#duncan shepherd house of cards
emmyrosee · 2 years
Duncan Shepherd
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The Drabble Turned Fanfic (Fluff)
Alphabet Soup (Fluff)
Cute (Fluff)
Puppy Love (Fluff)
Make Me Cry
Cold Shoulder
Smooth Talker
Craving Comfort
NSFW content. Reader Discretion Advised. Minors DNI.
Cherry Popsicle.
His Little Lamb.
Little Mouse.
First Time (I)
   First Time (II)
Mean Dom
Subby, Needy 
No One Likes a Crybaby
Football Locker Room
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stanvogel · 1 year
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Cody Fern’s characters as Barbie posters
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targaryen-dynasty · 9 months
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Mr. Fern, please. 😮‍💨 (via Eric Smith‘s Instagram Story)
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codyfernuk · 1 year
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Choose your fighter
Cody as Andy Dolan - Eden
Cody as Duncan Shepherd - House Of Cards
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slutforgarlogan · 6 months
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endiness · 2 years
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CODY FERN as DUNCAN SHEPHERD House of Cards 6.07 "Chapter 72"
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🌃 Duncan Shepherd x Sydney Evans 🌃
Happy New Year from DC's new power couple! May the next year be full of accomplishments, surprises... and fun!
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myfavouritelunatic · 2 years
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers ❤️
Thank you heaps for tagging me, @gil-galadhwen ❤️😘
My top five in no particular order:
The Blacksmith - Halbrand/Sauron x Female Reader (WIP but definitely heading into the third and final act now) - The Rings of Power
I Felt It Too - Halbrand x Galadriel Oneshot - The Rings of Power
Mark Me - Michael Langdon x Female Reader Oneshot - American Horror Story
Your Strength - Duncan Shepherd x Female Reader Oneshot - House of Cards
Two Rings - Part One and Part Two - Sauron x Galadriel - LOTR/The Rings of Power
Tagging, with no pressure: @pursuitseternal @coraleethroughthelookingglass @somebirdortheother @honeyfarts666 @starlady66 @nenyabusiness @vellichormybeloved @lettalady @maeve-curry-writes @bad-surprise @formerlyir and any other writers who want to join in! ❤️
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synthghoulme · 1 year
Draven Schneider [[OUAD, RPG, Once Upon A Dream]] (Foroactivo) from Alba H.N on Vimeo.
Draven Schneider [[Once Upon A Dream]] RPG
Draven Schneider es un personaje ficticio, creado originalmente para su desarrollo en el foro de rol narrativo de "Once Upon A Dream" [OUAD]. En la historia del foro, su identidad mágica aún no ha sido desvelada.
Lo re-subo porque se borró :(
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7-wonders · 2 years
Per Aspera Ad Astra (Duncan Shepherd)
Summary: Two years later after facing death at the hands of his uncle, Duncan is preparing to do the most difficult thing he's ever done.
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Here it is babies, the epilogue of Memento Mori. I'm happy with how it's ended, and I hope you are too! Let me know your thoughts, and thank you so much for reading.
Per aspera ad astra—Through hardships to the stars.
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All prior chapters
Two years later…
The small park near the Potomac that Duncan Shepherd finds himself in could barely be considered a park. With D.C.’s money funneled into the areas surrounding the main attractions of the city, this little patch of land with a few trees and benches has been all but forgotten by the general public. There’s people that frequent the park, to be sure, but it’s just deserted enough to make it feel like he’s alone no matter where he is. Maybe that’s why he likes it so much.
Not only is it a nice, secluded park to be alone with one’s thoughts, but it’s also a nice, secluded park to have clandestine meetings at. Duncan waits under a tree that he’s so often been under in this position for, on the lookout for a contact for some sort of information exchange or other deal. As he checks his watch, noting that it’s now 4:33 when they were supposed to meet at 4:30, he’s reminded of when he was 18 and standing in this very spot, having been trusted to oversee an evidence exchange between himself and a cop on the family’s payroll.
He had been so nervous on that day. Today, he’s feeling those same nerves all over again.
Finally, a dark figure appears from the parking lot. Michael Langdon, dressed in all black with a dramatic red scarf wrapped around his neck, walks along the cracked sidewalk like it’s a runway at Paris Fashion Week. For Michael, most everything is his runway. Duncan has never met someone whom the saying “all the world’s a stage” applies to more than his oldest friend, his brother in everything but blood. Duncan can’t help but smirk as he shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest and trying his best to look like he’s disappointed.
“We agreed on meeting at four-thirty,” Duncan says. “Does the sanctity of a set meeting time mean nothing to you?”
“Sorry. I have a good excuse, though.”
“Which is?”
“I didn’t want to be here.”
Duncan laughs and shoves Michael’s shoulder, the two getting into a small tussling match before remembering that they’re both grown adults and they should probably act like it. After they’ve straightened up, Michael looks at him.
“Well then? Do you have it?” Michael asks.
Duncan rolls his eyes, feeling almost affronted at the mere suggestion that he doesn’t have it. “Of course I do. You think I brought you out here for nothing?”
“Still a little confused as to why you had to bring me out here in the first place.”
“It’s not exactly easy to keep secrets from or around our family, Michael.”
Michael doesn’t even need to say anything, because Duncan’s right. The Shepherd family is great at keeping secrets from those that aren’t family, but within the family? If Annette were to find out about any of this a moment too early, she would immediately ruin the secret that Duncan has worked so hard to conceal. It would be out of love, he knows, but he still wants this to be perfect.
He needs this to be perfect.
Reaching into his jacket pocket, Duncan carefully grasps the small box that he’s carried around with him for over a week now, too paranoid to attempt to try and hide it anywhere in his apartment. At this point, the box’s very dimensions are familiar to him, with how many times he’s opened the box or simply held it for reassurance.
