#dune x solar opposites
sand-realtor · 7 months
The Solar Opposites: Dune
Terry: Omg Korvo the Pupa is teraforming!
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The Pupa's Terraform:
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The Loyalty of a Bandit ~ Chapter One.
Summary: Solar Bandit was an Orphan since the age of Five. She now lived her life pick pocketing and stealing to make ends meet. Ryder has been there for her since before she can remember, they were tied to each other and made a packed to marry one day.  But what happens when she steals from a charming pilot in the Cantina and he changes her life forever. 
Character pairing: Poe Dameron/OC character. Warnings: probably mild language. If this chapter does well, then I’ll be writing the rest of the chapters before sharing. If you would like to be tagged let me know, I will start a tagging list <3 Enjoy. 
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Solars outfit. (Source: Pintrest) ____________________________________________________________
“Where are you going?”
I walked out of my room and headed towards the door, picking up my long coat off the back of a chair as I walked past.
“Out.” I snapped.
“I swear Solar if you bring those Storm troopers to my door again, you’re out.”
I open the door but turned to look back at Frieda who was in her favourite chair slumped by the fire. This is where you’d always find her, she was the typical grumpy old women. She even had the straw grey hair that sat in a bun atop of her head. I wouldn’t say she was a guardian of sorts but she owned the little room I slept in, so she was more of a landlord. I’d been here since I was five years old when my parents were mysteriously murdered and I become an orphan.
That’s when I turned to stealing, pick pocketing you name it. I did whatever it took to survive, at least the experience had given me a hard exterior. I’d learnt to fight and protect myself. It paid to keep the roof over my head, Frieda was kind enough women but at the first opportunity to kick me out I think she would she would take it in a heartbeat. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” I shut the door, putting my hood up and scarf over my mouth. The streets were dusty, the sand could get everywhere imaginable but I’d learnt to cover up well. This kept the dust out and kept the harmful sun off my skin. 
I headed down the hill towards the hanger, I was hoping that Ryder would have finished repairs on the old abandoned X-Wing. The resistance was something of a mystery to us, I don’t think anyone on this planet has seen a resistance fighter. Unfortunately we’d seen way too many First Order troops. So where the X-Wing had come from was unknown, but it was exciting. 
“How’s it going Ry, any progress?” I propped myself on his cluttered desktop, however many times I’d tidied it when bored. Ryder always managed to get it to the same level of messy.  I should learn my lesson and just leave it alone, but it was something to do during evenings I spent in here while he worked on machines.
He emerged from behind the wing wiping his hands on a old rag. “Nearly finished actually, wasn’t as torn up as I thought.”
He smiled at me sweetly and walking his way over to where I’d perched. Ryder was tall, probably about 6’1. He had dusty blonde medium length hair and a toned physique. But my favourite part had always been the ocean blue eyes. I looked up as he approached and looked into them smiling at how beautiful he was. I handed him his flask that sat next to me, he stood just in front of me his thighs touching my knees. 
“Thanks Sol.” He chugged nearly the whole flask before continuing. “You going to the cantina?” He put the flask back where it belonged on the workstation then put his hand on my knee.
“Unfortunately yes, rents due soon.” I made a sad puppy face.  I didn’t like stealing from people, I always carried a wave of guilt when I did. But I also liked food, water and keeping myself alive.
He just chuckled at me, stroking my cheek. “Well be careful, I need you back to me in once piece.” He smiled, kissing the top of my head. He moved back towards the X-Wing.
I hopped down, saluting him. “Yes, Sir, You get that X-wing ready for tomorrow. I’m excited to take it out for a spin!”
“Yes ma’am. She’ll be ready for you.” I just giggled and waved to him, he just waved his rag at me.
I skipped out of the hanger making my way over the dune to the old Cantina with a smile on my face. Ryder had been my only friend for many years now, we had made a pact to get married seen as it had just been us for so long. We felt like we kind of owed it to each other to stick together seen as we’d come this far. I definitely loved him, at least I think I did.  I hadn’t really been exposed to relationships, only being around Ryder.
