#duncan the humbug
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pinkyberet · 3 months ago
Humbug Doodles
Can't Have Christmas Without Doodles Of The Humbug Himself Right? XD
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duncandonuts06 · 1 year ago
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Have this little thing I threw together over the last couple of days!
felt like bein sillayyyy and gave them all eyecolor. (Eyecolor stolen from Ferlost teehee not sorry. Just love your designs very much)
Have a safe and Happy Holidays my friends!
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typingtess · 6 months ago
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:    “New Beginnings Part II”
The basics:  The OSP works with the ATF on a gun deal while personal changes come to the team.
Written by:   Kyle Harimoto & R. Scott Gemmill
Kyle Harimoto wrote "Omni", "Merry Evasion", "Chernoff, K" (season six finale), "Command and Control" as episode 150, "Granger, O.", "Ghost Gun", "Kulinda", "767", "Se Murio El Payaso", "Assets"/"Liabilities", "Venganza", "Superhuman", "One of Us", "Let Fate Decide" (season 11 premiere), "Decoy", "Answers" , "Watch Over Me", "Cash Flow", "Fukushu", "Bonafides", "Come Together" (season 13 finale) and "Of Value".  He co-wrote "Three Hearts", "Leipei", "Humbug", both ends of the "Matryoshka" two-parter (part one with Gemmill), "Smokescreen" part two, "Searching", "A Fait Acompli", "A Tale of Two Igors" (season 12 finale, with Gemmill), "Best Seller" and “New Beginnings Part I” (with Gemmill)
R. Scott Gemmill wrote/cowrote "The Only Easy Day", "Brimstone", "Breach", "LD50", "Found", "Borderline", "Absolution", "Archangel", "Tin Soldiers", "Impostors", "Cyberthreat", "Honor", "The Watchers" and both sides of the NCIS Los: Angeles/Hawaii Five-0 "Touch of Death" episodes, "Recruit", "Free Ride", "Wanted", "Ravens and The Swans", "Impact", "War Cries", both ends of the "Deep Trouble" season five finale/season six premiere, "Inelegant Heart", "Praesidium", "Traitor", "Active Measures" (season seven premiere), "Blame It On Rio", "Internal Affairs", "Matryoshka" part one (with Harimoto),  "Talion" (season seven finale), "High Value Target"/"Belly of the Beast" (season eight premieres), "The Queen’s Gambit", "Under Siege", "Unleashed" (season eight finale), "Party Crashers" (season nine’s premiere), "This Is What We Do" (episode 200), "Các Tù Nhân", "Goodbye Vietnam", "Ninguna Salida" (the season nine finale), "Hit List", "Asesinos", "Till Death Do Us Part", "Choke Point", "The Guardian", "Hail Mary", "Kill Beale Vol. 1", "Alsiyadun", "Fortune Favors the Brave", "The Bear" (season 12 premiere), "Angry Karen", "Love Kills", "Russia, Russia, Russia", "The Noble Maidens", "A Tale of Two Igors" (season 12 finale with Harimoto), "Subject 17" (season 13 premiere), "All The Little Things", "MWD", Work and Family", "Game of Drones", "A Long Time Coming" and “New Beginnings Part I” (with Harimoto).
Directed by:   John P. Kousakis directed "Imposters", "Sacrifice", "San Voir" part one, "The Fifth Man", "Parley", "Inelegant Heart", "Chernoff, K." (season six finale), "Active Measures", "The Long Goodbye", "Talion" (season seven finale), "Glasnost", "Unleashed" (season 8 finale), "Party Crashers" (season nine premiere), "This Is What We Do" (episode 200), "Goodbye Vietnam", "Ninguna Salida" (season nine finale), "The Guardian", "High Society", "A Tale of Two Igors" (season 12 finale), "Under the Influence", "Genesis", "Come Together" (season 13 finale), "A Farewell to Arms", “New Beginnings Part I”, all of the Afghanistan scenes from "Iron Curtain Rising" to "Zero Days" in season five and all of Kensi’s injury/recovery storyline scenes from "The Queen’s Gambit" to "Sirens" in season eight. 
Guest stars of note: Bar Paly as Anastasia "Anna" Kolchek, Vyto Rugins as Arkady Kolcheck, Ava McCoy as Jordyn Rountree, Natalia del Riego as Rosa, Lesley Boone as Nina Barnes Duncan Campbell as Agent Castor, CSI’s Liz Vassey as ATF SAC Kerry Adams and UFC Champion Randy Couture as ATF Agent Bill Newsome are all back from Part 1.  Pamela Reed as Roberta Deeks returned from season 14’s seventh episode “Survival of the Fittest”, Peter Cambor as Nate Getz returned from “Genesis” in season 13, Erik Palladino returned from season 14’s “Best Seller” as Vostanick Sabatino, Renee Felice Smith returned as Nell Jones from the season 12 finale “A Tale of Two Igors”, Chip O’Donnell as the New Guy.
Linda Hunt was credited for her voice over work.  Both Cambor and Hunt were credited at the end of the episode to add to the surprise.
Our heroes:   Sail into the sunset
What important things did we learn about: Callen:   Married Sam:   Best Man. Kensi:  Pregnant. Deeks:    Dad to be. Fatima:   Catches the bouquet. Rountree:  Proud brother. Kilbride:  Worried about the younger staffers.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  His Mr. Carl is a butch Mr. Rogers. Sam:    Switch is a specific man. Kensi:   Glowing according to Anna. Deeks:    Former member of the Kiss Army. Fatima:   Running things in Ops with Rountree Rountree:   See Fatima. Kilbride:   Calling the Argentinean military about some missing guns.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Hopefully somewhere where Callen, Sam, Nell, Nate, Sabatino and the New Guy can find her.
Who's down with OTP:   One got married, one is having a baby.
Who's down with BrOTP:   The show’s central relationship is doing just fine.
Fashion review:  The main characters all wore their Part 1 clothes for most of the episode.  Sam changed into a black Carhart jacket, black tee and black pants as Switch.  At the wedding, Callen and Sam looked spiffy in their tuxedos.  Callen wore a bow tie, Sam a long black silk tie.  Kensi wore a lovely grey gown.  Deeks went with fashion forward with a pink jacket, crisp white dress shirt with no tie and black pants.  Fatima wore a beautiful red gown.  Rountree went with a dark suit and a white tee-shirt.  The Admiral work his work suit, which transitioned nicely into evening wear.  At the end of the episode, Callen is in a light blue button down shirt, Sam is wearing an olive green field coat with a black baseball cap.
Music:   “Private Number” by William Bell featuring Judy Clay played in the after wedding scenes.  “Midunya” by Moroccan Spirit was playing when Callen and Sam arrived in Morocco.  “Hold On, I’m Coming” by Sam & Dave ended the episode.
Any notable cut scene:  No.
Quote:  “I most certainly do.”
Anything else:  Previously-s including the Admiral meeting with Adams, the team meeting with Newsome, meeting with Nina Barnes, the fight in the bad guy’s house and learning that Kerry Adams is dirty.
The shooting continues in the garage.  Callen and Sam find cover behind two different cement columns as Adams and her driver reload.  The time reloading gives Callen and Sam the window to shoot both Adams and her driver.  Adams is alive and trying to get to her weapon.  Callen gets to her gun first.  He calls for an ambulance.  She doesn’t know how Callen and Sam figured things out.
The opening credits are a nice mix of 14-seasons worth of credits.
Callen, Sam and in an-Ops Fatima and Rountree debate whether Adams was dirty and setting up Newsome to take the fall or if Adams and Newsome were working together.  If Newsome is dirty, Kensi and Deeks could be in trouble.   Fatima will contact the two about the change in the ATF’s relationship with NCIS.  Rountree has news from Commander Collins.  About  90% of the stolen weapons are used by the Argentinean military.  The Admiral is going to tell Argentina’s military that someone is stealing from their bunkers.
On overwatch, Deeks is out of snacks.  Kensi isn’t eating – they aren’t on a picnic, they are on overwatch.  They debate whether Newsome is dirty or not.  Deeks wants to play “I Spy”, Kensi really does not.
In the boat shed, Castor brings Nina Barnes to a patiently waiting Callen and Sam.  Castor and Barnes have Starbucks – Castor ordered a girly drink.  Callen wanted Barnes to appear because it was “urgent” but obviously she didn’t think it was urgent.   Since she’s not getting paid, she’s running on her schedule.  Callen asks if Barnes knows who is moving the weapons.  She does not have a name but the weapon buyers but knows they are moving the money with special fund exchange where she may or may not have an account.  Barnes thinks she can set up an arrangement with the weapons broker.  Asked about how the money is moved, Barnes explains that everything is done with an air-gapped computer.  “Good luck with that.” 
All dressed in black, Barnes is reading to make the deal with “Switch”.  She sees the new armory in the boat shed and thinks it had to be Kibride’s idea.  He had a similar set-up when he lived in Texas but the guns came up from the ground.  Callen, Sam and Barnes leave to make a deal with the gunrunners.
Sam and Barnes go to a up for rent restaurant to meet with the gunrunners.  Sam takes a weapon from the boat shed’s armory.
With Kilbride keeping Fatima and Rountree in Ops, Kensi and Deeks are on their own watching Newsome.  Deeks takes out his earwig, Kensi does the same.  Saying they don’t have to be so far away in overwatch, he wants them to move up closer to Newsome and the bad guys.  Kensi could check out the van with the weapons while Deeks causes a distraction with some “bubble gum.”
