#dumb alert
yourlocalblob24 · 4 months
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sceebybeeby · 2 months
⚠️spoilers for the entire aj trilogy lol⚠️
is this even anything? don't answer if it isn't
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god etsy is such an on fire trash can but it has a bunch of shipping presets that are difficult to migrate so i guess we'll do it this way
so anyways there's a glitch where sometimes it forces you to buy a shipping label in order to close out DIGITAL purchases which is fucking insane to me.
So I've pulled the only other cross stitch pattern off of it and made it a pay-what-you-want on kofi
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I've also uploaded the other MASSIVE pattern onto ko-fi bc why not
It's a fairly obscure monster road trip reference but I'll be real it holds it's own perfectly fine as a fun pattern to have around the house for your average weirdo
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both of these are basically free since ko-fi allows you a pay what you like option
If they had canada post shipping label pre-sets and a robust dms-to-custom-commission-listing system I would migrate in a heartbeat but ALAS
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julcreates · 2 months
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For some reason I never posted them here it seems?? Anyways, theres Mairon, hes a hot idiot
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d1shfandomz · 11 months
soukoku are equally obsessed with each other but the difference is that one of them knows it and one of them isn’t aware of it in the least
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marichanmari · 16 days
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nonetoon · 7 months
Actually I think the biggest joke in Clown Curse is how much difficulty I’m having designing the actual only invisible character in this thing
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You're sooooo silly thank you for all the bears :3 <3
we’d say we are the silliest but polar bears exist
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canisalbus · 7 months
Hello! I love your art- you have a real talent for expressive eyes. You're a great cartoonist, and I can't wait to see more of your work
It's a little silly, but I just wanted to say- don't beat yourself up for having a reaction to needles after a bad experience. On a moral level, yes, but also a practical one.
It's normal for a body to react to a bad experience with fear. That's what fear evolved to do, warn you about something that could go wrong next time.
However, fear can be reinforced. If your body responds to a stimulus with fear, and then you feel a negative emotion around that memory, your nervous system goes "Wow! That was so bad that even thinking about it stresses me out. I'd better make sure to never let this happen again. Time to dial up the fear signal!"
Being kind to yourself about something frustrating or painful is hard in good conditions, and I don't want to minimize that. This isn't "don't let it bother you" or "just get over it" or "think positive" advice.
When a fear of needles happens to me again (the fear comes and goes), I try to treat it like I would a food aversion resulting from food poisoning. You know when you eat something bad, get sick and then the thought of the food is really gross for awhile? Like that!
I try to let myself be mildly annoyed, but not so much it gets my blood pressure up. Sadness doesn't seem to extend the length of the fear either. But anger, guilt, or shame for me really seem to reinforce the fear reactions.
Your mileage will vary, of course! For me, I went from no fear of needles, to fainting when an IV was put in, back to no fear with patience and time. Maybe this can be a bit of hope for you too! I wish you luck and a smooth road!
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d1g1tald1saster · 3 months
Pass that twink around like a blunt
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themkultra · 2 years
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tsk tsk. unfortunate 
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Before s2 comes to a close have a dumb post that's been sitting in my drafts
New theory I wonder if the seven chaos orbs have anything to do with the seven crystals they used to find Dennis’s son Ulysses. This could be untapped lore years in the making hmmm
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
Okay, since nobody sent me a fluff prompt for Beelzebub, I got to choose one myself. I'm not complaining, but this is entirely self indulgent. I chose the prompt "autumn leaves" because I decided to go for the autumn theme when I made my filler prompt list.
Here is a little bit of CC lore for context - for most of my life, I lived in a place with all four seasons. Autumn was by far my favorite. A couple years ago, I moved somewhere that doesn't really have autumn at all. I don't mind it too much, but I definitely miss it sometimes. When I chose the autumn leaves prompt, I wasn't really thinking about this too deeply. Then when I sat down to write it, all I could think about was taking Beel to see autumn back where I used to live.
I'm sure they have autumn leaves in the Devildom, but there's something special about sunny autumn days, you know? And Beel just feels like he fits in with that so well.
Okay, enough rambling. Have this little Beel fluff. I really loved writing it.
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GN!MC x Beelzebub
Warnings: none unless you count the EXTREME fluff as needing a warning lol
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Autumn in the human world was as spectacular as always. It was a bright, cloudless afternoon and the sun illuminated the colors of the leaves, making them shine vibrantly as they shimmied slightly in the light breeze. You couldn't help but admire the way it lit up Beelzebub's orange hair, too, almost making him look like he was aflame. When he turned and smiled at you, the effect was dazzling.
You had managed to convince Lucifer to let you take Beel to the human world for a little while. It had been easier than you anticipated. All you had to do was tell him you were feeling homesick for the human world, but you didn't want to go alone. Lucifer had frowned, as though he was about to explain to you why you couldn't go. You gave him your best puppy dog eyes and he gave in almost immediately.
You could have taken Beel anywhere and he would have been happy to go along with you. But you decided to take him to the mountains.
The two of you had rented a car, driving up a winding highway into a canyon through mountains completely covered in trees. Some of them were pines, dark evergreen creating a stunning contrast to the flamboyant colors of the aspens beside them. The beautiful scenery surrounded you on all sides, above you the bright blue of the sky.
At about midday, you had stopped at a little ski lodge with a restaurant attached for lunch. Later in the year, when the leaves were gone and the snow had fallen, this place would be full of tourists ready to hit the slopes. But for now, you sat outside with Beel in the crisp autumn air with only a handful of other people. As Beel ordered dish after dish, you thanked the waiter profusely while giving him the most apologetic looks you could. You gave him a huge tip when you left.
After driving a little further, you turned into a small road that brought you to the entrance to an easy hike.
