#duskwood fan gif
twilightandduskwood · 4 months
But honestly? Poor MC.....
We have just experienced a traumatic moment, our friends are not talking to us, our boyfriend (?) is missing. And we are still going through a difficult and conflicting mourning because of another friend...
And suddenly we are thrown into another suspicious mystery involving a group of strangers and this time it seems like we are really at the center of it all.
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lyon-amore · 8 months
"I though about taking your hand and turning our backs on all of this."
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Duskwood boys – their favorite way to pick up/carry you around.
Characters: Jake, Richy, Dan & Thomas
A/n: Tumblr suggested a post about this topic, so I was inspired by it and it’s not my idea. Unfortunately I lost the post so the credits for the idea go to the person. But I like this kind of writing and I wanted to do it for Duskwood, I wanted to start something like this for a long time. So if you have ideas that go in that direction, my requests are open for it. I hope everything is understandable and you like it. Have fun. 💚
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Definitely piggyback but from the front. Hands under your butt to lift you up so that you can/ must wrap your legs around his hips, as well as your arms around his shoulders, and he can feel your body as close as possible to his. It it Jake, it makes him feel like you need him to protect you. He wanted to be your savior as always and it made him feel like he was. He could also keep an eye on you. Whether on you, on your figure, or someone else approached you, even if it was not possible in your apartment. But after such a long time on the run, he was a little paranoid. He could observe every little emotional change in your eyes on the spot and immediately take care of any discomfort on your part or similar. Besides, he was addicted to your kisses and that way he could perfectly combine both. But also, of course, bridal style was one of his go-to’s. He loves to carry you on hands in any situation, and this position allowed it almost literally. You were everything and you deserved to be treated like a royal.
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Oh, he definitely loved taking you piggyback style, like a little backpack. Richy was quite and perfectly the most playful and funny. So he loved to piggyback you and then run with you. He loved hearing your laughter and the fun you have together. In addition, he enjoys the feeling when you have to completely cling to him. After all, this way he doesn’t have so many possibilities to hold you. So most of it to not fall down has to come from you, and he loved how much you trust him to still not let you fall and hold on to him. But Richy was also a fan of 'over the shoulder', also here, it was a very playful gesture and thanks to his job he had more muscles than you can see at first glance. And he loved to feel your trust when he carried you over his shoulder and you weren’t worried for a second because you couldn’t see where he was going but you trust him without ifs and buts that you can’t get hurt and he wouldn’t do anything bad to you.
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Definitely over his shoulder. I mean, the man loves to flex his muscles and show them. His loveling hobby was the gym, and he was a little macho who was more playful than he would let you see if one spoke to him normally. So he loved to grab your legs and throw you over his shoulder and then carry you to his destination. Of course, this also offered him the perfect view of your butt and allowed one or two claps on this. He always commented that with a little, rough and kinda dirty laugh. But he was a gentleman through and through, as he himself always emphasized, so bridal style was also something of a duty for him. (Also because this gave you a good view of his biceps)
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Definitely the most bridal style, it just suited him the most. He was the little softie, nothing negative, who always wanted to carry his partners on hands and always wanted to take care if them completely. He wanted to make sure his partner could rely on him 100% every second and you could feel how much he loved you. Of course, the bridal style had a meaning for itself in general. But in this way he could always perfectly look at you with eyes filled with pure love, look into your face and make sure that you could absolutely let youself down and he would always carry you on. He would never let you go/fall.
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yjano · 2 years
Who I am now?
Part 9.
Pairing: Jake x Mc.
Genre: Angst, comedy, dark romance.
Warnings: Strong language, angst scenes. 18+ content can be found.
Words: 8.6k
Author's note: This story contains mature topics and is not fully related to the duskwood game. A different parallel with different personalities. Thank you everyone for following and liking this! lly.♡
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Jake focus.
I walked into the busy nightclub, and my breath was momentarily taken away. The large club is overrun with many people drinking, smoking blunts, dancing, and singing along to the bass-heavy music playing in the background. A purple neon light fixture hangs from a metal structure above-there is no ceiling, just a silver metal structure that also acts as a walkway where people can walk on and lean over the rails haphazardly. The floors and walls were shiny white surfaces that illuminated a neon glow due to the set lighting.
On the way here, I thought about Mc's claustrophobia for a second. Would she be able to breathe with all these drunk people pressing into her side? Would she be crushed by the people dancing around her, them grinding her into the dance floor? Would Lex be able to take care of Mc if she experienced a panic attack?
But I was surprised by the airy space surrounding the partying drunks. It was easy to walk through the crowd and there was probably enough space for Mc to breathe in without feeling constricted.
"Hey baby, can I buy you a drink?" The drunk woman whispered in my ear, her hot breath uncomfortably fanned against my neck. More than just pissed off, I stopped walking, stiffening and turning my head to face the woman with narrowed eyes.
"Get off me before I ended spreading your cheating self on the internet." I threatened darkly, and the woman's grin visibly froze upon seeing the anger etched on my face. She nodded slowly, backing away from me.
I'm so gonna kill Lex tonight. I surveyed the crowd of men and women around me, looking for the familiar faces of Lex and Mc. No matter how much food she feeds me, she's so gonna get it today for getting Mc here. I growled internally, pacing around the bar, and peering at the faces surrounding me.
I almost walked right past Lex but the brief giggle that was just about to meet my ears stopped me in my tracks. Recognizing that laugh, I looked over my shoulder, noticing her flirtatiously laughing with one of the guys. Mc was nowhere near Lex.
I locked my jaw in irritation, storming toward the bar where Lex was laughing giddily, and placing a firm hand on the table. I faced her, showing her my irritation.
"Hey, I was having fun!" She whined, trying to talk with that guy. But I just ignored her, glaring right into her eyes.
"She was talking to me man, chill." The guy jokingly protested Lex, making my already boiling blood boil more.
"Get out."
"You heard me." I gritted, boring holes into his face. "Get the fuck out," I uttered the last words making the guy take his drink and walk away. I turned back to face Lex who was glaring up at me.
"What the hell, Jake? I was having fun." She complained, looking at me annoyed.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" I questioned blankly, holding up four fingers. She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.
"Four fingers. I'm not that drunk." She muttered, picking up her drink and giving me a look. "You should worry about Mc, she was full-on drunk once she finished her three drinks." She laughed, sipping her drink whilst humming pleasantly.
"Oh? Speaking of Mc." I gritted my teeth. "Where the fuck is she? If she's been taken by someone, I will forget that you're my friend and-" I growled, tearing the glass out of her grasp so she could focus on my words.
"You worry too much. Look, she is right here, drinking with me." She smiled lazily, lifting a hand in the air to show the crumpled sleeve of someone's leather jacket in her hand, the owner of the jacket, however, was nowhere in sight.
"I kept holding her hand in case she tried to run away." She giggled, looking at me and tapping the side of her head with a finger. "Smart move yeah?"
"Whose hands are you holding?" I asked stiffly.
"Mc's hand, of course, look yourself." She hummed, looking to her side to see an empty bar stool. Lex's once proud facial expression dropped. "What the hell-"
"It's time to go home." I sighed, trying not to let my anger out just yet. "Hail a cab and go home. I will see you there later." I ordered with finality. Without a word, she nodded and gathered Mc's jacket in her hands.
"See you back home," Lex murmured, turning on her heels to walk away. I nodded and turned away, walking toward the dance floor where I prayed Mc was because if not. Ah fuck- Mc you better come out of where you're hiding. I mentally threatened her inside. Stepping on the slightly sticky dance floor.
Mc focus.
I had no idea how to entertain myself in a nightclub but thankfully Lex was there. She guided me and led me to the bar stool. Lex ordered cocktails while holding my jacket sleeve in case I tried to 'disappear'. Soon after a few cocktails, I felt tipsy or maybe drunk already.
We were dancing together, moving from side to side. Tangling each other's limbs and laughing loudly as we sometimes stepped on each other's feet. Suddenly Lex made me walk back to the bar because her feet started to hurt. Whining I had followed her midway before coming up with the idea of slipping out of my jacket.
Quietly giggling I slipped out of my jacket and watched Lex unknowingly walk off without me. Happily laughing I turned around, jumping along with the catchy rap song playing.
Perhaps half an hour later, I was completely sweaty and dizzy from trying to pull off all the moves I'd been doing in the past thirty minutes. Breathless and smiling hard I was ready to go back to Lex and apologize for my disappearance and maybe ask for one more cocktail.