In the restaurant, Sam and Barnes are searched even though she “never has anything on me.”  The guard find’s Sam’s gun.  He’ll get it when their business is completed.  A man, Bryant, comes from the kitchen.  He’s not happy, the rules are Barnes only comes alone – who is her guest.  Sam introduces himself as Switch saying “this bitch owes me money.”  Since Barnes has credits in the system, she wants to cash out - $110,000, a specific number for a specific man.
From Ops, Rountree has the schematics of the restaurant and will guide Callen to where he needs to be.  Meanwhile, Fatima is cutting cell service so Callen will have to use satellite technology to stay in contact with Ops.  Callen makes his way into the building, just missing being seen by Bryant and his guard.  Bryant notices there is no cell service.  He’s off to check if Barnes has enough money in her account.
The guard returns to Sam and Barnes – Bryant is getting approval to move the money.  Sam/Switch isn’t interested in approval, he’s interested in getting his money.  Barnes wants the money – it is her money.
Deeks is yelling near the gate of the bad guy’s house, looking for Bubble Gum, his Burmese python that gone missing.  The last time he slithered away, he ate a coyote and was sick.  The guys at the front gate want nothing to do with “freak boy” Deeks.  Kensi is able to get near the vans and place cameras on the vehicle.  Deeks is going on about his hypoglycemic snake.  Fatima and Rountree are getting feeds from the cameras.  Deeks is warning the guys at the front gate that their dogs, cats, platypus’s are all in danger with Bubble Gum slithering free.  When Deeks gets the all clear, he leaves after seeing Bubblegum.
Walking into Ops, the Admiral sees that Kensi is just outside of the house and Deeks is by the gates.  He also sees video of the weapons inside the vans being sent by the cameras Kensi attached.   Unhappy the plan was not “vetted by me”, the Admiral wants Kensi and Deeks back on overwatch until the team knows who is running the guns.  He also asks if Callen has found the air-gapped computer.  He has not.  This isn’t good – “we’re running out of time,” according the Admiral. 
The Admiral tells Fatima and Rountree there is a lot of admire about the senior members of the team, a lot to learn from them.  Rountree says they’ve learned a lot from them.  The Admiral was not in the mood to be interrupted since he wasn’t finished.  Kilbride does not want Fatima and Rountree to learn that disobeying orders is appropriate.  Fatima wonders if Kensi and Deeks were “technically” disobeying orders.  They were according to the Admiral, “what the hell would you call it?”  When there is no answer, the Admiral demands one since there are no wrong answers.  Rountree thinks Kensi and Deeks showed initiative.  “Wrong,” the Admiral yells – seems there were wrong answers.  Also, Fatima sort of smiles and that doesn’t help her cause.  She finally raises her hand wondering if they should join Kensi and Deeks in the field.  That goes over poorly.  They will remain in Ops to support the team.
Callen gets Bryant into a sleeper hold, knocking the man out.  A few zip-ties later and Callen is at the stopgap computer.  With his satellite phone, he gets Fatima and Rountree into the computer.   Fatima finds who got the weapons to the gunrunner while Rountree looks for the buyer – Maximillian Dana.  Dana is a businessman with restaurants, dry cleaners and other stores.  Obviously he also sells guns.  Kilbride gives the green light – Callen and Sam can end their work at the restaurant, Kensi and Deeks can secure the weapons.
Just as Callen is about to get offline, the Bryant’s guard walks in.  He takes a few shots at Callen before Callen can take him down.  The shooting in the back of restaurant has Sam, Barnes and the guards in the front of the restaurants all pointing fingers at each other.  Sam thinks the cops are coming.  One of the guards starts shooting.  Barnes pulls a gun from her bra and takes him down.  Sam takes a gun from one of the guards.  Barnes covers Sam as he gets back his weapon.  The two take out the last guard.  Sam gets an all clear from Callen before childing Barnes for not telling him she was armed.  She likes the element of surprise, besides “real gentlemen never touch the good stuff.”  The gun is her “Double D-Defender.”
As she moves to the house, Kensi is taken by surprise by a guard coming up from behind her.  The two struggle falling through a glass door.  Kensi is off comms at this point so Fatima sends in Deeks behind her.  He jumps a fence to get to her, making sure the guard near Kensi stays unarmed.  “God I love you,” Deeks tells her before two other guards arrive.  Kensi takes out one, Deeks the other in a show of great teamwork.  Both Fatima and Rountree are impressed by Kensi’s work.
In the bad guys’ playroom, one of the two remaining henchmen says he’s lost contact with the other guards.  This causes the two to go after Newsome.  They think he’s a cop.  “Kill him.”   Hiding in a closet, Newsome knocks out one of the henchmen, getting his weapon.  The other henchman makes a threat against Newsome.  With the big weapon from the bad guy, Newsome shoots out a wall, shooting henchmen number two.
Outside of the house, the surviving henchmen are being taken away in ambulances.  Kensi and Deeks are sitting the back of an open police SUV when Newsome comes by.  While it is tough for him to admit, he was happy to have NCIS’s help.  He promises that if NCIS ever needs help, he’s there.  Deeks start talking about all the NCIS team members going lone wolf at different parts of their time with the agency and it rarely works.  Newsome has heard enough to know he likes working alone.  As he departs, Kensi gets a text.  Callen wants to meet with them in Beverly Hills.  If Kensi and Deeks leave right now, they could swing by Rosa’s softball games.  Deeks likes the idea of hot dogs and soda.  That gets a “hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” from Kensi.
Rountree is waiting for Jordyn.  Her alumni interview went well.  Her grades and professor recommendations are among the best they’ve ever seen and certainly the best this year.  Jordyn feels Rountree “oozing negative energy.”  Rountree explains that there is news in their case.  There will be no LAPD trial.  Jordyn is shocked.  There will be a settlement and while Jordyn doesn’t want to, Rountree tells her it is a lot of money.  It will pay for all of Jordyn’s medical school tuition/expenses with enough money left over that they could buy a condo and stop paying rent.  They don’t have to make the decision today but they do have to make a decision.  Rountree thinks the best outcome of this terrible incident is that they can change the trajectory of their family tree.  Jordyn disagrees – they changed that by both being college graduates.  Now Rountree disagrees – Jordyn is going to have more than a college degree, she’s going to be a doctor.  Rountree reminds Jordyn that she did all the hard work – getting the grads, studying, acing her interview.  He’s “damn proud” to call her his sister.
Callen walks into his house as Arkady and Anna are bickering about the seating plan.  Arkady asks Callen where should he sit for the wedding.  “In the parking lot,” is Callen’s answer.  Anna will let Arkady pick his seat if he brings one guest.  Arkady explains he was always a “plus two” wedding guest.  The conversation turns to Titan the DJ and Callen wants no part of it.  He wants to speak privately to Anna, who is about to go but first she warns Arkady that if he touches the seating chart, “I will cut you.”  Arkady is proud – Anna reminds him of her mother.  “And you see what that got her.”  And adds “she will always be my minus one.”
Saying she’s going to kill Arkady, Callen tells Anna to give him the head’s up – Arkady is too big to move alone.  “Not if I cut him into pieces.”  Callen asks Anna if she still wants to get married.  She does but is worried he doesn’t.  He does.   He really does.  He just doesn’t want to do it this way.  Anna apologizes that the wedding planning has gone badly.  Callen promises Anna that none of this matters – he wants to get married now.  “Now now, right now.”  Anna says she looks like a mess.  They can get married at City Hall.  Anna can wear her dress, Callen will borrow a tux from work.  Arkady can go if Anna wants him there.  Callen even called Stacey, Anna’s maid of honor. She’s out of town.  Anna has a backup plan.  She is grateful to Callen.  The two kiss.
Kensi cannot believe that Callen and Anna are getting married.  She is putting on an nice gown.  An arriving Rosa has two dresses – a blue one with polka dots and a pink and green floral dress – and she can’t decide.  Kensi like the pink and green.  Deeks shows up in a dress shirt without his pants.  He can’t find them but Kensi tells him they are in the laundry.  Asked by Rosa which dress, Deeks thinks they’re both beautiful but obviously, the blue one.  Rosa thinks her parents aren’t helping.
Kensi struggles to zip up the back of her dress when the phone rings.  Deeks can’t get the phone so Kensi answers.  It is Dr. Cassell asking how Kensi feels.  She’s thinking of sticking with the bland diet.  The doctor gives her news and she starts crying.  Deeks returns, asking about his shoes.  Kensi ends the call and she’s really crying.  Deeks is as upset as she is – wanting to know how was on the phone. The two hug, he’s scared she’s not talking.  She finally tells him, “we’re having a baby.”  Deeks is stunned – they tried everything and nothing worked.  The two hug again.  He’s thrilled it wasn’t her food that made her sick.  Kensi starts to laugh.  A returning Rosa asks what’s going on.  Deeks tells her she’s going to be a big sister.  Rosa is happy too.  The three have a big family hug.  Kensi wants them to keep this all a secret – today is about Callen and Anna.  “Who?” Deeks asks before agreeing to keep things quiet.  Deeks want to confirm things with Dr. Cassell.
At the courthouse, Callen and Sam are dressed in their fancy tuxedos.  Callen thanks Sam for being his best man.  “I would not be here today if it wasn’t for you.”  Sam agrees.  Callen wonders if Sam feels the same.  After teasing about some heartfelt moments being missed, Sam agrees.  The two shares “I loves you’s” and a big hug.  Callen is ready to get married.  The guests are in the middle of the courthouse floor.  Rountree, Deeks, Bertie, Rosa, Arkady, Admiral and Fatima are all waiting.  All smiling.  Anna arrives with Kensi as her bridesmaid and a judge.  “Let’s get ready to rumble,” the judge says.
