#dunno where Price fits into this
greyauras · 29 days
Just wondering something. Is this idea that I cooked up in my head at 4 am a good one? Basically to sum up the tags, TFT/NB GhostSoap except Ghost is a retired veteran and Soap is a university student... continued
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(in what? Idk but I'm open to suggestions...engineering? Like some cool welding stuff? Because what do you need chemistry for in day to day life? See, this is why I'm stupid.) They become roommates due to both of their low income on an ad (they work at a bookstore together maybe?), become friends over the years and enjoy living together.
Simon is a trans man (which means afab) who never elaborated that he was trans or anything. He's never "said" it but he's very open about it, (walks around shirtless, doesn't care about periods but it's obvious that he has them, there's a box of pads in the closet)
(I'm using he/him pronouns just to make all of this easier to type out but I think the order of preference would be They/He/She? Possibly switching the he and she around depending on the "mood". Yet last night I thought she/he/they…)
Soap is an AMAB who's not very comfortable with how people see him. The way he sees himself is very confusing. He's comfortable "being" a man but doesn't "want" to be a man and doesn't feel the most comfortable in those roles. (Still enjoys traditionally masculine things and of course any gender can do this) But that's what's confusing, he knows that clothes are just clothes and people can wear whatever they want but it goes past the feeling of just wanting to wear pretty clothes. As you might've guessed (it's dysphoria).
Simon notices the way that his friend/roommate looks less confident and hides under big clothing that Soap usually doesn't wear. Basically this worry of change in confidence and personality makes Simon think that Soap is in an abusive relationship or something and tries to get him to open up about that. So no matter what, Simon is supportive, just guessing the wrong issue. (Maybe miscommunication needs to be added as a tag…)
But anyways, that's a very short summary of that. And basically, Soap struggles with the feelings of being a perverted faker (he's not but that's a common doubt) and being too masculine while also not liking too feminine. As there's some masculine attributes he likes about himself (body hair).
I haven't written anything, I just made a draft and this is all just floating feelings in my head. (In my head I said 3 chapters but this is getting too long? All this shit would have to be covered in at least 5) I just wonder if it's not a good idea because it hits a sensitive spot somehow. 😭
I'm a trans guy (AFAB) but never had any experiences with androgyny and non-binary feelings. I'm very binary...very dude like. So I obviously also have NO idea what being AMAB with any other gender identity would be like. (So Simon would be struggling with the same thing)
So feel free to tell me the differences between Bigender and Demigender (Demigirl/Demiboy). I just feel that's how a Soap that I've made in a TFT (that's not FTM4FTM) universe of them would mostly identify as. I've seen people hc Ghost as Agender before. I can totally see it. But never anything for Soap.
I looked up these attributes and feelings as if I was the one struggling myself and thought "Yeah that's what they would relate to". 💀
(the results were Bigender and Demigender if you couldn't tell but apparently there's a difference between them. Which I would like to know. Because maybe what I'm trying to describe is Gender-Fluidity.)
This is probably going to flop because I yapped too much (683 words? Omg bro stfu, no one wants an essay) but I'm not going to a place like reddit for this to know if it's morally incorrect. (I don't think it is but I would like a second opinion basically)
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tetrameryxx · 2 years
I don't think I'll ever get the hang of pricing my art 💦 the most I've made off of one artwork was a hundred bucks and it was an already-completed painting of Joshua Tree
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on-a-lucky-tide · 1 month
Captain Price is completely oblivious to how attractive he is. Until Nikolai reminds him. For @lookoutrogue .
cw: none.
“He has no feckin’ idea,” Soap groused, slurping another mouthful of lager.
“Not a scooby. Pretty sure she could stick her tongue down his throat and he’d think she was lookin’ for advice on resuscitation technique.” Gaz slumped his chin into his palm and squinted.
“I mean, how’d’ye get tha’… oblivious?”
They had spent the last forty-five minutes since their arrival watching their captain entertain—or rather, be entertained by—a gaggle of young men and women seeking his attention. They were in one of those posh bars in central London where everyone seemed to want to get in everyone else’s knickers and it was nearly nine quid a pint. It was a bit bougie for their tastes, but it was one of the few places with a spare table near to where they needed to be.
“Dunno, but if she touches any further up his thigh she’s gonna end up grabbing a handful,” Gaz murmured, swirling the ice around in his gin and tonic.
“They’re hangin’ off his every word, like,” Soap threw his hand up in exasperation, “he’s talkin’ about sandin’ a feckin’ fence. Sanding. A. Fence. He ripped a lad’s throat open with a crowbar and rescued a foreign attaché of diplomats three days ago, but nope, it’s the Black and Decker that’s more interestin’.”
“That was a classified mission,” Ghost said quietly, cutting in with the low, unobstusive rumble that somehow snapped both Gaz and Soap to look at him. “Not exactly pick up line material.”
“Come off it, L.T. Like ye’ve never spun a yarn tae entertain,” Soap scoffed.
“Actually, I believe him,” Gaz said. “‘Sides, in that mask, it would come off more like a serial killer explainin’ how he’s gonna murder you than hot military hero. No offence, sir.”
“None taken.” Ghost sipped his bourbon and rolled said mask back down his face.
“Ye’ve known ‘im longes’,” Soap looked at Ghost, clearly desperate for answers, “has he always b’en like—“ he fluttered a hand in Price’s direction as the two young women and a fluffy looking twink hanging off his every word broke into raucous laughter at a joke that wasn’t even remotely funny, “—that.”
Ghost shrugged. “To get to where he is, he had to work hard. Gym, range, classroom, paperwork, mental preparation. You don’t graduate top of your class, praised to be the best in your field, by dossin’ around with skirt. Not a lot of time for… fraternising.”
“You have such a way with words, sir,” Gaz said, mildly amused.
Soap smirked wryly. “Aye, I c’n see that. But still, I c’n see why it took Nik a feckin’ decade. I wouldnae be surprised if he had tae be balls deep before—oh, hey, Nik! Over here!”
Soap stood to wave as a familiar looming figure in a brown leather jacket elbowed his way through the crowd, and spread his arms wide. “My brothers, you came!”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, mate,” Gaz said with a grin as he stood to receive the offered hug; Soap got a clap on the back of the shoulder and Ghost a shake of the hand. “So, how’d it go?” Gaz asked as he sat back down.
“Well,” Nik patted the right side of his jacket, slightly padded out with an envelope of paperwork, “it is official—I am now a British citizen.” Despite his smile, all three of them could see the sadness in his eyes. The kremlin had seen fit to strip his citizenship. He had said he was surprised it took them so long, but they had finally linked his alias, a face and a name on their records. It was difficult to maintain anonymity in retirement, so acquiring British citizenship had seemed the natural step to take given the last five years. He would always be Russian in body, heart and soul, but all three now belonged partly to someone else…
“Congratulations. We’re lucky to have you,” Ghost said, lifting his glass.
“Da, thank you,” Nik nodded, and then looked at the empty seats either side. “Where is the captain?”
“Holdin’ court,” Soap nodded towards the bar, “Ah’d get over there before he invites 'em over tae see his fish tank 'n loft conversion.”
Nik followed Soap's eye line and raised an eyebrow. He was a laid back man in most things, but when it came to John Price he had precisely zero chill. His back straightened and his shoulders squared, fingers twitching at his sides as he inspected the three people crowding around Price, lingering on the hand that was currently on his knee. “Please excuse me,” he said quietly.
Gaz smirked into his drink. “Get ‘em, mate.”
“Ahh, Nik!” Price beamed as he approached, swivelling on the bar stool to face him. “This is uhm… Jessica, was it? Derek and.. uh, sorry, I forg—Stacy? Stacy. I was just explainin’ how—mmph.”
Nik went straight in for the kiss without preamble. His hips slotted as easily between Price’s legs as their lips did together, his tongue sweeping into Price’s mouth to stake his claim. The hot flush went from the tips of Price’s ears to the v-neck of his t-shirt; he didn’t usually do public displays of affection, but Nik felt it was an equitable sanction. As he pulled away, Nik was happy to note that the three had drifted a little further down the bar, mumbling their excuses. Price didn’t notice; he only had eyes for Nik.
“What was that ‘bout?” Price croaked.
Nik hummed as he took Price’s left hand from his waist and held it up between their faces. “And here is the problem, no?”
“Ahh, Nik, it wasn’—I’m just—“
Nik ignored Price's flustered excuses as he grabbed the chain of his dog tags and pulled them from inside his shirt. The ring rattled softly against the stainless steel as Nik yanked the clasp open and extracted it from its customary place next to his heart. A lesser man might have thought ill of the whole thing, but it had been Nik’s idea; the risk of de-gloving on an op was high, and it would only get lost if shoved in a pocket or at the bottom of a duffel bag.
“It is better this way,” Nik had said softly late one night, “because they will bring it back to me if—“
“N’aw,” Price had replied, “I’ll always bring it back myself, right? Along with my sorry arse, no matter what state it’s in.” It had been an empty promise given Price’s job, but Nik had kissed the comfort from his lips as he’d said those words anyway.
At home, however, it went back on. Price was forgetful. Too much going on behind those pretty blue eyes to think of such a small adjustment. Nik slid the ring back onto Price’s hand and then kissed the back of his knuckles. “Better.”
“I forget, ’m sorry, that wasn’t—“
“I know,” Nik said. “But it will put off the predators.”
“Johnathan, they were ready to eat you—vodka, on ice,” Nik glanced at the barman only briefly as he gave his order, returning to Price’s eyes as they glittered up at him.
“Eat m—? We were chattin’ about gardenin’.”
“You were discussing gardening, they were not here to discuss.”
Price’s mouth clicked shut. “Ah.”
“Ah, indeed.”
“Well, thanks for the exfil…”
Nik smirked. “Always.”
“How’d it go?”
Nik reached into his pocket and extracted a dark navy passport, flipping it open so Price could see the identity within—Nikolai Price, M, British Citizen.
“Well, bloody hell, would’ya look at that?” Price took it in both hands, thumb drifting over the photograph affectionately. “You know, I’m surprised you changed to your alias, and didn’t keep—“
“I am not that man anymore,” Nik said. “I am… everything we have built together, and will continue to build. I prefer it this way.”
