorrow, I’m having the brakes checked on my car in the morning.”
“Oh, I need to-”
A distinct thud sounds from the room down the hall, and Scully sits up.
“What was that?”
She gets up and moves to the hall. From William’s bedroom, she can hear him laughing, whispering to himself. She swings the door open, much to William’s delight, and he jumps up from his newly made pile of toys and tries to run away from her. Scooping him into her arms, Scully sighs.
“William. If I catch you out of bed one more time, you’re in big trouble- got it?”
William simply laughs and wriggles around as Scully lays him down to sleep again. Scully turns to leave again.
“Go to sleep, please, Will.”
Scully goes back to her side of the bed as Mulder chuckles to himself.
“He’s too clever,” Mulder chortles.
Scully is quick to fire back. “He’s your son.”
Silence settles again, broken only by the turning of Mulder’s pages when the thud sounds from William’s bedroom again.
“I got him.”
Mulder rises from the bed, book face down on the duvet. He walks to William’s door and snaps it open with a sharp hey! Scully can hear the toddler’s laughs, followed by Mulder’s firm come on now buddy. It’s time for bed. No more games.
The door closed, Mulder settles back in bed with his book once more, laughing softly. He gives Scully a sideways glance.
“He’s got my height, I knew that crib wasn’t going to last.”
“I suppose we’ll need to look at some toddler beds, but that won’t stop him from getting out in the middle of the night.”
“He’ll get tired eventually.”
The thud sounds again, and as Mulder goes to stand, Scully waves him off.
“Wait, wait. I want to see what he does.”
Their bedroom door is still slightly ajar, and through the darkness of the hallway, Scully watches as William’s doorknob turns, unlatches, and squeaks open. The toddler steps out, nothing but a little t-shirt and his diaper on, but his eyes mischievous as ever. He toddles down the hall, not knowing his mother is watching closely.
She steps to the door, hands on her hips.
“William James Scully, what did I just tell you?”
The little boy jumps and spins around to face his mother, bottom lip instantly quivering. He bursts into tears, melting into a tantrum on the floor.
Scully facepalms, muttering to herself. “Oh, Christ.”
She turns back to Mulder, who can’t help but laugh, shrugging.
“Is now a bad time to say I’ve been thinking about more kids?”
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
May I gift you a prompt that I thought of while thinking about silcos face.
Astrid/reader: “I came up here to ask you a question but you look so good in this light I forgot and have decided to just stand here and gaze at you lovingly”
Yes you may gift me with the prompt. May I gift you with a quick Astro drabble?
Admin 📑💜
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Silco x Astrid || SFW || Romance over paperwork
Read on AO3
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Hi hi! So I’ve been home sick this week and trolling Silco fics to keep myself busy, as ya do. And I just wanted to say you are TOP FUCKIN TIER. I started with VIP Booth and now I’m working my way through the drabbles and DWM. Is there any way you’d do a headcanon/Drabble for Silco (maybe Viktor and a few others too but mostly Silco) on how he’d react to an S/O with a specific trauma trigger or something and how he’d handle them having a panic attack? I don’t know why but I need it in my life. Anyway, love you, love your stuff ❤️ Your writing is fanfuckintastic!
*coverin my face and kicking my feets* Thank you so much darlin' 💜☺️ I hope you’re feeling better
I won't spoil DWM for you if you haven't gotten that far, but we do actually have a scene pretty similar to what you're requesting in Chapter 8 👀
But I’ll whip you up a real quick general headcanon for Silco and Viktor
Disclaimer: These are seriously off the top of my head and also very short. I'm trying to be less of an anal perfectionist in order to actually post more often, so they’re no where near written to my usual standard.
[‘Panic-ee’ refers to you/reader/SO who is having the panic attack]
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Silco is very skilled at handling panic attacks and trauma triggers - having spent many years mastering control over his own.
He instinctually knows exactly what to do, and is very perceptive at picking up on what the individual person might need [contact/no contact, stay still/move somewhere else etc].
His energy is very grounded, which is massively helpful for the ‘panic-ee’ to latch onto.
He has experience with handling Jinx’s breakdowns, so is never phased and is quick to act when he spots the signs in someone else.
I imagine he would speak very calmly to you, with simple, straightforward encouragement and instructions to follow which focus on your breathing.
Silco has a beautifully sonorous voice [so unusual for an animated character to have a voice but no VA right? Haha weird] and he would definitely use that lulling tone to draw the panic-ee’s focus to what he’s saying.