I was about to walk towards her but someone appeared out of nowhere in front of me, causing me to slam my forehead into the person's chest. I staggeringly took a step back to inspect the person blocking my pathway. It was a greasy-looking man in his early thirties. He was shirtless and accessorized with thick gold chains around his neck. Typical thug.
He was looking angry, his thick eyebrows were tugged together in anger and his stained lips were pulled into a nasty sneer.
"Watch where you're going." He hissed, towering over me. Probably to show his dominance. Hell, I could step on him and run right now.
"Sorry, mister." I apologized slowly stopping midway. Why the hell am I saying sorry? Why doesn't this guy apologize?
"Excuse me?" I frowned, disapproving of the way the man spoke to me in the first place.
"You heard me." He grunted, rolling his eyes at me.
"No." I shook my head. "You watch where you're going loser!" I yelled over the music, pointing a finger at his chest.
"What did you say?" He growled, closing the space between himself and me. I wasn't fazed by his moves at all.
"You came in front of me. I was just walking, but you came bounding out of nowhere and you didn't even apologize-"  I explained, trying to stand straight. The world was blurring in my vision. Oh god, I feel like passing out.
"Hey who do you think you are?" He cocked his head, eyeing me with arrogance.
"I am Mc. The soon-to-be detective!"
The guy just laughed, grabbing me by the shoulders and surprising me with the suddenness of his moves. The man leaned into my face, snarling.
"Listen up, you little arrogant bitch. Say sorry right now, and I'll let you walk away-"
Fuck, fuck. Now's the time to be the better person to apologize, Mc. Don't let him get inside you hea-
"What if I don't?" I suddenly questioned, smiling at him sarcastically.
"I'll make you say sorry then." He spat out the words. Making me realize my stupid mistake. He's not chill like Jace what the hell I am doing? Now I'm gonna get killed by this gangster dude. Damn look at that girl's drink. I wouldn't mind getting it too.
"Ah- Lex where are you?" I whined throwing my head back, not liking how close I was to his round face.
"Lex is not here. Say sorry you little shit." The man started shaking me. I tried to apologize, realizing that the possible outcome of this situation would most likely be me getting beaten up. "Okay, okay. I'm sorr-"
"Sorry to interrupt but is everything okay here?" Someone drawled out, making me and an old hag look to our side where an unimpressed Jace was standing. His hands were shoved in his black leather jacket pockets and his eyes lidded in what looked like boredom. He blatantly disregarded the way hag's hands were tightly gripping my shoulders instead, he studied my appearance.
"Are you wearing Lex's clothes?" Jace commented dragging his eyes down my body. "They look nice on you."
"JD!" I smiled widely, struggling to get out of the death grip placed on my shoulders. The hag snorted, staring at Jace.
"The hell are you doing here? Fuck off, this ain't about you. It's between me and her." He spat out, harshly throwing me to the ground with a push to empathize with the word 'her'.
Jake focus.
I sighed before moving in front of Mc. She was out of this world for sure. Just the way her eyes lingered on every moving subject with awe said it all.
"Yeah, but you see she's my girlfriend so if you wanna fight with her. You're gonna have to deal with me first." I yawned, too tired to deal with this shit. I just wanted to go to sleep. Not to fucking fight or stand in crowded loud nightclubs, listening to trashy raps.
"Come on! JD! JD! JD!" Mc chanted, pumping her fist defiantly in the air. Her cheering seemed to attract the attention of a few nearby clubbers and they jokingly joined in.
"Show him your muscles, greek god!" Mc encouraged, clamping a hand on my shoulder and determinedly glaring at the gangster standing in front of us, looking very amused. I shoot her a warning look but Mc was completely unaffected, wildly cheering on despite the look on my face.
"What the fuck is this skeleton gonna do to me?" The man narrowed his eyes, now searching for my physique with raised eyebrows.
"Mc-" I gritted my teeth, looking over my shoulder at a red-faced Mc who was yelling mercilessly beside my goddamn ear.
She's so fucking drunk. So goddamn drunk. I'm gonna kill Lex.
"What the fuck-" My nose scrunched with embarrassment at her cheering.
"JD, I'm on your side, let me know if you need backup!"
I mentally facepalmed inside. What type of backup are you gonna give me? The only backup you're giving me is cheering my ear off. I sighed again, rolling my eyes, and turning around to face the angered man standing in front of me.
"Hey, I'm sorry about my girl, she's drunk and out of the senses. Can you just let her off this one time?"
"Hey!" Mc frowned at my words, nudging my back gently. Fuck.
"No way, I wanna see your muscles now. Come on skeleton boy, show me your moves." The man hissed, bulky body standing firmly in front of me.
Calm. Jake. Just stay calm.
"I'm in a shit mood, I don't wanna fight and worsen it so can we just be smart men and-"
"What are you? A fucking pussy? I said show me your moves." The man spat, shoving me backward hard. I stumbled back a little at the impact of his shove. My already dark mood darkened just a bit more.
Contain your anger. There is absolutely no need to fight him, be a sensible man and-
Fuck it, let me show him my godamn move if he insisted. With that last thought in mind, I swung a clenched fist back and brought it forth, hitting the man's nose directly onward. I managed to hear a quiet crunch and grinned at him satisfied. The man howled in pain, covering his bloodied and most likely broken nose with his hairy hands.
"Oh wow-"
I looked over my shoulder to see Mc standing stock still with mouth wide open, and eyes focused on the kneeling man who cried out in pain. Upon feeling my gaze on her, she tore her eyes away from the man and made eye contact with me. Her mouth broke into a huge smile, her eyes crinkled in joy as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Surprising the hell out of me.
"That's my man!"
I sighed, I will never let her drink again for sure.
"Fuck! What are you standing there for? Do something!" The man pathetically yelled at his few friends who watched me with glazed eyes. The man who had joined in the laughter aimed at Mc earlier, stepped closer to me whilst sliding a bony hand into his jacket pocket. When he retracted his hand, a glinting pocket knife shines a neon hue under the fluorescent lighting. I felt Mc's hand on my shoulder disappear.
"Better wipe that smile off your face, because-"
I didn't wait to listen to the man's words instead, I lifted a sneaker-clad foot into the air and harshly jammed the hard soles of my shoes against the man's ribcage, making him topple over backward from the impact. The tiny pocket knife fell out of the man's grip and landed on the slightly sticky dance floor, disappearing behind many people's dancing feet.
Almost immediately, I took Mc by the hand and tugged her through the crowd, the grip on her wrist was tightening with every second.
"Ow!" I swiftly looked over my shoulder to see Mc was caught by one of the hag's men. A well-built man shoved Mc's head into the crook of his arm, forcing the girl's throat against the crook of his inner elbow. I wasted no time in advancing on the man, however before I could punch the fuck out of the guy strangling Mc. Sharp fingernails dug into my shoulders, yanking me backward into someone's chest. I gritted my teeth together in irritation, wildly swinging a punch into the air. It was a successful shot, I managed to connect my fist with someone's jaw. I jerked away from the hands holding me back to see a man cupping his jaw, face scrunched up in pain and howling loudly over the thump of music.
I threw a punch again but my fist got caught by the howling man's hand. The man yanked my arm behind, pulling hard as if he was planning on snapping the tendons in my arm. Despite the pressure and pain building in my shoulder joint. I searched for the gun shoved securely behind the waistband of my jeans.
'Getting a gun out in a club is a stupid stupid idea.'
A tinny voice in the back of my head called out. But my built-up rage violently quashed the voice. I slowly lowered the glinting gun to my side, pointing the mouth of the gun toward the guy's foot.
I shouldn't open fire in a nightclub full of people. I shouldn't shoot at anyone. I was supposed to grab Mc and leave but my stupid temper complicated things and I was fucking pissed. So without further thought, I allowed my anger to consume me and pulled back the gun's trigger, firing a clean shot into the man's boot.
He collapsed to the ground, screeching with pain and alerting the dancing people nearby of his state. A group of men having a party spotted the distressed and injured man lying on the floor and screamed at the blood trickling around their footwear. They stumbled away with fear in their eyes, noticing me and the gun in my hand. The guys yelped when I returned the gaze, turning around to violently push past people so they could reach the exit.
I dragged my eyes upward from my fainted victim and latched my eyes onto Mc who was now kneeling by the floor, coughing manically. The man who had her in the chokehold must've witnessed the scene and ran away before he could get hurt too.
I was feeling very unplayful and un-chill. I rushed to Mc and hoisted her up by grabbing Mc's upper arm. I didn't allow her to regain her breathing. It'd slow us down and get us in trouble. Even if they're drunk, people will take notice of the blood seeping onto the dance floor in minutes, perhaps seconds.