Price smiled, folding the passport closed to slot it back inside Nik’s jacket. He studied Nik’s face closely, saw the sadness there but also the relief. His home had been taken from him the moment he had turned, but he had slowly, and at times painfully, built himself a new one. With Price. Fuck, they could be on the other side of the world, and Nik would still be ‘home’, because ‘home’ was a man, not a place, and Price had come round to the same line of thinking. It had just taken him a little longer to realise.
“I love you, Kolya,” Price said softly.
Now it was Nik’s turn to flush, his cheeks tinging a soft pink as he processed the open affection he was still growing accustomed to. “And I you, captain.”
“Oi, lovebirds, use that officer’s salary and get a round in, L.T.’s bein’ a tight-fisted bastart!’
Nik chuckled and reached into his pocket for his wallet. “This one is on me, as they say.”
“I’ll take a double scotch then. We’ve got some celebratin’ t’do.”
“Ofiget… da, da, barman!”
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dovabunny · 10 months
GhostSoap AU - Replaced
Cw: angst
They'd been a (secret) thing for almost a year now. Soap was smitten, but respected Ghost's boundaries to keep it private.
But over all these months, Ghost never said he loved him too. He never makes future plans with Soap either.
He keeps turning down invites to go on leave together or meet his family,l. When they're out on missions will always elect share a room with Price over him.
Soap starts to feel like less of a secret lover and more like... Ghost's dirty little secret.
Like he's just being used.
(Read rest below)
It all blows up one night.
The gang had been at a local bar. Some flooze had apparently been making eyes at Ghost and Gaz noticed. Thinking he's being a good friend and wingman, he introduced the two.
Soap had to sit and watch Ghost talk to her at the bar for 20minutes.
Everytime she touched his arm or bought him a drink he wanted to rip her off him.
But what hurt more was that Ghost didn't immediately turn her down, instead entertaining her attention for a drink or two. He didn't tell Gaz he wasn't interested.
Soap was just a spectator.
"So? Get her number?" Gaz eagerly asked when Ghost returned.
"Nah. Not my type. Too chatty."
Gaz rolled his eyes. "Picky bitch. She was pretty. And if you're not into chatty why do you keep him around?" He playfully winked at Soap.
It was a joke. Didn't mean it didn't hurt.
Not when Ghost didn't even reply.
Soap announced he's leaving early. Ghost followed and caught up to him. The cold air did nothing to ease the burning hurt.
"You coming over to mine tonight, Johnny? I doubt they'll be back till after midnight."
Soap grit his teeth and kept walking. "Dunno. Maybe you should go ask your redhead slag."
Ghost glared, voice cold. "That's uncalled for, Johnny. She was just being friendly."
"Friendly, huh? Too bad she's chatty. Apparently that's huge turn off for you."
Ghost grabbed his arm and stopped him. His eyes and tone incredulous. "That's what this hissy fit is about? You're jealous and touchy over that comment? I thought you'd be happy I didn't take her number."
"I would've been happy if you didn't entertain her flirting at all!"
Ghost's eyes turned hard. "And what gives you the right to dictate who I talk to?"
Soap stared for a moment. It hurt. It fucking hurts but he needed to know.
"What am I to you, Simon?"
Ghost was quiet.
"A fling? A partner? A lover? A fucking sex toy? What am I to you!?"
Months of insecurities were bubbling up. The alcohol that loosened his tongue didn't help either as he yelled.
"Don't raise your voice to me, Sargent. I'm still your commanding officer." Ghost said in a tone reserved for intimidating interrogations and reckless recruits.
"...that's it? You're my CO and I'm your Sargent? That's- that's all it is for you?" Soap hated how his voice trembled.
"I didn't make any promises, Soap." (Soap. Not Johnny.) "You have no right to make demands of what I may and may not do, and I won't be chained down!"
"I don't want to chain you down! I just wa-"
"Sounds like you do. Bloody hell, if you didn't want to fuck anymore - fine. There's no need for the tears and the drama, Sargent."
It was only then that Soap realized he was crying.
Ghost cursed and kept walking without him.
Soap feels like he's been punched in the chest, a gaping void left where his heart and lungs should be.
Apparently all the secret kisses Ghost stole, how he held his hand when no one was looking, the way he held him when they were alone were all just what? Drama? In his head?
Soap spends the night sobbing his heart out off base in an empty parking lot with a bottle of whiskey in his hand.
By morning he told himself there's no use crying over spilled milk.
But it wasn't that simple. For either of them. It was the start of the end.
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charliemwrites · 10 months
what if Price is literally the only one to come out of a mission unscathed so while Ghost, Soap, and Gaz are in the infirmary, Price has to go take care of reader?
Oooooh now we’re talkin’ anon. A couple people said price was mean when I introduced him to reader….. what do you guys think this time?
You know before the door even opens that something is Wrong. You know because Simon is late again and last time he was late, Johnny came to babysit.
It’s not johnny that comes in the door.
You happen to be slipping from the kitchen with a bowl of marshmallows when Price walks through the door. You freeze. He freezes. Slowly, his eyes fall to the marshmallows in your hand… and your puffed out cheeks stuffed full of them.
“Have you had dinner?” he asks.
You look very far away. “Mmm….”
“That’s not an answer.”
“Mm!” You make a show of chewing.
He huffs in amusement and drops his bag at the door. Your eyes flick to it with concern, shuffle on your feet when he moves closer.
“Remember me?” he asks when you finally lose your nerve and take a step back.
You swallow the last of the sugar and nod. “Captain Price.”
“Attagirl.” He beams. “You can call me Price, little one. Or John, but only if you’re nice.”
You frown at him, hugging you bowl to your chest.
“Don’t give me that look, I’ve heard all of soap’s horror stories.”
You huff, scrunch your nose. Where is Johnny, anyway? Simon said that he’s the designated “babysitter.”
“Everyone’s laid up in hospital right now, so it’ll just be me and you.”
You can’t keep the nervousness off your face.
“H-how long…?”
“Few days, at least.”
You frown. That’s not specific enough. He doesn’t explain further.
When he takes another step forward, you take two back, heart starting to pick up.
“Dunno why you’re so afraid of me, little one, but look. I just want to get some proper food in you, yeah? You look like you haven’t eaten and Simon will have a fit if he finds out.”
You swallow and nod, but don’t creep closer. He doesnt press this time.
“Alright, how’s this, you keep snacking on those while I get dinner ready. But you come eat when I call, yeah?”
Seems… reasonable. You nod and retreat to the couch, eyes never leaving him.
It’s not, uh….. easy. You can’t pinpoint why you’re so skittish. He’s not done a thing to make you afraid. Not one! Is even a pretty decent cook.
Later that evening, you try to retreat to your room, but he click his tongue, calling your attention. He holds out a hand, coaxing.
“C’mon, stray. Don’t you wanna watch your shows?”
You try to find excuses, but he just sits there patiently, watching. Eventually you cave, creeping closer. Hesitate at his hand, just out of reach. He wiggles his fingers teasingly. You carefully slip around to the other side of the couch and curl up.
He allows it for a little while. At some point he gets up, gets a water that he sets in your hands. When he sits down again, it’s much closer than before. You finally find something like annoyance, grumbling and trying to press into the arm of the couch.
“Listen to you,” he chuckles, reaching for a scritch. “So dramatic.”
And this time you do get your teeth in him. Bite down and then almost immediately realize what you’ve done. You go still, mouth still clamped around the meat of his thumb.
When your eyes venture up to his, he looks… amused. “Are you happy with that choice?”
You shake your head very carefully.
“Would you like to change it?”
You carefully unlatch, running your tongue over your teeth.
“There a reason you’re biting?”
You always have a reason to bite, the hell kind of question is that? You scowl.
“Too close. Back up.”
“Simon says you need cuddles.”
You hmph. “Simon’s not here. I don’t even like cuddles.”
“Oh, we’re lying now is that it?”
You make a frustrated noise and try to climb off the couch. Price sighs and snags your shirt, keeping you from getting far.
“Stop it!” you cry, pressing your hands to your face. “I’m scared because you keep pushing! I want Simon. I wanna be alone.”
His expression softens. “I know, little one, I’m sorry. I have to push because I need to make sure you’re being taken care of. Can’t do that if you’re hiding away, understand?”
You make a helpless noise, tears boiling over.
“Are they okay? I want them to be okay, even if they’re the worst.”
“They’re alright, lovely. They’ll be here to visit you soon. Come here? I don’t have to touch you, but just come sit and calm down. Sip some water.”
You do as your told, upset and exhausted. Price keeps his word and gives you a little more room, not touching. Even offers a pillow for you to hug. It still smells like Simon.
“Now look. I know I’m not Simon, but I can’t do things the way you like if you don’t give me a chance to try,” Price explains. “No more running. Compromise with me.”
You nod, and even go so far as to press your knee against his thigh. He nods, offers you a smile that is… rather nice now that you can manage to look at his face.
“Good girl.”
“That’s for Simon.”
He pauses, looks thoughtful. “Attagirl?”
You nod.
“See? You’re alright. Now settle in. One more episode and then bed time, yeah?”
You nestle down into the cushions. Don’t make it one more episode before conking out.
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sl-vega · 3 months
Hi there! Recently stumbled upon your Hiori piece (I Don’t Know Much, But I Know I Want You) and Oh. My. Gosh. It’s amazing!! The story was so cute and I also love the little Karasu interactions you threw in; it matches their characters so well and it’s so well written! If you ever feel motivated or inspired to do so, I’d love to see where you’d take the piece in a part 2! No pressure of course, I just think that seeing how they’d interact in your writing would be really awesome. Currently on my way to binge read every other work of yours; I love your writing style o7
Thanks for reading my ask and have a lovely day!! :)
part one // part two
pairing: Hiori Yo x [FEM!] Reader
genre: fluff, oneshot, classmates to lovers, friends to lovers (?), pre-bluelock au/canon compliant
synopsis: hiori is still pretty damn smitten when it comes to you, so like the lovesick fool he his, he decides to drag karasu to the mall with him to help him find a gift to impress you, of course, in a strange turn of events it turns out you're at the mall too, so whatever shall our poor loverboy do when he sees you? (or in which hiori "soccer genius" yo, is dumb enough to ask karasu of all people for girl advice, and karasu like the wonderful friend he is, tags along for the drama)
CW/additional tags: mild language, potentially ooc, i actually did research on a mall in kyoto so look at me go, might make a part three if i really feel like it
author's note: AKJFJFHAFHKJ TYYY ANON YOU'RE SO SWEET, i'm so glad you liked the first part and all of hiori + karasu's interactions, it really means a lot to me that you thought i did them justice <3
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"Would getting her makeup be a good idea?"