I also consider Silco to be an extremely non-judgemental person in general. Mental illness doesn’t phase him in the least, and he won’t treat anyone any differently because of it. E.g. If an employee had a panic attack he would help them through it and then likely never mention it again, nor treat them any differently than he had before.
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On the opposite side of the coin, our Viktor doesn’t posses any natural people skills. Despite his heart always being in the right place.
His mindset is so logical that he's always struggled to understand anything that isn’t governed by science (such as human emotion).
And so when faced with a ‘panic-ee’ he would latch onto what he knows.
He’d likely begin pulling up an assortment of biological facts, and just generally be a bit too practical in his approach.
But over time he’d begin to figure out that this isn’t necessarily actually very helpful at all🥲
And so in a desperate bid to once again reach for what he knows, he remembers a lullaby from his childhood.
He remembers how the sound of his mother’s voice, and the lilting shapes of his native language used to soothe him.
So he begins singing this softly whenever you panic - it gives you something tender and gentle to tether yourself onto, and works well to bring you back to yourself, and to Viktor.
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Wait Inky ! A mini mini mini mini fic about Astrid simping about Silco’s hair and calling him a silver fox please I beg on my knees🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
Well... since you're on your knees and all...
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Silco x Reader || Silco x Astrid || Post DWM || Established Relationship || SFW but a tad suggestive || wc: 900~ || AO3
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Read on AO3
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
I just wanna grab a hairbrush and comb Silco's hair, is that too much to ask 😔
No sweetheart, that isn’t too much to ask at all 🖤
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Hairstyles - Read on AO3
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
we need Astrid to make a bracelet for Silco
I agree Anon. Super quick little drabble off the top of my brain for you 😘 💜🖤💙
Bracelets - Read on AO3
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
I found this and instantly thought of Astrid and Silco. She would 100% buy these for their weekly drinking sessions. ALSO THIS FANFICTION HAS DESTROYED ME EMOTIONALLY AND RUINED ME FOR ANY OTHER SILCO PORTRAYAL THIS WILL ALWAYS BE T H E BEST ONE FOR ME
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Silco’s lip curls in a show of distaste as he lays a single, dexterous finger upon the rim of one of the new tumblers you’ve proudly set out upon the desk, and tips it towards the light.
“… It’s rainbow.”
“It’s pretty,” you coo dreamily.
“I’m not having these on display.”
“And why not?”
“It doesn’t fit my aesthetic.”
“But it does fit mine,” you counter sagely.
His gaze ticks up to you from beneath his brow, “I’m unsure how you can even begin to consider that a valid argument, considering this is my office.”
You suck your teeth a moment in faux consideration, before leaning your hands forward onto the desk in a very business-like manner, “Fine. A compromise.”
A single dark brow arches upwards as he waits for elaboration.
“Agree to keep two tumblers here in your desk drawer. And we’ll alternate each week between using your boring old man glasses and my super cool rainbow ones - deal?”
Scarred lips purse ever so slightly.
“Please? It would make me happy.”
A few beats pass, before Silco admits defeat via the click of his tongue and the brief roll of his eyes.
“Very well.”
Your victorious grin is reflected back at you in the iridescent surface of the nearest tumbler.
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Whiskers cameo in a future dwm chapter? 🐈
Silco blocks out the incessant thump of the tuneless rubbish that blasts through the club, intent only on getting upstairs to where his bourbon and humidor awaits, along with the promise of relative peace and quiet.
He peers briefly over the balcony as he rounds it, as is becoming his habit. You’re bobbing your head along to the music as you pull a pint, completely lost in your own little world. The corner of his mouth twitches of its own accord, but he quickly intercepts.
Silco takes the first few steps up his stairwell before his brain fully registers what he’s just seen.
He pauses, before slowly backing down the stairs and casting his gaze over Vill.
The man is as expressionless as always. Still as a statue, hands folded at his front, staring dead ahead, guarding his post studiously.
The picture of hulking intimidation.
Were it not for the tiny cream and peaches head poking out from his shirt pocket. A kitten, too young to have been suitably weened from its mother. Fuzzed chin resting on the hem of the fabric, and pink nose in the air; fast asleep despite the noise of the club.
Silco raises an eyebrow, gaze flicking up to his henchman.
Vill doesn’t pull his attention away from the middle distance.
“Found her abandoned on the street, Sir. Too little to leave alone.”
Always succinct when he does bother to speak.
Silco considers the picture before him a few seconds longer, before allowing it with a small Hm.
“Don’t let Jinx see it,” is his only request, before he leaves the man alone with his pet.
