#dukes of hazzard x reader
country-lee215 · 1 year
Jailed With A Baby
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“There ya go,” Rosco said, setting Rose Duke down in the middle of his desk, keeping the 10-month-old as far enough away from the edges as he could. “Just sit right there while I run and grab the paperwork for your daddies.”
“Rosco, you better not be thinkin’ you’re gonna leave her sittin’ on that desk,” Bo warned, jumping up from where he was sitting in the corner jail cell and joining Luke against the bars. “If you walk away with her sittin’ there-,”
The Hazzard County head sheriff spun to face the cell, pointing to them with a scowl. “Hush! You’re a prisoner! Now you’ve had your phone call, so sit down and just hush!”
“Dadadada,” Rosie babbled, reaching out for her fathers.
“I know, baby,” Luke sighed as he wrapped his fingers around the cell bars. “Your mama’s gonna wring our necks for this.”
“Rose,” Rosco said, bending over so he could straighten the collar of the little yellow dress she was wearing. Daisy had bought it for her a few weeks ago, she could never stop herself from buying cute things for Rosie as much as the boys and Y/N insisted that she had more than enough toys and clothes. “You sit right there. Don’t move.”
“Rosco,” Bo growled.
“I said hush, convict!”
“Calm down,” Luke advised, pressing a hand to his cousin’s shoulder without ever pulling his eyes away from Rosie. “Yellin’ ain’t gonna get us outta here any faster.”
Rosco took a hesitant step away from the desk, watching Rose to see if she’d go anywhere. When she didn’t move, only continuing to babble and giggle to herself, Rosco took the last few steps to the filing cabinet and began leafing through the papers inside.
“Stay right there, baby,” Luke said. Rose looked over and smiled, giving a small wave.
“Here!” Rosco grinned, pulling a file from the cabinet and giggling to himself. “I love it, I love it, I love it.”
Rose kicked her feet, tired and annoyed that no one was paying any attention to her. “Dadadada!” she cried as she banged her heels against Rosco’s desk.
“Oh, hush now,” Rosco said softly, much kinder than he had said to Bo only a moment ago. “There’s no need to cry.”
She reached for his hat, humming to herself as she clenched her fingers repeatedly.
Rosco smiled and pulled the black cowboy hat from his head and set it on the desk in front of Rose. “You like my hat?”
She giggled and kicked her feet again, her small palms beating on the top of the hat. Rosco chuckled and moved to place it on her head. It was far too big and fell down over her face but she pushed it back up, her bright blue eyes, the same color as her daddies’, shining out from underneath.
“Ain’t you just the cutest thing?” Rosco cooed, tickling her stomach. “Just as pretty as your Mama.”
Bo scoffed as he continued to talk to Rosie, drawing laugh after laugh from her. The blonde pushed away from the bars and stalked back to the corner where he had been sitting. “You’ve got no right to keep us here and you know it, Rosco. We ain’t done nothin’ wrong today.”
“Don’t you lie to me, Bo Duke,” Rosco said, the angry look returning to his face as he turned away from Rose. “Don’t act like you boys weren’t haulin’ shine today when you were runnin’ around.”
“Shine?” Luke echoed incredulously. “That’s what you arrested us for? Rosco, Bo and I haven’t run shine in forever. You really think we’d be runnin’ shine? Especially when we got Rosie with us?”
Rosco bristled. He knew the charge was nonsense, the Duke boys were completely innocent. But Boss’ orders were Boss’ orders and Rosco couldn’t help the fact that he loved seeing the Duke boys behind the bars of the jail cells at the station.
“We’ll just have to check your trunk, now won’t we?” he asked. “I know you Dukes always got shine tucked into your trunk.”
Bo groaned. “The only thing we got in the trunk is diapers and groceries. Y/N sent us shoppin’ while she was at work today.”
Rosie let out a loud wail and pushed the hat off her head, her bottom lip pushed out in a pout. She was used to having all the attention of everyone in the room. Y/N blamed Bo and Luke for that, the boys were always showering her with attention and she was getting a little too spoiled.
Boss Hogg poked his head out of his office, frowning around a cigar. “Who’s causin’ all that noise?”
Rosco laughed lightly. “Boss, I got the Duke boys. I got ‘em, I got ‘em.”
“You got ‘em, hmm?” Boss said, pulling his cigar from his mouth as he wandered over to the cell. He grinned when he saw the unhappy looks on Bo and Luke’s faces. “You got ‘em.”
“And!” Rosco added, gesturing excitedly to Rose. “I got Rose too.”
Boss hummed thoughtfully and moved back to stand at Rosco’s desk. He stared at Rose, his eyes locked on hers.
“Baba,” she murmured seriously, hands fisting in the material of her dress.
“She looks like her mama,” Boss mused.
Rosco nodded. “Spittin’ image, ain’t she?”
Luke let out a long sigh and let his forehead thunk against the bars. Y/N was really going to kill them.
Rosco had to step away to file the paperwork he’d filled out for the Duke boys so he’d set Rose down on the floor by Bo and Luke’s incessant requests, leaving Flash behind to keep an eye on the baby. She sat on the floor by his desk, Flash sound asleep next to her as the young Duke ran her hands over Flash’s ears.
“Rosie,” Bo murmured, crouching down in the cell and reaching out through the bars. “C’mere, sweetheart, over this way.”
“Yeah,” Bo said. “Come this way. Come get daddy.”
Rosie giggled and started to slowly crawl towards the cell. Flash opened one of her eyes and watched her go reproachfully.
“There ya go, baby,” Luke praised, squatting down beside his cousin.
“Dada,” Rosie giggled. “Dadas.”
Once she got close enough, Bo helped Rose up, assisting her as she pulled herself up on the bars. Luke adjusted her dress, straightening over her shoulders and flattening out the bottom.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Bo mumbled, pressing a kiss to her head. “You shouldn’t have to be here.”
Rosie only smiled, oblivious to what was going on. She reached up to his face, her fingers tugging at his hair. “Dada!”
“You hungry, sweetheart?” Luke asked, running a thumb over her cheek. “Want something to eat?”
Bo thought for a second. “Do we have a bottle for her in the General?”
“No,” he sighed. “They’re at home. I didn’t bring one, figured we’d be home by now.”
“Rose?” Rosco’s voice called as he wandered back towards his desk. “Where you’d get off to? Uncle Boss is lookin’ for ya!”
Bo frowned. “She ain’t his niece Rosco, he sure ain’t her uncle.”
Rosco sent him an annoyed look and scooped up Rose. She complained, whining as Rosco pulled her away from Bo and Luke and set her on his hip.
“Dada,” she cried, squirming in Rosco’s arms. “Dadadada!”
“It’s alright,” Bo tried, stretching as far as he could through the bars to try and grasp her hand. Rosco stepped further away and Bo’s fingers only managed to ghost over Rose’s.
She began to cry then, a loud wail that quickly turned to sobs. Rosco looked caught off-guard by her sudden meltdown. He tried to calm her, murmuring that it was okay, but it only made things worse. Her sobs built to a scream and Bo and Luke shared a look.
“Diaper change?”
“Diaper change.”
Rosco turned, alarmed. “What do you mean diaper change?”
“A diaper change?” Boss echoed. He’d stepped out of his office, apparently really looking for Rosie like Rosco had said.
“Just give us Rose,” Luke said. “And the bag out of the trunk of the General Lee, we’ve got diapers there.”
“Oh, and while you’re in the trunk,” Bo added, smirking at Rosco who was still holding a screaming Rose. “You can check for that moonshine we don’t have.”
“You can’t have her!” Boss argued. “That baby is evidence!”
“That baby is my daughter!”
“Boss,” Rosco said softly as Rose continued to cry. “Maybe we should give them the baby, she’s awfully upset and I bet they can calm her down, daddies can always calm their babies down.”
“No!” Boss insisted. “She’s evidence! Ya cain’t just give the evidence over to the convicts!”
“But, Boss-,”
Rose let out another loud wail and tipped in Rosco’s arms, leaning towards the jail cell. “Dada! Dada!”
“Just hand her over,” Luke offered. “We’ll change the diaper and get her to stop cryin’, just gotta give her to us.”
Boss shook his head, giving a small huff. “Rosco!”
“Yes, Boss?”
“Change her diaper. And make it quick, I’m tired of listenin’ to her cry.”
“But, Boss,” he said, shifting Rose in his arms. “I, uh, I don’t know how to change a diaper.”
Boss looked at him for a minute, eyebrows furrowed. “You don’t?”
“No,” Rosco said with a little shake of his head. “Sorry, Boss.”
“Hmmph,” the shorter man said. He looked at the Duke boys before turning back to Rosco.
The bells over the front door to the police station chimed merrily as the door was pushed open, drawing everyone’s attention to the front. Enos stepped inside, a wide smile on his face.
“Howdy, y’all! I’m all done for the day, Boss,” he said. His smile faded as he took in the sight in front of him. “Bo and Luke? What are you two doin’ here? Why’s Rose cryin’?”
“Enos, do you know how to change a diaper?” Rosco asked. Rose kicked and flailed in his arms, letting out another loud screech when Rosco didn’t set her down.
“Change a diaper?” Enos said. “I don’t know, I mean I’ve done it before if that’s what you’re askin’. My cousin’s baby, I had to help her one day.”
“That’s perfect, Enos, that really is,” Rosco said. He set Rosie back down on the desk, which elicited another round of complaints from Bo and Luke when he stepped away and walked over to Enos. “Now I need you to go out to the General Lee and get a bag from the trunk, it’s got diapers in it.”
“What’s goin’ on?” Enos asked.
“Don’t matter!” Rosco said, setting a hand on Enos’ shoulder. “I’m your superior officer and as your superior officer, you gotta do what I tell you! So get out to the General and get the bag from the trunk.
Enos bit his tongue, eyes flitting from Rosie, still crying, to Boss, looking at Rosie uncomfortably, to Bo and Luke, both wearing exasperated expressions. He gave a small nod. “Yes, Sheriff.”
“Don’t do that!” was the first thing Y/N heard when she pushed through the doors of the Hazzard County Police Department.
Bo and Luke were sitting in the corner jail cell, pressed up against the bars as they barked instructions at Rosco, Boss, and Enos. The three were gathered around the desk by the cell, Rose laying on the desk. She was crying half-heartedly and kicking her legs, much to Boss, Rosco, and Enos’ displeasure.
“You can’t do that!” Luke said.
Bo groaned, rolling his eyes as Rosco knocked a file off the desk. “Just fold it over, it’ll stay that way.”
“Thought you said you knew how to change a diaper,” Boss grumbled, bending to pick up the spilled papers and slam them back on the desk.
Rosie squirmed, arching her back unhappily. She went to scream again but her eyes fell on Y/N standing by the front of the station and she let out a little whimper instead. “MAMA!”
Immediately, everyone’s eyes moved to the front door. Bo and Luke’s faces lit up. The other’s expression fell, eyes going wide.
“Uh-oh,” Boss said softly.
Y/N let out a long sigh before slowly walking up to the desk. “Out of the way.”
Rosco and Enos were quick to move, not eager to try and stay between Y/N and her daughter. Boss tried his best at giving her an innocent smile but she shook her head and he quickly side-stepped.
“Poor baby,” she muttered. “What did they do to you?”
“Mama,” Rosie cried. “Mama.”
Y/N brushed the tears from her cheeks and proceeded to change Rose’s diaper, hands moving quickly to fasten the diaper and tug her dress back down, all while murmuring to her baby.
“There you go,” she cooed, picking up her baby and hugging her tightly. Y/N swayed back and forth with Rose in her arms for a moment before pressing a kiss to her forehead. “It’s alright now.”
“Y/N-,” Boss started.
“Let the boys out.”
Rosco made a small noise. “Y/N, you know we can’t just-,”
“We all know they’re innocent,” she said evenly, shifting Rosie to her hip. “There’s no shine in the trunk so you’ve got nothin’ to keep them in there for. Let them out.”
“Yes ma’am,” Enos said. He pulled his keys from his pocket and unlocked the jail cell, pulling the door back so Bo and Luke could walk out.
Bo grinned and bent to press a kiss to Y/N’s cheek. “Have I mentioned I love you today, darlin?”
“Don’t you darlin’ me,” she warned as Luke moved to stand on her other side. “Of all the days you could’ve been arrested, you waited until I was workin’ and you had Rose?”
“It wasn’t our choice,” Luke pointed out softly. He set his hand on her hip, hoping the affection would make her a little less mad at them. “We told them we didn’t have any shine in the trunk.”
Y/N huffed but knew Luke had a point. “I know, but that doesn’t mean I like my baby, or my boys, being in the jail all day.”
“We know,” Bo said, mimicking his cousin’s movements and pressing his to her other hip, letting his thumb brush back and forth over Rose’s side.
“I don’t want you boys gettin’ arrested for anythin’ else while you have Rose,” she said, looking between them seriously.
“Yes, darlin’,” they said together.
“And I mean it.”
“Yes, darlin’.”
Y/N nodded, satisfied with their response. “Here,” she said, squeezing Rose once more before passing her to Luke. “Hold her for me.”
“Anything you say, darlin’.”
Boss, Rosco, and Enos had been smart, quietly avoiding Y/N’s wrath as she talked to the Dukes. But when she turned back to them, they froze under her angry glare.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“You’re not to blame for this, are you?”
“No, ma’am.”
Y/N nodded. “Thought so. You can leave.”
“Thank you, ma’am.”
She hummed as he passed by, pausing to tip his hat to the family. “Have a nice evenin’, y’all,” Enos murmured.
“Thanks,” Luke said. Rosie babbled happily in his arms as she toyed with the collar of his button-down.
“I’ll say hi to Daisy for you,” Bo said kindly, giving him a small smile.
Enos smiled back before slipping outside, leaving Y/N with Rosco and Boss.
“Now,” Y/N said pleasantly. “We all know Bo and Luke were innocent today, there’s no shine in the trunk and there hasn’t been for a long time.”
Boss nodded begrudgingly. Rosco nodded as well.
“So you should’ve known better than to arrest them when they had Rosie too,” Y/N went on. “Shouldn’t you have?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“You won’t be arresting them again when they’ve got Rosie, will you?”
“No, ma’am.”
Y/N smiled. “Perfect.”
Bo chuckled to himself, smoothing a hand over Rosie’s back before pressing a kiss to her head.
“Mama,” Rosie said. “Dadas.” She turned in Luke’s arm, reaching out for Bo and the blonde was quick to pull her in and set her on his hip.
“Darlin?” Luke asked. “Did you wanna go home? Rosie’s probably hungry, we didn’t bring any bottles for her today. We figured we’d be home by the time she was hungry.”
Y/N turned to look at him. “You’re tellin’ me she hasn’t eaten since this morning?”
Bo and Luke gave her a sheepish look.