Hiori asked his senior as he stood outside of COLOUR STUDIO, it was a cosmetics store that he heard the girls in his class talk about occasionally , you among them.
"Or would that be too intimate? Do ya' think she'd think I'm trying too hard? Maybe we should've just stuck to stationery...."
Hiori bombarded Karasu with questions as he sighed and stared up at the daunting illuminated white sign of the shop.
His friend groaned and grabbed the sleeve of Hiori's light blue sweat shirt, dragging him into the store where a few employees and clerks gave them slightly concerned looks.
"No, we're here now so we may as well get something."
Karasu chastised his younger teammate as he escorted him into the lip product aisle, in which Hiori found himself surrounded by many unfamiliar brands with colourful packaging.
"Ya' sure know yer' way around Karasu, have ya' been here before?"
"I've been to their branch over in Osaka, my sister makes me get 'er shit whenever she runs out..."
Karasu plucked a small box from the middle of the shelf, making a point to read the label and the brand to make sure it was the one he needed.
"So what are you gonna get yer' special girl?"
He asked teasingly, as his slender fingers clutched around the small container he was holding.
"I dunno actually...I was hoping you might help me?"
Hiori replied, chuckling nervously. He already knew that Karasu had an older sister, so must have some knowledge on these kinds of things.
His teammate seemed to deadpan at his friend's request, feigning a hurt expression at his friend's question.
"So I'm just a personal shopping assistant to ya'? I'm hurt Hiori."
Karasu gave him a playful pout before breaking into a mild fit of laughter after Hiori swatted his shoulder. The older boy promptly turned to one of the shelves and tossed Hiori a small pink tube of lip gloss.
"Get 'er this one, the quality is pretty good and it has a reasonable price."
Karasu said nonchalantly as his back was still turned, still browsing through some of the shelves. Hiori looked down at the product tube and read out the label to himself.
"Canmake Candy Wrap Lip..."
He muttered as he rotated the slender cylinder in his hand, reading the adhesive tag on it, he realized that Karasu was right, the price was within his budget, and the packaging was rather cute, not to mention how the tube itself contained a good amount of product.
He was about to thank his friend before realizing that Karasu was back at the front counter of the store, probably asking one of the employees for help with finding something.
Observing his surroundings, Hiori thought that browsing the shop a little bit more couldn't hurt, he still had plenty of funds to spare, more than enough to buy you something else.
Hiori continued to browse the current aisle he was in, allowing his fingers to brush against the array of cosmetics, all neatly sorted and arranged by brand, type, and flavour.
As he continued to run his hand along the rows upon rows of products, he stumbled across another area of products that caught his eye.
"Rohto Mentholatum Lip Balm..."
He read the mini card board sign that was clipped to the shelf as he observed the packaging. The one's that were currently stocked were said to be peach flavoured, the price seemed fairly reasonable as well.
Now, that he thought about it, having a lip balm on hand would be pretty practical, Hiori hated the feeling of his chapped lips. Plus, he deserved some kind of reward.
Hiori reached for one of the tubes, and right before he was about to take the lip balm from the shelf, his fingers brushed against a stranger's hand who was reaching for the exact some one.
On instinct, Hiori pulled away, muttering a quick apology. He turned to said stranger to say tell them that they could take it before realizing that said stranger wasn't a stranger at all.
"Oh! Hiori?"
Oh God, it was you
He managed to squeak out as you gave him a soft smile, he was surprised he hadn't made a complete fool of himself yet. Without realizing it, he had promptly shoved the tube of lip gloss he was going to buy for you into his back pocket.
"Hi! I didn't realize you were the shopping type Hiori."
You greeted him once more as you observed the hand that quickly pocketed the lip tube, you didn't press any further however.
"Oh, I'm not actually, I'm just getting a gift for someone special..."
Hiori chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. He chastised himself for his wording, of course he had to say it like that, now if he gave you the gift you'd know for sure that he liked you.
But then again, that would spare him the humiliation of actually having to say it directly to your face, not that he ever wanted to confess in the first place...
"Someone...special? I didn't know you had a girlfriend Hiori..."
You trailed off, you sounded disappointed almost.
Hiori's face flushed at your words, he didn't mean to give you that idea. He could slowly feel heat creep up his neck as you continued to stare at him.
"Guess I shouldn't be that surprised..."
This time you were avoiding eye contact, you laughed somewhat bitterly. Were you jealous? Part of Hiori wanted to delude himself into thinking that, but another part of him wanted to die right there and then to avoid making a bigger fool out of himself.
"N-No I don't have a girlfriend actually!"
He assured you as his face turned an even brighter shade of red.
Where was Karasu when ya' needed him?
Suddenly, Hiori felt a light tap against his head. It was Karasu! His knight in shining armor, to save him from the train wreck of a conversation. His teammate was holding a small basket full of a few products, some mascara, eye liner, and a few skin cream tubs among them.
"I'm gonna go check out now, are ya' done yet?"
His friend asked as he rested his hand on Hiori's shoulder, Karasu looked up at you, realizing that there was company present.
The silence that followed was deafening.
You glanced between the two boys, you had recalled Karasu from Hiori's youth team, but you didn't know much about the older boy, but you had spotted him hanging around Hiori pretty frequently, so you assumed that they were fairly close.
"Oh, I'm sorry am I interrupting something?"
You questioned as your eyes flickered between the two of them, your head was tilted slightly in curiosity. You noticed Karasu's grip on Hiori's shoulder tighten ever so slightly at the sound of your question.
Hiori shook his head frantically, Karasu was probably giving you that same unsettling stare he always used whenever he was sizing someone up on you.
"No! Not at all! But I should get going right about now..."
He assured you that nothing was wrong, but he was already flustered enough, and there was no way Karasu would let him hear the end of whatever this incident should be labelled as.
"Well I'll see you school I guess!"
You flashed him another bright smile before turning to Karasu, and you gave the older boy a curt and quick bow.
"I'm (Y/N), Hiori's classmate, it's a pleasure to meet you."
Karasu was caught off guard by your sudden politeness, but he returned the favour.
He stated quickly before taking Hiori's hand in his own, you seemed to take note of this.
You were about to walk away, so you waved to them before saying;
"Have fun on your date!"
Wait what?!
If Hiori's face was red before, it was basically crimson by now. The girl he liked not only thought he was taken, but now she thought he was into guys?!
"W-we're not!-He's not-I'm not-"
Karasu simply wheezed at the current predicament, clearly amused by your assumption of Hiori and him's relationship and by his younger friend's sudden flustered expression.
"I wish! Don't worry yer' pretty little head off though, he's still avaliable∼. He's quite taken with you at that too."
Karasu teased as he winked at Hiori, clearly taking sadistic pleasure in his friend's suffering.
Hiori whisper shouted as his friend dragged him out the store, still laughing as the cyan-haired boy continued his flustered protests which bore no fruit.
Well at least you knew how he felt now...
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"This is why I told ya' to quit flirting with me like that! People are getting the wrong idea about us..."
"Aww but I can't have random girls stealing you away from me∼"
"Shut up ya' stupid crow!"
"Make me prodigy∼"
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ghcstao3 · 9 months
Soap returns from a solo mission bitten by a werewolf. He is now Ghost's height, much stronger, has sharper teeth 24/7 and senses dialed up to 15.
He can't hide it at all and has to answer many questions from 141 and medical.
Had it been someone like Ghost, then maybe the change would’ve gone undetected longer than the near-instant discovery of Soap’s… condition… upon returning to base.
But alas, it wasn’t—and no matter who, everyone is at a complete loss. Because what is one meant to do with a suddenly souped-up soldier?
That’s still to be determined.
“What do you mean ‘genetically modified wolves’?” Price frowns. “You were sent after an arms dealer.”
Soap shrugs shoulders that are too broad to truly be his. He still looks like he’s trying to figure out how to fit new, bigger, sharper teeth comfortably in his mouth, but failure has been evident in the slight lisp the sergeant has since gained.
“S’what I said, Cap,” Soap says. “Dunno what else I can tell you, other than I got scratched up real good by one.”
The sergeant lifts the hem of his partially-torn shirt to show where, presumably, he’d been injured—but there’s nothing more than a few angry red lines and dried blood.
“Christ,” Price sighs. He scrubs at his face, then lifting his hat a moment to drag a tired hand through his hair. His exasperation settles in pinching the bridge of his nose.
Though, only for a few seconds. Price is then squaring his shoulders, resetting his stance, and turning to the two other members of his task force that had been hovering all the while. He points to Gaz and Ghost.
“At least one of you stay here, make sure he doesn’t go anywhere,” he orders. “Get medical to run tests, but nothing too extensive. I have—“ Another long-suffering sigh. “—several calls to make.”
Ghost elbows Gaz just as the sergeant looks about to make a quip at Price’s expense. A gesture that says, save it.
Price stalks out of the room, tense. Soap shoots a sheepish fanged grin at Ghost and Gaz.
This would be an interesting next few days. No matter who this was to happen to.
Soap just happened to be the unlucky victim this time, apparently.
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confused-wanderer · 9 months
When they all gather for unnecessary corporate team meetings Soap always prefers to stand instead of getting antsy sitting for long periods of time so he’s the furthest way from the table. However his voice has always been loud, so no one’s complaint about the arrangement.
Price always opts to stand next to the man, and usually excuses himself several times because of the fits of hacking cough that he would usually break out into. But no one really calls him out on it, as they’ve seen the amount of cigars that man can down in a single sitting, not to mention on bad days.
Except one day Price isn’t there, and Ghost finds himself standing next to Soap, both leaning against the wall in the farthest corner. And he realises Price had never coughed once, he’d been stifling his laughter because Johnny said the most out-of-box shit under his breath, and only the person next to him could hear it.
Like the first time it caught him off guard:
Commander: Okay. Where did it all go wrong?
Soap: The moment ye we’e born.
