bonefall · 1 year
I see your “river’s kits have a vicious power struggle after his death” and raise you “River adopted a kit later in life, and made this kit his heir”, leading to civil war as Riverclan almost fractures between those who value the Park Kingdom bloodline more and those who recognize that family doesn’t end at blood
I just get the idea that there are some older cats in Riverclan who have a more feudalistic mindset, old fashioned cats who believe the right to rule is in the blood, who believe Arc’s bloodline should continue to rule, not some dirty stray Riverstar took pity on. Of course this might not work with what you have in mind, but I thought I’d throw it out there
I’m also going to throw a free space on the bingo square, being “some characters have completely different personalities from previous books and are practically unrecognizable
(EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: Riverstar's Heir now takes place BEFORE Cloudberry and Ryewhisker.)
I like that idea a lot, I'll do that.
What I'm thinking at the moment is this; several of the "deputy" stories of DOTC will get combined into one, HUGE story that follows long after the last book in BB!DOTC. It happens in the Code Era of the Ancient Period.
Plots from COTC being thrown into this story like a soup;
Redscar's False Sign
Mothpelt Avenges his Father
possibly Acorntail's Blunder (also I forgot the canon names of these stories.)
The basic plot is that Riverstar, the final founder, is on his deathbed. He is ANCIENT by Clan cat standards, with many of his lives lost simply to old age. He's floating around 20 years old... and in his youth grandpa was WILD
He was in a QPR with at least 3 RiverClan cats, plus a happy, mutual fling with someone in ShadowClan. This is long before Honor Siring; it was well known that he fathered a bunch of kits. But, in his last days, he adopted a child who he was raising as his heir.
Now that he's dead, there's at least 3 major characters gunning for River King;
The Heir Child that Riverstar has adopted and is raising as his successor
The Blood Riverstar's oldest living biological child
The Advisor The cat who was the most qualified in the River Kingdom, equal to the deputy role in ShadowClan, SkyClan, and ThunderClan.
Another Clan (possibly Wind Coalition) even sees the opportunity to absorb the River Kingdom into itself. This has to take place AFTER Cloudberry and Ryewhisker, so maybe in this moment, Wind Co decides that they actually DO want to bring up the deceased Ryewhisker's claim to the kittens. Make Cloudberry a child of Riverstar, with a claim to the throne herself.
At the moment, I'm also thinking that the other leaders are currently Duststar of WindClan, Ravenstar of ShadowClan, and Owlstar of ThunderClan. I'm not sure who rules SkyClan, because I need to know if Sparrow becomes Sparrowstar.
Anyway, my BB redux of Riverstar's Home will probably be Riverstar's Heir.
The BB timeline so far; Hollyleaf's Century -> DOTC -> Thunderstar's Justice -> Moth Flight's Vow -> (Cloudberry and Ryewhisker's Code Addition) -> Riverstar's Heir
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fallenclan · 1 year
Saw people sharing Clangen stories and thought I would contribute with my absolute FAVOURITE pair of cats from the first Clan I ever recorded
So I started with Two apprentices, Dustpaw and Needlepaw. They're the same age, both cute sprites, and Needlepaw is apprenticed to the leader Yarrowstar. Things are decent until they turn 10 moons and a dog breaks into camp, attempts to kill Dustpaw, and then is killed by Needlepaw. And Needlepaw, this absolute Chad, does not die!!! In the same moon, both he and Dustpaw get their warrior names, despite Dustpaw being almost 10 points behind Needlepaw in EXP the prev moon. (Also in this moon, the Deputy Tawnyfur has a fight with Needlepaw about his recklessness, and they got closer afterwards. Important to remember!)
So they get their Warrior names (Needlestrike and Dustwhisper-who is a lonesome personality, btw-, both. So so fitting) and Needlestrike has to stay in the med den for awhile because the dog completely totaled him and he ends up loosing half his face+his vision. But that's okay!! Because he has Dustwhisper with him and they're together!!! So Needlestrike gets better, it's all great!
And then Tawnyfur (Needlestrikes very good friend!!!!) and Dustwhispers former mentor Slatefire both drown in a river. And who gets appointed as Deputy? Needlestrike! So he's doing well, he helps raise the loner kits that the clan brings in, he's a great deputy, and Dustwhisper is getting even closer with him, wonderful! And then he goes and gets his leg caught in a twoleg trap, and THEN his vision stars getting worse. And the whole like 5 moons that he's confined to the medicine den Dustwhisper does not stop thinking about him ONCE. She is there all the time, sharing tongues with him, gathering herbs every Moon rollover, just being the number 1 supportive gf.
