#during a Chiefs game? are you insane?
unlimitedsupplies · 9 days
There was apparently a possible 2nd Trump assassination attempt and although I have had the TV on a network station all day it has been to watch football, and apparently 3/4 of the major networks (cbs, nbc, fox) did not think this was important enough to interrupt America's Sports Day. Extreme "but did he die though" energy
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thepunkranger · 2 months
So I was thinking about Claire Redfield (as you do) and how much of an insane badass she is for not only holding her own in Raccoon City, but also protecting a child throughout the entire nightmare, and specifically how, for all intents and purposes, Claire in Resident Evil 2 during Raccoon City and Ashley in Resident Evil 4 are the closest thing to peers that they have.
Both of them are college-aged girls with zero combat/survival experience who've been dropped into a zombie-infested hellhole and have to find their way out, but Ashley is so starkly different of a character to Claire.
From a writing standpoint, Ashley is a very literal damsel in distress character. She's young, she's inexperienced, and she does, in fact, need a man to save her (no shade, I'd probably need Leon and his rippling abs to save me too). Now, she does grow significantly as a character throughout the events of the fourth game, and even gets to save Leon a couple of times, but she's still very much a young girl in need of help
Now, in comparison, Claire Redfield is a damsel in distress in the same way Meg from Hercules is
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Claire is actually canonically younger in Resident Evil 2 than Ashley is in 4, being only 19, but goddamn is this girl not going to let that stop her. And while Claire does have a bit more skill with self-defense, all that really adds up to is forcing Chris to teach her knife fighting and probably going to the shooting range with him a couple of times. Claire is very confident in herself, but she doesn't have much real world experience to back that up. Girl rode her motorcycle into a zombie-infested city with nothing but a gun (where did she get this gun? We don't know) to do a welfare check on her brother and came out less scathed than the literal cop she made friends with.
And then, there's Sherry. Claire finds a random child hiding in the police station, saying that she's looking for her mom, and makes it her personal mission to protect her at all costs. And when said girl gets taken by the literal chief of police? Claire grabs her grenade launcher and decides that's gonna be his problem because by god is she taking care of that little girl.
By the time they make it out of the city Sherry might as well be Claire's biological daughter, and she is not about to let anything happen to her (forthcoming events out of her control notwithstanding)
Which, in a way, honestly I think makes 19-year-old Claire Redfield actually a closer peer to Ethan Winters.
Ethan is a nearly 30-year-old man who works an office job (I think he's IT?) and whose wife went missing a few years ago. When he finds out she's actually alive he grabs a flashlight and hops in his car to drive to Louisiana to bring her home.
This man finds out that his wife has been possessed, and he doesn't give a shit. He loves her. He made a vow to care for and protect her, and by god is he going to test the limits of 'til death do us part. He takes on an entire family of fucked up hillbillies and literal mold demons to bring her home. And when he does? They have a daughter, and Ethan is ready to sacrifice the world for her too.
All of Resident Evil 8 is just him fighting a pantheon of demons to save his baby girl armed with nothing but a gun he grabbed off a dead guy (he's from Texas, so I'm not gonna question it) and his innate knowledge of how to make life-saving elixirs. And yes, he does save both his wife and his daughter
Idk, I just think it's interesting that Claire and Ashley are so similar in age and life experience, but Claire winds up having the most in common with the Awkward Suburban Dad in the end
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corroded-hellfire · 2 months
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Prompt Day 17: "This One's For You."
Word Count: 1k
Rating: G
Pairing: Eddie x Reader
CW: None
Summary: Snowed in during a blizzard, Eddie’s daughter Eliza proves just how like him she is.
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Eddie hasn’t taken many classes in his life, let alone any philosophy ones, but he couldn’t help but ponder one philosophical question these last three days: how long can someone be locked in the same house as two teenage boys and a four-year-old girl before they go absolutely insane?
The blizzard outside had sealed the five of you in the house together for the third straight day now and it’s becoming maddening. There are only so many activities one can do with a four-year-old that will, one, hold their attention, and two, not make you want to tear your hair out after an hour. 
Some of the things you’ve done as a family have been very entertaining, like when you all played Pretty Pretty Princess and somehow Eddie kept winning and Ryan and Luke were having a great time adorning him with the pink plastic jewelry. The pictures you took of that will forever be cherished—as long as you can keep them out of your husband’s hands. 
Having Luke and Ryan try to teach you how to play some of their favorite video games was amusing as well. The boys more so than the game, though. It quickly became apparent to you that your sons do not possess the patience to teach anything to anyone—let alone a first-person shooter game where they expect you to master the use of a dozen buttons on a controller that you’ve never held before. 
“I don’t think this Hollow game is for me,” you say after “Master Chief,” as your kids called him, gets killed for the fourth time.
“It’s Halo!” both boys shout, one on each side of you so you get it in stereo.
It takes all your willpower not to laugh as you press your lips tightly together to suppress a smile. You remembered the name of the game the second time they told you, now you’re just messing with them. 
An afternoon of you and Eliza looking through an old photo album springs to life an idea in her little mind.
“That Daddy?” she asks, pointing to a picture of Eddie in action up on stage. He’s in the middle of headbanging, so his curls are flying wildly around his head.
“That’s Daddy,” you tell her. “Being a rockstar, showing off in front of everyone.” You smile down at your daughter before playfully poking her in the belly. “Reminds me of you.”
Eliza’s eyes light up at the comment and you can’t help but wonder what sparked in that head of hers. 
“Be back!” she shouts as she hops off the couch. Her tiny feet make thunderous booms as she runs down the hallway, calling out for her brothers. “Ryan! Luuuuuke!”
After dinner, the four-year-old instructs you and Eddie to sit on the couch and to stay still and wait for her. Keeping quiet, you and your husband trade amused looks until the door to the pink princess room opens, and Eliza re-emerges, decked out in her Tinker Bell costume from Halloween. On each of her small legs is a black sock that clearly belongs to Ryan. They are also clearly meant to be knee socks, yet they go up the small girl’s thighs. Finishing up her ensemble is her pink Piglet sunglasses. 
Gripped in her tiny fist is the music player with a microphone that she was gifted as a toddler. The way she enters the room with all the gravitas and confidence of a model walking the runway almost makes you think you’re the one who’s dressed unconventionally. 
Behind her, Ryan has a toy guitar that has been passed down through all three children tucked under his arm and Luke carries the gray garbage pail from the bathroom in one hand and a CD in the other. 
While Eliza takes her place front and center before you and Eddie, Ryan positions himself behind her, yielding the spotlight. 
Luke steps over to the stereo and pops in the CD he was holding before following his big brother’s lead and assuming the position behind the star of the show. Ryan tugs an ottoman over to sit on, the toy guitar resting on his knee while Luke sits on the floor and flips the garbage pail over so he can use it as a drum.
“Are you ready?” Eliza asks, mouth right up against the yellow plastic of her microphone.
“Yeah!” you exclaim.
“Woo!” Eddie cheers. 
“Hit it!” Luke says. 
The music begins, notes floating over from the stereo to this impromptu performance space. It takes a moment, but you recognize the song before Eliza starts singing Part of Your World.
The CD turns out to be a compilation of different Disney songs covered by Disney Channel stars, and Eddie makes a mental note to ask you why the hell you bought that for her. 
Ryan and Luke are surprisingly into it, having fun performing while their little sister hams it up. They’re like their own little version of Hanson. 
The instrumentals of the next song drift through the air and Eliza tosses her pink sunglasses aside and points at Eddie.
“This one’s for you!” she shouts, which is very mismatched with the slow, melodic tune that’s playing. 
You rest your head on your husband’s shoulder as your little girl starts to serenade him with her rendition of Go the Distance from Hercules. 
Once she sings the last note (and you hide your wince as best as possible), Eliza lets the yellow microphone fall from her hand. She bends at the waist, bowing so far down that her curls flip over her head and brush the navy carpet. 
It’s your cue, so you and Eddie both clap, cheering for the adorable performance.
Luke stands and takes a bow next, and Ryan figures he might as well follow his lead. 
Eddie whistles and a rare blush tinges Eliza’s cheeks. 
“Thank you!” she calls, arms raised over her head, addressing her crowd.
The true daughter of a rock star. 
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juqtier · 3 months
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SUMMARY: During one of the most detrimental and devastating outbreaks this world has ever seen, the BAU had spent countless hours trying to bring in the man responsible, dead or alive. When they seek help from a minacious mercenary, and personal feelings somehow get involved, the situation quickly becomes much more complicated and difficult than anticipated.
GENERAL WARNING: ANGSTY and horror (somewhat), weapons, violence, descriptions of viruses and diseases, death, kissing of course, zombie like creatures, apocalypse, outbreak, descriptions of mutations
CHAPTER WARNING: descriptions of violence and viruses, reader is kinda an asshole. THIS CHAPTER MAY SEEM BORING BUT PLS the story will get interesting as it progresses! just gotta explain the basic concept!
A/N: the first chapter, yay! this is clearly inspired by resident evil (my fav game series). i thought it’d be interesting and unique to combine my two fav hyperfixations. i made the virus names and effects, and im clearly not a scientist so if they are scientifically inaccurate ignore it or im gonna cry. also, I wrote this with early spencer in mind (3-5) but if you imagine him from a different season lmk! ALSO sorry if any of the writing is bad, my english is terrible!
. . .
January 15th, 2009
- 985 days since the outbreak
You had been caught. You had finally been caught.