He was a brilliant mechanic, his talents were being wasted on this dull planet. The amount of craft he’d fixed up in record time always amazed me. He’d even let me take out the ones he’d found and fixed up, flying was an escape from this place. It was also comforting to know I could fly us out of here if we ever needed to escape. 
As I entered the cantina I stood leaning against the back wall, starting to scope the tables and stools for my first victim. This was the routine flirt a little, bat the eyelashes and when they were totally sucked in mess with them a little while taking all the precious goods they had idly left in their deep pockets. They would be none the wiser. It wasn’t anything genius or complex, I was no spy. But I had yet to be caught out, I’d had one close call in the thirteen years I’d been at it.  
I was scanning over the bar stools when a man with curly hair grabbed my attention, he had his back to me but the expensive looking leather jacket set jackpot bells off in my head.
I slowly made my way to the empty stool next to him, lowering my voice. “Is this seat taken?” I pointed down to it.
He placed his glass down, turning to look at me. To say he was a little taken a back that someone was talking to him would be a big understatement.
He was silent so I looked at him properly. Dam he was beautiful. He had a head full of curls, warm chocolate eyes and honey toned skin. I nearly turned and walked away, this man was most certainly too stunning to rob. I quickly shook my head that was nonsense I wasn’t going to start giving people special treatment just because god clearly made him his favourite. You either rob him or you live on the streets, you can’t be picky I told myself. 
“No.” He spoke finally. His voice was deep but calming. He smiled at me, I had to sit down before my legs turned to jelly. “Please, join me.”
Taking a deep breath I sat, reminding myself that I had Ryder waiting for me back at the hanger. But this guy was so hypnotising.
“What brings you here?” He ordered me a drink.
“Just got off work, I needed a pick me up. But then I saw you sitting here by yourself.” I said thanking the barman as he handed me my glass.
I turned my body in the stool so that I could face the stranger to see him better.
“How did you know I was alone?” He turned as well resting one arm on the bar, He was still smiling at me, It was almost blinding.
“Well are you here with someone?” I raised my eyebrow at him sipping on my drink I crossed one of my legs over the other. My knee rested against his thigh. 
He looked down where our bodies now barley touched and slowly said. “No.”
“Then you’re here alone.” I downed the rest of my drink while he stared at me with a mixed look of confusion and interest.
I just laughed. “What are you doing here?”
“Ah, now if I told you that I’d have to kill you.” He pointed at me with his glass in hand and took a swig.
I smiled and shrugged my shoulders shuffling a little more forward. “Maybe I like putting myself in danger.” I said even lower. 
Now it was his turn to look surprised. I gauged his reaction for a second and then I just laughed, licking my lips.
“I’m joking I swear. But seriously, I’ve never seen you around here before. You look different from all the other deadbeat ass holes in this place.” I looked around the room, nothing different from most nights.
He shook his head, smirking like it was the best compliment in the world. “Just passing through.” He stated simply.
I eyed him suspiciously as he downed the rest of his drink and slammed it lightly onto the bar. I looked at the glass then back to his face to find him studying me.
“What’s your name?” He said so quietly that I almost didn’t catch it.
“I don’t think we’re quite on first name basis yet.” Both his eyebrows shot up. “You could be with the First Order for all I know, I don’t need someone like that knowing my name.” 
He laughed. “I promise you, I’m quite the opposite. What do I have to do to earn knowing your name?”
I stood up slowly, his eyes never left my face.
I was so thankful for how dark the cantina was, I’d never been this flushed during a routine thieving. I moved to stand directly in front of him, I leaned over and whispered in his ear as calm as I could.
“The next time you’re passing by. Come find me and I’ll tell you how.” I placed my hand on his arm, a wave of heat shot up to my elbow. I trailing my hand up to his shoulder. I slowly started  walked away patting him lightly before heading to the exit.
I waited until I got round the corner and out of sight before looking down at the metal object, it looked expensive. Expensive enough to pay my rent for two months. But why did I feel so bad about it? A quick thought of going back and explaining, apologising to him crossed my mind but it was only there for a brief second. But I felt a pull to this man.