Once he's healed (with permenant blindness and a limp), he and Dustwhisper take on apprentices together, named Talonpaw and Snappaw. After a LONG apprentice period (interspersed with camp fires, disease burrows and like. A bunch of other stuff) the two of them finally get together <3 They have kits pretty much straight away, named Robinkit and Nettlekit, who look exactly like Needlestrike. It's adorable seriously.
And then Needlestrike dies eating poisoned prey (along with 6 other clanmates, including Dustwhispers former App Snapjaw) And who becomes deputy in his place? DUSTWHISPER. Who proceeds to get whitecough twice and miss the entirety of her children's apprenticeships because she's sick. And then as soon as she gets out, who's dead? Oh! Yarrowstar! So NOW Duststar is leader, having never wanted to be leader, having lost her husband and having barely any relationship with her children. AND NEEDLESTRIKE ISNT PART OF HER CEREMONY EITHER SHE DOESN'T EVEN SEE HIM IN DEATH.
Duststar makes Needlestrikes only apprentice, Talonbubble, her deputy. They get along relatively well, but Duststar spends her first ten moons as leader grieving, so all of the work is left to Talonbubble who is like. 20 moons. Then Duststar immediately gets redcough, which spreads through the clan and KILLS HER SON NETTLEBURST. For the next 20 odd moons she does not recover, loosing 2 lives to redcough and then yellowcough :'(
The fact that after Needlestrike dies, Duststar is never ever well for more than a few moons. It's like her grief is physically manifesting in her constant boughts of whitecough. (Which is total juxtaposition from Yarrowstar, who didn't mourn when any of his clanmates died, not even Needlestrike, and lost no lives before old age took him.)
I haven't played with this clan in like. Months and might never again but Duststar makes me so miserable I just had to share her. (Hopefully this anon tag isn't taken, using it purely so I can send another ask about Scorchstar the evil girlfalure at another time-🧶)
holy SHIT. head in hands. duststar you poor poor cat
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harmonytre · 4 months
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Late Artfight Revenges: Not on Tumblr #3. In order, we have:
Aida Amal for coolturtleguylmao
Mawzi for Derpy197
Charlie for spontaneous-combustion
Eddie for caitecat
Binx for Rollinwow
Aidonoe for ducc
Beri for kyubitomaki
NightBright for DustStar
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mouselobite · 1 year
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i return with more clangen art I forgot how to do art for like 2 or 3 days but its ok im fine now its good this is fine its fine
Anyways Duststar moment!!! They had such a wild lore moment bro had like a borderline villain arc and then a redemption arc after his crush died and I love them
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monotone-artist · 1 year
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some of my clangen cats! rainfoot was duststar's deputy before retiring, and brindlelake was a medicine cat - for a very long time too. duskheart was in the medicine den all the time, especially when he was younger x_x (one of his traits is troublesome though so like. maybe that's why lol)
lightsmoke and wetwhisker were mates, but then lightsmoke died and wetwhisker eventually moved on and found logtail, and they became mates. then they and a bunch of my other cats (including ficklepatch) got murdered in a big battle </3
there's still quite a few more cats i'd like to draw, we'll see if i end up getting around to it.
[id: art of several different warrior cat ocs, who are arranged into two rows. in the first row there is duststar (they/them), a cream-and-brown tortoiseshell and rainfoot (he/him), who is an orange tortoiseshell with black patches. duststar is laying down and rainfoot is sitting next to them, and they're looking at each other, smiling slightly. there is brindlelake (he/him), who is white and brown with a heart-shaped marking on his side. he's wearing a lavender flower on his head. and he's sitting back on his haunches slightly. there is ficklepatch (she/her), a cream-colored cat with a white chest and tail-tip, and sapdapple (she/her), who is a spotted blue-gray and is wearing a green ribbon collar. ficklepatch and sapdapple are bumping their heads together, smiling.
in the second row there's logtail (she/her), a fluffy bengal, and wetwhisker (he/him), a brown ticked tabby with a scarred tail and shoulder, wearing some holly berries on his ear. they're looking at each other, blushing slightly. there is lightsmoke (he/him), a fluffy brown smoke, who is sitting down with a paw slightly lifted, looking toward wetwhisker with a sad smile. finally there is duskheart (he/him), a fluffy light brown smoke, sitting with one leg sticking out, mischeviously rubbing his chin with a front paw. end id]
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fallenqrowfinch · 1 year
wait you must tell me about oasisclan!! /nf
Okay that would take forever so instead you're getting a general overview of my warrior cats fan universe :3
So the main clans are PaleClan, DustClan, CloudClan, and OasisClan. I have tribe equivalents too but I'm keeping this simple.