With a tired sigh, Y/N plucked Rosie from the boys and headed for the door. She’d done everything she came for, it was time to go home and feed the baby.
“See you at home,” Y/N said as she pushed out the door.
“So,” Luke said casually. “Are you gonna make dinner?”
Bo gave a small shrug. “Figured I’d give Rosie a bath, let you fix dinner.”
“That’ll work. Y/N’ll love it.”
Bo nodded. “Alright then. Let’s go home.”
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yagirlpurplefox12 · 2 years
Imagine: Being Young and Crushing On Luke Duke
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Dukes of Hazards (2005)
Luke Duke x Female Reader
Age Gap
No romance but intentions for a future one
When you moved to Hazard County in Georgia, you were completely miserable. Coming from New York—north—to Georgia was truly a culture shock. Less people of color, sexuality, the dialectic southern drawl, and just how uptight rowdy they are. Which makes no sense to you. Usually uptight people are not rowdy, welp, not in Georgia. Though, one thing you do appreciate yet at the same time needed to get used to were the smiles. You remember the first time someone smiled at you in Hazard County…at least the first time you noticed. See, in New York if someone smiled at you, it’s wasn’t a good sign.
But here in Georgia, the people are actually just being friendly. The first time someone smiled at you was a blonde female who showed a lot of skin. Low key, you liked her style. It made sense since it’s hot and humid as hell.
You remember squaring up to her, asking her what her problem was. At first she was shocked but after hearing your dialect she understood you misunderstood her intentions.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean any harm. Just, what’s a sweet girl like you hanging around by yourself? Isn’t it school time?”
“Yeah, but I’m new here. Came from Staten Island and just wanted to have a little adventure…it’d probably be nicer if I was old enough to drive a car.” That was the day you met Daisy Duke and the rest became history. You were only 14 years old at the time—a Freshmen in High School. After Daisy kicked some sleaze bag trying to grope you with her deadly heels, she drove you to her uncle’s house for some dinner. Meeting her family and it was the first time you wished you were older.
At least legal age.
Luke is his name.
Charismatic, charming, funny, loyal, and the most handsome guy you ever laid your eyes on.
And from there you knew you fucked up by accepting Daisy’s offer for dinner.
Now, three and a half years later pass…and though you have grown into an incredible individual living life as best as you can in Hazard County, Georgia…being with Luke hurts more and more as the days go on. Even seeing him makes your heart ache. He’s a player and that’s something you don’t like about him, but he’s a sweetheart to you. Such a sweetheart that after the whole racing and saving Hazard County event that you were happily part of, you drink.
A lot.
Definitely not helpful that the Duke’s basically has a moonshine business. Here you are with Uncle Jesse talking about how different yet similar your generations are when Bo and Luke come walking through the door with stupid grins on their faces. You don’t know how he knows, but Jesse looks towards you with pity and you hate it. Avoiding his gaze, you put on your best fake smile for the boys, “Hey assholes, what shit have you done now?”
“Don’t worry little one, Luke and I were just messing around earlier.”
“Mm? Sounds fun.”
“Bo and I are gonna meet up with those college girls that were in the car with us, remember (F/N)?”
“Oh, well that’s just fucking wonderful,” you spit out and gasp at yourself. You are too drunk right now for this. Both the boys look taken aback while Jesse abruptly stands up and pats you on the shoulder. “I think you’ve had one too many. Let’s get you home, huh?”
“No! I just need to walk.”
Huffing, you slam the glass you were holding on the table and stumble out of your chair. Luke gently grabs you to get you steady, but his touch on you is the last thing you want. Swatting him away, you open the front door and do what you told them you needed. You walked.
“What was that,” Luke asked, his eyes staring at the front door. He has never really seen you angry nor drunk before. Jesse debates whether to tell him or not, but he did deeply care for you and also for weeks him and Daisy talked about how cute you two would be together if you were of age. So, for him this is a good opportunity to tell Luke before he messes it up forever. “She likes you Luke.” “I like her too,” he says with a small smile.
“No you dumbass. I mean she likes like you, as in she has a crush on you. Has been probably since she first met you.”
“Woah,” Bo says dramatically.
“Cousin, I have noticed lately that she’s been distancing herself mostly from you.”
“There’s no way she likes me like that, she can do better. I can be an idiot many times but she never is, and besides I’m an old man compared to how old she is.”
Bo shakes is head and tells Luke to not speak about himself like that.
“Oh yeah? Then what about the girls we were planning to “get to know better”? Shit, wait so she has a crush on me is that why she just left?”
“What do you think,” Jesse goes to his room to let the boys sink in the “new” information. For a bit, it was silent till Bo broke it by laughing out loud. Pissing Luke off. “Luke, I totally see it now. How can you be such a fool? Poor little one, we just announced to her that we were basically going to have sex with the college girls. Haha…ha…oh boy...”
“Yeah oh boy,” Luke snaps at Bo, clearly now pissed off at not only Bo but mostly himself.
You’re Bo’s and his friend despite being years younger than them. They are in their middle 20s while you are just turning eighteen in two more months. In a way, you are just a baby to them but at the same time you are so much more mature than them and have been through some rough things in life. You’re the one that comes up with the many amazing plans to not only bug Rosco but to also get away. When the town was saved, it was Luke’s idea for you to have the true spotlight you deserved for many of the successful ideas were from you.
Luke has noticed that you have been distancing yourself, but he didn’t want to acknowledge that and instead thought you were just being a young, carefree teenager going to parties everyday. Which you did. That still didn’t sit well with him.
He has never seen you in any other way because you are young and barely legal. So, why would he ever think of you sexually? Never in a million years but now he can admit that since you are two months from being 18 and now realizing how stupid he was for not noticing your feelings towards him there is some relief.
“I’m gonna find her and talk.”
Leaving the house, Luke sets off to find you at the back sitting on a tree branch with tears in your eyes. Sniffling, you didn’t hear him walking from the side.
“Sweetheart,” he calls out making a startled and losing your balance on the branch. Squeezing your eyes shut, you hear him curse as you wait for a painful impact. Instead of the ground, fortunately, you land on something slightly softer. Opening you eyes, you stare into Luke’s brown ones. He protectively has his arms wrapped around your back, his hands squeezing your sides in reassurance. “You okay,” he asks catching his breath.
“Yeah, I’m okay. You okay?”
“I think so. Let’s get up.”
He helps push you up and you grab his to do the same. “Think you broke my back sweetheart.”
“Sorry old man.”
“Hey,” he hesitates and licks his lips nervously standing straighter, “I’m sorry for never noticing. Never noticing how you feel towards me and to flirt in front of so many women like those college girls in front of you, can’t imagine how that must’ve felt…but I don’t want this to end what we have…and…umm…”
“Luke, you don’t need to—!”
“Yeah I do because your feelings matter to me. You matter to me.”
He sighs and puts a hand on your elbow.
You can feel how clammy his hands are and can’t help but feel bad. It’s not his fault you fell for him and it’s not his fault that he’s older.
Shrugging off his hand, you put both of yours on his shoulders with a teary smile, “It’s okay Luke, I just need time.”
“So why don’t we wait.”
“You’re almost eighteen, so let’s wait. Now, I can’t think of you anymore than the stubborn New York kid that can here ready to swing at anyone who was nice, but maybe that’s because you’re still a kid. And in a few months when you are of age I’ll think differently…and so maybe you will too. So how about it angel? If you still like me, let’s go on a date?”
Not believing he is giving you this opportunity, you laugh in shock and hug him tightly. The moonshine quickly washing through your veins. He hugs back and laughs with you.
“Hell yeah, you better keep your promise.”
“You bet I will angel.”
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mitchellnman · 21 days
I've had one hell of a week, but fics will be started this weekend! Requests are still totally open for Martin! Have a picture as an apology lol.
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general--lee · 2 months
Dirty Diana
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Paring: Bo Duke x Female reader
Word count: 1,107
Rating: 16+
Warning: A bit suggestive, Swears, Bo being Bo
A/N: for my first ever fic, I'd say this went pretty damn well. taglist down below, inbox always open
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July 13th, 1979
             It was a usual Friday in Hazzard County about 5:00 in the afternoon, with Boss Hogg cooking up some illegal scheme to get rich, Daisy working at the Boar’s Nest, Enos trying to get her attention, and Bo and Luke Duke were probably out running from Rosco. Speaking of Bo Duke, he owed you quite a bit of money. You two had made a deal a while back. All of the neighboring counties were holding races and he had bet you that he and Luke were going to win them all, and if not all, more than you. He was so sure they were going to win, with both of them being able to drive and fix up a car, that he had bet you $20 for every race you win. You had won the first race, but as of right now? You were screwed. You could only drive, not tune a car. And that was another problem, you didn’t know anybody that could! I mean, there used to be Cooter, but the boys? They had gotten him on their side after the last race, and all your other friends were drivers, not mechanics. Where in hell where you going to find a mechanic this quick. Maybe you could get lucky and Daisy could secretly be good under the hood! That was it, you were going to get in the car, speed towards the Boar’s Nest, and pray that Daisy was your next mechanic.
            Turns out she was, and you now had a mechanic for the rest of the competition.  Provided that she wasn’t a spy for the boys…. Which I don’t believe her to be, but you can’t be too careful. Now back to what matters, winning the races. Part of you wanted to win for the money, cause if you won all the races, it was well over $100. $20 for every race you won times 7 races was $140, and by God did you not want to have to give the boys that much. But the bigger part of you wanted to win just to beat them. You didn’t mind if you were beat by the other racers, just not the Duke boys. You would rather die than let Bo or Luke have bragging rights to this. Especially Bo, he would tease you to no end. Constantly going on and on and on about how he beat little miss hotshot at not only 1, but 7 races. 7!! He would be insufferable
            To avoid letting them win, you’d need to do some work on Dirty Diana (your car). And that’s what you were doing right now, albeit a bit awkwardly considering Bo and Luke had just pulled up in the General Lee. And of course, it was right as you were bent over under the hood, guaranteeing the first comment from Bo was going to be something- “What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” with a low whistle at the end. Luke rolled his eyes and chuckled before going inside the bar. “Shut the hell up, Bo, can’t you see I’m tryna’ work here?” you said, not looking up from the car. He took a quick glance up and down. “Yes, I can see that actually, quite a nice view too.” He sat down on the hood of the General.
            You sigh and push yourself off the car and look at him. “Why are you always like this?” “I don’t know, maybe because it’s you.” The fuck did he mean by that? “The fuck do you mean by that?” “You’re just so easy to tease, pumpkin.” “…Stop calling me pumpkin before I throw a wrench at you.” He bit his lip and laughed a bit. “Feisty, just the way I like ‘em.” I don’t know about you, but he’s really getting on my nerves. “Fuck you, Bo.” “Oh, talk dirtier to me, it’s turning me on.” Yeah…. that’s it. Tell him off! He can’t treat you like this! You go back to working on the car and try to ignore him. Or not…silent treatment works too…I guess. Well… ‘try’ was the keyword. No matter how hard you tried, nobody could ignore Bo. He was too persistent. Cause goddamn if he wanted attention, he was gonna get it, and if there was anything he wanted most in the world right now, it was your attention. So that’s what he was going to get, by any means necessary, but you weren’t going to let him.
“You know…. you’re cute when you’re angry.” …what? Cute? He’s never called you that before. He’s called you hot, sexy, everything along those lines, but never cute. “What did you say?” You looked up and his expression was softer than normal. “I said you’re cute when you’re angry.” “You’re lying, you’ve never said I was cute, so don’t start now.” “No, I’s the truth. I think you’re cute, always have, and probably always will.” What. The. Fuck. “So, you decided to flirt with anything that is remotely feminine, but harass me? And besides, I’m not your type. You like stick thin Barbie dolls.” He hops off the hood and starts walking over to you, pressing his chest to your back, his head on your shoulder and his arms around your waist. “Yeah, so what? Those are the kind of girls a guy goes on one-night stands with. Quick hookups. Not girlfriend material.”
 … Wait… he’s got a point. “And I am? I’m such good girlfriend material that you decided to borderline bully me since the 8th grade?” “Mhm!” He says cheerfully. “Had to make sure you could put up will al my bullshit” Okay, you have to admit, he is being pretty damn cute right now. “So what do you say? Wanna give it a shot?” He’s serious about this? Damn, I guess you do get bitched after all. “Sure why not. But I swear to god if you fuck it up.” “I won’t princess, I won’t” You whack him with the little rag that was next to you. He lets out a yelp mixed with a laugh and jumps back. “I can’t call you princess? But I’m you boyfriend! I gotta call you cheesy pennames, it’s in the handbook!”
Out of the corner of you eye, you see Luke start to open the door of the Boar’s Nest so you give Bo a quick kiss and swat his butt. He walks back to the General, vibrating with visible excitement. The boys get in the car and you wave.
 “Bye Bo, Bye Luke!” “Bye sweetheart. See you in Choctaw!”
Oh you were so gonna beat their ass in the next race.
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wild-lavender-rose · 7 months
i wish you would write a fic where the duke boys are flirting with reader and reader’s like- a childhood friend of the boys or something and they’re both trying to win reader’s affections, absolutely blind to the fact that reader’s already head over heels for both of them
Your wish has been granted, anon :) enjoy (isn't this gif so great?? I found it and immediately fell in love)
Bo and Luke trying to win their best friend over would include...
Warning: Mention of cannon-typical bar fight, mention of minor injuries
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No one really thought much of Bo and Luke both flirting with you. After your parents died the three of you had grown up together. The boys had been flirting with you pretty much from day one, so it was nothing new.
But lately something had changed.
It was the way Bo touched your hips to move you aside in the kitchen.
And the way Luke smiled at you as you explained your next probably bad but highly entertaining idea.
The boys were in love with you, and had most likely been in love from the day you arrived at Uncle Jesse's, just a bunch of scared little kids.
It was clearly a joint effort, this newfound mission of wooing over you, their best friend. Clearly, it was either both of them or neither of them.
Little did they know, you had been in love with them from the beginning as well.
But you didn't mind waiting to see how far the boys would go to try to woo you over.
Boy, did they put in the effort. Suddenly you were finding flowers on your pillow, chocolates in your car, beautiful new clothes in your closet (Daisy swore she didn't help the boys pick them out but you suspected otherwise).
They even let you drive the General Lee.
It wasn't until one fateful night at The Boar's Nest that you told the boys you wanted to be theirs.
Alice and Mary Jane, a couple of old flames from high school, sauntered over to Bo and Luke, giggling and asking for a dance.
Thinking that you would never love them back, Bo and Luke said yes.
You were absolutely livid. You looked over at Daisy who shot you an "I told you so" look.
You stomped over and stood between the girls and your boys.
"Sorry girls, they're taken."
The girls laughed in surprise. "Awe, are you jealous sweetheart?" Alice cooed.