Duncan glances around both ways, paranoid that he’s being watched even though there’s no possible way and, as far as these types of meetings go, this is probably the most low-stakes one he’s been on. Once he’s sure that his fears have been assuaged, he opens the box for Michael to look into.
The ring is still just as beautiful as it was the first time that Duncan saw it. He had been looking for the perfect engagement ring for months, and was becoming increasingly frustrated at designs that, while certainly pretty, weren’t a ring that would fit Y/n’s personality. Nothing was totally right: either the design on the band was wrong or the diamond was too big or it just didn’t look like something that she would wear.
Finally, he finds the one, in an antique store that Y/n’s dragged him to on a cool September weekend. While she’s looking through collections of old photos and trying to convince him that the Victorian child of indeterminate gender is surely not going to haunt him if the photo ends up being bought (it won’t, not if he has any say), he spots it in a display case. A golden ring with delicate filigree twining around the band, small leaves fixed against the prongs in which a simple diamond is set.
It’s certainly not a traditional ring, but nothing about their relationship has ever really been traditional.
He had grabbed it while she was still distracted by the spooky, definitely haunted photos and faked having a work call so that he could escape to the front of the store and purchase the ring without her knowledge. The woman minding the shop was unable to stop smiling once Duncan whispered that this was going to be an engagement ring and asked her to ring the purchase up as quickly as possible. He was just thankful that she didn’t accidentally mention anything when he again came to the register, where Y/n purchased a couple of old photos that, while questionable, didn’t have any figures in them that would haunt their home.
From there, everything had gone smoothly. Duncan already knew Y/n’s ring size, and the jeweler he had used before was all too happy to provide a quick turnaround on resizing and fixing the minor imperfections on the ring. And once it was returned to him safely a week ago, he hadn’t let go of it.
Michael appraises it for a long moment, his face infuriatingly blank. Duncan shouldn’t care about Michael’s opinion on an engagement ring, but he does, because Michael is one of two people he’s closest to in the world. Finally, finally, Michael meets Duncan’s eyes and smiles.
“Perfect. You found it at an antique store, you said?”
“Even more perfect, because that means it’s unique.” Duncan puts the box back in his pocket, satisfied with the answer. “You did good, Duncan. She’ll love it.”
“You’ll be my best man, right?” Duncan blurts out suddenly, his mind apparently deciding that it’s now or never. When Michael doesn’t immediately respond, Duncan panics and tries to stutter out an explanation. “I mean, you’re really the only person who I could think of to stand by my side on the most important day of my life. You’ve been by my side for all my other important days, and–”
“Dunc,” Michael stops him with a hand on his shoulder, “of course I’ll be your best man. C’mon, did you even have to ask?”
He smiles. “I didn’t want you to think that you had it in the bag.”
“If you dared to even ask anyone else, I would kill them.” That’s not a joke, and they both know it. Still, they laugh. “But you know she has to actually say ‘yes’ first, right?”
Duncan nods, because of course he knows that.
And three hours later, as Duncan exits the restaurant with Y/n, still his girlfriend, he doesn’t think he’s even going to get the question out so that he can potentially be turned down. He had a plan. He was going to order her favorite type of wine, she was going to ask what the occasion was, and then he was going to get down on one knee and make her cry with his poetic proposal.
But then the restaurant didn’t have Y/n’s favorite type of wine, because he didn’t think to ask in advance if they could reserve a bottle for his table as well. And the suit that he had planned on wearing, the suit that he wears for every big event, wasn’t ready for pickup at the dry cleaners. And then he was late because of fucking traffic. At that point, when he finally made it to the restaurant to see her waiting patiently for him, he was already so upset at his plans being derailed that he decided to cancel his entire proposal idea for the night.
Y/n is none the wiser as they walk through the National Mall, chatting happily next to him about the latest book she’s been reading and the controversy surrounding the author on “BookTok.” The sun is beginning to set behind the buildings, casting a beautiful golden glow across everything it touches. The light catches Y/n’s eyes as she looks over at him to catch his reaction, and Duncan’s taken aback by how his breath catches in his throat at the sight.
This is it, he realizes. The moment that he’s been waiting for. It’s not what he had planned, but he knows it’s now or never, because there might never be a moment for him that screams “proposal” again.
“Y/n,” he calls her name, gently pulling her to a stop in the Constitution Gardens.
“What’s up?” she smiles at him, like she just knows he’s nervous about something. She probably does know, because she always knows.
“This…isn’t how I imagined any of this happening.” His hand goes into his pocket, and he grasps the box. “But then I thought, when has anything in our relationship gone according to plan?”
Her smile widens as she starts to get the hint of what’s happening. When Duncan gets down onto one knee, her mouth falls open. “Dunc,” is all that she can say, her tone warning that this had better not be a joke. As if he would ever joke about anything like this.
“I’m not the best with words, and you know that–I tend to talk with violence. We’ve been through so much together, and I can’t think of anybody else I’d have wanted to do any of the last three years with. And, after these three years, there’s nothing I’m more sure of than knowing that I want to do the rest of my life with you. So,” he opens up the ring box, “will you marry me?”
He’s barely finished asking the question before Y/n’s nodding and pulling him up to his feet and kissing him with a laugh. “Did you even have to ask?”
“Is that a yes, then?” Duncan’s grinning, already getting the ring out of the box and grabbing Y/n’s left hand so he can place the ring where it belongs.
“Yes. Of course I’ll marry you, Duncan.”
They kiss again, and then one more time for good measure. Y/n pulls back briefly to admire the new ring on her finger and how it’s glinting in the evening sun, and Duncan thanks the sunset for staying around for as long as it has.