Timeline - Start of Arc/Series 2
PaleClan are the Quiet and Thoughtful. Their first leader was Palestar, or Air Of Pale Skies, or Palesky. Their current leader is Ravenstar, formerly Ravenpounce. PaleClan live in the desert, and their neighbouring Clans are DustClan and OasisClan. They do not border the Twolegplace. They have an average territory size, and the most cats. Their camp lies in a dried-up lake.
CloudClan are the Prideful and Sneaky. Their first leader was Cloudstar, or Sunlit Cloud, or Cloudlight. Their current leader is Whitestar, formerly Whitedrop. CloudClan lives in two parts, cats with thicker fur in the mountains, and thinner in the desert below, and their neighbouring Clans are DustClan and OasisClan. They also border the Twolegplace. They have the largest territory, and the second most cats. Their camp sits in the centre of a ring of mountains. Additionally, they host the Mooncave, the StarClan communication thing in this universe.
DustClan are the Intelligent and Caring. Their first leader was Duststar, or Dust Storms, or Duststorm. Their current leader is Wrenstar, formerly Wrenclaw. DustClan lives in the dusty deserts, and their neighbouring Clans are PaleClan and CloudClan. They do not border the Twolegplace. They have the smallest territory, and the second least cats. Their camp lies in the heart of the dust storms that tend to swirl around their territory.
OasisClan are the Calm and Quick. Their first leader was Oasisstar, or Oasis Of Life And Death, or Oasislife. Their current leader is Sandstar, formerly Sandtwist. Oasisclan lives around the oasis within the deserts, and their neighbouring Clans are CloudClan and PaleClan. They also border the Twolegplace. They have an average territory size, and the least cats. Their camp lies on an island in one of their lakes. Additionally, they hold a StarClan-blessed pool of water that always stays cool and clear, which they share with the other Clans to not die out.
The Gathering is held under the shade of the Starslates, a small ditch with rocks that jut out and shade any cat underneath it, lying in the heart of all four Clans, during Sunhigh on a full moon. If needed, it can be down at Moonrise instead, but due to the cold of the desert at night, the cats prefer Sunhigh.
I've accidentally gotten too hyperfocused and I will answer more questions/make a sideblog for this maybe to explain the full universe (which is STILL unfinished actually! I have done the most work on Arc Two characters and I still have no idea who I want to be alive during Arc One! Haha, the CloudClan family tree hasn't even been organised for the living cats! I am STRUGGLING!)
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flutteringfable · 4 months
i've put myself in a warrior cats mood so its time to warrior cats-ify more of the kenribaku universe. and just the mha universe in general. autism blasts u
they're in thunderclan. its the protagonist clan like cmon now lmao
the clan is made up of 1-A and a few pros. and idk i guess kota and eri can be kits or apps or smthn
i can't for the life of me decide if the leader should be all might or aizawa. we'll go with aizawa idk
genuinely idk who would be in the other clans. probably the other classes/schools or smthn idkkkk. shadowclan is the lov because i think that would be interesting. afo is a scourge/tigerstar type who creates a bloodclan for a little bit and then dies
rody is a rogue and yk what? he gets to keep his name as a treat
kirishima (sunstone) is the deputy <3
ok but like. kind of hot take? izuku as med apprentice. i guess it would make more sense for him to be a warrior app and train under all might but AUGHH i like making characters medcats
oh also izuku is an ex kittypet because. yknow
the childhood friends thing for him and katsuki (goldenblaze) still holds true though because izuku was brought to the clan when he was almost app age (firepaw style baybeee)
trying to give everyone warrior names might actually kill me so um. i'm just gonna refer to them by their regular names for now
fuck it. mistreated ex kittypet kento to align with his regular story
oh and katsuki is just a warrior. he wants to be deputy but aizawa knows better than to appoint him as such. gatherings would not go well esp under tension. hence why kiri got the spot instead
i'm literally just rambling and typing as i think but i think it would be sick as hell for hawks to gain his name because of an encounter w a hawk or smthn. like he gets it as a suffix?? or maybe something hawk-adjacent like wing or talon
swifthawk........ swiftwing........ swifttalon......... do u see my vision
was gonna make a joke about aizawa's potential warrior name being eyebags but i dont think clan cats know what a bag is. also his leader name would be eyestar and thats kinda stupid
i like coming up with fitting names for characters even if the kit name wouldnt make sense so. ms joke's name is sidesplit
i know i just complained abt naming but. also it is soso fun....
