#dumb crap
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giffingthingsss · 2 years ago
So I’m assuming Jack Crusher must die a virgin.
He’s a baby borg, right? This crap is in his system, right? he can’t give blood or get any fluids near anyone, correct? Those are the rules now, right? Or did they specify that this was Locutus specific because reasons?
Is Beverly part borg now? 
Did they eradicate all nanoprobes at the end of Picard and make this a moot point? 
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labyrinthdancer · 9 months ago
I’m so exited
Ya'll. Looks like there may be a new Zelda game starring Legend's Zelda.
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Here's a link to an article about it. Nintendo Reveals ‘Zelda’ Game Starring Zelda, ‘Echoes Of Wisdom,’ With Imminent Release Date (forbes.com) Do we have thoughts, Linked Universe community?
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spiderpinata · 1 year ago
I moved into my own apartment finally.
For now, I am actually happy and anticipating the future.
I think I will improve myself in many many ways without the burden of shared space and other people's faults to deal with.
From now on it's all my faults, all the time.
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manyrepulsivethoughts · 1 year ago
sketch dump timeee
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meoskyan · 1 year ago
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acephobia is so stupid to the point it's comical
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justsasuke · 10 months ago
No offense to Itachi (jk full offense) but if Danzo had told Sasuke to kill his whole clan Sasuke would just have killed Danzo right there and ended the entire storyline prematurely.
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cliopadra · 2 years ago
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Parenting is not Aziraphale’s strong suit.
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fulgurbugs · 1 year ago
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Comic time again
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hatchetfield-scarecrow · 1 year ago
The day we as a society accept that Dipper Pines is equally if not more selfish than Mabel Pines is the day we’ll know peace.
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yoong-tae · 10 months ago
You know what I realized? A lot of people are saying it was out of character for Buck to turn a conversation from serious to flirty like he did in episode 10 with Tommy. But I feel like a lot of people saying that are toxic buddie fans. The same fans who love the “wanna go for the title” scene. You know, the scene where Buck and Eddie are having a very serious conversation. The same scene where Buck is apologizing for not being there for Eddie and Chris. The same scene fans freak out over because they say Buck was flirting with Eddie with the way he had his mouth on the beer bottle and the way he was walking towards him with his hands on his jeans and the way he said the title line and the way they looked at each other.
So, what’s the difference between the two scenes? In both scenes Buck is having a serious conversation with someone and in both scenes the conversations were lightened in some way. The only differences I can see is that episode 10 was Buck flirting with Tommy… his boyfriend. 🤔
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labyrinthdancer · 1 year ago
ddidjdjs new fonts to learn HYPED i’m bouncing off the walls
look at wind waker’s!!!!!!
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look at twilight princess!!!!
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I might have to get off my butt and learn how to make
I might have to get back into learning how to make unicodes cause I think it would be cool to write a fic in one of these
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thestardustheadmates · 9 months ago
No matter what flavor of plural you/y'all/yous may be. It's valid.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because you are worth more than that.
Reminder that you should uplift people in your own community, not put it down.
We are all unique, and that is beautiful.
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so-i-did-this-thing · 5 months ago
You work in government, right? How did you background checks go? That makes me really nervous to try as a career.
Two anecdotes for you;
At my pre-employment polygraph test:
Tester, giving off ex-CIA vibes: "OK, so before we begin, is there anything about you that would embarass [government entity]?"
Me, irritated to even be there (polygraphs are dumb): "I dunno, man, I'm trans and my credit is in the shitter right now, you tell me."
Tester, laughing at my bluntness: "No one cares about the first one. You're working on your credit, yeah?"
Me: "Yes, I've fixed old bad habits and now am steadily paying off old debt."
Tester: "Good, we just want to make sure you're not a blackmail or bribe risk. You're fine."
Security coordinator, looking at my background check forms where I very clearly checked the "did not signup for selective service box" and wrote an answer why: "Uh... so... sorry to call you, this is just to confirm I'm very clear about your paperwork. And... uhhh.... you checked you never have signed up for selective service, sir, and, uhhh...."
Me: "I'm a transgender man. I am exempt and my birth certificate still clearly says "F" on it for convenience in this case. You should have all my relevant paperwork when I changed my name and gender markers elsewhere."
Coordinator, visibly relieved I'm the one who came out and said the hard part: "Ok, thank god, uh, thank you. Yes, I do have everything. I just wanted to be absolutely sure and I hate having to ask like this, sir, have a good day and you should be cleared soon."
So yeah, my background checks have been uneventful. Ymmv -- where I have worked has been rather liberal. But it's pointless (and stupid) to lie, so might as well own it and look them right in the eye if you being trans comes up.
Now, do I think being trans in government work could be more fraught in a possible GOP federal administration? For sure, but nothing extraordinary I can do about that and I'll just keep on keeping on until I need to leave for my safety.
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prozach27 · 2 years ago
Okay as someone who was mainly following Jaiden’s streams on the qsmp, it’s hitting me JUST HOW MUCH jaiden lore you miss 😭 I’ve started watching foolish’s recent livestreams while playing Minecraft and holy crap, Jaiden was there for the ARREST of pac & Mike (and immediately got BEHIND foolish when he pulled out his gun)? She was there for Foolish accepting a position as a detective for the federation and receiving his badge? She successfully got BadBoyHalo to tell her everything he had on Foolish after JUST WITNESSING foolish begin working for the federation, all while playing completely dumb? Jaiden stream followers really are left in the dark on how much Jaiden knows about what’s going on in the QSMP, and it’s SO INTERESTING because how much else has she done on this server that she hasn’t shown on stream? What other actions has she witnessed (or even committed) that she didn’t want broadcasted to her YouTube audience? The amount of incriminating lore she’s a part of off stream makes everything to do with her disappearance SO much more interesting
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cluzterflufff · 5 months ago
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since u guys liked my last furry erisol post so much heres another i made :3c (now with A Little More Effort™)
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bitchy-peachy · 3 months ago
Learn what actual "proship" means before coming at me with stuff that just tells me that you don't know what proship is.
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