*randomly during the meeting when someone throws trash on the table*
Soap: I am the Lorax, Ah speak for the trees. Litter again, I’ll break your fucking knees.
*After a mission that went sideways due to the new recruits fucking up several times*
Soap *staring at the recruits* : If yer brain was filled with dynamite, there still wouldn’t be enough to blow yer hat off.
*Graves walking in to give a presentation*
Soap: What doesn’t kill ya, disappoints me.
And lastly, yesterdays meeting where Ghost almost choked on his coffee:
General: Get your faces out of my sight.
Soap: Thank god, Ah dunno how much longer ah could’ve stared at God’s ugliest creation. Honestly if I had yer face, would’ve sued my parents I tell ya.
The best part is, Soap is equally oblivious that Ghost can hear him. And Ghost is in no rush to change that.
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faeridollz · 5 months
Virgin reader and older price 🤭🤭
(Not creepily older tho)
Feel free to ignore tho xx
“Such a pretty face <3”
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Pairing; older!price x virgin!reader
Cw; price is in late thirties reader is in mid/late twenties ^^
Synopsis; your boyfriend is more than happy to help! But surprise!!! You’re a.. virgin? :(
A/n; kinda long so there’s a divider where nfsw starts!! Also dividers from @rookthornesartistry and @cafekitsune 💋
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You knew that. But at a party with your friends, you were forced to make an account. “Oh cmon Y/N, you're still single after all this time? You know, Mya found her husband a Tinder, you should download it! You never know, you could find a real hit!” She babbled, and when two more of your friends joined in, you were pure pressured into getting that stupid fucking app.
But.. should you really be that mad? You gained a boyfriend who’s a total dilf minus the kid. It’s pretty nice actually, treated like a princess 24/7 and loved on. You love that he’s older too, he teaches you things.
So when he offers to watch movies with you, who are you to deny? Time with your lovely boyfriend is all you need. Sitting next to him with his hand gently gripping and rubbing your inner thigh. It’s been driving you crazy since this dumb movie started.
“You alright lovie?” He smirks, and you nod. “Yeah.. j-just a bit hot y’know?” Your breathing is heavy, you can’t really focus on the movie. “I understand Lovie.” Grinning, he trailed his thick fingers to your clothed cunt. skirt lifted, providing easy access.
“Wait- price..” you squirm, thighs slamming closed. “What’s wrong?” He freezes. “Price. I’m a virgin..” you’re almost ashamed. You’ve never told him before and you’re saying it now? Ugh, this is so fucking embarrassing. Tearing up a bit
“Hey hey, don’t cry lovie, it’s nothin’ to be ashamed about sweetheart.” He cups your cheek, making you look in his beautiful blue eyes. They make you feel so safe, y’know? Just so calm. And god he’s so soft, husband material but stern when he needs to be. “It’s okay sweetheart, really.”
“Really? You’re not mad or anything?” Your head tilts. “Why would I be mad? That’s absurd lovie.” He chuckled, kissing your cheek. Beard tickling your soft skin. “I dunno, It’s just kinda embarrassing.” You watch as his face falls. “It’s not embarrassing. I was a virgin too once, just like everyone else in the world. So please stop saying it’s embarrassing sweetheart. Because I swear, it’s not.”
He always seems to have a way with his words. It amazes you sometimes. “Tell me you understand sweetheart.” He nods, and you do too. “I understand love. And. I know you said it’s nothing to be ashamed of, but.. Can you uh.. touch me?” You aren’t too shocked when his eyes widen, followed by ‘Are you sure?’ Fuck this is embarrassing.
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His finger is thick, it’s expected but you never knew it could feel this good. “Feels good love?” You nod, he wanted to keep watching the movie, but he made sure to keep paying attention to you. Of course, he did. But how the hell did he expect you to pay attention to this movie? What was happening again? Shit.. it’s one finger but it feels so damn good. Curling up on your G-spot, the rope tightening in your stomach, threatening to snap.
“Fuckkk..” you whine, grinding into his hand. Breath quickened when he rubbed on your puffy clit. “I asked a question sweetheart, wouldn’t an answer be nice?” You can almost hear that cocky smile if that was even possible. But it makes you tighten around him, drenching his fingers. “g-good it feels soo~ good” shuddering when he speeds up.
“Ya think another finger would fit?”
“Y-yes- please!” Who knew you could be so whiney? Not you. But price makes you feel so good. And if this is just his finger then what if-
You let out a pathetically loud moan, how the hell did you not notice him putting another one of his thick ass fingers in you? It feels so good though, you. “Bloody hell sweetheart. So fuckin wet right? Feel good?” He nods. Moving slow, then picking up the speed a bit. “M-mhm!” You whine, the rope in your stomach finally snapping and your vision blurring a bit. Coating his fingers in creamy cum. Your cum.
Your gooey walls tighten around his fingers, hand gripping at his arm. “N-Nghhh..” you moan, shuddering as he gently pulls his fingers out of your drenching hole. His fingers were coated in a thin layer of cum. You think you may be hallucinating when he licks his fingers clean. “And tastes fuckin’ magical sweetheart.” He grins, kissing your neck. Your cunt is cold, the wetness attracting the cool air.
“Price.. you’re hard as fuck..” you giggle, his dick making a menacing print in his pants. Was it possible to be that big? You’ve seen it before in the shower and stuff but it was soft then. He’s really a grower.
Safe to say you ended the night with him passionately fucking your puffy cunt. After you followed him to your shared bedroom of course. Whining in his ear as he whispered sweet praises into yours. The prep was good too. Tongue fucking you and rubbing your clit until you were technically brain dead. Giving you time and waiting for the green light to continue. And the aftercare was one of a kind, nothing you shouldn’t expect from a total sweetheart.
He’d set a nice warm bath for you and massage your skin, even if he didn’t fuck you rough at all he’d still take care of you!! :)
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I got so carried away ughh!! 😭 but I really liked writing this 😆 reblogs and likes r appreciated!! Also if you too wanna submit an ask I would be more than happy to make you ask come true my love!
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buckysmith · 2 years
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How they react when you die
Warning: Suicide, blood, cancer, angst
Includes: Ghost, Soap, Price, Alejandro and Graves
I hope you’ll enjoy it :D
And I guess I love to write angst
(Sorry I added your request to another story and I dunno how to reverse that)
You don’t need to listen to the songs but I did and I think they fit the vibe
- He has a lot of enemies and most of the time he can't trust his own military
-He hides you like a diamond so that nobody would ever find you
- You're the love of his life and he wants to live with you till the end of time
- It would be a rainy day and the las Almas cartel would be pretty active so he and his whole team had a lot of work to do
- he would always have his phone with him so you could call him if something were wrong but on this particular day he wouldn't and he forgot it in the base, he noticed it when it was already to late and they couldn't turn around to grab it
- not a single time did you had to call him while he was  working, not a single time was there a threat for your safety not a single time in all those years
- but on this day there was a threat
- thanks to the security cams around your ranch you would notice the heavily armed men but you would notice them to late
- You would call Alejandro multiple times while trying to find a way out, but he wouldn't pick up
- you  knew you had bo chance on leaving the ranch so you hid yourself good but at some point they would find you
- you would be  able to take out three of the men but with a clear shot from the enemy in your shoulder would end killing your enemies pretty quick
- they would want information about Alejandro, about the other save houses and about the base
- you would give them anything, not a single word would leave your lips
- after a few hours of pure pain, you would be on the edge of collapsing while  sitting on the chair where they tied you up
- you prayed in all those hours to any god that Alejandro would come and save you
- but he wouldn't
- a female voice would get the last bit of attention you had and with her pushing your chin up you would recognize her pretty fast
- Alejandro's ex wife
- You knew about her and knew how she looked like cause you saw her on a old photo of him with his old team
- she would tease you, telling you that you're not important to him
- she knew which words hurt the most
- before they all leave she would look at you with a sweet smile before stepping a knife into your stomach, telling you to die slowly so he would get the chance to see you die
- you fought, you fought so hard to stay alive for him, but in the end you would fall asleep and never wake up again
- the last thing you heard before leaving this world would be your wedding song that you used as your ring tone
- after he comes back from the mission he would see the missed calls and immediately call you back
- but you wouldn't answer
- while he was away working he had a bad gut feeling but tossed it away, thinking it would be nothing, but know that feeling was away and pure panic crawled through every single fiber of his body
- Never in his life did he drives that fast with his crew in the back, never in his life did he prayed so much and never in his life was he so scared like he was right know
- when he arrived at the first gates he would notice that something was clearly wrong
- at second one he knew someone had gained access
- the moment he's in front of your shared home he would scream your name
- not a single one of his soldiers could hold him back and the moment he steps into the house he would smell iron
- his stomach would drop, he knew that smell way to good
- he would call for you but wouldn't get a answer
- he would follow the smell and would see a light shine trough a half opened door, most likely from a flashlight
- he would slowly open the door hoping not to find what he expected but he did
- before they left you dying they put a flashlight so that it would light your corpse
- you would sit there in your formerly white wedding dress/suit, with a big pool of blood around your feet
- he would run to you, put his hands on your still warm cheeks and lift your head gently
-he would whimper your name, hoping that you would open your eyes that he loves so much and tell him you are fine
- but you wouldn't and he knew that
- he would collapse in front of you screaming your name while he buries his head in his hands smeared with your blood
- he would whine how sorry he is, how much he loves you... he would tell you that you can't leave him, that you can't leave like that
- rodolfo would have to drag him away from you but Alejandro would end up beating the living shit out of him so the others of his team would have to knock him out
- After your death he wouldn't be able to eat or to sleep, he would start drinking and hating himself
- he knows it's his fault, he knows it's his goddamn fault that you died, that you died like that
- the day of your funeral would end him
- he wouldn't be able to have a traditional funeral
- after everyone left the graveyard he would swear to god that he finds every single one that's responsible for your death and after a few years he would make it
- leaving only one person left on his target list
- he would look at his favorite picture of you and would place a soft kiss on the picture where your lips are
- he would whisper how much he loves you and that there's only one bastard left that he has to kill to avenge your death
-"Espero que puedas perdonarme mi amor... nos vemos del otro lado"
- with that he pulls the trigger, killing the last bastard that is responsible for your death.