[click here if you have no clue what I’m on about]
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Thank you for silver fox Silco fic, I love u so much 🥺🥺❤️❤️
You are so welcome my love. It was a pleasure 🦊🖤
Link for anyone who missed it 👉🏼 Silver Fox Ficlet
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
Inky, may we please get a drabble about Astrid’s inability to behave when Silco wears his readers, I am on my knees begging 🙏🏼😖
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Reading Glasses 👓
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Silco x Reader || Silco x Astrid || Post DWM || Established Relationship || Silco in glasses || SFW but suggestive || wc: 800~ || AO3
Make sure you read til the end for a special surprise 😘
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Read on AO3
Fuck Midjourney. Fuck OpenAI. And fuck Tumblr for selling out.
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
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Banner by @kikorenart 🖤
Drink With Me 🥃
[Main fic link 👆🏼 ]
Silco x Fem!Reader | Explicit, NSFW | Wc: 138K Slow Burn | Tension | Romance | Drama | Cocky Bartender Reader | Humour | Eventual Smut | Found Family
The Lanes never sleep.
The sunken streets may lie beneath Piltover’s heavy shadow, and the faults are numerous and deadly; but no one can claim that the Undercity is boring. 
There is always colour to be found, if you know where to look.
It’s something you pride yourself on – the ability to see what others can’t. Some mistake it for simple optimism. But you know it’s more than just that. It’s the thing that’s kept you alive this long, in more ways than one. You've always been happy to go wherever life has taken you, and you're a big believer in gut instinct.
But you never expected to end up working as a bartender at The Last Drop – having been scouted by a blue haired girl who wouldn't take no for an answer.
Neither did you expect to find yourself landed with the terrifying task of ensuring Silco's personal drinks cart is kept well stocked.
And you certainly never expected to find yourself inadvertently become the weekly drinking partner of the Eye of Zaun himself.
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One More Round 🥃
Bonus content set during DWM:
Silco's Weird Habit - Headcanon
Smoking Short - ft. Artwork by Kofemate
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 8.75
Silco POVs:
First Sight - Silco POV
Pretty - Silco POV
Once or Twice - Silco POV (NSFW)
Our Love - Silco POV
Perfume - Silco POV (Chapter 10)
Red - Silco POV (Chapter 14) - ft. Artwork by Aromansoul
Bonus content set after DWM:
Silver Fox - Post DWM Ficlet
Brushing Silco’s hair drabble
To Do List - Post DWM Ficlet NSFW
Fluffy bracelet drabble
Reading Glasses - Post DWM Ficlet
VIP Booth - Post DWM Ficlet NSFW
Backseat Bumpers - Post DWM Ficlet NSFW
Shag Rug - Post DWM Ficlet NSFW
A Toast to the New Year - Post DWM NYE drabble
Admin - Post DWM drabble
Happy Valentine’s Silco, Sweetie - Post DWM Holiday Ficlet semi-NSFW
Drunk with me - Post DWM Ficlet
Insomnia - Post DWM Ficlet NSFW
Morning After - Short follow-on from Insomnia NSFW
DWM Alternative Universes:
Blackout - Chapter 8 Death AU
DWM - The Virgin AU - Part 1 // Part 2
DWM Young Revolutionary AU
Last Drop - Chapter 17 Death AU
Foam - Modern AU Coffee Shop Domestic Fluff
The ‘If-Reader/Astrid-had-never-slept-with-Marcus’ AU
Chapter 9 Strip Poker AU
Five sentence Astro ficlets:
Astrid helping Silco to shave
Astrid has Silco gagged part 1 - NSFW
Astrid has Silco gagged part 2 - NSFW
Silco has Astrid gagged - NSFW
Astrid surprises Silco with lingerie
Fan Art 🥃
Because this fandom is far too talented and generous for it’s own good, I’ve had to move all fan art links over to a separate post. To feast your eyes on all the glorious, sumptuous DWM artwork then please visit…
The Drink With Me Fine Arts Gallery✨🎨🥃
Videos 🥃
DWM as told by Vine Part 1
DWM as told by Vine Part 2
DWM as told by Vine Part 3
Silco x Astrid friendship as told by Trixie & Katya
Drunk Astrid Cosplay - Chapter 9 live-action TikTok (Lizzthefrizzzz) Part 1
Drunk Astrid Cosplay - Chapter 9 live-action TikTok (Lizzthefrizzzz) Part 2
Fool that I am - Original song by The Siren of Zaun
Miscellaneous 🥃
Astrid Character Profile - ft. Artwork by Kikorenart (Astrid & Silco)
Jasper Character Profile
Max Character Profile
DWM Playlist
Drink With Me Spanish Translation 🇪🇸
Astrid Cosplay - Silcoitus
Astrid Cosplay - Lizzthefrizzzz
Astrid Cosplay - Lunaoticworld
Astrid’s Gala Gown
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
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If you’ve enjoyed my work and would like to give me a pat on the head, then please comment, re-blog, or visit my Ko-Fi page 🖤
[It is your responsibility to ensure you check all tags and warnings before reading anything. A reminder also that my blog is 18+. Minors - Do not interact with me or read my fics. No exceptions. It isn’t a question of your maturity. It’s a question of my comfort. Please respect this.]