Quickly tucking my gun away in the waistband of my black jeans, I guided Mc towards the entrance where an unsuspecting bouncer nodded at us, pushing the door I exited the building alongside Mc and took a right, briskly walking into a side road and moving as far away as possible from the soon-to-be crime scene. I wasn't supposed to do that. Fuck!
Mc focus.
The cool night air is pleasant against my skin, it relieved the heat that clung to me. Jace marched me down several side streets and now sobering up I rubbed my bleary eyes and looked at him. He did not look like he wanted to speak. His jaw was clenched, making the bone prominent, and his eyes were set on the empty street. His dark brows were furrowed and the bruising grip on my wrist was painfully tight.
"Hey, JD." I hissed but he didn't even glance at me. "My wrist is hurting, let go."
Suddenly Jace slammed a hand in front of my chest, pushing me roughly against the brick wall of someone's coffee shop. I yelped when coarse brick pressed against my head and... When Jace pressed against my front face, undeniably close to me. He harshly slipped his thigh between my legs, keeping me in place. His hand that was holding my wrist was yanked into the air above my head and slapped against the wall.
Jace pulled his face closer to me, making me gulp down my saliva and look away from his glaring eyes. I stared down at the ground, nibbling on my lip hard.
"You shouldn't have left Lex's side, fuck. You weren't even supposed to be in a fucking nightclub!" He snarled loudly, "Who the fuck said you can go and create fights with fucking thugs? They're stronger and bigger than you. What do you think would have happened if I hadn't come?" Jace hissed lowly, his breath was fanning over my lips, making me feel nervous inside.
"I don't know," I whispered, looking down. Tears started to well up in my eyes, and salty tears threatened to spill out of the confines of my eyelids. I didn't want to cry, so I closed my eyes tightly trying to calm my breath down. Without thinking I tilted my head forward and placed my forehead on his shoulder gently, whilst hoping for the tears to stop welling in my eyes.
Jace stayed quiet for a while so I sat down on the ground with my head lolling forwards slightly. I saw him sit up too with his legs outstretched and hands resting between his legs, busily fumbling with his fingers as he was staring out into the distance.
He suddenly coughed breaking the silence. "We should probably go." He said casually, rummaging around his pockets for his phone.
"Did you have fun at least?" He asked, his phone screen lit up, showing the numbers displayed. It was way past midnight.
"It was fun yeah, we danced a lot," I mumbled lazily, letting my eyelids droop close and drawing my dress over to keep myself warm a little.
"It would have been more fun if you were there with me," I whispered, letting my head fall onto Jace's shoulder. I felt him tensing up so I reached out my hand with eyes still closed, to poke at his arm.
"No tense. relax." I smiled sleepily. "Don't leave me again." I yawned, opening my eyes slowly to look at him for a short a while before closing my eyes again.
"You remind me of someone and I only feel safe with you, so don't leave me again. Let's just stick together."
He stayed quiet for a while but finally, he got up, making me stand up gently.
"Alright, Mc. We stick together."
Jake focus.
Lex's apartment was only a seven-minutes walk. Seven-minute walk where a sleepy Mc clung to me like a koala, taking the phrase "stick together" quite literally. But my hell is finally over when I managed to push her up the stairs leading to Lex's apartment door. We climbed up the stairs and I fumbled for a second, looking for my set of keys before slotting the correct one in.
The door unlocked to reveal a dark apartment, the curtains were closed, dimming the streetlamp's light streaming in from the window. I had to drag a tired and slurring Mc to the guest bedroom whilst fighting my way through the thick cables and wires pooling at my feet. I nudged the door open carefully with the tip of my shoe. I wandered in with a mumbling Mc and halfheartedly seated the girl on the edge of the bed.
"Mc, take your heels off," I murmured, shaking her shoulder to wake her up. Mc sat up for a second, yawning, and then promptly she fell backward, splaying out on the bed and rubbing her eyes. I didn't bother to put up a fight with her, so I kneeled to match the height of Mc's legs. I rolled my eyes when Mc daintily lifted a low top-heel foot into the air for me to take it off. Gritting my teeth together I placed the sole of her shoe onto my thigh and started to take them off.
Once I took off her heels, Mc curled into a ball, gradually slowing her breathing and eventually drifting off to a deep slumber. I stood over there next to her for a second, softening my look at her peaceful face, and turned around. Walking out of the room and into the main room where dim yellow light was now filtering into the room.
Mc focus.
I stirred in my sleep for a second, hearing heavy footsteps creak against the floorboards, making me lift my eyes to see the back of Jace walking out of the room and into another. Leaving the door open whilst doing so.
I lazily watched him through the gap in the door, noticing him standing in the middle of the room for a second, then turning his head to look at someone approaching him. It was a small blurry figure who padded toward Jace, stopping just in front of him.
I blinked my eyes quickly to focus my vision on the blurry figure. I quickly recognize the person. It was Lex. I spotted Lex standing on her tiptoe, wearing nothing but an oversized long-sleeved top. She reached up to cup Jace's cheeks with her hands.
They exchange a few hushed words before Lex closed her eyes, leaning forward to press her lips against Jace's own. Lex pulled away after a few tense seconds and they both talked softly whilst standing close to one another. Her hands were still cupping his face, making him look directly at her as they spoke in low volumes.
My visions blurred and it didn't last long when my eyes closed. Pulling me into darkness.
The next morning, I woke up with head pain. The pain throbbed throughout my entire head, and punched the backs of my eyes. I sat up in bed slowly, aware of the pounding in my head and the emptiness of my stomach. My throat was dry and my limbs were sticky with sweat.
I blinked for a few seconds, focusing on my bearings. I recognized the room as the one Jace had dragged me into last night to let me sleep. Recognizing the room in which I was sleeping seemed to have triggered a set of fresh memories to flood into my head. My mind struggled to process the flood of last night's memories. Everything was clear yet so blurry. I saw scenes but I don't remember what happened to cause those particular scenes.
I plopped back onto the bed and frowned, furrowing my brows at last night's still images of a fight taking place and dancing to shitty songs.
Lex wanted to have fun so we went out to a party. She gave a USB stick thingy to someone and then we danced and got drunk. Then I ditched her to dance and got into an argument with a thug man. He was mad at me. I remember Jace popping up and trying to stop the fight. He punched the guy and I was cheering him on. Then we tried to run away after that but other people stopped us...Something happened and they ran away, scared. I don't remember what happened though.
Jace dragged me out and he was really angry. Did I rest my head... on Jace's shoulder? What the hell, Mc?
I remember we sat there silently and I ended up making promises to him. What was the promise again? The last words of last night floated into my mind.
"Alright, Mc. We stick together."
No. No. Hell to fucking no.
"Aw, she's awake!" Lex suddenly barged into my room cheerfully and flashed me a bright smile. She was holding a plate of omelet and apple juice. She set the food on the bedside table, turning her gaze to me.
"Ah, I forgot to do shopping this week so today I made you something simple!" Lex chuckled, slightly awkwardly.
"Don't worry." I shook my head, frowning at my croaked voice and sore throat. "I like an omelet."
"What happened to your voice?"
"She was put in a chokehold yesterday." Someone from behind answered Lex. I turned around to recognize someone as  Jace who was standing in the doorway shirtless, he crossed his arms rising an eyebrow at me.
"Chokehold?" Lex mumbled to herself before nodding. "Oh, yeah. You told me about last night." She hummed, her eyes suddenly narrowed. "Speaking of last night, why the hell did you ditch me?" Lex asked, picking up one of the bed's cushions and playfully whacking me over the head with it.
I laughed, weakly lifting my arms to protect myself from Lex's hits whilst apologizing quietly. "I'm sorry!"
"I forgive you only because I need someone to talk to other than the red eye. He tends to get a little boring sometimes."
"Fuck off, Lex."
"I love you too. Now-" Lex breakoff, looking to Jace. "Goddamn, wear a shirt."
"I tend not to." Jace shrugged, the muscles in his shoulders flexed as he shrugged them. I looked away quickly.
"Wear. A. Shirt!"
Whilst they bickered. I remembered something else about last night. It was a fuzzy memory but I remembered something about Lex and Jace...kissing?
I recollected faded images of Lex reaching up to peck Jace on the lips, doing the little action directly outside my room. Holding my breath in at the recollection of their moment. I looked up to look at both of them.
Are they in a relationship?
I felt something inside of me crack. It was something small inside of me. Something so small and irrelevant that I almost dismissed the feeling as nothing. But I felt it. I wished I hadn't.