- they said the only thing that can kill Alejandro is Alejandro, but they were wrong.
- it was your death that killed him, that killed the Alejandro everybody knew, that you loved...
- Ghost isn't the man that shows his feelings but he cares for you deeply
- he loves you more than anything else and he puts you first at everything even though he doesn't say it often
- but because of that he knows he has to keep you safe, somewhere where nobody would ever find you
- the day of your death would begin pretty early
- he would wake you up with light kisses on your neck and soft belly rubs
- He would mumble a good morning and asking you what you want to eat and drink
- he would make you both breakfast and would bring it to you to eat together in bed, just like every Sunday and it was your favorite day just because of it
- the day would continue to be romantic and calm, till you both decided to go to the cinema
- after the movie he would drive you home but something wouldn't feel right
- you would ask him about it and simply tell him that it's because of the movie you just saw
- the movie contained a scene that was very similar to his childhood, which is why you both had to leave the hall for a short time
- but that feeling wouldn't disappear
- he would scan the neighborhood but because you live miles away from the next humans he wouldn't see anything
- you would take his hand the moment you both step out of the car leading him into your shared home
- you would smilie at him before let go of his hand just to step more in the middle of the room
- he would smile at you even though he's still on high alert
- you would ask him how he likes the things you bought for him, staring to undress yourself
- It would be just a blink of a Moment he sees a little green flash
- he would sprint forwards to you, screaming to go down but it would be already to late
- the sound of breaking glass and the impact of a bullet on flesh would echo through your living room
- he would throw you on the floor, close the curtains and look at you worried
- his eyes would wide while you stare into his
- you would look at his eyes, the only emotion that's left his love and a soft smile would appear on your lips
- just a few seconds later your pupils would wide and you would take your last breath
- He would freeze not able to move a single fiber of his body
- But he knew he had to move, he had to do something but he couldn't.
- He just would just grab his phone before he sit himself next to you, pulling you onto his lap and laying a blanket over you to hold you warm…
- he would call price, telling him that he needs help that a sniper attacked before hanging up
- soap, price and gaz would arrive half a hour later, they didn't knew what they would find but they didn't expect what they found
- Ghost had you still on his lap
- in his eyes wouldn't be a emotion, there would be nothing
- Ghost would affect your death more than anything else
- You we're the one that showed him love, that healed him and now you were dead
- and it was his fault
- after your funeral he would go back to work like nothing happened
- but everyone would notice his dark aura
- he may hadn't changed physical but he had changed mentally
- he was dangerous before but after your death he's no human anymore
- even after killing the man that killed you he wouldn't go back to what he once was
- ghost know you would be disappointed in him if he gave up so he continued to fight for you, for what you stand for
- the only thing that makes him human is your picture in his west, he carries it around and nobody is allowed to even look at it
- You're the only weakness of Graves
- the scar on his cheek? He was tortured for days and you don't want see the rest of his body
- No matter how much pain he goes through he wouldn't speak, there's nothing that could ever get him to betrayal his country, but you
- Shepherd knows that
- even though graves hid you shepherd would find out that graves is in a relationship with you
- after the missiles went missing graves told you to leave the us as soon as possible, to bring you somewhere safe but it would be to late
- you would drive to the airport when a black suv would knock you into a ditch
- Shepherd knows that without you he can't control Graves, so he would kidnapp you
- he would send graves a video of you, tied up to a chair with duck tape on your mouth and the newspaper on your thigh
- he would threaten to kill you if graves doesn't do what he wants
- Weeks over weeks would past and you seemed to get weaker but no matter what he tried he couldn't find you and when shepherd noticed that Graves tried to find you he send him a video of you getting tortured
- You didn't know how long it was since they kidnapped you but you knew you were getting weaker, only getting enough water and food to barley survive
- you begged for them to give you at least more water cause you knew you weren't the only one that was held hostage
- you were pregnant with graves baby
- The last command shepherd gave Graves was to kill 141 and los vaqueros to get you back and he tried, but after soap and Rodolfo attacked him in the tank it was the moment he realized he wouldn't get you back, at least not when he's dead
- He would gave up, he knew he had no chance to get you back without the help of 141 so he would ask soap to have mercy and to let him explain
- of course they hate Graves and at first they wouldn't believe him, but after he showed them the pics and the video of you they would
- they wouldn't help him, they would help you.
- He tried to contact shepherd to tell him that he killed them all(he did not) but that bastard wouldn't answer
- With the help of 141, laswell and a bunch of other people he would find out where they held you hostage
- he was the first one that entered the building, searching for you
- it would be ghost that finds you
- he would tell graves where to find you
- Graves would be there in seconds, but the moment he enters the room and the nasty smell of iron hits his nostrils he would stop
- that moment would burn it into his head
- seeing you sitting there, with a bullet hole in your stomach and a pool of blood around your feet
- he would whisper your name before running to your corps and kneeling in front of it
- he would touch your ice cold cheek biting his lips while tears would well up in his eyes
- he would lay his forehead against your knees, not caring about the blood nor the smell
- he would start to scream, before he starts to cry and whine
- they would have to drag him away after a hour
- He would just sit wherever they sat him, not moving a single muscle
- He had lost you, he had lost the love of his life, he had lost his child, he had lost everything.
- He wouldn't eat anything for days, just drinking whiskey and planning your funeral
- your funeral was just as beautiful as you were when you lived
- After your funeral he wouldn't leave the graveyard, he wouldn't leave it the whole night and just sit there, looking at the stone with one of your favorite photos of yourself engraved.
- he would tell you how much he loves you and how sorry he is
- After a few days he would leave you but before that he would pay a florist to put your favorite flowers on your graves every week
- he would hunt shepherd down and after he killed him he would return to you, he would tell you that he avenged your death but would collapse the moment he said the words
- his body would simply give up, months of alcohol abuse, a few hours of sleep and no food would end there
- He wouldn't die there, he would die a few months later in combat
- He didn't want to end it by himself, he knew you would be disappointed in him so he chooses that as his dead
- he couldn't live without you, so he didn't.
- He knew his job is dangerous and that you’re in danger too because of it
- he had you somewhere safe, deep into the woods where nobody would find you
- everytime he went home he had a stomach bug, something bothered him and he didn’t know what it could be
- He knew you wouldn’t cheat on him or betray him in any kind so that’s something he can rule out
- he would notice a few changes
- you seemed to get weaker
- he knew you had headaches at least once a day but it seems to get worse
- he would take you to the doctors, telling them to examine you
- at first they would tell him that there’s nothing, that you’re good in health and stuff like that
- but he knew something is wrong so he would tell them to search again, to search more accurate like their live depended on it
- After a few days in the hospital they would find something
- They would tell you both to sit down
- You both knew that conversation wouldn’t end well but listen to the docs
- they found something, well they found something really bad
- they found out you had brain cancer
- You both would be shocked but they would tell you that there’s hope to cure you
- month would pass and the Chemotherapy wouldn’t work
- you had lost all your hair thanks to the therapy and he had shaved his too to show you his support besides being with you
- but the cancer would spread, really fast and aggressive
- he always though he would leave you behind but now it’s seemed you were the one that leaves first
- over the month you got weaker and the only thing that was left from you was your humor and your love for him
- sometimes you couldn’t remember much but no matter how much you could remember you knew that this man in front of you is your lover
- You knew you were gonna die, he knew that too and when the day came he lay besides you
- you mumbled that you loved him, how sorry you were to cause him so much pain but he would shush you
- he would tell you how much he loves you and that he didn’t regret in loving you and that he wouldn’t change to date you if he could
- he asked you if you remembered the day you married, the slow dance under an old willow tree. He would tell you that you would someday dance with him like that again
- it would be the last thing you hear and while you cuddled with him you would peacefully pass
- he would notice that you stopped breathing
- at first he would whisper your name then he would look at you before closing his eyes
- he knew you had passed in his arms but he couldn’t bring himself to ring the bell to alarm a nurse
- so he would continue to cuddle with you till he’s able to ring the bell
- after the nurses took you with them they would ask him when you passed
- he would tell them the time, before sitting himself in the chair that stand besides your bed for the last month, that he had slept in, that he cried in with you on his lap and now, now it was besides the little table and a wardrobe the only furniture left in the room.
- you had planned your own funeral and didn’t want him to do anything, it should be a surprise for him and it was.
- not only was your funeral just like you, no, you had recorded a video of you being just you and saying the people you loved goodbye
- after the funeral Someone of your family/friends would go to him, giving him a USB telling him to watch it when he’s ready
- you had recorded many videos with you telling him how much you loved him or that he deserved to live again, that you wished that he finds happiness again, that he finds someone again that loves him so much like you did
- that would break his heart, how was he supposed to love again? You were his true love and nobody would ever be like you, and he didn’t want someone besides you
- After all those month he would go back to his job
- In his hat there’s a picture of you
- but years later he would find himself laying on the ground, a huge bullet hole in his chest
- that would be the moment he hears your voice
- he would turn his head to where he had heard your voice and there you were
- you were alive, no, not just that. You were healthy and you were waiting for him under the willow tree you married
- you would open your arms and he would stand up to get to you, just to wrap his arms around you, kissing you like the first time
- this time you would ask him for a dance
- He hadn’t lost his life on this mission, leaving ghost soap and gaz behind. No, he had gained his life cause you were back and this time nothing could separate you again….
- He knew how dangerous it was for you to be with him, he told you that multiple times
- but you didn’t care, you cared about him, about your love for him
- he knew that you trusted him more than anything else
- it was cold in Scotland and he never saw s much snow in all those years than he did this year
- you loved the snow even though it was cold, wet and you always got a cold after playing in it
- he was on his way home when he contacted you, telling you that he would be with you in less than 8 hours and that you wouldn’t need to cook anything and just to dress you nice
- he arrived in less than 6
- the moment he sees you he would run to you, warping his arms around you and kissing you all over your face
- He would ask you if you want to come with him, smiling like a sun
- It happend when he drove
- it would be very snowy and because of the darkness around he would drive very carefully not wanting to make a crash
- then it happened, a truck driver came out of nowhere and didn’t saw the Jeep with you both in it
- he took the right of way and due to his increased speed, he would have had no chance of braking before he hit you
- soap was conscious for a few more seconds, mumbling your name and trying to reach your hand but passed out before he reached you
- he would be woken up by an annoying beeping sound
- the first thing he knew that every single bone and fiber in his body hurt like a bitch
- but just Seconds after he woke up he would look around searching for you but only seeing ghost or this time Simon sitting on a chair
- Simon would wake up immediately and look at his friend
- Simon would call for a nurse to get rid of the breathing tube
- the moment soap is able to ask where you are he does it
- but the look on Simons face would say more than any word on this planet ever could
- soaps voice would die while asking if you’re… dead
- but Simon knows that he tried to say and would simply nod
- It would be Simon that tells John what happened to both of you
- he would tell John about the truck driver that not only took the right of way from Soap and drove way to fast, no, that driver was drunk and stoned.