Of course, you were well aware of the risks that came with being a mercenary, being caught was one of them. Yet, this didn’t diminish the anger you felt, sitting in a dingy, dark interrogation room, cuffed to a table.
It felt as if days passed by. Your eyelids felt heavy, you couldn’t manage to find a comfortable position to rest in. A metal folding chair would quickly prove to be a poor place to even attempt to relax in. Sitting in silence for so long, your ears could perfectly hear the buzzing of the flickering bulb above you, and it drove you crazy.
Just before you could drive yourself insane, focusing on each bothersome aspect of the interrogation room once more, the door opened.
Two men, two entirely different vibes.
One was an older, tall, stoic man wearing a suit practically devoid of color.
And while the man that stood beside him wasn’t wearing the most colorful outfit, his blue shirt and purple tie were a stark contrast to the other man’s outfit.
His long, wavy brown hair stood out as well. A part of you wanted to just stare at him, he was so pretty. But the other part of you, the majority of you, wanted to knock both officers unconscious and attempt to run away.
“I’m Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, this is Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid. We’re with the Behavioral Analysis Unit.” The older man explained as both of them took a seat across from you.
The words practically went unnoticed by you, your mind had been more focused on the discomfort caused by the tight cuffs around your wrists. Your eyes met Hotchner's, and he could tell exactly what you were feeling.
“Wanna take these cuffs off?” You request.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that until you cooperate with us and give us the information we need.”
“What information?”
Your eyes naturally rolled, gradually growing more annoyed by the second. Even with how frustrated you were, you weren’t going to cooperate easily. You were a mercenary, and the FBI was well aware you had only ever been motivated by payment.
It sounded selfish to everyone else. It was selfish, but to you, it was the only way to survive.
Hotch extracts papers and files from a manila folder, spreading them out onto the table in front of you. Your eyes watched his hands as he displayed each paper for you.
“For the past seven months, me and my team have been observing your every move.” Hotch’s eyes are glued to you. “Several times in these past months, you’ve been employed by Luca Ansaldo.”
The name has been drilled into your ears by this point.
Luca Ansaldo, a wealthy, ‘brillitant’ virologist and CEO of the virology company SynX. And, unbeknownst to you, the creator of the Lazarus Virus.
Ansaldo had employed you many times before, and with the pay being more than generous for a seemingly easy job, you didn’t think twice about accepting his offer.
But now, just hearing his name was enough to enrage you. Yet, you remain calm, returning Hotch’s eye contact. You barely even noticed Reid beside him, merely observing the interaction between you and Hotch.
“He paid me well for a simple job, is that what you wanted to hear?” You mutter.
You knew that wasn’t what they wanted to hear, but you also couldn’t tell what they wanted.
The past officers that had come in, aggressively interrogating you, never made it clear what exactly they wanted from you. All you could really understand was that they wanted his whereabouts, and you couldn’t tell them that. You didn’t even know.
“What jobs did he pay you for?” Hotch inquires.
“Easy jobs. I’ve done that plenty of times before for others, why does it matter now?”
Hotchner adjusts in his seat, probably finding it just as uncomfortable as you were in that moment.
“It’s important because we’re not currently after the other individuals you’ve worked for, we’re after Ansaldo.” He explains, sliding a document toward you.
Your eyes quickly scan the words on the paper, taking in all of its details.
“Under SynX, Ansaldo has managed to manufacture one of the deadliest viruses known to man, the Lazarus virus. You can see the results of his work walking in the streets.”
“Lazarus Virus?” You question. “Like, from the Bible?”
You clearly knew about the outbreak, every human did. You just had never been able to put a name to the virus responsible.
Reid took this question as an opportunity to share every bit of knowledge he had about the virus.
“Yes, actually. The name derives from Lazarus of Bethany, mentioned in the Gospel of John. The story claims Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, only four days after his death.” He hadn’t even noticed your eyes locked on him as he rambled. “We believe the virus attacks the brain stem, destroying the brain's basic functions. However, while mental capabilities deteriorate, physical capabilities are enhanced, explaining why they’re rather strong and violent. Those infected by the virus are called ‘Revenants’.”
You couldn’t help but be impressed at his ability to speak for so long without even losing his breath. He had spit out each word with urgency, as if he had been waiting to share this information with you.
“You seem to know a lot about the virus, why am I here?”
“We don’t know enough.” Hotch replies. “Without a sample of the virus, we won’t be able to produce an effective antidote. Ansaldo is currently the only man we know of that has any samples, and you know more about him than any of us. You may be our only chance at finding him before it’s too late.”
He leans forward, an even more intense stare accompanying his statement.
For a moment, for a brief moment, you allow yourself to absorb his words. It was as if a switch flipped in your brain, allowing yourself to prioritize others before yourself.
And again, this sounded so incredibly selfish. You could recognize that, of course. But you couldn’t blame yourself. And quite frankly, neither could Hotch or Reid.
The outbreak was and is devastating. Major cities were overrun and filled with chaos, with millions dead or missing. Trusting people wasn’t as common as it was years ago. Especially for you. You had been alone, fighting to survive, for years. It was all to protect yourself. You had the right to protect yourself, right?
“How much?” Hotch’s words bring your attention back to him, back to the situation you were in.
You weren’t sure if you misheard or misunderstood him, and it seemed as if Reid shared that same thought. His eyes widened as he snapped his head towards Hotch, questioning him with his eyes. Hotch, however, doesn’t even seem to notice Reid’s shock.
“What?” You stutter just a bit, clearly confused.
“How much do we need to pay you for your cooperation?” He repeats.
“You want to pay me to work for you?” You reply, skeptical about the offer.
Reid visibly shared the same sentiment. It was as if he couldn’t close his mouth. You didn't expect this, and neither did he.
“You are the closest connection we have to Ansaldo.” Hotch ignores the shocked faces of you and Reid, “If we have to pay you for your cooperation, then we are willing to do that.”
His expression shows that he’s serious. You consider the offer a bit longer before spitting out the first number you can think of.
“Two hundred thousand.”
You wait for any change in his expression, you wait for him to simply refuse. But he never does.
“We can arrange that.” He gives you a small nod before rising from his chair, Reid following. “I will assign an agent to keep an eye on you. You will be kept under supervision at all times as you work alongside my team. If you even attempt to betray our agreement, I promise you will not see a single dollar.”
“Wait.” You blurt out before they can even make their way to the door. “Can I choose what agent gets to follow me around?”
The way you word it makes it sound like a privilege, like it was an honor to have to watch over you. In reality, it most likely wasn’t.
The FBI considered you a dangerous, difficult mercenary. Asking you for help was a last resort, one they tried to avoid. But as they watched the virus spread across the country, unable to stop it, they knew they had no other choice.
“Do you have an agent in mind?” Hotch raises an eyebrow, confused by your question.
You nod in response, your eyes landing on Reid.
You couldn’t explain why, but his quiet, shy demeanor drew you to him. He wasn’t standoffish like the other officers and agents, he was actually quite the opposite of you.
Reid furrows his eyebrows. Neither he nor Hotch had expected the request; their looks expressed that. Hotch looks over at Reid, as if he were contemplating whether he could handle such a job. It was a silent conversation between the two; you were just an observer in that moment.
“Reid will watch over you as you work the case with us.” Hotch proclaims.
“Hotch, are you sure?” Reid whispers, just loud enough for you to hear him. He sounds nervous as he speaks, causing you to smirk.
“If she causes any problems for you, I will assign a different agent for the job.” Hotch responds, going for the door. His hand lands on the door knob, twisting it and pulling the door open with Reid behind him.
“Can you take these cuffs off me?”
Hotch and Reid turn their attention towards you once again before Reid digs in his pocket, pulling out a set of keys. Hotch watches as Reid walks over to you.
Your gaze remained fixed on Reid as he fumbled with the keys. You observed his shakey hands, finding all of it almost humorous.
When he finally managed to remove the cuffs, he let out a breath he hadn’t known he was holding in.
You stand up from your seat, rubbing your wrists where the cuffs had previously been.
“Thank you so much.” You say with a teasing, playful tone.
His eyes never meet yours as he steps back, allowing you to stretch, glad to be free from the metal chair you were held down to.
“The team is gathering to discuss our next steps in the case. You’ll be joining us, since you’re working alongside us now.”
He explains the situation quickly as he leads you out of the room, still avoiding any eye contact.
“Exciting.” A smirk was still plastered on your face as you walked behind Reid.
While Reid was more nervous about the situation, and you clearly found it amusing, there was one thing the two of you had in common at the moment.
You had no idea what you were getting into.
. . .
pt. 2
a.n. : again sorry if the writing is bad, but i’m excited for this series to play out! it’s a concept i haven’t seen done before so i wanted to make something cool with it! i believe even if you aren’t a fan of resident evil, criminal minds x mercenary is still kinda cool. also, if you want to be on tag list im more than happy to add you!
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impalaimagining · 8 months
Super, Super Bowl
Dean Winchester x Reader
950 words
Note: Unbeta'd, unedited. Slammed my keyboard while my kids watched Mickey Mouse. This is the result.
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Dean’s man cave. The biggest television you’d ever seen, the comfiest reclining chairs you’d ever sat in, the coldest refrigerator known to man - the perfect place for a Super Bowl party. Dean was going to have the game on anyway, why not make the most of it?
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Halfway through the season, headlines started popping up everywhere - about Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. And football. 
Turned out she was dating Travis Kelce, some dude from the Kansas City Chiefs. Dean watched the Kansas City games religiously, as long as he was in the bunker, or, if by some magical power of the universe, the motel TV could pick it up. The groan that escaped Dean when Taylor Swift started showing up on the screen once they publicly outed their relationship was nothing short of hilarious.