I knew that I had no time to dwell on it I had to kept going, I turned down a gloomy alley way but got an instant feeling that someone was behind me.
I hadn’t even got halfway down when the feeling became intense, suddenly I was pushed face first into the wall.
“Ouch! hey! get off of me!” I wiggled but the grip they had on me was tight.
“I thought you were a good girl.”
I scrunched my face up in annoyance, it was the guy from the cantina.
“I can explain, I swear.” I tried to fight his grip so I could turn to him.
“Think were a little past that sweetheart.” He leaned into my ear.
I pushed back a little harder gathering some strength from somewhere, that or the fighting skills I had taught myself where finally kicking in. When the man stumbled a little I took the chance, kicked back making him fall to the ground.
I slumped forward down the wall but managed to get my bearings pushing myself off the wall with my hands, I started to run again. I didn’t get far though as he caught my arm, pulling me back.
This time my chest was pinned up against his, he held my arms firm behind my back.
“Tut tut.” He shook his head. “That wasn’t very nice of you.”
He started to search my person, most likely for the object. “Do you mind? You’re violating my personal space.” 
He finally found it in the pocket of my side bag. He brought it up in front of my face observing it.  “Well you violated my personal space first sweetheart.” He smirked at me. “All this over one little object.” 
I just rolled my eyes slowly and sighed. “That little object could keep me alive for two months. What would it do for you pretty boy.” 
I stared at his chest so I didn’t have to look at his eyes. He decided to ignore my comment. “You know I should be mad, but honestly I’m kind of impressed.”
My eyes shot up to his, I gave him a confused look.
“I honestly would have never noticed it missing, that’s if the guy I was giving it too hadn’t of shown up early. Low and behold it was no longer there. You were the only person who had been that close to me.” He looked over my face. “Normally I’m sharper than this.”
“Did I catch you on a off day?” I tried to pull away again but he pulled me back tighter to his chest.
He looked around us then looked back into my eyes. “I want you to come with me.”
He started to move us but I pulled him to a stop, our chests clashing again. “Go with you where. How can I trust you, I don’t even know who you are. Are you taking me to get arrested, because I promise you I’ll put up a good fight.”
“Well maybe you should have thought of that before you stole from me Darling. But no I’m not taking you to the authorities.”
I grinded my jaw, he was right. I put myself in his position how the hell was I going to get out of it.
“Then where are you taking me.” I stood my ground as he tried to make me walk.
“Don’t make me do this the hard way. You’re a smart girl, I advise you to listen to me.”
He let go of me and stepped back, I stared at him confused. He was letting me decide, was I going to follow him nicely or was I going to try run. He really wasn't expecting me not to try right?  I turned to run the other way but again he was faster, grabbing my arm and then my shoulders.
“I’m sorry but you brought it upon yourself”
Brought what upon myself?
Soon his hands on my shoulders got tighter it dug into my skin, I tried to shuffle away but his grip was too tight.
I stared to loosing consciousness, taking a deep breath. The last thing I remember was falling backwards into his chest and him picking me up bridal style.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Disney+ UK Star Launch: Complete List of New TV Shows and Films
We came for The Mandalorian, stuck around for WandaVision, and, as we wait for The Falcon and Winter Soldier and Loki to arrive, there’s now a huge pile of new catalogue additions to work through, courtesy of Disney Plus’ Star brand.
Star launched on the Disney Plus streaming service in territories outside of the US (where Disney already has a home for adult drama in Hulu) on the 23rd of February. It’s added over 75 TV shows and 280 feature films here in the UK, including the entirety of Lost, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Glee, Prison Break, Sons of Anarchy and Scrubs as well as cult favourites Firefly, Flashforward, Terriers and more. There are also some UK debuts in the form of the Star Originals listed below.
Film-wise, there’s ample reason to go back to the 90s in the form of Arachnophobia, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Con Air and a host of others, plus…well, it’s almost 300 films. Chances are you’ll find something to tickle your fancy. Households with kids should know there are new parental controls to set too, ensuring that nobody gets any unwelcome surprises.