- he didn’t even notice that he had hit you and just continue to drive till his truck died a few miles away from the crash
- it was Simon, Price and Gaz that searched for the both of you and found you an hour later in a ditch
- The were all in Scotland cause Soap wanted to propose to you and he wanted his friends to take a part in it
- Soap would ask Simon to take him to you, to have a last look at you but Simon would have to tell him that it’s impossible
- Soap wouldn’t quite understand, how wasn’t he able to see you? Till the moment Simon says that he was in a coma for a bit over two month and on the edge of dying it heart would break again
- you were already burried while he was in a coma
- your family had waited as long as they could to have a chance that he would wake up, but he didn’t and the doctors weren’t even sure if he would wake up ever again
- A few days later he would be released against the advice of the doctors
- He would withdraw completely and the only reason he left the house would be to visit your grave
-Your family would provide him with food and water
- he never said it out load but he wished he had died too and not only you
- it would be Simon that takes him back to the military
- he knew soap would only destroy himself if he wouldn’t get any help
- soap would never get over your dead
- he would wear the ring he wanted to give you for the purpose as a necklace to have something from you forever
- he wouldn’t never love anyone ever again, with the lose of you he would lose the ability to love again
- the day he returns to you, you would greet him with open arms and a big smilie one your lips
- He missed you so much and you did too
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Prompt: The story about a prince and a traveller <3
Pairing: Malleus x Gn!Reader (Yuu)
Genre: Slight angst (?), Fluff I dunno
TW: Uh, although this is GN! Reader, the reader or Prefect or Yuu is referred to as "Mama" at one point in this. It is meant to be a gender neutral form of address (but if there is another form of address that is more fitting in the scenario please let me know), minor character death, heavily based on Orpheus and Eurydice's story.
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AN: Not really happy with the ending of this, but its been in my drafts for far too long. It would have been more angsty, but my sister (who I usually make read my fics to check if it sounds coherent and/or is good) as well as my friends who I showed the initial draft to said that it would be too cruel and that I should make it a happy ending so here we are! Hope you enjoy!
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One upon a time, there used to live a prince.
The prince was the heir of a prosperous kingdom. His wise eyes looked over his subjects with the love of a friend and the vigilance of a father. All he ever wanted was for his kingdom to flourish and grow, for his people to live happy lives. And he worked hard to ensure their protection, so that they may spread their wings under his watchful gaze and soar to new heights, bringing honor and prestige to their kingdom. In turn, the people of the kingdom loved and respected him, singing his praises to the birds in the sky and the flowers blooming in the soil. There was no one in the kingdom who would speak ill of their prince, for he was beloved by all.
But, the prince was lonely. He had loving friends to lean on, and trusted elders to learn from, but his heart yearned for that one person who would transform his happy yet monotonous days into pure bliss. His one true love.
And how fortunate was he to find it, in the most unexpected of places, at the most unassuming of times.
He found his solace, his refuge in a traveler from far, far away. It was love at first sight, though the prince would come to realize it much, much later.
The traveler was an intriguing, mysterious figure; quickly endearing themself to each person they came to know. Many vied for their hand, for their affections, yet their eyes seemed to sparkle for only one; the prince.
After many trials and tribulations the two were finally able to be at each other's side. The prince took the mysterious traveler as his spouse, his to love and nurture and adore forevermore. Yet such bliss, was fated to be short-lived.
Death came calling soon, far too soon for the traveler. No matter how much effort the prince expended to save his beloved, their life slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.
The prince was stricken with grief. He mourned for the untimely loss of his pride and joy, and his people mourned alongside him. His heartfelt cries and pleas reached the heavens, moving the hearts of the Great Seven themselves.
One day, the prince was visited by the Thorn Fairy in his dreams. "Child, I have heard your prayers. Your devotion to your beloved is commendable, but the other side can often be cruel. It is best if you let those who have left rest where they rightfully belong, for the price to bring them back is often steep. Are you willing to do anything to have your beloved by your side once again?"
"Anything," the prince replied, with a conviction that moved the fae's heart. The fae sighed, and said, "Very well. If your love is true, and your decision final, then I shall not stand in your way. But be warned; one misstep, and your love will be lost forever. Do not look behind, for nothing exists there except regret."
The prince woke up in a dark cave, the Thorn Fairy's last words ringing in his ears. A warning, and a hint.
The prince followed his instincts; standing up and walking towards the small pinprick of light he could see in the distance. The floor of the cave was damp and cold. It seemed as if the shadows were clinging on to his legs, beckoning him to stay, to rest a while, but the prince continued moving ahead.
After what seemed like hours, (for the prince could not say if time was passing or if it was frozen. All he could do was walk and walk and walk-) the prince heard footfalls of another person, walking behind him. A voice called out to him, the tone so timid and fearful than he had ever heard it be, yet unmistakable. It was the voice of his beloved traveler, his most adored spouse.
The prince nearly turned to look at them, wishing to see what state they were in. He barely caught himself from doing it at the very last minute, remembering the fae's warnings.
Do not look behind, for nothing exists there except regret.
The prince kept walking ahead resolutely, one foot placed in front of the other with a haste. His heart beat wildly inside his chest, as if it was trying to escape its bony prison. The footsteps of his beloved echoed louder as they followed him.They called out to him again, hoping, perhaps, to get a reply; to get a confirmation that their love had truly come for them. But the prince did not answer, in fear of being tempted to look behind. Silently, he walked on ahead, his gaze trained on the light that seemed to get bigger and brighter as he walked towards it. Only a little more, and then...!
His beloved's voice grew frantic the longer he did not reply to their calls. The prince, in his hurry to reach the light and reclaim his beloved, had started walking faster, much faster than they could keep up. So they ran behind him, calling out to him. And fell, just as the prince took one step out of the cave.
The pained hiss that left his beloved's lips was the last straw for the prince. He turned, his eyes widening as the figure of his beloved knelt inside the cave, so close yet so far away from the sunlight, from him.
"No, no, no, no!" The prince exclaimed, falling to his knees and letting out an anguished wail as he wrapped his arms around his beloved. His beloved, who was gradually crumbling away into dust. Even so, they had a calm smile on their face, their hands coming up to cup his cheeks.
"I love you," was all they said, before they returned back to eternal rest.
Malina pouted, her hands resting on her father's shoulders as she looked up at him with wide teary eyes. Maleah, her twin, sat beside her on their father's lap, frowning as she asked, "Why did the traveler not return to the prince? He was out of the cave, was he not?"
Malleus gave his two children a gentle smile. "He may have been out of the cave, but the traveler was not. He turned back before they could take a step into the sunlight," he explained to her patiently, eyes shining with amusement as he watched her frown get deeper.
Malina sniffled, her big teary eyes sending a stab of concern through him, and Malleus held her closer. "But that's not fair..." she whined, hiding her face in the crook of his neck.
"What's going on?"
The two little girls scampered off his lap, making their way to their other parent who picked them up with a confused yet fond smile on their face. "Father was telling us the story of the prince and the traveler," Malina said as she wrapped her short arms around their neck.
They narrowed their eyes at Malleus as they held the little princesses in their arms.
Malleus chuckled, the sound soft and slightly hesitant as he made his way to where the three of them were standing. "Apologies, my beloved," he said in a soothing tone, his hand rising to tuck a wayward strand of hair back in its place, hoping that the loving gesture would take away some of their anger.
"We will be having a talk about this later," they huffed, and Malleus nodded, placing a gentle kiss on their forehead.
He watched as they brought the young girls back to their bed, settling the little ones and promising to tell them a better bedtime story than the one their father had told. Malleus smiled as he sat behind them, his arms wrapping around their waist loosely while he placed his chin on their shoulder. A soft rumble left his chest when they raised their hand to run their fingers through his hair as they regaled the two sleepy girls with tales of knights and princesses.
Soon Malina and Maleah drifted off into sleep, holding each other close. Yuu sighed, a fond smile playing on their lips as they looked at their children.
Malleus pressed his lips against the nape of their neck and smiled. "Yes, my dear child of man?"
"You are a menace," they chuckled, and Malleus smiled.
They hummed, the sound light and sweet as it carried into the otherwise silent room.
"One day, they will learn that it was all a true story," they said.
"I believe they would like our version much better, when the time comes," he mumbled against their shoulder, the great dragon fae being lulled to sleep by his beloved's soft voice.
"Definitely, Hornton. Definitely."
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devil-in-hiding · 10 days
okay attempt two for this ask:
John Price, who was in denial of his homosexuality all his life. Growing up he was always told that he was supposed to grow up and be a strong man with a wife and children. He grew up to the strong man part, surely he must fit the other part too right? And of course he’d never been exposed to queer representation of people like him, it was only ever stereotypical twink men, and he certainly didn’t fit that description, so how could he be gay?
Simon Riley, who knew he was gay since he was a teenager, but never dared act on it, or come out to anyone. After all that time spent in men’s locker and change rooms at school and the gym… while his sexuality was hard to ignore. Of course his father never would allowed it, and being exposed to so much homophobia throughout his life it was easier for him to just keep it locked inside.
When the 141 was formed, and the men all got to now each other, they got a lot closer. Soap and Gaz were both out and proud with their sexualities, and even though they suspected Simon and Price were gay too, it was never brought up. Of course for both Simon and John it became a lot harder to ignore.
They were both so deeply in the closet that sometimes they found it a bit hard to be around Soap and Gaz. So the two of them would hang out a lot. They never talked about their sexualities with each other, but of course two gay men who did love each other, could only deny the truth for so long.