“Y’know, I thought that you were going to propose at the restaurant.”
Duncan laughs like that wasn’t his plan and shrugs it off. “You really want to get married to me?”
“As if we’re not basically married already?” Y/n kisses him again, and Duncan’s sure that this is the best day of his life. “The only thing that changes after this is that now I can’t be forced to testify against you in court.”
“Is that right?” Y/n nods. “I should have put a ring on it two years ago, then.”
“You’ve rectified the mistake now, my love.”
Duncan grabs Y/n’s hand and swings her towards him, running his thumb over her ring.
“Should we head home, fiancée?” he asks. Y/n grins, pleased at the new pet name, and Duncan immediately files that away to use all the time now. “I’m sure there’s a lot of people that you want to call and tell the good news to.”
“That,” Y/n raises her eyebrows, “and we’ve got a lot of celebrating to do.”
She laughs as Duncan immediately nods, picking up the pace to get home now. Still, she’s not complaining, in fact, she’s jogging next to him, challenging him to actually break decorum and race her home. For her, he would.
Duncan Shepherd has worked hard to get to where he currently is in life. He’s quite literally shed blood, sweat, and tears in the process, and nearly lost his life multiple times. He’s faced heartbreak and loss, anger and grief, and thought that there would never be anything more for him than his work. Nearly running down the street with the woman who’s now his fiancée, both of them giddy with love and eager to get home and show each other just how much love they have, he knows that it’s all been worth it.
It’s all led him here, to the beginning of the rest of his life.
Tag List: @sammythankyou @girlycakepops @ultragibbycentralworld @ajokeformur-ray @nana15774 @queencocoakimmie @lichellaw @grim-adventures58 @trimbooohgodplsnoooo @everything-is-awesomesauce @michaellangdon @jimmlangdon @omgsuperstarg @queenie435 @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26 @kahhlo @storminmytwistedmind @1-800-bitchcraft @langdonslove @born-on-stgeorges-day @xavierplympton @michaelsapostle @venusxxlangdon @wroteclassicaly @idespac @tcc-gizmachine @dyns33 @hexqueensupreme @youngandfleeting @lambofcairo @myluciferiscody @ladyren33 @ladyrindt @hecohansen31 @dark-mei-rose @blakescoven @9layerdevilfoodcake @angelicmichael @takingback-thecrown @etherealsxnder
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 1 year
i DO NOT want to write today so send me some asks for headcanons or imagines or whatever and ill try to write something
im currently obsessed with
chris redfield | resident evil
leon kennedy | resident evil
duncan shepherd | house of cards
michael langdon | american horror story
xavier plympton | american horror story
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starbabyg · 2 years
Who I write for;
Just to let anyone who wants to request any imagines and such, and for my masterlist here’s a list of who I write for. [You can always ask me to write for anyone who isn’t on this list, these are just my faves and people I really wanna write for].
Nhl Boys
Jack Hughes [New Jersey Devils]
Juraj Slafkovsky [Montreal Canadiens]
Mitch Marner [Toronto Maple Leafs]
Thomas Bordeleau [San Jose Sharks]
Quinn Hughes [Vancouver Canucks]
Luke’s Hughes [UMich]
Nico Hischier [New Jersey Devils]
Trevor Zegras [Anaheim Ducks]
Cody Fern
Timothee Chalamet
Evan Peters
Aaron Taylor Johnson
Finn Wolfhard
Jacob Elordi
Tom Holland
Jesse Rutherford
Luke Hemmings
Calum Hood
Ashton Irwin
Michael Clifford
Gucci Mane
A$ap Rocky
Young Slo Be
EBK Bckdoe
Pimp Tobi
Tay K
NBA Youngboy
Travis Scott
Roddy Rich
G Herbo
Shootergang Jojo
A Boogie
Method Man
Ol Dirty Bastard
Television Characters
Carl Gallagher [Shameless]
Lip Gallagher [Shameless]
Gallavich [Shameless]
Ason Unique [Wutang Saga]
Bobby Diggs [Wutang Saga]
Shotgun/Method Man [Wutang Saga]
Dennis Cole/DLover [Wutang Saga]
Sha/Raekwon [Wutang Saga]
Divine Diggs [Wutang Saga]
Mike Wheeler [Stranger Things]
Michael Langdon [American Horror Story]
Xavier Plympton [American Horror Story]
Duncan Shepherd [House of Cards]
Movie Characters
Jim Mason [Tribes of Palos Verdes]
Tangerine [Bullet Train]
Dave Lizewski/Kick Ass [Kick Ass]
Nick Sheff [Beautiful Boy]
Kyle Scheible [Lady Bird]
Prince Hal [The King]
Peter Parker [Spiderman] (Both Tom and Andrew version)
Richie Tozier [IT]
Katsuki Bakugou [My Hero]
Shoto Todoroki [My Hero]
Izuku Midoriya [My Hero]
Eijiro Kirishima [My Hero]
Denki Kaminari [My Hero]
Hitoshi Shinso [My Hero]
Soma Yukihira [Food Wars]
Death The Kid [Soul Eater]
Soul Eater Evans [Soul Eater]
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michaelangdonsslut · 8 months
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
╰┈➤ my name is nevada but you can call me nev, she/her, capricorn ⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
╰┈➤ fandoms i write for; american horror story, scream (ethan landry) , scream queens, american psycho, the maze runner, tvd, house of cards (duncan shepherd), outer banks (rafe cameron)
╰┈➤ requests are open so go for it!
𝘛𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘖𝘧 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘴
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antichristsxbox · 5 years
It’s a match!