fuck it. name list for as many chars as i can think of
goldenblaze - katsuki
flameprint - kento
sunstone - eiji
sidesplit - ms joke
mosstears - izuku
duskyawn/duskstar - aizawa
echoyowl - mic
swifttalon - hawks
violetvoice - shinsou
oh damn i wanna use swift for iida but hawks is already using it.... ough. idk i'll come back to it later
dustsnarl/duststar - shigaraki
fangpierce - toga
scaleslash - spinner
like i said rody is still just rody
that's all the names i can think of rn feel free to share ideas for other chars <333
but uh yeah this has been me rambling about a combination of my interests yippee!!!!
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saffronique · 5 years
Because people showed some interest in seeing a full list of male to female cats in power on my last post, I've compiled a full list! Here it is:
Male Clan Leaders: Thunderstar, Skystar, Riverstar, Redstar, Swiftstar, Cloudstar, Pinestar, Cedarstar, Hailstar, Sunstar, Raggedstar, Tallstar, Crookedstar, Brokenstar, Nightstar, Tigerstar (OG), Firestar, Blackstar, Onestar, Bramblestar, Rowanstar, Harestar, Tigerstar (New), Owlstar, Whitestar, Finchstar, Lionstar, Vinestar, Morningstar, Oakstar, Ravenpelt, Blizzardstar, Snowstar, Ripplestar, Marshscar, Sedgestar, Houndstar, Gorsestar, Duststar, Stonestar, Hazelstar, Dovestar, Rabbitstar, Emberstar, Troutstar, Reedstar, Talonstar, Volestar, Beechstar, Mothpelt, Hawkstar, Rowanstar (SkyClan), Flystar, Spiderstar, Buzzardstar. In total 55.
Female Clan Leaders: Windstar, Shadowstar, Dawnstar, Heatherstar, Bluestar, Leopardstar, Leafstar, Mistystar, Doestar, Hollystar, Brindlestar, Lilystar, Brightwhisker, Flowerstar, Featherstar, Darkstar, Ivystar, Birchstar, Maplestar. In total 19.
Male Deputies: Lightningtail, Sunfall, Tawnyspots, Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerclaw, Fireheart, Whitestorm, Graystripe, Brambleclaw, Gorsefur, Reedfeather, Talltail, Deadfoot, Mudclaw, Onewhisker, Harespring, Crowfeather, Shellheart, Crookedjaw, Timberfur, Oakheart, Stonefur, Reedwhisker, Stonetooth, Raggedpelt, Cloudpelt, Brokentail, Blackfoot, Cinderfur, Rowanclaw, Crowfrost, Tigerheart, Juniperclaw, Sharpclaw, Waspwhisker, Hawkwing, Owleyes, Vinetail, Beetail, Pineheart, Mumblefoot, Stonetail, Mudpuddle, Pebblefur, Acorntail, Milkfur, Gorsefoot, Hailstep, Ravenpelt, Sunshadow, Lakestorm, Marshscar, Silvermask, Snaketail, Cedarpelt, Cloudstorm, Buzzardtail. 58 in total.
Female Deputies: Bluefur, Squirrelflight, Ashfoot, Leopardfur, Mistyfoot, Foxheart, Russetfur, Tawnypelt, Cloverfoot, Honeyleaf, Daisyheart, Greeneyes, Leafstorm, Seedpelt, Doefeather, Night, Sloefur, Sunnytail, Brightwhisker, Sparrowfur, Maplewhisker, Raincloud, Petalfall. 23 in total.
Overall, 113 Male cats have held positions of power, compared to 42 female cats. While that is slightly better than the 3:1 difference from before, it is only just barely so.
At the risk of making accusations, though, it seems that the authors are more likely to throw in a female deputy in one of the ancient short stories from Code of the Clans, because they don't have to be developed or appear for more than one scene.