So after a long night of drinking, as the two men sat on Johns couch, relaxing together, they found themselves unconsciously drifting closer. Next thing they knew, they were kissing. They were both drunk, and have never been with men, so it was clumsy. As they groped each other they weren’t quite sure where to grab. But it was passionate, and they were both so happy. They drunkenly went up to Johns bed, tossing their clothes off as they went. And for the first time in both their lives, when they went to bed with someone, they weren’t fucking them, they were making love.
i’m tearing my hair out because i dunno this screams bottom price to me and i don’t know why maybe because i want him so fucking overwhelmed feeling Simon’s fingers inside him, and the first time those fingers brush over his prostate, and his legs are tensing and his eyes are going wide, breathing coming out erratic as he claws the sheets
“w-what- too much i can’t-“
“You’re okay John, promise. Just… feel it.” Simon breathes, trailing wet kisses down John’s chest, spreading his fingers a touch, just to get a pretty little whine out of his Captain-
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melanieph321 · 9 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - City Girls Part 7/8
Yeah this is a mess I can't fix 😅. Had fun writing this chapter tho since it ft Kyle Walker whom I am very fond of 🤣
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Reader plays for the Man City girls academy. She struggles a bit but gets Ruben to mentor her. The the two don't hit off despite having many things in common. It all gets worse when Reader eventually catches feelings for Ruben.
Cityzens Day.
It was mainly for the club sponsors but alot of players brought along their families and friends as the day was filled with fun activities, football challanges and the ever so popular guided tour inside the Ethiad campus.
It was your first time attending, although it was mandatory for all City players. A little sad, that you weren't able to bring your family from Brazil. They would have loved it, especially the chance to play football at the Ethiad Stadium. Apparently that was the highlight of the event, a friendly game between players from all levels, men, women, girls and boys, and of course their families. The game would be broadcasted on the teams website and it usually brought alot of laughs to alot of people. You couldn't wait to play, but until then you wandered the campus alone, watching other players enjoying spending quality time with their families.
"Hey Y/N, come here!"
You were observing a very intense juggling contests between an academy player and someone's kid, when coach spotted you in the crowd, waving you over.
"Meet my family." He stood next to a beautiful red-haired woman and young boy with a toothy smile. "This is my wife Trish, my son Ethan and that over there..." He pointed towards the crowd, to the center of it, where the juggling contests was happening. "That is my daughter Lucy." He said.
"Wow, she's really good."
She was definitely bruising the ego of the young academy player. He would certainly up his juggling game after this.
"You know, she reminds me alot of you." Coach smiled. "I can't get her to stop juggling the ball either."
"Seems like her talent won't go to waste today, the price is a Playstation 6, no?"
You shared a laugh. Coach had a lovely family who had flown all the way from Australia to see him. Cityzens Day was really the best time for that.
A food truck pulled up to campus just in time for lunch. You bought a taco bowl so big that you had to share it with another player as she saw you struggling.
"So when are you coming to play with us again." She asked, you knew her as Alison Bennett.
"I dunno?" You sighed. "I don't think I fit into the kind of squad your coach wants."
"Are you joking?" Alison frowned. "But you played so well with us."
It was strange really, but since it happned more than once now, that you got excluded from playing with the first team, you simply assumed the worst. Even though Ruben told you not to worry about it, you couldn't help but to. Your development as a player was at stake. And the fact that Ruben's diet helped you put on a few pounds was not a constellation. Perhaps the coaches on the first team had noticed, that you were getting fat?
"Speaking of playing, are you on for the game this afternoon?" Alison asked.
"The game against cityzens?"
You smiled. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
"Great. I really hope you're on my team. I'm the captain. We're gonna need...."
Alison got tuned out as you sighted something in the distance, or better yet, someone. It was Ruben, walking side by side with a woman just as tall as him only thinner. She was wearing a Man City jersey, sporting the number three, Ruben's number three. He held a hand to her lower back, guiding her around, introducing her to his teammates.
"Speaking of players I would like on my team." Alison took notice of where all your attention had gone. "We could surley use a defender like Dias."
"Ruben?" You asked, your voice a bit strained.
She nodded "He's like the best defender City's got. We'll never concede goals with him on our team."
You turned back to look at Ruben and the woman he had brought. Could it be his girlfriend? In that case Ruben didn't have a type, because you looked nothing like her.
"He used to coach me, you know?" Alison leaned in and whispered.
"Who, Ruben?"
She bit her lip, nodding her head.
"B...but you're a forward?"
"So? Aren't you one too? Nevertheless,  Ruben used to teach me how to improve my skills. You know, help me get past the...."
"Defenders." You said, finishing of her sentence.
"Yeah, exactly. He's a really good coach."
"I can imagine." You ignored the painful beating of your heart. "Tell me..." You asked. ".. did you used to go to his place to, you know,"hang out"?"
She snorted. "No, why would I do that?"
A slight relief.
Alison stood, having helped you finish your meal. Her smile was devious. "No, Ruben used to take me back to the infirmary. We used to"hang out" there."
Your heart sank.
It was the realization that perhaps you were one of many.
The afternoon sun was setting over Manchester City, but Cityzens Day was far from over. The game of cityzens was still on the agenda.
You laced up your cleats and stepped onto the football pitch at the magnificent Ethiad Stadium. It was truly breath taking playing in front so many people. Although the game was for fun, you were determined to showcase your talent, and even more determined to win against Ruben and his team. That's right, he was the captain of a squad containing lots of good players from all divisions. Players that made your teammates look like freaking toddlers.
"Alright! Ladies, fellas, huddle up!" A man urged for all the players on your team to gather around him. He was big, but funny looking, with a voice that did not match his brutal appearance.
"I'm Kyle Walker, but you can call me your captain for this evening."
"Captain?" Alison frowned. You were lucky to have her om your team, however, she did not look happy to find the captains armband handed to someone else. "We never voted for you to be our captain." She protested.
"Well, you should have. I have the experience when it matters and feel confident that I can lead this team to victory." He said.
"How?" A young U21 player squealed. Like the rest of you he was glaring at Ruben and his team as they warmed up on the opposite side of the pitch. The majority of Ruben's squad were players from the men's first team, including their assistant coaches.
"They're gonna eat us alive." The boy said, to which everyone agreed.
"Well that's not the spirit. Come on guys, hands in." Kyle ordered for everyone to stretch out a hand towards the ring you formed. "Victory on three, alright. One...two...three...VICTORY!" Kyle shouted, whilst the rest of you mumbled the words. Nevertheless you personally were not intimidated. You had played against tough opponents before, and you knew that you had a team that could give it their all, because Manchester City was arguably the best football club in the world.
The whistle blew, and the game began.
The first half was a blur of sweat and noise, as the two teams battled it out on the field. You dribbled and ran, dodging and weaving around your opponents, but Ruben and his team were tough to beat. They were bigger and stronger, and they had a few tricks up their sleeves.
"Whatta fuck!"
You ate dirt as Ruben ordered his players to tag team you. You stood no chance as Ruben was well aware that you rather go on your own than pass the ball.
"I'm sorry Y/N."
Ester pulled you up from the ground, having helped her teammates knock you down. She was playing for Ruben but seemed genuinely sorry for how he was running his play.
"Just give me the ball." You scuffed, as coach blew the whistle, handing your team a freekick for the offense made against you.
Kyle took it and missed.
The game resumed.
"Come on team, it's not over yet!" Your "captain", encouraged. "Fight until the end!"
As the second half began, your team was down by three goals, the majority of players being tired, cold and dirty, ready to throw in the towel. But you refused to give up. You knew that you had to do something to turn the game around, and you were determined to be the one to make it happen.
The moment didn't reveal itself until injury time. During he last minute's of the game. Ruben misjudged a pass, and you saw your chance. Charging directly towards him you had no other intention than to dribble past him.
"Pass the ball!" Kyle shouted, pointing to Alison who stood open, ready to receive the assist.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, you had to do this, you had to try and get past him. However Ruben's braud frame made it nearly impossible for you to sight the goal behind him. He looked smug, aware that your chances of getting past him were slim to none. But you had prepared for this. Ruben had prepared you for this. As he lunged forwards, you did not hesitate to bring the fight to him. The two of you clashed together, with Ruben's strangeth throwing you off, however you had suprised him with an elbow to his lower ribs, the quick jab making him fold before your eyes. It was your chance to get past him. For that split second that you caught him lacking you managed to ship the ball in the air and leaped your body over Ruben's extended leg. It was the moment of the match, the crowd on their feet watching a 60kg girl go head to head with one of the world's greatest defenders, beating him to it, sending the ball into the back off the net.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and your team rushed onto the field, arms around each other's shoulders, grinning from ear to ear.
"That's what I'm talking about. That's how we play!" Kyle Walker was in the verge of tears. You may have lost the game, but you had proven that you were not to be underestimated. Not now, not ever. By anyone.
"Great game Y/N."
"Um, thanks."
Ester approached you as the pitch cleared of people, friends and family members heading their respective ways. Cityzens Day was officially over.
"I really mean it, you played amazing."
You were on the ground tying your cleats. Looking up at Ester you sighed. "What do you want?"
Her expression was hard to read, her eyes desperate to tell you somthing. "I..." She squealed.
You stood, hands on your hips. "Yes?"
She sighed. "I'm sorry it had to be this way...between us. You really deserve to play with the first team but so do I. I've fought all of my life for this position."
"And I haven't?" You gasped. "Ester if you've got somthing else to say to me I rather not hear it." You turned your back on her and walked away, however, she fought to catch up to you.
"Come on Y/N. At least now you get to be with your boyfriend. I mean it was his idea."
"Whatta hell are you talking about Ester. I don't have a boyfriend."
"Could have fooled me." She chuckled, to which you frowned. "Ruben practically begged me not to tell the club officials about you two. He told me that he would talk to the coaches on the first team, tell them how you were having problems settling into a new country, mental problems, that were effecting your performance."
"He did what?"
Suddenly you lost the sensation of your hands and feet.
Ester nodded. "It worked. The coaches on the first team didn't want to put pressure on you by calling you up to play for them and so they picked me instead. It's a win-win for both of us since you get to be with Ruben and I get to play."
You were lost for words, trying to make sense of her words that were like riddles to your ears. However one thing was clear, Ruben had betrayed you, and for what?