Fandoms currently listed:
Ghost (Swedish Band)
Arcane: League of Legends
Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Forbidden Fruit - Papa Emeritus iv x Reader
One-shot || Rating: M || Wc: 1.7k || Tumblr || AO3
Established relationship || Butt fondling || Fluff & humour
It's a pleasant surprise to stumble upon the newly ordained Papa Emeritus IV browsing through the library stacks. Even more pleasant that he happens to be halfway up a rolling ladder, and wearing one of his sinfully tight suits. What better opportunity to give Copia's cakes the attention they deserve?
Sour Dreams (and Sweet Papas) - All Papas x Reader
Four short, fluffy drabbles for how each Papa Emeritus would react to their partner waking suddenly from a nightmare. And how they would, in turn, lull them back to sleep.
Smut Drabbles (NSFW):
Say my name - Copia x afab!Reader
Wedding Night - Terzo x gn!Reader
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Drink With Me - Silco x Fem!Reader
[Visit the Drink With Me Masterlist for a full list of bonus content, one-shots, fan-art, and more]
Rating: E || Status: Complete || Wc: 138K || AO3
Slow Burn || Romance || Drama || Angst || Humour || Smut
Shortened Summary:
You never expected to end up working as a bartender at The Last Drop – having been scouted by a blue haired girl who wouldn't take no for an answer.
Neither did you expect to find yourself landed with the terrifying task of ensuring Silco's personal drinks cart is kept well stocked.
And you certainly never expected to find yourself inadvertently become the weekly drinking partner of the Eye of Zaun himself.
One-Shots & Drabbles
Marry Me - Silco x Reader
Rating: M || Wc: 4.3K || Tumblr || AO3
5 + 1 things || Love Story || Fluff & Angst || Childhood friends to lovers
His question is so obstinate that he almost sounds angry about it, "Marry me?"  The five times you turn down Silco's marriage proposal. And the one time you say yes. 
Suspend Your Disbelief - Silco x Reader
Rating: M || Wc: 1.3K || Tumblr || AO3
Young Silco || Sexual Tension || Fan-art inspired
When Silco shows up at The Last Drop wearing a pair of dark suspenders and a shirt that leaves little to the imagination - you suddenly find it nigh on impossible to focus on your work.
Happy To Help - Silco x Reader
Rating: M || Wc: 1.9K || Tumblr || AO3
Established Relationship || Domestic Fluff || Love Language
When a bout of civil unrest breaks out in the city, requiring Silco's undivided attention, you're left to single-handedly manage The Last Drop and all its inhabitants for one, long week. But your hard work does not go unnoticed, or unappreciated.
Stuck In A Rutt - Silco x Reader
Rating: E || Wc: 1.5K || Tumblr || AO3
Buttjob || Established Relationship || Soft Sleepy & Sexy
Silco awakes in the middle of the night from a dirty dream, and is left with a rather insistent problem that prevents him from going back to sleep. He's desperate for release, but can't bear the thought of disturbing his partner's peaceful slumber anymore than strictly necessary.
Jealous & Possessive: Headcanons and Drabbles - Viktor x Reader Silco x Reader || SFW but suggestive
Anemic - Silco x period!Reader drabble [request] || Non-Explicit, but NSFW vibes
Macho - Silco x buff!Reader drabble [request] || SFW
Tummy - Silco x Reader || SFW
Silver Fox - Silco x Reader [written for DWM reader, but can be read as gen reader] || SFW but suggestive
Brushing Silco's Hair Drabble - Silco x Reader || SFW
Reading Glasses - Silco x Reader [written for DWM reader but can be read as gen reader] || SFW but a lil steamy at the end
Foam - Silco x Reader [written for DWM reader but can be read as gen reader] || SFW || Modern Coffee Shop ficlet
You Only Get To Watch - Silco x Reader || NSFW || Degradation
5 Sentence NSFW Ficlets [All Silco x Reader]
Drunk Silco pulling the moves on Reader
Silco gagging Reader/Astrid
Silco hurt/comfort [tw: mild injury]
Reader using vibrator on trans!Silco
Silco daddy kink
Silco breeding kink
Pussy drunk Silco
Silco overstimulating reader
Silco cumming prematurely
Silco size kink [reader is smaller]
Silco feeling insecure about his looks/body
Silco getting pegged and loving it
Silco getting a boner during a massage
Reader/Astrid gagging Silco
Silco walking in on Reader masturbating
Silco spanking Reader
Reader finding Silco's teeth sexy
Astrid surprising Silco with lingerie
Silco exchanging sexual favours to get something
Riding a gagged Silco
Licking whipped cream off Silco
Reader/Astrid helping Silco shave in the morning [SFW]
Silco making sweet tender love
Silco tries to take a dick pic
Crack Fics
The Silly Yordle and the Tight Spot! A Classic Children's Story for all ages!