It started out small, the way you taunted and teased Dean about her being ever-present. You wore a friendship bracelet with the number 87 on it - Travis’s jersey number. You bought a beanie, white and red, like the one Taylor was seen wearing at one of the colder games. You managed to snag a Kelce jersey online during a flash sale when the Chiefs were headed to the playoffs.
It came to a head when you found a shop on Etsy selling sweatshirts that said, “in my football era” in bubbly pink lettering. Everything looked good - great, even - for the Chiefs on the path to the Super Bowl. Dean watched you open the package when you got home from the post office and with the eye-roll he gave, you were honestly a little concerned that he’d strain an orbital muscle.
“Leave me alone.” You huffed, concealing a smile.
“As long as she doesn’t show up as a surprise halftime show guest, I don’t give a damn about her.” Dean grumbled, heading toward his hideaway.
You lingered in the library, slumping down into the couch while you scrolled through endless suggested, targeted posts about Taylor Swift and her boyfriend, her boyfriend’s brother and his family, her boyfriend’s mom, the suite they’d be sitting in for the game. You name it and there was a blurb about it online. Jarring you out of your screen-induced daze, Dean’s voice rattled through the concrete halls.
“What the hell is going on in here?!”
A smirk pulled on the right side of your lips as you set your phone down beside you and painted on your best innocent face. Dean’s socked feet managed to sound as heavy as his boots as they pounded back to the library.
“Do you care to explain what exactly happened in there?” He pursed his lips, brows raised.
You shrugged, still feigning innocence. “What happened in there?” 
“Don’t get cute.” He folded his arms over his chest. “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
“Is Sam pranking you again? I thought you two moved on from that.” You furrowed your brows in faux confusion. “Aren’t you a little old for practical jokes?”
“No, Sam - Sam doesn’t have anything to do with that monstrosity. What did you do to my man cave?!” You stood and took a step toward Dean, already wearing your new sweatshirt. “All of you are crazy. Every single on of her fans is insane.” He shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Excuse you.” You scoffed. “We’re not called fans, Dean. We’re swifties.” With an extra sway in your hips, you sauntered down the hall to the room Dean was so up-in-arms about. When you got to the door, you giggled and stood proudly before your work. “I don’t get it. What’s wrong? It looks great in here.”
Dean’s exasperation sputtered from his mouth as he searched for words to express just how ruffled his feathers were. “It’s - it’s - there’s - you deflowered the sanctity of my man cave!”
You tipped your head back with a cackle. “I what?”
“You ruined it!” Dean threw his arms out toward the walls.
Ruined it.
You scoffed. You thought you did a wonderful job of sticking to the theme. Across the room, in plain view as soon as you walked through the door, a shimmery red curtain served as the backdrop to a table. The table was covered with a Chiefs tablecloth, and on the tablecloth sat a red-mirrored disco-football. Beside the football was a charcuterie board - or boards, really. One shaped like the number eight and one shaped like the number seven. Cupcakes with gold flakes and tiny footballs stood on a tiered tower. An array of red drinks lined the lefthand side of the table - Shirley Temples, except they were sparkly too, thanks to the edible glitter you swirled into them. Hanging behind the table, strung across the shiny backdrop, you made and hung three rows of garland - garland designed to look like a friendship bracelet made from pony beads and white, lettered beads that read “IN MY,” next line, “SUPER BOWL,” last line, “ERA.” On the adjacent wall, there was another table, far less aesthetically pleasing, decked out with chips, salsa, guacamole, pretzels, dips, a crockpot full of meatballs beside a basket of rolls.
It looked fantastic.
“I don’t understand.” You walked in and twirled around, arms open. “This looks like the perfect way to celebrate the Swift Bowl.”
“WHAT?!” Dean’s eyes bulged from their sockets.
Another loud laugh escaped you as you clapped your hands together. “Dean, it’s just a football game.” You shook your head and stood beside him, both of you looking at, but with far different feelings about, the red glittery glow surrounding you. “I’ll take the decorations down tomorrow. I promise.”
Dean released a long, loud sigh and closed his eyes. “Fine, but I swear if I hear even one second of her music, I-”
“Aw, c’mon Dean.” Sam clapped Dean’s shoulder as he walked by, stepping into the man cave and dipping a chip in salsa. “You gotta just,” Sam’s face twisted as he tried to conceal a wide grin, “shake it off.”
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Forever Tags: @atc74 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @beththedemonhunter @blacktithe7 @caswinchester2000 @chelseadanielle19 @countrygal17a @danathewitchywoman @deansgirl7695 @deanwanddamons @dena111923 @elizzysnow13 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @emoryhemsworth @esoltis280 @essie1876 @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @heartsaved @hillface89 @holyfuckloueh @hunterpuff @in-deans-arms @ladylachesis @lilredniki @linki-locks11 @mottergirl99 @mrswhozeewhatsis @notyourtypicalrose @plaid-lover-bay25 @riversong-sam @sandlee44 @sea040561 @shaelyn102 @smoothdogsgirl @soulmates8 @speakinvain @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @spnbaby-67 @supernatural3002 @superromijn @tumblr-tidbits @vicmc624 @voltage-my2dlove @wayward-gypsy
Dean Tags: @adoptdontshoppets @akshi8278 @cherrycokegirlsblog @clarewinchester @dean-winchesters-bacon @deanandsamsbitch @deansgirl215 @fandom-princess-forevermore @iamabeautifulperson18 @lessons-of-red @mereka18 @princessofthefandomrealm @shamelesslydean @torn-and-frayed @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou
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anarchywoofwoof · 10 months
whenever someone wants to start blabbering about how damaging shoplifting and theft is to a business, particularly a place like Walmart, Target or nearly any big box retail establishment, be sure to look up the company's annual revenue.
and when you start playing out the numbers, it gets absolutely fucking absurd real fast.
for example, let's use Walmart.
the CEO of Walmart - Doug McMillon - his net worth is $280 million.
this is a person who made $24.1 million in fiscal 2023 alone.
that's about 933x the median salary of a Walmart employee.
let's have some more fun with numbers, shall we?
if you used only the ceo's salary of $24.1 million per year here's what you could buy in (men's) clothes from Walmart!
300,000 Hanes Men's ComfortSoft Crewneck T-Shirt - Pack Of 5 ($20)
500,000 Athletic Works Men's Crew Socks - Pack of 12 ($11)
250,000 George Men's Cotton Stretch Regular Leg Boxer Briefs - Pack of 6 ($20)
250,000 George Regular Fit Jeans - 1 pair ($13)
250,000 George Men's 38mm Single Loop Casual Belt - 1 belt ($7)
150,000 Athletic Works Men's Banded Jogger Slip-on - 1 pair ($15)
and he would still have $350,000 left over!
mind you - this is only the CEO!
Walmart CFO (Chief Financial Officer) John David Rainey made $39,725,601 during the same time period.
Walmart Chief Technology and Development Officer Suresh Kumar made $16,107,812 during the same time period.
Sam's Club President & CEO Kathryn McLay made $11,934,475 during the same time period.
Walmart President & CEO of Walmart International Judith McKenna made $13,526,160 during the same time period.
collectively, Walmart's Executive Staff was compensated to the tune of $120,900,000 during fiscal 2023.
so you know those numbers up there? all of those clothes that you can now commonly find locked behind glass at your local Walmart that you could buy with the CEO's annual salary?
multiply those figures by five, and now you have what you could buy with ONE YEAR of all of the Walmart executives' pay combined.
that's enough to give everyone in the City of Chicago, IL two free t-shirts.
the name of the game is greed. this is one corporation - albeit a huge one. and just one single solitary fiscal year of earnings.
extrapolate this across 5-10 years. could you imagine the untold number of lives we could change if these executives agreed to forego their insane salaries for a short period of time? it would almost certainly not cause them any undue struggle because of the sheer amount of wealth and resources they have.
it'll never happen, but don't let anyone convince you that it has to be this way. we are being gaslit by people with more money than we will ever see in many lifetimes so that they can live a life of luxury unseen by 90% of the population. stop letting them pull the wool over your eyes and call it what it is: pure, unadulterated greed.
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sydsaint · 11 months
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Summary: The Bloodline finds a surprise waiting for them in the locker room during a Smackdown show. But Solo is the only one with insider knowledge as to why the reader is there.
"Thank you, Mr. Aldis. Pleasure doing business with you." You grin at the new Smackdown GM as he unlocks the locker room door for you. 
"Of course, Miss L/N. I trust that this little favor won't get back to me anytime soon?" He asks you with a discreet smile. 
You laugh and grab the doorknob to the locker room. "You can count on me, Mr. Aldis. I'll see you around boss." You wink at him. 
"Take care, Miss L/N." Aldis nods. "I wish you well in whatever endeavors you've got planned in there." He adds before he walks away. 
Aldis walks off and you glance one last time at the sticker placed on the locker room door. The Bloodline. You slip inside the room and shut the door behind you. 
Inside the spacious locker room, you make a pass around the room looking at everything set up for the Tribal Chief and his family of goons. Once you've lost interest in messing with stuff, you plop down into the leather seat that you always see Roman sitting in during promo's, and the waiting game begins. 
Around 15 minutes later, Roman, Solo, Jimmy, and Paul all head to the locker room for Smackdown. Jimmy grabs the door for Roman since he's at the front of the pack and swings it open. 
"What the hell!?" Jimmy locks eyes with you as soon as the door is opened. 