Another interesting thing to point out... Cats that have been shown to have children before or during their positions of power.
Male cats: Hailstar, Deadfoot, Crowfeather, Onestar, Pinestar, Redtail, Lionheart, Tigerstar (OG), Firestar, Whitestorm, Graystripe, Bramblestar, Gorsefur, Reedfeather, Shellheart, Crookedstar, Oakheart, Timberfur, Raggedstar, Rowanstar, Crowfrost, Tigerstar (New), Sharpclaw, Waspwhisker, Hawkwing. 25 male cats.
Female cats: Bluestar, Leafstar, Squirrelflight, Mistystar, Tawnypelt, Ashfoot. 6 female cats.
Even with the 3:1 disparity of male cats in power to female cats in power, this is very skewed. This stat gives an almost 5:1 disparity of male cats in power with children to female cats in power with children. And I almost don't want to count Bluestar among the female cats because the whole point was that she gave up her family to earn her position of power.
In the warriors world, motherhood and leadership are portrayed as highly incompatible, but fatherhood and leadership are not. And it doesn't just apply to cats that have kits while in power. Any cat that has ever been a mother is automatically like... darkmarked against being given deputyship or leadership. This plays into the hurtful and misogynistic concept that being a mother and being a career woman cannot go hand in hand. We already see this in the real world, we don't need it in our children's book series as well.
Let moms be leaders!
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yoshifan4456 · 5 years
I made a 10% left AU!!
ThunderClan survivors: Dustpelt (5) Purdy (44) Hazeltail (18) Ravenpaw Cinderheart (19)
ShadowClan survivors: Tigerheart (61) Starlingwing (64) (Ivytail's) Grasskit (74) (Pinenose's) Name your own kit (72) Stoatpaw (65) Scorchfur (59)
RiverClan survivors: Rushtail (121) Robinwing (114) (Duskfur's) Havenkit (127) Duskfur (125) Troutstream (118) Mothwing (106)
WindClan survivors: Emberfoot (91) Crowfeather (83) Sunstrike (96) Owlwhisker (84) Whiskernose (97) Crouchpaw (101) Harespring (89)
The cats let WindClan choose the next leader, because they have the most survivors. Emberfoot, Sunstrike, Owlwhisker, and Harespring choose Dustpelt, while the others voted for different cats and lost. Duststar promises to be the best leader he can, in honor of Ferncloud and his kits. He chooses Ravenpaw as his deputy (he and Barley fought in the battle, Barley died). The two siblings are excited to be reunited, and Ravenpaw is allowed to choose his new warrior name. He chooses Ravenheart in honor of the leader who gave his life for everyone.
Duststar's nine lives:
1. Robinwing 2. Redtail 3. Icecloud 4. Spiderleg 5. Shrewpaw 6. Foxleap 7. Fuzzypelt 8. Firestar 9. Ferncloud
Thanks to @10leftau (also @notwarriorswiki) for the idea!! Very fun thing to do. Especially with Ravenpaw and Dustpelt reuniting (they really are brothers).
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Every Warrior Cat List (tell me if i missed any)
ThunderClan A: -Adderfang -Amberclaw -Ashfur
B: -Beechfur -Berrynose -Brichfall -Birdflight -Blossumfall -Bluestar -Brackenfur -Brambleclaw -Briarlight -Brightheart -Brindleface -Brook Where Small Fish Swim (Brook) -Bumblestripe
C: -Cherrykit -Cinderheart -Cinderpelt -Cloudspots -Cloudtail
D: -Daisy -Daisyheart -Dappletail -Darkstripe -Dovepaw -Duskflower -Dustpelt
E: No names that start with E
F: -Fallowpaw -Featherkit (later Feathertail) -Featherwhisker -Featherwing -Ferncloud -Finchstar -Firestar -Foxleap -Frostfur -Fuzzypelt