I took the juice and gulped down the waves of disappointment felt deep inside my chest. Are you seriously back on the idea of liking Jace? That's so stupid, Mc. He's your kidnapper, you shouldn't feel anything at all for him except strong dislike and disgust.
But how I was supposed to hate him when he keep doing all these nice things for me?
And so what if Lex and Jace are together?
'You like him, Mc.' A tiny voice retorted inside my head. 'And you're hurt by the idea of then being a couple.'
I didn't deny it, instead, I shoved the omelet inside my mouth and kept my thoughts with hurt feelings to myself.
I didn't know if any more kisses were exchanged or if anything more was shared between them. But when I went into Lex's bathroom to brush my teeth and shower. The idea of Lex and Jace doing 'couple' things behind the bathroom door makes my feelings go numb. I was upset but it's nothing that immensely affected me.
I don't have anything with Jace. My attraction towards him isn't a big thing. Just I was missing Jake and this idiot right there reminded me of Jake. I had thought of any possibilities if Jace was Jake. But why would he lie? Why would he use the hard ways to be with me? Why would he hide his identity?
But I could never feel romantically involved with the kidnapper, so why I am starting to feel like this with Jace when I am down to earth for Jake? Could he be Jake who is scared to reveal himself to me?
Jake focus.
Mc was being weirdly silent. I observed her listening quietly to Lex who complained about the viruses blocking up her computers. A freshly showered Mc was sitting hunched up on the couch, watching Lex working at her computers, hacking god knows how many files.
She's probably resting her throat, I nodded to myself and looked away from her at the window beside me. I was sitting on the kitchen bar stool, by the window. It was early in the morning. Probably the best time to leave Lex's apartment and get back on track. The track to get over her meanwhile making her hate the perfect image she created inside her about me.
"Mc, grab your shit. We're leaving soon." I ordered with an eyebrow. She looked up confused but followed my instructions and padded into the bedroom she slept in last night.
"Why are you leaving so soon? Jake, you don't contact me for months and then you appear out of fucking nowhere. Stay here for a couple of days at least before leaving, I've grown a liking to her too. Your plan fucking sucks." She whispered in a hushed tone, irritated. I sighed, feeling a bit of guilt building inside me.
"Lex, as soon as I'll be done with Mc. I will call you and we can go down to the beach alright?" I smiled at her kindly. "And about Mc. She's not made for our world. So it's best if I let her go with the worst image of me." I mumbled noticing Mc wandering back into the room with a plastic bag in her hand.
I took this as my cue and walked toward the hallway where I had dumped my backpack. I slipped into my boots, looking to Lex. "Goodbye Lex. Call me if you need anything." I smiled at her, wearing my black cap on my head.
"A day on the beach, remember," Lex confirmed, smiling tiredly at me before turning her head to look at Mc sadly.
"Bye, Mc. It's been fun while it lasted," She murmured, sighing softly. "Take care."
I sighed walking out of the door, I heard Mc saying bye and soon her footsteps followed me in a rush.
Mc focus.
As usual Jace made his way through the pedestrians that shared the sidewalk with him, his hand was, of course, wrapped around my wrist which he tugged at when I failed to keep up with his fast march.
I trailed after Jace blankly as we moved further and further down toward the area where he had parked the motorcycle yesterday afternoon.
Sighing and lifting a hand to my furrowed eyebrows, I shielded my tired eyes. The sun was way too bright for my eyes and my hangovers didn't make it easy either. Never drink again.
I groaned internally when Jace tugged hard on my wrist, almost dislocating my hand from my arm.
"Hey?" Jace called over his shoulder, sending a sharp look at exhausted me. "Hurry up."
I didn't want to make him mad, so lazily stumbling I tried to catch up with Jace's side. We walked together, no more likely he marched towards to when I was stumbling with my bruised feet. He suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence between us.
"Okay. What the fuck is up with you?"
I looked at his side to see him intensely staring at me as we walked down the bustling pavement.
"What do you mean?" I murmured, quickly looking away before I could, I don't know. Melt under his hard gaze perhaps?
"I said-" Jace started but stopped abruptly when something in front of him caught his attention. "What the fuck has happened to the motorcycle?" He asked with teeth gritted together, staring ahead.
I lifted my head to see the motorcycle which should've been in perfect condition and standing parked by the side of the road, was now lying across the asphalt road, metal parts strewn all over the concrete and paintwork dented and scratched up by something. My mouth dropped open, intaking the destroyed motorcycle lying just two meters away from us.
What the hell happened?
Jake focus.
I was not worried about the motorcycle's condition but I was slightly worried about the recognizable men that were standing by the now shattered motorcycle, casually swinging their baseball bats. The people of Duskwood didn't even seem fazed by their swinging baseball bats. Many pedestrians warily glanced at them but ignored them afterward, quickly walking away from the thugs.
All of them were looking down at the battered motorcycle, shit-eating grins etched on their faces as they admired their handwork. I recognized them, they were men from last night who had attacked me and Mc. But now it seemed like they have multiplied overnight. Becoming a group of a maximum of ten and not just five.
You've gotta be kidding me.
The one's nose I had broken was also there with his ugly bruised nose fixed up by a measly plaster that does nothing to help the injury. Just looking at the aggravating man, the ring leader of the group, makes my hands unwillingly curl up into fists again.
No, Jake.
You're not meant to engage in any fights. Last night was an exception but now, what you need to do is get moving and take Mc to a safe place.
No fighting.
Just then, Mc seemed to recognize the man as well. She gasped quietly, turning her head to face me.
"JD, aren't they the ones from last-?"
"Yeah." I breathed, cutting off her."Fuck yeah, they've tracked us down. I don't know how the hell they did that, but they did." I quietly murmured, speaking more to myself than her.
How the hell did these outdated gangsters find us in this city? I rolled my eyes back, irritated at the situation at hand.
"We have to go," I ordered quietly, pulling Mc's body close to my side and forcefully turning her around, I pushed her in the opposite direction we were supposed to walk. Because if we will try to pass by them, they will spot us in seconds and I don't want to have an encounter with these baseball bat-wielding thugs.
Despise wishes, the men noticed us with their beady eyes when I was pushing Mc to indicate her to walk. But she didn't even look where she was going and accidentally stumbled upon an elderly senior foot with her borrowed boots from Lex. The senior shrieked in pain.
"Fucking move, Mc. Move."
Due to the senior loud shrieking, the thugs crane their flabby necks to look at the sea of faces on the sidewalk where dozens of people walked. I looked over my shoulder for a split second. Bad mistake, Jake.
Fucking hell, you fucking idiot! Why'd you turned your head for?
My eyes immediately caught the attention of the man I'd wanted to dodge. Broken fucking nose narrowed his eyes in realization and scowled at my face before swiftly turning to face his men, barking a series of orders and pointing an accusatory finger in my direction. The group of ten men turned their necks around at once and began to run toward us.
"Fucking hell. They saw us-" I cursed, barging past the angered senior, and dragging Mc down the road, I ran past several pedestrians. Mc got the memo and surprisingly ran to catch up with my speed.
My eyes darted in all directions as we were running down the stretch of a sidewalk. To my right was a wide road where cars and trucks were stuck in traffic, and on my left was a fucking brick wall, and behind me, right on our tails, was a ten-member gang running to catch us.
Wherever we would go, people was surrounding us. Which is 50% good, and 50% not so good. Lots of people mean good coverage, we can use it to our advantage by hiding in and out. But it's not so good what with the number of people we're possibly endangering by getting pushed and exposed to the thugs.
Not wanting to cause an accident on this busy sidewalk, I quickly stepped onto the road and dashed in and out of cars stuck in traffic. I ignored the beep of horns and yells of drivers, jumping over bonnets and running past side mirrors, nearly knocking them off the cars. I looked over my shoulder to see Mc following me close by, simply running with all her might and not doing the extreme athletic jumping and dodging as I do.
I turned around, dodging a cyclist before climbing onto the opposite sidewalk which it's less busy with people. I hurtled down the sidewalk, tugging Mc along with me. Rounding the corner, I looked over my shoulder for a split second to see the thugs dodging in and out of the traffic, manically denting cars and smashing windows, making their war toward us.
Crazy fuckers.
Now's the chance to lose them whilst they're stuck in traffic. Panting hard, I quickly rounded the corner, slowing down into a jog as we assessed the new street. It was as crowded as the last, maybe even more. But there was something additional about this street. They had an old car park, a three-storey car park for a shopping mall nearby. It was the perfect hiding place. The inside was darkened to the max, the only source of light was the orange glow of the exit and entrance signs and the vague sunlight streaming through the gaps in the crumbling walls.
