#duswood spoiler
duskwood-legacies · 3 years
"Days Like These"
Fandom: Duskwood
->Episode 7 Spoiler!⚠️
Pairing/Character: Jake (x MC)
Word Count: 787
Genre: Angst
Nothing would be enough to fix the damage that's been done.
No words would be enough to soothe the pain she had to endure.
On days like these, where the thunder silenced the birds and rain crashed against the window like bullets, on days like these the world seemed to turn it's back on you.
I'm so sorry you had to endure this. I can only imagine the panic flaring in your chest right now, the disturbing tingling of adrenaline pumping through your body as the mind goes dull and numb.
"How far is too far when it comes to a person's life?"
"As soon as another life is in danger because of it"
I shouldn't have taken it as lightly as I did. I watched as your messages filled the group chat, each text a greater sting in my heart. I may find a great weakness in sensing emotions behind messages, but I can see you're hurting. A lot.
On days like these, where the sky is hidden above a sturdy blanket of darkened clouds, on days like these the world unleashed it's greatest suffering upon innocent souls.
I couldn't look anymore. The unbearing ache that took over my heart as you frantically cried for help with each message was too much to handle.
"You are talking as if they are only means to an end"
I'm so sorry you had to see Richy fighting for his life, I'm so sorry you had to look into his eyes as he grew weaker, second by second until his phone collapsed and denied you to look at him any longer. You couldn't do anything. You were helpless.
"Please, MC. Trust me."
Only now did I understand the value those people hold to you. Only now did I understand the deep bond all of you shared.
I got up from the old wooden chair and walked over to the window. My heart rattled against my rib cage with undimmed violence.
On days like these, where the wind spiraled into a merciless storm that forced trees to bend and flowers to break, on days like these the world prepared it's monstrous torture for unexpecting hearts.
The forest behind the motel was burnt down and ashen, far back only few trees that survived a past fire arched their crowns high into the sky.
My hands squeezed into tight fists on the window sill. The sound of incoming messages still echoed through the room, alerting me that things are far from being calm.
"Hey Jake?"
What am I supposed to do? I want to ease your pain, I want to take those bad memories and breath-blocking panic away. I want you to wake up and realize it was a bad dream. But it's not. It's reality.
"Thank you for confiding in me, despite all of this"
My freezing breath got caught in my burning lungs. Thoughts ricocheted in my head, so loud I couldn't hear any of them. No, I may could not hear them, but I could feel them in the deepest parts of myself.
I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this, I'm so sorry you have to bear this tremendous pain, I'm so sorry you have to suffer this exceptionally.
Images crept into my mind. Images of you crying, screaming, shaking with sobs, praying. Heart-crushing sounds that weren't even there filled my ears, forcing my eyes tightly shut.
On days like these...
On days like these, I was missing the right words, the words to make things okay, to make the world a little bit better.
I assure you, under no circumstances I expected everything to turn out like this. Chaos and destruction now lined your life, while you could be, should be, out there living the peaceful life you deserve.
I clentched my jaw at the thoughts of all the things gone wasted for you. I'm so sorry...
The pinging noises of the group chat that I had been drowning out halted.
I strolled back to my laptop, heart still beating heavily in my chest. I couldn't focus on the messages, my thoughts still stayed with you.
After I've managed to make out the main parts of the conversation, I realized how bad things were. The group was drifting farther apart. Leaving the fight aside they called an ambulance, but they blamed her for the attack on Richy.
With all the little courage I had left, I opened our chat. I lingered, stared.
You needed somebody. Urgently. You gave me hope, now it's my turn to re-pay this favour.
I hesitated for a moment. What was I supposed to say?
I just typed the first thing that came into my mind.
Hello, MC.
Hey everyone! This was my first Duswood one-shot and I hope you enjoyed it💕 I'm always open for feedback and constructive criticism!
I apologize for any grammar mistakes made, English isn't my native language🙇🏼‍♀️
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