"M'not jealous," you gave them both an even look. "Just claimin' what's mine. Bo and Luke are mine now, have been since we were kids. The only person they're leaving with tonight is me."
It goes without saying that everyone was shocked, but no one was more shocked than Bo and Luke.
Mary Jane and Alice didn't take your declaration well. You couldn't remember who threw the first punch, but the next thing you knew you were taking on the two girls in a fist fight while everyone cheered you on.
The girls couldn't throw a good punch to save their souls, but they managed to get some deep scratches on your arms and face before Daisy and the boys tore you apart.
Later, after they had sat you on the General's hood outside and started cleaning you up, the boys were a mess of laughter, questions, confusion, and ultimately happiness.
"You really love us, huh? Both of us?" Bo pressed a bandaid over the cut on your eyebrow, looking down at you with bright, hopeful eyes.
"Yeah I do. I really do," you looked between him and Luke wrapping a bandage around your arm. "I love both of you. Always have."
"We love you too." Luke grinned.
The two of them peppered your face with kisses before taking turns kissing your smiling lips.
And that was the beginning of your forever.
Fanfic Masterlist
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danielshouseofwhores · 3 months
💫Daniel Riccardo x Southern!Reader Headcannons vol.1💫
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Reader is from georgia/south (NOT TEXAS,TOO MANY TEXAS FICS)
Daniel is a SLUT for small town diners
He giggles and gossips with Pierre, but not grid gossip, like, 90s school girl gossip
They also send each other snaps over break when Daniel joins reader on a delivery
Daniel.jpg will be full of pictures of the American countryside
But him/reader aren't public so everybody is confused af as to why he’s in the middle of buttfuck-nowhere Kansas
He gets toddler level excited whenever he sees an animal like “oh my god, honey! It’s a mountain goat!!”
Whenever he shaves/gives himself a new style, he always has to get a kiss from reader to make sure she likes it
Gets very pouty when he doesn’t earn the kiss of approval
First time he actually got to visit Texas and not just Austin, he made reader take him to the Alamo
He said “never forget the alamo” every time somebody said something bad against texas afterwards
Insisted that he go out and buy a Trans Am and dress as Bandit for halloween
He tried to get Max to dress as Snowman, but he refused to do the accent and Daniel was sad
Max lost best friend privileges for a month
He started to pick up trucker/southern slang, and the reader started to pick up Aussie slang, and together the two of them have made some Bogan/Hick language that nobody else can understand
Will watch the randomest of Netflix shows during a drive
You’ll just hear the weirdest shit coming from his phone
Or he’ll watch “Drive to Survive” and laugh at himself in the interviews
Begged you to instal a gaming console in the sleeper (“Bedroom” of a long range truck)
And we can’t resist those big brown eyes so now he has a playstation
And you will hear him playing “Red Dead Redemption: 2” (thats the single reason he chose PS/Xbox
Will pull the “Save a horse, Ride a cowboy” every chance he gets
And every time he says is, the Reader claps back with “Ride in a rodeo, then I’ll ride the cowboy” (Or smth along those lines)
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If you liked this, add yourself to the taglist for more! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RYtcEOxapB9qoiN_-uzm1Lwvnj16so9PJOPCQ88BjTI/edit?usp=sharing
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faithshouseofchaos · 19 days
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Welcome to faithshouseofchaos Smutober Fic
Fest and 2k follower celebration + 31 days of Smutober Halloween fics
2 months long
Down below you'll find a list of Drivers/ OC/Hockey players/characters to choose from along with Smut prompts with fic types ex: Sweet tart ropes-"now what would your father do if he found out" + Lemon bars— dads best friend + Strawberry Shortcake -age gap.
I also have fluff prompts along with angst hurt/ comfort that I’ll be adding once I hit 2k (12 followers away) along with angst/hurt and comfort and the other half of my supernatural prompt list that @sweate-r-weathe-r and I will be working on when we have free time.
It's really simple and fun and remember it's October so you know what that means Faiths supernatural F1 au's are back in business for a whole month.
If you have your own idea that's fine too
All fics written will be tagged with faithshouseofchaos Smutober and faithshouseofchaosofchaos 2k celebration
I have two fics that are unrelated to this that I’m currently working on that are for @moss-on-tmblr and @sweate-r-weathe-r !
Alex Albon
Arthur leclerc
Carlos sainz
Charles Leclerc
Caden jones oc
Checo Perez
Daniel ricciardo
Esteban ocon
Fernando Alonso
Franco Colapinto
George Russell
Jenson Button
Jack doohan
Kimi raikkonen
Kevin magnussen
Kaycee Thomas oc
Lando Norris
Lewis Hamilton
Logan Sargent
Lance stroll
Leo Mctavish oc
Max verstappen
Mark webbah
Marc Marquez
Mateo Santiago oc
Nico rosberg
Nico Huelkenberg
Oscar piastri
Pierre gasly
Pato o’ward
Sebastian Vettel
Toto wolff
Valtteri Bottas
Yuki tsunoda
Zhou gaunyu
OC driver pairings
Leo and Max
Kaycee and loscar
Charles and Mateo
Caden and Daniel
Luke Hughes
Jack Hughes
Quinn Hughes
Nico hischier
Trevor Zegras
Jamie Drysdale
andrei svechikov
Spike (btvs)
Angle (btvs)
Lance sweets (bones)
Bo duke (dukes of hazzard)
Luke duke (dukes of hazzard)
Dean Winchester (supernatural)
Sam Winchester (supernatural)
Bucky Barnes (marvel)
Steven grant (marvel)
Marc Spector (marvel)
Tyler Owen’s (twister)
Jake seresin (top gun maverick)
Klaus mikealson (the originals)
Elijah mikealson (the originals)
Shifter (any kind)
Type of fic
Dark fic
X - reader gender neutral
Fem! X reader
Male! X reader
Driver x driver
Treats/smut prompts
M&M’s — “I'm starving, but I want to eat all of you”
Candy corn— "Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs."
Snickers— “This is wrong.” “So wrong.” While continuing to pull at each other's clothes, mind fogged with nothing but lust and arousal.
Milky Way —"Such a good little pup, aren't you?"
Smarties—"Mark me. Mark me so everyone knows who I belong to."
Skittles —“My little slut to ruin.”
Reese’s Pieces—“I want you. I want you with me, on me, and in me.”
Candy apples —“I’m yours. Only yours.”
Gummy worms —“I hate you so much”
Crunch bars —“I never done this before”
Tootsie rolls —“shhh I got you sweet heart just lie back and let me take care of you”
3 Musketeers — “it’s cold and I’m tired. Can you come keep me warm baby?”
Jaw breakers “you like this don’t you baby? The feeling of my fangs brushing against your neck.”
Jolly rancher — “You’ve never even touched yourself?”
Baby Ruth—“I want you to teach me.”
Peanut Butter cups—“Makes me want to wreck you.”
Almond joys/mounds—“what are you an exhibitionist?”
Airheads— “aww look at you turning into the dumb slut I know you are at the sight of my cock”
Laffy Taffy—“I see the way you stare at my thighs come on darling I know you want to”
KitKats— “don’t be a brat and maybe just maybe I’ll let you cum later”
Twix— “don’t look at me, look in the mirror. look in the reflection at your reflection and you’ll see what I see baby”
Reese’s take five—“Behave, I wouldn’t want to have to punish you now.”
Butter fingers —“Can’t you handle it, baby?” “I can-fuck, I can handle it.”
Starburst —“look at them. See how wrecked they look? Isn’t it something? and it’s all from watching you darlin. They like to watch they get off on it and by the way your reacting I’d say you get of from someone watching you take it like the good boy/girl you are”
Sour patch kids— “Act like a brat and I’ll treat you like a brat.” + “Count them for me.”
Sweet tart ropes—“now what would your father do if he found out”
Nerds— “shhh go back to sleep baby I’ll take care of you”
Milk chocolate —“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over all the noise you were making.”
Dark chocolate—“I can hear how loud your heart is beating and I must say it’s arousing”
White chocolate —“Do that again- Shit, just like that, right there.”
Vero Mango— “you look so good I could just eat you up but you would like that wouldn’t you?”
Chocolate Cake —Interlocking your fingers above your head while making out passionately.
Chocolate chip cookies —hate fucking
Brownies—possessive sex
Red velvet cake —public sex
Chocolate covered pretzels —cockwarming after a long day in order to calm down together
Vanilla cake + chocolate icing —gentle comforting sex
Vanilla flavored ice cream —angry sex in the middle of a fight
Chocolate flavored ice cream — oral sex
Kentucky bourbon cake —exhibition + voyeurism
Banana bread —gentle comforting sex
Blueberry Muffins —marking kink
Lemon bars— dads best friend
Oatmeal raisin Cookies —cardiophilia
Strawberry Shortcake —age gap
S’mores— brat taming
Coffee Cake —Thigh riding
Peanut Butter bars—sugar daddy
Fudge—mirror sex + body worship
Peppermint bark— sleepy domestic sex lol
Cinnamon rolls — period sex
Honey buns —alternative reality
Lava cakes — Vore
Rice crispy treats— Enemies to lovers
Strawberry danish— Workplace rivals
Supernatural prompts optional
Having to chase their werewolf S/O around the city like a loose dog during a full moon. Nothing harmful will happen, just making sure they aren't eating out of garbage cans and breaking public property
"A Shapeshifter? Prove it." "I can turn into you." "I see myself in the mirror every day, do someone cool."
"Have you always had fangs, or have I just not been paying attention?"
"Don't let the black eyes fool you, I'm very gentle."
"Just because I'm not a Winchester, doesn't mean I'm a clueless jackass."
"So, have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" "You're not the devil."
B is a human who told all their friends that they have a vampire significant other. This, of course, is a lie, so they seek out A and beg them to date them so that B won’t be seen as a liar.
“Did it hurt when I fell from heaven?” “That’s . . . that’s not how that line works”
B has had no luck with dating, so A claims that it’s their purpose to get B a partner and they teach B how to flirt.
“Did . . . did you just call me ‘angel’? Like a pet name?”
“It’s kinda comforting to know that there’s someone up there looking over me” “Oh we’re not looking over people. People are boring”
“No ones ever answered my prayers before” “I’m the first one to listen”
“Look at me, you’re not a monster”
“If the cure doesn’t work, will you still love me?”
So do you howl at the moon ?
I am not a homosexual. i am a heterosexual werewolf, [name], who fucks around with other guys
you smell like a wet dog.
i just saw you turn into a giant dog
Character A to Incubus “So are you responsible for my sex dreams at night?” Character B “No that’s all you. You’re a very horny person”
“You're not gonna turn me into a frog?” Character A asks Character B whose a witch
“Can you talk to fish?” Character A asks Character B “what?” Character B asks “well I figured since you’re half fish you can talk to them”
“You're not gonna eat me are you?” Character A asks character B “no i'm not gonna eat you. Unless you want me to eat you”
“Keep your filthy paws off my mate”
“You're not gonna sing a song and sink our boat and kill me are you?” Character A says to the mermaid/merman character B “No. I’m not that type of mermaid/merman”
Welcome to faithshouseofchaos 2k celebration
Sweet tooth/fluff/comfort
Cow tails— “here I figured you were hungry so I made your favorite food”
Blow pops — “you did this all for me oh baby you shouldn’t have”
Dum-Dums “I can help you with that…you know”
Milk duds — "We could just stay like this, cuddling all day, if you want."
Cotton candy—"I know you're struggling right now, and it's okay, okay? We'll get through this."
Sweet tarts — “what did I do to deserve you?”
Swiss rolls —making someone's comfort meal after a long day
Twinkies— staying in bed all day
Zebra cakes — losing a loved one
Nutty buttery’s — acts of service that make your partner happy and loved
Cosmic brownies— picnic date
Ding-Dongs— adopting a pet together
Fluff prompts to choose from
List of “I ain't gonna lie, it's a real weird time for stars to align; last place I would think I would start to fall, I guess I'll call it lowkey meant to be” prompts  by dumplingsjinson
Established relationships
cruel ways to push someone away
Reason for there to only be one bed
one bed trope the morning after
your blushing prompts
saying I love you without saying I love you
Careful or I will fall for you
physical affection prompts
subtle physical affection
different ways to kiss someone part one
part two part three
Kissing details
Spicy romance prompt
angst prompts
Angry confessions
Angsty romance
Reactions to making someone cry
I want you pinning prompts
Like a moth to a flame prompt
enemies to lovers
Angry love confessions
Exs to lovers
stay prompts
still prompts
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its-monster-mash · 2 years
Didn’t Your Momma Ever Tell You not to Talk to Strangers?
Bo Sinclair x Reader - Part One
WARNINGS: Fem!Reader, Gendered terms of endearments/insults, violent thoughts—but they don’t get enacted in this chapter, Bo is…Bo. Sexist Pig.
Part Two Part Three
Bo still thinks back on that first day he saw you.
The first thing he heard when that busted up old van rolled into town was a god awful rattling that told him the wheel bearing was beyond fucked and you were all lucky the wheel hadn’t popped right off and went careening down the highway without you.
You didn’t get his funeral act—he happened to already be hard at work when the rust bucket rolled in, so of course, he was in a pretty shit mood about having to deal with new arrivals right that second until you popped out of the window like a Dukes of Hazzard reject—your sweaty hair matted to your face and your ratty old band tee clinging to your body for dear life in the summer heat.
That lightened his mood right away—you’d look real pretty in his basement, and he was already running through all the ways he’d enjoy making you cry when he realized something awfully damn disappointing.
The rest of your little crew was packed into that van like a goddamn clown car, and judging by the outline of the knife in your tight little cut off shorts, you ladies weren’t fucking around.
But you were fuckin’ nice, weren’t you? All polite and shit. ‘Course, you couldn’t have been too awfully bright, asking the guy in the greasy coveralls if he’s a mechanic—no shit bitch; you think he just rolls around in motor oil because it smells pretty? Get fucked.
His momma would have thought you were trash—the way you were strutting around like that with all that ink in your skin—but god help him, it got him hot. Just the thought of slapping his own name down on you sent a rush through him.
He knows better though. As easy as it would be to grab you and drag you away—the way you were smiling at him like you fucking trusted him and the bullshit charming persona he was feeding you—but even he was smart enough to know that if he tried anything, your little pack of women would fall upon him like wolves—that’d be a fuckin’ stupid way to go out.
So he replaced the wheel-bearing on your friend’s shitty van, you paid him, and his eye twitched at the thought of letting you slip from his grasp when you’d been just about close enough for him to taste your blood under his teeth.
You called him a ‘Lifesaver’ before giving him a peck on the cheek and climbing back in through the window.
You had no idea how right you were—the fact that he let you walk out of Ambrose may as well have been the same thing as saving your useless life.
What a fuckin’ joke.
He didn’t figure he’d see you again after that.