I speed up without alerting Mc, making her gasp at the sudden speed. I ignored her weak whines and forced her to run toward the car park where all types of cars were lined up. My backpack whacked me repeatedly and my heart was pounding against my ribcage, threatening to burst and split my chest into two if I will keep up with the intense running. Mc was in a similar condition but can't stop.
We ran to the entrance of the parking lot and ducked under the blocking pole that allowed cars to enter the parking lot. There was several shouts behind our back as we were running into the dark car park but both of us ignored them.
I have to keep her safe. At any cost.
Mc focus.
We ducked behind a brick wall for a few seconds, trying to regain a normal breathing rate.
"I'm exhausted." I choked out, feeling my chest rising and falling rapidly. I let my body slide to the ground pathetically. I felt Jace's hand massaging my shoulder as I was panting for more air to fill in my burning lungs.
"Come on, Mc." He urged breathlessly.
"I can't anymore." I breathed deeply, shaking my head. "My lungs are burning." I pant out tiredly, gazing at his...worried expression?
"Mc, we can relax as soon as we lose these guys but we're not gonna lose them if we're going to sit here." Jace panted, but his words seemed to not follow his body because he struggled to stand still himself. I pushed his enclosed hand away from my wrist weakly.
"I can't run anymore," I whispered, closing my eyes.
"Mc, I'm not gonna." Jace tiredly hoisted me up to his feet. "Get killed just because you can't handle a little more running." He gritted out, marching me down the pretty much desolate car park.
I groaned but staggered after him, following close by as we ducked behind cars and were running across open spaces with our hearts racing, fearing being seen by the thugs. After ducking behind another row of cars, I held my ground, refusing to follow his orders anymore.
"JD there's no one here. Can we just rest for a second?" I hissed, feeling sweat roll down my neck and my back. "please." I begged.
"Mc, we're-" Jace stopped speaking abruptly when he saw something behind me. Before I could react, he placed both hands on my chest and harshly pushed me to the hard ground. I fell backward onto the rough gravel, hissing in pain as my head collided with the ground. I looked up, angered by his sudden actions, wanting to yell at him for being such a fucking dickhead.
Only to stop myself and words when I saw Jace hunched over a little, blood oozing out of a wound on his forehead. Thin crimson tendrils trickle down the side of Jace's face, coming to a stop by his clenched jaw.
"JD?" I whispered, seeing him straighten his body and glare at something behind me with a careful hand pressed against his wound. Following his gaze, I turned my head quickly to see the thug from last night. The same one I pissed off yesterday. The same one Jace had injured the face of with a heavy punch to the nose.
The lone thug was holding a baseball bat of his own, swinging the now blood-stained wooden bat maliciously in his hand whilst donning a smirk on his ridiculously ugly features. My heartbeat stilled for a second.
Did Jace push me down so he'd get hit instead of me?
I caught sight of the bloodied bat, gulping at the red- Oh my god, Jace. I quickly scrambled to get up and practically crawled to get to Jace's injured side, clasping a hand around his forearm. "JD," I repeated softly but Jace didn't reply.
"Knew you will come in here." The man chuckled sarcastically.  "My prediction is good." The man beamed, proud of himself.
The proud smile on the thug's face was soon overtaken by a dark sneer. Thug inspected the wet blood smeared on his bat before looking at Jace with eyebrows raised.
"Surprised you're not unconscious, skeleton." He mused. "Should I hit you again?" He questioned rhetorically, chortling and lifting the bat into the air.
"Which one do I hit? Skeleton or little arrogant bitch here?" Thug asked himself innocently. The man looked over at me trembling silently beside Jace.
"You annoyed me first so I'll hit you first." He decided, pointing the tip of the bat at me. Jace immediately reacted and pushed me behind him with a protective stance on.
I probably shouldn't have in this situation but I felt my heart skip a beat at the small action.
But I also felt that Jace's little action made him unable to stay standing up any longer and he was about to lose consciousness due to the open wound.
"Cute." Thug whistled before locking his eyes with Jace. "Then how about you? You have gotten all quiet. Last night, you had so much to say, same with you too, pretty but arrogant little bitch." He sneered mockingly, twirling his bat around to prove his words.
It was silent for two seconds before Jace quietly voiced out. "All bark but no bite."
"What did you say?" Thug growled immediately, he moved closer toward me and Jace with a firm grip on his bat.
"Hey, you hag." Jace started, smiling lazily despite the blood covering a third of his face. "I'm holding a gun." He mused, lifting his gun into the air and pointing the gun at the thug's chest. Thug stopped in his tracks, surprised at the sudden appearance of the weapon in Jace's hand.
Jace cocked his head. "How are you gonna bark now?" Jace questioned mockingly, running the pad of his thumb over the trigger.
"You little shit." Thug snarled but didn't make any further movement. As if he was waiting for Jace to make his decision. Jace half smiled, bringing a slow finger to the trigger. The thug might not see that but I saw the unsteady waver in Jace's raised arm.
Please. Just do it already, before you get hurt. I pleaded mentally, looking at Jace.
Perhaps Jace had felt my unease because he pulled the trigger, allowing a loud bang to follow the small bullet, heading straight deep into the man's chest, initiating spurts of dark blood to leave the bullet wound.
"You should know how to not mess with me after last night," Jace mumbled, looking at the struggling man with disgust.
The thug's expression resembled pain. His bat clattered to the ground shortly afterward, and the thug dropped to his knees and landed on the concrete ground. The maroon blood was flowing onto the ground beneath him.
I gasped at the sight, hurriedly looking away. Unknowingly burying my face into Jace's neck. He smelt like faint cologne and mint cigarettes. It was somewhat of a comforting smell for me.
Did he kill him?
'It was either him or you.'
A familiar tiny voice in my head reasoned with me.
I got snapped out of my thoughts when Jace suddenly tilted backwards onto me. His whole weight beared down onto me. I struggled to hold up his weight so I lowered him to the ground slowly. Setting the boy on the ground and sitting by Jace's head. I ignored the bleeding guy, cupping Jace's cheeks gently.
"Jace-" I called out for him with my eyes blankly wide. "Hey, wake up. We have to go! Hey!" I begged desperately, seeing his eyes closed and mouth parted the slightest bit. "Please, don't you dare die on me!"
Panicked I started looking around, needing help but all I could see was darkness. Faint outlines of cars, and the body behind me.
What do I do?
I raked a shaky hand through my dark hair, turning back to look at Jace. "Please wake up," I begged in a soft tone, patting his cheek in an attempt to wake him up.
"Jace, please. You said we have to stick together, please don't leave me alone now." Tears started to prick my eyes as I was staring at unconscious Jace. At the incessant amount of blood dribbling down his face, feeling utterly helpless and alone without his tugging and almost dislocating my wrist to him to follow him. Out of nowhere, someone suddenly yelled.
"Boss! you called for us!" I heard stomps of many feet sounding throughout the car park, sounding only a mere distance away.
"No, please no." I whispered, covering Jace with my hands, unsure about what to do "That's his men, Jace please wake up." I pleaded quietly with tears spilling down my cheeks. I heard the heavy footsteps, the footsteps belonging to people who'll beat Jace senselessly for killing their boss.
What to do, fuck. Think hardly Mc you don't have much time.
I gripped my hair, trying to think of ideas. I dragged my eyes upward to see a black jeep parked directly in front of me, my reflection visible in the sleek metal. The gap underneath the car looks spacious enough to fit a human. I checked the car heightened wheels. I gulped at the idea forming in my head.
Oh god, this is crazy.
I pushed Jace upright, my hands grabbed his backpack, and pushed the item under the car first before slowly lowering Jace's head to the ground and moving him inch by inch towards the ten-centimeter-away jeep but it was difficult with Jace's body weight. My own body also hurt badly from dancing and drinking last night and from running as fast as I could down two streets. My unathletic arms ache in protest when I budged Jace's almost lifeless form under a godamn jeep.
Despite my weak limbs, I managed to do the task just in time. Jace was pushed to the center of the car's underside. Holding my breath and laying beneath, I heard the shouts of the thugs as they were running towards their leader, rage filled in their voices as they crowded around the body, completely unaware of my and Jace's presence underneath a car beside them.
I was laying, not moving an inch beneath the car. I looked over at my side to watch the scene whilst opening my mouth to breathe through. The thugs feet are the only thing I can identify from where I am laying on the ground but I listened to the group's sharp cries.