Callen and Anna say their “I do’s” with a weeping Arkady watching over Kensi’s shoulder.  Callen jumped the gun on his “I do”, cracking up the crowd before saying “I most certainly do.”  The two exchange rings and their first married kiss.  The Admiral wishes Callen and Anna their best.  Kensi thinks Anna looks stunning, Anna thinks Kensi is glowing.  Deeks is eyeballing Arkady and Bertie together.  Rosa thinks Arkady and Bertie make a great couple.  Deeks asks Rosa if Arkady is what she wants in a grandpa.
Fatima catches Anna’s bouquet, with a “hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo” from Rountree this time.  She tries to pass him the bouquet but he passes it right.  Fatima jokingly calls him a coward.
Sam gives Callen another hug – he was sure he’d never see the day Callen would be happily married.  A man speaking Arabic comes up to Callen and Sam, offering a letter complete with a wax seal, saying “May God protect you, have a blessed day,” translated by Sam. 
As the man leaves, Sam goes after him while Callen opens the letter.  It is from Hetty, who offers congratulations on the wedding and disappointment that she is missing “a glorious occasion”.   While people think she never had a family, Hetty begs to differ, she has had the greatest family a person could wish for “and so have you.”  Callen looks up and sees everyone at the wedding have a great time.  Anna comes to Callen, asking about the letter.  Sam returns.  He tells them about the letter, which Sam knew had to be about the wedding because Hetty is Hetty.  Hetty offers her house in Mykonos for the honeymoon – “stay as long as you like.”  Anna always liked Hetty. 
Inside the envelope are plane tickets to Morocco for a small side project.  Anna promises to meet Callen in Greece as long as Sam keeps Callen alive.
In Morocco, Callen and Sam are in a jeep, going to a side of the road market in their GPS’s coordinates.  Callen is hoping for a cold beer, Sam thinks he’ll be lucky to get some mint tea.  Callen prefers mouthwash.  Sam is hoping some of the locals speak French. Callen is confused – Sam speaks Arabic.  He does, but not the local Darija Arabic spoken by the Morocco locals. 
Callen is drawn to a little woman drinking tea. Saying “Hetty”, the little woman is Nell.  Hetty has gotten herself into a little pickle and Nell with her team is having a hard time getting Hetty out.  “Don’t tell me Beale’s here with you,” Callen says.  Beale is giving a TED talk in Singapore.  Nell’s team arrives – Nate, with a pornstache, Sabatino and the New Guy who is really named Willis even if Sabatino only calls him New Guy.  Nate tells Callen and Sam their up to their asses in alligators.  Having Callen and Sam there is going to help.  Callen notes they were brought to Morocco  under false circumstances.   Nell gives a very Hetty answer:  “Subterfuge is the foundation of good espionage.”  “You’re getting more like Hetty every day,” Sam tells Nell, who takes it like a compliment.  Nell is working on a plan.  Sam and Dave’s “Hold On, I’m Coming” plays as Nell asks if Callen and Sam are ready for their new adventure.  They are.
What head canon can be formed from here:     This is how you do fan service.  Almost every major character got their storyline wrapped up.  Callen, who opened the series as the orphan without a first name, is Grisha who has a living sister, a nephew, a new bride and a wacky father-in-law.  Kensi opened the series as the woman who lost all the men in her life now had a loving husband and was starting a family of her own.  Deeks is a variation of this – his fracture family in childhood has become a loving wife, daughter and a baby on the way.  Rountree’s conversation with Jordyn in Part I changed their family tree with their educations but the settlement with LAPD lets the two move forward with those changes.
As for Sam, I think they knew he was moving to NCIS: Hawai’i for a season.   Sam, the family man, spent the season keeping his son in the air, reminded his daughter that he loves her for the person she is not for the persons she chooses to love and took care of the father who helped make him the man he was.  He could leave them for a year knowing everyone is in a good place. Speaking of fathers and sons getting to a good place, the Admiral getting basically his own episode to start repairing his relationship with his son.
The only one who didn’t quite get her own ending was Fatima.  Catching the bouquet at the wedding may be a hint of where she may wind up with Ali but she was the only character really left hanging.
Planning a season wrap-up next week and a series review week after that. 
Thank you for reading these over the years.  The program got me back into fannish things after a long break.  The community here in Tumblr is terrific.  This is how you fandom.
Episode number:   This is both the season 14 finale and the series finale, episode number 323.
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number1spongebobfan · 3 months ago
Chapter 15: Epilogue
“Let me owt! Let me owt! Don’t scrap me! Don’t burn me! I’ll - eh?”
Duncan woke up to find the fireman stripping down his nightgown to light the firebox. He was shoveling coal into a valve on his chest.
The driver gave a concerned look. “Duncan, are you okay? You look like you had a nightmare.”
“A-are ye goin’ to scrap me?”
His driver smiled. “Why would we ever scrap you? We love you just the way you are. Yeah, you’re grumpy and all but, nobody’s perfect,”
“What day is it?”
A familiar face came to them: it was Nancy, the guard’s daughter. “It’s Christmas Day!” she exclaimed. “Merry Christmas, Duncan!”
Nancy carried a bucket of water with a rag dipped in. 
“Let meh go! Ah need to save our bebeh Luke!”
Nancy giggled. “I’ll have to polish you first. It’s your Christmas present!” Nancy placed the bucket down nearby. She removed Duncan’s sleeping cap and wiped his head with the rag. “You are bald,” she teased. “I’m going to make your bald head nice and shiny!”
Duncan blushed; he was far too impatient. He covered his chest, tied his bandana around his neck once again, plopped his feet into his slippers, then donned his tam o’ shanter. Nancy wondered what the rush was all about.
Duncan ran off to find Luke. Luke, who was also still in his slippers and pajamas (but had his earmuffs on for insulation), was slipping down a steep hill. Luke wanted to slide down the hill, but he didn’t know how dangerous it would be for him. Duncan picked Luke up - he was strong, after all. Rusty the maintenance diesel saw everything; she was impressed.
“Yay!” beamed Luke. “You saved me!”
“Oh Luke!’ fretted Madge the lorry, who threw down the Christmas tree that she was carrying. She was in a silky bathrobe and had a sleeping mask above her eyes. She worriedly bent down next to him. “Are you alright?’
“I’m okay!” puffed Luke. “My bum is a little sore but dat’s okay.” He would usually cry when he got hurt but bravely didn’t this time.
Madge and Duncan saw each other eye-to-eye. He was ecstatic to see her. They kissed each other passionately and danced together. She never left - she was here the whole time.
“Oh, sweet tart,” cooed Duncan. They put their hands on each other's chests. “Never leave me.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” cooed Madge back.
Patrick dumbly interrupted them. “Hey, does anyone know how I can get back to Bikini Bottom? I miss my friends.” Minty facepalmed.
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Duncan immediately apologized to Den and Dart. He shook off the pockets of money from his driver and fireman onto Dart’s cup.
“Oh, my!” gasped Den.
‘Now the poor people won’t be cold and hungry anymore!” tooted Dart.
Then he went to find Donald and Douglas. He told them that he will stay over the Great Western Railway for Christmas dinner.
“Ye mean yer coming?” piped Douglas.
“Of course I am!” puffed Duncan. He replaced his beret with a Santa Claus hat and smiled brightly.
“He’s a changed engine,” neighed Minty. “And he’ll keep it that way all through the year.”
Mr. Percival was proud of Duncan for saving Luke. He ordered Duncan to carry some passengers. Fine by him, because he knew not to complain anymore. The passengers liked how he bounced around, and how the coaches shook. James and Gordon double-headed at a close location. 
“Oof!” groaned Gordon. “This holiday is way too cheesy for my liking. Bah-”
“Now, now Gordon,” interrupted James. “Remember what’s the reason for the season?”
And before Gordon ever uttered the word, ‘humbug’, he sighed. “Nevermind,” gloated Gordon. Edward and Rocky grinned. 
Duncan handed presents to so many engines, even Rex, Mike, and Bert from the Arlesdale Railway. The miniature engines whooped for joy once they unwrapped their toy space shuttles. Paxton, Sidney and Phillip loved their new rocking horses. Samson got some nice new scissors so that he could cut his long hair, though his brakevan Bradford offered to help.
“Merry Christmas to one and all!” he puffed excitedly. “And now it’s Skarloey’s turn.”
Minty, Sango, Patrick, Mela and William nodded. “It was nice meeting you mister talking train,” meowed Mela. “We have to go back to our own universes now, I guess. Pocketville needs me and William, Ponyville needs Minty, Bikini Bottom needs Patrick, Jewel Land needs Sango-”
Mela paused to groom her paw,
“Merry Christmas, mister talking train, and Happy New Year.”
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“Oh, why, Merry Christmas Duncan,” peeped Skarloey. “You look happy. Rusty told me everything.”
“Yes,” peeped Rheneas. “You saved our baby Luke.”
Luke arrived at that moment, holding Duke by the arm. “Look Duke! It’s Santa! Santa is going ta’ bring me presents!”
Duncan handed a plush fawn to Luke. “Merreh Christmas, Luke.” He picked him up, carried him on his shoulders, and sat on a rocking chair.
All the narrow-gauge engines let out their loudest whistle. Luke’s whistle was the loudest of all.
“God bless us, everyone!”
Joy to the children far and near
Isn't it just grand to say
Merry, merry Christmas (Merry Merry Christmas)
Merry, merry Christmas (Merry Merry Christmas)
Oh, what a merry Christmas Day
The End
In Loving Memory of Britt Allcroft
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greatwesternway · 2 years ago
Not favorites, but episodes from the dogshit seasons (7 - 16) that I think are interesting.