That is, until two weeks later when he heard the most goddamn annoying custom horn he’d ever heard in his life, and in rolls the slutwagon—you were already leaning out the window with a big stupid smile, waving at him like you two were buddies or something.
Fuck, he was annoyed to see you—it was a goddamned tease—he couldn’t get his hands on you, and yet here you were, darkening his doorstep with that big fuckin’ smile. You probably thought you were so adorable.
He did have to hand it to you about your taste in music though—assuming you weren’t just some vapid bitch wearing someone else’s shirts.
More interesting though, was the shiny loaf of tinfoil you presented to him.
Banana bread—you’d told him—baked it yourself.
Like he was supposed to be touched.
He figured you’d stopped by because you needed him to fix something else on that rolling death trap, but no; all you wanted to do was stop by while you went on your road trip and bring him something nice—since he had been so good to you before.
Fucking freak; who does that?
That damn banana bread was fucking good though—maybe there was hope to make a fuckin’ woman out of you yet.
Week after week, he had come to expect your little visits—and the sweets you always brought with you. It was like tribute—and goddamn if he didn’t deserve it for being so fucking patient with you.
It was fucking rude of you, honestly, training him like a fucking dog to get all excited when you would come in to town. It had been an awfully long time since he was actually excited to see a specific person—been a long fuckin’ time since there was anyone outside of Ambrose who actually wanted to see him—and part of him hated you for the way your smile spread to his lips when he saw you.
The more genuine his happiness, the more he wanted to fucking punish you.
Honestly, how dare you? How dare you go and make yourself important enough to him that he actually misses you between your little visits?
And then you have the nerve to leave too?
Fuck you, Cunt. The least you could do is go ahead and chain yourself up in his basement, for all the trouble you’ve caused him.
Maybe then he could forgive you.
Fuckin’ doubt it though.
He hates this day—the day you’re supposed to visit always puts him on edge, and he spends the hours until you and your little pack of wolves actually decide to roll in pacing around by his shop—as if he’s got nothing better to be doing—because that’s where you always come looking for him.
And why not?
You’ve got no idea anything’s weird about Ambrose—you only ever come ‘round to fuck with his heart anyway.
He oughta let Vincent immortalize you in wax—that way you could never fucking leave him again—but then who’d bake him pumpkin bread with the little chocolate chips, just the way he likes it?
Seriously, somehow it was like the chocolate stayed melty even after the bread was long cooled—the bakery in the closest town over doesn’t even sell pumpkin bread. It had to be some kind of fuckin’ witchcraft—that’s it, you bewitched him with your cooking—it’s the only explanation for the for the way his heart stirs when he hears that goddamn horn.
Quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach after all—honestly—you must have done this to him on purpose.
“Hey Bo!” You call out of the window as that sad excuse for a van stops out in front of his shop.
He could have fixed that door of course, but he loves watching you climb out of that little window, so he’s never offered.
“Hey Pretty Lady, got something good for me today?”
“Your favorite,” you beam proudly, presenting a wrapped up loaf that better be fucking pumpkin.
He’d be awful hurt if after all this time you thought his favorite was anything else—not sure how well he could hold himself back if you managed to screw that up.
You are cute though, standing there expectantly, waiting for the hug that’s become a part of your little ritual. He likes the way your titties crush against his chest when you wrap your arms around him, and he lifts you off the ground just a bit for good measure—even he knows that girls love that shit, and to be honest, he’s not quite sure how he’d react if you just up and decided to never come visit him again.
So he’ll keep playing nice, even when it makes the bile rise up to the back of his throat every time your vapid little friends make immature little noises mocking you—and by extension him—for how damn cute you look.
He doesn’t hear the cacophony of hyenas this time though—no—this time it’s a man’s voice.
“So that’s my competition?”
Bo’s jaw goes tense immediately, and he’s not sure if he’s more angry with you for being a fucking slut, or the douchebag leaning out the window and eye-fucking you.
“Get fucked, Corey,” you hiss, throwing the bird over your shoulder without so much as looking at him.
Good Girl, he thinks. Don’t you fucking dare look at that yuppie little fucker.
But that yuppie little fucker is in the shitbucket van—the van you came in on. There’s a metallic taste in Bo’s mouth, and it’s only now that he realizes he’d been biting the inside of his cheek. Truth is, all he is to you is a fucking stop on your road trip—whoever the fuck Corey is, he’s part of your world.
The thought of that shrimpy little cuck bitch getting to fuck you makes him see fucking red.
You have no idea how much danger you’re in right now. There’s nothing Bo wants more that to smack the shit out of your pretty little face for making a fool out of him.
That would teach you—fuck you up so bad no one but him ever wanted to fuck you again.
But he deserves better—he likes your pretty face—so you’d better fucking make it up to him.
What stings the most is that he can’t do shit about any of it right now—and he knows damn well that maybe he never will.
He is not used to feeling powerless, and he is not a fan.
“Oh come on,” The dickprint whines. “You’ll fuck around with this hick but not me?”
So you weren’t fucking him.
That eases Bo’s temper a little bit—even in spite of the fucking rude bullshit the little shit is spewing—and his world stops falling down around him.
“Hey Cumstain, how about you shut your fucking mouth when you’re in my damn town,” Bo fires off, pulling you off to the side of him as he stalks toward the van—your stupid little friends actually look intimidated for once, and it fills him with a surge of pride.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m not staying—unlike you I actually have places to go in life.”
“Corey,” you hiss, and the way your lip curls with rage is getting Bo hot under the collar—you look fucking good when you’re angry.
“Oh calm down,” he waves you off. “You’re not this guy’s type anyway—he looks like he gets all his action at the family reunion.”
Bo’s about two seconds shy of dragging this fucker out of the van and making him settle their differences like men—which is to say, he’d utterly pummel the much smaller guy—because God Damn would it feel good to bash that guy’s skull in until his brain matter is clinging to his fists.
But you get in the way.
You’re marching right back to that van with a fire in your eyes that makes Bo wonder if you might actually have more in common with him than he’d originally thought.
You take a fistful off the fucker’s necklaces, and drag him close to you. “You’re gonna fucking apologize to Bo, and you’re gonna do it right fucking now,” you snarl.
“No way, you fucking crazy bitch!” He squirms, but you don’t let him go until one of your usual group shouts your name a couple of times.
Bo kind of wants to rip her throat out for that—he was really looking forward to seeing what you would have done to that guy if he kept up his disrespectful mouth.
“Okay, Tasha, I’m not going one more mile with this piece of shit—so we’re gonna have to figure something else out,” you save Bo the trouble of snapping at her.
“We’re six hours away from home—what are you planning to do?” She huffs. “Walk?”
“Don’t know, don’t care.” You put your hands up in exasperation, and Bo can’t help but watch you with baited breath—praying to God that this goes where he hopes it’s going.
Maybe, fucking finally, all his patience is about to pay off.
You turn to face him, and he slaps on a super forced looking smile to cover up the manic glee that’s threatening to burst through. “Is there a hotel in Ambrose?”
“Nah,” Bo shakes his head in a mockery of solemnity, before seeming to perk up with an idea that of course hadn’t crossed his mind before. “You can crash with me though if you want—I got plenty’a room for ya.”
He looks like such a fucking gentleman, and you just fucking nod, taking his hand like a fucking dumb slut who has no idea how much danger she’s getting herself into. “Thanks, Bo, I think I’ll have to take you up on that, if it’s not to much trouble.”
“If it were, I wouldn’t have offered.” That should have been fucking obvious—that’s okay though, he’ll have so much time to force some sense into you now—all the time in the fucking world.
“Are you crazy?” Tasha stares at you in utter disbelief, but you don’t budge—at this point, Bo’s not sure if he’d let you, not when he’s so close to finally bringing you home where you belong. “Come on, just get in the van, okay?”
“No, I’m staying—so don’t bother worrying about me.” You squeeze Bo’s hand a little tighter, and it takes all his willpower not to laugh.
He’s well aware that you’re at least partly using him to antagonize your friends, but he’s more than happy to indulge you right now—you’ll be indulging him soon enough.
“Fine, be that way,” she huffs, kicking the van into drive. “I’ll pick you up next week.”
“Fine,” you sneer, and with that, you’ve sealed your fate.
Bo had spent so much time wracking his brain trying to figure out how to separate you from your little friends, but you went and did all the hard work for him.
Stupid little slut.
He watches that rolling scrap pile leave, and the animal in his chest pants and whines and begs him to maul you like the savage dog you’ve made him—but not yet.
He’s the master of this kennel, and he’s feeling like having a little foreplay this time around.
Lucky you.
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whoahoney · 2 years
glassy eyes, hazy afternoons pt. 5
Eddie Munson x anxious!stoner!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Summary: Y/n and Eddie pick up where they left off on Saturday night with another late night rooftop smoke session, complete with stories, shared joints, and mutual pining.
Content Warnings: descriptions/mentions of alcohol/drug abuse, recreational use of drugs, adult language, descriptions/mentions of traumatic childhood memories, fluff, a dashling of angst, mutual pining, descriptions of anxiety and depression, intrusive thoughts, & Eddie’s pervy thoughts
A/N: Thank you all SO much for all the love on my fics this lately, I cannot express to you how every single note makes me feel when I check my phone 🥺 You guys have made me more confident in my writing and I wouldn’t be diving back into this if it weren’t for your uplifting response. 🥹🤍
I hope y’all like a slow burn 😌 I want them to kiss so bad but just you wait 😏 this picks up where part 4 left off! Reader finally remembers to call Chrissy, thank god. Don’t mind me healing my daddy issues through Reader and Johnny, it’s fine.
Also, should I make a playlist for this series? 🧐 let me know!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Y/n and Johnny decided on lasagna for dinner that evening. The pair stood next to each other as they alternated the uncooked pasta with ricotta and meat sauce. Y/n’s stereo played at a louder volume, Led Zeppelin’s Good Times, Bad Times had both of them swaying to the beat.
Johnny’s usually stoic disposition masked his content smile, though it stretched when he noticed they were dancing in sync, swinging their hips side to side. “You’re alright, kiddo.” He said fondly, his heart swelling with pride looking down at her. Johnny felt the same way about both of his children; his love was no different for either one of them despite their differences, but he had always struggled with expression.
‘I love you’ was hard for him when he was small and lived with his parents, it was still uncomfortable when he met their mother, but when he met them both he couldn't help but only think ‘I love you’
He was convinced he’d never experienced real love until he became a father. Sam made him get himself together and Y/n encouraged him to keep going. Now that he had the both of them almost grown, he still found it hard to express it verbally.
But his kids knew exactly what he meant when he covered them up on cold evenings in front of the television, when he brought home the movies they had been talking about, when Y/n faked sick to get out of school and take mental health days, when his son turned into a shell of himself the day he got his heart broken, his efforts didn’t go unnoticed, not once.
Johnny was there for Sam that night, finding him quietly sobbing in the garage with a bottle of whiskey. Instead of scolding him for the alcohol and berating him for the tears, he held his son and took him to bed with a glass of cold water, sitting with him and talking about everything Sam needed to until he fell asleep.
Y/n hadn’t needed Johnny in a moment of crisis, but she knew she could go to him if she needed to, though she fought the constant internal battle of feeling like a burden. Her dad had held her hand every morning at elementary school drop off, until his kids started riding the bus in middle school— that’s when Sam would give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze before they parted ways in the morning.
From time to time her dad will still reach over and give her hand a squeeze, which she’d return as an ‘I love you too’ whenever the affection occurred.
Y/n and Johnny watched the Dukes of Hazzard as they grazed their plates that rested on the TV trays in the living room. They had all of the windows open, the breeze trickling in and tousling the curtains gently.
She noticed the gradient of blue to pink the sky reflected this evening and ached to get outside. After wiping her mouth with her napkin, she stood from her seat and excused herself for a walk outside. Y/n admired the sky in every state it lived in, though sunsets were in her top two.
She observed how the trees in the distances stretched up to scrape the sky, prickling at the satin sweep. Y/n loved to get high and watch the sun disappear and see day fade to night, which is exactly what she did, high up on a branch along the tree line separating Piney Oak and Forest Hills.
She admired the periwinkle clouds that bounced pink reflections across the endless fields of cotton. She wondered for a moment what it’d feel like to lay on a fluffy cloud and decided it’d probably feel like a water bed or a pool floatie.
Johnny stood at the window and looked out onto the porch, watching how his daughter sat on the step with her hands folded under her chin, content with the view in front of her. He smiled and scrubbed harder at the casserole dish.
Y/n wound up back in her room for the evening, the day subsiding to deep blue outside and her room glowing orange with light. She dug around in her backpack for the slip of paper Chrissy gave her Friday.
She grabbed the yellow rotary phone and set it in front of her on the bed with a clank. It’d been a long time since she’d phoned a friend, let alone a new friend.
‘She’s just gonna ask about Eddie, it’s what girls do.’ Y/n thought.
‘What if she makes fun of me? People in her group seem to dislike him, what if she just wants me to tell her things about him she can use to embarrass him?’
‘Chrissy’s too nice, if anything she’d want to help me work up the nerve to do something about these weird feelings.’
Y/n shook her spiralling head and started dialing the number. It wasn’t long before Chrissy picked up, her cheery “Hello” ringing through the receiver. “Hey, it’s Y/n! Is now a good time?” She asked.
“Y/n! Oh, is it ever! We need to talk about you and Eddie, we’ve gotta make it happen.” She gushed. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, fidgeting with the chord. “You were telling me about how you guys ended up at your house and then fell asleep?! In your bed?!” Chrissy whispered urgently into the mouthpiece of her pink phone knowing her mother would flip if she knew Chrissy had a friend who’s engaged in such activities.
“Yes, but it wasn’t as crazy as it sounds! We looked at the moon and talked on the roof for a while, and— I don’t know, sometimes we stop talking but it doesn’t feel weird, like I don’t feel the need to fill the air space, and he looks at me like… I don’t know,”
“Like he wants you to do something??”
“Ugh, maybe. I just wish I had the guts to.” She said, reaching over beside her and shoving her bedside window open to light a cigarette before she started a joint.
“So you are willing to admit you like him? Ugh, finally! When you get married please don’t forget to let me make a speech about how I got you two together!”
“Oh yeah, so you can tell my closest friends and family the story of how I hit up the head cheerleader to direct me to the nearest drug dealer that just so happens to theoretically turn out to be my groom? Love it.” Y/n scoffed before exhaling a plume of smoke out the window. The glowing blue lense over the outdoors sank into black, the only lights coming from orange glowing windows or street lights.
Chrissy cackled, “It’s the perfect story. Your kids are gonna love it! And if you have a daughter you gotta name her Chrissy!”
Y/n shook her head , “And If it’s a boy?”
“Easy, Christopher.” Chrissy said with a shrug of her shoulder and laughed with her friend on the other end. “You know… I’ve always thought that friend of his was real cute. What’s his name? Garrett? Jareth?”