G: -Goldenflower -Goosefeather -Gorseclaw -Graystripe -Greeneyes
H: -Halftail -Hazeltail -Hollykit -Hollyleaf -Honeyfern
I: -Icecloud -Ivypaw
J: -Jayfeather
K: -Kestrelwing
L: -Larchkit -Larksong -Leafpool -Leafstorm -Leopardfoot -Lightingtail -Lionblaze -Lionheart -Lionstar -Longtail
M: -Millie -Mistkit -Molepaw -Moonflower -Morningstar -Mossheart -Mosskit -Mothwhisker -Mousefur -Mousewhisker -Mumblefoot
N: -Nettleclaw -Nightkit
O: -Oatwhisker -One-eye -Owleyes -Owlstar
P: -Patchelt -Pearnose -Pineclaw -Pinestar -Poppydawn -Poppyfrost -Prickleface -Purdy
Q: No names that start with Q
R: -Rainwhisker -Ravenpaw -Redstar -Redtail -Robinwing -Rosepetal -Rosetail -Runningwind
S: -Sandstorm -Seedpelt -Shiningheart -Shrewpaw -Smallear -Snowfur -Snowkit -Songbird -Sootfur -Sorreltail -Speckletail -Spiderleg -Spottedleaf -Squirrelflight -Stonepelt -Stormfur -Stormtail -Sunstar -Sweetbriar -Sweetpaw -Swiftbreeze -Swiftpaw
T: -Tawnykit (later Tawnypelt) -Tawnyspots -Thistleclaw -Thistletail -Thornclaw -Thrushpelt -Thunder -Tigerclaw (later Tigerstar) -Toadstep
U: No names that start with U
V: -Vinestar -Vinetail
W: -Weedwhisker -Whitestar -Whitestorm -Whitewing -Windflight
X: No names that start with X
Y: -Yellowfang
Z: No names that start with Z Image Last edited by abstruse. on Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:01 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The List of Warrior Cat Names! (comments welcome)
Postby abstruse. » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:11 am RiverClan
A: -Aspentail
B: -Beechfur -Beetlewhisker -Birchstar -Blackbee -Blackclaw -Brambleberry -Brindleclaw
C: -Cloudberry -Copperpaw -Crookedstar
D: -Dapplenose -Dapplepelt -Darkstar -Dawnflower -Duckpaw -Duskfur
E: -Emberstar
F: -Fallowtail -Feathertail -Fernleaf -Foxclaw -Foxwhisker
G: -Grasspelt -Graymist -Graypool -Graywing -Greenflower
H: -Hailstar -Hawkfrost -Hayberry -Heavystep -Hollowpaw
I: -Icewhisker -Icewing -Ivystar -Ivytail
J: No names start with J
K: -Kinktail
L: -Leopardstar -Lightningpelt -Lilystem -Loudbelly
M: -Mallownose -Meadowpelt -Minnowkit -Minnowtail -Mintfur -Mistystar -Molewhisker -Mosspelt -Mossypaw -Mothwing -Mudfur
N: -Nettlepad -Nettlepaw
O: -Oakheart -Oatpaw -Otterheart -Ottersplash -Owlfur
P: -Pebblefoot -Petalfur -Pikepaw -Pinefur -Pouncetail -Pricklekit
Q: No names start with Q
R: -Rainstorm -Reedshine -Reedstar -Reedwhisker -Rippleclaw -Rippletail -River -Robinwing -Rushpaw
S: -Shadepelt -Shellheart -Silverpaw -Silverstream -Sloefur -Snaketooth -Sneezepaw -Splashheart -Splashpaw -Stonefur -Stonestream -Sunspots -Swallowtail
T: -Talonstar -Tanglepaw -Timberfur -Troutclaw -Troutpaw -Troutstar -Tumblekit
U: No names start with U
V: -Voletooth
W: -Whiteclaw -Whitefang -Wildkit -Willowbreeze -Willowshine -Willowstar
X: No names start with X
Y: No names start with Y
Z: No names start with Z Image Last edited by abstruse. on Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The List of Warrior Cat Names! (comments welcome)
Postby abstruse. » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:12 am WindClan A: -Acorntail -Adderkit -Adderpaw -Antpelt -Ashfoot
B: -Barkface -Birchstar -Boulderpaw -Breezepelt -Buzzardkit
C: -Cherryfeather -Cloversplash -Crowfeather -Crowfur
D: -Daisytail -Darkfoot -Dawnstripe -Deadfoot -Dewspots -Dovestar -Duststar
E: -Eaglekit -Emberfoot
F: -Fallowstar -Featherstar -Furzepaw
G: -Gorseclaw -Gorsepaw -Gorsestar -Gorsetail (New Prophecy) -Gorsetail (Power of Three) -Graywing