"Boss! What happened? Who did this to you? Boss! Wake up!" Several of the men bend down by the dead body, trying to shake the man awake.
"I bet it was that couple! I'll break their bones for what they've done to the boss." One man yelled.
"Yeah! Let's go to hunt them down!" Someone grunted, standing to his feet and walked close to the jeep. I held my breath, feeling new tears fall from my face. Hot fearful tears which sear my cheeks as they rolled down.
I'm afraid. I don't want to die and I don't want this hag to die. Shitty thug or not, he had people caring for him. I don't want to be hiding under a polluting jeep with an unconscious body beside me. I don't want to be here at this moment.
"Something's wrong!" One of them cried, and I felt even shittier, watching from the bottom of the car. "I don't feel a pulse." The man choked out, making the men grow still and quiet.
"Bullshit, he's alive. Get him up boys, he needs to see a doctor." A man ordered but his tone wavered slightly. The thugs followed his order quickly.
Placing my palm over my mouth, I suppressed my sobs. Watching the thug getting lifted from the ground, gave me a clear view of the man's blood-engorged chest. It wasn't something I wanted to see.
"I'm going to skin those bastards alive and make them pay." a man emotionlessly stated and all of them walked away from the jeep.
Even when I was sure that I'd heard the last footsteps recede. Even when it had been five minutes of silence underneath the car, I didn't move, nor I stopped muffling my cries. I just laid there beside an unconscious Jace and breathed in pungent car fumes, crying pathetically. I patted around behind me for Jace and grabbed ahold of his hand, enclosing my palm around his index finger.
I turned around to look at him with teary eyes. I noticed something unusual about his neck. Something that I've never noticed. The red eye tattoo with words written under it.
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julcia404 · 2 years
Hey Jules!
I wanted to welcome you to the wonderful world of writing Duskwood fan fiction. We're happy to have you. I remember when I first posted Hope in Tragedy on here. I believe I stayed off of Tumblr for like two days because I was terrified of what people would say. I know you said you wouldn't write anything else but I promise you it is addicting and you will write more. I really hope you decide to keep sharing with us when you do find yourself writing in the future. 💛💛
Red! 💙💙💙
It's so nice to see you in my askbox, I miss you :)
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To be honest I'm a bit overwhelmed right now...I didn't expect so much...well...love? I have to let that sink in for a few days, I think.
Thank you so much for taking the time to welcome me 🤭 Took me just 10 month here to finally have the courage to share something...let's see what happens in the next 10 months 😬
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finssyblog · 2 years
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J'ai publié 831 fois en 2022
30 billets créés (4%)
801 billets reblogués (96%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 213 billets en 2022
#my art - 15 billets
#finss draws here - 9 billets
#lmao - 6 billets
#from my sideblog - 6 billets
#personal - 5 billets
#saint seiya - 5 billets
#duskwood - 5 billets
#ace attorney - 4 billets
#my art blog - 4 billets
#wow - 3 billets
Longest Tag: 115 characters
#that moment when you go back to a completely different fandom but you still encounter your fellow dick grayson fans
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
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Make some place for Pegasus Izuku! It's based on @owlinpajamas wonderful Saint Seiya x My Hero Academia crossover!
(Go take a look if you want Izuku having awesome uncles, Ikki being a super father and it even some hyoshun!)
16 notes - publié le 7 mai 2022
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'just wanted to sketch my idea of Jake. You don' t know how much I need him to have glasses.
29 notes - publié le 19 juin 2022
Me: :|
My brain: Do you remember how sweet and warm the friendship between Shun and Seiya is? How proud Seiya was to see his youngest friend so strong and brave compared to the little boy he once knew during the Sanctuary arc?
Me: :)
32 notes - publié le 28 avril 2022
It is so strange to have finished Duskwood. I already miss my little fictional friends :(
53 notes - publié le 17 juin 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Yu Gi Oh is a story of grieving. Of understanding that nothing is eternal or immortal. Of accepting that a goodbye always ends up coming, but that it doesn't have to be a fatality or the end of the world, even if it hurts.
Behind it's façade of "card games manga", it dealt with themes that are often, voluntary or not, hidden in children's media, despite being realities any person can end up living.
If today, countless of people learned how to continue walking even after a loss, it's a bit thanks to you Kazuki Takahashi.
Thank you, and may you rest in peace.
4 460 notes - publié le 7 juillet 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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multifandomwaifu · 2 years
'Finally Over' Duskwood One Shot
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Posting this from my phone so I hope everything is alright. The grammar mistakes were taken care of. Enjoy <3
I just can't get over EP 10 of Duskwood! Are there any fans that wanna chat about this series?; A ;
If you haven't finished EP10, I suggest finishing it first and then checking this one-shot cause I spoil the ending.
Warnings: None
Fandom: Duskwood
Pairing: Hinted MC x Jessy, Hinted MC x Dan, MC x Jake
!!GN Reader!!!
The interaction between the MC and the others is based on my own choices I made in the game and the ships I am fond of. This is also a figment of my imagination of how the story would truly end.
I don't own anything besides the writing, you own yourself and Duskwood is owned by Everbyte Studios please go and support them along with the author on Instagram hen_with_pen.
Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈 and childrens day 🤹‍♀️
You had to hurry. You had to make sure everyone was alright. It couldn’t end like this. Not when you were so close.
After the video call ended, your hands were shaky and trembling with the aftermath of the adrenaline pumping thru your veins, breath elaborated while your eyes felt oddly wet. You were crying, realization hitting you like a train.
‘It's finally over. We did it. All of us’ You thought, a bitter laugh leaving your lips while you took a shaky breath, shifting your position on your leather couch only to glance up at the ceiling and blink.
It finally dawned on you. The whole friendship you built up, the feelings that have been growing over those past few days… It's all going to end now, huh?
Chuckling, you shook your head, hands moving to cradle your heated cheeks only to let out a weak whimper. It's alright now. You will be alright. They all were safe and sound. No police running to your front door, no more threatening messages or calls. You were free. And so were they.
Your friends. The group you swore to protect and help in finding their missing friend. And it was finally the end of the path. This long showdown finally came to an end.
Did this mean you weren't a part of the group now? Would they forget you? A total stranger that got their phone number leaked to a group that you never met? Could you even trust those people?
Biting on the inside of your cheek, fingertips moving to catch the falling droplets of liquid dripping down your (s/c) cheeks only to fail in that task, tears falling down faster and thicker like a never-ending cascade.
All those rushed emotions. All those forged relationships. The secrets you whispered to each other every night before you would toss and turn in your sleep, those never-ending nightmares. You will need therapy now. You were quite certain the others needed it more than you, living, being there in person. You couldn’t imagine the huge weight that was probably lifted off their shoulders.
Hannah was safe and sound now. You were happy. Oddly enough, for a stranger that you never met, you forged this deep connection with the missing female. And being able to find her safe and bring her back home. You accomplished that, the whole of you and the squad. You had to pat yourself for that.
But why does it hurt? Like a throbbing and numbing pain radiating from the inner core of your whole being. Like someone stabbed a knife so deep into your chest and applied salt over the open wound.
Richy…what about Richy..? The call suddenly ended but the whole group chat was flooding up, the others anxious and curious about how this whole ordeal ended.
Alan probably called Lily to tell her they had her bigger sister in custody. And Lily being that anxious ball of the group told everyone else.
You could picture the relief that washed over Thomas, the overjoy that grew on Cleo's face, and the silent prayer that she would whisper out. Dan would probably wear proudly a cocky smirk while rubbing the tip of his nose and mutter they did it while Jessy..you weren’t certain about the poor redhead.
You had spied on her and Richy’s final conversation, and it ended ugly..She would be happy about her friend being alive but about Richy..What about him?
Hours ticked by and your phone didn’t buzz with any important notifications except boring spam messages and recommendations on your feed. It was all too silent.
And this ball of anxiety started to sprout in your chest. Where were they? Why no one was contacting you? Why do they leave you hanging?
The next day came and you barely slept, dark bangs already forming under your eyes while your whole being was tired, so tired. The anxiety was killing you alive...You made some beverage to drink and enjoy while moving to open your tv and watch boring news until...
Until your phone pinged. The noise is so loud that you were certain you jumped two meters into the air in shock and fright, diving over the living room table to grab the small device, swiping your thumb over the screen to turn it on only to audibly gasp at the message you had gotten.
‘Come to Duskwood. We want to meet you (Y/N)’
That was all you needed. Moving fast to pack your bags and get everything ready for a journey that would last a couple of weeks.
Duskwood wasn’t close and it would be one hell of a ride to get there but for them, for them, you would sacrifice that much time.