"What's wrong?" Roman steps up next to Jimmy and peers inside the room to find you lounging in his chair on your phone. 
You peer over your phone with a casual smile and wave a free hand at the group. "Evening, everyone." You greet them. 
"Get out of that chair!" Jimmy crosses the room and comes to a stop right in front of you. "How the hell did you even get in here?" He questions you with a growl. 
"That information is strictly need to know, Jimmy." You reply. "And you don't need to know." 
Roman remains in the doorway whispering with Paul and Solo stands at their side silently. You watch them whispering to one another and roll your eyes. "Roman! Paul! No need to keep secrets! We're all friends here, right?" You tease them and move into a sitting position. 
"Solo." Roman turns to his younger cousin. "Take care of this. Now." He demands in a firm and annoyed tone. 
"Yeah, Solo. Come handle your business." You continue your teasing with a grin. 
Jimmy steps off to the side and you watch Solo move across the room with purpose. He comes to a stop in front of you and stares down at you with that sour expression of his. "You gonna get up? Or you gonna make me move you?" He asks you. 
"This chair is insanely comfortable." You reply with a giggle. "So I think that I'll stay." You lean back into the leather. 
You watch Solo's mouth twitch and you know that he's fighting for his life to hide an amused smile from Roman. The two of you stare at one another for a moment, but you don't budge from your seat. Fed up with your games, Solo leans down and hauls you out of the chair with ease. He tosses you over his shoulder with no wasted motion and makes his way back across the room. 
"What do you want me to do with her?" Solo stops in the doorway with you still tossed over his shoulder. 
"Ooo, yeah, what's my punishment for daring to sit in the boss's chair?" You laugh. 
Roman glares at your abhorrent behavior and sneers at you before he turns back to Solo. Make sure that she gets back where she belongs. And find out how she got in here in the first place." He orders Solo. 
Sikoa nods and heads out the door with you. The locker room door slams shut as you are being carted off and Solo takes you down the hall a ways before he lets you go. You get set back on your feet and smile at him. 
"You're insane." Solo comments as he crosses his arms at you. 
"You weren't answering my texts." You shrug. "And I wanted to talk to you." You inform him, 
Solo grits his teeth and shakes his head at you. "If you wanted to talk all you had to do was come by the locker room and ask for me." He reminds you. 
"I know." You nod. "But what's the fun that?" 
Solo lets out another frustrated sigh and gestures for you to start walking. "I lost my phone at the airport." He explains. "That's why I wasn't answering you. What was so important anyway?" He asks you. 
"I was going to tell you that Austin and Grayson have been bothering me again." You answer. "But since you don't seem to care," You tease him. 
"Again?" Solo growls, reaching for your hand. He pulls you close to him without warning. "How many times do those losers need to see me with you to get the hint?"
You shrug, snaking an arm around the back of Solo's neck. "What can I say? I'm just that alluring." You joke. "But really, Solo. I know it's a pain in the ass, but those two need to be taught a lesson. It's the only way they'll leave me alone." 
"Yeah, I know." Solo sighs and leans down a bit to close the remaining gap between the two of you. He kisses you gently before letting you go. "Head on back to the girl's locker room and stay there for the show." He asks you. "I'll take care of Waller and Theory."
"Thank you, Solo!" You beam and kiss his cheek. 
Solo rolls his eyes playfully and gives you a small push to get you moving. "Mhm. And hey, no more breaking into the locker room!" He adds firmly. 
"No promises!" You call out. 
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exhuastedpigeon · 9 months
Fuck it Friday!
Tagged by @rainbow-nerdss @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @devirnis @spotsandsocks @hippolotamus
Sorry I’ve missed a couple days of tag games! I got strep throat on Wednesday and had to travel for the holidays today so i haven’t had much time to write lately.
Here’s a little snippet from the LAFD PR disaster fic.
“The 118 always seems to be in the middle of it,” Miranda says with a laugh. “I remember when I was still a battalion chief during that 7.1 earthquake a few years ago. Two of them firefighters scaled the inside of the building to rescue a couple people and another one of them got buried in the collapsed parking garage.”
“Oh god,” Liliana can’t help the gasp that leaves her. No matter how long she’s worked for the LAFD, hearing these kinds of stories still horrifies her a little. There’s a reason she works behind a desk and isn’t running into burning buildings and it’s that she’s not insane. “Did they survive?”
“Well Captain Nash defied my direct orders and went looking for her,” Miranda says with a small smile. “And you know I don’t like being left out of the fun.”
“So you joined and she survived,” Liliana knows she’s got a fond look on her face, she can’t help it.
“I didn’t do much, but she did survive.”
“Is that a yes to the 118?”
“That’s a yes to the 118,” Miranda nods with a smile and takes a sip of her wine. Liliana can’t help smile back.
No pressure tagging @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @wikiangela @callmenewbie @eddiebabygirldiaz @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @watchyourbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @cal-daisies-and-briars @rosieposiepuddingnpie @thekristen999 @wildlife4life @jeeyuns and anyone else who wants to share!!
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Horse Isle 3: The Yandere Sim of Horse Games
(or, an extended study in how to hate your own playerbase as much as humanly possible)
(or, or, tldr there's pretty much no updated information on just how ridiculously bad this game is so here's a writeup on how I got banned and all the subsequent information I found during my time playing for documentation's sake)
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Part I. The Backstory
My beloved followers will know that a few months ago I began playing Horse Isle 3, a horse-raising MMO surprisingly released in the year of our horse 2019 despite its 1997-era website and Runescape-esque graphics. Some of my play through (mostly just horse pictures) is chronicled in my tag #homophobic scum horse chronicles ¹ if you want to see how drippy my horses were before they killed me.
Now, don't get me wrong. I have endless respect for small teams of game devs that manage to create insanely impressive products-- which HI3's elaborate real-genetics breeding system, its main draw, certainly is. Coding is hard, modeling is hard, moderation is hard. Tip a coin to your local small indie teams that work hard to make incredible art.
However, HI3 is far from an admirable success story about a small dev team that triumphed over its obstacles.
The game is known for a variety of things, chief among them being the staff's rampant homophobia (which has earned it the moniker "the homophobic horse game"), hilariously uncharismatic mods (to the point where one of the main moderators, Connie, is mentioned by NAME in the majority of poor reviews of the game), the dev team's unrepentant rejection of criticism, and racism with a side of downplaying war crimes.
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(Screenshots taken from Sitejabber, here)
Now, it's marketed as a game for ages 8+, which, as I've briefly talked about before, is unfortunately a rarity in today's hostile internet climate. I grew up on a variety of typical child friendly MMOs like ye olde Pixie Hollow and PetPet Park, and truly lament that so many of these have been shut down over the years. As such, I have no issue with strict rules or word filters in games, with the caveat that they are effective and genuinely intended to keep people safe. Kids are naive, and can and will say things that they shouldn't (I, for example, got kicked from a Minecraft server when I was 8 because I posted in chat that my mom told me sex wasn't a bad word. things happen). Filters are a very appropriate tool to aid manual moderation of chat features, especially in an environment where mistakes will be made.
However, HI3's, as shown below (words that are forbidden from chat are marked in red), are... questionably selective.
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(Screenshot taken by Alice Ruppert, from here)
This appears to be attributed to the fact that along with having horrible moderators, HI3 also seems to have a remarkably horrible developer backend, which is a trend that you'll see pop up quite a lot in this post. Taken straight from the horse's (haha) mouth, the lead developer is the only person who seems to be able or willing to add to the filter list, and for whatever reason only wants to block the "most common inappropriate words"- because saying transgender is more of an issue than nazi and gulag I guess.
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(Screenshot taken from Top R.'s Sitejabber review, here)
¹ I'm not sure how far this will reach out of my audience, and since people have already assumed weird stuff about me I thought I should probably clarify-- I'm not calling the game "homophobic scum" ghghg, my play through was focused on making horse versions of characters from a novel called "scum villain", so I took the scum and added horse (I actually have another tag for a different horse breeding game called "scum horse chronicles" so I needed to distinguish them easily but am not very good at tagging). That's it.
Part II. The Game
The game itself is, putting it simply, a mess at best and openly hostile towards newcomers at worst. The game's UI is comparable to your average petsite with 20 thousand things to click on but if you tried to navigate that while also watching the Pilgrim's Progress movie by Scott Cawthorn on 90% of your screen. This is a very good overview of what your experience first logging in will be like, with the added caveat that talking in global chat costs in game currency and that the game doesn't tell you this at ALL until you try to type in chat, and that depending when you log on it's entirely possible that you'll spawn into a completely dead town miles away from anyone who can help you, wilderness survivor-style.
To make things more complicated, information about the game is split between the game itself and the laughably horrible website/forums. Spectacularly enough, the forums, which provide vital game information and rule elaborations, cannot be searched in any way (not via Google or any hard-baked search bar) and are regularly purged by admins to erase evidence of scandals and poor moderation complaints.
Now, something you will find to be generally people's biggest issue with HI3 is their strict no "date-speak" rule, which sounds ok on paper but is worded *just* vaguely enough to give the moderators full jurisdiction over whether or not they think you're breaking the rules. Selective moderation is a major theme in the HI3 chronicle, but it is perhaps most documented with regards to this rule, because what the hell does "boyfriend/girlfriend talk" even mean?? Outside of vagueness, this rule has also been scrutinized extensively by others due to the fact that a pair of previous moderators were openly married with the igns "FrogLips" and "MrsFrogLips". I don't personally think this is super condemning, since kids usually address adults by Mr/Ms etc whether or not they know they're in a relationship, but regardless it's clear that the complete lack of elaboration on what this rule means can be easily manipulated to lodge any number of complaints against people.