Here’s the complete list of titles so far:
Star Originals
Big Sky
From Mr TV himself, David E. Kelley (Doogie Howser, Chicago Hope, Ally Mcbeal, Big Little Lies) comes a nine-part crime thriller starring Ryan Philippe and Vikings‘ Katheryn Winnick. Based on the 2013 novel The Highway by C.J. Box, Big Sky is the story of a series of missing girls and a private detective/cop trio with a messy personal history who team up to find them. It aired on ABC in the US last winter.
There’s very little fanfare for this comic book show‘s UK debut, which met with mostly negative reviews on release and was cancelled after 10 episodes, but Marvel completists will want to take a look. Tom Austen and Sidney Lemmon play the Helstrom siblings Daimon and Satana, the children of serial killers who hunt down the worst of humanity.
Love, Victor
Another Hulu original making its UK debut, this teen drama spins off from celebrated gay teen 2018 film Love, Simon. It’s narrated by Nick Robinson, who played Simon in the original film, and follows the story of a Puerto-Rican/Colombian-American teen living in Atalanta. Reviews for the 10-part first season were strong and it’s been renewed for a second.
Solar Opposites
Rick and Morty‘s Justin Roiland and Star Trek: Lower Decks‘s Mike McMahan are the creators of this adult animated comedy series about a family of aliens (pictured above) forced to seek refuge in middle America. Season one was enthusiastically received, and a second run is due to air in the US in March. Read plenty more about it here.
TV Series
According To Jim, Seasons 1 – 8 Alias, Seasons 1-5 American Dad, Seasons 1-16 Animal Fight Night, Seasons 1-6 Apocalypse World War I, Season 1 Apocalypse: The Second World War, Season 1 Atlanta, Seasons 1-2 Blackish, Seasons 1-5 Bloody Tales Of Europe, Season 1 Bloody Tales Of The Tower, Season 1 Bones, Seasons 1-12 Brothers & Sisters, Seasons 1-5 Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Seasons 1-7 Buried Secrets Of WWII, Season 1 Burn Notice, Seasons 1-7 Castle, Seasons 1-8 Code Black, Seasons 1-3 Cougar Town, Seasons 1-6 Desperate Housewives, Seasons 1-8 Devious Maids, Seasons 1-4 Drugs, Inc. Seasons 2-7 Family Guy, Seasons 1-18 Feud: Bette And Joan, Season 1 Firefly, Season 1 Flashforward, Season 1 The Fosters, Seasons 1- 5 The Gifted, Seasons 1-2 Glee, Seasons 1-6 Grey’s Anatomy, Seasons 1-15 The Hot Zone, Season 1 How I Met Your Mother, Seasons 1-9 Inside North Korea’s Dynasty, Season 1 The Killing, Seasons 1-4 LA 92 Lance, Season 1 Lie To Me, Seasons 1-3 Lost, Seasons 1-6 Mafia Confidential Maradona Confidential Mars, Seasons 1-2 Modern Family, Seasons 1-8 O.J.: Made In America Perception, Seasons 1-3 Prison Break, Seasons 1-5 Raising Hope, Seasons 1-4 Resurrection, Seasons 1-2 Revenge, Seasons 1-4 Rosewood, Seasons 1-2 Scandal, Seasons 1-7 Scream Queens, Seasons 1-2 Scrubs, Seasons 1-9 Sleepy Hollow, Seasons 1-4 Snowfall, Seasons 1-3 Sons Of Anarchy, Seasons 1-7 The Strain, Seasons 1-4 Terra Nova, Season 1 Terriers, Season 1 Trust, Season 1 Ugly Betty, Season 1-4 Ultimate Survival WWII, Season 1 Valley Of The Boom, Season 1 Witness To Disaster, Season 1 WWII Bomb Hunters The X-Files, Season 1-9 The 2000s: The Decade We Saw It All, Season 1 24, Season 1-9 24: Legacy, Season 1 The 80s: The Decade That Made Us, Season 1 9/11 Firehouse The 90s: The Last Great Decade? Season 1 9-1-1, Season 1-2
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The X-Files: I Want To Believe
Disney+ UK, now including Star is available for £7.99 per month
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