Got Milk? - Singed x Heimerdinger [Singerdinger]
You Shall Not Pass! - bigtits!Gandalf x Heimerdinger [Ganderdinger]
The Sphincter of Zaun - A Silco x Reader farting fic
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All ATLA content is posted under pseud FireLily_Z on AO3. Links in title.
These Tides Do Turn - Zuko x Katara
Rating: M || Wc: 233K || Multi-Chap [complete]
Slow Burn || Enemies to Lovers || Angst || Romance || Hurt/Comfort || Trauma*
Katara and Zuko's mission on board The Southern Raiders goes badly wrong, and they are captured and imprisoned in the unforgiving hull of the ship.
Katara now finds herself locked in a small room with a boy that she refuses to trust, and nine years worth of trauma and guilt swimming in her mind. She is resolute in her hostility towards Zuko, but as the horrors of their captivity unfold, an undeniable bond is formed in the quiet moments between their captor's torments.
When they find themselves safely back with their friends on Ember Island, they are both sporting deep scars – old and new, seen and unseen. Katara struggles to reconcile all the pieces of herself and figure out who she truly is. And Zuko continues to battle with his past guilt, and the new guilt that arises from his growing feelings towards Katara.
As their bond deepens – it may be the lifeline they both so desperately need to pull them from the dark waters of their past.
*Potentially triggering content. Please read tags carefully. TWs included at the start of every chapter
A Simple Song on Ember Island - Zuko x Katara
Rating: T || Wc: 6.2K || One-Shot
Romantic Tension || Heart-to-heart || Fluff || Emotional Comfort
Zuko cleared his throat. "Besides… I prefer playing the Pipa."
"Then play for me." She breathed. 
It's a week before Sozin's Comet and neither Katara nor Zuko can sleep. They keep each other company in the Ember Island beach house and Zuko opens up to Katara about something that has been troubling him. Katara discovers that Zuko has been hiding a musical talent...
Hide and Seek - Zuko x Katara
Rating: M || Wc: 3.7K || One-Shot with optional 2nd part [below]
Belligerent Sexual Tension || Angry Kissing || Stuck in a tight spot together
The Gaang are camping out at the Western Air Temple after having just accepted Zuko into their group. But Katara still can't stand the bastard and the pair can't help but bait each other at any opportunity.
One evening Aang suggests a game of hide and seek to resolve the building tension around the campfire. But when Zuko and Katara find themselves stuck in the same, cramped hiding space... things get a little heated.
Play the Game - Zuko x Katara
Rating: E || Wc: 9.8K || Optional part 2 to Hide and Seek [above]
Aged-Up Characters || Sexual Teasing || Voyeurism || Orgasm Denial || Oral || P in V
Katara hates him. She hates him and still she cannot stop thinking about the way Zuko's heated lips had felt on hers in that rushed, hurried tryst – pressed into a tight, dark alcove of the Western Air Temple.
It has been two days since they’d played that stupid game of hide and seek where she'd found herself sharing a cramped hiding spot with Zuko. And the smug, knowing glances he throws her way are driving her crazy.
So she formulates a plan to get her own back on him. Little does she know that she will unwittingly set into motion a series of games that will drive them both to the edge of insanity.
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
will there be a DWM after story? I literally inhaled EVERY chapter and bonus content and am dying for more! thank you for writing such a masterpiece xx
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My current to-do list for bonus content contains:
A full Silco POV
4 x AUs
15 x Post-story one-shots/drabbles [a few of which will create new canonical plots within the DWM universe]
A very special DWM prequel one-shot for my darling @vasiktomis
A very cool and top secret project with my dearest @sweatandwoe which we have been planning and ruminating on since the start of May 😏
My list is constantly growing as new ideas come to me, and also from the requests that get sent to my ask box.
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