Squeak, Rattle and Roll (S08E06)
Thomas and the Rainbow (S09E01)
Respect for Gordon (S09E02)
It's Good to be Gordon (S10E08)
Emily and the Special Coaches (S10E09)
Thomas and the Billboard (S12E01)
Henry Gets It Wrong (S12E05)
Heave Ho Thomas! (S12E05)
James Works It Out (S12E12)
Tickled Pink (S13E03)
Double Trouble (S13E04)
Victor Says Yes (S14E10)
Jitters and Japes (S14E19)
Henry's Happy Coal (S15E09)
Tree Trouble (S15E19)
Bust My Buffers! (S16E09)
Technically, the HiT era extends to Season 20, but I think they start getting their shit together in Season 17 so some of these actually are my favorites.
Calm Down Caitlin (S17E07)
No More Mr. Nice Engine (S17E09)
The Smelly Kipper (S17E12)
Henry's Hero (S17E15)
The Switch (S17E17)
The Thomas Way (S17E19)
The Phantom Express (S17E20)
The Frozen Turntable (S17E21)
The Missing Christmas Decorations (S17E25)
Old Reliable Edward (S189E01)
Disappearing Diesels (S18E04)
Toad's Adventure (S18E06)
Duck in the Water (S18E07)
Duck and the Slip Coaches (S18E08)
Duncan the Humbug (S19E12)
Duncan and the Grumpy Passenger (S19E13)
No Steam without Coal (S18E23)
Toad's Bright Idea (S18E26)
Snow Place Like Home (S19E03)
The Truth About Toby (S19E04)
The Beast of Sodor (S19E09)
Slow Stephen (S19E15)
Best Engine Ever (S19E18)
Goodbye Fat Controller (S19E26)
Henry Gets the Express (S20E04)
Over the Hill (S20E06)
Diesel and the Ducklings (S20E07)
Ryan and Daisy (S20E10)
Henry in the Dark (S20E11)
The Railcar and the Coaches (S20E17)
Love Me Tender (S20E18)
Pouty James (S20E19)
Cautious Connor (S20E23)
All in Vain (S20E24)
Tit for Tat (S20E26)
Mike's Whistle (S20E27)
Useful Railway (S20E28)
Reblog or comment with your favorite HIT episode(s) ♥
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jackbatchelor3 · 5 years ago
Duncan Hates Christmas Thomas and Friends Cartoonito UK
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greatwesternway · 3 years ago
For Reasons, @littlewestern and I needed to compile a list of canon train opinions on singing. This is not exhaustive, as we haven't watched a lot of the more unfortunate era of the show and haven't caught every reference to it in the books. It also takes liberties with deciding whether particular songs in the movies are diegetic or not.
Thomas: Sings songs with Annie and Clarabel while working (Thomas and the Guard).
Annie and Clarabel: See above.
Edward: Finds other people's singing amusing but does not join in (P.A. Problems).
Gordon: Does not like to sing as a performance, but will if Sir Topham Hatt wants him to (Journey Beyond Sodor). Does sing a bit to himself as he's being streamlined though (The Great Race).
James: Yes, if the song is about how splendid he is (Journey Beyond Sodor).
Percy: Sings, but off key (Bluebells of England).
Troublesome Trucks: Abso-fkn-lutely, especially if they can figure out derisive lyrics to the tune of Pop Goes the Weasel (Pop Goes the Diesel, Toad Stands By).
Duck: disapproves (Toad and the Whale), but has been seen to hum to himself when coasting down hills alone (A Close Shave).
Donald: insisted with his brother on leading a round of Auld Lang Syne for Stepney's departure (Bowled Out).
Douglas: Stated to know at least some Scottish songs and criticized Percy's singing (Bluebells of England).
Oliver: Finds it silly, but doesn't disapprove exactly. Also doesn't participate and does tire of it after a while (Toad and the Whale). Did, however, sing a bit to tease his coaches when he was going through his smug asshole phase (Resource and Sagacity).
Nia: Sings to pass time on long routes (Big World, Big Adventures).
Not So Troublesome African Trucks: Yes, to pass the time and they collectively know songs that aren't Pop Goes the Weasel (Big World, Big Adventures).
Rebecca: Sings along with her Troublesome Trucks, to their confusion and dismay (Chucklesome Trucks).
Salty: Sings sea shanties, even in his sleep (A Shed for Edward).
Porter: Cannot go to sleep without Salty's sleep shanties (A Shed for Edward), will sing along if awake (Thomas the Quarry Engine).
Cranky: Will sing along if others are singing (Thomas the Quarry Engine).
Toad: Fuckin' LOVES singing, especially if by the seaside (Toad and the Whale).
Daisy: Approves of singing, but only if you do it right. No silly lyrics (Daisy's Perfect Christmas).
Mavis: Knows at least one song and is willing to sing it, the same song everyone knows about being by the seaside (Thomas the Quarry Engine).
Peter Sam: Yes, until he gets bummed out by the prospect of his railway being sold (Little Old Twins).
Sir Handel: Yes, in a Troublesome Truck fashion, to rag on his bro (Special Funnel).
Duncan: NO. Fucking hates singing and music (Faulty Whistles, Duncan the Humbug). However, he is a good sport and participates by blowing his whistle along with the other Skarloey Railway engines during the cleaners' All-metal Band that comes to play for Skarloey and Rheneas' 100th birthday (Duck and Dukes).
Diesel: Maybe? He's got a penchant for showmanship, but hard to say about singing specifically.
Bill and Ben: Yes, to tease other engines (Rosie is Red).
Sidney: Yes, to (attempt to) remember his assignments (Sidney Sings).
Skiff: Maybe? He sings a little to remind Captain John that they gotta fuck off before dawn (Sodor's Legend of the Lost Treasure).
Ashima: Hums at the coal hopper (The Great Race).
Frankie and Hurricane: Yes, to lure unsuspecting engines with the siren song of steelworking! (Journey Beyond Sodor)
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agustinserrano62 · 2 years ago
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Small-Face Rusty in "Duncan the Humbug" (2014)
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skarloeyspa · 2 years ago
Was re-re-re-re-watching Duncan the Humbug like an idiot and I'm just having some bumbling thoughts (dunno if anyone has done this before so ignore me if it's been done)
To sum up Duncan the Humbug, Duncan is being himself around Christmas season, grumpy and complaining about any and everything. The other engines on the Skarloey get annoyed and Rusty talks to Mr. Percival about it, who says that unless Duncan can be cheerful (not just keep his complaints to himself, he needs to be happy) for a whole day, then he can get the new Christmas coat of paint. Duncan, wanting the coat of paint (as all engines do), has a go with the challenge. Rather than being negative and shitting on everything around him he puts up an extremely forced cheerful front around the other engines to say "see? I CAN do it!" But like I said, forced, and it's very obvious to the other engines (he sounded hella sarcastic when he was talking to Skarloey LMAO). He almost broke at the frozen crossing gates but held back when Rusty pulled in. Luke being stuck on the hill was what made Duncan finally snap BUT he regrets it quickly when he realized Luke was hurt by an outburst. Yada yada yada he uses his sand he helps Luke and Rusty sees and tells Mr. Percival and Duncan ends up with new paint.
I watched this because I wanted Skarloey railway content (like a madman), but the more I rewatched it the more it just. It started festering in my brain. Compare it to the other Duncan episode in CGI Thomas, Duncan and the Grumpy Passenger, and something feels a bit...off? Not in a negative way, but it feels different.
There's a clear message in Grumpy Passenger. If you focus too much on something that you can't control, it will only lead to even worse things, your best bet is to ignore it and do what you can. Then looking at Humbug, on the surface level it's "if you're so negative all the time, someone will eventually get hurt", but that's not really it, is it?
Duncan, good ol' Duncan. Ever the complainer, ever the pessimist, he makes no effort to hide his annoyance with having to work during the snowy season, in fact he very much makes it everyone's business. Nobody is surprised that Duncan is like this, except everyone seems surprised. "Oh but it's Christmas, can't you cheer up for once, Duncan?" Rusty, for better or for worse, speaks with Mr. Percival for an incentive to get Duncan to be less negative, if only just once!
And it works, sort of. Duncan is acting more cheerful because he wants that coat of paint, once he gets that paint, he'll go right back to being a complainer. I'm no humanities student (in fact I'm in STEM so this is very much not my territory), but I'd like to assume that because of this very materialistic reward, Duncan's efforts at being cheerful are... disingenuous, probably because they are disingenuous. He just wanted some paint! All this work, and now he has to fake being happy and wholesome? Ugh!
A whole day of having to fake an optimistic personality would probably have worn him down, so in came the Luke encounter and Duncan snaps. For buffer's sake, Luke, what's the hold-up? Just grit your wheels up with a little bit of sand! Luke, with not a bit of sand left, but also not a bit of aggression in him, is put down by Duncan's outburst. Realizing his mistake, but incapable of apologizing, Duncan instead uses some of his own sand to push Luke up the rest of the hill.
Duncan realized that oh, I snapped, no paint for me now :(. But instead of staying in his shed the next day and grumbling about how he failed Mr. Percival's challenge, he goes to the steam works to apologize. And there, with Luke and Rusty, Mr. Percival instead praises Duncan for helping out Luke (not sure if it was done so out of necessity or guilt, but I'll think about that some other day). Duncan is obviously grateful for the surprise and feels motivated to look at things more on the bright side.
They could have ended the episode there, or they could have just added some crap about Duncan getting the long-awaited coat of paint if they wanted to hit the full run time. But in the end they clearly state that Duncan being grumpy is just Duncan being Duncan, and that doesn't make him any less useful.