“Yes! With the fluffy, pretty hair. Ugh. I catch him looking at me like a lovesick puppy in every class I have with him and it takes everything in me not to wink at him.” She swooned.
“Chrissy!” Y/n hissed in a shocked whisper. “What about Jason?” She asked lowly.
Chrissy sighed, “I’ve known Jason for a really, really long time. Like, our parents grew up together, we’ve grown up together, and it’s like we’ve been expected to end up together since we were kids. And for a while it felt right, I had the biggest crush on him for years. But now Jason is just like his dad, you know? He acts so above everything, and he doesn’t even care about half the things I think or say… I think I’m just a part of some checklist, honestly. But I know one thing for sure and it’s that Jason has never looked at me the way Gareth does.” She sighed dreamily.
“Chrissy, if you’re not happy with Jason, then you should break it off. Other people's emotions aren’t your responsibility! So what if Jason gets butthurt? He has it coming! Maybe it’ll humble him.” Y/n suggested and then took a couple more drags on her cigarette before lighting a joint with the lit end of the cancer stick between her lips.
“True, but I’m more worried about my parents. My mother, specifically.” Chrissy said in a slow and careful whisper, which told Y/n Chrissy didn’t feel safe to speak on her own line as freely as she should. “I gotcha, maybe we can elaborate on that some other time?” Y/n asked carefully.
Chrissy sighed in relief, “That sounds nice! Thank you, Y/n/n. It’s nice to have a friend I don’t have to… hide parts of myself from.” She whispered.
“Me too, Chris.” Y/n smiled, her chest warming. “I feel like you’re gonna be a friend I have for a long time, you know what I mean? When the rest fall away after high school.” Chrissy said.
Y/n’s heart leapt, “Aw, thanks, Chris. I-I think our friendship is gonna be a lasting one too,” She nodded though her friend couldn’t see her and took another drag, “But, if you don’t name your kid after me, we’re history.” She joked, laughing when she heard Chrissy’s cackle over the receiver. “Of course I will! I hope Eddie’s ready for me to infiltrate his life as his best friend's girlfriend and his girlfriend's best friend, or whoever your future husband is.” Chrissy jokes, Y/n giving weak laughter in return while a snap resounded from the backyard through her open window.
She decided to shrug it off, not used to all the animals that roam around here at night quite yet. “Hopefully the future husband is on board with Christopher, or else it isn’t gonna work.”
“Who’s Christopher?” A voice asked from outside. Y/n gasped, raising the phone in her hand and poised to strike when she realized it was none other than the lovable figure of Eddie Munson leaning up against the side of her house with a cigarette between his lips.
“Y/n/n? Y/n! Is everything okay?” Chrissy shouted over the receiver, as Y/n collected her breath and burned red in the face with embarrassment. “Uh, yeah, I, uh forgot Eddie was stopping by, I’ll… talk to you tomorrow, kayloveyoubye.” Y/n quietly rushed out before hanging up the phone and turning her attention to Eddie.
He stood leaning up against the windowsill, his chin resting on his hands patiently. “Did I scare you, sweetheart?” He raised his eyebrows and nodded to the joint in her hand, a silent request for her to pass it to him which she obliged and took his cigarette to puff on in return.
Eddie stepped back to keep the smoke away from the interior of her room, shoving his other hand in his jeans pocket for warmth on the crisp night. “Oh me? Haven’t you noticed my nerves of steel yet, Munson?” She asked.
He smirked as he took another hit from the joint, “So, uh, who’s Christopher— Is it Christopher Lacey from the swim team? Who’s your future husband??” He asked in an eager rush, as if he were excited for her, though really he was bursting to get the question out as soon as he overheard her phone conversation. Y/n’s eyes flashed embarrassment, “No, no, I was—Chrissy told me to name my future kid after her and I told her I hoped my future husband was on board with it.” She shrugged, playing it off as no big deal when inside she was experiencing heart palpitations.
“Oh, well who’s your future husband? Not Christopher Lacey I presume?” He nodded to the joint he held out in front of her lips as she leaned her head further out. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully before closing them as she took a drag. Eddie’s stomach twisted when she went for it without hesitation, his shy girl was getting comfortable with him.
He wanted to know what it was like to run his hand down her neck, only stopping to squeeze his hand around her throat just a little, her neck too delicate for unnecessary roughness. He wanted to slip the straps of her tank top down her shoulders and pull the middle apart so she’d be left bare, but then reminded himself she was an ethereal being and not his to touch or objectify, then he felt icky.
‘Stop, you fucking perv. What are you, 12?’ He scolded.
Y/n inhaled and exhaled, smiling and shaking her head. “Uhh, Matt Dillon? I guess?”
Eddie scoffed and shook his head, “Matt Dillon, are you kidding me? That Neanderthal?!”
“Wha- He’s pretty! He’s so pretty, why do you have to dig at him like that??” Y/n defended with her voice raising an octave and embarrassed laughter spilling out in between.
“Is it cause of the Outsiders? Nah, cause if it was, you would’ve picked Rob Lowe… surely..” He trailed off as though he were thinking aloud, biting his thumbnail in contemplation as realization struck, “Of course you picked Matt freakin’ Dillon. You like the bad boy, the one everyone says ‘stay away’ from, huh? Tell me, did you bring home a lot of strays growing up?” He asked, amusement dancing behind his eyes as he watched her sit there and puff on the cigarette he brought and giggle madly, shaking her head in her defense with no words to back it up.
“You must think I’m pretty damn good lookin’, huh?” He smiled, his eyes glittering in the way only his could. Y/n bit her lip and shoved the window all the way open and leaned out on her elbows, her cleavage heavily accentuated as she towered over him the way he typically did her.
“What are you doing here?” She asked quietly, excitement exuding from her eyes in the form of a glint. Eddie’s mouth twitched into a smile when she didn’t deny it.
“Well, I was partaking in my nightly smoke, but sadly my view of the sky wasn’t as satisfactory as yours is. Thought maybe we could hang out and look together.” He shrugged, suddenly nervous.
‘Maybe this was a bad idea.’
Y/n grinned and bit her bottom lip, watching him fidget while he waited for her to answer. “I’d love that.” She said simply and took a drag from the joint, feeling the familiar warmth and buzz from the nicotine and herb.
Eddie’s eyes brightened, his normal goofy smile returning to his face. She ducked her head back inside to pull on a hoodie and grab her stoner bag before threading her legs through the window and hopping out. His eyes stayed on her as she moved and flipped her hair back over from where it had fallen over her face.
She’d insisted he go ahead of her up the tree, watching his careful movements and gingham boxers made her smile. When he stepped onto the shingles, he bowed to her with a cocky grin. “Very nice, I give it a ten out of ten for the graceful dismount.” She commended.
Eddie squatted down, readying his hands to catch the bag she held in her hands. Y/n threw the bag up to him, smiling when he caught it with ease and finding her grasp on the tree. “Y’know with skills like those, you should definitely try out for the basketball team.” She teased on her way up to the limb that acted as their bridge.
Eddie scoffed, “Oh yeah, because my true passion lies on the court, sweetheart.” His eyes never left her as she crawled across the limb and stood with a waiting hand, which she accepted. “There you are.” He whispered, lingering too closely to be considered friendly.
“Here I am.” She confirmed, looking from his shining brown eyes to his lips, and feeling his light breath fan across her face. He smiled and pushed some hair behind her ear before turning carefully to sit where they did previously.
“Y’know if I was a basketball player, you’d have to be a cheerleader?” He asked and looked over his shoulder at her for her reaction, still holding her hand. “W-Why?” She stammered, not understanding. “Cause it’s fair!” He shrugged as if that made sense.
“Pfft, I have no business jumping around or shaking pom poms.” She scoffed and set her now burnt out joint back between her lips to relight. Eddie rolled his eyes, the thought in his head unbearable. How he’d love to see her in that uniform, even if it was just for fun.
‘Maybe someday I can see her in Chrissy’s…’
“If I’m on the basketball team, you’re a cheerleader, it just makes sense!” Eddie reasoned and patted the spot next to him. Y/n sat down scooting closer to Eddie. She held out the joint for him to take, though it was too short for him to grasp. Instead he leaned his head over and took a drag, his lips brushing her fingers in a light kiss as he sucked.
The tingles crawled up her arm as he sat there inhaling slowly, her eyes trained on his profile and feeling his fingers take hold of her wrist under the guise of holding her steady, as always.
Eddie pushed her hand back towards herself to take a hit, though she decided against it and stubbed it out on the shingle. “So, you think my view tops yours? Over at Forest Hills?” She asked, nudging his arm with hers and taking the bag from his lap, which made him jump.
“Oh, absolutely.” He said, his eyes trained on his favorite view; his dream girl under the moon.
‘Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn’t you love to love her..’
Stevie ran through his head as he looked at the girl lighting up next to him; shielding the small dancing flame from the breeze with her hand, wind swirling around her tresses and carried them gently to and fro. She ran a careful hand to tuck them behind her ears and handed over the new joint.
“Y’know, sometime I’ll have to show you mine—the top of the trailer, I mean. It isn’t as high up as this but it’s still one of my favorite places.” He shrugged and took a hit.
“What are your other favorite places?” She asked, leaning her head over on the brick to look at him. “There’s this spot out by the quarry that’s really nice in the spring and summer months, there’s flowers all around the water, everything’s green, birds are always talking to each other, and there’s this perfect tree…it’s almost magical looking, really.” His eyes projected excitement and wonder as he talked about his special place.
“It does sound magical… D-Do you ever take anyone out there?” She asked, her eyes on the joint between his lips. Eddie caught her glance and handed it back to her. She reached out to take it from him, but not before he could jerk it out of reach. Y/n looked to him with wide eyes, suddenly feeling the last wave of warmth roll over her, her previous tokes catching up to her.
Eddie smiled playfully and held it back out to her closer to her mouth. Y/n looked to Eddie for confirmation and noticed the hungry look returning to his eye as he nodded for her to lean in.
Y/n obliged him, letting her eyes flutter shut as she took a slow drag. Eddie watched the thick hem of lashes that framed her eyes and then traced his gaze down to her puckered lips. He resisted the urge to yank the joint away and crash his lips upon hers and absolutely wreck her quiet demeanor.
But he didn’t. Instead, he admired the way she looked at him when she opened her eyes, smiling around the filter when she noticed how intensely he was admiring her. “I, uh, I haven’t taken anyone out there before, but I think I will soon… if you’d want to see it.” He mumbled nervously. Y/n gasped in intrigue before she exhaled, the excitement draining from her face as the building, fluttery pressure swelled up in her chest and throat.
Eddie knew exactly what was going to happen and couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her eyes get wider than he’d ever seen. As she leaned over to the other side in a hacking fit, he fondly patted her back giggling innocently. “You got it, let it out.” He cooed, deriving joy from the contours of her back he could feel under his hand as he rested it there.
“My bad,” she squeaked as she recovered and wiped her face with her sleeves. “Can’t get off without the cough, right?” She said watching him take another drag. “I’m sorry, what?” Eddie asked in amused disbelief. “What? You’ve never heard that before?” She asked, looking almost offended. Eddie shrugged and shook his head. “Coughing helps you get high, something about your blood and oxygen circulation, makes it happen faster. I dunno, ‘s somethin’ our parents used to joke about. Sam told me what it meant back when we started smoking together, so it’s kind of like one useful thing we learned from her.” She laughed and rolled her puffy pink eyes.
Eddie gave a weak laugh at her dark humor, something he wasn’t unfamiliar with, something he typically enjoyed, but it was then he remembered where they left off in conversation before their evening was interrupted last Saturday.
“I hear that, my old man taught me how to hotwire a car when I was eleven.” he chuckled, bringing the joint to his lips, the nostalgia playing behind his eyes. “You’re shitting me.” Y/n gaped, accepting the joint when he held it out to her. Eddie laughed at her surprise and shook his head, “If you ever lose car keys, let me know, I’ll get her started for ya.” He winked with a shoulder nudge that sent her smiling for him. Y/n scoffed and thanked him, taking a deep drag, her eyes closing for a second. ‘Like a butterfly closing its wings for a moment or two,’ Eddie noted, allowing himself a sinful glance down at her puckered lips and hollow cheeks.
“Our car died on us during an.. impromptu road trip,” he began before he could slip further into madness at her unknowing hands. “W-We walked to this motel off the highway, an-and found an unlocked door. The old man always had his tool bag, which had a lot more than tools in it by the way, but he showed me the needle nose pliers and cutters I needed, how to pry the paneling off, which wires to cut, which ones to cross, you know, father-son bonding things.” He shrugged nonchalantly, earning a laugh from her as she handed the joint back to him and reached out for his cigarette, which he gladly handed to her.
“It was probably one of the only good stories I have about him. And it’s only good cause—“ he stopped himself, noticing he was sliding into the same comfort he’d been chasing since they parted ways Sunday morning. Y/n looked at him with her eyelids heavy, her slightly raised brows told him she was invested in listening, concern laid on her face bare.
“Cause why?” She asked softly, watching his lips to catch the words in case he didn’t say them loud enough. He took a generous drag and sighed his exhale, “Cause he wasn’t… angry. Felt like we were on the same team for a night, you know? Felt like a real son, just for a minute. You know?” He asked, looking at her finally.
Y/n nodded, her heart swelling. “Yeah, yeah I do.” She chewed the inside of her cheek nervously, her mind drifting back to the story she never finished on Saturday, wondering if he’d remembered or cared. “D-Did you have any moments like that with your mom?” He asked, his eyes gentle and softer than before. His hand on her thigh sent a crawling warmth up her body, flushing her neck under the sweatshirt she wore.
Y/n stared at his hand for a minute, trying to decide if she was just feeling more movement than usual due to her high, but she observed as he rubbed small circles on the inside of her leg and waited patiently without knowing he was driving her wild.
“I—not to my knowledge.” She said quietly, trying to slow her fast paced thoughts, feeling guilty for the way she felt while he wanted to share vulnerabilities. Eddie stopped his movements to both her relief and dismay, “Oh,” he said lowly, his mouth agape and eyes hiding too many thoughts to comprehend, though at the very least she knew he was floundering inside.
“It’s okay, though. Maybe there’s a memory somewhere in here I’m not remembering right now.” She shrugged, trying to reassure him. Eddies face lifted a little, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Well if you think of any, let me know. I’d love to hear about them.”
Y/n nodded, laying her hand on his, “I will, I promise.”
“Or anything else that you feel like sharing, good or bad, past or present, whatever’s good for you.” He rushed, his nervousness evident by the tremble in his hand. Y/n flashed him a smile, “Does that have anything to do with the story I didn’t finish last time we were up here?” She asked quietly, leaning toward him a bit to hand him his cigarette back, fighting the urge to put it between his lips for him.