You had known that despite the sunshine, it would be a cold day. So you told Beel to wear a jacket and you had obtained matching scarves for both of you. His was wrapped snugly around his neck, his cheeks slightly pink from the chill.
You had been walking along the dirt path with Beel at a leisurely pace. He didn't seem to mind that you wanted to take your time, to really enjoy the display of colors around you.
Now you stood on the edge of the canyon, looking out at the way the trees blanketed the land below. Beel was beside you, the sun still dancing in his hair.
You reached out and took his hand.
Beel blushed. "Thank you for bringing me here, MC."
You smiled. "Thank you for coming with me. I hope you don't mind being out in the sun this much."
"I like it," Beel said. He reached out and ran his fingertips through a strand of your hair. "It makes your hair and eyes sparkle."
Now it was your turn to blush. "You should see yourself," you said, reaching up to brush some of his hair, too.
Beel caught your waist, as though he was worried that you might misstep and fall down into the canyon below. Even though you were perfectly steady, you let him hold you.
"Do you miss being here?" he asked, his eyes easily meeting yours. "In the human world, I mean?"
You frowned a little. "Sometimes," you admitted. "It's nice to come back every once in a while. And to show you parts of it, too."
Beel nodded seriously. "I think about it sometimes. You left everything behind to come stay in the Devildom with us. You must miss home."
Your frown cleared and you smiled at him. You put your arms around his neck and pulled him close. You had to pull him down a bit so you could press your forehead to his. "Don't worry," you said softly. "My home is wherever we're together."
Beel's hands reached up to cup your face, angling it so he could kiss you before they went back to your waist. The warmth of his lips ran through you, as cozy as the scarf around your neck. It might as well have been a summer day the way your body responded to his touch.
Beel pulled away for a moment, looking into your eyes. "Then we're both home."
The sweet tenderness in his expression, the honest delivery of his heart, the brightness of the sunshine glowing around him, the lively colors of the leaves and sky - every part of this moment filled your heart with quiet joy. You let it wash over you as Beel kissed you again.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname
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stergeon · 3 months
say it
Byleth makes Edelgard say swear words.
(~350 words; too stupid to post on ao3)
“Give it a try.”
“… Shit.”
“Very good. ‘Ass.’”
“That one is easier. I’ve said it before.”
“Then why don’t you say it now?”
“I… er…”
“If it’s so easy, then do it.”
“… Ass.”
“Don’t mock me.”
“How about this one? ‘Cunt.’”
“Wh—I actually, um, don’t know what that means.”
“You don’t know ‘cunt’?”
“I don’t know what to tell you, Byleth, it’s simply not in my lexicon.”
“It means va—”
“All right, I understand. The gesture was absolutely unnecessary. I’m astounded at how many words there seem to be for the same thing.”
“If you think that’s bad, you won’t believe how many there are for pe—”
“Well, this has been a fun exercise and hopefully a source of great amusement to you, but I think I’m finished.”
“Wait, wait.”
“One more, one more.”
“Mm, no. I don’t think so.”
“… You know it’s not fair of you to give me those eyes.”
“Is that a yes?”
“All right. All right. One more.”
“Yesssss. ‘Fuck.’”
“What?! You said one more, and that’s the one to say.”
“I’m—I am not—”
“You can’t pull the same maneuver twice in a minute and expect to succeed. That’s poor strategy.”
“Is it working?”
“… Regrettably, it is.”
“Then it seems like a good strategy to me. Just say it. ‘Fuck.’ It’s easy.”
“It most certainly is not!”
“Try it. Say ‘fuck.’”
“… Fuck.”
“Oh, that’s rich. That’s very good.”
“Are you quite satisfied?”
“Nearly. Now use it in a sentence.”
“I’ll give you one. It’ll be easy.”
“I did not—and do not—agree to this!”
“Just repeat after me.”
“Say, ‘Byleth, I want you to fuck me.’”
“… Oh.”
“Go on, El. You can do it.”
“… Byleth, I…”
“Keep going.”
“Byleth, I-I want you to… f-fuck me.”
“Good girl. Wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Less than I—ah—thought it would be.”
“Mm. Well, you’ve certainly earned a reward, haven’t you?”
“Yes, my teacher. Fuck…”
“Aren’t you a fast learner? I’m impressed.”
“If you don’t shut up and kiss me right now, I’m going to start swearing in earnest.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Your Majesty.”
#fe3h#fire emblem#edeleth#edelgard von hresvelg#byleth eisner#ficlet#sterge.rtf#sick of having this knock around in my drafts so now it is loose in the wild#but it’s so dumb that i really don’t want to bother posting it on ao3#if i got an email alert for this i’d be disappointed#besides i’m trying to pretend i’m hard at work on the vickyvesties right now#it’s not crack it’s just goofy#theoretically this takes place during the honeymoon phase of chapter 5 of shared space#since edelgard knows her swears by the time of muscle memory/shared space chapter 9#edelgard’s combination teacher/praise thing is truly unfortunate but what can you do. sometimes a girl is a gotdam mess#it’s not weird unless you make it weird. but she makes it weird.#i think sometimes (like here) she drops a ‘my teacher’ accidentally and byleth politely pretends not to notice#because if she Did call attention to it edelgard would be mortified and that would be the end of whatever fun things they’re doing#frankly no one deserves to say fuck more than edelgard#but with that giant stick up her ass she’d have a hard time getting around to it without some goading#i also hc that dropping honorifics is generally a Huge Turnoff for edelgard due to power dynamic shenanigans#their relationship is Complicated Enough in canon before i fucked it up more in shared space lol#so byleth is really asking for trouble here#but i also reckon ‘my teacher’ is a vibekiller for byleth so if anything they’re just riling each other up now#godspeed girls. hope you shut up long enough to get some
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