glyptolite · 2 years
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Tsunami stone.  Erected 1933.  Aneyoshi Village, Miyako, Iwate Prefecture, Japan.  Photograph from Defense Visual Information Distribution Service.  
Read about the tsunami stones.
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Members of the 22nd MEU during a 2022 island seizure exercise in Russaro, Finland.
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Chilchuck is prime Tumblr material because he is a divorced middle aged man who is ALSO a 20-something year old twink.
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blaithnne · 5 months
Yk I love Frilda with all my heart and I could hypothetically get behind Frida and David as a pairing but for some reason I just cannot fathom David x Hilda. I love them they’re besties but I just. I can’t. I think it’s the mental hurdle of Hilda not being raging lesbian that gets me
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Walden Pond Revisited by N C Wyeth
It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see… — Thoreau
I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual. It is surprising how contented one can be with nothing definite - only a sense of existence.
Well, anything for variety. I am ready to try this for the next ten thousand years, and exhaust it. How sweet to think of! my extremities well charred, and my intellectual part too, so that there is no danger of worm or rot for a long while.
My breath is sweet to me. O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches.
No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment.
Henry David Thoreau [poetic outlaws]
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techviolence · 1 year
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quick doodle of Dr. Valentine from Doctor Valentine is Dead by @nathanwinter​
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nathanwinter · 1 year
This close, and at this angle. Sokolov can make out the crow’s feet around his eyes. The flecks of red in his salt-and-pepper hair. The grey in his barely-burgeoning stubble. For someone who boasts his obsession with progress and evolution while wearing designer ties, Valentine has a refreshingly disinterested approach to aging and cosmetics. It seems that time is the one beast he has no interest in conquering; maybe he is confident that he can defeat death itself before time has any say in the matter. Maybe even Casimir Valentine has a limit to how many absurdly lofty goals he can balance at once before he runs out of hours in the day. Sokolov can appreciate the tiny signs of age, of limitation, in someone that otherwise seems almost immortal. Unyielding, unwavering, unstoppable.
But not untouchable.
The horror novella is gay now
And it's only going to get gayer
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graphicpolicy · 4 months
Preview: Fairy Tale Team Up: Robyn Hood & Belle - The Beast Hunter
Fairy Tale Team Up: Robyn Hood & Belle - The Beast Hunter preview. Not everyone makes it out of this one whole, so don't miss the first ever issue of Fairy Tale Team-up! #comics #comicbooks
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sledgeley · 9 months
USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) conducts flight operations in the Baltic Sea. by Official U.S. Navy Page Via Flickr: BALTIC SEA (Aug. 24, 2022) A U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier attached to the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) flies past U.S. Navy Aviation Boatswain's Mate (Handler) 1st Class Tu N. Chau during flight operations aboard the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), Aug. 24, 2022. The Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group and embarked 22nd MEU, under the command and control of Task Force 61/2, is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe area of operations, employed by U.S. 6th Fleet to defend U.S., allied and partner interests. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Taylor Parker) 220824-N-TP544-1083
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Lisa Colfax flew into Chi-Town for some goodness.
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humanoidhistory · 8 months
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NASA's YF-12C in flight at sunset, 1974.
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wandering-imp-reads · 2 months
(Blush Blush) Cole x reader
Trying to get back in the swing of writing fic after seven years. Cole/reader seemed fitting.
Warnings: Cole being yandere, homeboy kills someone (not super descriptive but ask to tag). they/them used. There is misgendering (Ex continuously calls MC she, and a bitch). AFAB reader, but I tried to be GN for it.
MC is reader, second POV when MC is around. Third when Cole's. mostly from Cole's perspective.
“Who was that?” you’ve long since gotten used to the way Cole just appears sometimes. Same with the almost feral, borderline territorial, tone in his voice.
“Just…my ex,” you mutter. Mood dampened from having had contact with the man. Your ex, Dvid, had been…not exactly the best in the almost two years you were with him. Cole hums. His cold gray eyes never leave the figure of the taller, older man. Plans are already starting to form in his mind. Having only heard the bare minimum of your time with David, he knows there’s more to it. Still…he shifts his gaze over to you. He is able to tell how uneasy the encounter has made you. 
“The one you told me about?” there’s a subtle softness reserved for you, only for you, in his voice.
You sigh, tension leaving your body at the touch of Cole’s hand on your back. You lean into his touch. “Yeah. That’s the one. From a year ago, before we met.”
His eyes soften. He hums once more, shifting to stand directly behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. His chin rests against your shoulder. “Love, you don’t have to worry about him anymore.” A soft kiss is pressed to  the side of your neck. “I promise you I’ll always protect you.” The gentle rumblings of a purr emit from his throat, reverberating through you as well.
“Thank you, Cole.” 
He’s elated to see your smile again. 
“Come on, let’s head home.”