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(Screenshot from the Horse Isle website rules page, here)
What I will say, however, is that this rule would probably hold more water if the game wasn't literally about breeding horses.
You can pimp out your horses, you can pay others to breed your mares, you can put any number of special (real life currency-bought) amulets on your horses to make them more fertile/have twins/give birth faster. I paid $1000 to castrate Jiang Cheng. The word "stud" (which btw, is another word for a black butch lesbian) is used constantly. Perhaps most shockingly, horse inbreeding is very common and accepted among the community, to the point that it is explicitly mentioned and EXPLAINED in the game guide; the only penalization for it is that your incest product foal will have a lower intelligence stat. Call me old-fashioned, but I feel as though implementing and acknowledging that horses can breed with their own relatives is hmm perhaps more harmful than another player saying the word gay, but what do I know.
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(Screenshot from the Horse Isle website game guide page, here (only accessible with an account))
Well, you might ask, after you breed and sell a horse, is there any way to put a brand on it so you know it's from your ranch? That's where the "prefix" system comes in. Prefixes are bolded titles that appear in front of a horses name in lists and in the overworld, and are described in the official game guide as follows:
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(Screenshot from the same Horse Isle website game guide page as linked previously)
I think you can toggle them off if you don't want to see them, though I could be wrong. They're basically just 1-5 letter titles you can put on your own horses (nobody else's, importantly). There's no way to search prefixes, and you won't see them in game unless either a horse with a prefix is listed in auctions or you actually encounter someone in-game and see their horse.
In fact, I would learn later that not even the moderators monitor the prefixes, and apparently have no way to mass-delete them. At all.
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(Image taken from an anonymous friend)
Now, it's not unusual that a game as complicated as HI3 would inevitably have a pretty taxing server-side code. Millions of multifaceted assets and features is really nothing to scoff at. However, the notion that your lead developer has to perform a manual search in the game's code to delete the equivalent of a stamp from every instance individually is hilarious. I'm not going to pretend to be a game developer, but there HAS to be a better way of coding a feature that intakes user-generated content that should probably be monitored regularly than that, right? Or, at least, there should be a robust filter system that could prevent any issues from occurring before they would need to be fixed so tediously. You might think.
On December 29th, 2022, I discovered how to register a prefix. It's very common to headcanon the characters I was naming my horses after as transgender, and I thought it would be cute to attach "TRANS" to my horses as a nod to this. However, a filter blocked the word. I was disappointed, but not surprised², and then tried to think of another word that was under 5 letters. To my complete and gay surprise, "GAY" was not filtered out, and henceforth, this worked as my prefix.
As you can see on the popup here, there are scant guidelines for what the requirements for a prefix should be. And, in this moment of apparently utter foolishness, I was under the impression that since "GAY" was NOT filtered out despite there clearly being a filter on this function, it was ok to register. Possibly it's not filtered because it's a synonym for "happy", I thought, which is also cute because I do like when horses are happy. Perhaps the staff had learned from their past criticism and had loosened the restrictions slightly because they felt restructuring was appropriate now that gay marriage is legal in the US, I imagined.
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(My original post)³
What I could not imagine, however, was that the only reason the word wasn't filtered out, despite being possibly the most common sexuality-related word, was just because the lead dev couldn't be assed to add it to the filter list. And that apparently I was supposed to know this because it would lead to a permanent ban on my second offense with no warning.
² Hence typing "eat shit lol". Admittedly childish of me, but I didn't put a lot of thought into the post because it was just part of a casual silly live blog I was doing to blow off steam. The "if I get banned" tag surprisingly was not referencing "GAY", as I genuinely thought I was in the clear for that for reasons stated above, but because I tried to register "TRANS" and then posted about it online. You don't have to believe me, but I feel the need to defend myself since some people have wildly extrapolated that my actions were malicious instead of just a split second decision I made because I was bored one morning.
³ Despite the pop-up box saying that prefixes cannot be removed, they actually can at any time, given only that the person that owns the prefix unregisters the horse from it. The unregistering mechanic is for whatever reason not told to the player upon registering the prefix, but is mentioned in the official game guide linked above.
Part III. The Ban, The Report
I will preface this section by saying that I played the game normally. I do like being outrageous sometimes for my followers' entertainment, but I really don't like dragging random people into my antics if they aren't interested. Because of this, I really didn't interact with other players unless we were mutuals on some other platform. I rarely used the chat feature except to participate in server-wide events that required team participation, and I typically just explored on my own for fun. In general I think I was a pretty ok player, objectively, which lines up with my user trust score.
You see, the way moderators of HI3 allegedly keep track of rule breaking is through a "user trust score" with points added if you use features in the game, help people, etc, and points deducted if you violate rules. Anecdotally I've heard that around the -10 total points mark is when moderators put you on a sort of list to be monitored for suspension or punishment, which is pretty reasonable.
By the time I was banned, I had a score of +31. The -10 offset was a part of this debacle. The only thing I had ever done in the game which warranted any kind of violation was, as you will soon see, literally just naming about 30 of my own horses "GAY", a sin egregious enough to apparently offset about 200 hours worth of playtime with no issues.
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Because of this, I was a little bit confused on multiple levels. For one, I had never even seen a moderator in game, nor been informed of discipline at any time before. On top of that, their permanent ban notification is extremely strange and vague. The text pop up when you try to log in just reads "Account currently banned -1 minutes ().", which is probably just copied straight from the server-side code for things and just wasn't translated into user-side comprehensibility. You'll also notice there is a "()" section in the notification, which I would assume is where they put the reason for bans, except for the fact that mine was completely blank.
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The website which allegedly would hold more info just repeated a near identical code: "BANNED! -1min. Reason:".
So, with nothing else to go off of, I messaged support on the jankiest help center submissions I've ever seen on a website with this:
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"Insisting" and "total disregard" are very strong words to use for a situation in which I just typed a word into a textbox because the game let me, I'd think, which is why I tried to reason with her. The prefixes mentioned in my message are well-known amongst the userbase and are much older and wider-spread than mine, so I would think that there would be at least some sort of precedent for this. The "geldings and yearlings" reasoning was mostly a joke, but also intended to express that the nature of an acronym (as the majority of prefixes seemed to be) is that it can be interpreted in many ways. Intent was thrown around a lot when I was discussing the issues of prefixes with other users, and it seemed to have been used to excuse previous behavior in situations where mods liked the users in question better.
I also cannot emphasize enough how much they did not warn me about my prefix being removed. When I logged in and saw my horses' names did not include it, I was suspicious that the moderators removed it just because of the history of their behavior. However, I had no hard evidence because they did not inform me at ALL. Not through in-game mail systems, not through server messages, not through the website. Complete radio silence except for the addition of an unexplained "-10" to my user score. I did complain to some people that I thought it was removed, but a combination of things suggested that it wasn't a huge deal, so I mostly let it lie. For one, I had over 100 hours of playtime and was mildly worried that one of my chat messages had been flagged without my knowledge. For another, my profile text had also mysteriously disappeared, probably because of a glitch, so who knows what could happen in this game. Lastly, I went to the prefix registry again just to check and hilariously enough, they didn't actually block "GAY" from the database. Yeah, they apparently individually deleted it from all of my horses, but couldn't be assed to add such an "inappropriate" word to their filter system.
So I just registered it again and publicly told people that I would do it again if the mods didn't actually tell me to stop. I didn't really care about the prefix because to me, the feature was purely cosmetic. All I wanted was transparency from the staff.
Well, anyway, I assume Connie couldn't think of a comeback, so she just closed my report. I was annoyed because quite literally none of my questions were answered and she didn't even refer to anything in specifics. It would take less than 1 second to type the number of the rule I violated, but I guess that was too much work for her.
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I tried to give them as many outs as possible to just apologize about poor communication, but they didn't even take the bare minimum. I would also like to mention that this support ticket process is the ONLY way to directly communicate with any staff. There's no ability to upload files or images on this system, and no email listed that you could contact. So essentially, there's no way to give actual evidence for anything you say even if you want to.
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Kat, who is known as the slightly-more-reasonable-but-still-pretty-bad mod then picked up the case. Her response actually provided specific information, which made it leagues above Connie's, but still included some very strange elements for sure.
The notion that this game is intended for a worldwide audience is especially funny to me because you would really think if they cared about other countries they wouldn't violate their own rule one by using a slur for Europe's largest ethnic minority, but ok. It's a weird hill to die on considering how USA-dominated the staff's opinions towards rules are (Connie justifies the usage of a slur for Rromani people based off the opinion of a single roommate she had who reclaimed it, Joe defends a store in-game being called "The Gulag" because Americans don't think gulags are that bad (discussed and cited in the conclusions section)). But then again, picking and choosing what parts of other countries' customs you want to respect is very American, which is why I think they should add an extra star rating for its patrioticness on the website.
As I mentioned before, the prefixes I included in my response are definitely older and more commonly-used than mine, so I'm not sure how they wouldn't have seen them before. This comment also ties back to the suggestion that the moderators have very little control or insight over a distinct feature of their game, which is not a great thing to admit so casually.
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Kat has a strange habit of immediately contradicting herself in the same paragraph, as can be seen here. "The glitches never happen and bugs were quickly fixed, but games still have bugs". "People that break the rules usually write in to ask what was wrong, but most people usually never ask". At this point I think we can confidently say that they don't even make an attempt to proofread any of their responses, to be honest.