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Summary: You meet Duncan on a dating app and the two of you decide to go out for dinner together. Warning: this contains smut! :)
From the writer: Hey guys, this is the first-ever fic I’ve written about Duncan from House of Cards! I really like this and I hope you do as well. If you enjoyed this, all likes and reblogs are appreciated + check out more fics I’ve written on my masterlist!
Word count: 2,425
Left, left, left, right, left, right, right— it’s a match! A cute man named Duncan with brown hair and blue eyes. He lives in the city, not too far from your home in Alexandria. He’s a politician, or at least claims to be on his profile; he’s looking for a relationship but would also like to have fun and see where this dating app takes him. Perfect, you think. Before you could even send ‘hi,’ a message from Duncan comes through. He is wondering if you would like to meet up for dinner sometime this week and even offers to pick you up. You reply back, saying you would love to meet up with him although you live out of his way, so he shouldn’t bother to pick you up. Also, you don’t really like it when you get picked up on the first date. If your date is annoying, weird, or boring you never like to stick around— a friend is always willing to fake an emergency call for you to give you an out.
The time agreed for dinner was tonight at seven-thirty. There’s a Capital Grille downtown, and Duncan offers to call and make a reservation. While everything is falling into place for tonight, your mind wanders to what you should wear. Thankfully, you take Fridays off of work, so you’re not going to be bombarded with patients or meetings today. It’s very important, first impressions— you wouldn’t want to look tired or worn-out like after a long day of work. After circling around your walk-in closet a couple times, you decide on a black jumpsuit with a v-neck and a halter-style neckline. The legs are wide-cut and there’s a thin band of rhinestones around the entire waist. A matching pair of black, open-toed Louboutin heels tie the look together nicely.
Slowly, you make your way down the stairs to your underground garage. Whoever built this house initially went all-out— big columns surrounding the entire house complete with first and second-floor wraparound porches. A garage aboveground wouldn’t go with the aesthetic of this Antebellum South style mansion. Sometimes, it’s difficult to pick your car of the day, but today is not one of those days. Between your Mercedes S550, Porsche 911 Carrera S Cabriolet, Audi S3, and the Rolls-Royce Phantom, the Porsche takes the cake for tonight. The weather is nice tonight, you could let the top down and cruise up the highway for your short ride to D.C. Plus, the black exterior with black detailing, then red from the mechanical details behind the wheels matches your outfit perfectly.
Eventually, you find your way to the Capital Grille downtown. It’s already dark outside, but you manage to spot the valet horseshoe just in time before missing the turn completely. You exchange your keys for a valet ticket, then walk through the door held for you by the hosts. As you look up to see if your date has arrived, you spot Duncan at a booth near the side of the restaurant. You walk over and he stands to greet you, offering a small hug before the both of you sit.
“So, Ms. (y/l/n),” he says, but you cut him off before he could continue.
“Dr. (y/l/n),” you say with a smile, raising your glass of ice water to your lips to take a small sip. Duncan quickly apologizes and corrects himself, giving a warm smile back in return; he mentally kicks himself for not remembering after reading your profile. Duncan goes on and says he’s wondering about your hobbies, but could see why you might not have many as caring for patients takes up a large chunk of time. It wouldn’t be so bad if you were only a dermatologist, you go on, but you also run a successful clinical trial research lab in your office as well. Having to continually monitor patients is a huge time-suck.
“What do you do, Duncan?” you ask, glancing up to meet his brilliant blue eyes. He explains that he is a politician and many of his family members are prominent people around the city as well. Sure, you think you’ve seen Duncan in an interview or read about him in an article or two, you recall. After making small talk about each other’s careers for a bit longer, you begin to delve into what intrigued you about the other. What ‘made you swipe,’ per se. For you, Duncan seemed nice and cute as well as successful from what he described in his profile. You look for men with a similar drive and ambition as you or else you may get bored, you say. Similarly, Duncan says he was attracted to your success and ambition in your field of work. He even remarks that he has visited your practice before, but seen your nurse practitioner rather than you. As you continue to chat with Duncan, you begin to wonder if he would ride back home with you. Sure, he may be looking for a relationship, but you’re not sure you’d like to spend time getting to know this man if he’s a not a good fuck. There’s plenty of cuter, more successful men in D.C. for you to spend your time on if Duncan can’t make it happen. Sometimes, nice guys are nice because they need to compensate for something.
“So, did you drive here?” you ask, gliding your finger across the top of your water glass in circles.
“Oh, no, I Ubered in case we wanted to get a bottle of wine,” he says.
Perfect, you think. You could offer Duncan a ride back to his place or offer him a ride to your place. How could he resist at that point? After dinner has come to an end, you and Duncan make your way out to the valet horseshoe again. He holds the door for you and offers to wait with you while your car is being pulled up.
“I could give you a ride home,” you say with a smile. He initially declines, but then graciously accepts your offer when he opens the Uber app and finds that no rides are available near him. A loud, high-pitched whirring noise fills the alcove, and you could tell your car close. The turbo engine causes the noise to be more high-pitched than a regular engine as the turbines spin ten times faster than a regular engine would allow. You step forward and hand the valet boy your ticket from where the top would be if it was up.
“This is you?” Duncan says, raising his eyebrows and smiling. You make your way to the driver’s side door— the valet boy left it open for you, then closes it behind you as you tuck your feet inside. Duncan opens the passenger side door and climbs in. As soon as you pull out from the restaurant’s front and stop to turn on the road, you begin to speak.
“Why don’t you come home with me?” you ask, turning on your turn signal to indicate the right turn you’re about to make. There’s a line of cars passing by for now, so you turn to Duncan in anticipation of his response. There is not much hesitation before he nods his head yes and a smile curls around his face.