H: -Hareflight -Harespring -Hawkfoot -Hawkfur -Hawkheart -Hazelstar -Heatherstar -Heathertail
I: No names start with I
J: No names start with J
K: -Kestrelflight
L: -Larkwing -Leaftail
M: -Milkfur -Morningcloud -Morningflower -Mothflight -Mudclaw -Mudpuddle
N: -Nightcloud
O: -Oatwhisker -Onestar -Owlwhisker
P: -Pebblefur -Pricklekit
Q: -Quickpaw
R: -Rabbitstar -Rabbittail -Redclaw -Reedfeather -Robinwing -Runningbrook -Runningstorm -Rushtail -Ryewhisker
S: -Sedgewhisker -Sheeptail -Shrewpaw -Slatepelt -Smallstar -Specklepaw -Stoneclaw -Stonestar -Sunstrike -Swallowtail -Swiftfoot -Swiftstar
T: -Tallstar -Tawnyfur -Thistlepaw (Code of the Clans) -Thistlepaw (New Prophecy) -Thistlepaw (Power of Three) -Thrushpelt -Thrushwing -Tornear
U: No names start with U
V: No names start with V
W: -Weaselfur -Webfoot -Whiskerpaw -Whiteberry -Whitetail -Willowclaw -Wind -Wolfheart
X: No names start with X
Y: No names start with Y
Z: No names start with Z
Image Last edited by abstruse. on Sat Jun 19, 2010 1:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The List of Warrior Cat Names! (comments welcome)
Postby abstruse. » Fri Jun 18, 2010 5:12 am ShadowClan A: -Applefur -Archeye -Ashfur
B: -Badgerpaw -Blackstar -Blizzardstar -Blossomkit -Boulder -Brackenfoot -Brightflower -Brightwhisker -Brindlestar -Brokenstar -Brownpaw
C: -Cedarheart -Cedarstar -Cinderfur -Clawface -Cloudpelt -Crowclaw -Crowfrost -Crowtail
D: -Darkflower -Darkstripe -Dawncloud -Dawnpelt -Dawnstar -Driftkit
E: No names start with E
F: -Fallowkit -Featherstorm -Fernshade -Ferretpaw -Flametail -Flintfang -Flowerstem -Foxheart
G: No names start with G
H: -Hollowbelly -Hollyflower -Hollystar
I: -Ivytail
J: -Jaggedtooth -Jumptail
K: -Kinkfur
L: -Lakestorm -Lilyfur -Lilystar -Littlebird -Littlecloud -Lizardfang -Lizardstripe -Logfur
M: -Marshkit -Marshscar -Molepelt -Mossfire -Mossheart -Mosspaw -Mudclaw
N: -Nightstar -Nightwhisper -Nightwing
O: -Oakfur -Oakleaf -Olivenose -Owlclaw
P: -Pebbleheart -Pinepaw -Poolcloud
Q: No names start with Q
R: -Raggedstar -Ratscar -Redscar -Redwillow -Ripplestar -Rowanclaw -Runningnose -Russetfur
S: -Sagewhisker -Scorchfur -Sedgestar -Shadow -Shrewfoot -Silvermask -Smokefoot -Smoketalon -Snaketail (Power of Three) -Snaketail (Firestar's Quest) -Snowbird -Snowstar -Spiderfoot -Splashnose -Spottedpaw -Starlingpaw -Stonetooth -Sunnytail
T: -Tallpoppy -Talonpaw -Tawnypelt -Tigerheart -Tigerstar -Toadfoot
U: No names start with U
V: -Volepaw
W: -Wetfoot -Whitethroat -Whitewater -Wildfur
X: No names start with X
Y: -Yellowfang -Yellowstar
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bonefall · 1 year
might you include some of the COTC robinwing/mothpelt/maplewhisker gang in riverstar’s heir? robin is lowkey a bg blorbo for me… i love a guy with no canon appearance description <3
Of course of course <3
I'm not sure who the adopted Heir should be, on that note. I feel like Mothpelt makes the most sense. Here's additional "wants" for BB!RH that I'm shuffling around like jigsaw pieces;
I want the following cats to have roles here; Robinwing, Mothpelt, Duststar, Jumpfoot, Mossfire, Flowerstem, Redscar.
The following cats are maybes, and may get shuffled around the Code Era or moved to the reserves; Maplewhisker, Brightwhisker, Blizzardstar
SIDE NOTE ON DUSTSTAR; he is a direct descendant of Windstar. Dust Muzzle is either his parent or grandparent. The Wind Coalition is also a monarchy, currently. He is also the youngest leader at this time and has been ruling from a young age.