Her 7th paragraph has one of my favorite lines in this exchange. "If we had to notify players every time we made moderator changes to their account we would spend 24 hours a day" is giving huge Yandere Dev "stop emailing me because I have to spend 24 hours a day reading all my emails instead of coding" energy. You really have to wonder why these people that seem to hate moderating so much are moderators.
You can tell by my response, but I do not like the use of "most" and "usually" in this at all. What's your standard isn't others' standards, and this is a topic which needs to be navigated gently, especially when kids are concerned. I never played the previous Horse Isles. I had no experience with the mod team, or with violations, or with anything because no one bothered to take five seconds to send me a message. No, I did not know that you would permaban me for typing a word that's in one of the most popular traditional Christmas songs in a place were only people who interacted with me would be able to see it. Most games would not do this. To take a lackadaisical approach to your literal job of community management because you want people to moderate themselves is contradictory to your claims of keeping children safe.
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I will admit I was being a bit cheeky here as a subtle hint that perhaps they should take feedback, but I also would have taken a genuine response. I try my best to be as polite as possible to tech support staff because not everyone is! But they're people too and a simple thank you is worth a lot in customer service, even virtual. But Kat... you're not really giving me anything to work with here! If anyone reading this has feedback for how I could've rephrased things, feel free to comment them honestly. I actually ran drafts of these messages through a few people before sending them to make sure I was as concise and polite as possible, even if support clearly wasn't interested in reciprocating the effort ("following out rules using the the GAY to begin with"...?).
Part IV. The Backlash
I won't go too into depth in this section because it's more personal than documentarian, so feel free to skip to the next section if you want!
After this, the girlies were not happy with me. The one saving grace of HI3 that I've heard pop up over and over again is that the community is great. And a lot of users are! Don't think I'm disparaging people who play the game because I'm not-- it's a really fun experience with the right people. I was in a Discord server with a lot of people who were extremely helpful and kind.
However, within the community, there's also a pervasive culture of silence. According to Alice Ruppert of The Mane Quest, a lot of people will refuse to go public with their complaints about the staff due to fear of retribution, which I feel is unfortunate but understandable. There's a pressure to shut up and eat your food lest you be seen as someone causing controversy for the sake of it and ruining the sanctity of the game, which is an attitude explicitly encouraged by the staff (discussed more in the next section).
I liveblogged my entire correspondence with the support team to a group of other players for the 2 days I talked to them, and did have a lot of acceptance from people who appreciated someone speaking out. After the 2020 Mane Quest article, public information had sort of just gone dark as the community was pushed further into niche seclusion, despite things not improving at all. However, towards the end of my messaging, a group of people that I had never even spoken to or seen online before accused me of a variety of things ranging from "displaying my sexuality to children" (note: all I ever did was name my horses "GAY". I never once talked about my own sexuality in-game, nor did I say the word in chat ever) to "joining the server to cause drama" to "mocking the lgbt community by throwing around the word gay" (actually I'll attach a picture of this one even though I don't want to put people on blast in this section just because its so funny).
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I think most of this can be attributed to the game having gained such a notoriety that longtime players, especially those with strong nostalgic feelings, have become completely desensitized to it. And this compounds with the fact that the game is so niche it doesn't yet have a good alternative to turn to to create a toxic cocktail where people tell themselves that they have to be loyal to the staff to play this one of a kind game-- and that anyone who doesn't follow them just doesn't understand. It's really sad, honestly.
Part V. Conclusions
I don't necessarily think the devs of HI3 are legitimately consciously homophobic-- unfortunately LGBT rights are still controversial amongst the largely southern and rural population of horse enthusiasts, and I could understand if they felt it necessary to skim the line towards conservatism to maintain a userbase. It's cowardly and dumb but it's not a sin to do what you have to do to survive in a capitalistic hellscape as cutthroat as the game industry.
However, what I do think the devs are is power-hungry and hypocritical. They have failed at every turn at community management because they're unwilling to admit they make mistakes, instead choosing to issue non-apologies like "[we] regret you guys got so upset and did not realize neither our true intentions nor motivations nor the whole situation [that we said it's ok that a player has a shop called The Gulag because it's 'not direct or violent']". To respond this way to a userbase filled allegedly with young children as a fully grown adult with a wife and kids is laughably out of touch. 'Sorry your fee-fees were hurt by our adult moderator responding to a serious complaint about inappropriate user-generated content with "lol", but actually you just misunderstood us and we're going to ban anyone who brings this up again' is the sort of response you'd see from the teenage mod team of an Undertale amino, not the supposedly responsible head dev of a 'rare oasis of kid friendly content'.
Telling an audience of impressionable kids that the fact that their feelings are hurt is their fault for not intuiting the intentions of 40+ year old adults is unbelievably toxic, and it's no wonder why people are so nostalgia-bound to feverishly shut down criticism about the games. They've been guilt-tripped into believing the mod team can do no wrong and any controversy, even if valid, that springs up is just extrapolated by people that haven't been laboriously groomed to know what the mod team wants to hear.
Countless times throughout my time researching and playing the game, the number one advice I've heard has always been "suck up to the mods or they won't do anything for you". It's crystal clear that the moderators care more about the joy they get from having power over some 200 users who will kiss their ass if they say a buzzword more than they care about you, your child, or the game itself.
It's essentially a model scam Kickstarter's wet dream, a game propelled to release and popularity by its singular defining feature and left to fester on the shelf as the only game in its niche market. Because of this, I believe there's truly no better way to describe HI3, with its messy backend, refusal to improve, narcissistic moderators, broken features, poor visuals, and inefficiency than as the Yandere Simulator of horse games.
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landfilloftrash · 8 months
May I ask for more of your ShinKaru headcanons please? 😀🙏 or even about Manfred, do you have any HC about his wife?
Not gonna lie with you Chief, it took me longer than it probably should’ve to realize that you were using “Karuma” for the second half of the ship name lmaooo (very jovial)
But headcanons for Gregory and Manfred!!! I have those in spades! I won't go into tooooo much detail because we'll be here all day but I can give you some I sent to my partner! But as always I must preface; this is mostly based on vibes, certain lines I cannot quote off the top of my head, and fanfic-- because both characters and their backstories have not been TOUCHED let me see how they GOT HERE
Anyways /lh
In actual canon, my guess is that they met for the first time during the IS-7 incident. More specifically, the first time they’ve actually TALKED.
However, this alone is boring; So I imagine they’ve seen glances of one another in the courtroom. On Gregory’s end, he has seen von Karma in passing, fresh from the courtroom, going into battle, or going over something in the lobby and scowling, given a polite nod to the man or a nice tip of his hat if he was wearing it and mostly classified MvK as “older gentleman with nice taste in clothing.” if he ever sees him again.
MvK on the other hand might have heard of Gregory in passing? Extremely good defense attorney who regularly beats prosecutors; that’s not saying he’s perfect, that would catch the older man’s attention after all, but MvK has probably heard of him and his Justice filled ways and gone “bah. these fools don’t know how to prosecute that’s all, and he’s a naive fool.” If SEEING him without first noticing his badge, might politely nod back or huff a breath in lieu of greeting. If seeing his badge, 100% a nearly uncontrolled sneer. A mere defense attorney. A bug to crush.
And if later down the line Gregory wants to be that cool bug that Manfred studies closer and finds interesting, that’s his own damn business, thank you very much /lh
The only way I see them happening would be if Manfred's wife was either divorced or dead; He brags about his wife's cooking in a contest about baking that man is a wifeguy fo sho
They are court rivals!
They match each other blow for blow, which means whatever Manfred’s brand of insane is that trial, Gregory is ready to go with it and turn the tide, and even if he doesn’t win (perfect win streak), the crowd goes away with a sense of “wow. Von Karma was really on the ropes a couple of times.” and Manfred HATES IT. Not the crowd’s whispers— but now people know there’s someone who can actually MATCH his damn insanity and that riles him up to the point of bloodthirsting lust
Gregory ALSO hates it but for a different reason; he's fighting for his gawddamn life with these cases, doing his best as a defense and usually coming so so close but missing just that little something, and von Karma wins.
But he’s stubborn. He will get people their Justice, and he WILL literally die trying so help him gods. That stubbornness extends to von Karma; he WILL win against this man one day, and he’s tenacious and firm, so one day, it WILL happen.
On other hand.. he’s also interested in the amused expressions and sometimes even delighted smile that pops up on extremely brief and rare one second occasions when Gregory pulls a trap of his own or turns von Karma’s trap around; It’s a predator amused that his prey thinks it can win, but playing along and once again trapping the poor creature, but he can’t deny that the expressions make him pause for a moment. Von Karma is very intrigued as he is incredulous about Edgeworth; the fact he only smiles when cornered, so deadly serious and matching fire with fire, a little bit of a nerd! What is this man and why is he so amused by him? He's gonna have an aneurysm
Outside of the courtroom, there’s not much interaction. But… on occasion, they will cross paths while investigating, and almost make a game of it.
They’ll bicker, snip at each other, get close to violence on a couple cases, occasionally even laugh at a stupid/funny comment the other made, quip and quote back and forth like their lives depend on it and should they fail they’ll disintegrate.
Most detectives, especially Badd, the one they most regularly have to deal with, have caught onto this and stay the FUCK out of their way; no matter if von Karma demands they don’t let Gregory onto the scene, they find out later he snuck past them and is up to his thighs in a mystery he’s two thirds of the way figured out
Meanwhile von Karma is already ‘hiding’ witness testimonies and figuring out what he might need to smudge to keep the 'innocents' safe and the 'culprits' put away. While this is a tried and true tactic, and a very welcome one, if he can get away with not doing those things, he prefers it.