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callsign-bunnie · 8 months
I dunno if you've ever answered this before but what flowers do you think they would be or like?
Rodolfo: Dahlias. Beyond them being the flower of Mexico, they're also big and very versatile in use. They come in a lot of colors and sizes and petal formations and I think that Rudy is fairly similar in Los Vaqueros, adapting to be whatever is needed whenever.
Alejandro: Chocolate cosmos, because they're dark red and absolutely gorgeous and smell like chocolate. I mean... that's Alejandro, come on.
Chuy: Sunflowers, because I've seen them grow in fairly harsh conditions, but they keep pointing towards the sun and keep growing
Soap: Thistles because of how absolutely painfully scottish he is
Ghost: Snapdragons. They're very hardy flowers, and they represent deception. They also look like skulls when they die
Roach: Dandelions. Dandelions fucking grow EVERYWHERE. I saw a dandelion growing out of an abandoned car's fuel tank.
Rocket: I think he would be wild clover for the reasons above but also for the made up personality that I've given him in my head
Valeria: Roses. Big, elegant, everyone knows what they are, the thorns fucking hurt and I think she'd be insulted to be called anything else
Price: Irises. They represent royalty, intelligence, and valor
Laswell: Magnolias. They represent a wide variety of things, but I've always seen them as gorgeous and regal flowers
Gaz: Peonies. The name lends to something small and unsuspecting, but they're actually big and gorgeous flowers. I don't know a lot of people who would list peonies as their favorite flowers, but I know a lot who would if they saw them
Alex: Lily of the valley. It promises a "return to happiness" which I think he was for Farah
Farah: Lotus flower, as it represents perseverance and resilience. It's also one of my favorite flowers
Samarah: Gardenias. They represent love, refinement, and purity. When we meet her, she is just trying to get home to her family.
Malika: White carnations, but I'm not going to explain why
Dena: Violets, because they mean loyalty, devotion, and faithfulness. Dena was the one who said that whatever decision Farah made, she was with her.
Reyes: Daisies, again not explaining why
Graves: Baby's breath. No, no, hear me out. Have you ever had wild baby's breath in your backyard? If you don't get rid of it, it will grow back twice as strong each year until your fucking backyard is nothing but baby's breath.
Mila: Lavender, that shit is actively surviving regularly being destroyed in a field near me. I think Mila would need to be very resilient to be a Shadow
Oz: Lilies, but only because like... they're the first flower that ever pops up in his head and I was sick of doing research.
Roze: ...I already used roses... But I actually think tulips fit her just a little more. Tulips represent adaptability, opportunity, and advancement. Her entire backstory is her rising the ranks however she can and going where she finds opportunity
Velikan: Plumerias. According to someone on tiktok, sharks like them. I dunno
Koenig: Mimosa pudica, it's called "touch me not" and it closes it's leaves when touched. Need I say more?
Horangi: ...tiger lilies.
God I don't want to tag this.
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snoopyee · 9 months
okay so I got a LOT of positive responses to my last post and although it was like… 30 likes, it still means a lot to me that people liked my ideas so here’s my shifter/hybrid au thoughts for ghost and kinda price
NOTE: I have some COD ocs that i’ve fit into this au. pls let me know if you are interested in hearing abt them🙏🙏😭
so ghost and price have a pretty close relationship and it probably expands outside of just the captain-lieutenant respect system. i like to imagine that they are in like a close brotherhood. SO, i tried to implement that into my little au 👏👏 they are both lions since male lions sometimes form close brotherhood bonds and in lion prides they can function in a similar leader-right hand man dynamic.
ghost is a transvaal lion, specifically one with a really light pigmentation (where it almost looks white kinda?) his callsign would come from when he carried our his solo attack on roba. obviously honoring the original origin of his name (how he basically came back from the dead) but also because in the middle of the night this giant, white furred creature just appeared and took out almost everyone.
price is barbary lion (north african lion). he’s a very big cat and takes very very very good care of his mane— like to the point where it’s ALMOST excessive. when he first found ghost after the whole roba thing, he took him under his wing and they formed a close brother-like bond (older brother and younger brother type of thing)
im a little conflicted because bears also fit them very well but do do lions so idk. if they were bear shifters/hybrids, ghosts would he a polar bear (big big boy) and price would be a brown bear. its late and my brain is all over the place i dunno
i hope this makes sense im absolutely horrible and getting my thoughts into words 😭😭😭
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
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Enchanted AU: Christmas!
We have a posting schedule! that I will hopefully be able to stick to! I will be posting on Mondays and Thursdays. This will also pressure me keep me on a schedule to write lol
Part 1 | Christmas Parts 14 | Part 15
Part 16
Max pressed a palm gently into Daniel’s side and pushed him back onto the sidewalk and out of the way of an upcoming cyclist. They were out in the shopping district and Daniel was doing that thing again, where he was looking above them rather than in front. The city had started putting up their holiday decor, so there were new things to enjoy. Up ahead in the city center they were erecting a fairly large tree. It was impressive, Daniel looked plenty impressed, if a bit unnerved.
Grabbing his shoulder again, Max turned Daniel into the store he had requested they go to. They were buying Christmas decorations today and Daniel had been extremely excited. They’d just come from a shop where they ordered a tree to be delivered and now it was time to find things to decorate it.
“What colours should we get, Maxy?” Daniel asked excitedly, he was looking around with wide eyes, hands clasped in front of him as if to keep himself in check and not touch anything. Max thought that was fair because there were quite a few things in the store that looked breakable if you even looked at them too long. 
“How did you even know about this store?”
“Sophie suggested it.” Daniel was biting his cuticle again, looking at Max as if he was waiting for him to disagree with the shop choice. Max shrugged, if his mother suggested it, then it more than likely had what they were looking for.
“I dunno. Maybe gold, I think?” Max said, answering the original question as his way of confirming that he didn’t mind the shop.
“Yeah, but gold and what? We can’t just have a gold tree, Maxy.” Daniel teased, a grin on his face and a sparkle in his eye. Max smiled back helplessly and shrugged.
“I dunno, red maybe?”
“Gold and red it is!” Daniel sauntered off, looking at everything with a bit of childlike wonder. Every now and again he would zero in on something as if listening, before walking over to far corners of the shop and picking things up. 
Max wandered around as well, picking up little knick knacks style ornaments that caught his eye. Things he thought Daniel would enjoy as well. He made a small offering pile at the cash register. Similar to the piles of dead things the cats used to leave him. Max smiled at that.
Daniel wandered over eventually with a small shopping cart filled with decorations. All in their own packaging, it looked overwhelming. But Max trusted that Daniel knew what they were for. He watched as Daniel took in the small pile of trinkets. His eyes furrowed then widened in happiness. He looked to Max in confirmation that he could touch one.
Daniel took a small cat ornament into his hand, it was gold and shimmered in the lights.
“This is Sassy.” Daniel smiled then picked up the almost identical red ornament. “And Jimmy.” he looked up at Max through his lashes before looking back through the rest of the trinkets selected by Max. There was a paper plane and a bird. Daniel felt a flutter in his chest, he was touched.
He noticed the display that Max had apparently taken the ornaments from and scanned it quickly. His honey orbs locked on one in the shape of a car, it wasn't a race car but it reminded Daniel of that day in the mountains more than anything. And it was blue. 
He placed it in the pile and watched as Max took it in and a smile slid on his face as he placed the memory as well. There was a small blush on Max’s face as he put the car back within the group of red and gold. Daniel felt his heart swoop in his chest. Oh no.
He bit his cuticles as Max paid for everything, trying to not wince at the total price of the haul. Max didn't bat an eyelash so Daniel would try to not make a thing about it.
They managed to fit the bags in the car and Max led Daniel around the shopping center in search of a restaurant to have lunch at. They got a seat on the patio of a bistro and Max pulled out Daniel's chair for him.
“There's a Christmas market being set up, we can go there if you want?” Max asked offhandedly, skimming through the menu. Daniel looked over at him with a smile.
“That would be fun, we could go when everyone comes? The boys would love it.” Daniel rested his head on his upturned palm. Max tried his damnedest to barely look at Daniel more than a glance. He knew he would stare otherwise.
“Yes, that sounds good, I think. We could do it and the tree lighting maybe.”
“Ace!” Daniel grinned then placed his order when the waiter came by. Daniel tried to ignore how domestic it felt, having lunch at a restaurant with Max. It felt like a date almost, but Daniel wasn't going to think too deeply about it.
It would be what Michelle always called a ‘day date' (not really) where you run an errand and maybe get a meal. And you talk and enjoy each other's presence. If this were a date (it wasn't) then this would be a nice one. Daniel would still tell Michelle about it, but he'll make sure she knows that it was all platonic and non-date-like.
They continued to chat about the upcoming holiday season and all the things Daniel wanted to do for the boys. It was a lovely afternoon, the air was getting cooler and Daniel knew soon he wouldn't want to come outside without a hoodie. As it stood, he was ok right now as long as the sun stayed out.
There was a stiff breeze and Daniel shivered, his oversized T-shirt no match for the cooler seabreeze. Max's laugh rang out happily as he noticed. 
“Daniel it's not even that cold yet.” Max teased. Daniel smiled sheepishly and shrugged.
“I'm baby ok!” Daniel complained with a pout. He watched as Max stood from his seat and took off the lightweight cardigan he had been wearing over his tshirt. The same cardigan Daniel had teased him for wearing, citing that he didn't need anything for the current temperature. Daniel had gone to Jimmy and Sassy and ‘whispered’ conspiratorially that he was better at Max in the cold.
Daniel's face reddened as Max dropped the body warmed fabric over his shoulders. It smelled like Max's cologne and deodorant. He looked up at Max's crinkley eyed smile, back lit by the bright blue sky and reminded himself multiple times that this wasn't a date. Max was just a nice, lovely, considerate person.
This wasn't a date, this was just friends getting lunch. Friends who happened to live together– temporarily. 
“Thank you Maxy.” Daniel said shyly. This wasn't a date.
“Oh, of course, it is no problem, Daniel.” Max said, slipping back into his chair. His shoulders seemed to broaden and get bigger now that they weren't being hidden by his sweater. Daniel looked away from Max's chest and biceps that were now indecently front and center. This wasn't a date.
But if it was, it would be simply lovely.
Part 17
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