Where was I going with this? I'm not sure, like I said these are just chunks of brain rot in a burnt out mind. But there's just something about them not ending with "Duncan will finally change for the better" and instead "Duncan's just Duncan, he's a lil grumpy but we still love him despite it." Some people are just more predisposed to being negative for whatever reason, and I doubt I'm the only one who grew up with the subliminal message of "be happy or be left behind." Maybe it's because of this that Duncan the Humbug really scratched my brain in the right way. The resolution of this episode was by no means one-sided despite how much it only focused on showing Duncan's growth. Obviously, being negative all the time won't make you happy, but forcing yourself to be happy isn't exactly a good or even healthy thing either.
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deweyduck · 3 years ago
A list of Christmassy things you plan on watching this month, I really want to get into the Christmas spirit!
okay i've made a list of my fave christmassy things to watch/new things i plan to watch. i've sorted them into movies on disney+, shows on disney+, movies not on disney+, and shows not on disney+. but keep in mind that australia has a different catalogue on disney+ than the rest of the world (especially since we have star on there) and everything might not actually be on there for you.
💚 = a fave
❤️ = i haven't seen it before so it might end up being bad lol
movies on disney+
the nightmare before christmas (1993) 💚
the santa clause (1994) 💚
edward scissorhands (1990) 💚
the muppet christmas carol (1992) 💚
a muppet christmas: letters to santa (2008) ❤️
mickey's once upon a christmas (1999)
mickey' christmas carol (1983) 💚 [technically a short but i still love it a lot]
olaf's frozen adventure (2017) 💚 [also a short]
good luck charlie, it's christmas! (2011)
the ultimate christmas present (2000)
christmas... again?! (2021) [this is the newest dcom that just came out and is v cute]
miracle on 34th street (1994)
miracle on 34th street (1947)
winnie the pooh: a very merry pooh year (2002)
jingle all the way (1996)
noelle (2019)
godmothered (2020)
beauty and the beast: the enchanted christmas (1997)
home alone (1990)
home alone 2: lost in new york (1992)
the family stone (2005) ❤️
shows on disney+
ducktales (2017) - 02x06 "last christmas" 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 [this is one of my absolute FAVOURITE episodes of ducktales but it has BIG SPOILERS if you're watching the show for the very first time. so please only watch if you've seen the show before/are currently watching and are up to this ep]
ducktales (2017) - 03x19 "how santa stole christmas" 💚 [ditto to the spoiler thing above]
kim possible - 01x16 "a very possible christmas" 💚
lizzie mcguire - 01x07 "aaron carter's coming to town" 💚
lizzie mcguire - 02x20 "xtreme xmas"
sydney to the max - 02x01 "how the syd stole christmas" 💚
that's so raven - 01x19 "escape claus"
american dragon: jake long - 02x16 "a hairy christmas"
phineas and ferb - 03x17a "a phineas and ferb family christmas"
sonny with a chance - 02x22 "a so random! holiday special"
the suite life of zack and cody - 01x21 "christmas at the tipton"
liv & maddie - 01x10 "fa-la-la-a-rooney"
liv & maddie - 03x09 "joy to-a-rooney"
liv & maddie - 04x06 "cali christmas-a-rooney"
good luck charlie - 03x20 "a duncan christmas"
big hero 6: the series - 02x18 "the present"
hannah montana - 03x05 "killing me softly with his height"
lilo & stitch: the series - 01x21 "topper"
even stevens - 01x15 "heck of a hanukkah"
phil of the future - 02x15 "christmas break"
gabby duran & the unsittables - 01x08 "it's christmas, gabby duran!"
the proud family - 01x11 "seven days of kwanzaa"
boy meets world - 01x10 "santa's little helper"
boy meets world - 04x12 "easy street"
boy meets world - 05x11 "a very topanga christmas"
boy meets world - 06x11 "santa's little helpers"
raven's home - 03x16 "bah humbugged"
recess - 02x11 "yes, mikey, santa does shave"
big city greens - 02x07 "green christmas" ❤️
stuck in the middle - 03x01 "stuck at christmas - the movie" ❤️
milo murphy's law - 01x20 "a christmas peril" ❤️
elena of avalor - 01x11 "navidad" ❤️
sofia the first - 01x24 "holiday in enchancia" ❤️
pepper ann - 03x06 "a kosher christmas" ❤️
the suite life on deck - 03x15 "a london carol" ❤️
best friends whenever - 01x12 "the girls of christmas past" ❤️
best friends whenever - 02x11 "the christmas curse" ❤️
i didn't do it - 01x20 "merry mis sis" ❤️
shake it up - 02x10 "jingle it up" ❤️
shake it up - 03x05 "merry merry it up" ❤️
high school musical: the musical: the series - 02x01 "new year's eve"
the muppets (2011) - 01x10 "single all the way" 💚
movies not on disney+
barbie in the nutcracker (2001) 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
how the grinch stole christmas (2000) 💚
last christmas (2019) 💚
klaus (2019) 💚
the holiday (2005)
happiest season (2020)
barbie in a christmas carol (2008)
love actually (2003)
jingle jangle (2020)
let it snow (2019)
gremlins (1984)
a cinderella story: christmas wish (2019)
love hard (2021)
single all the way (2021) ❤️
a christmas dance reunion (2021) ❤️ [this has corbin bleu and monique coleman aka chad and taylor from hsm in it and i am 😭]
annabelle's wish (1997) ❤️
shows not on disney+
barbie dreamhouse adventures: go team roberts - 02x13 "dreamhouse holidays" 💚💚💚💚💚💚 [i'm sorry but this is literally the only non-disney christmas episode i can think of iushfushfusdhf these idiots truly have a hold on me]
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pinkyberet · 1 year ago
Duncan And Ella-Rose
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Ella-Rose: “Now Come On Lil’ Grump. Turn That Frown Upside Down.”
Duncan: (Ah… Humbug…)
Two Scottish Idio- I Mean Narrow Gauge Friends :3 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💛💜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Ella-Rose Is Quite A Nutcase Around Anybody, Especially The Most Stubborn Of The Bunch XD
I Think From This Art Onwards, That I’ll Simplify The Hair Shading And Highlights Like The Other Shading. Since That Shading, Although Cool, Takes Incredibly Long To Do, Especially With Multiple Characters In On Art Piece
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ttte-paint-shop · 4 years ago
I know it’s not what you were looking for but how about the MOST aesthetically pleasing ttte image?
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along w/a few more from Duncan the Humbug!:
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princeluckybug13 · 4 years ago
@mean-scarlet-deceiver wanted to see my timeline, so here it is! Obviously this is for the Skarloey Railway and is completely based on my canon. So this is not meant to be super accurate to the any actual timeline. Hopefully this makes some semblance of sense, and I did rearrange many episodes (that are getting major overhauls). Feel free to ask any questions, and I’ll do my best to answer!
(ps Jobey, the project was just my horrible abomination of my “Murphy’s Law” AU lol) 
Crosspatch (1864)
Bucking Bronco/The Grand Opening (1865)
Rheneas and the Dinosaur/Push Me, Pull You (1866)
The Old Bridge (1867)
Stick-in-the-Mud (1868)
Skarloey Storms Through (1871)
Wharf and Peace (1874)
Missing Trucks/Missing Cars (1875)
 Skarloey Remembers (May 1952)
Sir Handel (May 1952)
Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady (May 1952)
Old Faithful (June 1952)
A Smooth Ride (1953)
The Refreshment Lady's Tea Shop/The Refreshment Lady's Stand (1953)
 Rusty Saves the Day (1957)
Which Way Now? (1957)
Trucks (1958)
Home at Last (1958)
Rock n Roll (1958)
Little Old Twins (1959)
Dunkin' Duncan (1959)
Trusty Rusty (1959)
 Special Funnel (January 1961)
Steamroller (March 1961)
Passengers and Polish (July 1961)
Gallant Old Engine (July 1961)
Duncan Does it All (May 1962)
The Runaway Elephant (1962)
Duncan Drops a Clanger (1962)
Rusty to the Rescue (February 1963)
Duck and Dukes  (June 1964)
Sleeping Beauty (August 1964)
 Patience is a Virtue (1982)
Peter Sam and the Prickly Problem (1982)
Pop Special (May 1983)
Sir Handel Comes Home (April 1984)
Fearless Freddie (May 1984)
Ding-a-Ling (June 1984)
The Party Surprise (December 1984)
 The Magic Lamp (August 1988)
Mountain Marvel (September 1988)
Duncan Gets Spooked (October 1988)
Rusty and the Boulder (September 1989)
Toby's Discovery (October 1989)
 Speedkiller (April 1996)
Dirty Water (May 1996)
Sir Handel's Plan (May 1996)
I Name This Engine… (September 1996)
Ivo(Skarloey) the Brave ( December 1996)
Cool Truckings (January 2005)
Whistle Trouble/Tuneful Toots (March 2005)
Wash Behind Your Buffers (April 2005)
Mighty Mac (July 2005)
Duncan and the Hot Air Balloon (July 2006)
Duncan’s Bluff (August 2006)
Duncan and the Old Mine (November 2006)
 Don't Bother Victor! (April 2012)
Blue Mountain Mystery (October 2012)
The Switch (July 2013)
Luke's New Friend (August 2013)
Duncan and the Grumpy Passenger (September 2014)
Duncan the Humbug (December 25, 2014)
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typingtess · 8 months ago
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:    “Sleeping Dogs”
The basics:  When several Drona subjects are attacked, NCIS is on the case.
Written by:   Andrew Bartels wrote or co-wrote "Allegiance", "Zero Days", "The Grey Man", "Humbug", "Fighting Shadows", "Driving Miss Diaz", "Angels & Daemons", "Where There’s Smoke…", "Glasnost", "Old Tricks" "Battle Scars", "Fool Me Twice", "Warrior of Peace", "Reentry", "The Prince", "Smokescreen", "The One That Got Away"/"No More Secrets" two-parter, "Yellow Jacket", "Missing Time", "If the Fates Allow", "Red Rover, Red Rover", "Divided We Fall", "Genesis" and "Survival of the Fittest".