Gregory on the other hand, has a notebook for every case he’s been on with MvK as the prosecutor because every time they go against each other he needs to write down every thought that comes to mind in regards to the case. In other cases not against Manfred, he’s decimated the prosecutions arguments before they get off the ground thanks to having to deal with the god of prosecution. But he goes over these notebooks and regularly writes new theories and ideas on what might’ve actually happened, or if he came across the truth and was unable to prove it, circles it, and when they're all actually solved, he closes that notebook permanently.
On the extremely rare occasion that they have NO culprit, but there’s a crime they’ve been assigned to, they have tossed theories at one another, simple to try and one up each other of course. But it’s a different kind of race and game. It’s slower, much more careful.
Manfred once couldn't get to a crime scene up on a hill because it was a terrible pain day and Gregory said nothing about it as he supported Manfred’s almost full weight and let him recover before they actually approached the police and the scene. They never bring it up again and Manfred hates the fact that it even happened, but Gregory soon after finds a small gift basket and a note that says “tell no one. they will never believe you.” and Edgeworth keeps the note.
Gregory is a very calm and chill man, but he has on multiple occasions yelled in true anger at Manfred for certain topics, and Manfred purposefully doesn’t bring those topics up again unless truly relevant, which is almost never.
Manfred absolutely hates Gregory the way you hate a dog. Gregory hates Manfred the way you hate a season.
That's where I'll leave those for now lmao-- but now. Ouuuh. Headcanons about Manfred's wife, huh? She's not so closely my department in headcanons/personal canons like my buddy @.nwdolphin is! But if I were pressed...
May perhaps not be a perfectionist like her husband, but probably strives for it in a way that Manfred saw, appreciated, and partially married her for
I'm not quite sure on ethnicity or name-- depends on if they met in Germany or Japanifornia, and even then it's a mixed bag either way-- but definitely not "noble birth" or whatever if going on with MvK's edwardian outfits /aff Just a normal person from a normal Ace Attorney universe family, so of course her name is a pun/irony.
That being said-- Business woman though. Possibly a CEO of some kind? Possibly just a simple worker. Either way, she commands attention
Softer face for Franziska? She's who it came from!
Like I said earlier in the post; Manfred brags about her cooking! Wifeguy for sure. Her cooking may not be "perfect" but it's made with a genuine effort and a love of the task/people it's made for, so it's perfect to him, goddamnit all, and he will stand by this until he dies
This is all not to say that she's perfectly fine with her husband's bullshit; she calls him out when he gets too Into It
Definitely challenges her husband in more than one way-- whether it be verbally, mentally, or maybe even physically in a sparring match when they were younger and Manfred's leg didn't act out as much!
Manfred fr wouldn't have it any other way; he strikes me as the kind of guy who would decay rapidly without a proper challenge in some way or another (enrichment for the caged tiger in his enclosure please)
I could definitely see her being the one that completely and utterly endorse her youngest daughter wielding a riding crop as little more than two so even she could defend herself
Both of them were definitely so proud of her
Of course her eldest also got a weapon (<- the one who gave them their weapons) who do you think she is
Their granddaughter is named after her, methinks; the eldest keeps in contact enough for Manfred to know her dog's name is Phoenix (whether or not he was simply bluffing on this is irrelevant, I'm taking it and running with it /lh) and even if it isn't, he still knows his granddaughter has a dog who she very much adores.
I think around the time she left his life (death, divorced, missing, etc.) is around the time he truly started to lose the way of how he wants Perfect Justice and instead started to perfectly embody everything wrong with the Law
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bloodgulchblog · 5 months
hi to everyone finding out about my blog because of warthog piss lore!
i mostly write insane halo fanfiction. my most serious project is probably the one about the arbiter during a gap in the halo 3 timeline where he talks to johnson a lot and manages to befriend the master chief whether the master chief likes it or not, that's over here.
...but currently i'm taking a break to write some bullshit about chief and the guy on the radio from spartan ops. also roland is there.
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seeminglyranch87 · 9 months
Taylor & Travis Timeline
December 2023 - part 3
December 16 - Travis Kelce arrives ahead of game - Foxborough, MA
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December 17 - Chiefs v New England Patriots, Gillette Stadium, Foxborough, MA
Travis passes by a billboard of Taylor at Gillette Stadium (x) during game warm up session
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Taylor attends Chiefs v Patriots game with her dad Scott Swift, Brittany Mahomes, Ashleigh Avignone, Melanie Nyema, Alana Haim & others.
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Taylor wore a vintage Chiefs sweater and fan made beanie with custom "87"
KC Chiefs defeat Patriots 27 - 17
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Chiefs Coach Andy Reid after the game says of Taylor (x 5:40) when asked about her affect on the team:
"I'm a big fan so I'm glad she was here, I hope she enjoyed it, She's got a great guy that she is dating right now, I'm happy for both of them."
Taylor and Travis fly back to Kansas City.
December 18 - The messenger informs us (x) incase you were wondering...
"There are no plans for an engagement anytime soon," the source exclusively told The Messenger amid rumors. "There is no engagement at this time."
December 19 - Page Six publish article - Taylor & Travis to spend Christmas and New Year's Eve together.
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce will be spending the holidays together this year, Page Six can exclusively confirm.
A source tells us that the pop superstar, 34, will be with her NFL beau, also 34, in Kansas City, Mo., on both Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve since he is scheduled to work on both days. “She’ll for sure be at the games,” an insider says.
The Hollywood Reporter post a humorous look at "The 2023 Hollywood Yearbook" and crown Taylor and Travis as Prom Queen and King (x)
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December 21 - New Heights Ep. 69 airs. Travis and Jason Kelce discuss the Chiefs v Patriots win and Taylor's popularity at the venue and Scott Swift's support for the Chiefs. (x 38.00)
Travis refers to Taylor being shown on the jumbo-tron at Gillette Stadium during the game...
"I'll say this they showed Taylor at the game and I mean you don't you don't see an entire home team fan base go insane for somebody wearing the opposite team's colors. Just shows you how amazing that girl is They went absolutely insane when they showed Taylor on the screen, there might have been a few Brads and Chads that were booing but for the most part everybody was f** screaming their tail off, I was trying to keep it cool I was like don't show don't show your cards don't show your cards it was fun man it was fun. Shout out to the the Patriots New England, Taylor's on board or she's on record saying that that Stadium's one of the funnest that she's played at so for them to show her is uh just kind of I guess showing her some some love so shout out to the Patriots for doing that."
The NFL continue to post about Taylor and Travis...
December 21 - Taylor at Electric Lady Studios, NYC
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December 22 - Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs Quarterback praises Taylor in interview with CBS Mornings (x)
Patrick sharing his thoughts on Taylor...
"She's just part of Chiefs kingdom now, she's part of the team"
"She's top tier at her profession"
"I'm glad that she is the person that she is and that is why I think her and Travis match so well."
December 25 - Christmas Day
Chiefs v Las Vegas Raiders, Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City.
Travis arrives at Arrowhead Stadium ahead of game (x)
Taylor arrives at Arrowhead Stadium with Santa - Austin Swift
Taylor watches game with her parents Scott and Andrea, brother Austin, his girlfriend Sydney, Ed Kelce, Brittany Mahomes Lindsay Bell and others.
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Taylor seen wearing a Santa hat with "87" on it in support of Travis. Commentators accidentally call Taylor Travis' "wife" (x)
Raiders defeat Chiefs 20 - 14
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Taylor leaves Arrowhead Stadium with Travis (x) to celebrate Christmas together.
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December 29 - New Heights Ep 71 airs (x) - Travis and Jason talk about their Christmas celebration with parents Donna and Ed and are also joined by Kylie Kelce.
Travis asked Kylie who grew up in Philadelphia "did you guys go out to Reading or Lancaster?" to buy a Christmas tree when she was a child? With a knowing grin, Kylie admits to never visiting Reading but "I heard there was a tree farm out there" (1:24)
We all know in whose heart there is a "Christmas Tree Farm" ;-)
“I feel like you might like cats now,” Kylie teased her brother in law. Which leads us to ask how is Travis getting along with Meredith, Olivia and Benjamin? (1:27)
When talking about his Christmas Day and referencing the Chiefs loss Travis said “I’ve had better. … But it ended well, it ended well with good Christmas cheer and good people. That’s always gonna save Christmas no matter if you lose to the Raiders or not.”
Travis went on to praise Taylor’s brother, Austin Swift, who attended the game dressed in a Santa costume. “It was a full commit. He killed it,” Travis said, revealing that Austin gave him “a VHS of my favorite football movie of all time... the Little Giants” “He actually made me feel like a child because his gift to me was straight out of the bag.” “Santa kills it,” Travis said of the gift. (1:30)
December 31 - Chiefs v Bengals, Arrowhead Stadium. Travis arrives ahead of game (x)
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Taylor watches the game at Arrowhead Stadium, Kansas City wearing a Chiefs varsity jacket customised with "Tay Tay". Travis wore a matching jacket heading into the game last week. Perhaps this jacket is a gift from Travis?? Taylor looks like she had a fabulous time cheering on Travis and the Chiefs.
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Chiefs defeat Bengals 25 - 17 and are now AFC West Champions and qualified for playoffs! (x)
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Travis & Taylor leave Arrowhead together
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Travis and Taylor celebrate New Year's Eve together (x x x)
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angelofverdum · 1 year
Station 19 S06e14
This was a busy episode, and I can't believe we are so close to the finale and still no season renewal.