Eddie’s facade melted immediately, only leaving a shy smile. “Ah, you got me.” He shrugged, taking a drag as she nodded, “Only if you want to finish it, don’t feel like you have to. But I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about it.” He revealed, her heart leaping in response. He was thinking about her unfinished story for days.
Y/n nodded reassuring him this time, “I can tell you, it’s not a problem, it can just be kind of embarrassing. The way things were, the story itself, so much of my life.” She rolled her eyes, trying to shake the uncomfortable feeling off her back so she could tell him the story of the last time she saw her mother.
“I didn’t get very far, did I?” She forced a laugh, rubbing her hands on her jeans to dry the moisture that started to prickle at her palms. Eddie’s hand found hers again, the stillness of the air allowed the faint sounds of her stereo to filter up to the roof, where they sat under the moon, Tuesday's Gone by Lynyrd Skynyrd played.
“You mentioned a ‘Tina’?” He asked casually, picking her hand up carefully and placing it in his own, thankful to the marijuana gods for this strain that calmed them so. “Oh, yeah. Her.” She chuckled dryly, keeping her focus on their intertwined hands.
Eddie noticed her breath quicken a bit at the act, a satisfied grin threatened to work its way onto his face though he kept it at bay by nodding at her to continue. “Tina was best friends with my mom. She was insufferably loud, by the way,”
“Tinas can be that way.” He shrugged, easing her back into relaxation, hoping he can use this time to show her how willing he is to listen to her life, how eager he is to comfort her if she needs it. Y/n chuckled and scooted closer to Eddie, her anxiety lifted like shrugging a jacket off your shoulders.
“So, my mom and Tina would sit around and get high all day, and Sam and I, we were in the back room with the other kids— back then that felt fun, does that one count? As one of those good memories? Anyway, we got to eat junk and watch whatever we wanted on tv all day as long as we stayed quiet and in the room… I can still smell the ammonia and cigarettes sometimes…” she trailed off with a sigh, looking to Eddie to see if he cared to hear more of the embarrassingly depressing story of her life. He nodded, his eyes soft and his hand stroking the skin of her palm.
“This time in particular, we climbed over the baby gate and tried to sneak to the bathroom because we hadn’t been checked on in forever. But I was so scared. The adults were always so shitty if we left the room, let alone made any other mistakes… Y’know like kids do,” She chuckled bitterly before continuing, “I couldn’t make it to the bathroom,” her laughter continued as tears formed on her waterline, the memory playing behind her eyes, though her voice didn’t waver. If he weren’t looking at her he would have no idea she was on the verge of tears.
“A guy was passed out inside against the door, and while Sam was trying to shove it open… I couldn’t hold it anymore. The floor was soaked, I was soaked, and Sam was so upset. But he never made me feel bad about it, not once.” She sniffled, Her face not visible because of the curtain of hair that now hung between them. “And I can’t tell you how many spankings he took because he ‘wasn’t watching’ me, as if it was his job! Isn’t that wild?” She asked in a faint half sniffling half giggly haze.
“Then our mom found us cause Sam couldn’t get me to stop crying. She was so pissed.. unbelievably pissed—and embarrassed. That’s something she kept telling me over and over was how much of a baby I was and all that shit.” She rolled her eyes and wiped her face. Eddie kept his eyes trained on her carefully, his tongue poised to intervene and tell her to stop.
“Dad ended up catching her when she tried to get us home and clean us up before he was supposed to get off work. But when no one answered the phone all day he came home early, so, that… sucked.”
Eddie felt like he’d been punched in the gut, seeing her so comfortably numb to her hurt, a weeping callous never healed properly.
“She was trying to convince him he was being crazy and irrational, but he insisted he wanted to talk to me and Sam, so when it came my turn, he asked me how many times I got taken to the bathroom that day and I didn’t know what to say cause the answer was none.” She acted annoyed with herself to Eddie’s dismay, his brow knitting together in disapproval.
“Then he asked if anyone ever hit me over there, and I knew the answer to that one, so I said yes, which my mom overheard and freaked out about, calling me a liar, and a lot of.. other things.” She trailed off, taking the joint from Eddie as he put out the cigarette they shared on a shingle, tossing it off the side of the house.
“They had their fight and got their licks in, then Sam took me to our room and turned some Heart on the Walkman before it got out of hand—full blast I might add. Gave me his headphones and told me ‘Just sit here and stay quiet for a little while, I’ll go find a snack.” She smiled at her brother's kindness.
She took a drag, tear tracks kissing her bottom lashes as she closed her eyes to center herself and savor the bitter taste. “She, uh, turned the whole situation on my dad, in the end. Talked about how he didn’t want to help her even though she was sick, yadayadayada..” she rushed, exhaling the toke fully before continuing. “So she claimed she was taking off to go ‘rest’ and ‘get better’ for a few weeks and then never came back.” She giggled bitterly, the story somehow humorous for her to tell, the ripples of her laughter extending into a full blown fit.
“Like, what the hell, right? Can you believe people actually do this shit?” She breathed, Eddie nodded, a small smile on his lips as he watched her, letting her react any way she needed to. “I-I’m sorry, Y/n. I hope already know this but none of it was your fault—the way she treated you guys.” He said softly, bringing her hand closer to his face and playing with her fingers, nodding assuringly as he spoke.
Y/n’s laughter had fizzled, Eddie’s words being the conclusion. “Y-Yeah. Yeah it wasn’t.” She said, though she knew it wasn’t her fault, she’d never had anyone try to make sure she didn’t believe it was. “Thank you for listening.. I didn’t mean to cry, I don’t know what that was.” She brushed it off.
Eddie brought his hands up to trace her tear stained cheeks, feeling braver the longer he sat with her. He angled her face up to his own, looking down at her with shining brown eyes that made her stomach flip.
“Don’t ever..” he said lowly and leaned in close—so close his nose touched her nose and her breath hitched, warmth flooding her core. Eddie's breath fanned across her mouth, her lips opened slightly like they were going to chase after his as if it were the only source of oxygen.
He looked into her eyes earnestly, “—ever, EVER, apologize for crying. Not in front of me, okay? I wanna be the last person you have to worry about impressing.” He whispered, trying to discern whether or not she was moving closer or if he was.
“I—okay. I won’t.” She mumbled, too high to figure out anything else to say the didn’t have to do with the burning desire she felt inside. “I think you’re…” his eyes searched the sky for the right word, second guessing whether or not now was the right time to do all of this.
“Everything.” He decided. The word shot right through her chest, the bricked layers of her heart shattering like dropped ceramic. “Everything?” She almost whimpered, looking for his eyes and holding his hand on her cheek. Eddie smiled and nodded, “Absolutely everything, sweetheart. The only person I can pour my soul out to and be unafraid. The only person I like sharing weed with. Hell, you’re the only person I wanna hang out with anymore.” He revealed, trailing his fingers down to her jaw that he traced with his thumb.
“I feel some pretty deep things for you, Y/n, I don’t know if that makes sense right now, but I do.” He said, his hands falling to his sides as his brown eyes bore into her. Y/n’s hand bravely grabbed his, putting it back next to her face. “I think you’re everything too, Eddie.” She managed in a whisper, leaning into his touch as he stroked her cheeks with more purpose, burying the rest of his hands in her hair.
She felt as though they were floating, as if time had stopped and they’d been transported back into their own little world again. Eddie’s breath caught, his lips parting in surprise. He resisted the urge to crash his lips against hers, and instead leaned forward slowly.
Y/n’s heavy lidded eyes watched his lips carefully, finally feeling brave enough to stand her ground as he began to pull her to him. Her body lit ablaze as she let herself melt into him.
“Y/n! Kiddo, you up there?” Her father called from her bedroom window, their eyes shooting open and bodies separating as if Johnny were already on the roof. “Uh, yeah! Just a sec.” She called.
“I-I, I’ll be right back, Sam probably called or something, I’m so sorry—“
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll be right here.” He whispered close to her face and held her wrist gently, giving her a reassuring squeeze as she turned to climb down.
Y/n’s heart hammered in her ears with each step down from the tree trunk, though she knew her old man didn’t suspect anything. “Hey, kid.” Her dad sat with a cigarette burning on the ashtray that rests on her windowsill. “Hey..” She approached the window, leaning against the house like Eddie had been not long ago.
“Just, uh wanted to say goodnight. I know I don’t always do that, so I thought I would tonight. Sooo… goodnight.” He nodded as though he was trying to remember a line and did with success. “Good night.” She nodded back, unsure if that was the end of the conversation or if he expected her to crawl through the window again. Instead Johnny smiled at her and stood up from the bed, taking the cigarette with him.
“Don’t stay out there too long, it’s getting colder at night time. The stars and the pot will still be here tomorrow.” He said before closing her door behind him. Y/n gaped at him, shouting a flustered, “Okay! No problem!” She backed up, noticing a head of curls perched just above her window, a satisfied Eddie smiling with a joint ready to be lit between his lips.
“Looks like we got the answer to our question.” He mumbled around the filter as Y/n laughed, thinking back to their conversation from earlier. “You, uh, wanna burn one more out so I can look at the stars longer or do you need to get to sleep?” Eddie asked as she climbed up the tree to be with him. “Well how could I say no to that?” She sighed contently, walking over to take her previous seat next to him.
When Eddie saw her figure up against the starry night sky he couldn’t help but think about her being his favorite star of them all as if she came from them and not this earthly plane.
She smiled at him, noticing his thousand yard stare and just chalking it up to his high sending him into a daze. “What are you thinking about?” She asked bravely. Eddie’s ears perked at her confidence and smiled. “Jus’ the stars.” He shrugged. Y/n snickered at his blushing cheeks. Eddie sparked the joint up and handed it over to Y/n, letting her have the first real drag.
Y/n took a slow and strong pull, hoping to cough enough she’d feel a tad bit more comfortable. She inhaled it through her nose, the thick cloud slithering out of her mouth and through her nostril, “Damn, okay.” Eddie said with an amused smile as she took a deep breath and broke into her coughing fit while he lit a cigarette. Once again he saw the opportunity to pat her back and comfort her. “You’re very brave, I admire you for that. I throw up if I cough too hard. But here you are, iron stomach and steel nerves and all. Are you a fuckin’ robot? Who are you really?” He rambled, the warm and fuzzy high mixed with love washed over him from head to toe.
Y/n’s coughs were interrupted with laughter, her lungs starved of oxygen, “Oh god..shut up—can’t breathe.” She managed through the laughter and focused on controlling her breath. “If I’m a robot, what are you?” She asked once she regained composure. “Easy, a clumsy hobbit and a raccoon in a trench coat.” He fired back with a smile. “A clumsy hobbit and a raccoon in a trench coat?? You’re not even wearing a trench coat, I’ve never even seen you wearing a trench coat.”
Eddie took a drag and shrugged, “Guess we’re just that good aren’t we?” He high-fived himself as Y/n broke into hysterics, causing him to break with her.
“Ah shit, you’re lookin’ a little blue, babe.” He chuckled, the pet name sending warm and fuzzy feelings to both her heart and her core, which made her shift in her spot uncomfortably as she forced out another chuckle. “Y’know one time—actually the first time Gareth and I smoked together, we were in the woods, behind my trailer, in the summertime, at night, mind you.” He started his hands already moving and eyes animated with the story.
“Basically, we were smoking out of a beer can, and I ask him, ‘This isn’t your first time smoking, right?’ and the kid says to me ‘Oh, no, I smoke all the time.’ and I think nothing about it. After the first hit he’s coughing like crazy, I think nothing about it, everyone coughs. But then we smoke about a gram, and it’s 2 in the morning, we’re drunk, we’re high, it’s still hot as hell outside, and he gets quiet on me right before I say we call it a night and crash in the house, when he looks at me nods, turns his head and—BLEH!” He exclaimed, his hands miming the projectile vomit he was describing from Gareth’s mouth. “Blows chunks everywhere,” he laughs, his eyes on the moon in front of them as he finishes the story as he relives it, “—takes three steps and falls over, knocked out cold.” He shakes his head. “I thought he died. I was terrified. I carried him in the house, got Wayne involved, but Gareth came to before I called the police on myself to get an ambulance out there. He gives me shit about ‘almost killing him’ all the time.” He laughed, settling back in his spot and took a drag of his cigarette before switching her for the joint.
“Holy fucking shit, I have to tell Chrissy about that, she’s gonna—“
“Why Chrissy?—Oh yeah, that’s who you were on the phone with earlier..” He cocked his head in confusion. “Yes! That’s who thought I was being murdered when you showed up at my window,” she chuckled as he made a face that imitated embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck, “Oops.” He said quietly as she rolled her eyes playfully and nudged his shoulder with hers before continuing, “Anyway, we gotta play Cupid if she dumps Jason, cause Chrissy’s gotta crush on none other than the drummer of Corroded Coffin, himself.” She said with widened eyes for dramatic flair. Eddie gasped, practically shitting a brick, “I KNOW! But you gotta swear you won’t say anything to him or anyone else about it until after she’s ready to ask him out, okay?” She turned to him urgently, holding up her pinky for him to hook.
Eddie nodded without hesitation, wrapping his pinky around hers and kissing it, only thinking afterwards he hoped it went over okay with her. His eyes darted up to hers to gauge her reaction. Y/n smiled at their hands and then met Eddie’s gaze. “You wanna go hang out in my room? Listen to some music before I gotta go to bed?” She shrugged, playing with his rings absentmindedly.
“How can I say no to that?” He asked in response.
They quietly made their way into her bedroom, the blackness of night swallowed up by the closing of her lace curtains. Eddie entered first, standing by the window and helping Y/n through, squeezing her hand once before he let her go.
The look of an idea crossed Y/n’s face, “You wanna snack?” She whispered close to his ear. Eddie couldn’t deny his knees feeling weak as he nodded, “Yeah?” She asked with quiet excitement. “Would you wanna split a bowl of cereal?” She shrugged as she walked to her door and Eddie nodded, knowing he’d be ready to sharing anything with her; a joint, a cigarette, a drink, a meal, a bite, a piece of gum, his last breath if it kept her alive a second longer than him, maybe?
He sat on the end of her bed until she returned with a heaping bowl of Froot Loops, “Here, go ahead. ” She said in a whisper. He smiled, stepping out of his shoes and creeping over to her, his dark clothes contrasting beautifully with the glowing and homey oranges surrounding him as he took the bowl from her so she could lock the door as he took a big bite, sighing softly at the satisfying sweetness of the milk and cereal.
The gold knob on the dark wood door clicked softly. Eddie turned, watching her work at cozying the space and clearing off the nightstand and windowsill around her bed. Eddie smiled as he chewed when she brought out the blanket they took to the roof last, wondering if it still smelled like that night. He knew he wanted to live in the stale smoke and the scent of her perfume and laundry detergent forever.