Directed by:   Gonzalo Amat is directing his first NCIS: Los Angeles episode. 
Guest stars of note: Ava McCoy as Jordyn Rountree returns from “Perception” in season 13, Ashley Sharpe Chestnut as FBI Special Agent Summer Morehurst returns from "Let it Burn", both Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier as Agent Shyla Dahr and Duncan Campbell as Agent Castor return from “Shame”, Milissa Sears as Leah Novak returns from “Genesis” in season 13, David DeSantos as Anthony Beltran.
Our heroes:   Keep droning on about Drona.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  In a roundabout way, asks Sam to be his best man. Sam:   In a roundabout way, says yes t being Callen’s best man. Kensi:  Absent. Deeks:   See Kensi. Fatima:  Hacks into the Drona files with Shyla. Rountree:  Willing to be shot at to protect Sam and Fatima. Kilbride:  Leaving after work to see his son.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Worshipped by Castor. Sam:   Thinks Castor getting knocked out twice in three months is a bad look. Kensi:   See Deeks. Deeks:   Absent. Fatima:   Likes Rountree with Summer. Rountree:  Runs after school buses, bad guys and through sand castles. Kilbride:   Hired Shyla because Shyla remembers everything.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Seemingly in a small town on the border of Turkey and Syria warning Drona subjects that they are in danger.
Who's down with OTP:  Kensi and Deeks are off doing family things.  Rountree and Summer seems to be doing well. 
Who's down with BrOTP:  Callen popped the question – will Sam be his best man?  Callen has a side buddy in Castor.
Fashion review:  Callen wears a green, blue and yellow plaid shirt.  A long-sleeve black tee for Sam.  Fatima wears a tan leather field coat over a black turtleneck.  A pale purple fleece sweatshirt for Rountree.  Kilbride has on a dark brown three-piece suit with a white dress shirt and a brown and gold tie. 
Music: Not today!
Any notable cut scene:  Not today!
Quote:  Shyla:  “Oh, uh, your ride to the airport just pulled up outside.” Kilbride:  “I thought I told you to cancel that flight.” Shyla:  “Did you? Oh, I-I don't remember.” Kilbride:  “You remember everything.  That's why I hired you.” Shyla:  “Do you still want me to cancel it?  Bear in mind, it is nonrefundable and I know how much you hate wasting money.  Not to mention missing an opportunity to see your son after all these years...” Kilbride:  “All right, all right, I'm leaving.  Remind me to fire you when I get back.”
Anything else:  A gentleman is out walking his dog in a small park area surrounded by businesses.  The dog, Rebel, starts barking and jumps into a bush.  Returning to his owner, Rebel gifts the man a dead squirrel, which was not on the man’s breakfast meal plan.  The man’s phone rings – it is an older, flip phone.  A text message reads “DHRISHTADYUMNA”.  The man breaks the phone in half and tosses his phone, causing Rebel to play fetch.  While the dog is away, a person wearing a ski mask shoots the dog owner in the back of the dead.  Rebel returns to his fallen owner and sits right next to him because dogs are the best.
At a table by a coffee shop, Fatima, Rountree, Jordyn and FBI Agent Summer Morehurst are chatting.  Fatima is teasing Rountree for yelling “Federal Agents” as they were trailing a suspect.  The suspect ran (because he’s obviously watched the show).  “Tree” caught the guy after a 10-minute chase.  Jordyn is all in for the Rountree mocking.  Rountree always liked to show off how fast he was.  He’d forget to give Jordyn her school lunch on purpose and then run alongside the school bus to give it to her like Keanu Reeves.  And she hated his lunches – avocados and bean sprouts.  She was 14 and didn’t want to eat that stuff back then.  Summer says she’s not interested in eating it now.  Rountree says it all worked out for the best.  Jordyn aced her MCATs and is on her way to medical school.  Summer starts mocking “Treefontaine” when she gets a call – FBI wants to see her.  Jordyn is off to class as well.
Shyla is giving a not paying attention Admiral Kilbride notice about a meeting with his British and Australian counterparts.  Still not paying attention.  She would be willing to go.  Still not paying attention.  Kensi and Deeks are out because Rosa’s aunt had a stroke.  Still not paying attention.  Office minutiae like the security system doing a reboot and Agent Castor’s performance review aren’t capturing the Admiral’s attention either.   Shyla mentions a radioactive group of pubescent turtles foiling and armed robbery at the Santa Monica Pier and nothing.  Shyla sees a suitcase and realizes that he’s flying up to San Francisco to see his son.  She will arrange transport to the airport at 7PM but he wants to leave at 7:30PM – he’s not much of an airport guy.  With spring break, Shyla recommends the earlier departure time but the Admiral promises her he’ll be fine.  Eventually he relents but warns Shyla that if he is stuck with a “posse of frat boys you will never hear the end of it.”  She thinks that would be a great story.  As Shyla leaves, the Admiral wants a BOLO on the turtles and their giant rat leader – can’t have mutant vigilantes running around.
Sam walks in to the bullpen, greeting Callen.  On Sam’s desk is a printout of a man in a tuxedo.  Callen explains it is the tuxedo Anna, sorry, he and Anna, want Sam to wear to the wedding.  Sam thinks he can dress himself.  Callen brings up Anna’s, his and Anna’s color palate for the wedding.  The tux is just for Sam.  “Is this your way of asking me to be your best man?”  Callen thought Sam being the best man was a given.  Sam’s not so sure.  Callen has been spending quality time with Castor – they had some drinks and dinner after Castor was knocked out by Miraslava.  Sam notes that Castor worships Callen, even dresses like him.  Castor arrives, dressed similarly to Callen.    Callen breaks down and asks if Sam would be his best man.  Of course, Sam replies but he hates the tux.  Callen agrees.
Shyla walks down the stairs.  Callen asks if they have a case.  She replies “you tell me” as she brings them up to Ops.  Once in Ops, she launches all the security protocols that lock the door, shut the shutters and turn down the lights.  She was sent two encrypted files through a DOD top secret/special compartmented information channel, JWICS.  The first file is the driver’s license for the man the park – John Jenkins.  He’s the CEO for a software company.  The second file is the ID card of an FBI Analyst, Patrick Hertel.  Both men were found dead that morning.  Hertel was killed in his backyard, Jenkins in the park.  There were numbers with the file – eight, 11 and 22.  Maybe August 11, 2022. 
Callen isn’t interested in figuring out what eight, 11 and 22 mean.  JWICS files are sent by known people.  Who sent the file?  Shyla doesn’t know, it came from a SCIF on the border of Turkey and Syria, the town of Al-Rai.  It was Hetty’s last known location, who else would send cryptic clues.  Shyla seems excited –“are you talking about who I think you’re talking about?”  Callen confirms – Hetty.
In the Admiral’s office, Callen makes the case that to Kilbride that the JWICS file came from Hetty.  The Admiral wants to know why she would send the names for two men and some random numbers.  It isn’t an urgent message, it is a top secret butt dial according to the Admiral.  He’s checked – the SCIF was closed months ago.  Callen thinks Hetty could have routed the JWICS through the SCIF but if she did that, why didn’t she identify herself the Admiral asks.  Maybe Hetty thinks JWICS is compromised according to Callen.  More being a pain in the ass according to Kilbride.  Callen wants to investigate the victims to see if there is anything there.  Since Hetty bailed Kilbride out with the Simon Williams case, Callen can investigate as long as he stays in his lane – stay away from the official investigations.
Fatima and Rountree show up at Hertel’s home, which is covered with police tape.  They start to work on a story to get involved with the case when they see Summer working the case.  She comes to see Rountree and Fatima, who think there is a connection between Hertel’s killing and an NCIS investigation into John Jenkins.   Summer starts asking questions and Rountree drops “national security”.  Since Rountree and Fatima can’t share their info on Jenkins, which is none other than Callen and Sam are investigating what Hetty sent, Summer can’t working with them.  When they can share, so can she.  Hertel is FBI – they’re working for one of their own.
At the park area, Callen learns from LAPD that all the cameras were down due to routine maintenance when Jenkins was walking his dog.  Callen also shares that Summer is working the Hertel case.  Sam thinks it was a robbery – no wallet, no keys, no phone and the killer took away the shell casings.  LAPD found half the phone in Rebel’s mouth.  Callen gives Shyla a call.  She has not found a link between Jenkins and Hertel yet. 
Looking into Jenkins, his start up tech company has one employee – Jenkins.  They haven’t created a product in the last five years.  Jenkins and his company have been doing very well, despite offering no products.  He’s likely laundering money.  Asked about family, Shyla tells Callen and Sam that Jenkins was adopted and his adopted parents are long dead.  Turning back to the crime scene, if the dog found one half of the phone, Sam would like to see if he could find the other half.
Back at the FBI crime scene, Rountree sees an older couple arrive and go right under the police tape.  Fatima is on the phone.  Rountree calls for Summer, who is a bit embarrassed.  She asks about the older couple – they are Hertel’s adopted parents.  An arriving Fatima, who was on the phone hears adopted and notes that Jenkins was also adopted.  Summer isn’t impressed until Fatima tells her both men were shot in the back of the head to make it look like a robbery.  Summer never told them how Hertel was killed.   NCIS is now part of the FBI crime scene.
