Ryca Renzy Kreena Manalastas
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manalastasrycarenzykreena · 5 years ago
Baguio as its finest
Baguio is called “City of Pines” because many pine trees dominate the landscape. It is known as the “Summer Capital of the Philippines” since Baguio has an unusual cold weather perfect for hot season. People also loved to visit this City because of its beautiful places.
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The first time I visited Baguio was on January 2017. As we arrived there, I was mesmerized by its beauty and the air was fresher than the other places I’ve been visited. We really enjoy the tour as we roamed around Baguio. A lot of places is really eye catching and very rich in history. Like the Diplomat Hotel there’s belief that some ghosts are living here though I haven’t seen one. The structure of the is very old that makes it very interesting and beautiful. Another spot that I enjoyed was in Burnham park they offer many activities here like biking, riding a swan in the lake, etc. also every night they organize a night market where in you can buy much affordable stuff.Money and time is worth it here in Baguio that’s why I promised to be here again.
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Last year we had a chance to sojourn in Baguio again for 4 days much longer than our past visit. We toured different places like the strawberry farm, wright park, burnham park, botanical garden, etc. and It’s still the same since no big changes happened. As always we enjoyed our time here, we’ve also met other people who live next to our rented house. They are also kapangpangan, so we get comfortable to each other.
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Aside from the places we also enjoyed the food. Strawberry ice cream from the strawberry farm is the best. Honestly I hate strawberries because I don’t like its taste but that ice cream is life-changing. Let’s talk about the cold weather in Baguio that is very chilling and refreshing. I personally love shopping that’s why I never miss the chance to shop in Harrison Road Night Market. Here you can find clothes, shoes, etc. at a cheap price.
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I hope to visit Baguio again for the third time. I wish by that time there will be more places to visit and improvements to their old attractions. Though my experience in Baguio will always be memorable not just because of the beautiful places we visited but also because of the people I am with. I will treasure those memories forever. If you’re reading this take this as a sign to visit Baguio; I’ll see you there!
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manalastasrycarenzykreena · 5 years ago
My stand about having online distance learning
In these past few weeks we’ve been trying to use the new online learning platforms like Zoom, Google Classroom , Google Meet etc. I can say that it is a big adjustment for everyone since it’s new for all of us. There’s a lot of issues in this new method concerning the slow internet connection and sometimes the statements of our teachers is not that clear.
I also have a friend who’s studying in other school, and she also experienced difficulties. She told me that it’s hard to focus during class because her environment is not good, but she can’t do anything about it since their house is small and no other space available. Just like her other students might experience it as well or much worse.
I understand why DepEd (Department of Education) and CHED (Commission on Higher Education) still pursuit this school year since they are concerned about the unemployment of the school staff if there will be an Academic Freeze. However, my fellow students is still my first concern; students who don’t have the same privilege as I do also the students who’s not capable of studying alone.
In my Opinion I believe that our country isn’t ready for this kind of changes and a lot of improvements needed. I know that DepEd on and CHED already though about it but I still hope that they consider the situations of the others.
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manalastasrycarenzykreena · 5 years ago
In this time of pandemic I usually stayed at home with my family in accordance to the safety protocol. During lockdown continues we all start to feel boredom. That’s why I want to share the things I’ve learned about myself during quarantine.
1. Health is wealth
As I’ve seen in the news there's a lot of positive cases in our country and it is continuously increasing every day. So for me and my family’s health we take vitamins, eat healthy as much as possible, and me personally I tend to do be more active like I’m trying to do some workouts now.
2. Improve yourself
Now I realize that self-love is important. Having a glow up is really my goal right now, so I tried new set of skincare and it worked. I also discovered new things that helped me to overcome my boredom that’s why I’m encouraging my fellow teenagers to try new things that can make them feel motivated.
3. Be grateful for what you have.
We must be contented for the things that is given to us because not everyone has the same privilege as yours.
5. Value your loved ones
Treasure your family as well as your friend because at the end of the day you’ll be each others support. Stay connected with them like in my situation since my mom is working abroad we usually talk online, and she admitted that it helped her to relieve her stress somehow.
6. If you have good friend, you can call yourself rich
For my friend we always catch up through our social media accounts. I can say that we really miss each other since there’s no face-to-face class and just by talking to them it can really relieve my stress.
7. I can’t live without internet
*all of us 😐
8. It’s okay to be scared
We all can know that news are very overwhelming nowadays that caused us fear and uncertainties. But it’s okay not to be okay, just always keep in mind that everything has it own ending. As a reminder always check if the news is from a reliable source before believing it. I personally don’t tolerate spreading fake information due to the fact that it only cause agitation to everyone.
9. Be your own Cheerleader
Cheer yourself if you feel down. Avoid bad vibes and do things that can comfort you.
We’re living in a new normal right now, so learn to adapt and do some adjustments. Also, Take good care for yourself and the others. Spread good vibes everyone!! No hate just peace lol. 🤘
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manalastasrycarenzykreena · 5 years ago
Things i know about the COVID-19 Pandemic in my country.
According to the Department of Health on January 30, 2020, a 38-year-old female Chinese national is reported as the first case of COVID-19 in the Philippines. Though this virus causes a mild illness, but it can be fatal for the older people and those who has a pre-existing medical conditions.
Currently, there’s still no vaccine for this virus that’s why the number of positive cases and deaths are increasing continuously. As of August 23, 2020, our statistics of
Confirmed cases - 187,000
Recovered - 115,000
Death - 2966
From what I’ve read Philippines has the worst coronavirus outbreak in the Southeast Asia because having the highest number of COVID-19 cases. That’s why the government executed strict lockdown that pushes many Filipinos into deep crisis. However, it was only implemented because our president doesn’t want to risk more lives and also to stop the virus from spreading.
In spite of this crisis our President promised us that by December this year everything will be back to normal. All I can say to my fellow Filipinos is to let the government do their job and follow the rules properly.
For those people who spread bad vibes and fake information stop it doesn’t help at all and you’re just making things worse!
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