#duskwood episode 6 spoilers
lyon-amore · 2 years
⚠️Duskwood spoiler⚠️
What if Richy never got a call from Jessy saying she wasn't going to work and just wanted to see how affected we were after the attack?????
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spacecadetnovelist · 4 months
Moonvale Ep. 1
I've finished the first episode and here are my thoughts.
Mild to extreme spoilers and a train of thought that I'm not sure will go anywhere.
1. Sure, I don't like having to pay for every picture or video either. I get it, though, they need to make money. I think this was a heavy handed way to make it much more expensive than expected, but Duskwood was VERY low requirement to buy game currency, so maybe it seems so bad mostly by comparison.
2. Eric is a goof, and VERY clumsy. He trips at least twice, once in a BIG way and seems like he's a nice guy.
3. I was surprised to see so much of the missing Adam. No further comments on that.
4. Adam's expression when we "answer" the video call was that of palpable relief... There are even tears that fall during this call. He has us as a contact since Eric says he didn't just get the number... He apologized that we'll "have to do this without [him] though it seems impossible"... We know the two cities are close together... Adam has black hair... Jake admitted that he lives under fake names.... I'm curious how the story would be if Jake was revealed under one of his aliases, that's all.
5. Charlie is like a cross between Richy and Dan and I'm not sure how I feel about him
6. The AI images that everyone is freaking out about are whatever... We never saw Lily's face until just before Jake disappeared for a while. Dan had a hoodie covering his face in his profile pic for a while too. As they cast, I'm sure they'll update.
7. I know we're all anxious to see how the Duskwood code affects gameplay, and I think it's safe to say at this point there will be a handful of chats or events that will be threaded through the game that will tie back to our experiences.
8. "I WILL FIND YOU" 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 SO PUMPED but now I want to go back and NOT flirt with Eric. I thought if it would only be a self contained side story that I could compartmentalize my love for Jake, but now I'm replaying to keep holding on strong for him.
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duskwoodraven · 4 years
Phil: We are not so different, you and I.
Jake: How so?
Phil: I can do this too ;)
Jake: D:
Phil: I have also flirted with MC.
Jake: ...
Jake: you W H A T .
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facelesswoman97 · 4 years
I think I've really fallen in love with a fictional character
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Okay, now I'm excited for episode 7 because of the last part of ep 6..omfg I am speechless I did not expect that. For Jake! ✊
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gonnahackyourheart · 4 years
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I saw that you all wrote pretty nice and deep messages. I wrote this. I tought that it’s just some bot that will send an automatic answer.
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nabiverse · 4 years
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B O I 👀
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jakesduskwoodvibes · 4 years
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imaginativemind · 4 years
When I saw the video of Jake I just wanted to cry so badly😩 I miss Jake so bad😭 #IamJake
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mysticpetals · 4 years
what did you choose when lily asked if you and jake were a couple or not?
I chose "it's complicated" and when she asked more, I said "we've fallen in love with each other."
I mean, I'm all for being a couple but it felt weird choosing that option when we've never talked about it before, so I chose the more ambiguous answer haha
What did you choose, anon?
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duskwoodraven · 4 years
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And here’s Jake 😚 wanted to see him in something that wasn’t a hoodie~
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shadow-dreamer · 4 years
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Ok so this could be far out there but I had to wonder.... did anyone else notice the seat at the dare house with a red diamond on it kinda looks like a weird eye design? Like a certain hacker's favorite eye image...
The diamond looks a little too new compared to the rest of the wood. Also a certain hacker has left us clues in duskwood before. If you havent finished episode 6 I'm sorry. I did try to put a spoilers #.
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nabiverse · 4 years
AYE does anyone remember that thing Jake said about passwords when we tried to look for Hannah's doctor's password—something about how passwords are usually info that are important and stuff? like how Hannah's doctor's password was the name of his dog?
And you know how we were the password to the link? 💔💔💔
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jakesduskwoodvibes · 4 years
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saskiahaggens · 2 years
After the storm Part 1
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,  Ploy Ending,
Pairing: Jake x fem!Reader x Richy x Phil (?)
contains episode 10 spoilers
mentioning of death
Word count: 1525
Please remember that English is not my first language, so please don't kill me.
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When you agreed to go to Duskwood, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into. You had assured Jake that you'd never go there, but that was no longer the case. He as well promised you that he wouldn't just vanish once this was over, but just after the accident in the mine, he didn'tansweredyour texts.
Lilly told you that both he and Richy had been declared dead, but they couldn't possibly do this to you, could they?
Jake assured you that everything would be fine. And what about Richy? He promised you that he would no longer run away. And although you didn't want to think about that, they never replied, and you eventually gave up on both of them..
When the bus finally came to stop, however, all of your worries disappeared.
"Last stop, Duskwood!", the bus driver yelled.
Everybody was rushing to get out of the vehicle as soon as possible. Duskwood attracted a great number of tourists after the night, which has been a part of your nightmares ever since. So you were happy to get off the bus. It took you some time to find your friends because of the large number of people at the bus stop right now, but you eventually did.
"There she is." Dan grinned and immediately took your luggage after a quick hug.
Jessy quickly took his place, followed by Cleo, Lilly, Thomas, and Hannah. You thought it was crazy to see them in person now. Hannah in particular. After the incident, you wrote with her. She was quite lovely, and you got along well so far.
Jessy grinned when she said, "It's so good to actually see you in person."