To no surprise on Duncan’s end, he is now pulling up towards an amazing home. What really gets him is the underground garage. What a nice touch, he thinks to himself. He knows for sure she’ll never be after his money— perhaps he’s going for hers at this point. Although that may be a joke with himself, for now, he knows that the car he’s currently sitting in is half a year’s salary at his job now. For the current object of his attention, this is just frivolous spending money. For her, a quarter-million dollars is nothing, especially in a garage with three more amazing, beautiful cars. All cars are shiny black— each with stunning, custom details.
You press a button near the rearview mirror and the garage begins to close. The trip up the stairs to the first floor of your house is longer than you would like it to be, especially with Duncan on your mind. He stands behind you on the stairs, as a gentleman should— ready to catch the lady if she slips or tumbles. Once you’ve made it upstairs, you don’t bother walking all the way to your room, you sit down on the couch in your living room. Duncan soon follows, sitting right next to you, resting his hand on your thigh. As he leans in for a kiss, you surge forward to meet his lips. His scruffy facial hair tickles your face, but you pull away from his lips as it begins to scratch. Men with facial hair are amazing, but you prefer it to be a little longer so it could be smoother rather than prickly. Nothing against Duncan himself so far, though— amazing kisser, that man. His hands move from your shoulders down to your waist, and he attempts to tug your jumpsuit up, probably thinking it’s a shirt.
“Oh, I got that,” you say, reaching behind you to unzip the zipper from the back of your outfit. As the zipper becomes undone, the neckline to your outfit loosens and a sleeve begins to fall from your shoulder. Duncan unbuttons his own shirt and allows that to fall to the floor, then peels off his undershirt and throws it across the room. You let your sleeves slip all the way down your arms, then off your fingertips until the top of your jumpsuit pools at your waist, leaving you sitting on the couch in your bra and pants. Kicking off your shoes, you pull your jumpsuit down further so you would only be in your bra and underwear. After seeing this, Duncan makes haste to unbuckle his pants and belt, then casts those to the side as well. Clearly, he was excited to be here as there is a prominent bulge present in his boxers, straining against the thin fabric. Duncan’s soft hands meet your unclothed waist— this gives you the chills as be begins to kiss you again, scruffy facial hair and all. Now, you’re beginning to feel a growing sense of urgency pool between your legs, and you’re eager to explore what Duncan has to offer.
“Why don’t we move this to the bedroom?” he asks after breaking his string of kisses. You agree and stand up to lead Duncan to your bedroom. After arriving at the master suite, it doesn’t take long for both of you to climb on the bed. Duncan’s beneath you as you lay on top of him, legs straddled above his waist, brushing over his solid erection. Your lips are still crashing together, but your mouth grows wider with every kiss, accepting more of Duncan with every movement. One of his hands travel to your back while the other begins to massage one of your breasts, then you feel your bra unhook and fall in front of you. Duncan catches it with the hand that was occupied with your breast, then he throws it off the bed. After this, you reach to tug down your underwear, then cast it aside like your bra. Duncan’s erection springs up from his boxers, and it’s a clear sign of relief when he is freed from the confines of his tight underwear. After exchanging a few more passionate kisses, you reach for his long, thick member and line it up with your entrance. He lets out a few small groans as you touch him. As you begin to sink down on him, he bucks his hips up and thrusts himself further in, yet you’re not all the way adjusted to how he feels in you. As you rock your hips over him a few times, the feeling of him stretching your walls all the way begins to sink in— there’s not a space inside untouched by Duncan, you’re completely full. You shift back and forth on him, causing the pressure due to him being more and less present in alternating sides inside you. The most pleasure comes from moving your hips forward, having him press back inside you near your most sensitive areas. After a few more minutes of this, Duncan leans forward and tells you to lay down.
He’s now between your thighs with your legs wrapped around his waist, ankles crossing behind him. Now, he’s pounding into you, skin hardly slapping against skin. For a while, it was a dull sensation— but, time after time, it’s now biting and harsh every time he smacks himself against you, balls slapping against your wet heat repeatedly for the past few minutes now. You could tell where he was inside of you by tracking where the significantly thicker head was from the rest of his cock, the suction caused by this letting a lewd popping sound release through the air every time he pulls completely out and then re-enters. Duncan then decided to place a pillow under your hips, allowing for him to angle down inside you to hit your sweet spot. Not long after this, you feel your orgasm is near. Tightening your grip on Duncan with your legs, you begin to rock your hips in sync with every thrust he makes, chasing your own pleasure. As his movements become somewhat erratic and varying from his usual thrust force, he either shifts slightly or slams even harder into you. After a few deep breaths and hard thrusts, Duncan releases himself inside you, pushing himself even deeper inside, almost brushing your cervix. Following this, your orgasm washes over you, clenching around his cock and drawing his warmth even deeper inside you. Muscle contractions move up his cock, squeezing him for anything he has left.
Slowly, Duncan exits you, followed by a trail of his cum leaking from your entrance. He looks down and licks his lips at the sight of you laying down in front of him, full of him.
“You’re staying over,” you say, no room to interpret that as a question due to your commanding tone.
“I couldn’t leave if I wanted to, baby, you’re my ride home,” he says, laying down next to you and smiling.
“I don’t want to, though. You actually don’t have to take me back to my place at all.”
*** I’ve tagged you if you asked to be on my tag list or if I thought you would be interested in this fic based on interactions with my other fics/posts! Let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. :)
Tag list: @langdonsoceaneyes​ @ms-mead​ @daydreamingofcody​ @psychobitchtess​ @swampwitchh13​ @ahstmblrupdates​ @forgivemelucifer​ @jocelynscloset​ @ccodyfern​ @sammy-samm​ @xavierplymptonsangel​ @lilithrmorningstar1​ @slashersrus​ @im-the-music-whore​ @isometimeswrite132​ @gingersnapped13​ @recklessmoannn​ @nickiechao11​ @dani5216​ @antichristsqueen666​​ @nightsblackroses​​ @bitchchatter​​
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so-langdon · 5 years
Claiming Control - Michael Langdon x Fem! Reader
Summary: Y/N is bored and wants Michael to pay attention to her. 