In a basement -lit only by a lightbulb hanging from the ceiling- in the center of the room, sits the same man from earlier in the day. Restrained to the chair that’s bolted to the floor. The wood is stained with…a suspiciously dark color in patchy splotches. Metal restraints wrap tightly around his forearms and shins, keeping him from any chance of escape.
Alive, at least.
“Oh good,” a voice from the shadows of the damp room starts, “you’re finally awake.” Cole creeps out into the illuminated area.  Knife in his hand. He twirls the blade in his fingers. 
“Who the hell are you?”
“Me? Oh, I’m no one.” Cole points the tip of the knife at his captured victim. “But you? You’re a very important person.” 
He steps closer.
“You’ve caused my precious darling so much trouble. Just as they start to finally move on and become happy again,” Cole the flat of the knife’s blade to tip David’s chin up, “You show up. 
David scoffs. “You mean that stupid bit-”
“Watch it.” His voice hardens, dropping dangerously low. “MC is the sweetest, the light of my life. If you keep talking badly about them, well… I’ll just have to make sure you won’t talk again.” 
“Oh, come on! She’s just using you for sex! Trust me. She pulled the same shit with me, she’ll do the same fucking thing to you!” David struggles against his restraints a bit. “Once that little bitch gets what she wants out of you she’ll drop your ass!”
With a growl, the knife gets plunged into the palm of the man’s hand, pinning the appendage to the wood of the chair’s arm. “They,” Cole emphasizes by twisting the knife ever so slightly, “are my darling.” Oh how he relishes in the pained scream of the man. If only you could be here to witness this. To witness just how far Cole will go just to prove his love to you. To prove how perfect he is for you. “Keep it up. See where it gets you.”
Cole backs away to a table. He shuffles through the different knives and other instruments he has on it. He hums whilst looking over his toys, enjoying the other man’s screams.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?”
“Me? Nothing, unless loving my darling is wrong. Which it's not.”
“You’re a fucking freak.”
Cole huffs, eyeing the blade in his hands carefully. “Say, didn’t you stand MC up on that New Year’s Eve date you planned for them? The one that was all your idea, and that you constantly bugged them about until they agreed. Even after they made all the preparations and paid for everything on their own dime?”
David stutters through the pain, incoherent even if Cole was paying attention.
“They did all that for you, following your every command because they loved you.”
“No, something came up, and…and-”
“Lying to me isn’t going to help. Do you have any idea how heartbroken they were over you? How much they cried over you?”
“She cries all the damn time!” Any other words die on his tongue as a knife is thrown. The blade lodges into the wood just beside his neck.
“Shut up!” Cole stalks over to the man, predatory instincts kicking in. There’s an unhinged gleam in his eye. “You groomed them to be your prey! You manipulated their heart until they had no one else to turn to but you, and then you would toy with their emotions until you needed them for your own needs!”
He raises a hand, stabbing another knife into David’s other hand. The battered man screams out in agony again.
“You used them for sex! For your own disgusting game!”
“She’s just as guilty for stringing me along!”
“You’re nothing but a predator!” Finally cole grabs the man by his hair, tilting his head back --brandishing a fourth knife-- and then-
You awake the next morning with the warm, comforting feeling of a familiar body entangled with yours. A soft purr drifting in the morning’s tranquility. Cole’s lips meet with the back of your shoulder, followed by the gentlest of nips to the flesh.
“Good morning, my love.” His voice is soft, laced with exhaustion.
You roll over to face him, a sleepy smile on your lips. “Good morning to you too, precious kitty.”
If his pupils could turn into literal hearts you’re certain they would’ve in this moment. He whines while bringing your palm to his face.
“Can we just stay in bed, together, forever?”
“I would love nothing more. You got home late last night,” you gently rub your thumb along his cheekbone. “Is everything okay?”
He nods. Cole nuzzles into your palm, placing a feather light kiss to it. “Everything is just fine now. I hope you’re feeling better after yesterday’s…encounter.”
“I am. Having you by my side, loving me as I am really helps. If we run into him again, I know you’ll be there for me.”
He hums, pulling you closer to himself to hide the same unhinged glint in his eye from the night before. “I will. Though, I doubt we’ll be seeing him anytime soon.”
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US and Croatian forces conduct forward area refueling training during 2022 Exercise Trojan Footprint. 
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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Vandy 1, the first of the famous Black Bunny Phantoms - a McDonnell F-4J ((BuNo 153783) assigned to VX-4, gets a drink from a Marine Corps Herk - a Lockheed KC-130F (BuNo 149792) from VMGR-352.
Fly Safe,
Photo: USN via DVIDS
@CcibChris via X
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laf-outloud · 1 year
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Source: DVIDS
Someone's hamming it up. LOL!
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techviolence · 1 year
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going 2 add color 2 this eventually idk but uhh the point is im absolutely unhinged about @nathanwinter‘s writing and if yall havent read doctor valentine is dead u rly should he just posted chapter 3 and ezra is experiencing the HORRORS
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