Even though, two males a little further away drew your attention, you all started walking away from the bus stop . You still took a moment to look at them. Both were wearing hoodies and buried their hands deep in their pockets. Their hoods were tucked down far enough that you couldn't see their faces. They appeared identical to one another since there was nothing remarkable about them. The only thing that separated them was their height, as well as the color of their hoodies. The taller of the two was dressed in a light-blue hoodie, while the other was wearing a black one. You just continued walking, regardless of how strange they were. Given how odd Duskwood was in general, it wasn't surprising.
Everyone thought it'd be a great idea to celebrate your arrival, so the first stop was Phil's bar.  Even Phil was overjoyed to meet you in real life. He  flirted with you whenever he wasn't busy with other customers. The rest of your friends sat a little further away from you so you could have some alone time with the bartender.
"Action or horror?" he asked.
He's been doing this for several hours. He'd pick two options for you to choose from, and you'd have to choose which one you preferred.
"I think it depends on the movie."
"Chocolate or Dogs?"
You laughed. "That isn’t even the same category anymore."
Phil smiled at you before he served a random guy a drink. But it wasn't just any random guy; it was the one with the black hoodie from the bus stop. He still wore it and his hood was still pulled up, but you didn’t want to ask him about it.
"You haven't answered yet." Phil leaned over the counter with a smirk on his face.
"Hmm, I'm not sure... Perhaps chocolate dogs?"
"Way to go."
"So, do you know who this person is?" You nodded to the guy, who was sitting a few tables away with his blue hoodie-wearing companion.
 He shrugged. "This is the first time I've seen them here. They're strange, but I don't see why they shouldn't stay as long as they don't cause any problems."
"I saw them at the bus stop, too."
"Perhaps they noticed the same gorgeous girl I did and followed her, hoping she would notice them too."
"You think? But I didn’t recognize anyone else from the bus stop except my friends. "
Maybe you weren’t the best at flirting, but Phil liked it and laughed it off.
"I'm talking about you, silly."
"Oh... I- thank you."
"Well, as much as I like seeing my brother and best friend joyfully flirting with one another, we'd want to spend more time with Y/n as well." Jessy grinned and dragged you back to their table.
Phil was mad at first, but the customers managed to divert his attention.
"You see those guys?"
Jessy pointed that out after you sat down. She wasn't directing her comments at random individuals; she was directing them towards the hooded dudes.
"Um, yeah, they were at the bus stop."
"Good," Cleo sighed, "so you recognized them as well."
"We didn't say anything sooner because we didn't want to scare you," Lilly explained.
"We were being followed. They also never let you out of their sight. "Dan, too, made a point.
"That's something Phil mentioned as well. He claimed it's possible they think I'm attractive or something. Maybe I should just talk to them? "
"Are you insane?" Lilly inquired.
"After all, what should they do? You and Phil are watching me closely. It would also be better if we knew what they want. If they actually intended to harm me, they'd follow me around until I'm alone anyway. Oh, and look at that; Alan Bloomgate himself appears to be in the mood for a drink. "
You pointed at the door, which had just been opened by the police officer.
Dan shrugged. "She's right. We are at least eight against two if something goes wrong."
"That's a yes, in my opinion. Nothing will happen."
You gave them a kind grin before heading over to the hooded men. Phil saw you moving and decided to go over in five minutes, just in case there was something wrong.
"Hi.", you simply said when you sat down on the empty chair.
"I assumed you'd be over here an hour ago," said a voice you're all too familiar with.
Even though you would never hear it again. But here he was. Richy.
"Richy? Jake? Is that really you?" you wondered.  You've already realized that the other person must be Jake. Otherwise, who would Richy be going out with? When everybody assumed they were dead.
"As much as we enjoy seeing you. It would be better if you didn't mention our names. "
"I-... Okay, I get it. You were declared dead. But then why didn't you write me? "You promised not to just disappear," you said to Jake before turning your attention to Richy. "And how about you?  Didn't you say you weren't going to run away any longer?" "
"It's a long story, and we'll tell you everything," Jake replied. "Someday."
"When you say someday, what do you mean exactly? For a month, I believed you were dead. Do you have any idea what I was going through? I thought I'd have lost you, and now you want to tell me about it "someday"?!
"We're sorry, Y/n, but this isn't the right place for a discussion like that," Ricky said, looking down at the table when Phil approached them.
"Is everything okay here?", he asked, more Y/n than the other two.
"It turns out you were right." You stood up with a fake smile on your face. "They're weird."
"Wait!" Richy called out to you in a deeper voice, hoping Phil wouldn't recognize him.
In his hand, he had a piece of paper. You were furious, but you wanted to give them a chance to explain themselves, and the piece of paper most likely had a phone number on it, or at the very least a location and date where they wanted to meet, so you accepted it. You returned to your friends after following Phil back to the counter and thanking him.
"And? How did it go?", Cleo asked.
"They're just a bunch of jerks. There's nothing to be concerned about."
You remain in the bar for a little longer, until Phil closes for the day. He also gave you a tour of your new "apartment."  He had a free one over his bar, that you could use. Because you owned your own little business and didn't need to work from home, you could stay here as long as Phil was okay with it. You and your friends agreed to meet up the next day, before they went home too.
You were ready to go to bed after a brief shower, but something stopped you. The ringing of your doorbell kept you up. Who rang your doorbell at two in the morning? Normally, only your friends would be aware that you were there, and they would all be at home. They made sure of it by writing messages once they arrived.
But who could it possibly be? Fortunately, Phil's door featured a peephole, so you could see who was bothering you without having to open the door. However, when you looked through, you saw... nothing.
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