“You wanna pick some music?” She asked as she spread the blanket across her bed and straightened her pillows. Eddie nodded, setting the bowl down on her nightstand and stepped over to the stereo, narrowing his eyes at the rows of titles in front of him. When she was satisfied with their space she joined him in his search. “I must say, I’m kinda in the mood for some Fleetwood Mac.” He retrieved the tape from its spot and grinned when he met her eyes, all puffy and tired looking behind the pink that contrasted so beautifully with her iris, the colors amplified in the warm light of her lamp.
“I love the way you think, Munson.” She smiled and took the tape from him, loading it into the deck and pressing play and adjusting the volume while Rhiannon trickled in.
“This one’s my favorite.” He sat down toward the end of her bed, more comfortably this time than last time. Y/n joined him, tossing him a couple pillows as she got under the blanket in the very corner opposite him. “Mine too.” She agreed, looking rather comfy, “Will you get the bowl, pretty please?” She asked quietly, contently. Eddie couldn’t help but smile, wondering what domestic bliss would feel like with her as he handed her the bowl.
They passed it back and forth between them for a little bit before finally getting shoulder to shoulder to pass only the spoon until they finished and split the milk. “At the rate we’re going we’re gonna get sick someday.” He joked as he set the empty bowl on the nightstand. “Then we just won’t share when we don’t feel good, simple.” She shrugged, settling in under her blanket, her thick fringe of eyelashes looking awful heavy now.
“You look pretty sleepy, sunshine.” Eddie teased softly as he leaned closer to her. She giggled and shook her head, “I’m not tired, my eyes are just heavy, there’s a difference.”
“Mmm, no, that’s what old people say right before they get in trouble for resting their eyes, you need to get to sleep.” He chuckled and bent over for his shoes. “No, no, stay for a little longer.” She urged in a whisper, one hand reaching for him as he turned around. He couldn’t resist the smile breaking across his face at the sight of her sleepy eyes. “Okay, just a little longer. You mind sparing some of this blanket though?” He nodded at the space next to her.
She smiled and opened up the blanket as an invitation for him to join her. He stealthily dove in, unable to resist pulling her close, his heart lurching when her hands found his shoulders while his arms found her waist. When he had the chance to overthink his decision he began to withdrawal, “Sorry, sweetheart—“
“Oh my god, Eddie, you’re freezing!” She exclaimed while taking his hands in hers and rubbing them and his arms the best she could and held them close to her without even thinking. Eddie thought he could keel over from their proximity and her touch alone, her mouth being close to his hands always did something to him.
“How’s this?” She asked, snatching him from his thoughts. “Th-That’s a lot better, thank you.” He mumbled, his eyes desperate to soak up every moment of her caring for him.
“Anytime.” She said, letting their hands rest between them on the bed, their fingers overlapping just the slightest though no one moved. “I think you might be the best friend I’ve ever had, Eddie.” She said, her eyes fluttering closed as she began to draw small circles on his knuckles with her finger.
Friend? The best of them all? Eddie smiled bitter sweetly at the girl in front of him. “I’m honored, Princess.” He whispered, matching her volume. “I wanna be the best friend you’ve ever had.” He whispered as he watched her breaths deepen, her jaw going slack and lips parting just the smallest bit, falling through the floor of consciousness and into sleep.
Eddie allowed himself a couple more minutes of soaking it all in, tracing the shapes of her face with his eyes, brushing a strand of hair off her face, trailing his fingers down her cheek softly and grinning when a faint smile crossed her face in her dream.
He sat up and retrieved his shoes as he tried to minutes before, slipping on the reeboks without lacing them. Eddie glanced down at her sleeping figure tucked under their blanket and smiled, wishing he could be there to tell her good morning.
He quietly walked over to her desk, spying a notepad and pencil cup to use at his disposal. He picked up the blank notepad and wrote quickly.
“Hope you sleep as soundly as you look like you are. Good night and good morning (: -E”
He nodded approvingly and set it on her nightstand next to her bed and eased across the end of her bed to open the window all the way for his escape. He tried to keep as quiet as possible so as to not wake the sleeping angel he was begrudgingly leaving.
As he stepped out into the unkept flower bed, the cold swarming him like a moth to a flame, he closed the window quietly. Giving her one last look, he pressed a kiss to his finger and stuck it to the glass where her head rested on the pillow. “See you tomorrow, friend.” He smiled half-heartedly and made the chilly trek home.
Part 6
@thincrusttheworks @navs-bhat @afternoonzephyr @bl0ssommanddie @wendyfawcett @vea-vea-vea @munsonsmel0dy @sana-li @drdvlss @certifiedtrashmouth @okaymunson @cestpresqueparfait @astrolockley @lovelyvivii @likedovesinthewnd
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knoxvillenetwork · 2 years
how to become rake? 🙏🙏🙏
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country-lee215 · 1 year
Ain’t Goin Nowhere
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
“How’s our favorite bartender doin’ today?” Luke grinned, leaning against the bartop at the Boar’s Nest.
Y/N gave a small shrug and continued to stack the empty glasses. “I’m alright.”
Smiling, Bo stretched to press a kiss to her cheek. When he pulled away, however, his smile was gone. “Are you feelin’ alright, baby? You’re awfully warm.”
“I’m okay,” she protested as Luke tried to press the back of his hand against her forehead.
“Bo’s right, you’re pretty hot, darlin’,” Luke said, concern evident on his face. “I don’t think you should be workin’ today.”
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest. “Boys, I’m fine.”
There was a loud crash from behind them, the sound of one of the drunker customers tripping over a chair and falling, toppling a table as he did so and smashing a few beers on the ground.
One of Y/N’s hands flew to her temple, eyes squeezing shut as she winced. Bo’s shoulders slumped in concern, the sad expression he wore a rarity to see on his face.
“Take her out to the car,” Luke said, turning to Bo. “I’ll tell Boss she’s sick.”
“Bo,” Y/N started.
Bo didn’t listen. He walked behind the bar and scooped her up, situating her in his arms before starting to take her back out front. Luke tossed her a soft smile as she passed. Y/N didn’t smile back, keeping up a steady stream of complaints as Bo carried her out, but Luke noticed how she looped her arms around his neck and relaxed against his chest.
Luke jogged over to the back room, knocking lightly before opening the door. “Hey, Boss?”
“What?” Boss snapped, not looking away from his calculator. He continued to punch numbers into the machine, watching as they typed out across the paper.
“Y/N’s not feelin’ too great,” Luke said, nodding back to the bar. “Bo and I are gonna take her home, we just thought we should let you know.”
Boss Hogg turned to look at him, concern quite obvious on his face. “Y/N’s sick?”
Luke nodded. “Yessir, she’s got a fever. A headache too from the looks of it. Bo’s carryin’ her out to the General Lee right now.”
J.D. bit his lip, glancing back at his calculator for a moment. “Alright. You take her home and make sure she gets some rest. She’s one of my best bartenders.”
“Will do,” Luke said, giving the man a small smile. “Thanks, Boss.”
He gave a sharp nod and went back to punching numbers in. “Now get out of here.”
Luke chuckled and pulled the door closed behind him as he left.
“Lost Sheep to Shepherd, Lost Sheep to Shepherd, come in Shepherd,” Luke said into the CB radio, glancing over at Bo and Y/N in the passenger seat as he took the backroads to the Duke farm.
“This is Shepherd.”
“Shepherd, we picked up Lamb from the Boar’s Nest,” Luke explained. “She’s got a high fever and a headache. Honestly, she’s not looking too good.”
“I’m fine,” Y/N grumbled, picking her head up from where it was laying against Bo’s chest.
Bo used his chin to gently nudge her head back down. “We know baby, we know.”
“You better bring her over then, I’ll start a pot of soup. We’ll get some liquids in her and she’ll be good as new.”
“Read ya loud and clear Shepherd,” Luke said. “We’ll be home in about five minutes.”
“10-4, Luke. See y’all when ya get here.”
As Luke stretched to hang the radio back up, Y/N sat bolt upright in Bo’s lap.
“Pull over.”
“Are you-,”
“Luke, pull over.”
Luke did so, and before he could even throw the General Lee in park, Y/N was scrambling out the window. Bo tried his best to help her out without getting kicked. Y/N managed to get her feet under her and took a few steps into the grass before falling to her knees and retching.
Luke was sliding out of the window a second later, jogging to Y/N and kneeling at her side. He talked softly as she continued to puke in the grass, hand rubbing over her back as her chest heaved.
Bo let out a groan, running a hand over his face before reaching for the CB radio. “Shepherd? If you’ve still got your ears on, me and Luke are gonna be a little late. Y/N’s throwing up on the side of the road.”
“Easy does it,” Luke said, gently lowering Y/N into his bed. “Easy does it.”
Bo stood in the doorway, watching over the two with a nervous expression. “You want me to get the soup from Daisy?”
“No,” Luke said. He brushed some of Y/N’s hair out of her face. “I’ve got it. Help her with the blankets and stuff alright? Get her comfortable.”
“Yeah, alright.” Bo crossed the room and started to pull the blankets up and over Y/N as Luke slipped out into the hallway.
She let out a tired groan and lightly kicked out, hindering his progress.
“It’s alright,” Bo murmured. “Calm down, honey. Just tryin’ to help.”
“Bo,” she whined, reaching out for him.
The blond gave her a warm smile and took her hand in his, scattering kisses across her knuckles. “You’ve got a fever, Luke and I are tryin’ to get it to break, so we can get you back to normal.”
“Soup’s on,” Luke said, walking into the room with a tray balanced in his hands. There was a steaming bowl of soup in the middle with a small plate of crackers on the side. Uncle Jesse followed behind him, Daisy hovering in the doorway.
“How’re ya feelin’ Y/N?” Jesse asked as Bo helped Y/N sit up. Luke sat down on the edge of the bed, situating the tray on his thigh.
“Terrific,” Y/N muttered, eyes closing as stars erupted in her head at the sudden movement.
“Thought so,” the old man said with a smile. “I’ll get you a cold cloth, we’ll get that fever down.”
“Did you want any clothes to change into?” Daisy offered. “Work clothes aren’t too comfortable, I know. I can give you some of mine if you’d like, but I’m sure the boys are more than willin’ to give you theirs.”
Y/N nodded and sent her a weak smile, leaning more heavily into Bo’s side as he sat down on her other side. “Thanks, Daisy. I’m okay.”
“I’ll let you get some rest then,” she said, giving them one last smile before walking back down the hallway.
“Soup or crackers?” Luke asked.
“I don’t want anything,” Y/N complained. “I’m not hungry.”
“We know,” Bo said, smoothing his hand over Y/N’s hair. “But ya gotta eat something.”
Luke lifted the bowl of soup and his spoon, a small smile on his lips. “Just a few spoonfuls?”
Y/N let out a slow sigh but nodded.
“Atta girl,” Luke praised.
The boys managed to get her to eat a few spoonfuls of the warm soup, murmuring praise and encouragement as she swallowed each mouthful. Bo pressed periodic kisses to her temple, arm looped gently around her waist. As Luke offered her another spoonful, Y/N shook her head, the queasy look returning to her face.
“Easy, easy,” Luke said, quickly pushing the tray off his lap and onto the bed before stretching to grab the trash can from his bedside. He placed it in front of Y/N a second before she puked again.
“Let it out,” Bo said softly. He pulled her hair back and out of the way, trying his best to keep her as clean as possible. “Just let it out, baby, you’re alright.”
Bo and Luke stood outside the closed bedroom, talking quietly as Y/N changed clothes inside. They’d cleaned up the vomit and pushed the half-eaten soup and crackers off to the side, promising her that they wouldn’t make her anything else for the time being. They all knew she’d have to try to eat again later, but none of them were in any rush.
Luke offered up one of his soft button-down flannels for her to change into, something she took gratefully. To give her some privacy, they stepped outside.
“I don’t like seeing her like this,” Bo muttered, letting out a frustrated sigh as he ran his hand through his hair.
“Neither do I,” Luke said. “But we’re doing all we can to help her.”
“I know.”
The door opened and both of them turned, attention falling back to Y/N instantly. She had donned Luke’s shirt, the hem falling past her work shorts.
“Hey,” Luke murmured, pulling her into a tight hug. “How’re ya feelin’?”
“Tired,” she said, voice muffled as she pushed her face further into Luke’s chest.
Bo pressed his hand to her back, stepping forward so she was gently sandwiched between the two boys. “Ya wanna take a nap? Get some rest?”
She nodded.
Luke shifted, moving so he could press his cheek to her forehead. She was still warm, warmer than she should’ve been. Hopefully, the nap would finally get her fever to break, and then they’d be able to get some food in her.
“Let’s get ya to bed, darlin,” he murmured, pulling back. Bo leaned over to drop a kiss to her forehead and Luke walked back into the bedroom, Y/N shuffling along behind him with Bo at her side.
Bo let out a soft sigh, fingers running up and down Y/N’s arm draped across his chest. He couldn’t move much, that was the price to pay for cramming three people into Luke’s bed, but there wasn’t anywhere Bo would rather be.
He was lying on his back, Y/N resting half on top of him with her face buried in his shoulder. Luke had tucked himself behind her, a protective arm across her waist. They were both asleep, breathing evenly as Luke’s fingers subconsciously drew patterns into her hip.
“You boys are gonna get sick,” Uncle Jesse said from the doorway.
Bo lifted his head to look at his uncle, trying not to upset Y/N. It hadn’t taken her long to fall asleep once they were all situated in the bed, but she kept waking up every so often, murmuring incomprehensibly. Bo blamed it on fever-induced dreams.
“We know.”
Jesse smiled. “Guess it’s a little too late to try and keep you two away from her, hmm?”
Chuckling, Bo let his head fall back against the pillows. Y/N let out a small noise and cuddled closer to his side, stretching to push her face into the crook of his neck. Luke slid closer, pressing up along her back.
“Go to sleep, Bo,” the old man said. “Nothing’ll happen to her, she’s got the two of you right there with her. Get some rest.”
Bo smiled to himself. Uncle Jesse always seemed to know what he was thinking. “Yessir,” he said.
Uncle Jesse gave the trio one last fond look before he turned the lights off and pulled the door closed, heading back down the hallway. Bo could faintly hear him talking to Daisy about the three of them.
“Bo,” Y/N whispered.
“Right here,” he replied in a soft tone, fingers pausing on her arm and holding tight to her wrist. He prepared himself to find the trash can again if she needed it or to get out of the bed and walk to the kitchen to get her something else to eat or drink.
He smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead before tugging her closer. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere, baby.”
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zodiyack · 2 years
oh and in other words, i write for Johnny/PJ now
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johnny-coxville · 2 years
Hi there! Can I ask you a Johnny Knoxville x reader in which the reader is an actress on a set of a new movie Johnny's filming? Not involved with jackass but I think it could be nice having him while he is studing a serious part with a partner that really appreciates him as an actor an not only as a prankster. He is so talented in my opinion and he deserves some credit u.u I also believe that he is the kind of guys that tries to prank his friend also out of the jackass set, btw aahah
Sorry this is real short :( I wasn't sure exactly where to go with it.