Callen and Sam talk about Callen setting a date but Anna is giving him time to find Hetty.  Sam hopes this is the case that gets them to Hetty.  Callen doesn’t believe that.  If Hetty wanted to be found, Hetty would be found.  She would tell them where to find her.  Callen wants to get married and it is unfair to make Anna wait so long.  Sam is looking forward to his best man speech – he has a lot of wisdom to share.  Callen thinks he’s heard most of Sam’s wisdom but the wisdom is for Anna, who needs to know what she’s really getting herself into.  Callen is having second thoughts about Castor.  The dog finds the other part of the phone.
As the Admiral arrives in Ops, Shyla has an update about eight, 11 and 22.  Both Jenkins and Hertel went through the LA foster care system.  They are both single, in their 40’s and both had government jobs.  Hertel is with the FBI, Jenkins is an NSA Analyst.  He’s not in most common databases for the NSA.  Shyla learned about his NSA role through some friends in Washington.  Shyla is about to call this in to Callen and Sam but the Admiral wants her to way.  He needs her to pull some files instead. 
Hertel was watering his plants when his killer walked up behind him and fired one shot into his head.  There was no cartridges left behind, just like the Jenkins crime scene.  Summer apologizes for stonewalling NCIS.  Fatima says they would have likely done the same if the roles were reversed.  Summer doesn’t understand the connection between the two killings. 
Fatima gets a call from Shyla, who asks if Hertel has a birthmark on his back.  A little reluctantly, Fatima asks Summer to pull up Hertel’s shirt.  There is a rather large birthmark on his back.  The Admiral, with Shyla, wants her to call Callen.   When Callen answers, he starts a sit-rep for Shyla but the Admiral stops things.  Eight, 11 and 22 are people, not numbers.  Hertel and Jenkins were eight and 22 from the Drona Project, “your alma mater Agent Callen.”  Callen has a flashback to his time with Drona.
The Hertel-Jenkins cases are now joint FBI-NCIS investigations.  Shyla is told by Kilbride to share everything they have on the case except Hetty’s involvement.  Since Hetty’s involvement was speculation anyway, Shyla wasn’t going to share it.  With subjects eight and 22 accounted for, who is subject 11?  That is Leah Novak, who Callen contacted in the prior year.  Callen is trying to find Novak now.
Callen calls Leah who doesn’t want to talk to him.  She is walking through a really sketchy looking indoor parking lot.  There is a team of masked men following her.  Sam tries to get Leah to listen to him but the masked men open fire.  Shyla, who was monitoring the phone call is able to trace Leah’s location to a Mid-City parking garage. 
In the garage, Callen and Sam find an empty shopping bag with wrapped up money inside.  Callen sees a badly wounded Leah, who says “14” before losing consciousness.  
Returning to Ops, Fatima and Rountree are told by Shyla that Leah is in surgery.  With someone targeting Drona subject, Callen could be in danger.  Rountree disagrees – Hetty would have warned Callen in her JWICS communications if he was in trouble.  The Admiral arrives, warning Rountree not to read too much into anything Hetty does.  There is another Drona subject who may be danger – number 14.  The Admiral wants Shyla to cancel is flight to San Francisco to see his son.  As he leaves, Shyla tells Rountree and Fatima to go to the gadget area to study Jenkins’s phone.  When she knows who number 14 is, she’ll update them.
There was brass left behind at the Leah’s shooting which means she likely hit at least two of her assailants.  Callen found a go-bag in Leah’s car with water, MREs and a satellite phone.  She knew she was in danger.  Sam thinks the same of Jenkins – that’s likely why he tossed his phone.  Callen thinks Pembrook is behind the killings – Callen found him and is now cleaning up what’s left behind of Drona.
While Rountree is sweet talking Summer, Fatima is working on Jenkins’s phone.  Once in, Rountree is off his phone and working with Fatima.  The “DHRISHTADYUMNA” text message is the name of a Hindu warrior who killed his teacher Drona.  There are contacts in the phone – Hertel and Leah Novak are there.  So is an Anthony Beltran, a former Army Ranger turned history professor.   Fatima sends his address to Callen and Sam.
As Callen and Sam pull up outside of Beltran’s home, Beltran is putting a duffle bag into his trunk.  When Callen and Sam try to speak to Beltran, Beltran runs.  Callen makes things worse by yelling “federal agents” while Sam gets in his car to cut Beltran off.  Beltran starts shooting at Callen, who promises they are not there to hurt Beltran.  “Leah sent us.”  Beltran is talked into putting his gun down.  Callen introduces himself as Special Agent Grisha Callen, subject 17.  He assures Beltran he’s safe.
In the boat shed, Beltran is in interrogation while Callen and Sam in the main room.  The duffle bag in Beltran’s truck had MREs, cash, burner phones.  He also got the same text message sent to Jenkins before Jenkins was killed.  Callen wonders who sent the text message and Hetty earns a message.  Callen isn’t pleased – this is Hetty training an agent, people are being murdered. 
Shyla pops up on the screen.  There was one vehicle seen on security/traffic cams at the Jenkins/Hertel/Leah shootings.  Backtracking with Kaleidoscope, Shyla traced the vehicle to a building downtown. Rountree and Fatima are going to the building and Sam will meet them.  Callen wonders why he’s not going but Sam wants answers from Beltran.  Callen is the best person to get the answers.
Callen starts to question Beltran, who won’t sit on the wrong side of the table right away, wanting to stand instead.  Beltran eventually sits.  As an alibi, Beltran says he was home when Jenkins and Hertel were killed.  Callen asks about the text message.  Beltran was preparing a lesson – he teaches ancient history – and missed the message when it was sent.  Once he saw it, however, he called Leah.  Leah told him about Jenkins and Hertel.  Beltran put his phone in his garbage disposal, packed his things and was going to hit the road when Callen and Sam drove up. 
Beltran thought Callen and Sam were working for “him” – Howard Pembrook.  Beltran shows Callen scars on his arm from Pembrook’s abuse.   Jenkins, Hertel, Leah and Beltran started working together a year ago, after Callen told Leah about Pembrook.  They wanted to take him down with lawsuits.  There was talk about bringing Callen in but the men in the group were angry Callen lied to Leah.  Beltran believes Pembrook found out about them and now he’s having them killed.  Beltran wants to see Leah – they are “very close.”
With Summer’s FBI team 30-minutes out, Sam, Rountree and Fatima in tactical gear go into the downtown building.  The vehicle has not returned to the location.  This is their best chance to scope out the building.  Sam breaks down the door.  It is a warehouse with huge computer servers, a desk, file cabinets.  While Fatima and Shyla try to get into the server, Rountree finds a photo of Callen on the wall from when he was in Pembrook’s garden.
Callen shows Beltran the photo and explains he was trying to confront Pembrook about the past.  Pembrook was fine.  Beltran is interested in what was in the building where Sam, Fatima and Rountree are.  He’s also furious at Callen for going to see Pembrook.  Everything bad that’s happened started when Callen met Pembrook.  If this was true, Callen asks, why didn’t Pembrook go after him?  Beltran talks about the lawsuit being a bigger threat.  Castor appears – the doctor says Beltran can see Leah now.  In Leah’s room, she’s on a ventilator.  Beltran is holding Leah’s hand, saying Pembrook must pay.
As Fatima and Shyla get access to the server, the previously opened files pop up. There were files for black-ops missions in Crimea, Somalia and Brazil.  Pembrook is still in the game.  An audio file has Leah and Jenkins using their Drona numbers as they work on a mission.  They aren’t being targeted by Pembrook, they work for Pembrook.  Sam can’t contact Shyla to warn Callen – signal jammers knocked out the cell service.  Gunmen rush near Sam, Fatima and Rountree.  Gunfire is exchanged.  Fatima and Rountree are pinned down.
Sam is able to get Fatima and Rountree to a safer location – people are still shooting.  If they can hold out, the FBI could rescue them but Sam is more worried the FBI is walking into an ambush.  More gunfire is exchanged.  Sam takes out at least one of the shooter.
In Leah’s room, Callen gets a call from Shyla about the lost comms with Sam and company.  The Summer-led FBI team suddenly is unreachable too.  Callen is going to the building, Castor will take Beltran back to boat shed.  Beltran wants to stay with Leah.  He’s not worried about his safety, he just wants to be with her.  Callen realizes there were only three Drona subject numbers – eight, 11 and 22.  Hertel, Leah and Jenkins.  Beltran wasn’t on the list – he was never warned. 
Rountree is willing to create a diversion by running – but not in a show-offy way.  Fatima thinks he’ll get killed.  Sam assures them nobody is getting killed today.  He has a plan.
Callen has his weapon out and orders Beltran away from Leah.  Leah said 14 to Callen before losing consciousness – Beltran was 14.  Callen knocks on the door to get Castor in as back-up.  Beltran is impressed that Callen figured it all out but is more impressed with his own handy work when a Drona gunman, not Castor, walks into the hospital room.
Using some flashbangs, Sam, Fatima and Rountree move the people shooting them out of their secure locations.  Once they were seen, team NCIS shoot them.  Summer and the FBI arrive.  Sam finds the signal jammer and shuts it off, he’s quick to contact Callen.
Explaining that once again, Agent Castor is out cold, Beltran takes Callen’s gun.  Beltran doesn’t kill people who don’t deserve it – he didn’t have Castor killed, won’t kill Callen.  Callen notes that Beltran was going to kill Leah, who was in a coma in a hospital bed.  Beltran wasn’t going to kill her – she’s no longer a threat.  He just needed eyes on her to make sure.  Beltran says he and Callen are on the same side – they want to kill Pembrook.  Beltran’s partner has a sedative prepared for Callen – not going to kill Callen, just a long nap like Castor.  Callen hits the partner.  Beltran runs and after Callen gets the sedative in the leg, he runs after Beltran.  As Callen runs after Beltran, he has some Pembrook flashbacks before the sedative takes hold.  Callen is out cold and Beltran is gone.