I need at least 4 Heirs. The Chosen (adopted), The Eldest (oldest living child), The Firstborn (direct descendent of deceased firstborn), and The Worthy (descendant with most achievements)
And in addition there is at least one Visier who was actually running RiverClan, what we would now consider a "Deputy."
The story ends with Redscar's choice.
So Robin works nicely as the Visier... Mothpelt could be The Chosen. It's also probably going to come down to Robinwing and Flowerstem as the two "Finalists."
I also like Halo's suggestion that there could be a moment where it all seems to work out, they're on their way to the Moonstone... and then the Heir Apparent is assassinated. So that the "SET A DEPUTY BEFORE MOONHIGH" part gets added to the Law of the Deputy.
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jxters-remade · 6 years
6 and 9
6+9 - Duststar: Top 5 leaders?
5. Riverstar/River Ripple - Just a fun swim boy!4. Leopardstar - The buffest of lesbians3. Rowanstar - Trans icon! Fuck the Erins he’ll always be Rowanstar in my mind.2. Crookedstar - His super edition was the first warriors book i read and it always makes me cry,,, I love him,,,1. Bluestar - Wife! My entire world! Anti-bluestar morons don’t touch my blog
Honorable mentions/cats who should have been/should be leaders: Goldenflower, Feathertail, Tawnypelt, Dovewing, Squirrelflight, Deadfoot
Send me a warrior cat name questions
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anotherfanclan · 6 years
BirchClan - Lore
Camp - A sandy outcrop surrounded by rocks. Two large rocks leaning against eachother create the leaders den where the current leader, Ryestar, resides. Apprentices and Warriors find themselves resting in the open, or taking shelter beneath great rocks when it rains. The elders have made their den underneath a rocky overhang; they will never get used to sleeping indoors all the time, but are too frail to sleep out under the stars. The rest of the camp is very open, and covered in sand. There is very little foliage, for the ground is dry, and hot.
Territory - Very desert like. Because of human intervention, as they get closer to OakClan, the territory becomes more forest-like. This makes BirchClan cats uneasy. As said previously, they share a border with OakClan as well as MapleClan.
Characteristics - BirchClan cats tend to have very thin fur, as it helps keep them cool. Their pawpads have hardened, letting them climb over rocks with ease. Some posses large ears, although it isn’t a very dominant trait. They are known for being uncomfortable in closed environments, they will often be seen pacing or fidgeting at gatherings.
Systems and Values - As mentioned before, some cats have large ears unlike their clanmates. These cats make up the majority of hunters, it is believed they have been blessed by StarClan to have better hearing, although this has yet to be proven. Large-eared cats are encouraged to mate with other large-eared cats, to keep the hunters blessing in BirchClan. In the past, these cats were seen as an oddity, maybe even a curse. Other members usually have long, muscular legs, good for running long distances across the desert. BirchClan cats hold loyalty to the highest standard. If there’s so much of a rumble of disloyalty, the cat must leave the clan for 3 days to decided where loyalty’s lie. There is a long standing hatred of OakClan, even kits are taught to dislike them. The current leader, Nightstar, doesn’t help quell the problem, for he is power-hungry and brash.
Important Cats:
- Duststar, founder of Birchclan (Warrior name, Dustfur. Male)
- Doefoot, the first large eared cat to be born (Non-binary)
- Lilyspring, advocated for the equal treatment of the large eared cats (Female)
- Vinestar, leader when the feud with OakClan began (Warrior name, Vineleap. Male)
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archasquirrel · 7 years
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"Defend your clan, even at the cost of your life. You may have friendships with cats from other clans, but your loyalty must remain to your clan." - Duststar, Code of the Clans. I was supposed to choose a favorite code, then draw a scene of cats (who could be OCs), breaking that code. I uh looked at the list for a few days in the last week and couldn't really think of a favorite. Soo I uh went with one I thought was super true and needed to be, and drew up a scene with @cobalt549 and I's OCs. Here, we have Vividpaw calling Dogpaw out for not attacking Birchpaw in one of the skirmishes between their clans. Hard to tell it was an actual battle but I really was in no mood to draw more cats than necessary lol. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed drawing this one <3 First bit of Warriors OC art that isn't a redraw in a long while.
Previous | Next Art, Dogpaw, Vividpaw (c) Me Birchpaw (c) @cobalt549 Warriors (c) Erin Hunter
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