Johnny Knoxville x gn!reader fluff
And Cut!
Being a young actress in Hollywood was an extremely stressful ordeal. Especially being on the younger side in the industry. You were working on a new movie. Diamond Eyes. A more serious toned film. You had caught wind that one of your favorite actors had been starring in it. 
Johnny Knoxville. The legendary Jackass star. Presumably long retired from his Jackass days, he was working on new movies. This one being one of his most serious films. 
You had the wonderful chance of starring alongside him. Seeing him across the set, your face immediately lit up. You somehow landed the main role alongside him. You both speed walk towards one and another
“Heyyy! I’m PJ! Pleasure to meet ya doll.” He exclaimed, reaching his hand out for a polite handshake. It was like meeting your childhood hero. “Pleasure to meet you as well PJ. I’m Y/N. I’m a huge fan of your work.” You gushed. He immediately smiled with his signature toothy grin.
“Oh really? Well it’s great working with you then. Always love the chemistry I receive from someone who understands and enjoys my work.” He said heading towards the movie set. You and Knoxville practiced lines for hours
Having a blast with him. You questioned him about his entire career, not just Jackass, but about the acting classes he had taken for a short amount of time. His previous movies, Rosy, Dukes of Hazzard. As well as his upcoming film Action Point.
PJ was constantly goofing around on the set. Whether it was bunny ears over your head during a shot, or messing up a line with a small laugh.Even through it all. He was a very serious actor. 
At some point it came time for the two main characters to have a romantic moment. A moment in the film to turn a major plot point. The two main characters had previously had a heated argument. Making up, and sealing it was a passionate kiss. Both you and PJ being a bit nervous. You and him had really been hitting it off. Reciting one and anothers line back and forth. 
When it came time to film the scene that you guys both discussed, it was just very tense. The two of you sitting on a soft bed. Inches away from each other. He glared at you with a look of hatred and passion. It was amazing how well he could convey emotions. Your eyes watery from the crying you had just put on. 
When the camera began to film, he turned his head away. Then back towards your direction. You locked eyes with him. A stone cold glare. He slowly inched his face towards yours, and you did the same. Not breaking eye contact. The camera zoomed into the two of your stern faces. 
No more space left between your two faces, his soft lifts press into yours. Holding them in place. Both of you fluttering your eyes shut. It shouldn't have felt so amazing, but it did. Basking in the moment. The camera continued to film, as he deepened the kiss slowly. His hand comes up to your cheek to caress it. The camera still rolling. You pulled away from the kiss, turning your face away.
“I-I can’t do this. I’m sorry. It’s never going to work.” You said standing up from the bed. “Sweetie. Wait!” He yelled getting up to walk after you. Grabbing a hold of your wrist. You turned around, a terrified look on your face. 
The director yelled “Cut!” And PJ let go of your hand with a huge smile. You were honestly blushing. His incredible emotions could be felt just by his touch and expression. “Gosh PJ. Your acting is just beyond amazing.” You gushed for probably the tenth time on set. He threw a hand out. “Aw shucks. You're not half bad yourself.” He said with an enormous toothy smile.
“I hope we get to work on more movies together. I feel like we go really well together.” He exclaimed, heading towards a table of drinks. You almost fell to the floor and screamed. Such compliments from him, made you absolutely crumble. “Me too! It’s such a pleasure acting with you Mr.Clapp.” You said taking a sip of one of the small cups of water
You had only been acting for around a year and a half, and was getting complimented by your biggest inspiration. Filming the rest of the movie was going to be a real treat. Absolutely butterfly inducing.
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moonlitdesertdreams · 3 years
Honky Tonkin'
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: After the events of TFATWS, the reader, Sam, and Bucky go out to a Delacroix dive bar to relax. You drink, dance, and discuss Cardi B with a hundred year-old super soldier.
A/N: This has no point at all whatsoever. I was out with friends a couple nights ago and this entered my brain so I wrote it for you. Enjoy ;)
Tags: Bucky Barnes x reader, Marvel Imagine, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, bucky x reader, What is a WAP, sam wilson, TFATWS, Hank Williams, reader-insert, Winter Soldier x reader, bucky x oc, james buchanan barnes
Word Count: 1471
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After Bucky and Sam had tied up the day’s chores,
the boys decided a night bar-hopping was appropriate to celebrate their accomplishments.
Content to lean against Bucky’s side in the middle seat of Sam’s truck, you hummed mindlessly to the radio as Sam steered to the closest honky-tonk. Your skin was heated by a day lounging with Sarah in the Louisiana sun, but a comfortable cooling sensation crept across your shoulders where a familiar artificial arm sat.
“You’re gonna love this place, man.” Sam began, “it’s gonna feel like the 40’s all over again.”
Bucky snorted. “You’ve said that about a lot of things, Sam, and you have yet to be right.”
“Oh come on, the dance club wasn’t old fashioned enough for you?” You teased, referencing an admittedly humorous trip to a New York City club where the Winter Soldier had appeared scandalized by the clothing choices.
Bucky’s blue eyes turned to you. “People wore a lot more clothes in my day.”
The three of you continued with the idle chit chat until Sam wheeled into a parking lot a few miles off the main highway. It was a long way from the New York bars you were used to visiting with Natasha and Maria Hill while Bucky was frozen in Wakanda. The parking lot was red dirt, marred by tire tracks and full of vehicles of all sizes. Motorcycles lined the small curb, and trucks were parked on the grass all the way to the nearby treeline.
The building itself was small and sported several banners with liquor advertised on them. Your head tilted towards Sam as you unbuckled your seatbelt.
“I’m getting serious Dukes of Hazzard vibes from this.”
Bucky furrowed his brow at the reference, but slid out of the pickup without explanation. He held the door open, and you made sure to do an exaggerated curtsy in his direction.
“How gentlemanly.” You comment. Despite the years you had known both Bucky and the Winter Soldier, the chivalrous gestures never ceased to warm your heart.
“And how ladylike of you.” Bucky answered, using your hand to tug you into a short kiss.
Sam chose that time to circle the truck. “Do you two ever quit?”
“You just have bad timing, Sammy.” You chirped, tucking your hands into the crook of Bucky’s vibranium elbow.
No one in the bar paid attention in the slightest when your trio entered. The walls were lined with fishing and hunting memorabilia. Local school banners were tacked around the walls haphazardly, and witty signs appeared here and there.
Sam looked relaxed as could be, though you could feel the instinctual tension in Bucky’s body. He tucked his metal limb closer to his side and seemed to make himself smaller however, his face remained neutral, a small smile tugging at his lips as Sam greeted the bartender.
“Roy, how you been?”
“Better now that you’re here!” Roy remarked.
You smiled. Roy was a familiar face from the docks, and it seemed to relax Bucky beside you. His plaid shirt and trucker hat were tattered and dirty, and a rag was firm in his hands as he cleaned up the counter.
“And if it ain’t Dorothy and the Tin Man. Good to see y’all!” Roy reached across the counter and shook Bucky’s hand, giving yours a swift kiss to the knuckles. “You better keep her happy, Barnes. I’ll take her off your hands if you can’t handle it.”
The joke elicited a laugh from your counterpart. He nudged you with his hip and his eyes drifted to yours. “I don’t reckon you’d wanna keep her.”
“Well I’m not very happy when you talk about me like that,” you teased, turning your gaze to Roy, “Got any plans tonight?”
Sam playfully wrapped an arm over your shoulders, effectively loosening Bucky’s grip. “If anyone’s keepin’ this one, it’s me. I need someone to keep my wingman in line.”
A guffaw came from the Winter Soldier. “Wingman? I think that’s a better description for yourself.”
The easy bickering continued as they ordered drinks, and you relished in the soft burn of whiskey as the mix drink slid down your throat. “Mm. That’s good.”
Bucky and Sam tapped their beer bottles together, and you wrinkled your nose at them equally. Settling into seats at the bar, you greeted passersby as they sent fleeting glances of recognition at your group. Most recognized Sam, though word of his and Bucky’s partnership had spread around since the Flagsmasher’s defeat in New York. They were popular figures in the main circles of Delacroix, but it was nice to sit in the hazy bar and be the same as everyone else.
“You seem pretty at home here, Y/N. Care to share?”
Your gaze locked onto Sam. The dive bar scene was not an unfamiliar one, and his words brought a smile to your face.
“Well, Rob was a Senator from Michigan. The northern part- there wasn’t much to do besides bars and McDonald’s.” You paused, “And for med school I went to Virginia Tech, so Appalachian parties and bars were kind of the scene after lectures.”
“You call your father by his first name?” Sam asked.
Bucky gave the Falcon an incredulous look. “He was a HYDRA operative that committed treason.”
You cocked an eyebrow and took a long swig at the words. They didn’t hurt anymore, it was just the truth. “Eh, I called him Rob before he was arrested and even before Buck showed up.”
You were fixing to continue when a familiar twang blasted over the speakers and a smile broke out over your face. “Buck, come on. You gotta dance with me. You’ll love it!”
Bucky set his beer bottle down rapidly as you tugged him off balance. “Woah, sugar, slow down. I haven’t-”
Rolling your eyes, you finished the sentence. “Danced since 1945, yes I know. Who cares?”
“Not you, apparently.” Bucky grumbled and shook off his leather jacket. The blue henley underneath hid most of his prosthetic, leaving only his hand exposed.
“Nope.” You popped the ‘P’, smiling as other couples swayed around the smoky dancefloor. “This song is from the 40’s, you should like it!”
Begrudgingly, the Winter Soldier followed your lead. Familiar faces from the dock greeted you, and Bucky relaxed as the music picked up. You two appeared to be the youngest couple on the dancefloor, and you smiled at all the others dancing. Bucky surprised you by taking your hands and beginning to move, mimicking the movements of others as they moved about the floor. The beat of Hank William’s ‘Honky Tonkin’ was perfect for dancing and still enjoying yourself.
“You like it, don’t you?” You called over the music, squeezing his shoulder where your hand was anchored.
A grin tugged at Bucky’s lips. “It’s closer to what I’m used to. A little newer, but close.”
“Well, this isn’t a song to Charleston to by any means, but I figured you’d like it more than WAP.” You told him as the song pulled to a close. The pair of you wandered back to the bar where Sam sat clapping loudly.
“There were more dances than just the Charleston, doll.” Bucky pointed out, and scrunched up his nose shortly after. “What the hell’s a WAP?”
You paused, glass halfway to your mouth, while Same actually choked on his beer.
“You told him about-”
Shushing Sam immediately, you climbed onto Bucky’s lap and perched on his leg. “It’s a song that we definetly can’t request in this bar. I’ll play it for you later.”
You kissed his cheek, but as per normal when it was a sensitive topic, he couldn’t drop it. “W-A-P, right? Wicked Apple Pie? Warm and Pleasant?”
Sam cackled beside you. “Oh boy, Y/N, you did it now. I hope y’all have a hotel room, ‘cause you ain’t havin’ this talk in my house.”
“I bet Sarah likes WAP.” You muttered, downing the rest of your drink. “She’s more fun than you anyway.”
“I take offense to that.” Sam interjected. “I like Cardi B.”
“She’s a singer!” Bucky said, poking a finger into your ribs. “That I know.”
“A+, babe.” You kissed his cheek. “Keep it up and I’ll explain to you what WAP is.”
Sam threw his hands up. “That’s it! I’m out.”
You snickered, thanking Roy as he refilled your glass. “You can’t leave, Wilson. We’re gonna need a ride to that hotel.”
“I’ll be happy to dump you there.” Sam prodded, but there was no heart behind it. The banter came easy as normal, and you were all content to sit and tap your feet to the 40’s twang on the speakers.
“Wild and Persistent.” Bucky tried again after a few moments, eliciting a snort from you and a bout of laughter from Sam.
“Keep tryin’, old man. Keep tryin’.”
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Marvel Masterlist || Send me ideas
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general--lee · 5 days
Does anybody have any requests for the type of stuff they want me to write/post?
If so, send in an ask!
Also accepting submitted posts
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I write:
Bo/John x Reader
Luke/Tom x Reader
Will not write: smut
Coy x reader
Vance x reader
2005! Bo or Luke
rape, SH, SA, etc
male reader (I'm female, will be working on this)
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wild-lavender-rose · 7 months
Person B has been overexerting themselves in training (or any type of physical labor). They’re covered in bruises and other small injuries. When person A sees this, they demand to help person B who is too tired and sore to protest. They carefully begin cleaning and bandaging any small wounds. They then slowly start massaging person B’s aching muscles and apologizing as person B winces at the pain. (Bonus— person A and B aren’t together yet, and both parties are trying to ignore how close they are to each other)
that with a duke boy? or both boys? reader taking care of him?
I am now determined to get caught up in all my Dukes of Hazard requests so here we go! I ended up doing a heat stroke-ish version of the prompt. I hope you enjoy, anon :)
Pairing: Bo Duke x reader x Luke Duke (pre-relationship)
Warning- heat stroke symptoms
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You and the boys had been working under the General's hood for a couple hours when Luke suddenly straightened and walked away, wiping at the sweat on his neck. "So damn hot," he muttered.
You straightened and wiped at your forehead, watching as Luke swayed unsteadily. "Luke?" You started towards him. "Bo,"
Bo looked up from his work.
"You okay?" You wrapped an arm around Luke's waist, surprised when he didn't protest but instead leaned against you.
"Too hot out here," he squinted against the sun.
"Come on, let's go sit on the porch." You felt Bo's hand on your arm and allowed him to take your place supporting Luke.
"Tryin' to get out of doin' your part on the engine, huh?" Bo's tone was playful as he helped Luke walk over to the porch.
You ran past, going into the house and emerging with a tall glass of lemonade and a bowl of water with a couple towels. Bo had set Luke down in a chair and was kneeling in front of him. He gave you a worried look.
"Here, help him drink this." You handed Bo the lemonade and set the basin down on the floor boards, dipping one of the cloths into the cool water.
"Don't make a fuss over me." Luke accepted Bo's help with the glass, drinking with large, noisy gulps.
"Slow down, darlin. Or you'll feel even worse." You began to run the wet cloth over Luke's skin, causing him to sigh in relief.
You ran the wet cloth over every inch of Luke's bare skin while he drank the rest of the lemonade. You then gently massaged his neck, earning a vainly concealed moan.
Bo smirked. "You should play sick more often, Cousin, if this is the kind of service you get."
"Shut up, Bo." You smirked back, while Luke simply tousled Bo's hair.
"How're you feelin?" You asked.
"Better." Luke caught your hand, turning to give it a quick kiss. "Thank you."
Your heart skipped a beat. "Of course," you muttered, smiling as your cheeks flushed pink from much more than the heat.
Fanfic Masterlist
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