Shyla updates Kilbride.  Callen and Castor are fine – it really was just a sedative.  Beltran and his partner are gone but the FBI are hunting them down.  Shyla also has Kilbride’s ride to the airport waiting outside of the office.  She doesn’t remember his order to cancel the flight.  Kilbride is not amused – he hired her because she never forgets anything.  She offers to cancel the flight but is non-refundable.  The Admiral hates wasting money, according to Shyla.  “Remind me to fire you when I get back.”  And the Admiral is off.
In the Armory, Fatima and Rountree are packing up their things.  Fatima asks about a story Summer started at breakfast.  Seems Rountree and Summer were having a lovely walk on the beach when the wind kicked up.  Summer’s hat went flying and Rountree went flying after it.  As he was catching up, he destroyed a kid’s sandcastle.  He got the hat back and then spent an hour helping the kid rebuild the castle.  Fatima thinks Rountree really likes Summer.  He admits he does but realizes he’s late for dinner with Summer.  He races away.
Callen is at the back balcony in the boat shed when Sam arrives.  Callen said had Beltran and he let Beltran get away.  And maybe he did it because he wants Beltran to kill Pembrook.  But if Beltran kills anyone else, well, Callen knows that’s his fault.  Sam thinks they need to find Beltran and Pembrook.  Callen wants to know how Hetty knew the Drona subjects were being targeted.  “Add it to the list,” Sam replies.  Callen is going for a drink with Castor.  Sam notes that it is the second time Castor got knocked out and lost his gun – maybe Castor shouldn’t be trusted with the wedding ring.   Callen tells Best Man Sam to knock it off.
What head canon can be formed from here:   So done with the Drona/Callen’s childhood storyline.  The program has a handful of episode left and this one and one down the road eat up valuable time with this tedious storyline.  And the episode down the road – where I will be screeching about retconning Pembrook – could have been used for more of Rountree’s history beside his sister, more of Fatima’s history period, more of Sam with Raymond, Kensi’s mom’s with Rosa.  There were other “personal history” episodes besides this nonsense.
As for the episode itself, it was really well done, if a bit talky, for a set-up episode for what comes in episode 19.  It was all about Pembrook without Pembrook physically in the episode (flashbacks don’t count).  It is still up in the air if Beltran, Leah, Jenkins and Hertel are villains or victims.  Beltran is a mess – no issue with killing Leah, Jenkins and Hertel but knockout syringes for Callen and poor Agent Castor.  The Drona drama is such a mess.
Episode number:   Episode number 16 in season 14.  This is the 318th episode overall.
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number1spongebobfan · 3 months ago
Chapter 6: The First Spirit
No, it couldn’t be. Was it really a ghost, or did they all imagine it?
“Spirits, heh! Bah. Humbug!” Duncan’s driver turned off his controls so that he could go to sleep. The narrow-gauge engine hopped on his bed. He covered himself in the blankets, snuggled his baby emperor penguin plush (he never wanted to admit it), and blew out the candle set on the stand. As he lay on his bed, Minty, William, and Sango from Jewelpet stood beside him.
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“Awwww!” meowed Sango the magical charm wearing cat. “You sleep with a stuffed animal?”
“Da $%@! ? Where da * dolphin noise from SpongeBob* did you come frum?”
“Why do you not like Christmas, mister talking train?” neighed Minty.
“Nya! Nya! Christmas is beautiful,” meowed Sango.
“Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year,” woofed William.
“Get aweh from me, ye dumb animals!” wheeshed Duncan. “Yer too happy an’ cute an’ cheerful! It’s disgusting!” He tried to swat them away, but the animals ran off giggling. Patrick randomly ran around the room. “Yay Santa’s coming!” he cheered.
Duncan heard puffing down the track that led to his shed. He saw a beautiful blonde narrow-gauge engine with a lamp atop his head. He wore a gown, a Greek silver cross, golden slippers, and held a cone.
“I am Proteus, the Magic Lamp Engine. I visited Peter Sam. Now I come to visit you,”
Proteus shone like the sun. He was a hopeful light amidst the dreary winter.
“Look upon me. Rise. Walk with me.” The engine spirit was warm and welcoming. Not in the least threatening.
“Augh!” Mah eyes! It’s too bright!”
“I am going to show you your past.”
“No! Bah Humbug!”
The window suddenly opened by itself. Duncan shivered. He grabbed his bandana and tied it around his neck. Snow enwrapped both engines until they weren’t there anymore.
Proteus transformed into a yellow pegasus pony with wheels on his legs. Duncan held on to Proteus’ wings tight. His lamp showed the way through the skies of Sodor. Sango, Patrick and William were catching up to them.
We're walking in the air
We're dancing in the midnight sky
And everyone who sees us
Greets us as we fly
We’re walking in the air
We’re walking in the air
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whatdoesshedotothem · 4 years ago
Thursday 21 May 1835
7 25/..
11 1/2
No kiss she left me and I incurred a cross. A- up before 7 - long in dressing - E- surprised and kept me by asking me if I would keep her till Matthew could get a farm - they intend to be married - begged me to read a letter he had had on the subject from his father dated the 15th instant - said I hope they had well considered what they were about - thought E- not very fit for a farm but they must judge for themselves she did not know what to do when I gave her warning - had no intention of Matthew [Marring?] then - I said I had determined not to keep till I could not give her a character that would get her another place - but said Matthew had better speak to me - I was in treaty with a lady’s maid but not certain whether I should take her or not - if not, I would consider about what E- said (wishing me to keep her till
 Matthew could get the farm which seems from the letter to belong to his father and be let to a tenant (Taylor) - told A- what had passed - it struck me it was odd that the letter should be dated the 15th - the business only occurred on the 14th and the warning was not given till 8 pm or later - how could the father know and give his leisurely written answer about it the very next day - no post mark on the letter - E- said one of the coach men had brought it - I suspect some trick - fine morning F54° at 9 am -  breakfast at 9 - out at 9 ½ - the masons not come -set Robert Schofield and his man at the dry bridge drain - Mr Bradley came before 10 -gave his orders and went away saying he would come tomorrow - came in about 10 ¾ to Mr Parker - he came to tell A- the person at Hebden Bridge we thought of for a Sunday school mistress is engaged - and wanted the trust deed of Mrs. Ferguson’s money to send an abstract of it to the widower Graham who married 1 of the Miss Bollard’s lately deceased - gave Mr P- the deed desiring to have it back as soon as done with it - he seemed to think A- and I would do well to call upon Miss Wadsworth about A-‘s getting a right of road to her quarry at Hipperholme lane ends, and about a school mistress etc - Miss W- aetatis 77 infirm in body sound in mind, and a gentlewoman of the old school - Mr P- went away at 1 25 - from then to 12 ¾ siding drawers and looking for button moulds etc - wrote the last 9 lines till near 1 - then with A- out with her before 2 - George led the pony while A- and I walked to Mytholm where she mounted and went to Cliff Hill - I a little while in Mytholm garden - John not returned - there all today gardening - from Mytholm to the end of Wellroyde holme where John Mann and one man were stopping the Spiggs water began yesterday to open down to the drain - some time in passing at the Stag’s head talking to Jonathan Mallinson - he believes I have a right to the upper brea water - said my uncle Joseph would never and did never allow anything to be paid - the payment or 2 that were made above 22 years ago were made without my uncle’s knowledge - sometime talking to John Mann - 2 round wall vent-holes down to the drain 10 or 12 ft deep - going to raise the water 5ft. i.e. up to the top of the rag, and bottom of the walling - JM- now thinks this will not prevent our bottoming Walker pit - he would give no opinion what I ought to ask for the Spiggs Loose - Holt gets the blame - I said he did not deserve it - walked along the brook - saw the Guage put down in part on Tuesday - not near sufficient to take the water - returned along the fields - Holt came for some oak to sheet Walker pit - a bad place in the scale - Charles Howarth went to Greenwoods’ to get the wood to be read for John to fetch tomorrow - Holt will come again on Saturday and say what height I can raise the Spiggs water without incommoding Walker pit - then stood by Robert Schofield and his man at the dry bridge quadrant drain - made them take up all the rag botoms laid down - making the drain too narrow - will have it 20in. wide and 2ft high - A- came back soon after 5 and I came in at 6 - spoke to Matthew - he confirmed what Eugenie said this morning that they meant to be married as soon as he could get his father’s farm 24 acres - I asked if he and E- were parted 2 years whether he thought they would both continue in the same mind as the present - yes! he dared say - I said did he think he would - yes! if nothing happened - meaning if E- was steady as I brought him to acknowledge - I said I hoped they had both well considered what they were about - E- not very fit for pigtubs and cattle - Matthew would like to leave his place and let E- stay - I said Matthew’s going or staying would make no difference with me about E- but now I knew that their intentions were to be married, I would consider what could be done - I would tell Miss Marian - I cannot help thinking there is much humbug in the business and that neither M. or E. is very serious in wishing to be married - told A- what had passed - dinner at 6 40 - coffee - some time with my father A- and I as usual - then sat talking to A- skimmed over a little of tonight’s paper and wrote the last 27 lines till 9 ¾ -  sent my note tonight to ‘Mr Duncan Tailor’ written this morning containing a list of the clothes ordered - nothing to be fixed about footman’s greatcoat till all the other clothes should be received - sent all the buttons I had - answer ‘enough for this time’- A- had double letter tonight from Miss Rawson Huddersfield - with my aunt from 9 50 to 10 10 - very fine day - F57° now at 10 10 pm
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