The ride was quite ambiguous, changing different planes and also buses, almost getting lost on the way there and now resting inside a taxi, the loud rain outside tapping against the cold glass that your forehead rested on. Fogging up the window only to draw different faces on it, was a childish habit that you couldn’t outgrow.
The cab driver tried to start up a conversation with you since the ride would take some hours but the male stopped trying after four times of your one-worded responses to his questions.
Could you blame yourself tho? You were buzzing right now, so many mixed feelings over growing inside of you. What would be the first reaction? Would you be what they expected out of you?
The car stopped in front of the café that you couldn’t even recall its name. Dan wanted the whole squad to meet at a club but for this first interaction, everyone was quite subjective, opting for a small and cozy café in their town.
Maybe next time Dan. Maybe the next time.
Luggage by your feet and scan the final message on your phone to make sure you got to the right place, you had to take a deep breath and observe your surroundings.
People walking by, children running around, and older people talking nearby by some benches while also feeding some pigeons. It was all so..comfortable like nothing even happened. You wouldn’t have it any other way. They were either trying to bury the past behind themselves or just too clueless about this huge case that happened in their town.
Gathering your courage, fingers curling around the handle of your luggage only to walk to the door, opening it with small effort, the little bell above the door ringing to signal another customer to step inside. One of the waitresses stops you, sending a comforting smile your way which you couldn’t help but mimic before she helps you to a big table in a corner of the building.
The closer you got to the rather big group, you couldn’t help but feel your eyes watering again, a familiar redhead stood up, calling out your name and with a quick nod of your head, she came running, arms open, meeting you halfway on your walk to their table, before you were wrapped up into her arms.
The two of you molding against each other, holding tightly onto the jacket she was wearing today only to pull back, tears evident in both of your eyes before your foreheads pressed together, a little smile being shared between the two of you.
There was a time you thought Jessy had a crush on you. Your feelings were still mixed up, you adored her. She was the only person in this group that you would trust with your life. You told her so many secrets, every new information you heard, she was one of the first people you turned to. The first was Jake.
He was the only one you blindly followed into this dark story, looking up to him and seeking his guidance to overcome any challenge that came your way.
“I am so happy. You are finally here (Y/n).” Jessy broke down, her hold becoming tighter around your body, mushing up the two of you together while you took this leap to rub her back in a comforting manner and whisper to her to not cry again, rubbing your thumbs against her cheeks to catch the falling droplets.
The redhead pulled back with a quick nod of her head, a little laugh leaving her lips once a wheelchair came into view and nudged her boots making the girl pull back only to have her eyes cast downwards to the male that looked smugly at you.
“Finally! It was finally the time to put a name to a face. Come here!” The male grumpily mumbled and you recognized the person instantly, it wasn’t like in the group was someone else in a wheelchair beside Dan. Of course, you will nag him later about him running away from the hospital and taking it upon himself to join this murderous mission that could've ended badly.
“Hello, Dan. Nice to see you didn’t lose that funny side of yours.”Reaching for a high five from the man, you couldn’t help the little grin that forms on your lips, and Dan can’t help but return the high-five, commenting about your childish behavior.
“So, we gonna have that movie marathon then?” He asks while patting his hands against his knees, his shoulders squaring up against the chair while moving himself back to the table but not without hearing your reply first.
You couldn’t help but nod happily at his question, urging him to not forget that he agreed to the proposal of you choosing the movies and him preparing the beverages.
Having a fond smile on your face, you turn around when someone places a comforting hand on your shoulder, Cleo being the owner of the said hand.
She gives you a quick hug but you could feel the warmth radiating off her. She was grateful to you for saving her friend and listening to her back then.
Lily shyly steps into your view, looking down at her hands while her fingers kept curling and uncurling around the ends of her shirt. She was shuffling uncomfortably in her spot and it didn’t make you budge from your own.
Hands crossed over your chest while you tilted your head, a little tap to your feet while your gaze was cast upon her. Some guts this girl had. And other times she foolishly stepped into danger, dragging others along. She also put you in danger too with that video back then and did not even listen to your warning.
“Look (Y/N)…I know, I know you probably expect me to be the last one to be happy to finally meet you but..” The blonde trailed off, pausing in her words once you raised a hand up to stop her.
“Lily, I am still mad about that video you made back then. You put both me and the mission at risk. If it weren’t for Jake...If it weren’t for his aid..” You were sure you would lose it. Jeopardize the mission back then and, Lily just made it more difficult, making you the scapegoat to take the blame, and people accused you.
You could still remember how many numbers you had to block and how stressful it was back then until Jake took care of the video, having it be deleted from the platform.
“She's been like this all day. Anxiously trying to form the words to tell you.” A male voice calls out to you before a familiar face steps into your line of sight.
“Hello, Thomas.”The male nods at your acknowledgment, the two of you weren't that close. Back then you tried so much to help him but every time you thought the both of you were on the same boat, he would try something so careless without thinking about the consequences.
There was no touching between you, Lily, or Thomas. The male had to usher them back to her seat at the table only to come back with a familiar light-haired blonde, the girl offering a small wave as a greet.
Hannah. Her name left your lips quicker than you could process and the girl's eyes lit up, like a switch being flipped before her arms engulfed you in a hug. It was a long hug, with your rubbing her back in a comforting manner and the girl being a rumbling mess against your shoulder, thanking you over and over for helping in saving her.
You tried to tell her you didn’t do much with the whole squad ganging up in trying to make you feel at home and how much you helped them all. If it weren't for you and your persuasive nature they wouldn’t have found out the truth or gotten Hannah back alive.
They were forever grateful to you and for the friendship, they all forget with you. But you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.
Sure, Phil wasn’t here, Jessy told you he was still in custody with the police but would be released this week, and you were quite happy about that since he promised you some drinks back then.
And free drinks you shall get. You also fancied the male and wanted to know more about him. Couldn’t shake off the feeling you two would get along smoothly.
But you knew someone else was here. The sibling of Hanna and Lily, Jake.
You kept looking around, lips pursing while the table was quite lively, everyone asking you questions and trying to befriend you while you were happy to reply to them all but the person you desired to see wasn’t there.
Lily sensed your nervousness, reaching from her seat to pat your hand only to nudge her head to the front of the café and as if on cue, the wooden door opened, in stepping a tall male with brown locks, dressed all in black clothes, black washed out jeans and a black hoodie with a small skull design drawn in the middle, his hood up and you couldn’t see much about his facial features but the gesture Lily offered towards you was enough to push you to stand up.
Your back turned to the whole group while you watched this person step closer, his hands rested in his hoodie pockets, and the closer he stepped in you could make out his short brown hair, the dark brown orbs that stared intently at your form and the lip piercing he was chewing on.
You could make out the closer he got, that he had more of his features once he took his hood down, moving a hand thru his wild locks with shaved sides and you could see ink decorating his fingertips, a gulp making its way down your throat.
You were shamefully checking out this guy and it took all of your well being to not cause a scene in the café, opting on being civil and reach for a handshake only to widen your (e/c) orbs once he grabbed onto your wrist, tugging you closer to his bigger body only to have hands wrap around your waist and hold you close, his chin resting atop your head while a content hum left his mouth.
“It's you...I finally see you..”Jake breathed out, his hold becoming tighter and more emotionally, a little possessiveness going around while his hand sprawled on your lower back but you didn’t care. You accomplished your mission, basking in the warmth that his body was radiating.
“We finally meet in Duskwood, Jake.”
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fuckingangelsavage · 3 years
I'm sorry Duskwood fans, but to me he's a perfect Jake. ❤
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robbybarnes · 3 years
How to find a Duskwood fan in a crowd:
- take the phone
- turn up the volume to the maximum
- connect bluetooth to portable speaker
- start Duskwood application🎶🎶🎶
- see who is freaking out
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staminaoverlook · 4 years
✨Welcome to my blog!
Hello! My name is Anastasia, but I'm mostly known as Stamina Overlook. I'm an avid PotO fan, and I mainly post about that, but my interests are broad and you may find me posting about everything from astronomy to Team Fortress 2 or Duskwood :)
The Opera Ghost's Love Story
"The Opera Ghost's Love Story" is a passion project of mine that I am working on in my free time. It is a video game, with all of the assets being created by me, including all the art, the animations, the music, and the code. I also do the research and the writing, although people help me with it sometimes :)
In this game, the story focuses on Erik, a 50-something-year-old disfigured genius who pretends to be a ghost and "haunts" a Paris Opera House. You are his conscience. Your control over him directly depends on how often he uses his rational thinking. He becomes infatuated with a young Swedish opera singer, Christine Daaé. When he is assaulted with strong, unknown feelings, his already brittle sanity begins to crumble, which means that it becomes more and more difficult for you to retain control. Help Erik get through these most difficult five months of his life and witness first-hand what obsession can do to a human being, and how one act of kindness can bring one back from the brink of insanity.