First, Is Eli gone for good? Are we done with the campaign plot? Thank god.
I love Andy in this episode. That little speech she gave to Theo at the end? "Words you are looking for are thank you" Get him again for me.
They left the pot on the stove, which I get but Vic didn't go to the kitchen at all? Like, the call was in daylight, and they came back in the dark. She didn't drink water or go for a snack?
Sullivan and Ross are going to get married to solve the situation they are in now. That's my only opinion.
I'm a bit disappointed about the date. Honestly, I was expecting the date to be interrupted, but Walking around the station while Maya was working was not what I had in mind. Not even a little picnic on the rooftop? I think Maya has more game than that.
When Carina looked a Maya when Pam said they went out for drinks. I almost died.
Maya's Growth? Love to see it. Maya didn't get angry about Pam after Carina's explained why she went out with her. However, during the call, she shut down any flirting that was coming out of Pam's mouth. "HOW IS YOUR ARM, PAM?" That was so aggressive.
Maya understood Carina and opened up to her about the pics. I also love that they acknowledge that Maya still wants to be Captain.
People were so insane for thinking Maya would use the pics to get her job back.
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I LOVE that they are making Maya and Andy friends again. Everything is better when they are together. I'm so happy about that. I need them as a team more than life.
And we are getting more Andy and Maya next episode? Thank you, lord. They are probably going to give Ross the pictures so she decides what to do with them.
Now the kiss was nice, I guess? Because I didn't see anything.
Please, someone tell Danielle to put Carina's hair out of her face when she is kissing her because it's always on the way. It's always walls and hair and cuts. The kiss was nice, but only because of Danielle and Stefania. I hope Director Savre doesn't make those mistakes.
However, I did love the moment after the kiss. Carina was ready to say fuck everything and take Maya right there and then. My girl was fighting with everything she had.
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I want more Carina was flirting like back in the day in Grey's Anatomy. "maybe... Call me" I can't stop thinking about it. I want more, but also I want Maya flirting and making Carina all hot and bothered in front of people.
No drama between Andy and Travis because of Eli. Love that.
What was that about Jack?
Also, "Chief Dearborn?" This Dearborn?
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Bring her back now. I want to see jealous Carina.
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cementcornfield · 9 months
I think it’s very evident that EVERYONE sees how close and important Joe and Ja’Marr are to one another . In a press conference after we beat the Chiefs to go to the Super Bowl , Ja’Marr said he leans on Joe like he’s his older brother , how he wouldn’t have gotten through the preseason without his support. Or It’s like in the press conference after he was ruled out for the season , and one of the reporters asked him how did Ja’Marr feel and take the news . Or the interview before the wild card against the Ravens where the question was about the Damar Hamlin situation and how tough it was . He said “ You see yourself in that situation. You see Ja’Marr in that situation.” Like he singled out Ja’Marr and it had me thinking about how he worried himself imagining someone he’s loved and considered a brother in Damar’s position and what it would have done to him emotionally. I’m fascinated by them honestly
you're so right anon, i agree 100% on all of this!! people get annoyed (and often rightfully so!) at how often ja'marr gets asked about joe. but joe gets asked about ja'marr more than anyone else! their relationship is special and it's clearly something that resonates with the nfl audience (maybe not quite in the way it resonates with us on tumblr lmao but it resonates in general!)
god all of these examples are just so MUCH. they're brothers to each other, they couldn't get through all of this insanity without each other, they're partners in all of this and when one of them is affected by something we immediately wonder how the other is dealing with it, something tragic and life changing occurs during a game and they're thinking of each other. it's just so much that no one can ignore it!!
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moveslikeanape · 9 months
i actually don't play disney magic kingdoms myself, it's just not really my type of game, but i've seen some gameplay of it and read a lot of the little dialogue from it online and it's always seemed really charming and cute! so it really is too bad we might never get to see tarzan characters added to it. i do play disney dreamlight valley on the switch, which is sort of a life sim game like animal crossing but with disney/pixar characters all living together, and a lot more of a story to it with quests you get to do for everyone. it's a lot newer and doesn't have nearly as many characters in it, but a recent update added a jungle biome that would've been perfect for tarzan and jane. i know they'll probably never be added, but if they were then they could live together in the treehouse and we could see how tarzan would feel about living in the valley among so many other humans! there would be so many new things that jane could teach him about.
i recently started collecting lorcana cards after seeing one of rapunzel wearing a green dress, which i found really cool because that was what she had in so much of her concept art! i was also pretty excited to be able to get cards from the emperor's new groove, the great mouse detective, treasure planet, and hercules. i bet they could make some beautiful cards for tarzan... but yeah, that copyright issue is incredibly frustrating. some of my favorite movies may be a bit overlooked or underrepresented by disney, but at least they don't have the legal problem that tarzan has. i guess with once upon a studio they must've wanted to really go all out to make sure every single walt disney animation studios feature could be included! i'm grateful they did, because it would've been a huge shame to see tarzan not even allowed into the special 100th anniversary short. the new movie "wish" also has a tribute to past WDAS films during the credits, where gold-colored drawings of characters from each movie appeared across the screen in chronological order. strangely they actually left out a handful of movies including the black cauldron, but they did include tarzan!
also, i'm sure you already knew about this haha, but just the other day i came across an article from a few years ago where several of the people who worked on tarzan were interviewed and talked about the production. and i learned for the first time that it was originally planned as a direct-to-video movie which would stick closer to the source material with tarzan going to england. i'm obviously very glad that that didn't happen and we got the movie we have now instead. -🌟
Sorry, was out of town for the weekend visiting family.
That's fair about Magic Kingdoms not being your type of game. I think the only real reason I play it is because it's something I can play casually and more of less keep up with, with out it taking too much time.
What I've seen of Dreamlight Valley looks like so much fun! And that would be amazing to see Tarzan and Jane in that game. Probably will never happen, but we can dream!
Ooo, I haven't seen that Rapunzel one, will have to look it up. I've always loved the concept art. So insane to think there's actually even Treasure Planet art in them!!!
Sadly we may never get Tarzan in Lorcana, but I found this artist during the Disemeber challenge on instagram, and he's actually done art for Lorcana. Looks like it was just the one card, Chief Bogo (which he's posted if you go though his stuff). May not be official, but at least here's a Christmas themed idea of what could be if they included Tarzan
OMG, I never expected any reference to Tarzan in Wish!! I haven't seen it yet (live in a small town, starting to think we may not even get it in our theatre), but now I'm even more excited to see it!
Oh wow, I actually didn't know that! That's so interesting (definitely so grateful they didn't go that route though). Would have been interesting to see how close Disney would get to the source material… don't know if you've ever read the books, but there's a lot of not so family friendly stuff. Also would have been such a waste, given the quality of D2V animation, would have been such a shame to only get Tarzan & Jane quality animation.
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kdsburneraccount · 7 months
I know I'm late (hopefully not too late) but pls for the ship ask game? Also I saw your wips and got curious about some ❤️ Micah/trevon, Steph/Klay, Travis/pat and Dak/Zeke? I probably asked for a lot sorry hshdhshs
Never late!! Thank you for sending in an ask, I like reading them :> and dw abt asking abt too many bc answering is cool (I should probably be the one apologizing for finishing this response late 😭) For Micah and Trevon @ceedeelamb posted a lot abt them and I was like "okay hm i see the vision." Like Trevon is pretty and at the cost of sounding shallow he should be shipped with someone if the world has any justice. We all know Stefon is pretty but let’s give his brother some love ok. Bc he too is a gorgeous gorgeous girl who is also prone to bouts of manic behavior 🫶 And it seems like he and Micah have a good relationship (the part abt Micah saying he would pick up Trevon’s 2 am call kinda moved me I can’t lie). It’s cute, they talk shit to each other and play off each other well on the field. Seems like Micah is a little more obtuse and Trevon’s more perceptive and that works I think. If I had a nickel for every time I shipped two NFL players and something about 7-11 was involved in its conception I would have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice. Also Micah compared himself and Trevon to Jalen Ramsey and Aaron Donald... which I mean. Gay off. (rest in peace to that pairing btw i had a fic abt them) (never completed) (i do have a Trevon/Micah fic kinda sorta in the works) (it will probably be short but the vibes are decent)
Steph/Klay is one of those pairings where I don't read much fic but I ship it bc well. Who else would you ship yknow? They're so married it's insane 😭 like I probably got into the nba fandom too late to really be invested in the narrative but I can't imagine them with anyone else. Tbh I don’t read a lot of fic for them bc the dynamic isn’t something that draws me in but just know I support all of the Klephen shippers. I hope that they both stay with the Warriors for their entire careers 🫡
And then Travis/Pat is a valid ship. I support it in theory bc “quarterback + top pass catcher = decent ship.” I feel like I would like this ship more if Travis were younger, with all due respect (and also if the Chiefs didn't constantly beat my teams 😭), but like I still don’t mind it. I had an idea for like some vaguely melancholic short fic abt them with like a dash of yearning once but idk where I put that thought. Overall, good ship tho!
Dak/Zeke is great I hate they're divorced now 😔 there was a fic abt them that I liked but then it got deleted 💔 burning of Library of Alexandria moment. I really need to save more fics bc idk when they'll be saved. Anyways Dak is kinda mother to me so like. I miss their vibes together the nfl honors during their rookie year was kind of a goated vibe. And qb/rb relationships are underrated I feel, something abt a shared responsibility for two facets of the offense.
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