Warnings: Sexual situations, choking, sensual touching, pre-smut, teasing, flirting, swearing, slightly bratty! reader, Dom! Michael
Tagged!: @hecohansen31 , @sarahandthejets , @rocketgirl2410 , @saltyshaggymeme , @blakewaterxx , @michaelsapostle 
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A silent breath leaves Y/N’s mouth as her eyes roll up towards the ceiling. She rests back comfortably in the bed of her and Michael’s room at Outpost 3, but her mind races with want and need for excitement. She’s feeling neglected, for lack of a better term. She’s bored, in a rut for entertainment, as there isn’t much to do when you try to stay out of all the manipulation and deceitful plans your antichrist lover has for the people in the underground survival headquarters.
Turning her head towards Michael, she glances over at the beautiful man, hearing the sound of his typing as he focuses on his laptop and continues with his taxing sanctuary selections. She understands it’s difficult and time-consuming, holding interviews for people who Michael exploits into exposing their darkness, along with plans of his new world. 
But that didn’t mean she wanted that to be all he focused on. It seemed like days since she and Michael had spent any real time together, and it seemed too long since she and Michael had simply just had a conversation. He’d been so idle with her, not purposely of course, as he always apologized to her when they went to bed at night for him not seeing much of her and not spending more time with her.
She never blamed or resented him for his work. She knew his days were strenuous and hectic, and quite frankly she admired his work ethic and dedication to trying to reach his goals -- though the circumstances were a bit grim. Nevertheless, she still missed him, and wanted to catch up on some lost time. 
Knowing that Michael could never resist Y/N, always stating he could never get enough of her and he could never withstand being away from her too long, she’d had an idea formulating in her mind. She decided that if Michael wasn’t going to make time for her, then she was going to claim control herself and make Michael make time for her.
“Michael,” Y/N draws out, almost groaning, boredom showing in her tone, wanting to get his attention for a moment. But he still types at his keyboard, ignoring the call of his name. 
Y/N sits up, moving her legs over the bed as she faces towards him. “Michael,” she calls again, this time with more urgency.
“Hmm,” Michael hums, eyes still focused on the screen in front of him, typing away at his laptop.
Y/N rolls her eyes. The fact he won’t even glance at her or give her his undivided attention, for even two seconds, has her a bit aggravated, though motivated. She stands up, casually walking over to Michael in his chair. 
“You’ve been working nonstop today,” Y/N begins. “This whole week, actually.” She walks over until standing behind him, looking over at his laptop screen that shows a series of different documents and programs open. “When are you going to be finished,” she asks.
“Soon, darling,” he says, tone completely void of any other emotion, not bothering to make eye contact.
That’s it? That’s all he has to say?
Y/N frowns to herself, almost glaring over Michael’s half-assed response and continuation of him paying attention only to his laptop. She watches him type for a few more seconds before resting her hands on the tops of his shoulders casually.  
“Well, how soon is soon,” she asks, her hands moving to grab the beautifully layered locks of his hair that reach just past his shoulders into her hold and bringing it all to one side and over his shoulder and out of the way. She rests her hands back on his shoulders, pressing her thumbs into him as she begins with a gentle rub.
“Can’t you take a small break?” She asks kindly. “I mean, over-working yourself will cause your work to be subpar,” she leans over. “Unclear,” she practically purrs, leaning towards the exposed skin on his neck and pressing her lips against him. “Sloppy, even,” she adds, whispering softly into his ear before kissing against his lobe just like she knows he likes. “And I know how much you want your work to be well thought out, concise and exceptional.”
She begins kissing down his neck, trailing a series of smooth and gentle kisses along his skin, knowing neck kisses were the first thing to always distract Michael no matter what he’s doing.
But his focus hadn’t faltered, not once. Not any clear case of distraction or unbalance in his mannerisms. It was a bit gut-wrenching, to be honest, as usually in the past, just the mere glance of a smile or a soft expression from Y/N had Michael swooning and him dropping everything just to pay attention to her, even if she was busy. But she repressed those rejected feelings and held onto her confidence, figuring he was just too much centered on his work.
Sliding her hands from the tops of his shoulders, she rubs her hands against his outer arms, sliding them up and slowly back down in a relaxing fashion as she kisses against his neck more, not forgetting to kiss and give extra attention around his earlobe again. 
What Y/N didn’t know was that Michael was grinning from her behavior, her actions having an obvious impact on him, even if Y/N didn’t know it. The yearning he felt from her, the smell of her lust, the want and crave for attention, for his attention only, was very clearly effecting him. He just ignored it, with difficulty of course, but still continued to work.
As Y/N’s behavior does nothing to Michael, as far as she knows, she stops and leans up, standing up straight behind him as she huffs out frustratedly. She’s irritated by the fact that her simple touches weren’t working, knowing fairly well that they usually did considering how captivated Michael is when it comes to her. 
So she decided on another tactic, or a more forward one, stepping around Michael and leaning back to sit against the edge of the desk as she looks at him look at the laptop screen. 
“Michael,” she speaks sweetly.
Leaning off the desk in the next second, she grabs the arm of his chair, turning him in the seat towards her a bit, causing Michael to stop typing for a moment and glance at her by force as he turns a bit. 
Y/N sits on the side of his lap, crossing a leg over the other as she turns her torso towards him. She wraps an arm around his neck, pushing his golden locks over his shoulder so it hangs and flows behind him again.