\\ Visit the game's page on Gamejolt! \\
\\ Join the official Discord community! \\
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If you enjoy what I'm doing, consider:
- Ordering a commission
I am a professional freelance illustrator, and I accept commissions. You can find my prices and the best of my art pieces on:
\\ My portfolio website \\
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- Buying my prints
I have a few prints published on my Redbubble store (cute masks, a few notebooks and stickers), and I promise there are more coming!
\\ My Redbubble shop page \\
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- Supporting me on
\\ Patreon \\ Paypal \\ or \\ Ko-fi \\
I'd like to point out I am grateful for any type of support. Even a simple message or a like is more than enough for me. Money will only bring me a bit closer to achieving my ambitious goals. That doesn't necessarily mean that I'll have more time/opportunity to create more art, but it will definitely help me in a way that kind words cannot.
- Or just sending me a message.
No matter how you express your support, I will keep you in my mind when I pour my soul onto a canvas.
Additionally, if you have anything you want to tell me, if you want to offer criticism, please message me. I will always listen to you, consider your words and make appropriate conclusions / take appropriate action. If you have any grievances, no matter what it is, you are always welcome to message me, I will always lend you an ear.
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My other social platforms:
\\ VK group (Russian) \\ Instagram \\ Twitter \\
Join my streams!
I host Development Streams on Youtube. They usually last for four or five hours, and during that time I either dissociate slowly while working on an animation, or yell at my laptop in hopes that the code fixes itself (sometimes it gets intimidated and does just that).
\\ My Youtube channel \\
Stream schedule: \\ (almost) every Friday and Sunday at 5 PM GMT \\
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lyon-amore · 2 years
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No he preparado nada para San Valentín, pero me he hecho un gif también dedicándolo a que este mes hace un año que conocí Duskwood y al personaje de ficción más lindo del mundo ❤️
I have not prepared anything for Valentine's Day, but I have also made some gifs dedicating it to the fact that this month has been a year since I met Duskwood and the cutest fictional character in the world
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I was inspired by duskwood fans artwork from the game duskwood and I wanted to show you what I think Jake looks like, so I downloaded live portraits.
So here's Jake
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Here him with the mask
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newsnerd-ooc · 4 years
Blogroll Summer 2020
Latilda Rommel @latilda-rommel
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FC: Jodie Whittaker
One of my oldest characters in the WoWverse, Latilda Rommel is an enigma in her own right. Originally a journalist for her own paper, the fates drew her elsewhere to another adventure. Now she has found herself wrapped in the adventures of forces beyond our world, of Watchers and Fighters, of demons and darkness. As of June 2020, she will begin her biggest challenge yet, in facing what it means to be an Eternal Traveler. And yet she rarely loses her playful, friendly energy among the average man. If you are looking for adventure, look to her.
Looking for
Adventure! If you are wanting someone who can offer a small DMed adventure, Latilda is a reliable character for that. I have a few things I can toss at those wanting such a challenge.
Friends: something she and I need to do better is bother people. So we’ll be attempting to do better in coming weeks and months.
Rivals: Lat is chaotic good. So if you are looking for a challenge, she is happy to help.
Elyza Morrowbranch @morrowbranch
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FC: Stephanie Beatriz
A Warden of the Kaldorei, Elyza Morrowbranch has lived and breathed war for nearly 10,000 years. It is who defines her. As a former operative of SI:7, Elyza has played human political games as well as those of her people, and does her best to offer a protective blade and shield to her kin, no matter the cost. She is looking for
Service: Elyza serves as a lead officer among the Wardens, both training and guiding those who need guidance. Whether you desire training or a blade at your side, she can be amended. Plus points for Kaldorei
Contacts: Elyza has mixed feeling about most races from the Eastern Kingdoms, seeing their actions as ignorant and stupid. She is willing to communicate with those who will listen. But it will be a tense moment
Horde opposition: Elyza despises the Horde, despite the opposition. She would prefer to see them burn. So if you want some conflict? Happy to oblige
Lethea Netherstrike @netherstrike
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FC: Tessa Thompson
A former Warden herself, Lethea has served in the Outlands as a gun-for-hire since the fall of the Black Temple. A flirty fighter, she offers a light-handed approach to those who will listen. As of late, she has seemed off, in part due to the torture and modifications that came at the hand of another. She is seeking:
Contracts: need something hunted? She is your gal. Or perhaps you are the prey. We can arrange a reason for you to be hunted.
Contacts: we all need these.
Coping mechanisms: maybe you offer illicit substances, or ways to refixste on what matters in life. Alcohol. Drugs. You name it. She has an increased interest due to some recent changes in her body
More alts below: 
Dr. Iris Plaguebloom @iris-plaguebloom
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FC: Ruth Negga/Jodie Comer
A reclusive Ren’dorei medical official in her own right, Iris once specialized in poison and plague for the Sin’dorei. When her work was found legally questionable, she departed and joined the void elves as a street surgeon and plague doctor for hire. She lives in the back streets of Duskwood, offering a blade of a needle for the right coin. She desires
Employment: having vagrants pay to have scars sewn up is little coin in the grand scheme. She needs real money. If you would appreciate a private surgeon, she is available.
Experiments: poisons need a warm body to be tested on, as do experimental techniques. Perhaps your abrasion is the perfect tool for such an expression?
Exploitation: Iris is designed explicitly to have zero magic badass powers. But I would love to see her magically corrupted or taught to use her Void abilities. Maybe by someone with less than pleasant intentions.
Anaanke @holy-anaanke
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FC: Chloe Grace Moretz
Once a young Lightbound Draenei under Exarch Yrel, her actions found herself severed from her own timeline and placed in our own. A sister of battle in her own way, she offers a challenge and abrasive personality in a world tainted by the dark. She is looking for:
Guidance: how must a holy warrior act in a world where the shadow is allowed to coexist? This is what Anaanke must learn to cope with.
Greatness: the warrior wishes to make her name for herself; in the name of the Light. Will you ally with her? Or stand away.
Anaanka @fiery-anaanka
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FC: Chloe Bennet
An MU Draenei driven from her home in Outland; the young Draenei summoned the elements to guide her and defend her home. She became a fiery personality, mixing the martial arts of the Pandarens with the fury of the elements. She now has to deal with the fact that her own self ended up coming to her, except as a light-infused crusader filled with zeal. (Anaanke and Anaanka are the same character, for the record. Just two contrasting timelines) she seeks:
Drinking buddies
Sparring buddies
The mun: @newsnerd-ooc
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A 27 year old male writer, Nerd works consecutively in the field of sociology and journalism for their employment. Nerd is a huge fan of roleplay, whether in private stories, community DnD campaigns, or large public WoW-based roleplay. He drinks far too much Diet Coke, tends to be particularly isolationist, and has way too many nerdy interests to count. He is Roleplaying with the particular interests of:
Discord roleplay: this is a preferred format, in part due to the flexibility of the medium as well as time restraints. Post when you can, of course!
In-game roleplay: starting in August, Nerd will be far more free for roleplay in-game, whether it is guild shenanigans or other things. The writer will be around.
Fixating on Mains: Latilda and Elyza both have the most RP history and will get priority if offered. However, if any specific character will work for your story, do not hesitate to approach.
Long-term arcs; several of nerd’s characters will play a significant part in driving toward Shadowlands, and would love to discuss crossover interests or how to make fun stories. There is an overarching storyline that involves many of Nerd’s alts, but that does not mean other stories cannot be pursued.
Thanks for reading this far. Any questions? Nerd can be found here on this blog or at News Nerd#4200 on Discord.
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schnattchen91 · 2 years
Duskwood  - For all the Ghosts that are never gone
Hello everyone,
this is a little promotion for my fanfic.
I hope you like it :) I would be happy about a small review
Two months after Hannah was rescued from the mines, Jake still hasn't got in touch with [MC]. She feels confident that something has happened to him. After a surprise visit appears on her doorstep, her journey into a new adventure begins, though. And this time it's on location in Duskwood.
Why is [MC] making the journey to Duskwood? What happened to Jake? And why has Hannah disappeared again?
Außerdem für alle die deutsch können die Fanfic auch nochmal in meiner Muttersprache :) 
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