“I’m so bored,” she pouts with innocent eyes. “I don’t know what I should do,” she says, her other hand grabbing Michael’s hand and placing it on her inner thigh, hoping that will imply to Michael that she wants his attention on her.
But Michael still chooses to ignore her behavior and pushes his chair back a bit and turns to let her off him as he gives her a small pat to imply her to get up.
"I’m almost done; I’ll be with you soon,” he says, causing Y/N to stand up off him and step away.
Michael slides his chair back towards his desk and begins typing at his laptop once again. Y/N crosses her arms with discontentment, exasperated over Michael’s continuous neglect and ignoring towards her.
She steps back to their bed, taking a seat back down on the mattress as she glares with defeat at Michael, huffing out another breath and letting herself fall back against the bed as she internally groans to herself.
Another half hour goes by, maybe even an hour, and Y/N is still laying back against the bed as before, waiting patiently or rather impatiently for Michael to hurry his work, at least for the day, so they can have some time together. Their time was limited considering all of Michael’s future plans for the Outpost, and she wanted time with Michael now.
But Michael’s attention was so centered and pinned on the task at hand, she felt that any of her advances would be useless by this point. 
Though, an opening seemed to present itself as Michael stood up from his chair and let out a deep breath, walking across the room to the closet. He takes his jacket off, wanting to be more comfortable, and hangs the smoothed dark fabric up on a hanger of course before walking back to his desk.
Y/N smirks to herself and takes his opportunity of him being up and away from his computer to stand up off the bed and walks over to him. 
“Are you done with your work,” Y/N asks with hope, as she meets him just a few feet before his desk. 
“Almost,” Michael answers, trying to continue forward but Y/N doesn’t let it happen.
“Well, I think it’s time you earned yourself a break then, right?” She smiles kindly, grabbing a hand of his.
“Almost,” Michael repeats. “I’m busy making the selections right now--”
“Nonsense, that can wait a few minutes, can’t it?” She states nonchalant. “You’ve been so busy working, for as long as I can remember it seems, and you need to let your mind take a minute to breathe.” She pulls on his hand towards the mattress, his footsteps a bit resistant but following nonetheless.
“Y/N, you know I prefer to get my work done in one fluid time period,” he says, eyes gazing at her strictly.
“Yes, I do know that,” she turns to him as they reach the foot of the bed. “But I also know you prefer getting your work done as outstanding and incisive as possible too, and you’re not going to reach that bar with your mind being overloaded and strained with one constant focus,” Y/N explains. “Give your mind a rest. Think about something else for a bit.”
“Y/N,” Michael starts, tone not seeming to be in a playful or resting mood.
“Come on, a little break will do you good. Besides,” she pushes him to sit on the bed. “I miss you,” she pushes him back more so he’ll lay back against the bed. She crawls onto the bed after, straddling over his lower waist as she reaches further up his body. “I want to be close to you,” she purrs.
And just like that, a small smile forms on Michael’s deliciously full lips, crystal blue eyes seeming to clear away from any work strain as they piece into Y/N’s dazzling (Your eye colored) eyes, hands grasping her hips, making Y/N smile too as she seems to think she’s gotten him to give in.
“I’m almost done,” Michael restates. “When I finish, I’ll cuddle you, or whatever you want to do -- afterwards,” he says, dropping his hands from her hips and to the bed as he begins to push himself to sit up and remove Y/N from off him.
But Y/N refuses to take this rejection and she pushes his shoulders back down and grabs his hands, holding them against the bed as she leans over him, her face hovering above his face. 
“No. You need a break, and I refuse to get up until you give yourself a bit of time to relax,” she smiles, trying to work any and every angle she can to get under Michael’s skin so he’ll pay attention to her.
“Y/N,” Michael starts strictly. 
“Michael,” Y/N mocks. “You’re too tense, too overworked. Five or ten minutes of rest won’t do anything. It won’t ruin your work flow or focus. If anything, it’ll help, and that’s what I’m trying to do.” She leans in closer to him. ��And don’t you miss me? We’ve had no time together, not since we first arrived here last week,” she pouts again like earlier, eyes shining with desire.
“I know,” Michael sighs. “This Outpost has been, more difficult, to handle considering Venable’s rules. You know that,” he explains.
“It’s also made things easier for you to manipulate and deceive, considering Venable’s rules. You know you’ve had the most fun here enticing everyone to your dirty deeds compared to any other Outpost we’ve been to.”
Michael gives a smirk, knowing she was right about that.
“So give in, to just a small break. Let me relax you for a bit,” Y/N begins softly, leaning in and allowing the soft graze of their lips to brush over one another, tempting Michael with every gentle touch, tender hold, fiery feeling she can give in this current situation.
When their lips finally connect in a deep fashion, Y/N melts into the feeling and taste of Michael, already beginning to feel rejuvenated from the affection and love that spreads through their beings, just like every time they kiss.
Grabbing one of Michael’s hands, she pulls away from his lips and she raises it up as she sits up on Michael’s waist. Michael raises his eyes, curious as to what she’s doing, as to what her plan for “relaxing” him would be.
She brings Michael’s index finger towards her mouth, wrapping her lips around the tip of his finger and sucking, bringing the rest of his finger further into her mouth as she grabs Michael’s other hand and brings it towards her chest, letting his hand rest on her breast. 
Y/N lets out a pleasured moan as she brings Michael’s hand to trail down her body, wanting him to touch her, giving one last suck before removing Michael’s finger from her mouth with a pop. 
With the expression that shows on Michael’s face currently and the way she feels him hardening beneath her, Y/N believes she’s breaking Michael down. The way his bright blue eyes begin shining with a look she knows all too well when Michael becomes turned on. The way she feels his cock straining against the fabric of his clothes beneath her, making her want to grind against his body to persuade him further into giving in as she knows herself she’s becoming aroused. 
But Y/N figures she doesn’t need to do any more convincing as Michael sits up, and grabs her body, flipping their positions and presses her against the bed so swiftly and quickly. She grins up at him, feeling victorious that she’s getting what she wants, leaning up to kiss him again as he leans his head further towards her. 
But Michael stops just mere inches before their lips touch, Michael grabbing her throat instead and holding her down against the bed, catching her by surprise.
“You really think acting this way is going to get you what you want? Behaving all needy like this?” He hisses, tone low and husky, but his eyes screaming with longing.
Y/N narrows her eyes, caught off guard by his actions and tone. She was sure she’d convinced Michael to give in, to give up his work for the time being and to fool around with her. But clearly this wasn’t the case.
“You think bargaining with me, seducing me with your ‘Fuck me’ eyes and doe-like expression is going to convince me to stop my work right now?” Michael breathes out, letting his lips brush over Y/N’s to taunt her as she squirms lightly beneath him, trying to lift her head up further so her lips can meet his. But Michael raises his head just before she can, the same grip on her throat remaining. 
“I’m so fucking close into finishing my selections and the sanctuary process, and you think all this greedy behavior is going to lure me into fucking your clingy pussy,” he breathes out. “Fuck you good and hard just like I know how you want me to?”
Y/N whines slightly, almost whimpering from his tone, his words, his body pressed against hers, the way she feels his cock pressing into her lower body so pleasurably good. She ruts her hips towards him, desperately needing some friction against her as she feels herself becoming more turned on from Michael’s behavior.
Michael lets out a soft laugh, almost condescendingly, and leans in again. “You’re so desperate for any of my touch that you’re still trying to get any kind of satisfaction from me, even in this position? You’re not going to get anything out of me if you keep behaving this way, darling.”
“I know you want me,” Y/N whispers through the hold on her. “I can feel you,” she points out almost shyly, not letting it go unnoticed that Michael is obviously turned on too.
“And you’re going to be feeling me for a very long time if you don’t control yourself. You don’t want me to punish you and make you regret your advances, do you?” He squeezes his hold around her neck a bit more. “You want me to take care of you, right baby?” He says, almost sneering.
Y/N bites her lip, swallowing as best she can and nods.
“That’s what I thought,” he glares with sinister expression. “So sit here quietly and patiently, like the good fucking girl I know you are, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll give you what you want,” he smiles casually. “Are we clear?”
Y/N nods again.
“I said, are we clear,” he tightens his hand against her throat more, smile disappearing as he glares lightly.
Y/N bites her lip, hating the fact that Michael knows she likes when his hands are on her like this, wrapped around her throat, putting her in her place, roughing her up. It just makes her want him more, and therefore the situation worse as her crave for him grows. “Yes, sir,” she says as clearly as she can.
“Good,” Michael smiles wickedly before letting go of her throat and getting off of Y/N. But not before pressing his lips to the skin on her throat to soothe the harshness of his grip. Michael knew Y/N didn’t mind when Michael was rough with her, but that didn’t mean he didn’t tend to her gently either.
Once getting up and walking back over to his desk, sitting down and ignoring his obvious hard-on, he gets back to his laptop and starts typing again, forcing his mind back to his focused stance so he can hurry up and finish his work and give Y/N what she, and clearly he, wants too. It’s not like he didn’t want her. Of course he did, he always did. He was just too close to being done with all of his work, and wanted it out of the way first.
Y/N lets out a silent breath, feeling how deeply inside she’s aching for Michael and for him to be with her. So much for claiming control. But she knows better than to disobey his words. Though, it was all part of the fun.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think if you’d like please <3
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myfavouritelunatic · 2 years
I was tagged by both @helenvader and @pursuitseternal ❤️ thank you so much! 🥰
Rules: Share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, do not be shy and share anyway. ❤
So some of this will definitely be from things I haven’t published, or maybe even unfinished projects. Let’s see what the archives cough up...
1. Talk of the elf and the low man's arrival in Númenor had been rampant. (from The Blacksmith)
2. As I entered the dungeon to complete my usual cleaning duties, the first thing I noticed was that I was not alone as I had been the night before. (from the untitled cell fic)
3.  “Fighting at your side I... I felt... if I could just hold onto that feeling, keep it with me always, bind it to my very being then I...” Halbrand let his voice trail off, suddenly afraid of how Galadriel would react if he finished his words. (from I Felt It Too)
4. Galadriel gazed longingly at the silver ring upon her finger. (part one of the Saurondriel companion pieces, which I’m now calling Two Rings)
5. There was only one being the dark lord’s mind was concerned with. (part two of the Saurondriel companion pieces, which I’m now calling Two Rings)
6. Galadriel wears two faces. (from an untitled WIP)
7. The sunrise woke you, it’s orange beams flowing through your window, bathing the room in early morning light. (from Mark Me, a Michael Langdon x Female Reader one shot)
8. You heard the door slam, jolting you out of your melancholic stupor. (from Your Strength, a Duncan Shepherd x Female Reader one shot)
9. The tick tick ticking of the clock. (from an unpublished and untitled Llewyn Davis x Female Reader one shot)
10. Darkness... an abyss... neverending... Steven... Marc... Jake... falling in... and pulling you down with them... (from Your Knight, an unpublished Moon Knight system x Female Reader one shot - which I COMPLETELY FORGOT I had written, and I might just publish it now 😂)
Tagging, with no pressure whatsoever: @honeyfarts666  @gil-galadhwen @nenyabusiness @lettalady @maeve-curry-writes @vellichormybeloved @bad-surprise @formerlyir @haladriel and anyone else who wants in! ❤️
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